HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 28, 1972
@IINU'Fl@S 01: Till: IIONOIZAIII,I: (,]'I'Y COUiN('111,
FebyLi-,ii-y 28 , I7
The rc@tilar meetiii@. of the Couiicil of tlie City of Vir,@inia Beacii, Vir,.inia
,.,as held in tlie CoLincil Cliiiiibers iii tl)c Adriiiiistritioii Btiilding, in the
orough of Ilrincess Anne, oii ',,Ionday, f@ebriiLit-@, 28, 1972, at 2:00 ]).])I.
Tlie invocation was giveii bv Reverend l@orest Fii-st Ui-iited CilLirch of
Clirist, Virgiiiia Beach, Virginia.
Councilmen present: Rol)ert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromi,7ell, Tr., Frzinl-,
A. Duscii, F. Reid l@rvi,n, George R. Fei-reli, D. Mui,ray @Ialbon, J. Clirtis
Payne, Vico @layor Earl @l. @l@ebault, Flovd l@. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor
Donald 11. Rhodes.
Councilman absent: Clareiice A. liolland.
ITEM # 423P
On motion ])y Councilman Witerfield, secoiided by Councilman Dusch, and by
rocorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croriivoll, Jr., Frank A.
Diisch, F. Reid Ervin, Geojle IZ. Ferrell, D. @ltirray @4albon, J. Curtis Payn(,,
Vicc @l@iyor Earl @l. Tobault , l@loyd I,. lvaterfield, Jr. , aiid @liyor Doilald Ii.
ays: None
Absent: Cotincilman Clarence A. Hollaiid.
City Cotliicil approved tlie Nlinutes of tlie l@egular @leeting of February 14, 1972,
and tlie reading of said t\linutes (lispeiised iitli inisiiiuch @is cach Councilman
liad a col)y of tlie subject @lil)tltes beforc 11.1111.
1TEM 4
On niotioii by Cotinciliiian J)ucli, seconcl(,d ])y Cotincilmaii Forrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayc,,s: Councilmeii Robert H. Jr., Rcl)ert B. C-roinwoll, Jr., Frank A.
I)tisc.li, l@. ]Zeid f@,rviii, (leor@c IZ. I:errc,,] I , D. 'Itirray @,Iill)on, J. Curtis I)a@,no,
Vice ;Nlzjyor I'arl M. 'I'Cb@iult, t@IOY(l E. 1"'aterf icid, Jr. , ind MIyor I)ol).ald 11.
Plic)dos .
Nays: Noiie
AI)sei)t: Councilinan Clai,ciice A. flol,l@ind.
@ity CoLli)(-,il al)pro@,c@(I *111(' Nlililite; of ilic, @@loctiiig of l@ebruar@, 25, 1973,
@ilcl tlle, i-c,,@icliiig of (ii!,PC'il';('(l @'itl) ifiasinttcli eacli CoLiiicilii)@iii
!,,](l ,i col)), of tlic stil)jc,ct bcl-()YC
by Cotiiicilniaii I)uscli, sc(:on@le(i t)y C:otiiicilinaii and b@@
vote as follows:
y c, Counciliiie ii Robe rt 11. CaIIis , Jr. , Ro],c@@t B. CTo niweII , Jr. , Fr@,nl, A.
Dtiscii 1-@ . Rei.d Fii-v in, (-,eorfe IZ. 17c,,rreII, 1). ',!(iri@av @Ialbon, J. Cur tis P@iync ,
Vi ce @liyc)r Ear] @l. Tobaul t , l@loy cl F,.. l@,atci-f i (-,Id, Jr )nd @layor I)o iiald 11.
lzh o (i (, -,; .
Nays: Nojie
Absent: Councilman Clar(,jice, A. tioll@iii(l.
:ity Cotincil corrected tlle, @li,liuto,; of tlic SI)cci@il @Nleetiii@. of Fel)rtiary 2S,
972, by deleting in Iteiii #4184 the i@ords "(:Iizinriel aii(I" so that the last
sentojice iii tlie inotion ro,,ic.'s "AI)prov@il is ilso stibject to conimi.tinent by tllo
U. S. Ariiip Corp. of Engiji(2ci-.@, on @i one tinic, foi- ono-lialf@ (112) the
cost of dredgiiig tlio saiicl froiii the I'Iii@.lee lillet saild ti,@ip.".
ITI,'M # 4--,:]
On motion by Councilman r)tiscli, seconded by Vicc,, @layor Tobault, and by recordcd
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Cotinci.liTien Robert 11. (,romivell, Jr., Fr@ink A. Duscli, F. Reid Ervi.n,
D. Mui-ray Malbon, J. Curtis Ilayne, Vice @layor ll,,jrl NI. Tebault, and Mayor
Donald 11. Rliodes.
Nays: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., George R. Ferrell, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Absent: Councilman Clarence A. tiolland.
City Couiicil approved on secojid reading an expejiditure of $6,000. from the
1968-B ptiblic i.niproveriient boiid issue for tlic Ii-,;ted purposes in rel)airing
the bulklicad and other iiiiprovenients at Rudc(, Inlet.
ITEM # 4.--42
On motioii by Councilirian Watei,fielcl, secoiiclect by CoLincilman Ferrell, Ind by
recorded itote as follows:
Ayos: Cotinci]iTien Robert fi. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crojiiwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Geoi-gc R. Ferroll, 1). Nlurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Ma),oi- Earl M. Teb,,itilt, ]@loy(I l@. IVaterf ielcl, Jr. , and Mayor Donald Ii.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Clarencc A. Ifollind.
C.i@t), Couiicil approved on socond re@idiiig @in @il@I)ropriation of $47S.00 for the
iinplement.,ition of a new salai,v sctle in tlic Dol)@irtment of VPI Exteiision
I E@l
Oil ]]lotion I)Y Coulicilmaii Dtiscl), secon(lcd I)v (louncilitlaii and b), recorded
voto as follows:
yes Counci Inicn Rol-)ei-t l@ . (@roiiiivel I , )r. l@r;iiill- A. Diiscli , F. lzoicl
cor@,,o ]Z. l@orrell , 1). @,l@l It@oll , J . (@iii I i Vice ',,Iayor F@irl @l.
Tol)@itil t, l@loyd F . lvat l@f 1 (,l (i , )i- . , ,tjid i@ I)oii@ild 11. lZlioclc-,; .
N@t),s : Cotinci Iiiiiii Rol)orl ii. (@,,i I I i,; , j r.
AI)soiit (:otiiici Iiii@iii C] ,i i-ciicc, A. If()] lzi!l,l .
ijicil al)l)i@oved oii ;L@c7oiid ai) oc @17,0()O. for
to be ijicurrcd iij (Ii dgi:i,@ s@ilicl floli 1"LICICO II)Ict and tlic deposit@i)g
ibject s@iiid upoii tti @is dcsi,,ii@itecl I)v ttic I)eparti!ient of
Services, tlic Vi,r,,iiiii I'leicli Ero@i('ii (@oriintissioii and tlie U. S. Ariiiv
of F-ngiiiecrs. Apl)rov@il i,,; cojitinQeiit, i@c,,atlier coiiditioris I)Cri:littii-ip,,
upoji tlae twenty-four lioui, of)(,i@atioii ol- tlic l'i@)sioii Coiiiiiiission's 12 ilicli
drodgo presently at Owls (@rock, tlie rc@1c)cjtioii of Ill)o Ci Lv owiicd @lredge,
I)rcsciit.ly i.n tlie iTestern l)-,,iiicii of- tlic IZikier, iii ]@u(Ioc Inlet aii(I
tile til@(,nty-foul, liour OPCI'@itioll of t])@@ Orcdge f-or @i thirty clay periocl,
weatli(@r coiiditic)iis perinittiiig. AI)prov@il i,,; ;tlso ,ul)ject to coillfllitinent by
the IJ. S. Army (lorps. of Oil a otic tinie b,,isi.,;, for onc-half the
cost of dredging the sand frotti tli(@ Riidcc ljil(,t s@ind trzip.
Mr. CI),,irles,Gardnor, rcpresciiting thc, Virgiiii,,i Beach Innkeepers AFSociatioll,
appeared before City Cou3icil @ind preseiitcd tlic J-ollowing ]Zesoltitioii rcgar(lilig
erosion of tlie be@icli:
ivir. ilayor and Co.,i-Liemen o.L- the Cou:acil:
The steps takeri by this city to -@'emedy the depleted sand
on the beach are being wa-@ched More tharl just a
passing interest by malay.
Of course, those of us v:ho have --ill@-ons invez-@ed aiid
derive our livelihood -@-ror- it All i,;ho own real es-la-@e
on the oceanfroit from ore end ',-,o the other arc-. The
citizens of this ci@.y a--d @,iho use the beach rc-cre-
ation are. Tnvestors and those ivho are willir@., to loa@
money for both commercial and r(@s4@den-uial buildin--. are.
And those who realize the -'@mpac-,; of L-lourism on the ec@or-ory
of this city are.
The action you took las'u- .4riday to reloca-Ue the city's
dredge from L@haven to the sa@dtrap was good and shoul-d
expedi-@e the placir.- of --and op- beach. But, the-
question is this: can this ,,@o@-k iii tha'@- a.-ca?
No one really ',mows, and this iiil'- be prove.-I C)-c
way or another once ar-d for all. We unde2s-u-ard tlat tho
City Manager 11@,s been di.-ectcd ',-o p,--o(,,C-cd i@@nedi-a@u-Oly -@-o
have specifications drawn to Dl,@ce th-'@s wo@-Ic uo for b4@d
by a comnerc4-,,,l drcdr.,e. --,-ould b@, allcwe@, -@o dc-'@-c:c
the pro---ess of these as we dc, -'lot
concur in a @0--clay
It i@, more li'@-c@1-y tha-L, yo@,@, a U---
whether or not -Uhe city d,CC'.@e I-Jill do -@he jcb.
Vou caiinot, aad i@e canno-'U-, E,.-ford to a@Lble --ha'- --@a'-
u u U--
will be kind to us tiais and in a beacii- i
would be folly. If a dest--u-@@-ive were '@-0 hi@@- bc--orc;
there is a protective beach, you al,e 00in.- to be cha----cd,
along i%rith others, i,;ith doin-@,@; too -@oo la@.-e, a-,id
rightfully so. Tho- beach shy 24-0,000 yards in U-uiac-.
We guess i'-u is shy 500,000-.o-u,-, yards -Uoday. You shoul-C-1
be ready @@-o 1).roceed wi-@h t-he alteriaate plan at the
possible iaoment, if recessar@.
We do not qu@at4@o@ the vaLue of hauling sand to thc-, bcac--
from Lyr--ihaven, bu-.- we do questioxi t'@e advisab4.li-.y o@-
v:aitin-,- for the ci-y to E,,,2chase equi-pment be@-oz,e
ing. I,.Thy not begin the e:,,)erime-nt rieht riow? I-U would
certair.l..y 'oe more pruder,-'U- -',c) h@@.-e a comme--cial
firm at this ti-me. You k--ow than exact@Ly .,@ha-U
cost is goi.,ig to be.
The queztion of wlicre t@e )--Oney is going to COME,' frc;m
natural@ly has arisen. you canno'- affo@,d
come up with the necessar@, -@'ands. If you do rio@@ have
borrow theia. This is a b,,-,@-,iLess we are talkin,,,@ abc)u-'@.
you had a business that dcpended upon a piece of z,@zch@-nc,-.-
ar.d tha"l- machinery broke @own, woul-d you hesita-u-c to
the money i7,modiately, 4.f by r@ot doinl; so you wou'-d
loss and lose cusi-omers? I 'xmow what a prudent man's
answer would be, and so dc you.
The tourist pays an 2@6 tax on @@4-s room a@
This city did -,c)t pay thci-u b@ach, the -Uouri,@t di.d,
will con@@iiiue tG do ro w:L-@ula tl-,,-, Sta-te ar@d
Governir.(@@n-U. You shou@-d lo.,@c, sic',It o@' 'Ghct
Pudcc, Inlet s.@ou@@d bo cpe--ed --'n proccss. For '@-oo ziany
years this prc,,-Ject has been @.]@@yed wi@@-h e.@pc.-ise -'@-C,
the -Uaxpaycr, because the joo has never becn done
is lil-e any-uhip.,@, that is dono ir@ z, haph@zard, piecei,.cal
ma@ier, the u7-.timate cost is aaways more.
If this proloc-'@ is compl.eted, you a--e Coing to see t'---a-U t@@,
city will have a tromendous@@y valuable asse-@, not on'@@,r
fis'ning, bz,.t by increasinc land vz,,lues and th6, iia'-ui2oduel.--7-o-I
of OtLer commercial i-nterests. The next S-.ep would iDe @@----a-U
the Coxps of A-r---y Enb-@-r-eers i,;ou-'-d take over,-Uhe projec-U --r-d
maintai.u it at no cost to the c@@@@y as it did in Ly @aver-.
Gentlemen, we have not come to ta-,k about poli-'L-Iic,s. Poli@@-ics
be damned. We do not c@,rc, onc,@ wliit abou',- tha-U. Th-*@z; is,
and should be, a bi-partisan Drobleia, since -'@-us efl-ec-Us -Uouch
every sin-.1e person in this city.
In surmary, specifications should be completed by -@he C@@@u-y
Manager posl@ haste for commercial dredginr.,. m-he specificat@-c.-,s
should include the quantity c-@ sa--d needed immedia@@-ely to
protect tlie real estate, as well as what add-',-tional sard 2,-s
required tc meet the desigred berm no later tha-- Hay o-L @U-h4Z
A determination z;hould be made in less @@han thirty days to
ascertain whether t-he ci--y dr(-,d@.@e can v;ork in -Uhe sardtraD,
and if it caia su@-f ic i-en pu@_) er-ou,@h SLI,., @,, wi@@h-'-Ii
limit. Ti:iio o@- oszcn,--c-,, no,-, Oli@y "uo
esta-Lle, bu-@ aa@o to a-.sur@ a Good for
season @@nd '.-c) avoid b@-,@- pub@-ici,,',-y wi@u-@i i-@@
ef@-ects fcr -U-he next -cv(,i-al y@a2s.
These plaris shouia irclude developirg -Uhe desig2acd
ca-uion of Rudee a,,.d -k-lhat F-and p@l.accci on the b ac@-.
Fund -Uhe pr&,@ect adequa@L-le--,y.
The city shou@Ld ins-@ituto a program immedia@@-ely @@@o
itself i-.qforn@ed of t'-.c., prc,L;ress of the bcach 0.,1
a monthl@y bas',,-. Long plar@ for the future roa--,4-sh-
ment of the beach shou@@d be accelera-'U-ed incorporat2@r-,-,
every approach.. This stu-ly can ro loiger be to
be @@reated rionchalantly. 'vle should 2aot have -Uo facc- -@@hcse
problems oni-y when an eLie,,.@,.-ency exists. Let's @-,The--c
we are goin@. every momenl.- and provide for the unusual.
Jennijigs, 1)1,0@si(Icnt of tlle Virgil,ii, Beacl) Ji ...... introdticc.,@
13ob Warrcii appeared I)efOI70 City CoUnCil to pro,;Cllt "A Stirvey of
Interest In Night City Cotincil PIectings iii 13c.,Ich" (@l copy kl@
is oil file iii tlio, Officc Of tile (:itv (@lc@l'],) @l'liicli l@zis T)rep@ti-ed b,,, tll('
Beacli Jiycees . @ir. Wzi-ri-cil iii(licLite,(l th@it @t, @j res@ilt, of tlle study, t
Jaycecs are convinced tlizit nigf)t@ City Coiiiicil iiieetinis oii soilie b@isis
desired by the citizens ()f otir C:ity, til(@y rocomliiel)d tli@it ii@
Cotijicil riiec,.tings be iiistitiited oi) a trail for L I)criod of @it
six ijionths.
rs. Vivian flitchcock @ind Nlrs. Kitty Iludgiii,-, al)peai-ocl iii support of iii
-ICOlilniolidation of tlie Javcees tli,,it night (lit)T Coiiiicil )ncetin@'s oil soj,,i,, is
be iiistituted for a six-iiiojitli trial. bisis.
City Council iiidicated that it would revic,,w tl)o survey prepared by t)i(,
and give careful consider,,Ition to their rocc)iiiiiiendation for niglit liteeti;,
ITJ-@@l P A?,4r
On niotion by Councilman Forrell, seconded I)y CounciliTlaii Dusch, and 13@@ i'@%(
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilinen Robert @l. Callis, Jr., Rob-rt B. Croniwell, Jr., Fraiii,
Duscii, F. Reid Ervin, George R. T@c,,ri'ell, D. @@lurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis i'@@
Vice @layor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd 1.@. ll,atei@fi-,ld, Jr., and @layor Donzili
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Clarence A. liolland,
('4ty Council reappointed i@irs. l@obert B. @iiid i-Ir. F,. Bruce MCGLlit,
@ Virgii-iia Beacli @4ejital. Ilcaltli zind @llent@il ]@(@t,@irdation Service Bo,,irct
rce (3) ycar terin be-,ijinijig Tanuziry 1, 197@'.
by Couric i.I iii an @llII) oII, SC COII(IC',d b), (Ic ii iici ImLin V@@iterl-io. I dand by
-@ed vote as fol.lows:
Ayes: Coiijicilnien ]Zobert Ii. C-,illis , Jr. , lzol)crt B. Crofi@@ell , Jr. , ]@rink A.
Dti,;ch, F. IZeid 17rviii, Geor l,(@ l". II, 1). @laII) o ii, '. Ciil-tis Pa @,no ,
Vi. ce M@iyoi, Y@ ar l NI. Tebault , l@'joyd 1: . I,;,Iterf iel (I Jr., @i ii d @lavor I)ol),Lld 11.
Nays: None
)sent: Couiicil.maii Clarence A. liol.lzirld.
City Coujicil appointed Mr. Ptissell PLicl,-,; qnd Flbeyt Cox to tlic Sotitli-
easterii Virginia Areawide Nloclel I)Yogi@@il@l
ITE@4 9 424P @ a)
Application of Stoplion Yec atid Pic(,,ualt, V. i,rcr-,cc,, Jr., by Tolson and Associ@ites,
for a Chanqe of 7oninq frc,ii @)istric@@- to @c-ii-.ral Etisiii(iss District
(8-2) -o'n- -c@@o-r- ,ain-p-r-op-erty locat.ed at til(' coriirlr of @.!itistoii SalLi@@i
and Pacific Pveiiue, runniii.,ri a distance of @,'.07 fc.@t alop.('., tlic sidc@ of Pacific
Avenue, running a di,ltincc of ?l@', f(,c:t r,ior@, or lcss aloti(i th-. sidn of @4inston
Salem il,V(,iiuc, atid ru?inin@. a (1-is'caric(-' of 17@) fc@et cile,@i(i t@i(,. So,,iL!-.crii rropc,.rtv
Said parccl is triangular in @Iiiape.
Ttie Plaiining Corriission de@,ii(il ().@ '-,Iiis a,lplication is t[ic, requ,-,stcd
use would iiot be coi-,Pa-Lible v.-i-@@i tlio d(.!v@1(in@l-,t!;it for thc
on motiqn by Councilinan Calli.s, secoiided by Couiicilman Duscli, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Aycs: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Fraiik A.
Diisch, F. Reid Ervin, Georgo R. Ferrell, D. ',Itii-ray @talbon, J. CuTtis Payne,
icc Mayor Larl M. 1'ebault, 1-@loy(I E. IVatc@i,f ield , Jr. , and @layor I)on,,Ild 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Clarcnce A. Hollajid.
City Council denied the above applicatioia of Stephen Yee and Pasquale V.
Arcece, Jr. , for a ChaiiVe of Zonin@, froin @lotel -liotel I)istrict to General
Business Distri.ct ( -@2) o-n c-er-taiii@pi-ol)ert), located at the Southwest corner
of Winston Salent Aveiiue iind ilacific Avcntic, (Rudee Inlet Area) Virgiiiia
Beacli Borougli.
I'FE@l l@ 42AP (b)
Mr. Grover Wright appeared oii bolialf of tlio apl)licints Steplien Yee and
Pasqtiale V. Arcoce, Jr.
Oji iiiotioji by Cotincilman Callis, seconded bv Councilmall Nlilbon, and by recordod
vote as follows:
Aycs: Counci.Imen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rohert B, Cromivoll, Jr., Frank A.
I)tisch, l@. I'loid l@rviii, Gcorge IZ. I , 1). l@lurl-,iy @lfalboji, J. Curti.s Payric,
Ilicc P-layor Earl M. I'cb@iult, I:loyd l@. l@@it(,Yfield, Jr. , and @layor Don@ild 11.
liode,; .
iN,i y,,; :Noiie
Absent: Coujiciliii@in Clai-cnce A. lic)ll,,iji(l.
City Co@incil @l@,,reed to i,ecoiisider tlie @ibo\7c @il)l)lic@itic)n of Steplien Yec @ilid
1)@i,;(Itialc V. Arcece, Jr. Cor zi oi-
,:i on I)y (ouici.iiii,,in (:aII i-s , secoi)deci 1)) CDU II C i ITTIIii @l@,11L)c) ii, and I)y l@eco
,c as follc)ws:
Ayes: Cou iicil pie ii Rol)el, t 11 is, Jr I'(1l,or t 13. Jr l@ran l-, A.
I)uscll, F. l@ei(I Erviii, G(,oi,ge ]Z. ]@el' rell, ],i. Ifurr@i@, @l@tlhoji, T. Curtis Ilzi@7ii
V.ice Mayor Earl M. Tol)@itilt, ]@loyd 1". IV,'Itcl.lield, Jr., Iild Pl@iyor Doii@ild @l.
l@lioclc,,s .
N@iy,,;: None
Absent: Councilmaii Clai-ei)ce A. liol,l@iiid.
Ci.ty Coujicil referred I)ac@ to tlie Planiiiii@ ('Ioiiiirtis.,;ion tlie above applic@it,'@oli
-teplion Yee an(I Ilasqu@ile V. Arc(,ce Jr. I-or a Chiiip,(2 of Zoiiil,9 froni Nlotc,,L ]l-'
listrict to Gencra.1 13Li,;i]ICSS I)iStl-l@@Ct (B-2) Oil c@lf@llil Prcpcrtv locLtecl at
@otitliwest col,lic@r of Wiiistoii Avejiuc ,iii,i 1'.,tc@ific Avcjiue, (kudoo inlet
Vii-ginia Bca(-Ii Borougli.
I'I'E,',f # 4250
Application of Poir@I)rok(,. 'rleadov.,s Associites for @J Chancil of Zoninq from Limited
--I-27C--G 2) on certaiti
Coniniercial [)istrict 2 (C-L 2) to ceneral Ccjr@@ I Distric
property located at t@ie @@ortlieist cortior of DoL,Ievard Extended and
Witcliduck Road, rurining a distancc,, of 150 fc-t i@,@orc, ot- less along the East side
of Witcliducl, Rood, running a distance. of 307 f,@@-,t niore or less alonq tiie @@orth
side of Peiiit)ro@,e Boulevii,d lrxteiici,,2d, i-unilir,@ @, (]is-L-ance of 200 feet riore ol- less
along tlie Eastern prope@-ty line aiid I'Linilirq Ii i"istance of 22@o fee-L [nor(- or less
alotig th,. ':oi-thern propc-y,ty lirae. (Peiiibi,ol,,e @;@-,@do@,,,s Area). BAYSID@L BORO'-IGH.
The Planning Commission recor@iiends appi,oval o-@' this reqt@est provide-d the
applicant melt @,iith varic-us dppart'iell-us c,.f 'Li@c @uitv to dl-teri@iine ti@,e final
aligniiient of P(-,,Pibroke Boulevard. ADproval is @u!)j(@ct to City @-later
and sewer requestcd by tlic,. [i-alth Depa-trien'l- a dedicatioii of a '10-foot
right of @,iay along tiic- fi-onta(ie on @,litcii(iluci@@ is re(l,,ic@st,@d by tlie- Peal
Estate Division. Enqinecring Division reqties'L.,, standa@,d roadsidc,, irnt)i-ovements
along @litciic,@'uck Road.
jaines Pickroll appoared on beh@il,f ol- tlic applicant requesting deferr@il.
-,i motion by Councilman Cromwell, secoiide(i IN, Coilncilman @Ialbon, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen ]Zot)ert 11. Callis, Jr., l@ol@c,rt 13. Croinwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Geor,,c, R. l@ei-rell, 1). @,lurr@iy Mall)on, J. Curtis Pa),ne,
Vice Mayor Earl @,l. Toba.it, aiid Floyd E. IV@it(,rfield, Jr.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Councilman Clarc,,nce A. liollaiid.
Abstain: Mayor Donald 11. IZ]Iodos.
City Council deforre(I tintil the secoiid kloii(l@i '@T in April (April 10, 1972) tlle
above application of Pollil)roke Meadoivs Associ,,itcs for a @ Z nin,
Limited Coinm(-,rciil District 2 (C-1, 2) to'(@ciicral Colliliicrcial District 2 (C-(;
oii certaiii property locit(,@l @it tlic Noi-tlic,,@is, coriier of ileinbroke Boulevard
l@xteiicled zin(I WitclidLick I)lc),,td, (Periibroke Area) l@@ivside Borougli.
of Ci@,Y Of Vii of Plal,'@it@, for -C,
of U,(@ 0,1
cert,2i!i @-,rol)ert'i oi'l t;., l@@, t'i'l Lil@ "'St !),l rol(
Liti l@orn Lay, .@',-.-ck @,,Id
infor-i,;@tion aro. i @i
Th(, Pla!iriiiin
Pl@iii as ar(,a
1.4est ol '@,uth irc'@@
@ol i@ :l S,,),, T)ai -1 @"ay !l,,
of l,"'@,y @,;@ S!10'@:i @is Llia@i to I?
uiiits poi, ac:rp, as oiic@in@illy pi,c,,.:
I)avid l@aulknor ztl)l)czirocl oii lic!lialf o@ tiic llliiiii@ing I)el)@Lrtm nt to Tiresent
@c,, above al)plicatic)n for aii c)l tlic@ Ltii(i lise I)cvelopmcnt Plan kiiown
as the Be@icli Borougli I)evelol)i,,i(@iit Plail.
Commander Ilaulson, NAS C)ccan,,l, il)poarc@l iii o[)position to thc,, above al)T)Iication
as @ireas "B", and "C", desigii@iteci oi) tl)c iii@il) @ire iii "Noise zojie 'rhree l@.
On inotion I)y Counciliii@iii M@ilb,)ji, secondcJ I)v (7ottiiciliiian Callis, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiici-Imen Robert 14. C@illis, Jr., Robcrt B. Croinwell, Jr., 1-@rank A.
Dusch, F. IZoid Ervi.n, Goorgo l@. l@errell, 1). @lui-ray Malbon, J. Curtis Pa),ne,
Vice Mayoi- Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. tVatei@fi,21d, Jr., and Mayor Donald il.
Nays: Nono
Abseiit: Councilman Clarence A. Ilolland.
City Council approved tlie 2bovo, application of tlie City of Virginia Beach,
Dol)@ti-tmeiit of Planniiip for an upd.,ite of tlie L,@ind Use Developn)ent Plail known
as the Beach Borougli I)evelopnici)t (Virginia Beacli and I.ynnhaven Boroughs),
with tlie exception tliat tlic area I'llest of Sotitli Birdneck Roa(l and Scutli of the
NT-,fol.k qjid Soilthorn R@li]W,'IY Izi@'I)t of tvav hc, ,I)ox@n 9,; I to 6 dwel.ling unit.,;
r acre ratlier than 6 to ]@2 (1k@olling linits I)or acre as originally presented.
Ar,plication of Virc!inia Strand, li)c., fcr l '!,;O. Pc@rr,,it to constrtict 25 additie)nal
I-,Iot('l U!Iits, totalir,@ 177 units o@-i cortciii !,,r@@tertv i()cate(i on tile East sid of
r@tl@iiitic f-,vc,.nue -)7t!i ind -11@,r,(@t, a of r,,,)
feet alc@ng ttit, list si,,L ()f l."'@intic P@@vcrl@to., ci (li@tanc(, of IF)O fec@u alona
the ':oi@th side of 1,7tli r,,iri,,iin(i f(@(,,t Ilo,i(i t[i(,. Eis+r,rn
propc,rty litie ar,,(i ruiinir,(l a clistarce of Ill."' f,ct Ilorg th(, !!ortlif@rn I)ropcr+y lire.
The Planning Coi;imission. (!f tlii, @@IlPliC,4tifn SL!hip-Ct tn F:f)@
perceiit off-strcet nirl,ina Cilly k,@,,tk@r by t@e l@(,alth
@i r.,vi,,tl of ll',(@ @il(' @)lall of Ill coi-@strL@tir)n is
re.quirc-,i @-@y tt@e c,f Pl,-,t)ninl Sc.@rvico-S.
Jolin IV. i),inieIs , ]ll-esi@l elit of Vi rpiiii @i cl, liic al)l)o@ii-ed )ii I)CIIL If
-lie al@plicant.
,)ii iiiotioii b), Colinciiiiiin Callis, seconded 1)), Councilnian Duscli, and by -etordeci
vote as follows:
Aycs: Couii(-ilnien Roliert Ii. C@illis, B. Cropil@ell, Jr., Fflilk A.
I)tiscli, George IZ. Ferre.11, 1). @-lui,r,,Iy @lalboii, J. Ciii-tiF, I'@l@,nc,, Vice @layor Earl
@l. 'I'cbault, Floyd E. tvalerficld, Jr., aii(I @,I;,\Ior I)ol)Z[ld 11. lzliode,
Nziys: Noiie
AI)sciit: CoLincilman Clareiice A. flollatid.
AI)stain: Councilman 17. l@eid Frviii.
ity Council. approved @.lic abovc, al)pl.icatioii oE Virginia Strind, Inc., for a
IlerITtit tO COnstrtict 25 additioi)@il niotc-,l Lini.ts, totaling 177 units oli cer-
1-1-p-rol)-e2,ty located or) tlic l@a.,,t side of @,11@ititic Avciiuc , Virginia Bo,,Icll
P,OrOLlgll, Stli@)jeCt to 80 poi@celit ol@f@-strcet 1)@ii,kin,, iiiid City ivtter and selq(-@r
zis re(Itiired I)y the ficiltil I)epzti'ti,,iciit, and @i i-evie'w of the site T)Iaii of all
new constructioii as reqtiirod by tlie Dcpai'tiii(,iit of Plai)niiig and ComTlitiiiitv
ITEM # 42,@
Application of Cri,,cn Fltin I!om(,s lssociation for l I'se P(,rriit to op(@rate a prr@-
kin(](-rnar@tc,.n school on c,2rtaiti t,rc.,r@r:.rty lec,,t;@,! on c@ @iest sie.(, of r@re.@t) r,@,ydc@n
Circl(, iri tiit,- (,f (r(,c;i @.ur,. 1-c,iill(,r lcc(itcl in t@i@; nnrili@.1,@l
portion of Parcel i@ con@@@tininri 2.t, zcr@ of@ (@re,,n i@un Platired L:'nit
c!ateci 2G '.Icvc-r@.iber (r,,reen !'tin Area). P"I@ICESS A!!!tr- BOROUC-!I.
Thc@ Planninq Cot-jis@,ion rccor-r:Tr,.c!s i'rnrov,.il ol- t')i-, I'se P('@niit to. the
approv@il of tlic, P-oard rf L@)irecLor of ti@(' P,,un Pt,!n(,rs t@s,,,,cciaticn. It
t@,IS StiPLIl@,led ttiat- ttic @!s(,, [Ic-ri@@it kould 1,@@ i@l, eff@ct fc)r a perice of one yf,,,Iv-
Ben Walkley, Secretirv for Gi,ceii Run Iloiii(@s Association, appoared o'@i
half of the applicant.
Cominajider Plailip Evaiis, Director of Green lzttji Homes Association, appeared
on I)clialf of the applicaiit.
On niotion by Coiincilmaii Payne, seconded b), (@ouiicilman Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Counciliiien Robert It. Callis, Jr., Rol,ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. IZeid Ervin, Geoi-go R. l@orroll, 1). @itirray @talt)on, J. Curtis Payne,
Vico @layor Earl @l. Tebault, l@loyd F,. Watc,,ri-@(.,ld, Jr. , and Mayor Donald It.
Nays: None
Absojit: Couiicilman Clar(,nce A. flolland,
City Council approved tlie, @il)ove applicatioii of Creeii Riiii Iloines Association
for a tjse llerliii,t to ol)cr@ite a prokiiiderg@ll't('Il scliool on cert@iin prol)ert)'
locatel@oii th(,, @Vest side of G,,irdcii (@lijclc in tlie Cltibliouse of Creeii
Ruji Recroation Ceiiter, ((@rceii l@iiii Arezi) , T'i- iiccs-c; Annc Borotigli, stibjcct to
tlic approv,,il of the Boar(I oi- Dirc,ctoi,s ol- tlt(, Green lztin [Jomc Owiiers
Associ,,ttion; jiid it i,,as -,tiptil"it('d til(@ tjs(,, llcrj,,iit ivoti](I 1)c iii effect
for a I)criod of ono yoar fi-oiii Sei)lciitl,oi-, 11) 2.
,,f Jose,,@h B(,P,@Nit ;r r
i <ind ted f ac i i L es to ti: 1 a r@@t t@ slicp, s@c
z,,r,@j siiiiilii- ictiviti,-@s C,!-, i,-,@ at a ti,)ipt 104@ fcc%t !;@orfl.
I(,,ss cif :,(-;acl o-11 f rvlir(! , ri
distaiice o,@ 3@28 fc@ '@ ,,orc, or -.ilono. tl
a distance ol@ f(,-(,.t or Ic.,@@ prc)r,@@r'ty lir@p.,
distance of 39@@ fct i"@,c c)r l(@s,; @tlo-iti t@(@
a distl@icc@ ol@ 1,@ern 'Ly
t@30 feet is tli(-, @!cst si@ rf
cf ttic Virnipii F.
c i, @ci PC,.-( r of (,,nd cc@iittirs acre,-s.
Plats %.iitli-i-,,or,! irifori@iitioi) l,rc, ov; i i@,, th(, oific(,. of ti@(@ "@cT)@irt-
rient of City I'lan@iiiio. /kr(-,a rr@i,'CFSS
TI@(,, Planiiin,.i Cc@ll,
C,7(, 0 pplir.,ition sut)jcct to tlic,
'I'Tqet,@e's i!,!,,roval f1 !, i @ ,,
.I,;!)Iicant tvii,.c; into @-ity %@iat(-,r E,,ri(I availat'le.
Additi(,nall i@@ct to i cf rin@,t of
ii@@rc,,vil is f@irti;cr-
;,@ciy 40 f(ict frc-..Ti t!i@ lirc (@f t!@!@ ri @I)i: of @,-ay ilotn t!@(-@
430-1@oot or lcss il,f ii!l@@rie (@r,. r,!
by tito F,,e,)l @I)iv@@'i 1- .Til@, Ellciij:@,erir,(i ili,v-i,,,i,,n sit(,. i)lar.
requit@e;iicnt@, ,ri(,, t,,..,o @@l(:(-,ana I'nulovard,
as a sirql(. c),)tr(@rce. aii fc;r
tliis parcel of 104, acr,-s. i,, zll,;o lio tl,,@, al(,,no,
Pc,til(,vard to it@clijlc,. C arici @tol'i ii t'ic,
rigiit of %.iay of Ti@,,@ @ late Foo,t
iit r(,,s cc@,,,r)l ti@
ind t@,e. Cr fiC ()f 1 (-Grs,,Ii,vi, :,,L )n 3r
@'i '@:lTrcuq!) tiic, n,,Irro,?,,
pc,rticti of ti@is a ,:.r as it rcT,(,ivcs
rLit),Off V@ater fro,-i t@,i@ This si,mtl,t L)c,, 'Fctt
resti,(),,)t,,s liartio.Ily ir, i*,.
Mr. Patrick Staiidi,iig appeared on belialf of tlle applicalit.
on niotion by Councilman Payne, secondecl l@y (:ouncilman Waterfield, alid by
recorded vote as follows:
@es: Councilmen Robert H. C@illis, Jr., llol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
@isch, F. Reid Ervin, Geoi-gc R. l@errell, D. @ltirray Malbon, J. Curti,; Pa),ne,
Vice @layor Earl M. 'Febault, Floyd E. Watcrfiold, Jr., and @layor I)onald H.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Clarcnce A. Ilollaild.
City Cotincil approved the al)ove application of Joseph A. Bement and Assigns
for a Use Ilermit for IZecreation Pirk @ind related@facilitic, to include a
petting fa-iiii,-siiack shop, craft sl)op-,;, aiid sijnilar acti.vities on certain
property beginning at @i poiiit 1945 fect iiiorc or less Nort]) of Dam Neck Road
on the @@cst side of Occana Boulev@ird, (Red @Viiig Pi.rk Area) Ilrincess Anne
Borougla, subject to tlic apl)licant tylilo. into City water @iiid sewer lines
when tlicy become av@iilablc@. Approv@ll is fui-tlicr subject to a d(,dicition
of riglit of way 40 feet fi-oiii the ceiiter lit,.c of tlie existing SO-foot riglit
of iq@iy alon- tlio 430-foot flioro oi- less Fi-oi@l apo oii Ocozina IIC)Lllovard (I.@,-foot
dedicatiori) as rccltiesteci @t)N, tlic Poal L@@st@itc I)ivision. Approval is stlbject
to stiiidard site plan rc(itiir(,iliciit!; aiicl t@@() -)O-foot wide ciitrances along
Occaiia liotilevard (as a ;ijiglo eiiti-@iiicc ])i,c)@ idcf, -iii exti@eiiiely limitcd in-ress-
cpi,oss iv@iilability foi- tliis I)aj@cc-@l of 104 ;tcres) ,as recluestod by the
F'iigiiiccring I)Ivi-@ion. Al)l)rox,,,tl is -ilso stil,,icct to tlie iiiil)rovcnient-,; @llong
()cc,,iiizi l@ot]lcvi3-d wliicli iiiclii,le C, @tii(I ,;toriii clr@lin iii @iccol,clance
itli tlic 1)roposed i@ilit ol- C)I- 80 Icc@t @@l@pl.c)k'21 is ,;Ul)joct to conil)liaiice
itli St@it(, 1-ood 1,@iiq as requc@@@e@t tll(, 11(@;l Itli i)ct)Zl.rti@iciit ,iiici as @iii @irea
.,I)roiigli tlic n,,iri,ow 1)ortioi) ol tlii-,; I)i,ot)ci' oi- floo(i
1)] @l i 11 l s i t re co, i ves r@tilo i@ t- @@@ite l' f roill til i ti-zict @ilicl t@lic l@ind @ipprov@il
,l s sill) ject to tlli s clr@l i I)cill,, ol)c,ii iii(I Tio btli I (Ii n(, periiii ttc(l in it
'IS I'Ctltlo,;tecl I)Y tllo
off i ce, o f s(i i I (:ojlsc 1 \7;] ti c,]) (tile .;i te 1)] 'Ill SI)o@vs @j Sli@ick
Sliol) @ilici i-estroolll.,) :1 I I@r ii) l@1) i s ;11.(,il @iilcl "i i-(@@d @iii(i i-@i i li-o@ill i-ttnniiip,
nf froi,. @Esi,!rncc
(7,a ti ()n o Fl I I 5, f c,n c(,rtlil-, T)rc@-
lli,;t),ict 4 to Li i',(cl,
loca-(.(@'; zit of y arld
a n(I a
'et E' lo, rd, ruTitii,@)n
'i.ist@!ic(,. of @7.1"i' -f(, r,@st C)f !@(,@tlcva
lin@ ai,.,! a (@'i@,tir).ce
(lisilnce of @l@).
()f llo.,4r, fc@@'i: z@lcrir, t@,@. c,,i,! i,rnr:@,rty i!, @,.no@qn as
Lc)ts 12 anci 2, F@loc@, 1 , '@,, @f Day Si.,@r(:s lr,(! 11,77C SQ,Llare fect r@ore
or 1(,Ss. (Ti oroti(iligoo,,,i El
of t:@is sul).iect to a
d(-@li(,a,tic,n of riiii-@t of f@.et fr(,,:@ tli(@ (-f!t)t,,,r of tl,c cxistin(,, rio@it
cf alonq @i@(, i-;,Ire or L@rr--, (a v@ria@Ir
d(,,iicatic)ri), 17 r)ivi.Sior,. T@,@
li')7.n,,-fc)C',t froritic,,e nn
Tlie 1',@altit D(@,iiart i(@tit
J. Nt. liansoii appeared on t)ellalf of t)ic applic@int.
@Ir. Garl@tjid Laytoii al)pear(@d on bc,,Iiql.f of ti-,e Gracetown Civic League in
opposition to the al)ove al)plic@ition.
On iiiotioii by Council.inan Ci-omivell, secoiided i)y CoLincilnian @falbon, ajid by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. C@illi.s, Jr., R(,bort B. Cromwell, Jr., FranR A.
Dusch, F. Reid Erviii, Gcorge R. Ferrell, D. @lurra), @,talbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl @,l. Tebault, 1-@loyd E. Watcrjicld, Jr., and @layor DonEild H.
Nays: Nono
@I)sejit: Councilman Clarencc A. llolland.
City Couiicil deferred for sixty (60) da)@s tlie above application of W. E. Ellis
for a Cha from Rosidence Stit)@i-rban District 4 (R-S 4) to l,imited
Commercial Distr ct (C-L 3) oii certain property located at the Southeast
coi,iier of Siiiokey Laiie ,ind Indopoiidencc l@oulovard, (Thorougligood Area) Baysi-de
Apnlicatiori of Around @@)e Clock @z@r(@
I t for a @lqc, Pcri,iit to a
ntirsery (c!@iv car,! c,ii c@,rt:@i!i 1@ t 1
r,@or(, or I(,ss ll(,st of i@, @id ('istinc(, 01 II',' f"C@t zilc
@lortii side of Virnini,.t F,, of l@.0 1,@,t ilnr@n
t@ie '@.'(,st(,rn p)-op,-,rt 'v II L- f('@:t 'I t@,('
property lii,,@ @iml rutitiil,@i (,,f l@o fi ti:,@ litlf,.
Sai(i rrot)orty coiit;.iins s(,,L.,?r(, f-'cct. i@rca). r@'kY@l" F
Thc Planninq Cor,-fiissic)n t@; is arr)l i,, @,ticti @e deiiii-,d.
,)ii motion by Counci I it[an Ci,oiiii@el I , sec oitdc(i )), Couilciiiiiall l@'errel I , and by
recordod vote as follows:
Ayes :Councilmen Rol)ert ii . (iall i s , Jr , Rol@eT't B . Cropi,,@el I , Jr . , Frank A .
Dusch I F. Reid Erviii , George IZ . 1-@errel I , 1) . @,litri'ay \Ial I)oii , J . Curti -s Payne
Vi ce @ia)@or Earl NI. l' bault , f@l oyd E . tvatorf i cl d , Jr ajid @layor I)onald Ii
Rliodes .
Nays: None
AI)sent: Councilman Clarence A. liollaild.
City Council denied the above application of Around the Clock Day (:are Ceiiter
for a Use Permit to oper@ite a nursery (dav care centei-) on certain property
beginning at a point 1000 fcot more or less West of Witchduck Road,,(Cliinese
Corner Area) Bayside Borough.
ITE@l # 42,7
Application of llcnald by (i.,@,n P. Pic"@tt, P@@tc@rri('v, ff,,r a t;@e P@ri,@it to
ope.rat.e an autcriobilc@ ret)air stic)o. iri @!it;i an (@xisi,in,(l nasolii@
supply station ani car on cortiin !@r(ircrtv oil tll@@ I..@ect fie(, of
Indc,.Pci-,dence Ec@t@l(varri It a 1)(@il';t I-,-.@3 f(,ct '!(,,rtl@ of Ttilin P,,ivc-.,
rui@ti-i!i(i t dist@irce of 2",-@, fr.(,t riorc, cr less t:ii(, I:es'u sido, of
P.(@ulc;v,ird, rtinnii,n a disl:ai,r:f@ of 14@ fe.@-It ti@@ nrro,@,rty
rur,.nii,,n a distptile of "'O@@@ along tl,k, @,'@st-rn I)ror(@rt.y liti@ ari(i riinniii(7 a
disi:atlce of 123 fect iloriq tli(@ Southorn prc,-,%r@y li@)o. Par@,, T,,rc,2).
Th.e Pliniiin(I Ct) iil)ission rc.,coi@i-i(-)ri(ls e.@niil (if tliis ?TIilication (,v@ino to t@ic
opnositiori froi,i a(liiceiit vr,ic(,.d at t@ic@ Plannirq
Cc.r.-,i@iission rLItliC i!e@iriti(i.
@Ir. H. Calvin Spain appeared oji I)ellalf of tj@(! applicant.
.Nli-. W. Ansell appeared oji beh@ilf of @ir. @lici@ziel Cole and @Ir. B,,Ce Taylor,
ill OI)positi.oii to tlie abo@,e Ipl)l.ication.
Oji iiiotion by Counciiiiian I-errell, secon(le(I 1)) Couiicilinan @Ialbon, and I)y
recorded vote as follows:
Aye,.,; Colincilmen Robcrt ii. C@illis, jr. , I-r,,ii)k A. I)uscll, I,-. Reid l-rvin,
(',('Ol'gc IZ. Forrcil , D. @ltiri@@iy ,in I o
I @ ", -J. CLII-T is 1',,lyiie,, Vice Mayor Earl M.
l@loyd E. Waterricid, ]r. , aii(i i\la),oi Doiizild H. ]Zhodes.
Nzi),s Nojie
S(,Ilt Cotincilflian Cizirc,,iice A. Ifollan(l.
s t zi i ii Couiic i Iiiiaii I'lob c i,t@ 11 . Ci@oin;@c I I J i,
C i l@y ('o tll)C i I (i c f c rred Li ii t@ i I A]) i- i I 1 7 , 11) 7'-? , t Ii(' @il) ov 0 @ipp I i ci t i on o f Do-,ia Id
]',e i 0 Co r ;,i ti,; e ile riii i t to ol)c, 1,@i te @ill @ill I oill')!) i I c 11 01) i n coii j tin c t i oii
@i.,; o I c, ti I)i) I N' s t @l t i oil @l 11 (I c @l l' j,@l ,;II 011 C 0 i-t a i 11 I)roi@e rty
I O(- @l I c(] o ii t ii 0, l@e-1; t (I o d(, ii ]'loll I c x@@) i-,]
of Vrlvo of Li-i
t@isti-Ilct 2 ('-I, ") to 2) @,izl a s p,)I-T 4
fc)r atitciliot)il@. falot at@'! @,@i-vicr, (i@i v t)(. i i @ (i a t a 7
f c,,,, t i -,) t,(,. o r 1 e s s @@,p s t i ", -, I c,, c! i @i l i @t, i c f! o f4f-(@
tltc @l,-)rLi Sic@- C,@ i i 1 i i r@innitir, C)f
f(',C-t ilonr! tlic. @@l;istern ffc,,t t;
rro,@i@ty lirc fE-(,,t
l@e Planning Coilr@i.@sint, rf liiis.,apolicz!li(',n sti@.Ic-ct t@
ri,tr,ntioii of t@l:e @xistir,r, ti-(:e lip(, (,F@ i(,I, tpundarv of the
as @i "@uffer f(;r t!i, li@1%,,-n stl!'j@7,t t,@
O(,ciical@ion cf ri(,!@t of I,C!,, ft@(@t 171@(11,1 til(-, i!.@(r lir@.@ of t!,f,) f-@yisti@ic.
V,ig@I'L Of %@,a@, t@l(' (,,r lr)s@., o@i '(Ilc. !!,-,iven l@v,iv(.
quit,@-,,] ')v ti@c@ rstit( ic,T, rc(@uires @t, e;,i
sit(, I)Ian t!@,, ii ti(,, of
ao.,i,@CL'ilt to I tc@ @,r@@vi(! frl,c:t (@f Lo
cur'L., gutter ii@! f,,,rrr, @t ti@t, ed,f!,
all rciviiig znd 1)ai,l,ing T@ie
12.@ feet froni tl)Q pro,,l(,;,tv liri@ wi(!I!l q f c c, t
i!:@,,)revo.d @.,ith a st,)ridar(i T Sit(-' 1-111@,T).
!7, Li
,ii,lirc)v,il t, ati r) -i altli
Cit,y %@;at(-'r @ind sc,,@ier.
Mr. Patrick Standing appeared on I)ehal,f of t@,o apl)licant.
@ir. Josli Dardin, President of Volvo of Tidc@,i;@ter, appearcd on behalf of
Mrs. Hilda @l. Garrett appeared beforc,, City Cc,Liricil roquesting that @tli
adequate tree line be left on the proporty iii question to serve as a t)iif
zone between lier property aild the ipplicailt I , .
On inotion by Councilman Ervin, secondcd by Cotiiicilman @Ialboji, and by
vote as follows:
Is Councilmen Robert 11 . (,allis , Jr . ]Zol)(@rt B. Croini@ell , Jr . Fr,,Illl@
,,@scli , F. IZeid Ervin , Georgo R. Ferrell 1). @ltirray Malbon, J . Curtis I)z@,
Vice Mayor Earl @l. Tobault, r@ioyd E. Waterfi(,Id, Jr., and Mayor Donil
Nays: None
Absent: Couiicilniaii Clarcnce A. Ilolland.
City Council. approved the above appli.c@ition )f Volvo of Tidewater foi- @t
Cliaiige of Zoning from Limite(i Cominorci,a] District 2 (C-1, 2) to Gener@il
@ill c@1,11 f)-@trict 2 (C-G 2) and-a Use Poriiiit for ,iutomobile sales ajli
service ori certaiii propetty I)oginiiin@,@t a-p-oiiit 700 fect more or less
IVest of Little Neck l@oad, (Grovel@ind P@ii-k Ai-,--a) l,yniihaven BorouFll,
to tlie reteiition of thc existiiag t-ree Iiiie oii the Northe@ist bounday),
p-roperty as a buffer for tlio l@ello llivcii Stil),Iivision; subjcct to a dec'[!%,.
of right of way 80 feet froiti tlio center l,iiie ol- the existing 13S-foot 1-@
of way @ilong tlie 400-foot iiiorc or les,; froiit,,ige on Virpiiiizi Beach loiil,.
,i s I I
required by tlie, Ize@Ll 1,'st,,Ite I)ivi.,ioi) , ;til)iect to st@ind@r@l site pl,il',
requireme,nts wliicii iiiclude tlic widenin@, oi- i,i@ir@,iiial access road
to Virgiiiia 13cacli Boiilcvar(I to provido 28 f-c@,t of pavepient to includ(2
gLittor and storifl drain as a@e(luested by tlic l@iigiiieci-ing I)iv@isioii;
to conci-ete curbiiig (CC-2) ,it tlie edge of @ill ,iiid I)ai,kin,, sp@,,:,,@@
,@,,])jc,ct tc) tllo c,,Iitriiice to tlic c,,isc,,iilciit, loc-aled 12.5 fect froiii t
ol)ci,ty line and 1)ro,,,,idiii@ iii @v;dtli of @O i-cet Liitd beiiic:
tli @i ;t:tjid,,ird VI)II 10-P, ('11,11,zll,,co; stil)ie(-t to pl(,Iii appi,oval li@iv;,,
auc(Iti@itc (Ir@ii.ii@igo pl@iii; Iiici Ctirtlier ,;Ill)jcc,t 10 Cit)' witer ind sewel- L(,d
I)y tlie fic@ill:h I)cpLtrtjiient.
Application of ¥~illtam Conner, ,lr., fc, r ~ i~s~ P~,rl,,it for a'sov,'ane pun;pin9
station on cert;qn property loc:~ted 1/~n f :t r(~ ' (:r less ~,'e~;~ of the inter-
section of Pro~c~sed False [a~)e Parla~ay nn?, i~dian m~v,'r %ad ~,'elrcated. ?,id
property is 75 feet t~y 75 f~c~ and locatc,~ S~ the Indian La?es Planned ,~l~
Develo~:~ent. KE~iPSVIL[.E E~,.U[7;II.
The Planning Comission rec(,;T~c'nds a~pr~val cf this application.
Mr. Patrick Standing appeared on behal] of zhe applicant.
,n motion by Councilman Ferre]], seconded by Councilman Ca]lis, and by
ecorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert [t. Call~s, Jr., P, obert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Re~d Ervin, George R. l.'errell, 1). Murray Halbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Clarence A. Holland.
City Council approved the above application of Wi]liam Conner, Jr., for a
Use Permit for a sewage pumpJng station on certain property located 1750
feet more or less West of the intersection of Proposed False Cape Parkway,
Kempsville Borough.
Application of Curtis R. Catron for a Chance nf Zonir~n frnm ~esidonce Duplex
District 1 (R-D 1) to Li~Mted Co~T~erci~l-' 4~t'r'~c~S'-*[i~ZL 3) on certain prop~rty
begim~in9 at a point 532 feet ~ore or less East of Edwin ~rive, running a distance
of lC2.9 feet along the T~erth side of t%llan~ Pcad, runninq a distance of ~ln.S
feet along the Western property line, runnln,, a distance of 12F~ f~et along the
fforthern property line and runnin~ a distance of 47~.~5 feet almm the Eastnrn
property line. Said property contains 1.3c acres. (larEspur Area). KDTSVI!LE
The Planning Cor~Mssion recomnends approval cf this anplication sub,~ect to a
dedication of right of ray 55 feet frnm the ~ent~r lied c,f the existinn 30-feet
right of ~ay alon(~ the l(~2.9-feot r.~ore or i~s fr~ntaqe on Holland Read
dedication) requested ~y tko !':eJ, 1 Esthete [~ivi~imn ate, n9 with the widenino
i~provenents on Holland Read tr, the start:lard ll~-'Foot rinht of way remueste4 by
the Engineering givision. The i~ealLh iloparl;;:nt requires City Dater and sewer.
Mr. Curtis R. Catron appeared on behalf of ~i.s own application.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Counci]man Waterfield,
recorded vote as follows:
and by
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Il. Cal]is, Jr.~ Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. blurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, .Jr., and Hayer Donald II.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Clarence A. tlolland.
;ity Council approved the above application of Curtis R. Catron for a Change
.(~Tto]~i]~l.~ from Residence Duplex District 1 (R-D 1) to LSmited Commerci~---
District 3 (C-L 3) on certain property beginning at a po:iht 532 feet more
or less East of Edwin Drive, (l,arkspur Area) Kenpsville Borough, subject to
a dedication of right of way SS feet from the center ]ine of the ex/sting
SO-Foot right of way alon~,, the ]62.g-foot more or less frontage on Itoll;~nd
Read (40-foot dedication) as requested by 1ho Rea] Estate Division along
w;ith the widening and iml, rove,tents on Ilolland Re,id to the standard 110 ~oo1
right of way as requested b~' the lm~14m~orinjz Div4slon. Approval Js Further
subject to City water :md se~,cr as toque: ted by the Itealtb liep;u't~ent.
1,1,1;\l 442'0-i
,c c r t n
@l ic,@iti (,:l of TEP@ll@, , l@ 11 i @ d , 3
locatf@@i oi'i thr -r F,
froi,,@ Sir !',rilrn "!r-ivc,,, 1,,ss ()f
P1,17@l S@ioppiii(i CO-riter :"t i'@P SV TI 1. F1
Ttic Pli@ir,.itir
a,! @ (i u ,i te s c I,:@, @ @:i i ,i (i i Ti t! i@ r;,@i i I c,
of PI,- tD City af:r@'
st@i.,(,r as t,,y ti@,,
@'ir. 'I'lioilizis IZUSS al)pearecl Oil Ot til(' Z@il I i C@Lnt .
'i motioii by Cotiiicilnizin -,;ecoiided 1)@ ico @\layol- Tebault, aild by
:!cordecl vote as I-ollows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert ii. (-,,illis, )3-. , Rol@,@i't B. Croiii@qell, Jr. , Fraiik A.
Dtiscli, l@. Reid Ei-vi.ii, Gc,,orge 11. l@errell, D. ;'Iiii-r@ty Nlali)on, J. Clirtis Pa),Ilc,
Vice @layor L-arl NI. Tel)ault, l@loyd E. iVaterf-@,,Id, Jr. , ;aici Nlayor I)oiiald Ii.
Rliodcs .
Nays: None
AbSCTIt: Councilinan Clarence A. liollaiid.
Cit), Couiicil approved tlio above application of I'FRkilP, Limited, for a Use
Ilerinit for a 3SO-seat theater on certain T)ropel-ty loc@ited on the East s@l e
f Sotltli Parl i ameiit Drivc across f roin Sir' BzLrton Drive , (kempsvi l,le PI aza-
Sliol)l)inp Cc,,nter Area) , Keml)svi I I c Borou b , f;iibj ect to acicquate screeriiiig
and buffcring wliich is to be, al)provect iii til(@ S.Ite plan review by the
I)ep,,irtji)ojit of Plaiiiiing. Apl)rovll is furtlici, -,,tibject to City water and sewer
as requested by the Ilealtli I)epirtinent.
on motion by Councilinan Ferrell, seconded 1)) Councilman Duscli, and by
,corded vote as
ikyes: Councilinen Robert H. Callis, Ji@-., Rol,ort B. Croinwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. i@turray @Ialboii, J. Curtis Paype,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, ),'Ioyd E. Waterf;eld, Jr., ancl Mayor Donald 11.
Rliodes .
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Clarence A. Holland.
City Council certified tlie iii@il) of the @Li-ont I)evolopiiient Plan as hereon
pi-esented as adoptod on Tul)r 13, 1970 )s tli(, of iial qp of the Bay Front
I)cvclopilieiit Plan of tlie City of Virgii-ii a @c,-@icli , Vi rgij)i@i .
ITE-@l 9 4261
Oii iiiotion by Councilman Ferrell, secoiidecl 1),' COUIlCiIMZLn Dusch, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayos: Counciliiieii Robort 11. C@ill i-,; , Jr. Rol)crt B. Cromwell , Jr. , Fr,,Ink A.
F. illci(i Ervi n, Georl),c,, P,. I,-orrcl I 1). litii-i,,iy Nlalboji , J. Ciirtis Payne
Vice Nlziyor Farl @l. 'I@cbz)ii I t , FIoyd h, IV@itoi-f i c I (I , Jr. , aiid @4ayor Donild Yi.
:I),s Noiie
AI)sciit Counciliiiaii Cl@irci@ce A. floll@iiid.
Cit)' Coilrici] ccl-tific(l 1-11(' I:i@ll) of til(' li@l\7-,;i(le I)ev(,lol)l,lollt I)Iaii as licreoll
,is @ICIC)I)t('(l o3i At)@@iist 9, l@)71 ;i@ ilic, 01-fici,,Il ill@tt) of tlic 11@iv,;i(IO
l'I"Ill 01- tlic (@it\' ol
ii 12(,4
On iiiotioii by Couiicilman Ferroll, secondecl b,, (louncilili@in 1)@isch, aiici by
recordod vote as follows:
Ayes: (:outicilmen Robert Ii. C@illi,s, Rol)(@rt B. Croni;.Iloll, Jr.
Diisch, 1,. Reid 1-@Irvin, Gooi-pe 1". l@errcl 1, 1). @litirr,,Iy @Ialboii, J. Curtis 1)@!@
Vi,ce @i,,iyor Earl @l. Tebault,, Floyd 11. IV.,ttei,fiel(l, Jr., qllcl @@layor I)onzil,,,
lZiiodes .
N@iys: None
,I)Sellt Councilniaii Clarei)cc A. lioll@ind.
City Cotincil certifcd tho of tlio Keinpsville I)c,@@,elopj,.ient Plan as
presentod as adoptod on ()ctol)er 26, 1 l@@T)T 1)t of-
Septeiiibor 10, 1971 as the official in@ip oi- tlie Kempsvi.ilc I)evelol)irieiit
of tho Ci.ty of Virginia Beacli, Virginiz).
ITEM It A2r,5
on motion by Councili,.ian Fcrrell, @ecoiid.ed b)@ Cotincilman I)usch, alicl by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Cotincilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr. , Roi)ert B. Cromi@,ell , Jr. , 1-@rai@]@
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Forroll , D. Murray @lall)oii, J. Ciirtis 11,@i,lic ,
Vi'ce @layoi- Earl @l. 1'ebaulti, l@loyd E. Waterlield , Jr. , and @layor Don@ilcl
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmaii Clarence A. Hollalid.
City COLI]ICi.1 Certified the iiiap of thc,, Gi,eat Nock I)evelopmont Plan LJp(lLi',,, @i-,;
hercon presented as adopted oii J@inuai,y-T@, -IT77-a.,s@t (T-6=1 iii iiiap )i tfic,
,reat Neck Developniciat Plaii tlpdatc of tho (ity of Virginia Beacil, Vir@
ITE-NI 426r
On )iiotioii by Cotincilmin Ferrell, seconded b,,, Councilman Dusch, and b),
recorded vote as folloivs:
Ayos: Council)iien IZobert 14. Callis, Jr. , fzol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr.
I)tiscli, F. ]Zeid Ervin, George 1). Ferrull , 1). Nlurray @Ialbon, T. Curtis I'@)" J,@e,,
Vicc, Mayor Farl @l. Tebault, )@loyd E. IV@iterf ield, Jr. , and Nlayor I)oji@ild @t.
1zlio(los .
N@tys: None
Absent: Councilman Cl.arellce. A. Ifolland.
City Cotilici@l cortifiecl the iii,,ip of tlie Priilc(,,ss Anne Devclopinent Plzin @i,-
licycon presented as @Ldopted oii 197-2 as tlie official-nial@-oi- c
I)rincess Aiine Developlilc,,Iit Pllil of tjlc CitN@ -)f Virgiiiia Boacli, Virglili@l.
ITE@l fl,1267
Oii motion by Counciliiian Forrcll, secoii(lcd 1)) Councilinaii Duscli, arid by
recordod vote as follows:
Ayes: Council iiien Rol)ort Ii. Cll I i s , Jr. , IZol,ei@t 13. Croiiiwel I , Jr. , Fraiil,- A.
I)tiscli, F. Reid Ervin, George ]Z. Ferrell, 1). @,lall)on, T. Cui,ti-,; I'@ivile,
Vic(, @layor E@irl @l. TobaLlIt, l@10y(I l@',. @'@'atc,i,ri(,Id, Jr., and @l.-lyor I)onald Ii.
Nays: None
[)sent: Couiicilnian Clirence A. liolland.
ity Council- certified tlie Diap oF the l,ittlc Nock-l,vniili@iven Develol)nic@nt Plan
as liereoii presented zis adoptcd oii Octo@r--!-T,@71 'i-s thc, o cial 0
Little Neck-Lynniiaven Dovelop)acnt I'lan of ii-c Ci.ty of Virpi.iiia Beacli, Virginia.
Oii motion by Councilman 1--errell, seconded bN- Counciljiian Duscli, and by
recoi,ded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien Robert H. Callis, Ji-., Pol,ort B. Croini,,ell, Jr., Frank A.
D@iscli, F. Reid Ervin, George ]Z. Ferrell, 1). @,lurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault, @'loyd E. @Vatei,field, Jr. , ajid i\ia),or Donald 11.
Nays: None
Absciit: Couiicilman Cl,arence A. llollaiid.
City Council certified tlie map of the Beacli Borougli I)evejopmcnt Plan Update
as liercon presented as @i(lopted oil Febriiai-)7 , 1972, as tlie official map of
tho Boacla Borough Developjiient lll,,iii [Jpditc,, ol tl)e City of Virginia Beach,
Vi rgi iiia.
ITE@l YA26q Li 'A
On motion by Councilmaii Ervin, seconded by (@ounci.Iman Croillwell, and by
recordcd vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci.liflon Robert 11. Callis, Jr., IZol@ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frailk A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, 1)..Niurray @Ialboii, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice @layor Earl @l. TebaLilt, I:Ioy(l F. I%Iaterf-1c,,Id, Jr., aiid @layor Donal.d 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilinan Clarence A. I-loilaiid.
Citv Council approved tlie fo.IloiNiiig Ordiiiaiik e to amend and reordain Section
403.7 of tho Iluilding Code of tlie City of Vli-ginia Beacli:
AN )T@;AT"Cl,' A f@-
('11' c] @"A' (@j@' :1
J-@y VIT,
TI,T,', IT (@'?,)ATNI-1) C Illi('Il
VIi. ('.INTA:
That Section 4("",.7 of tti() (,()Clc, is here'[)y amerldc-,d and.
reordaiiied to read. a,; @ollows:
'J.'jie ar(2a c)f a oiie-f@.tc)ry ol- ('r-oup ;'@, ilti@,ii,,ess, Gr()up F,
Storage. ol-- Groiip C, !;iC')ustriil ocetip@tiic,, nol: 1)( iriit pro,
7 Cled
the building is equ..il)r)(-,d witli apl)i-c)ved iiitoii)atic 3prii-iklers, or ottic-r
firc, protect-.i.ve systeni,, througliolit, iii iccorJance @,,lith Section '.'01
and as approved by the I)uilrJin@ ancl i@@ surrolinded. o.'l al.1
sidL,s ]3y a perr@ianent opeii spice o@@ not 1 @,54E,, tha.n (,c r-eet alid 1)(-, of
not less tlaan type IV coi-tstrticti-o@:).
T@,There in ttic opi-iiioi) of th(2 :@(),,ird )f Adjustments and Appeals,
in Croup F, Stor@qge, or Group G, Tnduptr:-*L@il- occLip@iLiici-es, an automatic
water spri-nkler syst(?ni i-7oi-ild be i.i-icoii.,si@Lciir i,,ith the use of ttic
building, it may be oinitted.
Adopted by the Council. of tt-ie Cit-,7 of Virgini,,) '.'eact-i, Virginia,
on the 28th lay of February l@72.
n,, ounci linaii Ci-oifi@@ell I secoi)(1c,,d [@y Vicc,, Mayol- 'Febault, Lilid by
-e as follows:
-OUIlcililiell ROI)ert 11. C@illis, Jl@. , B. Croiii@ycl 1, Jr. , Frank A.
F. IZeid EYvin, Geoi-,@c l@. Fei@rc,IJ. , 1. MiiT@i,@iy Ma lboji, J. Curt@is 1)@tyiic,,
Mayor Earl @l. 'febault , l@loyd E. l@ziterf icicl, Ji-. , Iii(I ttayor I)oji@ild 11.
.,Odes .
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Clarence A. liolland.
:ity Coujicil approved the following Orcliiiance to iinencl and reordlin Section
i4-63 of the City Code rel@ttilig to tlic@ @l(loption oF tlie National l@lectrical
Code, 1971 Edition, as adol)tcd by the Nat@ion@il 17ii@e Protection As,,;ociatioll:
That SS14-63 of the Code of the City of Virginia Beach, is
hereby amended and reordained to read as follows:
"The provisions of the National Electrical
Code, 1971 Edition, adopted by the Nat@@onal Fire
Protection Association for the installation of
wiring and apparatus for electrical- purposes,
are hereby adopted by reference and all electrical
construction aiid all materiol-s and appl.iances used
in connecti..on x,7ith tt-ir- installation, maintenance
and operation of electrical apparatus or equip-
ment for lifht, heat or power within the city
shall confi.rm to the rule,;, regulations and
recommendatioy)s of the Natic)na.1 I,.I.c@ctrical Code,
1971 Edition, so adopted; provided, however,
that in the event of conflict- or incon.,;istency
between the provisions of the National Electrical
Code, 1971 Edition, hereby adopted, and the pro-
visions of any other ordiiiance of the city, the
more stringent provisions shall be construed to
An emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall
be in full force and effect fro,.n t-he date of passage.
Adopted by the Council of the Citv of Virgini-a Beach, Virginia,
on the 28tli day of l@cli i-ii@l 1972.
On illotioi) I)y Co ti iicilm@in I) ti,; c Ii, sec())i(1ccl by i I iiiiiii t@o iii@@el 1, , @i ii cl I)y
recordcd %,oto as follows:
Ayes: Co tin ciliiie ii IZobor t 11. CI'Oii,,, cl 1 , Jr T@ran k A.
l@tiscii , l@ . I'@cid I:Yvin , IZ I)C) II, T . C@] 1-tis I'@iyno
Vice @l@iyor L@@arl M. 'I'cbaul t , ]@loyd l@ . 1,1@,ite i@f i (, I (I , Ji, zinl Ma),or Don al d 11
Rliode,-, .
Nays: Nojie
Absent: (:ouncilj,,iaii Clareiice A. lloll,,ind.
ty Coujici.1 approvc(i tho !-c)llowiiig Ordiiiaiic(, to anieiid and reord@tin Sectioji
!-134 oC tlie Ci@ty Code to L.I)c r)L-ol),@@hitirig or rcserving of parking:
SS22-134 OF Til,,, CODE C)p I'IIE CITY OF
That SS22-134(14) of the City Code is amended and reordained
to read as follows:
(14) "At any place where official signs prohibi.tl
reserve or restrict parking."
An emergency is declared to exist and this ordinance shall be
effective from date of passage.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on
the -28th day of Febrii,,@ , 1972.
ITEM # 4-472
On motion by Couiiciliiiaii Croinwell, seconded by (,ouncilman \Ialbon, and by
rocoTdod vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmeii Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., lzobcrt l@. Cromwell, Jr., Fralik A.
I)ti,;cli, F. IZeid @rvin, Geoi,ge iZ. Ferrell, 1). 'Itii-r@iy @lall)oll, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Nlayor l@arl @l. 'Febault, l@loyd I:. IVLiterFielcl, Ji@., ,ind @l,,iyor Doiiald [i.
N',,vs: None.
,;cnt: Cotijicilmaii Clareiicc A. floll@ijid.
City Coull(--il 11)provccl tl)C' follo@@itii,, Oi,(Iiii;ince -il)l)ointiiig Viewers relativo
to tllc clostire of ] So-foot Lijiiiiined sti,(,(@t ii, @l@iiil)tt @cctioii 12, ill
1,@,niil)@iveii ]@oi,otigli:
IN THF-MAI'TI@-l@--oF:
WHERFAS, Marvii-i Simon and Herb@@rt Cishvan, Partners trading
as S and C Co., a partnershil), have giveii d@le and prc)per noti.ce, in ac-
cordance with the provisions of Section 15.1-364 of the Code of Virginia,
1950, as amended, tliat tliey wotild on this day appl.y to the City Council
of tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virgii-tia, fc)r the appointment of viewers
to view the hereinafter descril)ed property and to report in writing to Lhe
Council whether, in the opinion of the vie\qers any, and if so what, incon-
venience would resul-t from discontinuing ti)e same, and if the said viewers
report that no inconvenience would result therefrom, your petitioners pray
that this Honorable Couiicil will adopt an ordinance directing the vacation
of tbe foll-owiiig described uinamed street, to-wit:
All that certain unnaiiic,-d street dcgtgnated "50' UNNAMED
ST." on that certain plat entitled "SUBDIVTSION OF MALIBU
made by Frank D. Tarrall, Jr. & Associates, Surveyors alid
Engineers, clated Augu.,;t, 1964, dtily recorded iii the Clerk's
Office of the CircuiL Court of thc C:ity of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, in Map Book 62, at page 15, more particularly
bounded and described with referci)cc, to said plat as follows:
To establisli a point of beginniii , begin at a point in the
northeastern line of Seagull Road, at the iiitersection of
said northeistern line of Seagtill l@,)@id and the- eastern line
of l,ot 785, as sliown oii the afor(,s.,,id plat; tllellce run i-n a
nortliwesterly direclion along szii,i iiorthoastcrn line of
Scap,,ull Roid, aloiig tlic@ arc of @i cli-ve to the left, having
a radius of 150 feet, ,in arc dist@ii@ce- of 37.08 feet to a
point, the poi.nt of beE,,innirig; Llici (-e from siid point of
begiiining, rtiniiiiag al,oiig thE- wu@;I(@ii, line c,f l,ot 785, along
tlie arc of a curvc@ to I:Iic riglit, Ii; vitip @i rid@us of 70 feet,
an arc dist:@iii(@e of 78.70 fec@t to ;i i,oii)t; tli(,iic(@ continuing
along said w,!sterii Iiic,, of Lc,t 7@"' , N. 28' 07' 00" E., L,
dist@iiie,c, of 30 fect t(, t poir!t@; til( ii(:c continiti:ig Ilong said
westeri) lin(@ c)f l,ot 7@;'i, t!,,@ @:r(@ cf i ctirvc@ to th@
left, h@iviii@@ @i r@i(liuq of. 25(1 @t @@ii arc clist:aiicc,- of 21 8.17
feet to a p()[Tit; tlieii(@c, cc)nl, I zil,)iig s@iici @-iostern lino
of l,ot 785, @ilc)nF, tlie @irc (,@ t,) thc, i-iglit, hclviiig a
r.adius of 500 f(,(@t:, @ll, @irc i of 64.87 fect to ,t point;
tlie-iice ttirnit,@, @,ii,t r@@ilili,lliy, 20" a di@tqnc@, ()f
54.50 fcet t,, @i ilt tll,, [lo 1 t @is t c rti (-o i-iie r of l,ot 786,
-2 -
as sliown oa tlic, @foresiid pl;tt; titc@noc@ t-uriiing and ritniiiii
along the eisterl) line of s@iid l,ot 786, along the arc of
curve Lo the left:, having @) i-aditis of 550 fec,@t, an trc f"i
tance of 91.42 feet to a poitic; tlilnce continuing
said eistern line of Lot 786, along the are of a curve t,
the rjrlit, havi@a,, a radius of 200 feet, an arc distatice )
174.53 feet to a point; tlieiicc conti.nliilig along said e@i@i
line of Lot 786, @. 28@ 07' 00" W., a dlqtiiice of 30 fcell
a poiiit; tllence c(,ritinuing @ilori@@ slid e,,,stern line of I,C,
786, alc,ng the @ii-c of a cul-ve to tlie ri@,lit, having a
of 70 feel, an iic distance of 78.70 fect to a point ifl t
northeastern li.nc, of Seagull Road; ttience turning ancl
running iii an dircclicn long said nort,@eastel-ii
line of Seagull ]@oad, along thc, ITC Of a ctirve to the ri,@
having a ridius c)f 150 feet, ,ii) @ijc disl@incc, of 133.96 ic
to a poi.nt, the point of beginiiiii@.
VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA, thal Mr. IV. @V. Fleiiiiiig, Mr. Geo;
and Mr. C. C. Carriii,,ton are hereby appointed to view thc,
described property and to report in wr:iting to the Cotmcil on
, whether in their opi.iiion any, and if so wh,,@t
venience would rcsult from discontinui-iie, the same-,
Adopted by the Council of th(@ City of Virginia B(@,](,],
on Feb. 28 1971.
011 ll)Otioll 1))@ Cc)tinc.iii,lial, 1:
VOLC @is (:Otlllc, t t@, , c@
Ayes : Coulic ilmen izol)cl't Ii Cz, I ],j s , Jr. , ilot)(@1,1@ Croinivell Jr. , l@i,,ijik A.
Du.scli, ],. I'leid F-,rvii), (,,eol,ge p. I:Orl-cil , 1). tiul-i'@1), @izilbon, Curt:i. yn
Vice Mayor I;,irl M. @l,obitilt, l@loy(I E. IVltol fic,l(l, Jr. , zind @I,@iyor ])oil;
Rliodes .
Nays: None
Ab-,cnt: Councilinall Cia"Clice A. lfollaild.
CitY COLincil approvcd 1:11c' fOll'),@ijig Ordiii@l;i,:,c apl)oiiiting Vicwers rel@Ltilfe to
C @l
closure of a portion of Jad ,,,et and oc,,@1]] Aiciitte In Lyjiiihaven 130rotigh:
WILEREAS, occ@a[i Tsjajid Tnn, lias gjvcn and proper not:i,@,
accordarice wj.tf, Lhe stattites for sucil c@ises i,adE, @iiid provid(@d, that: iL
d on this dziy appl.y Lo Llic, CiLy C,,Ill il ,f tlll CILY of Virgiiiia Bea,h,
i,,ia, for the apl)oititillent: c)f Viewer,, t:o view thc below described prope,Ly
epc)rt in wri,t:iiig t@ tl,, Council wli(iti,cr, ill the opinion of said Vieivers,
and if any, whzit@, inctivc,,Iliellce wc)LiLcl re,,;ult frc)in tile disconti,,Ui,,& of
the liereinafter dcsc):iled p,)rtioi)s of J@',](@ Street anct Ocean Avenue in th,
Lynnhaven Borougli of tlie C:ity of Virgiiiit Bc@acli, Virginia, and ilave filed
uch application wit:.Ii tlie s,,iid Couri,il.
@Ir. W. IV. C. C. (:'allrr,@n,,to,,, a nl
inted to view the below clc,,5cribed propcrty and report in
iting to the Council on or before 1972, whether in
ir opinioii, aii3,, @ind if atiy, wlial i)ico))veiii.eiice wotild result from the
contiiluing, closil,@@ @tt@cl vacatitig ()f Lli@,sc, cc-@rtain portions of Jade Street,
ocated iii th(, Borougli of Lylinliavc!n, Ci.ty cf Virginia Beach, Virgiiiia, and
escri.bed as folicws:
All tliose corUIiii 1)OrL!-oiis of J@l@le Stree-t a)ld Ocean
Avenue desi@iiatecl "porlion ,Lo b, closed" a@3 sl)owil on
an aLtt(lic@cl I)I;IL (@IlLitl@c@d ,I)J;@t ,,' t-li@ic certi.T.ii cl@sed
portioyi c)f Oc.(@ati Avc!tizi,, lyjiif, of anci @-,Ijicelit to
tlici Nort:Ji@.i:ii ter,iiiiaus of JI([(, S( j-(!,,L; ,ind Lli@it porl ioji
of I)ropel-L tll@IL I ics i\lortli oL Av,,iiiie- t() ttic,
nieaii lo@v \@LIL(,r iiiari@ of rLi3,. Al.,;o tIlaL
c(,.rtai.ii I,(,I-tioll ('L J; C, SLI:Ol@t Lil@lt lies
I\oriti c)f Avciltic to tl)c , ] i,ol-Lioll c,f Oceati
Avetiuc, @is sli,,@iii Oil I)I@,t of Lli,@ c @1-1 C'C L(,,l Iiit- of
lilocl@ 3, l,yii@ili@tveii r,,, ,i ](,,! i,i Plzli) 13,,ol@ 29,
pzi@(', ii, tlie
,; 01 i o@ ill,.- cii:cui@
Court of tl,o city c@f ci,, for
Occ,.aii 11111, 197-11
iii,,ld(, I)y p. C,,] I J, li@@]
sai(i 1)@irt i,z @ti v
BE@,.,in ii iii g @it- t lie poin t@ c,f @i i, t @.,rsc@cLi ,ii c)f th(, Nor tfiern
riglit of wa@, liric, of Ilit@@e Aviiuc, 11)(1 Llie 14esteril i:i ht
of wlty )f J,,tde Sti-cc,l Llic,
C),s I I o , w
rigliti of Jj,,P. of N. 27
175.08 fccL to the Sotitlit@i-,l iiglit of 1,7@ty tille of
Ocean Avenuc@ wljicli was closeci by Re.,-,oliiti@)n of L.I,e Board
of Sui)crvis i-s oi- Priiicc@s., Ai-@iie Coii,ity dated Sc-@ptc,.Iiiber
27, 1954, aii(I recc)rded iii t)@c Supervisors Rccor(i Boo'K
"D" at pilges 230 @!jicl 2@.1; tl,(@ice cor,Ljiiui@ig 14. 270 08' 10"
W. 100.03 fc@t to a poiiii, iii tlic Norili(@rn riglil c)f way
Iiiie oJ@ sai.d Oce@in AVOnL]@'; ill@'JIC ra,,;t(,rty alon@, tile
NorLlicrn riglit of wav I.iiie (,[ Occaii Av(,iiuo. to @i)i e),tensioli
of tlic@ Fa.,3tei@il riglit cf w@l@, iillc, of J@lle Street; Lilence
turnii@g, @ind j:ulitiiiig alc)il,, c-xteiisj.(,n of the Eastc@,rn
riglit, of @iay l@ltio, of Jade Str,@@t S. 270 08' 10" E. 100.05
fec,t to Llie Solirliern riplit c)f wiy Lilie of Ocean Avenue;
thonce cotiL:ii,Lij.tig S. 27@ 08' 10" E. @liniig tlie EzisLern
rip,ht of @vay li@,c c)f Jade Stroot 175.08 fc,c@t to tlie
NorLIlern ril,,ht c,f way Iiiic, ol P@ige Aveiitic; thc@nce turning
and ruitiiiiig WesLerly alon@, tlic@ Nort:hc,rti riglit of way line
of Page Avenuc to tlie poiiit- c,' begiiiiiin,,,.
Oii iiiotion I)y Coiii-icillit@iii l@erroll, socondcl 11), Counciliriali Duscli, aiid by
recorcled vote zis folloivs:
Ayes: Couiicilnien IZol)ort 11. C,,illis, Jr., )@OL)Crt B. Croiiii,,Cll, Jr,, Frank A.
Duscli, F. IZei(I l,@rvill, Geof, c l@. l@el-rell, )). @ltirrav @lilt)oii, J. Ciirtis P@tyne,
Vice Nl@iyor Earl Ni. l@eh@iult, Floyd 1'. @@latcificid, 'fr., ajid Mayor Donald 11.
Rliodes .
Nays: None
Absent: Councilnian Clarej)ce A. llollajid.
:ity Council. apptoved tho follo@,,ii)g @ippli,c,,Itiolis for tax refunds in the
inount of $296.4S:
C!-t:y Dz-, t c. !11) r
AI)plic;iticii fci:
Tit(2 of t@,:.:c-s tot@ilil)@ll $-]@-,cl,@l)
C-C-,I'Lifie(I for
V. A.
---------- -- - -------
F; c-,
Sil,,,,i,e Cor,) 72 (I T) i, 0 01 - 31- - @l- 0 .00
& @l Associa',-es 7 2 C D 1 3 3'i 1- 02 -.01-, 1,0. 00 l@o c
rrill &. Cora Vol4-va 7 2 c i@ 1)"Ol 01 31@ ]_.oo l@ c
L. Eason 7 2 C]) '@3't; I 0 1 .- l@@ I 0011,) I 0 . c
ypoiid @l. T,eN,7@.s. Sr. 2 c 2 -,51-0 0 @l .2!, i ) bc)
F(@)-r,!-gl@o 72 Ci) 25-'I'13 01 20 7,@ l@() 00 10 0
1) F. Jor,@aii 72 C'L-) I[ 0,@ 1, 7 01 -- 0 1-0 00 1-0 c
.D Zi.ii@nieri@,all 12 C,) '@P 03 0 7 0 1 1, 1 0 O(, 1 0 c
i-th G. &. P.F. Ri-ley 2 c)) 10'@02 0 1 0 -1 7 2 i-O 00 10 c
I.aiicl,) I,,. Colirla 72 (,T) :"I 52 01-31- 10 00 I 0 r
n 1,1. I)r)rsey 72 Cl) 0- 0 1 1.7 7,,,1 1- () ooj 10 c
.J. ])T-ei-z 72 CT) 3 0 1- - 1. ", 71 1oc 1.
.J. I)J,o@-z 72 C -, 1) 3 0 1 - 1:@', 7.1 j- o(@ 1- c
Iton L. I)a@,,@(ison 72 C]) 3" 9 01 31./ 30 O( 30 c
:Itoi) 11. Da%,@dsoii 72 c @-) 32"@)-
T),,t,,,:,Is@)II 72@ CT)
Siii@-t@ll Jr. 7 2 "@1) 0 0 0 1 2!@- 10 or I 0
k@, A]-corii 72 Cl) -)01 -Illi 01, 317 10 oc 1
S. Ci@,--oi-I.T- 72 Ci) 01 -31 -7 10 0 o, 1
'I.C. Rose 70 R O' 3 (I I 0- i
1 2
CITY OF VIRGINIA Si@,Cll, VA. -1@@ C, o, I "I""C'
VENDOP,'S lr'IVC)lr-E AT@ .1
V- D.., I 110
Jianies AIL
1916 Lyiin Cove L,@i)e
Va. Beacli, VI.
I @-I tI IT I III @l,@
"'I'll Al
I - I I A '@ I l@ I I I A ii4 l@
@FT@ll IIZ I IT III'L @l 11@ll ,,.,C,
l@ A@l .1
IITA.@r, 11 @ll IT.
01 ARIII@1-1 R
1971 R.E. -/IiO@@' 1/2 ,-Ind 2/2
01<1 lintise for 9
.1l.ull, !,OT Wl,l@ @ll
'@T@' i'Ti @l@N I)' T.TAL 00
11- 1111 I'A I 11 I
IIAII@@ 1-1.1 All 11@@l 1"
I y"@ r@7
I F,
E: C)R
NC) CDFF-I -r[@ 0 r @il yl- (
TOTA@, VIII, III 11 Al N I IR@JA [:1 ACII I iA@;
lr\ (-Ep-
All, c"ll I rq@, r) of: 1,,\Yt.li rAl. 7
iir4,, ii
WliFRI'AS, an agrecii, lit iii@ide tlie 23,,d d@iy of ]:Obru@iry, 1972, betweeli
WALT@IAIZ COIZI)ORAI'ION, a Cori)oi,@itioii, 11,@ALI'FR WAIZIZ17N S'rRICKI.ANI) ,ind
ill-'Ll-IN S. GIZEEN, parties of tlie first p@ii-t, 110@117S'I'EAD CIVIC LEAG[JI@, and
AVALON lIfLLS CIVIC LEAGUI', 1)@ii@ties of tlie -,;,@coiici I)art, @ind liECHT CONSI'RUCTI(@N
CO@IIIANY, 1,NC., a Virgiiiia Coi,l)oratioii, of tlie tliird part, has set fortli
Ihe terips and coiidi.tions, iii idditi-on to tlio,.,c@ iiiiposed I)v t)le City of Virgi.nia
lacii, under which tlie developiiient of lan(I @@jicl constrtict@ioji of buildings in
and of t)ie.Stricklaiid l@ariii iii@l Coclai, ilill ';til)divisions iiiay procee(l, and
WfIEREAS, tlie agy(@eiiient settiiii!, foith ttiese coiiclitions has I)eell
properly signed, sealed aiid i-,; on filc iii tYe Office of the City Clork, and
WIIEREAS, tlie Cit), Couiicil ol@ Octoter 10, 1970, in Council @,fintites
Itein No. 2663, at the request of the Av@tlon flills Ci.vic League and tlie
liomestead Civic League, actiiig on beh@ilf of their iiiembership, did by it)otion
include as a conditioii of approx,al of certaiii zoiiiiig changes and use permits
for wliich the subject lvaltmar Corp., IV,,irreii Strickland, and Helen S. Green
liad applied, establisli an "Arcliitocturil Coijiinittoo" as roqllosted by the con-
sultants for the applicant, llolv,
T14EREFORE, it havi.ng been fotiiid th,,it tlie delction of the require-
nt for an "Architectural Cominittee" fi-oiii tlie itiatioji is necessary in order
for development and construction to procce(i aiid cii@ible tlie dismissal of a
suit iii the courts in this matter,
NOIV, TFIEREFORE, upon motion by (@OIJNCJI@IAN FEIZRELL, ,;econdecl by
COUNCIL@IAN CRONBVELL, and by recorded vote ,is folloi@s:
NAYS: None
City Council direetcd tlie City (Ilo@@k to delete thc words
"ArclijtectLir@il Comjiiittee" frojii tlie Cit), Cotiji(-il jiiotion, ItelTi No. 2663 of the
City Cotincil. @IiiiLites of October 10, 1970.
ii A276
In i7c,@I)ojise to tlie fol1c)@@iiig, recol!iiii,,@jidatioi),@ as traiisjiiitted to the City
Coulicil from tlie City Attol,licy a,-; follows:
Febru--ry 17, 1972
T'kic.- l@,onorable Do,-@@ld fl.
Yier,ibers of C@@ty Gou-,cil
Re: 1,c3--nard L. A. i-Irill and DeGi-.ricd Livinf,,,
Inc. VS. C"@ty of B(-,,uc'ct, at als
Dcar l,,r. Vayo-.- and of c()-,I-,-icil:
In referenco to ci,jL@,01-',C-(Ii riat-lcr, p)-@,-,se be aclvised
ttiat N.@c-, vc--,-c 01,'!: o.@ rlaL--Lc,,r, aiid,
ther(@,@7o@o, I c"',-i only t',ic City Colii-icil C,@@)@lirove
t'L'le C@p,,)IicaLion pursuan'@- -Lo Lho ai:Lc-ct-,ecl c!-2ci:ee of tli(, @ircuit
Cou!:L of the CiLy of (JZILCCI lay 6, 1971.
1 wo@uld tho laiiEuaE,,e be entered l.nto the
ininii'l-os of Lll(, of @i3erti@,rd L. P. A.
Brill and r
-1 -vi of ,(2rnarcl L. Li.l)nian, et
&ls vs. ci,ly of iii C'Lia,-,cery @lo. 13,141,,3,
Decree of Circuj*.,-- Co-art o@- Cl,@- Ci'@y Ci-:' Virsi-ilia B--,ich, VirE;inia,
(lated l,'ay 6, 1971) for a 'U---(@ !3criii@1-1- to con-L-,:u--t 276 Lo-@@,iiiou@,ec;
on cei:ta7@n I)rop,-,z@y o,@, l@o@t'l-I Q'-@ Lee5bur, Drive#
bo3irinin', at a point 125 I-o@ot C,., South
runn.L,ii,. a distaice of 1--125 t*,Ia rort'@l sido o@ LeeGbur-.
Drive, runniii,., c, o'-- tti-@ wcot,,.rn prot)crty
line, runnin,-, a diolcncc o@ C,'OO @rol)crty
line, and running z di,,t@--,Ico 0 1: 'LC@JO felt aloill-I Llie CaSLL@rn propc.,rty
line. KeinDsv@Lile Lc)zou,,,@-L.
City counc4-l, pursuant to th@ decree of LLie Ci@-cuit Court of
tlie City o@@ @caci-L, @iiterecl I,,"Ay 6, 1971, in
Cl-.1-l-,Iccry L;O. OY a Use Pcrf-,it to construct
276 to-v7ntiousCG On @,,I)Ov,@ subj(-,Ct Lo Site
Plan App,--oval by t@-ic! o.-' Co=,;,uiliLy serviccs."@
VL,rill 'l-ruly yours,
J. D', il@z;on
JDB/d cicy Attornoy
On motion by Couiici.Iman Ferrell, seconcle(I b@, C:ouncilm,,in I)uscli, aiid by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Coiincilinen )Zobcrt 11. Call is , Jr. , ]Zo@)ert B. Croinwell , Jr. , l@rank A.
Duscli, F,. Reid IIrvin, Geor@c IZ. F@errell , 1). @ltirray @Ialbon, J. Curtis I)ayne,
Vice @layor Farl PI. 'FebaLilt, ],-Ioyd I:. I'@,tterfielcl, Jr. , ajid Playor Donild It.
IZI10(les .
Nays: Nojie
@@I)scnt: Councilinaii Clarciice A. liolliii(I .
ity Cotiiicil approvcd 'l Llso Ilermit to 27(i to@,:iiliouses oii tlio al)oxc
(ICSCI'ibe(I I)rol)crty stibicc@l to sitc,, pl@ill I)V tlie I)el)@irtiiietit of Corimtiiiit@f
SOI'Viccs ill)Oll api)lic@ttloji iii@ile I)y I,. 1). A. Ilri,l] Ltiid F)Osipjic,cl
ill TI) C. , I1)(1 ,is re co li,liic,i)@IC(I 1))' t,l(' it., ,\tIO 7-11CN,.
ll'E,\l ii42-17
)n inotioii by Couiicilman Feri,ell , secoiided b% (@,)itiicilpi@iii ')@isch, Illd by recol-@lecl
ote as foll.oivs:
yes Couiicilineii Robort Ii . C@ll I is Rolyel, L Croiiii,.,cl I , Jr. , Fl-@ink A.
usch, F. Reid Ervin, Gcorgc IZ. l@'errell, D. @iLiti-@iy @talt)oii, J. Ciirtis Payne,
ice tl@3yoi- F,,3rl @l. Tebault, l@loyd @". l@aterficl 1, Jr., @iricl 'Iayor I)oiiqld 11.
I'lliodes .
@tys : Noiic
At),;ent Councilmaii Clarence A. liollancl.
c:, Coujicil. approved tlie folloi,,ing traiisfer-,; Liji(I approl)ri@itions totaling
$( 979.00 to cover the rotroactive 1),iy incrci@c,.,; foi- city employecs appi@oved
on Fobruary 7, 1972:
Transfer from "IZesc,,rvo for Coiitinfencics - Salary Acljli.,St]Tlents"
General Fund $S7,469.00
Water @ Sei@er Fuiid 21351.00
Virginia Beacii Sl@c(@ial RevenLie Fund 1,038.00
Total Transfers $60,SSS.00
Appropriations from the Surplus Accountf, of tlie Worki.ng Capital Fund
for the sal.ary adjustineiits to eniplo),ec-@:
City Garage Iliorkinr, (@,,,tpit;il ],-iind $ 1,139.00
I)ata Processing Workilig Capital Fun(i 86S.00
Print Shop IVorking (@apital 17@ind 117.00
Total Surplus Approl)ri,,itioiis 2,121.00
ITEM # 4278
Oii inotion by Councilman Crom@qell, secon(,Ied by Cotiiicilmaii IVaterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Cotincilmeyi Robort It. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Crom@@,ell, Jr., Fank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George IZ. Ferrcl.1, D. @,lalbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor L,arl. @l. Tebiult , Floyd E. W@iterf ic,] d , ir. , aiicl @layor I)onald 11.
Nay,;: None
Abseiit: Councilman Clarcric(@ A. llolland.
City Cotiiicil denied tlie reqtiest of G@it)or, Iii( for permission to r,.iove a one
story fraeic garage, 21' x 211, froiii 3(@13 llrclty L,-Ike, Norfolk, to S48 Sirine
Aventio, Aragona Village, B,,i%,si(lo Borouoli.
oil irlotioll I)y Counci]lll@Ill 0
])Y I:c) r 11 , iiid I)y rccc)l@,,!,
vote as foilows:
Ayes: Coulicill,@ien Rol)ort ii. c@'Illis, l@ol)cj,t B. Croiii@vcll, ,Jr., Fr@Lnk- A.
f)"Scil, F. ]@cid Erviii, Goori,,c Ni@ljl)oll
ViCO Mayor I:arl NI. Q J. (@tirtis P@ivne,
P,Iiodo,s. 'I' f)ault, I:Ioy(l I:. 1,@itu"ficicl, ]i,., aiid @la),ol' Doiiqld
N@iy@: Nonc
AI)sent: Couiicilniaii Cl@ireiice A. lioll,@ilic].
-ity Councd] approve,(] tllc 17equost of (,c)rlc,)n Lee t@e.Ils for pc,,rmissioll to MOVP
One story frarlie rcFjdc,,iicc,,, 21'x 42', fi-cil iloos @@,abo@,i,d l@oa(J, at s,,.iiidpit,
rincess Anile Boroufli, to pai-t of pir(:Cl Ji, I)IIlt of I,. E. Jolinson I-st@itc,
@oal)oard Road, Priliccss Aiiiie ]3oroti.@li. I'stiii@tted vziluc after iiiove alici
renovatioiis, $10,500. site li@is I)CON 1-0i, -,cptic tinr aii(i well.
fl'll@f #42RO
On motion by Councilinan rrviii, seconded 1)), ('oujicilinan @Ialboli, and by recorde,!
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., IZabort P,. CroiniTell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George ]@. Ferrell, 1). @llurr@ty @lali)oii, J. Curtis PIyllc,
Vi.co @layor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. l@latei,field, Jr., aiicl Ma),or Doiiald fl.
Rliodes .
Nays: None
Abseiit: Councilman Clarence A. lfollancl.
City Council deferred for one (1) week coiisileration o:f tlie request of fieatli,
del@oras & Ileatli, Inc. for periiiission to IT)O@,e a oiic stoi-y frime residence,
22' x 331, from Virginil Be@icli Botil-v@ird, Lvniihaven Borougli, to LotF,
13 a,iid 14, Giiiibert Drive, I)oyl(,,toiqr) Aiiiicx, I,Vnniiiicn Borougli.
ITEM (a)
oii niotion by Councilman PIalbon, seconded bv Councilpian Frvin, and by recordc,@
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Cal.lis, Jr., Fr,,ij)k A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George ]Z. D. Murray Nialbon, J. CLirlis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl @ll.
Tobault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @l@iN,oi @)on@tld H. Rllodes.
Nays: None
Absciit: Councilmen Robert B. Cron)well, Ji,. ind Cl@,irence A. flolland.
City Council approved tll(' low I)id of Ste@q@iri@ Cojistruction Coripany of $262,-(@'
for (lontract I\lo. J, Piricivood Girdens -@ewor project (approv,,il
i.qsti,,ijicc,, of Uso Periiiit).
I! 1'2ql
Ill iiiotioli t)Y Cotinciliiiili @l@ll])Oll, SOCOII(le,(l 1))7 (:OLincilinan E)-viii, an(I bN, recorcl(@,
@)tc as folloivs:
AN,es: Cotiilc@illilcii l@OI)ol@t fl. Jr., I:i,@iiik A. I)ziscli, I",. Poicl EriT i ii ,
R. l@erroll, 1). (Iiii'tis I),Ivlie, Vice @l@ivor T-.@irl 'l.
I'@loycl l-,@. @'@atcrfic,],I, Jr., @iiicl @,I,,I\,oi 11. l'iloct(,S.
N@i)-s Nc)iic,,
Al) t (:Otljlcilllloll I'lol)c,,I,t J!. ,in(] A. Ilollincl.
(@,itv (@otilicil 11)1)1.ovc(l tll(' lo@v !)i(I ol- iiic., of $47,86(@,
(:oll'i I'@ict iNo . II, I)i 1)('@@00(t ;ill) i t@l I I)i o i ect
i@@ @l@llc(, ol@ I)CI,Illit).
Oii iiiotion by Couiici.Imaii Mzill,oji, SCCO!I(ICCl 11) COLIllCilmiji J:rviii, @ind I)y recordc,,cl
votc as follows:
Ay(,.s :Couiicilinen IZol)(,i,t 11.IC@ll.lis, )r., A. I)ziscli, I,. Reid Frvin,
(',Corpo IZ. F-c,,rroll, 1). @l@ilboii, I. 1,,\, @@ i @ I or NI.
I r](3, cc ay
]@el)ault, J71oyd I,,. W@itcri-ic@,]'(1, Jl@. , @ilicl I)oji@],I(l Ii. J@liodcs.
N@tys : Noiio
Ab-,3e.nt: Cotincilmen Robert B. CrOMWell, Lli,. aii(I Clarence A. Holl jid.
'it@, Council approved tlie loi,, I)j(i of 11, \c@@,;sonl(n of $44,858.80, foi-
, I c.
(@olitr@ict No. 1, Ljiilic,r s@iiiit@aiy scivci, (@,I)proval. pending js-,;u@tnce c)f
Use Pernlit).
ITF@l lt,12'2 (b)
Oji inotioii by Coiiricilroan @lall)oii, ;econdc@(i I,\ COLI]IC @lman Ervi.n, aiid b), rc,.cordccl
vote as follows:
Ayes: Coujicilmeil Robc,,rt 11 . (,a] I i s , Jr . , ]:Y,,iiik A . D@isch , F. Reid Ervi n
George R. Ferrell, D. @luri@av ',I@ilbon, J. (@,Lii-tis Ilayne, Vice ix1ayor F-,arl M.
Tobault, Floyd E. Waterfiold, Jr., and @l@iyoi, I)Oiiald 11. Rliodes.
Nays: None
Ahsent: Councilinen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. and Clarence A. liolland,
City Council approved the low bid of fiunt (@ontr@ictiiig Co. of $46,805, for
Contract No. 11, Linlici, saiiitarv sciver I)i@o@ect (,ipproval pendiiig issuince
of Use Perinit).
Oii iyiotioii by Counciliii@iii Fci,i,cll, secoiicto(I t)y (@o@iiicilmkiii @l@tlbon, ii-i([ 1)
recorded vote as follows:
Ayos: C o ii ii c i. I me i) IZO 1) e 1- t I I@l I I i s , J i- F r @i til, A1) ii s c Ii R 0 i d 1 @ rv i 11 ,
('@corge 111. For-Fell, 1). @-lurray @l@ilbon, T. (@iii-tis Vice @l@i),Or @l.
'I'cbatilt, Floyd. E. WLttcrl-ie](1, Jy., ,iiici I)oii@ild ii.
Nays: None
Absent: CoLiiicilnien Rol)crt B. Cromwel,l, Ji-. aild (Ilarcilco A. tiolland.
',s signcd agreemcnts froin tlie I)TOI)Crty oi,.,i)ei's oii Thilizi Island re(lile-Stinp,
lie inst@,ill.ation of city i@@iter liave becii (@ity Coiircil alitliori--el
11(@ proplil-atioii of lil@iiis for this project so th@tt cost figiii,es call 1)0,
oji motion by Counciliii@in Fcrrell, secoiided by (:ouncilm@in Duscli, and by
rccorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Cc)unc i lnic,,n Rob or t Ii. Ca 1 1 i s , Jr. , Rob er t B. Cromiqe 1 1 , Jr. , Fr a ilk A.
Diis ch , F. Re id Erviii , Gc orge R. Fo r r c I I , D. @ILI r ray @Izi lbon, J. Curt i s Pa%,T).
V i ce Mayor ha rl @l. Tol) ati I t , l@, loyd 1'. IVa tc,, i- f i e I d, Jr and @layor Don@i I cl Ii
Nays: None
AI)scnt: Councilrqan Clarciice A. Ilolland.
Before tlie January I doadline, sewer agreciients ijere receivc,,d from tlie, Qiic@
@,ity arc,,a and from tlie arezi iii Kej,,ips,,rille loc@ited nort'ii of Parliament I)ri,.
;oLith of tlie Norfolk Soutlierii lzzijlway, iii@l west oF Yoder Lziiie. As i t 1),,1S
,)eeii dete@-iiiined that iiiore thzij) 75% of tlie, prol)orty oi@,ners had sigiieci thr@@,
agreements, City Couiicil @iutliorized tliesc l@vo are,,is to be placed on tlie
al)pi,oved list for sewer iiist@illatioii, siil)i(ct to avlilzible funds, lild
ftirtlier atitliorizod tliat tliese poople be includect in tlie old rate scliedtil,,.
Oil 31[c)ti 01) 1)@! (@()tiriciiillzill ])til@@c Ii, iid@@d ti ii c i @T@'ilboii , Ind by i@c@co r(IC'd
vo t (, @i-s f 01
Ayc,s Couiicil iiieti Rol)ci,t 11. (];Al I i s Ji, !,o! (,rt B . ('roill@vell , Jr. , Fran@- A.
1)@iscli , F. I'le id l@i@Vill , (Icol,g(.' l@ . ]@et@rel I 1). illkii,i,a)@ @l@il I)oii , J . Ctirtis 1),,i@lile
Vic(, Ilayol, l@loyl I:. I I ('] ,l , Ji- ,tiid Nliyor L)oiii I d if
IZ]i o (i e s .
Na),s : None
Al) s (@ ii t C ou ii c i lman C ]-,,i r( ii c e A . I f o I I a lid
City Council approved tlie followiii@', Reso]Lit i(,ii requ,,sting tlie City of I\Iorfolk
D i@itkc connections aiicl to rtiriii@1) tvater tiiotigh a I)roposed water systc,,iii
Dcfited at Broad lleadows , I)II@ise I I .
A RESOI,UL@ON RT,,QUI@,@TliNG 'I'llE CTTY 'l,'OLK l'O ii),,ike connections Li@d
to furnish water thi-oug@i i T)rcposeci s@,st(,-@i ]-ocated at Broacl.
Mead )s Plii@e I in tlie Citv c)f lv'il,,In l furlher descrit)ec'
WHEREAS, it is requested by tlie City of Virginia Beach, at tlie
request of the Broid @leado@,is, Phase 111, to extc-,nd proposed water
mains in accordance with tlie existin,, contract between tlie City of
Virginia Beach and the City of Norfoll, in Broad Meadows Phase III,
in the streets as listed belo@v:
All as described and shown on plans cntitled "Broad Meadows - Phaso III
Construction Plans" as prepal.-ed by Tilbot, lqeriiiers, and Stinding, Ltd.,
Engineers, Planners and Sui-veyors, Vir,.,i.nia Beach, Virginia.
Forr,i Nc,. .5
y i,
wi,li, ti,,o la
atc.- to
coil-,,,)lotion c),@- ".-,o ir,@, o- 4@l'! t o
iij)c)n [',-Q
t@io cu@l,.)Iyin, o' L;y
riubjoct to t'l@) 'OllGwJnt;
1. Thtit the i3rdd w;@, 2 1 i-n
tho cl)eci-f4lcations of :;aid Ci-ly O' @ac- ion
_r ,Yor,'@,3 of @,tij r co@,t "o tho City of
o@' th(3 D octor o"
2. Tho@t t@,o wnt(@r :10 uPPli0c] ;i,@,,'no to
.1 shall
I)a at the sa;ao rate Tiow, or h(,,re:tf-loy', tiic- City C,@- l@orfolk to
concinort3 I)eyozici tho Iiiiii@@o of sa'@d (;'-@y ',3itU!',tCd.
3. Tlrit all- orciiiinn(,.os of tl@Ic,, C"@y of -Ilc)rfolk and P-11 rti-l(,,s and
-,lie Divi@,ioi of Wa@,(@r of @P,4-a Cit,,, now o,- hereifter
@,o effect, @Ic, -,,ho '-inr of w,,i@(,@r shall
r,dopted and j)-,Ii, i-n I
appl.y to t',Ie sup,,)IyJ.nj of @i,,ter throj,,- the sald pi-ol)osc,,d inains.
4. That tlie op,-Id C 4,@ c)- @io--O--I,, ur.0,@@- no obli,,-tion to
fiLrni:3h moro wate- tht,,n i' s Ls @-,c,-,i l@-'@d, -,iith the
pressure carri-cd, @e-l@'vor ir.-@o i@i; !.n,, a@,,,. -2 @.lic sa-;-d supl)lyi-,.,
of water sliall not be in t.ccoa-dr@nc,3 c,, F, @,i,.6iLrd sorvice, @'he said
City o@, Nc,-fol',- s I not 'ue liold rb@,, -- e in a-y way.
5. -hr,-@ in .upp-@, YLTI 0 "S @lor.;@ the s,@id rroOC)sed -a---S,
the City of @lo-folk @-li -,upIDly the o:i-,r fio,-.a s --,,s su-ply, -d
that in no event s-all Y>a ar,, s,,id .@i@@y to
E)UPp@,@, water to rny c@,n@, @@ers alor.1, t,li@ ,I-, ,ry t ir..e @.Men,
in the judl@eT,.ant of t.-e Cou,)cil of '@he G'--@y o- the sa,*@c Ci@@y
shall not have slint)ly --,)r u,@ w. h'-n i@F, cort,,orate linits, o-
whenever the o@@ said w@iter sl@t.11 with the d'schfrge
of the duty of said City to supply @-,Ls o@m inyabi-,,ints.
6. Tha-, fro.-i and tlie on o'@- @l'-Ie wa@lf,,- T,.r,.irs and
hydrants tliey sli@ll @,)coi.-,a the o,. Cl.,Ly C,@@ Vi-,@-nia Bet@cli.
Tho City of Vi,-,ini@i Iloi-@ch s),,all C,-@ii,t ,o he C;@,--'-@y of @,o.-foLc @'he ri@,ht
to uso such cn(i fo- '@IIC! )ly o, watcr, and @u--ther grants
to thc, City of NorfoLc i@ordy and accoss to @ll,,Om.
7. @hat @-or any f@-re hydrrlnt ot 'he rec,,uest o@- the C*-ty ol@
V'-rginia @ach, a ren@-lal PLY,--.c,,,It 0.@ C),,,@ Doll-r@5 ( 100.00) a yeex
for oach hydrant s, @',)o paid to
@?TED BY Tli- GOUNC":L of -@he C@@-ly o-@ V@gin@@a Paach, V@-.,P@a this
dcy 19
On iiiotioii ])y Couiicilinan I)Ll';ch, secoiidod 1)@ (@ouliciliii@in Nlalt)oii, iiid by rc@c:or(leci
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Cotincilmeii Robert 11. (@allis, Jr. , I)Ioi)crt B. Croiii@@ell, Jr. , Frink A.
Duscli, l@'. Reid I:rvin, Georpe l@. Fcrrell , 1). @l@ill)on, ]. Ctirtis P,'iN@lle,
Vicc,, lia),or l@arl @l. 1'el)atilt, Floyd I;. lVjt(,rfi(?,Id, Jr. , ,Ind @layoi- I)onild fi.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Councilinan Clarence A. lioll@iiid.
City Council al)proved tlie folloiving IZeso]Litioii requesting t]@e City of Norfolk
o niake zi conTlOction and to furnisli i,,atoi@ tlii,oii-ii @l prol)osed l@ater systeill
oc,qted at 925 South @lilit:ary 11@glil@@ly.
Form tlc). 'P.LJ.-36-2a
A @OL'i-10" k@ii'Y 01-! TO
S C,@
I.UKE 1: -l!'@ '@ A
PROP "T 925
1,11 '."7;,' 01-Y OF
MIERE.,S, it is pronosa-- by thc Ci-@y cf V@---,i-ia @,,-Ch, Vir,J-nia, at
tho rocue@t o@ -IT I
-@lo ox'-end a rronoo,-d water
i,aLn i-n acco-danco ',ho b--,,@,w,3en Tho C'-ty of Virgiria
Boiich =d the C,*@ty of i.,,
tha L; as follo,.;,5:
Nwr,a of oi- Linatir No. of
South Military Highway 6 inches 1330 1
all as describ--d and shown on plan entitloc', Proposed 6" Water Main for
E. V. Williams Copipan@,, Inc. as jr@eparcd @oy
McGaugliv, @larshall & @lc@,lillan -M,:inoors, Norfolk, Virpinia
NOW, THERF-FORE, BE IT L@ESOLVED, tjiat the Ci.ty of No-f(,Ik be and i
hereby is requested to make a connection of @@ie lroposed viater mains with the
present rnaiiis of said Citv at the said ancl (:orn@Ic'lioi of thc
installation of tlie proposed inains, to supply to cons,-,niers resiclin,@ therc,,)i-I.
it bein@ expressly understood and areed that, @lie supplyix-@,, o@ said water by tll,@
City of Norfo"@-I shall be upon and si:bject to f(,Ilo-,vin@ t,,,@-@-ns and coi)d@@tion,,:
1. That the said v,ater mains sliall be i-,istalled in accordance vi;th the
specifications of the said City of Norfolk arid t,, t@te .9-,itisfaction of the Director
Public Works of said City, at no cost tc) the City of Norlolj,,.
Z. That the water so supplied thi.-ou@lh s:-@id mains to cc@tasumers shall be @it
the san-!e rate now, or liereafter, ch@-ir,,,ed by I;ie City of N(,rfolk to consumerf
beyonrl the limits of said City sirr-ilai-ly situat,-@@l.
3. That all ordina.nces of the City of Norfolk and all rules and rel@ulations
the Division of Water Supply of saicl City, riow or liereafter a@,.opted and put ino
effect, relatin, to the furnish@Ing of \,vater sliall apply to the supplying of water
throu,.,]-L the said proposed iiiains.
4. That the said City of Norfolk sliall b, under no obli@ation to f,,irnish rnor@
water thari its distribution system as now laid, wi"I the pres.9ure carried, will
deliver into said rnai.@is, and if th(2 saici @upplyi,i@, of water s@.'I,@ll not be in accor(@ii@l
with the standard service, tlie sai(I City of i@o -foll@ shall no" be held respo.asible
any way.
5. That in supplyip-, water to consuri-iers alon, the said proposed rr@ains,
City of Norfolk will supply tlie sai-@e onlv fron, its surpitis sapply, and tliat in no
event shall there be any c,'Dli,ation on t'le p-,irt (if said Cily to supply water to anv
consunif@rs along the propo.,;cd maii-is at any tiiie w"ien, iii t'le j,-,d@leme,@t of tlie
Council of the said City cf tnorfoll<, tlie said C@ty shall not li@-,,,e suf'icient sul)i)--.,,,
for use within iis corpc)@-ate. Tiriiits, or -,vher)ever the, supplvi@i, o@ said Vat-er sifi@--.i'f
interfere with tlie disch,,r,,,- of the duty of @,ai,l Cit@- tc) suppiv W-,ter tcj its o-@vn
6. That frorn and after the installatinn @)f the water mains and hydrants
shall. beconle tlie property of the City of Virgi@iii Beach. Ti-e. City of Vir@inia P,,@
shall grint to tlie City of @'oi,folk t@,e ri,l-,t to i@se Slicli riains ,,nO. hydrants for ti,
supply of water, aiicl fi-irtlier granls to the Cit@- of Norfolk ready aiit reasonable
access to then-i.
7. That for a,-iy fire hyclraiit installed al: tlie request of the City of Virgin!:,,
Beach, a ren"al payinent o@ One @,Tuia(ired Doll@, rs ($100. 00) a year for each
shall be paid to the Cit@, of Norfol'--.
,A,POPTED BY THT-- COUNCIL of t@e Cit@ of Vir,,inia Beach, Virginia tlii.9
day of
APPI@O'@ El):
OII ]]lo ti oil 1))' co u iici, lj;i,,iii I)IISC lI , SC CO II L!C',! 1))@ ('OL@I)C i I ]@iall M@l II) or] , a ii d 1),@, re co rcIcCt
%,o to as f c)l lows:
A), c s Couiicilpien Rol)crt 11. (-/,Illis, 13. (:romivell, Jr., l@rank A.
Diisch, F. Reicl Ervin, Geoi-i)e l@. l@eri-ell, 1). @lall)oii, T. Curtis P,-iyne.,
Vice @layor l@arl @NI. 'Fcl)ault, l@icycl F@,. 11,@,itcrrjcl,d, Jr., aiid @liyot, I)oji'@11(i 11.
I'lliodos .
Na),s : I\Iono
Absont: Couiicilman Clarence A. liollail(l.
@ity Coujicil. approved tho, fol@loiving resolut*ion reqiiestiiig tho City of Norfolk
-) yjizike @i coiiiiectioii ,ind to ftirnj-,;h w@it@er tiiro(igii ,i propos(@(I wator svstem
)cated at Kings Gr@iiit, Ilart 2, Sectioii 12, i,yiii)liaven Boro@igli:
Form No. ['.U.-36-23
A C,-['I'Y O'e 110)@FOI,K TO
MAKt,,' A i',IID TO 'i'lliioi:iGii A
Pillt 2,
ill 'j'jfj@; CIT" Or,
TITIFREAQ, it @,g @c)poti(@rl til(,
cjt@, r in Virlinia, at
i FL B-@ach)
the of to extond a @posed v,,-nter
r,iain in accordatic@, llj.tli bnti!@,(',Il tile City of Virginia
Boacli --nd th,3 of in i 1 7" t 1 2
8F3 'i
'C)J-I Oil,
Ilame C)f of Linnar 110. O.Ir
Wintlirope Drive 1,890 3
W@nthrope Dr,ive 350 -
Prince Phillip Drive 1,190 2
Prince Andrew Lane 760 -
Prince Andrew Lane 195 -
Thamton l,ane ti4O -
Grantwoocl Court 230 -
t,U tin donerib--d and nhoim on enti@tlrc@j L P -1 a p
Grant, Part 2, Sec@tinn 12
TI,71 d-. ,@ ,@ -- -" -- -- ---- - --- - , as pr@,I,)tired bi,
.L -- @r:7,, cil t,"I-- 1971
Forili t4o. P tl
horo@r I.ri, r(,cii )@,t,od t, i r,
rl i3
w-ii,li ilaill@,
cor,)I,I.etion of A -,, I
ng to 1,1 T,*, ittt I 1.
thr,@t tlio of fw@1(i
subjoct to tlie i'OIIOIIIII@'
1. Thst tlao itriid in nc"i-@Inr,.co wi,,,,,
of tl)o Di.-rectoi- o, niblic;
Ilorl@ol.1c. n!@ )i,) co:,,t tn C,@ty of
2. That tho iint(,r -,;o ntli,j)liod to slirtu
b,3 ai the samo rzite now, o!' CJTY Df l@o3@-@olk tc)
const,ui-i@-n beyond tl'O of ,3,lid (@i@@Y @l@@
7hat P-11 ordinanco" Of tlle O,- l,'Orf@oll, iind all, ralor, and
reUWP.@ion,3 of l@)ivjsioll (,f ',[ t(, ) @l@ 11
a 'T' of @@'lli Y, o,t or liereEftc,@).@
adop@led UTid FAit Into of ir,,It(,'r .h-nll
apply to the supplyj-ng of throll"ll )),-r.)I)o@f,'d
4. That tlie said City c),@ florfolk ;h,ill Ile rio oblJt,,Ition to
furnisli more vator tlirin it@, s,Ts,,Cm ll(,,w lp-ld, i@ii@h i;he
pressiire carricd, iTJ.11 dclj.vor i,nl.o sl,,i(i i:i slipplydn',
of t,,citcr tih-@ i)ot i-,? in oervice, tbo said
City of Norfolk sl,,all. iiot l,@ lio'td Jil n'riy iray.
5. That 5-n -uppi.y@nf', iiiter to nl,on r@ t!)o s@@id pi@c)pos(,d
tho City of Norf'ol@-I iiiii the oi)l, ft,nm i,
@-,urp-lllfl S17I)Ply, alid
tliat in no avcnt nl-ial.1 1)@ r,,ny oil l@llc@ lwir@u of i,@d C@@ty to
cupply vrater to aiiy con-tiTne--q nlong 1,11" PI-Iill@, ,it ii)y tiT-,@e whln,
in the jtidcoment of tlie Coiincl.-I of ti@@ s@l;ci (;itY C',f @'ol,follc, tlie taid Ci-,y
shall iiot hnve sufficient @,,iipply fpr ii,n d,n i-t@; 15,nits, or
whone,vor the supplyinf-@ of ni.d irt,,tt,,r ir@itli t@ic (1-is(@llarCe
of tho euty of nal,d Ci@v to Bill)Ply i@o -'t,- owi
6. That frc)@"i anO, nft(!r tlie c)f thp, m,,tins 0-nd
hydranto they obnll 1, com@, tlir,, I)ropert,@,, i,li@? Cit,7 c,,f Vircini-n.
Tho City of Virgiri-la Ilopcli Frz3 1,
., n- @o Cl@ty o@ tjor@-olic tlio rj.ght
to u@ig iiich mii)r an(3 -or tl,e i,i- c,,f ii@tic@ry r@)d furl,@,c,,r grants
to tho Ci@@,Y of Norfoll, an(i rensonn),'(@ t t.0 tl)cTl.
7. Tliat for a@7 firo hydrant lnstpl.](,(l Pt the r(,,quef,'@ of City of
Virgiriia @ach, a rt,,ntril- p@i ic@ni, of O,,io 1113Tlf3-!.Cd D311tirn ("'O',).00) a ycar
for each liyarant r4hall lio piid to the c,, IIcrfoll-@.
AD')PTFO BY of the City c,@,
Y,inch, Vi.rgin@a this
day of
A-i T P@
On illotioii by CotiiiciliTiin Dii-@cli, secolide(I I)N (1c)tiji(:iliiian @l,,I]bon, and 1)), recorcic(l
vote as follotis:
Ayes: Cotiticilnien i,lobert fl. (1@ill is , Jr. , Rol)ert B. Croniwel I , Jr. , Fr@ink A.
Duscli ' I-.. IZeid 17,,i-viii, Gooi@ge R. F(@rr(@ll, 1). j@ltiri,a), J. Curtis
Vice. @l@iyor Earl @l. l'ol),tult, l@loyd I:. Jr., ari(I llayor I)on@ild fl.
IZ]iodes .
Nays: NoiAe
AI)sent: Coujicililiiii Clarencc,, A. llollajicl.
City Council approved the following resoltitioji reclliestiiig tlie City of Norfolk
o make a connection and to furiiisli witc,,i- throiigli a pi,ol)oscd water svstc,.in
ocated at IViiidsor Oiks 1vest:
A RESOLIFTION REQUF.,S-Fl:,@11-1 THT,-, Cil'Y OT@' N'0'1'1,70L,K TO niake
c()rinections an(! to furni,li w@iter tIlroULti , prol)@,sed .v@@ter svst@.,rn
located at @',-inciso- Oall-@ @Vest in tti(?, Citv ,[ Vir,i.iiia Bc,@a-ch, further
described belo%@,.
WI-IEREAS, it is requecite,(l by the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at
the request of IVindsor Hnlland Coriipany, to exi:encl proposed water
rnains in accorclance witji tlie existiii, coiitract bet@@,eelL tlie City of
Virgiiiia Beach aiid tlie City of Norfol", in Wiiiclsoi- Oa'@@s @Vest along
South Plaza Trail, Windsor Oaks Boiilc!vai(l, and Section Ill in the
streets listed as follows:
No. of
Naryie of Sti.-eet Size @f )@i 1) e Lineal Feet Hvdrants
South Plaza Tra.il 161, 108
South Plaza Trail 8@, 2553 1
Soutl-i Plaza 'I'rail 61- 290
Windsor Oaks Boulevard i6l, 201 I
Wi3idsor Oaks Boulevarcl 81, 1218
Woodlake Rc)ad 61, 3693 4
Woodlake Road 4" 6o5 -
Pondview Circle 4" 430 -
Stoney Creek Circle 4" 98 -
Westcliester Circle 61, 195 1
Westchester Circle 4" 412 -
High Gate Circle 4" 105 -
Smoke Rise Lane 4" 282
Hearth SLone Lai-ie 61, 202 -
Mill Stream Roacl 61, 1458 2
Woodlal@e Co@irt 61, 110 1
Woodlal@e Court 4" 589 -
Mill Streani Court 4" 422 -
Water Oak Road 6" 2779 3
Water Oak Placc 4" 290 -
Brc,o',.zsiCle 6" 1138 1
Country Pl-@,ce 4" 152 -
C@old Streani Place 4" 278 -
Co@irf, 4" 291 -
Wiiidsor C-,ate Plice 61, 2414 3
Piney Ricl,,e 61, 142 -
Win(l@or Gate C-,ircl(- 6" 457 1
WiTiclsor G@@tc. Circle 4" 248 -
All as (lesci-il)e.(l an(] )II pl@ill@ C)aks @V(@st, Se,@@er
aiici @Vatei7 Pitii@;, @is pi-, @V(@l-iri(,rs, aiid
NOW, TTIEREFOI',L, BE I'I' l@LSOI@VL@,I), t@iat tlie City of Norfol@i< be ancl it
hereby is requested to inal<c a. conn,(-tioi,@ of pr(Dpos@(' water rnailis with tlie
prescnt mairs of said City at the said (iesi,,n@ilioti, ancl tipc,n con-ipletion of the
installation of the propo@cl rnains, to supi@ly to resi(lin, tlicreori,
it being expressly undc@rst,Dod aiid a@,, reed that 1.@i,! siipplyiii@, of -@aicl \\,atp-r by tlie,
City of Norfolk shall be upon anrl st,,bject to ti@,- foll.owin@, terms anci coliditions:
1. That thc sai(I water rnains ql)all be iit,@lz,lled in iccol-clanc-,(@ vqtli the
specifications of the said City of Nc,r,@oll< anci to l@li(! satisfzict@on of tlie I)irector of
Public Works of said City, at iio cost to tlie (-,ity of Norfoll@.
2. That the wat@,r so suppli,ul tlirc)u,li 1 ryiainf; tc) constin-icrs shall be at
the same rate no-,v, or hereaft r, cliirged liv tli,@ (-,ity C)i Norfolk to consumers beyold
the limits of said City sinilarlv sii:liited.
3. That all ordinLnces of the City of aiil all riiles and regulations of
the Division of Water Supply of said City, novr oi- liereafter aciopte(i ai-id put into el@ect,
relating to the furnishin., of water shall appl@, to th@ supplyiiig of \vater through tlie
said proposcd inains.
4. That the sai(i City of Norfolk stall Ii,,, i-(Ier iio obli,ation to furnisli more
water tlian its distributiott system as no%%, laicl, tile pressure carried, will deliver
into said mains, and if the said supplyin,l or shall riot be. in accordancc Vith the
stand-,,rd service, the s-,ii(I City of iNorfol',- sl,,all iiol@ bc lield -esponsible in any wa@,.
5. That in supplyiii water to (-@c)nuiners alon, the sa@d prop(,,sed mains, the
City of Norfolk will supIDI)T the sanic only fro-c,) its sui-plus s@,tpply, al-Ld that in no
event sl-iall tliere,@ be an,: ol)li,latioii oi7 "lic pai:t o * s@,id City t,, supply viater to any
consurners alon, the prc)p,)@,e(l, maiiis at any tini -,,.7lien, iii tl)e juci@eme@it of "lic
Council of the said City of -@\oi-fol',-, the said C-,ity Iiall iio, 'El,@ve sufficient sufply for
use within its corporate lirnits, or wli,@n,,vei- tli, s@ipply@,n,, of said water shall inter-
fere with the dischar,e of t@l-ie duty of said City t@) @upply Nvaler to its own inliz,.IDi'ants.
6. That from and a'ter the installation of tl,@c water niains and h)-dralits tliey shall
become the prop,-,rty of City of Vir,iiiia 'I'h,! Cltv of Vir,inia- I',ez,,c'n shall
grant to the City of Norfoll@ tlie ri.,Iit to ise s,2,c,!, ii-aiis a-iid livdraits for the sup-p'y of
water, and furtlier ,rant,,, to the City of Norfoll-I ,-eady a-nd r(@,@soii@ble access to t'llera.
7. That for any firc,, h),clrant installed at "i(- request cf the City of Vir,.inia
Beach, a rental paynient of Oiie Hi@ldred Dollai-- ((I100. 00) a ye-,tr for eacli hydrant
shall be paid to tlie City of Not-foll@.
ADOP,TF-,D BY TtiF,' CQPNCIL of the C4,ty cf Virgiiiia Beach, Vir,.inia this
til day of i
oli itiotion by Counc i Iiiiiii, I)u, cli , ,;ccoiidc, a 1))7 Colilc 1 1 ilia ii 1-@el, )-e Iand by rccord C(,
votc as follolqs:
Ay(@s Coulicilmon Robert 11. (:,illis , Jr . , l,olc,rt l' . crorni@ol I , Jr. , l,i'ank A.
I)tiscii , F. Rei d Erviii , Gool-@,,c ]Z. Ferreii , 1). litii r@i,v i@lall)oii , J. Cilrtis Pa),ne
vi ce Mayor Earl tl. l@l oyd E. cld @incl Playor Doiiil ci 11.
lzliodes .
Nays: None
Absciit: Councilman Clarence A. llollar)d.
,ity council authorize(I tlie City @lan@i@,cr, @ii-. IZo.@er Scott, to enter i"tc)
contract iTith @.talcoliii llii-iiic, Friginec'riii@', (:Omp,,Iny to dcsign certain water
acilities including aii clex,@itc(l watel-
ITE@l #42on
Oii jitotion by Councilill@ill I)LISCII , soconded 1)), (@ouiici Iflian Ferrell , and by recordeci
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. C,,ilLis, Jr., IZol)crt B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
DLisch, I:. Reid Ervin, Georg( R. l@errell, 1). @lui,r@i), P@lall)on, T. C@urtis P@lyne,
Vice @layor L-arl PI. l'obault, E. W@it i-fiold, Jr., and @layor Donild Ii.
Nays: None
Abseiit: Couiicilman Clareiice A. llolliiid.
Cit@ Council noted its iiiteiition to liold @t :losed nicetin@ on @londay, @l@ti-ch 6,
197 , for tlie purpose of cliscussilig iteiiis I)Orlnitted for 'd'isciissioii iijidor the
Frec,doiii of Inforinatioii Act of tlit@ ComFlionw(,@iltli of V@rgillia.
ITF,M @ A?C)l
n motion by Councilnian Fcrrcll, socondeci l,v Couilcilman IVaterfield, the nteeting
-J f) b- i C i ty @l )@o I IT@o d@ , li y o r
City of Virginia Beach,
V i r 1, i 11 i a
Fcl)ruary 28, 1972