HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 9, 1969
ITEM 701
c@ of the Ho@to2,al,lc, it7@ @z
of th(@'
CEt@, of Virgiy@@@(Z e@zl,,7@,
The invocation was g@-ven bz, levei,end Dor@a7,d F. -,e t Baptist Chapel'.
On riotion by '@Ir. Bonney, sec@ndec,, @y @'2'. 2nd u i4n -,zimou@, vote, city
unciz approved the ,Virute f t@,e of 9C, lor @nd the rea-lin@ of
'd ,,inutes d@lepensed witl@ ir.,apr@@
sa-, @iOh as ea,2@@ a copy o.@ sczid @!irutes
before h,,,@m.
Cha,,*@ra ., and @.r. AZ@ed W. Cra@t, -T21.1 Treasurer, of the Ci,,Y
of Vi2,ginia Beacl@2 Deve-bopment Autho2, pr,2s a check for F-,-'fty
Thoupcznd DoZZare (@50,000.o@)) -o -ran@- A. @jo@, @,o- the industriaz Authority
for payment of part of their '01r, from the, Cit@li. -h TY7,iustr@Ic,,Z Az,,Ilhoy,ity was com-
m@ided for their work.
Jr., Virgi?zia Beach DeveZop,@e@,t -ou7ic,--Z res@.ted the E'conomic
Stud @2 v@* g n (7 2n@@ Duocb. @,lr. CookreZZ
,v o@ of Tl-,-gin@a B,?C- , r i i,, t -r
reoognized the foZZowin-a @In rperap@@ng 1,@,,e @tud,, t,':at t':ey .3tand to be
Alr. @,enneth Lane, Ase-let,@r.@ ',.anager, --o
CharZes PendZetor,, 12,--,4 2t -@lz.ineer
@ir. CZen"on Shan"'s,
CASOK. C e '@ears, reoe-Le@ --es@Zutioyz in. recog 7@tio@z
0 -lo sa,,l,- 1,@e @,-e I o @@ears, y
R E S 0 I,- T@3-@r 0 N
IT 7 l@%S CCIN i@- TO i-L i: I C@; CP @ AYC-, l@ A.
DT,ISC-1 A.@D OF Tli'-7 CITY C01r,@CIL Tii;@- C-'!7v Vi""GI14TA B@-,AC@i,
VIRGI.,Nl '") T,i,%T F-I:I-,@',Y@ %','@Y 23Y 191,11),
@Ki Aq ACT C--@SCN)
AG@ Y[--'A"'S; EY IT,@ :,Ii, CF
Gt-,ID,Vt@l-H G,-,,]) Till@-;.,!@@G DID Sl@,@,'- A
ROSS, AG@- T,110 Y@%RS TI!@',-- A."ID @.,,AS
BY I-A'I-D TO f@C17N' APP@@@'LI1/21T!-Y
T, C,', S A7),'@-T li;f
@@,P A D
DII) IN t:; iiy
Ti I-- R
I'4 I I Tr'7 T I T:
i,,@% v i-- i ii I c i I I i@y I 'T
IT IS IZESOI-V'@-D TIL@T T]ll;- SAI;) @-i@YFT"@l, CASC,),N is 11',RFON
@IR. AND @iT@S. RO',@ALI) CASC),\r OF 2600
TIIL 1, IN!- Ti.,@SIC
TFE CITY CLFRK IS A@TT@loi,lzi,-I) To Till., 1?1,-@,C)LUTIC,4
UP(DIN :IIINIJTES (D,, T',!,@, COti@@l---@IL @ S-, '@- @'I 9@ 1969 A@@ TO
,N'OVED BY: 4.
ACTIO.-N: Coznc-,'Z approved
On motion @y 14r. Sir7no@is, -,e orded ',)y I!a7.,)c@,, :znd b7, u@aninious val@e, City CounciZ
@vproved the @OZZowina @o2' a 0 s@bje,(-,t to -,ty water and
sewer and a dedica,,ion o@ 25 ce,?t r -.n,, o' the in@it,aZ
30-.rc)ot o@ i,,czy cz-,o'
zg ,,,e 11 a,@d Soi 4,@@Z I,,)eju
Applicatioii of Orej)e Browi, f,,- a cl @, z 0 frorn Residence Dtiplex
I - -D ?) aiicl ',vfLlltiplc@ Y,-ainily Re@ici(,I-ic,- I)istrict (R-M) to Liin-
Distri@.'-' (R - I @, @
iteci Commercial District 2 (C-L 2) on cert@tii, i)rol)ei,ty located 300 fect
North of Virginia Beacii Boulc,vard all(i 13-,-, fe( t Falt c)f Mztxey Drive, run-
ning a distance of 390. (@ fect ztloii,@, tlic Soutlic!i n l,roperty lii)c aild ruililing
a disttnce of 656 feet aloi@, ti@e Easterii pl@,,I)@rty ]i ,
l@e Said property is
designateci as Lots 27, @-8, 29, 30, 31, 46@ 47, 48, a,,d 49, Map of imaxey
Manor, as showil in Mar) 13oc)l@ 21, P@tge 41. (Ma@: @y i%llnoi- Area).
The Planning Comrnissi()ii recomn-icyids approal of tl,.is request subject
to City water and se@ver ancl a dedication f ri,,I,t f way 25 fect frorn the
center line of thc initial 30-foot riglt of %v,,y alor@., tlie Nortli anci South
sides of Myrtle Aveni-ie.
Do @,as @r
2' 2 Lzr,--Z;cc,,tion.
():,.3 vote, C@t'cts -ounci,@
Applicati,,ii )i L. -,)r (-S,2 c,,ri@tri, t a
board 15 fec!t by 18 f(:(!t oil (:,,rtztiii z:)rop@rty lo@ a'@, d (@n "h@, SoLltil(,,Ist
corner of Si:@tli Sti,ect @iiicl Sa@,! I,,,, is Lc),, 1,
Blocl@ '-5, Plat of
The Planrii@i@ CoiiiT,.I;Ssiol@ r@ cor:-i-n,@iicis a,,I)r,),,,tl "li@s -eqti,@st.
AT);)I'C@tti(Dn Of t@le City @,f '@' i@ it 1,@etc!l t'@ l' t') col!
se viag,!, e T-)uriil)ing stati (iii c) ii (,,@ i-t;iiii pr,@T)(@ rf , I( C,@ 1 t,@i oIi ti @c- V, e st ui(l@, of
Pali-@l AN'Lilue, @t @t I)Oirit 280. 5 ft,@@t l@,,, Lli of "@@titlierii Dovil(.'vard,
rLIrining, a clistaiice of .'@O fe(@t tlie l@iiie of wliicli 12
f(-Pt in t,)c I,% esterii pi-ol,@,ri-,, li)l(, ()f Pal@;, I 11 itlill@@ It Iii8tiii(--c of 70
fect ilcii,, t!ie -@-,Tortl)ern T@l Cli-@@@l-ty Zill'i i !tl) i,;,@ Ii ,t;31,, c or ,,O f(,'Ct
alozi,,,, tl,e \! C'3t.er@, I,iiic@ I'llill,il,g li@(i 7C feet al,)n@, ']io
@@outliern prot)erty line. (@,i @':Llia A@ kl@,@.
withdra@,aZ of tke appz-@c t@l,-,:.
@/h@tel2u @cc@, ic - ,:r.
Applic-.atioii c)f Plilux Cloiipany fc@ra of zonin@, frc,m,
tr ic t (A - to P, c s ide ii, i-@ Sul,ki rl)zln r@'i 53 ti i c t " (i@ - @, 3) on c c 1-ta i n p roper ty
located at the int-r@cction of C reek l' oad and ',aV,,ney Creck
Roaci, rurining zi clisti!-,ct@ c)f 9350 feet morc o... ic ss alo,,,,'
@ the Vcstern property
line of wlaicil 400 fcet ii tlie I:astern pi,cPc!rtY )il ? of h'uciciy Creek lzoad, run-
nin.@ a cliftance of 2000 foot niore or IcsL. tie Scu'lliern property line,
rur,ning a eistance of 6i@@.10 fect r,-)ore C)r lo@,s @ilc,;,,g tl,(@ Eastel-n prol)erty lirie,
Western bank of i,CCIllc!,icl L,ay aijci rurriii-I a tfi,;tiiice of 3000 feet rnc)re or
less alon@ tlie :)ropcrty iinc- T@,@y l,rca). PIUNC;O BCII'IOUC@t,,.
'I'!-ie Planning Comnais@qic)n reccnirnen("s c:@ciiiil of this request fc)r spot zonin@
Cc)mrr,ui-)ity services ar@ci f@kcilities are t@rt av@@il@ible to ti@e property ar,-d de-
velopnierit of tlie propc,.@,-',y at til)lc V)o@ I(] in urcooi,diiiatecl dcvelol)-
nier,t of th(! City.
-C2,=@LZ appeap *7 t 7 ,;tio@ regardin the foZZo
in,g appzication.
-T@, On motion by ',!2,. 4arshcZ", secord,3d 2)u Vr. "ro,@@!4@eZZ, and i,zi u@@animo,@@ vote, City
oz,-,2c-@-Z a@-roved t',',-e 3z,,7,jeo@, to the reauire-
o@ Site PZar, -I'
Api;',;catioii of Farnii-,ond -,'ecreation Coi,po,.,ition by Ansell, Butler and Canada
for z,. U,,@e Perrnit to coy)rtrtict a recrea'Lional LIicie oii certain property located
on the Southwest corn(,.r cf Broid Street anci '@ellarn Poad, ruiining a distance
of 70. 15 feet on the Sou'@ii side of Broacl S,rec-t, runiiiiag a eistance of 267 fect
alon-. the West side of Rcad, rui-,iiing ZL clistance c)f 134.68 feet alon,@
the Southerii property running a clistat)re of Z56. 27 feet along the Western
property liie. (-@ ra@.oi,.a Village Area). l-,A Y:IIL L' l@.@C'IROI:Gli.
The Platitiin.@ Goi-ni-niss;oii reco.,-n3,ienCis tri,i-c),,al of tl@is request subjcct to the
recorde@, vo@e a @o o,-,s
,r,3 0 1 _.,j c@ cr
for a Cl),"l C
(C: - 1, 3)
-,:i@ Iil@v oil Oii -el--
t c, t,, a
Z@ TOirt t
.Alp. J. Atk@,nro@z apt)earei i)c,@o@@e for Yii, J'oll"
On mn t ic,@z I)y !!r. !@apshaz.Z, ,y @'!2'. .1 "@:11 @,ote, ('it@j C' U?I(?!Z
zi,,pro@)cd the fc)ZZOL'i@zg @i J-o2, a -7 it;) to
AT)T)Iic,@.tioii cf Y'raiil, l@. for a clit2i ll:_of froi,@i l,iniiteci
ci@tl ]-;istrict 1 (C-L 1) Coriitiierci@ll E)i:;ti-ict 1 1) aiicl a Tic;@
dPerlxiit @o CC)IIstruct a St, I
PT) y on ce@-tiin proderty loca@a on
tiie -,-:'ast sicle of @,3al<cr I)e@iiiiiiitg at zt T)oint 2750 fect Nortli of Ncwtov,n
P,oad, ruyinin- a distaii(:e of 223 feet -,Ilc): @ic, L@-t.@it @,irie of Btk(.,r Poad, run-
ning a digt@,iice of 750 fc-et z,].ol)@ tl,.c 1,@crt!i, ii) Iiii(-, rliniiing a dis-
tancc of 223 fect alon@., tlie pro,Dert-1, li;ic,, ruriiiin,@ a Oist@ince of 250
feet the @;outtiern iDro,,)ci-ty li,ic. e,,Ieyin Collcge Area)
BAYSI-,)E BO-;',C)LTCT-,'.
The Plann@ng Cornii)issiDn ic@cciiiiiienls d(@i@ial of LI@i5 reqtlest as tliis would
constitu,,e spDt zonin@ aii,,, @vc@ulci tend to surroui@clit-,g property
values. There are si-ifti(icri atit@,-n,)tive 5@@ alrea,'.y c>,istiiig or ap-
proved in the area.
rs, s b?@ @!r. zr,@ i@@, vote, Cily CoLinciZ
motion 'cy 1@r. Simro
@-Drove2 t,7e, foZzowin,7
j,7ne 's de,,)e, o@,7,@,nt for
Apolic@itior. of D.@vi@l i,. ],evil-ie for i t,) conslruct a si-,iabo@-ird
30 fe@ hy 50 fee" o@@i c@.I,,,,,@.n propcr"y o,,, tiie N:)rth side of St.-,ore
Drive 7EO fect East of Gro,'Lt 1"leck R,),id. (Sea Vic-w Beich Area). BAY-
Thc Plainit)., Cornrnis ()l tliis reclucst-
Standing, PZarning Di2,e-@ r, rresented a Zettcr requestirg blit7,,drcr.,c@,
o@- t;.e foZZowina aopZicztio@.
D 7Z@@TaLkot of T,,zZZ)ot c5 @.sco.-;Iates t'@@e .-o@low@rg appzicatioz 'oe
-,"u @a@ , sec !,r. '@--psha @@n @)ote, C--'t@, Counci?,
o@ @l,;e a-
.t,pplicatio,,, o.' Ye,,v Corxi,)any ior o, froiii Agricultui-al I)istrict
J, i t d C r c i I is-
(A - t-0 C@,-rc-i-al Con@nc@rcial
trict 2 (C-L 2), !-,Iez;icleiictL- Distri@ L -1 (,',-S @1), FaLi,@ily Resi-
dence Pistrict (L,,-NI) ai@@l Gener@tl Inciustri7il j-@sti ic, 3) on certain ri,o-
pert@ locateei on t@@e sic7c of ln(,i.@-i r i@o-@l at a T)Oil)t 2,@@O
fect of Nortli rtiiiri@,i@ it @i,,t:il ce of 99@, ftet alon@ t@ie @outh
si(:,e of I,,idian @-,iver rijniii@, ill iirectiori to
River. iiior@, Iii @ I'C ii) t@@e C),@ice ol ti@e
City Plan!-@ii, Connii-@sic),a. @,@ortii l,ari@Iiii , Area). L'Ol'OUGI-I
Th(, Planrin,., Comrrissi r, recorli,riclils c*,ci,ial c,! ti)is reciki,@st for spot zot-,itig.
CornniLnity services ar,@. fac;'itie.,3 a,.,e t,-,@t IP t@, t@)e T@rC)@,,erty and Oevelop-
nient c,f the prc,,pcrty zj,, t of
tile Citv.
Aliplication of Rufus I'ti,)rn,nii for a Tjr,,, tc, coiigtrki(@t @i cliurcii on certai@%
pronurty locatcd on tlie est 81(le of II(Ill@i ... I @l i,e@@innii)V, at .1 I)Oint 150 ft,,et
l@ortl) of 1,@indsto,,vr, zt f(,(.t tlollr tl,(' E,,Ol-ltllcrii T)rol)e)-Ly
liiie, rtinniiig a 20-1 f,@ut z,lon,, pr(,,,-,crty lilic, ruililill,, a
distance of 24Z fee@, rklrlyii7i" a (list@ince (@f 210
fect aloii,.@ tlie. liiic-, Oi if3 Lli@ ust(!rii T)rol)eriy lir@Q
of Ilollaiid Road. IN(,
Tlie Plai)ning ai,l,x(,v,,, of t@@ii ie(juest Liubject to tlie
i-equiren,,ents of tlie 1'1--n ni,,! ;-i cl@(1i,,,)ticn )f 45 fect fror.-i t',,
initial center line of I
')Ct@, co nc
@otion b,,i Comb
a@,proz.,Cd tle fo',Zo,,ing
of J. 11. @,@ier arcl L. P. C) t Cf 71@t@il-f;l
Ilctail ]3usincss I is'ii- t (11-1) to I\'OLCI I c P,,,.,,it
to ccnstruct a 54-Lir,;', ii-@c)t--l c,n cei-taiit 'y lo( Oil tle. Souti) si@,e of
21st Strect, I)cgini@it@" -.Lt 'x T',C,@rt 130 f(@ot ',V(@@,, (2.@ @:,acilic Avcnliue, ruianili@ a
distance of 15f) fcet tli@ Sotit'n i,:e of Z3@t rul-,I@ii,, a cli.-,taiicp- of
26,D feet alc)n,, tl,e I)r,)I,el,ty liric, rL@!,T ir), -, c@istarik@e of i5.) fect
tlic Sotitliern cf 5@) f(4(.'t is t"@c, li@oDeity line of
21)th runnin,, k Cist.-.Iticc cf fo(@t alc@l,,,, ti@, prollerty lirie.
Said lots are closi@r,@ilc,l is L,ots 7, l(i, @,,n6 ].Z, 43, I,,Iap of Vir(.,il@ia
l@each Fevc@lol3.n-ient Co:.,i,)ai@y. VIJIGI.@l,@ 11.,@.'@Ci: i
'I'he Plinr@itil, Cornniisf;ic)il of ti@is i,CqLiest subject to
tl,e requiremc-nts of 1@ci,,@ent off-street parki.,),,
on site and City watc,@
CoZ. ilubr@, ;VoZmes appearec' b fo@,e @ unc@Z re-o(-,, @?,7 t'@@
ap,z)Z,@cat-on. COZ.
FoZmes requested that the be set @@),i@k to existi?z,7 z,, Z in
I es
Llr- re- res@ t@,e a@pZ@-@,a@2t, -- @)e 2,@d -o@inci7, r
fo Z Zo@ing a@,p Z ,@ -,g, -, Zon.
C,,-. mo I ;or, b @-r. -'7omb@,, z, ,)ote, z,
,@e@2,r d t:@z @oZZo@,,-@n a
)n of fc)r t3 con tr,,@ct
-,@arttiient uxiits oll crl,@,i3, oroperty loc c)ll cc)i-iier uf
and e@t
Bz',I'ic venue runnir,,la t t
@i@le Df Daltic @vcntic,, ruT,,nin', a cli@.talicc-@ -@f 120 fect 0,1 t@,e J\T@rti side
C)f Z 'th @lrect, runiiirg a of I,)j @,ct al )zl t'!Ie ',, esteril prc)perly
li3i,2, runniii, a :)f 12,) feet alo--_- L')e liT'@e.
Thc, -Xll@trnir,- rcc@@.( st @,,Il)jcct t,
the reci:,irenients of t',,,, : it@ t
A@-,plicz,tion of C i:)oraticri fcr i', C'@ !'e r al,, i tt() ccr,2,tr,2ct @,@l
Unit,; ',tl c @i:ll @ll 1,1.(,@@city
Rc)a(', at Et I
,f f,.,ct al,'@-.@ !,e
2 f,-ct
o 1 3 f(,et
ty Iii,(, Oi
O?i rtiot@,on ly @@121. 13o@Rzey, vote, ('ity
appi@oved tize folZowi@2@
'i @ i t) t@iC 2eqiiiretn@?zt,,,, (,)f tlic
"@te I'Z(zn Ord@na@,tee ail(.7 t7,, , z
,Zzit@ to ti,r@
c!ovt6t@,u,@Zon a@ld ful,Ol,@r to a (z i@7
ar f,@t tc) i@, L?(l
of )eparttri,3@it of
Al-,I)Iic@-itic@n of Ilic. foi- a tc) ol@,,r@ite a nL,.T
ho@iie un cc-i-tiin pi"ilic@CLY on tlie .,)f @,,,itid@a L,,iiie zii,,cl c,)@ Llic@
Nortii vi(le of liadiiii I-(i%,cr ',',,)ad, ruiiriiiiv, a of 39f) fcot Lloii- tl@e
Western property Iiiie c)f w!@j.@:h ?10 f(e' is tlic@ T;:T, S',crii pr,)perty line of S-@incira
Lane, ruiiiiitig a dirtanc:c of 3--@5 fcct alDi!@! Liic- l@r)rtllcl.ll ,,.>V')perty Iiiie, ruiii@,in,,@
a distaiice of 277 f(-,ct t!-ie l@ z) 1)1, ie2-Ly lir e, runriin- a clistance of
364 fect aloi)g ttie pr)p(@i,ty li,le c,f %v@iic@i 114 fc,,@t is tile I\','3rtliern
proT)erty line of IT'.cli-ir. ver Pr);lci. !3iver (;a,-(',ens-Slierry Par!, Area).
The I)Iannir)g Comniissi()i, recornmeiids cf t@,@s reclucst subject to the
requireniciits of tlie @itc, 1,1,
@;, -I@ Or(iir,,ancc! an,! tlic zivailzilbil@i:y of City water and
sewer to tlie site prior ',,) constl,tic:tion z:,iici ful-.!;c@r sulject to a cledicatioii of
35 fect on In(lian Fiver iiicl @In j@",'L tc, I)e res(@rved fcr futurc
accluisition as reqtiire(I l@y li@(' of t@@r; -trtr@ ciat (@)f ii!Dlic Wcrks.
@i motioyz by A.@r. Bonnc?,, by k
@)ol;e, lit& CO no@7_
!r -, - - L @
ap@,roved the foZZowiyia a-@ @o2, a
Apolicati iii of Colen-,zLii 1, @ rills, Inc. f Dr @t Usk- ileriiait to construct a sevvage
purijpitig station on certain pr'31.)erty loctte@l )ii tl-.e South sicle 0
f Providelice
Road (i@el@)catcd) a distaricc, of 475 feet a@t of C itle-c P,-r@ l,,cLilevarcl. Siid
parcel L)ein-. desi-.natei @s Parcel 5, Secti)n Tw--,, C)Ile,,e Park. @More detailed
inforin,ition is av,-ilable in tlie Office of tii@, City Coiiii-nissi,)n.
Park Arei)- KLMPSVII,L,E BOI,(-)UCH.
The Planniii@, Cori-irriission re,@ornryiencls apl)ro%-al of tliis r,-quest.
T-,,Ii on Motion Dy 'ir. Bonney, se-- ?ided by !@r. Ferre@IZ, 3,nd b znav2@mous vote, Citu Counc@@
a-lproved the folzowina ao Z-,cation for a
APplication of Coleiilan Farr-ns, Inc. for a ITse Periii@t to construct a sewage
puiii,aing statior, on cert,,.iii pr )Perty located on t'@lc@ F,ast ride ')f C,)Ilege Park
B)ulevard, a (listance of 1575 fect South of "i-:)vi(lonce Road (Pelocated). Said
parcel beinl,, designated as Parcel 4, Secti@ii T,,@),), College Park. @,fore cle-
tailed infori)iation is av,,-ilable in t!ie Of@ic:e 3f the, City Plar@,riing Coininirsic)n.
(C-)@le@e Pari@ Area). KE,@@
Thc Planriin, Conimis@,ic,n recomrnends apl)rovll. of tl-.is recjuest.
follo,oing appZ--'cation.
r, a z t,? 7,, te Cit, 7/
@.,?r,ooea' the foZZow@ra @rrZ
l'-, - ,:, :- - .-- -'It
of jc)lln C. [)y Cl@@
ilt-@r z,,:),l use C@i@stin,,
en:-@el on corla;ri pi@o-)erv 1 ;) fe,-, t i%'cc', l@oad ai,,l --,O
lirie, rLiiir@iii,, .1 clil;@-,,@@),:,. )f f,:@,L
1 t
I T@r
!y all
On mc)tion by @ir. Si?711@lo@ic, 1)?
@j I @r@loll Vote, C'ity
72,! fol, a e@o (ICIJU.
to col,"trllc,
I @ lirol),@i,ty located oil tlic
C,,)I.Ilf@r of @irid tiie 'Viiii,lil
riiiiiiil),, l fo@'t ,@i(Ic- ,)f tiie Virginil J.3cacii
a (',i@,1@incu @f -,12@ @l"t tlie Vicstern pro-
perty Iiiie @)f whic',l 157 i!- -aut f)f cljje(,, rlinning l dis-
tance of 923 fect ai,),i@, til.,- ruii,,in,, ) di,,t,,c, f
255 fccf tlie
Ll,--ineyit@.ry School Ar(!a).
TI)c Plinning Coi-arnis-L;-
i@, i :-, p@ ,, : i o@' !Iiis i-c!citi--st in o3:der
tli,i@@ a BLi@alle ri@ultipll
,Vr. Sta@zdiyzg, PZa ?,,ina ,,-@esting b@itl?dr@al
of the foZZozl@ng appZica-t,@,*.,@-.
Or, motion ',)u 4,@r. s 7 d by @.r. @zzd b@ u@z,2rir@ou-, vote, City -Oz@nciZ
cr 7
Z ap
Applic,at'@oii of l,c@@ter and ',Iui-iel G. of z@@nin@ f I-C)"i
rc;,,, I D i @trict 2 (C L 2) tc, G e i-@i I C,@ , i c rci@.1 I)i-@ trict I
(C G 1) on certaii-i pi-oporty located Dn t e @',()ut-i --ide -@f Virginia Beacl@
r,D-,ilevard beginniii@, it a )oiiit 175 fect V,7e!,t @)f a Z@venue, runrilig a
clis"atice Df 4,)4 feet Ltic S')Iith side of Vil-@ ii@ia B@,ach B,;Ul.evard, run-
nin,@ a clistance of 356 fec-t @,long tl)e Westc,tl r4rDl)crty Iiiie, runnit)g a dis-
taiice Df 153 feet @-tlong the Sl,uthern pro,)ei-'y liT)'.', and riii@iiitig a dist@,i-ice
of 34@@ feet along the Eartcrn property line. t "Dark Area).
The Planniti@ Cornp@lissioyi rccornn)eiidE; dc@niil of this request as the
Vir,,inia Beach Foulevz@rL'@ -,tiidy reco i@-,e
rn llclc,, tl,-,it ary Gcneral Conirner-
cial zo-,iin@. ori Vir@inia Boulevar(i bc) d(:ciclcd or@ its o@vn rnerit. I'he
Conarnission feels tl-,at ti-is applic,7kti n i,@: a i; @@cu,@tive rature. and no
proposed use or
On mot,,on b@ 4r. Simmons, L,,,, !@Ir. !@azbo@,,, an,@ @2 U?,an"@r,--uo vote, City co,
@'Z@,r2'0z)ed the foZZowing for a z,,se to 7- height lir,,itat'@-,i c-
3f B,,ac@ E-)rcl, Irc. f)r a Uie Pc!r@,,,it t) cr,2ct a d:)uble-fiiced
5-f-.)ol by ')-foc)t silrl)op,@-C, n certain Dr,),)c-,,ty 1-@cat(--@d 3n the S@utic@ast
corn,,r of @,,@rtli 1-@,nn
2 T, d cl @)rive. (Lyr')i@lven Par!@
iil3r@v.,l cf this reiL!C-@;t SLibjcc.,t
t z,
,v c i i Y,
t L c i, i,%i c
f t c
Cl,(,r,o;@i-in C@lony Ar(@t). 1.@'NNIIAVI@,@' l'IC)I'OIJC@@ll.
Tlie PILinninV, Corzirnis.-iioii v:;l o" ti@@q reciii@@@t !,,ul@jcct tu
tl)e requiroixiontr3 of tli,- '@lic- Ill,-iii t;@ibject to City %@iziter
ancl sewcr an(! i t t)@o, (@xibtii@8 cel)lcl:
line o@@ Ci-a@vfc.)rcl Pl,,i@
Z Z, t ly, 4'0 Z Z OW,*
P/ayne @-,'cLeske:l apl)eared Cc,@4noil re z@, lrzg applic t-@*o?Z.
Tho?nas, , r Virgi i,,z C@az!@o, Geo2@'70 13. @d 1-1@@1)
@yeq @ - - --, @-I appear,3d @c.fore
Coz,.neiZ against t;,,e
mot@o@ Z,@y @l,,2'. ,,2,. 7,
dcj-@.c2@2@ d 60
,A 1): ilicatic)ji )f l@-. @.cl,or,@,,ey, Jr. a cl I-,Ll @,e (,f 7f) froiii Pc@s-
idencc-, 5@u@)ur'@,,.n Disti-ic.,@ 3 3) to I)iL."rict
ard a UFc t: t-) c@i)atruct '6 o@a certain property
lo ca ted on tli c N,) i rn c r ol Vi i- -1, i ii a B,@;i c:'i 13 ) ul c va rd tnd C i) c,, s c)p 0 i an
Trail, rtinnin@., a -f Z6@,. 76 fe@," @@1c)n@. tlie '@@ast side of Che@@poian
Trail running a distai@ce of 612. Z3 ieet tlic Noi-tilern prop(,@rty line,
running i (ii slarice of 17S. fc(,,t t@ic pro-,)erty line, ruiiiiing
a distance of 6115 fect i,.Ioii,, ti@c in,)rtli -i('(, of Vi.r,init Bez@cii B,3ulev@trd.
(Chesopei,,n C,31.ory
TI)c Plinning Comniissi(,,r,. rc,-coini-xiones a iioc'@ification of tl@is requcst. 'I'he
portion of the applic@iti@r-@ r(-itueL.,tin,, a of ZOI)inf, to %Iultiple Family
Residc:iice District v@as %,,,itl@cira%vn. 'I'l,c ac@ti,)r@ of tlie 'Plaiining Corn-
n-iission incltie@es only tl,,.it p rticn of ti@c l,rcsently zoriod IVultiplc-
Family Residence risl,l@ ic", (@l i.q @ ccoifinic,,idcd for a Use Permit
to conrtruct 60 apartrf@ @illits Skl,')jC(@t L(, t",7,e, 2-C-,iuiremer,,ts of the @@,ite P- lin
ordinance anc] C;ity s@,@
24r. Standing, PZanning Dipec@or, Dresented a Z@ttoi@ 17:e Se',Zc)oZ Board regarding
the foZIob)ing appZicat,,*on.
On motion by Sinnons, seconled by I!r. !'aZbon, 2nd @u uranirrous vote City Counc@@
@Dproved the PoZZowing a p - ati , for a h ngc c7 fzzd a use permit z,)ith the
D Z@@o o; O'Z @@ _'Z-
exce@tion of PareeZ 1 which @s to be Limit,-C@ z@, .'Iistrio.@, 3 (C-L 3) su,1/2ject to
Ilh,- requirements of ',h Sil Ordina,,ce, C-, 7a t 3p ay@d seb,er and a dedication
45 feet Prc,7 t@@,e l@z-,'-IiaZ cente?, @P irr
of r@@ght of wa T,, ,aven load and
oP 100 @eet centei, ZIPC! c@ C@x b?, ,h,, T)irec-lor
Applic.ation of David 1. I,C'vine for a chan@e of ziii.,Ls fi-oiii l@esidence
)l ,@ 1-@i I (r@ -L' 1) L,,) G enc ril C c i-ci,,l ]@@ i,:, L i-ict 3 (C -C-@; 3),
l,ii@iitec! C )rnr,,-iorcial ]-)iE;l-rict 3 (C-L 3) @-@!id @,ItltiL31c FaTiiily Residc@nce
District (@-111) and @- TT-@(, to 3",,' a,)arttTlet-,t unils oii
certa-in prop(@rty 1,Dcztt(-@l tlie EaFt tije of S@)uth L@,nialiaven road
acrosE; f-@t-,a Silina Dri.,-c-.
Ptirct,l I t,) be C-r@ c iciiin- or@ tl,e c@@rner of Silin.--.t Drive
i@d @ut@ Lyxiriha-,en arid runiiiiiq a ei5it.,aiice of 150 fect alonc tlic
Solith siclc of Sili,,ii Di@i@,e, a @i,-c ,f IC')5 fect aIC)n@-,, the E,@l st
si(le of @,)utti Lyi-I'll-,--Lv,-.1 C)f foot Llong tlic
S:)utheri,, )roo@ity litic a diE, @,ic, if fect aloi,,, tlie
ex-n i)ro-)erty line.
@?,i r c
2 t,,) L, c,, C - 1, 3: 7',, ini.; 1-@ 0 1 1 @@@st @i(le of kitli
d"@t @)i I,, f
1- - I I I :1
of fe(.t :ic! @,@L 3f
o@@ 6@j fot,L z, 1 i n
Lit, N )rtlic-rii
1 1 3 :7
l,yntil-@z@vc,n ru@iriiii- @@ (iistancc of l@)70 f,,,
of I 10,@ f,?Ct
ruixnin," @, di-tance 0 1 c t@ zi ,311 t A C. )@i' II. 21) I)i:,)@)(@r"y Iiiie. (1@ Y.' i ri C. 0 9
'I'iie Planriin&, Con-inii,,;.,3i,)n rc(@oinynLil@"s (,f tl-%is r(-.qLicst with tlic e.-,Kception
of Parcel 1 wliich is, to l@,c: L,iiiiitccl Goi@,!'rlCa iil r i.13Lri@t 3 ((:-I, 3) tiubjcct to tlic
requircr.,,.c.',Its of the Clit,-- (,;f:y ztiid sewer arici a decli@@ation
C,f ri,@lit of way ".5 fcc,.t -1@l@oill tl,-- C(,)-.@, -- i,iie c,f @ci@itli Lyiiiii@aven i'loctd, ai,,(l
a Cie(lication of 100 feet f i '31@,i tl,e ':,i, @ of C,)-@ (,y C(,.I@ @tlicl a 50-foct pel-petu@ll
case),.-icnt to t' f@,"L , ','I @, ( @@ Ci ( @k as re(iti@,itc!d I)y the
L;irect(,r ol tlic it k@! Ii, @ci-l
@O 2'
0 5
l@. T. ztr,,J I,-)r a, u f)r a nursery
sc',Ic)ol aricl :)i, certain ,@,est sid.C (,f
l,ittle Necl, R.Dad, u,, 4@ 7@,, ;tt a potlit 105"@ 'ect :@a,)re Dr I( s N,,t, of
L(lin@,)urgli Drive, ruriii@z), a Ctistance -)f Izi) ict,t aloi@g tile ride of
Little Neci@ R),,.d, ruini,,,, , clistaiice of 3, fec@t tlie 1\1 )@thern property
Iiiie, rtirnin,- Lt distanci- :-)f 1,@1) feet al,)ii@ tti@@ Dr3pcr"y line, runnin@
a distance of 39@ feet t':,c SouLhern I;ne- (1@ints (.-,rarit EleTnen-
tary Sc'@-iool A,ea). LY,\@-.1@@'l@,@ NI-@-N FOl@OUC;II,
ri'lie Planning, Corririis@);Qll recorirr,,eii(is a-,@,@c,'@l c)f this request subject to
tlie requirenientz, of tlic,- 6it,@ -,,I,,n Cl@rc,iiiai)c@, @entrE,l Cwa,, and a c-ledication
of 45 fce'l frc)ni the cer,@@ 2. I:!)@, of tlic i, iti@@l i@i,l llt c)'.- vvay z@long Little
iNeck Road as reque.,3te,@ @l ii cct,)r o" L'.:- I;c@;
z' clf Public '@@'rork,.
.-2,@. PoraZd -@2roe@Z @@@e@re
(7,gci in 7 - t @o Z loz cz:-,
3,3 --s-- a,@,, -zy,@r, re,-u O'@ra t- a' th
rCI2 4"n,- not
a r,)v
5z '!r. l-r. vote, ?-ity -Our,?@Z
,@n-@l@(-ation ol T)oi,,al,,i V, a,,-iic PLirsE@ll fcr 2 c c of fron,
Sti-)ur@@an I)iLtrict 3 (-,-S 3) tD @,luiti,)lc L)istrict
a.icl a UEe Per@--@@it t,@ cci,.@tr-,ic
iclit iiiiits on cert,,in -,)roT)crty
)@,cated on t@le cf-:t @oriicr o@ Court aiici
ruriziiii,@ a dist@.nc(@ c, aloi, si(@e of
runiiing a di,,ta-nce cf @,ot doii,@ E,
, t"" t si@',e O' c:urfsicle Aveiiuc, rlin-
niia,,, a e.'.:-tancc cf 3i! f(:C,l ti@e i,-i,ii Ti-c@7),rty linc, @nl
a ol t;-@ @ este-
The recciiii@-xic!@-.cls ZL@'):OVIII cf this requort subject to
tho -)Y(' t7;c of ti@e licalt@,
i,rcv tin". is zvilil'Il)l(l tlie
Zl)',@liCaTIt bc rc,.qt@'
Aliplici@tion of OCII Corl,c)ration for a of fl.oyll l@CL;i(leticc
Suburt@,iii District 4 -I) to District
or@ certain l@ropcrty I,)c;it,,@l on t@,e Noit" si,il, of I'@ni-tii f.,Yllnllztvcti
and 435 feet Y@-est of Ne(:k i@eacl. L@ (ii,,@tLince c,@ fcet
oyi,, zt dist@ince of
" tlie North sirl@ of T,.'Orti.
10 , I
5 fect alot,,,, tlie proDcrty Iiii,@, of Ill?, fect
along tlic Vestern PrOT:,Crt)! IIIIQ. tri@iii,@ulir in
(i@elle IIZLVCII-Kilige C-,iaiit Ar(@,i).
The Plaiining Coii-iinisf;ic)ij recoiy,rnericls zti,pi-oval c)f thio recluest subject to
central sc@v@,@.e an(! iiid a cf I.iLbt C,f v.;ay 25 fect froi@n tl-,e
center lide of ti-Ae itliti@tl 30-foot riglit of @%,a@ cf @c@r@l Lynnhavell loicl
(()Id Vir@.iri;a T'@cacli is leclui-, b-, tl,,! I irot or of tlit@ Lupart-
t,,2e co , I zi Zlh
Brc,@@Z Atto2-, o-,C, t(!h
-,d t' t7@e a@,pZ@,?C,!@', 7 to or)eyu-le u tiZ 0,
Tiome oi- the Agpd and r
time as "it? water a@zd ee,@ r ar @v @Za@Z
d I r.
on rrotlo?,, by l.r. '4arshaZZ, se--on@e L,;7an mous vote, Citu
-Z a @ o)e recue,,, o-- the Co7@ion,,,,eaZt,17 o@ t7-@ A@ed to operate urt,,-'z
cozi-,,c , p 2, , d the I
city s :,,er and water ar@ to them at t-.e? W,;Zz have to connect.
7 r --z -,c,7,,*,,?al@on from the D@reclor
A7so p?t@@ject to approvaz o.@ @,;@e FeaZ'h -e- a
nL,t"or, by I,,Ir- 1@'arshaZZ, "'Y vote, Cit@i oun,?iz
a,ir2-oved the @oZZowing on eecond readiyzg.
$15,903.00 of tn@ck SP@@-Zt aoa2@@ed to Foy W.
Grego2z,j ons-,!':40t@on
$1,000.00 Ap-rozlr,@-tc?d to Vrronia Bea(?'@ (-,u, Z
year 106P-1070.
$114,855.00 Appilo@iation .,7or Refuse @'r:),-'eo-t.
@30, 740. 00
$112, 650. 00 4dd-.tional a@pi@ p ia@i n fo- " ". c@
to c me SL@rpz@s 'unds, r m ilubzc Assistan
$1,2oo.00 For an aot:l--ric,,Z St@-t@, t,,,3 of City emplo,,,,,ees.
motio,7 @@ -'.r. !@@arshaZZ, -,c o,@@ed @,y A!r. Cr n-;- 1-ili unan@ .7,ous vote, C:,ty Cour@oi/--
approved ',',e @c,,ZZo.ling ordir,,(irce @o
@4-r, ,q @o2@ the saze of unozaimed a o@@s
by aZZoTl-!,.g more @2equent sazes.
AN OiDII'@.%NCE To A@ll-,ND S-LCTIO.NS 2-53
ANiD 2-5'--, VIIIGliIA B@,,Cll CITY COD--,
TO PE'li@T ,IONTiUY S.A.T@i,'S 0-@ UNCT,A-,@@T;@D
That Secti-ons 2-53 and 2-54, VirFi.nin Beach city Code, are
hereby reord-ined and to rc,@icl ns folloi,7s:
"Soc. 2-53, Feport of moneys, c,tc., rc@maiiiing
in custc)(',y of th(, liurc@,lu of
It I).-. tl](, ("Lity of tlt(, Clii*(f of tiie Burt!.-!u of flolice,
on the first Moiidn,, cf c@@ch inc)nt-,Ii, t,) !(,]iver a rcport, verific-(l by
merchandise then reiiiairiing uncliinied for a per!-od of one i@iontti in
the custody of the Bureau of Police.
Sec. 2-54. Advertisement and s@,ile of uticizlinlod goo(is,
et:c., generally.
Upon deli\,ery of tlie report i@eferred to in Section 2-532
the City Manager inay give notice by advertisciiiei)t, once a week for
two successive weeks, in sorlie newspopei of general circulation in the
City, to all persons interested in or clainlin,, such goods, wares, and
merchandise in question, that un)-ess cl.aiined by the owner, with satis-
factory proof of such ownership, before a specified day, the same will
be sold at a place specified in such iic)tice, at public auction to the
highest bidder, and on the day and at the place tpecified in such notice,
all such goods, wares, and inerchqndise remaining unclaimed shall be
sold at auction by the City Manager, or under his direction; provided
that, in any event, such advertiseinent nnd sale shpll be accomplished
not later than six months after the last sale."
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the
day of 1969.
0-n motion by 1@r. Payne, seconle@ by @!r. Simmons, a,id @r, vo'e,,
ap--roved the foZZowina Ordi@@nc@ "o a-@ ed Or@
',ecti Co"c', i-S
ol L:o
Y!; 11 V, - I 1@j i(@-
of tl)e I,)03:DLI, it c)]I,t@l i) 0 c x ti i i, i11 I I @) i: I i I0 11 I t 1.1 i t y
P,@rt@ it ttl
'D C)
V i n.@, z@
OK motbon
1)otc,, C@t,@
ar@ i,ov,3d t,'@e
es, and @lorfozk Scu"hey,?@
Compa@za sewaqe Z@Ine.
The regul.or mec@ting of the Council of the City of Vir@inia
Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Cha,,nber of the Ad-minis-
tration Buildin@ of tlie City of Virgiiiia B--ach, on Monday, June
9, 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P.@l,
On motion by Mr. Hor, ey, and secondc@d by Mr. F,2',ezz,
the following resollition 1.7as unanilaousj.y adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I O.N
WIIEREAS, Holland Utilities, Incorporated, has made application
to Norfolk Souttiern Rei.lway Comp@qny for permission to install a
sewer force main under the said tracks of tlie Railway; and
WHEREAS, the RaiINvay requires certain assurances of perpetual
maintenance which the Utility Coutpiny is uncble to provide; and
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Bepcli desires that this main be
constructed; and
WHEREAS, the Railway will accept the assurance of the City of
Virgi.nia Beach and has prepared a proi)osed agreement accordingly.
That the Council approves the execution by the City Manager
of an a@,lreernent datec4. 1,@lay 7, 1969, belween Norfolk Southern Rail,,.-ly
Company and the City of Virgiiiii Ec-@?cll.
,A!r. a)er. Pi--@ett arLea2,e,-' re,,
O@, on b,4 Air. @!are;zaZZ, @,ote, c tz@
to hozd t@elve
WHEREAS, t@i(@ IRLISI-EIS of Ui,i@y of Norf(,Ik, an unil)corporated
rei igious associat i,,n, lilvl @lcl-c!t [,,l , cuiit r cL, cl L@, acclui rc: a certeiin 11 1-1
She] I Road and conta in itig approxii@iatl!ly el even (i I ) acres, and liave i)rocui-e@I
froin this CC)Uilcil L lie pi-c)pe i- zonitig ar) d use pe i-iflit for the erect ion an d
operation of chui-cli buildings ttiereon; @inci
WHEREAS, the said parcel of laiid coritains in excess of four acres
of land, and Sectic)n 57-12 of tlie Ccde of Vii-ginia of 1950, as AlTiended,
restricts the real estate holdings of any such Trustees within a City or
Town to not niore thari four acres of lanci at any one tinie unless a greater
holding be approved by City ordinancc,; and
WHEREAS, the Trustees of Unity of Norfolk have petitioned this
Council for approval of a real estatc holding in this City in excess of four
acres of land, and sucli holding in this case appearing to Council needful and
THAT the Trustees of Unity of Norfolk are authorized to take and hold
in the City of Virginia Beach more than folir but not exceeding twelve acres of
land at any one tinie provided such acreage be devoted to church buildings,
chapels, offices used for adrilnistrativc plirpos(,s of the church, Sunday-
school buildings, playgrounds and parking lots for the convenience of those
attending any of the foregoing, and a church marise, parsonage or rectory
with the attendant grounds.
This ordinance shall take effect from and after the date of its
PICKETT adoption.
I I-LE @@E@
@l.IK, @.@
Or, m@itior, by Mr. Payne, secon(le@7 -@y I,,Iare a@ 7r.,d by recorded vote as foZZows:
Aye: P4ayor Frank A. @sch, 7-1'c,- Ia@or Robert B. Cror7@@Z, Jr., George R. Ferrezz
L. !jurray ,VaZbon, Lawrence @. -',!arshaZZ, ioi7n W. 7. Curtis Payne, G. De@ey
Si@,ons, Jr., EarZ Ii. TebauZt,, :znd Yenreth N.-
liot voting: AZbert L. Bo?',ne@, Sr.
C@t@ Counc-L aPL)roz,e@ t@re, I-Ird-l@n@zoe (v,:orf@ li@ense taxes for
Al'i T@) A@l'-@,
VI'ZIGI'@'.IA s@'@ @Cli CITY
1. Ttint Sect!-oti 20-129 is hcre',)y reordained and amended by the
deletion of tlie worcl.,3 "tr,,)il(,r cgnip," tliei cfiorn.
2. Th,,lt @l new @@ect@ioii is hc-rcl)by cl foll.o@!S:
"Sec. 20-32@).]- , Ti-@lilpi-
(,i) b'c)i- tlie c)f t:liiq sccti.on, th(,, @7C)r(IS
two or ilic)i-O occupied lic)u@,@e tr@@iilers.
(b) ]@, vei-y pei@son ccii(lucti.rig the business Of
keel)it;g ) trii.lor court @;li@i'Ll piy @'in inriuil
li-cc,n.,@(, ti@ix equil to $25-00 "lli si-x J)Crcent
of tli(, gio,3s reccipts of t@tic bLi@-iliLs@3 (-ILlritig-
ti-ie precf,@cli.ng cal(!i-i,lar y(@@il:."
Adopted by the Cout@cil of tlie City of Virgil-iia Bc,@qcll, Virg@Lnin,
oii the @ d@iy of 1969
Cbz r@OtZOY2 bi Crorr"Oe@7, Sc-oZd,,@@ @,i, *rri us vote, City couno:7,
at)oro?@ d ttic @oZZowi@zg Oid-@ "o 'po-l@r.'
one, o@
87@ll St2@l-et bct,,@en IIOZ@
WILEREAS, Clinton J. Curtis aiid I'da W. Gregory, have given
due and proper notice, in accordaiice witli the statutes for such cases made and
provided, that on tliis day they would apply to the Council of the City of Vir- 11
ginia Beach, Virginia, for the appointmcnt of viewers to view the bclow de-
scribed property and report in writing to this Council whetber, in the opinion
of said viewers, arly and if any, what inconvenience wou,ld result from the dis-
continuing of said street and lane and bas filed their application with the
said Council.
Davi@ E@. No@7ran
A. Wortli Pcttty
Cliarles S. Kiley
hereby are appointed to view tbe below described property and report in writing
to this Council on or before July 14th, 1969, whether, in their opinion, any
and if any, what inconveiiience ,,ould result frori the discontinuing, closing and
ivacating that certain unopened street aiid that certain unopened lane, in tlie
lBorough of Virginia Beach, City of Virgillia B@-ich, Vi-rginia, being described,
i! respectively, as follows, to-wit:
(a) Beginnin@ at the Northeast intersection of Holly
Road and'an unopened 28tla Strect and tliciice run-
ning Easterly in a line per,)Cndiculal- to Arctic
Aveiiue 475.6 feet; thence Southerly 60 feet;
thence @lesterly 490.5 feet; tlience Northerly
alon.- tlie East side of @,lolly Rocd to t'@ic point
of begi.niiin, and desi,nated as 28th Street on
tlic rccorded plat.
(b) Bc@,in;iing at t point oii tl)e Eist side of Holly Road
152.8 feet "outti of 29tli Stcct and ttieiice runiiing
Easterly parallc,l to sqi,l 2')Lh Strcl@L to the ;.lest
Sid(@ of Arctic Avcii@@. !;o,i-,Iicrly alonp, tlie
Siif, of Arctic Avl,-,,,Iil@ .'O icet; tl',CnCL WesterlY
pirill@,l to sziid "'9tti tn linllv tti(@l)ce
IlorLil,@T ly :,,Ii(i i@"lly to ti@e I,oiiit of
@lC@3i@IlInCIli @15 On tlic! recor(led
pj;,t Oi Cciitl@@l
@Z /,, ard i p VO t@,, C,Ouyt
apprc)v@d 117,e re@,ardirzj t@7,
7-c P; The. regular nicetit)@', o@@ the COLILI(-il c)f tlio. C,.Lty of Virgiiii-a
Beach, Virginia, Nj,-qs h-l-d in tlie CC)LIllCil Cli,;iriber of thc, Adminis-
tration Buildin@ of the City of Virginia Le@ch on Monday, June 9,@
1969) at 2:00 o clo(:'t,, P.M.
On motion by @vir . o, and seconded by Yil-. TeZ)a@Zt,
the following resol.ution was UnaniffloLSly adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, the Industrial Development Authority of the City of
Virginia Beach has purchased a parcel of land in Lynnhaven Borough
knowii as the Virgiiiia Bc@ach Industrinl Paxk; and
@THEREAS, the Authority has deeicnted for pliblic use an ir)dus-
trial access road withiri said Park; and
WHEREAS, the Industrial Developnient Authority has sold all
but one of the parcels shown on the pl.at prc..violisly submitted to
the State Highway Departn)-erit; and
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach has undertaken to provide
adequately designed streets, clirbs, iiid surfnce water drainage
througliout the entire tract; and
WHEREAS, approval has previously been given for state parti-
cipation in a portion of the street so constructed under the
captioned Project 9999-1.34-101, C-501, said portion being 960
feet in length; and
WHEREAS, it is now desired that the road be completed to the
end of the Park; and
WHEREAS, all of the indu@--tries purchasin.@ parcels of property
in said Park are pi-oceecling with the constructiorl of inciustrial
buildiiigs on the sites purchased by ttion..
That the City o@@ Virginia Beoch liercby petitions the ColTmon-
wealth of Virginia, nct4.n@. through tlic-@ I)epirtment of Bighways --
Divi.sion of Industriil Access RoaciF, -- to @i@,end ttic@ ippropriil-.ions
previously niade for Project 9999-134-101, C-501, to provide
state participitioti in ttC@ Coiistruction L)f tlie entire road, as
stiowii oL-i the plat; arid
BE IT FLJRF@IER RESOLVED, tliat in order to coinply witli agree-.
ments p3:evi.ously m;icle, the City M,,in,,igc-r is hereby )uthorized to
provide such funds as may be necessary for tlie City's portion of
tlie construction oy- the required str(@ct for draiiiage facilities.
a@ the @O C of 4 C
approve @-ZZo ;i@7g 02'd@@@,,z c t-, reordcin r, d@ ty
of Virg,,-'nia Beach to c o cf
That Section 23-14 is hereby reordained as follows:
"Sec. 23-14. Disorderly Conduct.
Any person who shall, within the limits of the City,
be guil.ty of disorderly conduct, other than that set
forth in other sections of this Code, shall, upon
conviction thereof, be fined not less than one dollar
nor more than five llundred dollars, or be confined
in jail not exceeding six months, either or both."
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on the day of 1969.
5. 0
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citarg czi)Ze to tize @Icach u;zd@@i@ titc pro-
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of r@,,7ht of wa@l for u@?derg?,@,z@@ld to tile IIC!Cltin'7 Plant, a6@
show@, o@? VP'I)CO PZat No. ;?/I@' and az--c) an nt oi- rigli t of zoay' fo2, serv @ce
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un @i iiimol's vO t i tY (:O@l 'ic ii @ipi) r d ,ii ol tlie Virgin[@i
Scliool Board cli,, follo',@iiit detail@,c! mo@ic,ii:
The approval of an additional appropriatioii of $380,000 to the
School Operating Fund for fiscal year 1968-69 as follows:
Summer School $ 47,000.00
Driver Training Equipment 62,000.00
Food Services 36,000.00
Capital Outlay for purchase of buses 235,000.00
Total Additional Appropriations $380,000.00
The estimate of revenues in certain accounts should be adjusted as
State Funds $340,800.00
Federal Funds 310,139.00
Local Funds (Insurance Refunds) 24,144.00
Total Estimated Revenue $675,083.00
As the $235,000 additional appropriation requested for school buses
in the 1969-70 budget, City Council reduced the 1969-70 budget as
12040 - 400 (Replacement of Buses) $125,000.00
12090 - 400 (School Buses) 110,000.00
Total Reduction $235,000.00
Item On motion by Mr. Ferrell, seconded by Mr. Bonney, and by unanimous
#728 vote, City Council approved the recommendation of the Department of
Public Works that $1,150.00 be appropriated for improvement along
Wolfsnare Road in conjunction with improvements being made by the
Item On motion by Mr. McCombs, seconded by Mr. Whitehurst, and by unanimous
#729 vote, City Council approved the request of the Department of Personnel
for the following addit4.onal appropriations for the 1968-69 budget:
Code 205, Telephone and Telegrapy - $700.00; Code 313, Stationery and
Office Supplies - $500.00; and Code 313A, Testing Materials and
Supplies - $100.00
Item On motion by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. '4cCombs, and by unanimous
#730 vote, City Council approved the request of the City Real Estate
Division to transfer funds in the amount of $500.00 from Code 225,
Reproduction of Plats, to Code 801, Office Equipment, for the purchase
of a new typewriter.
Item On motion by Mr. Bonney, seconded by Mr. Ferrell, and by unanimous
#731 vote, City Council approved the request of Mr. James Darden for
permission for the DepLrtment of Public Utilities to prepare plans
for the part of Av@alon Terrace tliat ha.,; 75% signed for City water.
@'.'7 3 2 On mo t io n b y 11 r . @T@i i @ 11 @t I I , se c on d,! v @f r . B oTi n e y , i n d b y u tia 11 iri 0 u s
vo t e , C i ty C,, Lin c i 1i c, t, e d t lik, @ i,@ C @@ L,@ t @ (@,, @ @, r @, i c c C o ml,,i n v i-,@ r
t he r).a i n t in @ , 1- C C, d w@, t 0 1- t:i 11 11 s .Iii,, (@f Bid - @5,094.
e m
iT 3@3 On motion by Mr. @IcCoiiibs, seconded by @ir. M@irshzili, atid by unLiiimoLi@;
vo te , C ity Counc il @i p[)o iii ted tli(-- f o I I owiii g to t lie Comniun i Ly ML@ii ta I
Health apd Mental Retardation Program Board:
Stuart Ashman, M.D. Mrs. Louise Wilson
Mrs. Foster 1. (@ilbert Mr. E. liruce McGtiire
Madge D. Mav, M.D. Mrs. Enini@i lt,,lirston
Staniev i',@ll@p s A s F, i F; t @l 11 t C iIt f
Cotinc il r e p r e t t ile Clllli t L
e,' t:';It i,,@i,,w,,d tilt, @)r(iiiiatice-
relaLing Lo s, e and Se of ,iia '@ @r recrozit iorlill c(itlil)nicnt
Mr. Phillips @@t.t l that tl,, Conimi tt,,c lias no Iianges 11
Ordinance. on t,,
Mr. Marshall , Councilman, stat,d h,,, @l;ome metobers on Council
do not agree with the Ordinance.
Mr. Joseph Bolds, Mr. Paul K. D.dd, Mr. Maurice Hunger, Mr. Carrie
Crockett, Nancy Mills, Mrs. Harvey Simpson, Mr. Simpson, and Others
appeared before Council against the present Ordi,a,c,.
On motion by Mr. Marshall, seconded by ,4r. McCombs, and by unanim.us
vote, City Council deferred this macter
On motion by Mr. Marshall, sec,,nded by Mr. McCombs, the meetin@.
was adjourned.
Rich City Clerk ran A. Dus