HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 14, 1974
@lliNUTES I)tl- I't'Y
CIFY Oi; Vil@G]Nljk, I'@ (@ti,
Oc-tol,or 14, l')-lI
'!'-rlC re"Lllar mectiii,, (if Cot@iicii of ti!-- jf i,as
li@,'-Id ill tlie CoiLncil in tlie r)c)l,o@l-h of
I I C,
Priii--ess Ai,@ie, on %t@,riday, 14, 191-zl, @.00
verenl Jr. , ii@t B,-,ac@
Linited @%letliodist Claiirch, Vir,,iiiia Beach,
Couiicilmen present: Jolin A. Robert [l, [r., tol)ert B. Cron@ell,
,71-., Vice @la),or George P,. F--rrell, Charles 'v',. (@ardner, Joliri R. Gi,iffin, Clareiico
A. ',!,.)Iland, J. Ifeiiry @%fcCoy, Jr. , @l yor J. C@i@i'ti-@ P,,A@'lle, P@@tl@i(-k I,.
Flc)),d E. l@aterfiel.d, Jr.
Co,,uicilmen absent: Noic,
ITL',] @'f7(@/-l
On Di,)tion by Councilinan Call:i.s, seconded by Vice i\[,,-iyor FerrelL, ind I,,y recorded
vote as folloivs:
es: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, qobert tl. Jr. , Robert B. Crom,,vell, Jr. ,
Vice Nlayor George R. Forrell, Charles Vi. Gardnct', Jo'bi R. Griffin, Clarence A.
14ollapd, J. Henry iIcCoy, Jr., Mayor J. Ctirtis Payne, Patrick L. Standing, ard
Floyd E. liaterfield, Jr.
Nays: \Ione
scnt: None
Ciltv Cotmcil approved the inintites of the re,.,Ul-ai- meetin., of October 7, 1974, aid
'i 1-nsed ,ith tlie readin@ of said minutes iiia@mucli as each Counci-Iman had a coliy
of tlie subject miiiutes before him.
Pe@ition of @,frs. D. Jones for C i, LitriciEicap@ill,, Inc. , for a (,"llanle
District Cl;,,,3sification frorn B-1, B!-isiness Residential District to
B-2 Comniunity @Fusir@ess is rict on cer"air. property beginning at a 13oint
21'@O fcet more or less East of Di.arnoncl r,,)ad, running a distance c)f
Zl@, feet along the South sid of Shore Drive, runnin,, l distance of,375 feet
mare or less along t:li@ 1--@,s"ern prop(@rty l@ ic , Y-kii,nin,, a distince of 360 feet
or less alc)ng ttic Sou'hern property 'ire, ind running a ciistar,,@
feet n-idre or less aloii-I tli@ Western prorl,@rt,, line. Sticl parcel :s known as
Sites B and C, Plat of North Lal@e @tnd :oiita@iis ?. 9 acre@i. (Lake Smitil-
Little Creek Amphibioi-is Base Areas),. E@AYSII)E I OROIJ('@H.
Plannin@, Cor=ission PecornrnendaLion:
A motion was passecl bv tlie Pl@innin- Corit mission by a recore,,ed vot-I of 11
-1v@@ll 7 votiig for th- 1!13@io;l Lnd 4 agaiti@' t',-i,, iiiot-oti to approve th@srcquesc
si-,bje@t to the follc)-,@,in,,: it is iinlet-sto@@c, zaT,.([ agreed to by the -,Lppli.Cant that
the clian,,e will not be made on the offici@Ll zo-i-@ig riaps until sucli time as a
de@tication of ri,ht of ,vay 80 flet from the c( nterline of Shore Drive is acquired.
For thc information of tlie applicant pric)t- to the issuance of a building permit
the following will be require ,d by the adinii)i.@l,,Itive st,-@ff:
1. Standard site T)Ian review.
2. City water aricl sewe@-.
Nir. Doiiald Lee, Attoriicy, representecl the applica@-it.
On iiiotion by CouiicilniaT, lolland, s--coiict"Id by C:ouiicilrian l,,-aterfield,
and by recorded vote as follo@vs:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Joli-,i A. Bauni, Rol)--rt ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Crojiiweil, Jr., Vico NILyor George R, Ferrell, (:Iiaries l@. Gardner,
Jolin R. Griffin, Clarenc- A. tiollaiid, J. liciiry @IcCoy, Jr., Mayor -
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Staiicliii,, a,,icl Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr.
i@ays: l@one
Absc,,iit: None
City Couiicil approved the followiii,. ordinance upon petition of @Irs.
Russell D. Jones for & L Lan(Iscapiii-, licorpora-@ed, for a
of Zoniii@. District Classificatioii [rorq B-1 Busiii--ss Residential
District to B-2 Coriinufiity flusir,,ess District:
lZUSSI:LL D. JO@NE'S FOR C @ L LA@@@:@)-
SCAPI,'@G, 1,NCORPORA@['EL), FOI@ A Ciii,@fGf7,
07 I)j I'Ri @@l' C!@@ll @,IT;[(@l-t'l
I iiis l'ict
TO B-2 Coiiijituiii ty 13usiiie@s District
E,,) ra Cliarige oif Zoiiiii") Dist"i-t ;i.ticatic)lt frk)iii B-1 Bu@i,,ioss R-_Si-
do,-itial District to ,iiiiii-,-,iity I)istrict ol-i certain T)roperty
2i3O feet r@iore or, less f@,@ist of I)ialT,.orid Spriiios l'o@icl,
feet aloiig tli@, Soutli sitle of Sliore Drive, ruiin@ii@,
U L b Lan@.-
a dis-Lance of 375 Feet @itonu t@to I:astern propertv iiiie, rt ii
a d'scr-@rice of 300 feet iiiore oi,
ruiiiiirig a distancc, of 600 feet itlor(, ()r loss Lt L r 4L
liiic,,. Said parcel is knoivn as i) ind ,at of 'Ill Lal,-e anct
cor,,Lairis 2.8 acres. (l,ake 1- trle
Bay-,iicic Borough.
it is understooll ,Lgreed to b@ 'i ., Lc,@nt tiiat the --Ilal'go lqill
iiot 1) @,@ide on tlie ulili iL sLicli time a@ a declicatioll
of I,- @)t of way 8@ @-ci@Iiiie of Sliore Drive is acquirec..
For ;t 01 tti@, .1,@licant, prioi- to tti(@ of a I)tiildir,,
i v@
I TE@l 7
of t"O ':,@utlcl' Of '7 'e @7 @f iTi ,@rdiT@ritee r,
j.i,,d reordain
@-,,rLiinance, @,uend;aenz:3.:
)rllal -ictice
)uncl' iay ;A.')-
@",ar,,es or cL)rr@c@-i@)na Dr,.,videl
tD !:,-,e fo. rd, @,.!-Iort
Co@ssion !,i.Ay liolzi -,iu'jli- '.a(@'trings ippxonr:!Llte,
Twith rotice siiitl-,g t@ie ,t-Ff ir-,iati7ie. .,ota
o-@ a a,.ajori-@7 of all ;@eml)er.3 c)@ I:i@,/ "@ctcil 1,2 requiretl @.@ i@-end
@.@e Ordirarce.
annin- Cc=iasi-oii
A was passed -.inani-.-iously @),)- tl.e Cobmi-ssiort 1)7 i recorded vote of
11 i:o n:odi@17 t,.iis amendiaeit -,3
Cit,,, Counci',-
Unl-ess -@he -roposal is w-@t'ijr-a,.,n 'i)y let::er or --ther for@ notice before
legal pt@z)lic:ati3n of -he 'iear2-ng date, .ne -all be lield at L*.,e
time P.Y,.d @,innounced. Cui.-.cil ,aav make ap-
proy)riate c.,iaDges or correctiors in @lle ,)ropo@- @,r..,,-ndments, provided,
;@owever, t.@t no additional land i-@@ 'L)e -,ored to a citfl@erent classification
than uas colitain@ in zie @ub-ic i,otlce and -,io land 7,ay be rezoned to a
-less restricti,7e cl-asal-@".cat4-on T41,lhout new iotice a,@ ',ioarinjt. '@are suc'r.
ch@as or corrections ira of a substantial -.iature, tie modifications shall
be transmitted to the I'lann@-ng -,omission for -eji--w arA re"rt prlar to
final passage by 1--ounc4-l-. li cotneeL4-on with such actions, t@le Plannl-.ig
Commission ma3p liold ,)ublic ',ieari-igs if '-t @eens sucil liearings approl)riate,
-,ilth notice suitiig tne circumstanceo o,-: @-he case. A,.i affirmative vote
of a majority of all Taembers oi City Cc,.incil- ;@.,iall 'De required to amend
the Ordinance.
O,t i-,iotioii b), Couiicili@l.,iii (lardner, seccii(,od by Councilipan llolland., and
I)y recot@ded vote a @olluws:
Aye,@: Counciliaen Joliii A. Bauiii, JZCI)clL 11. CalLis, Jr., Rober-, B.
Croiii@vell, Jr., V@ce @t@,iNor George !Z. l-( trell, (@liirles 'i. G,,irdn--r,
,Toli@i R. Griffiii, A. Ho]]-,4,,,1 ' @. @;@Tiry NIcCoy, Jr., i%lavoi,
J. (@urt:is Payiie, St@ilidin,,,,, @itid Flo@,d E. @@aterfield, Jr.
f@ @L)' 5 :None
Absent: Noiie
City Council adopted a Resolutio-,i oE tbe Council of the City of Vir,,in
Be@tch to create an ord4@nance to amencl i,icl i-corclaiii Article 1, Sectil,)Il
ar @L@., p Ii t @, C,' ii! 11 L'Il 1, Zj 71 i 11@7 ik i(-e , eli@@
e,,i dric n t s
(f) City Couiic-i.i ficaripg; Action follo@iin,., heari;il,.
Unless the prodosal is irith(-lr,,)wii i), lettor or otiler t-oiriial
notice before legal publicatior of the heari.n,-@ date, tlie
aring sliall Ue-hel it t ie t-Lple aiiiiounced.
Followin@ the heariiig, Cotiiici-f-ip@,tv niake appropriate changes
or correctioiis iii tile pi@oposed aiiiei.,dnents, provided, however,
that no additionlil land !nay I)e zoie!d to @t dil@ferent class-
ification theii @veis containc@ @Iii tli(@ pu',)lic notico and no
laiid may be rezoiied to a less rcstrictive classification
ivi.thout nev,, notice and hearin,. llliere such ch-an,es or
corrections are of a substaiitial i@zitlire, the modificalions
lilay bc! tra-,isiiii-,ted to the Co,"liflission for review
an@ report prior to final passage by Council. In connection
wi-t'@l such actioiis, the Piaiiniil,. Corii-,iissioii inav liold public
hearings if it cleefis such hearii-i,;s appropriate, with notice
suiting the circumstances of the c@tse. An affirmative vote
of a inajority of all memb--rs of City Council sliall be
required to ainenci tlie Ordiiianco.
Tlic amendiiient, is @,-s 1-ollows:
(f) City Couiici-I Ileariii,,,; Act@oii @ollotqin-. Ilearin-
Unless the proposal is withdraivii by letter or other formal
notice before legal publication of the heai-in@ date, the
hearing shall hel at the til'.Ie an plac-e annoa-nced.-
olloi@ing L ic @earl-ri@,-Co-ui-ic-i 1--ina make app-r priate changes
or corrections in the progose@[ Lii,.iciidment-@, provided, however,
tliat no addit'o!i@il lanct rqa), be zoii--d to a difforent class-
ificatioii tlieii @@as contaired in tli,, put)lic notice and no
lanO, may be rezodecl to a les@@-, classil@icallion
,vitliout n-w iIO4 i(@o an(I ci
Illera -,@l 1 1-@1-11-til@,--S or,
corrections ar-e o@
s'all be tratis7litted to -Ilic
@l ,Co,.i!-,iission @or review
C' -r r@ @@r C) t@
Ii -ii @S 11 L;-@
a LL -i@t Li ci
of a majority of E,.Il moi,.ibers of Ly Cc)uTic i Isliall be i@equirod
to ajaend LI)c flrdinince.
TO A"@,11@',I@'@'!-,',@@ICS @"O
@@'E IT ORDAIN70 B'@,7 TTf'@ C(D@'j,,,-@CIL O' CIT@ 0;@i VIRGINIA
a--Ided and. reordainad
Si@@t4ol 107) -ira@,c-tp"i
City co-,aicil 11@ar- iri,,,; Ac ". ii Ilo,@ iii,, !@12-a-in,.
Unlass t'@ie Drcoo.@al is ')y l@t tor @r - rmal
n,.)@:ic@@ @@)e,@Ore le.@,al o-,-t',Dli-cati-on ol- th@, h2ariii@, date, t:he '-iearir-i,,,,
s',i@ill I,,eld a,L- -I'lle -nd -olace ziLi@iou,i@-,od.
'@'ou.-icil -,,-ay @ake api3ro:,,ria@- c[-i,,.,,I@es or Correctic),Is ill
Z:':!:? pro?osed t@at Tio adclitioral
1-@i-,d P-,.ay 'L)e zoned to a difle-ent class;-,'@cat-ioii 'han ;as contained
iii -L'Lle public nolice a-,id no '@and may be i-ezoned to a less restriclive
cl-,-i.@F,,,*-jEicatiOn witttoul notic@p- alirl sucii chan@es
or corrections a.-e o,-: a substaitial tie qodifications
be -LransrLiit'led to t@le ?la.-Iinin- for r@view and report
prior to '-:ilal pass@-i-.e ',)y Counc:Ll. Iii co-@inection with such acti-ons,
t Lq@ '.@la,--inin@ Coimnissior, may 'aol@, pub.Li-c !,@--arings iF it deems su-Ii
beal--in,,s aoprool--'@ate, @,7i-th nolice tia cir--u..,@ta@ices oE t,i@
Go,-,,icil shall be reqil-irad to a--iend t'Ll.@
1,4 day of _Uctober
'@l l' 7 6 ' I
of the Counc'@', tf t@,e Ci!:v of Virt;iila 13each to create an ordinance to
.1 r@r4l&4,i A- ordl,-nce
i.3 a,@d
'-ot, Front T-.e F--@ant @i a lot @3@ftall !)e co,.is@-dar,-u to @,)e t.@; a@
bo,-,udary o-@' t@@a '@at ;h4.ch a'@u.s on a Ii t'Lle case of a cor-
b@,;udar-y -@or i@@, 2@Li a straet sliall
@@@r=t C)@ -@.ia lot. @a ca a t@,a co@-n,2r, lot ',-.as
@rcrta:4e c-- 'cdo o, @ora streeta, t,ia ot 3hall be consi@lered
to f-oat m the nrl-ncil)al screat c,,i wlicii @r,@a@est riumber o,-:
lo,@3 h4ive piatted @he :3ame ',@@@ock.
Yard, Side. A yard e@t@n@L;ig @l-,om tn@@ lina of tlie requited
front y-,rd. to rear lo,@ lip-a, or in th@ @'osence of any ci-@arly
defined refar lot i@e to t@.e poirit on @,ie -ot fart-'.,iest fr@ the
i.,itersection of the lot ia-iolve--i -@r.')M t:he )u-@lic str-,el@, --X-
cept on throul@'a lots, 3ic:e 73rd,, 8,ial'- @c-,Crd -@-orj t'rla rear lines
oE requi--ed fr,-rt yard.3.
Co@ssion Reco@@Liun.
was passpd .nanl-,wuol7 by the !)!.anning @ciw.,'-33ion by a recorded vote of
11 to -ipprave t!113 aner,@nt.
Cotinc.i-lman Croirlivell T,,ade a Tiioti()Il, sec )ndoci by Councilnian Griffi,,
ciefer for one week t'@le Li'Dove C'@ia-,i@,es i i tlie Cor,,
IPT'Ohensive Zoning Ordi,7 ,ce.
-Couiicilrnaii Callis iiiade a sul)stitute jr,,OLion, secc)rtded by Councilrilan
"Ic-l'o@', to approve the followill, Resolution of the Council of the
City of Virginia Boach to create lp- ordinaiice to al@iend and reordain
Article 1, Section 111, of the C:onipreh@-,nsive Zonirg Ordinance pertziirii-ng
to D--fi-nitions. Ttie recol-ded vote is @Ls follo,,vs:
@kyes: COuncilmell Joliri A. Balim, Rob-rt Ii. Callis, Jr. , Robert B.
CrODIwell, Jr., Vic-- illayor Geor@ e R. Fe,-Ycjl, Charles W. Gardner,
Johri 11. Griffill, C.1a"eitce A. llo-llaiid, I. f'en"Y i'@IcCoy, Jr. , %Ia,or
Curtis Pavne, Patricl, L. St@lldi-,I,, @Lrid Flovd E. '@aterfield" -Jr.
Abs@lit: i@oile
UL tiic C o iiip r eli els V,-, 7 oil i I
i Ordiiiaic,, to defijiitioris 4s
and reordailled a fo lo-,,;
ai,t-iicte s I V- : I - I
Lo@l, Front Of. 'File frolit of a lot stiall be coiisi(lere(I to be
tliat bound@try of til lot IvIiicii ab,,t, oq a street. Iri tho case
of a cornei- lot, tlie iiarrolvest I)OLLTICI@lry frontinq oll-a t@-r e t@
@liaTi@e jo-ii--,T, -t L, t
si reci f
for ic lo,. ii c
rner io ila@ c(lu,'L n@t ;-,,, 0 - -o tlie 1 c, t
fro,, @10
Tjial-i be-con-s-i(i @ec to COlt on th@ r)r@ricipal -stroet ori wlilcil
@ eitest .1 T-
,he r- o tsh
1) i ac i-
YLi,d, Side. A varli -tending froin the reir line of t,'ie re(ju@l.-,,i
front yard to tl,e re,@i, 'Ot lille, or irl til-- ai)Sence of @inv
(jefiiiecl rear lo@, L@ f I
he POL'T On t@l@ lot far@Lli,-,,@t fi,on tho
lot@@, side
cep- oii tiirOLt,,f,, s:ia".1 '2xtOrll fro-q 'lie @@(-,ar
Of cliiircci frc)ril
@,OU@l;c if
@,Dli--Iain(a,l ,:3 -o-' 1
i -rnn@l- ol- -1 L:@-
to 1.)e LTic :1@)ut, c)@i
r lot-, @-I r i- L
tro -iLi i
Tq @l r o n t
e--, co
1) r I --1) a s -1 r e
C -3t
"ar,f, A y@,r@l line Lhe
r@@qliired a or -;.,i tqe
ab,;e@icz? o-
lot ro t@,le point
on the lor - 'I I
ecf-io, of -he lot ].ine
Adopte-i trio Of "tt@, of Virgii@@,-i 3,,,h , the
I ,l - - I
day of October
I T L-i',f 7 6 @' 5
,@@o",i-@4on of the 'ou, 't@l of Vir-i.2ia 3each to cr @ta an ordir,@,ce to
I@Ici.L Of the C. '
.ime@ -in,! reordain Azti--Ia 2, Section 2OIk'a) o@ t-.qe Iomoreiiensive Zoning @,rdinance
pertai@ii-lig to Front i3 aai@ed ind c-!orl,ined Is @@)I,-Ow,3:
@,91. @@lard3
(a) 4rori@ Front "r.'irds -@iall -re provided in accordance
e,ating to
aaL@ a-@ fron@ -r,@nt -,ards
-?,ar-3erdictil-,z t@.) ;ind parall-al ,!e street
-@)r@vided, -,Irwever, w@@era 'f:'-,nsportat4-on
been ap,)rov--d @ind adopted b-,? C4-t- "ouncii,
r-@iremen"s 1,@e neasur,-d f rota t-e ri,,Iht-oF-
a '-ransport ti- n Pla or te
astabl-ta'ned o2i s !-d '-; a ) n h
,et *@-on n2, W"ic!iLv--r Is tlie --,@@tter distance
tage 14
roql t'@e eata@olis,
ed @lter iine on tl,,e --'ranspertation
(,ommission lecorLlendation:
A ---ion was pas@ uranl_moualy by !-,he Planning -ormission ty a recorded Vote Of
a@prove t@iis amendment.
O.-i .iotion by Council,-ian IVaterfi--Id, -@e, ond---,' b), Cotinc:ilman Callis,
by recorded vote as @oll@vs:
Avos: Councilriioii Jolin A. Baul.1, Robe--@ 11. Callis, Jr. , Robert B.
Cror,iivell, Jr., Vice inlayor George R. Foirell, Cliarles W. Gardner,
'Fo@'i.-i R. Griffin, Clare,-ice, A. Hollaiid, J. iienry i@IcCoy, Jr. , llayor
J. Curtis Payne, Patrick L. Stancling, @,nd Floyd E. tlaterfield, Jr.
\;avs :
Absent: @@one
City Couricil adoptod a rosolution ol@ the Council of the City of
Virgi,-iia Beach to create an ordinance to qtnend and reordain Article
2, Section 201(a), of tlie Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance pertaining
to r-rojit Yards. The ,iilleiidment is as fol.lows
201. Ya-rds
(a) l@i,on-@ yards. l@i-ont ya,,(Is sliall be j)rovided in
rdaf,,co wltii rc,,iii@itioiis oF t'l(,,
L e a'I@ ui- E' o t d
u, Z r 1 t L@ , to, i f @l yii s
P,eqttir--ct froiit yaris shLiLil be noasured perpendicular
to ,in,] f@,,!it2,e line;
ri,,,Iit-c)f-@vav l@ino est.@il)lis'ieJ on Faid 'I'ralisportitio@q
lll@iii or tlie streeL ironta,.,e Iiiie, @vliicliever is tll,c
atoi@ distaiicc FroiTt t:i,, c.,;ta'L)Iisliecl center lino an
tlie @l@r,,iiisportatioii
e I '
,3ai-d Pla--l
@,7hicli@,jet7 i,3 t:t-ie rea,-er
AdopLed bv 'he 0- ii2ac"i o-
1 4 jay of October
7i e
-22tic)' cian ot tne an or-@ @nce to
a-.:,end a@ r,-ordainc'@r-Licell of t-he citv O' 2pac.1 to C"C-t'4
2, Section o, t@,la -'oning @Irdinance
(.,,?ztai-@iing to @@ceS ard @,1!13 4.,, YAr,-13 i,3 -@rdai
-,led as 4.@oil-ows:
(d) r@latl-ni to @,@.r@ces itid @,@alls y-irds.
f., an,, i2i: ynrd,
;-ro,ac,s into i:equ 7-Zed ir
,ot: @'t
-,,oton was pas@ (,tian'@moual @n,,? t' -2 @l@inn "orniision @i recorded iota of
11 "o @cdify thi3 -zillen@iment js
201. -ar4;;
(d) @-@--c@!3 anl wills in 7--ird:3.
-nces ani s 4_la 4- a @,,.ia @@l z,.o t exc eed a
@eiF',It 0-@ ei@l,.t a-A f-_nces, L'av
p-oje.ct -Lato or @2rclo"- an-7 pirt o.@ an7 Y,-qrd,
p-,:ov;-d-@. t'.,.it -i:iy f,@%ice 0-
i@roj.@t'.9 i-,ito or encloses a r@pqulrpd front yard ad-
"acent to a st-,@et shall iot exca@ -4 liaiht of four
ot -.io, i@@ii by ail Iis, se @or, (-lo
i-)@7 cc,!co,. clc,,d vote ,s fc)
Council-TI,eii A. Butitit, l@oi)c i t Ii, @:a I I is i,, Robcrt T3.
C'@-o:ii@vel 1 , Jr. Vice @iii@,or (:,eorge R. I:f@ t', I 1 , C@lil-I r] cs Cjrclner
J 01 LIi i@ . C - 4- -@ 1-7 , III-areiic,,, A. liallaiid, Jr., @layor
,J. Curtis Payn--, i)atrick [,. Stalictin@.,, F:IoyJ E. ',;,t-lcrfield, Jr.
.@ ay s :@@@olic
A',)seiiL: None
Ci'lv Council d-Iiiied tlie rocoiiijii--iiiatio!l rile @"I,,,Iririiflg @o
cr,cL,-ce an or(iiii@ipce tc) zir!iend aiad rooi,(li A@'icle 2,
C oiii,
ill Y@Lrds I'li c aflie, ndiii-- ii tou L (i ii ave I cco Iow s
201. Yards
cl) i@c q @a i r e i,,ie n t s r c 1. a t i ii @@, t o 1 ei-i c 0 s a ii dI I 1 s i n y a r (i
1) l@ences @ind w@il I.,; ,v i t,i @Lri ya @-ds ,,Jia I I no t excee(I
a he @ ullit of ei @,h t8) f (@et l@alls @@-,,d fences,
iiiav oroject intc) o- epclos(@ any pait of an),
y @l r c', p r, o v i d c d , I i o @,, c v o r1) aL i i i ), f o i i c e o r w @i
whicti projects ot- cricloses a ro(juired Cront
or sidc yard ad.jac,iit to l street not
exceed a heiglit of four (4) feol oi @inv fence
or will wliich proj@-,,cts into or en@@)ECs a rc--
@uire@si- 0 Y,@rc@Tl-C nt to--a
not exceed a liei@,fil of six (6T feet.
2) Barb i@ire and oleclrified fepces ar-e @o i i@b , e d
i-n alT r-es@d nT-i-@i7i aid @@tii rL S t r i c t s . -
Ciry Council voted to retain the original amendment to the Comproliensive
Zoning Ordinance. The ordiriatice reads ts folloivs:
20i. Yards
(d) IZequire@iieiits relatin-I t.) fcnces and @,ialls in ya-,CLS.
(1) 7ences and walls witliin yards shall not
exceed a height of eight (8) feet. Walls
and fences, mav pr,)ject iiito or eiiclose
@Lny pLrt of aii@ yard, provide(l, liowever,
that ariy fence or @all @viiich projects into
or encloses a r,-,(Iu;re@l fro-@it or side yard
a(Ijaceiit to a slia-1-1 lic,t exceed
(2) B,,Lrb @,iire aid el@clrified feiic s @,r- prohl.@it--d
.1 -
@c:33 a,,-i,-f Vlr
-i: o e -3 .-i v
r,i -a 1-2 @-i c 1-2 1) r,
771 c --l n
\,7-' r f@ @A
E@Ic o@ 0,1
1 4 da@, oF Octobcr
1'rF..',j @' @@) 7
of che C,@ncil of c@,le Cil-y of co @,r-@a-le -aii
@id reorla-@-z, @,E prtainiT'.g --o
-lard3 i. f o'
'@-ction to -]-,e
rt-ar ,.v@nt7
!-in4-mum r,-.ar ;'nail
4n the case c,4 a ,rA ,-t
t @3e et.',.er t-.@an a ci@-.e of a
co,ner @--, tne
i:icr,.a@ b,7 ".@n e a t -7 3 4 @ s
Spctior, 5@.3 (d) o@ tlla (r@lating -10
tlie R-3 i-s i@id 33 @rjj,,-Ows:
,,,et i-,i t@@@ia caae or a ci@,4elli-, ;,.@e (23) f-et
@,C)r a u:;e O,:Ier ,@"i-n a ci@,e of- a
b@ incr e
@,ction 53i (,!) of t,, Cr..@linarce (r@tlng to --e
--4 ?,esidential :jistri--t) is i-merided -i,@d reordair-ed as follo,4.q:
(d) Th-- t)e
in @or a u3e
-,l-,e case o--- d-zelling use .'eet
oti@er t-han a ':i@e f@ @ie c
t --;Ise of @l corner lot,
t@,a si-'-- --rd 34atjtclc -@dj@acent
liy tei (1-@) f@al for ill
Section 54@, (@i) of Ccmpr,2@rens@,,7a -1-@,ninj (relatio-I to LhL
a-5 Resid.?.ntl@al D-St--iCt) i3 a'-nendpd -17"i 27-!or@iain@ z,,@ follaws'.
(d) @ici- --i-.d r@@Ar ,I-d3. @-.11 k-- @',n4mum and rear ard setback3
e. -,rentv
s@iall ')a t,2n 1--@i 0-1,.
f,@t ;:@:yr rk other -i in,,t it@@wev@r,, --@@n t@ia
i-iitc@nt t.0 a
r - @-@i 3 ed 3
rd n
(5) f--el, "izii=m sil'@i
-11@ seaI
o@lier d e -n
-r-2e,. T@@i t'ne ea-,Ie oz@ 'I (:TrT,-.?r lot, t'@ .3id.-, vard setbacl@.
Section 563 (d) oE -@.lie C@prehensi,7- fr,-linanc@- @rela@g to
t'Lie R-7 @'@ideitia'. Di3trict) @ and reordained as follows:
-',d) @@'l.de ard rear yards. For ono EaLlil"r dweulngs iind t,40 .@amily
detac'ned dwellings, the zain:tmun rear 7ard"shall be tan (10)
fiiet. Cne (1) side yard min-i=m ,jhall be t--n <10) feet and
ot'@-ler gi@le Y.-Ard @inimum st,@ 'oe @ive (5) ireet. @, i=m side
z-aar yards 7or uses ortw -.@n a @,hail be fifteen
@t. T.-I @he case of I O.Knor lot, t@@ ie @ard adjacent
I" , I - @ t or I 3ernitted
L4-c:nti,@n @,2-@57 --oral-
@jota ()f
Oii .;,,.otion by Vi-ce '@iavor Feri-ell, secoii,lect b), CoLtnctlii-,iri Standin-1, and
t) 1/1 recorded vote as Folio@is:
Ayes : Councilmeit Jolin A. Ba.uj,,tl Rober-t 11. Cal.lis, Jr. , Robert E.
Cro,a@v--Il, Jr. , Vice i%layor Goor,.,e R. 17ci-rell, Cl@arles @V. Gardner,
Johi,. R. Griffin, Clar-nc A. flollarid, @. fienry %IcCoy, Jr. , inlayor
J. Curtis Payne, Pati,icl@ L. Standin,.,, @;nd Floyd F,. ',Vaterfiolcl, Jr.
i@aNs: None
Absent: None
City Council adopt--d a resolution of tlie Cotitic@l oC tlie City of
e n e
to cr ate a ord-nanc i,o aiiiend and reordain Articl-
3, of the Comprelieiisive Zoning Ordinaiice Dertal.ililig to Side Yards.
Thp ELiiiendments are a@, follo@vs:
Section 502 (d) ol@ tlie Coniprelicnsive Zoning Ordinance (rej.ati.ll,,
to tlie R-1 Residential District) j-,; aniended and reordained as
ci) Tlie Milli!TIUM Side and rear ),@tid setbacks shall be twenty
")O) feet; lio,@cver, wheii i sicle vard adjoins a street,
the j,.ini setEa-c-l-sha-11 he tiiirty fe--t.
Sec-@ion 513 (d) of the Contprehensive Zonin, Ordinance (relatin@.
to the R-2 Residenti.al District) i-S arnended and reordained as
(d) The miiiii,@iur,, side and rear yaid setbicks shall be fifteen
(15) foot iii tlie case oi a d@,elliii-. use and tweiity-five
(25) feet 'T.-or a use otlie- than a ciwellin@; hot,iever, in
the cis-- ci- a corn--r lot, thc sid@ yard S,--tb,,,c, @i a,@ii t
i-i c- -t t -7-c5
t o a 5 @ l' c,, @;-l i @-@L
pE,,rmitteci uscs.
o @v s
(ci) The i,,iinimuiii side setback,,-, ,;hall I f i '-teen
(15) feet iii tlie case of a @iiid twenty-- five
(25) feet for a z-tsc o'@iler tliaL a (Iiielliilg; however, in
the case c)E a corner lot, tlie sicle ),ard setbqc-K ,@ia@ent
@ a
to a street FIia.11 e ii-icre'll-sed t(,P@tO@. @t -.@ 11
Fe-rFi t@@ts-.
Scction 533 (d) of the Com,,)reliensive Zoiiing 01-dil,-,trice CrelatiTi,
to tne R-4 Resid--ntial Di-str@ict) i.,; ai-,Ioli@led and reordai@-iecl as
(d) The rtiniinuiti side and roai@ yard setbLLcks sciall be ten (10)
feet iii the case of dwellin@ Llse ,iiid twenty-five (25) fee'L
for @t lis@2 than. t!le of -t
corner Lo L'i sidc @-@tr@t -@et)@ic aLl I ",C-cFt
Secti o ii 54 7 (cl) of 'Llic (@oi7ip i-e Ii-,, i)@@ , @ , --O!l Ll@l, C, z-(li n@Ll',CU (ref@,'itill
to t lie t@- S i@entiat !)is t ric 4,.,] i @laiiied ts
fol lo@,,s :
(d) '41,ie rcar @,@Lrds. '!'!ic a,,i@l reat- NIii-d
bac:ks sli@ill bl- t--ii (10) foot in tli,, case of clwelliii,. ii-@e
anc[ t@v iity (20) fect fo-@- ,i Lis,, o,:Iier tlian 0.@velling; lio@,,ever,
i.n tlie case F @i Lo!-, tli-c@ y,ir@l setl)ac',-s T,,f-i,-IceTiL@
E) e- r c c 1) @, t--- - - - --- --- --
-0 a-s t -r-o @ -t- s 1-@ ; i -( I Inc n (i Fo @t @c all
periiiitt@i-i.-;es .
Sc,,ct.loi,. 5-@3 (d) of tlie
(d) Sid-- and rear yai'd,;. @t'he roar y@ircl sliall bo @,cn
(10) Eee-@. Oric (1) -side yard slL,,:tll he teri (10)
foot aiid otlicr sid.- y@ti,c@ Mi@it@Llil sli,,il'L bo li@,e (.@) fe,@t.
Nliiiir,lu;,,i -sidl LLtid rc,3.i- yard-s f@)r tises otli r tliaii a
shall I)e filteen (15) fect. Iii tlie c@qs(,, c)f- a coi,n(,r lo-,,
the side )Lard setback adjicell@to @l @rec@s@aTi D-(' 3'.n-
creased tei@(10) feet 'l- o i, 11 periiiitted uses. Izear yirds
- I-C c--i - -@[ @l 1 - --- I
adjaccitt to tli At Larlt e, @a@-c aii a(ldilion,,!'.
tiienty (20) feet rear yai@cl a tc)ta-i of tliirtv (.-iO)
Sectioii 563 (cl) of tlie Compreli-lit-@@vo Zonin,. Ot-,Ii-nance
to the R-7 l@esiden"iil i-, iiT,,e,-ided and reordained a-S
d) Side and rear yards. For oile fltyiii.ly clwcllin@.s al-id two
faiiiily detachect clt;ellings, -@h,-, iiiiiiiinuiii rear yird shail
be ten (10) feet. One (1) sic-e y@ird i,,iinimum shall be.
ten (10) feet aiid other -,icle ai-d i.'IiiiirlLiin -,;Iiall be fi@,,,e
(5) feet. '@,lin'liiiur@i side Ltii@l ruai- y,-Lrds '@-or u-@es ottier
than a d@@clli.rig sliall bo fifteen (15) feet. In the case
of a corne,, lot, the sido yari acijacciit to a Hr e@t @ a@il
E-e 1-ncre-ased t-en @10) @eet--@@o-r 11 perrii@eu use5.
Section S73 (d) of tlie Coinpr--Iieasi@re Zoning 9rdinance (relatin@.
to the R-8 Residential District) i.s ai',Ieiided Et,ld roordained as
(d) Side atid rear yai@ds. I:or oiic farnily diieliings and two
f,@iTiilv detache,,l til@' 111'rITIUI'l 1'eEt-r yard shali
@)c toil ('110) b--
(5) fee". ,.Iiniiiiuiii -side aiid cc,,ir @ai-ds lor uses othcr
Itave aii adda.tioiiil fif-ce(2@,i (I foot relir VIrd setl ack,
total of tliii-ty (30) feet.
T Ai!D
T'@ S
@"Y T,-iC
0, 7s
si-,ie a@ii r@@ar ,ar,]
-L 13'-d@2 -,,arc] adjoi.-I.9
'Oe--L ion !'_-elai- to t@ 2 R-2
is a i@l reor@a-@,,i(,d i@ r'ollo@,,,S:
TI-ie a@..,.i r@ai: ,].rd -,@,tl)]cl-s @,hall !)e
c-a-,e ol@ a -Iwelli@i,, us@,
1 5
- @ :) @ 1- @. r a Li.,s c o i r t, ,
'ia-i a
dw z, 1 ir, L',,e case o@- -i corner lot,
the 3i -a .3Lreet s -i,-a -i I
Te i-r, c
u - p -13
T'iat Sectio,i @23 (,i) of t'ic@ la-3
-i3 @oll@@w:3:
(d) The ')e
f i e a 3 -P- ol@ a @,,7@,lling use
and t,,,entv-five (25) F-ei- for a 113e ot,@er th-ii a
c@).-,e oi- --t c,,)r@ler lot.
u P-
a i-
-ve-, ic-, c@3e ot a
t cc)@c@,t@r lot,
the a d 7,
ctsi@ t L @,o- -i'. 2 i-77. L L, o@
-it Sec[:i@D1.1 5@,
a 1 Eal" O -,7'3
an@j rear vard
C "@l, i
o i r
D r a y@t -f:@ @j
@,i --,t Iar@ @o c,i,@ A@7 L
-ac' a to@:i'l
c o @i o ii c c) R - 7
r c -tT -.-Le-,ij , i -1
e a n a a,@- c o al-id t,,vo
.-.2--r rd
@)n c 'L)e
-le,l I 0 f a--t I o t: r irri i
5) a-id r,,-ar for U3e-, othe--
-1-i-Ln a , ( I ',,,? I . -rn
1, - - i L , " I -
ca-,@2 ol- a
T 'i a e c l@ i@ o -i 5 7 3 o F tq,2 i-,, i @@l
S@-,-Io @iTi,,j yard.,3. ro@- ald
)o ri 2
k' iri i7 @i q
co--12r l)
t@o i@k
'@ -1 I I @' I t@ ) '/ 7
of @-he ?Iann4-ag of th@ @'i-, ,)f
@or ;it --'-e of
ince @it 1-iltal 'dCtiOnS. @"31'3i!4ty
?rzc- 1,@
@l, T 'aced,
@: '23 iiaterlaily
Of @ld ,,d
l,iies Df
iTl.,-r3 Ct:i.@ t_ Z,IC_
i !.,i; c I -Les d
c,- @14 - -
L!@-9 q,r @t-,
t i:, t -i, ac t or
-3, it C' a
?!7o4@@ct:@d if round.,.,
d, , .,,nc@
ii-ne t@@s-nt- f@l,
-,-e @-,ijacent
)ti r r,
cr)m -@tie tioint c@ irter-
P@c,,c-@on, and t',-.ence @O tie D--i'lt of
I cl@aranc@ -,easuremen,-3 s,ia"I be tall-en
t'@e Z7@@,i-rh
o -t
(2) TiZtprCeCtionS
S-@, I la OL
c- z 1 -,Way 71r!d ten
t--n (lo)-foot
'10@s connected in
@ight @or
r o n -,,,r i t 11
fcor, -@@o
-wa@ i-3
or 3tr-ic@ur@
@@v O,-; CO ]-IllCi 11110 TI C) II ji @l 1-1 @i, e 1, "L I L i- '@ol) u I
-0 (@liar i C-,5 I t Flo, z-
r. 1,1@ c IL , J i, Vice C@, - I P I I T -,T @ ',.
Joliii R. Gi@iffiii, C:ali(.@jicL '@. flollaiid, j. @,ic(:Oy, Jr@, NILyor
J. (1@irtis Payiie, Pati-i ck T (I e l' r i C@ I (I ,
j r
Cit@, Council dcferrc,,,i [(it l@@o c)f tlie J",@iiil)inol
(@oill!T,Iis s ioii of the Ci t\, o @ @@i r,,,i,l @@@L t6 Q@l Clt"' (li@@l L.,Iar,-ce
to ttqerld an(I rCorLI@L;,@ 2, Sec.@ i@) i @'01 1- cl-c;
tc) provide for v@-,sibi-I i@y il!t@,l
s e -- -Li oii o f s tr(-),@ - 1, i ,, l@ L s - C) f 0 1 .1 o@@
20L. Yards
(c) Visio@-t clearance a-, i@iLers--cL@ons. Vi.sibi Lity
tri.aii-le-c;, i,,Itliii@ ivl)icli iiotliii)- sliall I)e ci,ectel,
placccl, parked, planled c)r ilic)@ve(I to ,rok,; iii
such a int@uier as to iml)ede vision
a he:i@lit o[ t@@vo tiid ojio-hil@@ ind
feet -bo,,,e the ceii'LerLiilc@ 04- intei'sectin,, traffic-
ways sliall bo provi-dod as folloi@s: @lateriil. ii7,I)ed-
i;iic@-it to visibi Ii-,y -@hi Li 1)@@ @!eL@ir@ea @i,,; @iiy impcd7" -
r,ient @vilicil i@iight coitcolil ,t (-hil(.1 on i bic)?cle fi-oin
tlie v@si,@)n of t di@@vc-,r @ipiroac:liing,
Sucli triaii,l@es ilay I)c@ o!-iittc@cl oii @idc@s c) @,tre@ts
a y l@rori approac.Iiin@, tial-fic i@liei'e sti-eets are oiie-
(1) sti,eet iiitersectioiis. Bog@niiing at tlie inter-
section of tlie ri@tits-of-ivay, projected i-f
rotindeLl, thence alon@ the ri,hts-of-way line
tweii-Ly (20) feet in tlie direction of oncomin.@
traffic i-@i the adjacent lane, thence diagonally
to poiiit alonp, tlie other ri@,ht-of-;vay lin--
t@venty (20) feet fro,'.l the point of ilitersectioril
,-Liid Llieilce to ti)o poilit of bc@ginnin@. Vihorc,
sidl-,,@alks have I)eeii provicied within tlie riglit-
of-way line, visioii cleai'ance Tqcasurements shall
be taken froin tli-- curb line, rather tlian the
ri,liL-oF-wLt)- line. In tlie B-1 through B-4
I)istricts and tlie 1-1 aiid 1-2 Distric"s, such
visibility triaii@.les i,,i,,ty be omitted at inter-
sections of str,-,ets witl-i eacii other, alloys
wit!,, eacli otlior, or of illey@ 1/2@itli streets.
(2) lii,ors,,ctioii,@ @@itli st-eet.@. C)
-@-,Iice oT- ,i -,illa,-l c x c 0 e,
zi liuigiit o@@ t@qil,ty t 1 1 0 L
islied ele,,,Lttion of a dri-vewa-v @@ithii a visi-
@,.,ay ivitli tile encts oF tlie t@vo (2) ten (10) -,,loot
iiii s connc@ct,-,cl in a s L r@tiglit line to fol,n@ t'-ie
visibility trian,ll . 'I@lie thirly (30)-incii licil,lit
foi- any porlioii witliin -lie trian le hl b-
L @g s 't I -
coi,,ir)ttted froi,@i tlie clov@@ti.on of tlie drivc,,ql@, v.,hicii
is j)--ruoiidictii,,ii, t',) portiol of tqal'L (-I-
-Lrtictur@ @,"itliiii tlie
Oii riio-lioii by Vice %lavor T@ei-rell, secondcd [)v (:otincilman by r(@cord(,'d
vot-- as folloi@s:
Councibnen Joiiii A. BaLa, kol)ert It. (,'all@s, Ji-., l@obert B. Cromt,,ell, Jr.
Vic,e Nlayor George ii. Forrell, Cliarles IV. C!Li-,L,,er, John R. GriFfin, (@i,.tience A.
li,,)Il,uid, J. Henry @IcCoy, Jr., %],Iyor J. Cui-tis fltyne, Patricl, I.. St.,iliclin@, ajid
Floyd F,. @@aterfield, Jr.
,Nay-,;: i@Toite
sct,t: inone
Ci-t), Coiincil adopted @i resolution ol @ity (7,otiiicil f*or t@lie replacellienp of tlie
ol@f.icial zonin,@ i@ia-o
On niotion by Councilinin C;ardner, s--cond--d by (,ouncibnen Callis, and by record,?d
vote as follows:
,@yes: Councilmen Jolm A. Baum, 'Zc)bert fi. (:al -is, Jr., Robert B. Crom@vell, Jr.,
Vice ',Iayor Geor,e R. Feri@ell, Charles IV. circLi--r, John R. Griffi.P, Clarence A.
Holland, J. Henry NIcCo@,, Jr., Nlayor J. Cuitis Payne, Ilatricj,- ),. Stancling, and
FloyLl E. tvaterfielcl, Ji@.
@,@a),s: None
.,@I)sent: i\lone
As approved in the I-A 75 bud.,et, across-the-boai-d salary increases 1/2vere made to
all @oneral government err@ployees, effective 0(itober 1, 1974. In order to fun,-'
tlie-,;e salary increases, C:ity Council approved oii secold reaclin@ transfers
from tlie Reserves for Continencies accoLLnt ol- tlie General @und, and Water and
Se@@er Fund, and froin the res,,)--ctive surpluses o-L tlie (lity Gara@.e, Data Processin,l
2iid Pi@iiit Shop lvorking (.apiLal F@Lnd, to tli-- fcillo@qin.- cl,2partnient@al bud,.ets:
General Fund 932,776.71
Water & Sciver Fund 641,,D-02.88
City Garage '@"Forkin-@
Capital Fuiid 21,840.42
Data. Pro--essina Workin,
CapitEtl Fund 16,916.94
Print Shop Iliorking
Capit,ql f@und 2,241.00
Totai @1,038,277.95
On iiiotioii by Councilinaii Callis, s(@--ondc)d by 'i,!cCoy, and by record--cl
vote as follow5:
jkvcs: Counci.Lmen Jolin A. Baiun, Robert 11. (:a L] is, Jr. , Rob-@rt B. Cromilell, Jr. ,
vice Nlayor George ]Z. Forrell, Charles Gzir@t,-,r, John R. Gri.ffin, Clarence A.
Ifni]-,4iid, J. flenry @!ccoy Jr., ',Iayor J. Ctirti-,; I'ayne, Patrick L. StandiT,-,,, and
I:Ioyd E. IVaterfiel(t, Jr.
@jay,.: NTOTie
Absei-tt: i%lone
City Cotiricil appro,,,e(l oii second readin@,, a -Irmisfer of $68,384 from l@eserve for
Coii,-Iri,encies-Mas,-; T,@insi.t Operati.on, to covei an invoice roc:eived frori the T@,-Iewater
%tctro Fransit '3us Sci-vic,@
ll,:Is i,,, to covei- )t)eratiii@ for tlie p-,riod --rc@in Tiine 2, 19741
October 31, T,'@e t@.o l@-ser:e f@)r Contir,,en-ics a,lt,--
Oii mo,Lion by CoLLn,-i-llii@iii @@COIILI.-,Ci (@@,rclner, @.iiid 1)@, i,ec,@)rdect
vote as folloivs:
lk','Os: 4 @
(:Ouncilr!teil Joll[i '. 11,@ILUII, ROI)oy't fl. (iL i,;, i'loc)ert f,.
Vice llayor George R. l@erre Ll, Clliarle@ JoiLli R. C;rj f f ill, Cl arence A.
lioll:ind, J. Ilonry @IC(IL)V, TI @layor C@U i P,i@-iie, P,lt 'ic!, L. Stancliii,.,, and
F'@oyd F. IViterfield, i@,
,@ays: I\Tone
@ -@eiit: i\lone
(:ity Cotincil apl)r,ovecl T,. se@-ai@d readin,, qtLc,,St froiii Ll:c,, C@ly Tre;t.,@,tirc.,r to
1L@ Of
ITL\l 81
C,n rpotion by Vice @el,rull, secondccl, [,y ll,,)Ilaiid, aii(I by recorde(I
voto as follows:
,@yes: Counciliiien Jolin P,. Bai-L@,i, Roburt H. (@,a] I @L,, Jr. , l@ol)et,li B. Cromivell, Jr. ,
Vice @layor Geor.,e IZ. i:ei-rcli, Cliarlos l@. lier, Joliii R. Ci-iffin, (:Iaronce A.
If@:)Iland, J. Iteliry @IcCo,/, Ji,. , i,layor J. Ct-,rti@ PzLvne, Patric-@@ I,. Standin@, and
Flcycl E. Waterfic@L@t, fr.
Nays: None
Absont: PN'one
As stated in tlie 1974 bond I)a--ka@.e, t@%,o @,rants liave I)een awarded to the Citv ol-
l'ir@inia Beach for pt,ojects funded in tlio 19'4 h@,nd issue. The projects
invblved and tit--ir fluidin@ Lire @s ---Ollows:
Proj ect
NuT.,ib e i- Proj ect NaTiie Ftinds Ilrovi-led this Year
1974 Cliarter Bonds Grants
3-SO1 Public Safety Bui-ldin.@ $ 898,000 $212,000
,1-202 Ba@ville Parl, 200,000 375,000
Total $1,098,000 $SS7,000
In order to ensurc that su-@ficient funds aro available for eacli project, Cit),
Couii-.il approved on second reading an increa@e in estiinated revenues from the
Federal and State overmients of $581,000 ($462,000 From th- Federal gove=,ent,
a-@id $125,000 froni the Sta-@e go@,e=ent) ; aiicl ftir-th,-,r appi-o,.re on sccond re@id:in@.
t'n,o 1974 Capital il,oj--Ct 1"luld 'Ii)l)rODriatioi -t i-p-crousc,,d li@, a lil.,o Z',MoLLI-it
19,,OOO Foi- Pi,,)-iec, S@@, ::j
A@-es: Counciiir,,-,ii foliri BL'.Ml, illol)ert 11. Cal [is, ir. B. Croini,--il , Jr. ,
@@ice NIayor G--oi-ge R. l@ei,i-ell , (:Ii@irles i'@. Jolin R. C,, iffin, Claronce A.
floiland, J. flenry @%!cCo@, Jr. , @\I-Liyor J. CLii,tis ll,,-L c, Patrick L. S-1@tnlin.@, @rid
1:1@oycl E. l@laterficld, Ji-.
,@ays: None
ikbsent: ICoiie
City (@ouncil apl)roved on s--c@)nd rcadin@, zL trlnsfor of @60') fro.,n Reserve for Cop,-
tLn,oncies to the City Clerk's accolint #0170 to pi-c)vj@l,- @,,iiids for sallar@cs in
Iiis office to iluic 30, 197S.
11@l @7084
On j-,tjtiori by Vice %Iayor Ferrcll, socoiiclecl by (:ouncilman Callis, and by recorded
vot@- as follo@@s:
A),os: Councilmen Jolui A. l@aum, IZob--rt H. Cal.iis, Jr., B. Cror,,,@vell, Jr.,
George 111. 17errell, Charles @@. (lardiier, I,.)hii R., (@l@iffin, Clarencc, A.
iloilaii,l, J. Heilrv @\ICCO,@', Ji:. , @lavor J. C:ui,t is I)ayiie, Patric@- I.. Staidin,.,, wid
l@lo),,J -@,. @Vaterfi@ici, ir.,
@T no
Ab@;-Ir,t: None
In order to continlIC IJ,,Lt'tlCLpatloii by tlie (@itv Cowicil in tl,,o Southeastern Viiginia
@todel Pro,,raiii (S)@@jl,',!P), Ci,ty Council Lipp@-oved on second readin@ an
iiicteas of $3,300 .in -he Pirk-s ind Recrea-ioii bud,@et accotuit #@01500-to'financ-
@-c I)osition of CoordinzLtor of Senior Citizen Service Centers; and further al)proved
on -soconc-I rea-clill@ an iii--reaso of $8,300 in tht, -,'cneral Fund estimatcd revenue
-From,, tilu SEVA%IP Grant (Of@68).
a r@i,i c r
i-i@ all "I'l i e-@
7 7
i),ccordecl vote as @-allows:
A-N,es: CounciL7,--n John A. Robert fl- C@i -ii,;, -Jr., Rc)hert D. CroiTliell, Jr.,
R. @orrell., Charle,-; l@l. jc)hn @R. Cla!7ence A.
i.ce @liyor George I
c, o, Jr. @l:i@lor J. C@ t,,indin,, aiid
T@ . S
@.o r
,',@iys: -T
City COLLT-,Cil -Li(-Iopted "o
Oii rotion by Coti:,icili@iLLn CIllis, seconded '[)y rounciinian Iloll,@id, and bv recorded
vote, as fOlIO,@S:
i\vos: CoLuiciliiien John A. 1,aaii, RoberL Ii. Jr., R,)bcrt Ii. Cromi@ell, Jr
1. - @L@ -,'
vice tniavor Geor@,,e R. Ferfel.i, Cliartcs t"'. C;ar(iiiE@r, JolLn 1'. (;rilf in, Clp-,
11C)II@@uid, J. lierir-y illayor PLyne,
1,,1-oy(l T:
'iEaEAS J t'
2 1 2
@-i on
f'; y
T,,, rIl it" f
@,,Clt:i 0,1 n i-
14 0 c-, t or
City Cowicil adopted an Ordinance agreeiiig to vacation oF a I)art of the plat
entitled "Sul)diiision of Pircels X, Xi, XII, @Elf, XIV; Airport Industrial
Park-Baysid-.11 and to vacation of a plat ontitied "I@'@ibdivi,-,ion of Parcels XIT
& @VI; Ai@rt Industrial Park-Bavside."
ITD,l 7'087
On motion by Councilmm Gardner, secondc(l I)v (,) cilman N!cCc)y, @d by recorcied
vote as folloiis:
Ayes: Counciimen Jolin A. Llzrn, Robert 11. CLillis, Jr., Robert B. Crom@qell, Jr.,
%lice iNILyor George R. Ferrell, Charles Ili. Gl,li,6r,@t', J,)@,ii I'@. Gri@@fin, Cla-once A.
Hc)lland, J. Henrv @@,cCov, Jr. i@!,,iyor J. CLI-C@ IS @',@ivne, Patrick L. Stanclii)-@, and
N@iv-@: inane
C I L LtiicL-L l@ :@df]:LL
tlie Conmor-@iealth of Virginia in c)i-@l.r to ob@ciiit iiec(,s,-,,qry nei-inits foi@ con-;tructi.on
of a fc)rce itiaiii tuider IZoute 44.
-L 4 OL:to')et
City Council adopted an Ordi-nance agreein., to vacation of a part of the plat
entitl--d "Subdivision of Parcels X, XI, Xil, ),flI, Xlkl; Airport Industrial
Pai,k-Bayside" mid to vacation of a plat entitled "Subdiv.@sion of Parcels )a,'
& @-1; @rport Indus-Irial Parl,,-Bayside."
ITF,%l #7687
On Tqotion by Councilmail Gardrer, secondeci by C:Ouncil.,iian i',IcCoy, and by recorded
vol@e as --Ollows:
-,@ves: Coun-ilmen Jolii A. BaLo, Robert H. Calls, Ji@. , Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
@l'-Lce @@layor George R. Ferrell, Cliarles I'@. John l@. Griffin, Clarence A.
1-,(,1 land, J. Hen-rv Jr., \[,ivo- T. Ctirtis P,,itricl.,- I,. Standin@, @d
ovd T-. Ei
tlie C'oiTrion,.,Tealtli of Vir@inia @ii ord@r to obta@@t ri,-,r@essztr-y p--i-mits for constru,@tioi-I
of a force maii tinder ilolite 44.
V -Cl@
f I j 'I T G TA
0:7 -T -T-Y -
T', i )F
I)v Vic@,@ @'av, l@ secoi@
)v ar@@d by
A)@c6: CoLincilmen JoILi A. @t@im ,Zol)2rt ii. Cii I is, Jr. PObert Croinivell, Jr.,
Vic,,@ "layor George R. Feri,ell, Ciiarle--; TV. GarcLner, Jolin R. Criffin, Clli@cnce A.
T. HP-nry 'Itc(:o)-, T ., ,@ziyor .7. C@irtis Pal-ne, Patrick L. Stiii,:Iin.-, ard
i@. l@aterfield, Jr.
Cit@, Cc)uncil apprc)vcd on first reidiii,4 tii- folloiqinIT OrCinance to aj.,.erid and re,-)rdain
@z'03 oi- th@--, c,@ lie C@l@,@
Be@ic'i i@clatin,, to ,;T)ecial
for I,,L)rtLc -tirai., Lc)r(!s@L o,, o[)erl sp@tcc, real esta-Le.
U, 1) y ci ty
Al,; OP@'.)T @C O"DI17'.",C--
@O 0 "@L-) i'-, 0-4,' 2,@T 11 0- V I@-I
('T '@T
O;, ci?
El-, IT !JY C@:)UFCIL O" CTEY C@ B CT@l,
BL,ac'ii, V-7-r,-inia, is as fo@i!0,7s:
1. TL-ie Ci--y o@- VI-3-- -n-La -D.@ac!Ll ii is L'El,@t orc-)s@,2--vatiop, o@'
2:c,al cstate clovo.'--O@, tc) aiicl
space uses -1/2-7iti-iir) it:s !L)our,.Ciarics i-. ii-i pu-idlic i@i@-c,-rest Lind, havi-,,I-
hereto---ore adopced q land-use plan, c)rCa4n,,; t-!-,,at slicil rec.1 es'Z-L,lt()
sl-iall be ta.,,cd in accorearice N-7it',i L:@Lle !,)-@C)VSlol-ls 0,@ I,rticle 1.1. o@@
Cliapter 15, ol- Ti-Lle 53 o-@ tLic Cocic oj7 -,nd c)-[ t@iis ore@inaiice.
2. (a) 'flie o@7nor o@- atiy real esL,@Lc,, P,--ct:in,,- 11-hc! criteria set
fo----Lh in 5'0-769.5 aiid 5@0-769.7 (b) o--- t @-- CoCtc-, ol- Vir-ini-a @usL
-For on -Li-ie ',)asi-,,, c)@- a use essess@.ent -Lo t,ie
r,-eal Estate @',,ssessor ',)V onc fo,
sLc',l -La::a-L@,-on is soLl@-.14@.
Such applicotio@,i s'Liall be on p-@o-q4lclcd ])Y tl-i--
i-,ienL or- Ta-.,aL-,*-on and supplied by t,i-- CiLy rcal Es-Late Z,,ssessor an-,'
siiall inclu@,e suc'li sc',ied,-,Ies, p,ioto,,rap*ls, @,ral@7in-s anl additional
in.--or @,iti-on as may ',)e 'L)y L-'iic Cit:,,@ -Tieal Estate, '@ssesso---.
r i 0 S 1'7
acr,---,-e OIF- SLICII O,--c L;
Z@ Se,,?ara-Lc @ilc-,O, @or eaci-i use !@ii
qLi,@lific,it@,-on i-s
3. P,-oT-,ip,--Iy ul)c)n rcc@li,)t c@
tlie prop2rty mer-@L,,@ t'tle cri@'
:-@l @,a -ion --!ic i@;@
lcli silail deter,-.line t@ic@
a r
opo@-,- j-_y f- !:S L, s o Is @7,11 as its f i
-iri@et valuc.
-citer a
in determini,,i,l tfle SLI, @i-ct i)-,--op-,rty -,,,l cts the c
'IEI opininil fro,., thc Di,-,eCtDr
or Lc)-rest i-ise" Cll(-, assc@@,sc)r illav
C);- 07
Ci.eteriiinin- ti@le su@I)jcct propcrz:y q,! th- ci:iteria for "ope-Li
s-,)acc use" 'nc, riay reiuosl ar.. opinion I-rom t'le Directc)r O' the CO,-Onlissi-on
re@-uscl o@ th-- Director of tile Depart-
o@ Outcioor !?.ccreati-on. U on
men- 0- ConservLlt-ion an6 Econoaic Develop@Ll-_nt Or tl-ie Di-rector of tLle
co'L@rqission of Outcloor Rec-,ceFtion to isi@ue --n opinic)n or in the evel't
o@ an Ln'@avo.@able oo5-iiion @@ricLi does no, @oripc)rt @,7ith standards se-@
ctive director, tl-ie ,)ar-@y a,,ri,-ved may s-ce'L@- relief
fort',i by the respe oc,
I -rccor(3- er@in tLie r(@al estate in ql'estion is lo--ated,
't-ro-,n any court of
and in t'Lie cvent: tbat tl,,e court .-,-n ilis favor it I'@lay issue an
order wtaicii shall serve in lieu of an opinion ]Eor the purposes oi: thi-.@
4. The use value and fair m,-,rl-lct value of any qualiy-yin@. property
shall be placcel on ti-,e land boo!-, befo@-c, delivcry to tlie treasure,: anc-I
the tax for the next succeedi-n@ tax yoa-r sliall be extended -@rom the
use value.
5. T,iore is hereoy i,--iposed a -roll-bac!4: tax, in sucli amount as
r-o@.2 53-769.1-0 joon any property as
,,@y be Vi
t:'Lie usc c@,an@--s tc)
sliall repc)-r 3c)--, on to be pa:escriL)ed,
t to tno ],CEJ
lotill clian-c in -ti- use o@ s@ir-ii ro a nc)n.LciLi@ilifyiri,@ LISE. T,@e
L I -
-1 I @ -,, Ietermine and assess t,-Ic roll-b,,
slL@ll b- @aid to t:h@ c z-i s t I r c,, 3, r! cts
fail,t-,,-@ :'@l re-Dart: N7@6t"7n si-','-y 01 ',7
Lis2 ;LICI-i
y ',L I tO
-iall -L) C, I (i , - I
o-II711e,- S, la I-Cli
o@F t:,,ic a@ot-in-I 'clie T.)-Dalt:y shaj-l @t)c
collect--@l as a p,-,--t C)@@ Ll,.c@ Li@:. In i-oll to sL,--Ii j)-nalty,
is )n -f,r 01@ tlic-- alIC)LIL-it: C)L@- tile
-La-,; L-or eac@,i oi,
L'i ]-- 0 cci I I'Ll -- s
('L) iiny p--@@--,-@on C)- t:
21',L F c n
any application filecl T@Li-i-s,.,ant l,lezeto !)e f,)r all ta.,es,
in such anounts and a,.- suc"i as i-L prop(,-a:ty @IZ-1ci bc-,en assessc!cl
on L'Lle 7Dasi-s o@@ I-ai-r valL.,-- iF, "o estate in
tl-.e ta.,-.in, jurisdict@Lgii, and tliereoli,
aricl 'L-Le s@all be @-Lirti-ier a@sessed @iitli @,i p@nlity ol- C)II-@
hundred per centui..l o.f-- suc',! un,@aid taycs.
7. The provisions o.L@ Title 53 o@@ tlie Code of Vir-inia applica'ole
to local levies and real estate assessm@@@it eiid ta@.atic)n sh@@ll be appli--
cable to assessricnts and ta:,ation ',IerOU"Clel: l@lut-,ndi-S i-ncILidin-
igithout limitation, provisions relatin- Lo ta@: liens and tlie correc-@ion
of erroneous assessnionts, ancl -or suc", T)urposr-s 'L-he roll-I)ack ta,"es
s'Liall 'De consieler--d to L),-, e@e-l@errod real esta-le ta,:es.
8. This ordinance shall 'c)e effect-ve @-or all ta,,@ years be-itinin-
on and a@--te-,c January 1, 19'1,3.
Adopted by tlie Co@i,-]--i-l OL@ t'ii-c Ci',@@,- o@- Bea-,i, Virginil
ts to au-.1-io---ity of tlie City to e stalili-: @Li--Ii assossm--nts, see, Code
of Vir,ini-1, Section 5'@'l-7@ol.1.4 -lo
@@it,@rf c! d
-ient: '@on2
(@@-tV rOLMCil acio,,)tecl @L,-,ienl @lici r,:,,'ain Section 22-2,i-/'
th-, Code oE tlo Cit,, to zib@,l@lon@d
T@ i 17
a,;- -'In-, c-' a[iy c s@ic"i
suc ci @ct-711s, -L,,nc2s L, -3 7 as -@o
-1 o
c z c @z-ie r C'-l r n L- i'l D i@ lac!.
.7s a c!,i:re,,i@-
-Lac@-s Li
C,jl 3-
LIS,2-3Cti L I-) E, a-,,] i-,i i S7)ecq
C) ii
y ci Ll
o C) o o
c 14 rD@ Oc@ober
i . , , ii )L
c, ilire;@ 0: @t @;j t I 1
Cit,,, Cn,,uicil. approvod th-- foLlo,,@iri,. ordiiiaii@ vo@@ers on ap,,)Iication for
,-@ica' ioii uid c@r 'i nortion o' (@5, ii, Ilciii-@ t)t@i\,o acljicc -v
rit to
S',Ic,res, in
OF' V ((.)I%' @1 N" i'@ @'P( @l-,\ i""@C, V fi-WERl))
Ai\ ()]'T)i -,,\--\-('EAlli,Oi ri F@N-CT
1,C)it v@, 10j.\
CON-l'INU.AN('E Of,' A i '('R-CION O@l,' ('i@ "E
-L,x @ N I
S110i' FS, [ill L,YNNI , I T@] 1. BORO[JGH, IN "HE
WIIEREAS, p,,irsuani to the @,utlior@itv [herefor contained in, anci i@i
a(@corda.nce witli flic- rna@irier prescribe(J f(@i, the ins!.itu@i,,)n of proceeding,9 for
the vacation of a sti-eet by, ('ode of Vi-girtia, SS15. 1-364, there has this lay
been presented to the C@)uncil of the City )f Virginia Peach, Virgi.nia hereinafter
called tlie Council, tlie applic,.ation of Tlio@tias V. l,eonard, Charlene D. Leonard,
Albert R. Asercic)n, Susana C. Asercion, Hilda I\/Targaret Allerl, ArthLir G. Allen,
Anne S. Allen, WilliLLm G. Broome, l,ucila L,. Broome, John H. W. Roper,
,Alary V. Roper, Ceorge C. Reid, Christitia D. Reid, Claire D. Forster,
Robert M. Forster, Barbara E. Ehrenzeller, Chester F. Ehrenzoller, Ozzie
Stivers, C.'heryleen Stivers, Jerry W. Stalcup, Karin Stalcup, Ruth E. Canaan
ancl Gerald C. Canaan, hereinafter calle(i the Applicants, for the vacation
and discontitiuance of a porti.-.n c),@ (@ape Hi@nry J)rive a@Ijacent to Cape Hent-y
Sliores, in the Porotil,t-i, iri tlie of Bc,,acil,
inore particularly hereinafter, (heL,einaft@@r caileci the slreet), and iri
(i@ii iti @. vi c@, V S;,t, ei
atid report to the Cotincil thoir opinion @vll,,th(-,r any and if any, what,
inconveni(-,nce. wouli r(-,stilt from discontinliing the sl@reet; and
--FIZ 1@',\S. i,,i c,onfor-triity witli l@lle r)r,esc,-ribecl by saicl
se(,tic)n at lezst t(,t) day@@ rt,,)Lice r tl,,@ ,tr)plicaLic)n has been posteci
aL ifoli,,,e of ft,, Beacla,
Virginia, and at t@vo pliblic pla(',es it! ti,@ i v )f Virginia 13each,
I @ @@, ""', , ,
NOW, TIIEREP,'ORE, Br, I T tliat in conformity with
the procedure set. f(),.tlt iti Co(!-- of Vir,,,Inia, 15. l-'@64, for the institul@ion
and conduct of prc)ceedings for the va-Lttic)rt of i st,eel, Ceor.,o I,.
- iianbury ancl Williar,, '@li. i:leiiiing, Jr, a,d- Cliarles C.
-Carrin.@ton be, ancl tliey hereby are, appoi ited VFE-@IERS to
view the street and report in writirig tO tl'F@ ('011-ric:il oil or b(@fore the
day of -1 1974, whether, i@i Llie,*@r opinion, any and if any,
what, inconveriience wc)uld t@esult fi-oiii d@@,,contitiuing the same; and that
further such viewers be, and they herc-by arE@, allowe(i Lhe sur--, of $
eacli for their servi(.es, S,.tch sut@-is to be paid to such viewers on or before
1 1974, by ttic., al)pli--ant.
The Street is described as follow@;:
The soutli 251 of Cape Henry I)riv@2 from western ed-@e
of Ken@ Street to the western ecll,e of Lc)t 150 ("ape Fleni-y
Shores (.ki. 13. 64, P. 1 &- 2) ex,,.el)L the port@o-n tiliere-of
within First La,@ldin', Lane.
I'FL@l L'691
Gi,. motion by Vice NiaYor Feri,ell, seconded blv -ou.,iciLpar. Hollti,-d, qnd by recorded
@,o@.e as folloiTs:
C:Oijncilf,.Ien T 1111 Ba@,@
tce 'la@,'ur C@.eor,.T
J. Henry %IcCc)@,, Jr., Nlayor J. (@urtis Pavno, PLtfic., L. Stmjing, and
--kbseiit: inone
@,ir. Pic',I,eel appe,@ired r,-,presenting tli-- applic,,ait.
C@ty CotLIcil Voted to it)-)rove the Ordin@irce cLoc-;i@n,,, vacut.@ll,,, and discontinuing,
a cortain sectioii of i str--et located i,@i tlie flav@ill, (Clevel-
Tj Fl!" r, j-
St@ 0
L,, ,;i OF
C rp
lie rl 0 C4
CoUnCil Of J:@;, @:41,, O@ 'o avc
o li-@, c @,2 d. ,,a,@a@f-,d aid ,isco,@@inued
i -,pi)l-i,@aLioz ,a.3 Cit,, -,'Iinnin, ard
to tl,,e Ci@y CO!",@-L!, 3,@i, D,,irsuaTi@ L@u 'L@@ s,-at:u,lcs @-n such case.,3 Pade and
provided, 'appoiptod Vi-,-i@r, -,;Iic) lizi,,@e ceporteci t@,, Cautic@l
-L@i,,ac tio or L@) pr;,,@at:o ii-,dividuals wottld r,,sul@.
rO,-@l SULil voca@i,,,@l, a.,Id
it is of the @:oti@icil tha'@ th@ sa@.@,' str,@t.
or sectior,@ be .,icatc,l tad discontitaued;
h@ it f.Y COU@,@CIL OF T-@l@- CITY O@-
Sec@io@i 1. i'f @iccLio-.i o
f @'-ie sa,'@,l SLreet: dpscribed b2lo@,
located iii iay.-,i,2.2 c)f the ity o'l- Vir,iiii Baacn, Vi-r.-,i.nia, !.c
hereby .,a,-at:el aic@ sejtic),i of said sLre-@i: ],,)t
01 :@j@
?@6, 197L,
(:LOIK,s lo@,)k 7, tL pa-@-e
KELLA,M. A, 1--ii
p @-,i -@
AT 1,11
2: T[iit: t@-4-rti (i@l'is d"ILe a capy of this
OrO@Liia,.icL:, @@orlified b,,, Lli- Cler'l-, b- spread upc)@ tlil ptiblic records in
C l@
ri,@-iiLler as al e ,3 @l- 1 ,ii-, L@ne Cit, o@- @@acii as
-,,racitor a-,i@, Investi-,tent
Cocporati-o,.i. -i s an t o, e
.-.-El. A@ L.W
l@.RFOL., IA.
(iii Eio L ion by Cowicilifn@l C;rif i in, seconcl@l i)@, LITI.@LN (@a* cln,l r, aiicl by r@co r@,od
vnto @)@ folloi@s:
A,,i-,F,: Col-mc-iLfil-ii jolin A. liatu,.i, Rc)'L)-,rt H. B. (,ror@twell , Jr.,
v"ce %Iiyor Goer,e l,,. Ferrell, ChLiries (31,-, ffili, Clarence A,
"@@,'=d, J. fleilry Jr., "@"Yor Clirl-i- il@i% ie, I)aLric',- I,. S'@iDcli,, rid
FLo\,d E. lVaterf-ioLcl, Jr.
(@oupcil @illproved tlie i,eco7iliendatic)iis t@,e
to rep se
clcl@ztiro, rti(,,ii o[ I)rive in
A PORTIO,-\4- O@' C,2,-17"i@IOOD LIRT71E, LIi" LYTT.,NF.@@!FN BOROUGH, CIT7@'
G--,' VI,@G-INIA BE-PICE!, VlaGI'@,'-A.
'@iEREAS it i-s the jud@ji,.en" -o-F the Co,,,,-,cil that a
cartain porti-on c)@- se-i-d Cireen@,7cc,,(-] T@, :,,le shol.ild h@, closed, vacat--d
and discontinu--d:
Sec-lion !: That that port4.on ol@ tl,@@ ,ai-d street
known as Greenwood D-ive an@ locate@. ci'-@ the City of Virginia
Beach, Virgi-nia, as hereir,.after i-s I,-ereby closed,
vacated and discontinued as a nubiic s"ree-I i-n the C;-ty of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, sa4-d corti-on of said street not being
needed for publ,'-c u-@e or travel:
toge-@h--r .7i-,h the thereor. ai-if.
the aTDo,,ir-erztnc-@-s th-rei@,n"o 1%,,incT,
enti-Ile(l, "PL,',T @iTD7-i;INC@ A'! E)
BEACIi, VIRC!i,!'L'A" ,lated Feb--@iar@, 1972 a@id prepared
by ZTarsh & Basg-,--r, Cons@iltiii@; -@ticii.neers-,S,,Irv,--y(-@rs,
Vir@inia Beach, Vi-rginie,, ard r,@co-dcd in -lie
Clerk's Ofl-ic@e- oL@ th@- -c)urt of Lhe
City o@ V4-,-g4,-4 a @E2ach, Vir,-.4
n i.,,I, 4@
90 at @)Tig2 4C,, a,, -@ollc)ws, L:
To es@ablish a point of
a" th-- poi,it of o" t',-,, @3ou--hc-ast
the parcel deS4anated on said plat
as "E.7\S'P@loOD VII,L-,,@ 0.364 A,.crE.-',
and the -v,eL5te--,l cf
as shc%qn ori said pla--; aii,-i 3L-,f cl p @) i a
o@- bec@i.iinina tht,s establi.s@@@
45' 00" l@'. a 10 i:e@t- Et i@o@
.- c ) -.nc.;
thence con'l-i@l,ui@ig S. 77' 45' OC,," E,., @l @,4 L@tapce
of 40.00 feet -,c) a DC,-ilt -,,.n
cf Dr'@ve; c
corner of Greenr,,c,,)@ nri,ie a@ o-,, aiC,
plit; 2@1-1,2nc-c S, 62@ 42" A d-'-staiic,@ o@
12.93 f@@-t to a th@nce -@. 5-1- 53' 2@"'
W. a distance of !!-.96 fee@@ to a @c,,int; f-heiic@-
conti-nU4 ng S. 57@ @-,3' 22" d.-'-s"anc_-
13.99 fae" -la a Poi-nt; 15' 00"
lq. a dista--ca ol- 1-02.95 a r,aint, t'-IEI-
point o@ bc-clii.nn;.ng.
Section ii: Tha-@, th4S Or @nance shall be in effect
from and after t-ir-Ly (30) d@avs -@he date of 4-ts adoptic)n.
,__-,,)PTED by -@he Couii,@i"L o-F --hi Ci-@-v of V,'-r--iiia B,-,acii,
Virgin4-,-,- on
,tato tll,(t
1)0!,tio'l of 0jit@t ,@flue i@VCIILle)
O" -,711@CI@;IA BEACH
@7HE@,,AS, Proper notic@ that CAIIL-AI,4D lq. LAYTON, receivei7
for Lake Joyc@ C@rr)orat-ior , @,,o!l.l.d m@@e aoplicati-on -lo tli--
'City Courcil of the City of Virgir@i-a B@ach on August 26, 197'
I'to have the hereinafter described street closed, vacated and
discontinued as a Dublic street 04 the City of Virginia Beact,
i,i,@ias duly posted at -@he Courthouse of the Circuit Court of the
City of V4-rginia Beach, Virginia, on Augusl@ 13, 1974, and at
two public places in -,he City of @'irginia Beach; and
I,IHEP,EAS, said application was P,.ade to -,he Council and
pursuant to the s"atutes in such cases made and provided the
Counci-1, on August 26, 1974, which was more than ten days after
said posting ol- sa4@d notice, appointed George L. Hanbury
William iV. Fl--min,, Jr. and Charles C. Carrin@ton
as viewers -lo report in writing wl@,,@th--r in "heir opinion, any
and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuing
the same, and said viewers have m@de said report to the Council;
WHEREAS, -,he land propri--tors affected thereby, along
said street proposed to be closed, vacated and discontinued
strcet should b-@ closeC,,, v,)@,a@l,,@ci ,,id discoun',--@-nued:
1. 'Phat a portion of Cc@ronet Avenue (formarly @,,@ayne
Avenue), Daysi,-Ie Borough, Virgini@@ --each, Virgi',Iia, as herein-
after describect, is hereby cl,.sed, v--(2,it(@d alnd discontinued as
C@AP,LA,'iD M. L,@YTO'i !@
-,he City of B,-ach, Virginia, said
a public street of
il street not being needed for ise and travel:
ALL THAT certain por'ioi of that certain street
known as Coronet Pvenue (formerly Wayne Avenue)
in the Chesapeake Beach area, City of Virginia Beach,
Virgi.ni-a, described by -eferonce to a certain arrended
riat) o@ Chesape@ike Shores, Blocks I and 3. Said map
being-recorded in th- Clerl,'s Offi.ce, Circuit Court,
City o@- virgi-nia Reach, Virgini.a 4-n Map Book 9, Page 61,
sai.d street furt@ie- d,-,st-z-ib,-d on plat of Parcel 42,
in Map Book 54, Page '-)5, said portion i-s forty (40)
fee' in width, and anproxii-,a-lelv 100 feet in length,
17iiio b@twe@n th@ @i of Plea-,ure "Ioiise POad
an(d @,,estern sid@ o" th@ Cliesa,-,cake Bay pridge
2. That this Ordiriance shall be in --ffect from and
after thir"y (30) days I-ropa di'--c. of its adopti-on.
I ask for tliis-.
Garland M. Layton,
Receiver for Like Joyce Realty Corp.
Garland M. Layton
Attorney at Law
1510 Pleasure House Road
P. 0. Box 5211, Robbins Corner
Virginia B--ach, Virginia 23455
All-@1F.' A@
,)El illo@1031 1) (:OunciLiiLii@ sc,,conded b@, (loiLfiQ-- iiii@iri (@a!Iis, and by recordecl
vote as foliolqs:
e, s Councijnien John A. Baini, l@obert [I. Laiit-,,, j! Robert B. Croinwel.1, Jr. ,
%,-ice 1.1,-iN or (7,0,orge l@. Fori,c,, I I @V. Gardn(,, r "olui l@. (,I-if f in, C] arence A.
ITOII,iii@l , J. fieni7/ t%lc:Co@,, Jr., J. Curti-,@ 1',,itrdcl,- I,. S@din-, and
recoil@T!EIciel oef@l,r the
o@ S51,'57.-,4 be accepte ill of tl)c@ l@t;,,ation I)ciii,, carried oil tlie
1-1I ci @-
@@at,.@2r oi the settlei@ierit for o,,,e,c:liar,e riiade t)v coiiit)aiiies.
C-*@t@@ Council voted to accept the selltle@netit iii t!@(', of tlie C@t.,;t li@on Pil)--
-@Lldc@ -i'rust Liti.@ation.
Cin j-.iotio-@i bv (:ouncilmin Callis, secoiided 1))7 (lotiiicil!-i,,in C;arclner, and by recorded vote
as @ollo,,@s:
-Ayes: CoLLicilman John A. Baum, l@obort 11. Cal i @i s, Jr. , l@obort l@. Cromivell , Jr.
%@ice @layor George R. f@errell, Charles Gardn@r, JoiLli l@,. Griffiii, Clarelice A.
"Oll@xid, J. Henry iNIcCoy, Jr. , Nla),or J. Curtis Palvii,,, @latricl,, L. Standir,@, and
FloN-cl E. lvaterfielcl, Jr.
Na@@s: -@one
l,bsciit: @' rie
Ci-I'@' (@o@)T,@cil @iclop@@ed the @'ollo@qip,@, OrdinLiTico to create tlic (iity of Virinia Beach
,cc,--,,ational facilities @%lithor't@
I "'TI Vi2:@i,@.ia,
, @iL7u-A3, "@'IrC41 @ -' _ - 4 4
-,2 3 L 'I ,--@r4 ie o -
-,3 1-1 -An :3
T 17[-.' 'r?IA
_L IIV_ I-ITY 0- 'T - ; ,
--E '@T -tiY T'T-VL C013-,icT@7- OF :,ElE
C7 -17 !A ZA("4,
on I . ; r @ r @ - i@
!Z f,@, riia 7@ef,,C
-r' @,r
L 3
a) T,ie m--
L -,Q
o@@ Virgin4-.a -3each
i's pri,-,C-'@Pal
ia V-;--@'.iia z@aci,
'Ir@ to 'lie Publ-*- @,,r@a@@ional
L %.-- - -1 '4 -0,4
s A u
-e o;@
as amen6,,,ad) t *,i A
T',i e @D a,: 4-n c'L -.ica@- subdi-,risiol
ty o F \7@ r@i, ;-.,a cl 'l-r@4 tia.
be k,'@,2rcised hf a
04: T ha a r@p- s a s 3 @,-. a,-i d t -- r 0 f 0
rirs if 3 C)@ he r,,D 3 'II arZ 'l 3 OT-7S
i-a@Tt c:. za@all nuar7
nua@--- 1 7 7
P. Kin@. acgina La@,- J-ir.,:ari 1, 1977
L. Bonne,7, )r. illc@ 17
Bryait, j---. 11-anuary I 19
@@iire-Chairman V;rg nia la.
@ I
Ja,T,e, J. t@yden I:;37 j@er@-4-eld Road Januar,7 It !?79
Ctlai-.@n V'
f M
'd 31
t,iat ait -4
idro, -I-ed -o ::4 serv@ onl,,,
er3 @g @ia C
-9tall be reimbursad
amunl- -rs;?3
3,e 3
-ci-3a -ny or@
n c
@,C t
t@iesa A--t:'-c"a,3 0-@
3 t 7, 3 ti @-,by :?ppoin ted '13
r t e t"
v@ x; 3 tance r- a -erm Of
c o n @,nd @,ffect
S--ction 2. A 1-i:?!-d 0-ri thi3 o-cdi@iance
a-- the Council -!Ln,@-ci-,oa-- Virginia Beac@,l, Vir-.i-@14a,
o- z@ioveribar 4, 1974.
Section 3. Tha Ci--y Cle--k i-3 her,,@by authorized and directed
a cody o7-; t@.ii3 ordii-,ace --o b@ Olibli3.iad )ne time not le33
t@'i c.!ayi P--ior hear4--i@
a 3@?.ic@.i ',-n, i @,-.-q33aD@r
-Y @afl y a
_I:)-ice 3,lb
.,.otica i3 i-,,,:?r@by of -h@ cty o,
I W;
a @@,eacl. n i a
11 tiold a puc)lic at 2:00 P.@f.
c@i qo,,7pmbe- 49 l@974, a-L the k-,ounc4-l -,,5,lnicipal Canter,
Beach, c)n @-he @-@o,-3ed set forth below
to @reate '-he C,'-,,, -,'--rg4nia ---ac@l L,-'@ora' @ac;lities
o ty.
l@icli@rd J '@i-e
C@itv CierR
0-i ii,,uti.on by CounciijiIL411
@)v Vj(:,-, @errcll, b)@ recurl:ed
vo@o as :,@(Dllo@@s: I
A;,es: T,,Iui A. B@,t,@7t, llobert il, Ca@i @s, Jr., l@ol)ert 13. Crom@,@,11, Jr.
Vi.ce. ,Iayor (-,eorgo l@. lort,ell, Cil,"i-les 1"'. (-,ar-c@i'c", Jo'iii Cl,@,I','enL:e A.
0 an@
J. flenry Jr. , %!,,tv r J. P,,ti@ic
f@.lovcl IVaterfie@ld, @r.
-\a)@s: None
-'@,'-,s nt: @one
a) Ri-ver-toEl Civ@c '.ea,,!-ie
b) Xi Alplia Lw-i5da
F@ota Si(,,Tila Phi.
IT,@l 97
O,-i Riotion by Counciliiiin Griffin, secc)ic-l@,.d I,,v otLicilri!@Lli HOIL,,;Lld, and recorJed
vote is follows;
Councilmen Ifohn A. BaLun, llof)ert fl. (.@allis, Jr., Rol@ert B. Croriwell, Jr.,
Vico i%iayor George R. Fer-roll, Cliarles 1"'. ('@arctter, Jo@i !Z. Gri-Ffin, Clarelice A.
11@lland, J. Henry i@IcCoy, Jr. , i@layor J. Cur-, is Ila@-fic, Phti-ick I,. Sttndin,@, iilc-l
Flovd E. I,,'aterfielcl, Jr.
,\bs--tit: None
Chesapeake Beach, Section 4, Gravity Sewer.,;. -fhere were ten bidders on the proj@ect.
l@ sti@rnittod by Vi.r,i.nia Caro@Lina
Co?ltractors, Inc. The Iiigh I)id iias $788
I 36i.:'-@. E t,,niated cost was 314,000. lile
ic)@,,, b-i-d ivas $57,425 under the estipiate.
City Cotincil recomnended that low I)id be accop-Led in the a,?,oLmt of $2S6,S75, and
that 10% be added for c.,igineerin@, -@,ici cont for a total cost ai),)ro,,7al
of $282,232. Ftincls are ava.tlalilc in bo@-id ac(:c,unl@s.
IT@il @7698
On r.,,otion by Counciiiaii IVtterfield, seconded ty Council-iitLn C,@irdnor, zind by a
re-orded voto as follows:
Aves: C@ouncilmen jolin ;k. Bai-n, l@o).-,-t 11. 7r. B.
.,i,-or Geor,,e l@. @7et,c LI, (:Iiar!o-; @r,
Ji,., @'@avor j. Cu,,L;s I)ayne, i'aul'iC!
@',s CoLincil is aware, pl,]-n@, and specificati,ons for tlie consti-uction of (,,id ',)o-Tlatio;,,
beti@,-een Great Neck Road @ind f@-irst Colo-,ial load liai,,e b--en completed.
Sept--ritber 27, bids i@,-,re i,occived froiri fotii@ --oritractors. '@Varren Brothers Coi,@ipany
the low bid of $646,840.45. Tlae I)id Aa-,; $942,302.50. I'he
estintated cost of construk-tion was $70@0,000. (@,onseque-@itly, the l@arren Brotb---rs
I)ld i@as $59,149.SS lo-@s tlaa,,i tlio estin,it"o.
Cdt), Co,,Licil approved tlic lo@v bid of @Var-,-n Ei,others Coiil)ziny b-cause of tlie ri,llit
-)f ii@y @Lcquisitioit, a!ld contin-on@-es, tlie torii 1)rojoct is estin,,ate(I all
zi co-;-- of $819,027.
I I I-' ;7@ ) @iq
1,@iida Le,lier, of I,-rieii,.is Sc:llo',)I, brou,-,Ii-l @,@ ii ti lipr @t fcn@ of Ii r -,tuclelit ,, to
discti-s tlio l@ossil)ilitcs C)f -,;@tviii@, tlie Old (@av@il
Payno, statoci tl,@at h@-- apl)roc@,ited l@Irs. l,oxi,-,r Lui@t lier stud,-,rits Eor coiiiina. doi,,n
to COLLI il. lle IIS() stated tliat lie diclii't see @vlizii (,@ouicil could clo tlie
1)1'0@)-rty @@as pl,ivately o,.,,,ii--d; @ct tliat (]ic o1/2,iier@ @@oLtIct to I)e Ippro@ic-ii(,d.
1'1'(31 -@ 7 l-, @'t)
L:OLI:l ilillan J. @teiirv ',IcCoy a [)etit@oii, @i, ited 1)@,, c)f Keiii@)-,;vi LIC'
reg:,,rd;n, tlie conditi(,n o@ cortaii) road 7i @viiicti lie l@o
Th,-@ Ciny "'c)uiici
City C)f
We tlie und--rsi@,ied residen'@s o-@ ',ie 1,@OX slib-
dev,-Io,)m.ent of Cil-v re-
spectfully dra,,,; to voar a@Ltertior, @;i-@ cDILlition
-1@\711@,ROOK COUP,-, !)ARLY ROAD ini '@\"LBOP.O DPIVE. Since
th-- '-nlltial
_; of tilese iloiles dc-,P-Ioper,
C-,rolan:,.e I-ast has r@fuse@l '@o wit',A
pave @licise str.@:@ts. Cjli,;ecuertl-:7, @qe Ltla res@deits @ire
,Ieni-ed free ac@ess to olir hom.23 m,inv are rc)c provi(led
@4*@th m-,;-l serjice after Pian-,r T,,ontits o@ o,-,cupancy.
,%s our eloct,,i "a tllzi-, vou- exer-,
every effort to req.uir, ttie develo,,i-@r to irovi,',t! paved
roal@ as is requirc,.d in Iiis bon(io-d pe,;-for!,,.Inc@ -u.-aran'ee.
Al"tei- roading the petition, C ,incilman J. H--nf@, @\lc(-'oy, r. lioted that Ile had O@iscussecl
tlie siib@ect oE the petition @,itE City O@f@cial3 hall been a-;sured th-it tlie stioiect of
tlie pe'L.iti-on would be giver, i@li.,,--dia-te attecitioii.
ITi@l "@ 1701
Couciiiiian i@obert B. Croni@,Tell, Jr. indicated tliat ilayoi, J. Curtis Payne had iianied hiin
as chaii-Diaii of a comlmitto-- @-o conduct iie@.oti@itions ivith the I)ei)artment of tlie NIvy
a.nd De,lartf,--nt of the Ai-my, in tlie iqatter of a-Iter,,,,itin, to excli-qnce 83 @icres of lan(I in
the Groei il@un area for 160 aci,es of land, iihicii a-tc,, I)art of -Lhe f@ort Story @rmy
reservat@o,i, in an effort to i.iidlice tlie inavy to coistruct tlie proposed 600 liousing
units @is Creen Rwi, and permit tl@c 1-ort Story acrea(.,e to revert to tlie City of Virginia
Beach for ptfblic recreatioral aid pliblic pool use.
Councili-,iaii Cromwell adarised that the negotialions @vere procee@ing satisfactorily, blit
req-u.estcd that the City Council, by vote, in@licatc(l its sttpport of tlie tems of the
and authorize tlie cortnittee to procced.
Council!ii@i-n o'Olin R. Griffiii iiioved, "that tli,@ Coiuicil ccpress a vote of confidonce iii
t'l.- @ic,lions of the Fort Stor@, cc,,iupittee, @t,-icl atichorize thei@ to procced t@ith tlie ne,otiati---,-Is
as scat@,,:, in the comm@tte@,
,.-i t i,@ ,i ii@uiot-;Ity vote a-,
T:@, .'ITren John l@ol)(,,rt ii. (7@il Jr.. !@oi)ert B. (@romwel-1, Jr., (,harlos
@@'ice i'liyor Geor,,e l@. @lay0l' .1. (@Ll t-'- i sI'@l V.'I,-'
O,-i j,l,-)tioti by (:otuicilr,@@,ai,. Gat(Iner, seconct (I bv Cotill(@i litian @iid bv 1-oc@orded vot(,
@is EC)I I0@@-@:
Counciiiiien Joliii A. Batiiii, Rol)el't ii. Cl@ :@ol)ert B. Cronli@el-I , Tr. ,
Vice '@la@,oi- C--or,e R. I-ei-roll, Cli,,ti-les l@. 1'. (,r@ Ef ii,@, Cllioji(@o A.
J. Ifeni-)- TN!CCOY, Jc., J. (:Lil,tis 1)@ivii,,, I., Staildin@l, -,Ull
Flo,,,d E. IV,@it(@rfield, Jr.
o til@, :,@l L)
o@ discti@@siri,,, items D@rrTtitt@@-I foi- di-scussion LuILI--l ';ectioll 2.1-344, siti),)ara,,ral)h 2
-1) ancl 6'Lc,al @tattor-@), of tlie Frc,o(lo@ o@ Iii!-6--!Iatjoii "@,t
3@@I)er on,@-
ol@ Cor@lfylon.,Veal-lh of Vii@,,iniLi.
ITL@, @@k,-,703
On i@ic)tion by Counc:iln,an '@.Obe,t Fl. Callis, secoi@led i) (@ouiiciliTian J. Ilenry @IcCov, Jr.,
aiid bv recoi-ded voto as follotvs:
Councili,,ien John A. Paz-u,., Rober-t It. Callis, Ji., Rol)ert B. Crol,.iiiejl, Jr.,
Vice I-livor George R. Ferroll, Charlcs l@'. (7,ardner, J',)Illi T@. Griffin, Cliren(:c A.
liolland, J. flonry @IcCoy, Jr., ',Ia@lor J. (@urtis
Fl.oy(i E. lllatei-field, Jr.
Navs: l@one
AI)scnt: i\Tone
City CoLtncil @qd otirned into ExecLi-I'@ve SessiDn.
ITDI @'t7704
@)n motion by Councilman HoLL@ind, secondecl by CouDcilii!ati (@roiiiiiell, ancl by a recorcled
vote as follows:
.Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bat--n, Robf-@rt 11. Callis, Jr., lzobert B. CromlTell, Jr.,
Vice t%l@iyor George R. Ferrell, Cliarles IV. Girdner, Jol-Ln l@. Griffin, Cla-rence A.
Polland, J. Elenr-y @ICCOY, Jr., N@iayor J. Curtis Pa,,,ne, Patrick I,. StancUn@, and
Floyd F,,. I'laterfiold, Jr.
iN,qys: Non--
Absant: None
Cit% tlie 2,,-, tin,, oF
1,@, ig@74 rot,irpill,
t 1,@ (.,oLLicil ChaiTibers fi-oit, adjou=er,@t o@ L@ectilive,
f.,t@ebbon, (:itv (@.Lerk t@i
@ilv of Virginia Beacli,
Octobei,@ 1.4, IIJ74