HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 12, 1972
June 12, 1972
The regular rreeting of the Council of the City of virgi-nia Beach, Virginia
was held in the Council Ch@rs in the istration Building, in the
Borough of Princess Anne, on Monday, June 12, 1972, at 10:00 a.m.
The invocation was given by Father Paul Gaughan, Star of the Sea Cathol-ic
Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
CounciLTY.-n present: Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcmwell, Jr., Frarik A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Mur-rav
J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Dc)nald H. Rhodes.
Coimci@ absent: Vice mayor Earl M. Tebault
Im #4661
on mtion by Councilman Dusch, secc)nded by Counci@ Hollan(l, and by recorded
vc,te as follaas:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Ro@rt B. Crormqell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarenco A. Tio3.land, D. @ray Malbori, J. Curtis
Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. PIlodes-
Nays: None
Abse.nt: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault
City Comcil approved the Minutes of the Recrular Meeting of May 22, 1972, and
the reading of said %Iinutes dispensed with inasimich as each Coi)nci@ had a
copy of the subject @tinutes before him.
ITEM #4682
on mtion by CoLmcilman Ferrell, seconded by CoLmici@ Cromwell, and by recorded
votp- as fol-lcws:
Ayes: Councilmn Robert H. Callis, Jr., Rcbei-t B. CrcnTvell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid rrvin, C'@rgc-, R. Ferrel-1, Clarence A. Holland, D. P.@ay Malbon, J. Curtis
Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @yor Donal(i H. Phodes
Nays: None
Absent: Vice -Mayor Earl M. Tebault
City Comcil approved the Minutes of the R@ar i4eeting of June 5, 1972, and
the reading of said @utes disomsed with ina=,-ich as each Councilmn had a
cop,y of the stibject i@utes bcfore him.
ITEM #46P,3
on motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilnkan Ilolland, alnd by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. Crcnvell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. @,k=ay Malbon, J. CLu-tis
Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice @yor Earl M. Tebault
City Council approved on seccnd reading a suppl@tal appropriation of $3,000.
for the office of the Citv Clerk to met expenses of operating through
June 30, 1972.
Inm #4684
Cn mtion by Councihnan @Ibcn, seconded by Councihm Ervin, and by reoc)rded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councih-en Rabert H. Callis, Jr., Rabert P,. Cronwell, Jr., Frank A. DLisch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarenoe A. ilol.land, D. Yurray Malbon, J. Curtis
Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and ilayor Donalcl H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault
As the Erosion Co@ssion indicates that they have a bank balance of $73,000.
and anti-cipated expenses totaling $119,500. creating a deficit of $46,500.;
and as the City has received frcm the Corps of @gineers $75,000. partial
pa@t for the 1971 sand replenishmnt program; City Council approved on second
reading an adjustnent in the city's revenue acoc)unts of $75,000. and simultaneously
approved an appropriation to the Virginia Beach I'xosion C@ssion of $50,000.
to cover their apparent operating deficit.
ITM #4685
Father Paul Gaughan requested the installation of a traffic Ii-cjht at 14th Street
and Pacific Avenue, in the Beach Borough, to enhance the safety of parishioners
attenting church services, particularly during tlie smmr tourist season. The
@tter was discussed without forrnal action.
ITEM #4rR6
Attorney Marc Jacobscn appeared on behalf of Dc)ctc)rs' Alfred M. Schulwolf,
Larry W. Berman and Arnold M. Hof@ , regarding the request and application for
a waiver of the existing mratorilun for rezoning ap
.plications, particlilarly in
relation to a strall parcel of land localted at the intersection of South Greenwich
Road at Greem,7ich which, due to an error, had been indicated to them as being
cmmrcial. In order to provide the necessary site adjustrent, City Council was
requested to authorize the Planning @'ssion tc) rmke an excet)tion to the
mratoriun on zoning changes in order to expedite the sub@sion of an application
on this sn-all parcel of land.
on Tmtion by Comci@ Dusch, secmded by Counci@ Ferrell, and by recc)rded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciln-en Pcbert H. Callis, Jr., Rcber-t B. Cronwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, Ceorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Yiirray Malbon, J. Curtis
Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Dc)nalcl H. Phodes@
Nays: @ne
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault
City Council approved the request of Attorney Marc Jacobson regarding the request
and application for a waiver of the existing moratoriun for rezoning applications,
particularly in relation to a smll parcel of land located at the intersection of
South Greenwich Road at Greenwich. Council authorized the Planning ssion to
make an exception to the mratoriuu on zoning changes in order to expedite the
subnLission of an application on this snall parcel of land.
Yw. Stanley Phillips appeared before Council in regard to an apglication for
rezoning property in the False Cape area, Pungo Bc)rough. Mr. Phillips indicated
that on June 1, 1972 he had submitted a site plan, together with the application
fee, to the Planning Condssion requesting a change of zoning. The Planning
@ssion refused to accept this applicaltion. He therefore is apt)ealing for
on mtion by Counci@ Cronwell, seconded by Cc)uncilman Waterfield, and by
reoorded vote as follcws:
Ayes: Comcilmn Rabert H. Callis, Jr., Pcbert B. aoitwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Fe=ell, Clarence A. Holland, D. v=ray n, J. Curtis
Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: vice Yjayor Earl M. Tebault
City Cc)uncil denied the request of Attorney S@iley Phillips, on behalf of
Louis C. Jams and Virqinia Jams, for an exception to the zoning mratoriun,
to pendt the submission to and acceptance by the Plarmi-ng Comftission for an
application to change the zonang on a certain tract of land oii the oceanfront
approximately 1 1/4 miles frcm the North Carolina State line.
Mr. George Darden appeii@ed beforc,, City Cotiii( il to re(IL]est a reconsideratioii
of Council acti-on taken oii tlie al)l)lic,,i-Lioii (,I- Frani@ 1". Allen foi, a Chanpc of
Zoning from Oiie Fainily l'Ic,,-,;idenco !)istrict (i@-1) to @"Itiltiple f@@iiiiily lzesidence
District (R-3) and a Use flermit to coiisti-tici 23 ap@irtnieiits on thc lvest side
of Baltic Avenue and tlie South si(le of Nij)clli Street in the Virginia Beach
Mr. Wallace B. Smith, Attorney, ippeared oii behalf of tlie Civic
League in opposition to tlie request for rec(,jisideration of the Frank R. Allen
application. i
As there was no motion for reconsideration, the previous action taken by Ci.ty
Duncil on June S, 1972, deiiying the applic@ition of Friiik R. All.en still stands.
ITE@l #4689
Mrs. John C. Brewington, president and Nirs. Arthur 11. Gallagher, past president
of the Couhcil of Garden Clubs presented to (,ity Council the first place trophy
that was awarded to tlie Council of Garden Clubs at the 15th Anntial Southeastern
Regional Sears and Roebuck flome and Neighbo3,liood Devel.opment Sponsors competitior
(IiANDS) to be placed on display in City liill for all of the citizelis of Virginia
ITE@M #4690
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded b@ Councilman Dusch, aiid by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robcrt B. Crontwell, Jr.,,Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clqrence A. tiolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. IVaterfiel(l, Jr., and @layor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Nays:. None
Absent: Vice @layor Earl @l. Tebault.
ity Council adopted the following ResolutiC'Tl of commendation to the Kempsville
igh School Baseball Team and I)resented sam(, to Mr. E. E-. Brickell,
Superiiitendent of Public Scliools:
The City Council of the City of virginia Beach, Virginia, through the
@un of the press, has been mde aware of the alcoorrplishmnt of the "Chiefs.'
the Ke@ville Hi@ School Base-ball Team, i-n that th-rough dete@ed efforts,
good sports@ship, skillful leadership, and lo@'al suppor-t, they have achieved
the title of State Baseball Chmpions.
In appreciation for the efforts of the teari, their leaders and the loyal
@ers of the K@sville High School CheerleadE@ , who in a'r
rs ing the title,
brouq@t a high honor to their school and to Virc@a Beadi.
T'he City Clerk is hereon directed to spreacl this Resolution of C@datic)n
upon the Minutes of the City Council and to deliver an enscribed @py to the
Ken-psville High School.
ITEM fl4691
On motion by Councilman Duscli, seconded by Cotiiicilman IVaterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. C@illis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. ]Zeid Ervin, George IZ. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Nltirray
ilbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Nlayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
..ays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault.
City Council made the followiiig appointments to the Drug Focus Committee:
Indefinite Term:
Mrs. Frances S. Elrod, Director
Dept. of Social Services
Three Year Terms [beginning July 1, 1972 - endino, June 30, 197S]:
Mrs. Henry L. Livas, Jr.
The Reverend Mark IV. Stone
Mr. Lawrence B. lvales
Mr. A. C. Wooclruff
Fill Remaining One Year Term of the Reverend John Jordan:
Father Michael Cree on teiiii en s June 30, 19
One Year Terms [beginnin 9 "U, ), 1, 1972 endi g June -@0, 973].,
Miss Phyl-Lis Anne AsIll"y
Mr. Larrv Becker
Mr. Charies Bensten
Mr. David Doniiniccik
Mr. David Garrison
(the above represent tlie youtli)
ITEM 94692
Ap@lication of Charles J. Hayes for a chanqe of zoninq from Residence Sub[
3 R-S 3) to Multiple Family Residence Distri@t R-@M and a Use Permit
102 townhouses and 116 apartment units totaling 218 units on c-ertain proi),,
at a point on the West side of First Colonial Road 1040 feet more or less
Laskin Road running a distance of 806 feet along the Eastern property lin.,
420 feet is the West side of First Colonial Road, running a distance of 71,
the Northern property line, running a distance of 760 feet along the West@
line and running a distance of 976 feet along the Southern property line.
perty contains 13.5 acres. (Laurel Manor-Hilltop Area). LYNNHAVEN BOROur'.
The Planning Commission recommends approval of this application subject to
and sewer and a dedication of right of way 45 feet from the center line o@
Colonial Road (15-foot dedication). The developer further agreed to a 60-
tion of Mabel Lane as requested by the Department of Conmunity Services.
further agreed to allocate 15% of the development for recreational area a@
by the Planning Department and the moti6n was subject to the participatioi
purchase of a school site as requested by the School Board.
Mr. Charles J. Hayes appeared on behalf of his own application.
Mr. Owen Pickett appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Cmdr. J. Ii. McConnell appeared on behalf of the Alanton Civic Leag@@
tion to the above application.
Mrs. Kitty fludgins appeared iii opposition to tlie above applicatioil.
On motion by Councilman Ervi.n, seconded by Counciliiian Callis, and 1,
vote as follows:
es: Councilmen Robert 14. Callis, Jr., F. Reid @'rvin, George R. 1
arence A. Holland, J. Curtis Payne, and @layor I)onald H. 1zhodes.
Nays: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, D. Murr@)
and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Absent: Vice @layor E-arl M. Tebault.
City Council denied the above application of Charles J. Hayes for
Zoning from Residence Suburban District 3 (R S 3) to MLiltiple FaTil.,
!)i@s-trict (R-M) and a Use Permit to construct 102 townhouses and 11@,
units totaling 218 un ts on c@rtain proliei-ty beginning at a point
side of First Colonial Road, (Laurel Manor-flilltop Area) l,ynnhavoll
ITEM #4693
Application of Leroy rubin and Ida M. Rtibin I)v Samuel 1. White, Attoi-,;
a Chanqe of Zoninq from Residence Suburban D-istrict 4 (R-S 4) to Linit
COFDTier-ciaT-Dl7t@ic7t 3 (C-L 3) on cortain prori(,rty located at the Sout@
corner of Clearfield Avenue and Virginia [@)eacii Poul(-,vard, runninq a di,
77.18 feet along tlie Sout!i side of Virginia l-,ach PotAILvard, runnin(i @i
of 19'Z-).28 feet along tiic, t'@est side of Cle@,i-fi(,ld i@@veriue, running a di!7
97.98 fcet along tlie Soutitcrn pror)erty linl, and ruriiiing a distance of
feet along ttie @l,-stern propc@rty line. @iid r,ro!)erty is knoiin as Lot
of Lots 1. 2, 3, and 4, Clc@ar Acres. BAY'@'ID@- Bo"OtIGil.
The Planning Coriiiission recoi-@nends approval rf this request subject to
tion of riglit bf iiay So fcet frori tlie c@nter linq of tlie existinq 12,,)
of t,!ay along t@ie 77.18-foot !@iore or I(-ss ft,oritaqc, on Virginia Bcach L@,.
(20-foot dedication) r@o@,t,stc,d 1.@y t@ie @(,i] I)ivisiorl, Tli(, buil
states ttiat the residence cannot be occupi(,(] and use(,4 for Lu,,iiiess p@it
until @,luch tii;ie a,, site I)l@in ai@t'roval lias I)c.,47n obt@iifi.@@d aiid rcqtiirc-li:l@%
the fire district have beeii P,,,)proval -is fLirtli(-,r stiL),i,-ct '-o City
aiid sc-,t-;er reqtiirf@(i by nc-ptrti;@,@tit a!)d t!1(2 Fn(lir@@erinq Divi@-@
tliztt standar(i strc,ot i; i,)@,c)v.l ;@:@nts to i rcl curb and
are reqt-iir,.-,Il @@,lr,@rficl(!
llr. Saniuel 1 . IV]iite, Atto i-ney , alipezired oil I)clial f of t lit, appl icailts .
On inc)tion b), Councilmiii Ci,o mwell , seconde(I 1),\, Cotinci Iiiian I-lollzilid , and by recorde(
vote as follows:
Ayes: Council men Robe rt 11. Cal l is , Jr. , Rol)or t B. Croi,.iweII , Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. l-erroll, Cl;trciice A. lfolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. IVaterfiel(l, Jr., and Nlayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault.
ity Council approved the above appl.ication of Leroy Rubin and Ida M. Rubin
:)r a Change of lonin, fro M Residence Suburl)an District 4 (R-S 4) to Limited
Di, -1, 3)
uommer i@al _tict 3 (C on certain property located at the Southwest
corner of Clearfield Avenue and Virginia Be@ich Boulevard; said property is
known as Lot 4, Re-plat of l,ots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Clear Acres, Bayside Borough;
subject to@a dedication of right of way 80 Feet from the celiter line of the
existing 120 foot right of way along the 77 18-foot more or less frontage on
Virginia Beach Boulevard (20-foot dedicatioii) as requested by the Real Estate
Division. The Building Official states that the residence cannot be occupied
and used for business ptirposes until sucli time as site plan approval has been
obtained and requirements of the fire district have been met. Approval is
further subject to City water and sower as required by the Health Department
and subject to standard street improventents to include concrefe curb and gutter,
and sidewalk along Clearfield Avcnue as reqiiired by the Engineering Division
ITI-,'@l #4694
Application of John C. Bensenhaver and Pich,;Ard S. Dailey by Brydges, Broyles and
McHenry, AttorneyS, for a Use P('.-rf"lit to operate a veterinary clinic on certain
property located on the ilortli side of Sliore Drive, beqinning at a poitit 345.0
feet East of Greenviell Road, running a distnce of 142.2G feet alonci tlie @@orth
side of Shore Drive, runiiing a distaiice of I'l@5.09 feet along the liq'cstern pror)crty
line, running a dista,.i-.e of 145 fc@et alonci tlie flortliern property line and running
a distance of 170 feet along the Eastern ,)ro@)erty line. Said r)arcel is kno@'in as
Lot A, Plat of Bayshore D@velopment Corporation and contains 24,195 square feet
niore or less. (Bayville Park-Baylake. Pines Area). BAYSIDE BOROUGH.
The Planning Cornissioii recoitriends approval of this request subject to a
dedication of right of iii:iy 80 fe--t fron the center line of the existini variable
right of way along the 1.1,2.26-foot r;iorc or less frontage on Shore Drive requested
by the Real Estate L@ivisioti. Engineorinq Divi,ic,,ti reciuirL'-!, stindard site plan
requirei.icnts and necfs,;ary storm draina(i2. fl,le i,,@otion itiJicated a @,iaiver of
the Eng-inc!eririg Divisic-n for (,titt,@r, sici'ettalks and Davem(,nt
widening. T@ie Health stites th@il- tfi2 pr,)perty is appi,oved for a
septic taiik.
Mr. Janies R. McKenry appeare(I on beh@ilf of lie, applicants.
On motion by Councilman Croniivell, secondod I)y Councilman Holland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Cal,lis, Jr., l@0I)ert B. Croiilwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Georgc,, R. l@errell, Cl@irence A. flolland, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfic,](I, Jr., and @layor Donald 11. Rhodes.
Nays: None
@')sent: Vice @layor Earl M. 'rebalilt.
@ty Council approved tlie @it)ove @ippl.icatioii of John C. Bensenhaver and Richird
@. I)ailey for a Use Periiit to ot)(@rate q vot(@rinary cliiiic on cei'tain property
located on the N6r-fh-,,icc oi- Sh-ore I)rive, s;iid I)arcel is knol%,Il as Lot A, Pl@it
of B,,iysliore Developiiient (@ot@poratioii (Iliyvilto llark-l@ziyl.,ike Pino-@ Arei) B@lysicle
Borougli; sul)ject to a de(liczitioii of i@iglit oi w@ty 80 fect froiii tlic ceiiter Iiiie
of tlie existi3ag variable riglit of iriv iloiig tl)c 142.26-foot more or less front-
age on Sliore I)rive as rc,citi(,sted by tlie l@e@il I'@t@ite Division; slit)joct to
sitc pliii i-eqL]ir(,iiicnts @iiid .;toriii (Iriin@ipc as re(IL]ired ))v tlic, I-iigineer-
in i opiii@, as re-
@g I)ivisioli; SUI)ject to ctil@t), F,@itter, ;i@ici ;ilks aiid 1)@ivcjiieiit ivi(l' @
qticsted ])y tlie Eiigiiiecriii@ I)ivisioil; CUl) to (:itv @til(I Citv ;eiver wheii
avLiil,,il)lc. Approval is ftii-ilici, @;tll)ject to ;lily oiitclcor i-tins ei)closeci so
tli,il tliev 1/2,,ild iiot bo ,t I)Llis;lllc(, to tlie ),C,,, (Icllt-,; iii tlie stirroiill(lillg
TTE@l 94695
Application of the City of Virgiiiia Peacti, Scl@@,)ol Board, for a UTr! P@,rmit to
construct an elementary school on certain r.-rop@@rty locited at th@e Sou@@ern
extremity of Bennington Poad and 120 feet r.@ore ()r less South of Auburn Drive,
running a distance of 442 feet along the i'lortfit-,rn pro,,)crty line, rlinning a dis-
tance of 797 feet along the Eastern property line, running a distance Of 855
feet along the Southern property line (Virninii Electric and Power Co. Rig@it of
Way) and runninq a distance of 12211 feet alorio the @iestern property line. Said
parcel contains 15.037 acres. (Level Green-C-ollege Park Areas). KETIPSVILLE
The Planning Commission recomends approval of this request subject to City
water and sewer required by the Health Departii,@nt and standard site plan re-
On motion by Counci,lman Ferrell, -,,econded b) Councilnian Duscli, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., l@-rank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George
R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, D. Murray @@l@ilbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr. and Mayor Donald 11. ]Zhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert B. CromAell, Jr. and Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault.
City Council approved the above applicatioii of the City of Virginia Beach,
School Board, for a Use Permit to construct @in elementary school on certain
T)roperty located at he S utliern extremitv cf Benningtoii Road alid 120 feet
)re or less South of Auburn Drive, (Lovei (,reen-College Park Areas) Kempsville
)rough; subject to City water and sei,:er as required by the Health Department
--id standard site plan reqtiirements.
ITEM #4696
Application of L & 0 Construction Co:ii'T)any, Inc., for a U-@e Pernit to construct
125 totinhouses on certaiii pror)crty locatcd run!@ing a di@ta7ri e@o@070 -,'cet core
or less alotig the llest sid,, of Lfval Green Bojl,lvird, run 4 a distance of 447
I liq
feet more or less alonq t@le South side of t@,,@ 11-irginia Eloctric and Po,,@or Co.
Right of t@lay, running a distance of 21L'6 fect T@,ire or less along ttle 1,1,@stern
prop--rty line and runnir,@ a distance of 4,n riore or less along tlic-, Sout@ern
,property line. Said parcel contains 12.2 acrc.,,; iiore or less. (Level Green Area).
The Planning Cormilssion reconvilnds approval of t[iis request subject to City @l,ater
and sek4er required by tii,2 lioalth D2p.;irtiient. '..-icincoring Division requires
standard subdivisioii r@io',Iicil iticiti(ILd ti)(! recoii,@endition of tl)E!
I!e.creatioii I'LDartr@i,-,nt tiiii-I 15", of the total ac@,oag,2 be set aside for i-@,.-rcation
or appr6ximately t@o act'Ls. Th(-@ motiori furtiie@,- s,-,c nosts participation iii scfiool
site acquisition.
Mr. Douglas Talbot appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Rocco Lassitcr appeared on behalf of tlie application.
-s. Cecily Macdonald, president of the Rivcrton Civic League, appeared in
opposition to the above application.
On motion by Councilman l@errell, soconded by Councilman fiolland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., IZobert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liollind, D. @lurray Malbon, J. Curtis
Payne, Floyd E. Waterficld, Jr., and Mayor l@onald 11. Rhodes.
Nays: Councilman F. Reid Ervin.
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault.
City Council approved the above application of L & 0 Construction Company,
Inc. for a Use Permit to coiastruct 12S toi@nliouses on certain property located
running a distance o 2070 feet more or less along tlic West side of Level
Greon Boulevard, (Level Green Area) Kompsvil ']e Borougli; subject to City water
and sewer as required by the Health Departm(,nt; subject to standard subdivision
requirements as required by the Engineering Di,,,ision; subject to 15% of tlie
total acreage being set aside for recreatioil or approximately two acres as
requested by the Recreation Department; and approval is furtlier subject to
T)articipation in school site acquisition.
ITE@i #4697
Application of Sylvia 1,ruq for a Use P,,@rrit to construct 4(,) apartr..ient units
on certain pro'norty locited at c,@rl,i(-,r of Prctic Av(,nue and 28th
Street, runniiiq a dista!icc, of 140 fcet alo,-,q East side of @@Irctic j@ve,,Iue,
ruiining a distance of feet alorig ti@ie Sou@L.!i side of 28t@i Street, runiiin-.l a
distance of 140 feet alrj;in tlie L-astern propcrt,@ line aiid r,,@.Ining a disf-ancc, of
384 feet along the Sou'@@ier.,i property line.. Said parcel co@itains 53,761 square
feet. VIRGI,ilA BEPCli
Thp Planning Cor,,Plission reco,-El(.,nds approval of tliis request subject to a modifica-
tion to 30 apartri",nt uiiits. Tii-- Engi@ioeri.,ir! Elivision rcquir(!s stindard site plan
reqtiireiients, includiiq !)@,vcri-@ilt @,.,ilc.,ninq, ctir'L) z,,nd gutter, side,.Ialks aild
nocessany storri drai,,i-@ci@, alonf', ',.rctic T,,,!i@nuL@ a!id 2@)tli Str,!.@t. Tlie II.,,ilth 'Lpart-
m,-,nt requires City ,!Lt,-r ittid sL,@,ier aiid tlil, :i.@cr@ation reco!,;,-Ietids open
space of 15" be provid,@i. -i @gests r)articir)ation in
T@ic i@ioliori for zit@z)yov@l !3u,,
scliool site acquisitic)@i. Tii@! @-o-il Con,-@rva-Li(,ii i)f'fice st,,il-.@ tliat t@iis ir(,,a
is a riars@) ..iith drainjf-o Jitcli2s tiirouc,@'ti poriic,@n of it cannot tic, ci)structed.
Tkicre is no fill on ,ii,.d it is !iic,@ i!i (@rtlinic riatt@r and roco-nt dc@rlosits
of silt ilitli ValLIe. "iiud v@ill I)c-
pusiied out lateral-iy filled.
Mr. Owen Pi,ckett appeared on behalf of thc al)plicant,
On motioii by Cotinci.lmaii Cillis, seconded I)y C:ouncilman Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croinwell, Jr., Frank A.
@,isch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clzirence A. llolland, D. Murray
@lbon, J. Curtis Payne, F@loyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @layor Donald fi. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl @l. Tebault.
City Council approved the above application of Sylvia Krug for a Use Permit
to construct 16 apartment units on certaiii property located at the Southeast
corneT of Arctic Avenue and 28th Street, Vii-ginia heacli Borough; subject to
standard site plan requirements, including pavement widening, curb and gutter,
sidewalks and necessary storm drainage along Arctic Avenue and 28th Street
as required by the Engineering I)ivision; sul)ject to City water and sewer as
required by the Health Department and 15% open space as recommended by the
Recreation Department; subject to participation in school si.te acquisition.
Tbe Soil Conservation Office states that this area is a marsh with drainage
ditches tlirough portion of it which cannot be obstructed. There is no fill
on the marsh and it is iii,@li in organic matter zind recent deposits of silt
with questionable bearing value. Unless bull-,headed "mud waves" will be pushed
out laterally wlien filled.
ITENI #4698
Application of DLnaro Associates for a ti,;(. !),,rr@it to ol)erate a temporary T)ark-
ing lot on certain proner-Ly located on @;-,,t si(.'e of ikt Intic v nu b inn-
ing at a point 150 feet Soutli of I'Iiird Ftreet, rt@r,.-iinq a distance of 271) f(,ct
along the liest side of f,,tlantic Averiuc, ru,,Illinc. a cli@icnce of 302 feet along
tlie @,(,stern propet-ty line and runniiig a distanci, of 2--,() fec-t along tlie [@ortilern
propprty Iiiie. Said parcel is trian@ular in s@,apL. ([@,udee Inlet Area).
V I f",G I I'!IA BEACII and BOROU'Uils.
The Planning Cornission reco:,rierids arproval of ttiis request for a period of t@@.,o
years subject to standard site plan r@o-nuirci,i,,nts. T@ie motion for a,,)proval in-
cluded a waiver of the paving require;,,!ents.
Mr. Tliomas C. Kyrus appeared on behalf of tlie applicant.
On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded bv -@ouncilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robcrt B. Cropiwell, Jr., Frank A.
I)usch, F. Reid Ervin, George R., Ferrell , Clarencc, A. floll@ind, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. ll,aterfielcl, Jr., and Mayor Doiiald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice @layor larl @l. Tebatilt.
City Council approved t@c above applicatioii @)f I)en@iro Associates for a tjse
rmit to operate a temporirv parking lot o,-i certain pi-ol)erty located o@tlie
;@side of Atlantic Avoii@ic' (Rudee Inlet Ai@@.@a) Virginizi Beacli ancl Lynnhavon
'Ollg]IS , SLlbject to a perio(I of 120 cl@iys; siil)joct to st@inda.rd site pl,,in
requ..Lreiiicnts witli a waivor of the paviiig,, re(l@iircliiolit-,;.
TI'F@M P4699
Application of IJilliam E. Steztrns, Or., t)y (irov(,r C. liriqht, Jr., Pttoriif'y, for
a -Use Pcmit to construct 16 apartment units on ccrtain Property located on ttle
No@fli-c@y@f c-orti(.,r of Baltic '@v@ @iuL aiid 1511[i Str(,.ct, riviriirig a (i ist,,rice of 14f,) feet
along tiie East side of Baltic @vcnue, rtinnina a of 151 f@,)t alo@i(i the
14orth side of 15tli Street, runtiing a di,tince of 1,10 feet alonl tiie Easterii pro-
perty line and running a distatice of 150 fe.@,t alotl!, tiie l'ortli,,2rn property line.
Said parcel contaiis 21,000 scuare feet atid is kno;.@ii as Lots 15, 17 and 19,
Block 19, Plat of Lake@-tood. VIPGl,'IIA BEACII BOPOUGH.
@The Planning Cor@nission recoinlnds approval of this recluest subject to a riodifica-
tion to 10 aparttr-nt units subject to City @,,ater and sev,,er requircd by th(-' I'C!alth
Departr,ant. The Engincerin(i Division roquiros standard site nlan requirerients and
standard right of @.iay ir@ipro-vet,@nts to tl@e portions of Baltic @venue and Street
adjoining the property. A landfill i)eriiit %iill be required since part of tile
property is presently wit[iin tlie sl)oreliiie of L.@ike ilolly. Tlie Pecreatioti ":enartment
reconn@nds that open space be providcd a,,id tlie r,-,otion for anproval surests participa-
tion iti school site acquisition. Tlie Soil Coiservation Office states that lialf or
more of the property in tiie south,@!est portif)n is i,,iars!i, or Ltke tiolly. Tliis riaterial
has so litf-le bearing cal)aci@y tt,@at it lias @(@c@n necessary to drivc, piling to support
the pipes along tlie Baltic '6veiiue side of t!ie r)ron,.,-rt_v. i'lost of t@iis area is sliown
oti site plan as proposed pa@@ing; lioticvLr, ti-Q soutii,,:est corner of the easternriost
prol)o-@ed apartmnt building viill also t,,L' irl it.
Mr. Grover Wright, Attorney, appeared on beli@ilf of the applicant.
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded bv Councilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Fr@ink A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George
R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, aiid Floyd
'@. Waterfield, Jr.
iys: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. aiid Mayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Absent: Vice Mayor E-arl M. Tebatilt.
City Council approved the above application of William F,. Stearns, Jr., for
a Use Permi.t to construct 6 apartment tinits on certain property located on the
No t e@i.,t corner of Baltic Aveiiuc and 15th @;treet; said parcel contaiiis 21,000
square feet and is known as Lots 1S, 17 and 19, Block 19, Plat of Lakewood,
Virginia Beacli Borough; si-ibject to City w@iter and sewer as required by the
flealth Department; subject to standard site plan requirements and standard right
of way improvements to tlie portions of Biltic Avenue and lstli Street adjoinilig
the property; subject to a landfill perfliit ;ince part of tho property is present
ly within the shoreline of l,ake Ifolly; siibj,@ct to open space being 1)rovided as
recomnionded bv the Recreation Dol)artT,.tent @in,l subje(-t to participation iii the
school site acquisition forintila. The Soil -@,onservaticn Officc, states that half
or more of the property in the southivest I)ortion is marsl), or l,ake liolly. This
material lias so little bearin@, c@ipacity tliit it has been necessary to drive
piling to siipport the pipes aloii- the 11,Llti,- Aventic side of the propertv. Most
of tliis arei is shown on site plan as pr,)I)o@ed l@ai,king; however, the soutliwest
coriier of the easteriii,.iost prol)osed apli'tiiiciit builcling will also be iii it.
4 7 0 0
Application of Kenneth D. Bro@,,@l for a I,ls(, P,@,-,,,it to o@)Lrit,- 200 ad(lition,,il c3!,,..)-
ing sites, totaling 300 sitcs (:!i (,Crtai-t-i he@,ir,,-Iinq at a )oint 12@,l .@c.ell,
r,,Ore or less @olith of ilcCllri,@le,,n Lir.L, cind f(,@t ilot-o or lcss of Colech.Lster
Road, runiiing a distance Of 10@o feet along t!
io ;@ortfiorn pr(,',')Crty lire, ruii;,l-
ing a distance of 950 feet al(,,,@ig the I.,,Iester,ii 13ro,.)er@y liie, ruritiiii,7 a distaric(@
of 1240 fe--t along t@.c@ Sout!icrn pro'nerty Iiii@ a@id rut,riin,,i a distance of 72,,) fL'L@t
along the Eastern pro,,)erty line. Said parcel contains 2@ acres riore or less.
The Planning Commission recortionds approval of tliis roquist subject to a modifica-
tion to 100 additional caf,pinq sites. Tile Eii,@iri@ering Division requircs standard
site plan requirerionts lncludiiig a 12-foot ri,!)'L-. tijrn 1,@ne 200 feet in lengtfi on
Colechester Road. In addition tlie notion inclt,@l,@d 3" u@,eable open space for
active recreation area is requirod by tlie Pliirilling Departnent.
Mr. Kenneth D. Brown appeared on behalf of Iiis own applicati.on.
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by C,)uncilman @Ialbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromi,,ell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Geoi-ge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. @furray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, l@loyd E,. Waterfield,. Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice @layor Earl M. 1'ebatilt.
City Council approved the above application of Kenneth D. Broxvn for a Use
Permi,t to operate 100 additional camping sites, totaling 200 sites on @rtain
property beginning at a point 1200 feet more or less South of NIcClannan Lane
and 4SO feet more or less IVest of Colechester, Road; subject to standard site
l@an requirements as reqtiested by the Engine(,ring Division excluding a 12-foot
@lht turn lane 200 feet in lengtli on Colecli(ster Road. Approval is further
)ject to 8% useable open space for active i-ocreation area as required by tlie
Planning Department.
ITEM #4701
Application of tiinnie L. QuattlcbILIl T/A Prandit@'i Iron for a tise P(@rriit for
dancing and live entertaiiilent on cc@rtain ,)ro,,)cv,ty I)eiinnina -at-a 400
f(2c-t llest of Iligliviay Lane, runnin(i a distance of IOZ-) fec.,t T,,jore or less along
the South side of Virginia B,-@ac@i loulevard, rtjii,@ina a di,tZrCe of 293 f(,@,,)t
along the Eastern property lit-io, ruiinir,(,, a dist,nce of 11@) f(@c@t alon(i the
Souttiern property line and runninn a distatice of 285 feet Ilonq the ilestern
, scl a (@
2 O'@), u r feet. (11'est
property line. Said parcel cotitaiiis e,,),)rox@i;il tolv 31,
Occatia Gardens Area). LY,i;@'ri'@vEil B@F,,C)UGli.
The Plannitig CoiTnissioii recoirvnds a[)I)roval of tiiis request.
Mrs. @linnic L. Quattlebauiii appeared OTi behill@ of lier own application.
On moti.on b), Councilman Ei@vin, seconded by (loiincilipan ilalbon, aiid by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilmen 'Zobert 11. Callis, Jr., IZol)(,rt B. Croniwell, Jr., Frank A
P,,-,cli, F. Reid Ervin, Gcor,,e IZ. Ferrell , Cl@ii-eiice A. lfolland, D. Niurray
boii, J. Curtis Payne, T@, loyd E. IVaterfielcl, Jr. , aiid klayor Donald 11. Rllodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice @layor l@arl @l. Tcbault.
City Coiincil approved tlie @ibove aj)plic,,iti'on o[ Miniiie I,. Quattlcb@iLini 'F/A
]3randiiig li,oii for a Uso Perinit foi- d,,inciiig ziii(I livo entert@iiiiniciit on cort@iiii
prol)ci-ty beginiiing aT c-l-IT(5 li@t 100 feet (,i- 1,@ille (@%lost Occaii,,i
G.irdens Arc,,i) f,yiinliaven BorOLIgIl.
ITEM #4702
On motion by Councilman Croinivoll, secojided by Councilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
L ch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, D. @turray
N bon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl NI. Tebault.
City Council authorized the Building Inspector's issuing a building permit for
an addition to the Virginia Beach Community ("hapel, subject to the applicant
filing an application for a Use Permit which was not obtained at the date of
the original construction.
ITEM 94703
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by (:ouncilman I)usch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Prank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Geor@e IZ. Ferrell, Cl@ii-ence A. liolland, D. @,lurray
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Nlayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: Noiie
seiit: Vice Mayor Earl Ni. Tebault.
ty Council approved an appropriati.on of $3,500 to the City Treastirer's capital
outlay fund for the immediate purchase of a i-oplacement automobile. I'he prc)-
posed automobile will be deleted from the Tr(,astirer's 1972-73 budget.
ITEM #4704
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded bv Councilman liol.land, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robort B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. flolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Flovd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor ])Onald ti. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Abseiit: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tobault.
City Couiicil authorized the City @lanif,,er to nter into aii agreement with the
Norfolk Southern Railivay Co., the Wickcs (@or[ioi-ation and tlie City of \7i,rginia
Beach concerning certain storiii drain@ige pil)e,; tinclor the Norfolk aiid Southern
Raili,:ay lines.
ITEM #470S
on motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman @Ialbon, ati@l
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
isch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, D.
[lbon, J. Curtis Payne, Flo)7d E. Waterfiel(t, Jr., and Mayor Don@ll
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. l'obault.
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Malbon, all(
vote as follows:
City Council approved the request of Jamc,,s 11. Midgett for permis,@
a two story frame residence, 32' x 381, frop) 210 38th Street, \,-i@
Borough, to Lot B-8, Rudee licights, 480 Soul@liside Road, Lynnhavell
subject to the following requirements:
1. the move Eiust be liandled between tlie hottrs of 12:00 midnight
except on weekends
2. the services of the electric company liaiidling the City's tra@
repair is acquired at iio cost to tho Ci.i@v of Virgini.a Beach
sufficient personnel to remove these si@,,nals shortly prior t(@
of the house being moved and to immediately reinstall tlie s@',
house has gone by (tlie six signal loc,,itions on Pacific AvenLI,2
Road, 2Sth Street, 22nd Street, 21st Sti-eet, Virginia Beach
Norfolk Avenue)
3. the applicant or mover sliall supply It lio cost to the City s@l
personiiel to liandle the traffic at eacii of tlie signal locati(,@
time that the signal is out of operatioli
4. tlie applicant or mover shall have VEPCO, the telephone coripii
other utility companv ijivolved avail@il)] for their needed ),Fc)@
specified hours at no cost to the City )f Virginia Beacli
S. with all of the utility work to be doiie it is doubtful this
coml)leted in the five hours specified; therefore, if sucli t)e
applicant or mover shall have approval to place this buildifl
oTi aii off street location a(Ijaceiit to tlie rolite specified ur,.i
hours of the folloi@ing day that tliey sliill continue on sucli
6. the mover shall have spare e(ll-,ipnient on stand by at the site
of moving to be @ivailable iiiiiticdiatelv ifi tlie event of mccliai,@
The above iteins are additional, thereforc, the granting of this
is also subject to all tlie noriii@il recluireiiielit-,; of nioving l buil(I
value after move and rejiovzition-@, $40,000. Site lias been Ippro\@
tank and city water.
ITE@i #4706
On n,,otion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded 1)) Councilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Rol,ort B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. l@errell, Cl,,irence A. Ilolland, D. @turray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, l-,Ioyd E. IVatc@rfiel(l, Jr., and @layor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
LYS :None
@osent: Vice Mayor Earl @@l. Tebault.
City Council approved the following Resolution requesting the City of Norfolk
to make a connection and to furnisli water tlirough a proposed water system
located at College Square Apaytments, Kempsi@ille Borotigh:
c Colle@e FniLire Ar),a@ii(,.n .9 IN TI[E CITY OF
WIIEIZFAS, it it., 1)rol)us(,-d by ('.ity ()f Virgiiiia Beach, Virginia at
tlie request of Arthur ll,)vens to t-xtetid a proposed water
main iii accor-datice wit,ii LIie exist,itig Colitt-act betwecti tlie City of
V.i.rgitiia lica(@ii anti t,ti(@ City of Nol@t@olk, lik Citv of Vi. Reach
iii tlit, sLi@eu-t,s Liste,,l as follows:
Name of Size, of Linear- No. of
Street 11 i 1)(,- Feet llydrants
Indian River Road 12't 850 1
lt-_@Lviera Drive (on Site) 61, 1597 2
All as described aiid ritiown on plail cntitlcd, Site Plan of Col3-ere Soure
Apartments, Ilhase One as 1)r,ei)at-ed by
NOW, TIIERIiFORI~, I1l'] IT RESOLVIil), I.hat the City of Norfolk be and
hereby i~ requ¢:sl,c(l Lo make a consort ~,m of the proposed water mai:~
eoznpleLion of the installation of Lb, proposed main~s to aupply water to
consumers residx,g thereon, it being expressly tinderstood and a~eed
that the snpplying of said ~aLer by t,hc C/ky of Norfolk shall be upon aa~
sub,ecL ~o the follu~ing terms and coml~tions: .
1. ThaC Che said ~aLcr anains Mlall be hmCalled in accordance ~iLh
the specl~ications of the said City ef Norfolk and to tile satis?action
of the Director er l'ublie ~orks of said City~ at no cost to Um City of
2. That Lice water so supplied tltrnugh said mains to consumers shall
be at tile same rate now, or hereafter, charged by tile City of Norfolk to
consumers beyond the limits iff said City similarly
3. That all ordinances oE the City of Norfolk and all rules and
regulations of Lite Oiv~5~on o~ Water Supply (ff said City, no~ or hereafter
adopted and pat into effect, relating to the famishing of ~ater shall
apply Lo the supplying of water through the said proposed mains.
4. ThaC the said City of Norfolk shall be under no obligation to
furnish more water than its distribut, iou system as now laid~ with the
pressure carried~ will deliver into said mainss and if tho said supplying
of ~ater sbalt not be in accordance w~Lh the standard service~ the said,
City of Norfolk shall not be held r'espu,aible in any ~ay.
~. ThaL in mipplying waCer Lo consumers along the said proposed mains,
Lhe CiLy of Norfolk ~lll supply the sam( only From i~n surplu~ 8upply~ and
thaL In no event sbal I there be may obJjgatioll on .the part oF said City
~upply wa'/.er Lo any toes,sets flltmg the proposed mains aL any time
in tile jtldgemenL iff the Council oJ' the said City of Norfolk, Lbe said
~haIl not have sufficiellt 8upply ['or USe within its COrporate limits~
~'henever the siipi) lyiu~ of said war, er shall iuLerfere w/th the discharge
of Lite duly o/' said CiLy Lo supply ~aLer Lo ils own inhabitants.
6. ThaL from and after the iust,allaLiou of tile ~aLer mains and
hydrants they shall become the pruperLy of the City of Virginia Beach
The City O~ Vir~iljia Beach Mlall gra,t Lo the City of Norfolk the
Lo asr such mains a.d hydrants for the supply of ,atee~ and further ~rants
to tit~ City of Norfolk ready and reasonable access to .them.
7. That for any fire hydrant installed aL the request of the Cit}
Virginia Beach, a rent, al payment of One ihmdred Dollars (~100.00) a year
for each hydrant shall be paid to t.be (;iLy nf Norfolk.
clay of
ITI@@,! lt4707
On moti,oii by Cotincilman Ptyne, seconded by (:oui)cilmaii IVIterfield, and by
recordcd vote as follows:
Ayes: Cotincilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)ort B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid l,rvin, George R. Fcrrell, Cl@irence A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Watei@fiel,l, Jr., and Mayor Donald fi. Rhodes.
Nays: None
)sent: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault.
City Council deferred for sixty (60) days consideration of Phase Tll of the
Oceana West Industrial Park.
ITE@l #4708
Mr. John M. Potter, president of Shoreline I:rosion Control Corporation, and
Mr. Owen Pickett, Attorney for Mr. Potter, @Lppeared before City Council con-
cerning the placement of certain erosion cojitrol units along the oceanfront
by the Shoreline Erosion Coiitrol Corporatioii.
City Council requested the City engineers aiid the City Attorney along with
Mr. Potter and his engineers and attorney to devc,,Iop a specific proposal
to present to Council along with recoilimendal@i.ons from tlie City Manager's
Office regarding this matter.
ll'E@l P4709
Mr. A. Janes DeBellis, Director of Econ0mic Developmnt, presented a report
to Comcil regarding the pro@.ed disl)Osition of property, @,ned by the city,
at Rudee inlet. A cc)py of the report is on file in the Offic, f Em@c
De-lo@t, and the Public LLibraries throughout the city.
CitY Comcil is requested to approve the sale of the property by the method of
"design bid titim" - Questions @,,ere raised by the council-men regarding the
and style of design bids @ be subrutted, and the detils to be required; also
discussed were the financial responsibilities of the bidders, the @unt of bid
deposit, -d/or bid bond to be s@@tted.
On -tion by Comcil@ Holland, secc)nded by Comcilman Ervin, and by recorded
vote as follows:
AYes: COuncilmn Rcber-t H. Callis, Jr., Pober-t B. Crcnwell, Jr., Prank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A, Hc)ll-d, D. Murray J. Curtis
Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Dc)nalcl H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vioe Mayor Earl M. Tebault
City Council voted to ac@pt the report of Mr. A. Jm, @llis, Director of
E-0@c Devel t, regarding the disposal of the -@dee Inlet property, nd
Proceed as set forth in the repor-t. Bid Bond or cash to be acceptable frcxn the
ITE@L #4710
1 motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman flolland, and by recorded
)te as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liol.land, D. Mtirray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault.
City Council noted i-ts intention to hold a closed meeting on June 19, 1972, for
the purpose of discussing items permitted for disciission under the Freedom of
Information Act of the Commonwealtli of Virgiiiia.
ITEM #4711
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Coujicilmaii Holland, the meeting
on.il@ir.- h@o@s, mayor
ity of Virginia Beacli,
,June 12, 1972