HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 3, 1972
@llNu,rF.s oi@ rjif.', flON01',.%'@@l,]: CITY (@OUN(:IL
OF I'fif'
JaiiLi,,try 3, 19'12
ic rogular meetiiig of til(,, Citv Couiicil of tlie City of Virgiiiia Beacli, Virgini@l
is hcld iii tlie Council of tho -'Idi,lLiiistration Puildiiig in tlie Borougli
of Princess Aniie, on \IondL)I, T@iiiiiar)@ 3, 197.@, at 10:00 a.m.
Revcrend Davis J. Anderson, KemDsville Pi,c,,,I)yterian Cliurch, ViTginia Beicli,
gave tlio iiivocation.
Councilnieii presciit: Robei-t fl. Callis, Tr., IZobert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank
A. I)Lisch, F. Reid Erviii, (',eorge 1'. Ferrcll, CIarcnce A. Hollind, D. Nlurray
@iall)on, J. Curti.s Payne, \'ic- @la@,or Earl @l. 'I'ebault, I-loyd I-,. i@aterfield,
Jr., aiid ',Ilavor Doiiald 11. I'lliodes.
CoLiiicily,ion absent: None
ITI'l@f #4060
On motioii by Councilmli, D@iscli, scconded ')N- (@ouiicilinan @Vaterfield, aild by
recorded vote as folloi@s:
Ayes: Counciljiicji Rol@ert fl. Callis, Jr. , l@ol)oi-t B. Crom%@ell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Eri-in, Geor@c !Z. (@l:irci@cc A. Ilollaiid, D. ,ILirraN,@
@Ialbon, J. Curti.s Pa@@ne, Vice "la,@or I'cbault, l@lo),d E. IVaterfield,
C., alicl 1\layor Doiialci 11. l@l-,oOos.
,iys: Noiie
Absciit: None
City Coui, -cil approved tlic, @iintites of tli,@, lZo,,)ttlir ',.Iectin@ of Dece@iibei- 13, 1971,
ai@d tlie readin@, of s@iid ',Iiii@itos disPEr.@e; @.@itli i.,iaS!I'Llcli as eich Cotiiiciliflan li@id
a coi)y of tlie sul)joct @lintite.@ be4-oro
OTi iiiotioii bN, CoLincilm@iii secoi,,Je@i 1),,, (-Iotinciliiiin I)usch, aiid bN. rc,c @ii-clecl
voto as fol@loi@s:
Ayc,s CoLii,,ciliiicii !Zobo,-t 11 . C@'ll I i s , Ji@ llol)ort 13. Crc)riivell , Ji- Fr,,iiik A.
DLiscli, @'. IZOid Geoi-@10 @. ]:,,rrell Cl,irc@j@ce \. lloll,,Ind, 1).
@l@ilboii, J. Ctirti-, ice, r I:,ii'l '11. I'latcrfield,
.Jr. , alid @ia)ror
Na),s Noiie
Absciit Nloii c
t\, Cc,@II)c il iiiit c@@ o' 1, '!C')ti ii,@ of ?O 1 9
1'e@)@d i i),) c, s@i i
i til I !I@! @iiiii, Ii @i-@ etcli Co@ii)c i I i@iiii ii @i (l,
zt c 0 1) t 11 c s 111) j 0 c t @l );@i t c, I),) f1- c, ii
ITI:@l l,'4062
'Irs. fielcii i\l. Lovc at)pearecl iii oppositioii to tlie propo-,;ccl Resolution whicli
ncreases the gcnei'al oblig@,tion I)oiicl abovc, its presciit lijnitation.
Oii motioii by Councili,@iaii Croiii@,-ell, seconded I)y Councilman Holland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmcn l@obert B. Cromivell, Jr., A. Duscii, F. Reid Ervin,
George IZ. Ferrell, Clarence, A. Holla)id, D. \Iurrzty @Ialboii, J. Curtis Payiie,
Vice @la),or Earl @l. Tobault, Floyd @'. @@aterfiold, Jr., and \Iayor Doilild fl.
Nays: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
Abseiit: None
City Council approved the folloi@ing Resolutioii recluesting that Cliapter l@2,
Section I of tlie Acts of tlic Gcncral @%sseTiil-,Iv of 1968 be amended by the
Geiieral Assembly of Virgiiii@i to provicle foi, tlie iilcrease in tlie gciieral
obligation bojid abo%,e its pi,c!sejit Iiiiiitatic,ii;
The regular meetin, of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beacb, Virgiiiip,, was hold in tlie Council C.@ainl)er of the Adminis
tration Buildin@ of the City of Virginii Bc@ach on 3, 1972
at 10:00 o'cloct, A.M.
On motion by Mr. Ci-omi@ell and seconded by Mr. flolland
the following resolutioii was unaniriiously ndopted.
R T,' S 0 L U T T 0 N
WIIERF-AS, the Charter of the City of Virginia Beach provides the
authority for the i.ssuaiice of bonds;and
WIIERE.AS, the council after due c()nsideration and in view of the
need of the city is of t:l-ie opinion th,,it th@, a-,uount and general obliga-
tion bond should be increased abovc@ its p,,-osent limitation.
1. That Chapter 192, Sectiot) I c)f thc, Acts of the General. Assembly
of 1963 be amelided by the Ceiieril P@ssenibly of Virginia to reacl
as fol3-oxqs:
Sec. 6.05. Autlaori.ty for is@:@iincc@ of I)onds.
No boncis oE tlie cily silill- i)(@ issued Lir)til thei.3- issuzincf-l
sh,ill hive 1)(,eri aLiL@iorize(I b,.@ @in ordiriz:.nce ado,,,It(-'d by tlie
affirmativ(, vote oJ-i i,@i@iori-ty of all of tlie coliricil
and approvecl by the vc)tc! ol-- @] majoritv of the
qL]al.ifiC.Cl vc)t(-,rs of tl-tc-, cit)- @c)till-I DI) t:he questi@n ]t an
elc,,ction czilled and held fc)r tliepurpose in the mitiner pro-
vided by fc)r stll)r,@,ittin!z -iiy qliestioii or proposilion to
the electoi-s; provided that 'i),)i@ds issued for a suoply of
Nqatcr or c)tlicr speci@i.C Unde.7-LI'@in5, froi.,i @,7hich ttie city inay
derive a revenue, as I)crmittec', I)y Sectioi-i 1.27(b) of thc@
Constitutic)nl sliall -be authorized in the manner prescribed
therein; prc)vicled further, tliat tiie council may issue bonds
in any amourit or amouiits not cyceeding fOLir million dollars
in any calcticl,,ir vear for any I)ro.Der purpose and notes in
anticipatiori of col.lectiori oi rcvonLIe Of ttle current fiscal
year @.7ithoLit sLibriittil-i@, th(-@ clic@stion of their issuaiice to
the votcrs; and provided tli,'It f@ii@ttier, Lliat the council may
issue bonds in any imount or @,i-,iouits not exceedin'R four
million dollai-s in any coleiid@r ycar for i,7ater, sewer and
othc@r public u'@-,*-Iity s@,ste.,ns @@,,ittiout sul)mitting the question
of ttieir issuance to tlie voters.
2. Thqt a public @iearing on the PrOpDsed charter amendment shall
be held in the Council Cha,,ibers of the City of Virginia Beach,
at 10:00 o'clock A. M. on January 3, 1972, pursuant to Section
15.1-912 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended.
The Clerl, of Council shall cause notice of such public hearing
to be given in the manner required by said Section 15.1-912.
I'fENI #406"
@ly. Sam lioti-,itoii, Sr. il)l)cared I)cfore CitN@ (:ouiicil a qtic,.@'cion rcc,,,ta,clin@
tlic I)rol)osed lzc,,solutioil i,eqLlc,,-,;till@- al@I)ro@,11 I)y til(@ Gc,iicral ,\sscmblv of
clizirtor chin,'@es relZLti@IC tO tl)C reoi-gani:,,,,il ioii of cei-tiiii @t(iiiiinist@,,Itivc
,Icl)artiTiciits iii the Citlv of VirgilliLi Beacii.
)n mc)tion by CounciliTi@iii P,-iyne, sccoiided I)v (:oiincjliiiaii Ervin, and by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Aycs: Councilinen Robcrt 11. Callis, Jr., l@(ll)crt B. Ci-omi@ell, Jr., l,. Reid
E-rviii, Clareiice A. liollll)cl, 1). @ltirray J. Ctii-tis I)a)@lie,, Vice @l,,I),or
Earl i@t. Tobault, Floyd 17. l@aterf i e,] d , Jr. , @iiid @layor Donald 11. Rllodes .
Nays: Councilnieji Fran], A. Diisch ai)d Geoi-,,c, 111. Ferrell.
Absojit: None
City Council al)proved tl,,c,, folloiviii,,, Reso]Lilion reqtlestin@, that Chapter 147
of tlie Acts of the Gencril :\,;seliiblv I)Yo@,i(iiii@ tlie cli,,irter for tlie Cit), of
Virgiiiia Beacli be aeieiadod bv tlie Gencr,,il of %-ir,inii to pi,ovide
for the reorgaiaizatioii oi- certain dcpai-ti@ientF, iii the Cit), of
Virgiiiia Beacla @is prCVjOLISI)' apl)i@o@,ed bv tl,c@ City Co@ilicil:
The regular r,-ieeting of- ti-le Cour@,@.il of tlie City of
Virgi-nia Beach, helLI @:i tlic, "ou.,Icil Ch-,i,,ib(,rs
of the "Idiainistrz,,ti-on 'D'uildin,l or- ti@(@ City of \Iirginia Beach
on Decer@iber 20, 1971, at 10:06 O'cl(,cl@ A.II.
On inotion by !,Ir. Fe-rrell and seconded by
Mr. Ilolland the fo]-loiqing r(@soliitioll was
unanimous]-y adopted.
R E S 0 1, U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, tho cliarter of the City of VirFinia Beach pro-
vides for certain adm@i.nistrative dc,,p@@rtments; and
WIfEREAS, the City Cou,,acil has al)proved a reorganization
of such departments as reconi,-iiended by the City ilanager;
1. Tliat Cliatiter 147 of the Acts of tlie General, Assembly
providirig the ch,-@.rt-er for tlie Cit@, of VirE,,ini-,,i Beach be
amendeci b), tlie As@;(,iiibly of to read ,is folic)@@,s:
Sec. 7.01. Creati-on of ccrtain enun!crated departments;
creation, abolition, etc., of departments.
The follo@,7ing adiiinistrative depai--tnients are hereby
a) Department of finance
(b) Department of La@q
(e) Department of Public Safety
(d) Departrieiit of Cormunity Services
(e) Departil(.'nt of Public Health
(f) Departiicnt of Public Social Service
(g) Department of Farm and Ilome Deinonstration
(h) Departiaent of Education
(i) Departniciit of Parl,,s and Recrcation
(j) Departinent of Persoiinel
(k) Departmeiit of General Services
(1) Department of Ecoilol-@lic Developnient
(m) Departmey-it of Libraries
(n) Department of City Planning
The council may create neiq departmc,nts or subdivisions there-
Of, combine or aboll-sh existing c3epartiio-iits and ciistribute
the functions tliereof or establish teiiii)o)--ary clepartmcnts
for special worl,,; 13i:ovided, lio@..,cvei.-, that the counr-il shall
not have tlie po%.,,ei-- to abolisii, trin,@fer c)r corlbine the
functioiis of tlie of fii-i-Ir,.cc,, l@iw @ind educatioi-i.
CiLkl3TFR 10
Sec. 10.01. Composition, po\qer and (Iiii@ies; autliority to continue
police .-nd trial board for Priiicess Anne County.
The department of public safety st@all inclilde the divisions of
police and fire protc,.ction aiid may incltidc, such other divi.sions,
bureaus and units and liave siicli powers ind duties as may be provided
or assigned by the council or by the director consistent therewith.
The council may continue the police and ti-ial board as auttiorized
for Princess Anne County by Acts of 1-95't, chapter 101, as amended
by Acts 1960, chapter 44.
Sec. 10.02. Director of publ-ic safety Is head of department.
The head of tlie departinent of pulilic safety shall be the director
of public safety. lie shall 1-iave gener,,il niana,emciit and control of
the several divisions, bureaus and otliei.- uiaits of the department.
Sec. 10.03. Division of Police.
The d.ivision of police shall consist of a chief of police, who
may be the d'@rector of publi-c safety, I-ld such otlier officers and
employees as may be provided by the coti@ici-I. or by the orders of the
director of public safety. The division of police shall be responsi-
ble for preservation of the public peace, protection of the ri.ghts of
persons and property aiid enforcemcnt of 1-@.7s of tli('- Common@,7ealth and
ord.inances of tlie cit3,. The cliief of police ind the other members of
.the police force sh,@ll liave all- the pc)x,,ers iiid duties of police
officers as provided by gc,-neral la@7.
Sec. 10.04. Division of fire protect@i.o:i.
The (livision ol@ fir(', prc)tc@ction @il)ill consi-st of the fire chief
and. such other office3-s and einpl,oyc,.es @i; i,,i,,iy be provided by the cou),icil
or by 1-he orciers of tlie di-rc-ctor (,,on,3i,,,.Ic,iit TI-to burc-,,Iil of
firc, I)roLection sh,-ill b,i rc2sl-)onsj.l-).Ie o- til(,, I)rc,,L,,ct:ioi@, fro.,ii fir(-@ of
life and property @?it:iiiii tlie ci-Ly.
C@TER 1)
Sec. 11.01. Composi.tic)n.
The department of community services shall consist of the
director of community services and silcii other officers and employees
organized into such divisions and bul-eaus and other units as may be
provided by the council- or by the ordei7s of the director con-
sistent therewitli.
Sec. 11.02.
The department of community servi.ces shall be responsible
for the construction and maintenance of all
streets, roads, bridges and drains for garbage and refuse collec-
tion and disposal and for all other ptiblic @,7orks including the con-
struction, operation and mainten,,aiice of the @.7aten,,orlcs system
and sewers and sewage di-sposal and such othcr po@,7ers and duties
as may be assigned by council.'
Chapter 12 and Sections 12.01, 12.02 and 12.03 is hereby repealed.
Sec. 14.01. Coniposition.
. The department of social service shall consist of the
director of social service, a wclfare board constituted as
provided by general law and such officers and employees
organized in such divisions, bureau@3 and other units as
may be provided by tlie council or b,; the orders of the
director consistent therewith.
See. 14.02. Functions.
The departraent of social service shall be responsible
for the duties iipposed by tiie la,,is of the Comiion%.Tea3-th of
Virginia relating to public assistaqce anti relief of the
poor and such other poi@7ers and dilti-c-s as niay be assigned
by the council.
Sec. 14.03. Director as head of dcl)artment.
The head of the department of social service shall be
the director of social serjice. He shall have general
management and control of t@e seveial divisions, bureaus,
and other units of tlie department.
Scction 20.03 Couri.-., i-lot of Record .. 14ui)icipal, Courts
The Municipal Courts for tllc City of Vii.-ginia Beach
shall be designate(i as Civil Court, l'olicc Cou-ct and Traffi, Court,
with such civil and cri.minal ju@-isdi(,tion ancl otlier judicial powers
as are conferred by general law on siich municipal courts of cities
of tlie first clas,,;. @-lith the apprc)-%,iii of the city council, civil
and criminal ju.-4-sdiction, other thaii traffic, may be exercised
by a single court.
Section 20.04 Court,,, tiot of Record-,fvetE,,e@ of the @tunicipal
There sti@ill b(-@ a jildee f-or Court and
suc@i substitute jiid,,des as may be deenicd necessary by the Couiicil.
TLie judges of such coui7ts shall bc .11,,)oint:cd for terms of f()ur
years by the Circui.t Cc,urt of tl,@e Cit:,7, or the jlicle.'es thereof in
vzllc,ation. The s--Yne pcir@;oii may 1)0- atici @c@rve as jtide,,e of
Li.7o or more Muqicj.lal CourLs. Appoir:t:ir,,c-,nts to v,-cii-icies be
made by the Circuit Cotirt or the jkicii,r@s LI@(-,reof in vacation qnd
sh.ill be for the i-ine>,.pired tcrin.
Section 20.09
The Coutic,,!.! i@iiy, at its d)*-@(ii-Qf@ion, provide for l siilfle
c]-erk for all coul7l-s iiot of rocc)y-(l c,.-c a scparate clerk for cqcll
court not of recor(l. 'Yli(, cl-erl@ or cJ,,i-!,s shall I->O, appointeci I)y
tIl"@ c.0111-t or cotirt@@ [ic,
Section:l. Coirposition of Departm(@iit of General Services.
The departinent of general services shall consist of a
director of general services and siicti other officers and
employees organized into such di-vi,,;ions, bureaus and other
units, as may be prescribed by tl,,e Council or by orders of
the director consisteiit therewith.
Section 2. Functions.
The departnient of @encral ser%,ices shall be responsible
for the maintenance of the buildin@@-, and grounds within city
government with the exception of p,,irks and recreation lands
and to provide other internal ser%rices to city agencies as
may be prescribed by the council oz by the orders of the
director coiisistent tliere@qith.
Section 3. Director as Ilead of !)epartTnent.
The head of the department of oeneral services shall
be the director of general- ser,jicc@F. He shal-1 @ ve general
management and control of tlie sevcl-,Il divisic)ns, bureaus
and other units of th.e depatti7.ent.
Section 1. Composition.
The department of economic development shall consist
of the director of economic develo@),nent and such other
officers and employees organized into such divisions,
bureaus and other units as may be prescribed by the council
or by the orders of the director consistent there%,7ith.
Section 2. Functions.
The del)artment of economic develof)nle,nt shall be
responsibl.c@ for the forinulation and orcl(,rly development
of the entire econoiiiy of the city.
Section 3. Director as Head of Dcpart:.icrit.
The head of the departinciit of ecoiioiiiic development
shall be the direct@or of economic developmont. He shall
have general manageiiieiit and control of tlie sc,.veral divisions,
bureaus aiid other uiaits of the departmont.
Section 1. Compositioll.
The departiiient of public lil)r;aries shall consist of
the director of public librari-e@ tiad slch other officers
and employees organized into such divisions, bureaus and
other units as may be prescribed by the council or by the
orders of the director consistent there@ijth.
Section 2. Functions.
The department of public lil@i---tries shall be respon-
sible for operatin- and maintainin, publ4-c libraries @,,ithin
tlie City and shall liave such otl@i(,i: pc)@7ers and duties as may
be assigned by the Couiicil.
Section 3. Director as head of dc@@)artment.
The head of the department of public libraries sliall
be the director of public librarie@. lie shall have gei-ieral
manageinent and control of the s(,ver,@)- di\7i@i,,)ns, burcaus
and. other units of the departinent.
S&ction 1. Composition.
The department of planning sliall consist of the director
of planning and such other officers and employees organized
iilto sucli d.ivisioiis, bure,.ius and otlier units as may be pro-
vided by the council or by the orders of the director con-
sistent therewith.
Section 2. Functions
The departinent of planning sho,13- be responsibl-e for
the ad.ministration of all phases of city planni-ng and shall
have such other PO%-7ers and duties as may be assigned by the
Sect!-on 3. Director as Head of Depai-tirent.
The head of the dcpartment of plannin@. sliall be tlie
director of pl.ani-iin-. lie sliall li,,ive genc,-ral maiiagement
and control of the everal (livi@;ioiis, bureaus and other
units of the depii-tm(-,nt.
2. That, a public hearing on tlie proposed charter
amendment shall be liclcl in the Cc)Liiicil Chaii,.ber of the City
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at 10:00 a.m- on
January 3, 1972 pursuant to Section 15.1-912 of
the Code of Virginia, of 1950, as @imended.
The Clerk of Counci.1 shall caiise notice of such
public hearin-. to be given in tlie iiianner required by said
Section 15.1-912.
I '1,1 "@l 7@l; ,f @11
@ll, . Joliii Jzliii(,-s ,i,iid \li- . I)c)ji L):[@7 i s , iiioiiit)@, i- tll(' l' le.@ torzil I)o@ii-d, l 1, @i i, c d
l) c f 0 l@ e C i t y (@o tilic t o 1) r c s n t t Ii e, f o 1 1 i s, i)le @@ c) I Liti Oil:
Oii iiic) t i o n 1) N, (: c u]) c i 11 l@ rv 11 , s c c o n do I 1, Couiic i I i:i@i i i Fe r re I 1 , and 1)), i- c co rci 0,1
vole as follolqs:
Ayes: Couiiciliiien lzobcrt Ii. C"Illis, Jr., 1",)I)ert l@. Ci-oiTi@\,cll, Jr., l@riiil, A.
DLiscl), F. l@ei(I Ervill, (@corge IZ. ]7c],rell, ("lal,oncc @k. 11011,'Ill(l, 1). @lui-riv
@lall)oii, J. Ctirtis 11,IYII(', Vico ',Iiyor L-ai@l @l. Teb@iult, f:loyd ]--l. @Vateri-icid,
.Jr., and @li),or Donald fl. 1zliode-S.
.@ays: Nonc
Absciit: Nonc
City Coujicil adoptcd tlic@ folloi@iiig Resoltit@on to clecti,on districts
alid votilig I)Ilces witjlijl tlic Cit)' of Vi,,,,itli@l BO cli:
ThL regular r,@ectin-@, C)f the Collili--il of tlie City of Vir@,!-nia
Beach, Vi3--Finia, wzis lie]-cl iii tlie cou,,,ci-I of the Administration
Buildini!, of tlie City of Virginia oi-i Jaiiii ry 3, 1972, at 10:00
Oiclocl, a. m.
On inc)tion by '@,,r. Ervi j) and secoiided by @Ir. Fei,rCll
the following resolution wis uiianir,,c)@isly adoptc@d-
R E S 0 1, U T f 0 N
WHEREAS, due to chaiiges in the !@tate election laws in 1971
several htiiidred voters who have bee@ii rogistered in and voting in the
Little tqeck Preci-iict are required to vote in tl)e Malibu Precinct; and
WHEI'll,,'AS, this results iii much to tilese voters DLIC
to the- di@@taiice to be travel-c-,dl and !:hc-,rc is presently no connecting
road bc,.t@N.,c-@en the@e two areis; tnd
lqliEI'FAS, thei@-(, also been cc)i,.-71111@ion ii-i iclentifying districts
25, 26 Iiicl 27, arc, noli Icnowii ;3!; @,.'oodstc)ck @,, @,,IoodsLock B aild
14oodstock C; and
WHEP,EAS, tlie l@l'lcctoral loard hat; considered these problems and
reocrr,mei,i(is to the Cicy Cotiiicil@ tli--t I!i(-, e>,isting City Ordinance I)(!
niodified to reflecf: t@l-iese clian@es as !,et forth iii their ]-etter of
Deceiiiber 30, 1971, whicli is ir)cc)rpci--.,itc,(i I)y i-(-,fcrc-,nce.
NOk,l, Till',",EFO@@,," 'j],' IT I'l-SOI.Vf,,D COI',,"('IL OF TII[7 CITY OF
Vll',GINIP, )',];,'ACII,
Tii,,it t:.Iie Cit@,), AtL,)r)icy i-C, dii-('Ci@@(I to 1.10clify t@e
in @l
@l/i.1-3r) c)f Ctie
of Vii:@;lii)i.a, zis t-@)o
Jo sc lili C@inidLi Oil I)C'II Li II* o @ir re,, ri,, a
ti' ai Icr v@iri@i lice @llic il CIC3,, i ecl 1))' til c 11 I i 11" (-)]]ITTI i S,@ i oil -
citN, CoLiiicil )iiadc a fori@i.,Ll rc,ci,,i,-@st to til(, (:Ol,lllli-@.@@ioii foi- recoii-,;ider@L-
i@i.oii of tlic al)l)licatic)ii of 11. (11@t3,k foi- @i t3-@tiler @'@irialice.
ITE@l tl4OO6
yoi- lzhodos c-,,piainoci tli@it tlic, @lc,,Iiy i.ii tlie rcslllted
'Olil "i Ic,,jigtliv di-,;cti-@@ioii ill lie Yxec@iti@-c ()C,;-Sioll of iii@ittel-s reg@ircling
)S(,Ilioj)t Road an(I certqiii iiifoi-ri:itioli tho clisposal s@Istem
oii IVitclidticl,- iZo,,Id; botli i,-cre covei-e(l @iiider tlie Frocdoiii of Iiiforiiiatioii
Act of tlic Coiiii,ioni@caltli of
IT@t #4067
on iiiotioii by Councili,,iali secoiidod 1),, Councilinan ilalbon, and by recorded
i,ote as follok@s:
Ayes: Couiiciliiic,,n Robci-t !I. C,,Ij,lis, Jr., I'c)l)c,,rt 13. Croin@vel.1, Jr., Frank A.
Duscii, F. Reid Geoi-@Ic !Z. I-orrell, Cl@irc,,i)c(, A. liollind, D. @-lurrl),
J. Curtis Vdce, L@,'arl @ll. 'I'el)atilt, l@lo),d E. 1"'aterficld,
Jr., and Nlayor Doiial@ Ii. P@liocies.
Na),s: Noiie
Absciit: None
City Coulicil appoiiitcd tic, Iloi,orziblc 'rlioiii@i,,; F. Bctz, Jr. to the Board of
I)ii@ectors of tlie lzegici),,i] Les,,-securc I)Otclitioli cclltc3,.
ITE@i 940(),@
On niotion by Cotiiicili@iaii "@atei,fic,,Id, secoiidc-I I)y Coul)cill',I@iii flollaiid, and by
recorded vote as folloi@s:
Ayes : Councilinen l@ol)ei,t Ii. Callis, Jr., Rc)t)e),t B. Cronii@ell, Jr., Franl,- A.
I)uscli, F. Reid Erviii, Gec),r,,c Ferrell, Cl@ii-ciice A. liollaiic], 1). @'iul-riv
@Ialbon, J. Curtis PaN,iie, %@'Ice l@,irl ;'@l. I'c,b@iLilt, 1---lo@,d E. @l-atcrfielcl,
Jr., aiicl i%li)roi- I)oiial(,, Ii. I)I@o@ F.
Nays: None
Absent: Nojic
City Council real)poiiited @li-. RoN, AlTjliiii @ii,(l ]:islc,. to
tlic,, Ileacli (7,otiii@-il f-c)i, a t(@riii o@- (3) ye@ll-S
I)cpiiiiiiiig jLiiiiiarN, 1, 1972 ajicl exl)iriii, 1)@l,c(.:))Ci- 31, 191-4.
TTE@l @4061)
On iiiotioii 1)), Couiiciliii@iii @ecc)iicled I)%, (@otiiic:ilniiii ])ii-,;cli, and b)- recol,cl@,ci
)te is follolvs:
cokill(:illiicli I'@OI)cl,l 11. Jl'. Cl-oiii@@rell, Jr., Fi-,Iiik A.
(@ti l' t i s \7 i L! I 1: @l I- I 'i ;@ti 1 t , :t t l' f
1- I)Ollal,Ll 1) C) 11
N,t)rs Noiio
AI)F,(,iit Noiie
o i i ii (7 @l 1) 1) o i I I t c l "I 1- . I t 0 1- I I II'XI, i l@f'(1t 1-i'l 0 i
('11 o 11 I ii,,