HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 26, 1969
Mitzlft('S f)f tile Hoqloi-at)t@, CIIV Coinicil
of tlic
City of Virgiiii(i Bt,(7(,Il, Vi),gillia
M(iy 26, 1969
7'iie rcgielay ;7ieeti)ig of itit, Coll)lcll ()f tlic, Cit@, ol @'i;-gi;iia Bc,(zclz, Viyginia, ii,(is hc@ld
in tlie Coz icil Clianib(-@i-s, i)z 111(@ Ad),@ii),tistyati:oiz Bitil(iiiig, i@z lii,@ Boyoiigil of P)-i cess
Anne, on Mo;iday, Mciy 26, 1969, at tcii O'clo(le A. Ar.
Coirnciinien present: ivayo;, F;,ciizk A. Ditscli, Vice Vlcvor Robc;-t B. Cro@llif@c@ll, Jr.
Albcrt L. Baiiney, S;,., Gc,or,,c R. Fc,;,y(,Il, D. Mii;-)-ay- @Vlaloon, Laivreiice E. Vlar-
shall, J. Cie),tis Pay'li , G. Deit@cv Sininio@,,,,,, J)'. 7@eb,.7ii1t, aiid Kciinetti
N. Wiiite,@z rst.
Councilman absent: Joll Ii'. McConibs.
T@ie inl,ocation as giv b Mr. Ricizard J. It@c@bbo2i, City Clerk.
ai nioll'aii by My. Ma;@shall, second(,d bv M . Bonil@,y, (tild b@, )-ecorcitd t,ole as folloius:
Ay2: Alayor I,-),a;ik A. Ditscli, Vice Illayor Robeyt B. Lronizuell, Jr. A16,,rt L. B(;,izn y,
Sr., Geoi@,@, R. I,',-,Yrell, D. Mit;-ray Malt)oiz, Latv;-,)zcc E. Marsizall, J. C,,Irts Patfl,l
G. Dewey Simmons, ir., Earl 1,1. Tet?attlt, a)td Ke netil IV. tvilitejzu @t.
Absent: Joiltn W. McConib,,
City Coztncil approved tlie Alin;ii@ i,- G,, M@,y I?, gnd the readir.,- of
said Minutes dispensed ivii,i CO-in,,.il@i -n c cc,,y Qf said Minutes
before him.
-Mr - Planning Di ector, pres"zted Cowicil with a letterfroni tile
scizool board @-egarditig th, follolf)ing matter.
@i motimi by Mr. Marshall, seconded by Mr. B n@,y, mid by recordcd vote as follows:
Aye: Mayor Frank A. Dztsclz, Vice Mayor Robcrt B. Croniu@ell, Jr., Albert L. Bonnt7y,
Sy., Geo;-ge R. F@,yrell, L,,zivreiice E. iVIarsh(zll, J. Curtis Payiie, G. Deit@ey Simnioi2s,
J@-. , Earl M. Tebazilt, aizd Ec;i)ieth 1'V. Riiitehie),st.
Not t,oling: D. Mitr)@ay Malbon
Absent: Joliji W. 11'cCoi),ib,,
Citi, Coiell(.iz @,ipp;-oi,ed tlic _folloiviii,, al)plicatioii fo;- a i@ai? a@id (i
S,(I;@ @ct to Cl:l,@- if,atei- a)td Stlif C;, (-In(I Ili@, ;-(@q@@ii e@ll@ ill,@ o@f Ill Sit@@ PI(1)2,
Alililicatioii of C. R(,,,cl- 11 for ct c@F zcllill,7 froill coxierzil Coil-l-
nierci,,l I)isti-ict 2 (C-G 2) iiii(i Gc,iici,al lliclkl,tz.i@,, 1)@@Ll-ict I (,\f-I 1) to '\Iultil,le
.1'aiiiily Residcjice District aricl @ Uq-,, I)c- ,-niit to ccii-,trLict IP, apai-trnc!,,,,
L'IlitS 011 CCI't,@iTI PI'Ol)ci'L@@ IC)C@,t(:C' C)II es, @,;ic,,@ of
Noi-th of cli@;t@trice Of 1)28 fect ztlon, tlie
Ea.,tcrii lil@e, C)"
I 133 fett i.@ tli.- Iiiie of Pi,,-
spi-iii,@ RO@id, i c',i@tiilce c@f 'll@) fc,et ztl(,ril tlie Nol@tliel- pr
11 C)Pcrty
lille, rtilliiiii,,@ a clistaiic@, c), 3@@,, fcct @Lloi,,. tl,@,
a clistiiice of 379 fect ZiIC-Ilg tll@ SOLI',I@ul-1) lil'C, (PLIltOll @tzttioll A'@@ ct).
1"AYSIJ)@-, iiol,,C)Ljc;ii,
r(-, )Illlncrlcl.@ i't)!,T of tll@,,; r( qti@'St stll)ject tc,
City %@-atei Illc7t S('\@,er 171,1 tIl'! of tll(,- Fitc 111,L)i
(Ipp(,(I;.t,(/ bt,fo;-t@ Colol(.il j@)1101f,iiig lif'O
@4, 3 Oiz @iiotioiz b), Al,-. Sini?no)is, s(,(@on(l(@d by Mr. M(ilboii, (ind bV i,(,co;,(Ic,d i,ole as folloit)s:
Aye: Mayor Fyonk A. Diiscii, Vicc Mayo@- Rol)cyt B. Croinit,cll, Jr. , Albert L. Boiznfy,
Sr. , Geo)-ge R. Ferrell, D. Mit@@ray Malbon, L(iiu)-(,-)zce E. Nlarsliall, J. Ctirtis Pa@,ne
G. Deivey Siii2),?zc,)zs, Jr., Earl 11. Tebaitlt, a)z(l Ae;zi,@elli N. l@'llitelizirst.
Abseiit: Joiziz i@. McCo@iib@
Cill, Colt;l(.il app;-Ol,,(,(l Ilit@ Ii , 11;@,@ll -I'@ @- '(SC sttbjc,ct to
dc,lt,cli)i,@ ti,,(, zcoi-(l "salt," f;-oi@i liic (ipplicali
Application of ltl< Stevvirt Cole for a @Tse Perni it for tlie rental and sale of
cai-iiper trz,.ilcrs oii ceitaiii propoi-ty T.7, o@d o@i tlie I,:ast sicle of plaza TraiL
beginiiiii@. at a point 250 fect ITIOI@E or Icss Soutli of Boyd Strcet, runniilg a
distance of 200 fect aloii, the F-ast sicle of Piziza Trail, ruiiniii., a distance
of 300 fect aloii@ the '4oi"Llierli proper'Ly li2ic, runnin, a distance of 200 fect
along the Eastern prol)crty line, and rLi.@ininc, a clistaiice of 300 fect alon@
thc Southern property line. (Princess Antic Plaza Area). Lynnhaven Bo'rou@h.
The Planriing Commission reconarnends derlial of this request as it is not
a related use to a gasoline supply station as stateci @n the zonin@ ordinarce
and would lead to furthor clutter and unattr.active appearance of gasoline
supply stations which have @encrally clonc an excellent job of iinprovin@
their ;mage regardin@ coinniliiiity appearance iii the last few years.
Applicalion of RK Stev,,-art Cole for-a Use Perrnit for the rental and sale of
camper trailers on ce tain property locate on C-ie Sou'heast co-,ner of
Plaza Trail and Rosemoit Road, runnin, a distancc of 150 fect alori,@ the
South side of Plaza Trail, runnin@. a distarce of 201. 35 'ect alo@-ig the F-ast
side of Rosemont Roacl,, runnin@. a distance of 17E-..Ieet aloll., the Southern
property line, runnin, a dista.,ice of 200 fect alori@ t'ne Eastern Droperty
linc. (Princess Anne Plaza and @Vinclsor @,.roods Area). I.YININHAVF-N
The Planning Cornrnission rccoinrnotids deiii,-l of this request as it is not
a rclated use to a gasol;nc suidply station -,is statod in tlic zoni@-1, orcliriance
aLlid Violild letcl to furtlier cluttcr aiid unatt.@-activt, ,ppeirince of gasolino
stipply stations @,liich hi%,c gericrill@, done ari @,xcellept jol) of irrpro@in,@
their itiiige regardin- coiniiiliiiity apl,cl, rinf-c in thc ltst fe%v ye@irs.
-2VI;,._Platjy-Lek @t(Ln@t z,-,, Plaiz)iing Di;-ectol,, pres(,)Ilc,d Coitncil viiii a letterfroipi M;,.
,klcCla@iTitwi, Rigiii-of- 4-ay Agent, ;,ega@-diizg tizc, foll()ifl,ing applicatioti.
appcai-(,d b(,fore Coiaicil fo;- tli(@ folloicing applicatioli,
Oii )iotio)z by My. Bo;zne),, secoqided b@, ]Vli-. Silililzo7zs, aizd bi, )-eco;,clt,d t@ote as folloz( s:
Aye: Mayor F;,a;ik A. Ditsciz, Vzce Ma@,or Robe)-t B. Cro ivell, J;-. , Albert L. Bonn2@,
Sr. , Geo;-g@, R. Ferrell, D. M@t@-ray jwalbcii, Lait;r,,'Iice E. i'Vlarsizall, J. Cit)-tiS Pa)7z2
G. Delt@ey Si;n@;,oils, Jr. , En@'i 11. Tebazilt, a,@id l@cn;zctli N.
Abselzt: Joi22i -vi. McConib.,
Cit-i, Coit)zcil app;-oil7ed tlic, .1-olloit,iizg applicatioii f())@ (i sc C,@ILU @itbjc,(,t to tlic, @-eq i,
1), -711S of tilt' Sile PI(ill (I)I(l a of oj@ ii!(Iv 55f(,etf),ot)l tlie _. 12.1
li)l(' of Ill , 01(1 80-1-001 of lf'(IV (110)lg til(' @,@8. .;8 Ic,t,i ;@io@-t, oi- 1(,ss (,Yn @oittil
Roa(i ((,Xisliizg ol iflav is /,ill ilol 15 f('('l i;i zt@i(lill)
a,@ r(,qiti,st(,d blv th(, Di),f,(@io;- ol- /il(' ol P'tl)lic. itol-l"".
Application of Virginia Beach Free Will Daptist Ct@urch for a Use I'@ rmit
to operate a churcli on certain property fronting 398. 58 feet on the East
side of South @VitchJuck Road begii)r@ing at a point 2(JO fect North of
.Amberly Road, a deptb of 432. 04 feet alonp, the Southern property line
(Section 3, Kempsville liciglits), fronting 41)8. 4 feet oil the West side
of Grayson Foad, anci a widtli of 146. 7-1 fect along the Northern property
line. (Kernpaville liciglits Area). KEN113SVII,LL @-10ROL:Gli.
Tbe Planning Commission recornmendh a[,proval of this request subject
to the requirernents of tl)e Site Plan Ordinance and a dedicatioii of right
of way 55 feet from tlie centcr line of ttie cld @@U-foot ri,ht of %vay alonf,
the 3118. 58 feet more or less frorita@,c (,ii :otltli '.@,,itchciuck Poad (existinc,
riglit of way is variable in width cltic to @tite '@igl@way acqtiisitior,; this
dedication \vill be variable blit will i,@ot 15 fc-et in wi(itl@) as re-
questeci by tl,e Dire(-t(,r ()f tlie l-'@epartn@.,,@t ot @ublic '."'orks.
@l D( in?(m i,epyes,,)Itiilg tlic applicaiii, appc,(ti-ed befo;@e Coicicil and st t.:d
tliat til(' itse pe).),izit had lopsc,d a)zd rL,,qzic,.@it,d (i )zc if@ iise p r7ilit bc isstt(,d.
at inotion by Mr. Sikri@noii,@, sccondcd by Mr. M(ilbo)z, oizd bv i@ecc;-@ILa' vote as
-,e-Aye. Mayor Fra7ik A . Ditsc;,,, Vice Mayoy Robei-t B. Ci-o@izzuell, Jr. , Albert L. Bonn2y,
Sr. , George R. Ferrcll, D. Mit;,ray AIalbo)i, Laiur@@ice E. Vla),slzcill, J. Cit),tls Pa@71
G. Dezcey Sinir,7oi2s, Jr. , Ea),l M. 7'ebazelt, a7id N. Ii'lzitel.,urst.
Abseizt: Jo;zn @i. AIcCombs
City Co@,,:,,Icil a;l@rcv@,d tli folloi@ing applicatioiz for a se (, mi subject to ce-ntral
sewer and water and a dedicatioxi of a tri(oz,@ay pa@-c I of land aieasiti@ing 50feet
by 77feet along the Weste;w property line al tlie iiitci-se(,tion of Virginia Beach
Boulevard and Old Virginia Beacli Road as reqiees ted bv Ihe Director of tile D@,part-
ment o-f Public Works. Approvt7l is furtllcy slibjt@ct to tlt4, Yeqiti)@e@)ic)zis of tlic Site
Plwl O;-di;z,7 ce.
Application of lvlinuteman Automatic Car Wash for a Use Perynit to operate
a car wash witb gasoline supply on certain property located on the North
side of Virginia Beach Boulevard, beginnirig at a point 1200 fect more or
less I.-ast of Plaza Trail, running a distance of 244. 5 feet on the North
side of Virginia Beach Boulevard, running a eistance of 136.14 feet on the
Eastern property line, running a distance of 285. 88 feet alon-, the North-
ern property line. Said parcel being trianpi2lar in shape. (Princess Anne
Plaza Area). LYNNl@,AVEN BOROUGE,@.
The Planning Commission recomrncnds approval of this request subject
to central sewer and %,ater ai)d a dedication of a triangular parcel of land
measuring 50 feet by 77 feet alc)n-, the -,,',-estern pronerty line at the inter-
section of Virginia T',each rotile%-ard ancl '@le l-,@.act, Road as
requested by the Eirector of the I-eparnit...t (,f ; u@)lic 'v@-orks. Approval
is further subject to tl)e requiren-ieii,,s (,f ti c, 'ite 7 lin Orclinance.
Oii @@7otiGqi by Mr. Maystiall, sc,(-oizde(i by @)y l'- I:oll.) as
Aye: Mayl-r F;-aiik A. DIsci;, Vice Ala),O@- Ro,-) @;-l B. Ci-o@izicell, Jr. , Albc)@t L. Boiii
s)-. , Geo;,g@, R. Fer)-@ll, 1). L,7i@ @-cizce E. Ala)-sli(711, J. Cit)-Iis Pa@71-1
G. Dett!cy J)'. , Pn)-l 11. 7'cbaielt, N. @1,12it
Ab,se)zt: Jot;iz i@. McCo@@ib,,
CiIN lo (I?l@f ii(I .5-1, to
0.1-(I)Iil)l(tls Oil
SFCTIC)"' 5-1 , VIPCT@;[A @-IT'I'
CODI@ll T() CLAP\LFY TYI'@:S O--,' ANI@,f;,I,S
That Section 5-1, Virginia Beach City Code, is hereby amcnded
and reordained as follows:
"No person shall kcep horses, co%,,s, goats, sheep, swine or
other livestock or other aninials within the city except in areas
des,*@gnated for acricultural purposes or parcels specifically
designated by the cou,icil for the keeping of such animals. This
sect@7r. shall not be construed to apply to animals kept as house-
hold pets in the residence of the owner, to the operation of
kennels when authorized by appropriate provisions of the City
Code, nor to the keeping of household pets for resale at retail
where such keeping is authorized piirsuant to law."
01 moti(xi by Mr. Papie, seconded by Mr. Sinimons, and by )-ecorded vote as follows:
A ye.- Mayo-r-Fra;zk A. Dusclz, Vice Mayo), Ro6ert B. CroiniveLl, Jr., Albert L, Bonney,
Sr., George R. Feri,ell, D. Mityray Malboii, Lalureizce E. Marshall, J. Curtis Pa@7le,
G. Deivey Simm@,is, J@-. , Farl AI. Tet)aitit, czizd Ae)z)letil N. @ilitelliti,st.
Absent: Jo,n2 IV. McCo@ibs
Ciiy Coialcil approved tlie followipg Oi,dinancc to prescribe iform sewage
an -econd rea&ng to be cff(,ciii,,e Jiine 1, 1969.
FOR THI@ Oi!' SEI.'z@GE A@ND U.,NIFO@@'ll
CIV,RCES FO@ Tkl'@ OF S-@-E.@Cr-
That the Vir@inia Beach City Code is hereby amended by the
addition of the folloi@,,i.ng sections:
Sec. 37-1. Uniforr,-, ri-Les for se%..,er line mainteneice.
Pursuant to the authority contained in Section 15.1-320 (7)
the follo;qing lin-- maintenance rates are hereby established and
confirmed, with respect to all p@-rcels o-@ real estate from which
sewage is discher,er-I !-nto lines opci-.Ited and maint@iined by tlic City
of Virginia Beach:
1. Residential uses.
a. Single fainily resiclencc,@, $6.00 per quarter per
firsc apartment or trailer, Plus all addi@@ionil $1.00 per quarter
for each additional ap@irtriient or trailer.
C. Hotels and niotels, $6.00 per quarter for the first
room provicled for occupancy, plus an adeitiorial 75 cents per
quarter for each adeitional room so provided.
2. (a) For all non-residenlial. uses, the line maintenance
chara.e shall be deteriin--d by the size of the t,,ater tap throulh
which water is provided to the real estate, as follo@qs.
20 size Amount o,2r Cuarter
3/4 inch 6.00
1inch 7.50
1-1/1@ inch 15.00
2inch 22.50
3inch 45.00
4inch 75.00
6inc,i 150.00
(b) For all non-residentiil uses in structures not
served by metered l@,ater:
(1) For structures havina four or less co@nmodes,
$12.00 per querter.
(2) For structures havin@ over four connodes,
$12.00 per quarter plus $2.00 per quarter for each
additional coaiuode.
Sec. 37-2. Uniforni rates for sewage treatment.
In addition to the char@es imposed by the foregoin@ section,
there are heroby imposed uniform char@es for se@qage treatment as
a. Where treatment of sewage is performed by Henpton Roads
Saiiitation District, the charoes shall be paid to the District in
conformity with the rates established by the District.
b. Where treatment of se@.7a@e is performed by the City of
Virginia Beach, the char@es shall be:
For each sin-le family residence,
includin@ trailers and mobile
homes. $4.50 per quarter
For all other structures the
char@e shall be equal to those
imposed by Hamoton Roads Sani-tation District
for like struclures.
Sec. 37-3. Requisite of service contract.
Sewage service will be provided to p@rcels of real estate
or structures by the City of Vir@inia Beach only on e,..Cecution o@@ a
contract for service in which the o@,ner of record joins.
Sec. 37-4. DolinqLient char@es.
Delinquent cha-,es shall be recovered as prescri.L)ed by
a lien against the served real estate as therein p.-ovided- Any charges
not fully paid within 30 days froni ttic ecid of the P,21-iO(i to wliich tilev
apply shall be considcred to be delinqLlLnt.
This Ordinance shall be in effect fro[ii acid "Ifter June 1, 1969,
Oii iiiolion by Mr. st@c tied by Alr. P(iAizc , aii(i by r(,co;@(le(i i@ol(, (is folloics:
Aye: Mayoi, Fruizk A. Dzisc)z, Vzce Mayor B. Cro)'iizuell, J),. , Albert L. Boilizey,
Sr. , Geo),g@ R. Fe),@-oll, D. Alit@-ray illolboi,, L(71ci-t!izce E. Vlarsliall, J. Ctirlis Payiie,
G. Dezvey Sinz?iicris, J;@. , Earl ill. Tet)aitll, O;I(i l@ol),Ictll N. lilzitcliit@,st.
Abse7it: Jol',,n W. McCcmbs
Citv Coiaicil ap;5roved til(' _folloil@iizg Or(Iiii,(oic(, to aiii(,iirt tiie Bul,@ldi.,z,@, )de, Sectiwi
9(@)-. 5(4), (Hotels Motc,l.@, sta@i(lpipcs).
P. N C)@ T
col O' c
B'-' I T 0 I B'Z T'. T'7 C'.fv OF
V I I ,; L@@
T',iat the Bliil-eiti@ Code of the Citv of Virginia Beach is hereby
amended, Section 902.5 (4) to rend as follo,7s:
"Hotels and motels three stories or
moi:e in height, tii.,t stl-nclpipe,@
shnll. not be requircc' for liotels and
motels of Type I or II const2:uc-LioLl
55 feet or less in
appeared as a P;-it ate citizen a@id @tated tliat tilis Ordillance zt)ould cause
a hardsizip an boatouwcrs.
A,,fr rd-.Hayes appea@-c@d as a private citizen and stated lie didnotfeel tliis ordiancc
sizoWd be passed as nicuiy peoplc, iulio itsed caiizpe;,s for thei)- oizly nieans of transportatio)l
cot4ld not@find parking facilities. Mi,. [Iaycs vas told tliat usin., these canipe)@s as
transpo;@tatiaii ivo@tlcl not be ag(iiiist thc laiv.
M)-. Tlio;)ias .11(isic;,So)l app(,a@,(,Cl in oppositiall to tli,, Or(li)zaiice, as (7 p)-ivatt, citiz(,Iz
an(! also as a pc;-so)t i(@tio Ol?,'Ile(i a its@,d-fo;- c(ii)ipilz,, pit)-I)os@,s.
Oi? @tiotioiz by Mr. ]Vlalbo@i, secuizdcd by Alr. Boiiiiey, (ind by )-cco)@dc,,,l votc, (is folloit@,":
Aye. 2VIayoi- Fraizk A. Dit c"i, Vice Alctyo;, Rob,,,Yt B. Cro@7izt,ell, J),. , Albc;-t L. Bo;iizey,
Sr. , Georg2 R. b'er)-ell, D. IVIii@-ray Ilalbo@i, Laic;,ctice E. Ala;-slz(Zll, J. Cli)-tis Pay@le,
G. Dezuey Sini?@io@zs, J;-. , Fai-I ill. Tet;aillt, a;l(i l@C)l@ictiz N. T@'llitclill)-st.
Absent: Jo,',,n TV. McCo),@ib,@
City Coinicil ili(, parkiizg, sto)@ag(, aizd Us(-, o-f
(,qttip;;I( )11.1-o). lif'o
ANI) ii @', 1: 0 i@ A.,T
Wilf-l@l,"AS , ral)i (i C)f i vlrict.y ol r(@ci-eatioilil
eqtiipri@c,tit has I e(I to 1110@Ill I i TI@' stor@]@,(, proi)l(-,iiis aff(@ctiti@, ttl(' api)(@arliti(@e
i r)li;ibi ta rits , ci-e@iti ti @,, L!Ic@ neces,; @,t @, for re;is,)n@ib I c re @,ii lati oii of t ti(,
parking, storape aiid use of niaioi- itt,iis oi @ilicil
NOW, Tlll,'REFORI@:1 Bl-' IT ORI)AINI,"l) BY TilE (@()UN('11, OF CITY OF
Section 1. M@ilor recreitioii,-41 ciefin(,d.
Major recreatic)Tial equipi@etit, as cle@ine(I for tlie ptirposes of this
ordinance, includes Lravel trailer.,, picl,,i-i[) caii-@pers or coaclies, motor-
ized dwellings, tetit trailers, boats and boat trailers, amp@ibious
houseboats, and thc, li',@e, and c@ises @)r boxes iise(i for tratispc)rtino,
recreational equi.p:i)eiiv, whether occtipied bv stich equiprieiit or not. it
does not include r,,.c)@r)jle ho!,@es an@ ot'rler e(.,upnic,nt in excess of 27 fec,-,.
Section 2. Li@.i@tations on kTnF, stoi-@i@c an,,l use.
No w@ajor recre,,,tional ecuiprrei)t shall be parked, stored or used
except iii approved locat;ons and under tlie restrict"Ons and limitations
herein set forth.
(a) No sucli eqttipr,-,@ent shall be pal-'-ed in aiiy public street or
public riglit of way for Ti,,ore tliaii three hours-,
(b) No such ecluipnient st,.all I)e used for living, slec-ping or
housel@eeping purposes except iii locations lawfully established
for such use.
(c) In A-R districts, nc) such equil)meiit shall be parked or stored
in any required yard adjacent to a street, nor closer than
3 feet to any lot line.
(d. In distr'@cts 7onc@d two-family or T-,iultil@ar,,iily,
:,,injor eq@ii-1):,-,nt s,i,@ll be stored onl@, as a use
accessorv to P usC, @.ncl sui)ject to the
@o @j, 'i c @',l i@lit- 1):,' P', cll- eC, c@ -n
or bcilitie the nc@@,rEst
0 q b Li ',)LI! I-iC.
hoil,evc-,r that @enel-al li7lit,@t:ions set
r nc)t to c,:,c,c(,,(' 24 lic)Li)-s
or un] o,,3diii,,.
Oi i@iiifiliiiiii
(3) I;i (:!j
iiiL@IL-i oii @)i) iti
In b F, F, o,-
to priici,),-,J,
or 1)0,-,t
lil@e, Sub.7@c't to t@ie re(,Iui,@ei-icnts
OPI)lyin@@ t,,) j;(2c(@s@Ory uses in t',Ie O'istrict
Sc(,tioii 3.
otlier OrCirl@@ C;t,, 0
i(? provi set
03-ti h2roin
lc,2 'r n 'o-,--C( l@y 7 ni F@tr@'toi- C)@-
c:,, Oii z
ct to til clo@ '61, ;@ll
CC, Cil to 1. - - j,'@ 2t.
c,-,,,@ig. C'f
4 YM@-. )y M;,. ;-@,co;-cl. d 7,@ F('IIO s:
Aye.- lvlayoi, Fra,,zkA. D@t@cli, Vice Alayor Robc)-t B. Croi@zicell, Jr. , Albert L. Ba@12zey,
Sr. , Georg', R. FerreZI, D. Alit@ ),ay Afalbon, Lait ),eiice E. Ala;,shall, J. Cli@-lis
G. Deiuey Siniiiiais, J)'. , Earl ill. I-et)aiilt, aiici At'@i;ictli N. It iiiielile),St.
Absent: Jo,m W. McCc)nzb-@
r- ),ro? (i t 7(;,
City, C.@' ,C;/ I--c,;
a, o;i
A-@:) Dis"
A PCT-1@'@C, S ST
AS 01,; -IIE !L,',,, C_ STI--@ OOK
1,2y ul,-@ m@-.2 @7 ri
1-@--acli, Vi-rgini-a on ,h@- day o@ /@1,4 lo6g tD I,,,3A7.2 @@h@
nc, as
r, the C4-tyo
the Circuit Court o" 1--*@ty of ar,-Ci at t,,70
c,, uu%- @r,
. I @ C, , @i,i:l @ !@ 1; , , @, I ,,
'I - -
"t I @(@, , I
i @ ," i :, @; 'f i , , @ @; ',;l -; 1 1 @;@, @,,_ @ t,:; :: ; @ - @ i , t ,
WHFRP@@@,@, tli@ l@,,nd pi,oprieL,,)@:;, said streets proposE2(l t@) be
closed, v-acated in," @ll.-;c ),itin@ieJ liave :I)l@, niLil@-,,d; an,i
th-it th
,;trcets b,,-@ rlu
such st-@
i b@ cl@,s,,(,, @ri
t L)@, h
,-,eets/ -h,,t @he :1 -ciiac @nd
31- a@ S7 n S-@vei@"',@ nl.,-
i-@ --qereby clo.@.@ ai@ 3 C 4 4
thc,@ C
--r pu@cl-@c u-@ Fn--.
I.. ..LLA. s o
2: t t'@,ii s C r@@ n@ 2 S7
@IaTs .@ate c)-
titricl? St, Pl(iiiiiinl- Directoi,, P;,(,,S(7lic(l Coloicil l@@itli lellei-s fro@@l tlic
Depa;-I@)?t,,nt of P blic Utilities, and tlic Dcpa -iii2(,Ill of Pilblic Ill'o)-les, -Cgardiilg the
folloiviiig mattcy.
Oii i??otioiz by M),. Maysliali, seconded by Mr. C)-oi)@iuc,ll, a),,(l by reco;-(Icd i,oic as follo us:
Aye: Alayor Frank A. Dit.sclz, Vice MG@,o;, Rot)2yt B. Cronil4,,cll, Jr., A lbert L. Baii ey,
Sr. , G,orge R. Ferrell, D. ilTit;-Yoy E. Alla)-stiall, J. Cit;-tis Pay)l
G. Dezvey Sininio,,zs, Jr., M. Teb-a?@lt, a,,zci I,,c;zizctii V. IVIZZICIZitrst.
Abseitt: Jolziz IV. McCon,bs
Citlv Coiti?cil adoptcd tlic, O@-(Ii;z(iiice vocatiiig Lake Si;,titli Te;-ra(-(,, Seclio;i 4
L 1-
tll(@ Cl-@V 0, v
that ti,@- @-@aid 'cr, tl,.,@
-or it
-c2-ion s -eQ:C,-'ed
iri -,h,-, @ll,-,:'s C,@,Iic,-, c- ti-e Cjur'@ c@' th--
ol- Vi- @acii, i-n ,t
Thi-s Or-ti-.,Iaac,- s'"-all be i-it -@rc,-,, ar..l a-ccr th*.rty Ca-,,,s
AdcT)ted b- the Cou.1@il
Plaizjzilzg Direcioy, p;-est@ilt( d C010ICil It'illi a l(@tte;-fi-oni tl?e
Dt,pa)@I)Ilclzt of PI(blic Utililit)S i;iallt,r.
0)1 niotioil bv 11)-. Marshctll, sc'ccnl(l,tl b@, Alr. Cyollllt'('Il, (tild bv @,C(@o;-(/C,(l i,ole as jbllolf,s:
Aye: Alayor F)@czizk A. Ditscli, Vice jll(7yo,@- Rot)-@)-i B. C;-oi)ilvell, J;@. , Alt)ert L. Bo)ziiey,
Sr. , G@@o 'ge R. Fc7-@-,211, D. ,Ilcll,)o;i, )-,:)!C@, E. @lla;-slialt, J. Cz(;@tis llayjic ,
G. Dezuey Siiiii)io;is, J@-. , E(i)-i VI. T@lb(7iilt, (71;z(t l@llitt,iiii)-st.
Abseiii: Jotz;z IV. AIcCo@)lb@
Cit@, Coitiicil I(Pll(,'7(t llit, )-(@PO)'/S 1101 10 (lo llit@ sti-f c I I,,iiolt'jl (is B('; ;-i(, Co@li-1,
(IS Ci;'(
Oil illolio;t by Al;@. 1,01t, (IS lolloi(,S:
A 3@t,: AI(iyo r F@-(iizk A. @,'ict, JIJ(L 1701@ It'(,") ;,/ I;. C;-o@)lit,@ 11, J;-. , L. l'O@iil(,V,
Si-. , G,@o;-,.@c I?. ],'(,Y;-, 11, 1). Alli)-i-ay @lc.( i,'. 111(ii-sliall, J. Citi-lis p(ty):,,,
G. Dt,ivcy Sitiit)io;is, di-. , ill. I't,,bui(It, a)i(I 11/2(,;IiIL,Ili iv. 11111it(,Illfl.st.
Absc,kit: Jo,t)i W. McCo))lbs
cil Colli?t.il al)P)@oilt,d c(,;-I(ii)i (i@l(I P@0/)i@)-i@' IIIA
a lot(il of $16;7.18.
,I: o t a.L
1967 1968 Amount
1. Bernard Levin
Lynnhaven Borou,n
taxes paid in ei:ror $149.18 $149.18
2. Thomos T,,. Turner
not a resident o@'
Virgini8 $18.00 $ 18.00
oil niotio@i bv Alj-. @l,@hilehii),si, seco)zdcd by M)-. Ma 'stiall, a)z(l by @-cco)-dcd i,otc, tis -folloit7s:
A),e: Mayor F),(tizk A. Diiscli, Vicc Robe),t B. C'1-01)7ZVell, Jr. , Albert L. Bon;z@y,
Sy. , Geo),ge R. Fei-rell, D. illiti-i-ay 11(zlboiz, Lait )-clic@, E. Ala),slzall, J. Cz(rtis P
G. Deivey Jr., Ea)-l leba,,tlt,
At)se2it: Jolin W. AIcCoi)zbs
City Cowicil aPProved tlic Yeqitcst to accept tlz,, loit@ bid of Roy W. Gregory Coiistrziction
CO pany, Inc. , in tlie anioluit oj- $15, 903, for I/ic, coizstr cctigql of a tyuck shelter at
tlie Viygi,@ ia Beacli Pro(litce Ala)-liet.
oil niotio;i by Mr. Ferrell, secaizded by Mr. BonTicy, aizd by ;-eco)-ded vote as follOU)s:
Aye: Alayor Fyci)2k A. Ditscii, Vice Nlayor Robc)-t B. Ci,o)iizuell, Jr. , Atbc)@t L. BLwzn,3y,
Sr. , George R. Fey)@ell, D. IItt@-ray Mzlbopi, Lait,;-c@)zcc E. Ma),stLall, J. Ciertis Pa@-ize,
G. Deivey Sininions, Jr., Earl M. 7c6c7i@it, Gli(i l@t 2V. ;Villt-@ilit)'St.
At)sent: Joli@z IV. McCon?bs
city Coiiiicil approved tlie 1;@ai @f(,r of fit)zds fi'oiii tlic Gcn(,ral Operating Bildget #10012,
of $350, a)?(,
Code #212, Lease of Eqitip)@ielil, to Capital oittlay Co(le #632, Ill(, a);ioiult
to Capital Oittlay Code #832, tlze a 2otait of $5-?O, a tot(il trans-fe@- of $870for t e
Pli)'Pose of replacing o)i(, 4o II. P. ozitboa@-d Moto;- aiid oiz(, 18 H. P. Oulboayd iwotor,
iii tlic D;-edge budget.
O)i iiiotioii by jWr. Teb(iiiji, secuizdc,d by M)@. l@ llilcilii;-st, a; d by )-ccoi-ded i@ot(, as follolt!s:
A),e: Alayo)- F),a)zk A. Ditscil, Vice illa@,O;- Robe;,t B. Ci-oi)izt,,,ll, J),. , Alb,2),t L.
Gco;--e R. FL,)@)-ell, D. Ifalbo2i, L(7it,i-,izc(, F. J. Cit)-Ii-, P('Y.@ic,
G. Dc,it@cy Sinii;ioils, J;,., Ea@-I .11. 7 @'ci,,(Jl, (t)i(t l@ lt;llt2illt@-st.
At),,;cizt: Jol',,iz T@'. AIcCo@izb@
Cit@, Coinicil approt)cd tlz(, o-f S(lj-ely o-f tlit, pit@,c-lias(, o-f a
Mod(?l 8- T Parkiizg Lot St)-it)(, i-. 7,0 coi,,e 1, lilt! co,@ I of iiiis (,qi,(ipni E,;it a o-f
fit)i(Is is app;-ovt@d as i)z Ill(' Ot)101(ilt ol $S,',,(,, to b(, 1;
A(@(@oit)il iVo. 270, R(,,P(ti@'s 10 10
Oii ))iolio)l I)V 41).. ]3o)i@li'@!, bl, M)@.
A. Dit.@cii, AI(il@,oi- Rol)@,),l 13. C;-o)?Ilf,,,Il, J@-. All),-,)-i L.
cill! ol)) i(itio)l o/ llli Sttl)l t)./ 000. 00 lo llit' I I,'-
COI(ii('ilfo;@fi,,,((il lv((i@- 19(;9-70.
O)i ))iotioit b)@ IvIi-. st C()ti(l(,(l by M),. Siipii)ioiis, (i)i(I by 1,0/(' (IS ft)I/Olf,s:
ill(i.i!o), F)-(tiik A. 11, Ji-. , Alt)' )-i L.
G,,o)-,-c R. 1). illit;-i-(Iy clo-li@ P(I)')I,",
G. Dc)if@cy Sit@iiiioils, Jr. , iiil('Ilz IV.
At),@t,iii: Jol@,,;z IV. 1VI(@Co;)Ii),,
Cit@, Coitiic@il, (IPP)'Ol,'('(/ (7)1 Cil)l);,op),i(71imi of $114, 855 tlic, Di,@l)Os(il
Oii ;itolio)i by M;,. Boilizey, bA, Afr. (III(I by ;-(,Co;,(Ic,(t 1,01(' (1,@ follolf s:
Aye: AI(Lyo;, F),t7izk A. Ditsc,li, VICLI' (-ro))i.,t,ell, J)-. Alb",I-l L. li'ol;l-,y,
Sr. , Geo)'@-c' Pi. Ft.,;'rcit, I). )11(ilooil, [--. J. Cll)'Il@ Ptlyil,2,
G. Doi@)cy Si)iz)iia;zs, J;,., E(i;,l 11. T(,b(litil, a)l@i IV'. lililitcizitr@t.
Abse;zl: Jo'liz TI'. AIcCoii7b@
Cit Coitizcil app7-oved lfi(, (tp[);-op;-iatio)i of $112, f;50 to b(, ))zad(,, to the Wclfai,e Depart-
ni(,ni bit(lgc,t; $30, 740 of Ihis )-c q?tcsi i.4itist -v (-oiii(, fro@)i sl,(YPlles funds Pres Ily
(7i,ailable, ai2d $81, 910 zu,ill c-oi;i(, f,)-oiii inci-(,(ist,(i s in tlz(, "Pitblic Assistatice
G;@aizls" catego;-y.
On niotio)i-!l@., Mr. tVizilehu@-st, seco?zded by M;-. 7@t,,bault, a@id by ;-ecorded vote as follozvs:
Aye: Mayor F),aizk A. Di(sc,li, Vice Alayo)- l@obc,;-l B. cro)iiif)(,Il, Jr. Alb,,ri L. Bo-,zn@,y,
Sr., George R. Fe)-rell, D. Alit;@)@ay Wctlo();i, L(tit ;-c,,zcc AIarsizall, J. Citrtis Pay;z,-,,
G. Dei(ley Si@)i@;zoizs, J)-. , E(i;,l Al. 7'et)(Illit, alict
Abse@21: Joi2,;z IV. juccoiiibs
City Coi,?zcil approved Viygi ia Electric ai7d Iloiot,y Co@izpa)zy's reqiicstfo;@ an easeinent
of Yiglit of way for serz;icc to tlie Crceds Drag St@,ip, as slioiciz on VEPCO Plat No.
R/t@ 27,122.
Oyi nioli(wi b@, Al-r. Siiii@no)zs, s(,coizdc,d by Mr. Tebai4li, aizd by )-ccoi-dcd i,ole as follo s:
A yc: Alayo i- Fr(iiik A. Dies cli, Vice AIo@-o)@ Rob @,;-/ B. Jl,. A I bl,ri L. Ba,,-;z @y,
S)-. , Geo;--e R. 1,@ 1). La.,t,)-,)ice E. illa),Sliall, J. Cteytis Pay,,z,,,
G. Deil@ey Szi)i@)zo)zs, J),. , E(i;-l ill. a;l(t N. IVIlitelitirst.
Absciii: Joi'ijz W. ilIcCo@)ibs
City Co@e;l(,il (111171o)-i ('(! /il( (:ill @l ' ; .;, I ,It , @i@ to (i co;ll)-cl(-t i iiii Boivlt,s, Aiid;-clf)s
aii(i 701@)l( (I;l
7iic 2VI(ivo)- appointed tlie folloif;iiig to s(,),I,c, oiz (i (-,)iiiiiiiltee to stildy al d 1(7ke
)-tlclol)i))ic)I(I(Itio)ZS of til(' Co)l),,; oj- Bi (i(,il Sitidy.
Cha;-Ics Kilev Citi'lis Pa -i7ic E. H. Clzit;-cli
0)1 @iloli(,]? I)v 'TI)-. Sil)ll;?o)l@, S(,(,o)i(,'(,(l bl, ill)-. @l(ill)oil (III(I I)V 1,01(' (IS /i)I/Oli@s:
Il@(; ;Ilv
G. ]"et)
Abs(,)il: Jc)-")' IV.
Lticullils Edn@y rcqllcsts p@rmi,,3Eiol@ to iitovc a one-
story b@iilcaing acl(liti-Oll I-z,'x3D- fro@@l 612 DC)rsct
Avenue, Euclid pl@Ice, Bay@;iele Bol:ot.1c"i, to Lolls 9 &
10, P@ir',,, 21.6 Prit'chird @oid,
l,yiin'riaven Bc)ro@lc@h. E@'ti-Eilated v@l,,@e zi,"@Cr r,-,Ove E, nd
renovations, $A,200.
0), ;zolioiz by Al;-. P(ly)lc,, sc(,o)z(lcd by My. Sil)itll(_yjzs, (i)i(I b), i,oic, (i6 foliolus:
11. C I...... z(,@ 11, ';o,,: v,
G(,o)-,,,,@, R. D. J. CI)@)-i@,, P(I,;,
G. D, it (,.v Si)li;)Io)zs, J;@., ,(Il.l ,II.
At)@c,i,/: Jo@'@,, U. AI(,C,,)i) /-,
Ciilv Colol(@il apl);-oi,c,d Ilit, _follozt,i)zg lioitsc @liol ii?g p(,;.t)iil.
Heath, DeForas an@ Fieath for @ioLin "". La,-,@b, recuests
permission to .,,ove a one story resiclence
30'x42' @rom 1046 Princess @.niie @oa@, Prin--e@s
Anne Bol-ougn, to Lec Roy Drive, Rou-@e 1, Bc)a 1091,
Princess An@-ie .:-sti-,-ial@cd ve,'-,i,- move
and renovalli--@zis, @@D,500.
Oii ii2olio;i b@ M". Cro?iztt,(@ll, st,coiided by AT;-. aii(i by ;,ccorded i,ote as folloit@,@:
Ma@71-yb@;,njik A. D@,sc, , Vice Mayor Ro,;) ;-l L. Cro)'@i -,11, Jr. , A c -t L. Bonn,,Y,
Ai 16 i
S;,. Gt,o;,A,,@? R. I'@. Nri@;@ray Malbo;z, L(itur,,izc,c, E. M(ii,sliall, J. Cit@-lis P(i,,Iz-l
G. Deiti(@y Sininyons, Jr. , I,,arl VI. T@@bault, o);(,' I N.
Ab,@eiii: i-i/. AIcCon?b,@
Ciiv Coialcil t7pp,)-ot@ed thc folloluiilg house nioz i;lg P(-"-I)iit-
Jose,i'- reql,,ests jer,,Iiss;-on to
@-E2@, shell Foad
move a 30'x-@,
tc) T,,IIIC@,
Frtitna',-od viil@le zifcc,r nic,,,,t?. itrid Y(. ,, ,'1!7
O;? niotioll b@, M)'.
3oizize),, @(,(.oiz(led by M),. aii(i bi! ;-(,co;-ded i,ole as foliolus:
A A. D@i@c V@ice Mayoi- ;,(@t, )-t B. C)-o@)zit,cll, J;-. , Alb, )-i L. Bo;z t,v
D. iVItti-),ay ivalbo;,i, E. Alai-sli(ill, J. Clirlis
G. D@@,u@,-v Yt@0(iiill, a)i,l Ii(
Absc;zi: jo;@771 @i/-. AicC,, @li".1
City Coit;zcil app;,ot.(,(l tlie, )-(,,@olillioil Ili( Cily o) ivo;-folk to iiialet, (i coiiiicclioli
aiid lofli)71ish ivatc;- th;,oi(piz a p@-c)pos(,(l ivat(@@- s@-sl,,iii, loc(il(-d (it Scctioti
10, K(,@iipst,ille Bo@,oii,-Il.
);i i)iolio;2. bv Alr. .@(,(@o)Z(l @(I by m)-. AI(l) sli(ill, aii(i by rc,co;-(I(,d i,ol(, (7s- folloz(,,@:
A @,c: Alayo)- F)-a;zk A. Dits ciz, Vice illfci@,o;- Rc, o-@;@t B. Cronziucll, Jr., Albc)-t L. Boi?@zcy,
Sy. , Gl@o;,,,e R. Fe;,;-,?II, D. @lli@;-@-ay @1(t@-sliall, J. Cl@),tis Pa).)12,
G. Dezccy Sii)ii?zoizs, Jl'. , F,' ;-l @T. 2@Cb(7@!lt, a@z('i @V.
Abse)zt: Jol'i;z IV. ilfcCo@@,b,@
Cili, C,,It)l(.il (11)p).ol,(.(l Ill, l,'( .'oll@lio)l, to bi' (i l@) Al).. l@. IL'IISS@'ll
o;l Cill, 11(ill 1)(11'.
):(.-qu(?si- @)f .__._-!,Y@nb,rook Corporatiorl
Ci*ly of Virgi-niz,
v@r@ci tilc@ (:j,--
ArrowheElcl Section 10, Komi3sv
1;@c). of
S i: -
South chickasziw court 4-@ 378
Soutli Chickasaw Court 6" 20
No.rth Chickasaw Court 4" 200
South Cherokee Cluster 4" 350
Nortli Cherokee Cluster 4" 284
Cherokee Road 6" 605
.-.Site Plarl,-@'ownhc)use, At
Arro%lllic@3d, s(,ci:ir
witli IL.ir f(tair's
,l cl-.C L"Alcl C.ill'y and Llt@n
@c) @3UP
r@ly N a@e to
C r IDY t 11 c@,, C @i 0 f V, or 4-o -'('z Llpoli
-he Fiiid @7zitcr rtlaj.,Io
I L, . Ic
hzl),l bc in L cordan@,@ I,,,itl)
I's 0:@ -in6 -o na a 1,1
Or c t ,, @@ tif,f ctio
L I - o the City of
c z ri c) Ci'y, a@ no
2. Th&t tlic :-,o '-hroLi(jil tO COIIP.1).Tf@ors shall
bL, at :7alcc@ Y:,l
C)r th@ of 17or:Eo3
I I -1@ tc)
conc;u,,.Iozr beyoiid thc lill@i Lzl,-i-d @1-Y
3. a,hat all t-'Io C5-'@-,y o" rl'lc-o an(3
-Lhe b,@ os-- io@7 02: hercafter
pu-t in' o
apply to tlie suppl-yi.,,(-, 0,@ L@Ic-
4. T-bat th,@ saick cl,"l-Y o-IF k)e unc3c?r Y,.o to
fu.rniE3'A,i Z!S l@cl la@"d, with tbe
prcssu3--o carrieo, wilk in@o ii til.@ sa4-d @-upl@-lyi-ng
of v@a-ler sholl no-, Le :i-,i sci-vice, the. raid
City ol- l@o...-fot). shzll i-io" b@! 3:e,,i in E;ijy v.@Ly.
5. Th,,t in to @3lonv, tlie @a,*,.d pro,@,,@od Pla5.ns,
the C@@'Ly o-..- Nor@-olk w-@,11 th@- oi:Ll@@y and
lz,,t i,@,i Y)r@, tlic; cf s@iicl City to
ipply -@o any alc)ng -tbc, niaii-i@- e,-, Illy tiW-- t,7]len,
-.i the judge.,,iont of Co@inc-@ll 01- -th@- City of the said City
sliall not have suf@,icic@n@c fr)l- tioe itf3 co@-porz;te lim-,ts, or
Vneric,ver the su,@iDlyiiig oc- SZ)i@l 17ace@' th-- dipcliarge
of the duty of said City to suppl.y w@,tcr to i'L-@, i-yi'li;)bi-tants.
6. Tliat f.-cori @,nd zif-L-cr thc, of @iio x@io'cc-r and
hydrants thcy shall tlto o.E- i:hc,, C-iti, c)f Virgii-i@ia i'@each.
'11011 -o -!io Ci'-y of tTo@@,@olk the right
i@'lie City of Virgin4.E: I L ., L
to u@-e such rains ai,.Cl ',-lie of- 2nC furtl)er grants
to the City of l@lorff.-)Ik Zilid E;Cccso. to 'thoyl.
7. That for any a@c r(2!fLic@rt of th-@ Ci-L-y of
Vircfjniz, tcach, a @l year
for cz-,cll liyr)rai-it 'tC) C-i@,y c,i-
33Y of V-@
Rc,solittioii oj- A I)p) (,(,l (itioit
(I(IOPIC@(I /)V lilt,
oiz tliis Of A'I(ty, Ni)i(,I(,(,)i (,z)id Si,viy Ni)'I(,
fo Y
il YCCO,-12ilio)l Of Iiis (1(-i,ol((l (ii,,(l ioz,@c,lfisil se)-vicc to
@l'[IEI?I,.AS, Willicii7? I?ilss(,ll fl(tt(,Iic,li b(,,,,,(iii lii,@ O/ pieblic s(,,;-z,ic(@ It'zi;-iy-
-fli,e vea)-,s (i,,o as 0f I/lL' loifii o Bc,a(-Ii (i)itl co)iti)zit(@(I
tliis st,),t,ice as Co)ii@iiissio)i( ;, o-/-Ill(, O-/- AII)I@,, Coiiililv, 7-olt,)l
M(tizagc), of Vi)@,-iiiii Bt,(t(-Ii (iii(i Cil)7 c-Icts,@ Cit@, of Vi)-gi)iia
Beocli, a)id
UHERr-,AS, after tlic (@ollsoli(l(llio) of P;,iitc(,ss A)i)i(, Coii,;21@, apid tlie City of
Vir,,iiiia Beacii o)z Ja iiia)-@ 1, 196,3, 12t, bc,(@aniL, ltic l@l]?ST City Ma)iagc)- of tliis
rapi(ily g;-oit)iiig City, a)i(l
11,IIEREAS, lliroitglioitl Iiis (.arcel- of Pliblic Ii(, lias alli@ays beetz a leader
ill coizct,pis-fo;- lli(, b(-tzefit of tlic coili@iiiiiiii)@, as (@x(,),17plified by Iiis
a(li@ocacy of beaittificatio)l, llle COIIII)lltizity Cll('Sl, i)ilp@,oi,cl,d i;iental lzealtli aild
hospital pi-ogyanis atid 7ii,@ ol)posilloit to poll I(txcs cii!d loll @-o(ids, a@ld
IVIIL@'ll,b-AS, e foiig t a,,,ai)ist ciitliiig Fed(, 'al It)ipa(@l Fztjids, ivas instritnzc)ltal i
oblai)zing a;i "A" Boi7d R(tliii.@ foi- tliis City, coiic(-,iz,(,(l tlic PI(ilis fo tlie illitnicipal
Center aizd vas inslyzei@icitt(il iii obtaiiiiizl, P(,ii(Ilelo;z p -opt@ -ty fo), tile 11". Rilsscll
[Iatcliett,NTtoiicipal Golf Coil)-SC.
Tizat the Citizois of Vi;-g-iiii(7 Beacli ;-cg(i,;-(l it a kind proi@i-
dc,ticc tliat ue ive;-(, pei@@;iiited lo 17atl(, llit@ pl(,asztrc a d p),ofit
of his lea(Ic;-sliip (t@i(I f)lie)zdsliip for @o ti@(al v y(,O@@s.
Ttial tlie Cotaicil, o@z bt@ii(ilf of tlic Ciliz@,its of th(, City of
Vi;,gi;iia B(,a(-Ii, iti(i)lk.@ (I;I(l (7[)pi,ccialioll
fo)- tlic I)IOgni-fic(,ill 'I( ()f IIILLIIAI L,USSELL @A 7'CIIET7'
ivitiz, llie a)-d(,;il Pi-,,/ Ili(il Iiis i@icty I)c a loizg
ci)id )-ei a;-,,liiz,, o)l(l bt, it
Tliat tlie Cle)-k o,f lliis Coitizci7 is li@@ i-(,b), cli) (,(-Ic(l to sp;,ead this
resoli,iiioil oil tlit, @iii;iiil(s o-f 17lis a)id lli(it a silitabl@,
t,i?g;-osscd cop , b( lo Ifilli(t@)i Rtiss(,Il Haic-lic,li i(I)oil
tlie dedi(@alioii o-f tl,,( B@til(ii)il,, o)i City 11(ill
Dav, tlic Fi@-st (I(i@ of 7@ti2(,, Ni)2(,I(,Cil (7)1(1 Si-vt@,
O)/ bli Al)-.
Aye: Ala),or F)-a)zk A. Dit,@cii, Vice 11(7),oy Roo-)-i B. Cro@iziv,.,Il, L.
Sr., G2o;-,,e IR. Fe)-),cil, D. Iliirray illol@')oii, E. illarsli(ill, J. Citi-ti,@ P(i),)2-,,
G. Dezvey Si@@i@@io;is, Ji-. , Erz;,l AT. Tct)(iiat, a@i@l f@;liltciiitrst.
Abse@it. Jo,'Zn TV. A-IcCo@;;bs
Cil), Coitji(@il al)p;,ot,c,d llic, of tlic o)-,Zlll);-il -@8, l9(j9--]I('I)l 11@)71
til( if;()r(i lo P(,riiiii.
Oil ))Iolio;i 1)@, M;-. St'(@ z(l(,(l by ill;@. C;-o)i@i(@c 11, (III(I bv ;-ec,o;-(I(,d i,olc (is _I-ollol,,..
A Ala),o;, F),a;zk A. I)it,@cii, T*ice Jr., A L.
E. J. clo-ii,@
S)-. , G, o,,,e R. illcil j;i, L(i@(; P,
G. D(,zc;c@, Sii)i@iioizs, J -., ],(
Abse)zt: Jo,'i;,2 iV. AIcCo)@@l).,
Cill- Coitiicil (1pl))-oi,(@d Ili(@folloit,iiig app),oP;,iolio)i,@ oi @(,(-oild
1. An esti@)@tated app@opriatio)z izot iiz excess of $39, 000. 00fo)' tlie cmistritetion
of dyai) age ii@7p@-ovell2ellis G')l 117itcliclitcl? Roa(i iii co)ijitiiclio;z ivilli Zay),e's
Deparin2c7it Store. First It'ecidi)zg--May 12, 196@).
2. An appropriation of $1, 012for Ilze rel)lace?)i(,izt of d;,iveit)ays (ni I@idepeliclcizce
Bouleva)@d iii connectioll tilli Itte acqztisitio)z of R@@Ill@ First Reacling- -Alay 12, 1969.
3. An app,@opriatio)z of $2, 000. 00foi, extra hezp iii lize Generol Rcgisit-ai-s 05qce
for balaizce of fiscal 1968-69. First Reaclipig- -Alay 12, 1969.
M(7@@oi- F;-a)lle A. Ditscli appoinlcdNl;,s. Doi,olllv 21helill as Cli(iii,@?zan of U)Iitc'd INI(iliolis D(iy.
0)2 ),)iotion by Mr. Mai-sh(ill, s(,(-oiicl(,,d by Mr. Bo)iiit@y, 1/1(' nzc?(,ti)lg it,@as a(ljo?l)-@lecl.
@t c Fraill,, A. Ditscii
Cit Mayo;-
Cily of Virgiiiia Beacii
V i),g i) I i ',7
Ma@, 26, 1969