HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 11, 1971
October 11, 1)71
The TegulaT meeting of the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginizi
vas held in the Council Cliambers of tile ';\di@iinistration Building, in tho Borougil
)f Princess Anne, on Mondav, October 11, 1)71, at 10:00 a.m.
The invocation was giveii bv Reverend St@iiit )ri Sizemorc, King's Grant Presbyteriar
Church, Virginia @each, Virginia.
Councilmen present: Robert fi. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, (,corge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ifolland, D. @Nlurray I'lalbon,
J. Curtis Payne, Vice lla@,or Earl @l. TebLiul', l@loyd E. l"aterfield, Jr., and
Mayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Councilmen absent: None
ITEM #3776
On motion by Councilman Duscli, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., P,(,bert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Ci@ii@ence A. Ifollajid, D. @lurrav
@Ialbon, J. Curits Payne, Vic @,lavor E@arl Nl l@l-bault, I:Ioyd 17. V;aterfie@d,
Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. Phodes.
'lays Noiie
,bsent: None
City Council approved the I-linutes of tlie IZ(gtilar \Ieeting of October 4, 1971,
and tlie reading of said @liniites clispcnscd i@ith inasmuch as each Couiicilmail
had a copy of the subject @linute@; bofore
ITEM #3777
On niotion by CoLincilmaii 11'@iterfield, secoiicicci I)v Councilinan fiolland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. (,allis, Jr. , Ret)ei't B. Croiiiwcl.l, Jr. , Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Gcoi-ge R. Ferrell, (:Iai@ ilce A. liollzijid, D. @llirray
Malboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vicc,, @la\or Fai@] @t. @i@(@bault, T7]oyd E. l@@tterfield,
Jr. , and inlayor i)onald if. !Zllo(les.
Nays: @None
Absent: None
Duc to t)ie expenses iiicui-i-ed @is a re..,;ult of tlie City',; zi(lvertising progr@)]@l,
C.it@, Clotincil zipproved Oil secolici :in :ill)roT)riatioii in tlic ariount of
3,000. to tlie Virgini@i f"c@tcl,. Cli@ii)ihei- of (.(,@iiii(,rce.
I T E-,@ I t@' 3 -/ '/ 8
Mr. Jolin lvallcr, appezii@ed on belialf of \'ir@;iiiia Beacli F'Cstival Park, regardirl,,
a one-year extension of its use perniit. C@t)- Couilcil a(lvised @ir. lialler to
colifirm tlie exact termiji@ition date of t)ie PE@m t aiid to liave, Virgillia BE@ICI,
Festival Pirk placed on tlie agen(la for tlie ilext regular council meeting on
October 18, 1971.
ITE@l #3779
Cotincilman Ervin indicated his intention t,) propose at a later date e,t,in
ordinances regarding the authority of the i:iayor to appoi,nt committees.
ITEM #3780
On motion by Councilman Forrell, seconded liy Councilman flolland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Call@s, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscii, George R. Ferrell, Cl@irence A. floll@ind, D. Murray Malbon, Earl M,
Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @lav(,r Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Ji. abstained on the appointment
of @4r. R. Dean Lee and @Ir. James E. Birdwell; F. Reid Ervin, and J. Curtis
Absent: inone
City Council approved tlie following appointments by Mavor Rhodes to the
Advisory Coinpiittee to Couiicil on Buildings -ITI(l Grounds:
Mr. George L. lltjibury
The flonorable, G oi@ge 1','. V@ll-,os
Mr. J. fl@iri,y @lote
Nlr. Jamos l@'. Bir(li@,ell
Mr. William J. 7@,,ij)iiey
Mr. R. Dean I.ee
Mr. Rubiii 1. Ile.l.-,peth
ITEM #3781
Application of Cro@in Central Petroleuiii Coi,poratio@i by Joseph J. La,,/ler, Attortiey, for
a Use Pei-mit to operate a g@isoline sul)ply st@,tio@-i ancl car tiish on certain proderty
lo@afea o-n-th(, tioi,the3st coi,i,@er of Itidependcrice Doile-,,ard Ind Peijil)roke Boulev'ai,d,
running a distance o-i' Is@@ feot along tlie @loi-tli id,@. of Pei,ibi-oke Boulevard runni .ng a
distance of 245 fee@ nore o@, less along tlie -as' - sicle of Iiicf-.pendence CoLiievard,
runiiing a distance of 125 feet alo,-ig tfic t:orLhe@,ii !)ro 'r)erty line and ruiir,.Ing a dis'@ance
of 200 feet along tlie Eas"erii pro[)et,ty liri@. Area). BAYSIDE
The Plantiing CorTiiission re(:o@13;@@,ncls app@,ovil of t[lis reqiiest SLlbjeC'@ to City @,iater
and se@ier as requested by t@if-@ If,-,alth
t-ir. Joscph Lawler, Attol'ilc,,V, @ll)PeLti-e@l on of the @ipplicant.
,Iii iiiotic)n bv (@otincillii@iii 11 ll;ill(], @oCollclckl 1) (,OLiiiciiiii@iii IV@iterfield, ancl I)y
-.cortlecl voie as follot,@@:
A),cs : Cotiiici li'loi) "@0I)el@t if. ('@l I I i'@ , :,iii@ A. I)tisch , I,-. l@e ici Ervi 11 ,
Gc,.ortl(,, l@. 17orrell T. Ciii@tis 1),I@@lle,
Vicc,, @l;tyor l@@irl %I. @lfi(I I:,Lov(i i,. I-iC'I,t,
iN,,i v s Noiie
AI)st,;ii,ii: Coujicililliii 11'. @iiicl 11@i@loi, I)on@ild 11.
Al)@eiit Nojie
(:i t\l (IC)tll)Ci I tlie @ll... @'C' @il)i)l i(:Nt i @)II "l- lctii@l
(@01 I)ot,@it i oil 1-01, ;i ti@,;c I i, i I t o oil(' l' I t o i i ii Ii,,) I t t i Ii z III, I c N I
i@;i -@ 11 oil , c, I t 11 1) 1.01,@, 1, o ii @i 1 @, I ii( III (i L@ III
ITEM #3782
Application of Aragona Enterprises, Inc., by H. Calvin Spain, Attorney. for a Channe
of Zoninq from Aqricultural District (A-R) to Planned Unit Developn,ent District-T U@).
@aiTpr-o@erty is-an extension of the existinn Planned Unit Development knovin as !laqic
Hollo,4 and includes three additional Darcels, t,,io of which are South and r@ast of South
Lynnhaven Road and the third Darcel is located on the t4est side of London Bridqe Road
beginning at a point 2000 feei more or less @'orth of Shipps Corner Road. Plats with
more detailed information are available in the Office of the Department of City
Planning. (Princess Anne Plaza and Oceana @laval Air Station Areas). PRI@ICESS A@INE
The Planning Comission recor.Tiends approval of this change of zoning +.o Planned '.'nit
Develo.Dn,ent on the tvio parcels South and East of South Lynnhaveti Road. The third
parcel located on the 14est side of London Bridfle Road iias been withdra@-in. In an-
proving this expansion, tlie Planning Corrissioti rc,,co-mnds the overall proicct [)c
redesigned and the density be lo,,iered to approximately 1037 units on approximately
223 acres. The Plannc.,d U,@iit ,',evelopm--nt ijoi,-ld no,,-@ contai.1 F),,) ?cres of sinile family
development - 3 to 4 units i,.2r acre net donsit-v; 33 acres of !ii@ilti-famil'v - P, to 10
units not per acre; and -0.6 acres of t,,,io and i'otii,-plex - 5 to 6 units net per acre,
as viell as 218 utiits of t@-io and four-Dlex prp-vlously approved and 16r) uni-Ls of sincle
family previously aoproved.
An acccptable home ov4ner's agreemnt must be processed throuqh the City Attorney and
City Ilanaqer for approval r)rior to construc'@:io!i. TI-,e @iealth D@!@arti'l('nt requires
City tiater and sewer. Tiie Sc@'iool Poard Y,eii@es@s (leveloper's r)articiratiori i,,) sc!iclol
site iicatji,.;ition. A dedication of riq@it ot @:i! @D') f,,.i- f,@m tl)P C--(-,n-Ler lin,@ of thp.
existing SO foot ri('.,ht cf alo@ic t@12 fo,@t i-.orc, or les@; trontaqe on Lon,!on
Bridge Poid (proposc!d "irr!iFi-ia -cac,i 15 foot and a do(iica-
tion of right of v.,ay 17,@ font fro;, th(, contlr lin@? of t@io cxis@in(i canal (a total
dedication of 3r)O f(,.Pt in across titir, k-jith in adjoinine foo'u
teniporary constr@ictio-ii alrn(i tlie norL,,,lr,-l @ind sout!i@rn boundaries of -Lhis
canal, is required i)y t@ic Fstate i)ivisior,, -@-@partmctit of Cc,!-iunity Services.
Tlie Coil,,@,,,iission also tl,at tlle t)o, required to adhere to all
Fed(,,ral @iousiii(i and. Vct,@,rins iir@is,-racion rc,.riulatiolis @,ov-rninf,
t[ic, constructioii of l@it;iin t:@iat area @)y t@ic Ll. S. 'Iav@l as
%,iitliiii a hirih i,@ois(,, levcl Ti,@,(@ T,@(i.uire '@l,.at the buil,,,.,?r
provide ad@quate sou@id I)ro,.)', iiiq to in5iti@D @)rotcctio.1 of tlie
owiicr. Tli@, Co@)i,,iiission .@urtiir,r I,@veloi)(,r )2 required to
ir,il)le,i@nt a. corir)rc;ic,-isiv(, ltirjr,, so is 'Lo ro('Iuce
',- tlie.@ @@,roaitest extetit ic,,: l,ircrili:l@ ov@,rfli(@"'
Cli@ii-ies (:. C@ii-ringtoii, t I't@iiiniiig, I)rescilted tlC, fo]
ter ii@itives to tl)o lb()\?(' (,n i t)['Ii c i I (-o Iis i c]ct,ziti on
Alternatives for Consideration
ALTERNATIVE I - Permit develop@,iient as originally approved,
no expansion.
A. Permit the development as approved. Potential of
appro-inately 2580 un4.ts, 15 units per acre.
B. Do not approve the expanl,,ion request before you today.
ALTERiNATIVE II - Plermit expansion but reduce overall density.
A. Approve expansion in tvio areas as recommended by the
Planning COMTaiSsion.
B. Permit the original PUD lo continue development with
reduced donsitv - potent@al of 103? units or 4-7 units
per acre including the e:@pansion area.
ALTERNATIVE Ill - reduce size of IIUD by permitting future resi-
dential constrtzc!tion only in areas where
commitinents havc- been made.
A. Permit 218 quadriplex and duplex units approved 8/70,
90 more or less buildin- perniits issued.
B. Permit 163 single family residential units - staff has
granted site plan prelim4nary approval.
C. Change the remaining PUD area to non-residential.
ALTERNATIVE IV - Reduce size of PUD and pennit future residential
construction onl,@ in parcels where build,@n.,
permits have beei. issued.
A. Permit 218 quadriplex and duplex units approved 8/70,
90 more or less buildine permits issued.
B. Change the renaining PUD area to non-residential.
ALTERNATIVE V - Permit non-conformin, residential construction
only on Darcel where building permits liave
been issued as in Alternative IV.
A. Change the zoning classification for @he entire PUD
to non-residential.
B. Permit @he area of 218 residential units where building
permits have been issued as non-conforming in the zoning
district where constructed.
Nir. Calvin Spain, Attorney, appeared on b(lialf of tlie al)plicant.
?.Ir. Joe Basquier appeared oii behalf of tllc adplicant.
The following appeared ir, ol)position to tye @lbove application:
Cdr. Raymond Paulsen, NAS Ocealia
Mr. Richard A. Phelps, NAS Oceana
Mrs. Reba S. P-IcClanan
@ir. Sam Houston, CoL'nci.1 of Civic Organizations
At the request of the Council, P@Ir. George Tiiincs made a report on tlie actions
of the Federal liousing Admijiistratioii aiid the %'eterans Administration in regai-,l
to the applications for loans in the proposecl llagic Ilollow Development.
Councilman Payne made a notion, which i,:as seconded by Councilman Ferrell, to
approve the above application of@ Aragon@t fntorprises, Inc., subject to the
recommendations as set forth by the Planning Cominission. Recorded vote on
this motion as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Geor@c R. Ferrell, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M.
Tebault, and @layor Donald ii. Rhodes.
Nays: Councilmen Robert If. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. Cromivell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Clarence A. Holland, 1). Nlurray @Ialbon, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Absent: None
As the motion to approve the above application did not carry, City Council
denied the application of Aragona Enterf)rises, Inc., for a Chan@e of Zoniniz
from Agricultural Di.strict (A-rZ) to Planiie(I LJnit Dcvelopment Dstr,,t PUD)-.
Said property is an extension of tlie existifig lllanned Unit Development knoi,:n
as Magic Hollow and includes tliree additional I)arcels, ti@o of which are Soutli
and East of South Lyiinliaven Road and the tliii'd plircel i.s located oii tho @Vest
side of Lojidon Bridge IZoad beginning at a !)oilit 2000 feet inore or less Norti)
of Shipps Corner Road. Plats ivitli iiiore clotziii(@d information are available in
tlie Office of the Departi,,ient of Citv Illiiining. (I'rinccss Anne Plaza and Oce@ill,'i
Naval Air Station Areas), Princess -,knTIC BOI-Ougli.
ITEM #3783
Application of Emanuel Pantist Cliurch for a '.!se P,-rrtiit to o',)Crate a church and youth
-,@o ore or less @!ort@i r)f Shi,,)s
ceiiter on certain proderl,v Le(lit-ininri at a oi 11 t m
Corner Road, running a eistance of '04 fect alcnq t[ic ',Icstern nro,)erty line of ,/,@iicii 21)3
feet is the East side of k@ld CILlb !iouse rc,,ad, rtirir,.inl a distanco of 310 fect @v@or.'2 or less
along tlie Eastern pro,)e)-ty Iiii(, aii(i runiiii),') a cistatic@ of @5',5 fect alonq tl,.i? Souttlern
property line. (@lar,.Iinal Estatcs )@rea). P',Ill',"'7SS
Tl,,e Planning Cotinission recoi@r@i,,nds denial of 'Iis use nemit api)lication as tlil, narcLI
itivolve.cl ...,as reserved for recrc.,,itic)@ial ptiri)(.)s.@F ,it tli(, time tl)e C@@.rdinal Estat(-,s "Obil(.,
floine application was a.Dprovcd.
Oii itiotion I)v COLincililizill il@ivilc, secojided I Councilm,,in Ferrel.1, and bv recordol
vote as follows:
Ayes: Cotti)cilnion Robert 11. (:ztllis, Ji,., IZ@)I)ei't T@. Cromwell, Jr., F. Izeid
1: i, @, i ii ,Gcorge R. , (@l;ireiice A. 11(,1 1). @ILII-ray @l@llbOll, J. (:urtis
l@ziyiio, Vic@o %IIyor E@irl @l. -let),tLllt, I:]C)NIII Jr., and lia),or
I)onalcl 11. I)IIlodes .
N,,iys: Noiie
Al)sciit Coui)ciliiian Fr@ii)k A.
(@ity Cotiiicil (lonicd tli(, @il)ovc, liziliti,@t (',Iltlrcli fol- .1
Ilso to OI)Cl'@itc, ;[ Ilitil@cii @ill(I \ot)tll @-,iltc,], oil
@it @i I)oiiit o@ll fe(,t i:ioi-(, oi Noi,til I II i 1) s ]-Ii c 1- l' 0 @l Ll C@l T@t] 11 :1 I l@ @, t
Ai,c,@i ) Ili@ i iicc,@s .\iiiic, ]@oi-(@ i,,]) Icili(@,l ;],; tlie 1):)],Cl
ITEI@L #3784
Application of William J. Kirby for a Clanrie of 7onino from Pural Residence District
3 (R-R 3) to tlultiple Familv Tp--TT@and a Li-@e Pe-mit to construct
144 apartn--nt units on certain property locatcd on the Soutil @id.@o@S,,ell Poad
beginning at a point 91.)',) feet more or less EaSt of Cullen Road, runninq a distance
of 978 fect rore or less alono the @!orthern 'orooerty line of i.,Iiich 648 feet more or
less is the South side of Shall Road, runnina a distance of llr fk,.Ot more or less
along the c@7astern nrODerty lire, rutinin,-l a distance of 945 feet more or less along
the Southern property lir.0 at the @,ort!lern extr'-!iiity of Shelton @",,oad, and runnina
a distance of 684 feet itiorc- or less along tlie @iestern property line. (Lakevie,,.l
The Planning Commission recori-.iends dlnial of this ar)plication as it would annear that
the hiqh intensity develop.,@ent iqould not be con,)ata,,,)Ie %iith the surrounding' single
famil.v area.
Mr. E. C. Woodburn, repi,esci)tjng l,akoview @;hoi-es Civic League, appeared before
City Council in oppositioii to the above apl,lication.
)n motion by Councilman Croiii@ell, secondecl bv Couiicilman liolland and bv recordec
iote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., IZ(,bert B. Cropii.@ell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, George R. Ferrcli , Cl@irence A. 11(,,1 l@incl, D. i%lurray ttalbon, J. Curtis
Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl i\l. Tel)aull@, l@loyd 11. IV@iterficid, Jr. , and @Nlavor Donald
Ii. Rliodes .
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman F. Reid Ervin.
City Council denied the above appliczitioii oF 1%@illiari J. Kirby for a c of
in from Rural IZesidence District 3 (R-,@ 3) to liultiple Family l@esidenco
District aiid a -e lloriiiit to constrltct 144 apartineiit units on certain
property located on -lie SoLitli side ol- Shell I'lo,,icl, (Laleiiew Park Arca) Bayside
Borougli. The application @,,Lis (lenied as tlie Iii,,h deiisitv develol)ment ivould not
be coinpatible witli tlie -@tirrouiiding sinll(,, f llililv area.
ITF,@l @1378S
Apillic,ition of rordon Oliver for in (,xcivition !--@iit to contintit?, operatio!i of a
borro@i pill- cti ccrtain pro,ert,, boulit!,@d on cli- f)v tfie '!or-L-!;(,rn r)ro-ort@, lizie of
Pro,-),@(@d 1-ive For@,,s cii t@ic! t;,, Iiiie of Ilro!,o,,,,d fr@,r,,oia
POLI]f@v,,r(i or@ Eist @,y La@,,(' ic@t,race
1,1,@ s t@aid nro@,@i,ty to
itiform.i@uio!l are availaf,l(@ iii @-ic,, r)r @i,@rt:@@-,nt of Ci@y I'lanriin(l. (Lo@,(,
Tl!-- (,f (1r)@,)IiCatiOl SLI'IJCCT to t'l(,, r@-
of ti@(,
@ir. Gordon Oliver appeared on behalf of his @il)l)lic@ition.
On motion bv Councilnan Ilolland, seconded by Couiicilmaii CroiTiwell, and by
recorded vote as folloiqs:
Ayes: Councilmeii Robert ti. C@illis, Jr., Rol)crt B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. [Zeid Ervin, George IZ. Ferrell, CI,4reiice A. lfolland, D. @turi'ay
Malbon, Vice Nlayor Earl iNI. Tebault, Flovd 11. @',",Itcrfield, Jr., and '@,layor
Donald ti. Rliodes.
ys: None
Absent: Councilman J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved the zibove application of Gordon Oliver for an excavation
mit to continue operatiori of a borroi,: I)il on certain propertv boun@cl on
the South by the Northern propertv line of 1'roposed Five Forks Road, on the
West by the Eastern propertv line of [lroposc@cl @kragona Bouleiard Extended, on
the North by Lake Smith iiid on the l@ast bv lal,,e Smith Terrace l@e-ct,(I,ake
Smith Terrace West Area) Bayside lioroufh. @'@i)l@ro@,al of this applic@ition is
subject to the requirements of the Borrol@. Fl@t I)rdinance
ITEM #3786
Application of James C. I-Iriolit and Ponald R. Peiter for a Use Permit to construct
72 one-bedroom a!.)artr,.lent unl",s on cortain Droperty located on .1,@c '@.orth side of
Shore Drive beainning a-L a ooint 375 fect East of C.,reen,,iell t'.Oad and running a
distance of ?56 fe-.t alona the Southprn r)roz,@rt,! liio of vihich 31) fcet is t@.e
Northern property line of Slior(., ,Irive, rur,@iin,.i a dist,,nce of 41-, feet alona ti,e
Western proper6y line, running a distance of 251 fect alonfi the @@orthern pronerty
line, and runninq a dista!ice of 420 fcct tlona tlie E,).stern oroperty line. (@Iiiesa-
peake Beach and Bayville !)ar(,, ',rea). P-,AYS17,-
The Planning Corn@ission recok.-I@nds denial of this us(, 'Domit as i+, tias felt thtt
the reqtjested density of t@@iits 7icr acre too @ii@h to be co,,@,-,)atable @.iith the
surrOLindin(i single faciily resi@eiitial arca. i@oduction comprot'lisc-, iias not a,,Iree-
able 'Llo t@ie applicant.
Mr. Ronald P. flammers , Attorncv, appeareci oii I)ehalf of the applicalit.
Mr. Vernard F. Wagner, rcl)resenting tlie (@,he,@,ipeake Beach Cii,ic League.
Mr. Ricliai'd J. Webboii pi@oposed that if tlie -cquest was to be granted, a fence
be required around tlie e@ist, nortli, anci @,es- ;Idcs of tlie property, and
requested information as to t@I)eth,@r rent@il @.oiilcl be on an overni,.@t basis
of tlie motel.
On notion by Councilrqan lfollaiicl, soccii(IcLI b,- (,olincilman Clroiqwell, aild by
rocorded vote as folloi,:s:
Ayes: Coiincilmen ]Zol)crt 11. Callis, Jr., lZo@)ei-t B. Cromi.,,oll, Jr., Frank A.
I)tlsc,h, F. lzoid Erviii, (@ @)rge, 11. l-,errell, (@lireiice A. liolllild, 1). '.1urray
I I i e ci
,,Ialbon, J. Curtis I)a@ne, \'ice ',Iavor l@,irl @l. Tob@tillt, l@lo\,d F. l@'aterf I
.Jr., and @layor Don@ilcl 11. PIiodcs.
ays: '4ono
AI)soiit: None
Cit)r Cotiiicil referred tc) tlie PI"Inilill" l@OTIII]Iission tlie @iboi,@e lpplicatioll
of Jailies C. I'l@riglit .111(l iloil@11(i T". I)Oiter !oi- @i tJ,@e ileriii-i-t tc) coiisti'Lict 72 one-
I)Cdroolli Zil)@irtliient tinit-@ (iii ccrt@iiii I)roi)clt% !()c@it(,(] oii tlie N()rtli sicle of ';Iior@,
1)3- i ve l@c'LIClI @l Ti'l II(' I'@l l' 1, 1)':ivside Coi@ tlie@r
]'CCC)l@ll]IOII Cl@i ti o iis re,,
ziftei@ :(,i, @i(iol-@itioll of- tlic dcll,-;it@-
in tl) c I!Li ), l@ ro ii t (@ t tid @ill@l f-C)l@ ;i stil@l\@ to @oji(Itictc,,l @iii,l Li rcl)ol-t ii,@l(le
tlie, tr@iff-ic L-C)ll,iiiiolis 1 11 til(' ;i I1.
ITEM #3787
Application of Oxford @-lanor for a '@lse Perrit to construct a se@iace pumning station
on certain property bcoinninn at a--F(;iiFt-T@,I f@2et morc, or less East of t@e inter-
section of Goodriian Road and Li,,;rt,,nce Drive on th(, '!or-Lh side of Proposed Oxford
Drive. Said property is 47 fcet more or le@ !)y 47 fr,@t more or less. (Oxford
I-lanor-Bettie F. ililliams School Area). BAYSIIF- BI)POUGII.
The Planning Comission reconiipnds approval of this reqiest.
bn motion by Councilman Cromivell, seconled by Cotincilman flolland, and by
recorded vote as foll.ows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromivell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liollancl, f). @llirray @talbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl D4. Teba(ilt, l-,loyd E. IVaterfield,'Jr., and @layor Donald fl.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, J]-.
City Council approved tlie above applicatioii of Oxford @lanor for a Use Permit
to construct a sewa,,e pliinpin@, station oii c@rtaiii T)roperty be.ainning at a
point 12S feet more or les., i-,ast of tlie ir)torsection of Goodman Road and
Lawrence Drive on the Nortli side of Ilrol)os-,,l Oxford I)rive; said property
is 47 feet inore or less by 47 foet iiiore or less, (Oxi-ord i',Ianor-Bettie F.
Williams Scliool Area) BaN,side Borou,,h.
(MAYOR RHODES I,EFT TfiE (@OUNCIL CfW,113ERS; h)wever, lie indicatcd his absention
before he retired)
ITEM #3@'88
Applicatioii of Pembroke "eado@@is ills-lociates for a s(,. P(,rmit to operate a 6nO-,@cat
tiicatre on certain propcrty locat,@d on tlie sifte @t Tn-rTc,,)ende@-ic@ 1,@ulevard
betvieen t"ortli llitchduck @,oad and @@OL!l@2vard ind located in t@,e Peibro@,e
I,I.eadows Shopping Cc-,-iter. (Per.,ibro@,e licadows P.@, Ll,ySl,,Ir B , Uq .
11 1- @ Ro H
The Planning Commission recormnds appi-oval of t@',is request subject to City
water and setier.
P-1r. I)onald F. Dreeland c)ji bc,,Iialf (f the LI.T)plicant.
OTI )notion by Couticilill@in ifoll;tnd, seccndc,(] I (otinciliii-,In Crom@vell, and b
recorded vote as follows:
Aves: Councilmen Robert 13. (@rotiiivell, I:rink A. Dusch, F. Peid l@,@rvin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarc"Ice -\. fi@)lland, 1). @llibon, J. Curtis I)avne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. I'el)aLilt, @ind 17lovd I:, I'l@ tc,rf'iel(l, Jr.
@ays: None
AI)sf@iin: i%favor Donald 11. l@liodes.
AI)sent: Coulicilniiii lzol)ert ii. (,'allis, Jr.
City COLinc-il @il)proved tli(, folloivin@,, ;ipl)] i,-@itiof] of- 11clilbrol@e, @lcztklow-,; As,@oci@ites
for ,t Llse llei'lilit to oi)c,r;it(,, @i 60()-se@it ()Ti cei't@iiii loc@iteci oil
tlie of zill(I
liotilev@ii@d @iii(I lo,;itc,,l iii tlic, @l,.(
ITEM #378@,
Application of Rouse Enterprises for a Channe of 7oninq from Petail Business
District (B-1) to 'Iotel-Hotel District to construct a
97-unit motel on certain proderty located on t@ie ;',o-r@i @i c@of 9Ath Street between
Atlantic I'@venue and Pacific ',Venue, runnina a distance of 140 fect along tlie East
side of Pacific Ivenue. runninq a distance of @@59 feet alonn tlie @lortliern r)roi)erty
line, running a distance of 14b feet alor.0 tlie Eastern nroperty line of tihich 100
feet is the l@'est side of Atlantic @venue, and runninri a distance of 250 feet along
the Southern proper@,i line of iiiiic@. 154 feet is t'ie "orth side of 26th Street.
The Planning Comission reco,.@nds apt)roval of this an,,)Iication subject to site
plan approval by tlie Planninq Department in co-@inection wit!i curb cuts on Pacific
Avenue and City water and se@.,,Lr recuired by t@.e Healtli I)er)artmnt.
Mr. Joseph Lyle, Attorney, appeared on beh@ill- of tlie applicant.
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by Couiiciliiiaii Callis, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George IZ. I-errell, Clii,ence A. liolland, D. \Iurrav
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Eirl Ni. 1'ebault, Floyci E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald Ii. Rliodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above applicatio!l of Rouse Enterprises for a Change
of Zoning from Retail Btisiness District (B 1) to Nlotel-flotel District (M-1i)
and a Use 1ei'mit to construct a 97-unit iliotc,,] on certain property located on
tlie NoTth-sTde-of 26tli I;trc,,et between Atlaiitic Avenue ancl Ilacific Avenue,
Virginia Beacli Borotigh, stil)ject to site pitn approval by the Plannin- Depart-
ment in coniiection witli curl) CLITS on Pa,if-ic Aventie ,ind City ivater @l-nd se@ver
rc,,cluired by the Ilealth I)epartnielit.
ITENI #3790
Apr)licatio,n of Lake @lolly Corp., @y ,@.,,Cn 11. @"torney
I @ . for a P(,-rmit
tO cOnStt'uct a llq4-u;li@, t:',Otcll 0,1 c@-rtain r@rl.,,),,r-ty loc,itoi on
of Pacific @venue aiid Tvenu@, a (ii,,tancc of 7C,.Il@ fnp 'al
t,i@ !!est si(!@ -t o nq
Of PicifiC 'v-@lue, rt;iini@ri ,l fect alonq tti
e @'ort!i
si(!e c)f @.1inston-Sal,,,,l ru!i,,iinq a c,,f 41".@,4 fc,,t alo,-,rl t!,.e .!(,St.@rn
pror)crtk, li?ik@ and rtin:iin@, a dis+,itice of -7- z!10!1@ tl',e 'lorthern nro,,'),@rty liio.
(Lakt, 11Y Ruclee InILt @r(,
T'e Plttitiing Coi@rr@ission r,
@CC, &r)!)rovil (,if tfli-@ .1n@licltion su!)j(,Ct to siti
plan t)v t@o
, 1) , , @i@ I i c ' i
Sale:!' pi
-1 _cific 'Itil@,,i@ct to Cil,@,,,
iiit(,r a@,c! rcOL@ir.,,c! 'i,, t'@,@
tiio "ic
on as I ilivi@ioil of
Mr. Owen Pickett, Attoriiev, appeared on belialf of tlie applicant.
@ir. flarry Sandler, appeared on behalf of tlie applicalit.
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by Couiicilman Cromwell, and by
recorded vote as follo@%,s:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Calli.,;, Jr., Robert B. Clom'7ell, Jr., l@'rank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Geor@e R. Ferrell, Clarence A. fiol'land, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, 1/2'lce @layor Earl ',,I. 'I'ebault, Floyd E. Ivaterfield,
J,r., and @layor Donald ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council'approved the, above application of Lake flolly Corp. for a Use
Permit to construct 124-unit niotel on cortain propertv located on the -
No t ivest corner of Pacific Avenue and @@inston-Salelp. @venue, (Lake Holly -
Rudee Inlet Area), Virl@inia Beach Borough, subiect to site plan approval bv
the Planning Department, ivlaich will roquire @iccess from Winston-Salem Aven@e
rather than Pacific Avenue Eis shown. Approv,@l is subject to City water and
sewer required by the I-lealtli Department an,! @i 20-foot dedication along the
76.84 foot frontage on Ilacific Aventie and i @-foot dedication along the 205.9S
foot frontage on Viinsont-Salem Aventie as r,qtlired bv tlie Real Estate Division
of the Department of CoinniLinity Services.
ITE@l #3791
Application of Piparian Investment @Issociates @v rrover C. 'v!riqht, Jr., for a
Use Permit to construct 5? riotcl uriits on cp-rtein tirodc-rtv I,,)cated on tht,. East
i-fd-e @i'@tlantic and at tlie Sotit!i si(Ic of ', -t.i StrQrt, runninr,, a distance of 150
feet along the East side of Atlantic Pventie, runnino a distance of 15n feet along
the South side of 3nth Street, runninn a distatic@, of 15n foet along the Eastern
property line, and runninn a distance of l@)O foot along tlie Southern pro.oerty line.
The Pla-ining Cornission reco.@,nds anr)roval of this an,)Iication subjpct to City
water and sekier required @@'v t!)e ilealtli !@er)artp,,eit ard also +o tlie roquirei-.1p@nts of
tlie Depart,'P-nt of Corr.,unitv S(,rvic@s ,,Ilicii incli;@',@ stari@@arci road@iay inr)rovim,(,nts
required on Atlantic @vf'.'.U' 31,tli Strep". @ lo!icrete I)oard@@!alll, is to t)o con-
struct(,d @y tlie develo,)er usitil I'li,2 oxi,,'@incT ')u]',-head as r)art of tlie
structure. I-lie board@.-lall@ is to Le stai)@'ard is .;(?t by t,@e reclnt 'amada Inti.
Nly. Grover IVright, Attoriie@l, al)p(@ai@ect oli 1)( h@ilf of tlie at)plicant re uestilig
that tlie coiidition set foi,tli iii 1-lic nd:itiojis of t e Planiiij_ Comriission
requiring the applicant tc) colisti-uct a coii(roto board@@alk be deleted frori the
stipulations for approv,,i] I)\, tlie Cit), Coun(il.
On motion bv Councili@,ian (@zillis, secofided t)N C,-),,incilnian Duscli, and by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayos: Councilr@ion Robert Ii. (@allis, Jr., Rcl)ci-t B. Croiiiivell, Jr., F-rank A.
Duscli, F. Roid Ervin, (-@corQe 1". F@erroll, (:];ii-eiice A. tiolland, 1). PIurray
Ntalboii, J. Curtis flayno, \-Icc @lay,or f@'arl @l. @l'(,I)@iult, l@lovd @,. lvaterfiel(l,
Jr., aii@l Nlayor I)onal@ 11. 1,@lioc]oS.
4ays: None
Absciit: '@\o n c
C i ty Cotin c i I al)p r ov c d tli c ,i b ove i I)p I i c @i t i o i@ o f1),,i i- i,,i ii I nve s tm on t As s o c i zi t e s
f ol- @i 11-0 tO CO IIST I-LICT S8 illol el U!@ it @@lli ct,rt@iiii 1)ropcrtv loc@ited oi)
-fclc,-O@ Atlziiiti@ @iiici It t]IC SOLItIl i 0 i- 3-Linnifi@, zi
tlie -)tli @treet, I
di-,;t@iiice oF 150 feot @ll li@, tlic ]:,1st si(le of- @t l@,lit i,,: riiiiiiiii@, z] @lis-
t,liyice oi- ISt) feet zilon,@ tlie @Olitil sile ol )tl@ @)tf-cet, I'tilillilig @t 0
1 5 0 f C', e t l I olig I 11 0 So@i t 11 @) I 11 @) I-C) I)C l@ t11 i Ii T) i @l l@ ('@l C Ii BO 1-011 @"ll ; s tit) j c c t
t(-) (@it,,, @""Iter @iiici -sci@er til(, ti @ild @ilso to tlie
ot- tile 01-
oil @\tl@iliti i c li,i I i i- @, e t .
ITE@l #3792
Application of William T. Pearson for a Chann@ of 7oninr! from One Familv Pesidence
District (R-1) to 'lultiDIf, Family @7.eside-nce-L)i@@CFict@.@3) and a lisp. Pernit to
construct 9 apartment units on certain oropertv located on the So t@-.oYst-c(;rner
of Arctic P,,venue and Terrace ,@ventie, runninci a distance of 10,0 feet alonq t@,e South
side of Terrace Avenue, runninq a distance of lnti feet alonq the Eastern prooerty
line, running a distance of 101 foet aloni "lie Southr.,rn rroderty lin@ aid runninq
a distance of 100 feet alonq the East side of''.rctic Avenue. Said nronertv is
knot,in as Lots 6, 3, In and 12, Block 11, Plat of Shore Acres (Rudee Inlet Area).
The Planning Commission recomriends at)r)roval of tliis anplication subiect to the
require.,..@nt tfiat ingress and eqress be nemit-@;@d frori P@tlantic Avenue. The School
Board requests developer's nartici@.ation in sc@@ool site acquisition and the flealth
Departmnt requires City ;iater and se,,@f!r.
Mr. William T. Pearson appeared on behalf )f his own application.
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert ii. Callis, Jr., IZobert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A,
Dusch, F;. Reid Ervin, George, R. Ferrell, (-Iarence A. Holland, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vico @@layor Earl @l 'Fcbault, l@loyd E. Ivaterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved tlie above applicatioii of 1,'illiam T. Pearson for a @ an@ge
of Zonin-g from Oiie l@amil), @lesidence Distri( t (IZ-1) to @lultiple Familv Residence
District (R-3) and a Uso Periiiit to constrti@ t 9 apartrnent @inits on ce@tain
propertv located on ti@ b@o@t @ast cornei- oi krctic Avenue and Terrace Avenue;
said property is known as l,ots 6, 8, 10 aii(I 12 ' Block 11, I'lat of Shore Acres,
(Rudee Inlet Area), Virginia Beach Borou,,,Ii, slibiect to the req@iirement thlit
ingress and egress be per!@litted -,-rom Arcti( i\venue. Approval is further
subject to the developei-'s p,,irticipation iii scliool sito acquisition formula
requested by the Scliool Boarcl ajicl Citv t@at(i- and sewer as requested by tlie
fiealtli Department.
lTl-'I,l #379.@
Appl-ication of Double Delta Corporition for a Pemit to constrt@ct 94 rotel
tinits on certain Pronertv locatod ori tt,,2 So,,Itl o -th Stre t, b2fiinnin.0 at
a point 100 feet @les@ of Ptlititic a distancl@ of 1(1,1 alo,,ii tiip-
Sout@i sicle of @-,6t!i Strcrl", r,,i-@ini@ig i (listan-le (f l,"I fcc-L, ilo:in tlif,' Fast(,'rn -rol)t'rty
line, ruiininq a di-et,,ncc@ c)f If@@ fc,(,t alonrt @AI(@ nr,),)@rty lin(, and rl'nliinq
a distance of 140 fect ,-he 'Irstc@rn pr(iftriyi@v
The Planr)in,-l Co.-nission tpproval of skt-bif-@ct to site
i' alt artrient
plan rf@vie,,i prior to t@ie for i !i or)
r(@(jui res City iiater ind jc@r.
Mr. George Dragus appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Councilman I)usch, secoiided by vice inlayor 1'ebault, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., R(Dbei't B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Clarence A. liollancl, D. \Iurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Nlayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. @@atc,,rf-icld, Jr., and '@layor Doilald ff.
4ays: None
Absent: Councilman George R. Ferrell.
City Council approved the above @ipplicatioii of Double Delta Corporation for
a Use Permit to construct 24 motel units oii cortain property located on the
So th side of 36th Street, Virgiiiia Beacli Borough, subject to site plan reviel@
prior to the application For a btiilding T)eimit, and City iiater and sewer as
required by the Elealth Department,
ITEM #3794
Application of rlartha Washington Potc!l Corr)oration for a usf- Pe-rnit to construct
141 mtel-ar)irt.-ont utiits and su.@sidiany us@s on certain r@r)F@t:Y-Tocated on the
Southiqest corner of @tlaritic Avetiue and Eic!,iith Street, runninl a distance of l@,O
feet alon@! the liest side of Atlantic Avenue, ru.,inino a distance of 1,-,0 fect alonq
the Soutli side of Eichth Street, runninq i distance of 141 fo@et alonci the '@cstern
propertv line and rutinino a distance of 200.1@ feet alcnq the @,outliern nror)er@ll
line an@ a "sc, Peri,,iit orily for parkino, )n t@i@ !Iorth sid,,- of Ei(,@iti) Striet
be.t;qeen AtlantiF-,@,-@cTlue ar,.d Picific j@.ven,,jc,, rui),iin.1 a clistarice of f(,,et alol),q
the East side of Pacific @venun, rlinninri a of 3-@l feet alonn the @@or@,.@
side of Ei(lhtti Street, runnino a distance o' @"I f@t aloni the East--rn nronqrty
line of v,,'tiich 110 feet Is thn side of ,,,,tla@,tic rtinnin(y. a distarice of
300 fect along thc, i"orthc!rn rro.-i@rty line of ,!hich 15@ fcet is t@iL, Soutli sicic, of
The Plannirt(i Co@riission recorn@-nds at)r)roval of '@his inr)lication subject to thc,
provision of 100% Darkin-I an con@-@-ac'@i'on iiit'i +I,@,, d@v@lo-,-,@,2nt and t'ic provisiot)
that tlie site Dlan @,, revisld 'L-o refl@ct t!,c r-.,ntr-arce fror, "Ztlatitic f,.v@nu@-
and exit to --i@hth Str,@et. T!i@ -Lngin-,erin,! !iiv,sion, -,)artr-!ent of Co,z-.,,tnitv
Sc,rvices %@Qu,,s ts all(,y ri@ht of iiay ir@Trov,,-, i@n@-.s in cn7ii(:iction @,@itli -,lie dev@-lori-
ment. -flii rlquires City aiid s,?@,,@-r if t;ic lines are a(-!C,(,'uate
to take t@ic flow.
@4r. Grover 1"'right, Attoriicy, appeared oi) I)eizilf of the apl)licant.
On motion by Councilj,.ian F)tlscli, seconded I)y @oiincilniin lvaterfield, and bv
recorded vote as follows: I
Ayes: Couiicilinen Pobei@t 11. Calli.s , Jr. lzol)ci,t B. Crorql;ell , Jr. , Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George P,. Fc)rrell (,'l ii,cnce i@. liolland, 1). Nlurr@iv
@lall)on, J. Curtis flayjic, Vice @lLiN,,Dr 17arl @l. @1'ebaLilt, Floycl E. Ivaterficld,
Jr. , and inlayor I)oiiald 11. Rliocles .
Nays: Nojie
)sent: None
City Council apl)roveci tiic al)ove ,i])plicatioii of- 'lartha @V@ishiiigton flotel Corl).
for @i tj@se I)crmit to cojistrtict 141 iiiotel @il,@iitiiicnt @iiiit,,; ,Ind lises
Oil ccl-@, l@l-i Tro-liertv loczite(I Oil tll(' ')o@itlii,csi C()rrici, oi- Atllritic Avejitic, aiid
@ti,ect, aiid a lisc, !'cri@ii I oll1v rot- 1)@il 1, ii]F, loc@tte@i oi@ tlic, Noi@tli sille ol-
1-@'i @litli St rec,,t I)otlNecii I c A@,(,iitic, @iii@l i 1- i, \ven@i(, , Vi ]-g ini@l lic@icl@
BOI-Otll,lll SLII) i -Ct to tile, [)i ok, i @ i oil o 1- I O@)@ 1); i,k i i)t oii c c)Tiiiec t i on k, i tli tlie
dev(, 1 ol)iiicii t @i nci tl)c 1, I-o@ i nit tii@i t tl)(, s i t 1)0 i,C'k:isecl to refle(-t tlic
liotel cilti,@tilce, 1-i-oiii Ati@iii'!,: kveiilic zill(I (,Xi,, t@) llic,lit)i Al@f)i@ov;il i@
l@iii-tliei@ stil)jcct l@o @ille@ oi li@ll'lo' ill 'olililll(-tioll @@itli tlie
;is I-C,(Illc,,;t@,@l 1)@\ fli@,
SC'I'X'i(@cs; Zill(i SUI)i('Ct t(, @,@iic,l, ;iii@i t 1 t II(, Iille,@ "11-0 @ICIC(til@itc t@o
1,1 F II 3 -1, @) I
Ap,,)Iication of !Iilliam j. "@,,Iton f@,- @nin, fro,@i @,ne Famil,i n,,,sid@nce
District (P,-I) to '@ultir)lt? F@,,iiily aid a !'se r,r-iit to
construct four apartt,.cnt units on c,r'ain pro7,rrt,, @@ecinnilii at a @-- - -i-, vet
point @@f
East of Cypress Avenue, ruiining a distance of rq I-C,.et ilono t!ie Sout!i @,ide Of l@)'@h
Street, runninq a dis*lance of 12:-) fQLt alori,7 tl;@ !--zst@rn r)rcn(,rty lin(,, run!iinn a
distance of 50 feet aloncl t@ic Sout'@lern nror,(,rt," I-*;tic and run.ninq a distance of'
125 feet along tlie Viestern pror)erty @aid nronertv is knotin as Lots 35 and
36, Block 105, Plat of Lalc@;.,ood. VI@',-Ili,'IA
The Planninq Comission reco-.nends denial of tliis ir)r,)Iication as it was felt that
multi-faiiily develor)rient in t!lis siilllc fa.,iily -Ar@a at this tim- viould b- I)r@..ature.
It vias furt@-.er pointcd out "hat the adcquacy of' x!iAtc-,r and se@qer facilities to this
area were questionable.
Mrs. Linda Newton appeared in favor of tfic above application.
Mr. Anderson M. Ifolland appeared in opposilion to the above application.
On motion by Councilman Callis, seconded b) Couiicilman lvaterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert ti. Callis, Jr., R bert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ilolland, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, @lice %ta@,or Farl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and inlayor Donald H. Rho(les.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council referred bacl, to the Planniiig Corimission the above application
of Williani J. Newton for a Change of Zoninc fron, One Familv Residence District
(R-1) to @@lultiple Familv Resi ence Dist@Lc@ (R-3) and a Us@, Permit to construct
four apartment units on certain propcrtv beginning at a oint 180 fect East
of Cypress Avenue; said property is knowii @is l,ots 3S and 30, Block 105, Plat
,f Lakewood, Virgiiii.a Be,,ach Borough.
ITE@l #371)6
@A'pplication of William H. Pallette for (i 1-@,in(,.e of "oninq frw. One Family residence
c-e @- -- -- -f-T- -it to
District (R-1) to Fa@iily Fesidon ii,,tri'-c P-1 and a '@,le Pem
construct 8 garderi apari;iients and one tota'linq 9 units n@c@@al-n nro,,)erty
located on tlie @@orthcast corner o" CyT)res,3 ,@ld La@,e "riv(!, runni@,q a clistanc,-
of 100 feet along the 7i'orth ;ide of La'@,,,2 ;.@r-lv(,, a d'istanct, of 1.-)r) f,@tit alon(,,
tlie East side of Cypress Avcnue, ru,)@iiiq a @lis@tince of Irl fec-,t alon(i the ?@orthern
property line and running a dis"ance of I'@n fee@@ alo!ia the Eastern Dropertv line.
The Planning Copriission r--co@@,-i--nds denial of tf)is rentiest becallse of ttio odposition
exoress,,.-d by the Civic Lea-)ue and tile co,@lccr!l for til@ traffic co.-),,,,3stion Ind scfiool
Mr. Ronald flammers, Attornev, apl)eared n leliilf of the applicant.
,,Ir. Shelbv Pallette appe,,ired on I)eh If c,f ille applicant.
The following appc,,iroci iii ol@I)o.,;ition to tli( Lit)o@-o 11)plic@ition:
@ir. Robert W. BailcN,, repre@;entin@, tli( lliiiewood P@il:k Civic League
(prcsonted a I)etitioii)
,Nlr. I)atil ilarcli
@Irs . @ladelon I)oLigli
@Ir. @loyd Joncs
On i-,iotioii by Counci ll',Ill) I)IISCII secoiicle(I t@@, (@ounci Iiiian Callis , ancl 1)@, recorclecl
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci linen fZol)Cl't 11. -Jr. , l,( I)ei't l@. Ci,ciii@vc@l I , ]r. , Fl-,Ink A.
I)tiscli , F. IZoid l@rvin, I , A. Iloll@iiid, 1). @llirriv
@lall)oii, J. Ctirti,; 1)@lviic,, Vi( (' 'i@i)@ol- @l. t , I 10)@(I l@. @eld,
,Jl@. , 'Illcl @l"Iyot@ I)OII@11(i 11. @"llo(Ics .
N;iys Noiie
At)sc@iit Noiie
Ci L@, Council donied tlie @tl)ovo @tj)lll ic@itioil f ill. i II i ;Ij@i 11 . p@l IIot to fo l @i I Itril (
of @o froiii Oiie i@, Resideiicc, Dist i,i t (IZ-1) to @ltiltil)lc FLimil\, i'lesidc@ll,lc,
I)istrict (R-3) and I)ort!iit to (lonsti,u, t 8 g@ti-den tpztrt)iic,nts aiici oiie toi,@n-
house totaling 9 uni s oli coftiin propei,t\, located oji the Nortl)east coi,ner oJ-
Cypress AvenLic and La@-e I)rive, Virginia Bc;icli Borotigh. The applicatioii was
denied because of the ol)positiori expres@ed bN, the Civic LeagLie and the coiicern
for the traffic congestion and school sittl@@tion.
ITEM #3797
Application of Littleton C. Iftid(iins for a Chan,,o of 7onin(i from Rcsidence I)Unlcx
District 2 (R-D 2) to C@@neral Industrial Dl-s-fFi@t@ -@) and a t!s@ Per-.mit'
to operate a stiall vehicle track on certain orcoerty located at th@'.Oit tq@st
corner of Soutliern Boulevard and Sykes Avenue.
Parcel 1: Use Permit to operate a s.@mall vehicle tracks: on certain ' nro'r)erty lo-
cated at t@ie '!orthviest corner of Southern Boulevard and Svkes Avenue, runninci a
distance of 760 feet mort, or less alonn the ','-st side of Svl,es @venue, runninq a
distance of 837 feet aloni the Soutl,,.@rn I)ro),Irt@, line of t-ihich 547 feet nore or less
is tlie Ilorth side of Sou@4i,ern Boulevard, runninIq a distance of 780 feet more or 1-@s
along the llestern property line and running a distance of q,17 feet more or less along
the Northern proper@y line. Said property contait)s 13.3 more or less acres.
Parcel 2.- Change of 7oniiq from Rt,.sidence I)u,,)Iex District ? (R-D 2) to General
Industrial District 3 (@1-1 3): Ec.,,qin,,iinQ at ,. Doint 2Cn fee* more or less l@lest of
S,vkes r@venue and runninq a distance of feet i@ore or Ikss alon,,, the @outhern
propL,rty line of vihich @73 ff.et Mre or less i-@ @li, 'iorth id, f'Sotith'e'rn r@loul(,vard,
running a distance of 7'!') fcet mrc or less alonT t@.@ t!@s"ern r)ro,3Lr,(y line, runninq
a dislance of 553 fect ;llore or less alonq the ';.-)rtl,(,rn nron(@rty line and runninq a
distance of 7@O feet mre or less alonq tlie E,2s'Lprn oro,.)erty linf,. SIid zonina
t" - -
chatige includes a nortion of Lots A4 and 45, Pl:)t of I)coana Gardens. (Cceana
Gardens Area). LY!l"IIAVErl @1,0,,@,OUGH.
Tli(, Plannin(, Cor-rission recoi;@.nds d,?nial of t',is ar)r)lication in li(,,,ht of con-
sidc-,ra@lp o@jc@ction exl)ressed ')y ti)e. nc@ir!iit)orin-, ro sidetits an(I b(,catlsF-, it ;las felt
that tlie noise pollution @.,ould be olonc-rally d(,tt-ir--iital to tliis arc-a.
Nir. Grover Wright, Attoriiey, app,--ared oji 1),@h@lif of the applicant.
Mrs. Irma E. Bell, representing resident5; )f the area, appeared in opposition
to tlie above applicatioii and presented @i 1)(,tition.
On motion by Councilman Frvin, seconded I)v (@,otincilnian @talbon, and by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Rohei-t B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. IZeid Ervi.n, (-,eorge R. Ferrell, (liarence .;@. fiolland, 1). @lurray
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @l@iyor Firl 't @Icbiult, l@loyd E. l"'aterficld,
Jr., aiid illayor Donald 11. PIlodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council denied the above applicatic)n (,f- l,ittletoii C. IlLidgins for a
,@h , f ro ni l@ c s i d e, n c c I)u 1) I e x 1) i s , i- i c t 2 (R - 1) 2 ) t o (@ e n e r a I
Indu.@trial District 3 ('@1-1 3) iricl a U,-;e tlc,,riiit to ol)er@itc a sl.,iall @,oliicle
track on certain propei-t 'v locatc,J @2!t tlic N(@ttlii,:cst coi-iier of Southern
BotilevEti'd and Svkes Aveiiilo. Tlie al)l)lic@iti(,Ii @v,,is denie@l in liglit of coil-
sidoi@able objection oxl)i- ssed b@, tlie nei@lil,oi-in,, resiclents and bocause it
was felt tliat tlie nois(, 1),)Ilution woul@l 1) cletriment,,il to tlljs
#3 08
t,n,)lic,ition of Lucill(, ri. Pot@@r, i@t ils f-,,( i". !,,,,,-ard Dr(-,i,,ry, fti-lor-ty, for a
!(- , a 0 @ (@sol I I
, . @,c@r )ill- to op(.r t , -, iri@ @;!,I-,)Iv ;,a (-,@i c(,.rtain rironir',,v ](,ct at tllc,
-1 (ii,L.,Anc('. of I-')
c,.)Y,r.(,r of
oi 17r) t!-,(!
East of rirst r-ol(@;i@ .-i aUi ic@,@ o i-
Tli@ I)l@inrii@i, a
io"i C)i7
Mr. Roger Scott, City Maiiager, informed Citv Council that his office had
received a letter from the Right of IV@iv @ge'
I nt advising that they have not
reccived the executed dedication a.@reemont, and therefore, are requesting
deferral of the above apl)lication.
Mr. John @laragon, representing Texaco, Inc., lessee of the above subject
property, appeared in favor of the above a[)plication.
On motion by Councilman Ervin, seconded by (-,ouncilman @talbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., l@obcrt B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Geor@.e R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, D. Ilurrav
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Farl @l. Tobault, Floyd E. Wat'erfieid,
Jr., and @layor Donald ii. lzhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Counci.1 deferred for a period of two 2) weeks the above application of
Lucille B. Potter, ot als, for a Use Permi-, to operate a aasoline supply
station on certain I)roperty locat d at the -,Nortlleast corn-er of Laskin Road
and First Colonial Road, (Ifilltop Area), I,,,nnhaven Borough.
'ITEM #3799
Application of Acquisitions, Inc., for a Ilse P(,r'lit to construct 31 a,,)artment
units on certain pror)erty begitir,.inn at a 'n '@7@f ot re or less West of
Barborton Privc,, rtin-ii,.ia a dista@,ic(-, of 21i fc@o.,- alono the Sotith side of 24tti Street,
runninq a distance of 1115.7 fcqt alonc! the @'-stcrn pronertv liric, running a dis"ancc.,
of IP7.75 feet alon- t@ (I @-.1
9_ e Sou-!iern propt@rt%, lin7.,, and runninq a distance of 9ro feet
aloiig the Eastern propertv line. Said pror,^rt',, contains 1.@ acres and is lno,..,in as
Lots I throuqli 6 and 2P, t@trou,7@@i 33, Block 4, Plat of @!oodland. ('v.!oodland Arca).
LYil.@lliAVE,@l POROUGH.
The Planning Coi.Tiission reco,T.-,cnds approval Of tl!is USC DCrmit anolication su@,ject
to a reduction in the renuestod densiti froll @t- ar)art-,eni uni-Ls to 32 anartrnnt
units ind subjec-L, to Citl,.i @;ater anJ sp@l,,2r rc(,,u(,stc,l @)y the Health Denart-ient.
Approval @qas furt@-,cr su@,icct to a 1F)-foot of rirht of ,,!ay alo.,in tl-le
213-foot nore or less fi@ort@ic,e (,n :'4tti Strc,,t is rc@nt:(,s'led -)y t@,@e r@@al r@tate
Divisiori, Ll(,Dartr-@tit of Cc,,i--I@inity @')krvices. T',@ S-,@:@.0-1 lloard r,,2ciucsts the
develo@,,.,t@'s partici,,)ation iq tiie sc.@ool sit,, a(@,.uisition. Sitc@ )Ian annroval
by tt-to' Planning D'2p artrient is tieco.@@sary T)ri,)r @o tl@,c, a,,)plication for a @iiilding
pen-.ii t.
@Ir. Jim Bickford apl)oared oji belialf of the apl)licant.
On motioji by Councilmaii 17rvifl, second(?(] I)y (lotincilman Plalbon, and I)y recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. C@llliis, Jr., IZ(,bert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, I:. Roid I:rviii, George R. I-errell, C.-,.irenco A. lloll,,ind, D, Niurrav
-7. CLIFtiS I)a)-ne, \@@ice NI@ivor I:,irl ",l ']'c@ b @i u I t@@l
I r. , and i@layor Doiial d 11. izilo,les . oyd E. Iliaterficid,
,q,,Iys INO]IC
AI)sent: None
City Co@iiic7i] dcferred foi- i 1)eric)cl of tllil,l v (.-,O) davs the, @ibovo @il@l)liczition
of Accluisitioii.,;, Jnc., I-c))- .1 LJse I)ci-iiiit to -olistritct 36 ,,jf)@irtmciit iiiiits oti
cort@" bogiiiiiiii,,
lill property @ ;ii i poiiit @70 )@lol,c or i(@'ss IVest of @@irbei-toii
I)r i ve ; s@ti (I I)To l)cr ty Colit @l ill,; I ;ic i-e @i 11(i i -, @Ilo @, Ti zi -,; l'o t-,; 1, till C)@il,)i 0 @tilci
I iirili,,ivc@ii liorou
28 l@Ill-OLIpl) 33, Block 41 I'l@lt of
Mr. Bickford requested thzit tlie Lipplic@itint of Ac(Ittisition-S, Inc. be deferr(,d
for oiie week instead ol thirty (30) d@iys.
On motion by Councilmaii l@rvin, seconded bv Counciliiiaii @Ialboii, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Erviii, George R. Ferrell, (,Iirence -@. Ilolland, D. @lurr,,i@,
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Paync, Vice @layor E@arl 11. lebault, Floyd E@. @Vaterfield,
Jr., and P-layor Donald 11. IZIlodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council rescinded the previously appr@@ved motion to defer the application
of Acquis.itions, Inc. for a period of thirty (30) days.
ITE@,l #3801
On motion by Councilman Ervin, seconded by Councilman Pialbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. I,-errell, Clarence A. Ilolland, D. NlurraN
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl '11. 'Febault, Floyd E. tl,aterfie@d,
Jr., and @layor Donald 11. Rliodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council deferred for a period of oiie (1) week tlie application of
Acquisi.tions, Inc. for a Use Permit to con,;ttuct 36 apartment units on
certaiii propertv beginning at a poiiit 370 I-ect inore or less 1"'est of Barberton
Drive; said propertv coiitains 1.2 acres in,] is kiioi.,7n a-,; Lots I through 6 and
28 through 3i, Bloclc 4, Pl@it of IVoodlzincl, Arca) Lynnhaven Borou@1,11.
ll'E@l 43802
Application of ti. E. and Thelna B. rilbert for a I!sp. P@rnit for a 71-site
on g
recreation campground on certain nroperty locA@@(i'@- il@,,@o-rth side of Vir i,ia
Beacii Boulevard, beginninq at a n'oint 7.10 fept @@@re or less 'V,!Qst of Ieffprson
Avenue, runninq a distance of 240 -c@cct alon,, t!2 Southerti nroperty line of @,lhich
160 fect is tfi@@ @@orth side of Virrinia Be,-tc;i !i0.ulevard, rtir,-i-ini a distance of 653
feet along the ',!cstern n -1
,ro,)erty litie, run,-)in'! i,,, distrce of ""4.5 feet alonq the
South side of lolth itrcf-,t Extcnded and rLI-ninq a distance of'.',
Eastern property line. LY@@!!Ilf-,VE@l (@67 fee-L alono the
The Platining Commission rc-co..mends al)proval of tliis reluf'S'L SLibject to a red,,tction
in tlie iiu@@-,t)Or of caiii) ii@es fro,-i 71 to 5! siilr,@. Site I)Ian ,,i3,,,roval by tlie Plann-
lng Departir,@nt is re'quir,,d prior to t@i@ for a reri,.Iit. TIie
Real -tstate [')ivision of +!-- .,')Pnarti,,,.-Iiit Of Sirvicls i'@ouests a 10-foot
d(ldication of ric,,Iit of @;@,v alo-.n ti),@ @-4.5 foil, or I(,s-- fr
.12 , , ontaq@ oil 19tfi Strect
Exter,df,,U'. Tfie ilealti) nt r,@,; f
ir and aii,i cor,,rijance iiith
la@.@s novernin( e a .2 tj
l overni @t ca!@iplroui@,;.; @iv t@112 t@ 11 - I th P i),ir @ient.
Mr. C@irrillgton, f)irectoi, 01- (@ity illcorined Cozincil tll,,It his office
h@'s l@occive(i a letter tilc,
applic,,ition. ]('(It-lcstilig ivitlidr,,iw,l of- tlie above
I'lotioii by Coiinciliiiaii
,"vlll, se(@oia(le(I 1,@ -,otincilri@iii @ltalbon, aiid by recorded
@otc, @is f-ollolvs:
Aye,s: Cotiicjliiien IZol)ert 11. (@allis, B. (:r,,,Iwoll,
])Uscll, f-,. lzeid Erviii, A. floll@Illd, 1). @lLirr,,iv
J. Curti,; I',ivjic, I'@irl l@lov(l F.
r all cl @',I@lyoi- i)on@i I 'l il . I) Iiod,,,; I
N@i y,; Noiie
AI)sc,jit: 'Non(@
oi- II,,, ;,I),) @li)l)li(@itioll C)f- 11. j@.
I't f-C) 1- ;j ti @C i o i- ;i 7 1 i i @i 1 11)@@ I Otlil(I (111
tl c, 1. t @i
ITEP-1 @13803
Pplication of London Brid(it, Estates by (@,(-,n B. Pickett, AttornLy, for a 'Use
Permit to construct 320 to,,;,Iliouses on cartiin @)r(,,r)f.,rty located on the SoutTi-side
o Reagan Avenue and East and !,lest sides o,' ',,Ia,,,@ai LanE.,, runnin(I a distance of
1668 feet more or less along the Soutli side of,@ea7an Avenue of Lihich 938 feet is
East of tlayman Lane and 74t) fee+, is I!(-,st of 'lay-lzin'Lane, runnino a distance of
835 feet along the liestcrn Droperty line, apd runninri a distance of 145,,1 feet more
or less along the Eastern Pronertv line. Sli(i )ro,)P-
I rt.,/ is trian@ular in share.
Plats witli rnore detailed info.YT,ation are av@jilabltl ill tllv Office of the Department
of City Planninq. Said property contains 24.Q@ acres. (London Bridge Area).
The Planning Commission recom-ends adoroval of this use i)erinit application subject
to a reduction from 320 to@,mliouses to 300 to@,in@iouses. Site plan androval by the
Planning Department is requircd prior to tlie ardlication for a builjing pemit and
a provision of 15' usable open soace for recreation is also required. The Real
Estate Division, Depart@nt of Co,-@i-,iunity @orvices, r(,quires a 10-foot dedication
of right of t@iay alorig the 1938 foot More or less frontaqe o;l D@acan Pvenue and a
dedication of right of @iav 15 feet fro@',l t!le cer,,or lin@ of '@@h2 ('xisting 20-foot
right of way along tlie castern and iiest@,rn frontaole o,,i "a@an Lanc. Ttle Ennineer-
ing Division of the DLpart.@nt of ( -lervices r@qtiirps improvements along
Wayman Lane. The Ilealtli Deoartroj)t r,,Puir,@ City @@@atc,.r an(] se@,ier and the School
Board requests the developer's p@irtici.Datio@-, in t!ie scliool site acquisition.
Mr. Owen Pickett, Attoriiev, ,ippe@ire(I oi) I)c,,Iilf of the applicant.
Mr. David Ellis, repteseiitin@, floint-0-11@'oocl, Ci@,ic Lca@lue, appeared iii oppositiol
to the above applicatioii.
Mr. Edgar DeLoiig appeare(I in oppositiori to the above application.
Mr. Ricliard Phelps, NAS Oceaiia, appeare(I ii opposition to the above application
On motion by Councilman l@rviii, sc@conded b@, Counci,liiaii @'talbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes Cotincilrien Robert 11. Calli s , Jr. , Rc bert B. Cromi@ell , Jr. , Fraiik A.
Dusci), F. Reid Ervin, (,eorge R. l@errell, (@lai-encc A. flollind, D. @Nluri-av
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne , \,@ice ill@l@lor l@ai@l '11. 'I@cb@iult , Floycl I.. l@aterfie@,i,
Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. T'll,ocles.
Nays: None
Absent: Nolio
City Cotiiicil denied tlie ahov(@ tpplic,,itioii ef J,ondoia Bridgo f,states for a Use
le.riiiit to construct 3-@O toi@nlioLlsc..s on col't@iiii I)i,oj)crtv loc@ited on tlie, Soutli
;ide of Avonue 17,ist @in@i I'@'est of i@a@Iiiian I,.tiie, (LOTidon Bi,icige
I.vii3ili@iieii Borotij@ii. I'lic al@l)licati,,I@ (lellied bOCaLISO the stit)ject
I)rol)ei,ty is located @n @-,Diie @I'lirec,, tlie i!i,)@t iiiteiise iioise @irca ad_@@icci,,t to
Occ,,@inzi Nival i\ir St@itioii.
II'EM #3804
Application of John T. Atkinson for a Chanoe of Zoninq from Residence Suburban
District 3 (R-S 3) to @lultir)le Family [Fe i@den@e -Ei- t@rict (P,-ti) and a [Jse Permit to
construct 104 apartrient units on certain property beginninq at a poin@34n oet
South of Laskin Road and 135 feet East of Fre,7ac Drive on the ',Iorth side of Linkhorn
Circle, running a distance of 476 feet alonq the '!orthc-,rn property line of which
167 feet is the South side of Linkhorn Circle and runninq a distance of 733 feet
along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 668 feet along the Southern
property line, running a distance of 531 feet along the l@lestern property line of
which 350 feet is the East side of Fromac Drive. Said property is knotqn as
Lots 13 through 19, Plat of Fremac Lake Stiores. (Frenoc Shores Area). LYrlt@'iAVEN
The Planning Connission reconnends approval of this application subject to site
plan approval bv the Planning @epartrnent prior to the application for a building
perniit and the @chool Board requests the developer's participation in the school
site acquisition. The Deal '@-state Division of tII2 P@onartment of Community Services
requires a dedication of right of way 25 feet fro-I the center line of the existing
Linkliorn Circle right of way (a 10-foot dedication). The Flealtli Department requires
City water and sewer.
Mr. Jolin T. Atkinson appeared on behalf of his own application.
On motion by Councilman Ervin, seconded b%, C )tincilman @@ialbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
es: Councilnien Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robort B. Cromwe@ll, Jr., Frank A.
sch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, ('I;ii-ence A. ifolland, D. liurray
,.-Ibon, J. Curtis Payne, %'ice \Iavor Earl 11. 1'eh,,iult , Floyd E. IVaterfield,
Jr., and @layor Donald fl. l@liodos.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council denied the above application of Jolin T. Atkinson for a han e
of Zoiiin@ from ResidenCO SLiburban District 3 (R-S 3) to @lultiple Familv
Resi once District (R-@,I) and a Use Perinit to construct 104 apartnent Linits
on certain property beginiiinq at a point -)40 fcet Soutli of Laskin P@oad ancl
18S feet East of Freniac Di@ive, on tlie @Xortli of Linl-,Ilorn Circle; said
propeTty is known as Lots 13 througli 19, ;Il@it of l@remac I.ale Shores (I-reiiiac
Shores Area) l,vnnliaven Boi@c@u,,h. The @ipl)lic@t-ioii i,;a-,; denied due to the scliool
situation, tlie sewa,c disl)os@il situatioii :tnd tl,.e subject I)ropertv bein, in
Noise Zoiie Tlaree.
Note: Correction of an error in the recoi-iiTic@iciitions of the Plaiining Comriission
"Real Est,,ite Division of tlie Dopartmelit ol Scr,,,ices requircs a
dedication of ri@lit of w@tN, 2-@ feet frorii til(, eliter line of the existing Link-
horn Circle riglit of way (@i 5-foot dcclic@iti,, clian@o 10-foot dedication t()
@-foot dediczitioji.
ITEti #380S
oil motion by Vice Nlayor Tebault, seconded )y Councilman Payne, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. I)usch, F. Reid Frvin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, 1). klurray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebatilt, Floyd E. lliateri-ield, Jr., and layor Donald 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council approved on first reading the following Ordinance to amend and
reordain Section 36-S of -he Cit@y Code by establishing rental rates for
enclosed stalls:
Alq TO 1,1,17)
BE IT 01@DATIIj@,,) l@'i' TI"' CCUl-@Cil@ Ci,@ 'ilil' CIT- 01"
That reiit:al- cliirloos fc)r stalIF;, or p@,@ces i-n tl,IC'
sha33. bc@ @is fo3lo,,7f,:
(a) Stall-s feet I)y t@@7(-)IVC feet) - $10.00 1) r
(1)) I,-iicl.osc,,l @t:all, (tN.7etity Iy tllirt), f(-,ct) - $Or@).Co
pe): v7cc,'@
(c) T):u@l@ p3-,lcc-,s or
I!.ick-up (one ton o-,@ Icss) - @2.00 per (lay.
One toii tc) tc,ii truci@@; $li.00 I)cl- Clly.
Ten w'@lecl ii-icl ti.ac,oi7 trtilerf, - $6.00 pc,,r diy.
Rent.il, pcri,o, ,hil I stirt at :0 11 aii,,.l it
ly. start it
ti:OO P.i,l. of the follo@7@iic, cl, i,ic
4:00 P.@l. aiid terciiiiate sevc,n days at l@:00 P.@t.
First octol)cr 11) 1971
Second octol)cl@ 18, 1971
Adoptc,l I)y tli@ co@l"@cil@ C)f thc-l City of Vjri,liiil-- 3c-,icli, V;-rl@il)ia,
on tlie ]Stll cli@, ()f Ocl @ol)cr 1971.
I Tll'.i
On notion bv Coti@,icilman I'@'@ite i-f iel d , s ce III( d by CO LlFlci leia ii lt,,i lt) on, aiici [@y
recorded voie as folloi,-,-;:
Ayes: Counci lmen Rober t B. -fr. , Frin@- A. I)uscli , 1-@ . Reid Ervin
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. llc)lland, 1). 'Iurray @ialbon, J. Curtis P@1),ne,
Vice Nlayor Earl NI. Tebault, l-,loy(I E. 1"'atc,,i-field, Jr., and @!@iyor I)onald 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr.
,7ity Council approved tlie folloiving Ordinaitce to ameiid and reordain the City
:ode relative to Division 2 Fire Preventiori:
That the following Sections are amended and reordained to tead
as follows:
Section 2-57. Composition.
The division of fire protection shall be composed of the fire
companies and the volunteer fire companies located throughout the City.
Section 2-58. Fire companies as established by the City Council -
The fire companies shall consist of officers and employees as may
be provided by council or the director of public safety.
Section 2-59. Same - Area to be served.
The fire companies shall serve such areas as shall be designated
by the director of public safety.
Section 2-60. Same - Rules and regulations.
The fire chief shall, with the approval of the director of public
safety, make rules and regulations concerning the operation of his
division, the conduct of the officers @nd employees thereof, their
uniforms, equipment and traiiiing.
Section 2-61. Composition of volunteer fire conipanies located in City.
Each volunteer fire company locat(@d in the City shall consist of
a volunteer fire chi-ef within the divi.@;ion of fire protection and such
other officers and mcinbers as are prov,ded for in their bylaws end the
provisions of this chapter. Each volui)tcer fire company shall formulate
rules and regulations subject to thc, @il)l)rov@il of the director of public
safety for uniforiu conduct and oper@ti@)ii of the volunteer fire compnnies
includin, areas of cooperqtion )nd r,,iin;iiitilli nuniber of personnel.
Section 2-62. Gen(@rill.y.
Within tlie divisioii of firc- proL(.@ tic)[I Llicre shgll be a fire ii-i-
by orders of the director of public safety. The fire inspector shall
be responsible for enforcement of the Fire Prevention Code, adopted
by Section 16-5, and related laws of the city and state. The fire
investigators shall have police powers in the investigation and pros-
ecution of all cases of alleged arson and of other cases of fire alleged
to involve criminality.
Section 2-63 is hereby repealed.
Section 2-64 is hereby repealed
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on the llth day of October 1971.
1 ITENI #3807
On motion by Councilmaii Duscli, seconded bv Councilnan lfolland, and by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilnien Robert B. Cromwell, ii@., l@rank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George JZ. Ferrell, Clarejice A. liolland, 1). '@lurrav @llalbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Nlayor Ear l M. Tebaul t, I,-loyd @.. IVator l iel d ' Jr. , and 'layor Donal d Ii.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert fl. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the following l@esoltitioii conce2@nin@ the Southeastern
Virgiiiia illanning Distri(-t Commission relati@,e to the establislirient of a
]'ENIIIN Operational Advisui-@, lioard.
The regular meeting of the Council of the CitY of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers of the Adminis-
tration Building of the City of virginia Beach on October 11, 1971,
at 10:00 O'clock A. M.
On motion by Mr. Dusch and seconded by Mr. Holland
the following resolution was unanimously adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, the Southeastern Virginia Planning District Commission
is a legally established Planning District in the Commonwealth of
Virginia whose member jurisdictions Chesapeake, Franklin, Isle of
Wight County, Nansemond County, Norfol,,, Portsmouth, Southampton
County, Suffolk and Virginia Beach have authorized it to act as their
coordinating agent in matters related to area wide concerns such as
Criminal Justice Planning; and
WHEREAS, the jurisdictions of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth,
and Virginia Beach currently participate in an informal Tidewater
Electronic Network Police Information System which is to become a part
of the Virginia Criminal Information N(@twork on or about November 15,
1971; and
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Bea(,h realising the advantage of
the service rendered wishes to support a formalized TENPIN System; and
WHEREAS, endorsement of such suppc)rt provides for the appointment
of a representative to a TENPIN Operational Advisory Board which will
make recommendations to the participating jurisdictions through the
That the Southeastern Virginia Pl@@nning District Commission is
hereby authorized to 2ct as the coordit,atin@ agent of the TENPIN System
participants to assist in the developoictit and fiiiqncinp of a formal
system and establishment of the aforenicntioned TENPIN Operational
Advisory Board.
1TE@l #--)801,
On motion by Councilman PavIle
vote as follows: I , secoiided b) Couticilman @%lalbon, and by recorclc,,i
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. 'i)Ltsch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. ifolland, 1). @lurrav Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice @layor Earl @t. TebaLlIt, Floyd E. IVaterfield,'Jr., and @,layor Donald fl.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the following Resolution relative to the sale of
$2,000,000. Public Improvement Bonds of tlie City of Virginia Beach:
At a regular meeting of the Council of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, held on the Ilth day of October, 1971,
PRESENT: Councilman Robert @. Cromwell, Jr.
Councilman Frank A. Dusch
Councilman F. Reid Ervin
Councilman George F'. Ferrell
Councilman Clarenc(, A. ilolland
Councilman D. Nturrav !,Ialbon
Councilnian J. Curtis Payne
Vice Mayor Earl \I. Tebault
Councilman Floyd l@. Waterfield, Jr.
Mayor Donald H. Rbcdes
ABSENT: Councilman Robert l@. (,allis, Jr.
the following resolution was adopted by a majority of all members of
the Council by a roll call vote, the ayes and nays being recorded in
the minutes of the meeting as shown below:
Councilman Robert 11. Callis, Jr. Absent
Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. Aye
Councilniaii Frank A. Duscli Aye
Councilman F. Reid Ervin Aye
Councilman George !Z. Ferrell Aye
Councilman Clareiico A. flolland Aye
Councilnian D. @luri'ay @l@III)on Aye
CoLincilman J. Curtis Pziyjle Aye
Vice Miyor E@arl @t. Tebault Aye
Cotincilman 17loyO, E. ;,aterfield, Jr. Aye
Mayor I)onald Ii. Rhocic,,s Aye
1. Tlae issuince of public iiiiprov(,meiit bonds of the CiLy
been authorized by an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City
of Virginia Beach on August 23, 1971, for the following purposes:
Construct a-nd equip municipal buildings
including circuit court, voting
machine storage, police headquarters,
and addition to central garage $1,485,000
Comprehensive mapping program
including aerial photography,
engineering and drawing work 320,000
Reclamation of landfill for recre-
ation purposes and constructioii
of improvements thereon 120@000
Bulkheading south of existing
boardwalk along oceanfront 75,000
there are hereby authorized to be sold @2,000,000 public improvement
bonds of the City of Virginia Beach.
2. The bonds shall be coupon bonds without privilege of
registration, shall be designated "Public Improvement Bonds, Series
of 1971, 11 shall be dated November 11 1971, shall be of the denomi-
nation of $5,000 each, shall be numbered from 1 to 400, inclusive,
and shall mature in numerical order iii installments of $100,000
on November 1 in each of the years 19-/2 to 1991, inclusive, without
option of prior redemption. The bonds shall bear interest at such
rate or rates not to exceed 6% per yezir as determined at the time of
sale, payable semiannually on May 1 and November 1. Both principal
and interest shall be payable at the I)rincipal office of First &
Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Vii-ginia, or Bankers Trust Company,
New York, New York, at the option of the holder.
3. The bonds shall be signed by the facsimile signature of
the Mayor of the City of Virginia Bea(h, shall be countersigned by
the Clerk of the City and a facsimile of its seal shall be printed
on the bonds. The coupons attached to the bonds shall be authenti-
cated by the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk.
4. The bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the
following form:
No. $5,000
Public Improvement Bond, Series of 1971
The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for value received
hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to bearer
upon presentation and surrender hereof the sum of
on November 1, 19 _ , and to pay interest thereon from the date
hereof to maturity at the rate of
per cent (_@/) per year, payable semiannually on May 1 and November
I upon presentation and surrender of the attached coupons as they
become due. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable
in lawful money of the United States of America at the principal
office of First & Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Virginia, or
Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, at the option of the holder.
This bond is one of an issue of $2,000,000 Public Improve-
ment Bonds, Series of 1971, of like date and tenor, except as to
number, rate of interest and maturity, authorized by an ordinance
duly adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on August 23,
1971, and is issued pursuant to the Constitution and statutes of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, including thc, Charter of the City of
Virginia Beach (Chapter 147, Acts of Assembly of 1962, as amended)
and the Public Finance Act (Chapter 5, Title 15.1, Code of Virginia
of 1950, as amended), to provide funds for various public facilities
and improvements.
The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia Beach
are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and
interest on this bond.
All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution
and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be
performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened,
exist and have been performed, and the issue of bonds of which this
bond is one, together with all other indebtedness of the City of
Virginia Beach, is within every debt @ind other limit prescribed by
the Constitution and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Ci.tv of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
has caused this bond to be signed by the facsimile signature of
its Mayor, to be countersigned by its Clerk, a facsimile of its
seal to be printed hereon, the attached interest coupons to be
authenticated by the facsimile signattires of its Mayor and Clerk,
and this bond to be dated as of the first day of November, 1971.
Clerk, City of Virginia Beach, Mayor, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia Virginia
No. $
On November 11 19 the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
will pay to bearer the amount shown hereon in lawful money of the
United States of America at the principal office of First & Merchants
National Bank, Richmond, Virginia, or Bankers Trust Company, New
York, New York, at the option of the holder, being the semiannual
interest then due on its Public Improvement Bond, Series of 1971,
dated November 1, 1971, and numbered
Clerk, City of Virginia Beach, Mayor, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia Virginia
5. The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia
B6ach are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal
of and interest on the bonds. There shall be levied and collected
annually on all locally taxable property in the City an ad valorem
tax over and above all other taxes authorized or limited by law
sufficient to pay such principal and interest as the same respectively
become due and payable.
6. After the bids have been received and the bonds awarded,
the Mayor, City Manager and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed
to take all proper steps to have the bonds prepared and executed in
accordance with their terms and to deliver the bonds to the purchaser
thereof upon payment therefor.
7. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds shall not be
invested, except for a temporary period until such proceeds are
needed for the purposes specified herein, in securities the yield
on which in the aggregate exceeds one-half of one percent of the
yield of the bonds (such yields computed on an adjusted basis
permitted by regulations adopted to implement Section 103(d) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended).
8. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to see
to the immediate filing of a certified copy of this resolution with
the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, and within ten days
thereafter to cause to be published once in a newspaper having
general circulation in the City of Virginia Beach, a notice
setting forth (1) in brief and general terms the purposes for which
the bonds are to be issued and (2) the amount of such bonds.
9. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The undersigned Clerk of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true
and correct extract from the minutes of a regular meeting of the
Council of the City of Virginia Beach held October 11, 1971, and
of the whole thereof so far as applicable to the matters referred
to 3'-n such extract.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, this day of October, 1971.
Clerk, City of Virginia Beach,
On i:loti on b@, Co tin ci Iici I'c)].l@ind , @ind b), i-eco rdoct
vot(, @is foli.01@s:
Ayes Counciljiien Robert B. Crofli@@el I i-. I-'i-ank A. I)LISCII , F. llleid Ervin,
George R. Ferroll, Clai'eiice A. ifoll,,tncl, 1), @llirrav \tlibon, J. Curtis llaviie,
Vice ".1ayor Earl @l. Tebault, Floycl E. l"'atert-itld,'Jr., and Playor Donald'li.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Robert If. Callis, Jr.
City Council adopted the folloiving Pesoltition relative to the sale of
$4,000,000. tvater and Se@,:ei- Bonds of the City of Virginia Beach.
At a regular meeting of the Council of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, held on the Ilth day of October, 1971,
PRESENT: Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
Councilman Frank A. D@isch
Councilman F. Reid l@rvin
Councilman George IZ. f@errell
Councilman Clarence A. Holland
Councilman D. iNlurraN ,,Ialbon
Councilnian J. Curti@@ llayne
Vice Mayor Earl @l. @j'ebault
Councilman Floyd E. @V@iterfield, Jr.
Mayor Donald 11. Rfic)(:es
ABSENT: Cotincilman Robert Ii. Callis, Jr.
the following resolution was adopted by a majority of all members of
the Council by a roll call vote, the ayes and nays being recorded in
the minutes of the meeting as shown below:
Councilman Robert H. Callis, Jr. Absent
Councilman Robert B. Crofliwell, Jr. Aye
Councilman Frank A. Duscli Aye
Councili,.ian F. IZeid Ervin Aye
Councilni@in George R. Forrell Aye
Counciliiian Clarence @\. llolland Aye
Councilnian D. i\furrav '@Ialbon Aye
Couiacilman J. Curtis I'avne Aye
Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault Aye
Councilman Floyd I;. l@@iterfield, Jr. Aye
@layor I)onald [I. R110(le-S Ayc,
OF $4,000,000 WATER AND SEITl,-], 1',ONDS, SERIES
1. The issl];llice of w@iter aii(I boii(is of the City
been authorized by an ordinance adopted by the Council of the City
of Virginia Beach on August 23, 1971, to provide funds for improving
and extending its water transmission and distribution system and
sewer collection system, including acquisition of rights of way,
there are hereby authorized to be sold $4,000,000 water and sewer
bonds of the City of Virginia Beach.
2. The bonds shall be coupon bonds without privilege of
registration, shall be designated "Water and Sewer Bonds, Series of
1971, it shall be dated November 1, 1971, shall be of the denomination
of $5,000 each, shall be numbered from 1 to 800, inclusive, and shall
mature in numerical order in installments of $200,000 on November I
in each of the years 1972 to 1991, inclusive, without option of
prior redemption. The bonds shall bear interest at such rate or
rates not to exceed 6% per year as cletermined at the time of sale,
payable semiannually on May I and November 1. Both principal and
interest shall be payable at the principal office of First & Merchants
National Bank, Richmond, Virginia, or Bankers Trust Company, New
York, New York, at the option of the holder.
3. The bonds shall be signed by the facsimile signature of
the Mayor of the City of Virginia Beach, shall be countersigned by
the Clerk of the City and a facsimile of its seal shall be printed on
the bonds. The coupons attached to Lbe bonds shall be authenticatod
by the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk.
4. The bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the
following form:
No. $5,000
Water and Sewer Bond, Series of 1971
The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for value received
hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to bearer
upon presentation and surrender hereof the sum of
on November 1, 19 _ , and to pay interest thereon from the date
hereof to maturity at the rate of
per cent (-@/) per year, payable semiannually on May I and November
1 upon presentation and surrender of the attached coupons as they
become due. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable
in lawful money of the United States of America at the principal
office of First & Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Virginia, or
Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, at the option of the holder.
This bond is one of an issuc@ of $4,000,000 Water and Sewer
Bonds, Series of 1971, of like date and tenor, except as to number,
rate of interest and maturity, authorized by an ordinance duly adopted
by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on August 23, 1971, and
is issued pursuant to the Constitutior and statutes of the Commonwealth
of Virginia, including the Charter of the City of Virginia Beach
(Chapter 147, Acts of Assembly of 1962, as amended) and the Public
Finance Act (Chapter 5, Title 15.11 Ccde of Virginia of 1950, as
amended), to provide funds for improving atid extending its water
transmission and distribution systeni aiid sewer col.lection system,
including acquisition of rights of way.
The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia Beach
are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and
interest on this bond.
All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution
and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be
performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened,
exist and have been performed, and the issue of bonds of which tbis
bond is one, together with all other indebtedness of the City of
Virginia Beach, is witbin every debt and other limit prescribed by
the Constitution and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
has caused this bond to be signed by the facsimile signature of
its Mayor, to be countersigned by its Clerk, a facsimile of its
seal to be printed hereon, the attached interest coupons to be
authenticated by the facsimile signatures of its Mayor and Clerk,
and this bond to be dated as of the first day of November, 1971.
Clerk, City of Virginia Beach, Mayor, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia Virginia
No. $
On November 1, 19 the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
will pay to bearer the amount shown hereon in lawful money of the
United States of America at the principal office of First & Merchants
National Bank, Richmond, Virginia, or Bankers Trust Company, New
York, New York, at the option of the holder, being the semiannual
interest then due on its Water and Sewer Bond, Series of 19711
dated November 1, 1971, and numbered
Clerk, City of Virginia Beach, Mayor, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia Virginia
5. The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia
Beach are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal
of and interest on the bonds. There shall be levied and collected
annually on all locally taxable property in the City an ad valorem
tax over and above all other taxes authorized or limited by law
sufficient to pay such principal and interest as the same respectively
become due and payable.
6. After the bids have been received and the bonds awarded,
the Mayor, City Manager and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed
to take all proper steps to bave the bonds prepared and executed in
accordance with their terms and to deliver the bonds to the purchaser
thereof upon payment therefor.
7. The proceeds from the sale of the bonds shall not be
invested, except for a temporary period until such proceeds are
needed for the purpose specified herein, in securities the yield on
which in the aggregate exceeds one-half of one percent of the
yield of the bonds (such yields computed on an adjusted basis
permitted by regulations adopted to implement Section 103(d) of
the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended).
8. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to see
to the immediate filing of a certified copy of this resolution with
the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, and within ten days
thereafter to cause to be published once in a newspaper having
general circulation in the City of Virvinia Beach, a notice setting
forth (1) in brief and general terms the idurpose for wliich the bonds
are to be issued and (2) the amount of such bonds.
9. This resolution shall tal,,e effect immediately.
The undersigned Clerk of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true
and correct extract from the minutes of a regular @eting of the
Council of the City of Virginia Beach held October 11, 1971, and
of the whole thereof so far as applicable to the matters referred
to in such extract.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, this @ day of October, 1971.
Clerk, City.of Virginia Beach,
On the llth day of October, 1971, the Council of the City
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, adopted two resolutions, one entitled
"Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $4,000,000 Water
an8 Sewer Bonds, Series of 1971, of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, Heretofore Authorized, and Providing for the Form, Details
and Payment Thereof" and the other entitled "Resol,tion Authorizing
the Issuance and Sale of $2,000,000 Public Improvement Bonds, Series
of 1971, of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Heretofore Autho-
rized, and Providing for the Form, Details and Payment Thereof."
The purpose for which the water and sewer bonds are to be
issued is to provide funds to improve and extend the City's water
transmission and distribution system and its sewer collection system
and the amount of such bonds is $4,000,000. The purposes for which
the public improvement bonds are to be issued and the amount for each
purpose are as follows:
Construct and equip municipal buildings
including circuit court, voting
machine storage, police headquarters,
and addition to central garage $1,485,000
Comprehensive mapping program
including aerial photography,
engineering and drawing work 320,000
Reclamation of landfill for recre-
ation purposes and construction
of improvements thereon 120,000
Bulkheading south of existing
boardwalk along oceanfront 75,000
Funds not needed for any of such purpo@;es,Tay be used for any other
of such purposes.
ar JYt b
(:l rk , Ci f Virg inia Beach,
i If"' i-, I
oil illoti-oll bv Councilni@]jl L)tlscfl, -,;ccoiid(.,l 1), (@oujiciiiiiaii i@eri-ell, and I)y rocOr@[Qd
vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmell Robert B. Croi,iwell, ]i ., l@i'ank A. I)tisch, F. Reid 17rviii,
George R. Ferrell, Clirence A. ffolla,,I, 1). Murr@iv 'Ialbon, J. Curtis@l,,yl
Vice Nlayor Earl I ]e,
Rliodes. M. TobaLlIt, Floyd E. 1-@'atci-i-icld, Ji,., @ind ',Ilayor Donal(I ii.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman IZobert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council elected to hold a Speciql @@lee,ing on October 20, 1971, at 11:00
i.m. for the purpose of receiving bids oii S2,000,000. Public Improvement Bonds
ind $4,000,000. Water and Sewer Bonds of tlie City of Virginia Beach as set
forth in the above Rosolutions hereinafter adopted.
ITE@l #3811
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded bv Councilman IVaterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George R. Ferrell, Clareiice A. Ilollaiid, D. Nlurray Nl@albon, J. Curtis Pavne,
Vice llayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. ll,aterlield, Jr., and Mayor Donald'H.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr.
City Council authorized the City Manager te enter into a ?Iutual Aid Fire
Fighting Agreement with l,ort Story.
ITEM #3812
On motion by Councilman Nlalbon, seconded b) Councilman Iliaterfield, and by
.-ecorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilnien Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., 1-@r@ink A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin,
George IZ. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, L). .%Itirray @'lalbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Playor Earl M. Tebault, l@loyd E. l@,atc,,rileld, Jr., and I'layor Donald 11.
Nays: None
Absent: CouncilEian Robert 11. Callis, Jr.
In conclirrence with the requost of London l@ridge Volunteer Fire Department,
City Council approved oii 1-irst readin@, a special appropri@ition of approxirnatel1/2@
$6,000. for tlie purcliase of ,i modern brtisli ti-iick to replice a tweilty year old
convcrted truck whicli liqs been (leterrniiie@l to t)e uiiserviceable.
ITEI@l #381.@
-ii inotion by CoLiiicilnian llollziiid, secoiido(I 1)@ CounciliiiLiii '@Ialbon, and by recordeci
Dte as folloivs:
Ayes: Counciliiieji lllobert 11. C,,illi,;, Jr., l@ol-ci@t 11. Cropii@,oll, Jr., Frank A.
1)@iscli, I-,. Izeicl l@rvin, Geoi-@,c IZ. l@er3@cil (-I@ i-eiice .\. floll@lild, 1). @ltirrav
i\l,ilboji, J. Curt@is P@tviie, \'ic-c, t\l@ivor Firl '@l. lei),tcilt, l@lovd l-',. l@'@tterfield,
.Jr., ,ind @Izivor Dolizil(I Ii.
N@iys: Noiie
Alisont: Noiie
(:it)' ('OLI]Icil pr@iiitcd to to iiio@,e @i oiie ,;toi-@,
fi@;iiiie i,esidciice, @0' x @10' , Ii-oili
@i N, @ i cl el@o I-C)LIP11 ,to l'ots ;ili,i 80 !)til, tii 11 I i- It 1 (2 c, t@l @ s i (I
]@ol'oll"ll l@stij,:Il ('@,l \:Zl l@!( @i I t , I 11 o\ t, @iil,l 11 I@)IISI'100 .I'll i ; I o,.,@i t i )I@
1TE@l #3814
On motion by Councilmail Pavne, seconded by Counciliiian Ferrell, and by recotdcd
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., R()bert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, CL@irence A. Ilolland, 1). @turray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl @%l. 1'ebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and mayor Donald fl. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council granted permission to William Sniith and Tlieodore \Iorings,
to move a one story brick veneer residenc,, 32' x 621, from Holland Road
and Independence Bouievard, Kempsville Borougli, to Lot 34, Landstown Road
near Holland Road, Princess Anne Borough. Estimated value after move
and renovations, $20,000. This location li@is a septic tank, which lias
been approved by the Health Department.
ITE,@l #3815
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded I)y Councilman @talbon, and by
recordc,d vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl- Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscii, F. Reid Ervin, Geor,,,e R. Ferrell, C-larence A. Holland, D. llurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl M. @l'obault, Floyd E. lvaterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald H. tz]iodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the request of Virgiiiia Electric and Power Compan@v
for an easement of right of wav across a City pump station site on Virginia
Beach Boulevard in the Loiidon Bridge are,,,i I-or scrvice to a Dunkin Donuts
store, as shown on VEPCO t'lat No. P,/I'; 2916.-,.
ITEM #3816
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded l,y Councilriian DLiscli, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Rc,bert B. Crojiiwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Frvin, Goc)rge R. Ferrell, Cl@ironce A. Ilollaiid, D. Plurray
@falboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vicc,, i\layor F@,arl @l. @lobault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald fl. Rho(les.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City (@otincil approved tli(, follo@@iiig Resolutioii requesting the City of Norfolk
to m@ike connections and to ftirnisli @v@iter tl-@roii,@li zi proposed ilater system at
lZiver IVoods Apartments, J,vnilliavoli BorOLl"ll:
Foriii No. P.U.-36-2a
MIEREAS, it is proposed by the City of Virginia Beach, Vir@ia, at
the re@at of .- I " , to extend a proposed water
main @ accordance with the ex en the City of Vir@ia
Beach and the City of Norfolk, in I - , 1-@
in the streets listed as ollows:
Name of Size of Linear No. of
Street to
all as described and shown on plan entitled,
as prepared by
Form N@. P.U- 36-2b
14ow, THERLFORE, BE IT R.,ISOLVED, ttirt the Ci@Iv of !,Iorfol.k I,.e and it
hereby is, reque3ted to mal:e a connection of the proposed water mains
vitli the present mai-ns of said City at the said de@icnation, and upon
completion of the installation of the prodosed mgins) to supply water to
.consumers residing thereon, it being expre-l-@ly understcod and agreed
that the supplyljig of said water by the City of Norfolk shal-I I>e upon and
subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. That the said water mains shall be installed in accorda-nce with
the specifications of the said City of Norfolk and to the satisfaction
of the Director of Public Works of said City, at no cost to the City of
2. That the water so supplied through said mains to consumers shau
be at the same rate now, or hereafter, charged by the City of Norfolk to
conswoers beyond the limits of said City simil-arly situated.
3. That all ordinances of the City of Norfolk and all rules and
regulations of the Division of Water Sun ly of said City, now or hereafter
adopted and put into effect, rclating to the furni@;hing of water sha-11
apply to the supplying of water through the siid proposed mains.
4. That the said City of Ilorfolk shal-1 le under no obligation to
furnish more water than its distribution system as now laid, with the
pressure carricd, will dcliver into said miins, o,nd if the said supplying
of water shau not be in accordance with tlie st,,tndard service, the said
City of Norfolk shall. not be held responsible in Pny way.
5. That in supplying water to consuners nlong the said proposed mainf;,
the City of Norfolk will supply the sane only from its surdius suppl.y, and
that in no event sha-U the-e be any obligition on the part of said City to
supply water to any consurners along the prodosed mains at any time when,
:Ln the judgement of the Counci.-l of the said City of Norfolk, the said City
shall not have @ficient supply fpr use within its corrorate limits, or
whenever the supplying of said water shall interfere wi@h the discharge
of the duty of said City to supply water to its own inhabitants.
6. That from a-nd after the installation of the water mains and
hydrants they shall become the property of the City of Virginia Beach.
The City of Virginia Peach shall grant to the -@ity of Norfolk the right
to use such mains and hydrints for the supply of water, and further grants
to the City of Norfolk ready and reasonable access to them.
7. That for wq fire hydrant installed Pt the reauest of the City of
Vireinia Beach, a rental payront of One liundred Dollars ($100.00) a year
for each hydrant shall be paid to the City of 'Iorfolk.
ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL of the City of Virginia Beach VirgJ-nia this
day of 19@.
Clerk of the CoulicJ.1
ITEM #3817
on motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded b@, Councilman Dusch, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert If. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl,,irence A. liolland, D. Murrav
ktalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Farl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. l@aterfieid,
r., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
iiays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following Resolution requesting the City of Norfolk
to make connections and to furnish water throuali a proposed water system at
Bellamy Manor Estates, Section B-2, Kempsville Borough.
@-, @ , @r ' @ I -,, IN TIIE CITY OF
MiEREAS, it is proposed by the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at
the request of to extend a proposed water
main in accordance with the existing contract between the City of Virginia
Beach and the City of Norfolk, in
in the streets listed as follows:
Name of Size of L!Lnear No. of
Stree+ PIDE Feet li@ants
ilrive 'O
EeZoo Co?trt 4
all as described and shown,on plan entitled, te, 0
as prepELred by
orrn No. P.U- 36-2b
flow, THMCFo.@, BE 1-@ t@i@@t the Ci'ty of ll,)rfolk le and it
hereby is, reqiin3tcd to a conn(.,,-@ticn of tlic r,,-or)osed water nains
with the present riains of :@rid City at the said de,,,@i[,nntion, and upon
completion of the installation of the pror)osed riiiins, to sul)ply water to
'consumers residing thereon, it being exl)re--sly iinderr@tood and ngreed
that the supplying of acid water by the City of liorfolk shall be upon and
oubject to the following tet-ms a-nd conditions:
1. That the said water mains shall be installed in accordance with
the specifications of the said City of Norfolk and to the satisfaction
of the Director of Public Works of said City, at no cost to the City of
2. That the water so supplied through said mains to consumers shau
be at the same rate now, or hereafter, charged ty tlie City of Norfolk to
conowners beyond the limits of said City simi.-larly situated.
3. That all ordinances of the City of Norfolk and all rules and
regulations of the Division of Water Sunply of said City, now or hereafter
adopted and put into effect, relating t@ the furni:;hinp. of water shall
apply to the supplyi-ng of water through the said proposed mains.
4. That the said City of Norfolk shall @ under no obligition to
furnish more water than its distribution system, as now laid, with the
pressure carricd, will dcliver into s@iid miins, ai)d if the said suppl@g
of water shall not be in accordance with the st@@ridtlrd service, the said
City of Norfolk shall. not be held responsible in any way.
5. That in supplying water to consuners along the said prodosed mains,
the City of Norfolk wil-I supply the same otily from its surnlus supply, and
that in no event sh@ there be any obligition on the part of said City to
supply water to any consumers alon, the proposed mains at any time when,
in the judgement of the CouncJ-l of the said City of Norfolk, the said City
shall not have sufficient supply fgr usc within its corporate li-mits, or
whenever the supplying of said water shall interfere with the discharge
of the duty of said City to supply water to its Dwn inhabitants.
6. That from and after the @tallation of thp water mains and
hydrants they shall become the property of tlie City of Virginia Beach.
The City of Virginia Reach sheill grant to the City of Norfolk the right
to use such mains and hycirants for the suT)T)ly of wator, and further grants
to the City of Norfolk ready and reasonabl@ acCe3S to them.
7. That for any fire hydrant installed nt the request of the City of
Virginia Beach, a rental payment of One liundred Dollars ($100.00) a year
for each hydrant shnll be paid to the City of Norfolk.
ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL of the City. of Virginia Beach, Virginia this
day of 19@,
Clerk of the CouncJl
I I'E @,l 0 3,@ 1 8
On inotion by Councilman Ferrell, secondcd ')y Councilman DLISC]I, and by
recorded vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., f@obert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Georgc, R. Ferrell, Cl@irence A. fiollaiid, 1). Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @,layor Earl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and @layor Donald 14. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following Resolution requesting the City of Norfolk
to make connections and to furnish water tlirough a proposed water system at
Baycliff, Section III, Lynnhaven Borougil.
to furiiish water tliroiiqh a @-@ o@s c, %@aler
Lf Vir@.i ieach, f @Lh @ -,@,@bed b@lo,@:
WHEREAS, it is proposed by the City of Virgin@a Beach, at the request of the
Baycliff Developinent Corpo,--ation to exteiid pr posed water mains in accordance
with the existin@ contract bet@,een tlie City c)f Vir,inia Beach aiid tlie City of
Norfoll@, in Baycliff, Sectioii IJI, in the strects listed as follcws:
Baypoint Drive 81, 940 1
T'cho Cove 61, 390 1
Echo Cove 411 460 -
Windwood l,ane 61, 190 1
Wi.ndwoocl l@ane 411 485 -
Windwood Court 411 10 5
Baycliff Lane 411 32 5
All a.s (lescribt@cl and sho\vn oii plans entitled "Baycliff, Sanitary Sewer and Water
Plaiis, Sectioii III" as preparcd by Talbot, Wct- ners, and Standilig, Ltd. , 1--,n,.incer.@,
Plani)(,,rs, aiid Surveyoi s.
NOW, THFREFORE, BF- IT RFSOI,Vl@-1), that the City of :\orfolk bc and it
hereby is requested to make a coniiectic)Ti of tlie prc)posed water inains with tlie
prescnt rnains of saicl Cit)r at tlie said desi-.iiation, aiid upon conipletion of the
installation of the proposecl mains, to supply w@@tei- to coii.,,umei-S residin, tllereon,
it being expressly uiiderstool ,tn(I @i,reed tliit tlie ,upl)lyitil, of said water by tlie
City of Norfolk shall be upoti and siibject to "llic follov,,in@ tern-is and conditions:
1. That the saicl water inains shall be in@talled in accordance with thc
specifications of the said City of Norfolk aiicl to tl3e satisfaction of the Dirc,,ctor of
Public Worl@s of said City, at no cost to the City of Norfolk.
2. That the water so suppliecl throu h sa@d inaiiis to consumers shall be at
the s.-imo rate now, or cliarged b@, tl-e City of Norfolk to consumers beyond
the limits of said City similarly situated.
3. That all orclinances of the City of Norfolk and all riiles and regiilations of
the Division of Water Supply of said City, iio\v )r liereafter adoptcd ancl put into effect,
relating to thc furnisliiiig of @N,ater sliall apply t,, tlie supplyiiig of @-atcr tlirou,,h tlie
said proposed niaiiis.
4. That the sai,l City of Norfoll,- shall be Lii-itler iio obli,.atioii to furnish -nore
water thari its distributioai systcni zLs iiow la@d, with thc pi-es,;ure cai-ried, will cicliver
into said i--aiiis, ancl if thu seiicl sul)plying of @,zitctr shall nc)t be in accordancc witli the
stariclard service, the saici City of i@Torfolk EI,a] @ n(@t be held responsible in ally way.
5. That in supplyir,,, v,,ater to consuni(@rs along tlie said pi-opc)sed maills, the
City of Norfolk will sup,,)I,@, tlie saiiic@ only fi-oi-n its surplus suppl,),, and that iii i-,o
eveiit sliall tliere be -,iny obli,,ation on tlie p@-Irt (,@ said City t.o supl)ly wtter to any
consumei-s aloii,. the I)rol)osc-d inaiii.,3 at aiiy tin@(-@ Nvhen, iii tlie jucl,,,emt@nt of tile,
Couiicil of th,@ said City c)' 7\orfolk, the sai(i Ci'y ,@lia)l nct liave sufficient supply for
use N@,ithin its corpc@rate litilils, or :,,,Iieiic!vci il@,, @ttl)plyiii,@ of saicl @v,,ter shill inter-
fere witli tlie disch-tr,,e of t@he d@iiiy of said City tc, -',UPPIY @@ratc!r tc, its o@vii inlial)itai-its.
6. Thit from znd i" c@r the insta)latic,ii o - the @vatci- mains tnd hydrants tliey shj@ll
bcc.c,ii-ie the pi@opcrty of tll@@ City Of Vil,gil-Lil 'I'he City of Virginia Beacla shall
graiit to the City of Norfol@ tli,-- ri,,,I)t t:o us(, siicii r,@ains and hyciran's for t',Ie supply of
water, and further graits to tlie City of No3-f@)II j-,@acly @iiicl i-easolitble access to tlicni.
7. That for aiiy fire hydriiit installel at reqi-iest cf the City of Vir,,iiiil
Bcach, a i-e-(ital paylliel't t@f OI)e, lltillclred Dc,ll@,; @@ @',@100. 00) a year for eacli hydi-ant
shall be pti(i to tlie City of
ADOP'LFD BY Tlll,, COUNCII, of the (@ity of Virgiiiia Beach, Vir(@iiiia this
d a y of 19
ITEM #381!)
Mr. R. L. Riggs appeared before Citv Cotincil regarding the opening of a portion
of a certain platted street (900th hlock ol- Goldsborough Avenue) in the Shadow-
lawn area so that he can have access to hi.@ house and property. City Council
request that @Ir. Rigis' name bo placed on ihe formal agenda for October 18,
1971, and rectuosted i@ir. !Zi,,gs to furnisli c(,i@tain information to Nir. Fleming,
Director of Community Services, regardirig l,ast cases where the City opened
paper streets at the request of the citizeits.
ITEM #3820
On motion by Councilman flayne, seconded by Councilman flolland, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert ti. (@,allis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. flolland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @%layor Earl @l. l'obault, Floyd E. @Vaterfield,
Jr., and Nlayor Donald Ii. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council noted its intention to liold a closed meetin.@ on Monday, October 18,
1971 for the purpose of discussin@ items permitted for discussion under the
Freedoin of Information Act of the Commonwealtli of Vir@inia.
ITEM #38-11
On motion by Councilman Ferroll, seconded t)lv Councilman Payne, and by unanimous
rote, the irieeting adjourn(@d.
Ric ard J(@ ebbon, City (Ilerl,@ @o,,@,Td 11. Rliodcs, ,,Iayor
City of Virginia Beach,
October 11, 1971