HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 1, 1974
Oi7 'i,ir,
April 1, 19'/4
Tlie rogular ineetiiig Of tllc (:Oullcil Of tlie, City of Virginia Beach,
Virgiiii,li, ivas field iii the Cotilicii cli lilbers in tlie Administration
bLlildiii,,, in tlie l@oloi@"ll ()f I)riiic s,,; on @londay, April 1, 1974,
at 2:00
iii@!o(,,Itioll @@ill)ui@, Bayside
Ililitc,,] zi
"IC)iljt @layor
crolii@vell , Jr., Vice NI@t),or IZoici Frvill, George R.
l'orrell, Cliarl,es G@irdiier, flollai@d, Garlaiid L.
Isdell, D. @lurray ',Ialboli, J. Curt@i.@ il@iyiie, and lloyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Councjlii)en absejit: Noiie
ITE@l #(@96S
Oii iaotioii by Couiiciljiiaii Ferrell, sec(@iided by Cc)uiicilman fiolland,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilinen Joliji A. 1,@aum, l@obeit 11. C@allis, Jr., @,layor
Robert 3. Crojiiwell, Jr., @'ice @layor I . leid Ervill, George R,
Ferrell, Cliarles I'@. G@irdiier, (@,larei)cc A. fiollaiicl, Garland L.
Isdell, 1). Nlurray Nlalboll, J. Curtis I a),Iie, alict Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
N@ivs: None
A'L)sent: None
City Coujicil approved tlie Miiiutes of tli6 Regular @leeting of
,,!@ircii 1,5, 1.97@,, aici i@itli tl)e rc,,alliji,l of said "linutes
iii,ismuch as eaci) Couii@ilm@in ]lad a coyy of tlie silbject \Iinutes
ITENI #bc)66
Oii motioii by Councilman Ferrell., seconded by Vice Mayor Ervin,
aild by recorded voto as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Joliii A. Bauin, Robert if. Callis, Jr., @layor
Robert B. Croiiwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
1,@errell, Charles W. Gai-dner, Clareiice A. liolland, Garland L.
lsdc,,Il, 1). @lurray @"I@ilboii, J. Curtis Ila),iie, and l@-loyd E-. Waterfield, Jr.
0,1 c
AI)sent: l@one
City Cotincil approiod ilic @Iiiitites of tlie Spociil @leeting of
l@',Itrcii 27, 1974, aii(I cli@I)CII@c@i l@itli tli- re,,idii),., of said Nlinutes
iii@i-,;iiiLicii Lis eacii C@ouiicilin-ill li@i(I zi co,)@, c)f tlic stlbject %Iinutes
i)efol-e ]iiiii.
i,rjl,\i 1; ( 067
Adr,iir@ii iiar ILL i@ l)c@ti,,ed I @fore (: it), Co uiicil on I) eh@lif
of tlic Vir I
,giiiia j@(2@icli tile, Council of
Gai@den aii(I tlic il@epttiji(@ Fcsti@,@it, Clean S;veep I'@leek
iii tlie CiL:y of
Admiral NlcNltliori ;Llltoj tl)@tt tlie OI)jective of this pi,oject is to
i-id tlie City, rid tlie rc)acls, etc., of exc(-,ssive trasli ajid litter
tlirou@.1io@,it tlie cojiiii;uil;tN,. '!'lie v,,irioul organizations also plan to
plant siarubs, trces @iii@i flo@@ers tlii,oi-@@liout the @tica.
Ad:iiii'al i%lcl@Ialion st,,itccl tiiit tile (:ub Sc-out , tlie Boy Scouts, the
Girl SCOLITS, and tc) ni@l the or@,ainzatio@
I)jl oil bv
@iiicl I)Y I'CCordo(l V,-),L,, @l@
Ayos: COLIllCillllell Batini, Robeit 11. Caliis, Jr. Mayor
Plol)crt B. Cromwell, Jr. Vicc,. '@,layoi- F. lze"d Ei'vin, George R.
l@cri,ell, C@liarics Gl,ii'diier, Clla,-oiice @k. Itc)llaiid, Garland L'
Isdell, D. i\lurra@- L@Lirtis l@,iyiiQ, aiicl l@loyd E. l@laterfield, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: None
City Couiicil approv,(-@d qn secon@l reacli;i,,, tlie req,,icst of Sheriff
S. J. Snlitli tli,,it til,,, @@ilzii-v @CLile fC)T ccri,ectioiiil officers be
establis)icd at $6,144, witli iii inci,ease to tipon Collipletioll
of tl)e Law EiiforcOiitoTlt Officiei,s Traiiiiii,l @t@iTidai,ds Com.,iiission
Scliool. 'F)le Sheri [f,-,; bucl,,et is adc!q@,l@ite to fuiiul the positions
throtigii JLiiie 30, 1914, aiid ttic l@Y 75 i,,u,,'gct iijcltides salai-ics on
tliis basis.
I T P, 6 ) 6 9
Oii iiiotioii by Coujicilriafi @l@llt)oii, -secoji,,ic(l I)y Couiicilifian Ga-rdner,
aii(I by recoi,(Iod iTo-@-c a,,, follo@@s:
,'@) c s ; Cou@,ic,*@liiiet" JL)IIII "'k. 3atil@il !)obcrL fi. Callis, Jr., Nla),or
)Zobort B. Croiiiivell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Cliarles IV. Gardner, (Il.arence A. lfolland, Garland L.
Isdoll, D. Nlurrav j@lalbc)n, If. (,'ui-ti-s P@lyiie, and lloyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second re@iding aTI iTIcrease in the
Compreliel-isive Nleiital licaltia budget by $66,30S for the State's
coii,@ribution, to bo, offset b), a Like ijicrease in estimated
l'ovenue; also reapl)i-ol@iiato tlie Cit),'.,; coiitribution of $C)6,30S.
Oil iiict io;l by c@(@'ll'I f-i (,cc)n(ic, CDu ]ic, 11"la il flo l -i all @l
aiid by r(@corcied @Tote ai, ol-1c)tvs
Ayes : jollil A. B@iulli, I',Oi)@@rt 11. cztl@lis, Jr. @-layor
IZobei't l@. Cl,oir,@vcll , Jt,. , Vic- @lavoi- F. Roid J 'rviii, (@corge R.
Forroll, CharJes (3ardrier, Cl@i@cii@c A. floll@ind, Gar.],iiid L.
Isdell, D. @lurrLLy %Ia@lboii, J. Curti,@, 11a.@,iie, an(I 1,@loyd E. lvaterfieid, Jr.
Nays: None
Absciit: None
C,4ty Colll,Cil i on ;(,coricl iii, til@@ ]'C',@ltiest of i@Ir. Kelly
'i'. Ricu@ Ciiic-l- I)c
Li j, t L) 4 , 2 1, 4
LLI-, @@iict 220
On motion by CounQiilin@iii sc,.cL)n(led b)7 Councilnian Tsdell,
and by recorded vot,@ a.s fo]-lows:
Ayes: Coujiciinicii Jc)hii A. baui@i, i@ct)cit ii. C:allis, Jr., Nlayor
l@obert B. Croiii@elli, J,., Vicc,. %Iayor @:. !Zeid E@rviii, Geor-e R.
Ferrell, Charles iV. Gardiicr, Cl@irenc,- ,@. flo.Ilalid, GaTland L.
Isdell, D. @lurra)i @laii-lo@i, J. (lurtis I'@iyzic, a,@)cl l@loyd E. l@aterfield, Jr.
iNa,ys Noiie
Absejit: Noiie
On February 1, 1974, ;--ertl,tiii eniploye-,s of the (:ity of Virginia
i3eEtc]i recei.ved slil@iry ilici-cascs @vitli tli(-, of tlie City
Council. In ord@i, to acc(-)iiiodate Llie@c s@ilai-y changes, the
Ci.t), Coujicil appro@,-ed oji sccond tlie @ollowing adjustments:
Cc,rieral Fiind
Drug Abuse Outre@ch Fund
(Uii --- j. L@ , i 108
llorling Capital Funcis
@,tirplus) 20,436
Total Ar)prol@@l-iaLion Acljtistnientp,-
ITEM #6971@
On motion by Councili;i,,iii Gardner, seccndc@d by Councilman flolland,
aiid by recorded votc@ ,i!; follotqs:
Ayes: (:otiiicilnicii I,)!Ill @@. l@@itiln, zO,I)Clt 11. Ca.Ili;, Jr., @layor
Robert B. Crom@ivell, Jr., Vi,-,c @la@oi- l@. Reid Ervin, George R.
I;errell, Cliarles li, Cl.areiice A, Ilollaiid, Garland L.
Isdoll, 1). @luriay J. (,'urtis @@:tyiie, iiid FIoyd @. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abs eiit: i@one
City Couiicil al)proxlcd oii @ecoiid tlie 1,cquest of @ir. V. A.
l@tlicj-i,lgc, C:it@, to allow liii@i 'Lo off four
cliccl,s tot'illill,4 I z@ 7 , I dc,tc@riiii)cti ivould 1)0
I . @v il @i
iiiil)os,,;ible to coll(,ct.
I T l@, @@! @ (@ 9 ' 3
Oil illoti Oil Ii y Co;iii c i lilia]l fiel (I , ;eCol) ded by Councilijian IIollaiid
aiid 1)),, i-ecordo(I @'ote @is fo LIC)@vs :
Ayes: Co urici. IDie ii J oh ii A. Ii auiii, ]Zob c i@t li. Cll Iis , Jl,. , @layor
Itobei't B. Croiliwel J 1 Vic, c,, Miyo i, l@. Rei(i l@rvin , Geor ge ]Z.
Ferrell, Cliarles @i'. Clarei-@cc A. tiollaii(l, G@irlaiad L.
Isdell, D. Nlurray @lall)Oll, J. Curtis I'a),iie, aiid Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr.
Nays Noiie
AI)sejit: Nc)iie
(:it), C)i@ i -,t re:i(i i i tli(@ ordinance tc)
l'ooi@i :@2-72 )f ;@i( (,f tli(, Ci@1), of Vir,,)]*Il:la
licellse, t)
\",'7-ICL--' LIC" 17
BE IT C]"El" OF VT.IIGI@liz, BE.@Cil,
Ti-iat Sectic)@) 2')@-72 o@ t'ic C,,)clc,, t, 11 City of Vi 4
i I 0 1:,@@nia Beacl-i,
Virginia, be aniet@.,Tc,,Ct and reorclairieci !)y adclir,,-@, tl,lereto a ne@,i parag-raph
(5) to rc-,aci as
(5) Nc) fee shall !)e equirc@cl of a @lisabled vc-te-zan as defined in
Section li6.1-149.1 tlie Cc)@c, of I'@'5()@ as amended.
First Readin@: April I., 1974
Second Readina-
Adopted by tlie Council c)f the (,ity of Virginia Beach, Virginia
on the day of 10,74.
Oii liiutioll [)Y (:oLll-,Cj 1111@@1) by Cot,licililiall lj()Iland,
all @'@ I)Y I-oco )-J,,d vt) @ (2 It u@i I
Aycs COLII',C i Ililoii Joliii A. I;atii:i, lllobc 1-t 11 - (@allis , Jr. , Mayor
l@ol)crt B. I , J )-. , k@ice, %ILiyor !;. ]@oicl 1'rviii, Goorge l@.
Fei,rell, Cilai'les @,11. (1@i)-Cll'@01', Cl@ll@ence A. llollaiici, Garland I,.
Isdcll, D. Nitirray J. Curti,s Ilayii(.,, aiid Floyd E. ivaterfield, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Abseiit: IN0110
Citv C:otiiicil apl)rove@3 oil F;econ(I rc,,,i(lin@, @tl ordit)ance to establish
a of- @100 for iiii.,-)i,jitati,(jji tliu @)pFrelielision aild
C,C)I)V,ic@@iol) Of cliiiiis, or otlier-
i,, ;c r@, IiiOk, "'i 11)
b)@: co@ii,ci
I,( if A
Ai@1) 1:
sill i
B)" IT B,
('-'T)' OF Vi@@CTITIA r,@lk- T
Sc,(,ti-on I A d Of ollcl lilli@ ,C(3 dc,'lai:s ($100) is hereby
offerc,ci @@or infc)@-@.ii@1,Lioc) t(, t @e
ic)n Illcl convictioii
o f ,i ii 3, p e r s o.-i N-7 i,') C) @I ? I T c)r otlic@ @;ise re,.qoves
vc I l(@.
or an,
SocL-.ion 2: is liol (@4---,@c)recl to any law enforcerient
offi-cial- in tlie performance of [Iis cititie-S.
Sectioii 3: Tilis orJ!n@,,lice be effect,*-ve l,rro7n ancl aftcr-
tlie date of its adoption.
Adoptcd by tlie Council- Of tile City of V3-rgini@t BC)ach on the
s t cliy of Al) ri I
i'irst Reading: Marcli 2,@, 11974
Socoiid Readiiig: AI)i-il 1, 1974
Jl)]', : er
i io! iii a ii c) 1 r,
c iii(,, A. ]@:itij i, l@ol)( t 11 J r ),o r
l@. j V; ill-@;iii, Geoi@v@e IZ.
1 @'i cl I 110 I I zili@l I GLi r I @tii,t L
l@3clell, 1). @,ltirray J. @@ul-tis all(i l@loyd F-. W@iterfield, Jr.
At)sciit: Noiie
C:ity Couiicil approvc@d tlie fol,lowiiig tlx rofulidi; j@n the amoulit of
$ 1, 510. 3 3:
'--c Da',:e @la -@ c: ii 2 197'"
V. 1%. E-Iherid,e
0 T@.cl@ t z C),@ Da ::e
s 2
.Tesse Rav Davis 1974 11 CD 9 t-Z.J-74
@lob--rt W@iban i974 ICD @@393@12 '11-1-1 -74 7.
97 3
@ri.o Vaiidin@ 10 18 2 'u-')-O-73 8 1. 20
3 lo-)@il 11) -25 5 77 20 358.
:k :Le@is 1974 CD 1 -9 -7 1.
'ale@ cc)@@,ai)tovl 1974 D 87 @5 17 - 74 7.
14 '04 1 -4 -74 7 .
J Pad,@-ett 1974 CD
T. T. 197 3 RE IPS-RE-12 6 -20 -73 .65
3ke chpck payalle 73 PP DS-PP-5A 6-20-73 43.38
E-@-heridge 73 PP ;"3S-PP-2 1 6-20-73 12.QIO 5'0.
-o be ail bil IS.
.plied tc A. T. & 'r.1 c,,Itstandi
-conard C Smith 1974, CD ,@40856 1-2-74 7.
i:ank E Lake 1974@ CD @i@. -1316 2-1-74
.Iiz,-@beth & Jam@sl974 CD I 0 5 Z@ 6 2-13-74 15.00
1974 CD 2-13-74 15. C)O 30.
ary Allen .1974 CD
rT-7'93 1-29-74
,o 7.
-,Ii@ird P. 1974 C, 1) @'75417 1-31-74
,rle@ 1- 7 Z, C 7) '45488 1 9 - 7!i 7.
,L ior,, Li I I
01, i,lotioii by Vic@, 1,@layoi- l@i-viii, secoii-@cd b), COtlrlcil)iian Malbon, aild
I)y i@ecordekt voto ,,.s f,-, I I(-@w,, :
Ayos CO"llcii)lloll A. @iull,
Jr., ',Iayor
vi,,-,e lay@, i 1 ;@cici i-,, G or R.
Ch@irle'; 3, ('Iarc!l@i j@", tiolliii,], "'ai'l.and L.
;ii(i Floyd l@,,Iterfield, Jr.
Cit)' fol.lowiii- street
(-Ioskll,c relati@@e Iiii tli( 1,orough:-
1. Fifteeii fo,@L (le(licatiort llott,,@rs lzozid
2. Tiiirt)@ fc)@,, uti,][tics 13 iiia@@e eLs,@riient dedicated'
3. l@ollow tlt,
V:',@(71T@IA L@@1,AC f.
I)r-opc-,r notic,, Lilat FILIRBFI@T D, SMITII Wo@LlId
make application to thc@, Ci-ty ,,)Ii!icil cf thc-, @ity c)f Virginia
Beach, Virgi.ii@,@i, to liave. th(, d?Fcribed ul-ideveloped
forty (401 1) fc)ot ptr(-,(@t or F, (i, va@ate-d aiid caiscontinued
was duly posted; and
WIlEf@',,AS, applicatioll w is m@tJe to the City Planning
Coiuiissioii i @l
n,f, to t, e City Cc),-Incil, cind, pur-suant tc) the statut,s
in such c@ises riade and providc@cl, the Couiicil appointed Viewers
who have reported to the Council that n, iriconvenience to the public
c)r to j?rivil(-, -i;,, -@viduals would -(-Isult from such closinc,,, vacatin@,
aiid discoi-itLn,,iaticc@; and
IIHI-,Rj7AS, it is the jud(@irent of the Council that the sai
-treet or ro@i(,,' I:)e closeci, ,7acateci an@d discontinued;
cotl,,4(-],,L OF T@@
(i;@ VIII( 7
Se(:tioii 1: That tile @aiC, forty (401) foot street or
road des--ribeci lciow, locate<l i;) fOndon Bricige, in the City
of Virgini., Peacil, virgiiiia, ;,s lic,,rely closeel, vacated and dis-
colitinued, @,said street or ]:Ozi(i @il)t beinq riee-ded for public use:
7'J,L T@,,@T certlin ,elc,p(@d road or street
"t a ',,)()irit L t'li(@ Ncrt@l(@aF,@tern
riinn-i-r)cj ii) a
i(] Lhf i@
1 L ti I c@FL t,@@Irniiig anl
r u.@i,-i d TI:asterly i'(, Li r'lundi-@,,,-l @-,ix and eighty-nine
(40-@-89, tc) a poil,t, thence
Soutil runi @@n,, fortv (40) feet to the
silow,, lil)oii that certain
a@) iititie' , li@( -1 I
d (,f I-ots," laid
()ut Y @)weis, b, j. 'ill,holand, County
@ND LILE -qurv,2@,c) Gla te(-l Jai@ (@ai 1925, %,ii,@ich @lap is of
'@O..El. IT l@'N r(,,@orci tlie (@lei-k's of 1-he (-'irciiit Court of
Ii c@ 7 rcj '
t )f Vi.rgi.,iia in TIap Book
80. 2122 I
r',-, ll;A 7, C@2.
J.t@ bc@in@, a jortic)r, or ",oad, Is sliown on said
llap, wl-iic-,h n,,,,7 kii(l,@q L Es Southc,,rri I-oul-evard.
(30) after tlil@@, date, a,
C)@ tll
bc@ @@ijc)ll t-,hc,
c)f Cj"Cilit Court of tlie
ii Cit@, C)f V -,,d indexed in a like manner
as a de,,d of ]@z-iiids, ill c)'F tlie City cf Virginia'
Beacli, as Graj)tc)r, anl @"mith, @.,3 Grantee.
'TI)@is enacted and approved this
day of
T,iis Ordin@iiic, stipulations:
clodicatiori @ot-lers Road
ct!@eiTiejlt dedicated
tilrougil "Jii.s cic,-,;(2cl st 1'0- L
if 07'/
On motion by Cotinci lin@iii Isdoll secon@led by Vice Mayor L-rvin,
aiid by recorded vol@c is follows:
Aye,s: Counciliiieii Joliji A. Baum, llol)ert @l. Callis, Jr. , Mayor
Robert B. Croni@vell, Jr., Vice Nlayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
17errell, Cliarl,os IV. Gai,dnor, C]Eireiice A. liolland, Garland L.
Isde,ll, D. @lurray J. Ciirtis Paviie, and Floyd L. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
i@I)sciit: Nono
City Couiicil iipprove(i oii 1-ii@st reading tlie i-ol.lowiiig ordilialice to
aiiic,,iid aiid roordain @ectioii 17-5 of- tlie (,ocie of lie City of Virginia
l@e,,ich relatin,, to I)ell Ity fol, vitiliti,)iis (,)f Artlclc, I of Chapter 17
eiititled Garg@i@,c !ZCtLISI? Iill Othol- @ @isto
Requested by: CoLincilif,,@iii G@-,rl.and Isdel-L
@7 r@T'
T, 'I"
i@ Oi: VIT -','IA BF,,Cjll
iac th@ @l-h@,@ Cc)Oe of tt'-@ City
01- Virginia Beach is aiiended and reordained to read as follow,:
Ariy person, firm or corporation vic,,]-ating any provision
of this Article shal.1 be puni.slied by a fine of not less
than $50.00 nor more thari $1,000.00 or confinement in
jail not exceeding 12 m'onths or by both such fine and
An emergency exists and this ordinance shall be effective from
and after date of passage.
1st Reading: April 1, 1974
2Tid Reading:
Adopted by thL CounC41 of the City of Virginia Beach on the
day of 1974.
ITEM #69@8
On motion by CouncilDiali Payne, seconde(i by Vice Mayor Ervin, and
by recorded votc as follows:
Ayes: COUIlCilDiCn Jolin A. i3,'Iuln, Robert ii. Calli.-,, Jr., llayor
I'lobert B. Croiiiwell, J"., Vice @@layoi, F. lzeid Erviii, (3eor@e R.
l,orroll, Cliarles Gardiler, Clarelice A. ifolland, Garian-d L.
Isdell, D. Nlurray i%lalbon, J. Curtis Payiie, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Abseiit: None
City COLIllCil al)proved tlie following ordinance to aiiielid and reordain
sec:tioii 22-32 of tlie Coclo of tjic Citv of vil@gillil Beacli 1)rohil)iting
I)Uttilig 01- etc., Oil st]-eets o@'
equestc--ri by: Councilml-Iii Garland
AN TO Ai@liD Al@%'T) 1117@ORD@%TI%T SECTION
22-32 C)F THE COF)"@,.' OF T'l-,@ CITY OF VIRGINIA
32 t:@r@ C(I;'@ Ci t,, cf lli-r@ il,4a
a) 14o T3ersoi or dcf)O'@it on any street or highway any
glass, bottle, nails, tacks, cans or ally other substance likely to
injure any person, !Iilir.-,al or vehicle Lir,o-@l such sti-eet or highiqay.
b) A-@iy person who drops, or perniits to be dropped or thrown upon
any street or highw-,-ty any destructive cr injurious material shall
irir,@iediately remove tilp- same or cause it to be removed.
c) Any person removing a wrecked or dam--ged vehicle 117rom a street
or highiqay stiall remove any glass or ottier injurious substance dropped
ul@on the street or higliway from such vehicle.
d) Violations of this section shall constitute a misdemeanor
ar:d any person convicl@ed for a violation of tlie provisions of this
f3c@cLion stial.l. be PUTI'kshed by a fine of noi less than@..;41.-- dollars
nor more than $1,000, or confinement in jail not exceeding 12 months
or by both such fiiie and im@prisonment.
An emergency exists and t[iis ordinance shall be effective from
and after date of passage.
Adopted by the Cotincil of the City of Virginict Beach on the
day of
111;@I l@@69-/9
Oil illc)tioli LY coziliciijitall secolijed hy Couiiciliiiaii Hollaiid,
aiid I)y recor(lod voto Is follows:
Ayc,, s : Coulicil.iiicii Joliii A. 13@tilll, Pohert Ii. Ctllis, @r., @,layor
l@ol) c i, tB . Croi;iiv e.1 1, J i . , V i ce Nlay o r F . Re i d E rvi n , G eorg e R.
l@errell, Charles '@. Gzirdiier, Clarelicc k. Hollaiid, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Nlurray %Ialboii, J. Curtis Palyne, aiid Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays None
Abseiit: None
Ci ty CQUI)CI I 1101@iri@, T olutic@ii requ(.','tin- Senator
:@c,-ott I (,Vi !.;i L@." of tllc ',,Iavy, to
cif- C:i i i @i col))- of tl)o Envirc)113,lental
A raaeting o@, t'i,l@ Cou,.-,--@-I of ttle-, C@@ty of Vi-rginia Beach, Virginia
was held iri the Cou@ici.l. o-.-i tho-, I - (IPY Of Apri I 19 74.
On n,,otion by T,lr. Garcliler ancl seconded by Mr. Holland
the foll.owi.ng reso]-i-ition was adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 P
1411EREAS, the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia has
c,,Ilpressed concern of the intent of tho United States Navy to construct
six hundred (600) units of housing for its personnel within the United
States Arm-@,, Install.@,tion at Fort Story located X,7itl,,in thp- City of
V@i an-,
(-,our,.Cil of Ci"y ol Vir,,inia I;Each believes Lherf-,
exi-sts an Environmental Impact Study concerning this area and is on
fi.le wi.th the United States Government.
1. That Senator William Scott is requested to provide, through
Clic Departr,.@nt of tlie Navy, to the Coi-in--il of the City of Virginia
lie,ach a co.oy of sucti Ei-ivironmontal Impact Study for the area locatei
at Fort Story.
I T E @', I
t)il iiioti ,i;l I)y (,O'Ii! i]!],Ill 1, sec b), (@L)uiicil ni, ii Bauiii,
@iiicl by i-ecoi-decl ts follotvs:
Ayes: CoLiiicililieil Ioltii A. liauiii, IZOI)CIL Ii. C@i.1liF., Jr., @layor
Izol)el,t ]i. Crolliiicll, Jr., Vice @layor I . Izeid I-I'rvin, Georf.'e R.
Fcri,ell, Cliai@les l"'. Gardiier, Cl,areiicc A. lfollaiid, Garlaiid L.
Isdoll, D. @lurr@iy @ialboii, J. Curtis I'ayiie, and,Floyd E. tvaterfield, Jr.
Nays : inoiie
Absciat: None
'riie propci,ty noiT occtipied by the VirQiiiia Beacfi Produce Market
t)y !]ic, ln@!Li!7,ti ial De\, I,)I)jiiont Autliority for tlie
@)@ '@ll" ti-i @@ I 1), @ @@ @iii(I @ol- (levelopl,,Icl)t by
1) I VLI @t c, ('@l i ]'P, i- i C,)I@: il it,-) -aloi@@@ J)i,@rion(i Si@ri:,.gs
j- L
-,t@ifl lias iio@@,, tilzil a Sui-L@i[@le locatioji for tlie Produce
@lai-ket ivoul.d be oii Cit), owiicd laiid at tlie corner of Landstown Road
and Pri.iicess Anne Ro@id; therefore, City Council authorized the
City Mailager to cmploy the services of an arcllitect to prepare
tlie necessary pl@iiis ajicl spocificatioii,, foi, this relocation process.
During tlie preparation of tliese plaiis and specifications the cost
of the relocatioii would be determined by the architect.
1TEM #6981
On motioii by Councilman Gardiier, secoilded by Councilman Payne,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciliiien Johii A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Mayor
IZobert B. Cromi,,ell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Cliarles W. Gardner, Clareiice A. liolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Ptyiie, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
i@ays INOIle
Absent: Noiie
City Council approved the following list of iiew rates subeiitted
by Airliiie Transport Company, Incorporated, in accordance with
tlie Code of tlie City ()f Virginia Beacli. The new rates are for
airport liliiousiiie service between tlie Norfolk Regional Airport
@iiid certaiii points witllin tlie City of Vir.@inia Beach.
These rates liave been approved by tlie Board of Commissioners of the
i@orfolk Port and lndustrial Ailthority and the Norfolk City Council and
will be effective upon the approval oj' tlie State Corporation Commission;
@)A,,tJAI')' 11, j974
RA'll: f'RIOIZ '1'0 1: 1: 1: f: 1 %117, PROIIOSLD
1972 1972 RAT F,,
DOlVi\"FOl'.7N NORFOI,K I .7S 2. 00 2 .25
NAVAI, BASE 1.7S 2 . 0 0 2 2 S
1.7S 2 . 0 0
OC17 't.2S
4 . 5 0 '@.75
DA,',i NECK 5.75 5 . 7 5
FORI' STOI@Y 3.2S 3.7S 4.25
PO,IZTSNIOU'I'll 3 . 0 0 3 . S 0 3 . 7 S
Proposed rate approved by Noifolk Port and Ii-idustrial
Authority F)cceilibci, 20, 1973.
Proposed T@ite approved by Noyfolk City Council Oi-L'Llnarce
No. 27,30-@' Februaiy 12, 1974.
ITEM #6!)82
Oii iiiotioii by Counci]iTian Isdoll, seconled by Coujicilman Gardner,
and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Jolin A. Baum, Rol)ert H. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Charles IV. Gzirdner, Clarence A. Holland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. Murray Malboji, J. Curtis Payne, and l@loyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: i4one
Absent: i'@oiie
City Couiicil @ipprovc!d tlie following staiidard water and sewer agree-
inciits, aiid furtlici, @ititliorized tlic,. City @lanager to execute the necessary
docujiiciits to iiipl(,,@iolit tile I)roject,;:
a. Fox Ruji, Pliase 11, Kejlil)Sville Borough
b. fiebrc,,iq Aczideiiiv of 'fidei@@iter, Keiiipsville Borough
ITEM #6983 ITEM 6983
Aye.,; Couiiciiiiieji Jo',)ii A. P)@iujii, Robei-t 11. Callis, Jr., Mayor
Rol)crt B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Vice @layor ]@. izeid Lrviii, George R.
Ferrell, Cli@iriLs W. (@ai-diier, Clai@ejic(. A. Iloll.and, Garland L.
Isdoll, D. @lurray i%lalt)oii, J. Curtis I'ayiie, and Floyd E-. Waterfield, Jr.
i@ays: None
Absent: None
Cit@@, Couiici,l @il)prov,@(I @lie loli !)itl of Coiii@i'actor@ Paving Conipany,
ol@@ Ii lo $1,2d7,129.09, fc)r
Jll. i I (@oiiicil I-L,rth(,,r alitliorized
ITEM #6984
Mayor Cromtqell introcl,,icecl Plr. Riciiir(i Gc)i-clc)yi, Executive Direct6r
of tlie Virgiiii@i Boa,,-Ii @@d(icat@o,,) As-lo(i@itiort.
@Ir. Cordoji apl)eared oii '[)elialf of tlie Association and the teachers
of Vi.r,iiiia Beach to I)rcscTlt a posit-,on stateniont regarding the
current salary ci-i-sis.
@Ir. Gordon stated ttiat tlie VBEA v@aiit(,@l tlie Cotincil to know that
'ive coiisider tliis irtatter as I)eing bcl,,,een tlie VBEA and the School
Board, tlie soltitioii to wliicli can I)c i-esolved tl)rough discussions
between the two bo(.Iies. t@heii the tiiiie coilies we would much rather
appeai, before Cota ci@, Ill stipi)ort ()f tlie School Board aiid its
budget ratlier tliaii iii oppc)sitic)n'.
Nlr. Gordon further stated that in vi(,w of the Superintendent's
recoiiii@leiidation to adjtist tlie propose([ salary schedule, the VBEA
i,; lio@, sug(,OstiTi@, @t,; 'c)i.,r seconci proposal @i ten per ceiit (10%)
adjustiiient of tlie current $7,400 basc@ salary as a minimum standard
of f@iii-iloss'.
ITE@l #(,985
Oii iiiotioii by Coujicilnian ltolland, soc(,nded by Councilman Isdell,
and by recorded voto as follows:
Ayes: Councilincii Joliji A. Baum, Robei-t 14. Callis, Jr., Mayor
l@obert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Nlayor 1. Reid l@rvin, George R.
Ferrell, Cliarles IV. Gardiier, Clareiic(@ A. liolland, Garland L.
Isdell, D. @lurray i%l@ilbon, J. Curtis I'ayne, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
iNays: None
Absciat: Noiie
Citv Couiicil adoptecl tlie following Rc,solution of Endorsement and
Coiacurreiice regardi.iig liou@;c Joint Re@olLition Number 117:
ill liouse Joint
1.1 ovor tlie operition
of cci@taiii Coy ii,-, Itoiiies for tlie
f(') tljc cliil.dyciis Itomes,
Ii st@illi'@es of
I;.Cellses "li-C I @ill@l @%itji rtilcs ilid re@illatiolis
proinul .,atccl 1),, tll(- (-,f "lie Stite mu-,;t be complied
kv i tli 1) v t Ii c,, I iCOTI , @:-, I li ii exist in the
I it
inspectioii of si-i(I-11', ii i.n tl)c i rc ii:eilc)? of such inspections
,qll,l in tlie TO-SPOII';il)i lities for ilitiki itT sucli inspections, and
WIIE@Rl,'.AS, it i@@ tlic@ sciise ol@ tlie C,'Cllcral A@scmbly of Virginia-
tliat tlie Socrc,.tai,N, of fltimaii Affaii's ;Iiould encourage tlie irnplementation
of i-ules @ijid re,.Yulzltioiis f )i- fi,c(luent ilispection t@ithout
notice to tlie sul))*cct, lioilics t)", @t-,ite (lep,,ii,tii,@ciits and boards
licensing tho saj.(t ii(-)Illcs, ill(l tll.'It tic, in-,pectdon diities of the
local health clel),,irti,i iits be cool-dilia!,Ccl itierewl:th,
NOW, tfic need for -su--Il ictiol) t)cjiip clearl.y
appareiit to tlie City Coulicil of tlie -.it), of Virgillia Beacli, the
City Clorl@ is directo(i to fori,,,@ird to tlie Iloiioriblc @lills E. Godivin,
Governor of tlie Coiiti:ioii@@cal.tli of Virgillia, tliis Rcsolution of
Endorseiiiciit and CoilcLirrcncc wi.tli tile PoSitiOTi expressed by the
Gencral Assei@il)ly of Vir@.inia in flotis,-, Joitit IZesolution Nuniber 117,
oii l@cbi-Liirv 15, 19-1@4, ,iii(I furtli(,r pc!itic,i@,, tli,,it tlie proposed
C,)Il@;i Lc1.,1tiol) k)f " ii II ![iL i @,; C, 1 tli(@, I ol:al lie, @iltli depar tiiicn ts
%.,itli otlier St:@@tc @i@,cjicies be cxpc,.(Iit,,,d.
t I)\' tII it
I @ 0 1) @ 0
Vice Nlayor 1-@. ilei d ir, i.i)tro (Iic @-d (:@i )t@t @i ii Jos el)], iv. Crawfor (1, Jr.
ivitli re@,ards to Scii@ite llil.1
C@ipt;iiii Crawford stated tlil,,t tile I)re-scit laiv whicii governs Virginia
St@ito Residciit fiidividii@ll Illcollic ,I,@ix his @i provision i,@@ltereby tlie
fi.rst $-,,,OOO i@ll retirei:i@,@jit beiiefi ts foi, civilian oiiiployees of the
Feder,,t.t (,overilijic,,Iit @ii-c t@ix free-, @iiid tic 1-irst $2,000 in retired pay
foi, iiiilitary retirce-@ at,o ta.x frec,, ltill only aftc-,r 60 yeai's of age.
'I'Iiis peiializes tlie cil@izeli @vllo ]la d(@v )tecl I)is life to the defense
of iiis coutitry.
C,il)tzii.11 Cra@vfor,,-] fur-Iliei slatod tliat @v@tli Sen@itc Bill No. 57, which
@ikvllit@, l@lie Gov(@i-iior-'s !4i tlie c.,Keni,,tioii for Federal
Go@c,til,ii,@iit c-i@Ti I ia!i i l@ij@ iiot f@( !- i@@j litary
t@ike itio,,iiiiiigful
C) i
I liti,oli @@li i cli
t( @@o. S7 Ellid estal)lisli
a poiicy ile i 1t@t),c I i @@c iic i i L)ji to iititiate the
reiiiov@i I of all tlie nii.litary retiree
as conipzired to tii ix,j I @,iii l@eder@il Go,, ei,jil!lc!nt retiree.
Vice ,,I@lyor ETvill :al,tain (@rti@for" til@tt@ if Council does send
a re.,;olLitioii to Guvci,ii@)i (-,u(lwin Iiij,-, t(-, veto tliis bill would
it liave aiiy ziciverse affclc-t o.'l oti)cr i,etirot@s?
Cal)t,iii,. Crai,;ford st@i-,ed' Iiic)t that I cait tlilnk of.' Thcrefore,
V.ic-- @layc)r L@'rviTi iii@ict@ a iii tion to sei,.(i a l(@tter to Governor Godwin
' iiig Iiiiii to v(2tc) ',-Iiis I)i@l base@l @@i, 'lic I)I,Csen-atiori I)resented
to,lay .
@layor Croniwell askell if tlie bill wei-e veto(,d it wouldn't help the
iiiilitary, but i,t cc)t,ld Iurt @or,,iel)od), cise. @Vould the Civil Service
ci@ployces be peiializccl if Coui-icil is sticce,,;sf-til in stopping this.
Captaiii Crawford staled tliit it i,,ould iiurt tlie Civil Service
@Ntayor Crojiiwcli st@itcd titat tlic best way to 1,@elp is to ask Council
to p,,iss a resollitioii tc,, iiiclltde this t@lpe of lcgislation in the
legisl@itive ptc@@ige I-oi nc,<t y(?ar. w@)y i@c; can, liopefully,
i)ut voli oii ,in lqitil CiVil @eT@ViCe, l'Otirel@IeT!t ind at
the same time not take anything a@vay froin either the niilitary
retiree or the Civil Soi-vice retiree.
Vice Nla),or Erviii st@ited tli@it Captaiii (rawfords answer to his
direct question was lit wotiid not affcct tlie benefits of others';
Tlie Vice @layor furtlier -@tated lie iti@ide )Iis irotion on the basis that
it woulcl iiot affect c)tliers aiid perliaps- @layor Croi-,iwell's suggestion
is tlio better oiie. 'Pliei,efore, Vi,--c @lz@.vor J@rvin withdrew his motion.
i,rEm if 61 87
Co@ijicilptaii Call!,, iritro@'@ucect soiiio icol te livin, at tlie Soutliend
of Virgii,'i.a licacii. Tliu@@ @,tl)peared @iii cII-,ositicii to tlie applicatioii
of Virginii Be,,icli l@ostivll Park, @,ihicl I)ad becii granted a Conditional
tJse Poi-mi.t on @larcli i, 19-4.
@1r. Grovei- C. IVri@lit, "r., Attoriiey, ic@pre,,ciitod the property owners
at tlie 3,outjloll@,@ of ti-io l@c@icli. Ile stal (,,l t@iat tlie tiiiie period of tlie
I)CIiiiit @v@is for @l 1)ci-io,l c)'- t,.vo (2) y'-@ r,;, aii(I tl@i-,; oiititi.es tlie Park
to ol)ci-ztto an aiiiii@einciit @t tli(@ (@i 'i r)f Avenue.
@li-. lvri,,Iit s@lid lit@ reco@@rii-,cd tli@it it tiot I)ocii Coujicills proc,,,cl-,ii-c
to Selici tc) iclj@,,Clit i,cforciico, to a
or j@3iol- -ol)illg
wi tli I,Cfcrellc-c, tO @A tIS(2 pol@illi t . @r, (IOLIli(:il has 1),Eicl a loii., est@il)IiFIi@
pi@zictivc of (.@0) provilic@d tiic
i 11 7 r of t]),
it C@@111,2 Iii) i@"o, lil@l, YC)ll to invoke tiiat
I)t-@ict tod@i@,.
)@VO "I@l, COUJI(ii i to tii it i
OIL Lilo iii-01)01 OIVIIUI,: V"cat(' Oil (I i 011 Nla 1 cli 4tli, I]iL!
,-ti@ tiiis i@tat*cr,
Crofii@vcl..l @;t@,,ttel it w @1,;
"j s tllat i f it is re -
@VIIO ,,otec] j;) @lle Cf-irl@@itive fol@ tlie application
to i;iako @L illotiol,
. to 1-tirtl)er if the inotioii is
sLlccessftil tilcii Co@ilici I not@iiiali@, s,(,Ie :ts a late -COr SOflIC tiTI10 i@n the
futi@,]-e to give tlie @IPL@L icaiit Iii"3 fli" silzii-e tlie I)c@aririg,
Nlr. Joliii Wallel-, Ilresi@ic,it of Lle@tcf, ':e-@tival Park, stated
had lie knowii there i@as oiiig t. [) '
c, o,.)j,ositioTt from the Innkeepers
Associati,oii he i@out iltvc,
t])(, ridcs or sl,ent the
MOIIC@y for a dowia cil is 1'efui,,,Jable.
Nlr. l@(,I)Crt i@li I 1 f,l,@3iia Becli Festival
@ti-,L)lj(@atioii aid
\@ i c @ l@l '@ I @, @ : l@ @) , @@ L) i i ,@ (,' L @l@@ @ i ):) t c, c 01) s i d 0 i- ,
3- , i s 1, 0, I,C k ti ii!,,; oi,igina@@ vote.
Tliere beiiig iio SOCOIIII ',o tlie riotioi, :i,, i,7 a s jost.
'I'lic V; ce @Nlay or t ]i (@, ii t @t t c d t c) i,i r@ @)ffici@t, he would make a'
'-gii@ia Beacii T,@estival
iiiotion to recoiisi,@c@ tii c @i cc,
Ilark foi- a Coli(iitic)llal iT,
There beiii@ iio s(@cc),'!(!, tllc was lost.
The City Manager s@ated titat he liad sL,@@ij)-Ltted th,@ 1974-75 City
budgct to tlie Cou"cli. B), State la@,,' t ]e Coulicil iiiu@t aclvertise,
hold a I)ublic aiid al,,,provc, -;I,, @)uic e, On tw -,,dig,
prior to the la@-,t. day ill @t,)Y, Ici'@4.
I TFiil @', 09
On niotion by Cozinc i Iflian -'ai,dfle r, S (2c@@ll;.@ct by, COUT'ci Cal Iis
and by recorded vote as follows:
AYes: Councilmen Iohll A. Bauni Robt@rt ii . C@il I i.s , Jr. , Mayor
Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice ;Iayor F. Reid Erxin, George R.
Forre,il, Charles IV. ardiiei,, Clarelice
Isdoll, liolla@,id, (@,arland L.
D. @lurray ,Ialll)on, ,'. Curtis Ilak"le, aii(I Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
CitY Council will hold a closed meetjii(,, on @londay, April 8, 1974,
for tlie purpose of discli@,siiig itc'lll@5 j)cx-ii)ittcd for discussion urider
,@ectiioii 2.1-344, 2, 6, '7 of the l@'reedonj Of
1"fori@latioji Act of ti,,, ii,gilli . ,i
I'I'E,kl 't699
01, Illotioll [)Y Counciiiiian I)aviie, secolide,l by COttncilma, F,,r,ll
',lid i)y ti,-iaiiimous
vot tii
@o llic,,Oti,)g a,'Ijcl-ii,iiod@
!',j cil" b t-, i-t TTO
Li F Jr. @layor
Cit@y of Virgilli'l Be,,icll,
Vi 1,g i 11 i l
\i) i, i I I , j 1) 7@l