HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 6, 1972
March 6, 1 9 7 2
he regular iiieeting of the Council of the C:itv of Virginia Beach, Virginia
,as held in the Council (Iliimbers iii the Adii)inistr,-itioil Buildilig, in the
,orougli of Princess Anne, on @loiid@ly, t@larcli 6, 191-'-, ;It 10:00 a.m-
The invocatioii was given ))y Reverond David fienrv, Bayside Baptist Church,
Virginia Beacli, Virgiiiia.
Councilmen present: Rol,,ert 11. Callis, Jr.. Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F.
Reid Ervin, Claronce A. Ifolland, 1). Muri,av @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice
Mayor Earl M. Tebault, and Floyd ]@. Ivatel,fi(,](I, Jr.
Councilmen absent: Fraiik A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, and Mayor Donald 11.
ITE@l #4292
On motion by Councilman Nfal.bon, seconded bv Councilmaii Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Counci.lmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., RCI)ert @. Croriwell,Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clareiace A. lfollaiicl, 1). i\lurrzinr iklail)(@ii, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @'layor
Farl @t. Tebtult, and Flo)@(I E. Waterfield, Jl@.
4ays: None
Abseiit: Councilmen Fraiik A. Dusch, Goorge ]@. l@errell, and Mayor Donald 11.
City Council approved tlie @tinutes of tlie Regular Pleeting of Febru,,Iry 28,
1972, and the reading of -@ai(I @lintites dispciised with inasmuch as eacli
Counci.Inian liad a copy of tlie subject ',Iinules I)efore hini.
I'FE@,f #4293
On motion by Cotincilman C3-omivell, secondecl I)v Couiicil.'Ii.,tn Plalbon, and b),
recorded vote as follows:
March 6, 1972
he regular meeting of the Council. of the City of Virgi.nia Boach, Virginia
,as held in the Council Cli@imbers iii the Adiiiinistr@itioii Buildilila, in the
,orougli of Princess Anne, on @londay, inlarcli 6, 191-2, @it 10:00 a.m.
The invocatioii was given bv lzeverend David Ilenry, Bayside Baptist Church,
Virginia Beacli, Virgin-. La.
Councilmen present: Rol,,ert It. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F.
Reid Ervin, Clarence A. Ifolland, D. @itiri,av 'lalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice
Mayor Earl M. Tebault, and Floyd E. IVaterfic,l@l, Jr.
Councilmen absent: Frank A. Dusch, Goorgc l@. Feri,ell, and Mayor Donald 11.
ITE@L #@2
On motion by Councilman Nialbon, seconded bv Councilmaii Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert @. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. tiollaiid, 1). @furray @lail@oii, J. Curt@s Payne, Nlice Mayor
F,arl M. Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Ji-.
4ays: None
Absejit: Councilmen Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, and Mayor Donald 11.
City Council approved tlie @tinut(,s of tlie Regular @leeting of February 28,
1972, and the readin@, of said inlinutes di-,;pe,ised with inasmuch as eacli
Council,nian liad a copy of the, subjoct 1.1inutes before h@m.
On niotioii by Councilinan Ci,omivell, -,;econded i)v CouiicilTilan @talbon, and b),
recorded vote as folloi%,s:
Aye,s: Counciln)en Robert 11. (lallis, .1r., IZo@)ert B. Cromwoll, Jr., F. Reid
l@rvin, Clareiice A. lloll,,iiid, 1). @turr,1)7 J. (lurti,- Payno, Vi.c-e @layor
Earl @l. Tobault, and Flo),d I:. W@iterfield, )I.
Nays: Noiio
Absent: Councilmen Fraiil, A. Dtiscli, (7,oor c 1". Fcrrell, and Mayor I)oiiald 11.
]Zhoclc,,s .
,ity CoLijicil apl)roved oii seconci rc,,.iCiiii@ tlic follotqing tran-,;fcrs ,Illd
lpl)l-ol)l-i,itioiis totaliiig @61,')/-9, to covei, tiic, i,etroactivc,, pziy increiscs
for city einl)loycos appi@ovecl ()]l 1"Ol)fL]Zjr@, 2:
Transfer from "Reserve for Contingencios Salar), Adjustpients"
General Funct $57,469.00
Water @ Sewer l-und 2,351.00
Virginia Bcaeli Special Revenue FLi,id 1,038.00
Total Traiisfers $60,858.00
Appropriations from the surl)ltis accoiints of the, Ivorking Capital
Ftind for the sal@ary adjustments to ciiil)Loyees
City Garage Working Capital 1-urld $ 1,139.00
Data Processiii@ l@orkiilg Capital Fitnd 86S.00
Print Shop Working Capital Fun(I 117.00
Total Surpl@is Appropriatio ns $ 2,121.00
ITEM #4294
On motion by Councilman Ntalbon, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert It. Callis, Jr., l@oi)ert B. Cromi,:ell, Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. liolland, D. Murriy @IalboTi, J. Ctirtis Payne, Vice @layor
Earl M. Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Couhcilmen Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, and Mayor Donald H.
City Council approved on second reading, lie loxv bid of Stewart Costruction
Company of $262,364.95, for Contract No. 1, Pinewood Gardens sanitary sewer
project (approval pending issuance of Uso flcr]Tiit).
ITEM # 4295
On motion by Councilnian Nialbon, seconded I)v Cotincilmaii Callis, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)cr,t B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
Erviii, Clarence A. Holland, D. Mtlrriy @Ialboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor
Earl Ni. Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci.Imen Frank A. I)usch, (-,eorge R. Forrell, and Mayor Donald 11.
Cit Cotincil approved oii socond reading thc low bid of Welch Industries, Inc.
of $47,860 , for Contract No . I I , Pinewood Gardens sanitary sewer project
(a.ppi-oval peiiding issuance of ljse Ileriiii t)
ITEM #4296
On inotion by Councilman Nlall)on, seconded by Couiiciliniii tvaterfield, and by
'ecorcled vote as folloxvs:
,yes : Councilmen Robei,t 11 . Calli s , Jr. , izol ei-t B . Craini@el I , Jr. , F. Reid
L-rvii), Clai,encc A. floll@ilid, F). J. (:urtis Ilayiie, Vice \IIyor
Earl @t. Tobault, and Ylovcl t@. IV@itolficld, il.
NaN,s: None
Ab,;oiit CotinciliiieD Fraiik A. I)uscli, Gec)i-@l,c, I,. @incl @"I@ivor I)oli@ild 11.
Cit), Coujicil alil)roved oii secoii(I re@iclill,, tli(@ lox@ t)i(I ol- 'l. fl. No@v-sonic, Ilic.
of $44,858.80, for Conti,@ict No. 1, Litili(,I, S('WCI' I)rojc(-t (@@ll)l)rov@ll
pon(Iiii,@ i,;sttaiice of tJ-@c I'ci-iiiit).
ITEM # 4297
in motion by Councilillan Malboii, secondod by Councilman Ilayne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Aycs: Couiicilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., lzobert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. Hol.land, D. Murray @ialbofi, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor
Earl M. Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jt@.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, and @layor Donald H.
City Council approved on secoiided reading the low bid of Hunt Contracting
Company of $46,805., for Contract No. TI, Linlier sanitary sewer project
(approval pending issuaiice of Use Perillit).
ITEM R 4298
On niotion by Councilman PayTie, seconded bv @-ouncjljiian Waterfield, and by
recordod vote as follows:
yes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Roi)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
rvin, Clarence A. liolland, D. Murrqy ',Ialboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vicc,, @layor
arl M. Tebault, aiid Flovd E. Watcrfiel.d, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Council.men Frank A. Dusch, George iZ. Ferrell, and @tlyor Doiiald H.
City Council adopted tlie following ResolLition regarding the late W. Fred
R E S 0 L 11 'I'-- ]---O N
WliEREAS, in tlie course of I)roviding an efficient and C',coiiomic
and progressive type of governmeiit tijidei- our deiiiocratic system, it is
inevitablo that cert@iiii individuals, cluc, to tlie force of their cliaracter
and the agressiveness of their nattire, Fhould colitributo much to the
welfare of their fellow citizeiis, an(i
WHEREAS, tho lionorable 'V. FRY.1) DUCKIVORTli, former Mayor of the
City of Norfolk, Virginia, has during the course of his life providcd
dynamic leadership botli in the business are@i of tlie comyntinity and in the
area of government.
WfiEREAS, the said l@. 1,@RED I)LJCKIVOII,'fll is held in high esteem
for the work he has done duriiig the cotii-se of his life, by all levels
of society, and
WIIERI@AS, tlic said @@. FRFD Pti(@KIVOR,ril, met iqith an unfortunate
ijicident last Fridav, wliich iii itself sliould contribtite to an increased
surveillaiice on the part of otir governiicnts, to iiisure the safety of our
citizens at all times, aiid
WIIEREAS, in so doijig, tlie loss of his li.fe i'lill not have been
in vain.
NO'&', TIJERI-@IFORE, the City Coiijicil of tlic City of Virginia Beach,
Virgiiiia does hereon cxpi-ess to the faiiilv of W. FRF@,D DUCKI@ORTII, RD(I the
City Couiicil of the Ci.tNr of Norfolk, @@ii-giiiia, tlic,,ir sincere and deepest
regrets at the untiiiielv I)as,;ing of sticli ,i distingtiished citizen and does
hereon direct the Cit\, Clerk, Ricliz)i,cl J. l@el)boii, to forward this
Resolutioii to tlie fiiiiilv of IV. 1--REI, ])[J( Iild to spread a copy of
tliis ResolLition oii tlic inintite,-,; oF tliis i@iecting of the City Council of
the City of Virgiiiizi Ilcacli.
Doii@tl@l 11. l@tiodes, \Iivor
blt. Peter Buono, representing the International Union of Operating Engineers
appeared before City Council and recommended that the Council take steps to
contract with a qualified dredging company to remove the sand from Rudee Inlet
and deposit same on the beaches of \irgi i Beach. Hr. Buono indicated that
dredging is an operation which requires specialized equipment, specialized
personnel and experience in performance, lie indicated that such operations,
as off shore dredging, have been successful in beaches along the east coast.
tie further indicated that with his experience he felt that a commercial dredge
>peration is the only means by which beach replenishment might be accomplished
:n time for the coming tourist season, lie also indicated that the personnel
employed by dredging companies have experience in locating the proper type of
sand for use on the beaches. At the ¢onclu,~ion of Mr. Buono's discourse,
Councilman Ervin indicated that he }tad a suggestion which he w~shed to present
regarding the establishment of a steering ~ommittee.
The following appeared regarding beach
Mr. Chaplin
Miss Suzanne Chaplin
Mr. Buchannon
Mr. Scott Sterling
erof :i Oil:
After consideration of the discussion which has been going on for sometime
regarding beach erosion and the maintenance of the channel at Rudee Inlet,
Councilman Ervin said that he felt a more direct approach would be appropriate.
He therefore made the following motion, wh~b was seconded by Councilman Payne:
appoln~;,::~c unlcou t~;~: fez,,, ~,c×' ~cnaco' "' ' by vote of council.
The co::,:,,] ULce shall consis'[ of ¢.;ix members as follows:
2. A-c i-.,- of the .... '~' '-' ' staff appointed by -she
Ci%y ,',ianac~or. --
.3., The Director of the ?,~p',,:cL:t,n~ of Comn~unity Services.
4. A local citizen qu:ilfJc:d b,' e;::)e:;'ience as an expert
The --~ ' ·
ITE-M # 4300
@Ir. Peter Buoiio, represcilting tlic lilterii@itional Uiiion of Operiting Fiigincers
appeared before Citv C(itilicil and recommcjid(,d th@it tlic Council take S'tops to
coiitract with a qualified dreclgijig compL'IIY to renlove tlie sind from Rudee Inlet
and deposit same on the boaches Of Vi,,i,,j:i Beach. llr. Buono indicatc,,d that
dred@ing is aii operatioii ivjiich reqtiiros si)(,ciali,eci c(luipmoiit, speciilized
personnel and oxperieiicc, in performaiice. 'ile indic@ited that such operatioiis,
as off shore drod,ing, lia-vc becii succes-@ftil in beacho-s along tlie east coast.
fle further iiidicated tliat ivith Iii,,; C,,xpericiicc he felt that a co)ii1flercial dredge
)pcratiori is the only ilicalls I)v i@Iiich be@icli i-eplenislii.'Ient mi@ht be accomplished
Ln tinie for the coiiiiiig tourisi -,;e@ison. lic @ilso ijidicated th'at the persoianel
-,mplo),ed by dredging co3.'Il)@illies liave 0
xpol-,-(,jlc- in locating t]'c proper type of
sand for use oii the beaclies. At tlic cc)nciti@@ion of @Ir. B@iono's discourse,
Couiiciliiian Ervin indic,,itc,,d th,,it lie filid i SLlqgeSti n wliicli he wislied to I)rcsent
regarding the establislilnc,,llt of steering @ oii@iiiittee.
The following appeared rogarding beach Cro@iO]I:
Mr. Chaplin
Miss Suzanne Chaplin
@Ir. Buchannon
Mr. Scott Sterling
After consideration of the discussion whicli h,,is been going on for somotime
regarding beacii erosion and the maintenance, of the ch@iniiel at Rudee Inlet,
Councilrg,tn @Irvin said tl)at lie felt a more dii,(@ct approach iiould be appropriate.
He therel-ore made the folloiving motioii, secolldecl by Councilrian PaN,ne:
TI@.a V
COT,-J,-, ee or :@oac@@
Fros3c,li "@GdLc,- -,ii@
!',' ei;@, (!X ercicd @)'/ vo e. o@
The cc,,n@is @;ix 013.0@
2. A o@ by
.3. Thc? Service@,.
4. A locil ar) ex@)O--',
in c,,i r Iii c;:; C C;-@ @]i@U
5. Orc, (1) i-,;, D,* s ',:r' c
Cc).i,i),, c)@
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to a@,5@ jl -@@ r@ i.,,:
(6) T@io "10
In clofl n@-, J @,o@il I e o @a' YC)@] co;i@i dc@r Z@ ')',)0 ri-@@ r@,
R. c
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For or@e vei-,,@ ,,-c u e n'
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I I aVe 1-@o C) C,
0 Fcol@c;,@ c
Councilman flolland offered a substitute iiiotion to defer the previous niotion
egarding the establisliment of a "Steering Coiqmittee for Beacli Erosion and
udee Inlet" for a period of one week. (@ouncilmaii Ervin and COLinciljlian Payne
itlidrew tlaeir original illotion iii lieu of tlie substitlite motion. The motion
to defer consideration of the establishment ol- @t "Steering Committee for
Beacli Erosioii and Rudee Inlet" for a lieriod of one week becanie the main motion
and was seconded by Councilman,@Vaterfield. Recorded vote on the deferral was
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. tiollancl, D. @lurray Pl@ilboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor
Earl M. Tebault, and Flovd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Frank A. Dusch, Geor-,e IZ. Ferrell, and Mayor Donald Ii.
City Council deferred for one (1) week coiisidoratioii of the proposal of
Couiicilman Ervin that a "Steeriiig Committee for Beach Erosi.on and Rudee
Inlet" be established as set fortli above.
ITE@l # 4301
r)n moti.on by Councilinan Callis, seconded by Councilman tiolland, and by recorded
ote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Roi)ert B. Croml%,ell, Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. Hollaiid, T). Nlurr@iy @Ialbo,i, T. Curtis Payne, Vice N,Iayor
Earl M. Tebault, and Flo)Td E. Waterfiold, Ji-.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Frank A. Dusch, George i). Ferrell, and Mayor Donald 11.
Cit), Coujicil adopted the following Resoluti,)n presented by tlie Chamber of
Virginia Beacii, Virgit,ia 23452
Telephone. e,28 1022
R E S 0 L. Ii 0 tA
WHEREAS, the ext,-,n,ive shoreline and s@, e,@ch is (jncuestion,@,bly the City
of Virginia Beach' r atesi assct, Lrici
WHE@'EAS, the beac@i 7ind tfic, cre-at develo@;r,,--iit f Icnt tourist accomo-
dations along ",he [),,s )roj cled %'if, ir@i-,i into l@)e forefront of
this ria-Vion's oceli@- ice res(-)i -s, @,tid
WHEREAS, over I[),-, past sever-al years a rep@erisl@,,r-@,qt prcgram to conbat
erosion has pr-cv@,@ ffective in s;uffici,:til -'uan@ilies C)f sand
to withstand t@ie u exdected ravag@s of ar)Cl
WHEREAS, there n ,i P@)ec@rs a serious d@'i,-i2n--y of sarci on l@)c@ b@ach for
wfiatever reasori c)r r--asc)ns;
NO@q, TiiEREFORE, BE IT RESOLV-D tliat thc@ ---@ojrd ef Direc,c).-s cf @@ie Virgini@J
Beach Charnb(,,r of C.,,,@,ierce does liereby i, tl,a y I-o take immedie;te
stc,p,; -lo belin Er; accc@--ratec,@ sancj [ lo restore the
beacli to a safe to Dr-ote,@@ -;r , 1 tt'ie v@i L @ e, r,-'il csta-le in-
vesttiionl I he f ul I I h cf 1 r r@ ard
residefitial ro@,c@r t@ @-il y I 1 @i TI @-r @r (@ecJ dD @@@AEIIevcr- is
necc,ssdry to @)eci i r) ii, s pr,@- '31 ('11c@
i r
V I f-, I i A I AC, @ I k F
February 22, 1972 A I 1) i i I [i
i XE; Lji i V@ V i c i o, s i do ni
E@y 0 i 1 f t r (J @f D i r,-,ct() r-@,
Application of Windsor Holland Coii@,)any for a Use Permit to construct 392 town-
houses on certain pro@,(-,rtv begiiiiiin,l at a Po-",-i:t 27r-,O more or less East of
South Plaza Trail Extended atid 2(30 i -eet P)orc@ cii, less floi@t@i of Holland Road, runn-
ing a distance of 913.38 feet alc)iig the Ejs'L side of @,ilindsor Oaks Botilevard
(Proposed), running a clistance of 1458.46 fect along ti@e @lorthern property line
and running a distance of 1325 fee-u alorig t@,(2 Easterti pro,,,erty line and runnina- a
distance of 910 feet ipoi-(, or less along 'Llie Sou'Liiern property line. Said property
contains 32.18 acres. (Windsoi, Oaks West Area). KE@IPSVILL@@ BOROUGII.
The Planning Conmission reconinietids approval Of this a'Dplication SLibieCt to a
reduction in density f,(,ozTi 392 to@."Ijihouses to 320 to,.,inilouses. The jilotion for
approval also included ]i" useable rEcreatioi-,,il .3p2n area as well as a revised
site plan. The Engineeriiig Division, Depar'@.i@@nt of CoiiiiuiiiLy Services, requests
a 60-foot loop road in order to provide 36 i-p@t of road,@,fay 1)aveirent a)id a box
culvert is required at I-litidsol, Oal,s BOL@levai---,' 'Lhe 'ri,oposcd canal. City
water and se@ier is req@,c@tcd I)y t@i,,, I-lealtli A school sitc@ lids been
reserved by tiie developors.
Mr. floward Weisborg appcared oia I)eli@ilf ol- tli(, applicaiit reqtiostiiig a two-
weeR deferral of the aboi,@e al)pli(@@ition.
On motion by Councilman flolland, secondecl 1),,@ Councilirian IVaterfi,old, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr. , I'lol)(?rt B. Cromi,:ell, Jr. , F. Reid
Ervin , Clarence A. Hollajid , 1) . @kltirray @Ial l@oii , J . Ciirt i s Payjle , Vi ce @layor
Earl @l. Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfield, J,.
Nays: None
bsent: Councilmen Fran], A. Dusch, George i". Ferrell, and Niayor Donald 11.
City Council deferred for two (2) weeks, tinil Nlarcl@ 20, 197@l, the above
application of IVindsor Ilollaiid Cojiipan,,, foi- @i (Jse Perinit to construct 392
townhotises on certain piopertv begi.nii:"Lng @it i oint 2100 feet more or less
East of South Plaza Trail l@xtondecl, (lvinclso- Oal,,s Wcst Area) Kenipsville
I'FEM 4t 4303
Application of Virginia Gatev@ay, Inc. , t)y i@ioillis C. Broyles, Attorney, for a
@a@ of -Zonino from llesidence @luburban Dist@-ict 4 (R-S 4) to @lultiple Fanlily
Residence 1)7i-s'u-rict aiid a l@lse 'uo --onstruct 140 a,oartme,-it units on
certain property localr-d at ',-he "iortheast co@,:@,or of GoodiT,,,an Road and @le1/2@itc@,;n
Road, running a distaiice of 455.95 feet alo,lo @@lie East side of @!e@,,,tov!n Road,
running a cfistance of @1,47.08 feet along thc.@ [@-@rt@)ern property line, l,unninq a
distance of 251.018 feet along tlie Eas'Lern p)-o,-2i-ty line and running a distance of
1036.57 feet along tiie @"orth side of C-.c,odri@.n @oad. Said property contains 6.5
acres. (@!ewsome Farri Prea). BAYSIDE
The Planning Conimissi()n recof;lgiends apdroval of this request subject to a
reduction from the 140 apar@L@@@ent tinits to ICO al)artrien+ units because of traffic
congestion on 'le1/2itotiii Poad and iii orcier fo@- tie density to ')e ccriipatible -Go
neighl)orii-,(' i properties. ADDi-ov@l is subject to City @@!a@Ger ard
sewer 110(]Uc,st(-,d by @t,ip D2D@,rCIf@Cnt@ Estate Divisioji rec,,ues-L's a
dedicatio n of riqiit ol- @@O fecl f@@oiii t@i@ c@iit(,r lin(, of the exis'@inci 30-foot
riglit of @,ily along tlic, foo'@ ric,,re o@- I.,,,s frontage [@e,,@ito,,@in Road
(25-foot cledication), al),i a @'_Ciic,@,tion cl@ riq @-L of @.@ay o( 25 fee-u frot"i the
center line of the ng r), ..@,,y along tilr, 1036.@17-foot nioy-e
or less fi,ontaae o)-i @,ii Po@,d (1@-l'oot Tlie rotioi for a,,)proval
inclt)ded pai,-ici'pai:,.oii iii sc@iool siic ic)i
iiiipl@v@flietits to ii-icl,,j,@ @trllt CL;@ cilittor @iid s'L-ci,i,l c[rairs; a
niinilIlLiin raC!iUS of 25 fc%@,t is s"@-ect a
entrance k,@iclth, of @50 'c.,' is s@@@,- i 10-foot I,,@ "10-fc;ot SF)@,cis
is reqllirecl. -Flie iiio@',Ic@ti z@ I so i @l(, LA (,(i @@ Ii ! c@ @L,, , ia 'Le r)lzin for tiiis sito.
Mr. Thoiiias C. Broyles appeared on bel)alf of tlic al)plicajit.
On motion by Councilinan flollzind, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follows:
.yes: Councilmen Rol)ert ti. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
rvin, Clarence A. liolland, f). Nlurra@@ J. 11-urtis Payne, Vico @layor
Earl M. Tebault, ancl Flo@,d 1'. Waterficlcll Jl-.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmon Frank A. 1)@isch, Gcorgo R. Forrell, and @layor Donald Ii.
City Council approved the above applic@ition of Virginia Gateway, Inc. for
a Chaiige 0 Zoiing from ResiLiciace SLibil]-I)ZITI Di,,;trict 4 (R-S 4) to @tultiple
Fa ily l@c-,Id istrict (R-,%I) and a L'so Pcrj!iit to construct 85 apartment
units on certain property located at ti@-.76-it e,,ist corner of Goodman Road
and Newtown Road, (Newsonie Firifl Area) lii@lsi(le Borc)ugli; subject to tlie appli-
cajit workijig througli tlie I'laiiiiiii,l Depai-tiiieiit @ind tlio I)epartinent of Communitv
Services to sblvo the dra,@iiaE,,c prol)lc,7.; s@il) ject to a reduction froiii the
original request for 140 jparti@iciit tinits tc. 85 tinits becauso of traffic
coiigestioii,on Newtowji Roaci ajid in ordcr foi the density to be compatible to
neigliboriiig multi-fairiilN7 prol)erti,es; stil)ject to City ivater Ind -,;ewer as
rc,,(Itiosted by the Ilealth I)cpartiiien-,; ;ul) -i(2c-L to @i cledicatioll of riglit of wav
40 feet fi-oni tlie center line. of the exisili-@@ -50-foot right of way along th@
445.95 foot itiore or less f@roiit.,ige oti izo@id (25-foot dedication) , and
a dedicatioii of riglit of i@av of 25 feec fi,ci@i tlic cciitei- linc- of tlle existing
@0-foot right of way aloji,, ilie iiiore or less fi-oiitago oii Coodiii@ii)
'o@id (IS-foot dedic,,ition), as rocltiestod !)\, the Reai Estate Division; Ful@ject
o participitioii in scliool site acquis iti(-ii aild s,,,,Indard site plan inil)roce,-
meiits to incliide stroot inideiiiiig, cuft) @Litter @iiid storiii draiiis; -,;til)ject
to a minimliin radius of 25 fe(,t rccc)plllleli(1(2i i-oi- tli,., street intersection@
sul)ject to a miniinuni ciitrance i,;idtli of- -)O fuet; stibject to a standard iO-
foot by 20-foot parkiiig spacc,.,i @in(I aii @id('CILI,@t(@ (Ir,,tiiia(l,e plan for this site.
ITEiNI # 4304
Oji motion by Coun@ilnian Cromwell, secoiided I)y Couiicili-ian Payne, and by recorded
vote as folloi,:s:
Ayes: Councilinen Rol)ert 11. Callis , Jr. , IZol,ert B. CrOT11WO11 , LJr., )@. Reid
@.i-vin , Clarciice A. flol lancl, 1). @',ILti,ra@@ @li llc,@i , f. (:urtis I)avne, Ilice @llyor
Earl @l. Tobatilt, and Flol%,d F,,. liatc,.rfielcl, Ii-.
Na@,s: Noiie.
AI)seiit Councilmen Frank A. I)Liscii, Geor@,o 1). Ferrell, and @layor Donalcl ti.
Citv Cotincil deferred for onc (1) woc@- co,isicicr,,ition of aii Ordinance to
@iiiic,@id Sectioiis 5-7, 5-8 @ijid 5-9, of tlic (@,it (locle relative to Bird Sanctuaries
nd to proliibit tho discli@ii@,@e of l'ifles, C',tc. witliiii ,;ucli arc@i-s; @iii (Irdinajicc,,
o @iiiiciicl @ii)d roordaiii Scctic)ii 38--@ ol- tl)c, (@it,@, (:ocle pcrtiiiiijip to tiic, dis-
cli@irgo of firc,,,iriiis ivitliin onc litincli-o(l @iiil f-@l-tv v@ii,cls of Iiiy pul)l.ic i-oad,
I)tijldiii,,, c,,tc.; aiid @iii oi,diiiiiic(, to iiiider tlie @i,@o of eigliteeii
yc,,@ir-, to slioot air @till, SI)i,iiig tiii or Ljicl to I)r()vide exccpt:ion tliereto.
ITE-Nl #4305
Mr. Milton flolland appe@ired on belialf of tl@e, Fire Inspector's Office.
Dii motion by Couiicilmaii CroniiTell, seconded I)y Couiici.liiiin Payne, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Rcl)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. Holliiid, D. @lurrav Malbc)ii, J. Curti-,; Payne, Vice Mayor
Earl M. Tebault, and Floyd F. Waterfi,eld, 11,.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilnien FraTik A. Dusch, (3c,.orge R. Ferrell, and Mayor Donald fi.
City Council approved the following Ordiiiance to amend and reordain Section
8-2 of the City Code:
SECT!Oii 8-2 o@ CO@)T-l OF THE CITY
That Section 8-2 of the Code of thc, City of Virginia Beach
is hereby amended and reordained by (Ielcting, in lines 4 and 5,
the words "R-M (multiple-family residcnce district)."
An emergency is declared to exie;t and this ordinance shall
be effective from date of passage.
Adopted. by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia on the 6th day of @lar,:Ii 19 7 2
ITEM #4306
On motion by Councilriaii Nlalbon, secc)nded blv Coun,ilm@in Croniivell, ancl by
recorded votc as follolvs:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., I', bert B- CI'Omwcll, Jr., I-. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. liolland, 1). @lurray J. Curtis Payiie, Vice @l@lyor
Earl @l. Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfiell, Jr.
Nays: None
Abseiit: Councilmen Fraiik A. Dusch, Geoi,gc IZ. Ferrell, and Ilayor Donald 11.
Cit Council approved tlie folloi,,,ing al)plic@itions for tax refuiids in tlie amount
Of @14S.28:
TO; 1.111:. I)ll.e ]Ililiisoll Cit),
FRO,ll: fli:. V. A. ELlioridrc, -ZL-ei:iuicir
13JECT: AI)plicitLiuit@for Tax
@e E--r )f t.@;:LS ^y 1145.2
@d cet-Llflcd for tis Set EOVLII b(2i,oLi:
V. A. Ethericlp-(,-. Trc,.i@tircr
T,@ rfyp,
N.ime Year of T;i: on
arl--r-Bell Corp. 72 CT) 31).1)0
4 1/4'
0. Ilc@rtz 72 CD [2 2 7 1 @l';/72 10.00
.W. Alcorii, Co..- 72 CT) Q -1 j !
@- I..,-n 31/,-,2 10.00
li.irles Fil.elcl, !V 72 CD 11,
, -114 2 11-5 1 @ I ' -/ 2 20-00 20.00
diiey B. Ewj,ng 72 CT) I ") 1 11-112 10 00 10.00
i@ll.t,ani D. Bl@ck 72- (D 2)0-19
1 '11101-11?- 10.00 10.00
r,ilci R. (',)Pelan 1 72 CD I'f 0 @ I 1 2. '-i @",@2 10.00 10.00
! -11 1- 2 'i
1\1. Tli-i7 72 CD I'@ I 10.00
.P. Lowtnn 72 CD -.-770'@ 2' ?7 10.00
rt:iii L &
rl)ar,i l-, 7 IZT,' J33-,-,'/ 1/2 l) 3r'
"V(' il@@D] fc.,it i ;n7. f,,i-
1 TE@l # 4307
On niotion by Coulicilmail Cromwell, secondcd I)y Cotliicilman Holland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. callis, jr., IZ@)I)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Rei,d
Erviii, Clarence A. Ifolland, D. @lurray @lall)oll, T. C:tirtis Payn(:,,, Vice Mayor
Earl @l. Tebault, and Flo)rd E, Waterfield, ii.
lays: Noiie
Absent: Councilmen Frajik A. Duscli, George, l@. Ferrell, and @,layor Donald fl.
City Councl.1 approved tlle follol,,ing Ordiii@ill-@o to amencl and reordain Sections
8-1 and 8-2 of the City Code rel@itive to 17irc Districts:
AN O,i, Ii@,t'@NCE A@@,N l@1:01 AT S 'ICTI()NS
@,T- I r, "T'
8-1 ANI) '@@-2 T I-- ','H'@ (,'I'-!-Y C,F
GENEt@Al, INOUQ@TRIA1, I)IST-TCT .11-1 1) 2 A14D 3;
ANT) 1-1-,LA'i'I@IIG T('@ FIRE ;)I@'@Tl@l(;TS TN THE
L@ @ , - L I .' , 4
PRI@ICESS ANT@-,,-, ) @;LACT@'ITP@ ;3,,y
ADDI@@-'C !)IS'!"T?TC'E, I'@ TAL 9-'P, IC T
That Section S-1 is amended and reordained by adding the
"and TI-I :)istri-ct (industrial d4l@;trict)
That Section 3-2 is amended aiid reordained by add.'Lng the
tiand 14-1 11 2 and 3 (general iiid)13trial dirtrict)
An emergency i'.'3 declarcd to exis,-, and this ()rdinance shall
be in effect fyoni date of passage.
Adopted by the Council of tli.e Cii@y of Virl@iiiia Beach, Virginia,
on the 6th day o.@ Marcii l@ 72
ITEM # 4308 (a)
on rnotion by Counci@ Croriwell, seconded hy Councilman Pavne, and by recc)rded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Rc)bert H. Callis, Jr., Rcbert B. Crawell, Tr., F. Reid Ervin,
Clarence A. Holland, D. Y=ray @lbcn, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @or Earl M.
Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Tr.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Frank A. Dusch, Ceorge @. F'errell, and Mavor Donald H. Rhodes.
City Council approved an additional appropri.ation for the Social Services budget
of $60,035.
ITFM # 4308 (b)
on rmtion by CouncilTnan Crorwell, seconded b,7 Councilrmn Payne, and by recc)rded
vote as foll@ :
Ayes: Councilmn Rober-t H. Callis, Jr., Pol)ert. B. Cronwell, Jr., P. Reid Ervin,
Clarence A. Holland, D. Murrav malbon, J. Curtis Pavne, @lice I'layor Earl M.
Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: Comcil= Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
In concurrence lqith the above appropriation of $60,035. for the Social Services
Departnmt of which it is anticipated that the State reinburs@t will be
$48,633. and the local share will be $11,402., City Council appmved a transfer
of $11,402 from the Cit_y Account #8030-210 (State-Local Hospitalization) to
the proper accounts to cover the City's share as sh@ in the follawing
City Cocle A(i cl I
LC' t
8020-.502 C'tiild Cii-@
30,170 1,130
F020-503 Cer,,eril 3,()(0 1,875 1,125
8010 4 5 @ " 1)
__Il, 7
Tot.,il $48,6113 @11,402
Bre,,il,,(Io@.,n of ,@ c!,-;i i ii i s t I-,a t i %, c, E-,,@encii.LLi-es:
8010-170 of ,ides 1,957
8010-1,90 Coti@I)CIlsiti,oli of 440
801,0-20/4 POSLIS(@, 1, 2C)l 240
8010-205 Tcle,,)Iioiie 3@ 1 100
8010-212 Dat,,@ Proccsqii,@, I'e-rv,*c(-,s 5,6C)( 1,120
8010-21.3 140
801()-218 L,,Ise C)f I;oc 100
5,00( 1,000
8010-249 Vr@iployei-5 Sli,,Ii-c o@- I,,n, 9,30@ 1,860
1, I 1
010-'173 Relairs to Atito 270
010-27,1, Rel).ijrs Lo Offi.co, 100 60
010-.@13 Stitiol)cr@, & 01@,.-icc! st;!)!)Iics 1,300 260
010-513 l'inployers Ct)nL. O,',',l (100
Tot@'il $45,/)5 $ 6) 3 @9, 1147
ITE@l 4309
On motion by Councilman Payne, secoiaded by Couiicilman Nlalbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmeii Robert Ii. Calli-,,, Jr., l@ol)ei-t B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. liolland, D. Nlurray @lalboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @la),or
Earl M. Tebault, and Flovd E. Waterfield, J]-.
Nays: None
Absent: CounciliDen Frank A. Dusch, Georgo @Z. Ferrell, and Nlayor Donald 11.
City Counci'l authorized tlic City Manager, Nlr. i@oger Scott, to sign a standard
sewer agreement beti,7een the C;-ty and KOA Caiipgrouilds.
I'f'E@l # 4310
n motion by Councilmaii @lall)oii, seconded by Councilma.ii liolland, and by recorded
ote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clareiace A. floll@ind, D. @NIurrav ',Iall)oi, J. Curtis Pavne, Vice Nlayor
Earl M. Tebault, and Floyd l@. Watorfield, Ji.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen ],rank A. Dusch, George @Z. Ferrell, and I'layor Donald 11.
City Council approved tlio following Resoltition requesting the City of Norfolk
to Eiake a connoction and to l@tirnisli i,:atei@ tilrough a proposed ivater systeni
located at Groveland Park, Sec. 1, l,yiinh@ivei I'lorough:
Form No. P.U.-36-2a
A R-F, TI!,@, C [-i@7 01-' tiorFOI,K TO
MAKE A -iO 11 WA'r@'@T' Tl!i@C)IJ(;I! A
'Y T :
PIZOP@i,,I) WA'F@L r F, AT
I'lli@, OF
WTIERFAS, it, i.s @poqecl th(, Ci@ly or l@nch, Virginia, at
the request of , , --:1 '
,.L @,-- - . to ex*,(@n(I a propoged water
main in ticco@,a?ic-,o ,,,! "Ii ',@ CIty of Vi-[,'inia
B,jnch and tho City o'@.@ ?-orl-olk, in
t,h@i fl
l.n ,n
N=e of l,ineitr No. of
kq t r-q M-t, F(,,Ot
Little Necl@ F@'oi"
180 0
l,ittle Neck Poad 21 0 0
l,on@ fiii@l L)riv(, 62@) i
Lesl@ie Teri,pce i@ 7 5 0
Ci,ariston (@20
]"a@t Cmirti@,%,
9 2 2
E@ist Coiirtn(2y A-cli til b -
AI(i,,,I'l Pnici
all an
Form tio- P - u - 36-2b
ilow, TliElU@',FOn, 13E r,@ I?FfOLVFA), tli.-,,t @li(@ C@@tv of !I')rfoll@ I)C nnd it
herel)y is, rcquer@ted to m.,il,(@ g connoctioii of @l.lie v,-,,iter m,'Iin[3
wit') the present ri(,,ins of' q@1(i City @it thf-, s;iil Eind upon
compl.e@@ion of thc AnstqllRi,iol, of thn to riinply wnter to
coii-,iiners re,-Idinf-, thorr,,o@l, ur,(,Iorrtcod iii(i atreed
that the supplyllif, vrt@t(,,,r by tli@ C,@@v of tir,-foll, ghnll 1.)e upon nnd
subject to tho follovyirg tel7,,9 rind
1. That tho nal.d uat-r n,,iins r3liti3l lnqt,,il-l(,,d in n(@ccirdnnce with
inO@ t,) gtitigfaction
the op,@cificati-onr, o' Cit", of
of the DJ-recto- of
of spi(i 1,Y@ a@, T@') co@t to tlie City of
2. That the M,)I,,,l t,o c@iiriim(@rs i3hnn
be at tlio saire ri)t@' r-c" Clj,ty r,@ r@C)rfolk to
coni3i=ars @yolid t@',,
3. That @ c-rdJ,@nc,@@i o' @,Ye cf !',)rioll@ @in(i all rul-e,l and
rocor.tion3 o@- ti't, oi@ hereafter
adopted and y,,,ii, j@r@tc,@ @Iiin@, o@ w,.Iter shall
apply to @llic
4. Thtit tlie Li,,,!(! C', lo-fnil, uiidc@r no ob
lif,"I@ion to
fil,ni,ql@i morc @lat(,r i
pron@@uTe ctirrj(.@,, iiid @i@ f,,tipT)lying
of @@,ator sl,al-l l@l,c ,aid
City of sl:p-,i
.5. Thn" in t,) f,, 1-,,1 nlo@17 'lid p,-oT),)red raainfi,
the C@,ty of, flor"oll,@
11"lirT)l@llis -111,1,ly, and
that 1-n no e,,ren', fih-@ll. olc,-[ ii ("i )rl-t of Z;,Ij d Ci,ty to
ot,,pply i,,iter to z,,7 t -ny tiT-@(,. wh(,.n,
In tlie o" L of'
of' the paid City
shall ii,)t liav(3 qii@-ici n@@ 1%, 'pr ii-(! i,i',Iiin it' (,.(,.-T' It, -ts, or
%thenover tlie ,f "@;i irate.@ ,@ti, tho @J
of the of
6. T@,it i@l nncl
hydrnr,ts tl@c,,y
of @llh,@ ri@,ht
0 r@icli 17,0.nts
to @ii.1 Cl.i,,, C)f
cf t City of
P, yce-r
fC7, @)Flcli
-lia this
ITE@,l # 4311
,In iiiotion by Councilmaii I;i-vin, secojided I)v (lotincilm@in Italbon, and by recorded
ote as fOll0l@S:
Ayes: Councilinen Robort 11. Callis , Jr. , l@ 'ol)ert B. Croiiiwell, Jr., F. Roiu'
Eri,in , Clarence A. Flollaiicl , D. @itirr@iv Ilalllor@ , T. Curti s I)ayno , Vice NlaN,or
Earl @l. 1'ebault, and FloyJ F. Waterficid, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: CouTicilT.Tien Fraiil, A. DLisch, Ceor,,,e @@. Ferre.1.1, and @layor Donild fi.
City Coujicil granted periiiission to Ile,,ith, dol,'oras 6 Ileath, Iiic., to move a
oiie story frarqe residence, 22' x 331, froi@i \@irginia Beach Boulevard, Seatack,
Lynnliaveii Borougli, to Lots 13 Ind 14, (@,iril)ci,t I)ri@'e, I)ovletown Alinex,
Lyiijiliavo,n Borougli. Estiiii@itc(l value @iftei- ,ii1cl reliovations, $9,500.
(Del)ai,tment of Public fle@i,ltli gr@inted @i li@ii-d@iiii) oji tlie septic tank)
I I'I'E@l h 4312
I,lr. Tohii T. Atkiiison appcared befoi@c Citv C,)Lincil roqtiosting tllc installation
of a tr@if f ic liglat at tlic coi-iier of @4tli I)acif@ic @\;enite @'i rgiiiia Beacli
:it,, Council requested th,@ Citv Maniger t() l@@iiidle thi.,; Tliattor admijiistr,,itively
iid to l@lace empliasis upon tlie ai,.iouiit of i)c,@'o@triaii ti-affic ratlicy tliiii
.utolnobilo traffic.
ITE@t #4313 (a)
Counciliiian Holland m.-Lde a iiiotion, wlil"cli i,.ras secoided I)v Councilni@iii Callis,
requestiiig the preparatioii of an Orcliiiaiicc, to ti,@insfel, tlie Citv propertv
adjaceiit to Rudee Inlet to tlie Indu,;trial 1),,,@Telopmeiit Autlioritv to expeclite
developmeiit aiad tl,,e CO]'Il)Ollsltioii to tlie (:it@ coiiiiaensui,atc i@,,itli tlie value
decided b@, the Econoinic I)evelopiiieiit
Captaiii Earl Paul, I.easce of @i I)o t slip at tlie Teml)oi-arv IZudee Inlet @,larina,
stat ed Iiis cciic tirrciice i@,,i tli t lie recom:,Ie, ii,,! @itiC)I) Of COUTIC i Iman f lo II a ii d.
Recor(led i,,ote on Couiici li@@in Ilo II in d Is iiiotioi@ is as i-oII oivs :
Aves: Cotiiicilme ii Robe rt It . C,,illis , Jr (-,l @i re iicic A. f lollancl , Vic c,. ',Iayor
Earl @t. Tebault, anci 17lovcl l@. Jl'.
N@iN,s (louiiciliiicji Robert 11. C-.roTii@@el I , Ji@ l@. Rc@i ti ii, 1). @urray Nlllboli,
@inci J. Cui-tis PaN7ne.
I)scnt: Cotinciliien Frajik A. I)Lisci), (;cor@,e, l,. Feri,ell, ijid 'liyoi, I)onatd 11.
II(, (Ie,; .
'Flic i@iotioii requesting th(, (@f- @ill ol-,Iiii@iiicc to traiisfer tli(' City
I)rol)ert@, @i(Ij@icolit to lll'('t lo tlic@
to c,@pcaite developiiieiit lost.
ITEM # 4313 (b)
@ii-. Tim Barro@,, and @lrs. Cecily @l,,icDonald appeqred before Ci.ty Couiicil regardiii,.,
the City's propertv adjacent to Rudee Tiilet.
nn motioii by CounciliTiaii Ervin, seconde(I I)v @loujici.Iriian Nlalbon, and by recorded
ote as follows:
@yes: Couiicilmen Rol)ert 11. Callis, Jr., IZo@,ert B. Cr(,mivell, -Jr., F. Reid
Ervin, Clarence A. liollancl, ',). @lui-ray Ctirtis Pavnc, Vice ',Iayor
Earl TI. Tebiult, and l,'Ioyd 1'. l@aterfic,,Id, -Jr.
Nays: None
AI)sent: Councilmen l@raiik A. Dusch, Ceorpe IZ. Ferrell, and '@,,I@iyor Doiiald Ii.
IZ]iodes .
City Council authorized the Departmeiit of l@(:oiioiiiic. Developi-ient to proceed
in accordaiice with steps 3, 4 alicl S as sot fortli beloiv aild undor Step 5 to
provide Ci.ty Coiincil ivitli I)i@ol)o-,;als on li@)tli metliocls of seel,-iiig desigi) bicls
(for sale or lease):
3. Consolidate al.1 pfst recommeiidatic)r@s and rc,.ports into a
document to give clir@ctioia to devc,.Ic)p@-.ent of l@udee both
on tity and pri\,,ately-o@vned This to be done
by n task force o' departmen'l-0 liaviiig a vitil interest
in the development of Rudee In]-ct--.
4. Authc)rize the Dopartr@iont of l@ccnnl,,,.ic, Developinent to
establish a time,.-zil)]-e fc)r coi@Aple-Lic,,-i of the various
phases of the Rudee lllzin to be rC'@7@(-'wed bv Couiicil for
approval. This schedul.e to be subi,itted October 1, 1971@.
5. During the term of the c,,xisting tlii,O-O-year leases,
authorizc,, the Dopa2---lineiit of Econo@-,-c De,,7--Iop,,iteilt to seek
design bids on -Iwo b-,isis: 1-for 2-1-c)r lease. When
these have been secured, Council decicle which plcln
is most logical and feasible to pui-E3t)e and which of these
plans will accrue r,,,ost benr-,fit to lic, City.
(items 3, 4, 5, above have been peiiaiiig Council approval).
It is uiidorstood tliat tlie fiiial (leci-sioii oi@ @Icsigii l-,id coml)ctition wliether
or sile is slibject to tlic approvlil o- tlie (@ity Council.