HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 1, 1971 MINUTES OF Tfll," HONORABI,@t: CTTY COLJNCII, OF THI@ CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACII, ','IIZGII41A November 1, 1971 regular iiieeting of the City Council of the, City of Virginia Beach, Virginia hold in the Council Cliambers of the Adiiiini-,;tr@ition Buildill,, in the Borolig@ of Princess Aniie, on Monday, November 1, 1971, at 10:00 a.in. The iiivocation was given by Revorend Fletclier C. Hutcheson, Baysidc Presbyterian Churcla, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Councilmen present: Robert @l. Callis, Jr., Robc,,rt B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Mtirray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl il. Tebault, Floyd E. llaterfield, Jr., and @lavor Donald H. Rhodos. Couiicilinan absent: Fran@- A. I)uscli. lTDI #3881 On motion by Councilman Crorii,:ell, seconded b\, Couiicilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as folloivs: Ayes: Councilmen Robert It. Callis, Jr., Rol)(@rt B. Croi,,iwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ilollaii(l, D. @,lurray ilalboii, J. Curti-1; Payne, Vice Nlavor Earl N!. Tebatilt, Floyd l@l, @l,aterfic,,Id, Jr., and @4ayor nald Ii. Rhodes. -ys: None Absent: Couiicilman Frajik A. Dusch. Of the $7S,000 forivardod by the federal governriient to tlie City of Virginia Beach and the Erosion Comfliission for their stiare of the cost of beach nouTishment, City Council approved on second reading an appropriatioii in the amount of $25,000 to tho Erosion Coiiimission to cover their current expenses and certain emergencies that might arise later during the year. ITEM #3882 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded b) Councilman Nlalbon, and by recorded vote as folloiqs: Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Rol,ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ilollaild, D. @lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd F,. l@aterfield, Jr., and llayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None .bsent: Councilman Franl-, A. Dusch. City Council approved on second reading a t,-ansfer of $lSO,000 for fire hydrants services chargos froni Code 9022-22@ to Cocle 9026-222. ITEM #3883 On motion by Councilman @,lalboli, seconded by 71incililian l@errell, and by recorded vote as follo@,rs: Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., RoL;it B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. flollai,d, D. @lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr., and @layor :)nald H. Rhodes. -tys: None Absent: Councilman Fran@ A. Dusch. City Council approved on secoiid reading all @ippr,,,)ria',()il of $4,960 in accordance with the request of @Ir. Sain Clay, Director of the Department of Public Libraries, for ii,:o additional Libr@iry Assistant I's for Windsor l@oods Library and Kempsville Library. ITEM @f3884 On motion by Councilman I%raterfield, seconded by Vice Mayor Tebault, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert Fl. Callis, Ji-., Robert B. Croiiiwoll, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, Georgo R. Ferrell, Clarence A. flollaii,,I, D. @Nlurray @falbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl i\f. TobaLilt, Floyd 1'. "I"aterfield, Ji,., and. Mayor I)onald 11. Rhodes. Nays: None -@l,sent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. ty Council amended the ilinutes of tlie Spec al Nleeting of October 1.0, 1971 i)y the additioii of Item #3848 (b). ITE@l #388,@ On motioii by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilman Robert [i. Callis, Jr., Robcr B. Crorp.@.,,Il, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Nlurl Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. t%aterfj.el(: and Mayor Doiiald 11. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council adopted the folloi@ing Resolution indicating their support of the efforts being made to educate against and conibat drug ab use and fully indicated their iiitention to pursue obtainiiig any fuiids available for the construction of an inpatient drug facility in the City of Virginia Beach. R E S 0 I,.-U T 't 0 N- W]JEREAS, the Council of tlie City of Virginia Beach is gtavely concerncd witl-, the, prolifet-ation of drug ablise among the younger citizeii-,;, not ojily witlii.ii our City, but also witllin the Commoniqealth of Virginia aild tlie, @,itioll, and WHEREAS, tlie Council of tlic City of Virginia Beach is fully aware of tlie inci@ease of criiiiinil acts dii@ectly associated witli drtig abuse within our City, tlie loflinioiii@c@ilth of Virginia aiid the Nation, NOW, THF,,REI:Ol@l:, thi.s Couiicil (loc.-, resolve to take aiiy and all steps available to it to r(,solve t',Iesc problems for the sake of the liealth an(I 1/2@elfare of ti)e City, of tlie CojiiDioilwealtfl, aild of tlie Nation. #3886 Application of Sam B. Arclibell fov, a Chan@n. of Zonin-9- from Oiie Familly Residence District (R-1) to General Busincss District (B@2T a@id -a- U-se--P-or@nit to opc-,rate a mari@ia and assoc- iated enterprises on cei-tain propc,,rty locatc@:1 On--Cii@u@tit@iest' corner of t4inston Avenue arid Arctic Avetitie, running a distance of 55 feet along the South side of @,lintoil Salem Avenue, running a distatice of 210 fect alotig t@le South side of Arctic Avenuc.,, running a distance of 55 feet along t@ie Sout@iE-,i-n property line aiid runiling a distance of 210 feet along tlie I.-lestern property lin,. Said proderty is kno@in as Lots 1 and 2, Block 18, Plat of Shore Acres . (Rudee Inlet Area). VIRGINIA BC'ACH BOROUGH. The Planning Conmission recon@pends approval of this application subject to City vi,,ter and sevier and conipliance vjith Statf-I flealtii D(,partn@r-@nt Marina La,,,i. Mr. Sam B. Archbell appeared on belialf of his own application and agreed to the two iveok deferral. The application was previously deferred for six weeks pending receipt of the appraisal of the property which the City owii-@ in the Rtidee Inlet area. I'he appraisal has not yet been received and is expected to conie within a week; therefore, on motioii by Counciliiiaii Cillis , -,;econded by Councilman @ialbon, and by recorded vote as follc)i@s: @yes: Councilmen Robel-t H. Callis ' Jr., Robert B. Crojiii,,ell, Jr., F. Reid @rvin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Ilolland, D. Murray ftalbon, J. Curti.s I Payne, Vice Mayor Earl i@l. Tebault, Floyd i:. t@atel-field, Jr., and @'layor Donald If. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Fraiik A. Dusch. City Council deferred for two weeks the above application of Sam B. Archbell for a Change of ZoninF from One Family Residcjice Disti-ict (R-1) to Geiieral Busine s@Dfstl-lcf-@L:-2-) aiid a Use-Per,@@iit to opc,,rate a riarina and associated enterprises on certain pro,,)--rty locitecl ii t,@c Sou-Llii@est corner of @@instoll Salent Avenue and Ai-ctic (Rtidee IiiieL Vii-oinia Beacli Borouch. i'i L, @ ii i @ i On rlotior, by CoLiiaciln'llI Croli@t@ell, sccon,!ed b,, @otiii(-,ilirlan lioll I recorO,ed vote a-,; f( : @ iicl , and by Ayes Councilrien Robert 11. Callis , Jr. , I,,:)I)ert Croilli@ell , Jr. l-, . Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell , (,Iareiice A. floll iiid @Nlui@r@iy @Ialt)on , J. Curtis Payne , Vice @layor Earl @l. Tcbaltlt, Floy(I @'. l,",,itc@ifield, Jr. , and @l@tyor Donald ii. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Couiicilmaii Fraiik A. Duscli. City Council approved oji first readiiig @is ;tllicjideci the followir)g Ordiiiaiice to ameii(I @iiid i-cordaiii Ordiiiincc 335 of tlie Ci-y (@ocle relative to the illipositioll of lic,,nse tax coiiccrning motor vehic]C.'S. AN 07@@INAliCE TO A'.@,7E!I) OR@)II,@7CE 335 U@' Tli-@: VJI@CINIA BEACII Cl'-FIY CCD,--,, AL@OPTED 'IAY l@71, RELA'['IVE TO TFI.V- O@' LICT-,INSE 'fAX BE IT ORI)AINED 3',' TITE COUNCIT OF TI'E CT'FY OF VIPGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That Section 22-63 of tlte Cocle Of tile City of Virgirlia Beacii is hereby amended and reordained to reac as follo@is: Section 22-63. Ttiorc, is herel)y iripoqed l license of ten do]-lars per year for each liceiise year as provided in LI)is article upon every person owning a motor vehicl.e designc,,@ atici usecl for tl,e transportation of passengers, wliich sh@ill inclucle every v(,hicle which is se.If-propclled or designed for self-propillsion, re@t-ilarly l@e-pt in the city and upon the public road@,7@iys of the city, e,,,Cept as here'@ii otherwise specifically provi@ieri. No license fee shall be requi-red of any person for any vehicle not required. to obtain an annuil re@istration cert@@ficate and license by Code of Virginia, sectioi 46.1-45 et seq., or any vehicle specifi- cal-ly exeLnpt by Code of Virginia, sectiol 1,@6.1--66. on and after January 1, 10@67, tlie license tax for motorcycles shall be three dollars per year for each 1-icense year as pro-,7ided in this article. There is hereby iniposed a license tix to be paid by owners of all motor vehicles, trai-lers and semitra@lers not designed and used for the transportation of passengers. Tliis tax sht]-l be deter.,.Iinecl by the gross i,7eight of the vehicle or COTTIbination of vehicl-es of wliich it is a part, @glien loaded to the miximum capacity for which it is registered and licensed, according to tlie ,,chedule herein set forth. For each thousaid pounds of gros@@ %7eiE',ht for @.7hic'ti any such veliicle i,-, registered and ii,ensed there shall- be paid to the cit), treasurer the tay. indicitel iri tl,.c, Iloilo,-in. schedli].O iiTL-.-iediately xqhich such vehicle or any cori'Dinatioil (,f 7ellicles of which it is a part falls @71-ion loaded to the maxirui@i ca,,),,icity for x,,,hich it is regis- tered and licensed.. In no event sliall the liceilse reqtiired under this paragraph be less than $1-0.00. Potinds Fee Pouiids Fee 10,000 or less - $ 3, C-, . C) 34)000 - 34,Pc@c@ - $ 44.20 10@001 - 10,9co - 13.00 35,000 - 35,999 - 45.',,) 1-1,000 - ]@l, 9clg - 1.4. 30 36,000 - 36,9c,@Q - 4 6 . @',11) 12@000 - 12,999 - 15.60 37,000 - 37,00@q - 43.10 13,000 - 13,999 - 10.@o 331000 - - 49.40 14,000 - 14,0@99 - 13.20 3@,1000 - 31,,9(,',@ - 50.70 15@000 - 15,999 - 10.50 40)000 - 40,999 - 52.00 00 0 - 16,000 - 16,9c,9 - 2O.PiO 41) (')00 - 411@-11 53.30 () c,, C)- 17,000 - 17,q99 - 22.10 42)000 - 423,-@ 54.60 C)O,g - 23.40 43,000 - 43,99@', - 55.')O 181000 - 18)1- - 19,000 - 19,999 - 24.70 44,000 - 41@,Olc,O - 57.20 20,000 - 20,9@;Q - 26.00 /@5,000 - 1,5,c,')9 - 58.50 g, - 21,000 - 21,Olq9 - 27.30 46)000 - 46) 59.80 22)000 - 22,990, - 28.60 1,7,000 - 47,00,01 - 61.10 23,000 - 23,900@ - 2(@'.QO 43,000 - 43,@@@e, - 62.40 24,000 - 24,e,99 - 31.20 119,000 - 4-(l, 9@,c@, - 63.70 25,000 - 25,999 - 32.50 50,000 - 50,@O@O - 65.00 26,000 - 26,99q - 33.80 51-,OOO - 51,99@ - 66.30 27@000 - 27,990, - 35.10 52,000 - 52,@c@ol - 67.60 20U,000 - 28,0@09 - 36.40 53,000 - 53,010@c - 63.@C 2el),OOO - 29,999 37.70 54,000 - 54,@90, - 7( ?O 30,000 - 30,990, - 3c,.OO 55,000 - 55,990 - 71.50 31,000 - 31,999 - 40.30 563000 - 56,300 - 72.80 32,000 - 32,999 - 41.60 56,801 and over - 75.00 33,000 - 33,9',)C@ - 42.@O The provisions of ttii-s section sl)all. not be construed to apply to any motor vehicle or trailer or ce-@')7iiati-ons thereof exemot froni licensing under gen(@ral This ordinance will be effective o:i ancl after January 1, 1072. First Read.ing: November 1, 1971 Second Reading: Adopted by the Council of the City of Vir,@inia ',3each, Virt, on tlie day of Ic.71. ll'E@l #38SS On motion by Councilman Forrell, secolided by louiicilman Ifolland, and by recorded voto as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)c,,rt B. Crom@vell, Jr., F. Reid Ervi.n, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, D. @ltirray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Ma),or Earl @l. Tet)ault, Floyd f7. IV@iterficld, Jr., and Mayor Donald 1. Rhodes. lays: None Absent: Councilmaii Frank A. Duscli. City Couiicil approved oii first readin@ tlie folloivin@ ordinance to establish tax on certaiii trailea's; AN ORI)IN-Al,',CE TO ESTY@!@l,.FSTI TA,@ ON CED,TAIII T@'@ILERS BE !T ORDAII\'E-') -ily THE COUNCII, 01,' @'HE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the annual- license tax o!-l ,i one-wheel or t,,%7o-i,7heel trail.er of a cradle, flat bed or opoil pickup type @,71lich has a body width not greater than the @@7i-dtli of thc,, motor vehicle to which it is attached at aiiy titne of c,peralion, ,7hich is pulled. or towed by a passen,,er car or statioi-i wagon, or a pi.ckup or panel truck haviiig an actual gross v(,hicle weight no'L- exceed- ing five thousand pounds, and which is usecl. for carrying property not exceeding one thousand pounds it any one time, stial-1 be three dollars ind fifty cents. Nothing in this section shal-I be constrtied as applyillg to the fees for trailers or semitrailers designed for use as living quarters for human beings or to those trailers or serii- trailers operated under lease or rcntal agreertieiit or operated for compensation. This Ordinance shall be effective on and aftc-@r January 1, 1,972. First Reading: Noveniber 1, 19"i Second Reading: Adopted. by thc, Council- of tlie Cit,7 of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the day of l@71. On MC)tion by Vice @layor @lebault, seconcled Ly Co,-incilrian Payne, aiid by i-ecordecl vote as folloi@s: Ayes: CoUncili,,ien Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Rol,)ei-t B. Croi,@well, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, Goorgo R. Ferrell, Clareiico A. floilaiid, 1). Murrav @ialboji, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @la>,or Earl @Nt. Tel)ault, Floyd E. l@@tterfield,'Jr., and Nlayor Doiiald H. Rhodes. Nays: None kbsent: Councilman Fraiik A. Dusch. COLI]ICil ap roved tlie folloirijig appliczitioiis for tax refuncls in the anio(iiit Coift@35.28, a nd @53.60, a totzil arnotint of $88.88. 70. l@Ir. Dile I'll-iiisoii Cit), Attc):7ney Oct. 21, 1971 FPDII: fir. V. A. EL]iericirc, 1're:irure-r 'JECT: Apl,licatioti for Tax for of to,_al fo 35.28 cerulfied for payi,lent, aS Set forlti belo@@q -i,urer A. Etherid@c!. Tre. Tax Xype Name .Ticket t Paid Year c)f Ta@ Nuriber No. illis Phillips 1970 RE 37933 1/2 452 11/4/70. 15.75 idney Carrol 1971 PP 9652 5252 5/25 6.00 r @it, Duman T.& i ail M. % t -Lacitic Per,,--imen avings & Lo,-). l@971 RE -549C)l 1/2 621. 6/1,0/ 3-3. 53 -)VC 4PDIfC.It-i@@ir CITY OF V17 cm, VENr)C)R'E@ i7i%,C)!C',--@ VIA @C@- T: C Ti( I 01 I@r T IC@ I iT T-) o, I'll, V-.011 .1l.UL. N.T 11,111: @ll VI I T@T@L (1-11 Ul@, OF Al'@'111)"IIIG A@1-y' ATI IA .U..@T @-ISSIFlIA71.11 Ili l@l@z 'i C@L TO 71 [@IP:CTO' C@ fl.NAN-E: PU@. T'- .1@'ll " .1 1. "'E I -"T F I, ',!'IT TI@' @-.1 .@ '-'Vllll A'4@ T@'ll "I'@ 1.@ IAYI@"IT. TC) t!Y 1,NO'.VL FDGF, NO OFFICER OR FTIPLOYEF (OR ti[7, /,G[-Nl ) C)F TTIL CITY OF VIRGINIA BF.ACFI HA- IOTAL V.U@IIE@ AN@' MC)NE @ARY ltill-F),Es-f (EITHER D;F?ECTLY 0,@ ]ND F@ CTI-Y). EXC @'T AS DISCLOSE-C). AND AU- A-1- A,. A,-.v,@ l@@ PAY.L@T; I[ICIZ17E-D. IN 'FRANSACFION WHICII IS C@ER- TIFI L, FC)E? YA)'NILNI. DIRICTO@,@ OF FIN,@tl@E Il'h@l #38')O On riotion by Counci.linan I',ate i@f i,el d , se cciidel by Coti iici liiiaii Payne , aiid by recorded vote as follows: Ayos: Councilnien Rober t It. Cal. Iis , Jr. , IZOl)cl't B. Cromi,-e'.1 , Jr . , F. Roid Ervin, George R. Fcri-clJ , Cla rence A. f fo] la iid , f). i@ltiri@ay i@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice illayor Earl Nt. TobaLilt, f@loy(I E. l@aterfield, Jr., and inlayor Donal(I H. Rhodes. lays: None Absent: Councilmin Frank A. Duscli. City COLincil approved on first readili@, @is :tj@eiided, tlie fol.lowing Ordinincc, to atqeiid and reordaiii Sectjoii 17-22.1 of tlie City Code pertainina to reflise or garbage disposal. AN O',"-)TlqAT@CE TO AIT,-,) Rl,'Olzi)AIN I I SECTIOP 17-22.1 OF TtlE C('!)E OF Tlll-', CITY OF VIRGINTA 31,'ACII BE IT OR-DAINED P,Y THE COUNCT), OF Tllf,' CITY OF VIPIGINIA BFIACH, VIRGINIA: Any firin, corporation or individual dc,siring to deposit garbage or refuse at any city O@isposal area slitl,l pav the followin@ f(-es for sucti disposal: (1) Whenever rcfilse or garbage ir 'DroLiht to aiiy city cli-spos.11 area by persons other than resideilt,,3 @.7itli rofuse frorii ttieir o@@7n personal premises, a fee oL@ $3.12 per toii, or a mininium fee of $1-.00, shall be charged for tlie service. (2) Whenever rel@use brougit by any perso@. to a city disposal area is of such a voltii@ic or ch.aracter as to cai-ise ui@cltic expense to the City, the Re-Luse I)i@-sposal Superilitet-idcrit sliall ;@fuse to accept the saqie u-@iless such persori shall agree to pay a service ctiarge bas(?d upon tlie cost of haridling aiid rjisposing o:E such refuse. (3) 9 ecii] Fec@s: (a) Tire cut-lina: $.35 per tire. (4) The Director of Community Services, in conjumtion with the Director of Finance, shall provide such scales and collection procedures as they may determine to be necessary to ensure the efficien-t collection of the fees hereby iinposed; provided further, that the Director of Community Services sliall have the authority to establish categories of waste that are unacceptable for discharge. (5) Hours of operation: 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., Monday through Saturday. City disposal areas shall be closed on legal holidays. 1st Reading: November 1, 1971 2nd Readin@.: Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach on the day of 1971. ITEM #3891 On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded I)y Councilnian Malbon, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holl@ijid, D. Murrav Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl i\l. Tebault, Floyd E. Viaterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved, as amended, the following Ordinance appointing Viewers relative to closing an unnamed street as sli@)wn on a plat of Subdivision of Larkspur, Section S, in the Borough of Kc!jiip,;ville. ORDINANCE APPOINTING VIEWERS WHEREAS, Gerald J. Sazio and Dorothy B. Sazio, by counsel, have given due and proper notice, in accordance with the statutes for such cases made and provided, that it would on this day apply to the City Council of the City of Virginia Eeach, Virginia, for the appointment of Viewers to view the below descrited property and report in writing to the Council whether, in the opinion of said Viewers, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from the discontinuing of the hereinafter described portion of ubnamed@Street in the Xempsville Borough of the City of Virginia Leach, Virginia, and have filed such application with the said Council. NOW, THEREFORE, BE I@' OPDAINED L@' THE COUNCIL OF T]iE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That, C. C. Carrington, W. W. Fleming, Jr., and G. L. Hanburv are herely appointed to view the Lelow descrihed property and report in writing to the Council on or before December 6, 1.971@ whether in their opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from the discontinuing, closing and vacating of that celrtain portion of an unnamed street adjacent to Lot 1, Section 5, Larkspur in the Lorough of Kempsville, City of Vir@.inia beach, Virginia, and descrited as follows: All that certain portion of a street located in the City of Vir@inia I 'each, Virginia, and teing and lying adjacent to and to the west of Lot 1 as shown on the plat entitled "Suldivision of Larkspur, Section 5,11 which plat is duly recorded in @lap l@ook 59 at page 40, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of tlie City of Vir-inia Beach, Vir@inia an(i the portioii oE saici street more particu- larly described as follows: beginning at the point located in the northwest corner of said Lot I at its intersecti.on with the easternmost line of the said street, thence riinnii)@ in a westerly direction and as an extension o@@ and i-ii ttic sginc line with tlie rear lot line of saict lot 50.lE feet to a point; thence runniiig in a southerly direction parallel with the western lot line of said lot 125.45 feet to a point; thence running in an easterly direction and parallel with the rear lot line of said lot 50.18 feet to a point; thence running in a northerly direction along the west lot line of said lot 125.45 feet to.the point of beginning. Said portion .of the street is rectangular in shape and measures 50.18 feet x 125.45 feet. 1TEM #3892 On motion by councilman Cromwell, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cro-ell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Hollaiid, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None @bsent: councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved the following Ordinance to amend and reordain Section 10-3 of the City Code relative to the nuiiiber of substitute judges of the Municipal Court and the Juvenile @ind I)omc,,stic lZelatiOns Court. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDliNANCE TO AMEND AND RE- ORDAIN SECTION 10-3 OF TME CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH CODE RELATIVE TO THE NUMBER OF SUBSTITUTE JUDGES OF THE MUNICIPAL COURT AND THE JUVENILE AND DOMESTIC RELATIONS COURT BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That, Section 10-3 is hereby amended as follows: There shall be one associate and not more than two substitute judges of the Municipal court and one associate and not more than two substitute judges of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court in the City. The associate judge of each Court shall serve at such time or times and perform such duties as may be designated by the judge and, while serving, shall be subject to the same obligations, perform the same duties and have the same power and authority as the judge. The substitute judges of each Court shall serve at such times and shall have such judicial powers as are conferred by general laws. The judge or associate judge of the Municipal Court may serve as a substitute judge for the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court without per them compensation. The judge or associate judge of ttie Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court may serve as a substitute judge of the @lunicipal Court without per them compensation. The substitute judges of the Muni-cipal Court may serve as substitute judges of the Juvenile and Domestic Relattons Court with per them compensa- tion for such service. The substitute judges of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court may serve as substitute judges of the Mun[cipal Court with per them compensation for such service. An emergency is declared to exist an(i this Ordinance shall be effective from date of adoption. Adopted by the Council of the City of Vir@,-inia Beach on the 1st day of November -'@971. On iiiotioii by Councili@.iLtii lrvill, sc,,conOf2@l b), Co-,iilcilillaii llall)oll, aiid by i,ecoi,decl vote as follows: Ayes: CouncilTqen Robcrt 11. Callis, Jr., Rcbert B. CropiiTell, Jr., F. l@eid Ervin, Coorge R. Ferrell, Cl@irejice A. 11. Nttirra), @l@ilbori, J. Curtis Pa yjie , Vice Nlayor Eqrl il. 1'el)ault, Flo),C, 1'. t@@@iterfiold, Ji@., and @ll),or Doiiald 11. Rhodes. @a),s : None .kbseiit Councilnian Frank A. Diiscli. City Couiicil grante-d periiiission to l@@rancc)is A. deforas to illove a onc story brick and frarqo resideiice, 381 x 40', froii) 16S6 LaskiTi lzoa(l, Lynnha@,en Borotigh, to Lot 17, S. Adventure Nottiiig]iLiiii 1"st@itcs, Lyiinhaven Borough. Estini@tted value after rnove and reiio,,ratioiis $25,00o. City water and septic tank @ire apl,roved for this site. ITI-IM #3894 On motioii by Cotincilpiai) Payiic,, seconde(i I)y Cottncilman floll@ijid, and by recorded vote as folloivs: Ayes: Councilmen Robcrt 11. Callis ' Jr., Rot)c,,i@t B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarenco A. flollaii(i, 1). @-ILirray Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payiie , Vice Mayor Earl @t. Tel)ault , Floyd L . IV@iterf i eld, Jr. , ancl Nlayor Donald @l. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Fralik A. Duscli. City Council approved Statc l,oc-,il Hospitali-atioii contracts for the fiscal year 1971-72 witli tlie follo@@ing hospitals: 1 9 7 0 - 7 1 DePaul flospital Daily rate $69.94 --n. 2 Norfolk General Hospital Daily rate 68.29 S8.82 General flospital of Va. Beacil Daily rate 53.78 51.43 King's Daughters Hospital Daily rate 69.94 58.82 Norfolk Coimiiunity lfosl)itil Daily rate 4 S . 8 6 3 8 . 3 1 Portsnioutli General flospitzil Daily rato S3.13 4 9 . 6 2 Leigh Meriorial Hospital Daily rate 59.94 SO.25 Medical College of Virginia Daily rate 66.48 S8.82 University of Virginia klospital Daily rate 66.48 S8.82 I I'l; @l # 3 8 9 5 On motion by Councilmaii liollaiid, secoiideci b Councilman Croiiwell, and by recorded vote as folloi,;s: Ayes: Councilmen Robert If. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell., Clarence A. flollaiid, D. Murray \Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl t@l. Tobault, Floyd E. ;@atcrfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. Rhodes. qays: None Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council appointed @Ir. H oward Fagle@to replace Mr. Pete Anderson on the Tideivater Regional @lealth Planning Comin'issi(@n (teriti of office-three (3) years). ITEM #3896 Council3nan Holland reqtzestcd the City Nlana@(,r, @ifr. Scott, to obtain specifica- tioias for a health progrziig foi@ tlie cit@, ei.)Ip-o%-ees aiid to present the,@i at his eai-liest convenience to City Council. ITEtl #38@)7 C)ii motioji by Councilpiall I'@lyiic, secolided 1)), Coillicilmaii Ferrell, and by i,ecorcl ecl vote as folloiqs: Ayes: COLincilmon Robel-t 11. Callis, Jr., kc-bort B. Croiiiwell, Jr., F. ]Zcid l@rviii, Georgc R. l@errell , Cl@ii,ciicc,, A. floll@tncl, D. @itil,ray @falboli, J. Curti.-, Payne, Vice @layor Earl NI. 'f'ebatilt, 1-@loy(I I:. W@lt@erfie.1d, Jr., and @la)@or Donald 11. Rliodes. Nays: Nojie Absent: Councilman A. Dusch. Cit), Couiicil noted its intentioii to hold a close(I riecting on Moiiday, Noieilibe)@ 8, 1971, for the piirpose of clisctissiiig itel@l@ I)otj,iitted for di-,;cussion under tlio Free.dom of Information Act of tlie Comrioji@@c@iltli of Virgini@t. ITEM #3898 Oii motion by Councilmall l,errell, secoilcic,(l b,, Councili,lan lvaterfield, tlie mectilig adjourned. e -@o r] a fi-o'cT-e@,--,,' a y@o City.of Virginia Beach, Virgi.nia November 1, 1971