HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 8, 1971 MINUTES OF Tlll, [IONOPAIII,L CITY COIJNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACii, VIRGINIA Novcmber 8, 1971 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia was held in the Council Chambers in tlie Adiiiinistration Building, in the Borough of Princess Anne, on Nlonday, Noveinber 8, 1971, at 10:00 a.m. The invocation was given by Reverend Leonarl R. Graves, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Councilmen present: Robert fi. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray @ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault, Flovd E. I'@aterfiel(l, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes. Councilman absent: Frank A. Dusch. ITE@l #3899 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconcled b,, Councilman Malbon, and by recorded vote as folloivs: .yes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., IZol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Yvin, Georae R. Ferrell, CILrence A. Flolliiid, D. Murrav ',,Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, @'ice Mayor harl iNt. I'cbault, Floyd l@. IV@iterfielcl, Jr. , and Nlayor Donald 11. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Franl-, A. Dusch. Ci.ty Coiincil approved the arnencled minute-,; o@- the Regular @,leetijig of Octobel- @6, 1971 an(I tlie reading of said Nliiiutes dispeii,@ecl witli inasmucli as eacli Councili@iaii had a copy of the subject @linutos befoi-e hill. ITEM #3900 On motion bv Councilman @ialbon, seconded I)v Counciliiiaii Ilaterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilinen Robert 11. Call i,s, Jr. , l@ol)ei't 13. Croiliiicil , Jr. F. Reid l@rvi ii, George R. Ferrell, Cl.arejic A. flollaiici, 1). @%ltirrav @4all)on, J. Curtis P@lyjle, Vice @layor I arl Nt. 'i@cL),,Iult, l@'loyd I:. l@@itei,fiel(l, Jr., and I'lavor I)on@ild It. lzhodes . ays: None ,,b., c ii t Counciliiian l@r@iiik A. F)tisch. Cit)' CoLincil @ipproved tlie iniiitites of tlie Re@@ul@ir 'leetin@ of Novelilber 1, 1971, @iiicl tlio roacliiig of said @Iiii@ites (lisl)cnsel i, tli ini-,;ii@icli zis each Cotiiicilm,,ill li@icl zi col@y of tlie suliject @tilitites I)Cforc Iii] . ITEM #3901 Application of Lucille B. Potter, et als by t4. Shepard Drewry, Attorney, for.6 Use Permit to operate a oasoline supply station oti certain property located at the Northea t@corner of Laskin Road and First Colotiial Road, running a distalice of 179 feet along tlie t@orth side of Laskin Road, running a distance of 170 feet along the East side of First Colonial Road, running a distaiice of 180 feet along the @loi,thern property line and running a distance of 160 fect along the Eastern property line. (Hilltop Area). LYNIIHAVEti BOROUGII. The Planning Commission reconimends approval of this application subject to a 15-foot dedication of right of way along the 170 foot more or less frontage on First Colonial Road requested by the Real Estate Division of the Departiiient of Cbmmunity Services. The HLalth Department requests City water and -@e1/2,jer. On mot@ion by Councilman Lrvin, secondod by COLincilman Malbon, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. lfolland, 1). @turray M@ilbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and "layor Donald Ii. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved tlie, above application of l,ucille B. Potter, et als, for a Use Permit to operate a gasoline supplv station on certain property located at the Northeast corner of 1,@iskin Road and [@-irst Coloni@il Road, (Hilltop Area), Lynnhaven Borough, subject to a 15-foot dedic;ttion of right of way along the 170 foot more or less froiitage on First Colonial IZoad requested by the Real :state Division of the Department of Communitv Services, and further subject :o City water and sewer as requested bv the fl@,altli Del)artment. ITEM #3902 Application of Trustees of odock Church by William F. Burnside, Attorney, for a Use Pemit for a church, relioious (@dL,,cation and rehabilitation center on certain Fr6-p-cr-t-y-b-eginning at a point 2200 feet more or less Southeast of the intprsection of Py-incess Anne Road and Pocahoiitas Club Po@id anci 125'-) ftet East of Pocahontas Club Road, runninq a distance of 778 fcet aloin, liestern oroperty line, running a distance of 1292 feet along the flortliern r)rO,,crty line, rLinnin(I a distince Of 1 .6 1398 fect along the Eastern Droperty linfl. o@ i,@@icii 1187 feet is the tlestern ank of Back Bay and runninp a distance of 2382 feet along the Southern property line. (tlorse Point Area). PUI]r,,o rOROLI',H. The Planning Cormission recoi7riends a!)proval of th(,, cliurch and reliqious education activities in connectioii i@iith the adplication. TI,? rio@lion furtlier stated that after a period of one year, the applicant ,qc,uld resul)mit a use nermit at)r)lication for the reliabilitation center. Sliould flirtl,er coristruction in connection iiith tliis application be required, it @-las suqgested that sit@, plan ar)proval t@irOLIgh the Planning Department be secured as the major por+.ion of the prooerty is in the flood plain. Mr. Bill Burnside, reprosenting tlie applic,,iiit, appearod before City Council requesting tliat tlie above applic@ition be witliclrawii. Mr. Bridges, representing thc ol)position to the above appl.ication, stated no objection to the application being withdrakli. 0 On motion by Councilman Waterfield, secoiided t)y Vice @4ayor Tebault, and by recorded vote as follolvs: ,yes: Councilmen Robert 11. (@allis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid :rvin, George R. Ferrell, Claronce A. lioll,4nd, D. @lurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl il. Tebault, Floyd E. @Vaterfield, Jr., and Mavor Donald Ii. Rhodes. Nays: Noiie Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Council approved the withdrawal of thc above application of Trustees of Rock Church by William l@. BLirnside, Attoriiey, for a Use Permit for a church, religious education and rchal)ilitation center on cer ain property begi.nnin-. at a point 2200 feet more or less Southeast of the intersection of Princess Anne Road and Ilocahontas Club Road and I-'S2 feet East of Pocahontas Club Road, Morse Point Area, Pungo liorough. ITEM 93903 Application of Seneca CaT@lt,)SiteS, Inc., by Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney, for a @Jse Permlt for 306 car,,i,)sites on cr@rtain nror)ert,v Leoinnin(i at a point 3300 feet more or T-@s-S6u-tF of Litclifield Poad, no@i ilocahontas Club @,oad, iind running a distance of 16?0 fect niore or less along the ',lest si(le, of Princess Pnnp T),oad, runninq a distance of 3175 fc,,(,.t along the Soutliern Property line and runninq a distance of 1650 feet t@lore or less along the l@lestern proderty lit)(, and runiiing a distaiicc@ of 1425 feet niore or less alona the Northern properiy line. PUINIGO BOROUG11 The Plannin(i Comission r(,.cor,,riends approval of this tise nerrqit application for 306 cainpsites with the stioulation that the pronert-v cannot i,)e used for p,@.rmanent trailers or camdsites. Approva@ k%!as further stlhject to a dedication of riqht of ejay 40 feet from tke center line of the initial 50-foot ri,lht of @-iay alonq the 162,')-foot more or less frontage on Princess t@nne Road as renluf,st,(@d !)y thk,- qeal EstatL, Division, P,@,part- ment of Community Services. The D(.,partr,-iLnt of Ccl@Tiunity Sc,,rvices also requests lmprovei,.lents on Princess ;,,nne Road. Tlie fic-alt!i i)eparti-ient requests coml)liance t,4ith Sta-L-e overniglit camp la,,.,F,. Mr. Thomas Broylcs, Attoi,iiey, appeared ofi I)cl)@ilF of tlie applicant. on motion by Councilman IV@itei,field, secoii(ic,ci I)y Vice @layor Tebault, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rel@ort B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, (:I@irence A. lioll@iiid, 1). "lurray @ialbon, J. Curtis Payiic,, Vice @layor Earl i@l. 'febault, aiicl I:Io@d ]@. W,,Itorfield, Jr. Nays: Mayor Doiiald 11. ]Zliodcs. AI)seiit Couiicilmaii 1,@raiik A. Dusch. -it), Couiicil approved tlic, abovo ipplicatic)i of Sciieca Campsites, Inc., I)y I'lioiii@is C. Broylos , Attoriicv , for @i Use i t for 306 campsi tos on certii n prol)crt,,, I)e,,iiiiiing at ,,] I)oint 3300 foet iiioic@ @)r less Sotitli of l,itchfic,,](l Road, noill I)ocalioTit@i,; Cltil) Rotcl, Filli@@o -@Llt)jCCt to the stil)tllation t])@it tl@o I)roperty c@ilillot I)C tise(I For pei'lli@ll@ lit, tr@tilers or ciml)sites, stlbject to ,j doclic@itioii of ri@llit of %viv 40 fect fi(iii the ceiiter lino of tlie initi@il SO-foot riglit of way alc)ii,,, tlic 1(,20 foot iii(@i-c C)I- froilt@ige Oil I)Tillccs@s Aiiiie I'lo,,id zis rcqiicstecl I)V tlie Ijivisioll, I)CI)@irtiiclit of (@Oillilitillitv Se,i,vices, stil)ject to ill)l,r(DV(@ilicills oii Ili-iTi@(ss Aiiiie Ro,,ici @is re(itic,)tc(l I)y tlie I)CI)artinclit 01- Colliiiiuiiit '-, @ I v I c c, , @i ii cl 1-ti i@II e i@,; Lil) j ec t to coilil) Ii,,In c c @@ i til St@ito ovei-ni@,,Iit cziiill) 'IS I-c(ikic,stcd ili(, 11(@,iltli I)CpLlrtilieiit. ITE@l #3904 Application of L. R. Capshaw, Inc., for a Ilse Permit to operate a qasoline supplv and repair station as an inteqral part of the ex-is'Ci ii@r)(,.troleuiTi distributing and bulk plant on certain property located at the tlort!ic,ast intcrsection of Opal Street, Southern Boulevard and flolland Poad, running a distance of 220 feet alonq the East side of Opal Street, runni,ng a distance of 12:-) feet alonq the Southern Prouerty line of which 100 feet is the ',orth side of Southern Boulevard, running a dista'nce of 220 feet along the Eastern property line and runnino a distance of 125 f(-et along the Northern property line. (Euclid Place Area). @AYSIDE BOROUGH. The Planning Commission recommends approval of this application subj-ct to City water and sewer requested by the Health Departmont. The motion for approval vias subject to the site plan imdrovements as reflected on the revised site plan sub- mitted to the Planning Denar-@Ment and the Real Estate Division, Departrient of Community Services, requests a 20-foot right of oiay dcdication along tfie 100-foot more or less frontage on Southern Boulevard and a dedication of 30 feet from the center line of the initial 40-foot right of %vay along liolland Road. Mr. James Pickrell appeated on behalf of tlie applicant. Mr. L. R. Capshaw appeared on behalf of his oivli application. On motion by Councilman Ifolland, seconded by (,ouncilmin Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromi@ell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. lfoll@iiid, D. Murray @ial.bon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl NI. Tebault, Floyd L@. lviterfield, Jr., and @layor Donald 11. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilmaii Frank A. Dusch. City Cotincil approved the above applic@ition of I,. R. Capsliaiv, Inc., for a Use Ilerniit-to operate a ,asoliiie, supply @ind repair station as an integral part o tlie existing pe trolelim distribtitiiig aiid btilk I)Iant on certai.n propei@ty located at tlie @ortlicast intcrs ctioii of Opal Street, Southern Boulevar(i aiid Ilolland IZoid, (1@uclid ]'lace i\rc@i) , B@tyside !3orougli, subject to City water and sewer a-,; re(l@lc,,;ted by the lfe@iltli I)opartmc,,iit; sttbjc,-t to site plan iiiiprovements as refic@cted oii tho revi-c;@,d site pl@in subniitted to the Plannini,, I)ol)@irtment; and furtlier subiect to @i 20-foot riglit of way dedication along tlie 100-foot morc oi@ less froniage oii @otitlierii lioulevard and a dodication of 30 feet froin tho conter line of tlie iiiiti,,i] 10-foot right of ivly along Holland IZO@LD, as rocluestod 1)@@ tlie Rc@il I-I'st,,t@e I)ivision, I)epartment of Comj;iunit@, Scrvices. ITEM #390S App.lication of F. Wayne @IcLeskey for a Channe of 7onina from @lultil3le Fai,,iily Residence District (R-tl) vlith a t-lotel an@o-ir (T-l" Supplement and 1-inited Conriercial District I (f-L 1) to 17,eneral Co,@imercial District 3 (C-G 3) and a Use Permit for gasoline su,Dpllv station and automotive sales and service to includ@tires, Eat-tjr-ies and automotive accessories on certaiii proderty located on the. .1@'orth side of Virginia Beach Boulevard at tlie intersectioti vjith @lorth Lynnhaven Road. Parcel 1: Chanqe of zonina from R-ti viith a T-1 Supplement to C-L 1: Beginning at a point on the florth side of Virginia Beach Bo(ilevard r@00 feet more or less East of the intersection with @'@ortli Lynnhav(,.n Road, runninq a distance of 1170 feet more or less along the SOLithern property line of i.ihich 310 feet is the ilorth side of Virginia Beach Boulevard, runninq a distanc,,! of 783 feet along the Eastern pro- perty line, running a distancc of 736 feet alotin the t@orthern property line and running a distance of 7nO feet more or less alorig tlie Western property line. Said property is L-shaped, and excludes Parcel 3. Parcel 2: Channe of zoninq fron, C-L 1 to C-G 3 and a Use Permit for Gasoline Supnly Station: Beginninq at a poiiit 460 feet more or less Clast of the intersection of North Lynnhaven Road and Virginia Beach Boulevard, and rt4nning a distance of 56 feet along t4e tiorth side of Virginia Beach Boulevard. Said parcel is described as 56 feet by 54 feet. Parcel 3: Change of zoninq from R-14 with a T-1 SLIPPlement to C-G 3 and a tlse Permit for automotive sales and set,vice to include tir(,s, batteries and automotive access- ories beginning at a point 5,@@ feet more or 1,2ss ;@'ortli of th,,2 Intersection of liorth Lynnhaveri Road and Virginia FIeach Boulevard at the @llort@@@?Pst nortion described as 116 feet by 35 feet of tiie pro,')osed buildiiiq slio-@,@ri on nlats t@!ith rrore detiiled in- foniiation available in t[i(,. i@iff ice of th2 Dcpartrient of City Plannina. (C!iesoneian Colony Area). LY!i@@HAVEi'l The Planning Conmission rc,,coiq,@ie@ids denial of t@@is ai)plication due to tlie objections expressed by the residents of the neiniil,,oriiig (@@.esor)eian Colony. Mr. Wayne @IcLeskey appeared on behalf of hi@ own application. Mr. lvaltcr Royal, representing Cliesopeiaii Colc)ji@, Civic l,eague, appeared in opposition to tlie above al)plication. Mrs. l@oger W. Gray appeared in oppositioii t,@ tlie above application. @ly. lzobert Goodmaii appeafcd on behalf of tl)e, zii)plicant. Mr. Bob Stanton appeared in favor of tlie abovc, ziplilicition. @irs. Trudy Freemaii @ippeai@ed iii ol)positioji to the @ibove applicition. Counciliiiaii Malbon niade a iiiotion, whi(:h ;ccoiided bv Councilman Frvin, to upliold tlie recoi,,imeiidzitioii of the lllzi,,iiiiii,@ (lorpniisc;i n to denv tlie abovc applicatiori of F. IVayjic \Icl,.eskey. Recorlc,,(i vote on tlie ntotion for denial as follo@vs: Ayes: Councilmeri F. Reid ]7i-vin, D. @lui-r@iv ll,,tlbon, and I-loyd E. Waterfiold, Jr. @ays Coiiiicilmon l@ol)Cl@t 11 . Iis , Jr Ro')ei-t B . Cromivell , Jr . , George R. ,ei@i,ell , Cl @treiice Z\. 110 I I @@ild , J . Curt i s I'@iviic , @@ice M@i@,or ]@arl @l. Tobaul t aii(I ii@i@,or I)onal.cl 11 . lZhoLle-,; Abs(,iit C:ounciliiiaii 1-@raiil, A. I)usch Tlie inot ioii to deiiv tlie Lihove @IPPI ical i c)jl of- 1: - Nlcl,cske), fol, a l@ and a LJ.@e I)ei,i,ii t i@as I st ITE?,l P3900 On motion by Councilii,@in ',Ialboii, seconded I)y Councilman Croniivell, and by recorded vote as folloil,s: Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. (,al@lis, Jr., IZobert )i. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrel l , Clzii,cncc A. I fo] I iiicl, 1). @lur ray @@Ialbon, J. Curtis Pa),ne, Vice Nlavor Earl @l. Tob@i@ilt, Floycl 1'. @Vatorfield, Jr., and @layor nald H. lzhodes. @,-Ys: None Absent: Cotincilman Frank A. Dusch. City Counci,l deferred for two iveeks the al)ove application of F. IVayne McLeskey for a Cliang_e of Zoniii@, from ikILiltiple Faniil.,Nl Resi.(Ionce I)istrict (R-M) witli a Motel n@d l'ourist Supplei@iejit and Liiiiitcd Comniercial District 1 (C-1, 1) to General Coiniiiercial District 3 (C-G 3) zincl a Use I)ermit for @asoline supply t. station and autoniotive sales @iiid service to incli c, tires, bl teries and automotive accessories on certaiii property loc@tted on tlie Nortli side of Virginia Beach Boulevard @it tl)o intersectioii witli Nortli Lynillla\-en Road. ITEM #3907 Application of Dr. Douglas D. Conk@@,,right for a Chanq@ of 7oninq frorl residence Suburban District 3 (R-S 3) to Limited Co@ll,@,,rcial Pjis,ri-cf-l-((,'--C3To-n ccrtain rrodertv located at the Northeast corner of South Great t@eck t"),-@id and Pottcrs Poad, rt;nnina a distance of 135.14 feet alonq tlie East sid- of Sout@i r'@r@at r?ock Po,)d, runninn, a distance of 96.66 a 4,,19 feet along the Nortli side of Potters Ro d, rijrn@ a distanc(, of 135 f@et alona tlie Eastern property line aiid runnin(l, a distiiice ol- -,0.61 fe.-t along tlie I'lor+lhern prolnerty line. (London Bridge Area). LY";'@t@AVEN' The Planning Commissio,,i re,-or,,,mends ai)proval of tllis application suhioct to compliance with City design standards and a dcdication of rirlht of @iay 55 flet from the center line of the initial 30-foo@, ric,!it of @lay aloriq t.le 135.14-foot frontace on South Great l,eck Poad (10-foot dedication) as reo,.ut,stc,l by tlie P,.Cal Estate @)ivision, Department of Community Services. Ihe liealtli ' )artrient requests City v,,ater and se,.qer. Mrs. Douglas 1). Conkwright appeared oia beliale of the applicalit. On motion by Councilman I:rvin, secondod b@, (louiicilr,.iaii @Nlalbon, and bv recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Councilinen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., i@obert B. Croinwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarejico A. Hollai)d, D. @luri-ay @talbon, J. Curtis Pa),ne, Vice Nlavor Earl @l. 'Fol)@tult, Floyd 1-1. @,@'@il@erfield, Jr., and ,Iayor I I)oiiald Ii. Rhodes. Nays: None Absciat: Councilman Fraiik A. L)usch. Ci.ty Cotincil @ipproved tlio above @il@plicatioji of I)r. Dou,"las D. Conkwriglit for @i Cli@,,i)-c of Zonin@, from I'@esi(leiice Stil)url)aii I)istrict -@ (R-S 3) to Limited Coiiiniercial I)jstrict 3 (C-1, 3) oji cort@iin I)rol)ci,ty located at tlie Northcast coriier of Soiitli Crezit NccL l@o@id anci Pottei@s l@c)Lid, i-tinnin(l, a distaiice of 5S.14 fect along tlie l@ist sicle of Solitli (li@e:it Nocl, Ro@id, rliiiiiing l clistance 96.60 fect along tlie Noi-tli side of I)otici,@ l@o@icl, (l,on(loii Bi@id,o Ai-0,I) , .,yniiii,,iven Borougli, sttl)jcct to coiiipliance @@itil (:itN, closigii stiiijardc; @iiid @i dodic.,itioii ol- riglit of L@LIV 55 fc,,ct froiii tl,(@ lin of tlic, illiti@ll 30-f-oot rip,lit of way @ilong tlie 13--,.14 foot front@t@@ oii Soiilli Neck I'lo.,id (10-foot dcdicatioji) as requestocl tlic, IZO@ll l@@t@ite of Coiiinturlit\- Ser@,i cos ; @iiicl fit rther s til)jcct to C i tv @iii,l @ok@7c, i- @vlic,, ii ii Lib I 0 , zi,,; re (iii c@,,; te (I 1)@, tlie, II e@t] t Ii I)el) zi i'tirio ii t . ITI:@l fl3908 Apt)lication of James N. D'Orso f r a p !l I 0 q- of 7o iin from Residence Suburban District 3 (@r'liin prooc-,rtv beninnin(i at a noint (R.-S 3) to Resi(!@nce DuplE,.x f)i-,trict -o-j i- -c- - @ - 100 feet @@ort@i of I'@aryland Avenue, running a distance of 150 f(.'et along the I!lest side of Vanderbilt Avenue, running a distanc of IP, f P e ') ct alonn the I,,Iortliern property line, runn- in(i a distance of l).O fe(It ilotiq the iriist,@rn nronerty line and ru.,ining a distance of 1(1,9 feet along tlie Southern property line. Said parcel is known as Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 16. (Croataii Area). L@','Ifi[IAVEtl BOROU(;Ii. Tile Plaiining Co,-.nission recoi,i:pcnds denial of t@,is application as it was felt that the duplc,x use is preiiature in ttiis area. Mr. Jan)os D'Orso appeared oii behalf of his @)wn application. Mrs. Api-il Miller appeared in opposition to tlie above application. On motion by Councilman l@'rvin, seconded ly @louncilman Malbon, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: CouncilEien Robert f]. C@illis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Forrell, Clarence A. liollgiid, D. rurray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Payiie, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tobault, Flo)cl E-. IVaterfield,'Jr., and llayor Donald il. lzhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dusch. City Cotincil denied the abovo applicitjoji ol- Jaiiies N. D'Orso for a Change of Zoning frojii Residence SubLirbaii District -) (@-S 3) to Residence Dup] x@District T-OF-9 2) on certai.n prol)ertv bc,, iiinin@, @it i I)oint 100 feet North of @%fai-ylan(l Avoiiue, as it was felt tiiat the duplex use is preiiiature in tliis are@i. ITEM #3909 Application of Esther G. Seefierman and Jf,.nnie for a ChaiiqL of 7oninq from Residcnce Suburbar. District 4 (P,-S 4) to Limited Cot,,i@!iercial @strict @C L 3) n certaiti pror,,erty located on the !,Iortlieast cornlr of P@Osemont Poad and Victoria I)rive, running a distanc@ of 93.P,-) feet along the East side of Roseriort Poad, running a distancc., of 100.67 fcet along the l'orl@ii sidp- of Victoria Drive, rlintiinl a di@,tance of 101).@,7 feet alot-ig the Eastern proporty li@ic and ru@ininq a distance of 117.1,' feet alono the "orthern prot,)erty line. Sai(I T)arcel is knmi,,i as Lot 15, Block 22, Plat of Princess @nne Plaza, Section 2. (Princess Anne Plaza Ar(-,a). LY@:t!IIAVEil The Planning Com@mission reco,,rcnds denial of this anplication as it was felt that th(', cl,anqe iqould represent intrlision of con-iercial ictivity into an ('.stablished si.-Inle faf!],ily F,,(,irihborhood. Mr. Lowoll Clar@- appearc(l on belialf of tlie ;ipplicant. @Ir. Cliitty apl)eared in ol)position to the ab,)vc al)plicantion. Oii iitotion by Counciliiiaii 1'riin, seconded 1,@, ('ouiici]iTian @iqlbon, and bv recordcd vote as foll,ows: Ayes: Cotincilnien Rol@crt ii. (@allis, Jr. , izol)ert ii. Cromi,7ell , Jr. F. Reid I:i-vin ,Goorgc,, IZ. Forrell , (11@ti@eiico A. 1101 1). \11irr@iv. @@Ialbon, J. Ctirtis "@lovd I te 1- f lc, Jr., and Nlayor -i ),ii o , I Vico @IaN,or F,,ai-I @l. ic I loiizild Ii. Rlio(l@s . Na),s : None Absent: Counciliflaii Frajik A. I)u -,; cli . Ci t)@ Cotiiic i I dcniecl tlie @ll)C)VC' ZIPI)L i cziti Oil o Ilstii(,i, (,. @eeliermiii ,Anct Jelinie for @i Cli@IIIZ, 7c)l)illL f)i,,,trict 4 (IZ-,@ 4) to i tcd C@ojiiiiie]-c i @ll 1) i sti i , t 1, @@ oii c(, tziiii I)I,opert@, loc@tted oil tllc Noi,tli(L,@ist coriiel, of !,,C), zi(I @i F,(l \ i , t )izi s@ii(I I),II'LCI i,; kilowil -i s l,o 1, 1 5 , I'llock 22, I)I;il o[ I)! ilicc.,;s Aii)i,, l@i:,a , @cct iori 2, (Ilriiicos.,; ATI]IC' 1111,lz,,] ITE@i #3910 Application of C. J. Hauser and Benny flurdpn b" I,!. C. Everett for a Channe of 7oninri frOM Residence Suburban District 3 R - @i @i t,otel, Tourist and-f,@-57E-@u-Fa-ni T@-2 ( S 3) @,lit" Supplement to Limited Coi,@prcial DistriCt 2 (C@-L ?) and fro,-, Limited Co,,",,ercial District ? (C-L 2) to General Conmercial District I (C-G P) on certain property located oli tfle Soilth side of Laskin Road beginning at a point 353 feet rore or leSS l,lest of Soutf, Oriole Drivc,. Parcel 1: Chanqe of Zoninq from C-L 2 to C-G 2: Beginninq at a point 353 feet more or less t4(@st of South Oriole L)rivo, runninq a dist,,nc(,. of 110 feet alonq tfie South side of Laskin Road, running a dis-Lance of 234 feet ilonq th@ !@'@stern t)ropertv line, runninna distance of 159 feet alonq tlie Southern prolnerty line and running a distance of 152 feet along the Eastern property litle. Parcel 2: Change of Zoninq fron R-S 3 v!ith a T-@. Sunr)lement to C-L 2: Beqinninq at a polnt 463 feet more or less 11@st of Soutli Oriol(@ f-,riv,,, runninq a distance Of 1,1,q.8 feet alonq the South side of Laski-.i Road, ruii;iin,,i a distince of 44n feet alona the Eastern property line, ruiininq a distaiice of 140 feet aloni thc Souttiorn J)ropert,v line and running a distance of 535 feet inore or I(,ss along the t@,-stc.,rn property line. (Birdnt,-ck Area). LY@!,IIHAVEt@ 80"OUCli. The Planning Commission reco!-z,.iends api)rovil of @Iii-I ai)plication suf)ject to City water and sewer as requested f)y t"@- I!ealtli Departlent. Mr. W. C. Everett appeared on belialf oi@ tllo @iliplicants. On inotion by Counciiiiiin f:rviii, -,ecoride(I ])y l'ocincilrnan @Ialbon, and by recorded ote as follows: .yes Councilmen Robert f[. Callis, Jr., Rol@ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid I-rvin , George IZ. Ferrel 1 , Clarence A. Ilol I @Iltd , T). @llirray @4a I bon , J. Curtis llayne, Vice @layor Earl @l. Tchault, Floycl L. Watci@field, Jr., and I'layor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Cotincilman Frank A. I)usch. City Council approved the above application of C. J. House-r and Benn), Nlurden for a Ch@,an,,e of Zonini, froin lzcsideiice Stibui-t-aii District 3 (IZ-S 3) iqith a @lotel , T.@'s t a.1 Restaui-ajit ('F-') Supploi@icnt to Li;ni.ted COMTnercial District 2 (C-L 2) and froill Limite(i Coiiirnercial I)isti-ict 2 (C-L 1) to (!enera] Comm@ercizil District 2 (C-G 2) on cert@tin pi-operty locitecl oil tlie South side of l,askin I'lo,id begiiiiiing at a point 353 fect niore or less IVe.,;t of Sotith Oriolo Drive, subjoct to City water aiid sewer as rocluesteci t)N, tli(, fle@iltli I)epartriicnt. ITEM #3011 Application of 'vlarren @trickland and lielen S. Green for a chariqe of zoning e -F from Residence Duplex District I (R-D 1) to R sidence Subti ban Distric" 4 (R-S 4) and Li,,n4ted Coiiiinercial District 3 (C-L 3) on certain property located on the remainin@ portion of undeveloped land located bet@-teen tlie Subdivisions of Homestead and Avalon fiills, situated bet,,qeen Providence Road and Indian River Road. Parcel 1 to be R-S 4: Beginning at a point 210 feet more or less West of Old omestead Lane, rurfning a distance of 37@DO feet more or less along the Eas'ern property line, running a distance of 1925 feet more or less along the Soutiiern property line of which 1025 feet is fronting on the tiorth side of Indian River Road, running a distance of 2615 feet more or less along the Western Droperty line, running a distance of 1225 feet along the ''lorthern property line of vihich 200 feet is the South side of Providence Road. Parcel 2 to be C-L 3: On certain property located on the tiorth side of Indian Iver Road @c o@ss fr-oni the Conterville T@irnpi[@e. Said parcel beoinnirig on the East side of Centerville Turnpike cxt '@nd@,d and running a distance of 650 feet along the North side of Indian River Poa,i, running a distance of 500 feet along the Eastern property line, running a dis'ance of 630 feet along the Northern property line, running a distance of 500 feet along the llestern pro'nerty line (Proposed Centerville Turnpike Extended), Plats v@ith more detailed information are available in the Office of tlie Dejar--,@ent of City Planning. (Hon,2stead- Avalon Hills Area). KETIPSVILLE BORO'U'-Iii. The Planning Cor-pjiiission recommends ad,)roval of this ai)plication subject to City water and sevier as reou,lsted by t@ie @ealt@ Dei)artment and a dedication of riqht of @,tay 55 feet frofi the center line of 'n@lian Piver Road (30-foot dedication) and a dedica'Lion of right of @lay 30 feet fr,o!n t!iE, center 14'ne of Provid,@nce Road (15-foot dedicition ) as requested b,/ the Office of Real Estate, Department of Community Services. In addition, i 5(@-foot drainage easement for draina(ie purposes on the East side of the Di,o,noscd subdivision is to be dedicated as req@i--s@Led by the Office of t@e City Enaineer. The motion for approval @,.,as fur'u,@er subject to tlie restrictions and honies cornparable to those of Hopiestead. @Ir. Oiien Pickett, Attoriiey, apl)cl@ired oii I)eli@ilf of the applicalits recluesting tliat all action taken I)v Cit), Council oi) Octol)or 12, 1970 1)0 compl,otely i@esci.nded aiid tlie propertn@ t)e changecl l@,ick to i.t,,, origiii@il classil-ic@ition of IZ-D 1, as its present zoning of R-S 4 i@itli tlie stipul@itioii of @in Ai-cllitecturl Conimittee renders the lots uniiiarketal)lc @is far as tlie attorney for tlie propo,,;O(l purch,iser is concerned. Mr. Norman 1leck appearecl on I)eh@ilf of tli(, 1),iilder contracted to build some of the lots on tlie subject I)roperty, regardiii@, tlie difficulty in obtaillilig title nsurance dtio to the stil)ul@ition set fc)rtli'in tlic zoning clian,,,o of tlie trickland property to l@S-4, which reque,;ts tlie establislirnc,,iit of an Arcliitectura oliliiiittee as a conditioii of al)proval. Mr. Edward Caton, III, Attorney, repi,eseiitiiig tho residents of Avalon [iills and tiomostead appeared beforo @,ity CoLincil ;ottiiig fortli tlie following deed restrictions in liOLI 01- the Arcliitc(:ttit-al Coriniittee: 1. Minimum of 1,SOO squarc feet liviiig space excltisivo of the garage in eacli liome constructed oii tlie slibdivision 2. Minimum foot frontzige of every bliildiiig site to be at least 90 feet 3. All homes to be all brick or if tw,, --tory, the first story to be all brick @ly. l,ce and Nlrs. O'Connell apl)eLre(I in stil)l)(,rt of the doed restrictions prol)osed by @Ir. Caton. City Coujacil, after due consideration of tli,, rcquests of tlie applicants and Lipon recoitimendatioii b@, tlie City Attoi,iie,.,, deteriiiined tllat it could not makc a change in its I)reviotis niotion as @@ticl@ cilaiigo @vould constitute a chaiige in zoning, wliicii i@ould havo to foll()i tlic, usual procedtires of zonilig pplications through tlie Plaiiniiig Coi,,,missloji. Theroforc, no actioll was takeil. ITENI #3912 Tlie second readiiig of aii Ordinaiice to @ijid reordaiii Ordinance 3.@S of tlie City Code relative to the iiii)ositic,)ii c)@ liceii-,e tax conc(-,i,ning inotor veiiicles was deforred foi, oiio iveck. I'I'E'i,l t@3913 On motion bv Councilmaii I:errell, seconcic(l 1), (:otiiicilman Cromivell, an(] by recorded vote as folloi@s: Ayes: Councilmen Robort f[. C@illis, Jr., Rol,(,,i-t B. Croini,:ell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, Geor-e R. Ferroll, Clarojice A. lioll@iii(l, D. 'lurra@, Mall)oii, J. Cui-tis Payjie, Vice @layor Earl 11. @l@el)ault, f@loyd F. @@atei-field, Jr., and illa@,or Donald H. IR]iodes. Nays: None AbsoTit: Coujicilman Fr@ink A. I)usch. Citv Council approved oii secojicl readiiig tlie following Ordiiiaiice to estziblish -ix oji certain trailers. AJ,l OTU)IN@,TCF TO ESTA"'I.T.Sll T)U' ON CEPTAIN TRAILI,'RS BE IT ORDAINED 3Y THE COUNCII, CF 'JHE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: . That the annual license tax on a one-wheel or t,,qo-x,7heel trailer of a cradl-e, flat bed or opeii pickup t@,pe iqhich ha,'3 a body wid.th not greater than the widtl of the motor vehicle to WlAich it is attached at any time of op('ration, which is pulled or towed by a passenger car or station wagon, or a pickup or panel truck having an actual gross v(@hicle weight not exceed- ing five thousand pounds, and v7hich @s used for carrying property not exceeding one thousand pounds at any one time, shall be three dollars and fifty cents. Nothing in tbis section shall @(, construed as applying to the fees for trailers or semitrailerf@ designed for ilse as living quarters for human bein@.s or to those trailers or semi- trailers operated under lease or rental agreemeit or operated for compensation. This Ordinance s@iall be effect;\,e on and after January 1, 1972. First Readiiig: November 1, 1971 Second Readj-n,.: November 8, 1 9 7 1 Adopted by the Council of the City of Virgillia Beach, Virginia, on the 8ti, cia-1, of 1971. ITEM #3914 oli motion by Counciliiian Waterfield, seconded L)y CounciliTian lioll.and, and by recorded vote as foll.o@vs: Ayes: Couiacilmen Robert ii. Citllis, Jr., Robort B. Cromivcll, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, (:Iarciice A. Iloll@ind, 1). NILirray @clalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice i\layor Earl @l. l@cti,,itilt , Floyd l@ . 1% iterfic@ld, Jr. , and Mayor I)oiiald 11, Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilman Frank A. Dtisch. City Council approved on secoiid reading the iollowing Ordinance to amend and reordaiii Section 17-22.1 of the Citv Cocle I)eitziiiiing tO refLIse or gai-I)age spo-,;al A@' Olzllll@I!,,@ To A@ I'll@ @.",A IN rIo I -1 7 - 1. F 'f SECT'I(',',; T ,3E 1',I' OP@All@EI) !,'l THI@' COUNCII, I,' '1'117 CITY (.F VIPGINIA @,.CIT, VIP.GTNIA: Any firm, corporation or individiial lesir@-ng to deposi,t garbage or reflise at any city disl:,c),,3,il arei p@i\, tlie follonviiig fees for such disposal: (1) Whenever refli-,e c)r @.arb,,i@c@ i@, '@roti@lit to any city disposal area by persons other tiiiii roside-!-Its rc,fu@,,O- from their ovn-i personal promises, a "ee ol- @,3.12 per l@oi), or a minimuia fee of $1.(,0, shall I)e cliarged for tli(@ ;ervice. (2) Whenevcr r(,fti,,c I)roil lit I)y @ersoli to a city di-sposal area i-s of such a voliiiic, or cliir,@cter to c;l@l@c, uidue c-,Xpense to tlie City, the Re.Luqe Sul@erini-@@IL., refU'3C@ to accept tli@c@ s@iliic-, tinlcsp @tic'n P(,r,3o!) !o i r,,ervice ch-nrge ]).,i-lec,i t-il)o,,i tlic, CO',4t oF dil;l)( ;i!ip, c)F -ticl) rcCuse. (4) The Director of Con,@ilitinit@, S(',rvic(l@@l, iri conj@inction the Director of Finaiice, ,,hall PrOvide sucti scal.es and collectioil procedures as tlaey may determine to be necessary to e-,isure tile efficieiit collection of the fees licre@,,7 provided further,@ that the T)irector of Co@anuility Servicos '31@all liave tlie authority to establisli categories of waste that ar(, u@iaccel)table for discharge.. (5) Hours of operation: 7:30 A.',I. to 4:()o P.14., i@fonday through Saturday. City disposal areas shall I)e (@-losed on legal holidays. 1st Reading: Novei@oer 1, 1971 2nd Reac3ing: Noveinber 8, 1971 Adopted by the Council of the CitY of Vi)-gii-iia 3each on the 8th _ day of ovemlicr ITEM #3915 On motion by Vice Mayor Tebault, secondeci by C:ouncilman @ialbon, and by recorded vote as folloivs: Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl- C,"Ili-,, Jr., izohort B. CIOI,-Iwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarei)ce A. floll@ijid, D. @lurray @!,,Ilbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl i%l. Teb@tult, Floyd l@. t@atorfielci, Jr., and "Jayor Donald H. Rhodes. ays: None Absent: Councilman Fraiik ik. Diisch. City Coliicil approved tlie fc)llowing appli Itioiis for tax reftln(l@ in the amouiit of' $1,824.78. TO: Dil-o 1,iiTison Ciry Attorney FRO,ll: fir. V. A. I:tlic!ridge, Treastirer t)-ite NoveTnber 3. 1971 JECT: Applicatioii for Tax fo- rcf---n-I -f tzx--s totali@ig 1,824.78 c c@ L. tified for pty,nent, its set forl!i below: V. A. EtheridLe. Tren-,;urer Tax Tyl l,'ame tion Year of p No. nc(Iss Anne Mol)ile 70 1 1, 588 1819.78 Tnc. 2,/ 2 i W. Land 71 CT) 61519 5.00 v(! ale Bims on C i I yAt v Cit" Cl@-ill I On motioii by Cotinciljiiaii l@errc.11 , s(-,conclc,ci b@, (,Otincilm@in ffoll;ind, and*by recordc,d vote its folloivs: Ay(,s: Councilinen Robel@t Ii. C@al I is , Jr. , l@etert B. Croiliwell , ii-. F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrcl,l A. flo I l@iiid , D. Mtlrray @Ialbon, J. Curtis Paylle, Vice @Nlayor Earl NI. Tebault , Floy(I l@ . 1;@tteri-i 01(1, Jr. , and @layor )on@i.ld 11. Rhodes ,@ays: None Absent: Couiicilman Fraiik A. Duscli. City CoLincil, in concuri@eiice witli tlie recoii@,ii(@nclatioiis of the '3uildil@g CG,@',filittee, approved the following @ii-ciiitects foi- val,io@,is PI-ojc,,cts @ipproved for c(-)nstruction by tho City Council: 1. City Garage Additioii - @',Ir. Oscai@ Nc)l@tlierii 2. Circuit Courtrooi@i - Mr. I'lilli;ini Ii. Alclcriiiqll 3. @lunicipal Courtroojii Addition - %lc(@lili-g and l@',Ill City Council further auti)orized tlie City to eml)lovee tliese arcliitects I I for plans of tlic various buildiiigs i@ielitione(I zib.icct to apl)roval by the arcliitect of tho city's stajidard scale of fees. ITE@l #3917 On iitotion by Councilmaii Ferrell, seconde@l I)v @@ice Nlayc)r Tebault, and by ecorded vote as follows: @yes: Cotincilmen Robert 11. Callis, Tr., l@ol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl@irence A. ftollaitd, f). @@lui,rav Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Nlayor Earl \I. Tel)@tult, l@lovd iVL@terfield, Jr., and @llayor Don@ild 11. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: Councilnian Frank A. Dusch. Cit), Cotiiicil grantod periiiis-,;ioji to Alleii 11. SiTtitli to iiiove a one story frame residej)cc, 241 x 32', froiii Norfolk to l,ots 11 aiid l-, 1008 Luxor Avenue, Queen City, Kempsville 13orotigii. Estiiii@it,,,d @,@iluo aftei- iiiove and renovations, $10,000. 'rho site has been @il)proved for so)tic tank @ind well. ITENI #3918 On niotion by Councilmaii Ci@oiiwell, socondt,d )), Couiicilpi@iii @lilboll, aild by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: CoLincilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Ro')eit B. Crc)iiiwell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, (loorge IZ. Forrell, Cl,,ii@ence A. lloll,,ii(l, 1). NILirra@, @Ialbon, J. Curtis ],,iyno , Vice \1@iyor I:arl @l. '['ol)aLlIt, l@lo)-cl F. Jr., aiid @Nlavor onald fl. Rliodes. Nojio Al),s c ii t Cotincil,inaii Fi@@iiik A. f)usch. As it h;is becoiiio il)p@irciit ovci- tlic, p@ist f-iv,, ivocks tll@it tlie, City ciii sax,o coji-,;idet@,,tl)lo ftiii(I-@ by LISill@@ tlie, 'I@C)II l@oict fj( ilit@, f-ol, tr@ivol to @in(i froiil tlie, lieiv l@Iji(if-ill site oil (@i'tv Cotiiicil @il)l)rove(I @i ill t]10 @InIOLlilt t ]','l 1) ', I C l' o[ $7,000 fi-oili 111(@ fc)l- to covei- toll cl);irge,,; inCLiri@e(I t)%, tli(@ l'Ol-ti", @)IIectiol) ec[ilit)]Ilcllt. On noti o ii by Cotincilriii ii se con (led 1)@, (-,o tin ci. Ifli@in Fer reII, a ii d I)y re co rded vote as follo@@s: Ayes: Counci ]iii On Robe, '-t if . CaIIi,,; , Jr IZO@)ci,t B. Cromi@ell , Jr. , F. Rei.d L-rvin, George R. For rc] I , Cla rciicc A. fin]I;i@1(1 , 1). Tltiri-ay Malt) o ii, J. Cur tis Ilaync, Vice @l@t\lor L-arl @t. 'Feb a tiit, l@'loyd l@. f i el cl , fr. , a lid @layor on@ild 11. Rliodos. ays: None Absent: CouncilMan Fraill. A. I)uscli. City Cotincil tuthorizecl t@llc' City @laii@iger, Nit-, IZoger Scott, to sipn an agi-ce- ment for tlie coiistructioll of a w,,tter dis'@i,ii,titjon systein at Scarborough Sctuztre. I'FE@',l #3920 The City Attorney, @ir. Bill)SOT), iiavited tllc ;Ittcntioi) of the Citv Cotincil t, matters whi-cli sliould be Forili@ilizod by tilc@ I(,( islative Coiiimittee'of the Cotincil for presentation to the IOI)i,csent@3tives of City at tlie next session of tile General Assembly in Riclii@ioii(l. #3921 Councilman liolland in(lic@ited to (:-ity Colilicil tliat he will invit,, to the next informal iiiectiiig, rcprosejit@itivc,,s of the Pegiciiil Ifealth Plaiinillg Cotincil to explai.n the prol)osod prolram foi- lie lias subfliitted a resoltltion to City Council for theii, supi@ort., JI'L@@l 113922 On motion by Cotincilmaii lioll@ijid, socoiided b\ C@ouiiciln1ail @l@Ill@on, ajid by recorded vote as follows: Aves: Councilmen Robert 11. c@illis, Jr., lolci-t B. Croi@itvell, Jr., F. Reid E@viii, Gcor@e R. Ferrell, Cl,,-irencc, A. lloll'Liii'l, 1). @turi,ziv "lalbon, J. Ctirtis P@iyno, Vice @4avor Earl @.T. @l'(@b@lult, l@ lovd l@. "'@it rfield, Jr., and @l@tyor Dona.ld 11. lzhodes Na),s: None Abseiit: Councilman Fra,-ik A. f)usch. City Council noted its intention to hc)lcl ,] closed Meeting on @londay, Novoriber I S , 1971, for tlie ptti,l)ose of di s(:tis@@ ill" i teiiis pol-mi tteci for disctission ujider the Freedoiii of IjiForili@itioi) \ct-ol tlie Coiiiinoniicaltli -)f Vi rgi lli,'l . ITEM #3@)2,@ Oii ifloti.oii I)y Coilncilmaii I I , secoi)(led 1) v (Iotiiici lin@iii lfol laii(l, tlie niect iii,, dj OLIrned. ir 1- y ci 'K ivor J @e b@o i c, i (]ity of Virginii lieich, Vi I'@q i 11 i @l Nox,(@iiil)ei, 8