HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 28, 1971
The re@lliar rpectiilg of thc Couiicil of t'ic ,j,tv of Viigij)ia Beach, Vi.rgipja
was hold in the Couiicil Chilill)ei@-,; in tlic, jl)istr@ition Puildi,n@,, in tiic,
BoroLigh of Princess Anjic, on i@loii(la)7, J@11,C 18, 1971, at 2:00 p.r-l.
The iilvocation was giveii by Chaplain Veiiioi F. Berg (Corimancler USN), Ch@iplaiii's
Office N. A. S. Oceaiia.
Counciliiien present: Robc,.rt H. Callis, Ji@., Robert P,. Cromwell, Jr., Fr@ink A.
Dusch, F. Reid Erviii, George R. Feriell, Clarence A. liolland, D. Mlirray
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payiie, Vice Nlayor Eal-I NI. l@eb@itilt, aiicl inlayor Donald fl.
Coiincilman absent: Floyd 11. Waterfield, J@'.
ITEM #342S
On motion by Councilman Dusch, secondod by Vice Mayor Tebault, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Fraiik A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Goorge R. Ferrell, Clareiice A. lfollaiid, D. @iurray
@ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @l@iyor Earl @l. T'cbault, aiid Nlayor Donald 11.
Nays: None
Absen": Co.Lincilman Floyd E. Waterfield, Ji@.
City Council approved the Minutes of th(! RegLilai- Mc,,eting of June 21, 1971,
and the reading of said i@,linutes dispensc,,cl i,' 'ith inasmticli as each Couiiciln,.al)
had a copy of the subject @linlites before ll;]T.I.
ITENI #3426
On motioii by Coujicilmaii secoi)d-cl l,y Councilnian lfalbon, aiid by
recorded vote as folloi@s:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robc,,rt B. Croiiiivell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Geoi-ge R. FeTrell, C:Iarence A. flollalid, D. PIlil-rly
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payi,o, Vice @@layor Earl 1'ebiult, aiid @layor Doiiald [l.
Nays: None
Absciit: Couiicilman Floyd I:. Watei,field, J].
;City Council approved on second readin@ iii appropriation iii the ailiouiit of'
$4,928 froip, Unappropriated Surplus to tlic I)el)artmeiit of Personnel to cox,er
tlie sei'vorance pay of E. A. Culvcrliotis(,, foriiier Personiiel Directoi,, a-'Id
to provide fiinds for tl)c piyiiioiit of sal,,lj-j(,s of tlie suiiiiiier interns dlirilig
the ,,Ioi)tll of Juiie.
ITE'@,f #31@t
ii motion by Cotiiicilman I)uscli, secondecl ])y (@oLiiiciiiiaii liollai)d, and by rccor(lecl
ote as follo@@s:
Ayes: Councilnien Robert 11. Callis, Jr., I'loi,ert Bi Croiiiiiell, Jr., Fraiik A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Geoi,g(, R. Ferrell, Clzii,eiice A. Ilollai)d, D. @luri-ay
Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payjao, Vice P.I,-.),or Eirl it. @1'ehault, and @layor Doiaald H.
Nays: None
Absc,,iit Cotincilpian Flo),(! I;'.
City Couiici.]. adopted tlie folloiiii-i@, llcsolliti,,Ii coii@mejiding tlic,, Virginia
Ch@il)te,i, of tlic Jaycees f(,I@ i's C)TItstai@clil@, ;ic(ioiiijilislii@ei@ts aild cliroc--to--! ti-@,
Citv clel,l- to spreid (,f tl,o cli tll(2 '@ill@itec; of the Cit)@
R 1--@ S 0 L U T I 0 N
;,MEIZI@-@AS, the Virgiiiia F'uacli Ja@@cces havc@ a si(Jilificaill p@irt 0.
I -r
our coinnl,,Iiilty 1, thc,ir riziiy aiicl %7,@l Pl ailci
MIERI,,AS, tliis grolip of 140 yc)uiic) men tlic, zg(,S of 23 z@nci 35
have so disti nj tiislaccl tl)cir OYg,,TIi Z iiti 01) , ,.S ilic' I tlic
City of Vil-giiiii@ F@oz,,cli, by tlic, rec(,i@,ecl ill the
past ycar, an(i
WfILRI-,AS, tl,.e aivarcl- i,rc,,-cii@Ic,cl to the Vi.rgiiii@, P,@ztch Jaycoes in
Populatiori V, wl@icii incl@icl,@; citiof; ir@ tlic- Unitc-d
States wit), i, l,c)I)Lilatic)r, of JOC),Oo-) to 2-,-)0,000, are as
(1) The Clareiic(, 11. flc)@,,ard Trol)liy, tl)e hivhust
national zkt,,,@,rcl fc)r thc, Diost Jjyccc, Clial)ter
in llol)Lilatiori Division V.
(2) The Ilc@niy Gis-@c@nbier tlio higliest state.
award fc@i- tlic@ out@.talicl iij J@ycee Ch,,I,ter in -Llic@
Coinmon@-,,ealtli of Virgiiiia i.ii I'c,I.Ltl@,tioii I)ivi.@ioil V.
(3) First pl@@c(@ fox thc, I)est I,til)lic. rclitioii-@ prc)jccts
in the Utiiteci Statc-s in F)optLIj,-io;@ I)ivi@iot, V.
(4) SLcoiid ai@,ircl for tlic l,c,@' go@,(,ririeiital pr()j(',cts
in 'Llic, Ljiiiteci Sltates for Pol)ttl,,tioii Divisioii V.
5.) Thircl pJz@c,@ aivar(I fc)r thc,, CC,Tlrll,,@zii'Ly ilvclvc,,71cllt
projects iii tlie Uiiitecl St@kt@-,; -ii Di%,isiot) V.
(61) Bank of Vii-ciii@ia tiophy fc@i- ni(,st c@titstuici@iig proj(,cl
in Anicrici,iiisn@ i-n 'hc, Iti@ of Virgiiiia al@,,@rcicd
oii Patric)tl'@,r,i [),@y.
NC)tl, T@iF@IZFFOI'I,, ir, rccoc;iiiticii of tlic, V@rgiri@@ F,,(@,ich chal,ter c,f tlic-
BE IT RFSOL-VEF) that tlie C,ity CC)ulicil of th,, C'-ty c)f Virgiriia Bcacl@
wish@s tO pLibli,,Iy @@ckno@vlccl,-@, fiiic, ol@in-
ization for itF, OLI@Llt'At)Clirln ACCOILI)I-
.@BE IT FUIZIIII@R thz,t tl,e City Clerk I,,, clirec,tecl tc) sprc@acl a
CC,)PY of tl)i,S ic,@.,Itttioii c)ii tl)(@ of cl@,yls t,leetil@g.
Gi.vo,n undcl- iii,@ hai,,cl this 28th cli@, c)l JLtric@, 1971.
ITE@L '@3
Regardiiig tho sandiiig SitLiatioii at Rudee !Tilet, @la),or Rhodes stated that City
Coujicil is requesting tlie Ero ioii Coi-,Ii:ij.@sioii t.)cl@iy to 1)lace the nei@est drcd@e,
ivhicli was purchqsed specifically to work iii tliat iial,et, iii Rudoa-Inlet foi, tlie
exl)licit purpose of opeiiing it.
ITEM #3420
@,uiicilmaii Ervin introducecl Nli-s. Apiil @lilloi- to the City Council. Nlrs. @lillor
11 be attending Council Nleetings on beli@ilf ol- the League of lloifien Voters.
ITEM #3430
The niatter regarding sewage I)roblenis related to one of the private utilities
in the City, was brouglit to tlie attentioii of City Coulicil by the Flealtli
Department. City Council directed tlie City %ttorficy to take the legal actioli
necessary to prevent flirther P011LItiOn Of tli4, City w,,iters.
ITI@Ni ,3431
Mr. William @IcCoy and @Ir. @laui,i,ce B. Jacl,-soii al)pcared before City Cotincil
regarding the autojiiobilc,. accidents wlijcli Lirc occiii-ring iii tlio, Bay Colony
City Council directed Mr. @IcCoy and @ly. Jack,.,oi) to get in touch with the Real
Estate Division, Departnieiit of- Comnitiiijty Services, regarding the necessary
dedication of-riglit of way reqtiired to level tlio dips on Bay Colony I)Yive, ancl
further directed theni to contact @@Ir. Geoi-l@e flai@htiry iii tlie City @lanager's Office
regarding the necessary procedui,es to sol@@c tliis probleiii.
ITI:@l #343
.1 I ap-ir@@1211
Applic,@tion of I.,,'@.Sloyal) Prc)i),-,I,ties fol@ a Uce tO COnStILCt 16 L. - t
units oii certain Pl'opci,ty t,eginiiiig at f(@et South of t@.!.Sley,@n Di-ivc,
and 690 feet I-!est ol@ POEtd, rLItIllitig a of 5-/0 f,@et aloig tlic, @@ortliei-ii
propcrty li@ie (Virginia .',',-,sleyiii CollClgC' Sit(2), rlinriiii@ a distaiic(, of 1)80 feet alo!19
tiie I-lestet-ii pi,opel'ty rlliining a. dist@it),- of 500 fect Ilong the Sotitliern pro,-)e@,ty
line and rlinnitig a distatice of 4@,O fcet eloiig tiic@ E@istc,.i,ti pi,o,"ci,ty line. Said pt,o-
perty cotitains 6 acres nioi-e oi@ lc-@ss. (@12sic,y, ii College Site Prea). B,@YSIDE BOROUC,@l.
The PI(tniiing Coii,,,nissioi,i reco;ilii2ncls appi-ov,,l o@@ tilis anplicttioli subj,-@ct to t!le
reqLlirc,ri,2i)ts set fortfi in tli,, Collc,(l , S,.L@(ly @,,hicli a 30 foot
setback fi,oni tiie V,'E!Stc@i-ti pco@)21,,Uy line z@ll(I Ill exi,,tiiig ti,ec-s leiiig ret@tirl2cl es
a nattiral screen. A 2 ac@,e reci,eatic!i C)p@-r) s is to be pi,ovid-cl u,@'L.il
a pcrl)llll,@nt rec)-ezttioz) fE@cili'GY is li@@ r)laciriiri@ rccl@@e'ts
an upclitecl overzill sitc@ plari aiicl site [)Iati z@, pl,icll' to OI)tE@itlillg t)Lii 1(1 i ny
periiii'(1. The Sclioc)l Eozt@-cl rc),IL@-2sts tIlEit t!i, in til@ schc)ol
sit-, zcqtii@itio@i forii@11ji. Ci'Y I!jlter Einet
Mr. Jul,ian Rashkind appearecl on bc,,h,,ilf of I,,c@sleyan Prc)pcrtic,,s.
On Piotioii by Councilni,,in fioll@ind, seconclc(l by Cotiiiciliiian Croiitwell, aild by
recorded vote as folloivs:
@yes: Coiilicili,@icii Robort 11. CaJlis, Jr., Rc)hci@t B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
)usch, F. Reid Ervin, Coorge R. Feri,ell , Cl@irence A. fjolland, D. Nlurray
lalbon, J. Ctirtis Payno, Vic@c, Nliyoi- Earl Nt. Tc@b@itilt, an(] Mayor Donald H.
Rhocles .
Nays: None
Absent: Counci ITiaii Floycl l@ . l@a to3,f i elci , Jr .
City Couiicil defetred the above applicet-toi of Properties for a
Use P-,erniit for a period of nijicty (90) cl@1),@
ITE@NI @13433
Application of Gel,ald 0. Verdoii for D)-. L. F@lo'@crE Lo,.:e, for a Use ForniiL to
1) Ly
opc,.i@ate a Veteriiiii-y hospital (clinic) C),q cerc,,,iii pr@ E'l, loce'-,L-cd- L [)Oint
beginning 600 feet riol-e 01- less 1-1 s@ of f7irst C(,Ioiiial rlliiiiing a distance
of 50 feet along tlie f@ortit side ol@ Lasl,,in ruiiiiitig i clis'u@,nce of 208 fc-,ct
along tlic E,,stei,n liiie, ruiiiiiiig I al@ 50 fect alo!ig tlic, @!ortiiei-n
prop-@i,ty line, ruiii)iiig a clistzince of 20@ fc,ot alotig tiil Eastei-n pi-c)per'y litle,
Said propei,ty is locitc@ci a,'@ 17,1,0 Lasli@i Roid. ([Ii I I tc)p Ai,c@a LY@@il@IAVE@@ BOROU@"H.
The Pliniiing Co,@iqiissioi i,eco,@,iiiie@ids approval of t@l-is reqLIF@st sL@bjc-,ct to rig@it
of %,,,ay ipii)roveiiilnt in acco@,cl,,;ice t-iitii City sttiicl,,,icis as rc,.citlil,ed b,,, the
Engine@-@,ing Division of tli2 D'@,partiiient c@f Co@@ @ititty @,@rvic-,c-,s and City %,:,itcr
and s@@ier requii,ed by tli2 llc,(@ltil
Mr. Josepli Canada, Attorney, appoared on I)ch@ilf of the applicant.
@ly. Roger S@ott, City @lanigor, mide a report t.o Coujicil reoai-ding Dr. Lowe's
operatin@ a Veteriiiary lic)spit@t-! (cliilic) bcrol, a use porfilit i@as graiited.
On motion by Councilman @Ialbon, seconclc,,d b) Vice @layor Tel)ault, and by recol-dod
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croml,7ell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscii, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarcnce A. Holland, D. Murray
Malbon, J. Curtis Paync, Vice Nlayor Earl @l. I'ebatil.t, and @layol, Donald 11.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Floy(I E. Waterfielcl, Ji.
City Council approved the above al)plicatior of Gcrald 0. Ilerdon for Dr. I,.
Robert Lowe, for a Use Pernilt to operate @L Veteri.iiary hospital (clinic) on
certain property locate, a@a poi.nt beginniiig 600 feet niore or legs west of
First Colonial Road; said propcrty is located at 1740 Laskin Poad (flilltop
Area), Lyiinhaven Borotigh. Approval of thc above applicatioii is subject to
riglit of way iniprovcniciit in accorjaiice wit@l City stand-circls as required by tlic
Engineering Division of tllc I)OPIrti[iolit oF ( orii,iunity Services ltlcl City w@iter
and soiqer required by the lfc@@iltli Del),Irtlll,,,Iil
ITF,M #3434
Oii motior, by CotincilTiiar, Ferrc,,ll, seconded f), Councilmaii Croini@ell, aiid by
TCCOTded vote as follb@,,,s:
Ayes: Cotincilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robei@t B. CromiNell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscii, F. Reid Ervin, George R. l@errcl], Clirciice A. liolliiid, I). @lurray
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layo-r Lai,l M. TE,bault, and Nlayor Donal.d H.
Nays: None
@bseiit: Councilman Floyd @'. Waterfield, Jr.
:ity Council approxed oii second readin,@ the follo@@,@ing OrdiiiancE,, to amend ancl
reordain Division 14, Sectiolis 20-19S, 20-196, 20-197, 20-198, 20-199 and
20-201, of tlie City Codo relative to tlic Ii,-eiisiiig of professional boiidsneli.
A@' TC)
Divisilill@, 14, LICE14S',")
SEC'CICi\TS 20-3-95, 20-1c,7,'
20-1c"3, 20-1.cl'c
20-201 CF '-ct',E C:O)'@-,
RELATII,fl, TC) i)F l,;,IOFFS-
BE IT OrDATN'@',-) @3%, Tlll' COI'JNCIJ O@@ 'I'Tj@' Cl @ OF VII,,GINIA
That Divisiori 14, C7c,nc@",ally, Sections 20-1@15,
20-1-0@6) 20-197, 20-1-@8, 20--l@ 2(1-2(;lj is hercb@', arieilded to
read as follo@@@s:
Sec. 20-195. T,evy.
Every person @qlic) shal.1, for ei)ter into anv
boiad or bonds for otl,c@rs, whet@ier as priticipil or stircty, shall
pay a license tax of $2C,,O.oo.
"Person" as d(,finel in Lliis I)ivis-ioi-I sl,lall include, any
professional bondsr-ia,@t or Ills agelit c)) Oily a,.,c,nl@: or altoriiey-in-
fact of giiarantee, inde7inity, fidc,].j-ty, and security coiiipanies,
d.oing busliiess iii @*@rg@iiiia iiiider tli(@ 1)i-o,7i@,ioiis ()f Sc@ction 38.1-2(,,,'
to Section 33.1--657 of thc, Cc)cle oL- Vir@@nia, 11,-)5,), as alfiencl,-,cl,
who enters intc) I)c)ii@ls :Cor blil, costs oi- Ippell,,;.
Sec. 20-1@6. EnteriTiE,, into bond,,; fc,) cooti,,)ensatiori i,7ith(Dut licc-,,Ise.
Any pc,.rson stiil.1, for corl.)Ci).-;,i".1c)ii, e))t--er irito any
bond for.others, w'tellicr as p)-,incil),,i@, c))- @,@u3-oty, @,7it@hout haviiig
obtaiiied a licensc@ slil,ill be gliilt:y of i ri*lsclc.-,ile@ilor ii-id on corivic-
tion thereof, be Eiiiel iiot )e@s.,; J-:LL-tv dc)]),qrs nor riorc-, ttiali
fi.ve hundred dol-larc@ f 2- elch of'. ;isc.
Sec. 20-107. Certific,,tc, o@@ goo@] iic,i@@il cliiractcr
No Ii-cense, tl,c@ licensc, tax f(,r I's s(,t olit i.ii Section
20-195, sliall be u@,I(',",S uli@:j-l tlierc, is prc@sented. to
tlle Co@,i@--iissioiic-r c),@ fi-ola tl@e jU;:IgCS Of
Cl.rciiit Court th@-- or tle, lic(@r).se and. ce-rtifyinc,
ttiat the persoii s@ich li-cellsc@ is c)f eoocl i@,@or@il charictcr)
ttiat his past con@ll.ict- '['C'fc)re tlic, coilils of triis city has nor
been unsatisf@qctoi:y Lli@it he is si@i.table to be licensej..
Evo-ry persoli licc,,,isecl iii-idcr t'f)i.@ T)i-visioi-i sliall- be subje-ct
to and governcd by aiiy 3.-e@tsoiiil)l- rtile@; of col-icluc-I or procec'Lire
set up by the jti,,-I,,e, or jucl-c,-, of t-li( court i.ii I,'Ilicti tic is acting
as.a bonlsrilan an,@ f-"iirtli(?r suoject to tti(2 provisions of Section
58-371.2 of ttir, Cod,e o@, Vir.@inia, as amenclecl.
Sec. 20-108. Revocpti-oi-i of license.
A license, thc, li(.@ense ttx for k@;iicl-i iL,, sc@t C)ut in Section
20-195, may be r(,voked at aiiy tiine 'c,, tlic jticl@es of the Circuit
Court, for failtire 'Lo comply witli iii@ o- tli(, tcrnis or cond@--tions
as set oiit in this 3)ivisi-ori.
Sec. 20-1c,9. i,iiii-ititio,-i oii entral)(,,(, iiito b(ii-)Lis.
No person hol.,Iii)E-,, a license, tlc I.icen,;e tix for whi-ch
is set out in Scction 20--3-95, otlicr Lli@iii an ageilt ol' Ittorney-
in-fact of ariy iiiler.,Lllitiv, filcl-ity, or security conipaiiy
as set forth in S(,c!i@joi) 20.-195, sli@,11 c,,it(ir ilito ai-iy bond i-f the.
aggrc-.gate of ti-ie- 1)c@iialLies c)f all :) oil @II)icli h@ h.,-is not I)oon
rc,]-eased frofi is iri excc,:@,,@ Of LIIO t@rL]C@ i@icirl@et va@@Lic of
his real estate oa- ,,(2ctirity as a-,)p-@-c)\)o@'i [)y tLi(, Circtilt Court, or
if an cigent oi., el a illJCIT)riity, fidelit@y,
c.; -ie. provj sion
or S--CLlrj.ty it) llric',er t'L
of Secti.oii 33.1-26(' tc) Sect*lon 33.J-657 of tlie Cadc, of Vi.rgiriia,
11,50, as ar@ieiaded, 1-liltil he sliill [i,tvc, filc@,] his aut@ic)rity to act
as aa.ent or attori-t--,- iii--fact .;itli Ltic C'irc-Li"t Cc)urt of the City
of Viraiiiia Bc,,icil.
Sc,c. 20-2-01. Dtity to file i,,i()iiLtily wi'@:1, co,,irt c)@iLFLanding bonds.
Every person licc,i@scd i-,nd(@3- t-@ij,,; I)iv@IsAC)il stial-I file
@qitti tlic, cle3--,c o@ tl,e Ci-rcii@it Cc-,iirt c),- tl@is c't\ not la'cer tbafi
the fil@@lt dav of epc--ii @l lic;t@ Of @l-IL oiitstLril.-Tilig. boiicls on
--ec@ as c)f t@ic, (lav of t@io preceding r,,.o.'Ith,
,,7 ich lie was obligat
together witli the ajiil)lllllt of LI-ic pciility of eicli sucl@i bond.
This ordiiiancc@ sliill be in flil.l. fo3-ce all,! el-fect froi,@i the
date o@- adoption.
First Reading: Jitne 21, 1971
Second Reading: JLine 28 , 1971
Adopted by tlie Cnuncil of the C@;ty of V-'Lrgi-iiil ,@,each,
Virgiiiia, on t:ile 28th dly of Julie 1971.
ITE@@l #34,,S
On motion by Councilman I)usch, soconded by Vice @layoi, I'cbault, aiid by recorclod
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert ii. Callis, Jr., R(,bcrt B. Croiiiwell, Jr., l@rank A.
Duscii, F. Reid Erviii, George R. Ferroll, Clarcnce A. Hollaiid, D. @lurray
@Ialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vico @ltyor Ea3,l Nl. 'I'ebaLlIt, and @layor Donald H.
@ays: None
Absent: Councilman Floyd E. Waterfield, Ji.
Cit Couiicil approved tlie following applicitions for tax rofunds in the amotint
of @IS3.41 aiid a reftind for @t dance hall liceiase ivhich was improperly issucd
iii tlie amotijit of $200., a total amouiit of $3S3.41.
TO: Dalc li-pison City Attorricy D@i t 6/21/7 1
1,011: llr. V. A. rtliericlpe, Trezi@;ul-er
BJECT: Al)i)licitLioil for Tix Rc@ft@ii,is:
.2 E^-r rLfjz,.d Of 153.41
d CCL-tified foi piyiiient, as set fc)rL(i 'ue!014-
V. A. Etlieri(ii-,e, Trea-ut,nr
Tax Type
Tic@et esc
Name Year of Ta@ Number
1/21/71 10.00
.Waret Maloney 1971 CD 48301
i Nonni 1971 CD 35881 l@/16/71 10.00
r d Loiqe 197i CD 6197 2/1/71 l@O.C)O
@-i.es lqm Smitli - 1971 CD D-472 6/10/71 1.00
i@,cs L Guion Jr. 1971 CD @-2371 5/26/71 1.00 1.00
rvcy N Stone 1971 CD 30508 1/29/71 10.00 10.00
bert 17 EnglandJ 1971 CD 16882 ]@/26/71 10.00 10.00
bert W McDonald 1971 PP 1 38391 44301 6/9/71 14.40 14.IAO
clc Curtis' 1971 PP 1 65847 48261 6/1/71 20.40 20.60
arles Plummer 1971 RE i 39160 563i (,/1/71 2.05 2.05
hii F & Donna B 1/1 42/2 5/20/70
Paxson 1970 RE 12147 5251 3/22/71 150.98 1,1,18, 52,26
L... Cliristian 1969 RE 8897 5181 (,/IO/C,9
I 1 2/2 10/14/691 6.00 6.00
L-. Chri-stian 8834 520 (,/3/68
1968 2/2 ]1/1/68 6.30
lp@2 6.30
VC IIPDIIC@,ltio(ir fo'r refttt,,I.of t,@,,
ale Bimson c l@, J.
1. 5 5 CITY OF VIPGit@!i, V@..
(TYI@ 1.
111.1@E@ T@l CITI 11111 F @@l'@Tll l@@' 1.11
IIT@114 T"' 1-@' @.1- @IF '@'ll 'L" Ill @lili'IIIT 11 @y l@@EIII@l
.1 $1111@ENT ll.IT
J -U Th 22,19/1 2 C', 0
C,--@ lY
FE S 0'7 _Tl
10 S I I 1 -1@T :@IT
O' i
P()T l(i I:;)T il T,
V"@ONS SIOILD NOI .@IIL l@ll-C)l@ Tl:ls L-114E V@NU@.rl'S TOI AL 2
t"IL CIIITIFI@111.1 .1 11' Cl II-. l@l .@.Cl 1.@@11ITi.11:
"I'll "IIT
@..Il@TF D @l4@ "'11 Fl I 11.1 @;T 11@, @ 11 ILE, 11@l 111@'i IT
I C l@ @ll@ 11 I I TI 71, TI c I I
11 l@ I-R,IIIF l@l 11,1111C @'ll
11@, @l CE;l I l T@,@,T l@i C,6.11 l@ lll;l-'l 11@IIFIED @ @@
@L t,I 11,@ @, I l@@FI-I !-I, F A1- @-'iT 11--@ F@ ' Ill,-; -@ I'@ E'. l@
I@IELY I @-@l I I I , T@ 'T 11 - I: IT,@- @ll ll-- T@
@TE@ . I%II 1,@@ II'-IT@l:@E I I i 'C@' f .(.E
@:N , NC) Oi @-ICE@ OR Er@'@'LOY@-E (C)@@
tFri-, Of @ fiE- CITY CIF VIF@@t@@!A E@=ACH @IAS A@!','
@.T@@ N' r@L I P F@Y INI t-F@E @-F (Et F@i@- F, E)l@E(--TL-Y C)T@ INT)I-
F, (- IL Y), EXC@ F@l AS Di@--,I-C@,ELI, lltD AL)-, Fi'i'@IZE t@.
A@@lT@. All All@@,,@ 1.1 F'@Yll@@T: 1,N I ilc; fRA@,SAC:Ti-)r@4 IL@ If IEL) FC).@ F2A)'-
Ki t@ I
P, y @117,@
ITem #3136 y
Oii iiiotioii by Couiicilman Ilayiic,, secon(ic@cl by CoLiiicilili@iTi Cromiqell, aiil by-
recordod vote as follows:
Ayes: Cotincilmon IZobert 11. Callis, Jr., Rot)el-t 11. Crofliwoll, Jr., Fr@inl, A.
ILISCII, F. Reid Ervin, Goc)r@,e R. Ferrell, Cl@Lreiice, A. Holland, 1). @lui-ray
f,ilboii, J. Curtis Payiie, Vicc @l,,iyor E@irl @NI. I'c,b,,itilt, and @layor Donald H.
.@liodes .
Nays: None
Abseiit: Couiicilman Floycl 1'. IVaterficld, Ji@.
City Cotincil deforrod for thirty (30) days l sti,eet closure Diatter relative
to closing portions of First, Secon@, I)otoni@ic, Clevelancl, Coluiitt)u--, ancl
Lafayette Streets in Ba)@side 13orough,
Item #3437
Mr. Vernard l@,. Wagner appoqrcd before City CoL,iicil oji behalf of the Chesepeal,-e
Beacli Civic Leagiie, ol)posed to tlic closiiie, of a portion of Lauderdale Avenuc
in Bayside Borough.
On motioji by Counciliiian Ci-orii@ell, secojicled by Cotinciliiiaii Ilolland, and by
recbrded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert It. Callis, Jr., RoL)oi@t B. Croiii@vell, Jr., Fraiik, A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrcl], Clir(@nce A. Ifollaiic], 1). @turray
'Iall)on, J. Curtis Payno, Vice Nllyoi, Fal-I @"I. @f'c@b@tLIlt, aiid @layor Doii@ild ti.
"hodc-s .
Nays: None
Absent: Couiicilniaii FIoyd F@,. Waterfielcl, Jr.
City Couiicil deferred until July 12, 1971, coiasideration of the reports of
viewers rel.ative to closiii@ a portioii of l,aLid(@r(lale Aveiiiie, in Baysidc,,
Borotigh in order that th, COLIIIC-,ill!10,11 lit@iy h,@,,,e aii oppoi,ttillity to view the
portion of I.atiderdale Aveiiuc, I)ror)c)sod fol- clostil-(',,
Item #3438
On motioli by Councilniin Payno, seconcl(,d by C.)unci]Fl@ill liolland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robort 11. Callis, Jr., Robc,,rt B. Ci,oiiiwell, Jr., Fi,ank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Erviii, George 1". ForTell, Clai,ejice A. @lollaiid, D. Mui@ray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payiie, Vice Nlayor Earl @Nt. 1'01)aull, and 1%iayor Donald 11.
Nays: Noiie
)Sellt: Councilpian Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
ity Couiicil adopted tiac followina Ordiiiaiice to amend and reordain Section
6-S of tlie Code of the City of Vil,giiiia Beacli prohibiting bicycles, etc.,
on the boardwalk
That, Sectioii 6-5 is aiuended and reordained as follows:
"It shall be unl,awful- for any pers,).n to ride or operate a bicycle,
tricycle, tandem or lile or similar dev;ce or equipment, other than a
rolling chair, on the boardwalk alon,, tlic Atl,,IntiC Ocean bet@-7een 9:00
01 clock P. M., of any day an(] 4:00 olcl,)cl@ A. M., of the following day."
This ordiiiaiice sliall be in ftill. fo@@ce aiici effect frori the date
of passage.
Adopted by Lhe Couiicil of thc! Cl.ty C)f Virgiiiia Beacli, Virgiiiia,
on the 28t]) day of 1971.
ITENI #3439
on niotioii by Counci.Iman flollaiid, secoiacled b@ Couiicilman I)Usch, and by recorclecl
vote as folloi@.,s:
Ayos: Counci]Eieii Robert fI. Callis, Jr., Rol,ort B. Cronii@ell, Jr., Fraiik A.
tiscii, F. Reid Ervin, Goorgo R. 17errcll, Cl,@i-eiice A. tiolland, D. i"lurray
albon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl @l. I'et)aLilt, and M@iyor I)onald If.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilman Floyd E. lvaterfield, J7,.
City Cotincil approved the folloiijig Ordinii i@-( appoiiitiiig Vie@@ers relativcll
to tlic closing and discotitilluilic, portiolis of Ilic@,@inley Aveiiuc anci 28th Sti,ect,
1'raft Avenuo, Itayes Avenuc@, aiil Ai-thur Av(,iiii( , iii the I'lorot-i-.Ii of Priiicess An],,
C[-OS I f,":'D D I ii i;:@- c@- I L@-Y
Tf@R' t@VE t!U'@ I'@ 5 @@V@ @ii;z- A;,D l@ ("r- Pi@f@ICESS
Ail;@@, 114 T:"-- CIFY C@@ Vi,',Gl;lll@,
kl@:EP,@IA-,, Tit,@ Cc)riri(-)r & Foy Corpc)rz@tiori ti,-,s giveri clll--
proper i)otic,--, in L-,@corcl@rice IIC fOr SL'ch cafcs @ncl
provide.d, tiiot on t@iis @V@f)ly tO t[IC COLIIcil C)f thc, City
c)f Virgiiiia Vir(iini,@, for tl, cl@ viciicrs to vie@l the
belc,,.! (!escribcd pi-op@rty zitid rc@porl in @iriting to tlie Cocii-iril vilietlcr, in
thp opinion or Sli(i ally, if @,ny, iticonvc-@nience %@ic,,Lild r--sult
froii tlie discc,,riirtiAirig of t[ic s,3i,,' sti- ct,,, @)nl filc@d such ipplic,3t!ofl
v)it@) tiic saici Coi.incil;
C i ty c)f V i rg 1 n i
tIO'd, Till- F',[' FC, f BE I T O@' DL@ I i )y t;)e I or tlic.
Beacli V i r 9 i n i t I i -@ t C . C . Ci rr i,i)g t oi i , W. W. Fleming, Jr., and
C. L. Hanbury, II
be, an(! they ;ii-e, ap,,)ointc@,] tc, vir@i tlie property
an(i r(,poi-t iii @ir@itilig to tile co"Iricil 01 ci@
---Jul-y--2 6-,@
)g-jl, viliethcr iii tl)cir opirion, zny, @ !(l if any, ir,.cotiveriietie %iolilc;
rCSL]lt froni tl@@ discc):)tinuin,,,, cloeiii,l z,,rd v,@aticn (.)f cei-tlin pc)l-tioris
of ficl'linlcy 28t[i Sti-ect, -fa:-t Avc,'[@Ll:!, li@@yes
in Pi-iiicess in tl)c City ' '@irc-iinii Virginii, L,@-ing
(lesci-if)ecl @is to-,..lit: I
Pil@RC EL t@@1,1@@i-EY P@VEt@'Jr- @ri! 2-Fl! ST[I"ET
Begint)iii,,, a@ a poirit c)n tl-@,- czslci-ii lirii-@ of Ave[iLl--
wliet-e tl,e so@itlici-ii line of Pve@iu-, inter,',Ccts said
Rooscv(ilt as slic@,,,ri c)@) ti,@,t ci@rt,@in plit cntitled
"Plat OF V(,.Czi..i D@ r@cc, in "@ic Clz!rk's Vficc
Of tll-- Cit-CLIiL COIII-T of Vii-cit,i, Vircinia, ill t"ap
Bool< 7, z@'L 70.
Tiience alon,,j t@ic czstet-n Iii o@ tl 2501@2'021'
E 667.9) fect to 0 zi pir); tf)ci c.,i, I(, ij tl)a so,iti,@l-n I i ti,:! of
28th Str@,@l-t S 73 O')'!:@ll E fec,,t to a piii; t@@@,nce 'c@
2500312(1'1 L feet to a pit@; tl@r2@;@c- t;ie nort;ler(i
;, " .@t o z,, pin;
lino ol@ 21-'t@i Sti-cet @i 73CO "L,',' 'l.' 13@.01 f,-' t
tt,,er@ce tlic., eastern I ir :@ c,- tj 18033100;,
E IOO.Cll) feet to a @)ill.; ri 310110
a lir,@@ [,-,f to t@,(@ Iii!-@ of l@rilinlcy Aver@ti,
50 fc-t "o tii- @.;estern lir.c, (i tli,-@r,,@c in Ei
lir-@, o@ licl',inlf,,Y IvenL,-e
IOO.Lil fc2t to its interscctic)ii t[i-. noi-t@-Ic-i-n ]ire o @ I
23tii Sti-c,ct; ti,eficc ,.Ioiig tli-@ ri i L@terti I ir@e ol- 2-otli Sti-ect
N 73cC)3 'I@5" t4 101+,06 fcc;t tc, e i,c)i@it; ti@-@ncc! ill z@ SoLI'L@,C'rly
directiot) a'lcFig a I ine pc-.rpcn('i @ul,,r to th-- not-tiiet@n I inc! of
2'oth St;-cet 50' to a poiri@i c@@i ti(-- sc)u'cl@-.rn lin- of 23ti) Street;
tl)ence S 73otl3'1@5" E70 fec-t t@,) point; therice in a sc)utherly
dirertic@n alo-.1, tile k,;estei-n Ii, C,,,- t@clinley Av--Pu@ 503.r)] fect
to its vlit!i til,,, eci fcrii liie of Ro,,)sc-.velt Avenu--,;
thence S O@001011 11 l@@.l@5 fe@", -c tlie p-)int cf blginiiing.
PARCEL. I-",'O: T,@F-C AVEtlu
Bcginning at a point iloflg ttic, k@estet-n line of Taft Avetitie
wliere it interscc-ts i-iitli ti)e no,-tlicrn I ir-,e of 28th Street;
thc!tice iri z@ nortli-,rly clirectior, alond tlie ',!cstcrii I in-:! of
Taft Ave--nite. 18@,.03 fec-,t to a pc)7rit; tl 23020'38;' E
181@-72 f,--Pt to a poin, ; tiier@cf- iTi l sc)-i"l,erly clirec'cion aloiig
the eastei-@i I ine of Tal t Ave;i@i@ @@65.1"15 fc-It to its intersection
with tii(@ ti,)rti,ci-n line oF 2@@tli ti-cot; thc-nce iii a ,iesterly
directiot! z@lonil, tlic norti@crn li i,! of Street 50 feet to
the point c)f beginning,
Beginninj at a point along t:,c @;csterri lit),2 of ilayes Avenu@
at its inersectic)n %qitli tl)e r,,@@th,-,rri lit).c of 28til Street;
theiice iri i tioi-tl.@rly (lircclio@i alon(, tlic lir,z! of
il,)ycs Averi,ic l@33.11 feet to @, [)@,int; tii--@nc.0 S 39,,3012111 E
111.1;7 ferL t,-) ' Piri; tt@,rce E 20.(,3 fec,.t to a
point; tti(:@@,cc in c,, scutl,c,@rly diicctioii iloiiD tl)c-- c,@ftern
line of til-,ycs Avc,)uc 39@,.]@l@ to its intrsectior, @,tith tl)e
not-tlict-Ti lir)c of 20@tli @tree' ; t' -,nce in a %.@csterly direc;ti()fl
alono tf,-- Iit)-- of 2@cli Sti@eet 50 fc@c,,t to tile pc,,irlt
PAP,CEL i\.'@Til-UR A@1@@@UF.
Beginnirig @t a F,,jirt oii tii,-, tieF;Let-ti liric of At-tlltlr fverilic
132,78 f(@--@t riortf, of its iritc-,r-s@@ctic)n ,Iitl@ 2@oth Sti,c@21;
t@.c!ncc., fi-c,!!i sz,,ici poiit cf in a no@t@,ci ly dil.,@cti.,n
alotig t!ic %'estern line of P,t-Lh@ii- /@verIL'O @cet to a
point; s 61@007,0-,," @)2.@ fe,t to a pc,int; ti-@@iicc in
a SOLit!llrl@' (!!r'eC',iC)ti tll ejf;te[-n lir.0 C'@ @,rLliui- @VCr@Ll@-
175.01 @cc,-, to @ point; @ri dircclic,-i
Lo ti-,e Ii @c. of 50 fc@et
to t ii e p,, o,@ 1)('-g i nri i Ii
And eacii of tti@ sz)ici vic%@.,,rs st,E!ii i@ziici tiiv. S,-it,7 or eE)C:l
for suct) set-vic(., , %-!@17ch toL,)] siicill [@@, [)aid by t:i- applicaiits licirc,*in
on or bofore 1 @)7 1 ,z,.nd
IT IS tlii, bc, atid tf@e snrla
@@ereby is, refc-i-icc! tc) ti,- Plclilitig Co: iissi(,Tl for the CTty of @lirgi-ni,,
Virginic,, fot- a rel),.)r-I r--Co: to tii(@ Co,.incil, suc,"i
rc-p@,rt to be ()ii or bc@-oi@c,
ITE@Nt @3440
Oii inotion by Counciligiii l@crrc,,Il, seconde@l 1)@ (:oti,icjlitiln [lo]-lll,d . ind by
recorded vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Couiicilnien Robert 11. C@illis, Ji,. , Rc)l)ei,t B. Crollil,,Cll , Jr. I l,raiil, A.
DLisch, F. Reid Ervin, Geoi@ge 1'. f7eri-ell, Cl@ rc@iice A. flolland, D. Nlurr@Ly
Nlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vicc Mayor Earl @t. aiid @llyor Don@ild f[.
iys: None
Absont: Coulicilnian Floy(i ]@. Watci-fielcl, TI,.
City Coliiicil aPI)YOved thc, rco2-gaiiizat@i.on of tlie Drug l@octis Comniitt(@e as pro-
posed by tlie Cominittee aiicl ma(le tlic Ippoilitinolits:
1. the heads of six mtinicipal departiiioiit-,; (pc@riiiaiiciit appoiiitiiicj)ts)
the Police Departiitc,,iit - W. Ill. Dai,is
the ConiTnonwealth's Attornoy - Alldl,o f@v@ins
the Jiiveiiile Prob@itioii Depirtiiielit -Goi,don Turjicr
the schools - E. F '. Bi,icl-,ell
the licalth Departilic,,nt - I)r. Madge @\l@iy
the City Adiniiiisti-,ition - Roger Scott
These persoiis wotild have Itltllority to desigil@ite i-el)yesentatives frolli his
departmont to sit with tlic Cojiiriiittec in tlic ,il)seiicc of a def)artiiient head
2. six studeiits or young peol)lc,, (appoiiite@l foi, I year)
Saiidford Brag-.
Meta Beasley
George Francisco
Naiicy Pretznian
Scott Nlyers
@ticliae,l Dennis Joz)es
3. twclve private citizeii- rcpresentiiig a hi-o,.Id cross-sc@ction of the
Appointed for thi,ee ye@qrs
e I -,, 0 n
Mr. Robert L. Gordoii
Mrs. @lary Russo
Reverend Jolin Lyles
Appointed for two yeai's
R@@eren@join o@cl 6-11
Dr. Aiin KaTiiitschiiig
Nlr. Janies @IcKeiiry
Mrs. Doris Youjig
@))oj.jiteld for onc@ ycai,-
Mr. Bc7r a@ri-Bli-rr-oil.,
@Ir. C. @l. B@iylor
Father inlicliael Crc@edoii*
Mr. Ricbard llancock
*Father Creedon w@s previou.9l.y appointed oii June 23., 1971.
ITEM fl3441
On motion by Counciliiiaii Nf@ill)o]ll secondoel by Coulicilinait Duscli, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Rol)ort ii. calli
_,;, jr., Ro@)(@it B. Crofniqell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Georgc R. Forrel.], Cl,,irclice A. flollalld, D. Murray
talbon, J. Ctirtis Payne, VicC Mayor l,.arl NI. Tcbault, inci Mayor Doiiald H. Rho(les.
ays: Noiie
Absent: Councilinan Floyd E. Watorfield, Jr.
City Cotincil approved tlie, followilig I'losoltitioii rcquestiiig tlle City of Norfolk
to iiiako a connection and tc) ftlrllisli %@atc,l, tl,i,oLl,ll a prol)osed watcr s3,stein,
located at Lake Shores, Scctioll 7.
Fc)t,i)i No. P.U.-'36-2a
A R@"OLUTIOII TIFE C11Y ()I-' i;Oi@l'ol,K TO
114 ilife Cil'Y OF
VlfiGlIlIA ]3i@"ACII, @'UI'Tfli,,'il DESCRI[iFD DI@@lf,OW:
VnialEAS, it is proposed by the City of Vi-rCinia @achy Virginia, at
the roquest of ---P to oxtend a proposed water
main in accoida @ttieen tlie City of Vii-ginia
Bench and tho C c ',Ilorcs irca
tcc't Iis folloi,,s:
flamo of sjzo of Linear No. of
Yieredith Rjad 6 655 1
al-I as descril)ad and thown on plwi entitled, @liores, Sc2ction 7
as Prei)ared by
-B@@P@ch, Va.
Ci',@ of @")I'fO]k tc, n'-d it
here@ is, to cf wa'Cr .@'irll3
witit tho riz@infz cf rri@ ili@, and udon
cor.pl(,@tion of the iii@ il!c@) to @-UPI)ly Wilier to
COII,--tU.101'13 residillf' tl-,(Irc,Ori, i@ Eiid np,eed
thett tho rui,,I)Iyiiig of [',t@id V,,Z@ter by t@l(-, Cit,v c,f zjliall b,-) upon tind
Bubjoct to tlio fo-Uowiii@, ancl coiilitJo;i,,;: Y.
1. That the vqid water @ii)s chgli b@-, iligt@@lled in accordance with
the cyrcificatioiis of tlie rliid City of Norfoll@ Piid to tlio niitif3fziction
of the Directoi@ of @blic Wo,-ks of said City, at 110 cost to tho City of
2. That tho @Tpter so stippl3od t@iroii,ii ,,rid nain,9 to congimors sh@
be at the spitio rate now, or liere4Lf@or, cliarged by the City of Ilorfolk to
conaumers @yond tlie ld-riits of s@@id Ci"y E3iniltrly sit,u.-ited.
3. That all ordil)ances of the City of Nc,rfolk and all rillos and
re@ ntions of the Diviri-c)n of Water Supply of s,.,id City, now or hereafter
adoptF@d vnd pUt it!to effect, rolqtiz)g to the furi@i@;hiiig of watcr @@hall
apply to the supplyj-ng of w@ii-er throLCla thc@ S,,Id proposc,,d inains.
4. That tlie said CJ-ty of Ilorfolk sliall I-D no obligation to
furnish rnore water than Jts disti,il@ution syste:n no@7 laid, with the
pressure carricd, will dcl.iv(!r iiito s,,lid riftill@) efid i-f tlic said supplying
of water sliall ')at be i-ii acco@-d&,ijcc with tl!e -,crvice, the said
City of Ilorfolk s@.all not I)c@, held res,,,onsible in Iny way.
5. That 1-n supp2yi-ng @iziter to consuii(,,rs nlc,ng tlie spid propo,@ed mainr,
the City of Norfolk will SUPI)ly tlie sane 0:@ly frc,-i its suz-l)lus supply, and
that in no event shall there b-- any ol)IiC,,itio-I or@ thc! pirt of OIid City to
oupply water to n-ny cons,),:ier.9 alon, tite propo.,cd -,i,ins at any t@,e when,
i.n the jtfdco,@ent of the Courici-I of th@,, @dcl City of Ncrfc)lk, the said City
ahall not have sufficient supply fpr usc witlijn its coriloi-ate limits, or
whenevor the supplyii)U of E.@@ld w,,,tcr sliall I-nter@@ei,e with the disch,@ge
of the duty of said City to @-,iipply weter to it-- ci,,n
6. That from and after the inst@@llitJon of tlie water mtins and
hydrants they shtill beco.-@ia tlie p-odei,ty of tlic CJ'ly of Vir,illia -@tich.
The City of Virginia sl:all grant to ti@c@ Ci@y of li@orfolk tlic right
to u,,3o such @ins and h-,rl'.,@int,s fo.- the supl)ly of water, and further grants
to the City of Norfol-k relidy and reasc,,@Rl)lC', acce@-,3 to tlic,.m.
7. That for any fire ltydrar)t install.c,,d Pt the req,-,et of the City of
Virginia @acii, a rOTItal payment of @@e liu2,drcl I)OLLars (@'100.00) a year
for each hydrant sha-U bo paid to the City of 'Iorfolk.
ADOPTED BY THE GO.VNGII, of tlie Virrinia @acli, Virginia this
day of
Su@L'@,,,ittc)el by:
B.,y En.-,-rpri.ses Irc.
32-z.l Bc @cl-@
@l # 3 4 4
01, moti oii by Council riiali l@e,2 f( II, ,;Ccon (IC'@l t@y (@,oti]ic i j in, @i ',I Ii cl I)Y
Tecor(le,d vote as follol,,s:
Aye,s: Counciliiien Robe i,t 11. CAII i-,, , Jr. I ROt)OI-t Ii - CrOmwell , Jr Frank A.
D@iscli, F. Reid Ervin, Gooi,gc IZ. T-,Crrc,
,11, A. lloil@ilicl, 1). @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Paycii, Vic(, @layor Earl @IaNlor Don ld 11.
@liocles . I
lays: None
Absent: Couiicilpian l@loyd l@. Waterfield, jr.
City Council awardc,,d coliti, ct; for tlle 14@l c"TI IICi,,
iifollowing low bidders: @Ilts sc@vcr project to tlie
Gravity Sewers Major T. Archl)ell $129,479.00
Ptiii)pin@ Statioii VIii do Riet
Collsti-uction Co., flic. 52,221.00
l'i'l-@'M # 3 4 4 3
On motion by Couiicj.lniaii Ervin, secondecl I)y (,otiiicilniin @talboll, aii(I by
recorded vote as folloi@s:
Ayes: Couiicilpien Robert 11. Czillis, Ji-., Rol)crt B. Croiqwell, Jr., Fr,,Illk A.
Diiscli, F. Reid Ervin, Gooi@gc, R. Forroll, Cl;ii,ciice, A. Ilolland, D. @luri-ay
Malbon, J. Clirtis Paync,,, Vico @,layoi- Farl @l. 'I@cb@iult, zijid @layor I)oji,@il.d fi.
lays: Noro
,tbsent: Couiicilman Floy(i E. Waterfiel(], Jr.
City Couiici.1 granted peritiission to Dave, Realty to riove, a 1-1/2 slory
fraiRe residence, 481 x 381, fropi 1493 Vii-,,iiii@i Beach Boulevzird, l,yiiiihavell
Boyouah, to Lot 4 and p@irt of l,ot 5, Blo@-k -\, Iiidiai),,i AveiiLic, Oceaj,,,t
Lyniiliaveii Borou,.,h. Estiniated vilue aftei, nii)\,c an(i reiiovatioiis, $2,0,000. sito
has bcoji approved for sei)tjc and (:it),
City Council deferred uiitil Jtjly 12, 1971, c, iisiclei-ation of an appointiltojit t()
the Soutlicastern Virgi.iiia I)isti,j( t for a tlirec @,car teriii,
bcginiiing July 1, 1971.
I'I'Ekl #3445
On motion by Counciliiiaii Erviii, secoiidod I)y (lotincilinan D,,isch, and by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilmen Robc,.rt H. Callis, Jr., l@ol)crt B. Cronwell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Frvin, Gcorgc@ R. I;crrell, Cl@irence A. Ifollari(l, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,, Vice inlayor Far] N[. Tcbi@ilt, ancl @layor Doiiild fl.
.hodes .
,Nays Noiie
Ab-,;cnt: Councilman Floyd E. Watci-fi.cld, Jr.
City Counci I iioted its i iitenti oii to ho] cl a ( I oseci mectiii@ oii @londiy, Jtil ), 1 2,
197J, for the purpose of discu-qsill, itel@is 1)(,rniitte(I for discussion i-indea, the
Fi,coclom of Inforiiiati oii Act of thc, Comllioiil,.(,,] I th of Vi r.-@iiiia
Oji iiiotioia by Councili,,iaii ff,,)Ilaiid, secoflci(',,' 1),- C@oujicilifl,,in Diiscli, Iricl by un@IT!inIC)tls
vote, the ineetiiig a(Ijou3,iiccl.
erk D@@ L i c) (I Z@ t@-i -y- 0 T--
ia Beacli
Jujie 28,,1971