HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 10, 1972
January 10, 1972
he regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia
as held in the Council Chambers of the Administration Building, in the Borough
of Princess Anne, on Monday, January 10, 1972, at 10:00 a.m.
The invocation was given by Reverend Ward Donat, Thalia Methodist Church,
Virginia Beach.
Councilmen present: Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Councilmen absent: None
ITEM #4094
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by (,ouncilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferreil, Cl@irence A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl @NI. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
.Tr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
ays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the Minutes of the Re,,ular Meeting of January 3, 1972,
and tlie readiiig of said Minutes dispensed with inasmuch as each Councilman
had a copy of the subject Minutes before hil',I.
ITEM #409S
On motion by Vice Mayor Tebault, seconded bv Couiicilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George R. 1-@errell, Cl@irence A. liolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vicc, Mayor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
ity Council approved on second reading ,in @idditionil appropriation of $837.00,
ecessary to cover the coEipoii.,;ation of tlie lioiaor@ible Frederick P. Aucamr), who
ill assume his cluties Lis a full time Jti(i,,e of- tlie Ju enile and Domostic
v ind
Relations Court on J@inu,,ir, 1, 1,97,.1; ,flir@her approved of an idditioiial
appropriation in tlie @iniolirit of $1,500 to cc)@,er tlie increase in tlie I)cr them
allowaiicc for sut)stitute jlidges f-roiii $SO.OO I)er (lay to $7S.00 per dav.
ITEM #4096
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Nlalbon,
J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and
Mayor bonald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
@bsent: None
City Council corrected Item #3S32 of the Council Nlinutes of July 26, 1971
by insertion of the following Ordinance, which deletes the reference to
closing a_portion of 28th Street:
WHEREAS, proper notice that The Connor & Foy Construction Corporation
would make application to the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on July 26, 1971, to have the hereinafter described portions of McKINLEY AVENUE,,
TAFT AVENUE, HAYES AVENUE, and ARTHUR AVENUE vacated and discontinued as public
streets, was duly posted at the Courthouse of the Circuit Court of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, and at tiqo other public places on the 14th day of
June, 1971, and
WHEREAS, said application was made to the Council and pursuant to
the statutes in such cases made and provided, the Council on June 28,
which was ten days after said posting of the notice appointed Charles Carrington,
W. W.Fleming, Jr. and George Hanbury as viewers to view said portions of
McKinley Avenue, Taft Avenue, Hayes Avenue, and Arthur Avenue sought to be
closed, vacated and discontinued and to report in writing whether, in their
opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from discontinuing
the same, and said viewers have made such report to the Council by their letter
dated July 22, 1971, and
WHEREAS, the land proprietors affected thereby, along said portions
of McKinley Avenue, Taft Avenue, Hayes Avenue, and Arthur Avenue proposed to be
closed, vacated and discontinued, have been duly notified, and
WHEREAS, the City Planning Commission has recommended by letter
dated July 22, 1971, that said portions of McKinley Avenue, Taft Avenue, Hayes
Avenue, and Arthur Avenue be closed, vacated and discontinued, and
WIIEREAS, it is the jl.,dgment of the Council that said portions of
McKinley Avenue, Taft Avenue, ilayes Avenue, and Arthur Avenue should be closed,
vacated and discontinued;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED, by the Council of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia:
Section 1: That those portions of McKinley Avenue, Taft Avenue,
Hayes Avenue, and Arthur Avenue, in the Borough of Princess Anne, in the City
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, as hereinafter described are hereby closed,
vacated and discontinued as streets of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
said portions of McKinley Avenue, Taft Avenue, Hayes Avenue, and Arthur Avenue
not being needed for public use and travel:
Beginning at a point on the eastern line of Roo5evelt Avenue
where the southern line of McKi n]ey Avenue in te rsects sa id
Roosevelt Avenue as shown on that certain plat entitled
"Plat of Pecan Gardens" as recorded in the Clerk's Office of
the Circuit Court of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in tiap Book 7,
at page 70.'@
Thence along the eastern ]ire of McKinley Avenue t4 25"42'02"
E 667-99 feet to a pin; thence N 73c'03'45" W 50-59 feet to a
point; thence in a southerly direction along the western line
of McKinley Avenue 503.61 feet to its intersection vjith the
eastern line of RooseveIt A%,en ue ; thence S 08000'00" W 164. 45
feet to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a pin on the northern line of 28th Street where
the eastern line of ticki nicy Avenue in tersects @qi th 28th Street
as sho%qn on the above plat; thence along the eastern line of
McKinley Avenue N 18033'00" E 100 feet to a pin; thence in a
wes terly di rection a long a line perpendi cul ar to the eas tern
line of tIcKinley AvenL:o
50 feet to the western line of t4cKi nl ey
Avenue; thence in a sout@erly direction along thc v@estern line
of McKinley Avenue 100.41 feet to its interscction vii th the northern
line of 28th Strect; thence along the northern line of 28th Street
S 73003'45" E 50.02 feet to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point along the western I ine of Taft Avenue
where i t intersects wi th the northern I ine of 28th Street;
thence in a northerly di rect ion along the @iestern I ine of
Taft Avcnue 188.03 feet to a point ; thence N 23"20'38" E
18h.72 feet to a point; thence in a southcrly direction along
the eastern I iric of Taft /\vctiic 365-85 feet to its interscction
with tlie northcrn line of 2Eth Strect; t[@nce in a westerly
di rection ilorig tho nortlicrr I ine of 28th Street 50 feet to
the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point along the western line of Hayes Avenue
at its intersection with the northern line of 28th Street;
thence in a northerly direction along the western line of
Hayes Avenue 433-11 feet to a point; thence S 39030'21" E
41.47 feet to a pin; thence S 64007'07" E 20.63 feet to a
point; thence in a southerly direction along the eastern
line of Hayes Avenue 398-44 feet to its intersection with
the northern line of 28th Street; thence in a westerly
direction along the northern line of 28th Street 50 feet
to the point of beginning.
Beginning at a point on the western line of Arthur Avenue
132-78 feet north of its intersection with 28th Street;
thence from said point of beginning in a northerly direction
along the western line of Arthur Avenue 191.49 feet to a
point; thence S 64007'07" E 52.65 feet to a point; thence
in a southerly direction along the eastern line of Artliur
Avenue 175-01 fect to a point; thence in a westerly direction
and perpendicular to the eastcin line of Arthur Avenue 50
feet to the point of beginning.
Section 2: That this ordinanc(@ shall be in effect from and after
hirty (30) days from the date of its inception.
ITEM #4097
Mr. OweTf Pickett, Attorney, appeared on behalf of Mr. James Harris and Mr.
11. C. Perrel requesting that tlie requirement5 of the subdivision ordinance
pertaining to curbs, gutters and sidewalks be waived in a part of Euclid
Place (that portion triangular in shape bounded bv the Norfolk and Southern
Railroad, liolland Road, and tvitchduck Road) is the property is zoned
industrial, the businesses in the area are distributive and small manufactures
that are not retail and do not lend theinsel%-es to pedestrian traffic and
there is very little through traffic.as the niajor roads around the perimeter
of the subject area--liollaiid Road and @@itclictuck Road--are the most utilized.
Mr. Picketi l@resented a petition SiLned b@@ ti)e property owners in the area;
a copy of which is on file in the O@fice of the City Clerk.
Mr. H. E. Perrel appearcd before City COLinc,.l in support of Mr. Pickett's
Mr. Charles Carrington, I)irector of City lllzinning, indicated that reviewing
the request as an individual site plan, and not from subdivision requirements,
sidewalks will be needed oii IVitchduck l@oacl @ind Holland Road is ttieso streets
re through streets aiid carrv a consideril)lc, ainouiit of vchicular and pedestrian
raffic; hoi@ever, sidewalks will not be iiceJc6 oii tlie remaining stroets in
lie subject portion of Fuclid plzice dtic tc tlie t@,pe of small btisiness and
sliops in tlie area.
Mr. W. W. Fleming, Director of Community Services, indicated that his depart-
niont has donc considerable cii,,iricering w rk in the subjoct area and prograiiimecl
thi s clirti@ Illcl plitiers and necessai,y clrain@ige
ye@ir for the iniplemeiit@itioli of
in the areas wliere escrow iiioiiies tre @ivailable I-or sucli lte
,ited IZo@id @iiid Clevela d
ftirther st, th@it LiLio to tlie @iiiiotint of tr@iffic oii Ifoll@ind n
Street beiiio designated as a i,it@ll trLiFf@Lc irtery iri tlie futlirc, as well as
other problems sticli as pai,k-iii@,, in tlie strcots, encroichmolit oii public riglit
of way and (train@ige, ttic ol- c@ii-b iiid gtttter ai,e necesslr\l if
tlic area is going to (leveloli iiito the tvl)c of indtistriil. plirk tlie citv waiits-
Mr. Roger Gray, a property owner on Cleveland Street, appeared before City
Council in support of Mr. Pickett's request@ for a waiver.
Mr. Palle Bistrup appeared before City Council in support of Nlr. Pickett's
request for a waiver.
Mr. M. R. Welsh appeared before City Council in support of Mr. Pickett's
request for a waiver.
Mr. SaTn Houston, Sr. appeared in opposition to the request of Mr. Pickett
that the requirements of the subdivision oi-dinance pertaining to curbs,
@utters, and sidewalks be waived in a part of Euclid Place.
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @Nlayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, J
Jr., and Mayor Donald H. l@odes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council deferred for two (2) weeks consideration of the request that
the requirements of the subdivisioii ordinarice pertaining to curbs, gutters,
and sidewalks be waived in a part of Euclici I'lace to allow the property owners
in the subject area to meet and discuss their problems with Mr. W. W. Fleming,
Director of Community Sorvices.
ITEM #4098
']ity Council requested the City Attorney to investigate the situation of the
lischarging of firearms in the City and the possibility of designating certain
ireas as bird sancutaries. Mr. Bimson indicated that he would talk with the
Game Warden and set up a meeting with the Police Department regarding this
matter and report back to Council in two weeks.
ITEM #4099
Application of the American Oil Company for a Use Permit to construct a gasoline supply
station on certain pro.oerty located on the @@or r@,,,iest corner of Bonney Road and Independence
Boulevard running a distance of 279.32 feet along the @lorth side of Bonney Road, running a
distance of 161.02 feet alona the West side of Independence Boulevard, and running a dis-
tance of 322.41 feet along t@e Northern property line. Said property is triangular in
shape. (Pocahontas Village Area). KET@IPSVILLE BOROUGH.
The Planning Commission recommends approval of this application. Approval was con-
tingent upon a report fron the State Toll Road Authority that this parcel would not
be necessary for the proposed cloverleaf interchange at this intersection. This
report is due in November.
On inotion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., FranR A.
@usch, l@. Reid Ervin, Goorg R. Ferrell, Clarence A. floliand, D. Murray
talbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor l@arl M. Tebault, 1-@loyd E. IVaterfield,
Tr., aiid Mayor Donald 11. Ilhodes.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: None
City Cotiiicil deferred for sixty (60) diys tlio above al)plication of American
Oil Coippqny for a Use Pei-jriit to consti-Lict ,i isoliiie ,;Ljppl), station oii cel--
tain property locaCe@on--F@e Nortlii@est corncr of IlonncN, IZo@id Iiid Ijidel)elidence
BoLilev@ird, Pociliontas Vill@ige Ai-czi, Keiiii)svillc Boi-ou(,,Ii t)cjicling a pliblic
heai@ing to be lield I)y tlic St@ltc, @l@oll i@o@i(.1 ;\Iitjiol,itv iiiciic@iting wliotlier or
not tiiis pirccl will be I-or tlie I)t,c)j@,osecl clovorl(',Lif intercliange
at tllis into]--,;Octioli.
ITEM #4100
Application Of tile City of Vir@,inia Ppach Industrial Develorr,.ent Authority for a
p(, for a sewane nurivina sta@ion in the firnort Industrial Park on certain
,Se mit
property located at the "(.,,,tern cxtr(,tlitv of Thtirston Avenue-, said nroperty being
40 ftot by 40 fect. (Airnort Industrial Parl,, Pr a It
The @lanning CorTilission rpcomends arnroval of this request. A 30-fo(,t setback
will be required according tn zoning rcnulations fcr General Industrial District
3 (@11-3).
Mr. James Davis appeared on behalf of the I)epartment of Economic Development.
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded I)y Councilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, C"arence A. liolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd L-. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald fl. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above application of the City of Virginia Beach
Industrial Development Authority for a Use Permit for a seivage pumping
station in the Airport Industrial Park on certain property located at the
Western extremity of Thurston Avenue; said property being 40 feet by 40 feet,
(Airport Industrial Park Area) Bayside Borough, subject to a 30-foot setback
i.ii accordance to zoning regulatioiis for Geiieral IndListrial District 3 (MI-3).
IT@M #4101
Applic,ition of Selr.,.a Propert4os, Inc., aii,i Flan ?'otor Car '(,P,i)any,
Itic., for a Chapce o- 7r, nq fl,rl,l @'Ultit,],, Fe@ JIV Sid
ence ris@rict to
r,ener,il r@cna a l@@r P,@r@, it 'o operate a nev., car
sal(,s an(! service cn c(,rtain r)rcr.,irty beoif)niri,i at i'noint 31(,.[ f(,.et F-ist of
Clearfield @,.v(..nue, runnitiq a c!istarce of cler feet alono t@c Fastcrn proner"y
linc, runtiirn a distance c)f @;?3 @eet alono tf,,(, Sc.)L,-titern prorerty line and rt;nning
a distance o@ 674.73 feet along the ;@lestcrn property lire. (Clc-,,irfield Irea).
The Pliinitin Coriiissicii recerii(,ncis a,)r)roval cf t@lis IT),r)licitio.,l su@,ject to City
water aiid setqer oiilv reqtiested fiv tlie Irt)-irtriotit, an@l a (!Lc!ici+lion of
80 fect fron-, the c(-,titer Iii-ic of tli(, c-xisti!iq r)f v.,ay alori(i tnf-'
?444-foot, frortaqe on ',Iirqir,,ia I'eacl) @4@tjlc.v@rr; @le(iic,)ticn) rcques-@(@rl hy
t@t, Peil Fsta-@e Division. Fi@E, rlr@ti(,n inclii.;@,c@
@ t!io rccuest t;,at 4rf,(,!, on
prop(,r@y Ii,? retilinol'i !)(,,si@ lf@ ,Ion(i @lirqini-, @@@@ach
@@r,,ulc)v,?,rfi arr, r(,ouir@,l
CG-C, 4'-O" si(;c@iialk ail(! icilities fc)r t@(, pr(;T)ns@(i sitp.
Mr. John N. Parker appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by
Tecorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl Nt. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
.bsent: None
City Council approved the above application of Selma Properties, Inc., and
Checkered Flag Motor Car Company, Inc., for a ChanRe of Zoni from Multiple
Family Residence District (R-,M) to General Com 2 (C-G 2) and
a Use Permit to operate a new car sales and service on certain property
begin-ning at a point 316.6 feet East of Clearfield Avenue, (Clearfield Area)
Bayside Borough; subject to City water and sewer only requested by the Health
Department, and a dedication of 80 feet from the center line of the existing
120-foot right of way along the 444-foot frontage on Virginia Beach Boulevard
(20-foot dedication) requested by the Real Estate Division. Approval is
further subject to retaining trees on the property whore possible and improve-
ments along Virginia Beach Boulevtrd to inclutle standard street widening,
installation of CG-6, 4'-O" sidewalk and adequate drainage facilities for the
proposed site.
ITENI #4102
Applic,ition of Pel-lbroke @leadovis Ass(,ciates for a Char@ne (,.f 7(,,nir,.a fror, Liniteci
Coi,-nercial Pistrict 2 (C-L .-@, to r%,-@npral 2) oii certain
property locatt,(l at the :!ortheast ccrner of Pr@;@J)roke F,(.ulc@vard Exteneed and
I-litchdL,ck l'oad, runriinq a distarcc, of li@O fe,@t @,ore or I(,ss alona the Fpst side.
of t!i@c@i@it1cp rij,-iniilri a of @1,7 fpet ror(, (,r 1(-,ss the "orth
side of Peoibroke [-;otjlcvard ru,)nino i eistarc(, of 200 fe(@t morl, (,,r less
aloiig Ilhe 1-@'istprri @ror)crtv lirie ard runniti(i a eistance of -,25 fcc-t r,,,ore Dr 1(.,Ss
alon(,i the !!crt@ern prc,,)(,rty lire. (Pc.,mbrope "('.Zldov.,s @@rE'a). 5,1@ysipr 9"Roulli.
Ttie Plennina Cor,@,nissior. r(,cor3,.c,-(!s ,n!,rf,,vil of thi,.; requ@,t tl,.e
art)licant i,i-ot Aiit!l various of Cit,', to fic?,Lcrriiiie t@(, final
-il i,.; fijrtlier s@ih4oct t Citv viater
alic!fi;ient of Pet-,hrc@,.e o
and sev;er rc-nuestc,(.1 t@v ti@.2 Healtf,. (i@(!icetion of a 3,,).-fc,('t
ri,il,,t of ilonn t!)e fron@tir7(, r@!, tCl:(@,._.Cl, @y Pcil
a;! i, r(
Fs+ate Division. Fi,ein(:@rii,,r! r'livisicn iri-rovpcnlls
aloll(,@ @litclie@ick Road.
Mr. Charles Carrington, I)irector of City I)Ianning, indicated tllat he had
received a letter from tlie applicant reqliestin@. a tliirty (30) day deferral.
On motion by Councilman Ifolland, seconded blv Cotincilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Calli.s, Jr., Ro@)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. 1-@errell, Cl,,irence A. liolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl %l. Tebault, and Floyd E. Waterfield,
Nays: None
,bsent: None
Abstai.n: @layor Donald 11. Rhodes.
City Council deferred for tliirty (30) davs tho above ,ipplication of Pembroke
@leadows Associates for a Ch@iii,@c ol- Zonjilt,, fi-oin Lijiiit--d (@,ontmerci@il I)istrict 2
(C-1, 2) to General Coiiiinerci@l I)i.,;ti,ict 2 ((: G 2) on certain prol)ertv located
at the Northe@ist coriier of lleiiil)roke BOLI lcv@ti-d Fxtendoct and tvitcliduck (I)embroko
Me@idows Arc,,a) , Biyside Borottgfi.
ITEM #4103
Application of Vir(iini;.i r,,itevtay, itic. , @,y Tho!nas C. Broyles. Attornry, fnr a
I e sut ha I
Clian of 'cning froi. @psidenc ur n @istrict 4 (P-S 4) to @@ultiple Farily
P,es i d-@,@, -F,
@ -f S-fr-l c t and a i'!.ee Pnrl;lit to constrtict 140 ar)ar'tpient units on
certain Pronerty locat('(! at tvie-;@.cri-e@a f corner of roodr,-an Pr)ad and ';Pwtot,,n
Road, running a dis*ancp of 455.@,5 fect alcno the East side of @!cwtovn Poad,
runnino a distance of E47.OR feet alor.1.1 tf@p !'(,,rthern. t)ro,,frty lifle, runninn a
distance of 251.93 fect alo@ia the Eas,-' 0 C of
,ern nro,-,erty Iii,e and runnine a dist nc
1036.57 feet alonq tlie K!orth siee Of n re,.d. @aid prorerty -contains E.rl
acres. (Newsome Fam. Area). EPYSI@GE
The Planninci Cor,.missi(,n recor,-,mends anproval of this reouest subject to a
reduction fropi t@,@ 1,1,r) aparti-.etit uniis to 1") a,-artri@n@, tjt)its Iccause of traffic
conn,L,stion on ilev.,tot,ip, Pcad ind ir. order for ti@(,, c!@nsity to @-e ccrinitible to
neighborinn multi-faililv nronorties. is su',,Iect to City %.,,atcr and
Sewer reciuested by 'L@IL,, i:. itil Itat@ @lvision reouests a
@ -a
dedicp'@ior, of ri(i@it of ,..3y 4.9 0 3t@--p ot
c.-L frn@, t@le centcr litie f t, - Pxlstin .0
f .0
riqht of alc,,in tlo @ t r,.ore rr Ic,ss frcrtaflo o- @'c.;,,to,,-In Pcad
(2@l-foot cfe@@icatirn), arj a dedicitior, rf
of v,av ?'f "r feet fr(,Fl th-e
c@nter line of t@.0 cxistirn rinl,t of @,,@l,v @7-fc3ot rcre
or IEss frr,,)"acf, oTi Poa@l (1-7-foot I,-@tion fcr anproval
inclu(Jed n,,rticip,)-Li,?n i'l SCI,001 Si
tL, Icc,--isilicn !,(l sl:ar@dcird site @lar,.
ir,r)rov@-ents to iliclu4c- strt-,(,.t @uttcr il,d @torm e-riins a
r,.ininium, ra@lius (,f ?5 f@et is rocc:-r@Pilrie(i fc,,r t',@ strr,@t int-2rsc@c@@icn@ a
eiitrance %,,,i(4-lh of 30 fE'@t is sta!,,.!,ird IC!-fof)t [,v -9-fcot
is requirer'. Tti(, riotion aisc, incltjdcd ari ci@!,@:@ua'LP draitiar7e nlan for t@iis sit@.
Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney, appeared cii behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilinan llolland, and by
-ecorded vote as follows:
,yes: Councilmen Robert fi. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
i)uscii, F. Reid 1-@rvin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. ilolland, D. Murray
Malboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl Nl. Tebaul.t, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald ff. Rhodes.
Nays: -None
Absent: None
City Council deferred for a period of thirtv (30) days the above application
of Vir,inia Gateway, Inc. for a Clange o@ Z@.n,;ng from Residence Suburban
District 4 (R-S 4) to @lultiple F@.Ily IZ@', District (]Z-NI) and a Use
Permit to construct 140 apartment uiiits on certain property located at the
No tieast corner of Goodnian lzoad ind Newtowii Road, (Neivsome Farin Area),
Bayside Borough.
ITEM #4104
,@ppl icati(,,n of Pay t^a,@irinn, Ir)c. , for a of 7rining fror,, Linit@ Ccmmorcial
District 2 (C-L I-) to @@@npral (-,cr,,@@rcial-- i-(,*-@ a !-'s(, r
operate a service facilitv for sorvic(, of v,4icIcs o@-, c(,rtain iro-
perty locatc(@ at thc, corii@r of in,! Pr!)lar Street, rLif1pino
;tatice of 93 f(,-et Lilo@,ri t;,, si(@@ @)f run,-).inn a dist,?rce C)f
fec-t alollg tilc@ F@St Sir,,, rtirt,@i@ic, i r;ist,,f,.co of 1(,7.1,,,@
L, f T) I P. r 4
@ect alonq tlie Sotit@@crii -r,,,rerty lit,- oi!('
rurtning a @iistance of 3,1@.44 feet along the F,@,,tern pro!,,ortv line. ('os(,t.@ont
Tf@(-, Plirninn Cori,liisior, r@cor,;,@ii(is @rrrf-,, ' ,@l o@ t@@is Ci-,v
and sci@er ciily 'V ti,@ t.[, r,nt ,r,! ri@ ii,:,rticii cf ri(il-@t cf
v,,iv 3,') froii ti-.e cc-@t,t,@r, lin(, ()f t[,,- (,f %.,av ti,e
03-foot (,r It@s on !@(,riroy !@v
Mr. Andrew Fine appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Mr. Ed Kaiser, President of Bay Camping, Inc. appeared before City Council.
Mr. Keene, owner of the subject property, appeared before City Council.
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by
recorded vote as follows:
,yes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
)usch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. @folland, D. Murray
,4albon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above application of Bay Camping, Inc. for a Change
of Zoning from Limited Commercial District 2 (C-L 2) to General Commercial
District 3 (C-G 3) and a Use Permit to opea-ate a service facility for service
of recreational vehicles on certain property located at the Southeast corner
of Bonney Road and Poplar Street, (Rosemont Area) Lynnhaven Borough; subject
to City sewer and City water when availablc, as requested by the Health
Department and a dedication of right of wa), 30 feet from the center line of
the existing SO-foot right of way along the 93-foot more or less ftontage
on Bonney Road (5-foot dedication) as requested by the Real Estate I)ivision.
Approval is further subject to standard site plan improvements and standard
street improvements on Bonnev Road (Council waived the requirement of standard
street improvements oji Poplar Street with tlie stipulation that the applicant
provide a signature bond for participatioii in said improvements if and when
the City so requires them).
ITENI #410S (a)
P,@7lication of She@l"y P,ll,,t@l(, fy T@,o!,-.is C. 'Itorney, f(,.r ?i of
7 1
,r,rlill(l fror.@l Stiturt,F,@T) -istric@, 3 3) to '@tiltiT)le Farily f)istrict
a I!se Pormit to coristrtict 2C. a,@ar@mrrt unit!; on (,,-rlaiti nror(,rty lo-
ccrner of 1,@th @trc(,t ind @l(-)nroe 'vr!nu(,..
c-,itecl at tht, S)i 11.1 I I
P,i@cel 1: Ci,anne of 7(,,niiiq frorn. ".-S 3 to L@eqinrlinn at a r.,oint 22p, f('.(-'.t
Scuth of l@@,th C-ir,-@t an(' a di,,tance o-F FO f(,el- aloric the 1:@-st
sie,c,. of f@onroe illve@itic,., riii)nit-,@l, a dis@loi,cf-, ol- f(,-t e@lono thf) @c(it'-Icrr, Vro,(,rty
lino., rLit)i,i@il l di'l@-,ce of @) f@et t@,,- r-o@-f-rty lil-c of t,!Iiir!i
feet is thc,. F,,st of ),-,ff,@r,lon [,,v(,nuc. an(t rLr,.iiin(,, a distance of 2i@O feE,+,
-ilonq tlie @'rrtl,ern pr(,p(,,ri-y lire.
Parccl 2: t;se Pcr It to constrticll- 2C) a,-@irt!)@rzt tir,.its: oti certain ,)ropertv lo-
cate(! at the corr@r of 19th Stroci, anJ '!or,.rof.,. @vtnue., rtli1rl,l@q
-i distarcc, cl@ 27(, f@ort -alcr,.g t@!e @'(2@t si,,@ of @@nrrc(, 'venu,2, runni!)rl a distal,ce
of 197 ft-et aloi,,(,, tli,e Pron-?rty li!i(, of 1-0 fc(,.t is t@.e South. siee
of 19th -,+reet Fxten,ie:A, ruiir,,iii@, a (iist(irc(@ rf -7@ f@f@t alonq the @tc,,+Iern r)ro-
perty liii@, of f@t if" '!ic, F"t ef @,.v(,riu(,, rtin@ina a (iis-
tance of ?nq fect alO,,,(,, @(@utilf.,r!l
Tlie Pla!ii@ii,.n Corriissirt-@ a-,nrtv@l c,!- r@nt,ifst sutllrct ti,, -ity @@ittr
-ind, s@ @,f t,io!tt of %.!,tv
-.,(,r reouc-@tl(l ,v @!@c !lrll th, f-,n, 1-
25 fr-,(,t frni, +,4ir-, 1 in@ (,,f i@ f
rl t!i@, 17r,,-foot
,(,re or lc@ss (!f r i,7!,@ t c f
vi,iv 7-@ f(,(-,t T@rcri t:,(. c,!,,'-r cf
"IF). foot t@oi,c, (,r ()il inff,,rsoi@
of rio.@,t o"' -fcr,,,
riri' t ,f @!,!y aloi(, t@r or ],-@s Strrct
iic ;Ill-l
S'Lrr(-,t <,i@(I
t:v 1.11(,
.:)iA! ril-iiii, iii;,ii iri fc@r The
r@nticii for irl,,)rov,-Ii @.I,;o 1 4 ir, sil, icoui,itio@n.
MT. Tliomas C. Broyles, Attorney, appeared oii behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Councilman Nlalbon, seconded by Councilmaii Ervin, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Clarence A. Holland, D. @lurray
Malbon, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @layor Donald
H. Rhodes.
Nays: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George
R. Ferrell and J. Curtis Payne.
bsent: None
ity Council approved the above application of Shelby Pallette for a Change
of Zoning from Residence Suburban District 3 (R-S 3) to Nlultiple Family
District (R-M) and a Use I)erniit to construct 26 apartment units on certain
property located at the Southwest corner of 19th Stre,t Extended and Monroe
Avenue; subject to City water and sewer as requested by the Health Department
and a dedication of right of way 25 feet from the center line of the existing
40-foot right of way along the SO-foot more or less frontage on Monroe Avenue
(S-foot dedication), a dedication of right of %@av 25 feet from the Center line
of the existing 40-foot right of wav along the 2@-foot more or less frontage
on Jefferson Avenue (5-foot dedication), and a dedication of right of way 2S
feet from the center line of the existin@ 30-foot right of way along the 120-
foot more or less frontage on 19th Street (f@xtejided) (10-foot dedication).
Approval is further subject to street improvements on 19th Street and @lonroe
Avenue as requested bv the Engineeriiig Divi@ioii as well as two entrances to
the property with 30-foot openiiigs and 20-f@:)ot radius minimum for street
intersections. Approval is also subject to participation by the applicant
in the school site acquisition forniul@i as reqtlested by the School Board.
ITE@l #4105 (b)
a motion by Mayor Rhodes, seconded by Councilinan Waterfield, and by recorded
ote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr. , Rol)ert B. Croinive7ll, Jr. , Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, (-,I@irence A. flolland, D. Murray
Nialbon, Vice @,layor Earl ki. Tebault, Floyd E. IVaterfield, Jr., and @layor
Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman J. Curtis Payne.
City Council voted to reconsider tlie-above @ipl)lication of SheIbN Pallette
for a Change of Zoning from Residence Suburl)an District 3 (R-S 3) to
Multiple Family District (R-',I) and a Use Ilei'mit to coiistruct 26 apartment
units (Lynnhaven Borough), i@iiich ivas apprc)v(,d in Item 44105 (a).
ITEM #410S ;.c)
On motion by Councilman Nlall)on, seconded bv Cotincilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follows:
@es: Councilmen IZobert B. Cromwell, Jr., l@. Reid l@ri@iii, Georgc, R. Ferrell,
larence A. flolland, D. Nlurrav Nl,,ilboii, Vice @la@,or Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. RI)odes
Nays: CoLincilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Fr@iiik A. Dusch, and J. Curtis Payne.
Absent: Nonc
City Council rescinded tlieii@ i)rci@iotis actiOTI for approval of tlie above
apl)licatioii of Slielby I'@illett@ I-or @i (@h@iiiu of --oiiing fro@,11 lzesidence Stiburliaii
District 3 (R-S 3) to @itiltil@le, I)isti, -l Iiicl -l ljsc, Pcrniit to
cc)nstrtict -16 @il)zirtinent (init@ (l.vi@lill@IV('TI I"Cll'@)IIIIII) a,@ set forth ii) Itei,@l 4105
aiid dol-ei-i@ed tlie ipplic@,.tioll for @l I)C'l,ioki tt,ii-tN, (30) da@ls.
ITEM #4106
Application (,f Errla T. @'@ott by Ti@oi-@s C. rrc,,yles, Attorney, for a 'han f 7, nira
from Cne Firilly P(@sidence @-,-istrict (P,-J) to 'ultinle i esilei@(, -Sf@i
(R-3) on cer'@ain Prop@rty located at the corn(?r -of -eueee and
'lorfolk @v(,.ntie, runninp a dis@ancc,, of 3@,@ fe,,,t alonn t@.,e South si(le of '@orfolk
Aveiiue, rutininn a dista?ice of 113( fe,,t alorq t!le F,,stei,n nror,,crtv lir.(, of @,ihich
14-0 fet-t is t@ic? l,'c.,s'L si(@@ of T2t.,@Ice l,@@vcntie, rlin"ino a -Jisti,,r)c(, of 453 fect alona
the Southcrii property li@.e ard rii,-itlina a c!istance of 2,(1@ frf,.t alonq t@,-o 1,4cstern
properl,y linc (cast side of l@!dian :@.venue). IiiiCh'@s P@rea).
T!ie Planiiino Com,,issiGZ, (!Piil of t@is re(lufst 1,; it i.!as f@lt t@at t)iL,
area in c@Liesticn is sirc!l@ farjilv in c!;ir,,cl,,i, as ttiorf, iq@s crnsid,(frable
opposition P-re-sentecl it t!;e Pti@@lic @,@!e resi(I-nts of tiie ark?a.
Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attoriiey, appeared on bhelaf of the applicant requesting
a withdrawal of the above application.
Mr. Wallace Smith appeared on behalf of tile Shadowlawn lieights Civic League
in opposition to the request for withdrawil aiid iii opposition to the above
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded b@, Councilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
)usch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. flolland, D. Murray
4albon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayo-r Eiirl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
,Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Countil denied the abovc application of Erma T. Mott for a h@an of
Zoning froin One Family Residence District (R-1) to Multiple Family Residence
U-1 t@rict (R-3) on certain property located it tlie Soutli@vest corner of Rudee
Avenue and Norfolk Avenuo, (Shadowlawn Area) Virgiiiia Beach Borougli.
The application was deiiied as it was felt that the area in question is single
family in character and is tliere was consicier@ible opposition presented froin
the residents in the area.
ITEM 94107
lp,@lication of Frati!@ t:,-'(,.rber(i for 7i r,,r@ ;l @c,, constr@ict t@!n le,@,itinriil
z!t)itrl-i@r7it units or,, ccrt,-.-ii t!(, @cul-1) i@1- of 34t@i Str(,et
@,cqiniiil,.n cit i roilit rc-,ct L:,s-@ cif .:rcti(-. riii,,ripq a distarcc- c,,f 75
fc,(It t!le Snuth si(@c, (,f S'@r-rt. a di,ta@ice of 1,1,0 f(,c,+, al(,,n(,,
tlie Easterr, proper,ty lit;o,, t,utiiirri E! (!ist,)Prc c)f 7,-, fc(,t llorq tli@, S(,uth4,rn pro-
nerty line aiid rLirinifi(,, a dis-L,!rco, of 1"@ f"'t !',lst@,rn lit@c,,p@,rtv Iiiic,.
S,ti(! lirop,lrty c(',ritai!is (icrf@s.
-11)(, I'l@,nninc,, Comissicn r@,,,u(,st sub,i(,ct t,,) sit(,
Citv @l i t::e llrlill@3 -)f,,)artm@nt al(l
Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Councilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows;
iyes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Fi@ank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George
,. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. \Iurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor
Earl Nl. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Nlayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Ji.
City Council approved the above application of Frank Laderberg for a Use
Permit to construct ti,7o additional aparti@-lent units on certain property
located on the South side of 34th Street, kirginia Beach Borough; subject
to site plan approval, City ivater and sewei as requested by the flealth
Department aiid participation in school sitc acquisition.
1TEM #4108
Application of the City of Virairia rraci-, for a ar-,entimeit to thp ',,ir inia
Psc,ach and Princess P,,ine Zcninn ('t@Cir@arcf,.s requlations for rtit,.Icor
Advertising Struc4,Lires, iiillLoards, Poster P-@rF-,Is, Siii,!)oards, and Sirns v4ith
estat)lisflcd zonina districts of t!@ Ci@y of "'ir(linia ,cli, ador)ted )u@ie 7, 11)71,
v!ith an ar,eridT,-,er."'on .'une 'l, 1971. S(ii,., ivc,.,-c!mcnt is in r'-sr)rct to tc--@-,)c,,rarv siqns
in new corT,,crciil cc@,ntr@rs and n,,%-t itieusl@rizil rarks ircitleel in Srction 73r
Lir-iited S@-ctio,,i "istricts- ind
@ctic,n 7@)5.4.6, I-Oustrial !;istricts. @Inccific viordi,ln on t,ie nrot)osed ,'tr,endil@e-nt
is available in tho of t@,,c of City
Plinnipn c,f "@i-s rcL,.uest.
Mr. Sam liouston, Sr. appeared in oppositioii to that portion of the above
application setting fortli tlie lojigth of tiii,@e (24 i,.ionths) a temporary sign
to facilitate occupalic)@ illay remain el,ectecl.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded bv Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows: I
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Croinivell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, (icorge R. l@errell, Clirence A. flollai)d, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @lavor Earl @l. Tel)ault, F:Ioyd E. !Vaterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
ity Council approved tllc above -Ipplicatioii of the City of Vi.rginia Beacii
or a proposed aniendnient to tlie 1,7iriiiia l@e@icli aiid Ilrincess Anne Zoning
urdinances establishin,, regillatiojis for ()titloor Advertisin(l, Structures,
Billboards, I)oster Ptiiels, Sigiil)oLirds, an([ @@igns witli established zoniii@
districts of the City of "'irginii Beacli, @iclopteci Juiie 7, 1971, witli @in
ameiidi,,iejit on Jtine 21, 1971 .Said aniciidIlICTIt @S in i-espect to teinporar), signs
in iici@ coinriiorcial ceiiters Liricl nciv ijidusti-i,,i'parks iiicl@idc,,d in Section 735.@1.4,
Lim.i-led Coilijnoi,cial I)i.stricts; Scctioji 73.--,..1 5, Geiiei,al Coifliiiorcial I)istricts;
and Sectioii 735.4.6, Iiicliistri@tl I)istricts.
Add to Section 735.4.4 Limited Commercial Districts (CL-1 to CL-3; B-1)
and to Section 735.4.5 ene-ral 0 Ilercia-l- istri@, (CG-1 to CG-3; 8-2)
(f) To facilitate occupancy in the ne@i neighborhood, commercial,
or regional shopping center, a temporat,y sign may be erected
to facilitate OCCU'Dancy. In a neighborfio0d commercial center
containing a minimum of 60,000 square feet of land area, one
sign niay be erected not to exce@d t@-io faces, neit@ler of tihich
shall exceed one hundred (100) sqliare feet of surface area.
In a co,,n lunity con,,T-.ercial center containing fifteen (15) acres
of land, one sign may b-. erec@@ed not to exceed@t@-,,o faces neither
of whic@i shall exce,ld two (200) square feet of surface
area. In a regioiial commercial center containing thirty (30)
acres of latid, Dne sign niav be erected tio' to exceed t@@;o faces ,
neither o@ @.iliich shall exceed 41.i ree hun@@@'ed (300) square I-eet
of surface area. Sign must be removed @,ili-n 70'@ of tlie pro-
perty is OCCU'Died, or lease,,, or after a p,-riod of 24 rfionths
whiciiever comes first.
Add to Section 735.4.6 Industrial Districts (MI-1 to tll-3; M-1)
(f) To facilitate occupancy in ne@.: induslrial parks, a temporary
sign may be erected at each D-i,l-@iDal entrance to facilitate
occupancy. In an industrial containing a mini,-,iuml of
ten (10) acres of land area, oi,'@ sign at ea@h principal entrance
may be erected not to exceel t@.,,) @aces neit@ier of @,iliich shall
exceed three hund@'ed (300) fec-t 01@ SLir"ace area. In a
new riijor indus-urial park containing a minipiui,.i of thirty (30)
acres of land area, one siqn at .2ach Drincipal entrance may be
erected rio@, to excced t@,,,o fices, neither of @.@hich shall exceed
six fitindt,ed (600) squarp feE-,". Signs niis' be removed @,ihen 70i'
of the prO'Der'y is OCCLipied, o), '@eased, or after a period of
24 months i,@hichever coines fit-s".
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on the 10th day of January, 1972.
ITEM #4109
Application of Charles J. Hayes for a chanae of zoning from Residence Suburban District
3 (R-S 3) to Multiple Family Residence isirii7t R-@@i and a Use Permit to construct
102 townhouses and 116 apartment units totaling 218 units on@ertain property beginning
at a point on the llest side of First Colonial Ooad 1040 feet more or less North of
Laskin Road running a distance of 806 feet along the Eastern property line of which
420 feet is the @lest side of First Colonial Road, running a distance of 777 feet along
the Northern property line, running a distance of 760 feet along the Western property
line and running a distance of 976 feet along the Southern prODerty line. Said pro-
perty contains 13.5 acres. (Laurel Manor-Hilltop Area). LY@INKAVEN BOROUGH.
The Planning Commission recommends approval of this application subject to City water
and sewer and a dedication of richt of .,@ay 45 feet from the center line of First
Colonial Road (15-foot dedication). The developer further agreed to a 60-foot dedica-
tion of tlabel Lane as requested by the DepartR,ent of Community Services. The developer
further agreed to alloca'@e 15@', of the develop,-rent for recreational area as requested
by the Planning Departinent and the motion @as subject to the participation in the
purchase of a school site as requested by the School Board.
Mr. Charles J. Hayes appeared before City Council requesting a thirty (30) day
deferral of his application.
On motion by Councilman Ntalbon, seconded by Councilnian Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clirence A. Ifolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
bseiat: None
city Council deferred for a period of thirtv (30) days the above application
of Cliarles J. Hayes for It l@ia@c of Zoniii@ f-rom Residence Sut)urban District
3 (R-S 3) to Nlultiple l,ainilv Resi@nce District and a tjse Permit to
construct 102 townhouses aii@ 116 apartment units totaling 218 units on cer-
tain property beginning at a point on the Ivest sicle of First Colonial Road,
(Laurel Manor-flilltop Area), Lynj)haven Boroigh.
ITEM #4110
on motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded b," Councilman Duscli, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robcrt 11. Calli,s, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscii, F. Reid Ervin, Georgo R. Ferrell, Cl;irence A. liolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl @l. Tobault, l@loyd E. tvaterfield,
Jr. , and Mayor Doiiald 11. Rllodes.
Na),s None
Absent: None
itv Council adopted tlie @ollowiji,, Re.,;OlLlti@)ii coinineiidijig l@ir. Flomer W.
Lin;iingham and Mr. J. Alvin Ifoll@ind:
,.hT,he rgqAar.meRting,,.f,ihe rl@il. ftghe @ctsv rSSinia
Be as I t e C nc ChCan'lEers ?e A mihisoftrvaiti n Building
of the City of Virginia Beach on January 10, 1972, at 10:00 a. m.
On motion by Mr. Ferrell and seconded by Mr. Dusch
the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, Mr. Homer W. Cunningham and Mr. J. Alvin Holland
have served with honor and distinction on this Planning Commission
of the City of Virginia Beach; and
WHEREAS, their dedication has provided the City with invaluable
That the City Colincil desires to express its sincere thanks
for their dedication and its admiration for the high standards set
by each of them in dealing with tlie planning matters of the City.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the City be directed
to have prepared in suitable style, copies of this resolution for
delivery to Mr. Homer W. Cunninghain and Mr. J. Alviii Ifolland.
ITEM #4111
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconde(I by Councilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. IZeid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl@irence A. flolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor L@ai'l. '11. Tebault, Flovd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and @layor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council zipproved the folloxving Ordiiiince relitive to closing a portion
of Ilennsylvania Avenue in Kenipsville Boroligil:
WHEREAS, proper notice that K. G. C. CORPORATION, a Virginia
corporation, would rnake application to the City Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, to have the hereinafter described portion of Pennsylvania
Avenue closed, vacated and discontin,-ted as a street in Kernpsville Borough,
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, wa,,; duly posted; and
WHEREAS, all the owners ablitting said portion of Pennsylvania
Avenue have requested the said portic)ii to be closed; and
WHEREAS, application was made to the City Planning Commission and
to the City Council and, pursuant to tlie statutes in such cases made and pro-
vided, the Council appointed Viewers wlio have reported to the Council that no
inconvenience to the public or to priv,@ite individuals would result from such
closing, vacating atid discontintiance; and
WHEREAS, it is the judgment c)f the Council that said portion of
Pennsylvania -Aventie should be close(,I, v2cated and discontinued;
Sectioil 1:
That the said p(,rtic)n of Pciiiisylvania Avenue desci,ibeci
as follows locat(@d in the Borougli of Kempsville, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, is herei)y closed, vacated aii(i (liscontiriued as a public thoroughfare
of the City of Vii-ginia Beacii, Virgiiii@i, said I)ortion of Peniisylvania Ave.,--
not being needed for ptit)lic iise and t,r;ivel:
All that c!ertain portiori of Peii@i,@ylvania Avei)tie beginniilg at a
point oii SoLith Boiilevai,(l 162, feel. East of its int,ersectiori
with Wes@. ('oloti@.al I'Liri@wiy; N()rlh 8@)(' 43' 55" East a
distatic(?, of 50. 01 f(,et to 2 I)o4i t; tlieiice Sotit@i 000161 0,5" East
a dist@itice of 124. 58 to @t I'oilli; !:Iieiice along a --@\ortileril
riglit of %vay of@ I'Vliiit-,vooci Cotty@l ati ,irc di st@itice of 78. 54 fc-,et,
at a radiiis of 50. 00 fe(@t, to ,i @)o@ nt; tl@elicc@ inort@l 0001 6' 0 51,
West a of 175 I'(@et L,) ilie f)oijil of I)e,,,iniiiiig, it I)eitig
VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA ................................... Page Two
all of Pennsylvania Avenue between South Boulevard and
Mintwood Cc)urt, all being slio@%@n on the survey entitled
"Subdivision of Wiiidsor Woods, Section Eight - Part Two,
for l@ineberry Coiistruction Corporation, Kempsville
Borough, Virgiiiii Beach, Vir,ginia" made by Frank D.
Tarrall, Jr. and Associates, Stit-veyors and Engineers,
Virgini,i Beach, Virginia, dated April, 1968, recorded
in the Circuit Coiirt of the City of Virgiiiia Beach, Virginia
in Map Book 76, at page 12, to @vhich refer-ence is made for
a rnore particular and accut,at(, descril@tion.
Section 2:
That Thirty (30) days after this date a copy of this
Ordinance, Cer@t*lfied by the Cierk, I)e spread upon the public records in the
Clerk's Office of the Ci.rcuit Court of lliis City and itidexed in like manner as
a deed of lands.
ITEM #4112
.,)n motion by Councilmall Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. tiolland, D. Murray
Nlalbon, J. Ctirtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl 11. Tebziult, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and NIayor Donal@ 11. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved tlie following Ordinance appointing viewers relative to
closing a portion of Soiitli Lynnh@tA:en Road iii Lyiinliaveii Borougli:
WHEREAS, Green Run Corp. of Virginia Beach, a Virginia corpora-
tion, Financial Land Corporation, an Ofiio corporation, and The @@lost Reverend
John J. Russell, Bistiop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Riclimond, Virginia,
liave given due and proper notice, in accordance with tile provisions of
Section 15.1-364 of tlie Code of Virginia, 1950, as amended, that they would
on this day apply to tlie City Council of tlie City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, for the appointment of vie,4ers to view the hereinafter described
property and to report in writing to the Council whether, in the opinion
of the viewers aiiy, and if so wliat, incc)nvenience would result from dis-
continuing the same, and if tlie said vi(!wers report tliat no inconvenience
would result therefrom, your petitioners pray ttiat this lionorable Council
will adopt aii ordinance directing the vication of the following described
portion of South Lyniihaven Road and Providence Road, to-wit:
ALL TIIAT certain portion of Soutti Lyiinli@iven Road
and Providence lo,,id ]-ocated in tlie City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, as shown on that certain plat erititled
ROAD A@@D P@OVIDE' I(,E ROAD," mide !)y 'Ealoot and Associates,
Consulting Engitiecrs, Virgiiiia i@acii, Virf,'inia, dated
December 17, 1969, and recorded iii tlie Clerk's Office
of tlie Circuit Court of tlie Cit@, of Viri,,inia Beach,
-@5, and with reference
Virginia, in 'lap ]@ook 83, at pa,,@L @
to which I)lat sai,i portions o@ Soutti LynT!tllven Po.,d
and Providez,ce are bounJed an(' descril,ed as follows:
To establisli a point of be@,innin@ commencin@
at a point in tlie western line of follarid Road referred
to as t!iL "I@gi.iiiiiiig of Propert,l i,ine ReLtirii" bet,.,een
the western Iiiie of said iloll@i-.id I'citd @in(I tlie s,)utiiern
line of Soutli Lytiiiii@iven Roa(i; atid I,-oT, SIL(I point
along a curve to tlie left Ilivin@ a (lelta of 119@ 47' 28",
a raditis of 30.00 feet, an arc Ii@t@tilce ()f 62.72 feet
to a point refery(@@l to Is tlie "7@n,i of Propc@rtv Line
Return"; tlieiice a curv,, t.@ tti(,@ I(,.ft liavir,@,, a
delta of 11' 46' 25", a ractius of @1?0.47 fect, aii
arc distance of 168.60 feet t@) L@ l,olilt@ tlieiice ,;. 14*
52' 42" W. ,i cli-@taiice of 388.1@ fc,et Lo @i poiiit;
thence alon@ i ckirve to tti(! r@rlit l@,iviii@, l Ieltl
of 60@ 38' ii ri,iius of fcc@t, @ill ;@rc
distance of 1648.97 feet to a point; thence along
a curve to the left having a delta of 19@ 10' 0011,
a radius of 552.87 feet, an arc distance of 184.95
feet to the point of beginning; and from said point
of beginning thus established tlience along a curve
to the left liaving a delta of 35@ 49' 42", a radius
of 552.87 feet, an arc distance of 345.72 feet to
a point; thence S. 20' 31' 29" W. a distance of 5.40
feet to a point; thence along a curve to the left
having a delta of 90* 00' 00", a radius of 30.00 feet,
an arc distance of 47.12 feet to a point; tllence
S. 20' 31' 29'@ W. a distance of 90.00 feet to a point;
thence N. 69' 28' 31" W. a distance of 150.00 feet
to a point; tiience N. 20* 31' 29" E. a distance of
90.00 feet to a point; thence along a curve to the
left having a delta of 90* 00' 00", a radius of 30.00
feet, an arc distance of 47.12 feet to a point; thence
N. 20* 31' 29" E. a distance of 5.40 feet to a point;
thence along a curve to the right having a delta
of 9* 03' 13", a radius of 642.87 fect, an arc distance
of 101.58 feet to a point; tlience along a curve to
the left having a delta of 12@ 41' 03", a radius
of 863.51 fcet, an arc distance of 191.16 feet to
a point; tlience N. 56* 21' 11" E. a distance of 100.00
fect to tlie point of beginning.
VIRGINIA BEACII, VIRGI',,IIA, that Nlr. C. C. Czirrin@ton, iNIr. W. W. Fleming, Jr.
and Mr. Georgo I,. flanbiiry are liereby appointed to view the above-
described property and to report in writing to tlie Council on or before
Febriiary 14 1 wliether in their ol)inion any, and if so what, inconvenience
would result from discontinuing the same.
Adopted by the Council of th(,. City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on January 10 1971.
ITEM #4113
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Ervin, and by Tecorded
vote as follows:
kyes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault, and i\layor Donald H.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Floyd E. Waterfield, Jl-.
City Council adopted the following ResolLition relative to the conveyalice of
public interest in certain streets of tlie l,evel Green Subdivision:
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Cliambers of the Adminis-
tration Building of the City of Virginia Beach on Monday, January
10, 1972, at 10:00 A. M.
On motion by Mr. Payne and seconded by Mr. Ervin
the following resolution was unaniMOLI@;ly adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, Level Green Corporation, a Virginia Corporation caused
to be recorded a certain plat entitle(i "Level Green Site II Street
Dedication," in Map Book 83, at Page .'52, showing a proposed location
of Level Green Boulevard and it is ne(,,essary to vocate said plat; and
WHEREAS, subsequent thereto a certain plat(s) have been or are to
be recorded realigning and dedicating Level Green Boulevard; and
WHEREAS, the revised plat(s) agree with the proposed construction
drawing for Level Green Boulevard; an(i
WHEREAS, Level Green Corporation certifies, as per attached affi-
davit, that no lot(s) have been sold ind that the foregoing revisions
will not adversely effect any property in the subdivision.
That the Council hereby authorizes and directs the City Manager
and City Clerk to execute a deed which will grant and convey any rights,
title and interest the City may have ,Icquired in the proposed Level
Green Boulevard as shown on that plnt recorded in @lqp Book 83, at Page
52) and which deec@ dedicatcs to thc, C!-ty tlie Droperty described as
shown on a plat recorded in Map Bool@ 38, z@t Pige 6, sqid Maps being
recorded in the Clerk'- Offi.ce of the Circui,t Court of the City of
Virgini@i Beacii,
ITEM #4114
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by Vice Mayor Tebault, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. lfolland, D. @-furray Malbon, i Curtis Payne,
Vice Nlayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd F. Waterj-ield, Jr., and Ma'yor Donald H.
Nays: Councilman Robert If. Callis, Jr.
Absent: None
City Council, upon recommeiidation by the City Attorney, agreed the accept
the settlement offer by VFPCO as set forth herein:
@'c@ @o
ITEM #411S
Consideration of appointmonts to the School Boai'd was deferred.
ITEM #4116
Mr. Peter Legler, Assistant City Attorney, on behalf of the Department of
Community Services and @Ir. W. IV. Fleniing, Director of Community Services,
appealed to City Council to resciiid the action of tlie Planning Commission
in which approval had been given for the recordation of a plat entitled
"Plat of Virginia Hawley, Subdivision, PLin@o Borough," in that while the
plat did meet the requirements of the subdivision ordinance in effect at
the time it had been approved by various co@iiizant departments of the City,
it did iiot meet the standards now in effect and could not therefore be
, :epted as it does not provide proper acces-,; for sanitation and other city
, and is
. rvices a continuation of the "flag lot" concept of development.
Mr. Charles Carrington, Director of City Planning, appeared in support of
the appeal of the Departinent of Community Sei-vices.
Mr. Oiren Pickett appeared on behalf of the al)plicant Virginia flawley request-
ing Council to uphold the action of tlie Planiiing Comniission, wllich waived the
one-year requirenient of recordation of plats in the Office of the Circuit
Court Clerk.
As the plat had been previouslv approved and the applicant through no intent
to circumvent the normal requi@emeiits of the City, exceeded the time limit
set on recordation of plats in thc Office of the Circuit Court Clerk, City
Council indicated that tlie applicant sliolilcl iiot be reqtiired to conform to
the present ordinance in tliat the ordinaiice @ould not be applied retroactively.
Therefore, on motion by Councilman l@aterfiel@l, seconcied by Councilman Dusch,
and b), recorded vote as folloiis:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. @lurray @Ialbon, Vice Mayor
Earl i%l. Tebault, Floyd E. l@aterfiold, Jr., and @layor Donald 11. Rhodes.
Nays: Councilnien F. Reid Ervin aiid J. Curti@ Payne.
sent: None
,,ty Council upheld the action of tlie Planning Coinmission.to waive the one-
year requirement of the subdivision ordinance reaarding the recordation of
plats in the Office of the Circuit Court (@l(@i,k for the plat of Virginia
Hawle), Subdivision.
ITENI #4117
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded bv C,-)uncilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 14. Cal.lis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscii, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl.,it-enc(, A. liolland, D. @lurrav
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, \'ice Mayor Earl NI. l@ebatilt, Floyd E. IVaterfieid,
Jr., and Nlayor Donald ti. lzhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council autliori7ed tlie, Cit), M@inager ii)cl tlie Sheriff to execute an
@,reement with tlie City ol- Noyfolk to accel)t oil a space available basis
tilt I)risoners at the Golloral Booth Farl',I, ,it -l cost of $6.50 per day,
r I)risoiier
ITE@l #4118
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman flolland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl NJ. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Counci.1 approved the following Resolution requesting the City of Norfolk
to make a connecti-on and to furnish water through a proposed water system
located at Kempsville Plaza South:
WIfEREAS, it is proposed by the City of Virginia Beach, V:Lrginia, at
the request of -.,r vidc@iice ',z
.U@lders, iiic. to extend a proposed water
main in accordance with the ex sting contract between the City of Virginia
Beach and the City of Norfolk, in
in the iisted as follows:
Name of Size of Linear No. of
Street, Feet Hydranta.
Challedon Drive 8" 560
all as described and shown on plan entitled, aza Soutli (dated !1-30-71)
K@ .. V as prepared by
Baidwiri Gre2@, Ezigi-neers, tio Virgiiia
TflL-@ Tne 1-i@y of @@oriolk tc @d it
hereby ig, reque3tcd to @e a connection of' the propo:,cd water @ins
vith tlie present mailis of said City at the slid desi,-,nation, and upon
conpletion of the installation of the prodo@cd rini-ns, to supply water to
'consumers residing thereon, it bei-ng ext)recsly understood and agreed
that the sun lying of said water by the City of Norfolk shall be upon and
subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. That the said water mains shall be installed in accordance with
the speci-fications of the said City of Norfolk and to the satisfaction
of the Director of Public Works of said City, at no cost to the City of
2. That the water so supplied through said mains to consumers sha.U
be at the same rate now, or hereafter, charged by the City of Norfolk to
consumers beyond the limits of said City si-milarly situated.
3- That a.11 ordinances of the City of Norfolk and all rules and
regulations of the Division of Water Sunply of said City, now or hereafter
adopted and put into effect, relatinc to the furni:;hi-ng of water shall
apply to the supplying of water through the sttid proposed mains.
4. That the said City of Norfol-k shall !,e under no obligation to
furnish more water than its distribution system as now laid, with the
pressure carricd, wnl doliver into said mains, and if the said supplying
of water shall not be in accordance vith the standard service, the said
City of Norfolk shall not be held responsible i-n Fny way.
5. That in supplying water to consurers along the said proposed mains,
the City of Norfolk will supply the sane only frori its surplus supply, and
that in no event shall there be a-ny obligatio, on the part of said City to
supply water to any cons@.ers a-lono, the pro@ored mains at any time when,
in the judgement of the Counell of the said City of Norfolk, the said City
shall not have sufficient supply fgr use witlii-i its corporate limits, or
whenever the supplying of said water shall interfere viih the discharge
of the duty of said City to supply water to its own inhabitants.
6. That frorn and after the installation of the water mains and
hydrants they shall becore the pror)erty of tlie City of Vir,.@'a Beach.
The City of Virginia Peach shall grant to the City of Norfolk the right
to use such @ins and hydrants for the supply of water, and further grants
to the City of Norfolk ready a-nd reasonable access to thein.
7. That for wq firo hydrant instal-led Pt the request of the City of
Virginia Beach, a rental. paynent of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) a year
for each hydrant shau be paid to the City of ';orfolk.
ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia this
day of 19
Clerk of the Counci.1
#4119 f Virginia Beach.
e,l contract betiqeen the.Ci a@ditional watcy facl@,"-
of a propos .n of ce,-tain t week's COuncll
@onsideratiOll ,-the dcslg Iefe,,.od until nex
pirnie Engineers f
@ialcolm I bonct issue was
f led und,l the current
@l ting-
l,rE@l #4120 ce @layor Tebault, and by
m waterfielcl, seconded by Vi
0, motion by COU"C" an
recordcd vote as follows: B. Cyomiqell, Jr., Frank A.
j.r., Robert D. @turfay
jimeii Robe@t ii. Callis, , A. HOII@n@' ll'teyfield,
Ferrel,l,, ClaTellce
Ayes' COunc t-,eorge @ebault, FloYcL t-
Duscil@,F3.Reicl Ervin, ce @layor Ea,j "l-
b, Curtis payne, NTi
Mal ,nd @layc,, Donald li- Rhodcs-
Nays: None
Absent: None z,,d H,,th, In. to .(,ve a.,,
eat uth Budding Avenue'm Kempsvlil
f@,.DO,Or S
- to 1. So ove and
te iss o" 81 after
City Counc d e Tn 216' 4 H imat,d value
a,,e Est
one sto-fy
Borough,.to Morrls Ne,R Road, Pung
renovation $12,SOO
ITI@@l #4121 11, and by
c)nde,l b,,- ('.Ouncil"n Ferre
Coun@ilman Callis, se@
Oii motion by 11 ., Frank A.
,CoTded vote a' fOlloAqs: cromwe i Murray
r S. 'j.., pobcrt B @iollana 1)
Calli A. i",
rt ,. 'r Clarelice aterfield,
Councilmen Robe IZ. er Tebault, Floyd
Ayes: Reid Ervin,
Dusch,F.. Curtis P@yne, vice @layoy
@ialbon,l JM,yor DonaLcl 11, i@hode,;.
jy., ac,
Nay,: None the amount of,
Absent: None of O,-,tractOl7S In. - n
e sell, rlains, C-On@tyuctlo
,i the lo,4 bid nu
0 cil appTOV@ ,I,,Cment Qf
city cUl f t@e re d b-,, CO""('lj
$SO3 866-19 or
Of w@ich a, p,evilusly aPP-fove
I V4122
,,onde,l lY Coulci]man malb(,,, by
.I,all Dusch,
on motion by COuncl Fran'K A,
vote a5 follolqs: @obert B. CrOmwen D. @jurray
A. d,
,be-ft li- C@lli@', 'ir (@l, r nce Holia l@aterficl
CouncilTnen R I-.erell, -, C I
c Ceor@c i@. b@u t-, Floyd
Ay S: rvlll 'VII c or Te
u .1; cl, F. Reid E v
J. Curtis Pi)l
@Ialbon . nald 11-
ir - , a@d @layor 110
Nlys: None
Nonc ,questing feclel-al flind- to
Ab,;cnt: vcd thc folloi@ill@, Re @ItIt, ion 0 ics tjrlit to @ittencl tiic
city (',OUllcil app@o the @rc
niciiiber ol-
,ff"i tile cost Of
institute on
I F]"I ;'r 4 1 -' @
On inotion by Councilman Duscli, seconded b), Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert If. Callis, Jr., l@obert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Forrell, Clarence A. lfolland, D. @furray
Malbon, i'Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Ivaterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rllodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approvea an expenditure of $10,979. for the purchase of certain
ictation equipment to be cilarged to Account No. 9010-801-. A grant from
he Division of Justice and Crime Preventioji has been approved in the amount
f $8,234. In the budget, there is a remaiiiing balance of $2,550. leaving
a net appropriation, which has been approvecl by City Council, in the amount
of $8,429.
ITEM #4124
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert If. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. @furray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice PIayor Earl @t. Tebatilt, Floyd E. lvaterfield,
Jr., and Nlayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council authori-zed the City Mana@er to execlite the required deed for
the conveyance to the State Departmeiit of CoiiiiiiLinity Colleges title to 115.035
:res of land located within tlie Greeii Run F@lrlrl for the site of the future
rginia Beach campus of th(, 'I'idewater Comiliuliity (,ollege. The COMMLinity
)Ilege's Board indicates tjiat they will reqiiost the General I\ssemblv to
appropriate funds to construct the Virginia llcach Campus.
ITEM #4125
on motion by Councilman Payne, seconded bv Couicilman l@errell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromivell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George ]Z. Ferrell, Cl@ireiice A. Ilollind, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor E@irl @l. febatilt, l@Joyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and @layor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Cotincil noted its intontioii to liold a closed mectin@ on Monday -January 17,
1972, for the purpose of discti,;siiig iteins I)eriiiitted for disctission tinder the
Freedom of Inforniation Act of thc Coi,,Plolll@e;iltli of Vii-ginia.
i,rEm f,4120
on motion by Council.niaii Ferroll, secoiicled by Cotiiicil flayjic, and by unaniniou-1;
vote, tlie mootiiig adjourncd.
cty an,or
City of Vingiiiia Beacli,