HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 20, 1972
March 20, 197-1
7he regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia
is held in the Council Chambers in the Administration Building, in the
)rough of Princess Anne, on Nlonday, larch 20, 1972, at 10:00 a.m.
The invocation was given by Reverend Emory S. Ellmore, Princess Anne Methodist
Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Councilmen present: Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl@irence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Councilmen absent: None
ITEM #4359
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert [i. Callis, Jr., Robei't B. CromiTell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, D. @furray @ialbon,
J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebaitlt, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and
ayor Donald H. Rhodes.
ays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the Minutes of the Relaular @leeting of tlarch 13, 1972,
and tlie reading of said %Iinutes dispeiised witli inasiiiucli as each Couiicilitan
had a copy of tlie subject Minutes before Iii;n.
ITE@l #4360
On motion by Councilman Duscli, seconded by Vice @lavor Tebault, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Robcrt Ii. Callis, Jr., Rohert B. Cromwell, jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl.ai@ence A. flolland, D. %turray @ialbon,
J. Curtis Ilayne , Vice Mayor Earl %I. Tebati.1 t , F71oyd F. Waterf ie@Ld , Jr. , and
Mavor Donald 11. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
ity CoLtiicil approved on second readiii@ tlic requcst of tlie City TreasLirer
o write off bad checks totaling $294.39.
ITEM #4361
On motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by Councilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. MuTray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
r., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
iNays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second reading the low bid of Burton Lumber Company
of $7,196.86 for the construction and installation of steel visitors panels
within tlie City Jail, and, therefore, approved an appropriation in this amount
($7,196.86) for this project.
ITEM #4362
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clirence A. ffolland, D. @turrav
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donal@ il. Rhodes.
Nays: None
bsent: None
i.ty Council approved on second reading an appropriation in the amount of
$2,800. for the purchase of certain dictziting and transcribing equipment
for the Juvenile and Domestic Relatiolis Court.
ITEM #4363
On motion by Councilriian Diisch, seconded by Couiicilman @Ialbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci.Imen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F,. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. [@lurrav
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl Ni. Tc,,bault, I-loyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and @layor Donald 11. Rliodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second reading -t transfer of $700. from the Reserve
for Contingencies as tho Citv's proportionate shai,e of $2,800. for the purchase
of certain dictating and tra@scribing eqliil)iiieiit for tlie Juvenile and Doinestic
Dclations Court. ($2,1-00. will be offset by revenlie from the I)ivisioii of
u-,;tice and Crinic Ilreveiitioii.)
ITEM #4364
motion by Councilman Malbon, seconded by (:ouncilman Holland, and by recorded
te as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl @l. 'I'cbault, and ,Iayor Donald H.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second reading a triinsfer of $9,000. from the data
processing budget code to tlie City's mapping program.
ITEM #436S
on motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded bv Vice @layor Tebault, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clareiice A. Holland, D. Nlurray
lbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vi,ce @layor Earl @l. rebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
.1 and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second reading a trinsfer of $13,000. from the
Reserve for Contingencies to cover the cost of housing juveniles for the
balance of the fiscal year 1971-72.
ITEM #4366
Mr. James R. Bergdoll, Chairinan of tlic,. Arts and Ilumanities Committee of tlio
Virginia Beach Development Council, I)resent(@l tlie following recollimenciations
of the committee:
Reconimendations to the
Virginia Beach City Council
from the Comjiiittee on the Arts and the Hunianities
of the Virginia Beach Developnient Council
March, 1972
1. We recommend that a Virginia Beach Comniission on the Arts and Humanities be formed at
this time.
2. We recommend that this group serve to assist in stiinulating interest in the arts and
the humanities in the City and set-ve as the coordinating group tlirougli wiiich all funds
should be channeled by the City to any organiz@tion v4liose ititerests coi,@l(, @vithin tile
scope of the Commission. The Coiiiiiiission shall also serve tc) coor(iiriate efforts to se-
cure federal and state furditig for prograiiis iii t@.e arts Ind t@ie liuiiiaiiities.
3. We recommend that an invitation be accepted fr(,rii the Divisioti of t@lle litiiiianities at
Virginia Wesleyan Coll(,:@,-- tc) cotivene a cot)feret@ce iii April, 1972 on "T[ie Arts and the
Application of Albic Incorporatfd for a Use Peri-iit to construct a 208-unit
hotel on certain prop--rty located at the @otjl@ 1-@st- corner of 36th Street and
Atlantic fvenue, runninti a distance of 250.12 feet along the east side of
Atlantic Avenue, runninq a distance of 150 feet alonq the South side of 36th
Street, running a distance of 250.12 feet along the Eastern property line and
running a distance of 150 feet along the loutt,,crn proprrty line and a Use Pemit
for additional parkinq on certain property located on the Northeast cofn-er of
Pacific Avenue and 35tli Street, runiiqq a distiqce of lr,,S feet along the Nortil
side of 35th Street, running a distance of l@", feet along ttle East side of
Pacific Avenue, running a distance of 158 feet along the florthern property line
and running a distance of 150 feet along the Eastern property line. VIRGI.'Ilfl
The Planning Comnission recorriends approval of this request subject to City
water and setier required by tlie Ilealth Der)arti,ien". The notion furthcr included
the requircrilents of the En(.,ineerina Division tliat riglit of @,iay imdrovements on
36th Street include an 18-@oot pav'ciiic@tit section .iith concrete curb, gutter and
sidewalk; a stain@iay should also b,, t.)rovided at @)6th Street to the beach and
the existing alley, vthich is to provide access to tlie Parking lot, rcquires
a total widening of 1.0 fec!t and concrete curl ing (CG-2). T[io Planninq Comission
further recoii-.1ionded that the requircirents of tfie [)c'nartment of CorT.1unity Sorvices,
Engineering Division, for the coistructioli of the board,,,ialk fro,,n 35th Street to
36th Street not be included in tl-,,@ list of r(,.quired itiprovellents pen(ling final
action by t@te City Council on tflis [,,@atter.
Mr. John Oliver Wynn, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant.
r. Sam Houston, Sr. appeared in oppositon to tlle above application.
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilmaii Dusch, and bv recorded
vote as follows: I
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl,,irence A. flolland, D. @Nfurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Nlayor Donald ii. Rliodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above application of Albic Incorporated for a
Use Permit to construct 208-unit hotel on certain property located at the
goLit-he, -@t corner of 36th Street and Atlanti,:, Avenue aiid a Use Perlitit for
additional parkiiig on certain property located on the Northeast corner of
Pacific Avenue and 35tli Strcet, Virginia Bo:tch Borough; subject to Citv
water and sewer as requircd by tlie ilcaltli 1),,pzirtmcnt; subject to the f'ollow-
ing requiremonts of tho Eiigiiieeriiig I)ivisioii: right of way improveitionts oii
36tli Street, whicli include In 18-foot pax@ei,,iciit sect'.-on witli concrete curb,
gutter and si,dewalk; a stairw@iv at 36th Str,-,et to the beach and tho existing
Iley, which is to provi(,Ie ,icces-,; to tlie lot, requires ,l tot@il wideii-
ig of 18 feet and concrete curbilig flirther subject to tlie clc.,sign
C OTIStructioi) of tlio boardi@alk bcijig I)Y tlio I)epartiiioiit of Coninitinity
Application of M. J. Standing for a Channe of Zoning from One Family Residence
Suburban District (R-S 2) to Tkto Fami@y @,@,,siUpicF@F)istrict (R-2) on certain pro-
perty located on the @qest side of [folly road across fro,'l 34th Street, 800 feet
more or less South of !lest Holly Road, runnin,] a distance of 180.33 feet along
the West side of liolly Road, running a distance of 235 feet along the Southern
property line, running a distance of 182.02 feet along tlie Western property
line and running a distance of 218 feet alonci tiie tiort@iern Droperty line. Said
property is known as Lot BOA, Plat of Linkhor-n Park. (Linkhorn Park Area).
The Planning Commission recomends denial of this request due to the opposition
of the residents of the area.
Mr. Frank Abel, Jr. and Mr. Stan Iloward appetred in opposition to the above
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ilolland, D. Nturray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl @l. @1'ebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council denied the above application of M. J. Standing for a ChanRe of
,i@n from One Family Residence Suburban I)istrict (R-S 2) to Two amly
" ence District (R-2) on certain property located on the West side of
tiully Road across from 34th Street, (Linkhorit I)ark Area) Virginia Beach
Application of Atlantic Richfield Co., by Grov(@r C. Outland, Jr., Attorney, for
a Use Pri@ii@, to oderate a gasoliiic@ suciply statior. on cer,tain r)roperty located
on corncr Of SOLIth L.@,iii@iavcn llo@ci and I!olland Poad, rtinninc! a dis-
tance of O@@-@0.97 feet alorto, tiie '@'est sidc@ of @-ct@th L,Yiirthaveii [load, running a di,,tance
of 252.78 feet alorg the '!ortli side of lioll@@iic ';@OLd, ruiriinq a distance of 159.57
feot along tho l@estern property line and ru@,.iiifiq a dis@@@ince of l(il.29 feet alotiri
tlic !4ortlic@rn prop--rty line. Said property cotitains 0.893 acres. (Green Run Arca).
The Planning Coniiission r(,coriiends approval of tfiis reqtio-st subject to City
@iater and seiier requir(2,,i [@y tlic t!it@altli r,,@,part.--nt and standard site., nlan approval
to iiiclude street iiliprovei@nnts on ilollancl atcl So,,itfi Lyt),.iliavrn Poad to in-
clude t@iidening to 2A, i@@-@t fro:@i thc c-ntcr co-cr@t(, c@ir,,,s and qutters,
side%qalks aqd concrete ,torn drains requircd i,,, "he Division.
City Council deferred foi, oiie (1) week, coiisideritioii of an 01@dinilnce
regul.ating the advertisilig of rates chargc@d for pitblic. lodgiiig accomoclations.
TTr@M (a)
Councilman Ferrell requested inforiiiation re@arding the disposition of a
request made for a traffic light at the iiat,r,'ection of IVitchduck Road
and Independence Boulevard; wheretipoji he advised by Mr. Fieniing,
Director of Conimunity Services tliat considot-ation was being given to
nstalling the traffic light based tipon tlie pi,iorities established in his
epartment. r
#,t@2 (b)
Mayor PIiodes indicated thit the week of @iar@-h 19-2S, 1972 had been proclaimed
as "Natic)nal Wildlife Ileek".
ITL,M #4@
Application of llindsor Holland ComDany for a Use Permit to construct 392 town-
-houses on certain prop-Irty begintiing at a Doir,@270-FTeet more or less East of
South Plaza Trail Extended and 200 fe-.t Plore c,r less I%iorth of Holland Road, runn-
ing a distance of 913.38 'eet along the East side of t4indsor Oaks Boulevard
(Proposed), running a distance of 1458.46 feet along the florthern 'Droperty line
and running a dis-L-ance of 1325 feet along -(.he Eastern property line and runnina a
distance of 910 feet more or less along the Sc;uthern property line. Said property
contains 32.18 acres. (Windsor Oaks t@lest i@reE). KEI@IPSVILLE BOROUGH.
The Planning CO.,ninission recotnmends a.Dprovil ol this application subject to a
reduction in density from 392 to@inhouses to 3@'O tovinhouses. The motion for
approval also included 15" useable recreation@,@i open area as iiell as a revised
tite plan. The -Lngineerinq Divisioti, Depar@[,,I@,rlt of Cor@i-iunity Services, requests
a 60-foot loop road in ordor -@o provi(le 3'0 of road@,jay paveilent and a box
culvert is reqllired at @@,lindsor Oaks Boulev&rd @,r@d tlie proposed canal. CitY
water and sev,,er is requested by @Lhe iiealt,@ I)ei@artnient. A school site has been
reserved by the developers.
Mr. Dotigl.as Talbot appeared on belialf of the @ipplicant.
Mr. Howard Weisberg appeared on behalf of the above application.
on motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded bv (@ouncilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Fr@ink A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell,
Cl,ireiice A. liolland, J. Curtis Payne, Vice ',Iavor l@'arl M. Tebault, Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr., and @layoi@ Doliald 11. l@ho(les.
Nays: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid l@:rvin, and D. Niurray
Absciit: None
City Council approved the above appl.ication of ivindsor Holland Companv for
a Use Perniit to construct 320 towiiliouses on certain proportv be.@inning at
a po nt 2700 feet more or less East ol Soutli Illaza Trail Exiended, (lvindsor
Oaks lvest Area) Kempsvillc Borou,@h; -tibject to 15% use@ible recreitional open
area as @qell as a revisod site plaii; subject to a 60-foot loop road in order
@ir. Grover C. Outland, Jr. al)peared on beliall of the applicalit.
on motion by Councilman Payne, secotdcd by Couiicilman l@errell, and by recorded
vote as f llows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ifolland, D. Muri-ay Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, 1-@loyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald 11.
,,,iys: None
Absent: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above application of Atlantic Richfield Co. for
a Use Permit to operate a gasoline supply st@itioii on certain property located
on t e ort iTest corner of South Lvnnhaven Road and liolland Road, (Green Run
Area) Princess Anne Borough; subject to Citv water and sewer as required by
the Flealth Department and staiidard site plal) approval to include street
improvements on flolland Road and Soutil Lynnhaven Road to include widening to
24 feet from the center line, concrete curbs and glitters, sidewalks and
concrete storm drains as reqliired by the Engincerilig Division.
ITENI #4374
Application of Thomas W. Land, Jr., for a @anc,,e of 7oninq from Residence Suburban
Di stri ct 4 (R-S 4) to Li.,ii ted Co,.nerci al [i @t i@ct- '@ -C -L@2) on certai n pror)erty
beginning at a point 690 feet nore or I-ss '.,'est of Tc)y Avenue, running a distance
of 98.40 feet along tlic Soutti side of Viro4nia Beach P,,otilevard, rtinning a distance
of 413.10 feet along the Eastern property lin,@, ruriiiiiin a distince of 98.40 feet
along the Souttiern property line and ruii!iinq a distance of 413.10 feet alonn the
Western property line. Said parcel cofitaiiis 0.917 acre. (Boulevard f,lanor-Fair
Meado-vis Area). BAYSIDE BOROUGli.
The Planning Cor@ilission recoi@imends approval of this request subject to a dedica-
tion of right of %iay @.,O flet from the cc-@ntc,.r line of tlie existii,q 120-foot ri@@t
of %-iay along the 9,).40 foot iriore or less frorta@,c on Virginia @@Ic,ac@i P@oulevard
(20-foot dedication) required by thc@ @'eal '@-statc Division; E@iqinepring !-,,ivision
r--quires site plan approval sitc, i,, (i,vclon(,d to incltide @,@idening o-f
marginal access lane and iristillation of conc-rete cuv,bs, qul.-ters and sidevialk.
The If@@al th IL)epartri(@nt rcquir(@s Ci@y @,Iiter ilric; scwer.
On motion by Coulicilman Cromwell , secoiidell I)lv Cotiiic ilman tic)] land, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., l@rank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liollqnd, D. @ilirray Ntalbon, J. Curtis Ilayne,
Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Watei,fiel(l, Jr., and Nlayor Donald ii.
Nays: None
Al),ent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
"'ty Council approved tlie abox,e appl.ication of Thomas W. Land, Jr. for a
@nge of Zoiiing froni iZesi(ICI)CC @UI)LIrl)@iii I)i@trLct @l (R-S 4) to I.iiniteci
t@rict 2 (C-L 2) on certaii, ill@cl)el'tY, i)c@ill"ill, at a point 690
feet iiiorc or less West of 'roy Avenue, @l@Lrior-Faii, @leadows Area)
Baysidc,, Borotigli; subject to 't (ledic"Itioil 01- l@i'llit of w@iy 80 feet fron) the
Ceiiter linc of tlie exi,,;tiiig 1-@O foot @@a\l @ilonq tlic 98.40 foot iiiore
or loss froiit,,ige on Boi,ioN@ii-c (20 -foot cle(lic@itioii) @is re(juil-ecl
b)@ tlie Re@il 1-'st@ito I)ix,i@ioll; Sill)-jcct t() sit( @il)pro@,@il @@lien situ is
dev el olied to iiicltido @@ i dcii iiig c) 1- ill@L 1- i 11 @l IZi (I-: e, s sIlie Li 11 cliII s t -i I I @i t i on o f
c o n Q, i- o t o c Ll ri) 5 , gu t t c l' @; @l ii,@l s i cl 0 @@ zi I k Z[ 5 l' c (I i I I l@ @, @l l@
@ilid fill-IIJOI' SLII@jCCt tO Citv i@zttc,r @iiicl s(,@,cl' @l@ 1)), tlie Ife@illll
Tile lit .
ITEM #4375
Application of K-motodd Corporation for a Use Pprmit for a sewa(,@e pumping station
on certain property located on the Sout@l s ffe- @f-[3r-o@osed Stratford Chase and
100 feet East of Prr.)posed 1,@'inslow Crossing or 2,11',,.@ feet More or less East of
Kempsville Road and 350 fel-t mre or Icss iiorth of tlie property line of Indian
Lakes Subdivision. (Indian Lakes Area). K-LIIPSVILLE BOROUGH.
The Planning Comission recomiends approval of this request.
Mr. Douglas Talbot appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Nlurray \Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H.
Nays: None
Absent: Coulicilman Robert fi. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above application )f Ken)ptodd Corporation for a
Use Permit for a sewage pumpiiig ,;tatioii oii certain property 16cated on the
tli side of Proposed Stratford Chase an(] 100 feet East of Ilroposed @Vinslow
ossing, (Indian Lakcs Area) Kempsville Borough.
ITEM #4376
Application of New Hope Baptist Ci@urc@i for ', t@-le Periiit to ot)erate a church
on certain proverty beginninq at a point Busk@y Lane, rti@illiliq
a distafice of 265 fe-ot along tlie Eastern t)ro,)crty 1 of @!liich 1,@,O feet is the
West side of Old Grpit ;'icck runtlin,.i @A (lisl@anc,2 c@f feel, alon,.i t@ir@,
Southern prop.@rty 1-ine of t-i@iicl) fc,@@@t is t@ie @:orth -lide of Buskc,,/ Lar.F,,,
running a di stance of @IC,.34 fec-L aloiiq ti)c@ '.,',,,stern liv@o@)r@rty li.'Ie (r@uskey I-a,,Ie),
and rutining a distance of 465.9" fcet alo@i@,,i t!i(, @:ortiiprn ni,o 'r,,,rty line. @-aid
property contains 1.@. acres r@ore or less. (London j@@rea). LYI@@lliAVE@4
The Planning Comnission reco.,@itends approval of this request subject to a dedica-
tion of riglit of @e!ay 30 feet frol,i tlie line of the existiiiq 45-foot rinht
of iiay along the l@')O-foot i@e,)re or less froi,.tac,,C! on t')Id Cireat @4eck @oad (7.5-@oot
dedicatioii) and a rjedication of ri(iht of @S f.@t frori the ce!lt(-'r line of
the existing 35-foot ri 'ic of ,)iy along tlic 21-)./',,J-foot ii,,orc or less fronta(i(-,
on Buskey Lane (7.5-foot dedication) r.,qtiir(,d ')y the-l i@cal I'stato @)lvision. (The
Engineer-iiig Division r(,co,-,@,etids esta,@lisliinq old -@r@?a@L @@eck @,oad as a col"iEcLor
street (60-foot riglit of ,,,,ay) 0,@ld requ-ir(-'s a d,,clica'L-.io?i and @iideninq of exir,+Iing
street iri accordance ti@o s,@aiidard riiht ol' @iay t,oid section. [@US'Key
Laric, rL@quir@@s t!l,@ a@ ol pi,c;@,E@rty
The HealLh Dc,,pir@@ii2n@-I r(-@quirc-s City
Mr. D. E. Morgan appeared on belialf of the applicant.
On motioii by Councilman Erviii, secondcd by Counciliiian Ilayne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Fi,,iiik A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, D. Nlurray @falbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H.
iys: None
Absent: Councilinan Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above application of Now Hope Baptist Church for
a Use Permit to operate a cliurch on certain property beginning at a point
10 feet Nlorth of Buskey Lane, (London Bridge Area) Lyiinhaven Borough; subject
to a dedication of right of w@iy 30 feet fror the center line of tile existing
45-foot right of way along tlie, 180-foot inorc or less frontage on Old Great
Neck Road (7.5-foot dedicaticia) and a dedication of riglit of way 2S feet from
thc center line of tho existiiig 35-foot i,i@.ht of w;iy al.ong the 210.46-foot
more or less frontage on Buskey Lane (7.5-foot dedication) as required by
the Real Estate Division; subject to establisliin,, (Ild Great Neck Road as a
collector street (60-foot i-iglit of way) and i-equiring a dedication and widen-
ing of existing street iri accordance ivitl) the stlin(lard 60-foot right of way
road section; subject to impi,oveinent alon@ ttie appi-oxiinately 400 feet of
proper frontage on Buskev l,aiie as requii,el the l@ngiiieerijig Divisic)n and
furtlier subject to City water aiid sewer @is iequired by the flea"th Del)artment.
ITEM #4377
Application of Fett Roofing and ShLet @-til CO., Inc., for a Use [Ic!rmit to
erect a 115-foot radio and coR,,liiinicatio,,i ant,,eiini arj tovier on-6c@v,,@al-rTTroperty
beginning at a poirit 1(135.10 fect Sout@i @iiid of F@rinccss At,.ne @oad, running
a distance of fect along tlie @"orth si,,@ of Prroiihead !)riv(@, runninn a
distance of 291.10 feet alonq tlie liest(,rn I)rc,,,)crty IiiiQ, and ruiining a distanre
of 145.41 feet along t!ie @lortlicrn pro@-1cr-Lv I'nc- (iioi,folk and Soutli@@rn Rail,@@ay
Riglit of Way) and 3112.47 feet along the r)rop,,rty linc-.. Said nroperty
Is knovm as a portion of Pai,cel "il", Indus@rial Park. RF@IPSVILLE
The Planning ConTiission recol,,-nends approv,,l i)f this requ(,.st.
Mr. D. M. 17ett appeared on belialf of Iiis own al)plication.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilirian Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Croinwell, Jr., frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarenco A. Ilolland, D. Nitirray Malbori, J. Curtis Pa),ne,
Vice Nlayor Earl @l. 1'ebault, Floyd E. Waterlield, Ji-., and Mayor Donald 14.
Rliodes .
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robort 11, Callis, Jr.
ity Cotincil approved the above @ipplicatioti of Fett l@oofin- and Slicet Nletal
Inc. for i tjse ilerniit to erect a 11-@-i-oot YaJio @ind communicatioji antonn,,l
and tower on certain pi,ollrl\ I)egiiiiiiii,@ @it @t I)oiiit 1035.10 fcet SoLitli and @@est
of Ilrinces-,; Aiine l@oa(l, ;Zli(I 1)1.01)c@i@tv is biio@:ii as a porti,on of Parcel "A",
Ari-oi,,Iie,,td Indtistr@@il llark, K(,iiil)sville
ll'EM #4378
Application of Joe A. Peay for a Chanqe of -Zonin(i froni Residence Suburban District 3
(R-S 3) and t@lultiple. Family @ 1) to Limited Co-sercial ilistrict
3 (C-L 3) on certin property at. i @,oint 1113@, feet nt,,)re or less ti,-st of
Old Great [@'eck Road, runninq a distance of f(,.ct along tli(,, llortheast side
of Reagan Avenue, runninq a dist-ance of C;*,r, i@(-,et alon,,l th(, '.,Iestc,,rn property line,
running a distance of 130.81 feet along tiie :,orthern ,)roperty line and running a
distance of 651 feet alonq tli(@ Eastern P-oncrty lino. Said property contains 2
acres n@ore or less. (Lonaon Bridge Area). I.Yi'lilli,@VE,',l BOROUGli.
The Planning Comission recoraiends denial of this request as this change of
zoning tiould constitute spot zoiiing.
Mr. Joseph Lyle appeared on behalf of the arl)licant.
On motion by Cotincilmaii Ervin, seconded by (ouncilman Malbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Eivi.n, George R. Ferrell, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. C@urtis Payi.c!, Vice %Iayor Earl M. Tebault,
and Floyd E. Waterfielcl, Jr.
Nays: Councilmen Robert B. Cromi,,ell, Jr., zitid Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Absent: Councilman Robert ti. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above application of Joe A. Peay for a Chan.ge of
Zonin2 from Residence Subiirban District (R- 3) and Nlultiple Fami.ly Residence
DistrTct (R-M) to Limited Coininercial I)istrict@ 3 (C-1, 3) on certain propcrty
beginning at a point 1932 feet more or les-,; @@est of Old Great Neck Road,
(London Bridge Area) Lyni)liaveii Borough; sub 'ect to tlie use of only 200 square
feet in tlie garage area of the subject pro])(@rt,' beiii@ used for a limited
:)mmorcial purpose and furtlier stibject to tlie stipulatioii that the use of
igns advertising the sei@vices is proliibitecl.
1TE@l # 4379
Mr. Floyd Allen appeared before City Council on behalf of the Human Relations
Council, STOP and the Seatack Civic Leagtic -egarding the sewage probleiiis in
the Seatack Area.
Mr. Allen ivas informed tliat the zibove orgLtii@z,,itions sliould coitie to the City
and roqltest specific help iii enforcing miiiiiiiim housin,- laws for certain
structures in Seatack ancl that tiioy sliould ,ot as irianv @ignatlires as possible,
oii conti-acts for sewer iiist@illatioll. Aftc,,i, these thin,,s are accornplished,
Council. will I)e in a better positioll to t@ik,, tlic nece-,;sary steps to correct
tlie existin6, situation.
Oii motioji by Vice, \Iayor sec(,i)cle(I @), (@'ouncilinti, Ivaterfic](1, aitd by
-recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Cotincilmon lzobei't l,. (@romwell, Jr., I:. lzeid Erviii, (leorge 11. Ferroll,
Clarenco A. lfollaiid, D. @lurr@iv l@lall)oll, J. Ctirtis llaync,, Vice Mayor Earl NI.
Tebault, f@loyd E. Waterficld, Jr., ajid @l@iyor I)oiiald 11. lzliodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert It. Callis, Jr., ziiad ],rank A. Dusch.
City Couiicil approved the following Ordinance to amend and reordain Article
VI of tlie City Code by adding Section 22-134.1 relating to stopping, stand-
ng and parking generally:
Each owner, within forty-eight (48) hours of the time when
a notice was attached to the vehicle in question, as provided in
Section 22-134, may pay to the Clerk of the Municipal Court of the
City a penalty for and in full satisfaction of the violation in
question, the sum of two dollars ($2.00) for each hour, or fraction
thereof, during which such vehicle occupied a prohibited, restricted
or reserved place. The failure of such owaier to make such payment
within forty-eight (48) hours shall render such owner subject to
the penalty provided in Section 22-166.
An emergericy exists, and this ordinance shall be effective
from its passage.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on the 20tli day of Marcli 1972.
ITEM # 4381
City council deferred for one iieek consideration of an Ordinance to amend
and reordain Section 20-42 of t)ie City Code rel@iting to licerises for con-
ITEM #4382
on motion by Councilman liolland, seconded bv Councilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. I-roinwell, Jr., F@i-ank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. tiolland, D. N[tirray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Nlayor Earl M. Tebault, Flovd f:. Witei-i-i id, Jr., and Mayor Donald 11.
Nays: None
Abseiit: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
Ci.ty Council approved thc following Ordiii@ince to alflend and -reordain Article
Ill of the City Code by adcling I)ivision S i-clating to omployment of city
(Requested by the City Manager)
That Article III of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach is
amended and reordained. by adding Divis5-on 5 to read. as follows:
No policeman or fireman shall be employed by the City after
the end of the month in which he attaiiis age 65. No other employee
of the City of Virginia Beach shall be employed after the end of the
month in wliich he attains age 70.
An emergency is decl-ared to exirt, and this ord.inance shall be
effective from date of passage. I
Adopted by the Council of ttie City of Virginia Beach on the
20tliday of @l, i 1- c 11 11)72.
i @ 4 38.@
ii nioti on b)@ Couiici liii,,jn 1%7,ttL I (I , @eco ii d ed t,\ (-ou ri c il lo l 1,1 ii cl, aiicl bN,
ecordc@d vote as follows:
Yes: Cottiicilmen I'lobert B. Croj,.iivel I I 'Jr. , l@ r@ll 1, Z\. DLiscli, F. l@oid f-,rvin,
@@.orge IZ. Ferrell, Clarence A. ffollziiid, 1). @iv ifalbc)il, J. Curtis Pavne,
ice Nlayor Earl @l. Tobault, Floyd 1-1. l@Vzitc@rficl(' , Jr. , and @layor Donild fl.
ays: None
sent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
ity Council approved the following Ordinance lo amcnd aiid reordain Sections
-?Q(a) and 2-30 of the Cit), Code relatiiig to @iiinual leavo for employees and
pl intees of the City of Virginia Be@ich:
(Requested by the city manager)
That Sections 2-29 (a) and 2-30 are hereby amended and reordained
to read as follows:
Section 2-29 (a) All new regular employees or appointees, from
the effective date of this ordinance, shal.1 be credited with six
days of annual leave after a period of six months; thereafter, one
day per month for each nionth of employmerkt until the fifth year of
Section 2-30 No eiM31oyee shal-1 be i-equired to take annual leave
under this division and no employee stial). be allowed to carry more
than thirty-six days accuniulated annual )Cave at the end of any
calendar year nor shall any employee wtio retires or leaves the city
as an employee receive more than tliirty-@;ix days accumul-ated annual
An emergency is declared to exist, iind this Ordinance shall be
effective from date of pissage.
Aciopted by the Cotincil of tho Citv @)f Virginia Beach on the
ZOtli daV of Nl,,ircii 1972.
ii moti 0,1 I)v CoiIiici Iiiiaii Feri, c II, @ec ()I)C!C(l !IN' li,@ i liit@i ii tv@iter f ie ld a ii d by
cco-ded vote as follows:
yes: Couiicilmeii Rc)hert B. Cromwell, jr., A. DLISCII, F. Reid F@rvin,
eorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. floll@ilicl, 1). @ILli@r@iv @Ialboii, J. Clirtis flayne,
ice Nlayor Earl @l. Tebault, I:Ioyd E. W@tterfic,lcl, Jr., aiid Nlayoi@ I)oilald fl.
ays: None
bsent: Couiicilmaii Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
it,, Council approved the fol.lowing Oi,dinance to repeal Section 2-Sl of the
it Code relating to retirement of Virginia Beich Ilolicellicn:
OF THE CC@@.'. t@r- THT' CI'ry CI- ','IT@(I.-INIA
BEACII: @@@--@TAINI'l- TC) Tii,,'
That Section 2-51 of the Code or the City of Virginia
Beacii is hereby repeal-ed.
Adopted by the Council of the City 0-- Vi.rgini.a Beach,
VirgiTiia oti tt-ic, 20th da\@ of Marcli l(@172.
ITEM #438S
n motion by Councilman Croinwell, secondc,,d by Cotincilman Malbon, and by
ecorded vote as follows:
yes: Councilmen Robert B. Croliiivell, Jr., Frijik A. Duscli, F. Reid Frvin,
eorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ifolland, D. @1(irr@iy @l,-,ilbon, J. Curtis Payne,
ice @,layor Earl M. TebaLilt, l@lovd Waterfic]Ci, Jr., and @liyor Donald 11.
ays: None
sent: Councilman Robert ii. Callis, Jr.
ity Council apl)roved the folloi@iiig Ordinance 91)poiiiting Viewers relative to
he closure of an unnanied Block 19, Ci-o@2taii Ileach, L),@iinhaveii Borougli:
4 3 8 4
1 mot -,Lo,) I)Y COLlici ljiiaii Feri, ell, -@cco llic(i 1)@, i liiia il l@,it(2rf iel d , al@d by
co-deLl vote as fc)llows
es : Couiicilmeii Rol)ert B. Ci@oinwell , Jr. A. DLISCII , F. Rei cl F@rvin ,
orge R. Ferrell , Clarence A. llolliijici , 1). @lui,r;iv @Ialboii, J. Ctirtis I)ayne ,
ice Mayor Ear l M. Tebault , 171oyd E. Witer f ic@l d , Jr. , a ii d Nlayoi, ])o iiald 11.
odes .
ays: None
sent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
it,, Council approved the following Ordinance to repeal Section 2-SI of the
it Code rel.ating to retireiiient of Virginia lie-icli Policellien:
BEACII: P@-i.ITAINII@,-O TC) Tii@@' Ri@l",-- @E@OIENT
That Section 2-51 of the Code of the City of Virginia
Beacli is hereby repeal-ed.
Adopted by the Counci-1. of the Citv oF Virginia Beach,
March ]C,
VirgiTiia oii the 20th da,@ of /2.
ITEM #4385
n motion by Councilman Cromwell, secondcd by ("otincilman Malbon, and by
ecorded vote as follows:
yes: Councilmen Robert B. Crofli@,,ell,, Jr., T:raiik A. Duscli, F. Reid l@@.rvin,
eorge R. l-,c,,rrell, Clarence, A. liolland, D. @l@ilbon, J. Curtis Payne,
ice @,l@iyor Earl M. Tebatilt, l@lovd I:. Watorfiel,l, lr., and @.l@iyor I)onald If.
ays: None
sent: Councilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the folloi,;ing Ordinance ;ippoiiiting Viewer-,; relative to
the closure of an unnamod @illev, Block 19, Crozt@in l@each, Lynnhaven Borough:
Vacating, closing and discontin,ing an unnarned alley
located in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia
WHEREAS, G. W. Birkhead, has given due and proper notice
in accordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-364 of the Code
of Virginia, 1950, as amended, that he would on this day apply to
the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for the
appointment of viewers to view the hereinafter described propert
and to report in writing to tlie Council whether in the opinion Of
the viewers, any, and if so, what inconvenience would result from
discontinuing the same, and if the said viewers report tliat no
inconvenience would result therefrom, your petitioner prays'that
this Honorable Council will adopt an Ordinance directing the
vacation of the following described alley, to-%@lit:
All that certain unnamed alley being 15 feet in
width running in a north-south direction through
the middle of Block 19 on that certain plat of
Croatan Beach which is recorded in the Clerk's
office of the Ci.rcuit Court of the City of Virginia
Beach in @lap Book 24 at page 37, and more particu-
larly being that parcel of land or alley situate,
lying and being east o@ lots I tllrough 11, west
of lots 13 through 23, south of the southern
edge of the right@-of-wcly of Croatan Road (shown
on said plat as Caroiiiia Aveiiue), and north of
the nortliern edge ol- tl)e riglit-of-way of Aqua
Avenue (shown on the plat as Virginia Avenue).
NOW, THEREFORE be it ordained by the Council of the City,
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that @Ir. IV. W. l-,Ieming, Mr. C. C.
Carrington, aiid @ir. Ceorge f,. lldjil)llry
are hereby appointed to view the above-described property and to
report in writing to the Council on or before @,lay IS, 1-972
whether in their opinion any, tn,l if sc), what iiiconvenience would
result from discoiitinuing the sailie.
ADOPTED by the Council of the City of virginia Beach,
Virginia, oii NI@ii,cli 20 19 7 2 .
On riotion 1)@, Couiiciliii@iii l@e)-rel 1, secondc,,' Duscli, aiid 1)@@
vote as folOl@s:
Ayes: Councilinen Robcrt B. Jr. l@riiil, A. L)uscil, i@. Reid l-'rv;il,
Georgc R. Ferrell., Clircnce. A. lloiland, 1). NI@irray @Ialboii, J. Curtis
Vico Nlayor Earl M. Tebault, Floycl l@. I%Iateri-iold, Jr., and @l@ivor Doli@ild 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman RobOTt H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the following Ordipaiice appointing Viewers relative to
he closure of a portion of Gator Road in I,,,@nnhavcii Borough:
has given due and proper notice, in accordance with the
statutes for such cases made aii(i provided, that it will,
on this day, apply to the City Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virgi-nia, for the appoi@itment of viewers to view the
below described property and report in writing to the Council
whether, in the opinion of sai(I viewers, any, and if any, what,
inconvenience would result frop the discontinuing of the
hereinafter described portion of Gator Road in the Lynnhaven
Borough, of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and has
filed such applicatic)n with the said Couticil;
That, -@Ir. @"'. li. 'Ir- C. C,. Ct-rrin2ton, and
@ir. Geoi-Fo L. liaiibury
are hereby appointed to view tlie below-descri-bed prot)erty al-ld
report in xvriting to the Collll(-.i.l on or before @lav I
1972 -- whet.her in their opinion any, and if
any, what. inconvel-tience @,7oLil(I result from the discontinlling,
closinp,.and vacating of that @ertain portion of riator
l@oad located ii-i L),nnli@iveit l@c)rouph, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, and describ(-,d as follows:
ITE@l #4387
@ir. Katherman appeared on belialf of tho petitioners.
Mrs. Etigene Jarvis and Mrs. @%lary E. C@tton appeared in opposition to the pro-
posed closure of portions of Jade Street irld Ocean Avenue.
i motion by Councilmin Nlalhon, seconded by Councilman 1-@errell, and by recorded
3te as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Croiiiwell, Jr., l@rank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
GeOTge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, 1). @lurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, l@loyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr., anci Mayor Donald H.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council deferred for ninoty (90) days consideration of viewers reports
relative to closing portions of Jade Street and Ocean Avenue in Lynnhaven
ITE@l # 4388
Mr. Grover Wright, Attorney, appeared oi@ lieli@ilf of the petitioners.
On niotion by Counciliiian Ervin, seconded by (:ounciliiian Malbon, and by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Aves: Councilnien Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., l@rank A. Dusch, F.-Reid Ervin,
@orge R. l@errell, ClarenL:c A. Ifolland, 1). @Iiirray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
ice @layor Earl M. Tebault, l@loyd E. IVaterfiold, Jr., and Ma),or Donald 11.
@I)odes .
Nays: Nonc
Absent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved tlie folloi,,,i"ng Ordiii@iii(-e relative to closing a IS-foot
alley, Block 6, Plat of tJbcriiicc,,r, in Borough:
WHERF,AS, I)roper notice of th(2 inteiided application of the appli-
cant, North Shore Corporation, to be I)resetited to the City Council of
the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on tlle 24th day of January, 1972,
and for tlie vacation of the hereinaftc@r described public street in the City
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was on the 10th day of January, 1972, duly
posted at the Court Ilouse of the Cireti@t Coitrt of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, and at two other I)iiblic places in the City -of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, in conformity with th(@ mai)ner prescribed by Code of
Virginia, Sectian 15.1-364, for the iiistitution of proceedings for the
vacation of a publi.c street; and
WfIEREAS, s,,)-id applicatioii wa.,; macle to the City Council of the
City of Virginia 13each, Virgiiii-,i, on Ilie 24th day of January, 1972, and
in conformity witli tli(, mantier I)rescrit)ed by ('ode of Virginia, Secti.on
15.1-364, for th(, conduct of suc,li proc,.,eclings, the City Council of the
City of Virginia Beacli, Virginia, ori tlie 24th (lay of January, 1972, which
was more thin ten cl,@ys after postitig i otice of tlie intended application as
aforesaid, appoitite(i IV. IV. Floriiiij,, I C. C. Carrin2ton
and Ccor@e, I.. as vi( kvc,,t@s to view stich street aild report
in writing whetli(@r- iii tticir opiniori, @tii ai)(I if aiiy, wliat, iticonv(,nience
woiilcl reslilt fr(-)iTi cli,@cont,iritiin,,,tllc' @@ii ic, tii(-i sz)i(i viewers have rnadc, sucli
@TT...-I @T L@@ rel)ort to tile Cily C'otilicil of t[)(,, Cil 13,,,acl), Virginia; @inci
.@A@., VA.
WHEREAS, from such report @tri(i other evidence, and after
notice to the land proprietors affect(,d I.Ilereby, along the street
proposed to be vacated, it is the jtidgifient of tlle City Colincil of the
City of VirL@inia 13each, Virginia, tliat these proceedings have been
instituted, condicted and concluded iti the nianner pi-escribed by Code
of Virginia, Section 15.1-364, that tio inconvenience would result from
vacating atid discc)ntinuing the said sti eet, and that the said street
should be vacated and discontinued;
NOW, q'IIEREFORE, BE IT OliDAINED by the Council of the
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia:
1. That tlie following describe(] street, in the Lynnhaven Borough,
in the City of Virginia Beach, Virgitii;t, I)e, and tlie same hereby is, vacated
and discontinuc,,d:
ALL that ccr-tain 15 foot @illev, in Lynnhavc,n Borough, in
the City of Virgini,@i ]3eacli, Vi,-,,iiiia, shown as 151 Alley on
that cei-tai-,i plat atticlied her(,,,,(-) (,@ntitled "llh),sical Survey
of Block 6, ttherrneer for Noi-ili Shore Corl)oration" l@ynn-
haven Borotigli-Virginia 13cacli, Virgillia, Scale: i." - 301,
August 25, 1966, ialade by 1). Tarrall, Jr. Associates,
Surveyoi,s & Erigin(@ers, Virgi,iia Beach, @-irginia.
2. This oi-dinance shall I)c ir) (,fFect. from ,Ind after tliirty (30)
days from the of its adoption.
3. A certificd copy of this or(litij.tice of va@ition, together witli
the plat attaclied hereto, shall be rc,,c(,i@(led as dee(Is are recordccl, and
indexcd in the of tl-ie Citv of Vil@@,iiii@i 13cacli, Virginia, as grantor,
and in the tiame oC North Sliorc Coi-I)o @itiota, zis gi,antee, in the Clerk's
Office of the Circtiit Coiirt C)f tlie Cif\l (,f Virginia Pleach, Vii@ginia, at the
expense of tlie Lil)l)lic@iiit, North Slioi,c (ot-p@)r@itiot).
Certified to be a true aiid exact copy of an ordinance, together
with the plat annexed thereto, adopteci by ttic Ci-ty Council of the City
of Virginia 13eael), Virginia, at its regular meeting held on the 20th day
Of arch 1972.
TESTE: 11. j. @T31,30N, CITY CLERK
I., 7
City Clerk
ITEM #4389
on motion by Councilman @Ialbon, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwcll, Jr., I:rank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervill,
-eorge IZ. Ferrell, Clareiice A. liolland, 1). @iiirray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Paviie,
ice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, l@loyd E. IVateri-icld, Jr., and Mayor Donald f,.
Nays: None
Absejit: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council deferred for sixty (60) days cc)nsideration of vielvers reports
relative to closing a SO-foot uniizimod streel, Malibu Section 12, in I,)7i)nliaven
On motion by Councilnian Dusch, seconded bv Cotinciliiian C-roiiiwell, and by
recorded vote @i,-; follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Ci,omivell, Jr., Irank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
Georgc R. Ferroll, Claronce, A. llo)l.,ind, D. @-Itirray @Ialbon, J. CLirtis Ilayne,
Vice @layor Earl @l. Teb,-Iult, Floyd 1".. IVateri-ic@ld, jr., tnd Mayor I)onald 11.
Rliodos .
Nay-,;: None
bsent: Councilman Robert 11. (:alli.s, Jr.
(:it), Council approve(I tllo follol@illg apl)IjC@ll ic)TIS foi- tax rofuiids iTi the, iniount
of $80.00:
FRC)@i: tlr. V. A. l@.Lilcridre,
i3jEcT: Ai)pliciti,)Ii;tor Tlx
Z for rcfllnd Of
cc:rtlflcd for
US Sl!t furlik bclow:
A. Ethcridco, Trei.,,t@ror
Ticket k','ion I Datc
Nu,@ber Pziid
eM i 0 1 - 18 - 7,
lber 01-2l')-72
0 1 - 3 1 - 7 0.00
ndford Sat'L-erf-,. ld72 cl 02-01-72 10.00 10.00
ore Drive Inn Irc 72 01-11-72 10.00 10.00
Ily J. L@ i3 1,2,7 72
02-04-72. 10.00 10.00
lantic Leasing 72--
27362 01-25-72 io.oo 10-00
v@.ih C. B.ryant: 72 F-139 01-1@9L72 10.001
Ove fni- roft
ITE@l #4391
1 Stanley Phillips appeared oii behalf of the petitioiiors.
Mrs. Collins, petitioner for closure, appeared regarding this matter.
On iiiotion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by :otincilnian Diiscli, and by recorde(I
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., f@r.@ink A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell,
Clarence A. liolland, D. Murr@t), Nlalbon, J. C@irtis I'@ivne, Vice ',Iayor Earl @l.
Tobault, Floyd E. Wa-Lerfielcl, Jr., and @layoi, )onald [I. lzllodes.
Nays: Coujicilman F. Reid ]-,Irvin.
Absent: Counciliiian Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved tlio folloiving Ordiiiance closing Collins Avenue, formerly
Renville in Kempsville Boroiii'li:
WHEREAS, proper notice tliat Paula ),. Collins would make app]-ica-
tion to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,on
March 20, 1972 to have the hereinafter described street
closed, vacated and discontinued as a ptiblic street of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, was duly post(@d at the Court House of the
Circuit Court of the City of Virginia J"(@ach, Virginia, and at two
public places in the City of Virginia @iE@ach, Virginia; and
WHEREAS, said application was made to the Council and pursuant
to the statutes in such cases made and provided the Council, on
Marcli 20, 1972 , which x,,,as more than ten days after
posting of said notice, appo4@nted Mr. @@. W. Fleming, @Ir. Charles C.
Carrington, and %Ir. George L. lianbury as viewers to view
said street sought to be closed, vacatec and discontinued, and to
report in writing whether in their opinion any, and if any, what
inconvenience would result from discontiiiuing the same, and said
viewers have made said. report to the Council by their letter dated
_Ls 1 72 a,-ld @4,arch 17 and
WHEREAS, the land proprietors, along said street proposed to be
closed, vacated and d.iscontinued, have been duly notified; and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Conu-nissi-on lias reconirnended that said
street be closed, vacated and discontinued.; and
WHERFAS, it is tt-ie judgment of the ---otincil that such street
should be closed, vacated and discontinu@l,d; and now, therefore
BE IT ORDAINED by tlie Cotincil of the City of Virginia Beach:
Section 1: That Collins Avenue, (f@@)rmerly Renville Avenue),
City of Virginia iieacii, Virginia, as fier,iiiaftc-r described, is hereby
closed, vacated and discontinued as publ.ic street of the City of
Virgiiiia Beach, Virginia, said street i-io@-- bc@ing nec,ded for public use
and travel.
' @venue)
(Former y Renvi@i-
Beginning at the Southwest intersection of Collins
Avenue and Virginia "Jeacli Boulevard and running thence
South 160-181 East along said ")oulevard 65.01 feet;
thence south 70-031 !4est along ttie Eastern side of
Collins Avenue a distance of more or less to the
Nortli side of 4th Street; thence running North A20-571
West 60' to the West side of Collins Avenue; thence
running North 70-03' East, a distance of 850' more or
less to the point of beginning, bein@. that portion of
Collins Avenue situate between @'irginia 3each 3oulevard
and. 4th Street, as sho@vn on the Plat entitled Part of
Deal No. I and Deal No. 21 named Jacksondale, which
plat is duly of record in ',lap 13cok 41, Page 9 in the
Clerk's officc, of ttie Circuit Ccurt of the City of
Virginia Beach, Vir.@inia.
Section 2: That this Ord.inance shal-1 be in effect from and
after thirty (30) days from the date of its adoption.
ITEM #4392
My. John Atkinson al)pearo(I iii favor of the follo@qing Resollition.
On motion by Councilman Erviii, secondod I)y Cotincilinan Cromwell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
yes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Tr., Franl,- A. Duscli, F. Reid l@rvin,
-eorge R. 1,@errell, Clarence A. flollaiid, 1). %lurr,,ty ,Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, ].'Ioyd -L. Waterfielcl, Jr., and Mayor Donald 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert fl. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the following Resoltition pertaining to a release deed
of drainage easemeiit, Subdivision Freiiiac Lake Sliol-es:
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Cliambers of the
Administration Building of the City on March 20, 1972, at 10:00
oiclock A,M,
On motion by Mr. Ervin and seconded by
Mr. Cromwell the following resolution was unanimously
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, it having been determined that the interests of
the City of Virginia Beach will not be adversely affected,
thereby, the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute on behalf
of the City a deed releasing to Mr. John Atkinson all that certain
drainage easement designated "30' Drainage Easement Reserved" in)
under and upon lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15)
on that certain plat entitled, "SUBDIVISION OF LOTS KNOWN AS
SCAI,E 1" = 100') " and. duly recorded in the clerk's office,
Circuit Court, City of Virginia Beac'i, Vi.rpini@t, in ilap Book 42,
Page 28.
ITE@M Y4392
Mr. John Atkinson al)pearod iii favor of the Following Resolution.
On motion by Counciliiian l@rviii, secondod by (.otinci.linan Cromwell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
yes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., ",ran@ A. Duscii, F. Reid Frvin,
corge R. I,-crrell, Clarence A. tiollaiid, 1). @@lurriy \Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl Nt. 1'ebault, Floyd -E. Wat(,i,fiolcl, Jr., and Mayor Donald 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the following Resoltiti()n pertaining to a release deed
of drainage easemeiit, Subdii,isioi) Freiii@ic I.ake Sliorc,,s:
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers of the
Administration Building of the City on March 20, 1972, at 10:00
of clock A.M.
On motion by Mr. Ervin and seconded by
Mr. Cromwell the following resolution was unanimously
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, it having been determiiied that the interests of
the City of Virginia Beach will not I)e adversely affected,
thereby, the City Manager is hereby authorized to execute on behalf
of the City a deed releasing to Mr. Iohn Atkinson all that certain
drainage easement designated "30' Drziinage Easement Reserved" in,
under and upon lots thirteen (13), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15)
on that certain plat entitled, "SUBDIVISION OF LOTS KNOWN AS
SCAI,E 1" = 100'$ " and duly recorded in the Clerk's Office,
Circuit Court, City of Virginia Beact, Virginia, i.n Map Book 42,
Page 28.
ITE@l tt 4394
I'lie City Attorne),, Ilr. Dzile l@intsoli, J)i@esontc,(l tlie requcst of Do)itiiiion @'acht
Salcs, Iiic. by @Ir. JLimes lfill and @ir. jcilles for periflj-,;sioii to subn!it
aii application for rczoning fol, linlitc@,l CoITT,@@ei-ci@il and i tise pc,,i-litit f-or s,,iles
for mariiao pleasure craft @tt tlle West ond ol- tlie l@hitc flei,on prol)crty, it li@iving
I)cen noted that a hardship exists.
Couiiciliii@tn f@rvin niovod th@it I)ominioil Yicl-@t @ales, Inc. (Mr. Hill aiid Ilr. Byruiii)
be alloived to apply for @i cli@tnge of --oiiinp,. (@otincilmaii @\lalbon seconcled the
motion. IZecorded vote oii tiic, above niotion ta.,; zis follows:
,yc,s: Cotincilmen Robort B. Croinwell, Jr., l@rank A. Duscii, F. Reicl Ervin,
;eorge R. Ferrell, Clironce A. Ilollaiid, 1). %ILirray Nl,,3-lt)on, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice @layor Earl M. 'I'ebaLlIt, l@lovd I.-. tvatcrfield, Jr., alid Mayor Don@ild 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Couiicilman Robert It. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved the above motion allo@,,iii@. Dominion Yaclit Sales, Inc.
to apply for a change of zonilig.
ITEM #4395
on motion by Councilman I'laterfield, secondel by Councilman Ferrell, and by
recoreded vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Robert B. Croi,iwell, Jr., 1-rink A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Cla,yonco A. Ifolland, 1). @lurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Pavne,
Vice Mayor Earl PI. Tobault, Floyd E. l@@ite3-field, Jr., aiid @layor Doilald 11.
ays: None
.bsent: Councilman IZobert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council deferrod for one weck consicleration of the request of Gene F.
Eliiiore and lvilfred P. Large foi, pormissio-n to move a one-story frame residence,
261 x 321, from 4125 izoad, I'hoi-otigl)@o:)d, Bayside Borou h, to ot B,
Rudolpli Beale Property, Ilriiices-,; Anne f@o@id, Bicl l@@)v, Pungo Borougli. Estimated
valuo after iiiove and renovatioiis, $16,000. Site li@is been approved for septic
taiil, and well.
ITEM N4396
Oji inotion by CouncilT,.ian 1-1@rvin, seconded liN@ ll,oLii)cilpian '.Ialboii, aiid bv recorde(I
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciln@en Rol)(,rt B. Cromwell, Jr., l@r@ink A. Ditscli, F. IZeid I:rvin,
Goorpe IZ. Ferrell, Clarence A. llolland, 1). 'I@irr@ty %T@ilbon, J. Ctirtis llayne,
Vice ?,I@ivoi, t:arl @l. 'F(,batilt, l@lovd 1'. l@@ttei@ficld, Ji@., and @layor Doiial(i fl.
IZ]iodes .
Na),s: None
Al),;Cllt: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
itN, Cotincil deferre(I for oiic, @vook of tlie reqtiost of Norfolk
S@iviiips 6 Loill f@)r to !I(@,e 'l 1-112 stor@, fr@iiiie, rosiclenco,
26' x 4S' , l@i@oiti 1 /@56 l@0,1,1, I.Villill@l@,ol) to l,ot 18, (:Olorlial
l@st@ites, lvolfsiiare l'o@il, 1,N,Illlll@lv@,ii l@stiiii@itc,(! ifter iiic)vo @inl
rei)ovatioii,,;, @16,000. site (:itv 1I)d S(,Wer
[TI[E FOLLO',','ING ITE@L (Itei@i #4343) IVAS CO@NSIF)IlZf:D OTIT OF Sf-Qtll,,NCf,,' BY CITY
ITEM #4397
On motion by Counciiiiiaii Callis, soconded I)y Cotincilinaii Duscli, and by i,(',corded
ote as follows:
-yes: Councilmen Rol)ert 11. Callis, Jr., IZol)ert B. Crom@vell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Erviii, Goorge R. l@errell, Clirence A. flollaii(l, D. Plurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @,favor Earl i%l. TebaLlIt, l@loyd F@,. tvaterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. Rhodes.'
Nays: NoDe
Abseiit: None
City Council denied the request of E. W. Spiithson to move a one story frame
resideiice, 36' x SO' frorn 9616 l@ay Strc,,Ct, @@orfolk, to Lots 32 and 34, Block
37, Sliadow Lawn fleights, 9tii and Cypress A@,,,iiue,, @'irginia Beach Borou@.1i.
ITEM #4398
Oii motion by Councilman Waterfield, secoiidel by Councilinan Ferrell, and by
recorded vote as folloiTs:
Ayes: Councilmeii Robert B. Croinivell, Jr., ]@rank A. Duscli, F. Reid Ei'vin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ifolland, 1). 11@irray @ialboii, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice intayor Earl M. Tebault, Floycl E. @@atei-f-@old, Jr., and i\iayor I)onald 11.
iys: None
Abseiit: Councilman IZobert Ii. Callis, Jr.
City Council denied the roqticst of of Eltoii l;. Siiiitli-,;on for l@eri,.iission to riove
a ono, story friiiie residejic(@, -'4' x 36', aii(I g@irage fror!i 2616 25 Bav Street,
Norfolk, to Parcel A, @Izili)oji Roa(l, Iltin@o loic@ugli. Estiriated val.ue @fter move
and ronovations, $12,000. Sito, li@is beei) for septic tan@- and well.
]Tf-',@@l # 4399
On iiiotion by Vice Mayor 'Fclaul,t, .;ocoiideci 1,@ (@ouiiciliflaii IVaterfield, alid by
recoi-ded voto as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromivelj, Jr., 11'aiik A. Du@;ch, F. Reid Ervill,
George R. Ferroll, Clareiicc, A. ifollan(l, D. @ltirra@@ 'Izilbon, J. Curtis i)a@lli(-.,
Vic c @layor Ear l. ill. 1'ebaLlIt, ]@] oy(i IV@ite i- f@ (@l(I , Ji@. , @ind Ma),or Donald 11.
IZ]iodes .
N,i y -, :Noiie
", sent C:ounci Iiiian Robort 11 . Cal I is , Jr .
ty COLII)CI I tl)o 1-01 1 o@@i litl l@o,,,;oltit i @)n alttlioi, i zi n , I
tlic, (@it@ \It n @i 1- e r
to ill@tkc @ill 'Jl)l)licati,on @iiiici- ttio Ci@iine Or,,iiiil)@l@ @Illd @af(, Strects Act of 1968
fo], t@CLIOI-Zil I)Lirticip@ll@ioil ill ille, (:O-st of- sorvices to tlie
Cit)' i,,Iil
WI]EREAS, the Crinio Oiitinbus and Safe Streets Act of 1968, as amended,
provides federal fun(Is to assist political -,;ubdivi-,;ions of tlle various
states in iniproving tlioii, respective Criniiiial Justice Systems in order to
reduce or eliminate inadecluacies; @iild
I%IlIEIZEAS, there exists a need to expaiid library services to the City's
Jail and Juvenile Holdii)g Facilitics so as to provide a constructive
and meaningful use of sciitence tijle; an,l
WfIEREAS, sucli a prograin, desi@@ned Lo redtice recividism, will cost
$10,262. of whicli tlie Ci.ty's inkind contribtition will amount to $2,752.;
Tliat the City @lanager is heroby @tutliorized and directed to cause
sucli iiiformation or niaterials as may I)c necessary to be provided to the
appropriate state agencics to periiiit tli@, forniulation, al)proval and funding
of the aforementionecl pro@,raiii.
AND BE IT FURTfll'IZ RI:SOI.VED, that tile Colil)cil of the City of Virginia
Beacli gives its asstiraiice tliat tlic ftiiid,; needed as the C@ity's proportionate
share of the cost of th(, approved will be pi,ovided.
ITE@l #4400
Consideration of awarclin@, tlie cojitract for t)ie coiistruction of bill@he@ld and
boardwalk along the oceanfrojit @it 3rd Street was cleforred.
i,rE,,m # 4401
On niotioii by Councilman IV@iterfield, sccoiicle(i I)v Cotliiciln)an Ervin, and b@,
recorded vote as follows:
Aves: Counciln)eji Robert 13. Croiiiwell, lr., Fi,iiil, A. Duscli, F. Reid Ervill,
Geor@,e T@. l@erroll,, Cl,,irciice A. Ilotlancl, 1). 'Iiirr@iv @l@ilboil, T. Ctirtis Pivne,
Vice'@layor llarl @t. Tehault, l@loycl J@. Jr., aiid @layor Donal(I 11.
1zli oci es .
Nays: None
sciit C:otinci litiin l@ol)ci@t It. (@@il I is , Jr -
Cit)@ Cotilicil, alitliori7,ed tlic,, @,lan@i-ei,, @'Ir. Scott, to entei- into -i
colil,l-@ict i@itil tlic firti) c)i- 1-0 tlic, clcsi,ii of iiiipl,ovelll(,Ilt@.,; of
f@ii'di)c,ck l@o@@cl I)Ctlv(,Cll @in(i
4 4 0 2
()n i,,ict@ic)n bv Cotiiicilman I)tiscli I @iiil 1)@@ recol,,,Ic,,t
%,ote as foliows: I
Ayes (',OLinci li@ieii Pobert I', . C:roi@ii@(@j I , 'i- I @ii)k A. F. IZC'id Erviri,
Go,oi,ge 1'. Ferrell, Clarejico A. tiol [;Iii@l , 1). @ l@ i c i,,,i 'la I Ii @, ii , J . (:ti 1-t is Ilav ii c, ,
@'ice @l@iyor Earl i@l . Tebaul t , I:Ioycl I,,;j I e, i-l- i,, I cl , Jr ,in(I @layoi- I)ojial(I Ii
Nays: None
AbseTit: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the following IZesolutioii req@iesting the City of Norfoll,
ake a connectioii aiid to f Li rni -,;Ii @v@ttei, t.li,-otiFli a prc)l)osed sys tcm a l@@ai i-f ield
cti.on VII, Kempsville Borougli:
Fairfield Develc)pment Corporation
Fairfield, Section Seven, Kempsville Borc)ugh
)cke Lane 8" 1145 2
6" 360 1
4" 320 -
Fox Grove Court W. 4" 245
Fox Gxove Couxt E. 4" 215 -
Astor Lane 6" 680 1
Astor Court 4-@ 190 -
Balboa Drive 6'@ 515 1
4" 495 -
Lord Durimore Drive 81, 2890 3
Beaumont Drive 6" 485 -
Fern Mill Court 6- 470 1
4" 275 -
Balfor Drive 81, 945 1
Baal Court 4" 415 -
Balfor Court 6" 615 2
4" 310 -
lley Side Court E. & w. 4- 560
'Pl.zin aiid Profjl(,
F'airfiel.d - Section Sevoia Phaso I E@ PliElL,@ -il
c i
bc @01 @Z -C
1 4
r eci u
n N, i,
T'l,i- in
C) I motioii by Couiicilinaii Diis@--li , secol,,@l,,cl I)\ i Iiiiaii I c@i,rell , tn@l by recoi,doci
i,ote as follows:
A),es Cotiticilmen Robert l@ . Ci@oni@vc,,] I , ]i, @iii], A. Du,,;cli , l@. Iloicl F'rvill ,
George 11. l@orrell , (:Iireiicc, @. flol t aiici , 1). @iti i- I)O@@l , J. cul,t:i s PaN
Vice Nl@i),oi, Farl i%l. 'Febaul t , ]@l oyd E. l@,ttor 1- iId Jr. iiid @layor I)ollald 11.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Councilmaii Robert @l. Callis, fr.
-y Council adopted the followiiig ResolLiticii recluosting the City of Norfolk
makc a coiinection ,ind to flii,iiisli iv@)ter tlii,otigli a prol)osed system l King Is
l,o-'Liit Subdivision, l,ynnhaveii 1,01-otigh:
King's Grant West Partnerships
King's Point Subdivision, Lynnhaven Borough
-ng Richard Drive 81. 2060 2
6@' 1130 1
Alcott Road 81, 668 I
King James Court 4" 195
l@ldinburg Drive 8" 135
6" 535 -
I<ing Richard Court 6" 415 1
4" 260 -
Prince of Wales Drive 6" 1850 3
4" 325 -
Prince John Court 4" 253 -
Lemon Way 6" 135 -
Prince of wales Court 4" 125 -
llxiiice Edward Court 4" 125 -
Devclopment Plan -
King's Point Subdivision
dated -Taniairy 14, 1972
p !-i zt t @t 0
the C) C
oi "he of
1,4or f J.
2 Th,@it
be )t-
of to
u.i: @!d,,
K o a r@ e, -,id
rc@1-11 c, f.
r3 "@ C.,
f u,:r r,
j,.ng o@-
1 @2
5,, i,,
@,Ko, -,"O
cl I
t 4404
Oii itiotioji by Co@iiiciiniin I)tz,;cli , se,@ojided t).@, )tiriciliiiliii @c@rrel 1, @it)d by 1,@,cordecl
vote as follows:
Ayes: CounciliDen Robert B. Crofliwcll, Jr., i i,ziiik A. I)tisch, I,-. R(,id Ervin,
George P,. Ferrell, Clareiice A. lioll@ilid, D. @.@tii-ray Nlalboii, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice @,layor Earl M. TebaLilt, Floycl l@. l@ateri Ji,., ,tncl @la),ol- I)ollald Ii.
Rlioclcs .
Nays: None
sent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
ty Council adopted the followiiig Resolution re(luesting the City of Norfolk
to male a connection aj)d to Curni,,;h water tlii,ough a I)roposed system at %lagic
liollow, Section 2S, Princess Anne Borough:
Vi rc i-
o Aragona Enterprises,
n x :1
Hollow, Princess Anne Plaza, Section 25, P17incess Anne Borough
Magic Hollow Boulevard 81. 5825 6
Cardini Place 4" 545
Bamberg Place 6" 385 1
4" 155 -
Cardo Place 920 1
Dante Place 720 1
4" 210 -
Du Bois Place 4" 772 -
Durbin Place 4" 785 -
Petsch Place 4" 800 -
Gordon Place 6" 320 1
4" 295 -
4" 145 -
Jansen Way 6" 1090 2
st(-)rm J)r@iiri & titility Plan For
Magic liollow, Prj-ncess Ai@nc,, Plaz,) So-(,tioi), 2-@ k"@rgin(.,c@aincj Pilase 2)
dated October 22, 1971
ITJ@@,l #4405
OD motioit by COuncilinan I)Llscli, secoll(l(,d b, COLIllCi]Man I:ci,rell, aiid by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: (:Ounciljiien Robert B. Cromwell, jr., 1@raiik A. 11@isch, F. izeid I:rvin,
George R. Ferrell, Cl@irejice A. ifollajid, 1). \1@irrav Mzilbon, J. Curtis 'i@,lyne.,
Vice Mayor Earl @l. Tebault, l@loyd E. IVZiterfiold,,Jr., and Mayor I)onald fl.
I)Iiodes .
ays: Nojie
bsent: Councilman Robert 11. Calli-', Jr.
City Council adopted the following Resol.utic,li i-equestij)g the City of Norfolk
to make a connectioji and to l'urnisli wztter tli@otigh i proi)osed system at Fox RLin,
Sectioli 11, Kempsville BOrOLIgli:
Carolanne East Corporation
'Fox,Run, Section Three, Kempsville Borough
Tucson Road 6-@ 385
Rosecroft Street 8" 1115
Christopher Arch 6" 760
Charlan Place 4" 180
Un-iiamed Court 4" 115
Si-te Development Plan
For Fox Run, Section '.Phree
dated December 16, 1971
ITEM #4407
On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Dusch, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H.
Nays: None
bsent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved an appropriation in the amount of $10,000. for the
Doctor's Program on Heart and Rescue to purchase radio equipment to be
installed in the City's operating center so that the life packs, that are
anticipated to be purchased through private funds, can communicate from the
moving vehicle to the hospital in a life saving effort.
ITEM #4408
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Ferrell and by
recorded vote as follows: '
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervig,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Hurray ~4albon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfie]d, Jr., and Mayor Donald H.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
-ity Council noted its intention to hold ~ closed meeting on Monday, March 27,
~72, for the purpose of discussing items permitted for discussion under the
reedom of Information Act of the CommonweMth of Virginia.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell,
Richa~t"d'~' l'ebbon; C~ty Clerk
City of Virginia Beach,
March 20, 1972
ITEM #4409
seconded by Councilman Holland, the meeting