HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 26, 1971 @IINUI'I:S OF T[IT, HONORABI,L CFTY COUNCIL 01, THE CII'Y 01; VIRGINIA BI:ACI@, VIRGINIA October 26, 1971 rlie regiilar meeting of tlie Couiicil of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginit vas hold in the Council Chambers in tlie Adniiiiistratioji Building, iii tlie .6orough of Princess Anne, on Tuesday, O@tober 26, 1971, at 2:00 p.iii. I The invocatioii was giveii by Reverend John 1,einbach, Priice of Ileace Lutlic,,]-@i3i Church, Virginia Beach. Councilnien present: Robort 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. 1'eicl Ervin, George R. l@errell, Clarence A. flollaiid, D. Mui,ray Mall)on, J. Curtis Payiie, Vice Mayor F-arl NI. Tebault, Flovd E. Waterfield, Jr., and 1)@,)nilci Ii. Rhodes. Couiicilman absent: Franl-, A. Duscli ITE@l #38Z'10 On motion by Councilnian Ferrell, seconded by Councilpian Malboll, all(i by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jl,., F. Reid Ervin, Geor.@e R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis layne, Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault, Flovd E. Ivaterfield, Jr., ancl Nlavor )onald Ii. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Frarik A. Duscli. City Council approved the Minutes of the Regular @leeting of October 18, 1971, and the reading of said i\linutes dispensed ti.tli inasniuch as each COLIIICi.llitin li@td a copy of the subject @Iiiiutes before him. ITE@l #38SI On motion by Vice Nlayor Tebault, seconded by Councilr,,tan ll,aterfield, a@@d by recorded vote as folloiqs: Ayes: Councilmen Robert It. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. R--id Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Flolland, D. Murray %Ialbon, J. Curti.s Payne, Vice Mayor Earl Nl. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and klayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None kbsent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. ,ity Council approved the Ntinutes of the Special @feeting of Octob--r 20, 1971, aiqd the reading of said Nlinutes dispensed iith inasmuch as each Couiicilnian ]lad a copy of the subject @linutes before hin. ITE@l @@"3SSI' On motion by Councilman Ferrell, secondcd ty Coulicilmaii @Ialboli, and by recotded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmeii Robert f[. Callis, Jr., Rcbert B. Crofliwell, Jr., F. lzeid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clareiice A. iloll@iiid, f). Nlurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payjie, Vice Mayor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr., and i%layor Donald 11. Rliodes . Nays: None kbsent: Councilman 7,@-ank A. Duscli. City Couiicil, in C03 rence with the State Compensatioii Board, approved on second reading an ai, )riation not to excood $425.00 for cxtra help in tho Office of tlie Conimol Attoriiey. ITEM #38S3 On motion by Counci" Ilollaiid, secozided by Councilman Cromwell, tnd by recorded vote as fo] )@@s: Ayes: Couiicilmen Rot)-.rt 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Claronce A. flolland, 1). Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice i@layor Earl Nl. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved on second reading an appropriation of $12,000. for tlie purchase of Lot 2, Block 33 in conjunction witli the previous purcliase of @lots 3 and 4 on the corner of Arctic Aveiiuc and 19th Street, belonging to the Elizabeth Clark Tarrall Estate. This niakes the total price of all three lots $42,000. ITE@,l #3854 On motion by Vice Mayor Tebault, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl Nt. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Nlayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Fran A. Dusch. City Council approved on second reading an appropriation in the amount of $6,000. to be combined with funds presently available in covering thc salary of the Jail Physician for the balance of the fiscal year and the costs incurred by the jail during the period when there was no jail physician. ITENI P385'@ Reverend John Weiiibach, rcpreseiiting tlie "C;I)iic--i!icd Citizenf; i,opard@IIE, tlio City Jal.1"' appeared before City Couiicij zind I)i-esc@nted tlie follo,,qillf l@esolilt'loll: RESOLUTION from CITIZENS CO@IC17R,'Ih'D ABOUT 'IIE VIRC@ItIlA BEAC,'I CITY REGARDI@IG: A New Jail F@icil.ity Whereas, the special report recently prepai,ed by tl,,e State DepartTIent of Vlelfare and Instiiutions concludecl tl,at, based on its minimum requirements, "there ,7ould be space for 56 prisoner.? at our City Jail -a number far si,-ialler than tlie present rlumber of prisorierc, regularly held there; and, mcr-eover, this report c,olicluded that if more thin 56 prisoners are to be held at one @irie, the jail must be either enlarged or replaced witli a ne@-i det6ntic,n c,,cmplex whicli woull ii)- corporate facilities for progratis, medi-cal tre-,tineit and visitation; and lihereas; Space Utilization Associates, an in(i r,,dent r,esearcl) orgaii- ization hired by the City of Virginia Bc;ac@ t@:, deterinine needs for the next 25 years, after an extensive study of the City Jail has concluded that it should be demolished I;ecause "Present facilities for the detention have been found to be inadequate by the Consultant for the folloviing reasons: 1. The present design of the jail hinders effective supervision and security. For example, the present stipervision corridors prevent visibility and, therefore, jeopardize ti'le safety and general well- being of both the inmates and secui-itzi persoilnel. 2. Although the capacity of the presen-, structure is stated to be 169 persons, the state Depart,-.ent of ;,7elfare and Institutions has determined that the actual capacity o,' the facility is mucli lo@,,er. 3. Presently there is no provision for inpiate program and activity space vihich should include visiting areas, recreation arcas, education areas, and counseling areas. 4. The physical characterietics of the present facility make it architecturally and aesthetically unslitable for location on the Princess Anne site;" and P7hereas, we citizens of Virginia Beach and representatives from tlie Lea@ue of @lor.,en Voters, Church @lorien United, Jaycees, Virginia Beach Min@isterial Association, Virginia Beach Area Ecumenical Association, Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Friends of Youth, and the Drug Focus Committee are concerned about the health, i-yelfare, safety and rehabilitation of Deople whc must be conf@-ned in our jail; TherefoT@, be it resolved, that we urge the Buil@ing Cc,7,mittee of tlie City of Virginia Beach to adopt the recommendations of Space Util- ization Associates regal-ding the City Jail and also urge City Coun- cil to appropriate funds for immediate planning and construction of a new and adequate jail facility on a si-le in the Princess Anne Area that will not conflict @jith the mast@r @)17.nning of other facilities recommended for constructioi by S.U.A.; a.'Id Be it further resolved, that City Couiicil be urged to consider this a matter of high priority since the health, ',7elfare, safety, and rehabilitation of human lives is at stake. Adopted 16 Septer.,ber 1971 Mrs. Dorot)ay illiller, President of the l,e@iu., of IVonien Voters, appoared before City Council in supl)ort of tlie, al)ovc Reso]Llt@iO]l preseiited by l@evereiid I'l@eiiibicli, and furtliey reqaostec] tllat flliids for plaiiiiilig adequate jail facilities for tlie -City of Virginia Beach lie includecl iii the Cil)itil Iiiipi-oveiiient Budget, submitted y the City Ntana@er on October 10, 1971. ayor Rhodes ijidicatecl tliat tlie Building Coiiiinittc,,c has contacted an architect to go over tlie existing jail facility a-@iiii, not necess,,Irily to see whether it can be iiflprovcJ, btit to detereiino i,,hothct- or not that particular buildiii., may have iny otlior iisc for tlie City. On belialf of the City Coillicil, Mayor Rliodes tiianke(-l R(2verei)d Nliller and other service orgini.zations of the City for indic.,itiilg tileir supliort foi@.tlie i)ecd of capital irqi)roveiiieiit-,; for the jail facility, and ftii@ther a-ssitred tliciii that tihis niatter is'beinp, actively plirsue@l. ITEM #38S6 Mayor Rhodes aiiiiouncccl tliat tlie public li(?@ii,ijig on the Land Use Plan for Princess Aniic Boroi-igli iiicluiilig tile I'laiiiiiii@, I)epartment's recommenclation for False Cape, @,iill be hcld at Kell@ini lfigli School, 7:30 p.m., Octol)cr 26, 1971. ll'EM #38S7 On behalf of the City Council, Mayor Rlio(les announced that Halloweeii will be celebrated on Sunday, Octobei' 31, 1971. ITEM #38SS 4ayor Rhodes recognizo(i stlideiits froin Kenipsville Iligh School and Alanton Elenientary School's 7t]i grade. ITEM #3859 Applicatioii of Lucillc,. B. Potter, et als by tl. Shepard Dre@,iry, Attorney, for a Use Perniit to operate a gasoline supply station on certain property located at the Nortlieast corner of Laskin Road and First Colonial Road, running a distance of 179 feet along tlie North side of Laskin Rozid, ruiining a distance of 170 feet aloiig tll(-' East sicle of First Colonial Road, running a distance of 180 feet along tlie @lorthern ropei,ty line and rutining a distance of 160 fc,cit along the Eastern property line. @Hilltop Arei). LY[li4liAVEN DOI@OUGH. The Planning Con,,niission recoii@ii-,nds appt@oval of tliis application subject to a 15-foot dedication of right of viay along the 170 foot riore or less frontage on Fit@st Colonial Road requested by tlie Real Estate Division of the Department of Com-Runity Services. The [lealth Departnient rcclues'us City viater and !,c,,-Ier. i\lr. Lee Hickman, rei:resc-i,luiii@ tlie City Plaiiiiiii, DcpL@rtmon ind c ted t,) i @l Couiicil that lie had r(l@cix,ed a letter from tli,, lZight-of-lVa,,, Depai,tnient which stated that the appliczint has not yet si@ned an agroo,iierit for a dedication of right-of-way alolig ].'irst c:olojli,,I'l Road. On motion by Couiiciliii-,in Nizilbon, secondeci by Cotiiicili,.iaii IVitcrfield, anci I)y recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Calli.-, Jr., Rol)oi-t B. Crom@qell, Jr., F. Reicl rvin, George R. Ferrell, Cl@irence A. flollaiid, 1). i%ltiri-ay Nlalboli, J. Curtis .ayjie ,Vice @layor Earl. @l. Tobaul t , Floycl E . IV@i tcrf iel(I , Jr. , and Mayor )onald If. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Fraiil@ A. Duscli. As the right of way agrooment has not booii signed by the applicaiit, City C@),] deferred for two (2) weeks tlie above application of Lticille. B. Potter, ct Lil, for a Use Permit to ot)crate a gasoline slipply station on certain propert\, locateT a-t t@ie -Northc-as t coriie r of l,ask i i) l@lot(l an(I Fi rs t Colon ial Roa @l , '(i i i Area), l,ynnhaven Borou,,h. ITEM #3860 Applical@ion of Alphonzo T. S%@iaiin, etlix, et al for a Clianqe of Zoniiiq from Residence Suburban District 4 (R-S 4) to Lii,,iitL(l Col@ 3 (C-L 3) on certain property boginiiiii(i at a point 4@)7 fec,t i@,,ore or llss 'vl--s" of Indei)Ciiden-o Boulevard, rLIllnitig a distance of 2'CG fect along tf)L@ t,,Iort!l side of Doilnc-@y POad, running a distance of 2,M fe,@t aloii@l the 'eloster@i proporty lin@., ruining a distancc, of 383 feet niore or less along the Fastern pror)(-.,r@@y Iiiie. Said property i,, trii!i,,!, 1: in shape and contains '3,300 square feet. (Poczilio;itas Villa r KEIPSVILLE' _go e-i BOROUGII. The Planriing Coripiission recoilii@icnc,s at)proval of tiiis application sLi!)Jtct to City viater and sc,,@.,,er requosted by t@i@- ll,,2altli Dc-pirti@,r,,,it. Mr. Alphonzo Swann appeared on behalf of his own application. On motion by Councilman Feri-ell, secoiided by Cotinciliiian Waterfield, and b)@ recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payiie, Vice @-layor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. Rliodes. Nays: Councilmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. and F. Reid Ervin. Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved the above application of Alphonzo T. Swann, etux, et al for a Change of Zonin-, from Residence Suburban Disti,ict 4 (R-S 4) to ict 3 (C-L 3) on certain property beginning at a - -i @i Limited C mme a point 487 feet more or less West of Indcpendence Boulevard, (Pocahontas Village Area), Kempsville Borough, subject to City water and sewer as requested by the fiealth Department. ITL',i #3'@,@,] A,I,pli@@tion of Alphojizo -1. Sian,,i, r=tux, et @,l f r -l C;,,inco of Zoninc, fi,o,l Duplex District 2 (i@,-D 2) to Ceili-@ll dl i@t r,i c t(C-G c@,r'ain property loct@Lr-j, b@giriring at a [)ciiit 125 fc-@t r-orn or less I!,,st of Indep,,n,i@ncc Boulevard ru@i,,Iirg a o@ @@3 felt alorg tiie Souu, Sid@, of Bo!,.iioy Poad, runn,ing a distarice cif '106 fec@t alo@iq t@i@ E@.s-Ler;j orop2rty lin,,@, runn- ing a distarice of 127 fc,?t alo;ig the line, iiiid rlinning a distanc(, of 138 fect aloiig the !I@astcrn p,@op,?rt@, iinc., @,id ptc,,@,rty cc.,!itaitis 27,809 scitiare fc-,,t. (Pocaliol,itis Villl',I,, Aree@). KEti SVIL@,- i@ The Planiiing Co@,riissioii ipi)roval c,'@ ai)plicatioli SUI)jcct to City viater and sev,,,@r requc@strlil Ly ti @Ir. Al.phoiizo Si,,ann appeai,od cn I)clialf ol@ Iii owii Ipl)lication. On motion by Councilmiii l@errell , secoiidccl I)y, Coitncilman lvaterfield, and by recorded vote as folloivs: Ayes: Councilmen Robert If. Callis, Jr., Gcorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Hollaiid, D. @llirray @,lall)oTl , J. Curtis Pztync, Vice Nlayoi, E@irl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr. , aiicl @,layor Doiiald 'l. Rhocies. Nays: Couiicilmen IZobert B. Cromwell, Jr. and l@@. Reid Ervin. Absent: Counciliiian Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved the above appliczition of Alphonzo T. Swann, etux, et al for a Change of Zoning from Residence Dul)lcx District 2 (R-D 2) to General CominerciaT-)lstrict @ c@,-G 3) on certain pi,oj)crty located, beginning at a point 42S fect more or less IVest o@ Iiidel)cn@lc@nce Boulevard, (Pocallolitas Village Arca), Keinpsville Borougli, stil)jcct to City watei, and sewer as reqtlestod by tlie llcalth Departilicilt. ITENI #3802 Application of Lois tlarie Iiill, by Lee K(,ll)erg, Attorncy, for a Ciianqc of Zoninq froii Residence Suburban District 3 (R-5 3) to Lii,lited Coriniercial-Di,tr-ic-f Y (C-L 2) on certain property begitiniiig at a point 400 fect i.-,ore or less florth of Princess Anne Road, rlitining a distance of 127.70 fect alc)tig the Ilest side of Soutii Parlial,iont Drive, running a distance of 210, fect along tlie ;Iorthern property linc,, runnirig a distance of 144.30 feet along tlie 'ciestern prop(-,rty line, running a distancc, of 213.65 feet along the Soutliern property line (-),rj-foot private road). (Carol a,,iiie Fari,i-Ridglea Area). KEI-IPSVII.LE BOIIOUGU The Planiiing Cornission recorTi,,,nds denial of this application as tllc requested use viould represent intruslot) of cc,,@,ii.,,orcial activity into a single family and tlie Kenipsville Developi-,cnt Plan rc@coi@iri-n(is si,,igle far,,iily use. @Ir. l,ee Kelborg, Attorney, arpeared oji bclialf of the apl)licant requesting ;vithdrawal of the above applicatioii. Mr. Sam Houston, Jr. al)pcired in oppositioii to tlie above application, but did not oppose withdraival. Mr. Roy Hart appeared in opposition to tlie ibove application and to the withdrawal of the application. )n motion by Councilman Forrcll, seconded b.v Coujicilman flolland, and by -ecorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert [i. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. NILirray @lall)on, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @,layor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. lvaterfield, Jr., ;ind Mayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: Councilman F. Reid Ervin. Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved tlie withdraiqal of the, above application of Lois Ilaric Hill, for a Change of Zonin@ fror.,@ Residei,,ce Subui@ban District 3 (R-S 3) to Lir@,,ited CoEim rcia D,@,trjclr @, (C-L 2) on cei-tain property beinning at a point 400 feet more or les,; Noi-tli o-f Pi-irces.9 lnf, (Ca,-olann, Farm TZido"o@-. T'fE@l #386,@ Applic@itil,"@l Of JOsepli L. for a Us@ P@-i'@l-l@i@, L,) sta,')le one hoi,se on PI-OP"'t,ty locitod on tlie sicil@ of aci,o,,s froii [,,valon Pv@nue, running a distaiice of lo6.c4 fOt aloiig ti',( @@orti) s@dc of ilorcqatidy Aven,,ir I I !, runniiig a distaiice of 1215 f,,Ct riorl, or less alotig tiic- pro-,)c,.rty run:iing a distancc of 160 feet rot,o or less along the p,@,ol),!rty line, and rltq'ii*ng a dis-@ance of 1058 feet rlore or less alorig ti@o Llstorri prop i,ty litic. @aid I)i,oper"y taiiis 5.7 z,.cres rioz,e or lcs@,. (',Ioods of KE@IPSVILLE coil Tlie Plaiiiing Coi,.zniss-ion recoii.,@icnds ai@proval cl@ t@iis al,;)Iicat-*Ion. ?,Ir. Josepli L. Sivansoii appcai@ed oii bclialf c)f Iiis owji al)plication. I On iflotioii by Counciljiiaii Ferrell, secojidecl bN Vice @layor Tebault, aiid by recorded vote as folloi,[s: Ayes : Cotincilme3i Robei-t fl. Callis , Jr. , Rol,ort B. Cropiivell , Jr. F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarencc A. Holliii(l, D. \Iurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payiie, Vice Mayor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd l@. Waterfielcl, Jr., and Mayor Doii,i I d11 . Rhodes . Nays: None Absent: Councilman Fraiik A. I)usch. City Couiicil approved the above application of Josepli L. Sivanson for a Use- Perp.iit to stablo one horse on certain prol)ct'ty locate(I on the North side of go-@@andy Avenue across frojfi Avaloii Aveiii-ic,, (lvc)ocls of Avaloil Area) Kempsville Borougli. ITL@'NI #3864 Applicatio,i of The Churcii of Jesus Clirist of Latter-Day-Saints for a Us(, Pcrriit to construct a church on certaiii prol@erty locited b,--t@icen Princess Anii@-@oa-cf-@d l,laster Avenue and betvieen Ed,@iin Drive a@id Tuscori Road. Said property is located in Larkspur Section 2 of Kei,,ipsville l,leado,,is, flarce.1 B, and contains 4.72 acres. (Larkspur Area). KEI-IPSVII-LE UOIIOUI.,,I. The Planning Coimission reco7.A-.iends approval of tliis application sui)ject to City water and sei,ier requestcd by t@ic tlcaltil Dep@tt-trent. Mr. Walter Ii. Hick appcai-ed on belialf of tlie applicalit. On niotion by Councilmaii Ferrell, seconlied ')y Vice 1-tayor Tebault, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Couiicilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croiiiwell, Jr., 17. Reid ETvin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. flolland, D. Nlurray I'lalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl @t. Tobai-ilt, Floyd F. Waterfield, Jr., and NIayor Donal.d 11. Rhodos. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved tlie above application of The Church of Jesus Christ of l,atter-I)ay-Saints for a Use Permit to construct a church on certain propert) located between Princess Anne Ro d@and @,laster Avenue and between Edwin Dri%,o and Tuscon Road; said property is locatecl in l,arkspur Section 2 of Kempsville Meadows, Parcel B, ane, contains 4.72 acre@, (l,arkspur Area) Kempsville Borougli subject to City water aiid sewer as requesied by the Ifealth Department. IT@@i fi3@65 I%pp'iic,.).tion of V;ind@,or floll@,iid fo, @, Us@, 11--r@iit to cr),-ist@'tict 392 tc),,.,n- lioL:sc-s on ccrtain I)rop.@r,,y at f,,i@t i,ioi,e or less East of i SOLit'!) Plal,z@ Trail Ex'@'erui,@d 200 fe,21' C)t' Ic-@s @:01't" of liollarid iiig a (,Iista,-ice of 9*13.33 fcot ilotig t@l@ East ot@ 14ii,ldsor Clais Boulr@vard (Pro,,Iosed), ruiiiiing a disL,-@ncE:. of alo@',g th(., i!or@klierii property lin,@ and ruiiiiit,lg a dist,@nce of 1325 fei-.t alc@,,i@i t@;2 prcpct,ty Iiiie aiid rull'.Iirl(li l of 910 fect n-,oro or lfss 'L-11@' prc)pai-ty Sz,.id r)ro,.ci,ty co-(,,Illins ")2.18 acre-,. 1,11@,_@-@ @'EI]PSVII-LL The Plaiinii)g Coinniissic))) l.""Olililleii(I.,3 @@1)'l@r,,@ @tl of t@hi,@ @il)ilic@ition stll)ject to a rc,cliictioi-@ iii dcnsity froii,, 392 to@,iih us@,@ t(, iZO 'I@he rnotion for approval also inclulccl 15% tiscab](@ rec rezitiojiz I (,I)cji areae, as wc,ll as t revis(,d site pliii. @i*hc l@ngin(@(,rin(, F)ivision, I)epai-tti (:iii of Coini@ikiiiity E@@ i-vices, re- quests a 60-foot loop r(,,I(l iii ordur to prov@,,(, i@@ fe(It of ro@tclway cii-icnt aiici a box culvert is recluire(i at Windsor Oaks ]@o@)I(!v@ird ai),l tli(, prol)@ I canal. City w@iter ancl sewer is reqti,,steci I)y ilic li@,alli@ f)(@pai-tiiietit. A sitc@ lias be(,.ii re-;erve(i by the devclc,@,(,rs. Mr. Douglas Talbot alipearcd oi) I)elialf of tli@,, @ippi.ic@int reqti(@ tli@tt tlie al)ove application be defel-rocl for thil-ty (3)) dlys. On motioii by Councilniaii Feri,ell, secondeci b@, Coujicilm@in Call and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Cotinciliiien Robert If. Callis, Jr., Rol)crt B. Crc)mtlell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin ,George R. Ferrell , Clareiice, A . flol I iiid , D . Mtiri'ay @'@i I bon , J - Cur' is Payno, Vicc @layor Earl @l. @l'obatilt, Floyd E@. @V@iterfiolcl, Jr., and @layor Donald 11. Rliodes. Nays: Noiie ,I)sent; Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Couiaci.1 deferred for thirty (30) da's the abovc application of Vlindsor lfollaiid Company for a Use Periiiit to coiistrLIct 392 townliouses on certain property beginiiing at 7-p int 7-00 fect 1'.iorc,, or le-,;s I;ast of South Plaza Trai,l Extendecl, (Windsor Oaks West Are@1), @,C',]iLpsville Borough. ITEIL #3866 Application of Virgiiiia Beacti Cat,.ipgrourid, Inc., foi, a Use Pei,mit to operate 400 canpiiig sites witli related facilitics ori cc-,rtaiii rt,op@ ty cc,;inniiig at a point 850 feet moro or less i'@ortli of P),ospcrity load as it extends East and W@@st and running a distance ol- 17@,4 feat iiiore rr less aloiig the East side of General Bootil Boulevard, ruiiiiing a distance of 1385 felt ;,,i,ore or less along the Ilortheril Di,o- perty line, rlitiniiig a distz,-tice of l@.33 fec,.t riorl, o; less along tlie Easterli pro,,)erty I of Prosperity Road (is it linL, of iihich 848 feet or less is tlie I,]Lst si,' i ex(,-ends North and South). Said prop2rty con@aiii@ acrcs. (KOA CanpgrOLinds Area). PRItICESS Al@l'!C- BDRCIUGII. Tiie Planning Comiission rccc;irieiids denial of t@iis @-st becatise cf the opposi-liort expressed and because it ,@ias geti(-,rally felt thal -Iavelo,,);@)ent vi@,s not iii ke,lpirig with tlie character of Gerieral Dootli Botilc-,val,d, llatrick Staiiding appearod oii belialf of tlie applicant. Sam flouston, Sr. appeai-ed in ol)position to the abo@,e applicati,on. Mr. W. W. McClanan appearod on behalf of the applicant. On motioii by Councilman Payne, vote as follows: seconded b@, C@)uiicilman @,talbon, and by recorded Ayes: Councilmen Robert B. Croniivell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell Clarence A. Holland, D. MLirray @Ialbon, J. Cur,tis Payne, Floyd E. ivaterficid,' Jr., and ',,Iayor Doiiald H. 'Zl)odes. Nays: Coulacilnian Robert ii. Cillis, Jr. ai)d -ice @@lavor L-arl @l. Tet)ault. Absent: Coiincilman Franl, .',. Dusc:li. City Council. approved tho above al)plicatici of Vir,inia Beach Camprou,id, Inc., for a tjse Perriit to operate 400 cai,@ipini@ sitos with i,elited facilities on certaiii propei,ty begiiiniiig at a poiiit 810 feet @more or less Nortli of Prospo3,itv IZoad as it exteiid-@ Eist aiicl ll.'est iiid riiiiiiiiig a distaiice of 1794 fect niore or less ilolig tlie East sicic of Cciici-al Bootli Botilevard (KOA Cainpgroujids Area) Priiicess Aiine Borougli; sul)j ct to deletioii of gasoline station site shown oii Gojioral Bootli Bjv('.; -,,ttl)jc,,ct to IS% useible opely space for recreation; sul)joct to overflo@., @ii,ea beiii, restrictod for par@-ill@, -)nly while caiiipers aivait assipiiiieiit to c,,ii,,ilsite; @ubject to a 12" water iiaiii on S. Birdneck Roa(', -,tjakl tl)e coiisti,tictic)i) of .1 prc)posed II.R.S.1). force i)ai,ii foi@ sowa,,e on Ceiiei,@il liootli Blvd. Ls io([iiestecl bv tlie [Jtilitics I)jvjsioji, Dopartnieiit of Cominunity Sci@,,,ices; stibject to ii 25' riglat of way dodication along Prospcrity !Zoacl Lis rectilosted by tlie Iii,,iiicoriiig Divi-,;jon, Dcl)artr,.Iciit of Coinintijij,ty Service-,;; slil)jc!ct to a 10-fool (leclic@itioii of right of way alolig the 848 foot niore oi- les-,; frontapo oii Ilic)slc?,i-it), lzoad and a 100-foot do(licat,ic-li with adjoiniii- SO-foot I)c,rpetual clrain@i@c ci'soment for tlie proposod Se,,Isi,de Neck Caiial; and furtlior siibjoct to final sitc! I)Iaii rcview by tlie Departiiient of Copiiiitiiiity Services (ii- tlioy deem it liec(ssary th- ticket office will have to be i,,iovecl back ivhatevei- clistajice tlie I)cl)@it,ti,iejit of CoiiiiilLillity Services requirc@,;). I'lie applicant i,,i-eed to cojisti-Li(:t @iiid asstimc, co,,;t of, if rcqllcstccl by the City, a left tut@rt lanc, i,:Iicii Geiici-@,] B@)otli J'Ilvd. is iiiade four lajic,,s. ITF@l #3867 Appl-icatioii of Vit'giiiia Electric aiid Po,,,,@r Co., fc,-.- a Use Periiiit to iiistill Cill elf,ctt,ic tr,,iiisfoii-,er statioii on co),taiii pro,@'@y,L,l I niii@ at a point 40@) feet r,,ioro or less Soutli of liollaiid ['%oad rlin,-iing a distz,,nce of 103.99 fe@t alo@ig t@ic Eas'L- sidc ol' Proposed Poici a distance of 105.7:-) fee-L alorig thL, i@'ortfirrn prop,@rty line, ruinir,(l aof 1()0.16 fect @110[ig tf,.e Eastern pro,,-)erLy lin,.- arid ri;tlning a distaii-l@ of 82.95 fect aloyin tii2 Soutil-2r..l property line. Said prop@.i,t-Y contains 0.21(- acy,es. (Pecan Gat,jens Area). PP,I@!C-LSS Ai@,@IE PO.,@OUGfi. I'lic., Plaiininq. Corir@,issioq r(-,co!@i,i@-@nds @i!)provil of t!iis e..,,)plication su,@ject to staridarci site plan -rcqL,@ire;@;cTits. Mr. Sliaiiks , representing Virginia Electric :ijicl Power Co. , appeared oil bclialf o.f the applicant. On motion by CouncilEian Payne, secondc,,d I)y IIolincilman Croiyiiqell, anc@L by recol,cled vote as follows: Ayes: Counci.Imcn Robert H. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarejice A. @iolla!id, D. ilurray ixialbon, J. Ctirtis Payne ,Vice Nlayor @'arl @l. l'obaul t , f@] oyd F . @l,a toi-f i eld , Jr . , and @,layor Donald fl. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Franl,- A. Dusch. City Council. approved the al)ove application of Virgiiiia Electric and Power Co., for a Use Permit to install an electric transformer station on certaiii property beginiiin-g at- a point 400 feet more or less South of Holland Road Pecan Gardens Area) Princess Ariiie Borougli, subject to standard site plan equirements. ot@ Grc,@)i Ccrporatioi,, fo@, a Ll'-@:@@, @i%.@ 7t @la co,.,i@,ti,Llct in'@4 E).@t 1 c-@l ccl,tli@i proi@@@,-@y 1,@ @.n,l 2 of Ii. @j@) Plari,,iucl L,!Ilt @,,:iic!i is I,ld ',rid Sout@l oF Sou@,!') Lyii,-iliaven @oad as f()l P,irt I :I i3 apai,ti.,12,,it Li'lits ir@ P!ias,,a I P,lrt 2: 323 Apai,-ZT.ioiit Lii,@its iii P@;),ISO 2 Part 3: 133 to@,,i)fiouse u-i-its in ,;l@;se. 1 Part 4: 210 toii)-!Iiouse uriits in P@i:,s@, 1 Part 5: 210 to,@@,;iliotiSO Linics iii [Iii@ise 2. Plats @-iit@i more dctailed infoi,iiation ar,, aviilzi'@@l(@ in @'L;:,, r)ffic(, of t!io De@)clrt,@ent of City Pl,lniiing. (Cre,2ri R@i@l fr@a). The Plati-iing Co@-,niissioti rr@cor,,iii@n@,i approval of ',;)is rN@i,@t sut@ject to tfic? stipulati,,)i,,s: Part IRecor.,-;.and appi,oval . Part 2: appi,ovl-,,I, bo,.@@over, az,,otlic,,i- e',-it @-till bc to SoL@ inn- p havon Po@)d or @c, 7@d. P,ii,t 3: Peco@,4,,i@nd a rc@duc-L-ion in deilsiLy to t@@i:lv.@ tinits p,,r aci 114 units. Iii ie@.dition, anotlir@r c,,it is requircd to .In(] a con,-ir-.c,@ @:i wit@, tlie r,,ajor p,AoStri2,n cii@cLil@il-ic@-i s,s'c;@ for tlio cntir@ !li,ojc,,ct is rLqii-'rec@, L P@irt 4. a!)provil a 50-foot s(@tl)z;c!, .'rc)7i rig@it c)f -,.!ay fi,or,,- !',)solll',)nt Po,id and 40-foot fr,@i@i rir,,Iit ol' @ily L)f S(@ut'i Lyiiiih3v.,-.,.l Also a coiticetion of po@c-.,,tril.'l cii-cill,,ti(,"l to ti,e rcijor sy,lt@@,@ i,@ rcquirod an-' pir!liri(, ra'L-io of tv.,o to oiiL, is rcq@.iired. Part 5: approvil, all strc,.c'.., sliould be pi@l)lic. Thc Planiiiiig Depirti;iert V.!C)Lild li@,c to r,-,!scrvc, "I@e optioli to re(litcc, tlie de@isity up to 15' on arty parcel of tliis appliczition iii or(l@r to obt,,iin aii(i hari-,oniotis d(,,sign. This ontion is necz-@ssiry urc!ek, tli(, fllant)cd (Jliit D,,veloi-):l,nt coiicel)t since site plirs stif)iiiittc-d (ire gntiei,olli vagki,@ it).ei clo iiot fiill,,! rcflcct t)ic sizc, ill"(1 c@lar@ic'Lor oi t.,Ie struCtLir,@@ progr,@, C,,t!ier@/iFe it I)L nec,lssci@, to recltjire a-t t',Iis sti@, d@lfinite sit, pl@iri-I @ind r)recisc, for eacli tinit. Includccl aisc) iii t@ic r,@otio!i i,, tli.@ of ti,le Ei-Ir@iiieerir,,Cl Division, DLpartrient of Co,-,@l!j;liLy Scv,vic@, t",@L@ t'ler,e be no City r)"@rticip.,ttion in Piiase 11 of tliis d,@v,lop@!@:?iit i,oriarOing ro,,.,(-'@!,ys, hifih-,,-,)ys ai-i(I an(I t!iat viat,,.@r and s(@@@et- lin-s b,? in,@,-illecl '.)y 'L!,,- The Ipplicatit ii;is ,! licth eloi,riit@ll@y )rid reservo, I -1 @ @ly. Oscar Forebee appearecl oii behalf of tlie zil)plicant. Mrs. Reba NIcClanan appeared in oppositioii tc) tlie Ibove application. I . Op. motion by Couiicilnian Payne, secoii(Ic,,d I)y Couiicilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as folloi@-@: Ayes: Councilmen IZobert 11. Callis, Jr., George R. Ferrell, D. @lurray @Ialboll, J. Curtis Payiie, Floyd E. Waterfield, Ji,., aii(I @layor I)oiiald H. Rhodes. Nays: Councilmeii Robert B. Cromiiell, Jr., l@. Reid Ervin, Clareilce A. Hollaiicl, and Vice Mayor Earl ',I. Tebault. Lbsent: Couiicilnian Frank A. Dusch. ]ity Council approved tlic abovo applicatioii of (7,reen Run Corporation for a Use Permit to construct 1014 apartiiieiits aiici townhouses on certain property located in Phases 1 and 2 of the Green Run I'lanned Uiii.t Development whicli is located IVest of Flollai)d Road and North and South of South Lynnhaven Road Exterided, stibject to tlie folloi,,ing stipulations and conditions: ITE@,l #38C,9 01, 1110tiOn by Couiicil.rnan C17ollitlell, secolicic,cl @)), Couriciliiiaii llolliiid, aiid by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Couiacilmen Robert fl. Calli-@, Jr., Rol)crt B. Crojiii@ell, Jr., F. Reicl i@vin, George R. Ferrell, Cl@ii,ence A. Holli@id, 1). @lui-i'ay Nlalbon, J. Curtis ayne, Vico @layor Earl @l. Tel)atilt, Fl(:)yd F,,. Jr., and @layol' onald Ii. IZI,@odes . Nays: None Abseiit: Couiicilnian Fr@ili@- A. I)uscli . City Council approvod tllc fo] lolvilig or(lill@tii%, e to ainel and reoi-daiii Scction 5- 7 of the City Code to inclti(le cort,,tj n @i i,c,, i-,; i 31 BayF i de Boroll,,Ii. 1. Part 1: 138 apart-meiit tinits appi,oveel iii Pliase I as recomniended by t,llc Pl.anniiig Commission. 2. Part 2: 323 apartnicnt units apl)rove(i iii Phase 2, stibject to the con- struction of an exit as re(Iiiired by tlie Planiiing Copiiiiissioii to South l,yjinhaven Road oi, Rosemont Road. 3. 11 t 3: 133 towjihotise uiiits approved i,i I)hase 1, stibject to another c,,,it to Dahlia Drivo ancl @t connectioil @vitli tlie illajor pedestriaii circulation system is reqiiirod. 4. Part 4: 210 towiihouse units al)pi@ovecl i,i I'liase 1, subject to a connectiol) of pedestrian cii-culition to tlie majoi, ysteiii and parkiTIg ratio of two to one. S. Part 5: 210 townhouse units approvecl i,i illiise 2, subject to all strcc,,ts in the entire develol)iiieiit beiiig public @trects. 6. In addition, approval is ftirtlier subjoct to option of tlie Planiiing I)ept. to reduce the density up to fifteeii l@er cjit (IS%) oii any parcel of thi,s application in order to obtain confol-ill@iicc to goo(I plar)nijig practices. 7. Furtlierniore, approval is al,so s@ibject t) tlie reqtiirements of the Eliginc,.Cring Divisioii of the Departniejit of Coiiiinun@ty Services that tliere be no City participation in Phase 2 of this develo@)mciit regai-cling drainago and that water and sewer linos bc installed by tlie dcveloper, and furthor tlie developer is rcqtiired to reserve botli clenientary and secondary school sites (which tlie al)plicint has done). 8. Furthermorc,, in addition to all strects beiiig public, a conditioii of approval is tlie agrec,,ment of tlie develoi)er to construct a fotir lane highway from Rosemoiit Roid to Princess knne IZoad, and to double laile Roseriont and Indopoiadence, subject to tlie apl)roval of the Director of Coinmunity Scrviccs. I I I AN O,-@'-T)INA@'CE TO SEC'I'IO'i 5-7 OF TI-IT,@ C(I-@@'@ G'P' T@i'l-I Cl,-C@ OF V-[)-'(@'ll@IA '31Acti T() CJ-RTATN AIZ"A@, TN l)AN"SI-)!; BOI@O'@l@:;l I BE IT OPDA-INI@111) COU@,CTT, O'@' Cl'fY OF VIF@GINIA BEACII, VIRGINIA: That Section 5-7, CoJe of tile Cii@y of Vil7gi-nia 6each is hereby ainendeJ. and reorciai.ned to rc@a(l as fo]-lows: Adc3 the word "raysiclo" in the fii@st piragrapti tliereof. Add tlie follo%iing subsecti.oii: (f) The ,;ubdivision knoi@7i-i @.s ]-.alcvicN,7 Shores in tlie Borou,,h of BIys'do. This Ordinance shal-I be effectivc from date of ad.option. Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the @. day of October 1971. ITE@i #3870 Oil motion by Coujicilri,aii l@err(!Il, secoiided I)y Coun--ilili@in l@aterfield, aild by recorcled vote as folloi,,,s: Ayes: Cotincilmen Robort 11. (:allis, Jr., I'ct)ert B. Croilli@ell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. 17orrc,,Il, Cl@tronce A. floll@iii(l, 1). Nlurrly inlalbon, J. Curtis Payiie, Vice Mayor Earl ','. Tel)atilt, Flo),cl 1-1. l@.-iterfield, Jr., aiid ?,la)-or Donald H. Rhodes. iziys : Noiie Absojit: CoLincilmaii Frai)@ A. Diiscil, City Couiicil. adopted tho follo@%,in@ lzc.,Soltjtioii rel@ttive to a prograiii of activities for tlie sonioi- citizeiis of Vil'S'illii@i Be@icli. The of Llic, '-,c)-Lliici c)F t-l,,e Citx, of Vir@.!illi-'l Be,ich, Vir2,iiii.,I, @7@i:; hel@el iri tlic cc,i@13)( 1 'of tho tratio,,-i !,Uili@,nE@ tlie CiL7y ol on ('ctober 26, IQ71) a-@ 2:00 o'clocl@ C)n motion by il)-. Ferrell atid secot-iJed 1)), lir. Waterfield tlie follo@qin-, re,@oli.iL@i.nii y R E S 0 T 11 T ]-C) N 1,TtIEPEAS, iii Jill@,e of 1CI71, tile- Coi.,uliittce Cii The A,@l.rig was estal)lislied; and, l@THEP,EAS, this Coiiinii-ttce h,,.i,, beci-i c-0c)pei:,iting wi.tli both pri-vate and. pi-tl)]-j.c @igencic-,q 'Lo acti-i.eve a coi,lprt@hc@iislvc, pro@,riiii of activities for the senior cit@.zens of Virginia -.1e;cll; ani, l,alEllEAS, oii Octo',)er 1, l@,71, tl)e. "!,,iyor's Conmiittee on the Aging made its recoi.,fLiend,,itioil to tll(@ COLincil of the City of Virgini-a Beacli. NOW THEREFC)RE, BE I'T PI,'SOI,VFD -@y 'i'ID. CCUNCII. ()F T'OE CITY C)F VIRGINIA BFACH: That such reconiTend,-qtions are lier(,!)y aclopted by the Council of the City of Virgini.a 3eqcl-i as its p3-ogram for scnior citizens services. AND, BE IT FURTHFR PESOLVED: That the City M@qiiager is her6by directed to execute the program as set forth in the Committee', recom@endati.on as set forth above. 3 On nioti.on by Couiicili@i@l@i Croiii@@ell, -@ecoii,llocl by Cotillcil,-iiin llollaiid, and b\, recorded vote as folioil-s: Ayes: Cotincilipen Robert 11. cal@lis, Jr., Rc,bcrt B. Croiiii@ell, Jr., F. IZeicl Ervin, Geoi@ge R. Feri-oll, Cl@,irc,jice A. D. @lui,i@,,iy @1,91boll, J. Ciii,t-i,; Payiie, Vice "@layor Earl @l. I'cl)ault, Floycl J@. Jr., ancl @.IIyor I)oTiald 11. Rhodes . "lays: None @bsei)t Councilirtan Fr@in], A. I)tisch. City Couiicil approved tiic follo@,.,!,n- Res6ltttioii regardiiig iiiiproveiiient of Net-itowii Ro@id: Tlie regular rv,,,etj.tll@ Of tlie Coull-it c)f the City of Vir@i 'I -ni, Beach, Virgini.), x,7;-.s h,-Icl iri tlie CoLliict-l Ch,-@pibers of tlie Ad-ininis- tration BL]il-clin, o" the City of Be,@cli oii October 26, 1971, at 2:00 P. M. On raotion by Mi-. Cronliicli on,-! s(,condecl by Yir, Holland the followin(, resl)lutic),,i wis ui)@)nii,.ic)LIFly )C,( ted. 11 @, S 0 L U T I 0 N WHEREAS, the Stnte Iii.gh@,7,ly Coiii@@iis@llion is noi,,@ in position to proceed with iniprovement of Newtown Roid into the City of Vir.-inin Beach and the City of Norfolk from 0.009 miles South Intersection Stoney Point to 0.011 mi)-es South Itite@-sectic)n of Virginil Be,@ch BoL,lev@ird; and WIIEREAS, the vollinie of t-r.,iffic cl(,arly indicates such improve- ment is in order. NOII, THEREFORT,', BE IT PESOLVED BY ITIE COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BETCH: That the City ManoFer request tlie Virgi.ni@l Department of High- ways to initiate such action to improv(, @l(-'i@7town Rold iii the City of Virginia Beach. AND IT IS FUATHER RESOLVED, thnt the City Manager is requested to inform said High@qay Department tlint the City agrees to pay seven and one-half percent (71/2%) of the co.,;t of survey and plans, ri@ht- of-way and constructioti. @@'3872 ori ),,iotion by CounciliTian secoii@lecl b> (.ouiicil@iiii I)ayrie, and by reco3,clcl vote as folloivs: Ayes: Councilmcll RObOrt 11. Callis, Jr., Illol)crt B. Crorl@@ell, Jr., F. Reid Erviii ,George R. Ferrell , C] aience A. Ilol I,)ii(I , E), NI@) i,ray @llalbon , J. Ctirtis I)aync, Vice @layor Earl @l. @1'ebault , Fl oyd l' . @' atc,,r f icld , Jr. , aild @layol, Donald fl. Rhodes. ys: None .,-sent: Councilinan FraTil, A. Dtiscli . )f the $7S,000. forwarded by tlie feder@ll gov(@riiiiicnt to tlie City of Vii-gil)i.a c,.ach aiid tlie Erosion Coiiii@ i-,;-,;ic)n for tlicii, slii),e of tlic cost of beacli -)@,irislij,,ic,.Ilt, City Cotilicil il)l)i@ovc,,@l ,in al)l)i-ol)i-i,-ition in tlic aii,oulat of $25,000. " tlle ETOSion Coinmissioji to cover ilieii- ctiri,ei@t exl)cnses anci cettaiii icrgencies that miglit arise later cltirijig tli , vear. I 1'1: i\l # 3 8 7.@ niotioii by Cotincilmaii l@,itei,field, socoiiclcj b@, Vice \Iayor Tebault, an(I by ic!corded vote as folloi@s: Ayes: Cotincilmeii Robert It. Cillis, Jr., l@obert 13. Croniwell, Jr., l@. Reid 'o,orge Nltirray @Ialbon, J. Curtis F,rviii, C, R. Ferrell , Clarence A tiollaiid, 1). i Payjic, Vice @layor Earl Nl. Teb@tult, Floyd 1:,. @lq',il@erfield, Jr., and @layor Donald 11. I'lliodes . Nays: Noiie Absent: Councilinan Franl,- A. I)uscli. ity Council approved a tr@iiisfor of $ISO,000 for firc hydrants services harges from Code 9022-222 to Code 9026-222 ITF,NI #387 On motioii by Couiicilpiall Feri-el.1, secoiidecl b; Couiicilmin @,lalbon, and by recorde(i vote as folloiis: Ayos: Councilmon Robert It. Calli-,, Jr., Rol)ort B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarencc A. Itoll@itid, D. Mtirray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Paylic, Vice @,layor Earl M. Tebault, l@loycl E. ll,'aterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rliodes. Nays: None I I Absent: Couiicil.man Fr@iii@ A. I)usch. City Council approved an appi-opriati-on of $4,960 to provide for the employmciit of two Library Assistant I positions foi- l@inclsor @@oods and Kempsville Libraries I T E@ ' I @' 3 On r!iotioii by Councillil@@ii secon@leci by L@o@)@i-ilniali fl.]],,,d, aiid by recorded vote as Ayes: Cotincilmon Rol)ert Ii. (@allis, Jr., IZot)ei@t B. Cro,@i@ell, Jr., T,'. Reid Ervin, George P. Ferrell, Cl@ireiice A. lloll,!ii(l, 1). i@ltirra), !,Ialboli, i. Curtis Payne, Vice @,la),or Earl 'l. l@chatilt, 17loycl 1'. @%@iterfielcl, Jr., aild 'I,,Iyor Doiiald H. Rhodes. Nays: Nlojie ,bsciit: Counc-iliiian Fr@iiil, A. I)Liscli. City Coufic:il autliorized tlic,, prcpar@itioll,'of I)Iiiis an(I C'xtensio)i of a iqater ]iT)e on Bticcaiieer Roacl in tlic I.yiiiiliaveli (:ol-)i@N, @irc@a. ITEt@' #3876 On motion by CouiicilF@iaii I,-errcll, seconcle(I by Councilin@tii @Ialbon, and by recordod vote as follows: Ayes: Couiicilnicii Robc,,i@t f[. C@illis, Jr., Rol)crt 11. CroiTlwcll, Jr., l@'. Reici Erviii, Goorgo R. Ferrell, Cl@irejico A. lfolla,id, 1). "I@llboll, J. CLirti,@ Payiie, Vice @liyor Earl 11. I'cbault, Flo),cl Y@,. Watcrfielcl, Jr., and Nlayor Doiialci 11. Rliodes . Nays: Noiie Absent: Cotiiicilipaii l@raiil-, A. Dusch. City Couiicil atithorizod tlie, approval of @i c,)nti@,ict, wliicli has becii approved by the Lai@ Departmeiit, foT tlie acctuisitic)ii -@f riglit-of-way land froin @Ir. Smiley Choi%, witi) the Coll(litioii tllit if it bocoiiies necessary to purcliase or ion(leirin tlie subjcct land at a ftittire dat(,, rather thaii i-eceive it tlirotigli todicatioii, the appriised valtic of tlie l@iiid is ijiclicatecl to bo $7,SOO. It -s iioted that wliile tliis establislies tlie, v@iltio, of the land, City CoLincil has not appropriated funds for its purch@i,,,e,. 1TEM #3877 Oii motion by Couiicilman Erviii, secoiideci ])y t:otinciliiian Malbon, and by recorde(I vote as follows: Ayes: CouiicilEieji Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)ci@t B. Crom@,:ell, Jr., F. id Ervin, George R. Forrell, Clarenco A. llollajtd, D. @lurrav \Ialbon, J. ti-s Paviie, Vice Nlayor Farl M. Tebatilt, Floycl E. Waterfield, Jr., and @la%@ Donald [I. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: CoLincilman Frajik A. Dusch. City Council authorized the City i\,Ianager, @li,. Roger Scott, to sigil a colitr'act with IViley & Wi.lson of 2310 l,an-horiie Ro,,id, l,yiichbur@, Virginia for tlie plil,- pose of providing a "Comprelionsive ll,ater an,l Set@er Study for the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia" as descrit)ed iii a pi,oposal letter from l@iley @ Ililson dated Septeiiiber 24, 1971. On ii,,oti on by CoLiiicill@,L,-l i@,,qte l-f i el d , -,;cc-c, Iicic I iy cou]lc ilr,]all F,rreII, an d I)y recorded vote as folloivs: Ayes: Council men Robor t It. (@,aIIis, Jr. , F@ el,c,),t B. Croill)@el l , Jr. , F. Roid Ervi ii ,George R. Ferre 11 , Clireiice ,@. 110 I I l Tid , 1). Nlu rrty @l@i I boii , J. Curt is Payne, Vice inlayor Earl @"i. I'C']),'IUI t , F] OY(I F . IV@it(@rf ielj , Jr. , and @.I,,iyor Dojialci If. Rhodes. Nays: Noiie @I)seiit Councilman Friii], A. Duscli. Cilv Coujicil apl)rovod iii il)plicatioii to jilove @t oiic@ story frallic structtil'o. 2, 321 froin 1708 li@titic Ax,cntic, Virl,"illi@i to l I)arcel of -1 oji Iiid@aii River Ro@id notr Plingo. ill,E@l On i.-iotion by Counci.linan tioll@iid, secc)nclecl b@, C:otliicilinan CrO@TIWCII.l ancl by recorded vote as folloi,,s: Aycs: Cotiricil.i@ien Rol)ort 11. Callis, lr., IZol)c.,it B. Cromivell, Jr., F. Reid Erviii, George 1)1. Ferre].], Cl@irciice A. tiolli,id, 1). Mtiri@iy NItlboii, J. Ctirtis Payno, Vice @lztyor Earl @,l. Tobiult, Floycl l@. Wzitoi-fielcl, Jr., and @layor Donald 11. lzhodes. Nays: Noiie Abseiit: Councilman Frank A. [)Iiscli. City Couiicil noted its intention to holcl a (-Iose(I inectilig oil @loiiday, Novernbor 1, 1971, for tlie plirpose of iteiiis pormitted for disctissioji 111(ler the Freedoin of Infoi,iii@itioii Act of ilie Coiiipioli@.,Caltll of Virgillia. ITEM #38,@@) On nioti,on by Counciln,,an Feri@ell, secondod b@, C:otincilili,,iii Holl.aild, City Couiicil adjourned into l@xeclitive Sessi@011. k- D@ii,@-iT- ri-. iz Fo l@c-s @C y@i----- City of Virginia Beacli, Virginia October 26, 1971