HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 18, 1974 SPECIAL SESSI
,'![Nli'i'L'S OF, "IL'[@" [NG
Cl iv
0 l; -1,i
(:['fy OF VljZGI@@'IA
',o,,?c,,inber 18, 197'1
A spec,',.,il iiieotirl-I of ti,@e (:Ollllclil of -Iii,@ (@@(ty oF Beacli, Virgiiti@l,
1/2@a-@ hcj'd iii t'l,c @:oLiiicil Cli@l[lb"r@, ii,, tlie Aciiiiiii.@str@itioll PIlilclj.iig, i-l tllo
i3ol@,,)U-,il of Priicess Aniie, o,,i @@llciiday, '@ov,@i@ibe@, 18, 1974, at 7:30 p.M.
il!voc,-.ti.on ia, -iveii tlic,, 1,@ilbcr, Baysiclc, IJTI ite(I
Cliurc@ii of Clirist, Vir,ini@i 13cach, Vir@,@!ll,2
Councilmen present: Jolin A. Ii LUT[I , IZol,or@ i@,. 11, Jr. , Vice inlayor
Geoi-ge R. Ferrell, Ciiai'le.,i Vi. Gardner, J@)hll R, (@tiffi.n, Clarciice A.
ilolland, J. Heriry i%IcCoy, Jr. , @Nfavot J. (::irt is Ilayrie,, Patrick I,. Standiiig,
aiid Floyd 17.. @@atei,field, 11-.
CoLijiciiiiien absent: Robert H. Callis, Jr.
IT@,@i !177,)
Honora'olc Donald ii. lzfiodes, Attorney, re@,)I,e-,;eilted tlie applicatit
Oil i@iotioii by Councilriian @,IcCoy, secondc(t I)y Vice Nlayor Ferrell, and
by re--orded vote a-,; follotvs:
Ayes: Cotincilmon Jolin A. Bauri, Robert B. Croill@@ell, Jr., Vice Mayor
(;eorge R. Ferrell, @liarles @@li. Gardner, J,@lin R. Griffin, Clarenco A.
7,follaiicl,, J. Hcnry i%IcCoy, Jr., @layor J. C@irti,; PaynE@ , Patricl-, I,.
Staiiciiii@., and Floyd E. Waterfield, fr.
,@@ays : @lone
Abseitt: CoLi-,icili@iaii l'obert fl. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopced tlie fc)llowin,,, rosoltition upon application of
Aiiterina Rentals, Incorporated, f 0 r a Conditional Use Permit for
cior.ii,,i,,tni.catioit tower faciliti--s ano, icces;oi,y bu@idj,-ig.@:
of fo- @I @lor,@ililir@l Use Pnr-,It for
ard u I -. I ..
a 2:-) -t (,,r
c.' 7 3. C)
j i n n n i n a ci , c f, o
141,1- ,-rd ruqlino a aisl@-r.-CL of fect tlie
i@ori-Ili@.-n pro@-nr@ly Sal 'L! 12 ,cro.-@ ,rd i-@ as
A mtir:,n .ias passpd unirii,--cusly b%l '@.,2 pl@,
.lr i Co@-..! on b 0 0 C4 d
L .1 rn S I y a r c r,-
vote ol@ 13 "a a.clorov:, t'@ii5 to ti,,-, ro,,,,iir-@-2nts o-P S2c@,i@on
23--, oF r-2 nrc:3-
le@,s tiil!l fi I
f'@y (@! )
lirtp, sctl, C'
nr i-i@ s@@rcJ @t),i tti-, s :.l
lin2S Sil"ll "@'- Z., L 1 2 @ s c @,i c@ t,,.@ str@i--t--,re
a-d o@@2@ st,-i-,s and l' rcilv
--2 C,2
@is further su!i-ir@ct to standard site as reciuired by t'l@
Si-e Plan Ordinance.
BY Of.' R@L17 @' 19
DI@ \l
ile it ordaiiied by thr@ of the (,Lt, oF Vir(,Tiiiia 1'ea--Ii, tlllt:
Auplicatioii of Anteiin,,,,, fo,,- ;t Conditional Use
Pei@i,.iit foi- cor@irIUFliC,'LLiOll tO'l@;crs,
on cei-tain propect), @it a fec,-, 'lore 01' les.,;
Solitill@--st oE Cent,-,i@vill-, 'ILif@II)ike a3il j@" @@-).8 fee, @'@est OE Ke@psvill(,
Roa@, i,uttning a dist@iii@:e oF 373,5q :!I,,@n- lhc,, pro@ertv
i-aiiiiin- a oL
lin,,,, runiiing a distarce c)f 550.3 feet @iloii, tlie @Ir,-,@tern property line
and riinniii.- a distaiic- of 1184.6 lcct @tlr)n-I lie @@'ortliorn property line.
Said parcol contaiiis 12 acres ai,ct is kiic@@ri as l'i-act A-L, Plat o@@ Par-,
"All as recorded in ',vap -@o,)k 101, 1),I,,c@ (@ll'oods Cc)rner Arei) K-mps@,illc
App3-oval is subje--t to tl,,e follolqillg ti L)ul,atioii-s
1. The "beneficial open space" pr(,visions referred to in Section
2 3 5of the Coiipre,ic)ii-,;ive Zonin@, tli,,Iiii,,ince ire a',,-ailable to, and
may be used by, the appl.icait fot, i'@le pui,pose of coiiiputil-ic@, tllc
required setbacks from adjacent propoi,-t), liiics; "t)eneficial open
space" being SLIcli areas as tlie C@it, larid fil.1 area and the borrt-)@'T
pit ivhich ire adjacent to tlie stibj@,,Ct pii,ceL.
2. Standard site iitiprovei-,ients oquired by the Site Plan
I TL-,@l 7 - 9 7
of P@each Poul-val @ssocia-es, a Pi-tn.2rshiri, by !)orald I!.
"i--tol-n2y, for l -Fro-, --2
i'tisir,.2ss -ni-@tric-, to -i-2 @@eavy 1-1 cerl-,ain nr,,-Icrl,
t poi@.t 113.99 f-,e,l of @@@-ive, rii,nilllq a
rjr,,nir@q a clist7,qc@
of@ 4'-)S.9,) feet. a-ion7, -L Eas-u---n Dror@r'Gv lire, r.1rTlir), a dis@,ince of 13z@).97
i,li,y) a dis-L-. P. o@,@ @:es--2-,-n pro@2rl,y
I 1-
c@.ritairs 1.831 ,-Ires. (Prip.-@ess Y
@,-,,-,s pass--d unani,@usly by @@he Planni,,g Cc..@iission blv a reco-ded vota
of 13 approYL- this r.2quest.
D,)[i l@:1
0 z
C)ii iiiotioti by Couiicilriaii Griffiii, secodide,i [)y CouitcL]jnari @,aLei-fiuici,
ajicl I)y recorded @,ote as foliows :
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. i)aum, Rot)ert B. Cromwell, Jr. Vice Mayor
Georgo R. Ferrell, Charles Cardnor, Jolin IZ. Griffin, Clarence A.
iloiland, J. Henry \IcCoy, Jr. , @layor J. C@irtis Payne, Patlick L,.
Staiidiiig, and l@loyd E. Vlaterfield, Jr.
,@ays: None
A;')scti L: Coulici ll;l@til Rol)et-t 11. Calli,; , Jr.
City Cotincil approvocl tlie, Eolloivin,, ordi!@,ance tip()n petition C)"
B--aci, Boulevard A@sociates, a Limitcd P@trtnerslii, [f.
,i, by Donald
IZ',Iod(.,s, ,kttorney, foi- a Cliano of Zoiiing Distric@ Classificatio,l
l@-rorl 13-2 Cominu@iit,@@ BLisi,ness L)isti'ict to liidustrial
l' @ @@ '- -, , c I : I
I 01) T
j@fj)f @i
-2 ty
1 2 iTcav)@
813 it ordained I)y (:Oili,--ii ,)f Lll' (@itv of Vil',@iiia each, V
1, B -i , , t
PeLitio, rsli@i@p, I)Y @)(),-i,ild
AtLc)i A--,@Illo of I)istrict Classificat:ioi) Flo@"i
ii. PJiodes, -,Iey, l@01- @L f,illitecl Pztrtne
B-2 Coiiiiiiuiiit@, 13usinc@j.@@ Di,,;tt-ict to I -@ @'ictvy Ti)(I'Lll';trial Distric', o.,i c, @taiii
I)ropc,rty bc,,@)illll-Lii@, at a i),)iiit l@@Lst C)f fl@t@,cox Drive, rttii@llf)" 11
distaRce of 182.30 Ccc t t;],-, ,@o;ltlj 0i %@ir,gLilia l@eacii d,
i,uiiniiig a di@3taiice of 45@).90 foet tlic 1:@istern I)Topertv
@i distatice of .185.9@ I,,ropc (N
rty I iiic@ or. o I aitd
Soutliern Railtva)- P,--L,,i,-L of- rij,-iiiiri,, i (list@incc oP Alg.lzl f(,
I - . @et @i ii
tli-- lvo-,;tcrn T)roi)oi-tNI I i II @;aill 1 3.! @L,: i e--;
r, "L - ,Zos L L-,2 @i I,y fill'i @@ ,,,2 ii j@ o l'ou@,ii
ITE 1 #7@'98
The City Clerk, i@Ir. IZicliarcl J. I'@lebbon, icacl the @oilowin noti ce
of '@lt(@ Public @leariiil, oii the P@laster sportation Pl@ill@
under Section 2-9, a Speci-al. ?Ieeting ol- the Co,,,,,,,cil- C-'-,
tl-,e citv o@' Vi-rg-nia Beach will be h--ld in the Counc-il Cha.T@i-S
at 7:30 p.m., I.'Io:,,day, @over,-oer 18, 1974. At that t4-me a oublic
hearing will ba held oi ai,-,endmen-'s to the Mass Transporta-ior,
plail and Planni.-@g Deoarl@-@en-I ite,-rs i,7hich have benn advertised
iqill he heard. -ihc agena-a for the m--eting is enclosed.
APplication of '@h.e Cl@-Y 0;@ Vir-inia Peac'.@l @Or t@@@2 foll,@.1171,1 to t@e
-adoDted k'aster Trl@l-Isportatir@.1 @lan 01- Ci@@Y of V4rgini.)
Change na@e to Str@,et a,-.d Pig!i-,.I@ly Pl@,n"
A .r!.otion v,,z!s pas-@c@ t"nani@'ously @y @Lli2 Plarning Co h@..ission by a reco@-@l-d
v 0 'Le ol@ 10 to approve t.1lis
Creat t,'--ck r@oad Erid,@e Realignt--en-@
A rmticn vas ,assed unani@-,:isly by the Plannil-I C07rission by a recordei
vote of 10 tO acpr-,ve ";'-,is
@'-st c-
-?, 'SIV th-, Plinning Coi-r@is,.Io.'l by a recordld
A riction Passed Ur3r,.-Ot, by
VO,L, Of la to , ? t@is .-75t.
4. Chz!ng-- Lit-6'@e P'-'ad @lo a g@l' Pr@f frrr.-, Oli D-oratiol Par,',tqay i-O Flarris
A Mtlon %@as i,-rinil-,DuslV .5y the Plannino Cc.,@,ission by a record2d
vote of 10 to a!" -,,io t@i,
a a- Dl,:,-ron@ S-rirgs ani' @o'@in
rd put in@ -1/2',
A rotio,,l @!as P--'Ss@'i til@- Pl@,nn'r-.1 Cc@,-,i,sion by t record-
vote of 'O to @,,Iii's r-cjl
-0 a r,61 loe'@,,een i3la;nor,.,J -; rings [,oad and
-t.ion was Dossed unanir.-@ousl yt P ,nnin Cor,.nission by a rec rd d
A m y b
Vot,2 01 10 to zipprove t@@lis i,eques'L.
Extend OnRE@r Roid os a CG' to -ck Foa@:t
A mtion @ias pas3ed una!ii@-@;ously by tt,,2 P'lan,,iirg Co-;missio,l by a recorded
VC)te o@ 10 to approie this reques-
Indicate Dorset AvenUe IIS 1 601 RC"@4 bF2t1/2iPen I!ollan(I Poad and Virginia
BL,,tch Boulevird
-2d @usly @y Piannirg by a rfcord
VO-LE Of 10 to C,@nprove t!iis requlst. E!d
9. 11
iake Cleveland S'L-ree@, a 60' RO@v! cast of@ @lolland Road and COILlr.':bUS Streell
90, .110'.4
A miion .las pissed ur,,,rirously bv t@,2 Planning Co,,F@mission by a re--orded
voto of 10 to app-ovl, tiiis requ,@s'
10. Realign @'olfsnare "(-,ad ir,-Iersec'Llon at Great ."-,c@, Road
A mtion .-,,as passed unanir.-ously by the Planning Co,-nissiol) by a recorded
vote of 10 to approve this request.
11 Add L),rnhave-n Part,,.qay bet,,ieen Toll Rn-ad and Virginia Bepch Boulevard
A mtion @ias passed unani-!ously by the Pla-ning Co,,-nission by a reco'r'dp-d
vote of 10 to approv-- t;iis r--ques'@.
12. Chang- South Lvnnhaven Road @o a 66' RO'.1 bel,-,..4een Toll Izoad and Virginia
Beac.) Boulevard
A ,mtion v.,as r,)asse@, unanir,,.,ously by tlie Plinning Cot,,@ssion by a recorded
vote of 10 to a.nprove this requ-.st.
13. Indicate South Coulevard be',%-icen Indepcnderce Boulevard and Posemnt Road
as a 60' RO!.4
A inotion %.;as pisse", tin,,lnirously i),/ t@,e Plinnirq by a recorder]
-@@,:,rease B;t--)r @@o a 90' @,-U'4 @L,-,@-eperderce Boui--,iard and Br.,3,,idy-
tilne Drive
A r,@tion ,ias passed by the Plannlng C07rissiol by a -ecorded vote of 10
vtith 9 voting for t,',,e rotion and 1 votin- P.(lails+l th-- rotion to deny this
request due to "he opposition of t@le res-idents of the area.
15. Pealign Princ@ss @,nne and ProvidencL- ["o@ds
A rotio!.i iias p.-isspd up,@,,iir,-cusly bi tlie Fl,,riz,lig Co,-.,-.iissior. by a recorded
VOL'.E of 10 to app.-ove this requ-st.
1-0. Co,,irect First Colonial Poad and P@eara r,@)i;1,2vard
I 1 Fir t Colonial rzoad
r-,ute; re@-nve e,@is'@in@ connec'6ion; Pot@lerl- Po@@d alicn@-.en'
A r.-otion u;iani,+@us@,@., Plannin,- by a reco@ei
vc,te of 11) rer,,,i@st.
1 7. Chz,.nc;@ t@edi torr, n@,an !lolly lnj
P@ r.,oL'ic)n i,,as passe.@ tip.,3n'@ musllv b,.f t@l- Co.@.ission by a recordld
vo-@e of 10 -1@o ?PPI-O','t', t@lis r,2qL.@s@.
13. Change Pa-@i4@ic to a 90' POI4, str,eet ar"i pull,@c
A passed u-.iinir;,oLisly ty tti,.,' @l-) I)y a r--corded
vo@le o" l',) '.o ap;)rcv2 tii,*,-, requ2s'L
C@.ange Harpers Poad 'Lo a O@0' F@e,4
A T,,o@licri was p,;issed by t@i,. PI nn-@l,,7, @)y a recor--4ed
10 @o t',@-; re,u2s,,.
,.ot2 c,
20, S@ift FaIsL, Cap-- "ar',,,'Iay nor-@,@ In Irdiars Lakes Prea
A mtion %-,as passed uii,,3nirously by the Pliinning by a r--corded
vote o@' 10 to appro,@e tiiis request.
21. Increas@2 Ccn+,--rville Ttirnpill,e to a 90' PO@! bet@,!@n ChesDric!".@,e ci,y Ii, 1-4'ts
an,J Ke-p@,ville 110' arid Inrlian tliver
P.oad on thc exis@@ing alicn,-@Lert
A mtion vas passed Lnani musl,y bv +,.@IE Pli@nning Cc,!..-.,issicn by a rccorded
,jote of 10 -L-o a,Dprove this request. i.
?l ri 0
Extend Lynnhaven Parkway across Princes,, A ne ad -Lo K.,ripsville Road
A rmtion was passed tininir@usly by tl,.c Plannlng Co-@lission by a record,,,,
vote of 10 to adprove tliis requ,'S-. C.
23. Real'Agn: General Ecol-,% Po@jleiard
A mtion -Was passcd ulafli,-,CLISly b,,, '@hn Planning Co,-.@ssior by a record,@d
VO-Le Of 10 to approve this rea,,..est.
24. Cha@e Po"t-rs/South Lyrnh,-,@en Par@,,..,,ay Ifiterscctio.17
A r-otion v,,as p,)ssed unarl4,-ously by +h,@ Planning Co@,issioq
b,, a recarded
vc)te of 10 -1-o approve this rccues-t..
'-lake i'lor@lh LandS o,;4n -2c A an@ '?.',Ilind Foad a fr", Princ E!ss
a . . , Z,
Anne Road to S@iipps Corner Poad
C. Frm, Po@.-.@,nt 'Zoad to :or'th Road, rriT.,,)ve f"Olland Poad
d. Peloc, La,-ldl,,ig Road ir, a 91-il Polll
'riorti@-Landi.'Ig "o,3d as a go, DO"' b@-tween t-he e.'17] points o@
Relocate@] 'lorth L,:nding Ooad
5. Increase I!olland Road to , g)' PC'@; be-@,---en Poser-,,)nL@ 'ro3d and P'elocat--d
Lar;,Jip@-j load
4 r'.ourthou@.e Drive to Relocat,@d ;'orth Landing Po@id as a 90' r@O'@
h. Connect F-,:!
PO,2, i'l a 90' Rol;l
i. PLIccat@2
s a l L@y to co@r Pc@
26. -;ncrease
.i Piver Po@,d to a I lo, "";'] as @in ali terr,.ativ,- CaPe Per',-..ay
A Iias tl ,3, i,-
ou v t@"2 PI,2@ni,-@9 C 'in by a rccarded
@'Ote oF '!O to
27. Ch,iig2 Of Clld D,)nati,)n Pirl,,iay to rrflect
A r-@o@,lon k@as vote of l@, l@it@
6 votirig -for I'li@ it votir).g tO aP,-)rOvc this
28. ,lot-: All
li@;.-Iaoe roads or gr,@z) LLr
A ;o-tion ,.las P-iss@d b,,, th@ F),.
lo to ,,.!Ission by
a recorded
29. Put bridges alo,),j FaIsc! CaPe ParLiiiy at Lynnhaven P,@rhiay and Pol land'
A r-otio,,i i-,,as p@)ss,,d by 'Lh2 Plat,lning Cor!,mission by a recorded
vo'@e of 10 to t@,4s request.
30. Place Interchang-2s oii 7@. D at +@he folloi@iing locations:
s/t@e@@itc,.Yn Ro,,,d
b. Shore DrivL,/C-rea-, Road
C. False Cape Park@iay/C-7ax'-I-2i- Road
d. False Cape P,-,-,d/Pripccss Arne Poad
e. False Cape Par'@,..OaV/Tr@ei,, , nc L, vard
SO le
f. False Cape L@-ncisto.,-,l PCad
9. Fals-- Cape Par@v,av lanuo- 5rid@e Road
b. False Cape Pnr,,, PC,,,d (in Court."use area)
Pod Exte
i@ F,3!se Cape ParPi-av st ii!e,
j. False Cap-- Booth D,culevard
A r,,jticn k4as Dassel urLi.'@@*,-Ousl:l by tb.L, Planning Co..@.@sS40n by a recor-.-4-@
vott2 o' 10 -Lo '-4, r,,7
31., Chan,,@- 60' ROW's +lo 60-'
e '@ec@ Li
b. BaLer Road
c. Clcveland Street (bet,,,,e@n 111@,c!iduck and Po;,,d)
d. Landsto,.in Road of Pr
in ass P,,nre Poad)
e. Pells Road
9. b!uddy creek lrd @:orth @@uddy Creek P@),Ids
h. f,'Or.-is ti.,-ck Pc):i,,,
-ion itas l@3ssL,l @jusly by th,,2 "IFriilirg Co@r,.-.ission by a recordfd
vote Of 10 to ap,,roi,@ t@ils requesfl-.
32. Inci@ease Pung) 1'erry tc) Ilril PO'it
A mtion was Da@-,ed bV
vote of 10 -Lo appr,)@ie -'LI'14s request.
33. Realic!n CILvfland between Ilitctiduc,, and t.'@,-,toem Poads to the sou-L'n
side oi- '@be borro@-i pi-L
A rotion ,.-as passed un-In@lrously by the Planniig Co,@,.Iission bn arecord2d
vote ot- 10 to ap,,rove this requ2st.
NuiR--rous persons appeared on the abovo ptblic hearin,,, and after
considerable discussion, Councilman Stii)@ti-rig iriade ] j,.ictioyi, secoiided
by Couiicilman Gardner, to (lefer actioii o i tlie @laster Transportation
Plan until December 16, 1974, at which tii-.Ie C:ouncil @vill take a final
vote on tlie Master Traiisportatioyi Plan. 'Pho recor(led vote is as folloii,@-:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromivell, Jr. , Vice Nlayc)i-
George R. FeTrell, Charles V;. Gardner, J@)iin P,. Griffin, Clarence
liollaiid, J. fleiiry @,IcCoy, Jr. , Mayol- J. C-trtis Payne, Patrick L.
Standing, and Floyd E. IVa-@erf@eld, Jr.
@4avs: None
Abscnt: Councilman Rober-L 11. Callis, Jr.
Ci.ty Couiicil voted to defer action on thi@ Nlaster Transportation Plan
uiitil December 16, 1974, at which tirie C@)uncil will take a final vote
on tlie matter.
ITEi%l ','771)9
Petition 1"y rzotion o@ th3 Plannina Cornission of the Citv c,,f Vircinia C@,2ac"@
for a Chanqp of j, if7@-4,, -,,, p
b--.-i carriid ov-@r fro.-,i nrevi,@tis v@ii,s -@@,at e,,,idcr:t a,) a-L',ef73t
%ias rade -Lo plall a zoni;ig propos,-l in
becin,inc a@ i nDizi@-I c- less !'crt,'q oF
ii,i2, t,unni,,.c., a dis-Linc-@ (ii- I'-75 f@,,t alc,-@ h:, ;nd
a cf 1,15 f--e'@ alon@ d,r-el
co,t,,-ins l.C5 acr,@s. S S
A mtion was passed unanit,)usly by th2 Pl,,.nrirc,, Co,@ission by ;i rocord@d vo-e
oT- 13 to appro,/e this rcqij2s-1.
foil 1) C
e C
u, 'a t- L'Lii E!@ i ii Cl, I
C; e o r P,.
iloti,ind, J. fil-jtcv Jr. 110 , Patricl@-,
v 0 l' f i @, I J
Navs @loiie
il) -@ en, Coi-incilriin
City Coiincil approx-'!@l 'I'lic@ f()IIC)@@i-@l" @)Y(l u,@oii I,(@tilion by niotioi
ol@ tlie I)iaii-Ilin,@ of tlie (@it@, ,,f %;i-@,@ipla l@eacii ror a Cii,,n@@,
o[ Zoni.il,, I)istrict C@Icatioii Crc,,@l !)O,iclcitt@al Di@;trict to
B-1. Bu-siji(,,ss Reside,@icial coi ic,,ct @i draEtiii,,-, error i@t-iich liad
be--ii carriod c)v,or CIU,il L@ICV-.L 0 Ll'-i Y 0, @l I'S :
ZOI 1 740 S-,
('I'I'Y 01; VIR("I@,IA I:C)R A (@IANGE
Ot@ ZO@'41NG I)IS'fl@ICI CI,ASSIFICA-,"101,@
l@l@Oll l@-4 lesidciiti@tt D@stric@ FO
l@-I Bti,;iiies@ Re@iCieiitia.1 Dis-,]-ict
Be it ordainell by tlie CoLiricil of the (]ity o@ Vir,@iiiia Beac"i, Vir@li-nia, thit:
Potition by iiiotion of tlie Plaiiiiiii.@ Coyiii,@i.ssion c)f tlic City of Vira.illia
B-lach for a Clian-.e of Zoiiino District Cl@issifi.caticii frof.-i IZ-4 Residential
Di,strict to B-1 Resi(,Ieicial to (:,orrect a dra,@',in, ei-ror
whicii had been ca@riect over froin provic@is yeai@s tli,,it becaino --vicient when
aii attcmpt was made to plot a zonin-. 1),oposal in tlie area, locatecl on the
IVest side of At@qood toi@ti IZoad bc,,iiin@n, at a poiii'@ 300 fect riiore 01- lc,,ss
-@orth -iunniii,,
of Proposed Falsc (]ape llar @ a distance of 100 feet
alon@ tlie IVest sicle of Atwoodtc)wii F@oad, ruiinin, a (listance of 420 feet
aloji@ the Southerii prot)erty lin--, riiiiii@ing a distance of 125 feet Ilon.@
till- !Vestern property line and ruiiiiincl, z, distance of 415 feet aj.ong tlie
i%or@.liern property lin4-,. Said parccl cciitains 1.05 acres. (Atwoodto,Vn
l,a,,or-,ar Areas). Princess ,@nne Bar
I T F,, "t 78 0 0
ir@f" CCP7
a C'@l,n,e of of
crror c
c 0 c ',, ,'@ @@;;
ca-rie.J cver r,) r .2,,, V
-;t si 'o
a ol@
@@7,ca of 41:.i
L t@,,2 r r, p
C Fecon-,- r,
'D 1 . - ' - S @,3,1. re 3 -d
-if by E C
On vto,ion by Coull
])y i'@corderi vot L,,,; Counc Standil@l, and
Aye-.i Councilr,-, Jolip A. flalijn, PObort B . Cront,[ell, Jr. Vice Nia\@,-)r
(:,00rgc R. le,. Cliarlo.,, tV. Gardiloi,, Jf)lin R. Criff n, Clarelice' A.
o 1 i
-LL4iid, J IlicCuv, i,'. , @layor J . C@irt LS Payne, Patrick L.
Staril,@ iiig, ld F'@oyd E. @,iatei,Flel@l, Jr@,
%j'o n c
ri t Illl ff. Calli,.;, Jr.
Citv Co,-tncil appr,),@(,l foll@owilil, orditiance
of 't@le Plinniiig (:,),T)misL;i@ .,- i r R Pctition by motion
0 " tlle '@'-tY O'- Vi gi.n;, li@'@icli for a Cliange
@i drafti,
c)ver i,,:oi@, wl-lic.@, h@id been
01"'D@@,N AN(: L: 13P0,N l",,: i'l I'] o"' PY O@ "OL17@O'S
'F'Iil@ '@'f,A\INIP'(1 (:O@l,@iis oll@ Clil'Y
o@ @'ll@(@INIA Bi:ACIt l@%ll' k C'riA@@C3@: ()F 70NI@,("
@IL' liti @i I I)i ; t @, i c @i'O @' 4 lzesiclcnti@il
f)isti i(-.t
Be it ordained by tho (:o@til,@i ! of tlie 'i L., uf Boacli, Vi-f"lilli"i, -@'@lat:
Petition by motioii OE tlic, I)IPTIllirl,@ ;siop. of tl@,e (@i,ty of Virgi.ilia
Beacii for a Chaiige of Zolliti(i I)i.stricL C,! @-rom b-I Busire--,,,;
Residential District to IZ 4 !(3siclc,,ji'li@il )istrict to cot'i-ect a di'aFtin-I
error ivliicli liad been carrie(l ov,-,r fro@t ye@l.i,3 tllat becam,-,
-iT,)pareiit wlion aii attempt i,;,is i'@iado to 0 1
zolaill" iri
COL, [,) :@l @OCI 0, -@t, , ; - , . -),l
1,11@ O!
i@ith Propose(I False C@,,pe 1)@irl@-,way, runnir,. a d@staiie c)f 100 feet aloti,l
tlie IVest side of Attivood-Lo@vi? l@oa,t, Li clist@iiice of 11,5 feef: alo(t,
tlie Sotithern proporty Iiiie, raiiniii- a di@ta@ice of I ')-l I-(@et along @"-!,e
IVestern property J.ine ar,(,' rtiniiitilg a di@,t tilce of 41(@ I-ect @lon,., the
,N:orthern property line. Said parcel cori-aiiis 1.01, @t,:i,es. (At@@c)octLown
l,agor,qar Areas) Priiicoss Aiine Borou,,!,
I T'E@ @,l IT 7 6 t
1; 4-" 1
c P@l -,y l@
tj 2 c,ra 7 c@ r r D,-
L,@-P-n carr'l-@,.; o-.,n-r
to plct a
Et a ',7:-; or less o" -@lo-ad r i
of aIC@c, P'st S4,1, o,
t,,, c!'@ 410 feet il @l 1 P. , t c,
fe.,-t alo-g the Eas-@!,r,,i apQ ijnnin,, a di,,-IzrcE2 c,,- 42-5 alani
t@,.c Sou@-hern lir,2. Ezi4d 1.31 acres.
Lag-@.7,ar kreas). PRII;CESS
A @-@4Dn vas ca@.sed unani@-@--sly b,, ',h,, Pla.-irirg Co@-,ission by a recorded vote
of 13 -@ nppr--ve tllis
On notion by Vice ilayor Forrell, secorde( bv Council,@,.ian Gardner, and
by recorded vote as follo@@s:
Ayes: Councilinen John A. Baum, Robert B. Croinwell, Jr., Vice @lavor
Geor@c R. Ferrell, Cliartes ',V. Gardner, Tclln R. Griffin, Cl.arer@ce A.
floiland, J. Heiiry @@IcCoy, Jc., Nlayor .1. Ctirtis Pa@ne, Pat,-ick
incl Floy(I E.
Navs: None
Ab5cii-@: Councilpian lzobert [I. Calli-@, J3-.
1 O@ c .,.i )L- i o
C)f tlie Plaiin@ng Conititissiori of tlie City of Vir,inia Beach for @i chari,@,c
of Zoi,.i.ng District Clas@,ification Crom AC,-l Agricultural District to
ii-2 Community Business District to correct a draftiig error wllich liad
b-.eii carried ovei, Eroni I)re@,ious Years:
UIIO,\' Pl@-l@] i'l@I)N 13Y \IOFIOI@ 7Uil74OS9
N "' (:C)', \IT,@S I ON
01,' I'fiL- PLAT@'T IN, OF Till@
Ci'['Y 01: @'FRGINIA ACii i7Oi@ A C',IANGE
01; DISI'Rill,-!' (@l.,AS'@'FICAt'IC)@N
f@l@0"! @,',G-1 @@tl I)i.,itri@t fO
l@@, - 2(@oj,ijilLll',i tv
Be it orda@in--d by -@he (@OLI;lCi-I O@ tilo (:if@ C),@ Vir,,,inia Be@ic'], Virgiiiit, th,-@":
Petition by iiio-LioTi of t'lic I'l@illiiiig of tlic City of Vircl-ini.a
Beacti for a Cliaiig-- of @/on](i,@ i)istrict fron, AC,-l A@.,riculturil
I)istrict to B-2 Coilipli@Lity Disci i,ct to corr-ct @l draftip-g errol-
i,;hicli lia(l beeii cnri-iel o1/2c@i, froti prcvi(ii @; vcir,,, ivh@ch becaine evi('e,-it @v',ii
aii attcmp-@ A@as ri,,ido t() Plo@ @i I)ropos,,:@', )ii @i,,T clian,.,(, in tlie area OTI
t)ro@)el@-Y c@s l-,@),-@h
I L - I
Ati,Foodto@vn Road and ruiiniito a distance tf 13@, [e-.t alon,, tlie L-,ast si-de
of Saiidbridge Road, rlijinijig a distaiic,-, cf 4 1 0 fee'@ along Lhe iNortheTn
proper-@y line, rtiniiiii,., -L distl,ince of 14( fe,,,t alon@, the Eastern pro,,)erty
line and running a distance of 4.15 feet alon,l tiic Southern propert,, Iiiie.
Said parcel coiitaiiis I..-)] acres. (AL@,c)c Arca,-;) Priricess
Anno Borou@.h.
ITENI l@i7'02
b,/ "i C4-
C)n o@ Virri-ia Ecach
a ol@ Zcn@n", P-4 i i tr-'@ t
o --2 @c) c@r @,,,hich ha@
car,-i@ over from l,rovic,,-,,s yea, s
rad@ t@- plo'L a r)ror)@,7ed in oi c@r-E!i- r-ol-F!r b.?'5inn-
ing E:', a poirt r-or@ ol- Icss @@,opd i,-,d 4-10 feet
Drcn2 F,.
a di s ;;Ort@,2- -erz,,
o, L pr(,- -Y
-,iiu' rj,:rr,4r@q a of --?S @CL-L
Pla,,i.,ii,,)g Co ission @eco@--.;,@ndatiori:
A =-'Iion v;:@s passe?, !@ly bl@ t@e Planrir,(j by a recorded vo'@e
oF 13 to approve tl,,i.,, re,-,uest.
O.,i iriotion by Councilman Waterfield, socc-ri@'lecl bv Councilinan Stand;-n,,,
and by rocorded voto as follo@vs:
Aves: Councilmeii Jolin A. Baui,-i, IZoberL @,i. Crom1/2iell, Jr., Vice Mayor
@,-or,,,c R. Forrell, IV. GLirdner, ,,)]iT, (-,ri@@fin, 1-larence A.
an lloyci 1'. iva,L i-'Liolcl, Jr.
r) Li @, c i I @@i @i l@ i
City Council appi@oved tlie following ordinance upon petition by motion
of tlie Plannirig @oinmission of the Citv of Virginia Beach for a Change
of Zoning District Classification froin @1-4 Residential District to B-2
Cot-,Liiiurlity Busines-, District to correct drafting error which had been
cai,ried over fron, previous ycai@s:
C T 1: @l T
1) @L@GINIA l') I :Oil A ('i;,@N(;il
[:IZO@\1 I'l-4lZc s i d @TILI t C -I'@)
B - 2 (lorij-.ii-iiii ty i" Li @ i)is t r i ct
Be it ordaiiied I)y tii (@ut,,iic; I of tlie (@it, F)[ Vir,,iiita oacii, Vir@inil:
Potitio,l by ilotioii of -lie Co,@t!;Ii ,@;ion of tile Citv of Vic,,ilii@a
Beacli for a Cliaiigl- of l@,i@;trict Cl@,,-;si-Fical@i-)ii fropt R-4 P\Osidential
District to B-2 CoiitT@.I,-!@i [tv '05k; ict @o (-,ori-ccil a ciraftiii@, @-,rror
@@iiicii had been cari,j.eci ovci@ frot@t !)rcvi(,)i, c; yeai,-,; @,-Ii@cii becane oviden-I wh,,n
an atteitipt was i@t,lide Lc,, !?I@ot a 7)1-op,)So,,] Lii,, c@i,,aii in ar-@a on cortaiii
prot)er-ly be,,inniri,, at @t poi.7iL 1110 f(2('t "@@orc@ (11' le-@@; of At1/2,oodtoivii
Flo@ic@L and 410 feet '@orL!,,-,ast of Saiidl)i@,it @, i'lo@i(t, i clistanco of I,,',o
E--et @@ortheast of ic)ad, i@uitni ii,, a cl-l@ t@@ifice o L 140 fo-t aloic@
Lc,,stern property lino aiid ruiiii@ii-@ @i disi@iiicc of i2o EeL?t @iloiag the
,Xor-@lierii propei@ty line ancl rujiiiin, a (Ii i 3-1,@ fe--t tlie
'cts@'ust--rn property I iiic Sqij p@ircel cor"@ 1.0'- 4c7rcs (@@tilqood-loiii-
1.@i,loi-.iar Arcas) Pri,-ic(,ss Aniie Boi-oLi(,Ii.
IT L@'t% I it i j@
by r:oll-ic.,i of t'@i@ Cr-T!7,,ission r)l City cl@- P-,2ach
I , ,, r. I n (i 1.) t C -i i i P,-4 s ,-i ct
C'; @. r, c, L- o@ 7
to '@G-1 @o cc,-rec'@ a error @,i@iici-, had L@pe,-, car,-i@,d
fro,,.,i p-re%,ious years an attc,,7,-t)', i:as r,,.@L' @60 plo--
a poin-
p, -).r -@ s a d Zoi,,4 I T-,g ch2F',C-2 i'l ar.-a oti cort,,!@-i @rone-rt,@ b@Qinnini al- L
rore or Icss @,oad fe2l, r@re or l@s@
rL;Tiring a dis@.,rce of *io t',-., lne,
17,.g a di of 2@10 fc@--L. ,l C',I@ the 14!,.e a-nd r@,-ni'r@a a
of 75 @C.@t alo,@ig 'Ll-@@ Sal(@ p@rl-cl con@@,ain-I
0.27 @c-es, Par i@re,,,s
Plarni;@g Cc,!.,@.iission P,@-c@,.--ndal.ion:
A ro-Li,);l v;as r)assed unan,",@-.,,sly by t,@e Plannii-g C07.nis@ion by a @corded vo-
of 13 ,o appro,@e 'Ll@is reques".
On j@,otion b@, Vice "@layoi@ l@et'roll, sec,,)iide.@ I)V (@OLInCil@Ll, ccoy, nd
by recorded vote as follo,,vs:
Ayes: Council,@eii John A. Paum, Robert B. Croiiivell, ri-. Vice Mayor
Georgo R. Ferrell, Charlos Gardner, Jcliii 1'. GrifFili, claronce A.
llolland, J., Henry NIcCoy, Jr., @,layor J. Cicti-@ Pa%,ne, ',la-rick L.
StaTiding, and Floyd E. 'liziterfield, Jr.
Abs cii-c, Councilnian Roliert Ii. Callis, Jr.
i) L) 0 i i
@l c C-, I
o --7oiiinc, t)istrict Classi:Ejcation f r o,,i P, Reside[ItiLl District to AC-'
-:@@,,i-@-cultural D.Lstrict to correct a drai ti error wliicii had b-,en carriecl
o,,,or i:roi,, previous yea@t's.
UPON II)II@"t'i I 101\1 6y @io "Ill),N '@01, 174()9 1
Ot@ OF 'I'Tll@
C"F@ C"I@ Vil@(,TN T GI:
L AS S 1 '7 1 (,'A-l'Ir) N
I)istci,--t '1,0 @%(;-l
,3e it orclaii,,O,,,' by tlic of tli,-, ('i L@' UF Bea(-Ii, Vir@.inia,
Pctition by i@qotion oC tlie 111,@ilitiin,@, of tlie C@ity of Virginia Beacli
for a Cliati,,c oJ- Zoniii(, 1)'L-@.trict C.Iis.,;i @@rc)i.i I'l-4 Re-,;iL!eiitiil Disti-i@@t
to AG-1 Agriculttiral to corr,,,c:t a @,:Iiicli ll,-d '()Oeli
carried over frofii pr(2t'iO',I@; ,@lleii ur,- @ittenpt
f,iade to plot a propo-se@', cli@@ii@lo iii th-- @irea or ccrtai.n propec@@y
o A t @,i, ( c, (I t,)
a, ,i noiiat aci,l
420 ieet fiore or Lus-s of clisca,i,:e
of 200 feet aloii,., -@lie @'los"eri-t propert), Ii-tic, rtiiiiiii,, zi distalice of 40
feet along the ;@or-@lie,-Il lilic, i@ ,i disL,-i-@ice of 260 feet
alon@ tlie Eastern prc),,)ci,@)@ line ajid rltii,iiiig -i dist@tj)cc of 75 feet alori,l
Lhe Southern prop--rty l@iir. -0@tid peircel coni,@iiii@@ 0.27 acres. (At@qoodtowi
LLi@loiiiar Areas) Princess i@ol,ou,.i,
[,R-lit4ol -@Y r@.o',icn o-c- t@@p Plc,.r.,ninq C-ity cf '.Iir(7i!ti@- P.I,ac@
for a @@ancc cl@
's icD
to --o-re c a- T !ii er-or @ihich h@,2n carried
over frori p-ovictis Years @j--cam,2 i-Lte:,;D-1 i.,ide to olot
a p-c!)o@-ed zonil-1,3 c@,-r,,r- in araa oi c,,@i-'Lain prop-,r-U,,,
7ir,l at a "int
140!3 fo@,t rore or les-@ o@ PTld 3@ICI fn,t i@ore or less
1'es-L ot al,,)Pn t',.e So,-,ti@-@-rn
lint,, rc,,!,71ir!,T z@ ci rio I-I.-C
o@ lir.L. @-;t i d
'ir@ 0. I
r-arce' Is triaic@ti-iar in
Itreas PRI@",-,C-SS
Co=ission Reco.-ip-nda'lioi-
'ion @qas piseed u-azii@ousl,l by --he Planning Co,7.iission by a recordnd vcte
r-;o -1 - L
of 7-i to approve -L,"is rectiest.
0,-1 @otion by Councili,.ii7i Sta7iding, second,d by (@o-ilicili@ian Iiaun, and
y i,ecorded VoLe as folloi,,s:
Aves: Counciln@en Johii A. B@itim, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice ',Iavor
(:,oor,,o l@, Ferr--Il, Ciiarles IV. Gardner, Jolin IZ. Griffiii, Clarence A.
ilollEtild, J. Henry iNIcCov, Jr. @l,,iyor J. (@lirtis Payne, Patric'A- L.
aii@l l,'Iovcl 1- . @,T@4 t rf
av s @,o n e
Ali s c n t Cotiiicili,,iLii Tlol)--rt fl. Callis, ir
C)@ tlie illaiinin, Coiimis-sion of the City o,@@ Vir@iii@a Beacii :for a (:Iian,e
of Zoitiiig District Cl-l-,;sification frorit A(@-1 Agriculttiral i)istrict to
ll-,@ Residential Disti-ict to correct a cir;tfting error @hich liad been
ca.-ried over froin previ.olis yoars:
Oill)i UPL)@ll @li;,i L' 10@N. ZOli74,@
'L)I: D'.S@ll I(:] (.@,AS,@!Fr(]ATIO@@'
Agi-ici@@,] i li@ @t" Ui
iz-4 i,icl@
Bo- it ordained by tlic of tli-- 'li'L,) ot Vir@,,@itia Boacli, Vir@li,lia, t@lat:
Pet@i,tion by Eiotion 01- tile, @,ion OF tlie CLLV of Virpinia
Beacl,. -E@or a Cliaii,,,e of I-ojiiii,l Distr-ict froiii AG-1
!)istrict to l@-4 Resido@iti@E[ I)istrict t,) c oi,rcct @t ctr,@ftiiig -,ri,or @,i'fij,:h
been carried over froii i)t-e@,iolis yeai@,,i bc ei-icio-,,it iTlien @i-@ LiLteiript
ivas nade to plot a pro@)o.,;el z(,ii@n"' in tll,! @ire@i oi certaiii r)l'c)l)ef',v
beginiiin., at a point 1400 feet i@oro oi@ l@ @;s @,loi-til of S Ro@id aii,ll
Feet r@ior- of, Df
thc soilti-iol'it T)l@)POrt@- ,t dist@iiice o-i7 50 a I ii(,,
ti'ie 1"'estern property I;,n@ @in@, rL,,itriiii, @i @ista!icc of- 840 ',-ect aloi,@@ 'che
Nortliern property line. S,,,id p@ircel is rian,,ui@ty j,,i ,incl CIOTI.',ain@@
0.31 acre. (Atwoodto@vn-],a,'@o@liar Ai,eas) ilrinccs-- Boro-,t,lh
I T E,, iNI t'i ',7 8
The City Clerk, Nlr. Ricliarcl J. lvebboji, rciii@nded (louiicil of a Special
Meeting on @Vediiesday, @lovc;;nber 20, 1974, @it 11:00 @t.irt. for tlie purpos--
o:F r--ceivi-,i,, I)ids Eor @ 11 600,000 i.]! 11)@l c i.iilpfO@1-1:1@Tit !)oncls.
IT ENf 7 8
On motion by Councilmaii Gardner, secon(lo(" by Couiicilmai Cromiqell, alid
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilme@q Jolin A. Bauin, Robert B. Crol'@lwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
George R. Ferrell, Cliai@les W. Gardiicr, Jolll R. Grifc-in, Clarence A.
Holl,qnd, J. Henry @IcCov, Jr., Mayor J. Ctii-tis Payne, Patrick L.
Standin.,, and Floyd E. ',,,'at--rfiold, Jr.
!\Tays : NTone
Abse,-it: Councilr.,iaii Robert It. Callis, Ji-.
City Council adjourned the r@ieeting.
!Zichard j. bl)on, City @-terk
a P, @li@
Speci,,il inleeting
7:-iO p.ni.