HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 13, 1969
January 13, 1969
The reguiar meeting of the Council of the City of Vir,inia Beach was field in the
Circuit Court Room, in the Borough of Princess Atine, on Moiid@iy, January 13, 1969,
at 2:00 P.M.
Councilmen present: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice @layor Robert B. Crolmiell, Jr.,
Albert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. Murray Miilbon, l,ai@7rcnce 1'. Marstiall,
John W. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dcwey Siinmo,,,S, E@irl M. Tebauyt, and Kerinoth
N. 14hitchurst
Tlie invoration was given by Reverend Emorv S. El,norc,, Pistor, S;31em Metliodist
Chvircl,,, Virginia Beach, Virgiiiia.
On motion by Mr. Ferrell, secoiided bv @Ir. Boiincy, and b), unnnimous vole,-the City
Council approved tl)e mirititcs c,f the meeting of 1),,cenir)cr 23, 1968, aiid tlic, realilig
of said niinLIes di-peiiscd witli inasmuch as ea(,h li@,d a copy of tlie
stlbject minutc-'s bcfore Iiim.
ITE@l #304
@ir. Oweii Pickctt and Mr. 1),,n Rii dcs ippc-ared l,ef,)re regarding tlie f,)Ilowilig
On inotion I)y @',r. McCombs, seconded by Mr. Boiiney, aii(i by unapiinous vole tile City
Council deferred the follo,.vl@ng application for a ch;iiill )@f @iiin- for 30 davs:
Application of tlie Hoii,)ral)le Cotincil of ti)e City of V'rgini.a Beacli for clian.@('S of
_Lo@n on 21st Street aiid 22ticl Strect from Pzicific to tl,e Entrance to
Virginia Beacli-Norfolk Exl,),,,ssway. More detallc@,l iiifc)rinzitinii i,, ajzii]aLle. in 'che
Office of tile City Planiiiiig Co=issi@Dn. Virpiiii @ liorou@,11
The Plaiining Corninission recoamien(Is apl)roval of tl,@ iLittirc, l,aiici Use Plati for tilis
area aiid furtlier reconitnend@@ rezoning as a meaiis )f acconil)ljsliitlg tlie I'lan. Tl,-o
l'iiblic II(-,Arjiigs have I)eeii lilci l,v tlie Planniii@ C,,Pimi-,,ioi, in ai, effrt to f,ill,
inforiii tlic@ propc@rty o@qii(,r@ ind to gi,ve them tlie to partici@atc@ in
the planniiig process. Tiic, 1)1,iri, a, !;,ibmittcd, a I @pical flittire l@ind
use along tliis traffic coi-rid,)r. AIL iiew coiistr,@cLi(@ll i,id mc,(iification.,; doiic, -@@n
conforniance to the plaii sliall be in @iccoi-danc@ w tli tlie reqL@irc,meiit', of the Site
I'lan Or(Iiiiatice.
LTE@l #305
Mr. Thomas Broyles appeared before Council rc@g@ir@lin@, tlie follct@ing matter. 'ir.
Broyles stated tliat I)e got in touch tvitti @Ir. l@. I . flilckell, Stiperijiteiident of
Schools, and it was agreed to reduce tlie applicitioii to 230 unit:s.
On motioii by lir. Summons, secoiided bv Mr. Boiiiiey, aiid by uiianitnous vote, the City
Council approved the follci@@ing iipl@licqtion f(,r a c@i@iiipe ,f zoni-n@ aiid a Use_ P(,rmit
for 230 uiiits subject to City wziter @ind sewer Lin,! I Iriprovergeiits as rccluired 1), Llie
Site Plan Ordinance.
Application of Marcus M. W(,instein I)y Thomas C. Brc,@l(@s, Attorney, for a clian,@.e
of zoninp from Limited Comiiercial I)istrict 1 (C-1, ]@ to Multiple Family 19@i(f@nce
District (R-M) and a Use P(@rmit to c-onstruct 42; alartm(,nt: units on certain pro-
perty located on tlie @utW j@dc, of J,askin Rozid @,cross from Victor Road, running a
distance of 1751 feet aloni, the Eastern propcrt,l line, running a distance of 1240
feet ajong the Southc@rii properly line, Northern pi-,p@rtv iiii@ of the Vir.@inia
Beach-Norfolk Express;qay, i-unninp a distance of 1209 feet along the Western property
line, ruiining a distance of 1216 fee!t aloiii, thc- Nc,rthcrii property line of which 80
feet is the Southern propei-ty line c,f Laskin R,)@@d. Morc detailed inforriiation is
avail.able in the Office of the City Planning (:@)P,@mi@ic)n. (@ltxcy llanor - Iiilltop
Area). Lynntiaven Borot3gl,
I'he Planning Commission recommends approval of tlii@, reqt@est subject to City water
and sewer and improvements as rc!(Iujred by th,, Site t)lan Ordinance.
ITEM l,'30(,
On motion by Mr. Mall)on, secoiadc@d by @Ir. @nd l,y unanimous vote, the
City Council deferrc-d tlie following applicatiori for a @lla2@ of @n@i for 30
Application of Virginia Nitional Ba,,ik, Tru.,t,@es of GeorgE! W. Robbins, Jr,
Estate by Kellam and Kellam, Attorneys, f,r a of 7o@ii, from Residence
Sub,irban District 4 (R-S 4) to l,imited CoirTq(,Yci@ll I)istrict 3 (C-L 3) on certain
property located oii the Nortlic?ast corner of Br@i(if(,,(l J@oaci and Ruttierforci Road,
formerly Parrish Roaci, ruiiiiiiir @i di@taice of 217.@)7 fect alniig thc, East -ide of
Bradford Road, running a distatice of 606.97 lec@t @ilnii@ ti)(, N@@rth side of Rtitherford
Road, formerly Parrisli Ro@id, rk@iiiiin-@ a )f 18 75 feet aloiig the Easterii
property line, rtinning @i di@;taiice of 701.,@)4 f(,(@t iiloiif,, tlic '@Nlortlierii property line,
Said lots are designatcd ar@ tlie Westerii i@ortioi, )I- i,ot 42 iii(i all of Lots 43, 44,
45, 46, 47, 48, 49 an(.1 @O a-3 s',c,,Illl Oil tlic c,f l@iadforci ]';irk. (Bradford Park
Tlie Planning Commissioii rcc@,mm(@nds ipproval of tili@; reqicst subject to City water
and sewer aid iiiil)rovtllllclit@; @is rlquired by Lli@, '@ite Pl.an Ordiiia,ice.,
ITFI,l i/307
On motion by Mr. @larsliall, seconded by @Ir. atid by uii@inimous vote, tlie City
Cotincil denied tlie followili,,, ipi,licatioii @ it f,,It tliat tl)e property should be
developed as presently zoned. This particul@ir pr(,pcrty i.s located in an area tilit
makes it particularly dc@siral)le to industrial @n,,l wiiolesal(, di@3tribtitor-type
Application of Kernal Realty Company and Selni@i Pi-opcrtics, Iiic. for a l@, @e of
@@n from Residence Subtirb@ii) District 4 (R-S 4) tc) (-,eiiei-al Comrnercial District
2 (C-C 2), from General IiidListrial District I (@l-T 1) to @!Ljltiple f'aniily Rc,si-
dence District (R-,'I) atid frc@m Ccneral Indu@ti-ial I)i@;trict I (M-1 1) to Resi(lence
District 4 (R-S 4) and a Usc@ Pcriiiit to coiistruct 3@6 to%qnlioti,@es atid apartME'lit units
on certain property located Sc)utli of Virgiiii@i r',cich B(,(llevlrct, East of Clecrfield
Parcel I o be chan fro ni R-S 4 to C-G2: B giiining at a point on the South side
of Virginia Beach Boulevai-cf a @istaiice of 400 fet Fast of Clearfield Avcnue, runiiing
a distance of 175 feet aloi)g tlie Soutli side of Vii@@inia Beach Boulevard, running a
distaiice of 1080 feet along tl@e Westerii I)roprtv li,)e, rlinning a distance of 1030 feet
along tlie Eastern property line, runniiig a di@ta,ic(, of 240 feet alc)ng the Soutliern
property liiie.
Parcel 2 to be- clianged froin @1-1 I to R-,@l and @i U@,o Permit to construct 336 to%qnlioL@se.@
@@d apartment units: Begiiiiiii-,p, at a poilit 10"i f C't Fa@,t of tlie Soiitliern extr@,mitv of
Cic,"Ir icld
r LIII 1) i 1Ii' @l t @l 11 c @C) t i@ Z IL I I '1) Ik.'il i C 11 @a
tlie @4estcrn prol) -rty iii,c, 7@iijon @-iiiii)svill, i@
@;i @,:i,ool, riiiiiiil,,a oi ',@,)O
feet al,ong tlie Soutliern prol)ert-@, Iiiic, of wliicli 7 O foe@t 4s tlie Nortliern property line
of the Virginia Beach-,Norf(,Ik Expres.@way, ri@iiiiini@ @9 diqt@iiice of 1190 feet along tti(@
Western property line.
Parcel 3 and 4 to be chaiii:,ca f-rcl@M-1 1 to -R-S -Z,: flegilininp at a point on the Soutliern
extremity of Clearfield Avc@nue, ruiining a Of 150 feet along the Northern pro-
perty line., running a comi@itied distince of 1070 fct along tlie Eastern property line,
running a distance of 1080 f@iet alc)rig the Westeiii i,roperty line as sliown on the map
titled "Layout Plan for I'lei-nal Realtv Co. and Sc-Imi Prc)perties, Inc. by Frank D.
Tarrall, Jr. and AssociateE;." More detailed iiiloi@,iation is available in tlie Office
of the City Plannii)g Commi-;sion. ((@lear Acre,,; - Urion Kempsville lligh School Area).
The Planning Commission r(@(,ominc@nds (ic@nial of ti)ic', r(,q@@est as it feels that the property
should be developed zis pi(@s@ntly zoi-j(,d. Tlii@; plirtictilar property is located in an Eirea
that makes it particularly desirablc, to iiidt@@;trial Liiid wholesale distribtiter-type
ITEM #308
On motion by Mr. Bonney, seconded by Mr. Ferrell, aiid by unanimous vote, City Council
denied the following applicatic)rt as the arc@a @s -prcldominantly residential and approv,'Il
of tbis applicatioii would (-onst@tutc a very cle@,r ciise of spot zoniiig. Access to the
property is ilong a narrow reridential strc-et @iiil aci(litionl] ti-affic cause(I by
industri.al zoning would be a safety liaz,@rd t(, tl,,2 @icljac(@r)t resiclencc@,@. Storage of
construction equipment and materials in tliis wc,uld I,e detrimental to livinp,
conditions and property values iii tliis are@t.
Application of Lakeside Coiist-l@ I:tioli Corp. for l c,liillse of zon@ from Residence
Duplex District 1 (R-D 1) to (@i@eril Inclu.,,,ti-iiil i)i@ltrict 1 (@1-1 1) c,n C.Lrt@gin
property locat(@d on the Nortlici@@t coi-ric,r of lliv,!r Road iind Fenton Street,
running a distance of S@2.77 fcc,t along tlie @ldf, of Feliton Street, ruiining a
distance of 21.0 feet aloiig tl,, Nortli(,rn I)rop@ rt@ Iiiie, riiiiiii))g a di-@@ance of 872.27
feet alotig tlie Eastern properly liiic, rLi,iiiiii@@ @i ii,@twic(, of 210 fecL along tl@e
Soutliern prol)erty linc@ of wliicli 25.@2 fc,,@L i'@ 1112 %@ortl@(@rt) T'i-@)I,erty line of Indian
River Road. Said I)rl)crt,@, is desigii@itc,(i I'ai-,@,l A, Pi:olc@iLy of Janies Moqcly E.,@tatc@.
(Newlight Area).
The Planniiig Commissiori rec,oniiyiiids dc@iiial of LI)is r(2qteF;t aq tlie area is prc,.domiiiantly
residential anci apl)roval @,f tiii, ipplicatj,,n %@,)uLd constit,,t@ l verv clear ,ase of spot
zoniiig. Access to tli,? pi,ol,c@rty is aloiig a n@iri-(,,, i-esidential strect and additiotial
traffic caused I)y indl@sti ial zoliinf, woiill I)e a @if(,ty liazird to tlie adjacent resid(@nces.
Storage of constructi(,n (,qLiil)llleilL aiid iTkit(!i-izil5; iii tiiis loc@arion would be dc@trimenta" to
living conditioiis and lrol)@@rtv valuc., in tili@;
ITET-1 i,309
On motion by llr. Malboii, secc)ti(icd by @Ir. @,,ith recorded vote as follows:
Aye: Mayor Frank A. Duscli, Alhc@rt L. Bonricy, Si., Geor@@e R. F(?rrell, D. @l,irray
Malboii, l,awren(!e E. Mai-sli;ill, Jolin W. J. C@irLi,@ Paviie, Earl @l. Tebault,
and Kenneth N. Whitehurst
Not Voting: Vice Mayor Robert B. Cromwell-, Jr., aiid C. Dewe), Simmoiis becatise they
have interest in the propcrty.
Tlie City Council approved tl)e following apl)ljc@itioii for a cli@itige of zoning:
Application of the Honorable Co@@ncil of thc (@ity of Virginia B,?-acii for hatige-@
of zoniiig, along Virgini@i licacii BoLilevard from Pjrdneck Road to tlie iiitersc@ctioll
of Laskin Road and Virginia l@each Botilevard. @lare det@iiled inforination is availat,le
in the Office of the City Plalining Commissic)l,. (G,,,aii@a-Scatack Arca). Lynnllaven
The Planning Commission liis c,@nducted this @@tud,; ai@cl recc)mmeiids approval of rezonin@
as indicated on tlie i)l,,in clatc,d 1.1, 19(,8. '['he stiidv of t@.e Oc-eana
%@lis c ;-@ i- i t 'i
th@it tliu OcLii,,,,, I I @, @,:I), 1, t , c,-, ti i- I i :i i!l
tiic@ City of %'irginia lic,@icli . iii @iii ef iort tc) -@t i i;it(, int,,r,,st aiid develof)M,@lit iii
the Oceaiia area this pl@aii i@; rc,commeiided t,, aiid cnco,ir@i@,e tlie filture giowtli of
ITEM #310
Mr. Josepb Canada and Mr. fierb Culpepper app,@ar,,i before Council. for the following
Y,r. R. E. Iltuiupson, OLcaiia @"ivic Lc-,agu@, I i,,for, Cou;icil agaiiil;t tli,- follc)wl'illl
application with a petition of 185 signature@;.
On motion by Mr. Simmons, seconded by Mr. Malbon, aiid by unanimous vote, tlie City
Council deferred tlie followji)F application for i cl);inge of zoning for 60 days:
Application of Perbert A. Culpepper, Martiri I,. Bon(], Julian @R. and Amanda L. Newl)ern
for a change of zoniiig frc)m R(-sidence Dupl(,x District 2 (R-D 2) to i,imited Cora,.iierciai
District j-(C-y 3) o-i-i-cc?rtai-ii I)roperty loc,,it,@d cii tlie Nortlie;ist corner of North Occa,,ia
Boulevard, formerly E@ist l,ane, and Virgi.nia Be@ic)) aT)d running a distaiic:e of
150 feet alonf-, the East side of Nortli Occatizi Bcutc@v,,Ird, i(,rTil@rlv East Lane, running a
distance of 200 feet along tlt Nortl) side of Bcacii Boulevard, runiiing a dis-
tance of 150 feet along tlic, 1-@astern pr(,perly ]iri,,, rtiiiiiin@, a di.@tiiiicc, of 200 fec@'t
along tlie Nortliern property linc,. (Occaiia Area).
The Planniilg Comiaissioii rec(,inmends denial of tl@i; rcqtie@t as it is not in keepirg
witli the Oceaiia StLidy aiid constitute sl,,,t
ITEM #311
On motion by @Ir. Simmotis, ;econcied 1)@, 'ir. M@ill,,n, ;iiid by uiiiniinous vot(-,, City C011TICil
approved the followiiig apl)lication for a cl),@i,@ (@ )f @onii?_g F@ibject to a dedication of
200 feet for tlie constru(tioti of (,iqls Crcck @.itil a 50-foot draiii@ige c,-Isc,.M(,nt
aloiig the West side c)f tliis d@@dicqtic)n a@ I)v tli,@ City En,,ineer.
AI)pliCaLion of Mrs. I'minzi K. Plice for -, @@n,,, of zni@ fr,,.T, @Liltiple F@imily
Resideiice Disti-ict to @,,iiiiited ill 3 ((;-L 3) oii certaill
property located on tlie 1,@ortli @ide of Vir@Iiiii@i ilotilc@v@ird Icross froill St.
Patil l,ane beFiiinin@. ;it a poiiii: !,] 0 fcet more oi- I t,4@s East of Bueli Ii Barii(-- ].ane
running a distance of 611 f,,-et ilonp t!iL, Norti, id, of k'ir@,inizi B ;ich Boulovird,
running a distance of 770 fi@('t @ll(,Ilpl t"@ic J,!Op,@rty line, ruiining a di,,;tzince
of 465 feet alotig tlie Nortlic@rii I)rop(@i-tv li,,c,, ,i,iiiiiip, a di@it,-incc, of 770 fect more
or Jess along thc@ Ea@@tc,rn i,i-oi,erty Iiii@, (Gi-c,@@t Crec@l,,). (ALI.'Illtic Park - Oceana
Gardens Area).
Tlie Ill.anning Commi,;sion 1,!Collll!lellcls @il)l)roval )f tlii@ ruqt@cst subject to a dedication
of 200 feet for the coiistr,l(,L!(,ii (If Chqls Cre(-k @,itli a 50-foot drainage easenic-nl
along the West side of ttij, decticatioti as by tii(@ City EiiFineer.
ITE@L #31@
Mr. Josepli Canada appeared before Couneil rel@i@,.,eti,,ing th,- applicilit in the following
On motion by @Ir. McCombs, seccndcd t)y @Ir. @llijtc@liur@ t, aiid bv unanimous vote, the
City Council. approvcd tlic, follcwing appliclitic,ii F(,) a of zoliiIPI sub-ilect to
City water and scwer and rc@quiiement@ of tlie Site I'lan Ordiiiance and 100 percent
off-street parking oii sit@-.
A,,,T)Iic,,,tion c)f Jc)"@in fo@.-
'i c
u ozi
c@ll C! c,,i:.til
tile c@ 21@
16, l@o' z@ncl 20,
V i
t@ Cit,, z@iil o ar)d rc@iuizclii@ ,)r al-,d
100 I)c rc @@ t t cl@@ L2-.c, t r;:, I c, ii
ITEM #313
Mr. James Darden appeared before City Council r,,garding the following application.
On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Bonney, atid by uiianimous vote, tll,, City
Council approved the fo]lowing appIIcation f@,r ;, l P@,rm i--t :
Ap,nlic.itioii of the City of Vir,@ini,-l ],C-ch, Departn-l@i)t of Public Utilities
for a Use Peri-nit to ccii@trurt: a st,@tion C)n certaiii proocrty loci-
ted o th Soitli sicl(-, of -@outli Strezi@n@ij@,a I)rive, be-iiinin- at a point 750
fect East of Air Stitioii Dri,,,e. (Occara l.'ilia,.,c - @'7cst C)ceina Garderict
Area). I-,ylinhavon ioroti,li.
ITE@l #334
Mr. James Darden appeared beforc@ COLillCil tiie foll.owl.ng application.
On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by @Ir. Sii@@ioii!@, and by tijia@iinious vote, tlie CiLy
Council al)proved the following appli(,ati(ITI f, r @@ U@ e Permit;
Applicjitiozi of t'iie C;Ity c,f 1)@pal'tl)101lt Of I)Ll'jliC UtilitiC@
for a U@c Pori-r@,it tc, oi cea:ttin pr,, ),,-ty
locatect o.
ol tl,o Vir T l@,:LriC @,lld I_)
C)._.,er Co. Ri-,I@t
of @'i zt), -,ind tho of Cr,,IrL '0@ est 02) nrc)-,)crty of (,ity
of Vir.@iiiia T3--acti lloye, Iii,,ii S@liool. (-@ourt
liouse Porcst P--;nc,-,,@s Arii@
Tbe l-Ilinnii-i-
s reclu-st.
ITE@' '@31
Mr. James Darden appeared I)c,fore CoLiiicil rc,girdi,t@, the follc)%qiiig application.
On motion by Mr. Payiie, sc,(@onded 1)), Mr. SiiRin(,ns, ai)d l,y inqnimous votc,, tlie Cit),
Council approved tlie foll@,@@jn@, ipplicatic)n f(,r i .1'er.mit-.
Applic@tti,)n of the City Cf vir,illit I'le.,,Lch, of Piiblic Utilitie53
for t UFc p@,-riiiit to c,@,,,,Ir,,.ct a D@;t,2r p@ii,,ipin-1, o- cert--iin
--- --d I-loc,ric all@l
rty O,@,
r o,,i 'tc oi, cc>rn@" C)' t3 '
-'o c C@cc' !',un Farryi Ar@,-t).
Po,er Co. l@ill@t @','ay Lncl. Lan@',3to'..,n , -, 1. ( ' n
Thc I']-,nnii@,- ii,,,roval c,f this rcqu,-Lit.
ITEM #316
Mr. James Darden appeared before Coui-icil regardii@g 'lic@ follc)@ing application.
On motion by Mr. PIyTle, sc,(oiide(I by @ir. SiTuinoiis, aii,i by unanimc,,L]s vote, tlie City
Council apl)roved tlie foll@,71@iiig @il)pli,@at:icn f,)I- a I;s,@ Perni-it
f,@ ra U@!@
lo--ato@' oii tla,-- o@ a:,,!
(,f t@,is rc-qucst.
ITEM fl3l7
On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Ferrell, aiid by unanimous vote, the City
Council approved the f()Ilo,,,ing application for a Use Permit:
Ti@@@ i-ecti..iL tc,
conotrL,ct a rtatior-, 0,1 C,
-,tain 1)i,o!i--rty loczitod on tlic
L-a@-t si.(Ic of a poi,,t
355. 0-@ fce'L Soi'lli of -@"llalicl ;I.
Tlic Plinnin@ al)ii-oval of t'jis rcquest.
TTEM #318
Mrs. Jane Mullins appearld befor(@ CoLincil reg@ii-,Ijng th(, follo@,ing appl.icatioll.
On motioii by Mr. Payne, so(,onded by @Ir. Simmons, and by unanimous vote tlie City
Council approv(.d the foll,,@-iing ,,I)pljc:atjon for PC-rmit-:
Applicatic)ii of June for zt U!3c@ i do,@, on
@@. E.,t (,f 17 j I @l @', fee 't
ccrL;,.ii-i I)roperty loc@-L, (I 93 fe(,L il " L n l,' , t Sout i
of Sllii'I)C, co,-ner @l C-li@@t ncc@ 'o f,2c-,L aloii-, tlie i@,or.hc,l@n
proper@, Iii,,, rtiniiii"'@ a C)f 21; fc,,,,L t).c@ propc-- FLY lite,
Z@ of (i'@. 2 f(2@ L@ic @,ncl rtin-
C)f t) is rc@,tic@t.
ITE@l #319
Mr. Grover t@right reprcSent iilg tli(, al)plicii)L, apl),@ared before Council rc@garding
tlie followiiig apl)licatioii.
On Tpotioli by Mr. McCombs, s(@coiided by Yr. @i@ebaul t , @irid bv uiiiiiimous vote, the
City Cotincil- approved thc, following application f,r a ti@e P(,rTtiit sub ect to
1.00 percent off-street parl@inp, oti sit(, and furtl)c,i st@bjec,,t to tlie requirements
of tlie Site Plan Ordinag(c@
.Al3i)liczttion o@' @,@(jLor -,@r.-@arttyientL Iiic. b@, Catori @lz,.d
Attorncys, for i Use )@i riii;t to coiistrtic@ 1 efficieiicy
units c)ii cc@rtlin pro)@-,rt,,- loc@-led f),i Llic t cc)3,-I@er ol@
Strect ai)(I Pacific Avoi,,i,(-., ri,.,@niii, i of 17@, fect the E;,-)kitli
sicle o' 'fvvclfth Strect, ri:,,iiiiii, @i (ii,--tzi2ice of 1115 fee' z,-Ioii-@ tlie "Vest side
of Pici'ic Ave-.i,,ie, a (lista,)cc c)f 175 f.@ot alor,, til-- -IDutlieril propc-rty
linp ti@ri i clist-@iicc C)@ 155 fect zilon,, t@, c, @,.@entern prop--rty Iii@c!,
L,Ilze liolly.
The Pl@knnin- Conirni.,sio-l r,,coi,.-irneri(:is app,.-o,,,,Ll ol@ tlai,, re(Itic,,t svbject
to 100 p,-,rcen@, off-str(@,@', an site fi:i-t'lici- siibject to tlie i-c-
quil-e.-@ier,ts c)f tiie Sitc,, ill,@.n Oi-Ciraiicc.
ITEM #320
Mr. Phillip Meyers represented tlie applicant bc,.fore Council regarding the following
On moti@n I)v Mr. McC,)mbs, qpconded bv Mr. Marshill, and by tinanimoti@ vote, tlie City
Council approved the following alplicatioii f,@r @1/2 (, of @@n subject to feticing,
no outside storage and the requirements (,f tii(@ Site Plan 6rdinance.
Aplnlic,ttion of 11. L- Sllc,-IIY Illcl 13. 1. Eloci, for a c'@i-.in@e of 7.onin,
froni Pctail Bu.5ineF,!-, !)istrict (13-1) to Gei,_Illal J-,usin--r3 Diftrict
on ccrtiii prop@rty lo,,::,tecl rin tlac c,)I",-,Cr C)t 19"r, S'roc-t
Mediterr.tiieaii l@)O feet alon, tlie "OrLI1
sidc of 19th FLre a (ii.,;ttl@ce of j,", i(]c
-2 fe,t the ""' e r L f, of
@,lediterraiie,in I,,-,z fcct alon'@, tlie lef,L(,rn
proporty lijic -,.ncl ru-.i.@i-1, ZL c)f 100 @--Ic,ii" thc, 1,;or@liern pro-
per"y lirc!. Sticl lotr; @rc: 12
fcct of 19t], st,.cet, i@l,,.-Ic'fi Devc!loprnc@nt Co,-.i-
pany. Vir-iiiia leac"
'I'he Pliiinin-, Coiiiiy)iF;,i i) zil,i)@ov:il O' tIliS 2'e(IUC,-t S"lijoCt
to fenciii,, r)o outsicic- itc)rt,c arcl tl,,,@ i-c@li'licii @,rits of t,,c Site Plaii
ITL@ll #321
lir. Ilerbert Kranier appear(@d before C:otincil r, @iidii,g ttic- followini, al)plication ancl
stated that it would be @;,,Yv(,d ],), Llc, iiew scinol
On motion by Mr. Kirshall, secondeci by @Ir. CrolTi@, 11, ari(I I)y unaninious vote, the
City Council approvld th( f"ll(,Willg @ippliciilic,ii f i a I:,@e Permit subject to City
water and sewer and the of tlic@ Sit, 111,91i Ordinance.
n of 1, ' - 'i I
0 .-@rd Cor i),@ 3--, ii,,,) f,Dr , IT.:c -,@i-friit to coi,@;trucL
4Z 01) L11
or, st cori @-21
of 1,,13
rvil@iii-1, l
900 fect '101", tl,;, O'
o@ 7@O of -'25
fcct zllo,),,, t'cc t
Ti-,t! Pl@Aniiiii,@ C c," t!,i,, reclucst siil)joct
to City z@, t,,; of tl;c Sitc Plztij Crclii),irice.
ITE@l i,32'@'
Mr. Herbert Kramer appeaied before (,oLincil, rugqiditg tlle following application.
On motiota by Mr. Marshall, secoiided bv @Ir. Ciom%,,ell, and by unanimous vote, the
City Council approved Llic, follc,@viilg @ipplicat @cn f(@i- a Use Permit subject to Citv
water and sewer and reqi@@ i ;,@c it ()l tlic Site PI @!Tl C)rclinance:
Ar,l@lic,@tion of
t c@ !o@, 1,T 13c@7'@ lit to constrtict
t c
90 ice" z.-Io:i-, L'@o rc@i, rlinniii, z. eist-iiicc
of 1,0
of @@10 fo@.t aic)t,,- L;ie,
The Planiiir,@. c@f tl)is rea,,icL;L L;Ubject
to City v@at,@r zlt3 @c@,,@r i,icl f:;te l@lar., C@i-c'iyiznce.
TT17M #323
Mr. Herbert Kramer appeared before Council f(,r the following application. @Ir. Kraincr
stated that the scliools were constrilcted as part o@ the study and t.t)is was in the over-
all master plan.
On motion by Mr. Marshall, seconded by @Ir. ,ind by unanimolis vote, th@ Citv
Council approved the following appl@ication for ;, U,,ic- Permit subject to City sewer and
water requirements of the Cite Plan Ordiii,@nc(, aii,l 't@rtlier st@t,jpct to a dedicati.on of
45 feet from the center line o@@ Bak@@r Road a@ r@,qu4red by ti,c,. Dcpartment of Public
Applic.ttion of Lai@e Corj.@or@,Lic@ii foi: a IJ@,, I'crnliL to COI)Struc"
95 tov,,nhc>uscs -iid 132 ap--,rLrn,@n" iii,.its c;7i cLrt;tiii proi)--rty bc,liiinir,.,, at
a point 190 fec', '.71cat O,' ZDLCI L)!, ;cuLh o' P,,Dacl,
runiiin., @t clistl-ncc of I !JO fect alon,. rLI-)iij,,@
a distc@nce of 175 fcet t'lie @,7VI@iC! ? 5 C) f
is tlie -otiLhc,.rn properly Iii@c, of 1 -, c r
rli-ll@iiil,l 3 of
fect riore or Ic-ss t'Ic.- ztncl rili-@iiiii, zi
of 775 fcc' -Ion, tli, Iropc;ty I:; (i,al@c -,'l-cst Area).
Bayside j',orough.
Tho Plannin@ is qi-i-@ s l@ t?C
reco:r,-,Ynel@c!L; f tl-, re t u t
to City \Vztter al-,C. cc@l;(:.- rcol cil- illay,
ancl furtli--r su'ojcct @10 of .,5 tl)c ccnt(--r Iii-ic of
I'al@c;r Roacl -s rcc,,ui3ed !)Y t'@'1,2
ITE@i l,32/
Mr. Joseph Mercel apl)ear(,,] before Counc,il tlic@ ff)llol..,illp matt(@r. @Ir. Mercel
requested tlie zoiiing be @,i-;ii)ted @igrc,ed t@, ],'5 it C@oijii(@il so desirc,d,
Oii motion by @Ir. Marstiall, secoi)d(@d I)N, @@ir. Bniiii,y, and l,y tinanimc)lls votc, the Ci@ty
Couiicil. deferred the folll,%qing appl:icati(,Il f@,r i@ cli@lflre of zoiii and a Us(, ll,,rmil
--- - - - - P-,, , , ----
for 60 davs so that they niiiy b(@ @ibl,, to taL@, t,, tit(, scli,)ol
of ;c fror.)
ic f,i-icl 2
t(, c,
inei)ll oil c@,rL@i:l 1,@ Ci:-,,- o@l 1;@@! J)I-ive, 270
fe,et of Di-,@ Of l@-00 f, L
Cf @l@ is, t 011,
of C)!
i 1550 fect
tlie 670 fe@t o,loi)- tiic
@Vcs'cr)l PI'O,-)C,"'y n c .,-, o@
The of tili-- recLic,,S'l
to Ci ,y %vzz tul- C) ,1
l'ihl4 #32:@
Mr. Williain E. Cul.berlioii@c, nl)peired lefore C(,@,iic ;l regardi,ng tl,e following m@ittcr.
Oii mation b@, @Ir. @lar,,Ii@ll 1, @@e; @,v i, anci I)v vote, tlie
a i n
A.Itorzic!y, fc)r U@e @l on cei-1;@ill pro-
fco" 1)@oi),--rty
as Goor-e -Tzz)blDiil:3 I@@i. (L:@lc rorc)tl-"Z).
The Plaiiiiin, Coi)-ir@-lissic,ii ilecc,ly1r;-,c@t)@IL; %,@ll @f tl)ig i-cc,,LICFt.
ITEM #326
Mr. J. 0. Atkinson, Attorney, zil)peared befor, C(,ui)cil aiid asked that the followii)g
appl.icati.on be approved.
Oii xot by Mr. llir@ilijil .1 c,,iid,,d 1),,@ @!r. iy ingnimouq ,ot P, t II(' Ci t@,
Council approved the following appli.cation f@@r @, @;se Permit stibject to City water and
sewer and requirements oJ the Site I'lan Ordiiian,e.
,Applicatior) of Dai@.!-,b by J. 0. Atiin,-on, tt-
forncy, for -- IT-c I.Ici-T,ilt Lo cor.@;' @,uct 10') to i@@lioliscs al@@ 2@ t',)ar"i@icnt
units on certai,l 6@@O fcc', :@:- -t of 21) @-,cr Po,,cl,
at a pa,*iit f--,;t of i"C@-@tov@n ri-ii-nin, @- clistance of ;@-@O
fcct alon- thc@ N@orL, ol.ii pl.(,@)erty rt,31 (,iL;,,inco of 60) fc@t z@loii@
2. f lo
thc, !)rcpe !y
tlic ',icstc-rn
prc,,)C@,rty liT-,C, -,:Icctric -@jv,,,ar Co.
Tl)- Y@lani,. iii-, I or tIliF; 2-er,liest :,7,ul)jcct
to City Lir,@ al-16
ITEY #327
Mr. T. 11 Nicholson, Sr. -ippe@ired l,cfcre Cotill for tile ai)proval of tlie follcwing
Oii motion by @ir. @tir.,Iiall, cs,,(,@n(ic,(] I)y @Ir. @in(I I)v tininimotiq votep the City
Couiicil approvei tlie @ll)l)ljcatj,)n f(,,i @ic1,@ingc@ (if z-oii@II& subject to City
water an(I sewer and a dc@(@l:(al ioii of 1,5 foet i tii,@ (ciiler Iiiie of Newto@vii Road
as requc,,;tc,d by the I)c@f)aiLm(@nt t Pi,@ij(,
of frozn
ci-il District
2 (C-L o-,, c,)j,i@cr )f
?t, fcol alon- LI)@-@ 7-'ast
si@lo of @i, i ()iI f a 1 o, tlie @"'OrL!i
a I '@?. !@13 fL:Ct l) 2-. It ryl
pro,,).,rty lille, f t pro-
porty L@TIQ. ol@ !,-ziir
bleaclow3. (I-.@ir
Ttic., Pla@,nii-.@@ of 1-ccu@@t
t,'@ C it@@ vit',e Ci c@,, i (,:i @)f i t f (,,-,t.C r 1 i i-@o
of ()f
ITE@l ,@328
Mr. J. Edward B@,rnes appe@ir(@d I)efore Couiicil -cp@rdinp the follc)wing appl.ication
aiid asked that it be deiiied.
On motion by Mr. Ferrell, sec,)iiiEd by @ir. Bonii@ izid by uilailimous vote, tlie City
Council denied the follcwiii,@, ,Al,l,lication as 4t @q @ild resilt in spot zoiiing al)d
introduce milti-famil@' Llnit'@ I,, i farrj.l@,, @Ar@a, tllereby
adversc@iv affectin- til(, ,f t@l fqrlil,,
c L c
l,oll(:i to tl,L;
a (@i, c 0
of 7,@. Z@ C CIE
7. 2, fc,et t'i-I cc - t c; 1- 1)
The it V.7cul@
t i, e
LTEM #'129
Mr. J. Edward Byrnes appeared before Council reg@@rding the following matter and
stated that he intended to biijld a mc-di,cal cc,@itei- oii the property. People stood
to be recognized to oppost, tlic@ follo@qing appli,-,Il ioi).
On moti.on by Mr. Bonney, seconded by Mr. Ferr(,l I , @,iid by uiiaiiiiiious vote, tl) City
Council denied tlie following applicatioii as it w@,uld lend to strip cornmercialization
of Prin(,ess Anne Road and c,xtenci into a pre(i ),iiiii;@nt'-v rcsidential area.
.Applic,ition of J. L-dv@,@r(I !'Iyi,iic!s ct P.I. fo2- cl,.i i,,-, of 7,onii@- froii-i
P,esiclencc Subtirban District -D (!'-S 3) to CC)n-,ii7,ercial Dirti@ict
3 (C-L 3) oi-@ cey'ain proldcrty Ic)c,,tcli on 1-:uu.i@ of Pi-inc(-3.,@ t@nile
Ro,t(I IIG. 67 fect -@af,
'L C). 3)" ./,,)cy ]-)i-ivc, @"F@t-,incc: of 700 fc(?,t
more or less P-lop@- the So@it'i @itle ol ri-,nni,,,-, a clis-
tar-,cc of 225 fcot aloi-i,, tile 71 -, r,i7cpo@"), a (list,-LrcC! of
675 foct tlio prol)23.,,y of 2@O f--,et
i-noi@e or Icss -,Ioii, tlie I)ar'z%,/Uy
Are-,t). Kernpsvillc
'i'l,'c Illc@iiiiin,, (,f ):(!ciucbt as it vioLlIcl
lencl to @,ti:ip t)f c all(I c,@tencl ilit@ a
IT@ ',1330
On motion by Mr. @larsliall, se(@oiidcd lv @Ir. iind by un@inimovis vote, tlie City
Coti@icil. approve-d tlie follc)wjnrl ;ippli,:,@itioii f(,i, a Iltr.,nit:
,,tit)ii of l' n,) @i, inc. f to C0117;tri-ict
l@ob Jor@es
Driv,2 alic-1 I-ZO fc(7,, @ C. @;, - , ".
C, t
@f til s r CIVIC
ITF@@i #331
On motion by @fr. Bontaey, @ccoli@l d by @ir. PiNn,,, ;!nd ')y tin@inini@u-S vote the City
Council approved tlie fc)ilj@,,3n@ i,II)Ii@,ation f(@r a 1'ermit
Apt)lic,ttic,ii of I liic. f',)Y @-cl;, i@ t@, a
I .. I
cc,t,-,in cii ti@@ ca 0,
be@itinil@ll ZLt
1) -
ITF,ll #332
Mr. Oweii Pickett, Attorney, apl,cared @t)eforc, C,,uii, il regai@(Jing tlie fol.lowing matter.
On motion by Mr. Bonnev, s(2con(],,d bN, Mr. @lar.@lall , @iiie@ Iv unaiii,-nous vote, the City
Council deferrc,ci tlic, fol i 11,@ ii),l ic,,ition f( i,
@,c o@
to Ci'y 11,11 @nce
a c,@i
ITEM #33"
Mr. Owen Pickett appearcd before Co,incil regaiding tlic@ follo.ing mitter,
C)n motion by Mr. Simmoiis, seconded by @Ir. WI@ite tirst, witli recorded vote as follow,,j:
Aye: Mayor Frank A. Du@;(Ii, Vice Ma.Yor Robert l@. Crowcl], Jr., Albr-rt L. Boiincy, Sr.,
George R. Ferrell, D. Murray liall)on, ioliii W. J. Ctirtis I)avne, C. Dciiey
Simmons, Earl M. Tebault, and Keniietli @,,. Whiteliii,,;t.
Not Voting: l@axqrencc, E. Y@.,Irsh.-Ill
The City Couzicil approve(] tlie followiiig applicat ioii for a @liln c, of @ iiiaa nd a
Use Permit subject to City water an(i sewer aild the reql@ircments O-F-tiie Sitc, ]']an
Ordinance, a brick coloiii@il or I)rick raiich styl( qtatioll. Appr(,val is further
subject to the relinquislijng oi tlic@ [Jse Perigi@ for a gasoliiie siipply statioi)
which is located on the South @ide c)f J,(,iiiicy f@@)zd ,nd .)f lllibber l,ane tliat was
approved by Council on Jtiic, 10, 1968.
Application of l-'ure Cil. of UL)iol) , ill of by
O%ven I,. Picl-ct'G, Atto.--i,,@y, fci, t cl of fr(,i@a l@,e-idciicc,
I)LIPIC,Z I-li@"trict I 1) t@@) ci @l 3- i,;Li-ict @ (C@-C, 3) ZLI)CI
a U@,c Pcri-nit tr) or, cci-',@.ill lir(;,,)Cl,ty
tlic 1;@a,-@t 1:@ot alid tl@c@ siJc of
l-,'ubbc@r ],,ine, i:tiniiin, Li of ZOD fc-L t),c fi(IC c,"
Indci)o,r,c'@c@nce a of 1119 tl,,c
siclc of fitibbe3: I,ane, c>f I fo(@t Z, I 0 tl, C@ T )rt, rn
prol3e,),.t)' lille. SZ-'i(i
The rf tl,,is rcqu(@-t
to City w@),to@r inel tl---c Sitc@, lllz,,ii
a bric'@ oi- f,,Lyle
to tile of ti@(@
v@litch i@ locit,--,l c,,l ti". @@lc)l,,Ll) @i(lo ()f of
ili,tt v,,as apl)yovocl by C@ciii@cil C)), JUII(@ l@),
ITEM #334
Mr. C. R. lielton apl)earcd I)c@for,- Cotincil regardi:i@, ttic@ fnllolqiiig matter.
On niotion by Mr. Ferrell, @,(@c,,iidc@d I)y @Ir. L,)n,i@@y, and 1,37 iinai)imouq vot(@, th(2 City
Couilcil al)proved tlie follo,,@ni@ @ii@plic,,itic,n fol- aU,@,, P(@rl,.iit sul)j,,ct to the r(@quire-
ments of tlie Site Plan
T C)
C!, c@ 1 tc@@l CZl 5t
of 71@, p t
C)! ]:,O
ITEM #335
Mr. Charles Burlage appeared before Council repiescnting the @ipplicant and Stated
that lie wants to use back of property to build @i b@iildiiig to repair his buses.
Mr. John Waters, represeiiting Kempsville Road, (,Pposing tlie application appeared
bei.tc,. iouncil.
Mr. Cliarles Burlage stated the builclii)gs would -,,e metal, cost $20,000, and would
be buil.t 200 feet from Keiiii)svill-e Road starti;ig witli the tree line.
On motion by Mr. Bonney, ,ecc)rided b@, Mr. FerreL,, vlitli unanimous vote, the City
Council. deferred the foll(,wii)g al)plj.catioil f,,r (,O Iii@,s:
Applic,@tic,n of J@tirn 11 llly Sr. for l c't c@f 7uniti@ !roi-n Limitcd
j@@f;trict I (C-C; 1) ai-cl
Co,,-nilicrciz@.1 Ti--trict I to Goi@ur,-l Cc,@
a IIEC tc) oporz-'c a c@-i,' @in Ic)(@atc-I on t',-,c
3 fec@t
We@t Si(:,,C! C)f 1-@c@ni,@ovillc L" Z). T U@ of Ii n
Y,i ver l@ oL cl, i C' Clf f (;t cti (@II 1) s i,' of
a- fec, rui@-
nin,, P, roi,,!j ty cli5t,-.rc--
of 671. 7 fec'L "'@io pi'c,i)c@,@'LY liiic. (:ol i@c!i: Ar(;,-).
TI)c Goini@lif-,L;ic)ll - . -@ tioi) o@ t'.ir, rcquc.9t. The
fil-t;'L ?,00 fCCt irl dCi)'Lli O' Z'.E;
GO; 1) ai@(I t'f@C! r ti ty if;
re7,c)l;@cl to ic'c I (C-C@ @o ill t'@IC C,f
cin Lo '5 f,-Ct
ITEM #336
Mr. Evaii @IcCorkl(-, appeared before Council the applicailt regardiiig
tlie following appl.icatioii @ind stated tilit lic-@ til(@ Pl@iiiiiiii.@ C()mmissiorl's recon@m,-,ndat.
On motion by @ir. Crofli@,el.] , se@@oiided by Mr. Sir,,.@io,is, witli i@naninotis vot:e, tlie City Co,@ncil
approved tlie followiiip, ipl@l i c@ition for a Li.,e 1), i qit sul)jc@ct t-o tti(, requirer@ieiits of ti-@e
Site Plaii Ordinance:
.t@1),@lic@itic@n c)f Cz@%,ztlicr Coll
z,,ilcl Yz@clit Gltii to
at tlic@
fecl. ii-tcro o--- l@,@ @y li@l
of 69 ic!c!t I
runr@iii,, zt
C, c. , !ect l@@02!0 C)r j@,@ i "loll" ti5@
@1).cova) (,@' ti,is Y,-quc-,@t sul)jcct
to thc of til,,! Si, -'l @L! 1 c' i c.
ITEM #337
Mr. Robert Scofield appeared before Cotiiicil I,)r tli@ al)proval of the fcllowiiig
O@i @(,I, :i 7)
i:@@ 71i'@ V(,L , t c c
sLibj(-ct Cit,
@'lan ordiniiice all@
furtilic,,r stibject tc) a dedic@itj,)ii of 45 fe@,t frc,!] -I,, cc@nterline of Birdileck Road aiid
25 feet from tlie centcr li,i, f tinii@iiiie(i 30 fcit tr,,,t ai re(lue,,3Lecl by @lic Director
c,f tlc, of illi@l
Ap,)',ication ol Out@lcc,;: L,-@c.-,,. 't;ve C;@ -r@ @c@ c@f f L>M
1,; -,Lrict 3 t it,-,,
I'l- - 1 I i!,trict
ancl a U3c! tc) L,.n Cr (,Ii--CQrzltivc
, - @i , " ce
on cei:tztin C',I) tl,e 1 @C,@
C;hin,ltl,tpin I-,tne, i t
C, r ai-.cc ol
- th,@ 'i,st
Dirdnc-c'@ RC)acl, riiiii-iili,-, a e 0 21:@.7 f, c-.L ztlc,ii, t'@,lu Sotit'@@ei'll 1)2:opcrty
,! t, n of I
@f ij3. 6 !ect zl c
t@@rn pi-cij--rLy rulll,,il)g
a clistance of 106. 3 fo@', t'sic@, ,
stre(@t@ (Bil-cincc'e, AruL@). C)I,-,rty lirin C)f 3J-IoQt Lilarall-led
Tl,.c Pl@,tnnin,@ Cor,"I 'ic@ll of tl@i@ rcqticst sL,-])jcct
tt) CitY V@-atc!r Il@,3 cirl cf t',c -,itc cl-ciii@ar)cc, zlnf]
ftirtiic@r sul)ject to a of @.5 f: t t.,
C, 11 @r Ii-(, of
Roz.tcl i@.ricl 25 fect frc,rn t ccl)tcr lirc-@ cf -,O.-foot sti'@-ct. a, rc@'C,'U('@sted
by tlie Di):cctor c)f tli(I of Pu'@l;c
ITEM #338
Mrs. May appeared before Council and ask(?.d tliat tlie following applicatio-n bc,
On motion b - Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Malb,@n, ;ind bv tinanimous vote, the City
Council approved the following application for @i lis(@ P(,rmjt:
Pc,,! lit
C,)- -
c I c t-
cl 1 f
ITEM ;1339
Mr. @n Pickett appeared I)cfore Cotiiicil and isk- d tliat the follo%,,ilig application
be approved.
On m(3tion by Mr. Siminons, @;econded by @Ir. @lalbc)ii, b,, uiia@iinious vote, ttle City
Couiicil al)l)roved tlie follo,.,,inF ipplic,ation for a cli;i_ilL@@ _of zon_in@ and a U.,ie.
Permit subject to City wat(@r @irid se@,.@r and th(, r, qi@irc@in,,iits of tile Site Plail
r@d;.ance and a dedicatioii of @'5 t,,et from Lhe (,- nt,@r I.iT)e of llitton l,ake as
required by tlie Director of tl)e D,-t):irtiiieiit of PL@ill i W(,rks
Al),-)Iic,itic,i) C)f jc.).Iillc 1".
til]Cl Picl@c@tt, f(,5.- l c',i--i@ @c. c 1-11 ii-@erciil
)-)i@t2:ic:t 2 (C-1, 2) 3
i-i @ c- @-o i, t @1) c,, t c o 3 i c, i c'i i l@tlil"toll
a (liLtalicc., of ff@c@ @l,@i tl;,, N(,- 'i lizir@, @,@,niiiii, Z-.
di,t,@lico of fpct
Tlic r), cul)jcct
to C:ity t'l@
an(I @,. doc@ic.@i@on c,@ Z5 cl as
)@y tlie Dirccto@ of t'lic; o@ @l",.!)Iic
ITE@l #340
On motion by Mr. SiTmnons, seconded by Mr. licC()ml,s, and by tinanimc)us vote, tlie City
Council approved the following af)pliication for ii U@!-,e Perinit subjecr to the follo@,Ln@:
that the sign advertise only tlie Solithern Pc,iiit@; Dc@velopment, that the signboard he
set back 30 feet from th,. of ftirtl,.('T thrt ti,c@,
be removed upon completiOTI of the developlpL@ilt.
.A.p,,)Iic,ition of Scabo,-irC. Goi)sti-uctiOn Coi I,. fo@ @t U!-,o Porm, it I:o erect zt
*-foot by 8-fC)ot Oil :"ol-tilvief;t
coriier of Gr@-L" Irlyi-,rvir-1,@ Poin' .1@ 17
Tlie Pl-@iniiii!,, c,' ti@;!@
to the tl,-L'L -@i-n i(lvc2:tis-@ t@@ !,Ic,@V03,)!)-
rncnt, tliat tho si,@iiboz@i-d 1)(,@ Fo" 30 fr@ct c@f .;z@-Y of czicl-,
strec)t, anei Oic ll,)O@i Of ti@c
ITFM #341
Mr. Dreams representing tlie Ipplicailt apll(,@ir,,d 1-c-f@,rc, Couiicil regardin- tlic@ following
matter. Mr. I)reams stated thit thc, signbo@Ar(i b,, oii tli rool ()f the Sea Btlildin,,,.
On motion by Mr. Siminons, @econded t@y @Ir. i-,iid I)y @ii)ziiiimous vote, the City
Council denied the follo@viti@, applic@-,tion a.@ il@,, Vir@iiii@i lic@ach-Norfolk Expr(@sswiiv
sliould be protected from c,utd,) r ad@ei-tisiii@-, @iii(i ,i fort iii.,ile Lo enll,,iT)ce tl)e qestlietic
appear,gn(e of the City c,f Virriiiia E@,acli 911(1 l'i@ t,@, t til(, propcrty valties adjacent to
this facility.
Al)-,)Iic,tioii r)f l@c,,-iiiclly C, for t U-r@c
to cortcti-@i-
I -@-- I
IC)C@t,@('@ C)II
Tlic @is t:lc
i,-@ 'o c,!
tlie c@@ c I y
to il!i,l ],.Lcility.
ITE@l #342
Mr. lial.pern asked for rC'fLliid )ii Plat Fee pai(i tijic[,,r prote@t fc)r:
Terry Corporation of Virgi:lia Aug@ist 1, 1967 $4,735.00
M@IN' 10, 19(,8 4,610.00
Avalon Ilills August 1, 1967 460.00
LuMarRu Development Corl). Octol,c,r 15, 1965 3,510.00
Fairfield Development Corp. Septeribcr 9, 1963 2,660.00
Point of View, Inc. Sept(@ml)e! 6, 19(,7 1,910.00
The City @lanager, Mr. Scott, wzis iiisLiucLed t,, I,,Lk into tlie matter.
ETE@l ,'131,3
i i r @ @t I o r ,,,i I i i tr 1ii
ITE\l #3'44
r. C h,.i r 1, @ s B u i- I ae , c @'r. C ii @i i, 1 e s C, a r d n e r ,
repre.seiitiii,, tlie Iniik@el)ei.@ reqtic,,;t@,i Cit, Co@,ncil to defer appoiritiiig
members to the VirgiTiia Bc@@icli A(Ivortisirig Bozi,-(! ior a period o@ ti@o weeks as it was felt
that a mare tliorough co,isicir@atic)il sli@,tilci ),@ ',, tli,, @iT)Ic)intm@iits in view of tlie
anticipated reduction of t@ic frc:,, .;c,v,-it,c,n (-,7) to ninc, (9) m ipbers.
Mr. John McCombs advised the delegati.on tliat the vc)ltin- )f bc,,zich business liad
increased in greater I)ropc)rtion thaii @iny coniparal@lc@ fe@icli @irea in the I.-ist t,,,o
seasons--partl.y due to the efforts I)tiL fortli by tie AclverLisini, Board in prom@)ting
the beach through extelisive publicati.on inedia.
After consideration of the i-equest and discussi,)i, r(,garding the qualifications of
the proposed membership of (@tin(-il:
On motion by Mr. Malbon, secondc-d by @Ir. Payne, wity, recorded vote as follows:
Aye: Vice Mayor Robert B. Cromivell, Jy., D. Muriay Yalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Earl @t.
Tebault, and Kenneth N. Whitchl3l-fit
Nay: Albert L. Bonney, Si., George R. Ferrell, lawi-ence E. @iarsl,all, C. Dewey Simmon@,
and Mayor Frank A. Duseti.
Not Voting: John W. McConibs
City Council by roll call vote tied tlie Ilotc, L(, Cefer thc@ appojiitment of the inembers
to the Advertising Board for a 1),@ric)ei of two
The City Attorney then advised tlie Cotincil th@it tlie roll call vote, with the
abstention liaviiig resulted in a tie ,,ote tliat tli@ lll(,tion w;@s lost..
Councilmaii Lawrence E. Marstiall reconnended tliat ttic@ Ordinaiice governing tlie Advertisinp,
Boar(] be ameiided to providc@ for i-@giilar stated iiic@Liiigs c,f tlie Advel'tising Board, witli
panalty of loss of appointnionl ior f,,iliiii, to @itt.,iid a spc@cific numl)er of meetiligs 1))@
tlie member.
The Cotincil. after coiisid(@riition of tlie
On motion by Mr. Kirshall, secoiided bv @Ir. Boiiii(,@, with re(@orded vot(@ as follox@:
Aye: @layor Frank A. Dusci@, Vice Il@ivc,r Robert f@. Ci-omtqc@ll, Jr., D. @llirray Malbon,
J. Curtis Payne, Earl Yeniictli N. @@Iiit,lizirst, AII)c@i-t L. Boniiey, Sr.,
George R. Ferrell, l,axqrenc@ E. S;7imoii@.
Not Voting: John ',q. McCon,l)@
Tlie City Coulicil al)proved Llic following meriit,ei-s ( F tlie Aclvcrtisilig Board:
Jolin W. 3 years
President of Iniikeep(@rs A,,3so,,i@ItL,)Il
Presiderit of of Cotiiin(@r@-(
Gerald 3 years
Mrs. Lucy Ir@ift(,ii I year
Doctor li-a llaiic,)ck 2 year,,i
Robert St(,iiilijlber 2 years
Albiii R. Ex-Officio
A. B. Cre@@s I year
George Davis 3 years
ITEM #345
On motion by Mr. Payne, secoiided by Mr. Boniie@,, uitli recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice @layor Robcrt Ii. Crom,@ell, Jr., 1). @lurray @Ialbon,
J. Curtis Payne, Earl M. 1',,biult, Keiiiietl@ N@. AII)ert L. Boniiey, Sr.,
George R. Ferrell, Jolin @q. @!cCt)mbs, T-@iwreiic(, F.
Not Voting: C. Dewey Simni,,iis
Tlie Citv Cotiiici.1 ili)l-ov(,,i @ll'@ @trve, c)ii t'ic, Tidc,@@,@te, St@g(liLim
Atitli@)ri @v
Albert Goi@e@@ 4 years
G. Dewev Simmoii@; 2 Years
ITE@l 11:346
On motic)n by @Ir. Ferrcll, secorided by @-ir. and I)y lin@inimolis vote, tlio City
Council approved tiie. following to serve on the Welfare Board for a term of c,ie year:
Mrs. Louisc@ Allen Cliarles 11. C:tirl
James K. Kontopaiios @larion Briglit
Mrs. R. B. lyii@s Cliaries Casiiifi@in, Jr.
H. 0. Frecina.,i
ITEM #347
On motion by Mr. Bonney, @@ccoiided by @Ir. Simmon@,, witli unanimous vote, tti(' Citv
Council approved th(! follo@,,ing to serve on the L iildiiig Code Adjustmc@nt Boird:
John Fowler, Structural Fngin(?er
1TE,M #348
Oii motion by Mr. MIrsliall, seconded by Mr. Fei-r,,Il , witil rec,cr(led vote as fol.lows:
Aye: Mayor Frank A. Duscli, Vico May.)r Rol)ert B. CrD,,,@ell, Jr., Albert L. Bonney,
Sr- , George R. Ferrell, Lawrenc,e l@.. Marsliall , Ioi@ll 11. ltccoml)@;, J. Curti.,3 Payn(@, C.
Dewey Simmons, Earl @l. 'I'el)iult, and Kcnnetli l@. @,'Ilit@,liursL
Not Voting: 1). @Iiirray Mall,c)n
The City Council approv(,cl tlie following to serv(@ cii tlie Civic Center Board:
James @larrow Jaines Kit(,Iiin
Janie,-, Kc)iitc)l)anos Cl@iyton SliociDal@er
Revereiid 1'. F. Mor@.@iii Albiti Lx-Officio
D. Mtjrrgy @lilb(,,l
ITE@i l@349
On inotion by Mr. Ferrell, @,c,cc)ii(l,,d bv Mr. Croiii,,@@'], @iiid by ujlallimoll; votc@, tlie
City Council approved tlie real)l,,@iiitnil@nt of Citiz(ii i-cpre,,;c@iit@itive L. H. Burton
to the Soutlieast,?.rn Viri,,ii@;@, Plaiiniii@@ C,,niniissic)ii.
ITDI #350
On motion by Mr. @larsliall, seconded by Mr. Fei-i-,@ll, aiicl by iiiiininiou.@' vote, tlie City
Council ipproved the LO se]-ve oii tti,@ (@,niiii@ii)jtv Collc,,,e Cown)ittee:
Frank Cox E)octor Clir,,ijce floll@in(i Ricliard Guy
Mr. Boriney suggested tliat @ir. Scott (!ont@act tli(,ii) for zi R@,stimc@.
ITE@l /1351
On motioli by @Ir. Simmoiis, soconded by @ir. @IcCoflil).,, and b@, uninimous votc,, the City
Council approved tlie vacaiicy oii tlie lioaltil Pl@ililli;lp, Coliiliii@;sic,ii be fjll(,d by A. L.
ITE@l #352
On motion by @ir. Marshall, secoiided by 'Ir. Pav@i(@, and by uiiinimous vote, the City
Council approved an agreeipeiit ,,iLli VEPCO concc,riii.ii, casLP.Iellt for City ill VEPCO riglit-
of way.
Agreements concerning tlie @ibovc, motion @ire on fil,, ill tlic@ (,fficc@ of the Citv Clerk.
ITE.xf #352
On motion by Mr. McCombs, @;econded I)y Mr. and by unanimous vote, tlie
CiLy (:otincil approved on s,,cond rea(ling tlie ord@n,,3iice to amerd Chaptcr 20 f th,,
Virginia Beach City Code L() E3ell ,i,,d alcoh,)Ii, 1)(,verag(,s:
TO BE I\'LT,'c3@'!'ED cU3 IVIS@',Io@, iii c " CTTO';- 20-79.1, 20-79.2
ANID 20-79.3 PT T
'OVIDI" F O--',T U T P@ ND
Th,qt the Vir@ini.,9 Be.'Cll City CoCie !)e am--n(2@,d by the addit'c)n
to Chapter 20, Division 3, a new SLibc@ivision to be numDered 8nd to
read as follo@.7s:
SLibdivision III. Alcololic @lixe(i
Section 20-70@.l. Levy of Tax.
Every person en,@@i,ecl iti t:'-ie I)Usitl,@s of selling mixed alcohol4lc
bever,n-es S'n"ll pl-y a iicct)sc ti- in tli,@ follc)-,,,@n, su-
Persons operetin, j.nclLidin,@ restaurants
located on pr--iii',ses O'f @ind op@raLc@6 by holels or motels:
(a) Two huncire(' C011-IrE: PC-'-f f,)r each resteurcnt
with a seatin@, cap@,cit5, 2t t@iblc-,,- for fi@ty tc) one hundre
(b) Ttiree hune@red fifty dol',-ars per annu,-,i for each
rest,@ur,@nt i-7i.th i seatin, 2L tqbles for riore
than one hunc'.rL,,! I)ut n,,)t: c)-L@e huncirec, .@i"ty
persons; ane,
(c) Fiv-- hundtee dc)ll@@rs pea- @'Or eacli restaurant
with a se0tiP, cPPacitv -t t@blcs fo--, L,@'D,:, thaii one hundrc-d
fifty persons.
(2) A Priv,@te, non-,D,-ol-it cILib o,)e,,?tin@ a rcst,,.Iur,?nt loc"te]
on the Dre@iiises of sucli CLUID) Iiullc-l@-e(i -ifty -011,7rs
I L c
per annu.-i.
Section 20-79.2. Stnte License n,,@,ouired.
No license shnll be issued ulder this Sectic)n to ony persc)n
unless such person liol(I or secu@-@2 s"I.iLultE,,neously there,"lith
the prop--r Stete licers- - equired -by "Tl-@@- @'@lcohDl4-c B2ve-a-e Colitrol
Act" o@- the Coc:e oi-7 Vir,,,iniq, as n enacted or lierea"ter
Sect4-,)n 20-7@.3. S", 77 4
Any suc' T -2 P@ 1) 2 C'ii,@n,e in -1@qe piice
of bus-@-ness-@ y . ii, s t-,c h I.!
c s :rL,@y 'De tr,,nslc--re@ from
Olle -,)a, soii t:o
t hol(@s
I t t 1,2
ls@ Pe,!d'n'-: Dece)):,',e;- 2,?, 196S
2nci Rer,.din-: ]()(;o
ITE@l #353
On motion by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. Croiriwell, and by tinanimouq vote, tile City
Council approved an ordin@ii)ct, to a,,?iid S,,ti,,, 'i4-40, to revise expiration dates for
pLiblic vehicle driver's permits:
That, Section 34 - 40, of tlie Vir,,inia Be@ich City Code is hereby
reordained as fol.lows-
"Section 34 - 40. When issued: term.
A public vehicle driver's I)C,rll)it isslied under
this article stiall IDe effe(@t-l-ve for a pc@ri-od
of one year from the date (if is,,;ue, unless
sooner susl)ended or revokccl."
Adopted by the Council of tlie Cit,l C)',- Virgi,-iia Beach, Virginia)
on the 13th day of J@iniiary, l@@61".
ITL-1 @"354
On motion by Mr. Ferrell, s(@conded by Mr. Bonii(@y, ;IT@d by un;inin@olis vote, the City
Council approved the following rc@soltition for pc@imi.@sion to instal.1 underfrouild
sewer force main between @@@c,,rfc,lk Sotitl)erTi Railw.-i. G,,P.:pany atid Princess Anne
Utilities and City of Virpiiiia Beach:
The re@.ular CC)Llilc'il C),@ tll( ('ity of
Virgiiii.,I, wis @,@l C,)Ijltrc),),-it Ci@,c@iit CoLirt D@- tlic, Ci.t,@
of Vir"ini-a Bencli, o,,, JinLi@r-.@ I I
gt o'clock, p.iii.
On motion by c@ccl I--'Y 14r- ]3oiz?iey
the foll.o@,iing ,,,,s '1op r
0 L U ',T' T
WHERI@%S, Pri.ticc,@,,r @3ii@e ,nplic,,tioll to l@lorfol-!,-.
Southern Rai-lwny
Linder 'l-hQ sqid
WIIF)@i@@ls, the
wliicii i C @l'@ 7) I 1, t,i 1) I o @)i D\,; 11(i
I tlie oi- j-) @,iiiin t 11 ,@ t t 1 11 'D C?
C!OI)SL2:1,lCtC@C@ ; 911c!
th,? O.CCC-'Dt r@hc@ @@:.Lty oc
@'@i s
c@ Y.
Tli,,)t ti',c,, Ci-t,,, C)f
Priticess !,.nii;@ ti c@ iLy
ITE@l #357
On motion by llr. @larstiall, ,;econded t,y Mr. Lloiin,@\ , -,lid b@,
.1 uiianiinotis vot(@, the City
Council approved an ordinaii@:e al)poiiiting viewcrs rei@,tivc, to tl,e closin@@ of a 50
foot street known as Fouqdr,, Lane, north of Lyni,l,@ivi n I-I)c viewers, @ir. Kiley,
Mr. Petty, Mr. Norman, will rc@port to the Council it thc, Y(!brLi@try lot-li n)eeting:
cliv@@- @7iie an(I
iii acc(D, cases anc.,
provic-,.ed, t!iFj@@ t'@l('Y ,io,@IIC Oil tc) t]IC? @"ity I-ou@icil
of I.-iie City C)@@ t,,)(,
to vir,@ t"o iii(@ rQT)r)rt in
L@o t'.Ie Cou,.)cil
iny, @7h,)t, j@,,c ;,Il.t fro@i
"oro"I'lli C)@
-1@i 'Ti, I'i'Y 0
O@ T@ 1
C. S. Kiley, A. W. Petty and D. B. Norman,
,,r,, t t n vi
i-n Fel)ruary 10, lc)69,
.L T-
i t E-,
?oi2 L _-,'t 5
@T -1
44' .5')
Vi-rciini,i icall-io,-, t@o tho
('itv Cou,-ici.], of of ii@@
as a
'E', y post.@(I ,
a i@ c,@@ to tlic@ co'-@iicil. I:,) til,,
to rir t-o
as 'ol)
sl-r@--(,t o@
l,ein(7 fo@-
YA 1 1. -ii n
,@ii L
Sc,ctio- 2: 'l-liat 30 (ily@ aft"@- f-@)is at' a copy of thi,'3
Ordiiiance, corti fic,(L I,)y t,,@e Cl,?ri@ I @, upc.)n t','Ie pll)lic
recc)rcls in tile I-lerl.'s offj(-Ic @4- "@ Ci@c,,ii@- -our" of Lliis Cii@,"
an,' in lil@@ i-i-iii,lor a@; @i cl; o,
ITEM #358
Mr. Harry Marshall, City Attorney, appeared befoi@e tlie City Council requesting ttleir
apl)roval of the expenditure of Five Thousand Fiv@@ Ifundred Dollars ($5,500) for tlie
purpose of employinp, expert Icgal and financial @idvice to assist the Law Department
in opposing the rate increase requested I)v the Prince.,3s Aiine Utilities Corporation
which is to be presented at the State Corpor@,ti ii ( ununis,,ion llearing in Richrr@On(l,
on February 12, 1969.
On motion by Mr. Cromwell, seconded by Mr. and hv iininimous vote, tlie City
Council approved the autliorization of the exl)enditurl of 1-ive Tlioiisand Five liundrc@d
Dollars ($5,500) for obtaining exi@ert engineerir@@; a:id financial advice to assj,,3t the
Law Department in opposin@.@ LhL@ rate incrca,,;e rcq.,(.@t(@d 1),; the I)rinccss Annc@ Utilities:
ITEM #359
On motion by Mr. Bonney, seconded by Mr. Ferrc,]], @,,d bv unaiiimoil,,; vote, tlie City
Council approved certain apl)lications for pcrsc-ii,J i)rop(@rty and real estate tax
refuiids, a total amount of $105.46:
l(@'67 1968 A14OUI-T
1. Nancy C. Pender
Not here Jan. 1st $16.80 $16.80
2. Raymond I,.
Willian,.s, Sr. $9.60 $C,' . 60
Refund Due
3. Benjamin F. Conte
Boat incorrectly $ @9, 6 0 $ . 9-,6 0
4. Joseph J. Goodma@ Jr.
Lived in Norfol-l,: $8.110 $8.1@O
Jan. 1st.
5. Eugcne llebdon
Lynnliaven $25.80 $25.80
6. @lary L. tney
Newtoi.,ii Cross Roads $35.26 $35.26
ITE%l @@360
Mr. Marshall stated tl)at h(, lizii ree,@ived calls f,,,ri tlie l,vianli@iven River Area about
a Wild Life Refuse to eliminatc- shoc,ting in ti)at ari@a.
ITf:M #361
On motion by Mr. McCombs, seconded by Mr. Boiiiiey, w@tli r,,corded vote as follo@,,s:
Ayes: @layor Frank A. D@is,-Ii, Vice @lqyor Robert D. Crorm@ell, .7r., Albert L. Bonney,
Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. !Iurr@iv @lalbon, J. C,,rtis Pavnc-@, G.
Dcwey Simnions, Earl @l. Tol),I,@lt, ,ind l@enn @tl) i t ,Iil@r,
Cjtv Cc)tiiicil al)provcl r, q,,@, @t ,f @iie T,t f Cll- ac:
of $204,500.00 in sevcral ( @,te ,,rie@ $6z, , 7 6 L,(@ ti-@in@tr red f rotli tlie llese rvc, f or
ContingeiiciE,s and tliat ati )E $@ill,,, C)z@ l@@- l@he ai)i,rodriatiol
of @139,704 @@ill I)c@ froiii P@il,lil@
Assistance grants.
ITF-@l @;@362
On motion by Mr. Ferrell, seconded by Mr. Boniie,, @7ith recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Maybr Frank A. Du,,;ci,, Vice Miyor Robert B. Cromwell., Jr., Albert L, Bc)nney,
Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. @Iiirray @1,31bon, Jol)ii @@,cCcinbs, J. Curtis Payne, G.
D@@wey Simmons, Earl @l, ziiid
Absent: Lawrence E. Mars'li@ill
The City Cotincil approve(i tlie Virgiiiia Beach Ili@@I)w@iy Safcty Commission's reqtjcst for
approval of the Depirtiiieiit of @,ducations proje(:t oii 1)river 1,@,(Iucatioil. The approval
of the City Council is ic(,s@,ax-y in ordcr that l@ecl(,r@il m,,itcliiiig funds may be acquired.
I'he cost of tliis pro,ject i@; already budgetcd aii,l oiily the approval of the
project without tlie nk@cei5@ty (@f ary additioiiil apl)i@c@priatic,n of funds.
ITE'l l,363
On motion by Mr. Payne, secondc,d by @Ir. Fcrr,,]I, @.,itli r(-c(,r(l,,Cl vote as follows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Duscl@, Vi(@e @l,,iyor Roi)ej-t i@. Jr., All@ert L. Bonney,
Sr., Geor@.e R. Ferrell, D. Muri-,tv ITzilbon, jo'iii i,IcC,)m,@s, J. Curtis Payne, C.
Dewey Simnions, Earl M. Tc,t)ault, an(I KeTliletli N. @',iitLhtjr!it.
Absent: Lawrence E. @farsliall
The City Council approved L@ic followiiig al)l)licitio@., for hoiise moving:
Expert Moving ziiid Shoriii@, for
Josephine L. Ettiericlre, to i,@(,vc, @i oii(@ story
framc,, resideiicc, 28' x 36' fr(,i@i 1'rjic-e,@s Afiii@, R(ia(l,
Kempsvill(,, Renipsville Boroti@@ii, tc, 1,Lirc(,l oii l'iney
Grovc, Clitir(ii T,,@@id, 2 miles of
Princess Anii,, Porpti@,ii. Ift,r move
ayid rc-ii,,vztioil: $f,,000.
IT it3 6
On inotion by Mr. Sinunons, sec@,ticlcd bv @Ir. ,itli i-ecorded vote as follows;
Ayes: Mayor Fraiik A. Dki,,;cl,, Vice @!@ivoi- Rc@b(,ii 1', Cror@,,q,@ll, Jr., Albert I,. Boilney,
Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. @ltilay liall),)n, Jc)lit-@ Curti@, Paync@, G.
Dewey Simmons, Earl @l. Tc')aLIl,t, qiici ilei)n(,tll ii. I,.;)@tehii-st
Absent: Lawrence E. Mai'sli,,ili
The City Council. approveci Lli(@ f@llowiiig al)pli(@ition for 1)(,tise inoving:
Doiiald @qel)b make@ applicatioii tc, move a two story
frame resi(lence 21' x 24' fr(,iii 5108 Ocic,,,,nfroiit,
Lynnhavc,n Borc)ugli, to 6303 Oc:,ziiilr(@ilt, l,ot 4, Block
21, Scction L, (@ape HEiirv Syi,,Iic,.,itc,, l,vinhivon
Borou?li. Estiinated valuc, @aft,,r ,I(,vc@ In(] rciiovatioi);
ITEM #365
Oii motion by @Ir. Malbon, seconded by Mr. Tcbault, with recorded vote as foll.oi,,s:
Ayes: @layor Frank A. Duscli, Vice Mayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Albert L. Bonney,
Sr. , George 1. Ferr l.' , 1). "Li'Lcn, @:@ "@ , T. C,.
D,-wey Simmons, Earl @l. Tebatilt aiid KeyiDeth N. Wliiteliurst
Abseiit: Lawrence E. Marshall
The City Council- approved tlic, fol.lowing applicati,@n for house moving:
Littlc@ Piiic,,y Grove Church Tnake.,i application to
move a one story frame resi,lencc .10' x 30' from
Princess AiiTi@i, Road, Creeds, PIII)F,,o BC)T,,ugh, to
Public Landiii@ R,@ad at coriier of Priii,,,ss ATint@
Road, Pui)go, l@c)rC)L@gh. Estim@it(,i v@illic, @iftc@r ni,)ve
and reviov@iLi@@i): $6,000
l'IE@f #366
On motion by Mr. Bonney, secc,ndcd by 'Ir. Ferrc-11, witli recordc,@ vote as follows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Duscii, Vice Mayor Robert B. Cronqell, Jr., Albert L. Bonney,
Sr., George IZ. I-errell, D. @IL,rriv l@Ialbon, J,)hri l@'. @llecombs, I. Curtis Payne, G.
Dewey Sinimotis, Farl M. Teb@iiilt @iiid Keiinetli l@. @,liitcliur@t
Absent: Lawrence E. Marl)@ill
Tii@ Ci.ty Cotiii(@il approved tlic@ request of Viriiii@i I-IlccLric an(i Power Compaiiy for
an easement of riglit-of-w,,iv tor tlic installatioii @,f pr(,poscd three pliase service
for the Ceran@ic Cc@nt(,r of tl)@- P;3i-ks aiid Reci-e@,tio i 1)@p@irtment, as shown oli VEIICO
Plat No. R/l@12703(@:
]'IIIS bet,,,ecii
,y@71 C,,
,i Vi,@iiii;i cr,l ... ritti')Il.
col 1)...
it/ I T N E S S l-, T 11
'i@ii-,it f(,I- tlie S!,Ill C)f Oi,,, T)@@ll;ir ;s
rip,lit of t ol@ei@@te f@.: 1 el
al@i i@i i'll @i,l
(;@cr, ti 1 t I
re ;i! t,
a of til@ a, @Cill(lit; ti l@ l@
@iAle f@icilit:@s ccc@, lict- -,iil@l, li@!,; @i@ till 1, - 1
Cc,ii@, ttiv sliall @it @Lil til-,!es ti@f I !f) t" !iii, cl-I'@ I t@ li'l
its t, c c@ -,t t: :i c, 0
;@@l 0- @ti TI C,- 0
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Notary Pkit,li,.
ITEM #367
On motion by Mr. Simmons, fieconded by @'r. tlie j,,eetin@. was a(Ijourned.
Richard J. Webbon, CiLy Cl(,rk
City of Virgiiiia Bcach,
January 13, 1969