HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 25, 1974 MINU'I'ES OF TIIE- flONORABLE CITY COU@CIL OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACti, VIRGINIA March 25, 1971 1 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia was held in the Council Chambers in the Administration Building in the Borough of Princess Anne, on Monday, March 25, 1974, at 2:00 p.m. Tlie invocation ilas given by Mr. Richard J. Webbon, City Clerk, Virginlia Beacli, Virg-iiiia. Councilmen present: Joliji A. BZILIM, Robert it. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert B. CroLiwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Ilolland, (,arland L. Isdell) D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Councilmen absent: None ITEM #6933 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, (@,arland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the @linutes of the regular meeting of March 18, 1974, and dispensed with the Teading of said @tinutes inasmuch as each Councilman had a copy of the subj(,ct @linutes before him. ITEM #6934 After considerable discussion by the City Council upon motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman P@tyne, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, (;arland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Wat(rfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Noiie City Council adopted the following Resolution pertaining to trailer variances: R F -0 1, T I---o t4 1,111ERI-:AS) t i'a v, nccs grantc@cl by the City Coulici-I @liid iiiicl@,r Sec',!.oii 20-5 of tlie Code of Princ(,ss Anne Co,,inty; and 1.711TI!ll,:AS, soine of. these trailer variances x-7ere approved for a per'iod of one or t@.,,o years; and Soction 20-5 of the Code of Princess Anne County, concernj-ng trailer variances, has b,-@en repealed by tlie Comprehciisive Zoning Ordinance of the City o@@ Vir@,inia Bcacli, Virgini.a; and WIEPEAS, it is the desire and intention of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach to remove sucli tilne limitations on such variances for trailers ancl @ive the tri',-lcrs tlie status of non-, conformina uses as permitted under tti-- Co,-@ipreliensive Zoning Ordinance. TIIEREFOPE, Br- IT RESO-1-VED BY THE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF VII@ICII'Tt" Bi:Acll, @TIRGI,,TIA: 1. That the Council of the City of Virginia Beach hereby deletes anv time limitations imposed under any trailer variances previously granted by the Planning ConiTission or City Council and that such trai,lers are nol,7 considered non-conforming uses as establislied undcr tlie Coip.,ji--e!iensi-ve Zoiii-ng Ord--'Liiance. 2. Tliat Citi, Cl.ol-i@ 4-s dircctc,-, to ,i,,',vertise siicii resolution for a public lic-a rinp, purstiai@t t:o 15.1-431, OC)do of Virgini,i, as amended. ITE@l #6934 Attorney, i-mson City Councilman Waterfield requested informatio from Mr. B' as to whether the Resolution ju, passed containe re- On the requirements of the Fire Ordinan( , uch skirting would have quirements for kirting, and what effe, st @e. After discussion Attorney Bimson indicated that he would provide, at the next Council Nteeting, an amendment ,,hich would apply to skirting which could be adopted at that tijne as n part of the IZesolution just passed. ITI@@"'I i'f693S Oii inotion tiy cou@iciim@,n Cuilis, seconded by Counciliiian Isdell, and by rccorded vote as follows: Ayes: Couricilmen John A. Bauin. Robert H. Callis. Jr., @layor Robert B Cromwell, Jr. vice Mayor P. Reid Ervin George R. Ferrell, Charles @'Gardner ' Clarlence A. Holland, Garland @. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floycl E. @@aterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted the following ResOlutiOn pertainirig to the People to People Program: -A meeting of the Council of tbe City of Virginia Beach, virginia, was held in the Council Chambers on the 251-h day of March, 1974. On motion made by Mr. Callis and seconded by Mr. Isdell the following Resolution was adopted. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, the "People to People Program" was inaugurated by the President of the United States in 1956 to establish greater friend- ship and understanding between the people of the United States and other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; and %@REAS, all succeeding United States Presidents have endorsed said program, .to be conducted for the exchanqe of ideas between the people of the United States and other nations; and WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach, through its Council, does r ognize and endorse this program with the hope that it will lead to a lasting friendship between the people of Virginia Beach and Moss, ,4orway; and WHER.EAS, through the generosity of th, People of moss, 14orway, a bronze replica of a figurehead k,,ow, as the Norwegian Lady Of the NOrvegian Barque "Dictator-, was erected in 1962; and WHEREAS, the statue conunemorates her 10st crew and ship that met Lth disaster off the sho@es Of Virginia B@,,-" in 1891 as well as being an historical rerninder of th, lindjammer age. Now, THERLPORE, BE IT PESOLvEo, by the City Council 0 O,f Virginia Beach that this COuncil on behalf of the p,opl f the city e Of Virginia Beach, does hereby extend an invitation to the government and the Ipeople of the Ci,tY Of Moss,Norway, to participate with Virginia Beach as its sister city for the purpose of creating greater mutual understanding between the people Of Our two great cities and nations. BE IT FURTHER PESOLVED, that copies of this Resolutio n are to be .sent to the Mayor and Council of the CitY Of MOSS, Norway, The Town A-r'l-iliation Association of the United States, Inc., and the Embassy of Norway. ITEM #6936 Mr. Joe Ackaway appeared, representing tlie First Colony Telephone Company. On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded bv Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd I:. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Abseiit: None City Co unci.1 adoptcd tlie follo@@l,ilig Rcsoliit,,on portaiiiiiig to the teleplione service proiided by tlie First Colony 1'eleplione Coinpany at Sandbridge: A meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach was held in the Council Chambers on 25th day of March 1 1974. On Motion made by Mr. Payne and seconded by Mr. Waterfield the following Resolution was adopted. R B S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Virginia Beach has been advised by the residents of Sandbridge, that telephone service provided by the First Colony Telephone Company at Sandbridge is below an acceptable standard; and WHEREAS, charge for this service is greater than the competitive company offering superior tel,ephone service in Virginia Beach7 and WHEREAS, Sandbridge residents are mc)stly restricted to four- party lines which have no limitation as i@o frequency of use nor length of calls; and WHEREAS, maintenance is delayed and the reception and trans- mittal is of poor quality7 and WHER@S, no public telephones are available in the Sandbridge area, causing undue hardship to renters who do not have access to a telephone; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, does hereby requ(@st the State Corporation Commission to hold a Public Service Ilearing on day of 1 1974, and request tlie First Colc)ny Telephone Company to give reasons why thcy should iiot be denied Continued franchisc in the SInclbricljo zirea. ITEM #6937 On motion by COuncilinan Malbon, seconded by COuncilman Isdell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. R,id Elvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles IV. Gardncr: Clarerice A. Holl,,,,], Carl,aiid '-. lsdc,,Ii, 1). ,@lurray @lilbon, j. @,tirtis Pzl@.ne, ancl Floy F,. l@'aterfield, Nays:, None Absent: Nione CitY Council approved on second reading, a transfer of S2,700 from Account 631 to Account 831 in the budget of the General'Services Department. ITEM #6938 On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded b), Councilman fiolland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ff. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell D. Murray Malbon I J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted, 6n second reading, an ordinance establishing fees and charges for rental of boats, pedal boats and to establish fees for fishing privileges for the lakes )f Moun't Trashmore Park: FO', OF TI[--' Oi,' BE IT Ccltli-.(-Ili. OF T-,'r @ITY OF VITICIIIIA 11"iACH, a) b) Bo-at Reiital. $I.(@5 per ]Z,,y C) rr "Illi@) - @,5cts p(,i- I)e-i-soii eay, 9,,es L,,p ct 3,c,tr@' ire @l)-l ot:iicr d) risliin@ Pole .55cts per pr,r@eti p(-@) d@,iy. e) Tii@ S(,c -li@oiL 2@ T'lie Dcpirt)ticnt o-t@ Pir'.s, "ccr(.@,irion ai-id Pli, si-cal Educatioti is hereby authorized to aclopt rulcs and regulitions governin, the use of the lakes. The rules and re@ulatio,'Is shall be subjcct to the approvil of the City 1-Tiriager. First 11,@,lJi.ng- @larcb 18, '19,-4 Seconcl a,-] i ii g@larch 25, 1974 Adopted by tt-ie Council of the City 0-@ Virgi.nia Beach on thIe 25th _ day of March @l. For state la@.7 as to authority of tlie citv to establisti such cilar,,es see Code of Virgi-ni,a, S--@ction 1-5.1-@-)@-,6 ITE@l #6939 On iiiotion by Councilnian Waterfield, secoji(!ed by Councilman Callis, and by recorded vote as foliows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid ETviii, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, (larland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted tlio folloiviiig c)rdinai,@ce establishing a roiqard of $100 for information Iciading to the apl)rcliension aiid conviction of any,person iilio ivroi)gftilly sil)hons, di'@iiii or ollicri@ise reTIloves gasoline oi- any otlier ilicl frc;)i any motor @,chicle: Requested by: Councilman Floyd E. liaterfield, Jr. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISli A RE@,12@@D OF $100 FOR INFOT,,LATION LEAT.)IN(, TO T.TIE ADPI@E 'I 7 T(IN AND CONVICTION OF UN PERSON WqO @,p@,Oi\,GFULLY SIPHONS, DRAINS OR OTHERWISE REMOVES (,ASOLINE OR ANY OTHER FUEL FROM ANY MOTOR VEHICLE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: S(,cti.ori I.: A of one 1-tuiidre,,] (@l(;O) is -iereby of-@ered :-@o,.- ii,@k,. t, titc ztpprenension and, conviction of any person who wrongfully siphons r drains or otherwise removes gasoline or a-ny other ftiel fro,,n any motor )ehicle. Section 2: This rex,7ard is not offered to any law enforcement official in the performance of his duties. Section 3: This ordinance s@all I)e effective from and after tlie date of its ajopti(,r.. Adopted by tlie Council of the Ci@y of Virgini@i on the 25th Liav of March l@7/4 3-111- 71, ITEI-I 116940 On motion by Councilman @l@ll.bon, seconded b@, Cou,,ilinaii ifolland and by recorded vote as follows: B. Cromivcll Ayes: Councilmeil John A. Baum, Rol)ert H. C Ilis, Jr., @@layor Robert , Jr., VICC @layor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner. Clarence A. ffolland, Garland L. Tsdeli, D. Murray Malbon, i. @ur-tis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None amount of City Council approved the following tax refiinds in the 1,062.97.: -al-e Bi,-@son C@-ly m: @ir. V. 'f---Casure,.- Date @farcli 14, 1974 jecl@: Application @@or -.a:,: @efunds ,@Ollowing applications for @-efund of t,3xes to-,aling $ 924.72 cert-*@@@ied ---or payment, as set forth below: A. Etherid-e 8259 0 383 15.00 &P 1973 PP 063874 0369 6-13-73 lil.28 131.28 Pincus, 970 RE 822 2059 12-6-72 100.,62 5.03 2.68 Ha@-lan 1st &2-.id 100.62 , 5.03 9.5 1 RE 839 2060 '12-6-72 100.621-5.03 3.1 1st &2nd 100.621 5.03 6.3 2 RE 868 2061 12-6-72 105.52 5.28 105.52 5.28 675.90 lfr ed T 3 RE 051006 2074 12-5-73 21.84 2nd half Bryant 1974 CD 72455 1-29-74 15.00 Wilder 1974 TR 4640 3-9-74 3.50 JBrogan 1974 CD 54949 1-23-74 15.00 Realty 1974 CD 55854 1-24 -74 7.50 er. 1974 CD 54951 1-23-74 15.00 n I i.,,,)lications r-or re-@u,,i@ )roved. on, T-Y ibaze.-,ients totaii-,Ig I Approved by City c@.)un y cil I)a te d Dale Binson C4-ty Att,).--ley- -cm: :,fr. V. A. Etheridge, Treasuter Dare Ma"r--h 13, 1974 ubjecl-: 'Ipplica-@ion for Tax R24-'Unds he followi-,i- applications fo-- refund o.@ ta@<,as to-lali-,ig $ 138.25 nd ror payment, as sot Cortli balow@ V. A. --ther-*Idge surer Type Tax @xonerl- of i cioill @@at en- -c, lax 2 In -r@ otal -vU- 0. C c! S;2 I es t: us JBerna.- 74 CD 7"r' 65473 '4-1,4-74 7.50 ly GScott 74 CD 74407 1-30-74 7.50 Reynolds 1974 MC 15 1-8-74 1.50 Pauline 1974 CD 57792 1-28-@74 7.50 r beth H. 1974 @D 7760 1-28-74 7.50 ey D. Nabors 1974 CD 9712 1-31-74 15.00 s M Taylor 1974 CD I# 63798 1-9-74 15.00 n Carter 1974 CD 62082 1-4-74 7.50 T er MC 469 1-28-74 3.00 JL - t W. 1974 CD L -7 985 1-31--74 16 . rson t L Mott 1974 CD 25497 1-16-74 15.00 tion 1:9@4 CD l@ 30637 1-29-74 7.50 ms, Inc. Davis 1974 CD 30562 1-29-74 7.50 lin ozen 1974 CD T-4324 1-30-74 20.00 ages Inc. ove anplicationj for -.e.- @und o--@ ta,<es approve,'. D@i te D ove az)at,@,,ents totalii, hy t:y Council- Dzitc ITLNI #6941 Oil motion I)y Coujicilii)@iii l@errell, secorided by Councilman Isdell and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ii. (,'allis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervil[, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. fiolland, (;arland I,. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd l-,. Waterfi.eld, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council apt)roved tlie follo@,:ing apl)oirtment of viewers for street CIOSLire - 201 l'ortion of Ilrovi(lc..i,.,o Ro@tl ii) tlie Kemp5-,ville Boroug)i: T@T TTIE-@ O@ ANr) DISCONTT@UI@,'G l@ POI@'PION OF P E T I T I 0 N PROVIDENCE ROAD TO: THE MAYOR AND THE MEMBFRS OF THE COUIICIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: Petitioner, City of Virginia Beach, iespectfully represents: 1. That pursuant to the provisions c,f Section 15.1-364 of th6 Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, the said petitioner applies for the vacating, closing and discontinuing of a lortion of a certain road situate in the Borough of Kempsville, Citl of Virainia Beach, Virginia, and described as follows: ALL THAT CERTAIN Portion of Providence Road desiqneterl "20' STRIP BEING CONVEYED TO PROPERTY OWNEI@ BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACI-I," coiitaining 0.074 acres, as appears on that certain plat enti-tled "PLAT SliOWING PORi'ION OF PROVIDENCE ROAD R/W BEING VACATED A-ND CLOSED BY THE CITY OF VIRGTNIA BEACH, SCAI,E: 1"=40', JAQUARY 31, 1974, KEMPSVILLE BOROU--Il, VIRGTNIA BEACH, @,li.RC@INIA, DUNCAN & JOIINSON, LTD.,ENGINEERS & SURVEYORS, 305 BIRCIIWOOD PARK DRIVE, VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA," zind recorded in the City Clerk's Office of tlie Circuit Colirt of the City of Virginia Beacii, Vizcjinia, in M@p Boc)k 1.02 at page 1-8 and furthei7 described a-q fo-(.1,Dws: To find tlie point of beginning, start at a pin at the inters6ction of the southern right of way of Indian River Road and the northern right of way of Providence Road and proceeding North 440 46' West alcig the said right of way of Indian River Roicl a di-static,, ol@ 31-7.50 feet to a pin at tlie ,,ostern most propei-ty line of now or formerly Robei:t Thomas, tlicnc(, ti-iriiiri-T and prDceeding South 330 51' West, ii distance of 165.38 le,@t to the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence prc)c(@edirig Sc)utli 33'@ 51' We!;t a distance of 21.56 feot to l T)ciit; tlicnc(@ ti.trii ng and 1-)rocecding North 770 40' Wost 71 diftaiice of 10(1..6 f(@ot along th('- dedicated riqht of %qciy )f ilrovi(30n,,,(, !;'Dad to l point,. thenr,e turnin,-T and nrocce(Iiiiq NOT-ti, 13' 11" distance of 21.34 to,,@t t:o i point- ttirnin(I and proc@c).@i@nq S()uih 7'7) 10' T@@,l@,t l )f l( 0.,)1 fc),@t 2. That no inconvenience will result-. to any person by reason of the said closing, vacating and discont-nuing of this portion of said road, and petitioner prays that tliis Honorable Council appoint Viewers as provided by the afor(-'sz@id stitute to view the portion of the saicl roa(l to bc-, clc)s,,2d and rcp,)rt in writi-ng to this council on or befc),,--- 1974, whether, in the opinion of the said Viewers, any, @ind if any, what incon- venience would result from the discontinu4ng of this portion of said road. 3. That on the _ day of 1974, notices of the presenting of this application were posted at the Courthouse of the Circuit Court of the City of Virgiria Beach, Virginia, and at two other public places wityiin the saic City, as evidenced by the affidavit attached hereto, and a copy 3f said notice, and the land owners along and adjacent to said stl(',et desire and request the said portion of Providencc, Roa(l to bc., Llosed, as shown by the attached letter. Respectf'L.Ily submitted, CITY OF @IRGINIA BEACH DEPARTMEN- OF LAW By__ ORDINANCE APPOINTING %IEWERS WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, has given and proper notice, in accordance with tbe statutes for such casc made inci provid,-,d, tl)at it %!ould on thi-- eiy at,ply to the City CoUnC,il Of tl-,- C4 t,, of the app@-@-T, ment of Viewers to view the below describc@d property and report in writing to the Council whether, in the opinion of said Viewer any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from the dis- continuing of the hereinafter described pc,rtion of Providence Road in the Kempsvi.lle Borough of the Cit3, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and have .@iled su--h application with the said Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THI'@ COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That, C@eorge I,. lianl)iiry, Charles C. Carrin@.ton, and Williar,i l@. Flemiiig, jr. are hereby appointecl to view the below de@;cribed property and report in writiiig to the Council on or beiore whether in their opinion, a-iy, and if any, what inconvenience wo, result from the discontinuing, closing ancl vacating of that cert.- portion of Providence Road, located in th(@ Borougll of Kempsvil.10, Ci-ty of Virginia Beach, virginj-a, and des(,ribed as follows: ALL TIFAT CERTATN -)c)rtion (.)f Providen(,e Road (-iesignated '1201 S@'RIP BETNC, CONVEYED TO PROPERTN' OWNER BY THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACTI," containing 0.0-14 acres, as appears on that certain plat entitl,ed- "PLAg' Sf'OWING PORTION OF PROVIDENCE ROAD R/W BPIING VACATED ANI) CLOSED BY THE CITY OF VIPGINIA B]7@ACFT, SCALE-: 1.11=401, JP.IQUARY 31-, 1974, KEMPSVILLE BOROUG'I, VIRGINIA BEACII, \'II@GINIA, DUNCAN & JOITNSON, LTD., T,,NGINEERS & SURVE@' RS, 305 BIRCHWOOD PARK DRIVE, VTRC@TNIA BT-,ACII, VIR(',INIA," @inc@ rc@corded in the City Clerk's 0-@-fice of th(? Circuit Cc,iirt of the City of Vircii,iii@i Bc-,acli, irgini@i, in map r,(,,)l 102 at tdage 18 and furl-l-ic,i: descril)c@.i as follc)ws: To find the point of beginning, start at a pin at the intersection of the southern right of way of Indian River Road and the northern right of way of Providence Road and proceeding North 440 46' West along the said right of way of Indian River Road a distance of 317.50 feet to a pin at the western most prooerty I.ine of no@,@, or formerly Robert Thomas-, thence incl pi7ococ,@ South '3" 51' West, a d is ta ii- e o f 16 @1) f,@e t to tho@ 1OT' -@%-ING-, tli--nce -st -o procc-,O.diiig ,ol-,ti 51 ' ,@, Z', r ; @Ice I '@6 f e,@t@I a point; thencc, 33r(D(, @,:,cst a distance of 160.16 feet a]-ong tti(@ right of way of Providence Road to a point; thencc turning and proceeding North 320 13' 41" East a distance of 21.34 feet to a point; thence t@rning and proceeding South 770 40' East a distance of 160.81 feet back to the POTNT OF' FEGINNING. t :er #(,,942 Ir- Wahab appoared i") fo@ic T@.@ On inotioil b@@ Counc@i@@i@,ii i,,! Co@inci linan Gardiier and by recorded voto as Ayes: Councilmen ic)l),n f,ob(,rt 11, (i@i.1 I is Jr. , Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice F,'cid Er'@iri, George R. Ferrell, Cliarles h. Gardiicr, A. (,a-liand L. Isdell, D. Murray @laibcn, J. (,urtil i@ tvaterfield, Jr. Nays: @None Absent: None City Council dei-c-rred c)f c)lle (1, week the following street CIOSLlr(@ - )ceari -ii ]3c)rougii wliich was deferred froni Iariupry 694-, ff On motion I)Y Vice Mayc@i, [IN, I.-,( @ilicilman Gardner, and I)y recorde,@, vote z@@; j, es : Councilmen Jol@@ii 1 i.s , Jr. Nfayor Robert Cromwell V-@Icc@ !@tv i ii @@orge R. Ferrell ,..arles W. Cardiier, !fo! 1 isdell, D. Murr,iy @Ialb,)n, j field, Jr. Nays: Nojio Absent: None City Council ac!,,,pllccl r(,s,)li!t @)ertainiiig to streets A meeti.ng of the Cou@icil c@f LI)e Crt@y o@ Virginia Beach Virginia was held in the Council (@fir,.,nbers on thL, day of March 197 On motirn hv Mr. and @3cccriti(,d by Mr. Gardner the follo@,7in,,, r(@sol.uti.on 3 WHEREAS, !-@avc@ b,-en Put to record in the former Coulity 0,@ 2 CTt:y Of Virginia Bea,,@@, or o.f@ f(',,r dedication for public use certain streets, a!,',-Ys ancl publi.c w@ty@@ as indicated on sucl,, subdivision plats; and WfMEAS, Vj7-gini,., Yta(,,,i, pursuant to Section 2.02 of the Charte of @[IC, @jrgi,,iia itiay exercise all powers possessed by consti,ti@'lit frrtiie,- stibdivi, ions. WHEREAS, it i,,; @r<, and of ttle Councii of the City of Virginia Beach, i-o accep, ptiblic use all those certain streets, alleys and (2 bl@en put to record in the Clerk's office c,,- Virginia (formerly Princess @At-,ne NOW, 'TIIEREF'OR@,, Ti [L COIJN OF Tff,-@ CITY OF VIRGINTA 1. Tiat ali a@leys anki p,,b ic wavs dedicated to public use as ind-'@.@,itcd ,r) .-,,rLa.i-n recorded in the Clerk' s Anne office of t@t(I Citv of B (formerly Princess County, Virgiiiia) tir)t- 3@y formal action of the two former political t@(, of Virginia Beach or by acts of acceptance. !itic5i ,netit@ rc,pair 1.)y public authoritie,3 or by i.nferenef,? from r@ii@olic are hereby forir,.Illy accepted for pul),Ii@c On Motion by @nd by re-@orded votc, ly COu,-IcilTraii Gardner, s Ayes: Collici 11,@ell 13. I Robe,t lni,, C, I 1,0 I Ch@irles 0 Isdc,il , j). @ltii,ray J. -1 C- Nays None j,. Absent: N(3ne city Colincil ado,@te(I discontiniiiiig a ClOsilig, vacating and ,401, in the C ity of ,- i rg @Q(@,itcci in l,ondon Bridge V@ D. llould t'@e Ci@@y of Vir i Ilia r .13 C 0 n t i n tn C'@v C')I, @CT C I a (,)rt@,, (43' foot stre(-,t or O,I,l 1 ,f C. I 1 t;le 0 f C!(I :j t@l-,ii LIrning i,ortli -inc riiniiing t; I C'@ 1: l e@ it-,,-nine (4,)) to E@. SP@IN ND L'I.E T;14 C I 'aL) or NE'S AT LAW of Circziit (,our-t of VIRGI@'A BEACH BLVD so. 211, -n @@ao --,3oo" BEA@, V. l@l@ ic r 7,) (:!'O, t o- 'Lh@ V i 4 J in a li@co i@i, ii;-,, r n t c-. c@ ITEM #6945 On motion by Couiicilniaii Ilayne, secon(ler-I b,, Councilinan Waterficid, and by rccorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Nlayor Robert B. Croniwel.1, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. [folland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Mui-ray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: Noiie Absent: Noiie Abstain: Vi.ce Nla),oi- Ervin LOW BID HUNT CONTRACTING COMPANY $99,540 SEWAGE PUMPING STATION ITEM #6945 (a) On motion by Councilinan Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Isdell, and by recorded vote as fol@lows: Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Bauni, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murr,,iv @@ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfiel,l, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None Abstain: Vice Mayor Ervin City Council approved the loiv bid of Steward Construction Company in the amount of $141,968.50, for pipe work, including water mains, sewer lines and force ipains. The City Man,,i@le-r iq@'is @ilitliori-ze(I to exec,,it@ the necessarv doctiments to implement this project. ITI@M #6946 On motion by CouncilmaTi Nfall)oii, secoi)de(l y Counciliiian Isdoll, and by recorded vote as follolvs: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robei't ii. CIllis, jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @,layor F. Reid Ervi:i, Coorge R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, (',Iarence A. Ifoll.aPd, @arland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Cui-tis and ]@lo,@ld 17. l@@iterfield, Jr. N,,iys: None Absent: None City Council approvod tl!e low t)id of l@. B. ',Icreclitli, 111, Inc., in tlie amount of $113,797., for tile scwige plitIT) st@it,i'on and off site water and s(,,wer foi,co lit@iills fol' tllc,, CC)iii,.Iuiiity College Tlie City @lanager aiithorized to exectit, tlie nc,,c:ess@iry doctiments for this project. I'FENI #6946 and by recorded vote as follows On motion by COunciljiian Ferroll, secolidt@(i by COLI]IC. lm,n Gardner, Ayes: Couiicilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid irvin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner. C'arence A. ifolla,,d, Garland L Isdell, D. Niurray Malbon, J. @urtis Payne, and Floy@ E. Wateriield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the lo@@ bid for off site wate-r line ar@d sewer f'orce maiii, slil)initted Vic-o colist ructil-Ill COmp,'3iy in the amotintI of $54,657.85. Tli-- Cit y 1,1@ina,.,er aLltilCIti cd to tllcl iie,7ossary documents to impleiiielit tliis pi-ojoct. ITEM #6947 On motion by Councilnian Gardner, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as foil-ows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., @layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid El@vi,,, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, (,arland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd l@. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the silai@y scale fol correctional officers to be established at $6,144, with an incrcase to $6,720 upon completion of the Law Enforcement O@@ficers Trai@iiig 5tandards Commission School. TTENI #6948 On motion by Coiincilmaii 1%,@aterficld, secoii@,cd bv Cotincilmaii Gardner, and by recorded vote as lollows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robeit H. Cal-Iis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @layor F. Reid Ervin, I;e(,'rge R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarcnce A. flollirid, Cirlai,,d L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payiie, and Fiovd WLiterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council authorized, stibject to the cc)@,'ctirrence of the State Compensation Board, two cooks' positions ii tlie Citv Jiil btidget and two biliffs' po@itions in tlie, )f -ic:o I)tid,4@t. I'he fujids required to stippo@-t tlics@, i)O@il ioll@ fqr I'@" I)ZI]@LlICC (@f this fiscai year tot,,ii $8,694 ($517,)@ I-t,oiii tlie @tat(, $2,89i-, Eroiii tlie City). City Council also niade @i tot@il apl)ropri--tit,Ti of $8,694 to tlie following accounts: 1 $4,480 to Accoiiii-,- # L25 (Coiiil)cns@itioli of Deput), @lic,iff) $4,214 to Accoiint. #L44 (Caiiipc,,nsation of Matrons, J;iilers and Cook) City Couiicil approved a transfer of $11,81)7 from Reserve for Contingencies and estimated rcvenues fron, the Collimonwealth Account #1034 be increased by $5,797, the State',; share of the cost. ll'EM #6949 On motion by Councilman Payne, seconcl,,,d I)v Councilman Holland, and by recorded ),,O-te as folloiq.,: A),es (@ouncilni(,ii @olin P, 1), rl H 1 i s I Jr. , @l,-,),or Rol),@ B. Ci,o if ce l@ r, i v i!, 1, e @ e R i@e . 11 Charles IV. Gai:-diier, Cl,,ii-cjicc, A. Garl@iiid I,. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payiie, and Flo),(! E. IVatei,field, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved aii increase to the Comprehensive Mental fiealth budgct by $66,305 for the State's contribution, to be offset by a like increase in estimated revenue. ITEM #69SO On motion by Councilmaii Malbon, secoiaded by Cotincilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert fl. Callis, Jr., @layor Robei'L B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liollapd, @,arland L. Isdell, 1). Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Flo,,,c E. IVaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved a transfer of $1,92S from Account #140 (Compen- sation of JP's) to Accounts #204, 214, 217 and 220 to cover certain operating expenses. ITEM #6951 On motion by Councilinan Malbc)n, seconded ',-)y Councilman Waterfielcl, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bauln, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor l@. Reid Erviii, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. llolland, @@,,irland L. Isdell, D. @lurray Nlalbon, J. CLirtis Pivi)e, and 171ov(l I:. l@aterf@eld, Jr. Nays: None'. Absent: None .City Council approved tlie followin,@ adjilsfill(@nts to accomodate cert@. salary changes approv(2(i hv the City Coti,icil on @cbruary 1, 1974: Geiieral Fund ('I'i-aiisfer f,-c)m Coii-lingenci.es) $54,027 Drug Abuse outrezich Fund (Unal)propriatc,d SurpILls) 108 Working Captial Fuiids (Unappropriated Stirplus) 20,436- Total Appropriation Ad.justments $74,571 ITEM #6952 On motion by Councilm,, Tsclc,,]I, SeCDT@(lecl by CoLincilman rerrell and by recorded @,ote @is f,c)llc),@s Ayes:, CoL,Ilcillpoll 13. CI'OPi@,,,ell , Jr. F. Pe i,! 1- Jr @',!,tyor ROIDert Cliarles -z,\in, Goo7ge R. Ferrell, Gardnc!r, (@lareiice A. lfollaiid, Garlajid L. Isdoll, D. Murray 11/21albon, J. Curti-S Payne, and l@loy(I E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council authorized the City Treasurer, Mr. V. A. Etheridge, Ito charge Off four checks totaling $SS5.47 @,rii@ich he determined would be impossible to collect. 1TEM #6953 On motion by Councilman Holland, secondel by councilman Isdell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilinen John A. Bauill, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor I-. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. liolland, Carland L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. 6urtis Payne, and Floye E. Waterfield., Jr. Nays: None Absejit: None City Council approved the Bingo application submitted by the Chesapeake Beach Volunteer Fire Department. ITEM #6954 On motion by Councilman Isdell, secondecl @)y Councilman Holland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Batim, Robert Ii. Callis. Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice @lavor F. Reid Erviii, Georie R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clare@ce, A. [folland, (,,,irland ],. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis P@tyiie, and Floycl @@. IVaterficid, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council authorized the City Managor to enter into a standard .water and sewer agroeiiieiii: with Parli@Injolit. village, KeiRpsville Borou@li. ITEM #6955 On motion by Councilinan Gardiier, scconded by Councilinan tiolland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Bauri, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Ntayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. flolland, Garl.and L. Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Cotincil tl,c, fcllowin,,, l@CSC)Iut;C)ll coiiceriiing certain Grajit reclues-'s iiii@il'f tlie aii@i Saf-c StreeLs Act of 1968: R E S 0 L U T I 0 N i 'cts,IIEREAS, th-- Crir,,e O,-Lnibus and Safe Slreetr, Act of 1963, as am--nded, Dro,.,ides Federal funds to assist political subdivisions of the various states .i,-i irprovin.@ -,heir respective criminal justicc -;ys-lems in 6rder to reduce or el@;7-inate inadequacics; a,.d 'AH.EP,EAS, there exists inadequacies within the La;q Enforcem-.nt sector of Cri-.iinal Justice system of tliis Ci-ly; and ;%HEPEAS, there exists a need in improving training of tlieir 'police forces i,,i order to reduce or eliminate inadequ,-cies; aiid illERF-:AS, the subject trainin.@ progr,-ns wil'@ cost a total of $li,477.00, o.@ w.@-iich the City's proportionate share amounts to $573.00; and bEEREAS, it is necessary that each political subdivision participating p-,D,raTn 77-roii-@e a nroT)o-ti,)r,,@te o@ t@c r'DS-l NO',I, THERER-ORE, BE IT RESOLVER) BY -,IiE COUN(:IL OF rile CITY OF: VIRGINIA E@-@ICH: That the City I-lanager is hereby authorized and d;-rccted to caute such irfor-.,ation or materials as may be necessary to be provided to th-- approp.-iate state a.@encies to per,.nit the forr.,tilation, appro@,,,l o" those F-02Tar,s needed by tlie Cit,,f. ITEM #69S6 On motion by Councilnian Gardner, seconded by --ouncilman Holland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bauin, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cro)ilwell, Jr., Vice ,Iayor F. Reid Ervin, Georgo R. Ferrell, irles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland I,. isdell, D. -riy Malbon, J., Curtis Payne, aild Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: Noiie Absent: No;ic City Council adopted thc, follok,,iiig Resoltitioli concorning a pilot program of the Adult Offender Statistical Traiisactions Syste]Tl Program: RESOLUTION WHF,REAS, th-- Crirr-e Omnibus and Sa@'e St@-eets Act pro@des federal s in irnprovin@ their -;,ands to assist pol;,tical subdivisions of ti-!e various state re s.pec'ive Criminal Justice Systerns ix,, ord--r to reJu--e or eliminate inadequa- s; and WHEREAS, "here are areas in v@hich the --dult offender sector of the Crim- @inal Ju.5tice System of t'lle Ci',Y of Virginia Beach requires such assistalice; 4nd IVHEREAS, i-t is de'Lerr.-,iz'ied tli--t -Lh@ appl;ca'lion of au.tomated data proces- sing techniques initiated -itliin the snectrum of the adult offender sector (:)f our Crin,i'nal i-Ustice Systern would enhance the exped,"@ant delivery of equitable jus- tice; ana WHEREAS, such adaptation of ADP methodolog@ would promote continu;.ty of 6@-,e process; and W@REAS, such continuit'i of process will i-esult i-i incr--ased cost efl@ec- tiveness to the entire system; and --ssary that each political su7ocl;-Vision participatin- in WBERE:AS, it is nec the program provides a proportionate share of the cost tliereof. W@R--AS, the estimat--d total cost of tlie Adult Offender Statist,@cal Trans- alctions Syst--m Pro@.rirn i, $234, i66, -,,nd the cstimated II-)cal coi-itribution for ata,l tii@! two year p-,-o,rarn LS NG--,1, T=REFOPE, B-@ !T 1"ESOL'@'rD BY -Lil,-, COCJN-@IL Ol-r -.r@ C;I'CY O-- VIRG@TL-% BEAC@.l: That the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to cause such. i@-or@mation or materials as may be necessary to be provided to the appropriate state a@encie.5 to p--rir-;' tlie @loa:i-rulat;-on, appi-o /a' azid @l,,nd@n, of t@,c)se prorai-rs n--edpd-by th-- CiLy. AND, BE IT FURT@R RESOLVED, thzit the Couiicil of the City of Vir.-imizL Beach gives its assurance that the funds n--eded as the City's prooortionate share of tite cost of appr@ed pro@@-arns will be provid2d. AND, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Governor of Vir@inia is re- spectfully requcsted to assist in the prompt aoprov@l ald @'Undina of needed pro- grams in order that the public interests of this City @-nay be best protected. ITE@@l #69S7 Councilman Baum indicated that he would like an explanati.on of the various ptograms of Federal Aid iii i,;hi(:Ii the City of Virginia Beach is participating uiidor the Federal Safe Streets aTId Crime Act as well as other programs concerning law enforcement. After discussion, City Mana,,er Scott, advised Council that an explaination would be made in the immedi-ate future after the meetings set up . for the planning items and the hearings on the budget for the fiscal year 1974-75 had been hel(l. ITENI t@69S8 On motioii b), Couiicilip,@ill sec@onclecl l@y (@0',ITICilviail Gardner, and by i-ecorded, vote, @is Ayes: Councilmen Johii A. Batim, IZobe-rt H. Callis, Jr., Nlayor Robert B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L. Isdell, D. Mu-rray Malbon, J. Curti.s Payne, and Floyd E. Ivaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Nojie City Council appointed the following persons to the United Drug Abuse Council for unspecified terms: Mr. James McKenry, Attorney Mr. A. C. IVoodruff, Attorney Reverend Mark Stone Nir. Brantley Basnight, Attorney Ms. Barbara Wiley ITEM #69S9 Vice Mayor Ervin sug@ested that the reverse ,;ide of 1ratcr bills be utilized for informational purposes regardiiig.City activities in an effort to iniprovc ptiblic relatioiis. floi,ev(.,r, it @@@as indicated by the representatives of the water Department, at this time tlicre is so niucli concerniiig the pi,ol@o-r hiiiiii,, tlta'L dt i,@ould l@e ],.lore effective if such use of the bills be withheld pending bringing the bills up to date. ITEM #6960 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, secoiided*by Councilman liolland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F..Reid George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Hollan@l, Garland L. Isdell, D. Murray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payrie, and Flov:l E. Ivaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council will hold a closed mectiTIP, on Mon(lay, April 1, 1974, for the plirpose of discussing itetps peripitte(I for discti,,Sion ulidor Section 2.1-334, stibparagral)h 2, 6, aii(I 7 of tlie Frcedoni of Iiiforniaticii Act of tlie Conimonwealtli ol@ Vii,ginil. ITENI '16961 On iiiotion by Couiicilmztn 1-@ei-rcll, I)y (@oiinciiiiiall ffoll@ilill, @ilid by uiianiinous vote, the mectine,' @l(l.ioul'ile(I -F -k 714,