HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 25, 1969 I.!TPI IIFS OEl OF THPI, CITY OF VI.T?GINIA B@,ACH, August 25, l.P6@ll The reguzar meeting of the Counci@, of the City o,P l'irlc,,inia Beach, Virginia, was hezd in the CounciZ Chambers, in the, Adiririst2,ation B@iiZc7i@g, in t;@e BofOuGh ol Pr@Irzeess Anne, on @londay, August 25, 1 6 , at t@@ o'oZooP a.m. Coun@-Zmen present: 14ayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice ll!al@or Fo@ert B. CromeZZ, Tr., AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., George F,. PerreZ , D. '@ray I.!al o , 1',@o2,ezee E. l@'arShaZZ, 7ohn W. @@cCombS, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Jr., FarZ @!. -elau7t, a7,.d Kenneth Pi. T,.Ihitehurst. Coz4nciZmen absent: PIone The invocation was given by -@everend John @-oody of Saint John's Baptist Church. On motion by Mr. McCombs, s@c nded by P,4r. Ilarshi@Z, ard @y unanimous vote, City Counc@z approved the !Iinutes of the r,,eeting of Augz@st 11, 196P, and the reading of said minutes dispensed with, inasmuch as each CounciLman had a oop@ of oaid @,finutes before him. On mction by @. Si7mons, secondecz by Mr. MaZbon, and by unanimous vote, City Counciz approved the foZZowing appzication for a change @@oy@ and a use oermit subject to the requirements of the Site !'Zcn Ordinance, City @n(@ sewer and a dedication of right of way 45 feet from the cenler Zine o@ Rc,.@em nt !?oad as Y, quested by the I)irectol, of the Departme?,,t of PzbZic @lork@. ,ApT,I;cation of Fine and SalzberL,,, lnc. for a change of zoninfz fron-i Liinited Coi-nn-iercial Distri.ct 2 (C-L 2) to General C,@ii-i@@iercial Distr'ct 3 (C-G 3) and a Use PerrniL to operate a gasoline sudply s'Lation oit certain proT3erty located on the Soutliwest corner of Roscmont Ro,-,cl and Fourth Street, Plat of Jac3@sondale, runnin,., a distance of 200 feet -,]ong tlie West side of Rose- mont Roaci, runnin.@ a distance of 165 feet along tlic S@,3uth side of Fourth Street, Plat of Jac'-@srneale, rurining a distance of 200 fect along the West- ern Droperty @e, run-iin@ a distance of l@C,5 feet alon@ tlie Southern property line. (Princess Arne Plaza Area). LYNNH@@VEN 13OROTJGII. The Plannirig Corr@riiss@on recommends approval of this requcst subject to tbe requii-ements of the Site Plan Or6inance, City water and se@,,er anci a dedication rf right of %vay 45 feet frorn the centcr lire of Roscnirnt Roaci as requested by tlie rirectoi- of tiie Departrnc,iit of 1-ublic @Vorks. On mollion by lvr. S,-rmor@, @y P,@Ir. I,,aZ o,,, nc-' unapimotis vote, C@ty Counc-,'z adoptec-I the Sealack stuc,:U. (@,@o 1,@ the @3 -@y" @i7e -I@, t;ze @-Zer@@'s O@@-,ce.) Frank A. Dusch Dreser,'@e@, @,'ijneL, J@. t,e @oZZ @-,zg Pesozution j@or h@-s heroi,- act in saving "he Zife cf h@o 3@t@zer, ar.,i J @,. Crtier. R ],S 0 L U T I 0 iV kLL The atle;itioiz of tlic, City Coit;zcil iias bc@t@ii di;-ccled to tlie he,@,oic act pe)fo;-i@it,d by j)-. , fol,)-I(,c)i, of I?otti(, 3, B(7cl,, Bay Statio)z, Vii-,,,iiiici J3( (I( 11, li;-giiiia, i(l?o o;i Jti)l,@@ 6, ]@969 by Iiis P;.Ol),Il (I( lio)t (iifl C(l)-lit').. po)i(I st;@tt(-k Iiis 12('(I(l lti)cts);l ol,jt@( is a of Iii,,; legs aiid appai-cjzily Ili@)i 1)(tvid l@'(i@?ic i-, Ji-. itl)o)l realiziizg his P)-eclic(lili(,Ilt il)21)IC(li(itcly si@)(iiii to Iiis assi,,;I(711ce an(I by coitcc;ztrale(l, Plzysical cffo;,I, slicceeded i)t Joli)i Ca)-tie;, to tlie grOI4;zd alo;igside tlie poii(l, lt!lle)-eitpo)i, lit, sitl,;71llolzed iiiedical assistaizee. It is fittin.- aii(I pyope)- t7iat the siibjt,ct Daiiid I'lag7ler, Jr. shotild receive pzibzic rcco,@iitio)z (iiid apprecialioiz fo)- his lie oic act, tliel-efo)@e, the City Clerk is dii-ecte(@ to i)lsc@-ibe zipoiz tlic pe@,)2iatie)tt reco;,ds of tliis Coinicil tliis Resollitioii by uliic7i tlic Cit)) Coitizcil e.,cpi-esses its coin@ncildatio)z to David 11'ag?zey, J),. fo)- his hei@oic aci iii sa?,,i;z- tlie life of his fellolv citizoz a;zdfy:ic7id. On motion by Mr. Payne, ?,u Mr. MarshaZ7, (znd @)y unan@,mous vote, City CounciZ approved an second reading -,z ,-c@Zowing Ordinc,,@,,@ to prescribe penazties for toter@ng with virginia Beach City recor@@ AN 01@DINA@ICh TO PPES"I@ll')I,, PE,@IALTI@-S FOP, TA'oi!3""ZI@'G 1,711'11 P,'V:COI@DS OF TITE CI'IY OF VIRGI'L@IA ilEACil, VIRGINIA ELI BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: 1. That, whoevc@r will.ful-ly and UTIla@gfully conceals, reinov(@s, alters, mutilates, obliterates, or destroys, or atteriipts to do so, or with intent to do so takes and carri.es away any record, pro- ceeding, mnp, bool,, papor, document, or other thing, filed or deposited in anv public office, or witli any public officer of the I City of Virginia Beach, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as provided by Section 10-1, of the Code of the Ci.ty of Virginia Beach. 2. That, whocver, having the custody of any such record, proceeding, map, book, document, paper, or other thing, will- fully and unla@7fully conceals, removes, alters, mutilates, ob- literates, falsifies, or destroys tlie sar@ie, or permi.ts another to do so, shall be guilty of a misdoideanor and shall be punished as provided by Sectioii 10-1, of the Co(le of the City of Virginia Beach, and shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holdin,, any officc, i-inder tlie City of VirF,,inia Betch. Adopted bv the Cotiiicil of the Cit,@ of Virg I inia Beach on tlie t-.k day of 7'lLc regular m tlie col4noil C), tl2(' citzi of l'ir"7@,nia euclz, 1/@r Znz(,Z, was hezd in thc Co?,t@ioi7 C'h@imbep of tli L@2@@ld7,rg of the city of' rc 4 Virgi?zia Beach on @zigist 25, --it ]O:OC olo,@ock a.m. On motioii by Mr. 1'ebauZt secoiidud by Mr. Whitehurst aiid by rc!coi,,Iud vote as fol1c),,Is, the followirig resolutioii was adopted: Aye' @!ayo2@ h@rar, A. sch, Ili,?6, @,!ay@r Ro,@ert B. CrouweZz, Jr. AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., Geora,,- T?. FerreZZ, D. !!urrc7,,l !,,2ZZ)on, Tabrenee E. !@arshazz, John N4- T. Curtis Payne, T)e,ley Si 7r..EarZ A!. TebauZt, & Kenneth ii. @itehurst. Xblt@)f Nay: A7one Absent: None RESOLUTION BE 1T @01,VED BY Ti:E COU,4CIL OF I'IIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BF@,CH, VIRGINIA: That the aiiiiexed orditiance, entitled "AN ORDLNANCE TO GRANT TO ITS SUCCESSORS AND A.SSICt,S, Ti!E ritAMCHISF, RIC@ilT, AND PRIVILEGE TO CONSTRUCT, MAINTAIN, AND OPERATE LTPON CERTAIN SI-R@S, HIGliWAYS, AND PUBLIC PLACES OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BE,@CH A TEIFPHONE SYSTEM, WITH NECF,SSARY POL@, COliDUITS, MANIICLES, DUCTS, CABI.FS, VIIPES, AND ALL OTTIER NEC@ARY CV--d'.FAD AND UtIDEqGROU@4D AI'PAT@ATUS AND FIXTU@,11 be advertised once a weeli for four succc!ssive weeks in the Virginia Beach Sun, a newsn,,.,,)et, rublislied in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and having a general circtilation in the City of Virginia Beach; and that said advertise,-,ient shall inv,'-te bids for t@ic francliise proposed to be granted in said ord@-nance, -,rhdch bids are to be in writing and delivered to the iDresid,'@ng officer of the City in open session, to be held in the Council Chamber on the 13th day of October -1 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P M., the r-@'Eht being reserved to reject any and all bids; and BE IT @RTFER RF;SOLVFD, that the inv-@tation for bids to be r)ubli5hed wit@, sai@@ oi,diriance shall bt,, ag fol@-owq: The City of VirEinia Beacli, Vii@Flnia, hereby invites bids for the franchise ropos@,d t be rranted 4@n tY)c fc,llowing ordinance, duly t)arsed by the Coiincil ai-,--l' aT,@@-oved by tl,,@ on tlic. 25tli day of August, 1969, which bils nz@c t@ b,,- iii wr3tirif, and cielivoi-e(I to tlie prc!,iicline officer of the Couzicil of said City iri oi)eii s(-gsioli, to be hcl,d in the Council ChaTber in s@tid City on tlie !3t,'daY of Oc@tober ig6g, at P: 00 - o 'c lock 11 Y,. I the i-i i,,I@t bclllt', reserved to reject any and al.1 bids; and BE IT FURTI;,ER RESOLVFD, that tl)e succescful bidder shall T)ay the cost of advertisiri,, the fra-nchise. ADOPTF,D Aufust 25, 1969 APPROVED ut l@ 6 FRANK A. DUSCII, MAYOR TESTE: RICHARD J. WEBBON, CITY CLERK The City of Virgiriia Beach, Vireinia, hereby invites bids for the franchise uroposed to be granted iii the follow@ng ordinance, duly nassed by the Council and approved by thei @layor on the 25th day of August, 1969, which b:Cds are to be in writing and delivered to the presiding officer of the Council of said City in or)en session, to be held in the Councdl Chamber in said City on the 13th day of October 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., the right being reserved to reject any and all bids; and BE IT FURN:ER RFSOLVFD, that the successful. bidder shal-1 pay the cost of advertising the franch@se. AN ORDINANCE To provide for the gra-nt by the City of Virginia l@each, Fe el V4.rginia, to a person or 'z)ersons, or to a corporation, its succes@-ors and assigns, hei-eafter to be ascertained -Oft r in t@,e irodc r)resci,ibed by law, o@ the r 4i,,ht for the tenii and u,,7on t@ie coridit,*@cns hei,ein stated, to use t@.e str(-ets, alloys and r)iibl@c r,,Iices of said City, and to acq@iire, erect, rr@airita-'@ii ari@ use, @i-id il@ cc,,nsti,ucted to riain- tain anrl us@ wires iiici ficilities over and alonp, and to acci.iiir,@, cc)nstr,uct, @(i u,,i(,, arid If now constructcd to rpairitain aiid u.,;- coiidliito, iilles, maillg aiid other facilitic!s, incliidiiig nc!CeSS,Ll'y iii@irilio.1c@5, and to riiii cables and wji-,@s in, ui)der arid @ilonE,, tlie strectg, alloys aiid public I)Iaces of saicl Ci.ty, and to usE,@ tlie propci,ty of other l,ei,soiis, cordoratio@is ai)cl orgiii@zations and pei-mit slich otlier nersons, co.,@,,or@ttions arid organiz@l- tions to use its t)rove@ty upozi sucli ari@aiic,(,iiients as sh@ill be agi,eed upon subject to the cciiditioris lierein set forth, for tlie pil-nose of providln[, all types of telenhone, tele- grai)h a-nd otlier electronic service at any Point within the t cort)orate liniits of said City, as the same now exist or may hereafter be e)'.tended or altered. BE IT ORDAI@IED BY TIIE COUI;CIL OF 'niE CITY OF VIRR@INIA BEAC14., VIRGINIA I. That there shall be granted in the n,,ode prescribed by law for franchise grants and upon the conditioris hereiiiafter snecified, the rights and privileges on, over and under the streets, alleys and public places of the City of Virginia Reacli, Virginia, einbodied in the following draft of aii ordinance entitled: AN ORDINANCE To GRANT TO ITS SUCCFSSORS A@ID ASSIGi'4 I E, RIGIIT, AND PRIVILEGE TO CONSTF@UCT, YAINTAIN, AND OPERATE UPON CERTAIN STREETS, FIGHWAYS, AND PUBLIC PLACES OF TT!E CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH A TELEPFO,%E SYSTEM, WITII Ni-!,C@SARY POIES, CONDUITS, MANF.OLES, DUCTS, CABLFZ, WIRES, AND ALL OTI[ER NECESSARY OVE@EAD AND UNDEPG@ROUND APPARATUS AND FIXTURES. BE IT ORDAINT-,D by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that: SMION 1: The City of Virginia Beach (hereinafter called grantor), hereby grants iinto its successors and assigns (hereinafter called grantee), ur)on the conditions hereinafter set out, the @@ra-nchisc, right, and vrivilege to construct, main- tain, and orerate on, over, along, in, under, and 'Ihrough the streets, highways, and nublic z)laces of the service area of The Norfolk ?, Carolina Telephone & Teler,ra-h Co. of Va., as dc,,sirriated from tirne to time by tho Vi-rginia State CorT)oration Commission w-itl,.iri the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, a teleldlione syster, witn the necessary pOle3, condiiits, rni,iholes, ducts, cables, wires, and all ot@.(,,r npcer@sary ove-@ie@iJ ttil ap,,.)aritus @ird fixtiires. witli the. ripl@t to uq(, tl@e prot)erty of othei- com,-)aniei an] to peniiit other coni@-lanics to US,? 'ts r)r-oT)ertv ur,,)n sucl@ k.9 tIlO, t@WO C()Mr@iTli(,3 m@'ly ti,r(,e. SECTION 2: t@otli@Irle iii this 01-dirixice coritalrl,,@d shzill. be construed to pi-evezit the city froil ,i@ithori,zliiE,, or i-,rosecutine. ariy J)"blic w@lr@k of aiiy cliaracter, and the city coiziicil inay ordc@.i, anct r(quire (at the cost of tile grantce) ur)on reasonable notic,-,, the re-locatic)ii of ,@y @ilid all poles, wires, cab3cs, coiiduits, rii,,jiholes, or ariy other riattcr or thilirs wliatsoever placed, constructed, or waintainei in ptirsuance of tliis oi,dinance, and its reT)Iace- meiit to conforni vrith aziy change or cliangos w.Iiicl,, mzy be made in the location .oi, prade of any street, avenue, alley, or hif,,hw@y. SECTION 3: Vlhen Grajitee's faci.lities are I.oc@ited on property ovmed by the City and the City reasonably requil,es that sucli facilities be relocated, Grantee will at its exr@,ense inove sucl. facilities to an alterntte location reasonably sui,tat)le to Grantee's uurpo-@,es and provided by the City at the City's exr)ense- This provision sliall not applv to remc)val or re- location of facilities recuired by any State or Federal agency, except where the facilities to be relocated are located on public property v,,hich has been dedicated or acquired for street or road purposes, including uses incidental thereto. SECTION 4: The work of erecting DoleE;, fixtures, and wires, and constructing underground conduits, and the construction or maintenance by the grantee under this ordinance shall conform to telephone industry sr)ecifications and any governmental standards that may be sct fror, ti-me to time. SECTION 5: The r4@ghts and privi.leges herein set forth are granted and conferred upon the gi,antee upon the express condition and understanding on the part of the said grantee that they are si,.bject to the provisions of the constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia, Section 125 and the sevei,al imr,lementing statutes related thereto. SECTION 6: Th, E-aiitee agrees to pi,otect and save harmless the city fror-, all clair,,.s, dTitages, costs, disbursemer,t3, and actions of every kiiid, nature, and description arlsine from or growing out of any mattcr or thing corsiected with or tc, the subject matter of tliis ordinance, or any work done hereunder, or urider the grant hereiri cortairied. SaJd grwitee shall, ur,on notice of the r)resentation of zlny clairi, or tlic co.-rmencepicnt of any such actioTi or suit, invest@E,,@kt,c, pi@epare the def(-ris,, of, and deferid every stich c)aim, action, or suit withntit c!xl)E!tls, to tlic city, alici in tlic case Jildon.1it Sliil,l be reridei,ed against th(- city, stiall fu2ly satisfy @tih Judi,)ncrit witliin sixty dIY!3 after such suit or actioi) sl)all be finlijy, dete2i@),ined, and riy the c,)st and expense of such investic,@ttion, l@recaration of tlie dcfens,,, and defense, as and when they accrue. This sliall not prevent the city fro.,Ti investigating, and defending any claii,,., proccediiig, or action. Any such judgatent reiidei-ed against the city shall bc bindin,,, and conclusive a,,ainz,,t the grantee if reasonable notice shall have been given to the ri7witce of tlie peiidency of such actioll. SECTION 7: The gi,antee covenants to cor,,ply with each and every of the ter-ms and conditions Y,ci,ein set forth &nd upoii its failure to comnly with said terns and condltiorls, the grantor herein, in addition to tlie remedies allowed to it by law, may give to the gr@tee 1,@itteri liotice to comr)ly with said ter-ms witbin a reasonable Period of tine and, upon its failure so to do, the grantor may elect to do such work by telephone industry SL)Ccifications and by telephone industry-trained nersonnel., and tlie E,,rantee shall reimbui,se the grantor for the cost thc@i,eof. SECTIC!i 8: The rights and privilege,@ hereby graiited shal3 colitinue for the neriod of thirty years from and after the final passage of this ordinance, unless the same be sooner voluntarily surrelidered by the sa@d LLI,rantee with the consent of the council of tlie city or, unless the same be sooner forfeited as provided by law. SECTION g.- All bdds for the franchise, rights, and t)rivileges herein granted shall be submitted in writing as required by law, and each bidder shall file with his bid a cert@fded check for the siz7. of one hundred dollars, which shall be held by the city clerk upon the following conditions: (a) That if his or its bid is accetted and ari ordinance substantially in the formi of this ord4-nance is passed, granting to li-.@rii or it the frwichise, rik,ht, and privileg-e herein set forth, then he or it will, within thirty days after the tixe at whic@, t@iis ordiriance sball becorr@e e@fective, file a written accertaxice of s@Ine w-Itl@ ti@e city clerk, substaiit-*-ally -@In the fonr, liereto annexed. (b) That at the sane tdj,-,e said ,tritten accer)tince is filecl, he or it will execute and file w4@tli the city cler@: a certifjcd cliccv. iri favoi, of thc pr@,rit,@r @ri tlie @f ci ]I@J7,,l tit](! tO V,'IliCII @lill PZI,9,3 to tlie city uiilesu he ol, it vi@,31 at Ell tilnc!,,; C(,Ilj)],y witli ZLIJ ternis, cotiditiotis, and obligttions iniposed b,; tliis ordinttice aiid viill pay tlic cost of tlic adver- tisemerit hereof. Upon the accentance by the couticil of tlie bid of the successful bidder, the city clerk rettirii to the unsuccessful bjdders the certified checlf; filed by thcT, resi)cctively i,;ith their bids, a-nd shall hold the chec@, of the successful bidder. SECTION 10: The accept@iiice of said ordiiiance by the grantee shall be substantially in the follw@-lif, fonn: To the Presidi.ng Officer, Council of the City of Vil,ginia Beach, Virj;inia: The a cordoration organized and ex@isting uiider the laiqs of the Cojrjr@onwealth of Vire,,inia, and authorized to do business @n the Corrinonwealth of Virginia, hereby accents the g@rant and agrees to be bound by each and every and all z)rovislons, conditions aiid I.iniitatic)ns, and agrees that it holds all of its ri.ghts and privileges ill tlie streets and public t)laces of the City of Vir,inia Beacli only under the foi@egoing oi,dinance of the Council of the City of Virgini.a Beach, adopted the 25th day of August, 1969, and ent@tled, "AN ORD@4l@,CE TO GRANT TO ITS SUCC@ORS A@,D AS@IGNIS, TFE @NCHISE, RI(,HT, AND PRIVILEGE TO CONSTRUCT, @IAIN7AIN, AND OFElUtTE UPON CE.;aAT,@l STREETS, HIGI@7ctsIAYS, AND PUBLIC PLACFS OF @,E CITY OF VIRGDIIA BEACII A TELE-,IIONIE SYSTE@L WITH THE NECFSSARY PO@, COI,@'DUITS, YA,%IIOLFS, DUCTS, CABIFS, WIVS, AND ALL OTIFER NECESSARY OVE,@EAD Atil) UNDERGR(DUND APPAIZAI'US AND FIXTUPFS.tt IN WIT@S WH.EREOF, the said has ca,,ised thi.s written acceptince to be executed in its na,,r@e by i-ts president or vice-cresident th(-reunder duly authorized,.and its corDorate seal to be @.ercunto i3.ffixed, atte,,sted by its se@retary there- unto duly authorized on this dav of 196?.- BY PRFSIDE,@T (SEAL) ATTF-@T- SECP,z-,TAF,Y SECTION 11: Upoii tlie t@il,inp, effc@ct- of thi!, C)i:dinai-ice, it sha3-l be the duty of the cit@, clc@rk to ca@ise. to be advertiseci once a week for four sticcc@,-,si,ve wee]-'s in Tlic, Vi.riinia Beacli Sun, a newspaper havi.ng a getif,ral. circul,.iti.on in tlic City of VirgiTlia Beacli, a draft of tlie ordinii-ice contiii@ecl in the forego!-ng sections , and in addi-tion he- stiill@ by stich advertisen,,2-.nt invite bids for the right, privilegc@s, aiid ft-@incliises to be granted in and by slid proposed ord.inance, i,7hich bicls sl)all bc, dclivered to the presiding officer of the Coune4l of thc, City of Vir,@iiiia Beach upon the day and hour of the next regtilar i,,ieetin@.. of tlie, said Council, in open session, to be he3d nex-@ aftc!r such adverliseinent is co.,npleted, tO-1,7it' on October 13, 1969, at 2 P.M., which bi-ds shall be pre- sented by sFid'presirJi-iig offic@er to ttio sa*@(I coiiiici-I and to be dealt with and acted upon in the mariner prescribel by laN.7. Said advertisement shall expressl@, reserve the right to reject any and all bids. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, this 25th dav of August, 19601. APPROVED: FRANK A. DUSCH , OR ATTEST: RICH,ARD J. WEBBON, C] E'@K OF COL-NCII, On 7iic)t;ion by 1,12,. Feri@eZl,, by @!r. Zyt,:l I)y vot@@,,, Cit;y cc)uizci@ o,ppy@oved ti2e foZZowi?z,,7 of tl@(? soutll(,,(73tern V@'lr(iinia PZan?iing The cl. l')c,,ich, Vir,@@iiii.1, *@n tlie o A,ll-Ii Ti i tratio,,i o' I'll(, (:j-t7 o:[ 0 Atl-ust 0 Or, F'Oti0l) 1)" "-.Feri,(?,ZZ Combs th(, @lol rc F c' C, 17,@@, F), 1,111 'l, I C) i) t c@ (i 1 i u p I 0 - - - - - - - - - - W! 1-@-T@ 'L-AS) t'z-@e %--t (fi-tle 15.1, cilqp-Ler ot Cocic, (,C \7!r,-ini.,?, l@5'!, a.,; arc)c!ri,ic@3), ailt'fioi--@@zes tlie 4:)E- a Pl,!Ilnj'.I-,,; !)-strict Coir@,ii.ssion written Ch@rtor aild 3. 5 l-,@IEI-,i-AS, pursti@iat t Titl(,, 9.]-, C'i,.tpter 6.1, Cection 2.1-6 of t'@qe Code oL- @s boLin,,Iaries of Planni-nz D4stri-ct N@,ip.!)c2r 20 llivc [)een c@stqbli-sl-le(!; and @,P,iEP.EAS, the goverriing I)od,i.c@s oF "he gr-,verni@@@ciital subdivisions g T emT,)racing tlie majoi-i.'@-,@ of tll(? populqtioii @,7@L[iiii ai,d PIIT'.ni.n )jsrrict Nun@ber 20 desire to or-anize a ',)istr'Lct (;oTrlDission bv written Charter Agr@eirient; iiid I-r,TEP,EAS, th(, City Counc@i.l. of thc, Citv of V@l-r,@inia FC-'ach, V4-r@.iri-,t, desires to jo.*Ln iii suct-i P. Cori7,.i-Ission so tl-at the City will become a party to stict), CiAart(?r Agrec@,@ici,t an,-! ':)e r(,,presentcd in t'Lle co,nposition of the r,-e@,,ibei-sh4-l) of suCL-L COT.@-.Iission; NCI.,7, T13EREFOIE, IT RTSOIVED !,,Y TITF 1,TCTL, OF THE CITY OF It, COT Vllr.11,7IA IEACIT, VI.,cI@'4].A: 1. That on thE, 25th ijay of @u ust it herebv a-@lopts the Char"er Agreer,,iei,.t of -@tie SoLiLheastern V-,*-r@i-iii,a Pi-@l-inin@ D@-str@ct Co-,mission, a co@,)@- cr- Ls atticl@o@l I-.ereto lni m,1(3e a part of this resolution. 2. That rloeer .1. Scott, Citv of the C-'Itv of Vir,,@inia --Iqchl be )nd h(,rc'i@ i., dirf,ct(,e, -o si@n and ex(-,cu-@e, or; je'ialf of the CiL,,, A@ of tlic, Souti-icl,,3tcri, Vir,ini.a 3. Thqt "icii@ii@J J. CiL,/ (@icrk, I)e qiil hereby is lu- to rf-1:@ ti@, r t I @j'uzjoi, l,'r @ik A. SC,-@ @1(7c(i l,y A,@r. @lc77@I)o@2, an(] Ayc? : I'ayor Frank /1. T)l@ncli, Ponn(?y, eo?'@ic, R. PI, @@. 7,PI,au7t, O@c7 Konyiet;i Ii. 7Vot 11(@ting: La@jren('P T,'. Tr. P[)c)irited Lab)rence E. G. !r. latricl,, L. ond !Ii@. Daz@id @7orma@i as @OTT,@ t7ic Cit@ or Virgirzia 13eczch on the! So7ith,-aster@l il,-rgipja @"771i t !r. P!ai@shaZI indicated th t t@,@? a t ;icl(,7 over u tiz a .@y@tu2,e date ;ending proper prep,7rat-,on: .@'ePclrt of Viewei,s rezative t(- (a@ng port,'.Oy,' r 'es !?oa@,, a, nort:ion of' Ce@zter- ViZIe Turnpike, and the cZo-"@iP@ o@ @Rti@ & lioll@ & '7treets. On n7otion by A!r. Payne, se(-c,@f,"rd l.aZ@)or,, @,,(i 1, @ozorirou,@ vote, City CounciZ appy,oved the foZZowing Ord-@r,,,z ortabzi i, a ol @In /irginia Beach. 'J'C) Sil C S(', @(j C'-t-',' 01@ VITG] il@A 1-n!'L'PEAS, t@ic, Coclc, of @ection 1,,6.1--16.1. author,*-zes tl-tc,- gove]-,-ilIE; !)orly of a cit:@ to pr,@vide,, by ordiriance, for the ef,,ta@)lisf).i,.ic,.nt tlia cit,, o@L @ 'J.'rpffic School a.t wlii-cli ther(, shal.1- -!De give)71 i.ist7-tctioi I,,-wc, @ini ordinancf-),s for the re,ulation oF vehicvilar traffic, safe operati,on of vehicles, and such ot@ier subjects as iti,,y I)e prescri.be-d,; ai-@(3 1411,rRFAS, siid statute gives ti,@, city governing body discretioii to vest tlie clirectioii and co,i(luct cf sucli Traffic Scliool i.n t@ic,, c-,*-t.,j c(,@,lrt@s charg(,r] IITI@, clut,,7 traffic cascs. @l,, IT @C;ITIICTT, OF TI!' C I'll,' CF VIRCII@IA '2,11 'ACII) Thc,re is esttl)lisl-!-(] t;,@! City of Vir@ii--ia ,-;--ach Traffic School to l-,c -iii-cctej encl @E), tl',(' Cit3, o:C Vir@inil r,'c,,ich @i crui,'- i @c t!- hc,,-irin. trp,7j@i.c A of- court in tli,@ C@-t@@ of Virgini.,l Bel@ich m@,v upon a -Findiiig o@@ giiiltv in ai-.iy tr@ifl-ic Y(,.guire ittc,-Iiiince- of ,In offeA@(,-r it pro%,i,'(@ci in tli(, of-- Virl-ini.,i, S(,ctio@i 46.1-1-r,.] !-,@i-@@on , tio-I 'l )-c )f 'cl,@, ci tv o-r Vi @lT@ -c @', f o @@t 1, 7)@@ t i i-, C j till-i-,- of t 11,@ "Ll!l i i i 1 (' -,,(, i !-, @!Il@.I) , i , : @ ; , ! ,@ I @ @ ! i'@ I I (@ ", 1 5,1 @jI t '; , 1 ,, @ "i @ @ ',@ I i (, : 1, @ it s1),1l 1. b(, c oii @ltic t@(@ Li L Iic l@ ".1- c f)il l l@@ 1 N,71@C) ,il -c to I)C- iri st rtict:ors t!ie3-(,of L of a iiii.rii,i @i iii i 7 of four (Ii) liours ot-i,] of '2) lloljl,i' 0, illstructior) l-,) !)c, giv,il an,@ slicli sc'@C)ol o@@ F-r riol I,,.@ss t-Ill.,Ill t-lio (2,@ rior i..@)rt than six (6) sessi.oyis tc) I)c, hclci on to CC)nclucju L)Y 10-00 P.@4@ Att(,ricicince at sucli sci-icc)l :i),iy I)c iii licu of or in addition to iny I)rescrib(,c] @lf)Cl f@til'Lly@e to col-@@,,:)lv witli in order ol.7 tl,(, co@i@L:t to attenl s@icl scliool slial-1 b(,, punishable as a cc)nl@eP@-@)t of siicli co"17t. There is gp-')ropriaL@e(i t@ie sum o:F. $2)400.00 for the operation o-@. S,'Il*-,l scliool du-, j-n,@,, t@ie fiscil yeaj-- endin-. June 30, 1.c-70. On motion by Mr. Simons, seconded by VaZbor,, and @y unanimozis vote, City Council approved the foZZowing ordinan(,'e to itrprove an of FginZ)u@,7h ive, @o authcrize the acquisition of certuin rL@a@, , ?@,)pert@, and tc) apprc,.,)r-'@ate f7,@ (7s j@or pubzic street purposes. AN 01@1))114t@liCE TO LAi OFF AND L@IIIROVE AN EXTI,"NSION OF EDI@@BIJI"GII, DI@IVE; TO AUTHORTZI,- THI@" ACQUI-SITIO@' OF CERTAIN REAL PROPER17.(; AND 't'O APPPOPRIAT@: FUiqD-0 FOI@ Tlll;' ACQUIEITTO'7d OF RFAL, WHEREAS PRO!'-,,,'f"CY FOR PUBLIC STi@Fi@:f E'URPOSES. , in tl-t-- opi-nion of the Council of tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virgini.a, a publi.c ne(@essity cxists to lay off, construct and improve an extensioii of Edirll)urgh Drive, Borough of Lynnhaven, City of Virginia Beach, Vi.rgiiiia; qnd to authori;,,e the acqui,sition of certain real property; and to approl)riite the necessiry furids for the acquisition of said real pror)erty for pu,)Iic street purposes and for the preservation of tlie safetiy, heiltli, pear,.e, good or(ler, com.4: ort, convenience and welfai7(, of t@;.e Ci.ty of Virginia Beach, Virginia. NOI,q, TTIERI-FO'."E, i',Z IT C',',DAII,'ED l@Y T"@' COU:NTCIL OF TITE CITY OF VIPGINIA BEACII, VI-,@CT@II,,\: 1. Tliat, pur-tl,,,,-It-, to sc!ction 15.1-1.4 and 15.1-236 et seq., Code of Virginia, l@50, Ps aiiiG,.nded, ilid ',P-ctioll 2.01 of tt-ie City Cli,irter, tlie City A! @- (,i,-@)cy o-t@ Assi-@st@-irt (@:.Ly Pttc)rney, is h(',rc,!)y -iuthorized to (3ithci-,- by i, or iii l maniier I@ nrovicl(,Cl by tlie City Charrc@r rl@ci @tat@3tes o@-: Vir,,-I*71ii, ce7@tiiii I)roi)erty o@@ Ilattie ','cCc)v @il . 1c)@."@I t-li@, I'lo,, c)tt,,Ii 0.41- l,yiiitl,,,ivcn, City of Vii-@,liriil i)) a-il o' fol- tli, F.(Iinbur@,li Drjvc,, ,iiirl to r(2]icve tll(' in tlic. uFe of t!ic, @,trc,(-'ts to r(,cluce to 5,!i(ill u,;c,l @ll)(I I)v tlie uf;c of r; Licli strc(-@t. 2. TherL is, tlie neccsf,:2ry flinds for tho acquisd.tion of s,3jrl I)i-c)i)c,rty. 3. The nari2s o@ tlic, prc-,sci,,t of tlie lai-id ar(.': k )rose ,iii@l li@,tti(@ ',cC,oy hi-isl)arid @tncl wife; ,inci 'forris ,inci I Licill(@ 'lorris, aiid wife. Adopted by tlie Counc@il. oF tll(a City c,,,@ Bc,,ich, Virgi-nia on the 25tl, day of Al,@-@,, 1 IC On niotlon by Mr. McCombs, sc@,-cnd-cl y I!r. Whitebur,,@t, and y unanimous vote, city Cou@iciZ authorized the City to execute z ql Ztc,Za-,*rq deed between Creenco and the City of Virginia Beach 2@eg 2@d@@rg ti@ @cardwi7,k an@' u@,l@@rground parking. Lengthy discussion regarding thc made @ @'up@,r-:ntendent of WeZfare, Frances EZrod, disczosed that: the pr,@v-,:Oz@s cmou@,- cf cne miZZion five hundred fi,@@y- seven thousand, sev@2 hundred three do@@Zars cppro7)'ed in tlie budget of 196P-19?0 is insufficient to meet the z@equiremey2ts of the federaz and state wezfare Zaws, over which no ZocaZ juriodictio7z exists. !'he C@ty "c-nager and llrs. Ezrod advised the CounciZ that continued inoreacce iy@ t,,ezfare ?zec,,ds ,,a@ 2,@es,,-7,t in an additio?'.',7,Z ap- propriation of @100,000 in looaz money, as a result o- the increase in basic standard aZZowances being increased @,3.00 @,er pc!y@son in @'a c,'2, 19C@, and again in Juzy. The eZimination of the reside?ioe Pequirem@,.ts, which r)Zaces '@7iy,ginia Beach in the position of having to assist transient wezfare cases, an(' the iy?,@titut@oi of the @,ledicaid Program, which became effe(?t,,*ve 7z,.Zy 1, 1969, foy, b)hi,?,,2 o@,2Zy coot estimal:es may be dete),@mined at t@nis time ca @ d qvesticme from I'@,yor L@seb. ald CounciZmen: Ferre7.Z, Bonr,e,y, llarshaZZ, Sinnons, Cr @,eZ7., ay2d Curtis, a@@, to m6@,a@zs wher,,by the welfare costs m@ght be more effectivezy controZZed and, if po e, redu,2el,. CounciZmen: Ilice t!ayor Robert Cromwe7l, Tebauzt, Aitohuy'st, I,,,azbon ar," s qi@estioned "Irs. EZrod conce2,n- ing the number of cases beinc,, handled by each c c-e @or!,eY'. @!rs. Firod indicated that the additionaz ser 'vices whicyi @ede.2,aZ and state r?qu@re ,ach ease worker to give each appzicant - together L)ilh the requirements ';'ne licme@.,a7,er and Tob -Tnoentive Progrw@s, increased the "per @a.3,-," tip,,e and redz@ t@. num-@)er o -@ cases e,7c,'2 worker could h(7rdle, thus creating a need for m r,-, ,@or7e,s, O,.@ as administrative staj@ to process the information oblained. There being no other aZte@@at,-,-*L,e, cn @otion @ 'Ir. s corzcled b7,, 1@@r. @.'ar,@haz and by unanimous vote, City appi@oved tbe z,,,, o.@ one miZZiOn, ei,7ht hund@ed t@,irty-nine tho@tsand, two hu?,i,ir @ @rty go@Z@rs for the @Isco.Z ye,.ar 1969-lP70, thus increasing tk,? op,*,7ina@, bUe,,7get ,-Lt 1;@ @, Z, l@@ P, 11, 5 3? o w@llich 8 @, I P, 8 is Zoca7, money. The "otaz aPP2'Op@"iC,@@'@on O,f c of @686,900 j@edera,7. money, $C?9,372 sta'le money, and @4 @,,QCB Z C,'ZZ fuLds. E. -@. CockreZZ. Jr. I-,,?-'@re CounciZ pr,se@ted the "Fconomio DeveZooll?,ent 7,@3?zlatEon,," @y tize (Con c,@ t@,e y -re on fize in the C-,Cf,@ "@l ',!a2'Sb@,2zz, a@C7 L'@j uncKi.mous vote, City coz4rciz ri)ton by l@r. Crorm)ezz, ;_ I author@ ed the City @,,anager @lutucyZ 4csis"a@cc Agreep,?ent betwee,? the Cit7@ of Virgi @,@a for it,,eZ,-P ar,,' @)r t@,e C@liesa- eake, Fea@7i, Oc.,ean Par,,, D-,zvis ConZ;32, !,on(lo@i Scat oP,, Ileach Boy, ugh Fire ??ts, @,z d f,@ 2" 7,la )a@ TittZe CreeP, @lor,@ 7,, @,7,,tio?z b,7,, ?..@r. I)GY@Z,3, ;3c?c@o@@ 1) 7, vot;e, C@ty cou@l('iZ, @y t @i @iiotio)z by 1,,12,. I)Y A!f@. y Z)Oto, City Co@070@7 ,i aPProt)e@l a rc,,6-oZution 2 @,17( t7ze Citj of AIC,),.Cc, L"7, a (.onyi(?Ction vid to ,d c,(, ot water throziglt a proposc fu L'orou,77z. Resolution,,, fol, (init DCVCZO,u@@ZCY,'t, P7zase 1; and at @n l@ w(@2,0 also approl)r2d, ?ze z,ley,e fo@@nd to hcve alread?y (ZI, tl@ m,,,c?ting lte7d on Ju@y @1)8, 1969. COIJI"Tii(:)U','I;' )P,(?RLST, A @,l L@ i 130,@zou,,;Il Mr. W. W. s or cil:y CotirtliouFc, Princess Anne Court Circle 6 15 95 1 Firs', Settler's Avenue 6 9 88 1 8 380 - King--maii Arch 6'@ 870 1 Kingsman Lane 6" 550 - S(@w.or, Dr,) ineigp .& wa te@ lan Courtliotiso Forest -itc!d Jiniiziry cl, -,n t u 'I .2 C) O.F tll@@ d@tty (,)@r y c z: ri Ti, 7 v'r A RESOI,UTIC)N REO-tTEI;'I.'INC'@ TIIF@ GI'I'Y C)),- NORFOLK TO MAKY, A CONNI,-,CTJO,@T,kiql) TO F'IJI'@NISH WATF:R THROUGH A re ri PROPOSED WATER SYSTEM, LOCATF,:D AT GRFFN RUN PI,ANNED UNIT DEVELOPMT,--NT IN TIIF CTTY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, FURTIIFR DESCRIBED BT,- I,,OVI: WIIERFAS, it is pi opos;ed by tlic! (-,ity c)f Virginia Beach, Virginia, at tlic@ reqttcst of the Gi@ce)) P Lin Corporation, to extend proposed watei@ ii)ains in accor(laiice with the existing contract between the C-,ily of Virgi,nia Beacli aiil Lhe City of Norfolk, in t:I)C', Green Riin Plaiinecl ITnit Developiiif-iii, 1, in tlie st2-eets listecl as follows: Name of Street. Size of Pi pt, l,iticar Feet No. of llvc] raiits Yellow Ilin(, J,aii(, 4" 1 6 3 Weeping Willov@ l,aii(., 4" 17 5 -- 6" 158 1 l,cafy Oak 4" 3 7 7 Crirnson Ho" l@l T,atl(, 6" 532 Grecii Celai, 4Z') -- 6" 39 5 1 Bltie Spi-uc,, 2 I 0 ]'io Rii(l(ly OEt@ C@,),@irt, ZO,l AVIiite Birc,l, l,a,i,- 00o J-ascniciit to Grceii o" 2. 1 S. l@ynnlia\@(@ii l'o@i(i 6" 1, 3 1 7 @@ll 98@l Provicleiice 121, ?., 020 2 All as cles(-ril)c(l aicl sll(,)Wll on plati.,,- ciititle(I GRF,'ILN PUN PI,ANNT,'D UNIT DEVE:I,C)Pi\ll,-N'I', 1111ASI,' 1. @llratci- aiici Saiiitary Sewer, 1,M-4 ancl LM-5 ai-i,l C-,RFI;@'N R,UN PI,ANNI;']) IJNI@' I)I@Vl@-,I,OPMr@-N']', PITASI;, I, water niaiii c') sti-lictioi-L 1)lai)s, Ili-ovic@(@iice Roa(l ancl South l,yniiliaveii Road, all -,is ])y Ttll)nt @iri(i A@@sociate,,;, l@-,ngincers. NOW, THERI,',I,'Ol@l,-, Bl,-- 1'1' RJ,-SC)T,Vl@@,D, tlaal the City of Norfolk be, an(I it hereby is, rcqLiestec. to niake a c(@iii)ecti@-)ii of the propose(I watei- mains witli tlie present mai@@; of sairl C@ity at tli(@ s@il cl(,,signation, anci tipol-I conipletion of the inst.allatioii of tlie pi-opoq,@ci i,3ains, to stil)ply water to consuniers resi(Iiiig t@l,ereoii, it being exi)i-e,sl,; unclei-stoocl anci agreed that the supplying of saicl v@at(@r I)y tle (,ity of 'hall b,@ ul)on and subject to the follo%vin- terms aiicl c,onclitions 1. That the sai(I watcr mailis sliall bc, it)stalled in accordance with the specifications of the saicl City of Norfoll@ ail@i t(, tlie sati@faction of the Director of Public Works of saici City, -it no cost tc, th(', C@ity of Norfolk. 2. That the water sc) sul@[)Iied thr(@ugli @a,icl mailis to consumers shall be at the same rate now, or hereafter, cl)ai,@c@,l by tlie City of Norfolk to consumers beyoncl tlie liiiits of siid Cit@, siinil@irly sittlated. 3. That all orclinrnc@es of the City of Norfolk aticl all rules and regulations of tbe Divisioi) of W;@ter Supl)lv of saici (:ity, now or liereafter adopted aiici put itito effect, relatiiig to tl@o ftii-j)iFIiillg of water shall. apply to the supplying of watei@ throijgli tl,(, saicl pi-ol),)sccl mains. 4. That the saicl City of !\foi-folk sliall be undei- iio obligatioil to furnish more water thaii itg distril)@itioii systcl@i as iic)@-1; laicl, with the pressure carriecl, ,vill delivei- into sticl niains, ai,,l ii tlic said supplying of water shall not be in accordance tlie st@indar(i s,,i-vicc@, tlie sai(I City of Noi-foll@ shall not be helci responsibl(,, iii any way- 5. That in supplying watc,.r to con@iiii-,, 1-.s along tlic sai(i propose(I main$ the City of Norfolk will supl)ly tlie same o@ilv from its sui@plus supply, and that iii nc) event sliall tliei-c,, I)c aiiy ol)li(l,atioli on t@lic part (,f saicl City to supply ,A,ater to any coiasiimei @ alo2i@- 1.@.c! propo.@eci ina@tis at any tinie @vlien, in the, jucigement of the Cotiii,@il f tlic, !,aicl City nf Noi folk, the sai(I City shall not have sufficient siippIN, fol- USC @-itllill iti ( ot-l,oj-att@ Iiii@its, or wheiiever the supplying of saicl watei@ sliall intei-fere @l,c clischai-ge of the duty of qaid City to supply water t(, its own inliabitaTil-@. 6. That froiai aia,l aftei- tlic, installz,tioi, o,@ tlie water rnaiiis and hydrants they sl)all L)ecom(@ tl)e prop(@rtv of tle City oi@ V@i-gin@a Beacl). Tlic City of Virginia Beacli siall @@@-aiat to tli(@ City of Noi-foll, tle to use sucli maiiis aiici liycli-aiits for the of an,! to tlie City of Norfolk reacly ai,(! i-ea,.;oiial)lc to tllem. 7. Tliat foi- @,ny fir,, IIY(I].,tllt at tl-, rqi,!qt of the City of of 0:1(-, ($100.00) a year for e,,,.Ii 1-@v,ir,@nt Fl@zill 1), Pli(I 'o tlic@ C@@t:v of -f@lk A R],-,SOI,IJ'I'ION Ol-'iNORFOI,l@','O MAKf--, A (:ONNI@@C@'['ION ANT) '3-0 ]@@tTi'NISTI NVA@1'1;11@ I'llr@OUGTI A PP,OPO,';]@ID AT Tl@IN(.,ESS ANNI@, PL,AZA fN C,)],' Vlt@(@11\1!A Ili;,A(@ll, it i-@ pl@op(,s(@(I I,'i tl)c (@ity of Virginia Be-,icli, Virgii)ia, at II)c of llicc,i-pc)].@tteci to extelid proposed i@iaii)s iii acco3-@l,ic(, witli tlie existin', coiitract betwceii ili(, (:ii y of Virpini@L Beacli til,@ City of Norfolk, in Pi-incess Ai-,iie Tlaz-,i, Sc,,(@ii(,ii l@", iii fl)e. strect.,i listecl as follov,s: Name of Strc,,c,,t Li2,(' Of Pill(I l,iiiear Feet No. of llvdrants l,akecr(,sl IZoacl 6@@ 2440 z Fern l@icl c, Po@icl 6" 2 76 --- Forest 6" 115 All as dc@sci-ildecl an(i @;hown on plans entitled PRINCFSS ANNE PLAZA SECTION 17, SF@'WEII AND WA'r'J@'t@ IDI,ANS, prcpareci by Talbot alid Associ-,ites, NOW, THERT,-Y()I',T,-, PE: I'F Rr@,SOI,Vf@-,D, tliat the C@it), of Norfolk be and it liereby is, rcqvi st.ecl to na@ike a coniiectio@i of tlie pi-oposed water i-nains with the present Tnain.@ of sai(I City at the E,,aicl clegigiiatioii, and upon completion of tl)e inst@illition of tlie propose,(i iyiaiii@,,, to stipply w@iter to consu ers resicling tlic@i-eon, it L,eing expi-(@,@sly ui-i(lerstood and agreed that the supplyiiig of said watQ.1- I)Y t:lie, City of Norf@,11@ ,41iall be upon and subject to the following tcrms aiicl coii(liti(,i)s: 1. That the saicl watei- niains sl)all I)e installed in accordance with tlie specifications of tlie s@tid City of Norfolk aiaci to tlie satisfaction of the Director of Pul)lic Woj-ks of sai(i Cit@r, at no cost to tl)('- Clity of Norfolk. 2. That the water so supllied throiigli sai(I inains t:o consunie3-s shall be at tl)e same rate iio@\7, )r liereaftei-, cl)@irVe(I I)y tlie City of Noi-foll@ to consuniers beyond the Iiiiiit-@@ of s@tid City ,ii@,ilarly ittlat(!(I. 3. That all orclinaiaces of tlic City of Noi-folk anc] all rules and regulations of the Divisiori c,f Water Suppl@, of s@,ici City, now or hereafter adopted and put into (,,ffect, i-(,.Iating to th(, fll f'Tli Iiing of @,at-,er shall apply to the stipl@lyiiig of wat,er tlirougli tl)e said prol@c)so,l l@aii,,,. 4. That the sai(I (:ity of Norfolk sliall I,c un(lei- no ol)ligation to furnish rilore water tliaii its clistril)iifion systeni a@; ii,)Ni laicl, witli tlie pressure carriecl, will delivei- iiito s@@ici niaiiiq, an(i if tlie s@ti(i siipplying of water sliall not bc in accor(lance @,itli fli(, staii(larcl @ei@vj( (@, l@he C@il@y of Norfc)lk sliall iiot be lic,,Icl resl3c)iasil@Ic in aiy way. 5. 'I'hat in suppl@,ing,, %\@,it(,r to coiisiiiiers along,, t@,e saici prc)poseci inaiii.9 tlie City of Norfolk \@ill slilplv tl)c sai-n(,- c)iI\T fi-(@iri its slii-pitis sul)l)ly, alici tliat@ iii i)o evc@nt sliall 1), aily Ol)li',,al,iol, oii tli(! pai't (,f @;aicl City to stipply wat,i@ to aiay consirnc-,i-@; @tlniil, tti(! propos(,,! It Iiiy tinic, wlien, in the ju(Ige'l-nent of l@ie, (Df tlie City (,f ?@o)- -ol@ , tlie qaici Cit@y @gliill T)ot h-,tve s,-iff*ic:i(@nl@ s@il)-,)Iy tot- @@7itliii its Coll)"I.@,t(-, (,t. wh(!,Ic@,el- II)c sul)plyiiig of sai,l @iliall of th(- (Iiity of saicl (:ity t(, sipl)ly 6. fi,oiii i@it(i llic, fli,- wat,@i i)),)inFi aii(I liyli,arits tliey 'l)@ill 13(,Coll,(! tii,1/2 1,1 )I,,.].fv of ilic (,'ily ,f Vi City of iii-@ (@ity (,f N,,t i,;, ot ()]I(, I I I 1)( I 1;@ i I 00- 00) -;Iizi I I 1)@- i,! I(, AD01"I'li@1) )f il,, (@i;v @f Vii-giiiiii, tlli,q Al'i @j(()V [@1): ,@n n!oti0yi i)Y I!,-. !"4 vote, Cit@ appr,)z,@2d -'@te trayzsj@(,Z' c@ 7 @O ro ""o?ztl Z(, o t'ie @@ty 's s@re in sz?pport of the Or, motion by I,,Ir. TIhitehzt@,,@t, bL, 'Irr. (Irzd l'Y inanir,,ozis vote, C'ity Fc o a, z i " h o r i;,, o, d t h e r @ @-@c i o r., @ t@@ie l@@ @,uthority '-or the 2@e@ppoint@,,.,-nt, for "or ,Ic@, of' @'2,. A7f!,@ T2'. (2n,,7 A!r. Y,,r7r,:t 17. Land as Co ii,@sioyzei,s of the On motion by @Ir. I.!arsha7, Z,, se o@@ led @b, I!r. Bon@l., y, ar 7 b u@ia?-,i'mous vole, City Coun@17, ap-@lroved t7@o, foZZo@iing or, Peadly,,g: 1. approval of the fo7Zo@@)irC o tz,,trzn,:,7ir,(7 -Y(7eP.3: $237,893.00 to $ 66.00 t,@ CaT)ital rc, the ,@ ta P2,o,?essing Der,)art@,?,-,nt 1,129.00 ir, tl,c,, Beaoh "@@(,n e 7u?,.d 2. approva@, of ttie Zoan c,.- to tb@e Davil, Ccrrcy, 1,7oi, @iteel, Fire D(?,part@,,,ent and Reseuc, Squad, Inc. for the Lz,@ro, 3e oj' ci 196,Q t S(?ntiyz,71 AmbuZance. Afr. Czrtis Payn6Lmentioned t@lle fa(,t tl,at he ha7 r(,, ived se?erat phone cazzs i@l reggrd to the areas affected by t7zc, -,oFo-cito ControZ lie re.@uc,,st,,d that the rub@ic, be notified, som(2how @bZic-,:ty - t;zc@ Ylot 4-ea,,3@ Ze to py@ovide the that ay@e not deneez popuZa@(,d On motio?2 by I,,,' . Fer unani???ous volle, City Cou i7 r reZZ, s ? P,@l(,d by I-,!r. CZ71 c approved the app , , d b, ropriatio?z oC $,@P,0.00 by tr no.@cr re,@erve to enal,,Ze Tudge Lam to attend Traffic institute a@; T-,,H On motion by @,,r. FerreZZ, seconde,d by 1.1r. Mars7,aZZ, and by un t'mous vote, City Counci aoproved the transfer fr@m aocou@,t 31@ ; to 807 thc amr@z@,t o@ @400.00 for t7,e purchase of two vibraground machine.-. On motion by Mr. FerreZZ, seornd d by Yr. @,ars;.a7l, t@ meeting was adjourned. Fro City oi- Virginia Beach, Virginia Aulz@at 25, 1969 Certified to be a true -opy of tT,63 Ijinutes O.C thc, cit.Y cou ciz of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, approve,@ y the Ccunci7 A g?@,3t 25, 1969. Richard J. Webbon, Citu CZerk