HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 12, 1969
of llie lioilo; (11@l, C'il@' Coi@)L(-il
Cily of
i),Iccti)l," ()f 9, 19(;8
Tize Coztncil iceii;l@ oj@ Dccei;zbc;- 9, lgt;, it)ilil 11:00 A. Al.
Tiz irsday, Dece)jib 12, -7968, (71 llic S(,Ir)07 J?ocl)-,'l Co)if(,)@el,ice P).ooi
At tlie a(Ijoiti-ne(I tlie follozf)i)i(@ It i))'c'so)zl: Robei-I
B. Croiiizvell, J;,. , Alb( i'l L. Bo]Z)z@@A' Gco;-gc R. Fc)-I,ell, D. Mii;-,ya3,
Malboi , J. Cit;-Iis P(tAizc@, G. Dei cy Clil(I I@oll,]ICIII N,. IVIlil(,Illtysl.
Coit@icil@ize;2 Ab-@,@ill: AIctA,o;, F (ijtk A. E. Ma),slic@ll, Johil
W. McCoinbs, Ect;-l Al. l@ebcii@ll.
Also pyesc)il at illis )IIC('Iijlg 11)(?;,c: All@. G. Do&l, Dircclo)- of Fii (tncc,
c@id Mi@. La, y Boti@l Co)lsl(ll(,,,,
Mr. Ilari,y Mci)-sliall, Cily Atiol-licy, lo liai),, Deceiiib ;- 23, 24, aild
26 off and I,,)Os g;,a)il(?(l Iiis ;-eqiiest.
7'lie e will bc a Cozi;ic-il @ileeli2l. Aloil(l(iA@, 1), (,t,;)ib(,; 211, 1968, al JO o'clocle
A. M.
M,I-. Scott invited tlie Coitilciz to (li)t) (1) (it ("?-I' of tile eeliiz(,,s
072 iiiol"@,))i by @l)-. s(,(:(,@ilcle(I b@,, a;z(l
tile follol ill," (ICI@lic);i 10 Cli)i)oi;zl);ic ;il@ to llic, city, of Vi@-,@'i)licl acil
Iliditst),i(il A@(1;2o)-iij,, l(i@l-;z:
1. Tlie of Jzt@'@, 25, 1 (i)-, fui(ii(I lo bc ilico,)'rect ii,, lazu i;i
that Mi,. Milloiz D. Ca;-I,,;@ ci;l(l 7(!i)i@,@ 11. Sa@llc;-,iuc;-c )-e(ipl)oi;zlcrl
fo)@ te,;-i;2s of ti o it)lie;-(,cis, b@@ sic(-I! 2@,ei-c ;,c,ciiii -ed to
befo;, tci,i)is of folt;- y(,t@)-s. Tiie scticl ell c@, co)-i-cclc(l hc)-eby
to rej7ecl flial Al)-. Alittoi,, D. C,,i;-Ie;- Jai@2(,'S P. Sa(Ile)- ill faci,
reappoilic',Ifo;- lc;-i)IS of foi(l- Yea;@s IC) C,;Zf! Oil @30, 19 0.
2. Tlicit NI -. Gco)@le J. pa)-l,,(,; is a ic,-1)2 of folt,)-
ai-s ef ily 1, ]@)68, to expi)-c' J,,, 10, 1972.
.Ye feclive Ji
Report o-,i tlie Coi;?I)osili ;i of tlie of lli,@ Vi;-,,iizici P)('(Ich
lizclztsi,)-icil Deucloil)i)iciii .4itIlio;-ii@, (is oj- 12,1968
Naille Te@-i)z Bc@,@i;zs Tci,i)i E,,vl)ii@es Rc,,f,-)'C@)ZCC
5 4@,e(i;-s Ji@ly o'], '69 Ali;zzite Ble 2, 1),)]
Alfred IV. '6 I
Keyr),zit S. La)z(l Ait@- 1, '65 4ye(i;-s Jiil@, 31, '69 Mij?i(te Bk 2,
Fraizk 1,V. K()Ilaiii Sep 1.1, '6 7 4ve(t;-s A?tg 31, '71 Afiizl(te Bk 3,@l
Leu,is D. 7'itit;,slojz Sep t.1, 16 7 4@,eci@-s A It,, 31, '71 Mi),iiiie P@l,, 3,
George TV. @Voody Jitl@@?5, '66 :1 @@ (,,;,s A,,t,,, 30, '70 Mi)zzitc@ Bl,, '3
Dec. 12, 19
(Mr. @Voody @tcts a,@l)oi;llc(l o)l Oci. 1961) to fill Ilic )zcypi)-ed tc)-;ii of All-.
Cayter iulio
Jai;ies P. Sa(Ilci- Jitl),25, '6(; 1 yc(i@-s Ait@@ 30, '70 Mi;iittc Bk, 3
Dec. 12,19,(;@
Geoyg-c J. Pa;,I,@c;- Jitly 1, '68 1 Jit;ze 30, F72 Ali)zllte B,,,, 3 'I
Dec. 12,19
At an adjourried me,eting of tlie Council of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virgini@i,. he.!Id on tlic, 12tli clay of December, 1968:
PRESEN'f: Piobt,j,l C)-o))itf,cll, J;-. , Albert L. Boiii?ey, S'I-. ,
George R. Fei,i,@,11, D. Alit;, -t-ty M(,tlbo,i, P,,ilvitc@, G. I)eivey Sil)l@lloils,
Ife)inelli A. Wllilellll)-st,
ABSENT: Mci@,o;, Fi-tt)il,, A. Lott);@eiict, E. Mct),shall, Jolin W.
McCo ibs, Eci -1 M. Tcb(lifli.
It was reported tc) the mec,t@ing that the following bids
were received by a represent--ative of I,,'Iie,@it & Co., Inc., financial
advisors for the City, at tlie opci-iii)g of bids held in Richmond at
11:00 a.m., on this datc@ foi- $2,000,0@@)O Public Iniprovc!ment Bonds,
Series of 1968 B, of the Cii-y of Virgini@l Beach:
Name of Bidder Amount of Bid
Anderson & Strudwick $200,000 bonds maturing
Shearson, Hammill & Co., Inc. December 1, 1970,at 6 per
Virginia National Bank cent, $1,200,000 bonds
Horner, Barksdale & Co. maturing December 1, 1971
J. Barth & Co. to 1976, incl., at 4.25 -
Cooley & Co. per cent, $600,000 bonds
maturing December I., 1977
to 1979, incl., at 4.40
per cent,
we will pay Two Million,
one hundred sixty and
00/100 Dollars ($2,000,160.00).
State-Planters Bank of Commerce $200,00b bonds maturing
& Trusts December 1, 1970, at 4.70
The Northern Trust Company per cent, $400,000 bonds
Joint Managers maturing December 1, 1971
Trust Company of Georgia to 1972, incl., at 4.00
The Bank of California, N.A. per cent, $1,400,000 bonds
North Carolina National Bank maturing December 1, 1973
Abbott, Proctor & Painc to,1979, incl., at 4 3/8
per cent,
we will pay Two Million,
Two Hundred Ten and NollOO
Dollars ($2,000,210.00).
Ilarris Trust and S@ivings Baiik $1,000,000 bonds maturing
December 11 1970 to 1974,
incl., at 4.25 per ceiit,
$1.,000,000 bonds maturing
Decetnber 1, 1975 to 1979,
incl.., at 4.40 per cent,
we will pay Two Million
Eight Hundred and Seven
aiid no/100 Dollars
Morgan Cuaranty Trust Compaiiy $200,000 bonds maturiiig
of New York and Associat6@-, Deceriber 1, 1970, at
5.875 per cent, $1,200,000
boncls maturj-ng December 1,
1971 to 1976, incl., at
4.30 per cent, $600,000
bonds mattiring December 1,
1977 to 1979, incl., at
4.40 per cent,
we will pay T@@o Million,
One HLindred Seventy Seveil
and no/1.00 Dollars
Phelps, Fenn & Co. and Associates $400,000 bonds maturing
Deceinber 1, 1970 to 1971,
incl., at 5 1/4 per cent,
$1,200,000 bonds maturiiig
Deceuiber 1 1972 to 1977,
incl., at 4.40 per cent,
$400,000 bonds maturing
DeceTflber 1, 1978 to 1979,
incJ., at 4 1/2 per cent,
we will pay Two million
eight hundred twenty and
00/100 Dollars
Continental Illinois National Bank $800,000 bonds maturing
and Trust Company of Chicago and December 1, 1970 to 1973,
Associates incl., at 5.00 per cent,
$600,000 bonds niaturing
December 1 1974 to 1976,
incl., at 4.50 per cent,
$600,000 bonds maturing
Deceniber 1, 1977 to 1979,
incl., at 4.60 per cent,
we will pay Two Million
One Hundred Eighty and
No/100 Dollars
Bankers Trust Comp@!ny and $1,000,000 bonds matura-ng
Assbciates Decenil)er 1, 1970 to 1974,
incl., at 4.875 per cent,
$600,000 bonds mattiring
Decetnl)er 1, 1975 to 1977,
incl., at 4.50 per cent,
$400,000 bonds matliring
Decenil)er 1, 1978 to 1979,
incl., at 4.60 per cent,
we will pay Two Million
One Thousand Nine HLindred
Twenty and No/100 Doll.ars
United California Baiik $400,000 bonds maturing
December 1, 1970 to 1971,
incl., at 5.25 per cent,
$1,000,000 bonds maturing
December 1, 1972 to 1976,
incl., at 4.40 per cent,
$600,000 bonds maturing
December 1, 1977 to 1979,
incl., at 4.50 per cent,
we will pay Two Million
One Thousand Three Hundred
and no/100 Dollars
Each of the above bids offered to pay accrued interest from the.
date of the bonds to the date of delivery.
It was determined that the bid of State-Planters Bank
of Commerce & Trusts and The Northern Trust Company and Associates
offered to purchase the bonds at tlie lowest cost to the City, which
bid is attached hereto and made a parl of these minutes. A Repre-
setitative of Wheat & Co., Inc., advis,@ci the Council that this is
an excellent bid and recommended its @icceptance.
Thereupon the following resollition was adopted by the
following vote: oil @;,olioTi by Mi@. Pri@,ii(,, s(,co;iclcd by Mr. Boiiney ivitli recordcd
vote as follozvs: Vic(?-Ma@,or Robert B. J@-. , Alberl L. Boiz;ze3,, Sr. ,
George R. Ferre I D. M,-t;@ray Malboji, /. ('t@;-Iis Pa@,izc, G. D(@vey Sil)l@ilons,
Ken;zeth N,.
BF-ACH, VIRGINIA, that the $2,000,000 P@tl)lic Iiill)rovement Boncls,
Series of 1968 B, of the City of Vii@gi,iiz, Beech, dated December 1,
1968, the form and cletails of whicli hg@,e lieretoforc been prescribed
by resolution adopted Noveniber 25, 1968, be and the same are here-
by awarded to State-PI-anters Bank of Compierce & Trusts and The
Northern Trust Compaiiy and Associates in accordance with the
terms of their bid ind shall bear iriterest as set out in such bid.
012 iiiolio;z by Ali,. S('CO)I(t'e(I b ilii-. Boiiii,ly, Ill,(! I cis
(Ijoll I-)!,ecl.
c 11 a rJ.-W(l )a) O-) 1,
City Cle@-le M(13'0).
City of Vir"illi(i Bc(t(-Il
V Ygi7ii(i
Dec,,eTizber 12, 19(;8