HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 14, 1971
June 14@ 1971
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beacli, Virginia,
,,qs held in the Council Chambers in the Administration Building ill the
rough of Printess Anne, on @londay, June 1.4, 1971, at 10:00
iiie invocation was given by Reverend John S. Lyles, First Presbyterian
Church, Virginia Bcach, Virgiiiia.
Counc,ilmen ptesent: Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croinivell, Jr., Fraiik A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Geor@c R. Ferrell Clarence A. Holland, D. 14urra),
I? I
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, V:Lce Mayor Firl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. lvaterfield,
Jr., and @layOT Donald H. Rhodes.
ITEM 113363
On motion by Cou,icilrian Pa)-iie, seconded by @@ice Nlayor Tebault, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Cotincilmen Robert 11. Calli,;, Jr., l'olort B. Cromwell, JT., Franl-, A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Georae R. Forrell, Cl@rence A. Ilolland, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor 1--arl @,l. Tebault, Floyd E. lllaterfield,
Jr., and @layo.r Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
.ty Council aliprovod llhc @-linute-,; of -Lhe Re@,ular @leeti,,lg of Jtipe 7, 1971,
.,id the readin@, o(- said @@'in,,jte-@ dispeps-d i,.,Itl, as cici Councilinan
had a copy of tli,-, su',,jc,.ct I'lintites beforo ii'fl.
ITEM f3361
On ri,.otion by Councilriaii Ei-vin, sec,)ndcd )V C'otiiciljiiai, Payne, and b@, un,-,nin@ous
VOte, CiL,l i@ctincil corrcctod the @linutes of tlie City Cc ii,c@l T@Icetill@_ of @,."ay 24,
1971, Itein No. -)30'@l, I)y chaiigiiig, ,iii,,icr ec(,rdee, vote "',\Iays:", F. Reid i.-,rvi)l
to Fraiik A. Duscli.
ITEM #3362
On riotioii Co6ncilman Ferrell, secoi).dcd b)- Coujicilliian 1"'aterficld, i-.i@l by
recorded vote as folloi@s:
Ayes: Couiiciliiien Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)cl,t B. Crol,,ii@ell, Jr., an', A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Gooi-@c TI. Ferrell, Cl@,reiico A. Ilollaiicl, D. NIL@rray
Mal.boii, J. Curtis Payne, Vice '@,layc)i, E,.Yl '@t. I'cb@tult, l@loyd l@. Waterficid,
Jr., aiid @-layor Doiiald Ii. I,)Iiocles.
ys: Noiie
-,)Se)lt: None
City Coillicil @ipproved the ;Zcsoll@tioli tl)n
Sclic,ol B,-iid for bciii, to of at
thc, Intcri)zitionil i!@ ),as Vcl@@@s, Oil Jujlc
1971. Nltvor Rlioclos pi7,@sciiiecl tlie IZ(- qlli@ioi t,) ',!r. Pi,iiici@),il of
Kenipsville fli@li Sciool.
R E S 0 1- U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, the Kempsvillc, fligh School Pand has been selected to
represent the Conu,.ion@,ioaltli of Vir,@inia at the Inter-
national Lioiis Club coiiver)tioi) paridc, in Las Vegas,
Nevada, on June 22, 1971, and
WHFRF-kS, the Kompsville Lions Club is ,ponsoring this forthcoming
event by a fund-raisinb drive to secure the necessary
$24,000 to finance this large project, and
WHERFAS, the City Council of thc City @@f Virginia Bcach survcys
with pride aiici interest tlio d@stinction placed upon
this banci - an honor made [@os-@ible thrOLlcjh -Lhe diligent
efforts of thc,. Keinl)svillc, i,io is Club aiid other intc@rested
N014, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City
of Virginia Boacli @vishes to c,)irl)limelit the Kempsville
High School Band for its OLItS,,ijiding performance, and
further ivishes to exprcss its pleasure at having Virginia
Beach so clistingLlisl)e(-l by tl@cir appezirance at the
Internationzil Lioris Cltib Convc?iition.
Br IT FURTHER RESOI,VL@D that the City Clerk be directed to spre ad
a copy of this resolutioii oii t),c, niinutes of this day's
Given under my haiid this l,lih day of June, 1971.
Dc)nalcl Ii. foiode-, @layor
ITE,',l @3363
Ir. @)onald. French, aD @ccotintaiit iii the Division, prosentod to
ity Council a hand-r,.Iacle, virgiii i@ool circulal ru@ tllat cai-rics the ViYgiiiia
eacb Ci@y Seal in full color, with the stipulatioii tliat if at any til@,.e the
ity dec idcs it does not irisli to,display the rug, it will be TO@prned tO
r. Frencli and/or his family.
ayor Rhodes, on behalf of the City Councjl, accepted the rug and extend the
ity's appreciation to Nlr. Frencii for his time and interest in making thc
tig and presenting it to tjie City.
ITEM #3364
n ...otion by Councilman Ferrell, secondcd by Councilrnan Dusch, and by recorded
ote as follows:
es: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
usch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Forrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Nlurray
albon, J. Curtis Payne, Vico Mayor Earl NI. Tebault, Floyd E. IVaterfield,
r., and @layor Donald fl. Rhodes.
ays: None
bsent: None
ity Council approved on second reading a transfer of $1,100 from Code 212A
o Code 103 for the conipcnsation of Planniii,a Coinmissioii members. This is
ocessary due to increased payments to the Coniiiiission and the appointtient of
wo additional membors.
ITE@l #336S
n motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by Vice Ma),or Tebault, and by recorded
ote as follows:
y : Coiiiicilnion Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robel't B. Cromi,,ell, Jr., Fra])L, A.
Du,-h, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clar(,iice A. flol.land, D. llurray
albon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice ili@iyor Earl @@l. I'cb@iult, Floycl E. I'laterficlcl,
r., and @,layor Donald Ii. Rliodos.
Nays: None
bsent: None
City Council approved on second reading a transfer 6f $2,256 from unappropriatee,
surplus to contributions to TVI)C for tlie firsi six nionths of the 1971 cale.l)dar
ITF-@L #3366
@ir. I)avid A. floward, appearcd on belial.f of tlie Ipplicint, Coleman Farms, Inc.,
requestiiig a six inontlis extciision of a use, poi@iiijt previously graiited oii June 8,
1970, to constrtict 396 apartiiieiit units.
On nioti oii by Cotiiicilmaii Fei-rel I , -,ccondod t)y Vi ce @layor Tobitil t, and by
recorded vote as folloivs:
A,-- Coiiiiciliiien IZobert fl. Callis, Jr., Rol)ci-t B. Cromi,,cl], Jr., Frank A.
Di -)i, F. Reicl Erv;n, Cc,,Ol-p,(, l". A. ilollincl, 1). @ttirrIN,
l@l; )on, J. Clirtis I'lIVCI' Eirl \I, I'loycl
Jr., aiid @tayor I)on@il@ 11. l@l@oclc-s
Nays: None
AI)sci)t: Noiie
City CoLii)cil granted a six (G) iiioiitlis cxteilsioll for tlic applicatioll of
Colc,ili@iii I]lC. fol, l usc@ I)C'l'lllit to coi,,@ti-tict 396 il),!i-tiiiciit tiiiits,
previous]), al)provcd oji Jtiiic, 8, 1970, Cit)' (-OlllCil 'lj))LItC'S Itept No. 2301.
ITEM 93367
Applicatioti o@ G. De@@iey Sir,,,r.-ions for a U-s'2 to constrtic'L a 12-i-'oot
by 25-foot sigi,.boai,d oil certlill pi-o@)"'i,ty lc)cl,@.,cl oii tiie East side of
t,'ortli Gre@.L t@CC. @@ "oad bcgi@iniiici at zi F)oint 522 feet li@C)re or les@ PIortli
of First Colonial Road. (Great [@ecl,, l,lerioi- LY':@IIIT@VEL@l
The Pll,tnning Cori@,:@iissi*on recor,@-.i2@-ids dcrial of 'u@iis ipplicatioll as it i-:as
felt t!,at tliis Grett t@ock Areit %!as pi-iFicit'ily rosideiitial in cliaractel@.
Genevra Jarvis appeared in opposition to the above application.'
On motion by Councilman Ervin,,seconded by (:ouncilman Callis, and by recor(led
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl,,trence A. liolland, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vicc @@layor Earl @,t. Tebault, Floyd E. Ivaterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald 11. l@llodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council denied the above application of G. Deiqey Simmons for a use perriit
to construct a 12-foot by 2S-foot signboatd, as it does not comply wit t 0
Sign Ordinance adopted by City Council ori Jiine 7, 1971.
ITEM #3368
Applicatioii of Carditi,@l Sig@t Corporatio,l foi- a Usc,, to cotis'Li-uct a
50-foot by 12-foot sign,@,@i@d on cortain 1)roi,cr'Tio-ci-fed--on tiie Sou'@h side
of D2aii Drive 1161 feet East of Dean Lanc,@. (t-ynt)h@iv.,n Pai,k Area). L Y
The Plaiining Comriission reco-,i,iciids adpro\!al of tilis ap,,)lic@tio;i foi, a
Mr. Carlton Miller appeared on bolialf of thc, applicant.
On motion by Councilman Ervin, seconded by (:ounciliniii @Ialbon, aiid by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)crt B. Croini@ell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, F. Rei-d ETviii, Gcor@e ]Z. Ferroll, Cl.zireiice A. lfollan(l, D. Muri-ay
Malboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl @l. 1'eblult, Floyd E. lvaterfi.cld,
Jr., and Nlayor Donald 11. ]Zhodos.
Nays: Noyie
Absent: Noiie
City Counci.1 denicd the above appli.catioii of Cardin al Sipn Corporation for
a i@so@@r!iiit to construct a SO-foot by 12-f,-)ot si,,iibo@ird, as it does not
-I)Illply witti-tlie Sign Ordiiiaiicc,, adopted b,,, City Council On JLino 7, 1971.
1TE@l F,3369
Ap,,)Iic,,@tion of,t!lj Cl@@, of Virgi,iia of PI
'TI of t!@@ Tra@,,ncr',-I'ion f@lan for
the City of Virgiriia dotailc',l iilfc,@Tiatioi is avail.@,ble in tli@
Office of thl- of Ci-,y I
The Planningg Co,7,.iission rocc@-@.,-nds a-pro!ial of tfie ti,-clilln- and !,.oiifica'6ic),) of
the idol-,ted l,ilLur Pla,.i fcr t'i@ City oF Vir@,,inii P@oacil
a3 presetilled by tlic @L-;@e follc-iii-)r, riodificat@o:,s:a
i!i tl,-- CI- %!-y PoaJ fl.@"i.1 o'@,l feet to
110 fe,t is roFloc'L-@e, i@i S,@li',Ii ri@,.)ort a e@rf-Irral for
a p-,,-iod ot@ or s!!--:i tii-@@ as t@c- @"ri;ic,2ss I:LI'Lui-c Laiid L'se
Plan is presen'@d to o,@ :@oi,tio:i of occi:i rui-
ning fro,l Li+@tle Sc)uth to tlie lioriii Caroliiia Lina.
Mr. Ilickman of the Planiiing Departr@icnt appe@tred before City Council to prescnt
the nodifications of tlie adopted l'iilbur Siiiitli Transportttion Plan for the
City of Virginia Beach as recomiiiended by t)IE! Planning Department.
On motion by CouncilElan Payne, seconded by (@ouncilman Duscb, and by recorded
vote as folloirs:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromwell Jr. Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Fcrrell, Cltrence A. flolland, D. MuTray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payiie, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tobault, Floyd E. Ivaterfield,
Jr., and Nlayor Donald H. Rliodos.
Nays' None
Absent: None
City Council approved the application of tlio Ciiy of Virginia Boach,
@partinent of Planiiing, for an update and riodification of the adopted
ilbur Spiith Transportatioji Plaii for t)ie Cit), of Virginia Beacli, subject
:) the folloi@ing niodific@ti-oiis: a change iii tlie riglit of way structure on
Diamond Sprin-s Road frolli 80 feet to 110 foot Ls reflected in tho approved
lVilbur Sinitil Report aiad a deforral for a poriod of three months or such
time as the Princess Aniie, Future Laiid Use Ill,-in is prescnted to tlie Colill-@ii.ssioll
of that portion of the Occ,,aii Ilarki@ay runiiiii@@ froiii Little Islaiicl Station in
Sandbridae South to the North Carolilia line'. A copy c)f the l@ilbtir Sinith
Transl)ortatioii I'lan for tlie City of Vir-,inj@t PCztch is on file in tlie Offico
of City Planning.
Al,olic,:ttio-i of ca@-,s "or a
fro-. Posiecticc Sut@."@-7
tric' Cc@-@;;;;Crcial i"js@Irict 3 (@'-L
trict 3 (C-.C, 3) cii c::rtiiri prc,-),.r,-y lo-c-t-lcJ ( i ,i;,2 E @t
.Road acrgss frc;-i Prov-1c.1---ic,, Poad, a (iS,'-@,'ICO 01@
less alo'lig tlio ',:2s,-.-rn prop2l.ty line of ii!l-ic@@, fc2t rci@e cr lo;s is thc,
Eztst sic;,,- of Princoss An-,c Poad, runii,,I@ a. dis'l-l@@ce of 3'@10 ll(,,,u ilo@ig ti,@,,
t,'ortiiei,n property linc, rlinnin,@ i di,,'L,@i,,c,, ol@ Ea,,-@oi-ii prc,,I-
erty liiin (pi,op,,-r'cy lir.@ of dis,.lantled railroa,") a,-,d rLin@-.in7 a d'stanc2 oT
4315 feet alotig '@lio S,)LiL!,,erti pro,,),,rcy lin.@. Plits %iit!i i.,.ore d@,'Uaileti iii@@On,]-
atio,-i are in t!)e Offico of tli@, D.-,Parl.-n@2n@L. of City Planili@,g. (!!caver-
ville KE@:PS@fILLE @3ROU-Qll.
The PlFrining Coi,@iissic,@i recop,;.l@nds approial ci tiiis ipplicptio.,i %)ith a r,@odifica-
tion to Plaiin-d Unit ',-,volo-n@cnt (PUD) ze.-ling t-o aid t@,c Plz,.t)niii@l r,2,p--r@icnt in
cool-dinati,-ig tliis t-,,.-o otli,2r @t,ljor Pl@,iiiied Unit
The approval is subject io a i-c@s(@;-va-L-ioil of .@,rol-1,@rty at ti,, of
Indei)endence CoulLv@rd aiid Sou'lli Plaza Trail (a trie@.@illo 11r,,O fea@, I)y 1000 feet
by 1412 fee-L. ) foi, coistructio,-i of a riiio@, iiit,2i s@ction. Thc p,'rTlaliCI)t
reservatioti and thL, exac.- 1,@,,ds for res.,-rvitio@i @,r., to bc d2t@,2rriii,.ed
eigli'ecn by a S',@i,,@y to Le Cc),ill)lot.2d I)Y t!'@'3 Of Co@-7.uility
Serviccs. Ar)proval is fur+lh@r s-,ibj@ ct to a rl,2dicatic),i ol' ri,@i+l ol@ i,@,ay P.@) fec-t
7 4@ 7@ 0
frcq th,. centcr lin2 ol@ 'L-li@ in,@. ,ial cl' .@,y ilor., t;i, I -1 fo
more or less frontacic., oTi Princess fn;i@ Po@ci a
to allo-,i an ovorall ri@,I,,t of i,,,.-iy foi- Ir@!@ nen(!,,rc@ alo,-,a tllc!
2325-foot i,;or,, oi- less on tl-1,2 prol)2i,ty 1 ald a to
allo-.i an o,,,erall 110-i-,Iot I,i(ItIt- cl@ vz--@.y fc@- Trail t,,Ilic!l 16-@t,cu7j@l
the pi,orli,cy as rec,,Lios'L--@d by t!IL' F,,,,.,al of t!-.c of
Cc):,,.lutiity S@,rvice,,. is to @2 irt )ccor(@ar,-Ic ilith tlil@
l,i'ilbur Rcport o@% Z',S @ccc@)',- Ly tli@ of
tile and tli(, City ai@
BLach. -i-lic@ riotic.,l f,,ir',I,,cr SL!1)4@-Ct tO CiLY @'id is by
tli-@ Floalth P@,partj,,i2nt @:!,ic!l allo stLt2d rostiul,aits Lciiil,y
SIIOFIS, et--., riust liavc @i@altli
I Patrick L. Standing appe@ired on behalf of the applicaiit.
On riotibn by Councilnian Forrcll, secolided b), Councilpiai) Duscli, and by Yccorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jl-. , Duscli, Goorge 11. Ferrell,
Clareiice A . flolland I Vice @la)ror Earl @l . I'cba)Lil t , Fl oyd E . I'l@aterf iold , Jr .
and @layor Doliald H. Rhodes.
Nays: Councilmeii Robert 11, Croiriiioll, Jr., F. Rei.(l Ervin, D. Nlurray Nlalbon,
and J. Curtis Payiie.
Absent: None
City Cotii)cil approved tbo above, applic@ition of Breiincip.,In Farms for a chaiice
of zoiiiii,2 from Rosiclence Stiburban District 4 (III-S 4) to @fultipic l@amily ' -
e@sictei-i@ Disti-ict (R-M), limited Coniinorci@il. District 3 (C-L 3) aiicl Cciici,@ll
Cominorcial District 3 (C-G 3), subject to a iiiodificatic@n to 1)]@iniic,,d Uiiit
Devclopiiiej@t (PUD) zonina to aicl tlic Plaiiiiiiii@ in coor(iiiiitin@ this
developiRelit with tivo otlier iiiajor I'laniic,,(l tliiit I)C',i,-Clol)ii)ciits. Appro@,al is
ftirther subject to a i,esci'vatioii of pi-ol'.2i't)' @tt tllc ilitersection of Indepeiidcncc
Boulcvard and Sotitli Pla'za Ti-ail (@@ tri,,iii-l- 1000 fect I)y 1000 fc,,ct by 1412 foot)
f--' ftittii,c con,%trliction of l T,,iijoi, I'ho 1)ci,iii,,tiioji, rc,.scr@,itioll
tlie exict nce(Is for rc@,ervttion irc, tc@ t@@
a StLI(ly to 1)(1, tl)C Ct)'@@@@ill)ity SOI'Vices, A 1) 1) c) %r
it ftirtl)ei, siibject to a (Ic@(licitioit of t,f -IS foot fl'C)Ill tlle coiitel,
of the ijijtial 30-foot@ riplit of iv@iy aloii@, tll( 148S foot itiore or less frontzi,@@
on Priiicess Aniic l@ovd (30-fc)ot @l (Icclicitioii to @i@llol.T @iii o@rcrtl'l
110-foot i-i,,Iit of 1/2@,,iy foi, liidc,.pe3icleiicc! tlic, 2325-foot iiioi-c, or
I.ess frc)lltloo on tlio Eistc.i,ll prol)(,I-ty Ii])(' ')Ij(l zi cleclj-cq-joll to @iii
110-foot 1-i'@lit of 1,7ay for I'L@lis tl)l@OLI@@ll prc)l)cl,t@'
as rcciti(,stocl by tlic IZCll I)i%,isioli of -,I)C, Coi@i;@itillity
I'lic alipiiii@oiit i-, to be in tlie Slilitli o,
sticli ziiiieiicli@iont as icccptc(i by tlic, V@il@,i7li@l I),ll),'!I'tl@c@;it C'f t@ic,
I)islrict, @ill@l i'L)' of
%:,,t s zi I s C) s ti 1) j C', c It 0 C i t L (I OC, I,N, I Ii c I I t 1) 1)
thclt t s l@ 0 l@ c, i
c C)
ITE,@! #3371
cf Terr%, o" f@r ;i c@f 7.rn-if-
Dis ti"Ict 2 (':'@-S ri S L-r-,
CO."@iorci@tl D@s',,ict 2 (C-f, to Uiii' @.nt is@i,ict
prop,lr-@Iv of Pollanl .,C@@l of f^,c-I ;-ore or Ic-@s frcli'L.,; 0,1
thc Soutli sici@, of [,,y of
and proj@@r@,,@' ts o-., fori@:--rly on So,,i2L.Ii a
dis'L,iric-- 0, fc,.t
on t!,L @*3rtli sido o.@ Priiicc?ss i@n;i, ,C,d ,nfi nr,,)@cr@@Y
no,it or foi-@,@rly Stc,,.t,-irt, @l. D. P,2,alt@/ Coi,poi-ai- i f-'-l ,
@,j -Y
L. VI. S. E,Ist t)y pro')or-',-Y or I-Ori7-ri@,
11 & F ",s@. A por@io-i of sairl ru!l, i:o.-"
and Sou'Lli of th@ Vit-giiia Elccti-ic )Il'J Pc@,.@---r Co:@)r)@,tiy ol- Sai(i I)rC)p,.i,-Ly
contaiiis 600 acrcs r I PI,
0 els ('s @!i @oi ai,c avail,@,@,)Ie
in tlie O-Ffice of the c)f Cit,,i
T@,e Plan-ning Co,,..iission rccc--InLn,,is ai,,,-,r,,)v,7ii r)il t!,is chalg,2 of zolina to Pll-ln2d
Unit sul)ject tt) a in i,.Ile sti-,,c@t syst,--@i I-o p2r.-,ii-L lics
to thc Larkspdr arL,, by t,.,3y of qo.@ Joi,les @'-Ii-ive )'.d Pincs Drive to asstir--,
adeqL!atO traisporta'L-icii flc,@i. A ol@ a ti@i@!iglL of la@ld is I'OqL!il@cd
1000 fe@t by feat by 141? fea'@ at t;-,@ if@t@,rsectio@i of lid2,,Pn@Lince E)'Ojlt-'vlrd
ar.d Sou'h Plaza Ti,ail for (,@z,,c-I n2-,ds a;,,d sizo to bo
by a study to be con-@ucted L,@'i oF Co;-.:@!,J',Iity Sei,vices an(] co-,;inleted
viitliiii eig!ite,@n Tii@ Es'L-a'Le of Co@.,,uni-@Y Snrvic@,,,
requi)las a @l,-dicaticn of r,'Inlit of %,ay @5 fro,.l t@i2 liiio of iiiitial
30-fool- ri,,I,.t of @:@,y ilo.Tl,] @!)C. t@,"o foot O'.' lcss o@'i liolla@,d
(30-fooll d-@d-ication) zirj @,O -Fo@t is r-l@loc,-t@d; a d-.d-icaL-ion of
riglit of v!,:,.y t@,5 i'cot -ir,-@i t@i.,2 cen,@er Iiii,2 oi t,ie iii-iti@l 3@-i-Oot ri(-,;it ol @.!ay
alor,.g t@,,., foo-L, or 1,:!ss Poac-l
dedical@io-.i). All ri,,-'it of @,!IY of t;@is pla.,i
tliroLi(iii tiie SL@!),iec-L, Pi,onet@'@ll "@US" ,,e is to bo
in accoi,diiicE., t;@,@ @lill),,Ir Si@litli or as acco@,it,;cl !)Y til,,
Virg-inia O@@ tile Vir(@it@izi Planiii,,in Dis'Lli,ict and
t.@c City oF Virgin,ii All ol@ @'a,/ fcjr t@-,-
ttiis PlaTi till'C@'Ll@ll t@,,@ 'Itll)j,@-,t P@o:@C'I'I.y S,-Iiool 1-lo@ii,Ll r@,qj--@lts
rese),vation cr- ar- @i .4 , aci,E@a(-2 fol' tli2 schc,,,31 as rc!i'lect d , t,.
I cl 12
plaii cz;id rel,,!@s'Ls CC7@llia!)C,@ @,,ith all I)rovisio,i of a
seccii, I J (iiiJ tl,j- eciv , F,-', L -%, 3
@lary sc'i.,,ol -r,@i til sc,,:,,)DI el r I
1971. Ilie Cit, i:,@r Et!,d.
I .,i -.r cn tiiis
The rioll-ion (,,f (lusolil-,,2 SL@pi)iy St@ttluis !"I
and @@13 in P'laSe 4 a7id iri f)l@, .;o
The-folloi@ing people appeared on bohilf of tile applicaiit:
@Ir. Horace A. Ci,stola
@Ir. Fred Napolitaiio
tlr. Basquier
Dr. Levy
Col.,@Bowic, representiiig the Coiicerned Citi:,.cns of Virginia Beacli, appearci
in_.,oppositi.on, to the above application.
O@ niotion by Councilmaii F&,rrell, secolided b Coiinciliii,-in Callis, and by
recorded vote as folloi@s:
Ayes: Cotinciliiieii llobert 11. Callis, Jr. , Frijil, A. DLfsch, George R. Feri-ell,
Clarence A. floll@iiid, Vice @layor Earl @,l. I'eb-iiilt, ,iiid Floyd E. Watcrfield,
ays CouTici luicn Pol)ert E . Croilwell , Jr . I 1-@ . l@ci (I Ervill I D . @ltii,ray @@Izil I)oii
iid J. Curtis
Abst,iiii: Nlayor Doiiild ii. IZ]ioclos abstaiiiccl ,is his la;q fi3-m rcl)rosci)ts the
Tcri-), Corl)oi,atioii.
Abscnt: None
II L ) t, @' L l' '@, ic,,It I c):) of cc)rpo l',"t ioT, of a
fclr "i cli@.11,@C, ()f zoiiii@,-- fl-bil Resid.@TICO Sl@
Surt,urb-@ 1)7i-- I-I)Ll,b3ii Disti,ict 2 (I',-S 2),
4) , @itilti,le l@ l@@i @)' Pesicloii,c I)i,;trict
Limited Coiiiiiiercial Disti-ict 2 (C-L 2) , ai)(I Ceilc.@al Coiii-orci@il Distr4lct 1.1
(C-G 2) to Pl-,,ii,@iied Unit Devclol)lii,,'Ilt Disti,i,@'t (PUD), subject to a iiodificatioii
in the street system to permit ties to tllc 1,@irksptir area by i.@ay of P@ob Joiies
-Drivo aiid SoLitliern, Piiies Drivc to assure id@qtiate traiisportq@ioi floi@ A.
resei'vation of a trianole of liiicl is reqtiired 1000 fect b)@ 1000 feet @y 1412
feet at the intersection of Indcl)cncleiicc,, Bo@ilev@ird aiid South Pliza Traj,l for
a cloverleaf, tlie exact noeds ancl size'to bc cleterfliiiicd by a study to be,
conducted by tlic Depirtijieiit of Coilill)Ullity Sel@vices and completecl %@itilin eighteen
montlis. The Real Estat@c Divisioii, Departi@icjit of Coiiiinuiiity Serviccs, reqtiires
a dedicatioii of right of @@a), 45 feet froiil tlic ccntor Iiiie of tlie initial 30-
I)ot right wa@ a@oiig tlie 4000 foot noi-c )i- less froiitage on Hollaiid Road
iO-foot deLii,:Lition) ajid 90 feet i,,Iiere lioll@ind Road is relocated; a dedication
E right of i,;,,iy 45 feet froni tlic ceitcr line of the initial 30-foot riglit of
way along tlie 918.5 foot nore or less front@,.@e on Princess Anne Road (30-foot
dedication). All riglit of i.7ay,i,cqLiired for the impleipentation of this plan
through thQ subject prol)crty must be prox,i(lod. The high@@,,ay alianment is to
be in accordance with tlie @Vilbur Siiiitli Report or such amendeient as accepted
by the Virginia Departnieiit of Highi@ays, the Southeastorn Virainia Planning
.District and the City of Virginia Beach. All riglat of way reqtiired for the
implementation of thi.s plan tlirotigh the stil).icct proporty must be provided.
The Scliool Board requests reservatioii of acl(,qLltto acreage for the elementary
school as reflected on the plan an(I rcqticst@@ coiiipliaiice witli an agreemelit
for tlae provision of a futlirc secondary @cliocl itiade betiveen the School Board
and tlie deicloper on February 3, 1971. l@he flealth Departinent rcqliests City
water ancl sewer on this al)plicatioii. Thc@ motion ivas furt)ici- sul)ject to thc
deletion of gasoline supply statioiis #1 iii(i '@13 in Phase 4 aiid station #5 in
Phase 3.
ITE@@l #3372
Applic,itior, of tlie City of I'lir@,iiii,71 of Public U'ilitic-s, for a
Use Pot-@@;it for a sa@iace st;itio,,. o@i ccrtai,.i pro,)--r'cy toclir,71it,lq -@t
@-@ore or le,lf-, SOLI'G-li of I)i,iv(-,, rkiiil,iiig a dis',all-(, 0,@ p@9 fcct
alor.ci th- 17,st sid,2 of Latidiiiq rLi@i-iiro. a di@@tai,@ce Cf l@l-) fc-,2@, alc!iri
tlle PI'O',)L)r@v aiid rLli,,;Iitl-l ol@ 7,1 alc,,.ig tli,2
Said prol)or@-y is tri@.tigul,r i!,. si,i, (ilavon ileirTits KE ILL
T@ie Planiiii).g Cc,,i-mission rc,.coT.,4,.,rids ),@)prov@il ol@ tliis -req,i@@+
On motion by Coiiiici.Iman l@errell, secondecl by Coiiiicilniaii Croiiivell, and by
recorded vote as folloirs:
Ayes: CoLiiicjliiicn Robert H. (:allis, Jr." Robcrt B. Croiiiwell, Jr., Frank A.
I)uscb, F. Rcid Ervin, Goorl-c 1'. Cl@irc,jice A. liollaiid, D. @turi-ay
@falbon, J. Ctirtis Payjie, Vice @la),or Earl %I. Tc,,I),Iult, l@-loyd E. l@aterfield,
Jr., @nd @laybr Doiiald fl. Rhocles .
Nals: None
Absent: None
City Couiicil approved tlie @il)ovo apl)lic@ition of tlie Ci ty of Virgiiiia Beacli,
Depa),tificnt of Ilublic Utilities, for a use I ati n
_perinit for a sewagc puipin st o
ITE,'.l #3373
ApplicL,@inn of 'Crec-ii iii tli,2 Planned,U'Iit
ment Pun I';astcr ill,,ll of CE.@ri--Fiin 1,@catod b,2oi-,2eq Princc--ss r,,oad
and I!olln-pcl 1,oid it in'.,.rscctirj,) of IloarJ SaL,-L.@ Po,d,
I -0 fe@t rorc, or less ilo@, 2 s s i d,2 o I l'ol 1, -,, r o rL in a
frontino 35.'@ g @.1 I J @ a(! iir g
distance of 9000 fceL- or Ic.,ss airni ti,.- So,,;tlierr., pi-o-,-i,ty lige, ru@n@linq a
dist@,nce of C)50,) fn@t r,@oi-e or less E,,,st sie.@ 01 Princcss f+.r,,ne P,,),ad
running a distaiice of l,,550 fE,,.L' rore or lcss alonri t'rie @lor@LI)crn T)ro.,).-,rtv Ii,,,.
Plats rore (le'Lailc@l ar., aveilall)le in t@ic rli@fice ol@ t'@ia
of City Plaii,,iing. (Gr@nn Run f,.rea). rEl;r,'SVILLE L
7he Planiiing Cc,,.n;,issioi a,,)proval o@@ tliis foi- a riodificallion in
the SSrl'eii P,-O.,l Plaiir,.2,1 U-,iit Tllis r@odificacio@i, necessary !)@cau,@@- of
the rec,!,@i'Llly revis,-,l Plan, i,, E,.,pprovcd su:)Ject "o a morJificatic,,)
in tlie of to allo-.; acc@2ss to t'i- I-)i,o,,)osod Cc)'ilc,e.
The api-Iroval .!as su@jcc'L. to tli@ r,,Iocal.-ion of a co.,,ivc-iii,,.IcL, cer;ter loca"ed
in thc apartn,-nt arc,.,a a'L !'Oy'th of office cc,,i'L,2r to Soutii Ilyrnl,,Iv:!ii Poad as
by tho Pla@,,iii@g Tv,o Scliool Board i-,@,)crts t!i,)t sclirol sites Ii-,v,, t)@on r(,-
servL,d fc)i, tF.,@s
Mr. Oscar Fereboe appearod on behalf of thc applicant.
On motion by Councilman Paync, seconded by (@,otincilman Forrell, and by recorded
vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)crt B. Cr6miNTell, Jr., Frank A.
Duscb, F. Reid ETvin, Geoi-.ae R. Ferroll, Cl;trence A. llolland, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice r-layor Earl ',I. I'cbaul.t, l@loyd E. IVaterfield,
Jr., and @layor Donald H. l@lliodes.
7,Tqys: Noiie
)sent: None
City Council approved the above applicatioji of Green Run Corporatioii for an
alteration in the Plannc!d*@LJiiit Dovelol)-iciit Green Ruii @listQr Plan, slibject to
a modificatioii in the aligiiment of Roscj,,iont Road to alloi@ accc,,,, to th p -
0 ro
posed Coiiiinuiity College. The apl)rovil ',:@is ful-tilor -,Ill)jcct to tlac relocatioll
.of a convoiiicjice center locatod in the ap@ti-tiliciit are,,i at North of office
center to Soi)tli Lyiinhaven l@oaci as recopillit@iicl, d I)y thc Plinning Staff. The
Scliool BoaTd reports thit scliool sites hive I)ocri roserved for tliis developrient.
ITF,@\1 #3,@74
Api)licitioii of t@,,a Cit,i ol Vir@iiiii, P"Cli, of Soi,vic s,
for a ','sL, for O'@itsi(le s'G+C)@@,I"2) c.;i
coi,t,ii a, 1101 fcet or less East cf
Princess Pnno Roa,,I, i r,-[' @@et c.,,- zilo.-iq t!ic
sicle 01 a cl
a ddist,@i,,ce of 111@@ f,,,@t tlonfi tiin ili@l:!CESS
Tl,,e Plitiiiiing Co@n.,iissi@,ii of tili"
@Ir. Flemina. appeared be@circ Coti7icil to aTis;@c@- any qlic!stions tho Coincill@@en
@had re@ardin@ the appli,catioii of tie City fc)r q u p mit for governi:@o,--[-,l
SC or
purposes (i@archouse and outsid,2 stor@ige).
On n@otion by Counciliiiin Pa)rjie, seconcled by Vice i@layor Tebault, pnd by recordod
vote as folloiqs:
Ayes: Councilm-en Robert 11. Callis, Jil., Rol)ert B. Cronti@oll, Jr., Fral)k A.
Dusch, F'. Reid Ervin, Georgo R. Ferrell, Clarence A '. liolland, D. @lurra),
Malbon, J. Ctirtis PaynEi, Vice @layor Earl NI. Tobault, Flo),d E. l@laterfield,
Jr., and @layor Donald H.. Rllodes.
ays:. None
Absent: None
City Council approved the abo@e application of the City of Virginia Beach,
Department of Commuiiity Services, for a Use Permit for governmcntal purposes
(warehouSSe and outside storage).
ITEM #337S
Applicition of l'ir@'!7!ill ?Iinlit(,'IUb Po '--I!!I,,nl- 1- r
@,!l , sLt 1 a
Use Pcr@it foi- r)i-op,@rt'/ O!l
of Vi rlri iii @l,-,icti i@oul @vr@ 1, d , l@- --@i! @i n,7 ac a r--,@ f@c,@'c i-ir-I or less
East of i (lis-,a!ic@ of 17'@ -Ll,o I!or@.;l sid@ or
Virginia roLlIeVa@,d. Siid pi,o,,ier-L%' i@, loctld 'V'irCinia
The Crj,,:.,iissio@i tIliS
Mr. Gary Jakenian appeared on @elialf of the applicant.
in motion by Councili,lan Ervin, secondecl by Councilman @lilbon, alid by
.-ecorded vote as folloiNTs:
Ayes: Couiicilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., R(,bert B. CroT,.ii@ell, Jr., Franl, A.
Duscii, F. Reid Ervin, Gooi,ge R. Ferrell, Clarejice A. lfolland, D. MLirray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl @l. Tobault, Floyd E. ll,aterfield,
Jr.,, and @layor Doiialcl H. FIlodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Nono
City Council ap,)rovcd tlie abovo applicatioii of Vaii-lVaclc Corporatioll T/A
Windniill Niglitclub ind Restauraiit for a Us(, Perniit for d@incing ilith live
ITFIT "3376
Applica"'Ic@,i of firtkur L. S-m?iCes, Inc. foi, i LI@
O;)2ratC a ntirsci-y s"@'001 O-.i c,-.r@--in
Cf I,',) 'CC@ alc),
S-.utii sid@,c
Beacil COulevard, rLi)iiir:,Ii i dis"a,-c@ 01' -L'O- fc,2 t alo.,Ig ti@e Easterr prc-
ru,.l,,iii,.g a dist,, -1c@, ol- 135 i'Lot t@,c Sc,.itli2i-ii pro,)2rty aiid t
dista:,,c@ of 247 fcot along till t:@s'L-,2rn' pi,D,),.rty (Oceana Area).i
ThL, Plinning Co..-iission re-,c-r@,-,cnds deni@,l o@ t@iis rcquest as tliere i,--
for tlie safety oF tllc ciiil(lrcn a-@ t;i-, c,is'liiig structurc %,as 'Lo be Lsc,'.
Mr. Arthur L. Reed appoared on behalf of his own application.
On motion'by Councilman Ervin, seconded by Councilman Nlalbon, an('@
vote as folloiis:
Ayes: Cotiiicilnion Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cromlqelll Jr.,
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D.
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl @.I. Tebault, Floyd E. IVa"
Jr., and @layor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above applicatioll of Arthur L. Reed foi
Services, Inc. for a Use Permit to operate a nursery'school, sul).i
right-of-ivay improvem-E.@f-i accordance i@it'@i City standal,ds on Vii
BoulevaTd as requested by tlio Eiigineeriiip, I)ivisioii, Dcpirtiiielit O'i
Services, and City i,;ater and sci@er as rc@ci@i(@stcd by tlie flealth I)CI
ITEM #3377
Applice,-,io.,i of Ci@,c,2r rol.p. by Caton Itic! t, fo.1' a "J'@
d@,:iciti,,, a!id liv,- c: 0,@i cci,-,aiTi on @t.fle
Virgii-,ia l,-aci,, C-)c,@!lcvarcl, a@L a 13i@ -or loss i-,
Bil'(:'InC'K POad C,!id 37'-', r.@.ire cr loss o-r Vii,(Iinio, -eic!i
a disLancc of 19-G focit zilolig t@l@ Scutll;i li(4, c@l- l@'L-ii
tc@nce o-F fc-,et t;,.2 pro,@Dcit@,,, V,L;;,iiling a
al o:i@l t,tio lir,,@ ai-,d a of- 2@7 fe,-,t il;
V.!este,@-n pro@d@@,'Ly
c-f ti,,-*is @lpi)lic,,,tio.1
Tii-3 Pliii@iitig i,cco @;ids
dedicz,,'Lio,,i of ',;)c ii)itii'i
of .,,?,y z,,loiig ti-,c l@'IL-1 I-oo'u@ ol-
deiiicatiori) @s
Cit@@, z@s t)y ti@-
Seii.itor Edivai-d Caton, Ill, apl)cared on bc,iiilf of the apl)licant.
On niotion by CoLincilin@iii D@iscli, seconded by (@otiiiciliiiai@ @Ialbon, an(!
vote a's folloi@s:
A,,cs: Couiicilinen Robei-t 11. Cill is, Jr. , K)ol,c I't B. Croi,,Ilqe 1 1 , Ji@ .
[SC)), F. I'leid Ei-vin, Cco,"@c- R. Ferrell , A. Ilollind, D.
ill)Oll, J. Clii-tis J)Zlync, vic(@ %It)-or Farl '@!. l@c@l)ziiilt, I:Ioyd l@.
,if., aiid @layor Doii,ald 11. Rlic)(1f,s.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: Nojic
City Cotincil dcferred for a I)eriod of one (1) %@ook tlie, abox,c al)l)l
Giii@or Coi-p. for a @o ol,iiiit- for CIZITICiii,@, 'ill(l l,ilo c,,]itcl,taiiiiiielil,
iiistrzitivo reports Oil tl)c stil)jcct U-CC@
F; lily Y, 7
C C"
foL,t of 24Lt;i I'L:71iiiii@a o
pcrty of i@!iic@ l@'i fc-21 is t!@,-E cf
of 17,,9 f.,-ct alo-,T, rziiinii@1(i a of f o @l
@clh,2 Eister,-i pro@@crty li;i.? @,n@l rLn:,,i:-,g l of 17,@) fce@t ilo?ig tiie
pi,op@i,@,v line o@-- v:,iiicli 7u' is @Ll;(! or- S-Lree-@. Said PI'Of):,rL@y
contai!ls 2'),00,,') f 0
The Pla,@,,iing Coi:i-,iissic!i i,ec@@.- i-lids e@,riial cif @T,@plicatlio,.i as it i-totlld coriflict
with t@@, r.@ t!i,,, Poi-oti@lli Larid !Jse Plan tihich r(,,@lects
Mr. Carrington, Di.rector of City Pl@Liining, stated that he had received a
letter from llr. Frank Genovesc'requosting tliat the above application of
Sunnyside Development Corporation be defcrrc,d for thirty (30) days.
On motion by Councilman Dtisch, seconded by (@ouncilman Callis, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr.. Rol@ert B. Cronii@ell'Jr., Fran], A.
Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Fcrrell, Cl,,irence A. Holland, D. @turray
Malboii, J. Ciirtis Payne, Vice @liyor Earl Nt. Tebault, Floyd E. lvaterfield,
Jr. , and @layor Donald 11. IZ]Iodes .
Na7s:. None
Absent: None
City'Couiicil deferred for a period of thirt\, (30) days the above applicatioii
of Sunnyside Dcvclopiiient Corporatioll for a @:hlnge of Zoiiing froni infultiple
Family Reside3ice District (R-3) to @lotel-liolel District @ind a Use Pel@l@lit
to construct a 42-unit motel.
ITE@.1 #3379
Al),,)lic:,.tion of Ashtori ii. Pulley, Jr,. fo- l to r,,D@2rit@ i rel.,il
@it Z"@ poiit-
as a stibsi('iary LISC @t,ci a f 2 . 'i
f,lortli or Stra-@-L, ruiiii.-g z! di,@,!Icf-- of 21
. I @ L,@ .@ I'c,@t ilolg t'ir2 EaFt s@ci- o@
distziiice ol@ 2@j t
feet ilo@ig til@, Sout!l,,i@ii lir@a.
Tiie Coi.@@ii,lsiol;i Of' 'L,Ili@, t@z-.@OLI@st @,,q it %@:-,s
t!iat t!i@ i,elltil sli,,)p @;,-)@,ild til@, [lD@ V. LI-0 to til'@
Jill)C 11, 1971
To: Ilolic)i-@ibJe City (-,c)uj)cil
Frol,i: City Plaiiiiii@, CO)II'lli@; ioli
TI)c ill L)7i I'C-('(! @c@ of @@(1clitio;l@ll i)I,C)l It
tl)(@ J,tl;)(. 10, 11)71
.Aslitoll 13. J]-. vot fo3-ii@er
(,f 11, )')71 to -,i ])(,l ill@', fol F@IIC)i@ @,
ii,@c to zi, @til(I l."Coll)l@ll
3 11@tiI
1- C) c ci @, n tl@1) ic@i
llr. Grover l"'riglit, Attorlic>,, apt,,eared oii be'i@ill of the Iiiiil,-eepers Assc)cialic)j,.
in opposition to tlic above al)l)licition.
On notion by CounciliTiaii Callis, secoiided by Couiicilman Ferrell, and b),
recorcled vote as folloiis:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Fr;iiij,@ A. Diisch, F. Reid Erviii
George R. Ferrell, D. @lurra), ',Ialbon, J,. CurLis Paylie, Vico '@,ayor Earl @l.
Tebault, and Floyd E. 11/2'aterfield, Jr.
Nays: Councilrien Robert B. Cromi,;ell, Jr., (-Iarence A. flollaild, and @layor
Donald H. Rhodes.
)sent: None
City Council denied the above applicatioll o@ Ashton @l. Pulley, Jr., for a
Use Permit to operate a retail'shop as a sul)sidiary use to a hotel, as it
was suggestcd tliat tlie i-etail shop iqould bc tho major activity and not a
subsidiary use to the one-room liotel as rcqtlired by thc Zollin@. Ordiliance.
ITENI fi3380
Applicatio:i o@@ Ll-.c!., fc)i, P@r@@l,.- i,o 7, SLI,),)Iy
on ccrt7in pi-o,,,--i,ty fc,.@'u ;:3re or less @,'--st o.@- t-@ie
S,?Ctio.-i of Ro,@ci @@!ld it coi,@-,2r rjl@
Poad a,i,,l l dist@iT,,cc of Ir)2 fc,.c,-
tii@, East@1-:1 P.-,nT.-,r"y a ol- ,Il@
i@, t;@.,,
p,,rty r(i:ll)ii,,q a cl@ts'L-a,icc.@ of cr lc,@c- i@@loTi- t!,,-
lin,a and rL!ll,iii-@ i o' 2@@,',@ fc,@-L, alo',@,i sida " o,' ,,, fto.2,1 [,,o i(i
(P,et'@ie F. Scl-,ool
The cl@ ttlis stibj@-%ct to Cit-y I.,a@Ler
and as rollicsted by t;i@ l:c2ci-itii
Mr. Philip Deiinian appeared on b clialf of tlic -,ipplicant-
i rqotion by Councilmaii Croiii@@el I , secondecl ly Couiicilmall liol land, and by
.Icordod votc as folloi,7s:
Ayes: Couiicilmon Robei,t 11. Callis, Jr., Rol;ert B. Croiiii@ell, Jr., Fraiik A.
Dusch, F. izeid Erviii, Geor@e 111. Ferrell, Clirc,,Iice A. liolland, 1). @llui-riy
@Ialboii, J. Curtis Pa),ne, Vice i'la),or Earl @l. Tebault, Floyd E. I'@'aterficl.cl,
Jr., aiid Nliyor Donald 11. Rliode@,;.
Nays: Noiie
Absent: None
City Counci.1 dcniod the above applicatioii ol- Surf, Ltd. for a Use Periiiit to
coiistrtict a gasoliiio supply station, as tlic)c is j)ot enoti-,I) developineiit iii
tlic.,,ire,a to iTirrant a gasoliiic SLIPPIY
ITE@l #3381
on rioti.on by Cotiiicilman Croiiii@oll, seconcled I)y Cottjiciiniaii l@,iterfiold, and by
-recorded vote as folloi@s:
yos: Cotincil iiioii !)otort 11. Cillis, Jr., B. Crci,,Il,Tcll, !r., F@rin", A.
c, roll A. Iioll@111(l T).
,iF;cli, I-. Roicl ETvii,,, R. l@ r I
.,albon, J. Ctil-tis ",@@;yor I:Ioyd I:.
Jr., and @1,I),or Doii,,ild 11. lzliocles.
Elays: Nono
Absoiit: Nono
Cit)' Council, apliroved tl)C folloi@.'ill,o I'c,,soliitioii l@olitix-o 110 VF@I)CO teii-,I)Or@iry
ciiic,i,pc@j)c,y i'ate iiicreisc,.
The @reluler nieetin@, of tlie @oui-icil. 0j@: ttie City of Vir@inia
Beech, Virini,@, @.,,r,.s helcl in tl-ie CoL3pcil Cli@@@ob@,rs -of t- -ni-s-
tretion Buildin@'of ti-ie City of Virinia Beech cin June 14, 1971,
at 10:00 A@. M. - 0
On no-ioii by Cromiiell @nd seconlecl by lir.lvaterfield
the follo@@in@ resolution wis unE!niiilr)L!Sly adoptc@cl.
WHT@EAS, on May 25, 1971, Virginia Electric and Po@.7er Con@pany
filed an npplic,2t'@on @7ith tlie Stite Corporation Corriii-ssion for I.ein-
porary emerfency rPLe increase to be el-fective July 1, 1971; and
IMEREA.S. the Council of the City oi@ Vij:E,.,inia Beqch is duly
concerned about this rate increl-se affectin,@ the citizens of the
City of Virginia Be,@ch; @-nd
VIHEREAS the lttorney General of the Coiii@-non@,7o,ilth Df Vir@i-nie,
has the duty to protect the intea-estsof the consuiners in the Co.@-ion-
That the Attornoy General is requested end encoure.,Cd to p-,olect
the consuners of tlie City of VirEj.rii-o Bc,,-,ch enci oL@ the
at ttie heering on junc, 18, 1971 bej@o,@-e ttic St,@to CorporL@tion Coi,@,nissi-on.
BE IT FU"THF,',I' 1"I,SOLV@.D, that thc C!-ty Clert, is hereby eiirec-led
to forx,,,Prd CertiL@ied copy of this reSOJ-LI'Cioti to tlie Attorney Gcn--rc7i
of the o@@ Vir@ini,'.
ITE@F fi3382
Col. Ilolmes appeared oia bcliilf of his oi@ii al)l)ljcation.
Oii motion by COLInCilman Cromivell, secoiidcd by Cotincilriian @ialboii, ancl by
recordod vote as folloi@s:
@es: Cotincilrioii Rol)crt 11. Callis, Jr., Rolicit 11. CroiniFcl.l, Jr., Frai-il, A.
__,Iscll, l@. Rcid l@rviii, 1)@. Forrell , C] ii@ ilcc,, A. liol.1,111(l, 1). ',Iurr@iy
@falboii, J. Curtis Pa),iie, Vico inliyor T:arl N[. l@loycl E. Ivaterfield,
Jr. , and @l@t),oi- Dojiald 11. l@liocics .
Nays: None
Absojit: None
Cit), Coi-iiicil ,ipl)roved tlie fol]C)@,,ilIg Clo-,iii@ a portion of a ten-
foot illey froi;l 24th to 21-3/@@ Strc,cis c,i@ j%i-c-tic and B,,iltic AvoilLies
in @Iii@(inia Bc@,icli Bo otii,)i.
A@' 01',[)I,';'A'@CF,
A"ll A OF
I'll, 10' Al@l,'Y
1 LOCATrl) Vi"gil@iL !',,,@icii I)IoroLigh
l@,' I'IIF Cll'y OF 1'rACII,
pr(,icr iiobice that ALJPT)F:Y @,. and f,). iloi,@IES,
LIO@J:I, 11. and LOUIS' Ii. I--Il,'I-LL i@otild ri@ilc zi-illicatio.'l to the Cit),
council o@, tile Cit@, Of Vir@lilli@L 13C@ICI@., to ],.ve tlic liereiii-
after (lescrit)c(l portioii of tlie 101 Alle.,, (ilapcr o-,Il),) closocl, vacatecl
aii(I discoiitiiiiie(I iii tl,,(,, \'ir?ini,,l Be,,!cli I'lorcti@li, Cit), of Vi@linia Beacli,
Virrini,,i, %@,is diil\T postcci,, Ill(l
@-ill tiio ox,,i,,e)-s ziltittin, sti(i 1)crtion of ti@e 101 Alley
(Ilal)er only) on tlic I:est Si.cle, l,ots 21) tl)ru @4, h@ivc rcqtio@ted the sai(I
portioTi to bc close(!-, @iid
1"IIIE-RI'AS, iiplic,,itic,n %@@is i,i@i(le to tlle (:itv Pliniiiiig Co,@rissioll
an(I to tlie Cit,\, CoLijicil ancl, i)ui,stiaiit t(, tiie stittitilcs in stich c,,iscs
ria(le aiid pi,oi,iclc@l, the Courcil ini)oiiite(i \'jcwers i,])o liivc i,e,)ortecl to
the Couiicil tliat jio inconvcni.ci,ce to tl:(@ 1)til)lic or to I)rivltc iii(livi,@,iiils
i,.,oiild resiilt frol7i -,,Ilcl! CIL@lill", ai,@l (liscolitir,.Ilance; ind
I,.'IIER-@AS, it is tlie Cf tli,-, Cotii@cil tli,,it saicl )ortion of
tlic 101 AlloN, olll\') slioliltl 1)0, cl@ 17"Icatc(l 1,1@l discoiitiiiiiecl,;
Not.,!, I,,@ it 01',I)AT"@1*11 1,N@ ilic (:nL@ICII, OT: Till" CITY 01:
Sect i oll'-l I Iii,-tt tlic siid I)oi,ticii of tlie 10' Allev otily)
I)ctt@ecii l,ots, 29 iii-ii --)4 Iiil 27, I,)Ic)cl@ clesci,il@Q@l Is in
Beacli roroti,li, Xlii-@'illil PC,'ICII, is lici,el)), CIOSC(L, VIC@iteLl ilic!
discQll,lillllc,! "S Of
tl@c 10' f()r I)II,@@lic I!f;c
,ind tr,,ivcl;
of tlic
fl'(,-l to 2,'t I/? sti- c's Arctic
P,@iltic I (,t@ l,ol's '7 ilill
Lot-@ 21) (f
ti@e Ci@,ctlit ('@i ,t, it). c
A PO!"TIO.'i OP 'fili- 10' Al,l,]'.Y O':I,Y)
LOCATrl) 1"'
CITY 0-r- --------------------------------- P@11Tc2.
Soctioii 2: Thzit T4iirty (30) (Ia%@s after tllis ditc a co))y o@ this
Ordinanco, certific-I I,), tl)c Clerl@, I)c si)rei(I u,,)on tl,,e 1)ublic records
iii tile Clcl,l@'s Office c)f tl,,e Circiiit Cotirt ol@ tliis City and in (lexce, in
like nannei@ as a clced to liiicls.
I)oii-i l@l (: l@irk al)l)@,,@@ 1)@ I C)rc t]lc,, (@j t\, i I on i)eii @i ]@f o F t lie @I])pj ic@, lit
i@ir. 1-00S
On iiiotion ])y Councilmaii '@,'@@II)on, secondcd by (:ouncilman T)usch, and by i@ecordcd
vote as follows:
Ayes: Cotincilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Rol)(@rt B. Cromwell, Jr., Frank A.
Dusch, l@. Reid Ervin, Geor@o R. Ferroll, Cl,'13-once A. Ilollind, D. %Iurr,,Iy
@ialbon, ]. Curtis Payne, Vi,ce Nlayor F.,,irl @l. @icbault, Floyd E. Waterficld,
J , aiid @"layor Donald H. Rliodes.
N s: None
A@@ent: None
City Council approved the- following Ordinajic(, closing an alley in Lynnhaven
Borough "Chautauqua-By-The-Sea".
On motion made bv Cotincilin@iii @Ialbon
seconded by Couiiciliiian L)uscli and by unanimous vote, the
following Ordinance was adopted:
WHEREAS, proper notice that fiELE.4 LEII@JBACII FOOS would make
application to the City Council of the City of Virl-iiiia Beach on April 26, 1971,
to h"e the hereinafter described alley closed, vacated and discontinued as a
ntfolic alley of the City of Vir@inia Beach, was duly posted at the Courthouse of
the Circuit Court of the City of Vir-,inia Beach, Virginia on April 13, 1971, and
at two public places in the Citv of Virginia Beicti, Vir,@inia; and
WHEREAS, said application was .iade to the Council and pursuant to
the statutes in such cases made and provided the Council on April 26, 1971, wllich
was more than ten days after said posting of said iiotice, appointed C. C. Carrington,
W. 11. Flerning, Jr. and G. L. ilaiibury as vic@gers t(, vic@: said all.ey sougllt to be
closed, vacated aiid discontinued and to report in .!riti.ii@ wliet:,.--r in tlieir oT@inic-,i
anv and if iny, @,iiat 4.11roliv@@ii@-e;ico woul.d rce;tilt tlic ,ind sal(I
liivc,- Liade said rer)orl-. (,) tic, Couiic'l 'L)@ 1:@, I,!:t@r to 2,1, 1-,171;
I-TliE AS, tlie land prol)rietors :jfi(@cted therei)y, along said alley
proposed to be closed, vacated aiid di,,coiitinued L-C!CN duly notified; aud
1411EU11ILS, the City Plannin, Coiiirii@3@;ioii lias (Iii),y consider,,-,d tiiis
,natter; and
St-.cti.r.n I.,. - Tliqt tlie ollvv loc@zt@(I iii City
o@' Vit@@ii)ia is clc)jc,,,., viczited
,in@l t@i@contitiu@.,d ZIL', a 111(,.y C'- ,',trect ill tl,c City of
Vire,inJ.-a, said alley or itrec..t not I)ciiii,,, nce.1fd Lor liublic u3e --lid trlv,!ll
All tliat cort@,iil illoy, o-,- O., I-aii,j local@ed iii
Porou."ll, City ef Viri Lill,@i Virr@il@i.@ll dc-scrl-l)c@(I by rc-fE@rc,.rce
to tliat ccrtaill pioc C-lilli,t)f@.cl pl.,,t is cluly of rc@cord
ii) tli-- of ti@L Circ,--it Co@,:rL or tl,,i City of Virf;@-i)izi B(,.acli, Vir@-iiiit,
ill til,, Boul-, 1, @it FIL;O 1, ali@o iti 8 at '-14 alley is iljo
Si',O,FTL 0;@ tll(? Pl@-t o,@ crczztfill @e;i6t %.Iiic.i is r,2co-LI@!d iii @;aicl (;Iork's O@fice iii
l,ap I-ool@'21, iit Parl-o 37), tl@:@t 15 iii iiJ.,It-ii ii) l liorvl-
Soutli eirr-,ctioii tiiroL,-Ii of 15, cii Ll.,lt3 aile, no,@-e
pirtictil.irly tliat o-, ()r 0).I,,y Iyific@ 7,lld beir.Ilz rast of
Lots Oaa (i) Llircij@@l, Teii of LotF3 Illf@v,@ll (11) T1/2,,Cttty (2"@), ',outh
of tlic of the of w@!Y C)@ @ID(I @4,rjrth of tile
Nortli(,,rii ce:;e of tiia ri,-I,t c@ x@ay of
Sccticii 2: - That t,iis ordiiij-.ic@ be. iii effc-ct fro,,i ind
aftcr t,iirty days fro:.,i tlie O@.ite of it-
Adof,ted Llic City CoaAcil of Vir,,,,iria Beacli c)ii June 14 P1971.
ITEM #3384
On iiiotion by Councililiin Fe)-rell, secol@d&d by CounciliRan Croniivell, and by
Tecorded vote as folloivs:
yes: Councilmen Robert fl. Callis, Jr., Rol)ort B. Cromi@cil, Jr., Frank A.
iscli, l@@. Reid Ervill, Goorge R. Ferrell, Clireiice A. Ilolland, D. Niurray
..albon, J. Curtis Payne, Vi.ce @layor Earl @l. I'cb@iult, Flo),d E. I'@laterfield,
Jr. I aiid @1,Lyol' Doiiil cl 11 . Rliodes .
Nays: I\Ioiie
Absciit: None
City Couiicil approvecl the folloiving Oi-diiiaiic-e a.ppointing Vici@ers relative to
closing portioiis of First, Socoiid, Iloton,-ic, Clevoland, ColuiiLbus, qiid I,afayette
Strects in Baysido BoroLig]).
Wlf&R2AS, Pursuant to the authority therefor contained in,
accordance with the @,nner prescrihcd for the institution of
the vacation of streets by, COde Of Virginia, 15-1-36)@, there has t)@-@;
been pres-nt(@d tO the Council of th- City o Virginia Beach; Vircil,-,,,
inafter called the Council, the application of l@atio-nal D--velop--,-z!n@
poration, Peribrol@e Investment Corpcratiori and Independence S(luare Cc@:
hereinafter callcd the Applicants, for the va@,tion and discontir,-aii:
portion of tiic follcaii@ described streets in the City of VirGiii,*@a
Virginia, (h--rci.nafter called th@ s'@-reets), P-nd in accordance with
procedure prescrib--d by such s--cticn for th-- conduct of such proce:,
that the Council appoint vici7ers to view such s-@reets and repor-@ tc)
Council tlieir opiriion whether, aiay and if any, @rhat, inconvenience
resu-Lt frora discon@@inuing the stree'@; and
ITRLTIEAS, in coiiforr@iity @7iuh the procedures I)rescrib--d by
sectioii at least ton days notice of thL intcnled application has
at tlie Court 2@'ouse of the Circuit C@urt o,- the City of Virrinia
Virginia, and @,t ti7o public placcs in the City of Virginia Beach,
Nuili Tlu- 3EFOII@,' B- IT that iii conformi@cy with -L'@-
procedzire set forth in @e of VirL;;-iiia, 15.1-36)4, for the insti@,u@'@
conduct of proceedinos for the vaca'lion of sbree-@s,
M)-. W. IV. FICITIjng, Jr. , and @ll-. C. C. Carriligton be, and
l,ereby are, al)i)ointed V-[!,,-,I@S to tile E,,tr--et ,iad report in
tli-- Couricil (,,i 01, I)Cfo-L@e 19'71, w),,2ther in t,
LAWLEFZ, aiid if any, what, incoiivenien,-e @., iz,O restilt fro,@ discontin@Lzin-u-
.IT.11@@,@ T L@' and tliat -uch vic@,@crs b@,, a,@3 they lie,-oby arc,-, allo,,,,.--d
$10.00 each for their serv@@ces, such sius to be paid to such viewers on or
be@-or'e 1971@' by the applicants.
The streets are described as follows:
First Street frori the Sou@@hei-n line of Virginia Beach Boulevard
to Potoi-@c Street.
Seco.nd Street froli the '@outhern line of Virginia B--ach Boulevard
to LafayetteS-'@-reet.
Potomac Street froi:l th, East lin- of Kellam Road to th@ dividin,
line beti7cen Lots 35 and 36, Block 21, as slio-,m on the above plat.
Cleveland Street fro-,a the East line of Kellera Road to the I-Test
line of Independcnce Boulcval,d.
Columbus Street from the Fast line of Kellam Rcad to tho West
line of Indeperidence BC)ulc@va2,d.
Lafayette Street frori thr-@ Ea,@t line of Kellam Road to the West
line of Indeoendeiice Boalevaad.
ITEM #3385
Oii motion by Councilman Payne, seconded b), (:ouncilman 1',Iaterfield, and by
@corded vote as folloiis :
70s: Colincilnen Robert II. Callis , Jr. , lzol)ert B. Cronli@ell , Jr. I Frank A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cl,,irence A. Ilollincl, D. @lurray
Malboii, J. Curtis Payne, Vice ilayor Eirl @t. TebaLilt, Flo),d 1--. Ilatei-field,
Jr. , and flayor Donald 11. Rliodes .
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council deferred foy one (1) week an Ordinance to provide regulations
for the dosign, coilstruction, alteration, in:tinteniiice aiid operatioi-i of
swillimilig pools.
HC)D(;ES &
ITE'L "'33,@6
On ir.,,)tioii by Vice TobaLilt, secoiiled b)@ Cr-,,,ncilrl@-n Duscli, ancl by
-reco"ded vote as folloirs:
A),es: Coun--ilmen Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Croml,.,Clll Jr,., Fraiik A.
Dusch, F. -Reid Eri,iii, Geoi-ge R. Forrcll, Clzirence A. llolland, D. @turray
@ialbon, J. Curtis Pa)@iie, @lice @layor FaVl ',I. Tobatilt, Floyd F-,. Waterficlcl,
Jr., and @layor bonald 11. Rliodcs.
Nays: None
)sent: None
--Lty C ouncil approvod tlie following applicatioiis for tax refunds in the
moulit of $271.18.
C)'. "Ir. Dile IlitT,,son CiLy /,@Lorne@y-
i)ate I
F RO@ll: tir. V. A. Etlicridpe, Treasurer
JECT: ApplicaLioti for Tax Refuii(is;
rcf-,:nd of taxc:; t@-,al i,-,-
.ertifi(--d for pay"crit, as set fortfi bc!low:
V. A. Etheridee. Trc!. r
Tax Type
Tict@e t .2tion
Name Year of Ta,, Paid Base alty
Number No.
& A.M.Donnai 1969 IIE 13021 1/2 486 06-10-60 46,74 46.7!t
2/2 lt86 12-05-t')9 46,74 46 74
.M. & A.14.Donnai 1970 RE 1331@O 1/2 485 06-10-70 46 74 46 71t
I ,2 12 411 12-0@-70 11 11 46 71@
ot@-t,is 11. Ross 1970 PP '@ 12 52 36/41, 12-03-701 21.r)O 2 1 60
1 Calce Paxoii 10@69 RF 36516 1/2 53(, 12-02-6@ll 6.62 6 62
2/2 536 12-02-6P 6.62 6 62
ry Cake.Paxon 712Q 1'2 521@ 12-0'4-7Cd 6.!ir
1,,70 RE 3 ) 6 li6
212 921@ 12-04-7 6.4' 6 1,
ry Cqlce, Paxnn 19711 RF i38OO(, 112 1 922 1 0 5-1 9- 711 6 4r) r, ii 6
aul Hi-I t--nn I)Ilvi- 11 q7l,l DC 1176@9 (11 - 2 2 - 711 10 001 1-0 00
@b(,rt- @ll, B@,in i 9 -711 I)c l3l2o5 01 - 9 9 - 71: 10 00i l@o 00
mily @7@nni 19701 I)c 'i I r) 0 7 10 00 10 0 @1)
VC ilt)Dlicitionr. f.@ reft,ii(i -of t ... t,.,t
ITE@l fi3387
Mr. Ja.iiies Ilickrell appe@Lred oil bolialf of tll( appl@icalit.
I)IOtioii by Cotiiici]TL@iii Fe]-roll , secondc,,cl I)\@ Coiilicill,!Ian crorqllell, and by
@coi,clecl vote as follc)i,.,s:
Ayos: CoLiiiciliiic,,ii Ilobert It. C,,illjs, Jl'., IZOIIC.l@t 1). Crorii,.,cll , Jr., Frailk A.
Duscli, F. Rcicl Ervill, Ccol,ge 'I',. Fcrrcll , (@-[@,i-encc A. Ilollancl, 1).
@ialboii, I. CLirtis Pa),iie, \Iicc,, ",,iyor F@ii-I 'l. I'Cl),iLilt, Flo),d I:. I'@laterficl(l,
Jr., ai)d @livor Doiiald 11.
Nays: Noiio
AI)seiit \Ioiie
Ci ty Col,,Ilcij, aPI53'01'0(1 tlic,, fol I 01..,i 3@c, 01@cl i ll,'Ili( c@ I'l)!,Oint Ili 0,1,,crs I'('],It i \'C,' tc)
C) C)Si 11,7 @i I)orti C)II of 1 (IC'll@c@ lo@,l zjllcl i @jil ),' i I),Old ill I I
EC)l@ol!-Il , 1,@i tli @', rc,, I iii-l! C,,!, c 0 F Illl I ? , I 9@'i , fc)]@ t l@', i-c@l)C)I't C)f I II(' @,-i C", ,i-,
j@c, O@' A PO-'-IC)N OF
.)VII T) I
p,,trst,,7in, tO tb-- aL@tlioril--y t',Inrefor containecl in, @iiicl in
accor,lance i.,itl, tlie !@,tanner prescr*@I)ed fcr t,i@ iiistitlitic,,l of pi:oceeclins for
the x,,,icatiqii of st-rLot,, by tne CoC@e of Vir,.,iii-,, 1,@50, as arnenclcd, S,@ctioll
15.1-364, thoi:e lias tl-,is di,,, been ,Ir@@;@,nt,!cl to -Iiie Council of the City of
Vir,.iiiia Be,,ic'l, L'Ile IoLincil., the Fpi)licatioil ol@
Oil 6,, Coi,.i@any, hereinci't@, c-,Ilcd tlle !,pplicarit, foi- t'Ic,
vacation ar@cl clircc,nt,*.iiT,,,iiice of a of tll(! @ollc,@.7ii,@ clescriDec,@ ctrc!--t
in tb,2 Cit,, of Beach, colleci thc strcct) to-@,'i'C
A portioii o'@@ ol.@ T)lc,,,(: ai@e part o@@ tLic reF@ic!t:,@
froi..i n.@IT,) to L!, Tlcirccl@ I a@iL! 2, Lt
rur,.nin-. 210 f ., T-.D@-c Or lc@ss, tli,@
si(le of
or lc.,,s, tli.2
of 20',) ci:
'@.37 @t. to
!,rol,,@ity i@ !.Y- t@-c! cLi@-'s Cl,,riie@- @-rC!@,. C)T
-3s 1 @@7" c,,@
of at: c: @c-
villc f('r C-it
E.S.P,, 5 tEe z@Lt@'Cl-O@
\-itli t'ric 1) )y s@i,,' ----ctio,l foi- coi-
dlict c)E such tliat th--@ cil to
to til@-- t;,; ine i@@
incoiivoiieii--,- @,)l SL-,cct; IIILI
IT' i", iii by EaifL @CCLIoi,
to,,i C7@-,rs c,@ t:l@,
LAWLEF@. It t\'O tll, Cit; 0
-HODGF- tk
F,,(, t f C),z 'Eli til o, 15 iii,@' col.
of proc,2c,din@ s fc)r tlie v,,icatioll of y
recls, C. C. Carri.ngton
W. W. Flemiiig, Jr. ancl C. L. lianbury, III be
and tney hc!roi, 'Ire, Pppoir@tc.,d V-Lp- -
S tO v ie @@ tl@e -1 t re t Ind re por t in
t,) the Co,-,i,,cil oa or befc)rc July 12, 1971 1971, i.,@lotlier
iii the@@-@ opinio,-l @n),, and if any, N.;hit iiiconvc,.niercc iloule@ result frotn dis-
cohtinuiii@, tl',G! szii-e; alid that furth r -;t,cil vic,:ers 'ce, and they hereby are
tII2 su@il of $10.OC) eacii for tli2@r serviccs, such sL@,-s to be paid to
sucb vie;7ars on or before July 12 1971, by the applicant.
K Arl.
ITE@l f338S
Councilnaii liolland Made a motioll
, 1,Tliich i@,,is socoiided by Col,ncil-l,,,aii
to appoilit i)r. Burton l,,. Ash@7nan to replace Dr. Sttiirt Ashran On t],, @lent'di
Health and ?,Iental Retardation Services Plaiiiiing Bc)Ord. TIJO Iltotion x@,is by
recorded vote as folloivs:
Ayes: Couricilnieii Robort ii. Callis, Jr,, Robel@t B. Cromivoll, Jr., F[rank A.
Duscli, F. Roid Erviii, Ceorgo R. Ferroll , Clareiice A. flollaiid, D. Ilurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payno,, Vice @,layor Earl Tebault, Floyd E. lvaterficid,
Jr., aiid Mayor Donald Ii. l@hodes.
iys: None
iAosent: None
City Council appointed Dr. Burton IV. Ashflian to fill tlie unexpired term of
Dr. Stuart' Asliiiiaii on tllc Nlental flealtli aiicl Nlontal Retardatioii Services Planning
Board. The term expires Jantia-ry 1, 1973.
ITEI,i #3389
On riiotion by Couiicilman Dusch, seconded b), Counciliiiaii Forrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counciljiien Robert 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)ert B. CromlTell, Jr., Fraiik A.
Duscli, 17. IZoid Ervi.n, Gcorge R. Forrell, Cl@irci)cc A. liollancl, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Eirl @NI. Tebault, Floyd E. IVaterfiold,
Jr., and i@layor Donald 11. PIlodes.
Nays Noiie
Absent: Noiie
City Council appoiiitcd Fatlier Croodon of St. Ni'cliolas Catholic Cliurcli, to
@place Revereiid Brake aii thc Dytig Foctis Coi;iiiiittee. Fatliei, Creedon's term
ill be for onc (1) ycai,.
ITEI@,l #3390
On niotion by CounciliTitii lllatc,,rfield, secoiidc,l b@ Coulicillii,@n Dusch, and by
Tocorded vote as folloi.,,s:
Ayes: Cotiiicilmen Robort 11. Callis, Jr., Rol)crt B. Croiiiivell, Jr., Frinl,, A.
Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, Gcoi,,@c R. Forrell, Clzii-eiice A. lfolland, D. @lurray
@'lalbon, J. Curtis Payjie, Vice llayor E@i,i-I Tebault, l@loyd L-. Waterficld,
Jr., and @layor Donald 11. Riiodos.
Nays: Noiie
bsent: Noiie
ity Council approved a traiisfor of $28,110 :Froiii Lin,,Ipl)ropriate(I surplus to
]lo l@lrosioii Coiiluiissioii bu(I-ct to coi@ll)lct(@ III)C 1970-71 fi,scil year.
ITE@l "33@ll
On notion by Couiicilj,,,,An floll@,I)cl, seconded b@- Cciincilti,,In I)LtscjIi, ind b), recc)-,,
vote as folloi,;s:
Ayes: Councilliien Robert Ii. C,,7Lllis, Jr., Rol)crt B. Cromt.:(-,Jl, Jr., Frank A.
Duscli, F. Rei,d Ervin, GOOrge R. Ferrell, Clzireiice A. liollancl, D. i@lurray
@falbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice ',Ia),or Eaf] @l. l'obault, Flo),d E. IVaterfield,
Jr. , and @layo-r Doiiald ii. Rliodos .
Nays: None
,sent: None
--ty Council approved a transfer of cortaiii fund,-; totaling $16,000 from the
existing Golf Course bticlgct, and Parks cind l@ecroation Budget into the Golf
Coursc Capital Project Bond ]7uud.
ITEM #3392
On motioii by Councilman Forrell., seconded b), Councilinan Flolland, and by
recorded vote as follo-tvs:
Ayes: Councililicn Robert 11. Callis, Jr. I Rol,ort 13. Cronii 'ell, Jr., Frajik A.
Duscli, F. Reid Erviii, Georoe ]Z. Ferrel.l., Cl@@rolice A. Hollancl, D. @lurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @,layor Earl 'l. Tebatilt, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr. , and @layor Doiiald Ii. PIiodes .
Nays: None
Abscyit: None
City Council atithorized tlie iiistallation of pliblic iiater iii tlic Elizabeth
River Shorcs area. Tlie estiiiittecl cost of tl@o pr6joct is $37,500. These
funds are available iii tlic 1970 i%,ater boiid issizo.
ITEII #3393
On niotion by Councilmin Forrell, seconded b) Councilinan Dusch, and by
recorded voto as folloivs:
Ayes: Couiiciliiien Robert 11. Cillis , Jr. , Pobert B. Croiiii@cll , Jr. , Fraiil- A.
Duscli, ]@@. Roi.d ETviii, Goorgc R. Fcrrell, Cl@ii,ence A. Ilollaiicl, D. @-lurriy
Malboji, J. Ci-irtis Payiie, Vice @,"a),o-r Earl Tebault, Floyd E. lvaterfield,
Jr., and Yiayor Doiiald Ii. llhodes.
Nays: None
Absont: None
City Council atithorizocl tlie Ci-ty @laiiao.er to si@ii a iqatcr igreement for Grecil
Ruii, Sectioii-, L-4 aild L-S.
ITE'.1 P3394
The matter rel.ative to the City Cozillcil "Iliti)ol,izill, l,hi? Ci.ty @@lanaficr to
sigii a i@ater @ind seivcr a-.i,eeirent for llolicia)- liin 1'rav-L-Pai-k i@,as dcferred
foT one (1) week.
ITE@l fl339S
On iiiotioii by Councilriaii@flolland, secoiided b@, Couricilmaii Cromwell, and by
recotded vote as folloi,7@:
res: Councilmen Robert 11. Calli.s Jr., Rol)clt B. Croni@vell, Jr., Fraiik A.
iscli, F. Reid Ervin, Geoi,gc,, R. @errell, Cl@ii-ence A. lioll@ind, D. @llirray
ilbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @l@iyor Eai-I M. Tebault, Floyd E-. lliaterfield,
JT., and @layor Donald 11. PIiodes.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council noted its intentioii to hold a closed meeting on llonday, June 21,
1971, for the purpose of disclissilig iterils periiiittod for discussion under the
Freedom of Inforiiiatioii Act of the Coilinioni@ealtli of Virginia.
ITE,@f #3396
On nioti.on by Cotincilman llollarid, secojidoel b\ Councilipaii Croiiii@ell, and by
unanimous vote, the nicetin,., acljoilriiod.
ciard J. i:IVobboii, City C]oi- - -D n@a I d rl-. -Mi-0,T 0FaF Of
City of Virginia Ileacli,
June 14, 1971