HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 13, 1969
T;ie regitlar rii eting of t of t,lic Viy, -1@n7,
i@l t7le Cou@icit T3oro@ig,'@ c)"
on Ilorday, 0ctol)('@, 7@C.9, at 9,:OO
Cour,eiZmen pre@,ent: Vi B. Ty,.., A '@,Y,@ L. Bor,@ley, f'. ,
George R. FerreZZ, D. 707zn W. ',.'Ccoml)s, T.
Curtis F,ayne, G. Dew y 7r., b,,2r7 zy2(7 @7@th @l /h T, u E'
it , rt.
CounciZmen absent: @@@or A. Dusch
The i@ivocation wa@@ @y @everend @lips "i'@drc, T/. Lon,
c,.r lyrnliave@z !,fe@; odist
@i motion by Bonrey, secc)@ided by li!r. ak,,d by i@,@corded i,ote as roZ7ows:
Ayes: Vice AIayor Fober@ '?. Crorp,)eZZ Tr., AZl@ert@ L. Zon@2e , Sr., Georce P. @er2@-IZZ,
D. Alurray '@IaZbon, L )Pence E'. !!arsl-,aZZ, JoT@@ Corl s, J. Curti@, Pa,,,ne, G. De,,)Czl@
Simmo?is, Jr., EarZ @l. @,,@.iu 1, ard Kennetlz i@.I. -,'h, , ,
Absent: !@ayor Frank A. Dusck
City CounciZ approv(-,d t@@ of th@ n?,, t@ng of Scptcm,7.@er 29, 196.9, ard tb-e
readina of said te,,, c' @nsed b)ith, a@ ecc,i C,)UnciZman. had G, copy oF'
said @@inutes before hirT.,.
The FonorabZe Robert 13. Cpo?,@) ZZ, Jr., V,-cc, @,G@or, a@-,ting .1ayc)r in the aT)s@,-,e of t'?e
#945 Honor:z,,@Ze Frank A. Dusc-,i, caZI@d foi, bic7,@ ror P-la ch,",qr offered -1@n an 02,d-@ --nce,
passed Augus@, 25, 1960,'f(,)r certain tezephc@, te egrap@ll cy@d ezectronic sei@vices Zn
the City of Virgin@la 13ea@-T,, w@,ereupon, T,. 5. Z17,deS, 1.7T, ViCe Pres@d,-Pt o@ the
NorfoZk & CaroZina 7'eZez)@, r, R, TeZegraLh Cc,. czopea2@3d before 'Oun(,i7@ azd,
upon oaZZ of the actin,.7 m,7yor, presented tt@@e bi@d for t@.e f2@ayz(?hiso- for
service for certain ar,-as ol@ the City of Vi,2,ainic. -he offeY, of
CaroZina TeZephone & Te"egrarh Co. of Va. @7a @itn --F 7@@n o@Za.2,s
f2,anchise r@-g@its propoe,3d t be grayzted y 4he ,)i, *P@,arce 4 e t ztno@@
City of Virginia Beach, Vir i@@ia, approvect- P,@, ?',,,ere be@Inc
The NorfoZk & CaroZina eZe @,@o?ie & 9'eZ a@,Gz),h "o. of -@Ic. wa,,3 abapr-l@?d the The cit-@
Attoi,ney, !4r. VarshaZZ, aut c@ri2ed thc of Ord' a?@ce t,@ arant to
NorfoZk & CaroZina TeZerhone & TeZegrg@h Cc@. Cf '/a. t@,e ril,7',tts we2@e -TO- o,@d @y
the Ordincmce adopted b.) -oun-iz Augusr, P5, 1 & CaroZira
Telegraph Co. o- Va. wi@Z r,2,@n7)urse tbe C@-,@ 4,?r tb,,, CC7
@s,,,,ent bizz.
At two p.m. on October 13, If, 9, upon moti,@@@ @y s-3con,7ed by
and by recorded vote as
Ayes: Rober@ B. Cro r. , Vice '@layor, A 1 be2, t L. Pon?z @, Sr. , Ceo,@,@3e P. FC2,2@e
D. !,!uryay I!aZbon, Tawy,e @e E. .1arsizoZZ, Tol-z,@ '. @'CC P,-S, ". "urtis Pazre, 17. !)e,,) P,
Sir,-,tnor,s, Jr., Earl I!. ard l.enr-eth P..
Abse@it: i@,layor Frank A. -,IUC
the City Counoil o- the ei4j of @lirginia ther-3 ?,c-'n,7 ro o@@,er
:zpproved an Ord"'na,,z e ;@r rt to "@-,e Z-@*ra T Zep@ore Te7,0@,,-,@
c@ its successors -@,@d @s, a, te@@egra@b,, z,!@@ c,
e@e,@, nic seroices orpr@r@te s Ci'y, as set @ort@,@
foZZ @@l@rg Ordin@@n,?e. t;i t@ t@@, t,@ of tlie ac7,verl
costs ?f 677. 52, sz,@bnl@, e@ 3,,Zd of appro,,7 b@, t7z,3
o- aZ@, bo,zd,,,, @,3 ,et rorth at 7@3?@-7-'
"@,e rozzowing recor@@ t 3
AN ORDT@@A@,'Cv TO IT(') t, CAROLT%A TEI,@T'lo@E
& -@ET-EGRAT,@: CF VA., At:D A,@IGNS, TiiE
FPAt@'@;ISE, RTC,@q', A@@D PF@TVILF-I'@ 10 @'.AIIITAIN,
PLACES OF Tfz-- cl-l,.' Ov- VIPGll:i i
,;, IILACI; A rFi.i7i'iCNE SY'o'EM,
WiTli NECIP,'-I,9111@ty ioi,l,,,; DUC'I'S, C I
WIRES, ANl) A',L ;,til)
'A'P,ERFAS, tlie Cl,!rk has laid bc@@c)r,@ tli(i I.c)un(:J-l of the City of Vii-f,,in@@@,
Be@ich, Virginia, at the fii,st regulai, se,,sioii liel.,i after the completiori of the
publicatiori thereof, @,n ordinarice approved Aui,,ast 25, 1969, entitled, "An
Ordi.narice To provide foi, tlie 7,rant by tlic, C@ity of Virgi.ni.a Bcach, Virginia,
to a persori or i)ersoris, ot, to a cc)rporatloli, iti stictcessor@@ and assigils,
hereafter to be ascei,tairied in the mode T)rfj@(,,i,ibei by law, of the right for
the term and upon the co,iditions herein st@@ted, to use the streets, alleys
and Dublic places of said City, and to acquii,e, er(@ct, riaintain and use, and
if now constructed to maintain and use, poles, towers, wires and facilities
over and along, and to acquire, construct, maintain and use, and if now
constructed to maintain a-nd use conduits, T,i.r)es, mains and other @acilities,
including necessary manholes, and to run cibles and wires iri, under and along
the streets, alleys and public places of said City, and to use the property
of othei- persons, cort)oratioris a-nd organizatioiis and permiit such other persons,
corr)orations and organizatiotis to use its ;)roperty upon such arrangements as
shall be agreed upon sub@ect to the conditions fierein set forth, for the purpose
of providing all type3 Of telephone, telegj-a-)Ii aiij ot@.er electronic service at
any point within the corporate limits of said City, as the sarne now exist or
may hereafter be extended or altered," together witli a certificate of due
r)ublication of the same once a week for foiir successi.ve weeks, in a newst)aper
of general circulation in the City of Virgji,,ia Beacli, Virginia, said advertise-
ment commencing on Stilr '9L"Ifity and tenninating on the Cl@'day of
6e IL, let t and
WHEREAS, the presiding officer of the Council of the City thereupon
invited bids for said franchise, rights and privileges, as required by law; and
WHEREAS, The Norfolk & Carolina Teleohone & Telegraph Co. of Va.
submitted in writing a bid in the sum of Ten Dollars ($10) for the franchise,
rights and r)rivileges contained in said ordinance, accompanied by a certified
check for the said sum of Ten Dollars ($10), nayable to the City, which bid was
delivered on the day and hour- named in the advertisement to the presiding officer
of the Council of the City, iri open session, and was read aloud; and
VIHEREAS, the presidirig o@@ficer tlien and there inquired for any further
bids and no further bids were subip@-tted; and
WF.EPFAS, in tlie opiriion of the Council of tlie City, it is expedient
and to the best intere@ts of the City that the said franchise, rights and
pr-@vileE,es shc)uld bc: gr,,inted to Thc Norfolk & Cai,olina Telephone & Telegraph
Co. of Va. 14@l, I'HEIT@FOitE,
1. Thzit tlic I)jci of I'ho Norfol@, t, Cqr-oliti@i Telcph,)iie @, Telet',rapti Co.
of Va. be accepted ajid tli(@ riglits a-nd i)i@ivi-leEi@2 prol'03ed to be grante,-d by tlie
said ordinaiice be and tlie sam(,, are fiereby ,,rarit(@d to The Norfo3k &, Carolina
Telephone @, Telegraph Co. of Va. upon the coriditi@n that it shall first execute
a bond witli good and cuffi,ci.etit security in til,.,, @,eiia.1 sum of Orie Pundred Dollars
($100), with surety satisfactory to the City, to @t)e cotidit@.oned as prescribed
in Section 5 of said ordinance as follows:
"The rights arict privileges herein set, forth are f,,ranted and
conferred upon the grantee 'unon the exoress condition and
understanding on the T)art of the siid grantee that they are
subject to tlie nrovis ions of the Coristitution of the Comrron-
wealth of Virgiiiia, Section 125 a.nd the several imolementing
statutes related thereto."
2. That the riame of The Norfolk & Cai-ol.ina Telephone & TelegralDh Co.
of Va. shall be inserted in tlie said ordinance which was approved Aupust 25,@1969,
and that tlie sime, with this insertion, be and is hereby enacted and reordained
in the words and figures following:
BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
SECTION 1: The City of Virgini.a Beach (hereinafter called grantor),
hereby grants unto The Norfolk & Carolina Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Va., its
successors a-nd assigns (hereina-fter called gr,,ntee), upon the conditions herein-
after set out, the fraiichise, right, and privilege to construct, maintain, and -
onerate on, over, along, in, under, and throueh tlie streets, highways, and public
nlaces of the service area of The Norfolk @- Cz,rolina Telentione & TelegraT)h Co. of
Va. , as designated from tin,.e to time by the Virginia qtate Corporation Corrmission
within the City of Virpinia Beach, Virvinia, a telcr)lione system with the necessar-y
r)oles, conduits, manholes, ducts, cables, @rc!s, and all other, necessary ovei,head
and underpround apparatu@ and fixttit,es, witli t,h@ right to use the property of
other companies and to otlier compariies to use its prot)erty upon sucli
arrangements as the two conipinics may agrea.
SECTION 2: Notliirit@ iii tliis ordiiiance contained sliall b(,@ caiisti,ued
to I)revent tlie city froii autliorizing or any r)uhlic work of any
charact,er and the city coiincil. may order aiid-require, (at tlic cost of the grantee)
upon reasonable notice the r@elocation of aiiy and all pole,@, wires, cabl.es,
conduits, manholes, or ELiiy ot@ier matter or thirigs wliatsoever placed, constructed,
or inaiiitained in pursuarice of this ordinance, and 3ts repl,,icement to conforrn with
any change or changes wliich may be made in the locaticn or grade of any street,
avenue, alley, or hiehway.
SECTION 3: Vlhen Grantee's facilities are Ic@cated on pronerty owned
by the city and the city reasonably requires that sucl, facilities be rel.ocated,
Grantee will at its exrense niove such facilitieg to an alternate locatioii
reasonably suatable to Grantee's Durposes and nr(,vi ed by the city at tlie city,ls
expense. This provision shall not apply to renioval ol, rel.ocatioii of facil.ities
required by any state or federal aecxicy, excelt where the facilitie3 to be re-
located are located on public property which has been de,@dicated or acquired for
street or road purt)oses, incltiding uses incidetital. thereto.
SECTION 4: The woik of erectirig poles, fixtures, and wires, and
constructing underground conduits arid the consti,uction or maintenance by the
grantee under this ordinance shall conforrri to te]eT)Iione industry specifications
and any governmental standards that rriay be set from tilne to time.
SECTION 5: The riglits and privileges hei,ein set forth are granted
and conferred unon the grantee upon the express condition and under3tanding
on the part of the said grantee that they are subject to the provisions of
the constitution of the Corinoiiwealth of Vii,ginia, Section 125 and the several
iniolementing statutes related thereto.
SECTION 6: The grantee agrees to r)rotect and save harmless the city
from all claims, damages, costs, disbursements, and actions of every @ind,
nature, and description arising from or gi,o,,,,irg cut of any matter or thilig
connected with or pertaining to the subject matter of thig ordinarice, or any
work done hereundei,, or under the frant hei-ei-r. ccntairied. Said grantee shall,
ur)ori notice of the presentation of any Cl 4M, or the con enceiiient of any sucb
al n
action or suit, investigate, prepare the d fer.se of, and deferid every such
claim, actioii, or suit withcut expense to the city, and in the ca3e jucigient
sh.ill be i@endered agaill6t tlie city, 311,13-1 fully s,'itlisfy slicti judt'@rictit wlthill
sixty days after such silit oi@ action sllztll -I)c fiiially df,,ter-,nined, and pay tlle!
cost a-nd expense of sticli inv(@stiration, T)rc?,)ar@tt !Oii of the defenge, and defense
as and when they accrue. This stiall- not r)llev(@lit the city froin investigatinf, and
defending any claim, proc,@edinE, or actiot). A!iy sticli ju(Iginent rendered again3t
the city shall. be bind3ii, aiid conclusive aeairist the grantee, if reasonable
noti*ce shall have been given to the grantee of tlie ;)endericy of such action.
SECTION 7: Tho grantee covenaiit@, to coTnPly with each and every of tlie
ter-nis and conditions hei,ein set forth, and upori its failure to comnly with said
ter-ms and conditions, ti@e grantor herein, in a@ldition to the remedies allowed to
it by law, may give to the grantee written notice to coml)ly with said terms with-
in a reasonable period of time and, upon its failure so to do, the grantor may
elect to do such work by telet)hone industry snecificatiotis and by telephone
industry-trained personriel, and the graritee sl)all reitnburse the grantor for the
cost thereof.
SECTIOI@ 8: The rights and privileges hcreby graiited shall continue for
the Deriod of thirty years from a-nd after the final passage of this ordinance,
unless the same be sooner voluntarily surrendered by the said grantee with the
consent of the council c,f the ci.ty or unless tlie same be sooner forfeited as
provided by law.
ATTEST l,'ol)crt B. C2-o?rpoeZZ, Jr., Vice l@ayor
I hereby certify tliat the foregoing franchis,? was duly presented to the
members of the City Couricil of Virginia 13each, Virginia, a@, a meeting held on the
@, ay of I @, 1969, that 10 members of the Council, constituting
a quoruri thereof, were p,,eserit and voted; that 10 votes were cast in favor of
its passage and A)c votes agairist its I)assage; tliat the sanie was duly pi-esented
c-e -/L/, ,IQ-
to and atproved by the the City of Vii,gii-,,ia B,-ach, Virgi-nia.
-1 L
* * * * * @ @ 4@ il *
The lionoi,able Frank A. Dusch, Mayor
Presidizii,, Officer
Coiincil of City of Virgirila B(@ach
0. @ki,,II'.X-\N])!R PASSED AUGUST )5, ig6g, ENTITLED-
O,!;i,!,, YI .... t
ill. [lot-lz
We hereby submit as our bid foi, the above franchise the
consideration of ten dollar,s Eind other good and valuable
considerations; that tli-is corT)any lias rendered service to
the Couiity of Princess Aiiiic! f2-or@ 1913, and the City of
Virginia 13each sitice th@ iiicoi,p@ration of said county
thereinto, and proposes @o coritinue serving the City of
Virginia Beach under the fi@ancliise; the collection and
remittaiice of city utility ta>, so long as it may be in
effect; aiid the cooperatic)ii wity, al-1 departments of the
i city for a continued or-(! i,',y Ero,,itli of our facilities.
RE,-sl)E!ctfully submitted,
Ttie t@@,)rfolk & Carolina
Telephone & Telegraph Co. of Va.
L. S. Blad,@s, Jr., P76ident
TO Frank A. Dusch, llayor,
Presidini,. Officer
Council of City of Virgiiiia Beacli
TP.E NORFC)LK & '@AROLTNA T=PIICI,'E 1, CO. OF VA., a corporation
organized and existing ut@,i@r the I.,iws of th(, C,@i,n,)nw,-@alth of Virgir)ia and
authorized to do busine@s in the, Co"Unojii@ealth ,f Vireiiiia, hereby accepts the
grant and agrees to be I)ound I)y each and evez-y iti(I all r)rovisioils, conditions,
and liriitations, and apl,,,,es that it ho]-ds al@ ,f Its rights alid privileges in
the streets and public plpces of tho CITY OF V-Pr,'-@IIA BEACH ozily under the fore-
going ordinance of TPE COTJNCIL OF 'ME CII'Y OF VII@C;T.NIA BEACF,, adopted day
of 1969, and entltled, "AIT ORDIT@Al;@E TO (,IIANT To TIJE NORFOLK
TELEGRAPI! Co. OF VA. ha@ caused this wi@itteii acce@)taiiee to be executed in its
name by its president tliczeutidei- duly author@i7,(!d, ard its corr)orate seal to b,
hereunto affixed, attestod by its seei,etary thc!i,elnto duly authorized on this
day of 1969.
@iA','!TF S. BLAI)F.5, SFCR,--,TARY
A ,,s: Vic-c @!ayor P/
D. y tiS I'(7-@ @z(!,
SirTnons, Jr. , P,arl k,. C7 II 1, , cz@icl t .
Abs nt: P!ayor Ilrank A. T@usc@ii
City Council al@p2,,ovcd
1. Appropriation of @8,@)'00.0," @or t7ic g)Z@r cart.:s for tL(@ Virgini(7-
Beach :Iunicipal Goz.,
4ppropriation oj' @8, ",@)O. 0 ) 'O C r,'17 C, illou'tincl firr@i to map,.e r
iz?e@zdatic)ns conce--nirg t7l,@
@@u appeare@l the vcz(,ation of a oe@,ta :,7z Z)zc-@
lie ppeseyited a copy o" [)ZC,'z@ tc 7
I I)y ?r. Payne, seco@Or(,, b
I,,Ir. Si@@@rions, and @y t,ote a.9 foZ
Ayes: Vice A!ayor Robert T@). T2,,., ql,7,ort Nne George R. FerreZz,
y Sr
D. llurray !,,aLbon, f, rCr@' @-' E. "'92' 7Z,7.ZZ, T(?i,,,@ T. Curtis Pc7,yne, G. T@ewey
Si,-,mons, Jr., EarZ 1,1. a?zd FG@?ne@:h
Abserit: ,'@layor Trank 4. 07,@
City Cou@ioiZ approved th@ ,)art @aZ v@c,,,tio?,z @;Z,, ntit@Zed "Subdivision of a
Portion of Zlroperty of /1. NeL)mco@, '?oroug7i, Virginia Beac,2,
Virginia", which pzat is dated P,7ovember 1963 p,,,,pa,,@d '@y Fra 7, D. Tarrazz, Jr. and
Associates, SU2'VeyOrs a l ers, azd duY,@, Y,?2opd,,,d in the Clerk's Office of the
Circuit Co@trt of the Cill,,,, f Vrgi iia 73ca ',i, Viog,",zia i,2 @,!al) Book 60 at Page 18; by
the deletion of the ed 7@lord-3 "B i di@ in this area" from t:he
said plot.
I I'El@' Or, mot@on by Mr. P/hitehui@,t, soco2@,,7ed bii I,,r. azd by recorded vote as foz7obl@3:
Ayes: Vice @layor Robert ,'3. 12'o@e7,Z, J2,., All)(@-t --,. T3onney, Sr., Georae P. Fer2el@,
D. z',!urray @,laZbon, La@r@c,@@? E. Tohr@ @,'. @l-. Cl,?,tis 7ay?,,e, G. Dewe7@
Simmons, Jr. , FarZ @l. t, and Keyzneti@ @h2,rs t.
Abse?zt: llayor Frank A.
City CounciZ denied t@rze @o@Zowing ar)pZi,? @,io,z 7 @ a@,, e cf z@n, and a use nermit
as at the present time @e no p ocd r" fir , pol-@ce o, aMbuZa ce
or City seoev and water
Application of Ru,.3se)] @V. Ciiapl ii) ai@d EJ@ie, I,. Chal)lain for a @f
zonin" froin Agricultvii L] (A- P@) to A@@ri@--ultviral District (A-r,) vvitii a
Motol aiid Tourist aii(' I'@estt@iraiit (T-2) aicl a Usc@ Perii@it to con-
struct a 50-uiiit motel c,ii cei-taiii propert) oli tlie @Vest side of t'le
Atlantic Ocean be@iiiiiiig at @, poi)it 11, 413 feet N(,rt,li @)f tlic. l@ortli C.Lrolina-
Virgiiiia State Liiie riiii'laill,@@ i clistaiic@ ol @t?') f(@(t oil tlie @Vest siclc of tlic
Atlantic Occaii, ruiiiiiil,-, i clist-,ir@ce of 1450 fc,@,-t ziloii,l tl)c Soutliern property
Iiiic, ruiiiiing a clist@tiice c@f 429 fcet aloii- tlic W(stcr,,i prol)orty line and run-
nin-, a distance of 14"O tlie Nortli@,i-!l prc)per-ty line.
Thc Plztiiniii,. Coniiiiis@;ic@ii 1 (.(-oll'iicilcls cl(.3@iaJ (,! ti.@ s rcqt,,(!st as at thc,. prescnt
time City scwer aiici c@,I)not I)t- IT,@lclc Ful-ther, no pavecl roacis
for fire, policc or ill tlic, evelit of einci-gei-,c@r.
iC 2,ett 7,f o@@ Z,@ Z i al L'@ for a
Cat ?7 aT)rearec,
a@2c. rea2@es@,,,d a 30-c7au --tencion
So ne onzl',d @er--@,me
tC7@?'PItt L,)as d t
d e a e co @Td i@t ,t @t
@,i- ar,72@,, rt in o i) i
0'r, 7iotiol b@ !@Ir. klo @,ed a,,,@ by Y,o,--opcle(,7 vot7c a
,lYc@r: Vice r @o
D. P,.furray
Tel)czu7,t, a id
I!@,yor Yr Y@k 4.
City app@,o@@,7d t@@z, t,?
of 80' to tlir 7rt, (T-
the a Zi
~vcnue beginning at
of 50 fe~t alonf; the ] ~,;t r: c1~ nf Atlan~i~ Avch~,c, ru.n~ng a cllulance of 150
feet als g the ~)rth~:~ [,i,,i-'rty ihs, r~.i~ r~.; a c'i~40t~(-,: of 50 i~.(~ t along
the iL:astern property 1:~ , runn[r~[; a ~,, m c .f 15(; fe,:~I along the Souttnorn
tahoe of 1Z7 fcct al(m:.
85 feet along thc We:,(:rn ~,,'operty lin,', z~ n~:~g ;'. di~;tanc-e of 1Z7 feet
along the Northern i' .?rz',~' lh~e. ~.J:.~,, H,x~x"~" ) IJAC!J ~5Or~OUGIt.
The Planning Con~n'fi:;r;ion recon%rnends ~l,[,:oval of this request subject
to a ratio of 80 per c.~]t i,arkin3 to t~e n . ~},cr of mats px'ovided that the
off-site lot as submitted w[lh the app!icz~':;o~, be: a part of the site plan
review p:rior to thc it;:~uan(c of the builcli~:g pe~n'~i[. Revocation of this
Use Permit by City Council can be instit~:te,l if adequate parking is not
provided at any time in the future. ~q~proval it; further subject to the
requirements of the Site l>lan Oxdinan~:e,
;.fr. Stanley Wiliner app~aned '5.,~fore Cify "o;o cf; in regard to the following applicaf~on.
On motion by 3fr. Bonnev,. c ed bu~ 3:~r. ~ ~. ~,.~7, ~nd ty re~orded vote as follows:
Ayes: Vice f4ayor Robert ~. C',om',)cll Jr. ~ ~ ~
)e, t r, Bonneu, Sr., George R. Ferrell,
D. Murray .:albon, Lawrenc..s F. )farshall~ Jonu W. tfar'omh~ J. C~tis Payne, O. Deweu
Absent: Frank A. Dusch, Y4yor
City Council approved the following application for a c_hange of zoning and a use permit,
subject to City Water and sewer and a dedicat~o,~ of right of way 30 feet from the center
line of Bonney Rd. and a dedication of righ/ o/' way 55 feet from the center line of
Independence Blvd. as ra¢~est¢d
a~so s~ject to the req~?~.m.~ t~ ~:f the S~t WZ z, 9rffi~;anc~.
/~pplication of Stanl<W Y,'illu,,r for a .i?'J'J '_( {_?.:~2}.n~?, from Resi0ence Duplex
District. 1 (R-D 1) to ~ ul.,n~,.c :*.;'~;n~il7 l.(e~;:, u;[ce I)istricf (!';-M) and a Use
Pern~it to construct ])Z a.t.crtn~ent units ,:u~ (ordain property located on the
South side of Bon~ey Road and the Norths"
distance of 509 feet aloag t),e South side ~,f J. onney t~oa.d, running a distance
of ld98 feet along thc J[[:~storn propeyty lit, e, running a dist;xnce of 200 feet
along the North ~id~ ~f i]olland Ro~d, ru ,~A~G a distance of t102 feet along
the V;estern property line. Said lots art designated as Lots 7, 8, 9. and
18, Plat of Holland
The l~lanning Comn~ls.,.ion recon-~rnends appz'oval of this request subject to
City water and sewer and a dedication of r[g!,t of way 30 feet from the center
l[ne of Bonney Road ~r~c', a dedication of riLh~ of way 55 foet from the center
line of Independence I;oulcvard ar; toques;ted by thc Director of the Department
of ?ubllc Works. Approval is further sv:~j~.:t to the requirements of the Site
?ion Ordhmnce.
Mr. Isr.~e! Ste¢ng~old__a_~v* ~,~;~ 5efor, e City C~'?'.c~;1 neouestina a 3:9-day d~,,.erzat~¢ , ~.
On motion bu ;,!r. Ferre ~ J ~ ~o~' '~ed b;¢ 3!~. '& ~ <, ~ ~ ~
. . ~ ~ , ~, ~y r~corC, ed vote as foZlows:
Ayes: Vice 3~ayor
ADssnt: 3:oust ,ran,: r..
as 'It w:;,~Zd r'onotitzU_o :'i"': ,, ~'.,.n :.
~.u ,~.,,2n District 3 (I;.-L; 3) t, General Indus~L'd Dist:~'ict 1
at a, l),3[nt .atrO,J t'f ¢", n~l[l ,f }tecreatlon ]Dr~ve, runnini% a distanco of ~ f,,,,~
on the West side )f La em R )ad, runnin/4 a diutance of 16S1 fcc[ along thc
Northern property 1/ne, running a dis[ante o[ 1340 [ee~ algll~ tho l'Y0, lCr/2
F'ii).rtriiii@ (,f t iiti i ag tliis
cor)tititutc sl,,,)t Z()Ii,@l'. 'I he I'l-tl)Iic fL! ( il iti, ii (,f sc\ic i- a ii(]water are ]lc)t
available at tlaia tiiii@@ z,,iicj t!i(l @lr( to (3ervc tliis type of
p )(2C!?'; j"12" 1 i@ I'@ r'2@@'SC @'@t cto, Tnc. iy,,
#0 5 t;l,-, @,ozzc)w,,,*,
On motion by Air. d(@d @,y (ii@ I (7@@7d by recorded vote a,, zzob)p:
Ayes: Vioe ?,Iayor Ro e2,t ("i,o Tl@., l Sr., Geoyve Ti'. pey'@,,2zz,
D. y !albo , Lab)rc@ @te T,,'. 72aZ 1, @oii,7 I )r@l,-, T. Curtis Pa,@ne,
Sir,@,7tons, 7r. , Farz A!. ""( ! OFAL- a @l@ @(?@ r@e, ' l@ t-.
Absent: Mayor Fran7., 4.
City Cou@iciL apprcved thc foZZo ing appZieal,,@on fop a use permit sublect to t@@'? Sit@-
PZan OrdinDice and pro i,@@(@d '2 @@ parki@@g o@ne a r@rt of the hote Z o@er-,zt
Application of Oct@, ITicoro @rate(-i T/A 1\1,)tor Inn for a Use Perriit to
cc,nstri-ict 60 additioival Y@i:)tel uti@tg on c,@i't@@in pr@Dpcrty locat, o., the Soutli-
east corner of Atlaiiti,@ Avenue and 'I'(.-ilfh Stree", a distazice of 355
feet aloii., tlie Eist si,,c- c)f Atlaiitic Ave:-iie, riiniiir.,g a distance of 150 feet
along tlie South sidc ol@ Tentli Strcet, rli,iiii;ig i,. di&taiice of 355 feet aljr.,g the
Ea.qtcrn property Iiiic@, rtifining a dizitance of 150 fect along the Southei-n
property line, witli additi )nal p@irl@in@ l@)calecl oii tFc South side of Tenth
Street begiiining at -t point 100 feet V,@,L,: )f Ptl-ci.titic Avenue, running a dis-
tance of 50 feet tti,,@ SDutti side of @J@enth ';treet, ri-inning a distance of
140 feet aloi-ig the LIslel,il pro,)Erty lirIC!, rtrini.ng a disliince of 50 feet along
tlie SDuthern proper"y Iii@c,, ruiiiiin-. a distance or 1,10 fect along tlie Western
prol)erty line. VIP,(@117L,@, PEACii BO-IR(@lIC311.
The Planning Coinmirtiiun recomrnencls ipr,rc)v.-I of this request provided
the parlzin@. facility b,-,c(,i-fic a pirt of tl@(@ ]@otcl cperation iii order that @-aid
facility may not be c!iFpcs(@d of at t late, C@z@te. l@Ck,ocation of tliis U@,c
Permit by City Council be incti'titeC, if a(lcqt@-@,te parl@iig is not pa,o-
vided at any time in t'l,-- ]Ei@lity ,,or cei!t off-str(:-ct liarkin@ is re-
quired. Approval it, furtl,-@r sul@jc,.ct t(i Li@,(@ reqtii.rcineiats of the C-ite Plan
ITEAI llr. G crae @e r@u, one o' t @c, for t7ze fo@- Zo i@@a a ,7,ication, aro,7ared 2'
#053 City Council.
On motion by Mr. Alc,,Co s, sec.,o@ided by Mr. ard by recorded vote as foZzo,,S:
Ayes: Vice Ilayor Robert !3. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbe2,t I,. Bonney, Sr., George ,,. FerreZ@,
D. Alurray ,4czZbon, Tawren e L'. Ilars aIZ, Johr, W. @,10(@ombs, J. @urtis Payne, G. Z@lewe:l
Si7mons, Jr., EarZ @,!. Tel),z@@7,t, and Kenne@h P!.
Absent: AIayor Frank A. Dusch
City CounciZ approved the @OZZow@ng appz@ca',,,',rz fc@,i, a u,,3e pert7,it subject lo the S@',
PZayi Ordina@zoe and provi,led tli,,. parki,,g @a-,i t@, @,,c@oTre a part of the hote Z op-or c
Application of JoLii R. and Dorot@y D. Ccivii@gton ind George 11. and
Dorotliy C. Lcary fci:, a I -Tcc Pern-iit to coiisti,uct a 62-unit niotol on
certain property Icc@,ted o th<-- F--,irt sicic of Atlantic A.venue acrors
frorn 23rd Strec@, rx-i:,inin@. a dist-,incc- of I:i2 feet along the East side
of Atlantic Avt.,z-,ti@, ir,).iuiing a dist;@ice o@' 150 fect zlong the North@rn
propcrty line, a (listance cf liZ feet alo,i,, tlie rastern
property liiac, P, ilistalice of 1!@O ",@ot @ilcl-lff the Southern
property li@3c v,,it"@ (,n rei-t--Iin ni,c)perty locatea on
the North szde oi. -l point 100 fect V,'e@t of
Atlaritic Avei-ii,-,,,, a of 50 fect ziloiag til(- North sicle
of 22nd Strec,,t, a c)f I ;O fct,,t @.loii, the E,18teril prop-
erty lin,2, of 50 fo@t the Northcrn prc)pei-ty
lin@-, runii@i,. a ce c@l, l@'-,O fcc." t*,i,, V rc@terii ])ro-,)erty linc.
VIRC,INIA P,'--A(:!!
The Plannii@g Coniiiii@-iion recoli-I iirlf3 @,i)l)roval of tliis reqxicat pro-
vided tbe pirlzii@,; f:,-cility becoa,,c .@ I,--k@t (,f tlic, liot,:l )Ieration in or0cr
tIl.,It rtid [,.,<:ility I)ot 1,0 (@f zl@,t i lzcvocation of
tliis U@e Pc,i-il@it Iy (,:ify CC)Ililcil b(@ it)@titLite(I i"
ic rot providucl ;,t at@y tiin@ in Ll,e ft@4tjy@e. J-iCl@ty p@!r cciit off-f;'.i (@et
@z i@iotion by Air. I)y !.r. a@i(I i)y i@@? o.,,ded vcte a.@ folzob@
Ayes: Vic@c ivgjor, @17,i)( PI T,. 13(@ zncy, rr., George P.
D. 1@,lu?,rfzy A!aZbo",, T, )r T,)I@, r,'. T. Czii,ti.,,- Pay?7
Sipinion@,, Jr., 1'. mz(, 1,@07 In,-, tt@2
Absent: A.ayor lrank A. @)2@cciz
City C unciz approved t7l@ f( P a zse T,@?rinit subject to the
merits of the Site Plan
Application of @-dwin G. ITztrris for a U@j:@ T.eri-nit to construct four
additional al),irtr,-@ent uiiits on certaiii lirc)perty locitcd on the North-
east corner of Arctic Avei@ue and 23r(l @trect running a distance of
140 fect alon,@ tlic Eist side of Arctic AvpniAe, runililig a clie;tince cf
50 feet along tlic Noi,tli side of 23rl Strect, runniri,, a distaiice of 140
feet along tli(-, I,.asterii pror@erty Iiii@, rurini @. a distance of 50 fect
along the Nort@i@,,rn p@,op@ rty line. Vl'-,,G.11"'@A )' ROUG-.
@ I 11 C) 1 i
The Planning Coinriii.,@sioii rccomr,)(,t,,@s @,,i@proval of this requcat
subject to tlie requi;:ements of the @it@ P].,-Il Orciir@-,nce.
ITEM llr. GarZand M. Layto@i Allto2,?, , app@(irc,-d befo@,,,,, "ity Couno,.@l on behazf of the ap-
#955 plican@ ti@'It it @)c referred bcz@,. "o the !'Iay,,n@@ig Co@@,ission.
On motion by kfr. i@IcCop2-@s, seconded by Air. Wz@t@huy. t, cnd by recorded vote as fozlows:
Ayes: Vice Mayor Robert B. Ci@omweZZ, Jr., '.Zi)ert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. FerreZZ,
D. Murray MaZbon, Lawr@,,c E. 'IarshaZZ, Toh2z [,/. ,4cCorrbs, 7. Curti@@ Payne, G. Dewey
Simmons, Jr., Earz ?!. 7'el, ,t t, and YeK,@etli st.
Absent: Alayor Frank A. Dpsch
City CounciZ deferred action for 60 days an(I referred the folzowing aD Zication for
a change of zoninq and a L@ @e, m@i back to t"z,@ PZzn i?'.g (,'oT,,zmission. @p
.Applicatic)ii of Ros!,o ancl lv'.artracco b,,, Gtrlan(i l,,. I-%yton, Attorney,
for a cl,,an,e of frc,m Rctail 1-@if:trict (B-1) to General
Busines,,, Di@@tricL (-@' -2) at)d a .1ise Po-,-ialiit, to ol),@at,-@ a gasoline supply
st.ttion on cert,@ii 13rop,-,,rty located oii ti-c N(irtheist corner of Baltic
Avenue ai-@d Zgth ru,-lnirig a. dist@ince c@f 143 feet along tlic. East
side of Balti@ Aveii@ic,, riini-iirig a distai)ce of 171 fect along tl)e DJorth
side of 29th Stree@l, ruiining a clistance (@f 116 fect the Eastern
property line, rt,.Pning t distar,,-e of 110 fc7et tlie Northern
property line. V@l- GIINIA BEACII BOI@OI'Cl @t.
The PlaDnizig Com!i-tisplon recommends deilitl of tliis reqtiest. 'I'hei,e
has been consider,,ii@Ic opposition from Llic rcl,-ideilts cf the area in
question. It is furti@ei, notfd th-.@t this floods extensively
durin@. a Iii-h tide %viic:f, is not condiiiive Lo @tic otlerttion of a gaso-
line supply st,3Ltiori i-jor to Gerieral -@li,,trict Zoning. Tbe
Comrnission fc-ols tl-,cr(@ is no n,.cd ;ii,@ aec,,itional [,,,isoline supply
station in the -,re,,.
!,L,. ?,!o2@ris Fine appear-3.7 @,ePoy,e Ci'j Co?,,,n i' in i) @z-'Z@f of t@-e az)pzicant.
On motion by 14r. MarshfzZ,,, sec,-)nded @cy 4r. a@,d @y recorg-ed vote as folzoL)S:
Ayes: Vice I!ayor Robert B. Tr., AZbert @'. Bonne , Sr., George R. Ferrezz,
D. Alurray @Ialbon, Joh?, J. CUY'tis Pay?',e, 1-1. Dewe@,,
Sit,mor,s, Jr., FarZ Fe,@,r,,th
Absent: AIayor Fr nk A.
"ity C07inciZ defe2,red tT,,@, op Ii ai,@:)n fc,;r 3L,, days.
Ap,)Iication of W. T. 1,urn,; for @l r,,t@ froin, Limited Coniiiiercial
Ilistrict 3 (C-L 3) to (R-i@1) ar)d a IIS.-.
Perniit to coiastriict 4,i ali;,.k,tnient uilits on cc,,Yt;iin propcrty located on t'Ic,,
Soutil side of Shorc P-i iv,, t,,@pii@nin,@ at a i)oiiit l@'120 f,@et n-lore or less Y@zst
of r,ian@orcl Spriti!,s i-tAnnin,, a of 370 fect@ alonf', t)-(@ Solitl) si(.]C
c,f ,;Ilc,x.c 1)1-ivo, @l (li@,tar)ce of 52c) fc@?t
Iiiie, runniri@,- a of )DO fe(-,t nior(! @)i- l(tiis t)ic @@Vestei,n property
line Stiorc line c@f Sr)iii.1 . Saicl ar,@el I)Cil-i in ski-,ipe. Szii(i
prop@rty is AE@ @ite E, I'lilt of T@,T(,rtli L@ k as sli wii in ap P, I
;t 0 0 I,/
20, I'age 24. (Lal@c Ax-ca). 13AY:;I)-.'I-, ]@111)"' C)OGil.
Thr,, Pl@,iiriin@ C'f tliic t(,
City water aiid @@owei- I!@(i tl!,, of -,Ile ';i',C
M)-. Atk-inpon appeai@c?d Z, ?rclr(? c@@ tiyzg tlo, appzicant.
On niotio?z by llr. 1@!ar.-hal 1, by @Ir. c@, Dy re,?,orded vote as @)llows:
A@es: Vice A!ayor Robert l@. Jr., ),t T. B@,r,,rey, Sr., George Ferrezz,
D. Ilurray Valbon, A'. Joh, W. T. C tis
I ur PG-yne, G. Dewey
Sinimons, Jr., EarZ 1.1. anci Fenneth A. @Izile, Z'r,!t.
Absent: @layop Frank A.
City CouyzciZ approved th,@ fo 7,ow,,*ng a fcr a2@o permit sz,-bject tc) C@ty
wat,er a@.d se&@er a@zd th@, of t'le ord@nance.
Applicatic)n of Lar,,I@s, r,,,I;tc,,rprises, Iiic. foi ci, -Use Perinit to construct 140
apartiiient iinits ori ccrtaiii property locatecl 250 e@t of Bal@er Roacl
and 1950 fect N@orth c-f Ne@,ito@vyi Rc)rLd, rujiririg a clir3t,.incc of 1050 feet alon,
the WesterD propert,,, line, runnin, a distaic-c of 390 fect alodg tlie Soutlierr-
property line, runiiiii,@ a clistance of 10---0 f,!et aloiij, tl-,e Eastern property
line, rulinipg a c,f 390 fqct tluil@f Nortlieri, pvf@ierty line.
(Newsome Edvvard Arc;a). BAY'-@IT)L I'@0I)IOUGII.
The Plannirig Corriryii@sioil rccomnlen(l.,l -,il)c,-j:oval c@f tliis requcst subject
to City water and s(j,@,,er ond tl,c@ ;-.,ts of tlic 5-ite Plan Orclii-i-,.rice.
li,EPIII Mr. Jarres FngZish,, Preside,?zt o@@ Virginia 13 ar-,h @littze "'heatre, appeared befcy,e City
#958 CounciZ representing th @ foZ@c@b@ing appzic fo2, a c,'@ange@@o@n and a , e
on rnotion by Mr. Sirm@i-, se c)nded by 1r. M@z7br@i, and by re(,,orded vote as fcZZows:
Ayes: Vice @!ayor Robert B. CromocZZ, 7r., lzbcrt L. B(,r,@iey, Sr., George R. FerreZZ,
D. Murray 1@aZbon, L@re@@ e @'. ?@ar haZZ, 7ohr, W. l@'@Comb,,!, J. Curtis Payne, C,. Dewey
Si=ons, Jr., EarZ @@!. Teba@uZt@, o?7d Kenrzeth @@iteh
Absent: Mayor Frahk A-. 17)@s b,
City CounciZ approved the @ZLowing appzicatioy@ @,r a ?hange of z@zing and a Ee e@lmit
subject to the requiremc,,to c.' t;ie Site Pla O@,di@@ance.
Application of Lit@lle 'I'licitre of Virgir@ia 13each, Inc. for a change of
zoning from Rericlc,nce Suburban r@irt].@ict 3 (R-S 3) to Lirriited Com-
rnercial District 3 (C;-L 3) and a Usc@ Fleriiiit to coilstruct a theatre
on certain property located on the Soi-itlicz,,st corn@r of 24th Strect
ai)d Barberton Drive, ruiining a distance of 160 feet along the South
side of Z4th Strect, i-uniiin%, a dist@it-ice of 177. 5 fect alon@. the East
aide of Barbertoi-i Drivc, runnin.@ a dict,-].rce of 160 fect ,),long the
Southern property line, running a distiaice of 177. 5 fect along tlie
Ear@tern property li,@)e. S@iid lots arc design-ttcd Is Lots 1, 2, 3, 4,
5, and 8, Block 10, Plat of Woodlarid. L,,)ts 11 2, and 8 are presently
zoned Liinitcd Cor:-,i-;iercial 'l.'istrict 3 (C-1, 3). (-,@looCilLind t@rea).
Planiiii-ig Co@.-ii.@iissic)n @ip,,iiovil of thir reqliest
sub -1 CYC@ 11 l 0
.iect to the rer4iiireiic)iit, of ti-@e @itc@ ill, n i a) c .
ITE.@.1 On -y @!2,@. a,@,-7 @,y r@,,corded vote as
#,g 5
AL,ek,-: Vi,?,? Mayor T?obc,2'L P. '-r,,rrt)eZZ, Tr., L. B)r, ey, Sr., Geor e P. Fer2eZZ,
IT I!urr(zy I-laZ on, L,,v Toi;,l J. Curtis P -Oe?,@,ey
Simrr,ons, Fai@Z ?,!. a d
A@)se@zt: Iv!ayor T'r rk ii.
Cit? Coziyzc,-iZ ar?pi,ovcd t7, ap!,Zi c:t a
'I I @'i I @, -- I
Ap,)Iication of Lzil@@! Cc,,xirad Corr@orL@tioi, f,-)r a LTf,e l@erniit to corifitx,Uct
a r@c@vage T)IA311pill,,f 8t@itiol,@ Oii cert@iii-i l@)cz,.tecl oil the
side of I\Iecdovi I,-Aj@o roiid bei,,in-.,iiiii, at i 185 f(,.et North of
@vicado@,j Like Cir(-Ic. (L@turel Covc Ace@)). LY 1\11]AVI--,Lq B(.-)-@OUG11.
The Planytin@@ ti@prov;kl of tl,i-q reqtiest.
Air. T,'di,)in KeZZam appeare@! "'eforc, City Courc!-,*'. i@@ r,@gard to t@te folzowing appzicationi
on motio)2 by Air. Simmons, seconded by Mr. IIGZ!oz, znd bj recordod vote as folloz,@s:
Ayes: Vice Alayor Robei,@ P. Cro eZZ, Tr., AZbe-t @-,. Bo,?ney, Er., George R. Ferrell,
D. Murray MaZbon, La7,)renc,,G E. ',arshaZZ, Johr T,,'. T. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Simmons, Jr., Earl . Tel,a@@Zt, and Kenn(,th N.
Absent: IJayor Frank A 7
City CounciZ approved the @oZZow@ng appzioatioo, for a ch aae, onin d a,
@ject to City water ard seb)er, requirement.,3 If' t'@ Sile P7@ oi@dinan?,e, an(4 a dedi-
cation of right of way 45 @eet from the cen@er 7,in of th,, prol),@red r a@, as approveci
and adopted in the Great ', St dy.
Application of Arnericzyi Services, li)c. for a l@a,, c@f ZOI)ing
from Residct)cc Dii;trict 2 (!,-S 2) tcj @lultiple 1,@anlilF,@.-idcnce
District (R-L ) and a l-,Fic Perxyit tc, constrtict a nu@vsing liorne on certain
prope3-ty begiiiiiing a', a poixit 1.008 feet Nortli of Will-O-Wisp Drive @i@d
700 feet East of Y@-irFL Coloy,ial road, ruiining a di,,,i@ance of Z50 fect -long
tlie Wcstern propc-,rty linc, ruiiiiing a diE,,z,.nce of 311 feet along tlie North-
ern property lire, rltnnin@ a clistance of 250 foct aloig thc Eastern prop,-@rty
liDC, rUl-,I'Iillp, a CliSt@ii)cc of 311 feet ilori@ tt@e. prc@porty
(Gcneral Hospital of Virginia Beacla J,YNNTIAVEi@' BOI@OUGI-J.
The Planning Corinii,3sioii recomrnord,-, ap@,)rc,%,al cf tl)i,; request sul@ject
to City water aiid se,@er, tlie c,' tlic c3ite Plati Orcliiiiii(',C
and a dedicat:lcn of ri@,ht of %,vzty 15 rcc.,,t froiyi ti@e cciiter Iii)o cf tl,,e pro-
posed rcacl aq a,i)pruv@i and ;-,,clc@pteil ir, the Crett @,'cck Stil(ly alo@ig the
311.65 fcet. more or lesi3 fro,,iti@,@e ii t'c,-, S',tlt) err) lizoperty line (45-fcot
dc.'ication) as'requc,.!,,t,@(I by t'ic. Iii,,, "Ictor a.@ tl,e L)ei,,Ii,tr,-ient of Public
ITE,',l !4r. @en Pickett appearel b fore, City Counc,,,@7 oz I)ehaZj@ o.f the appzicant.
#.9 61
Mr. Tassiter, the bz,,iZder, app ared before CounciZ o)i beha7,f of the appzicant.
On motion by Mr. Simon@, seconded by Pr. P4a7,bc@i, and !y recorc7ed vote a., foZZows:
Ayes: Vice Alayor Rober' B. Cro7m@eZZ, 7r., Zbcrt L. Bc@nyzey, Sr., George F,. Feri@ezZ,
D. Murray @4aZbon, Lawr@i o- F,. ,,,,ar,-haZZ, J@ir, W. !,Ic,-Corrb,, T. .@urtis Pay?ie, G. Dewey
Simons, Jr., EarL 11. Te@@- Zt, and Kenne-th -hur,t.
Absent: @layor Frank A. Dusch
City CounciZ approved the @lo-@,- @iir@g arp@@ioatio@ @cr @h ae or zoninq and a use-t)e2,t,,@",
su7ijeot to City wate.@@ an-7 a7id the req,l@ir@mer@ts o@ the Site PLan Ordiyz@,ic@.
Application of Johii J-1. Jin-ie, (Van,,uard, Iilc. ) for a ch,%nge of zonin',
front Rcsidence SiioLirbirt @.istrict 3 (i@-S i) to I\Iultiple I ,arnily Resid(,'nce
District an-,' a Use Perrnit to ccristi,ti,,,t 36 ai)artment units c@n cer-
tairi property locatcd on the Soutliwest corn-r of Parbei-toii Drive @ind E
Strect, ru,,nning a @iF;Iince of 475 fect aloig tle Sotitr@ uie,6@ of E Street,
run.,iiT)g a distance of 177 fect alon, tlic @;@est sidc- of liarbcrton Drive,
runr,.iiig % distiii @. c,,f ,17@, It,(,t alorig t',)c I)rol,erty linl@, runiiin@
cli,,taiice of IZ5 frr-!: thc @Vr-,F,,te, n I-)-c)d-,Yty Siid lots art-
desirnatcd .ti I.,otr, 4 through 18, Llocl@ 5 @vilh l,@ ty,roll,li 18 presently
zonecl l,,ultii)l,-, l@ a)lil@ly J, ec;idel)cc I)ic,ri( t (i@@ -1,1) @ Pl;it C)f Woodlar-,(I.
(lVoodlancl Area). l,Y'11;11IAVEN
Illatirlil)g of tliir, stlbj(@ct
to City water @tittl tlic of Llic Site Pl,,An C)rdii@-ti,ice.
I -1 1
Cli@de AboaZ-oml deve@ (,p,,12, (@. Lyzy@,h v ?i ,,l I Pr@oi(i @2 @@ of the ilyn@iha@)L@
Cc)ri)o),,,ztion tizc? j@ZZowi?z@,,
n2,)tion by l@Ir. @"l, u@7d ?@eoo2,7(,d vote a,@ .-!@@oZ, o")@-:
Ayes: Vice P,,Iayor R 'L)ert Cy,,or,,ib@e @L Z, 7r. @-,r. , George P. Ferro, 7 Z,
-,o l@e?,)ey
i llztrray Pl(zll)on, L L. ,'a@,s77azz, Jo;l; Payne, C,.
Sin,7iions, Jr., Farl I,-'. Tet';-@@7t, ai,.d 7@iret',,,
Absent: llayor Frank A.
City Co7@,z(-,@Z approved th@? @ZZoi,)i?2 (-7 i
e peri@'it.
Application of Lyr)iih2,ven Colo!@y for a Usc- Pt, rn-iit for
bo,iting facilitio@,@ fc)r tho Rcsiflc!lits of ',,cc@tion 5, Part 2, Lyinhaven
Colony, on cert@i@i pzc)porty locate(I c,@i tl c @@outli side of Lyrinliaven
Drive and the -iist c,,icle of the Virgisii.@,A )@eict) Cit:y ii@trina, runnill, a
distance of 125 fect @oig tho- South cf I,),iiiiliavc7-. Drive, runnin@
a distance of 570 fect ,-long tlie I)rc,,D--rty line, Eastern
property line of tllf! Vii-gini@i Beacii Cit-i ar, l rLnnii-i,, a
distance of 155 feet aicii, tli-- Southctri@ prol@( rty linc, aiicl running a
distance of 430 fect tloi@@ th@ E-@!,,tcrz-. I)rol)crty Iii-ic. (Lyni-iliz7tvcn
Colony Area). LY@4NIIAVE@
Tlie Planning Coi-nrni.ssi.on rval of tliis request.
ITE!4 @'4r. Sa @iZZio, President cf '?ct cliff Devel@ot,@,"@ cppeared before, city
#d63 o@uT@iZ on behazf of thc,, @OlZo2@)ina "Y,. @T)cz,-q the pZay2ner, b7a,,3 -,Zs,-
avaiZabZe for any sh b)in(7 of P@'@
Mr. Bob Renapd appeared ',ej@cr(7 City Cou@cil n,i?,g th..3 AZartoz Civic League ayzfl
in support of the foZZ a@',? ic@ation.
Mr. John BoZand ar)pc@czyed City Coono-@7 @2tirig Ziving in the arcfz
who are n faz)or of the @r7ina ooZ and a@,ea. He stated tha' they were
in favor of passing the @la, c@,- cl@.r ctly to t,'@) grou@@ @ro,-, @,2,. Saro,;Zzio's gi,q@,@
@ I -
rather than goina thro24-,i@j th,- '@itu and rx(@@ @ t , i@@ 0.@oing this.
On motion by Mr. Sim.,Tons, secc,nded by 1,@'r. !,lu7bnz, ak7(,' y rt-, @orged vote as
Ayes: Vice !4ayor Robert F. Cropp@eZZ, Jr., @7,@ert, Sr., George P. FerreZZ,
D. l@,ur2,@ay @la7bon, L6Wr E,'. @@;larsha!Z, To@,,! T-1. , -. @zrtla P ze, -1. De ey
Si@,or,s, Tr., EarZ i". IC;@@ @Z'@, Kerro'h
Absent: Alayor Frank A. h
City 'Ounci@@ approv-,d fr)@7,, appzic,@"l-@oz -,,, jcjt to a .)ork@')Ze agr,-,,er,en,
the C@lt:4 or Virginicz Be @@,e I,?@ques the t@tZ@ 2,-
shi@ )f the 17-acre (mo2,@' @T@ @se) i,
Al@,@,lication of 13aycli,f cl,,@!l I Of Z )i frorii Purxl
Rcsidence District 1 1) to c 'rict I (i@-S 1) Oil cer-
tain property locatP-C', oil tile v@est sitl(! o@ FsLati.-s -nd the E@.ct E;ide
of @@,lill D,7,,ia Crcc!l@, @l Q,' 171 fcct tlie @:@-outl)ern p-c,perti
li;,c, riiii@iiiig a of 17@- If) f --et ai@-,i 1 I)ro,,)-i@ly lin Vvc.,3t r-@i
propcrty lilic of j'-,,stater;, ztii,3 of ],,O@) f,-ct vlo,,g tl,@e
fe(@t alonl,, t"@e 17,Ltst E;@c],c
of ))al-ii Cj.,cc;@.
Tlic Plaiinii)-. of tl)i@; reqlicst as tlis iEi
in confcrrn,,tnce vitli tlie (@reat I'lin wliich inclicates
tlic 17-acre, boi-i-o,@@ i,ic i,,s ptil@lic r(!Ci of this al)pli(::atiun
is precli(:,Itr(i O!l ti3e C)f tll(-' I'i'- j: p't l@o tlc C.ity of
Virgiy)ia I',(!ach fo,., purlio!7,e!,.
O@i m(,teon by @Ir. Si7nirlov7s, I)y I!r. vote as
Ayeb@: Vice Mayor T?obert 11. C2,o?,@@ZI., Tr., lz L. Po@l@zey, Sr., Gcorge R.
1). Aluri,ay llazbon, L(Zl,)ren(,,,? I,,'. Pl(-Zl@oll(zzz, Jol@yl T. Pa ne, y
Sim@nons, 'r., EarZ 14. @,id (,I,h ii. 2@,-,t.
Absent: Mayor Frank A.
Cit@ Co noil approvc)d the to treatment of pr!8one2,c
of wczl@.
The re@ular of Lli@ C
y oil of che City of Virgiii.i'-@t
Beacli, Vi-rgi-nia, T@7,'I@; iii tl,,(-, Co@ii)(@il Cli;IiTll)er of- tlie AjiTiiiii-s-
tratioii Buildin@ 0 tt-io City 0.@ @Ic,:icl-L on @'ilonclay, Cct:ober
3@3, at 2:00 c)lcl.ock p.m.
On motion I)y ir. 7irT,?ons s,,co-@iLled I,-,y -.,,[r. 1@arshaZZ
the followina reSol-i-itic)ii @@,3s uii@,,n!T-.i()Isl al,-)p t (',,l
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
@,ME9EAS, the2,(, haf-, been ii-itro,,Iiic:c,@l in the C@Ist Congress, 1st
Session, lious(,, Coii(@iirrent Pesoluti ii 3@3, 'Lta,-ging, the Presider)t of
the United States to i,iiiti-ate sucli ac,ti,)n q-s inay be necessary
to insure that thc! tenets of fair ti-eatnent, as
expressed in the Geiieva Convention oF wllj-ch xlas signed by
the Government of Nlc-)rth Vietna,ii in 1157, are accorded to American
service-,non held as prisoners of wai- in ilortri aiid South Vietnim;
@,T,iFREAS, thi, Cou@icil- is a@,7ai-e t@tiit thcre -,ire in the Citv
of Virginia Beacli .iiaiiN7 c3ep i-idc-nts o@ S(,-rvice men. so detlinecl.
NO@4, TI-IEI.IEFOI@-,',., j3@-' I'f' RE@,OLVI-'D ")@ TI-11'@ COUll@CIL OF THTI-I CI-iy OF
That the Couitcil stron,.ly ttr,,es tlie Co.,-i@ress bf the United
States to adodt Ho-,ise Concurrent ",,solution 33-@;
AND, BE IT FUr-TIIT@,P, RFSOLV7-',), th,,it the City '@fanager is hcre-
by directed to transriii-t copies of th.;s rc-,soltitioi-i to the Honoral)le
Thoinas N. Do-,,7nin@, Sbni-Lor flarry !.'. ',yrd, @nd Senator Will.iei,
"F'@ Or- rotion by Mr. 14arsha@l, 3@o,,ded by ?,!r. and @y r ?,orded vote as fcZZO@s:
Ayes: Vice I,!ayor Robert P. CropoeIZ, Jr., 47@,@2,@, T,. P nzey, Sr., George P. Ferrez@,
rr y ,4albon, L renc@ J. CU?'tis Payne, G. T),,-ueu
Jr., EarZ ,I'. T b(,, -t, :,3 @,;7 T, t i U? @;-, t .
A se@zi@: @,fayor 1'rznP A.
City Coz4r.,@-i approved th.(! -@o 17,c, ing 71 @-,i t @,iie Soutlzeast r@2
til(, CC)II@lc@ Cj.,C@ of Vir"'i.nj@,,i
t 11c,
,cil or, ',Ollclly, Oct--c)!)(-'r
0,1 'e2're
@o o@ @@i i l@ @l 0
t,-II (, @3 oiil ii' i,;@ @l 11
h,'I,@ PC cl V"ji L!-@')i x.@i LIi in i L@; cl
1 FA S , L Ii C il L)' 0V 1- r "' i,I repi-c @;c,ntc@i
,tt S,,](,Il
and !ir. J. rlo,,
11'. T. !,C)Y i@i (1-@L@tinctioll @i@
C'El,iii@-ri,irl of tli@, C,(,
7 OF 'fill!', Cl'f)l OF
',,'-AC", V-,
Tli,,it tlie CoLi -jc-- i I ii-i@e',:,y exl)r( 1 ts and apprec@-,@tioil
to @ir. Lloyd IT-. -,'r. PlLri(@, ind J. -cy
Alpliin for th--ir sc,-cvi(@es ori t!-,e Vi-rP,ini@i
1) j, CODl-,Ii-ssio:l.
ITEII On motion by Mr. 1@larsha7l, ,e@,ondc@d by Plp. ayid by recorded vote ar,
Ayes: Vice 14ayor Robeit C7,onTjrZZ, Jr., .17,1) rt T,. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrozz,
D. PIurray AlaZbon, L rekoe T,'. !,!arshaZZ, Jolz@z W. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Si,mons, Jr., EarZ Al. Te@, ult, and ;Ipnneth
Absent: A-fayor Frank A. 1) (@7z
City CounciZ approv d tb,(', fo7@ Ob)i@ig Re,@7 I rei'ativ@? to aecess to prop,,rty on
Northampton BouZevard bol,;lec@@2 Diarti,-@nd 'o 7 a, d Shore Drive.
The regular meeting of the Cc@utici.l. of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, Nqas held in the Council Chamber of the Adminis-
tration Building of the City of Vi.rginia Beach on @ionday,
October 13, 1969, at 2:00 o cloc,', P.M.
On motion by Marsh,7,'.Z, and seconded by Mr .
the following resolution w,;s adodted-
R E S 0 'i, U '4' I 0 N (, Q, 4-q
WHEREAS, Northampton Boulevard from the overpass at Shore Drive
to its intersection with Diamond Springs Road is currently designated
as a limited access road; and
WHEREAS, there lies adjacent to said Boulevard a substantial
area of land which could be developed as valuable revenue producing
property if access were made availablc- on to Northampton Boulevard;
and I
WHEREAS) the City of Virginia Beach urgently needs increased
sources of revenue.
That, thc, CC)LIKII-ii of t.he C:Lf:y of Virginia Beach reqllests th@it
the State Higl-i@,7@iy Dc!pirtil,.CDt s(icii nct-,ic)n that iray be noces@')Ty
to reniove the liinitation of acccf;s to Noruhagipton Boulevard bet@,7e(@n
@i @@otion I)y 14r. Po, no,, '(?d i,oc!,,-d(,el v(-)t(! a@ fo77,@b@@):
Aye,@: Vice PIayor (,'cor,7c,
D. 1@lur2,, y A!alboii, L(,CJrc@@ Iii W.
Si7n@n.ons, Jr. , Larz P,,'. L, o@@d ll(,,@ ?@c@t"i
Ab,:c@it: Alayo,-@ Frank A.
City Cou?iciZ approz)ed t"@,,
-------- ------ --------
WIIEPiL@AS, l@I'ANI@ E. PtJTI,T-:1@, J)@), @,ricl otlici-,; h@ive giveli clue
,ind prol)er notice, in iccorcl@in(!e witli tlic ;t,,)I@itc,.s fc)i, @;Lich cases rnlicle
and pi,ovided tlial tli(@y W(-)tlld tl)js cl@ly @il)l)ly to thc, ('ity Coiinci) of tl)e, City
of Virgini@i Beach, Vi3,gir)ja, foi- the ztljl)oii@ti)c,nt c,f viewei-s to vie@v the
below dcscril)c,,cl propc,rL3@ and z-cl)oi,t iti @vi-@tit-ig to tlic Cotincil wlictlic,i,, in
the opinion of sl@ie@ any incl if @vli@it iticc)@vcnience wc)til(l
result from the cliscojitjiit).-tnc:c, (-)f tlic. hc,j,eiti@,fter clc,,,,;(:] ilDc,,(] portic)n of
South Bziy Sliore Di,ive iii the Cjtv of Vii-git,ij Vii-git)izi, atici have
filed suc,,Ii applicitic)tl s@iici Colill(i].
NOW, ],,]@ I'I' CC)U-@\,Cll, 011,
TliY,, CI'I'Y OF l,'I-IACII,
ai-e hei@cby zil)l)ojnt(,,(l to vio@v Lli('. I)Clo@v cl('.' c I ii)(@(I iti
wl'ititi, to til(, (,oll@l( il or] (@i@ 1)@-fol@( 7, 1 f) C,
ol)il)ioti Liiiv, @irir@ iii( ilik il( oill(i t 1,1 ('111 tll(-
vzi(,@iLiii@@ of Lli@it I)ol.tioll of Solitli lliy
Sliorc Di,iv(@, Vii@gii)i@l Vil- itiii,, (1,
l@li@iL cci,L@iiii I)oi tiofi of S@)li[ll
Stioi-c@ Dri@,c, WYLII('
-iiicl l@l,uloll I,:,ric@ @vli (!@l
a re@;ci,vc@ci wt L@, -@llo
1; ii on
tlic I)OZ ticii to
on r@,-t," n b-y Ilr. a@,d 2,dec' fz
Ayc!,@: Vice I,,azjor POI)@rt
D. @,,Iurrczu I,'aZbon, C ?@is G.
Sim,mons, Jr., Z,,arZ i'!.
Ai),3er,t: 1.@fayor Pr,7,??I,
Cl//@ Cozi@@,iz appr V(@,,@? ,oz rr r,
tot(zl C'@@
. Ali)lijii l@oy
Si@t(, 27, I)r-i V(' 2"@'.Ii 0
2 . Ninl T. l@eyitol-cl,;
@q,qs not a r(,@ Vi-
1-1-6 3 $],.@i. 60
3 . &
Flan,,t@,,ii-i Pl,,It I,oLs 1.2 &
I.ot 3
Laskin Poul(,v,,i)-cl
T)avid V.
0 Plyn & Ver-'@L@,
Key Punch Erro)- 960@.63
5. Sue llil.liarir,
0 Flyn & Verit,
Yc,y Punch l,rror 712.92
6. John J. & zcli,,,@
1,@lutiial Fod(,.r,,il
I,OIil As.@n.
Plot 17 1.75 Ikr@2-e i@ore or lc,,
Starke Fqrri 7.38
7. Carl A. Porr
@lutu,l Feclpral-
Sitc, 13
VirL!,inia -)e,,icti I o,- I
Ls ]ic, . 3
A. '@orr
'fu-,,jal Fc@ocral
L- L
Sitc, A
Virginia Beacii -I,Ot,,, liic.
Victor E. C', PaLrici@ Ylciiicr
0 @'@IYI'l E@ VcritL,,
Sc,c. 5, Lc)t 2@--l@@i-],-,
J@O C-t U,@
0 Flyn
S e c . 3 L o t of' l@ ot-. 5
T()f--@ll- a--,Iouiit o,-
-ITE,@, 0 motio by iir. @'erre@Z, f,,
y r@-,Cor,,Ied vote as fo,Z L@,@:
-2' c @e2@r@77,
Ayes: Vice Mayor Robert l,'. Cro@,)e Z Z, Jr., A 1 Geora
D. Mur@@ay lla bon, Lmore o,- ZZ, ,7oT4n J. Cz,,2,t s Payne, (3. D ?,Oeu
Sirmions, Jr., EarZ Af.
Absent: @,,Iayor Frank A.
Citu CounciZ deferred U?@t,' @otc.Le@ 9,7, ,-L,Peet c@'o ,@re, -.al,te?, o@
Roc,l 'DetL?een Ceda2, P -,7
cer,tain conditior.,3 rec,,a2,. c@-st g c 1.@ woterz ?@e.
On motior, by ,,,!r. i,!a2,s@UZI, C:,r) 2 2,ecordd vote as c)7,@l--,,@,-:
Ayes: Vice ',Iayor Roher' Tr., z7r., -eor,,,,2
D. '@zyraj !@aZ on, I
T. @rt Pay@e, G.
Jr. , EarZ 11. T,,,,@
A s,?nt: @,layor Fran7,, 4,
C@ty CounciZ approved t7z(,, 'o 2tF, to t;z,,,
f@u@Zdi;,g Co(4,c of VEr@,
TO ftD 76:)
CC) )'4@
TI-i,),t t Ii(, ",@ii I l@i ii, , Cou'c of tl-i(, (:i t-y of Vii ,@i nia
adootc,d b@, ()rditi7!iict, @@lo . 221i @ i, @; Itr,,'-c,:)Y fo
In ;i ncw
woc);, iii,@y "@e @is thc, out,,r
covc@i-i.i@- o- @lholi sticli
f,,cc, ,i st-rcet or piil)lic
thoroi@l,,Ii@,irc2 thirt@ f(e- or -@iiore
or fifi-.y
or i,.iorc) J@l sucli
wo c),-', has I)cc,:i treated
tlt@t li@@s
by I!e -11,7a .1 t:c-i-,3 ",@l-)oritories
Inc o 3.- e, t c-, r i. o i: i)ct 1- o nAll. s,,icli
s"I'3-,, b(, ov,@r a rate@l
2. In Cli,'-Pt,.cr T.V, in thr-- t,",I)I" CC)ntci-nel in S(-,ctic)n 401,.4,
del-ete the i,7c)rlls @' inrl ni@ll.tipl(@ froin the parenthetic@il-
note at the I)otto,:,.i
-TTE,14 On motion by Mr. FerreZ7., se(,c@?,,ded by Ilr. anc' y recorded vote a,13 fOZIOZ,)S:
Ayes: Vice 14ayor Robert P. Crorm,)elZ, Jr., 171)ert T,. Bcnney, '7r., George P. Ferrezz,
D. llurray MaZbon, Lawr @z e I.. VarshaZZ, Joh@i W. J. Curti,'3 Payne, G. Dewey
Sinmons, Jr., Farl P@. Tc,,@ai@Zt, and Kennet7,,4
Absent: I,,fayor @'rank A. @ usc7,,,
City CounciZ approved ti,@ f,@71-lowiy!g "@eso7, ',7on r,@7,at-v@- to (,-ounciZ's approval@ O.p
poZicy for sewer ser@)ic@@ the City of
All existing aiid future E,@@nitziry sevier lines and facilities
connectirig witli Virgini.zi Beach's qystcrii arc, to br--coiiie a part of said
SyStem at no cost tc) Vi.rginii Bc-,acli fc@r (:)wnership, operation and main-
teiiance. All additioiis or extens-ions tli,-@ro-to are to be governed by
the City of Virginia Bc@ach's ordiiietiic(s, regul,@tions and standards.
0%,,i,iership by Virgiiii.@i Bc@acli of the Ifc,rE@iiientioiiecl shall be consi-derc,(-i
binding until such tini(-, thzit acqiaiE-,itic)n is effecteca by ChesapeElke
through a muttial purchasc,- @igreeiiieiat.
The City of Cheszil)eake will provide. Virginia Beach the
required easemciits aiid 1-i@ght---of-,,;@ly iii coiijunctioii %@,,ith and for tlie
purposes of niai-ntai.iii.nj, repiiriiicj EiiiCi c,Dn.,),truc!tion c)f exteii@-ions to
said sevier systeni. I I
Connectic)ri fc-@c!f,, sewer rates ai)cl rolzited charges shall be
col-l,cctc,@d by Vircjiiii@i IIc@ac-,Ii i.n accoi-(Iaric,,, wit-Ii regulatic)lls aiicl
orclinances as iin@)o-c,ci I-)y tlic-, Dc,-pirtii@ei,t, of Piibli.c Utilitics C)f Virci.1112"i
Be@ic-li to custoiiicrs %@-itliiii its C)%qll Iiiiii-ts.
The aclol)tioii of tl)('S(' pr)].iC'i('F, I)y I)c)tl) is to provi.d,,
Iiiiiited servi.ce %.)jtll il,,Dllg tl)C, rcspc,ctiv(@
pol.it@i.c@)] boiinclzlric@@; WI)@@l-c, i.t 1.@o@ilcl ll(,t- bo con@iclc@i-c,d
fe@isible n,')r to off(,I-
O@@ mot by A!2'. [,'hi t@?;@i cl t@( a@@ i-o I
Ay Vic@,, 14ajor
D. !,,Iurray ovi,
Al,s@!nt: lvla@ior @'rark A.
Cit 0
,y Co Yz iZ app2,ov(@,,i I!l@. W. S@Zi)- e@ zcas(,, of t;1(2
Far@@i 00 e(I I)Y tlie cit,@@, ll?cg, (-or ct,? a(7.7,ition Z ycc7-)@ 2@ c,@c2@
sc.@7io. tc2,mi, and co@ dit@1,0@,,@! 0,7, .t@ic C'L:f wl.7,7, not be lir,7' 7,e
for damage to crops 7c.,ap(,,
(?o?2diti n.
-7 On ?notio@ Z)y A!r. Pl(,Co@rb@-, by @71, b:,j 2@,3,?ord(,d vote ao fo7
Ayes: Vice Ilayor Robert T,- Sr., -eO2',,7e TI. Fe2rCII,
D. '@lur ay 1,@(zlbon, Law2,e T,'. To7i, -@l. T. C7?),ti,, Payne, C. De?,),Cy
Sitr.mons, Jr., Ear,@ l@". a@-,d Ke r,,@tiz ot.
Absent: Alayor F2',a k A.
City CounciZ approz)ed tbr frori 0, i?i th,?, amount of @11,888.00 @ci,
fiscaZ yea2, 1963-69 m feL, i tlze S@)@,tl@k@,,c,7, @ter@,i @'ideb)ater Oppoytunity I)Y@ojec?t.
ll'El! The foLZowing appzic @o ho7@@c M,@V'1'7,7 approz)ed by City Co nci7:
On motion by A!r. Si on , sec-,,-)nde(.7 by !@"7,@, ; 7@, 1 @' , by re,@orded vote as .1-ozzows:
Ayes: Vice 1@ayor Pobert '?. Crom,)oZll 'r., 111)@?Y,t [,. 13onney, Sr., Geoy-,ge P. FerreZZ,
D. Plurray A!aZbon, Ln7,)rer,@@,@ T,@. @'aP.3haZ@, J07@3' P/. I'll(@-lo@@bl;, 7. Curtis Payre, G. ne@,)ey
Si,mons, Jr., Fa-,,Z P!. 2'r@I)o-u7,t, a- d Ken@,etb@
Absent: PIayor Frank A.
City CounciZ approved m(@@)ing on(,-sto@-f fr P,,,, 31 ' x 40 ' frotti 80c, A70rfozk
Avenue, Virg@,nia Beach itg72, to a )Zs Creek -Fane, S,?,,7,lla @7',
Lynnhaven PorougT,. V(7,zue aft(,'I' m@)V(@ @10, 500.
On niotion Zy Arr. Payne, ,eco@.@led by t,,r. Z?Zd 7-@, 21e, rc7ed vote as foZZo,,ls:
Ayes: Vice llayoy, Robe2@t C,,orizieZZ, 7r., AZII,@i-@t 7r., GeOrge @. Fer2' ZZ,
D. Mu2@ray A!aZbon, Z@,?r,?@@ I.P. !arshaTI, 7o@".,2 J. Cu2,tis Payne, G.
Sirnmons, Jr., P,'a2,Z P,. azd Kenneth
A@)sent: llayor Frank A.
City Counc,,*Z approved a o -story @8' x 38' from 600 T3irdn@@@,
Road, lynnhaven Boi@o "@, -o 0, pcr@ez 0 lfo!r@ I,?@ )tC)@ :Iorth La din'7 !oad,
Py,inceso Anne Boro@gh. vz7,,,,e afl,@?r cznd renovctions, @io,ooo.
On riotion by Plr. I/aZbon, secorded by 1@r. zZZ, c,??ci by recorded vote as J@OZZOWC:
Ayes: Vice llayor Rol@e2-,' B. Jr., L. 5r., leorge ,?. F,-@reZ',
D. l.urra @,faZbon, Tcl@,@;@ J. -U @ti Pfzzl)re,
Si@vion.,3, Jy,. , Ear Z i t, ar@d V, 0, r@
A@ ,3ent: I!ayor A. .-II-@,i
City Council approv d 1-1/P, sfo2,:, 28' x 60' f2'0@,
Virginia Beac,,, Bouzeva-,,,- @-,*dr@ ol P,,06.@ :?orc c7'z, to T,-t 20
Reaaan La@ie, ar,@,
@,F,, On motio@z l'Y ,,!r. 7, i-,y (z,, !,,i z@ote as j-c@ Zc,-;is:
ily0s: Vic li'r)l;@,2"
1). @!z@rra,4 i(7,7,Z, Tn; T.
City Co@cts@iciz f,,z -ti@zp t7z(,, Cit:l o-C Norfo7,7, to
anz @o r (Z@ t:ll(,,
I@ y -)l olf vi r@l i n:i zi
(2 C(jLlrt Ai@ilr tnic,)Iits, Baysidc,,,
Blackfriars Drive 775 2
Soho Court 400 -
Blackwatcli Court 510
E) 26
Site Plan Pembroke Court
dzited,may 22,. 19.69,
Blvd. and ul TIIE CITY OF
WIIEREASp it in proposed by the City of Vi-rginia Beach, Vir@ia, at
the requent of -,, to extencl a proposed water
main in accorda b@twlion the City of Virginia
Beach a-nd the C cti -Boi-ouQh-
Name of Sizo of Linear No. of
H t
Mustang Trai 1 12 inch 1,325 1
all as described elid chown on plan entitled, Cenier of Wheels Sho
Pla "s pRred by
Che@n B@h(' Va.
NOW, TtiEREFORE, 13E IT R@;SOI,VED, that thc,, City of Ilorfolk @- and it
hereby is, requested to itiake a corinection of tlic, I)roposod water mains
with the preserit mains of said City at the s.i.d and upon
completion of the iristnl-].ntion of the pi'opoE,,-d to --uppl-y water to
consumers residing thc,,reoii, it being exT)re'@'ly laicl(,rqtcod and agitod
that the supplying of sai(I ve@ter lyi the Ci.ty of sliall, bc upon and
subjoct to the following tc),-Pig and condition!@.-
1. That the said wat,-@r in,@ii-ng shall @ ilistollrid iii accordance witli
the opeci-fications of tho said City of Norfol-1, tnd to tlio s6itisfaction
of the Director of hibldc of said Cl.ty, al li@@ cc,.,31, to the City of
2. That the w@itei, gc) supl)li.(-,,J thrcu.,@l 3ai6 r-sjjnq to coilstmiori3 shall
be at the so-me rate iiow, or hc@i,eaftr-@r, c)"IC,(,O ly 11)@ CJty ol' Nol@fol to
.1 - -k
const,inart3 1)(,.yorid tho ljmi,tg of' sald City .9jiTI!3,tllv
3. TI)at @. ordiiianc,o,,; of the CitY O' ETld tk)l jules aiid
re@Intiono of the Divi@irri C)@, or o-i@ hE)I'eEf-Lor
adopted and jyut into offr!ct, rclntiTI9 tO of
nppl,y to tilci SUPT)lyl.iig of ti@(? 1
4. That the HaJd Cli@y of 110 to
fiti-iil,,ih iaore wit(,,r tliliii itz@ (I.I@;ti,@ilititi.oll ;il-Lli tlie
pre.,jrtire cai,2,icd, will dc]Lk'(Il- ,;;lid J-fl t@lu s,!i(I nul)l)lyin[,,
of water aliall not be in lt(-,Col-cl@tlico witli tfie said
CJ.ty of Norfolk sl,,@ill no 1)@ I
the City of Noi,fol.1, will L;Illil,ty t,fic@ ol' l.@,
tlitit iii no eveiit Ilirtll tlii-ru I)c niiy ol)l J U,@, t 1 (,!) Oii t'l@(i [)@it t c,f @-,@lid City to
EIIIPPIY Water to nl)y alolig t,!'(' 1,1 -(l ]ltjii@ ,It ,,Ily tiT.1(2 wli,-,nt
in the judgomeiit of tli@@ C(,Ullclj of tlie (ii y of tyie vaid City
aliall. not )iavo 3ti-rficie@it, :1121)1,ly wi -i :3 I ii:iitr,, or
wlionover tlie oul@l)lyi,ilj, (,I- wi.tll tl,(@
of the duty of said to w@ll"'?@ tc) i[,l ()l,,)
6. That fro,,-R tLn(I iftf@r t,he w,it(@r and
hydrants tlicy slifill, Ixicom) tli,-@ pi-ol@.@rLy of @IIC! of Virl,j.rii@t l'OtLcli.
Tlio City of Virgirila graiat t@ tli@@ c,f @'@orfoll,, tlic rj.ght
to uso ouch mttins tiri(i foi@ tlic! @;llr)i arif! fill'ther grants
to tlie City of Norfoll, i,u,tcl Pncl to tficm
7. That for aiiy firc) liy('rant i-i)stnllcfl i@ tlie 2@e@luc,.E,,t of the City of
Virginia Beach, a rentctl pa@@@-knt of C)ne Ilui@i-Ili-c@l P)Ili-.rL3 (@100,00) a year
for each hydrant sbv-l-l 1),1 p@,Il to tll(,' City (,f I-lor"olk,
l@ach, VirUy@a this
AD)IO)FTED IBIY TIHE Of, the City/@f,
riiiy of lq
Clerk i
VIRGII E2Z D@"Cltll3ED BEI,014:
WIIEREAS, it is PrOPOsed by tho City cf Virt:irlia Beach, V:Lrg
the request of inia, at
main in accordazice witil -1 to oxtend a Proposed water
ract b--twaon th ia
Beach and tlie City of NC,: rt
3 0 RB follows:
Na,me of Size of Lincitir No. of
Line "A" (In easc,.i@tit" 81, 297.5 If I
Line "B" 6 540 if 2
Line "A-1 " 15 if NO@IE
Line "B-1 " 3 if NONE
Line "B-2" 4 3 if NOI@E
Line. "B-3" 41. 15 if NOtqE
Li rie "B-4" 31, 45 it NOiq,'-
Line "B.-5" -1/4'. 60 it No I'@ L-
all an described aiid chown Oil plan c -tic-, --"Diiriiolid
i;ow, TliilZEFO,'IE, liE li, tll.,rt tli(! (;ity of tl,)i,fol.k l@, and it
horoby is, requo3ted to t@ial@c a cotiiioction ot' t]@o I)roi)oL;cd w,'Lter iii,@tinil
with tho prcootit ma:Ln." of stii,l City tit tlio i;@ki(I d(@l;i.t@n,itiolip arid UI)Oll
completioii of the inqtnII(itioll cf tlie pi-ol)o@;,id to ;ul)l)ly ti@iter to
coniwnox,s ro,@,iditl[,' tIlni-fc,rl, i@ c@,pr(,,:;@ly t)ii(' tGr(,@od
thttt tlio 13u@@l)lYti1c" ol- b.Y tll(- Cil@- (,.- liol-fol@c '3111111 1,0 Ul)oll ttncl
subjoct to tlio folloi;iz@t, ari,l OC)II(IJ-tio@l"Ji
1. That tho i3ii3d wet(2r iii,tin,-, t3liall in rt(:cordance witli
the ol)ecifictitiont3 of tli,-i etij.(i CiLy of NC)i@l-cll, iiii(I to tl)o 3ELti[3faction
of tlio Dii-ector of PLiblj(! of Baj.cl Cii@', li@@ 110 co@it to tlic,@ City of
2. That the wnter so sul)pl.io(I tlirout,,Ii @;7iid innizi.9 to coiisumars shau
be fit the same ratc no;4, or li@reftftor, clint-i,(,d @ tli(,, City of Norfol-k to
conE;umera I)eyond tho linits of Eiaid City sifi@!-I;trly .9ituated.
3. That all ord@ancos of tlic City of No,,foLk and all rulos and
re,@ntions of the Division of Water Supply of .9,i:@d City, now or here,@fter
adopted and put into effec,@', rolatinc, to tli(! f@i-rtiL:;hin, of water shall
apply to tlie BUPI)lyilig ol@ w@itor tlirougli tlic s,,tlcl )roposed mains.
4.- That the s,,iid City of Norfolk shall t,@ uiidc,r no obligation to
furnish more water than its distribution syrtei, Elf3 IIOW laid, with the
pressurc carri.cd, will. d(@.livor into SIid m,,I.i-nsl aiid if the said supplying
of water shall not be in accordance with tli(,, service, the said
City of Norfolk shal) not be lield responsit-,I('. i-n itily way.
5. That in supplying w@iter to consuT@ers the said proposed Tnaini3,
the City of Norfolk will sul)ply the s,,me only froii its surl@lus supply, and
that in no event sh@ therc- be aiiy oblig@itiozi oii the pirt of olid City to
oupply water to any con--ii,.ier.9 a-long tll(,, I)r(-)i)or,!d i ,tjns at lily time when,
:Ln the judgement of the Cotir)c.U of the saj.d City of Norfolk, the Daid City
shftll not have sufficient siipl)ly fpr use withi@l i-Is corpor@@te liniits, or
whenever tlie supplying of sai(i wa-uer sli(,Il it)t,@rf@@re with the discharge
of the duty of said City to supply writei, to it@ o@m inhabit,,tnts.
6. That from and after the J-rj,-,tall-atioi) of the wrAtcr@riains and
hydrantn they shall bocome the property of tlie Gi@@@y of Vircinia Beach.
The City of Virginia B.-t@ch sh@ill grant to tli,, Cit,r of Norfolk the rj.ght
to use such mains anci h@,cirint-- for tl)e stipi,ly )f water, and furtlier grants
to the City of liorfolk roady tind reasoiinblc,, nc2oz,,-i to thcm.
7. That for any f@-re hydrant iristallc,.d Pt t.,ic request of the City of
Virginia Beach, a rental pa@nent of @)e Ilundi,o,,l D,)llars ($100.00) a year
for each hydrant s@ l@o paid to the City of @ior@olk.
ADOPTED BY THECOUN@i-L of the v ill this
day of
Clerk of @@@C
A CT'I'@ O@' TO
ON NEWi(.)\%Illl CJ'@y 01.'
InIE2EAS, It iti 1),7 tlio C.@-@y o@' VJ-rgil)J.a, at
tlio requ@oc, of il)e Vir(,@1,7ri [1@(icil Scllool [@ocit(i
k @- 11-1- @. @@- , --,- .@- _ _@ ... @, to o;@L@c@-id a I opc),!cd iitktc)r
maiii Jii accord.,@ico til tli@@ con@llrac:t tll') City o@- Virgini-a
Boach tuicl the City of fl)@, ["'!oL@,,!)
ill tltl-l cz; fol].OWJ:
Nt,T.ic of (f Linot,.r No. of
Virginici Beacti Sclioc)l
Board Property 6" 2, 315 3
3" 125 -
Newtown Road 101. 900
all as descrih-d and aliot,n o:i plaii enti'll(,,d, ka_Lide Area Elutnentary School
as prepared by
C 1 Ir i t t@Hlo ac,,
tiovi, THF-@,'FORE, BE T-'2 th,,i-@ the City of tiorfolk and It
horo'r,y is, requootod to i colinocti-cii of' th- I)r()I)o,,,ed witer niain[3
iiitti ttio present rnailis of st,-id Ci-ly at tlie sal-(l clcsl.l,,itition, and upon
coinpletj.o,@l of tlie instnl-Jn@,,ioi) of tilo propot-c!cl iRninl3, to supply water to
consiriora rosidin,, It L,:,,ing expi,es.,ily, iiiiclcrstood and a reod
that tho vul)plying of t3i@J@(I iiiter ly the C -ity of Ii-orfo-Il-, sliial-l bo ilipon and
subjoct to the folloiTJ.ii,- 'C,O and conclit.,.OT,V.
1. @at tho onid ip-il-ng f3hall l@,) i-Ti,,@'lnllod 1-n Rceordance with
the specificatl,oiia of tlio nai@d Ci-Qy of Ilorfol,!- tiici to tlie satielfaction
of tho DJxoctor o@- Public ls'orl@9 of saj,d C@ty, ti" n,,D cog-@@ to the City of
2. That the water so sup,,)IJed thi@ou.,Ii Mqiii,'l to co,,igmiart3 slian
be ftt th,3 same rate noij, or clitjr[,el tyf the City of Norfolk to
conau.marB @yond the liiTiit,,3 of @3ai(I City v@@i-litt-3y sitl)atcd.
3. That a-11 ordinaiicos of tliq City of liorfolk aiid all rules and
re,@ations of the DivJrj.oyi of ;Tator Sulpl.y of sild City, noii or here-,ifter
adopted and put into off(,,c@@, rc,,Iiting tc) tlie, fi)t-iii ;IiJ-tig of liator shall
apply to tho supplying of watoi- throuc]i th(, @;,,ii I)ro,)oC.(,'d
4. That the said City of I-lorfolk @3liall @ unloi@ no oblig,,ition to
f=ish more water tli[in itE3 ei-tril@tition as no%t It).id, iiith the
pressui,e carricd, wj-ll dc,,Iivor ilit,) riLizis, viid il@ the @;aid supplying
of @tater cliall not b-- iii rccordaiico @rith tlic s@L@tiid,ti-cl ,@ervi.ce, the said
City of Ilorfolk shall. iic)@,, h,- @.,@ld l@l PIIY IIL',Y.
5. Tliat in supplyi,if', w@tter to con--uiioi@) i,,Ion,,, thc s,@5.0. proposed maind,
the City of Norfol.k wj-ll SUIDPIY the clil-y frc,@a itr, sui,i@ltir, supp)-y, and
that @ no event shnll. tl,.f@re I,,-, P-11Y -iii tlic-, pirt of said Ci@ly to
E)UPPIY water to Ri@y Coll,,I@T' r , @@l
I c F C,i,g tlic@ pi,ol i ill iiris at 'Ily til-,te wlieti,
in the JticIComaiit of tll- of tlic,- gpj(l Cit,,t C)f TTC)I'l@olk, tl,,e said City
shrLl,l riot Y@ave @,iil-)Tlly f(?]' USC,' it5 cor,@,or,,t(@ linitr, or
@ilienc!v(3i- tl.e oul)plyilll@ C)f @Tith tl@e discliai-ge
of the duty of sal.d (;It@, t,) @iii),,ly to it,@ C)!.i,@ Inll@ibit,'@nts.
6. That fi,or@i irtd tlic t@ip, iint(,r n.n(I
liydi,ants tliey tlic, I)rcT,@rt of i,!) @Jt L
.y @l,, @@ 7 c)@ VI.rC@tili LI-@ticli.
Th,) Cit of Vii,Ciniit i) 311@)] C-,in@ t@c) ti @@ G;',, of I! rf 11@ tilo i,Jght
y C) (:)
to uso sticli wlj-lls nt)ci f'o,-, Lli@ f3l,l)3)3y C)i' @i kll(l@-,-, ai,@d fiirilhea, frants
to thc@ Ci.-Ly Of Ilorfol-)-, @,,@n tc)
7. Thrit for ,.iziy f'@i I'@) )ly(ll i,iii@ Jli:@;! i, tli, of @llh City of
Vii,gin3fi l@@)nch, a o- C)i,,@ 11 ye(Lr
fof o,,icli IIY(Irt)llt glin"ll. I'@ 1)@il,l i@c, tilt@ City ('r
AI)DI'IIT DY TIIP, Cc)T@@14C Fl, ()f tll(, Gitv -0@ Yi r)@l til it I Vi@l,('@) i)lfl tliis
dtty of --t
On @rotion by I,,r. A.ars,@aZZ, -,c, @(-),,,dC?C,7, 7)y ir.' l@y r,,@c! Y,(!,@d vote as foZzo,,@:
A y (?,,3 Ilico A!ayor !)OZ 2t I,. lqo?z@ze Sr., George. F@. Fer,-CZ.Z,
D. I'iupray P,!czZbon, la7,)rerOl l@'. To?" J. Curtis Payne, C. !)ewo-Y
Tr., Earz 1,1. ,.7nd
Abs(-,,nt: FPO-@2k /1.
CitY Counci@ apppov d t@-@e i@z lh o,,i g
LC, 0 Z Z
fu ci@@ to thc resp ctive 11311,
Gei@er,a7. Fund IP7. 00
Water & Sewe2' FUzd 17,3 0.00
Virginia Reach Fuzd @o, -Lo!. 0 0-
TotaZ 4 @. 00
77@, I On rn,)tion by Ilr. Payno, @ed @7, erorclc(7 vote as
Ayes: Vice @,ayor RoLo2,t P. Cro@,,,,jeZ Jr. Z!',,-2, lon @,?y, 7r. , George R. Fe2,r,, Z Z,
D. ,!aZ or,, Lcvre O,,@ Z, i 7,q 'r( @M' 3, J. Cl@2@tis G. -) b,,ey
Jr., EarZ TeL,,77;'t, @-,,,:d @(,,n
Ab s c,, r, t: l-a,@or 1'rank' A.
City Co@inc,,iZ approved the, '@)?,iatio c j@ro@! o, "i@e f(-)7zoz,)ing fz,,rds
to the rest-ec@@ve ar@
Dat;a 5,z74.@,O
e rf c,@ i y@,
@-n Vi
Tt h
!!2-. Cz@r' is Paz/ne stated t,'@ am cc,
ecn (zs7,,ed to s mit his res,,'g, @7-
On, @n sue7z resign tion een
On motion by ,ir. Pay7?e, scof)yi,@IP-d Ly "'r- "/hit@'7 @@r.3t, 77@ zzows:
by recorded vote OB fo
A&es: Vice Alayoy, Robert T@. Cr(-),?!WeZZ, Jr., AII)c,,rl, L. Pon,iey, @r., George P. FerreZ7,,
D. Alurray IlaZbon, L@rence John @l/. 'urtis Payne, G. Dewey
Simnons, Jr., EarZ 14'. t, n' @erneth N.
Absent: ?,,4ayor Frank A. i),,@ -,h
Cit I 1-
,q CounciZ approved 'he t r@.,,,@,zation of '@"Z 'ia@@@ Con elZ ae ReaZ Estate Asses8op
as of October ?, 1969.
Iv@r. Richq. -Z
nd Br@.@, Atto2-,zey, cMpea2ed -'t COZ@n,-,iZ n @reha7f of ?@r, C'on?',et,
ar,d reque@ted that there L,? a ?@ote S tO bh @@'er c)i, nct ',r. C-@nn,,,ZZ shov-Zd b en'@t 7
to receive 30 days sevei,arf,,,,
On 7otion by llr. Payne, se,@ozde, I @)y @'r. ?.ar h,,tZZ, a@d @y recor@ed vote a Z 7,
Ayes: AZbept L. Bonney, J. Curt,'@s Payze, G. ir., J072r, ,,. AICCOM@bs,
and Lawreice E. 14arshaZZ.
lVays: Vice Ilayor Rober" ;-ro@,,)ezz, Jr., (-,e()--,- c P. @',,,r2@eZZ, .7). Afurray @.4aZbon,
EarZ I,,'. TebauZt, and Yernc@,,
Absen@l: l@ayor Frank A.
such motion regarding t;z,- ,t o- 3i da,@o pay to !,'r. ConneZ7 was @los'
to a tie vote.
A12,. Cro eZZ stated that t@e p,,)7 cy of the Ci!, P,?ga,,@ ng th,, payment of sever-- ce, Z)ay
shouZd be czarij@ied. il @',ZC L; ocedi@ye @or enpzoyees, then @@r.
ConneZZ wouzd receive
tir. I)az)id Nt@y,@@lan ma(!,? to t/7,zt ,,f2. be. ot
Y ,?CaZ ',-tate
"@/7" all,
CZ i,ointmcyit coi@7d
On motion by Mr. Fei,reZZ, @dc@d y I,,Ir. Z'2(i !).j Y@ccorded vote as fo7lozo@:
Ayes: Vice Mayor Pob(, I, CY'e @r,,Oe 7., 7r., -)o'?,iry, Sr., Goo2,ge R.
D. llu2@ray I,,,Icz7bOn, faL'2',- @@l E. Cu,-,'is Pay@-@e-, T)e C!:-/
Simtt7o 8, Jr., Earl ,,!. a d 2'@',.
Absent: ivayo2@ Frank, A.
city Coun,-iz appointed @!crf,,,@tt as teirp f,@ Y,@ @'@,y @'ec@7 Ystate Assessor.
,'4r. E@o arpea@,ed before Cit r
j uric,.iz cz@,d stated that the C@zeraz
ss mbz 2@@ Tg U@@y IDFO. Any Y' tha@ the Counciz wishes
to piake should be mad,, tc) i,@e @-totz@tory PC, a@@d !)rcfti@,.(7 Depaptmc,,nt, @o they
can be inezuded in tl@e
On motion by M2,. I,!arshaZZ, se(,c,@2ded by A!r. th meeting was acljoz,-rne@,.
City of Virginia 23eac@z,
October 13, 1969