HomeMy WebLinkAboutMAY 12, 1969
Miyzlilcs of til(' llolo;-(Ibl(, Cit)' Coloicil
of llle
City of Ili;-,,iiiia Vi;,giiiia
Alay 12, 19(i9
Tite regielar i;zectii?g qf lhe Coi@@ic@l of tlie Cily oj' Vi)-gi)iia B,?cicli, Virgi@iia iu(is lield
iii tlie Coztjzcil Cliai?ibe;-s, iii llz(? (i@)iiiiisircitioiz Liiildiizl,, i)z tlie Borott.,,Ii of PI-i)lcess
I?ine, oiz Afo;l,,Iay, illla@, 12, 19'U-9, (ii lico O'clo(@k 11. All.
Cololciliiie;z p)-esent: Alayo;, F;-aizk A. Dzt,,;c,'z, Vice Alailo;- Robe)-i B. Cro))izt,,ell, Jr.,
Albe)-t L. Bo;ziiey, S),. , G(,o;,gc R. Fe@-rell, D. Alitr)-ay illlolb(ni, Laivre)zce E. Ma)--
sliall, Joli;l Ii', AlIcCo))ib@, j. Citi'li.,, Paric, G. I)ciuc), Si)'iii)lo;zs, J7-., Eal-I AI.
Tebatilt, ajid Kciz;zetiz @T.
Cot,oicili)7e;i absent: no,,ie
7'lze iizvocatioi ivas by Re@@ereizd C. Davi(i St'iyeeves, Dianio7id Spriizgs Cliyistian
Oii @@iotio@z by iltr. Mai-sliall, seco)tcled by illi-. Bo@ii ey, coid by znzctiziinoits L,ote, City
Coitizcil approt7ed tlie of lize i@icetiizg of Al)@-il 28, 19()9, a;id tile )-eading of
said AIiizzttes dispciised iciiii iiias@iiitcll as eacii Coiiilcili;iajz liad a copy of said
Minittes b(,foi-c Itini.
4ip-, appeai,(,(l bcfore Coz,7zciZ st)cal,,iizgfoi- tlie applicant rega;,dill,, llle
follozvi;ig api5licatimi.
@n @),totiaii by Ally. Sim@11011,@. -,.ecoilded bv Mr. M(ilboiz, a,7d by itna)ziiiioit,- vote, Citv
i,7zcil app;,ot,ed the folloif,ill, @II)plicatioiz loater aild
0 _fo;@ ,t i@ll s zlbjec t to City
sewer, reqiei)-e@;,ieiLts of tlie Silc Plaii 0),di@;z(in(,-c ajid (,z dcdiccttio)z of 45feetj'i,o?ii tk,,2
initial ce;ilc;- Iiize of Little 1'V()ck Road.
Applic.ttion of Paul @,4. Trustee, foi- i Uce Perniit to con--!ruct 4'-@
townhouses and "" gare@en apartrnents, t,)talin@ 56 on certain i)ro2ery
located on the E.@st ticlc of Little r4ec'@- Roac', lic-@.in-niti@ at a poirt IA5. 5' fect
North of Virgini.,. Be@cii Boulevard, rurinin, @ diE;'Iance of 27-1. 6 fect
the East side of Little Road, ruxinil,, a distaiicc of 430 feet IIZ)-.Ig t@ic
Northern property line, running a di@tance of 3EZ fcet -Ion,., the E-,s,ern
property line and run-in-. a di taiice of "",3 fect alon,. tlie Sou'lliern property
line. (Scuthern Teri--,ice-Belle Havc.-i Ar(,.a). LYI,;iN9AVEN BO-X'C)UG'@l.
The Plannin, Cornrnission rec,,:,Tniner,,ds a-p@roval of this reques, subject to
City water and sc%ver, i-ccluiren.-r,,ts of ',!,e Si,e Pl,,.ri Ordirarce an@, a dedi-
cation of 45 fect fror@i t@ic center ii!,@- of Little Neck road.
appc@a)-,61 b(,t@o),c Coiiilciz Ili(@ applic(ilit ;.(,gai@(lill' tlt(-'
ai P)iotio;z b-i@ Ilcl)-sil(ill. bi- ill)-. Loiilz(@@v, aii(i b.i- t-olL,, Cit-v
co I 0 1i I (IC jjI I 11 L' ) o I 1 0 1 (' i I I(1.1)1) I i c t I t i ()) I oj (i (. I! 01 @ j@) i - (" 0 (la @v
Application of B. B. @Vills by Girla-iicl Liyt )n, Attoriiey, for a clian@,e of
zonin frorn Residciice Subtirl@aii ')istrict l (R-S 4) to -Mtiltille i:@aniily
Resideiice District @)i-, ceriii,,, prol)erty locit(,(] (,ii tlie SoLitli sicle
of Ncwtown Road bc,,iiii)in I
,q at a poirif on 'l),e W,,st,,rii 1)r,,porty lilic of
Bc@ttic F. Willizinis S(l@,,ol, ruri)iri,, t (ii.@titnce of 2319 fect alo;,, t,lit@
NortlierTl prl)erty li3i(@ of %viiicli 303 f(@et iS tIlCl SOLltl',Cl'rl ,)rop,,rtv l@Iiie
of Ne%@,to%@,ii Iloici, i-iii)llint4 i (list.-in,-(@ of 111)3 fCCt t]IL' @%lc-st(,rii
prol)ei-ty litie, riiiii@il,@@ i, C)f 2@0, fe, t 11()Ilfl tl,(2 S(,tltll(,I.ll
C,I'ty Iii,,-, of @@,liicli f""i i@; 11,@ llfi,- ,f
Sch@olArcl). BAYSII)Epol@OUGII.
-The Plantling Coinillissioii recoi-niicii,3s (leiiiL.1 (@f ti,i@@; rcqtlef@t it would
-be spot zolling iii aii treit zc)iiccl precioniiii@Liitly silILIe, I,-zlliily PCsiclciitial.
M),. St(tizdi)zg P)-es(@izic,d a to tile coltilcil fi-O)il tlic scliool bo(ii'd i-egct),(Iiii@, tlie
folloivi;ig api)licaliG'lz.
0 O)i iiiotio2i by Mr. Croiiizvell, -@eco) (IC'tl by Al;,. 7@cbaitlt, and by )-c,(-o)-ded vote as
lye: Mciyor Fi-aizl,, A. Ditsclz, Vicc Al(z),o;- Robc,;-l B. J;-. , Albert L. Boi2ilc,y,
Si-. , Geo)-,e R. Fe)-)-c,ll, L(itt,),c)icu h. ju''in TV. AIcCo,,@,b@, J. Ctt),ti, Paypie,
G. Deivey Sii7ii)z6,it., J),. , Ea)-l Al. T(bajtlt, (ill'i elli N. il'liiteititr6t.
,Not voti)2g: D. Ml,i;-;-a@, l@ralbo)z
Cit), Coltizcil def(,i,;-ed tlie folloit'i;zl@ applic(zl;o;1,10;- (7 ot z 17lid a itse pe;-iiiit
foi- 11(70
Application of C. Ro,er Malbon for a chan@,e f zonin@ from General Com-
mercial District 2 (C-G 2) and Gene;al Industrial District I (M-1 1) to Multiple
Family Residcnce District (R-M) and a Use Peri-nit to construct 48 apartmcnt
units on certain property located on the Vest side of Diamond Springs Road,
North of Northarnpton Boulevard, runnin@ a clistance of 328 fect along the
Eastern property line, of whicb 133 feet is tho Western propcrty line of Dia-
mond Springs Road, running a distance of 449 f(@et along tlie Nortliern property
line, LiuTiing a distance of 324 fect along the Western property line, running
a distaiice of 379 fect along the Southerii prol)erty liric. (Burton Station Area).
The Planning Commission recoi-nmends approval of tbis request subject to
City water and sewer ai)d the requirements of tlic Site Plan Ordinance.
@t@ appea)-ed befo)-c Coinicil i-ep;,esciiiing tlic (ipplica;zt )-e,-a)-ding tlzefolloicing
applicatio;l. [Il- p)-esc;ite(I a pc,titioiz b@@, all bitl o;ic p)-opc;-I@, oitize;@ iii tlie area
stati)l.-, t7lat tlicy luc@-e not al,aiii,, I tli , lio,,-@ c, bc,iii, a)z tiz(, p)-opt,)-t@
represeliti)z,l@ 'II)-s. appea;,cd bcfo)-c Coit)zcil a@,(ziiist tlzefolloicin,
appli('(Iti(,)Z. Al;-. Coffiiz Co,iizcl,'l icitil a pclilioiz @i@ic(l b.v agai;7--t
Ilie applicatioiz.
O)i ))iotio;z bv M;-. Ma;-sli(711, s@,co;zdcd b@- M)-. C;-o@@iic(,Il, a;zd b@, itjz(7)ti)iiotis ote, City
COI(21cil appi,oi-ed ilicfolloit,")I" (IP,@lic(it,@Oil t-O)- (I 'L, as lo)i,,, a- tio Ic,-itil)latc
coi@iplaiiil,, I;-c,j@ilcd.
Applicatioii of Louis J. and I\,Iary A. Osterhous for a Usc Permit to construct
a horse stable on certain property located on the South%', ost corner of Pleasure
House Road and Old Harris Road, ruiiiiin@ a distanco of 80 feet alon,. tlle West
side of Plcasure liouse Road, runnin@. a distanc,@ of 300 fe,:t along the South
side of Olc3 Harris Road, rtiniiin@ a clistance of 128 fect along tlie Westorn
propcrty Iiiie, runniii, a clistztncc of 300 fect iloi,, tlie Soutliern property line.
(Chesape,Lke Beach Ar(!a). I'AYSII)F- BORC)UG[J.
The Plani)ing ConiT-nissioii recoitirneiiclg deiiit] c)f tliis reqliust as the housing
of large. fariii aiiiniils is iiiapl)rol)riit@, by rczL@(,j@ of heiltli, oclor, alicl lot
size in this resi(icnti,tl arca.
q, Oi I 1; I 0 1 i(,) I 1) 2v f) /?('il 11 t' t' I!ll(llliii1o@t,, 1-ol", Cilk,
lollolf-iii!@ filio)l (I i)i li@(11 //If, io)l
Applicati(,ii of Adztrilson Oil Go. fc)r iZ LT.,;c l@eriiiit to erect .1 @;igiil)oard 16 fc-,et
by 40 fcct -on certtiii prol)(!i-ty loczttc(l-
c)" tlic No'-til si(l(-, of tt@c Virgiiiia licitcli-
Norfolk Expressway, 160 fcc-t @Ve@,t of N4,IC Stl-Cet. (Couiity Vicw MOI)ilc lioii-le:3
The Coinmission feels that the use of tlic Virgiiiia Bcach-Norfoll< Expressway
for outdoor advertising dctl-ZLCtS froin tlie aesthetic al)pcarance. ai)d depreciates
adjaceiit prol)c3:ty values. In keepiiig %vitli pa-@t policy, tlic Planxiiiig Coini-nis-
sion recommerids deiiitl of this reqticst.
Mi-. P).Clc,)ile(,' a f;'oi@i llic RL,al E@, i(il,, D(,I)(i ;-I@il C,IZI ('11(7)1 -i)Z till' it'o)-Cl
de(licatio;i to i-ese)-t@atioiz.
Tc @i
Oil ))IOIiOn bY M)-. Pa@llic, @eco)z(lcd b@, Ali-. 1,01(', Citi,
Co,'r,icil OPP;'Otl@ed l,'IeiollO'('i)zlll aPi')Iicalio)i 1-0i. (i :t@(' 10 171('
vation of 110fectfo)- tlie p;-ol)o,@c,d Q/ It'" 01 FOIIIC'L.(I)-d (?;Icl fl!;-I!ici-
siibject to t,'ze of tile sil(, PI(I)I
Application of Virginia Electric anci Powei- Co. for a Use Perillit to con-
struct and operate aii electric substatiO3l on certain property located on
the Northwest cor2icr of tlic abaiidoned Nol@folk and Southern Railway
Right of Way and tbe Virginia Electric and Pc,@@ver Co. Eascmciit, runnin,
a distance of 559 fect aloii, the abandoiied No2-folk and Southerii Railway
Right of Way, ruziiiin,, a distance of 567 fect aloi)g the Norther2i propcrty
line, running a distince of 700 fect aloiig tlie Westel-n @roperty line, run-
ning a distance of 631 feet along the So@lier2i property line. (Green Run
The Plannin, Con-imission recornmends approval of this request subject
to the declication of 110 fect for the proposcd ri@ht of way of Independence
Boulevard and further subject to the requirerricnts of the Site Plan Ordi-
@--H--G. --Bi-a(IsliaitLappea)-ed bcfo;-c Coiozcil )-eg(z;-dili@ tliefolloiuiiz,, applicatioil.
O)i niotio)L b -v Sin,,nio;is, secoiidcd by ill),. illa;-sliall, tt)zd b@, iniaili@lloits tote, City
Coitiicil app;-oi ed tizefolloit-i)zg ai,)Plicatio)zfo;' (z '-o (1(7v t(,,c Pc,@-I)Iit @ltbicct to tize
I . All boal@ a)i(I cq@,ipill(,,Izl I)i cl till SI(itc, ail([ FL,(I,,j-al lal(,@.
2. All boals nitesi li@ii e a Co(7,t Gi((i;,d o,, t (i i;il, detice
for each pe)-@o@i o)l I)oa;-d.
3. Bot7)-s iiiii@l bc c,d b@, l,ic Co(i.@l Gl@a) (i 1)@ 1-0).E@
4. State laiv )@cq@ti)-t )10 bo(ii Sil(ill 01), )-(il if,illi@l,l -@0-/', ( I o-i-aizli- b(,,(Z(-Ii.
5. B,,toy@ sliolil(i );,(i) Iti, 50 -i';-Ol)l
Application of H. G. Bradshaw for a Use Perrnit for tlie rental of srnall
power and sail boats on certain property locate(i on tlie North side of Shore
Drive and Ocean Averue, East of Lesner Brid (,. Said lots arc designated
as Lots 14, 15, and 16, Block 1, Plat of LynrihI.Veii Shores. (Lynnhlven Inlet
The Planning Comiaiission rccomrnends Ipl)ro'@,al of this request subject to
tlie following:
1. All boits @in(I (,qviipment rntist iric, t ill State and FederLl lzt@vs.
2. All bozits iiitist li@.ivc,, a Coast Cllztr(i ,1)1,1 ov(-(] life-szLviii@, clevice
for cLcli oii boLi-d.
3. Boits intist 1)( ili)pi-o%,@(i by tl,,, bfcr(- reiitill@@.
4. . Sl;it(- I.(@!i 110 1)(,,Lt oil, l@Lle 1/2%,iti,ill 50 fcet k)f @trly
b(@a( Ii.
a@ i)to,lio)i by Ali-. Pa),)ic, s coii(l(,(l bA' Ali-. AI(t) ([)Ill I)A' lottlitil)1011,@ I,-ol@', cil)'
O'/ Coit@l(@il (IPI))-oi,ed tlie folloiuiiig al)l)lic(llioil 10 /)) olt,cl (III(I (@)III(I)lC(' llle
iii Ilie Cott;-Ilioit.,,(, a)-ea.
Application of @'he City Y'laniiin,, Coii-imi,,siori @n(I tlic Ili@t(@ric Revicw
]3oarcl to es' 131@cli nll T,
to suppleriielit ti-@-.2 (A-1@),
]Duplex District 1 1). Limited Goiniii,--rcitl I-,istrict I (C-L 1). Liin-
itecl Com,,-nercial Listrict 2 (C-L 2), @ncl Gc@neral Corr-,iierci@ll District 3
(C-G 3) zonin, on ccr,ain proncrty locztter-I l-lai-i,l t'LIC Southern property
line of Court llouf3c -orcst ,.rd l@cllarn Schc)ol, runnin, a -';st,,tnce
of 2/40 fect alor., th-, proper-,y lir,.c, runnin- a 6istance C)f @l@-55
feet alon@. tlie Scutlacrn pronorty line; T)ropcrty extcneir,@. -:5@) fect
West of West Nccl,@ Ro,-d, runrtin@ a c@f '0000 fect rnorc- or 1--so
alon@ the Eastern prop,-rty line, extcize;n- a 6istance of 80,@ fect North
of Princes3 Anne l@oid alor,, ilolland @"aps and rnore cl--,,ailed
infor,n@-tion a:te in tli-- Cfficc cf t'ic City Plaz)riin, CO-,-nnilssion.
(Princess Anne Courtliouse Area). AND7E Bc;lllcljGll.
The Plannin, Comr,-iisrion recomrncnds @ipnroval of the aldoption of tliis
ordinance to proloct iii6 cnl-,ancc tlie dov2lormert ir- "lic Court,-,Oure
@r-TO-IzLBr-oi,l@aPPeai,cd befo@-c Colt;icil rep resciztilig tlie afiplicant @-eaa;,diii., tlze
follott,i)z@- alhi,7icatioiz.
Jo@ll@a za@a, rep),ese)zti)z,- Biycbzeck poijil Civic Lcagite, appea -ed before
Coinicil aaai)zst the follo t@ilig applicatio)l. Al)'S. Jollizso)i, a Pi'operly oi(@izei,, appeal,ed
5efoi@e Co,@ricil a,-ai;zst tlie al)plicatio;z.
eanLy)z, M),-. Hiestai?, Alr. Cliff GoZde;,, ai2d-@ -(710 P es den
of Bir&zeck Civic Lea.-ite appe ;-(@d befo),e Coiazcil @@cla)-d@@z,, tlie folloltl,ina applicatio)z.
O)i tizotion by Mr. -@in7@),ions, seco)zded by iVIr. iVI(ilbo;z, aizd by recorded vote as follotvs:
Aye: Ma@,or F;@ank A. Dit@cit, Vice Mayo;- Robe;-t B. Ci-oii?tvcll, J;-. , Albel-t L. Ba,,Iney,
Sr. , Geo),,e R. Fei-rell, D. Mit;-)-ay Mcilbo,,, Jolz)i U,. jlIcConibs, J. Cli7-ti,,, Pa@ize,
G. Deivey Sinzmans, Jr. , E(t),l iW. Teba,,tlt, aizd Keizizctlz iV. tl,-Iiitelizi)-st.
Nay: Lazurence E. Alarsliall
Cit)' Colf7icil app)@ot7ed tlie folloit@iti, applicatioiz fo;- a
-IL@ ,) czjj
@ttbject to tlic dedicatic*z
c,f RI,@ oil O)-iole D;,ive,(7ndco;zizc,ctioil to ('ity
Appl'lcation of Lin',@llorn Land CorporatiDn by Thomas C. B,-.@yles, Attorney,
for a Use Permit to cor
struct a 60-urit nlotel on certain P-operty o,-l the
North side of oriDIL L)rive beginning at a poii,@t 469 fect -ore or lesg Nc)rth
of Laskin Road, runiiinfl a distance of 347. 7 fect alonf. tlie North side of
Oriole Drive and !-unnir,, a distance of 40S feet -"O"-- ti'L "Vestern Dropcrty
-1,1 e of 251. 53 f@et alon,. the Nort@Llcrn property line and
line, runnin, a dist, , c
r-nin, a distance of l' 5 ? fect alon,
@u- @ tl@,e Eastern property line. (Birdneck
A.rea). LYN-,\IiiAVEN B,-JROUGH.
I tliis %vould
The Plani-,in, Co@-,Iniission recor,-inicncl., clciiiii of tl,@is (,,quest as
be d--t.-ino@ital to tl,,c- [,,riily in ti@c arca; furthcr, the
existin@ road desi.-n c,%use c.uc tr@ t')e incrcase
in traffic.
A 7' 7'IIIS YljllE COUiNICILillIN SI,11,110.VS Ll"I, I il@N'I) [)II) VOI' l'OTI, O,\'
O)i niolio)t by Mi,. Alalbo)i, by Al).. (1)1(1 bA, )-(,cor(lcd vol(, (i,,;
C)q Aye: 'Al(tyo;, Fi-ciizk A. Ditsc-11, Vicc IVI(ii,o)- I?ob(@;-l 13 J)-. , Alb,,i,l L. 1;
Sr. , C(,oi-(,@! R. D. Alit;-i-(iy AI(ilbo)i, Jol,'il @t. ill@
J. Cli@'li@ P,,i@iie, Ea)-l M. 7'(,b(tzill, aii@l A(@iiiz(,Ili iV. ti llilt@hiii,@ 1.
Abseitt: G. Deive), Ji-.
City Coit)zcil app;-ot@(,d tlic folloit'i;i,, c(ppli(.alio)z fo@- @iebject to Cil@,
a)zd ,,eive;, ciii(i of tile Sitc PI(1;2 O@-(Iiil,,I)Icc.
Ap,,31icati@n of l@aylezs S',.-.Itioi.,3, Ilic. (for@iicrly Ttiorntoii Oil Co.-npary of
Kentucl@y, Inc. ) for a 'L.Jse -orriait to construct z@. g-,soline suo-31y st,@tion
on cortaiii propli-ty locitecl on thc l@@ortli sille C)f Vir-ini,- Beach Boule-
vai-d, begint)ing at a point 470 f@et @'l-est of !',yi-d I,,Inc, ruriiiii, a distalice
-I D -i c . ru;iuin@ a
of 260 feet aloil@ thc Vorth side of Vir-inia Dc, ch -oulev, r I
di,-t,@nce of 200 fcct I-lor- ti-,e Etstcrn pro,,)erty line, runnir.,@ t distance of
200 fect al,)n- tlie i@'ortl3ern property Iiiie, ,n@l rLtaDin.@ a clistance of 200
fect ilon.@ the li'iestern property line. Park Area). LYNNIIAVZIN
'1'he 131annin@ Corn-,ni@,sion -,p,@rovll of tliis rcqucst subject
to City .viter @ncl sov)cr a-d reclu;ri,.i-.ic@its @f t-@e Site Plan Orc!ir@@ance.
O)i niotio-,z by M@-. Malboii, secoizded by M;-. aizd by ;@eco)@ded t@ole (t@
Aye:, AIay6FFia,ik A. Dziscii, Vice Alayo)@ Rot)(,j-l B. C)@oniiuell, J;,. , Alberl L.
Sy. , Geo;-ge R. Ferrell, D. Mit;-i-ay Afalba;2, Laif,j,e)ice 1,@- Ala;-sh(ill, Jolin IV. A,F(
J Citi-tis Pcyie, Ea)-l Al. 7@c,baztlt, a;zd Keiz)zellz i'1/2'.
Abse7it: G. Deif)ey Sii)i)no)t@, Jr.
City Coiaicil approved pl(I)Z)zi)ll' Coiizilzi--.sio,,,I's ),ec@01),-i)zcizdatioit to iizodify tlic
app,)-ot@e Yzly tlie izo;,tllcl7z 100-foctf3-mita,-c, o;i Loiz(ioiz E;-iclgc Ro(7d ivith tlie dc,l)l,'@
i-e@),tai;z as o;-i,-i;,zally i-eqzic@ted (?)zdfiti-17ie;- 6itbj ct to Cit@, tuatei- aizd seive),.
A,,D,-).icatic)n of -@Vill@,am r". Wall,,er by Cvicn, Gx-,y, Rho(les and Eetz,
.Atto@-neys, for a chr.-@@ )f --onin., fr,@ra 1.@.ricLilttiral r@isll,-ict (,k -r,,) to
Lirnited Cornrncrciti-@l@triCt 2 (C_T 2) ol,. a P. ed
:ert, ill property JOC t
alon@ the @@Vest side o,@ l,or@don Dri@,e T' 0, Cl
- @, -i . b--@.iniiin@. at a point 088. 5
fect Soutb of Adventure Trail, rurnin, a ei,@t.-.ince of 3"4. @1,9 fect alon@
tbe West side of Loiic3on rrid,e road. a cli-,tance of 2@)O fcot
alono. the Sout@err@ propci-ty litie, rujin; n.., .1 6!z;@arce of 3@2. 03 fect
aloti@ tne @Vc@-tcrri pi-@,'D-rty lin'2, a eistance c)f 19). 35 foct
alon@ tlie 1-@orthern ,.)ro,@crty line. l-'states Area
LY !AV.T-@ ", B Cl@ C) U G'L 1.
The Pl,,nniii, Cor,-ii-@@ission recorn@i-,nen-l's t m,,@;-fication c.' t:-ds request
to P-pprove only t,.c r-orthern lio-foot froilta,c on Lonclon Bri(l,e Road
%vitli t'@e del?,'@'i to a5 o-2i@.i:-ally rcc-.ccztc--' .nd furthcr su@-jcct
to Ci,y water ind sewcr.
Al;-. R. l@. Col(; apl)c,a)-c-cl bc@oi-c Coit)l(,il )-t tlie follott'ill,, (-Ippzli(,@
0)1 @llolio)l bi, Al).. NI(ilboiz, t'cQjl(lc)cl b@, ill;-. (7)i(l b@, @-c(,o@-dC(l l@ol(- (i
Te ,lA AI(ti,o;- A. D:t.@(,Ii, NI(i@'O)' 13. C;,o;)itv(,Il, J)-. Alb(,;@l I,.
&il S' - I
Gc,o;,,,,(, I@. Fc)-i.(@ll, 1). Joilil It'. I@
,7 Cit)-ii,,, II(il@@izc,, I"(1).l ill. ]'t
Ab,@(,iil: G. Di Iii(-i, Siiiii;i(@il@ , J)'
Cit@. (,o@ol(..il l@o). lll'o I(,i
'Apl)licztion of rl'l SteN-.,-rt Colc for a IT"C',
P(,Yr@lit f,)r tlic rciitz@l ,rcl s-le of
cai-apor trtiler.,3 oii ccrtaiii pi-o@lorty loc@@tc(l 0:' tilo ]@'act@ si(le of III.L,, 'A TroiL
begiiiiiiii, at zt pciiit 250 fect iiore or less C'f r@',)yO, @trcet, riii '
iziin@ a
dist,ilice of 200 fect tlic J;-'art sicle c)f Tyii.l. runT)ill.,, zi dislalice
of 300 fect Iloii- t',ic i"(3rtlicrn propeily linc, riiiiiiiii,, -@i disttiico of 200 fect
alon@@ the Easter.,i propcrly iiii,@, tnd 1-ul)nir.,@ zt elist@ince of 300 fect aloii@.
the Soutiern propcrty line. (@@rinccos Aillic- Plaza Area). l,yiiiliaven 13oroLigli.
The Plannirg Coir4,-iii3zsici) recor-,ii-nenclo cicnial cf this rcqi-test as it is r,@ot
a related iioe to t r@ooli!)c sti,)ply staticii @,,3 st--tte(I in t',Ic zonin,., oreinance
and wovld lead to cltitt@-r and @,I-,nca,-,@nce of @asc)linc.
supply stations w Iiicl L ,ic j:-,Ily '2@ono iie---:ceIIentjob of iriii)rovii-
tbcir irni@c cQir.-riunily t@-,ic last few ycars.
ITe @l
Oii motion by My. Malbo)z, st,coizcle(I by Mr. Nl(z;,sliall, aiid b@, @-eco;,cled t:ote as follolus
Aye: Mayor F;-a;zle A. Dits (,Ii, Vice Alayo)@ Robc;-l B. Cronizvell, Jy. , Albe)-t L. B07 ;zey,
Sr, , Geo;-ge R. Fei-i-ell, D. Walboiz, Laii,;-t,)zcc E. Ala;-sliall, Joliii IV. McCoi)lb,,-,
J. Cztytis Pa)ize, Ea;-l M Y'cb(zzilt, a;id A(,izilelli i@'. 11 Ilitclilt;-,, t.
Absent: G. Dcivey Siiizil7olz-,,, J),.
City Coitncil defc),red tlie folloit,i)ig applicatia)z fo;- a eyt)iiifol- tluo Zt)eeks-
Applic,ztion of RK Stewart Cole for a UL;e Pori,-iit for tile rental and C-.ale of
carnper trailcrs oi. property loc.,.ted oii the S@utlieaf,-t corner of
Pl.tza Tr,-til ard roc--inoiit no-,td, runiiiii, a di.,3tance of 150 fect aloii, the
Soutli si,de of PlazL Trtil, ruriiin,. a di--'Ij-nce of 201. 3@@, feet tlon,@ tile East
ride of rosenioiit lc)z,-(I, runnir,,, a clistitiice of 175 fect -Ion, the Southcrn
property line, runnii-,, a distaiice of 200 fect z.lon@ tlic --,-stern pro,)erty
line. (Princes3 Annc Plazt and @@,,Iii,.dsor Woc)ds Aret). LYNNHAV@.IN
The PI.,nnin@ Co@isf,,Ion recoi-nmcn@1,11 eci,ial of this requost as it is not
a relatc,.cl use to a -.asoline stipply static)n a.@, st,2ted in tlic zoning orclina'3ce
and viould lead to cltit@Irr and appc,%raice of .asollne
stipply stLtiozis v/hicii liave F.@n-rally clon-- L@n e,-cellosit job of irni.?@-ovin@
tbeir iinL@c reE,,arclin, cczir,-iuriity ,p,)c,.-ance in tl,-- last fcw yca,75.
Mr. R'illialli Alcglzt_r, appc(l i,ed befo;-e Coitiicil fo;, tile folloit,,@;ig applicatio)i.
O)i t@iotion bi, Ili,. Malbo;z, sccoiz(lcd by Alr. aiid by )@ecorded ?,7ole, Citv
Coiaicil app;-o@ ed tlzefoZZoit'i;l,g apl)licalioizfoi-
,itbject to City it,atcr aiid rcqiii;-c@)IC)lt, ot Ill(, Sitc Pl(l;l Oi-(I,;;io@zce a;z(i a
dc(licatioiz of 45feetf;-o@il tlie C(,Iztt'). li)z(@ or- Fi)@-@t Coio;zial !?o(i(l.
Applic,,.tion cf Roger L. Visser, D.D.S. .@,i. S. ,.ncl @,ob -vi. @.4artin, YD.D.S.
for a c., .1.1@ s
,,-I C Of 7 1-@i- , fro -i Resiclence @Subur'--an Di trict 3 (R-S 3) to Resi
dencc Duolcx Distric:' I (,@-D 1) ar@d a Usc to construct professional
offices on cer"ain pro-)cr,@, locl@ed aloia,@ t,@e side of l@irst Colo;iial
Road be-innin@ at a roi,,it 13ko7 fect @,orti@i of I,,,skin @old and runniii,. a clis-
tance of 105 [cot Ilorll tilo V;est sid@ of yir5', Coloiii-I io,-,d, rlinnin., L dis-
tance of 105 fect alo),.,, ti@ Nc)rtlicrn propei-ty Iiiie, runnin, a distance of
105 fect alon, tlie propc,,rty line Li@d runri--. a clistince c)f 205 fcct
alonL!, tlic Sou crii pr@perty Iiiie. (LIurel @.'@inor Area). LYI@'iNil.,%V--N
The Plitinin,,, Cornnis,,;ion recc,mrncncis of ti)i@; rcqu(,,rt Stll)j,@ct to
City water ancl @f ai,,i zi
cation of 45 fect f, c; 1 t
AIclici-fi,o))i tlie appli(-(t)it to lli(@ Coit;icil by Al)-. Siflil(li)lg /k"'
ii!illid)-ait@eil of tlie appli(-alio;l.
Oii i@iotioiz by lvl;-. A4(ilboii, ,,t,coii(led b), Ali-. a)i@l by i,ecoi,(Icd t,oic a-, folloivs:
Aye: Ma@,o;- F;-a;tlo A. Die,-c-ii, Vicc AI(iyo)- Robt,),l 11. Ci-oi)llvcll, J@'. , Albe;@t L. Bo;iizey,
Si-. , Geoi,,,e R. Fe;-)-ell, D. illte;-)-av iii(ill)o;z, E. Nlai-sliall, Joiiii If. AIccot)zl@-',
J. Citi@lis Pci),)te, Ea;,l Al. Tebai(li, aii(I K(.Iijzllli j@. l@ liiteliit;-st.
lbs(,2zt: G. Dezuey Silll@)70)IS, Jr.
Cit@, Coit;icil app),Ot,ed tlie if@ilhd;-aital o.f tlic follozuiii@., tipi@licatioiz.
Ay,plic,Ation of i-,crjac Cc,rpor;ition for a (:han@e of zoninz fronj rCsi(2,e.,Icc
Stiburban risti-ict (.R-s .,) to @',Ultiplo Finiily TCsi(@elice Listrict
and a Use Perrnit to consti'l-ict I'D to%,;nliou@es on cert,,in Drop--rty located
on th of 12,ellc FavDn Drive be,inriirg at a point 106.,,6 feet
West of Little Foad, ru.-iiing a distince of 290. @5 feet aloiig the
North sioe of Eelle 1-@av--,, Drive, rur-,Iii-i,, a Ci-tatice of 1,30 fect alot,.,, tho
Easterri propci-ty line, ruzinin@. a di,-t,@nce of 312. 55 fcct zLIon, tlie Nortli-
ern property line, ru.-inin- a clistancc c)f IOC) fect along tlie ', estcrn property
'@lat of Belle
line. S-,iid lots zre clesi,natec] as Lotz, 23, 2", 25, and 26,
flaveii. (Belle @liven BCRCUGP.
The Plannin@ Coi-iii-,iisc;ion reco7-nmc-ids deiiiil of this reqll@.st as thesc
lots were originall@@ laicl otit is part of a farnily stibdivision arid
rniLilti-fai-nily Liy-,it:i %;c)LIcl con@,e,,.t tl,.e arc,2. Pezonin, %,zould
also catise an cxccc;,,@ivo tr@iffic laid at t"@e fiirc-cc)rnor intersection at
Little t@ecl@ Poid tnc' Grant P@oac!..
A lettei@fro))i tlie school botz;-d icas P)le-, eizted to tlie Coirz(@il by A'I),. St,,71ldi ig.
B9@..Q@,ii@e;l.bC.r fo
_.Ly appea;-(,d bel @-e Coinicil fo 7- tli( applica)it.
Cxj ai motia@z b), My. lvlalbo;z, secoizdecl by ilT)-. Boii@t(,y@ aizd by reco;-ded @,ote as follozus:
Aye: Mayor F;-a@ik A. Dit@cli, Vice Nla@@oi, Robc,;-l B. Croi@izucll, J;,. , Albe)-t L. Boiznc),,
Si-. , Geoyge R. Fe@-rell, D. Nlalbo;z, Laiv),c)zce E Mcir@tiall, Joli)i IV. McCoi;lbs,
J. Cuk-li@ Pay@zt?, Earl M. I't@bczitll, aizd Ac;zizelli iV
Absc@it: G. Deivey J;-.
Cit37 Coitizcil appiol,ed tlic follozviii, ap[)Iicatioiz j-o)- (i @@f-Qf zaiii@l, a)ld a itse Periizit
6tibject to Cily it,ale)- a)l(i clizd Iii", oj- tilc Sitt! Plail O;-dill(l)lcc.
of DePro'uiiciis, Inc. for a cl@-r-(-, @f @.Dni'@- fro, ',e " nce
@rl @ Bile
subuz7'oan DisLric" 3 ('-,3 3) 110 lultiple -,',,2-l'ic:ence Di-@Lrict
and -- Use Per,@,it to coa,,truct il
i:,-,2its o-,i ccrt,,iii pr,,,pLrty lo-
cated on t@,c cDriier of -,-r@ortoii Di-ive and E @c@rect, rinnin@
a diEtzLnc@- of 12:@, fc--t the SDu@@i ,jid,2 of E Srcet, rlinning a dist,-n-ce
of 177. 5 foot ilon@ t'ric '.'iest sicle oi Elarbortol Drivo runnir.,, a distaticc!
of 12@- fe@t cl,.)n,, t:-@c @,Dut!icrn pro,--,r"y Iii,-, i-unrin,@ a distarce of 177. 5
fect tlie ,,,'cstern pro,)2rty line. Aret), LY-@Ni;IL,@Vl;,',4
The I)Iannin- Coii-@iis@ic)rl tl;i,,; requ,-,,;t SIILjoct
to City N,@atcr ai@(I r ti@@@ tl;,-- "'ite l@lan Crciirai,cc.
bc-l-o;-t, Coit;l(.il )-c-@
O)i- i)zolio)i b), Mi@. AI(ilboji, b@, Ali. t,ol(, (1,
Aye: AI(t.@,oi- F)-a;zl,, A. Dit,,,cli, 17ic@c, AI(i-@lo;- liol)(,@-I l,. C)-oiiii(,(,Il, J),. AII)t,i@l I,.
5),., Gcoj-,,,, Ii. D. illit)-;-(Iy Alall)o;t, Iol/)l ii.
J. Citi@lis P(i)@ize, Eai-I M. aii(I
Abscizt: G. Deiucy Sii)iiilojls, J)@.
City Colli,cil app)-oil,cd the.folloit;iii,, CI)il)lic(lll@0)1,fo)- (i its( pc;-@ilit.
.Application o@' En-i-C2t-ic, Inc. T /@,% C,-,I) c- Llill for % U,@c, Perr@iit for (I
and livo entcrtain--nc:i' oil ccr'Lain prL)p--rty locttccl t46 fect @Duti-I of
Drive, and 175 fect East of Pl,'Za Trail. (Prince@--@ Anne Plaza Shopp@,
The Plannir.@ Cornmissloii recornraends approval of this request.
Le clesk v aPPeo;-cd J-o;- tlie foliol i appl
c icatia;z.
MY. Standiii., p)-esente(I a lette)- to llle Coli;lcil f;-O))l tlie school board.
t-I O)i niotio;i by Mr. Malbo;z, scco;7cled b), AI)-. Ala@-sli(ill, O)Icl by i-ecorded vot(@ (i,,
A ye: Fi-a,, k A. Diescli, Vice Afctyo;, I@ob (@)-i B. C;-oi ivell, Jr. , A lbe;,l L. v,
Sr. , Geo)-,,,@R. Fe),;-ell, D. Alzti,;-ay Alalbo;z, Lolc;'t@;lcc E. Ma)-@liall, Joliiz ii. @l
J. Cit)-tis Pa@,;ze, Ea@-I Al. 2'(,baitll, aizd Keizjz(-,lll N'.
Absc,7zt: G. Deiuey Si)i2i@zoizs, J)-.
City Cotozcil deizied tlie folloicili@- applicatioi2 (t@ t(-icTiliozese, at tlii6 locatio;z (,o?@l,
co@)zpatibl,@l, uit,'z tlie siizgle -l@iiiiily ileiglibo;-,'-Ioo(t.
Application of F. I',7ayne McLeskey, Jr. for a claal,,@e of zonin@ frorn
Residence Suburban I)istrict 3 (R-S 3) to @l-Lilti@117, FTi-il,,Y ilesidence
District (R-.%I) and a Us- Perrnit to con,@tr@ict six townhouse@, on cer-
tain property locatocl. on the iNortriv,,cr', cornc,,r of Vir,inia reach Boulc@-
vard and Chcsop--iaii Trail, runiiin, a (2istaice of 211. 71 feet along tlic
Western prop,3rty line, rtinilin, a cjictzt,.ice of 121. 66 fee, alon, the Nor@'.-
ern prop--rty liiic ancl runiiin, a distance of 253. 42 fect alori,, the @Ve@qt
side of Chesooeitn Trail and rliniiin,; z@ cli,@t,--ice of 150. 57 fect alon, tlt@
North sicle of Vir,,inia Beach l@oulevarcl (Chcsopeiz-,n --olol-ly Area).
Lynnhaven Boro,i,-h.
The Piinnin@. Col-.inis'-iori recornmencis eeniil of ttiis request as to,,,,-
houses at this locaticn %,/oul6 no, be %vitli the sin.,Ic fain;ly
A lettel-f),o@)l Rc,al E-@l(tl(! Di,Pa;-Il@ic@ill itas to tlic COJOicil Slati)l,,
tlie de,,Iicatioii 1101
Oil iotio;i bi, Mi@. NI(ilbo)i, @t'coizdc,d b), Al)-. BOII)I(@y, (III(I b@, i-(,co)@dt (I L@oic (1,
Ayc: AI(t@'o)- F),(t)zk A. Ilti@,o;- 1"ol)(,@'t I,'. J),.,Albc'i-l I,
S)-. , G(,o)-l"(@ R. D. 111(ill"O;i. ,
Joliii it
J. Cli)-ti@ P(iilic,, E(7j-l 11. l tl)l(l
Ab,,,(,-iil: G. D(,t(@(, @l, sil)li)lo)i@,, J)..
colti"(.il (I(,/
Apl)lication of C)rcno Bro,@,n for a cliin-e of zo,iiii@ fr,)ni IZesiclcnce rtl,)Iex
Dic-trict 2 (31 -1) 2) tticl T@itiltil)le FIll)ily I i::Li-ict (R-I,!) to j,i2ii-
fted Coi-nmerci-,il I-,i@,ti-ict Z (C-L 2) oii cortairi [)roperty locz-.te(I 300 f@ot
Nortli al' Vir,ii)it 12,cacli I-)olllovard iyicl I 2-@ fect I-',@st of rrive, rlin-
nin,., a dirtzince of 390. 6 fcot .110I)g t'ric SoLithern I)roi)cr,y linc and rtliin'll,.
a rlistance of 656 fcot aloyig tlic Ea,,iterii proporty line. Saicl propcrty is
designated @%s Lots 27, 2@@, 29, 30. 31. @6, 17, 13, tncl 119, hi'ap of @,',L.@ey
TV.anor, as sliov,,n iii \Iip l@lool@ ZI, "age ',I. (N@.ixcy \'axior Area).
The Plannin@ Cornrriission recoi-ni-,ienCs approval of tliis request subject
to City viater aiid ucv)er ancl a rjcclicaticn of ri,-',It of %vty 25 feet from the
center line of tic initial 30-foot ri,',.t ef .,@ay alc,n,, the North and South
sides of ivyrtle Avenuo.
Mr. Ja"7es iVoocl appea)-ed btfo;,c Cot)zcil ),cgo;@dii?g tlie follozi;i;zg applicatio)i.
Oii moticoz by Mr. Bon;iey, s ecoizded by M),. cii2d by recorded vote, as follozvs:
Aye: M,,zyor Fyai7k A. Dit@cli, Vice Mayoj- Robe;-t B. C;,oi@,,iuell, Jl-. Albert L. Bonncy,
Sr. , Geo;,-e R. Fei-rell, D. illit;-;-ay Afalbo)i, Joli)i M@-Conibs, J. Ciirtis Payic,
Earl M. Tcbaiilt, atid l@e)i)zt,lh IV.
Not voting: Latvi-ence E. iylclrsilall
Absent: G. Deivey Jr.
City Coioicil ap,@rot@ed ttic follozli)lg applic(itio)l fg;- a and a C e ' 7 t
its t) I 11 i
sltbject to City ivate), aid @eiver, tlie reqzti;,ei)iciit,@ of tlie Site Plaii O;-diiiaizce aizd a
brick of colo,,zial oi@ raiiclz desi.7i. App;-ot?(il i@, Ifit3-tile), -@llbject to a 10foot
dedic(itiLTiz a;2d to a;noidi)ze)zt of llz,2 ITIaStei- plci@i (@iinjo;, roacl etluork aild Yiglzt-of-
way sta)zda)-ds, City of Vi)-gi),Iia 13eacii iVovc,@)ibe;@ 1965).
Application of l'u-.'ole Cil and Co. for a ch-,ir,7e of oniv,-@ f r O!'@-i
Residence ict I (r,-D 1) to Gencral Coni-nc-rci:ii I-'!L@l:ict 3
(c-G 3) ar,.d -, U@,c, --@crrrit to construc@, ! ,,Lsoline sup,-,lY statij 11 o.-, ce@,tain
and i, oad ana lileepcnc:encc
property locz@ted cn t'.,c '@oi,th%,icst coriicr of Ic,li I of In,2e,)ellclence
a 3 tance of 285 fcct . I , ',c t side
Eoulevard, runnir@,. i- I or, tile s
c alo, t@,c tern lop--ity lir-C,
,Lilevard, rlnnin, cl
F, o L; istancc of 215 fc s p
n 13ropc-.rty liric c)f ,,ih;cli IOJ
ruiining a Elis@lance c, igo fect alon@ tlie S uthe2,
z !@d - I b'ein@ trizin,,u-
fect is tlie prr-,p,-,.-ty I;rc of 1-111 L sz,,ici parce I
lar in sbal)e. (1-iolicLiid 'I'errace - Pov@c-@11,3 Cro,.E;3:otd3 Area).
13 CR OU- G 1'.
The Plannin@ Cornil-li,,si,@n recor-ir-en(If, aPL-YovzLl of this reqL,-Cst subject to
City water @ncl sc,,@ei-, tlie rcquirclv.@iats Of t,@le Eite .@lan orc3inince and a
brick structure c-f cclo@-lial or rinch cl,,,si,l@n. -Apl@,-Oval is fur',!,.Cr subject
to a ciceicatioii @13 fect fronl t,,e ceriLcr Iii@,c of tlic initial rislit of WI-Y on
lloll,-nd -oad.
Oti @)iotion by Mr. Boi2)iey, ecoizrlcd by Al)-. liall, a)i d b-v )-eco rdcd i,ol@' as folZol(@s:
Aye: M(tyo), b@)-a)zkA. Dits(@ii, Vicc' Al(lvoi- Rol)@,@@l B. Ci-oiiiitl(,Ili J;-. , AII)c,i-I L. P@o)iiic,)@,
Gc,o)@,@(, R. Fc;-)-L'Il, 1). II(111)0)z, I,(Ilf Joli)z i@'. Ill( Coiiib,,,
J. Cit;-Ii,,, Palll)i(,, Ect;-l il . 7'(-I)(i!ill, cl;l(l N-. Ililitt
Ab,,;(,iit: G. Dt,if@@,y Siiiii)io;i,, J)-.
cil col(ll(.il Iiii, (i it,(' @itt) o C'il'@,
Application of C@irolaiiiie irten foy, a -,Js rii tO ot@er,@tc l
gartcn oii cei-t@iii, l@rc),)-rt5, Ioctte(i C)II tlic cci-n-,r of llrincesr Aiine
Road @,iid Overliiici Roa(l, runniiie, @i diztz,l,ce of 297. 4@, fect aloiig tl,,c North
side of Priiicess Aniie Iload, rtinilin, .1 o 6 9 f,--et alon@ the
V,'et;terxi property Iiiic, runni,,,- a di,'3Ulllce c)f '22. 37 fcqt alor,.@ tlie @4ortli,--rn
property line, rxiiiniiip a clist@ti)ce of 5"O feet alon@. thc l@ est side of 01.,crltiicl
Road. (Keznpsvillc@ Cc)::iier Arc@a). I'@011OUG11.
Tbe Planriin@ Coinmi,-sion "eccriinieni@ Li)'.)rOv'-l c)f L,,is request Subject to
City w.Lter and sc%vcr zti@d tl,@c xc,i '
clf tl)c Sito l,lan 0. diiialice.
@Z/ Oii t),iotio;i by M;,. Fe;-;,ell, ,,cco)iclc@l b@, Al)@. Boii)i(,il, a)i(I b@, ;-cco;-(Ied t-ole a@ folloivs:
Aye: Ma)@or F)-aizk A. Dies(@ii, Vice Alayo)- Rob@@)-t B. C),o;iliucll, J;-. , Albe;-t L. Baizizcy,
@@y. , Geo)-,g-e R. Fe),;,ell, D. iWii;,;,ay AI(ilbo)i, E. NI(ii'sliall, Joliii W. McCo)izbs,
J. Czt;,tis Pay;,ie, Ea;-l AT. T(,bczitll, aii(I l@c,;z)zclli @N. lllzitelitei-st.
Abseizt: G. Detuey Sii)?tizoti@, J)-.
City COI,71cil ,I@,I?iecl tlic fol7olt@iizg applicatio;2 fo;- a @@tp,1/2 tliis Paycel of la;zd
is iii a@itbdi@.sio;z (i;2d it@oizld be det)@i;;ie;ztal to lh(, (z(ij(ic@iil p)-opei-t@, t-aliies.
Apnlication of .1@. Tise for a Uz3c iler3n@.t for F@ st;.ible for ore hc)rse
on C'@tain proporty locttecl on tlic ',Vcst sic],-, c)@ Ltirlit@,.,ton Roacl be-,il)liin,.
at a poilit 1JO fect -@orlh of Boiineye,.ale loaul, runnin@. a distance of 10,@ fcet
alon@ tfic N@est sicle o! I-lurliligtc@n roacl, rliinill@ a di@t,@nce of 200 feet alon,
tbe Sou"Itern protcrty lire, ruiinin,, a rlist,--tiic-.c of 100 fect alon,, tl)e 1%,@estern
property line, runnin@ a dirtaiice of Z)j fcct tlic,, 'orthern prc,@)cxty
lire. Section 6, Sublivision of -Acrec?,ale. (1-crc(lalc Ai-ea). EE'@,v@PSVILLE
13 OR ouc, 1-i.
The Plannin@- Conrn',,,sicia i-ecor-,ii-nen,-Is cl.-ri,@l of tl,,is request as this parcel
of latid is in a sibdi%,i,@ion anO. would be e@etrii-nental to t'le adjacent property
M)-. Edicayd Eit;@is appea)-ed befoi-e Co@nicilfo;- J(i@ii(s Coiz;-ov )-eaa),dilzo' thefolloitlin,
People stood to be recog?ziz(,d itz favo;, of tlie aPPlicalioii
Oii tizotio;z by Al)-. Fe)-;-ell, st@coiided by NI;@. Bo)i;zey, a7id by ;-cco)-cl(,,d i,ole as follolus:
A ye: Ala'i,o;, Fi@aizk A. Dits(--Ii, T,@ice 11(i'@,o), Rob(,;-l B- Jy. , Albe;-t L. Bmznc,@',
S;-. , G(,oi-,c R. Fe)-;-ell, D. 11(ilbo;.,, L(tif.@@-cjicc, E. Joit)z McCo),)ib,l
J. clo-tis P(l.@,iie, Earl iVI. 7'c,l)aitll, (7izd l@eii)zclli N. Ii liilciiit),s 1.
4b,@e)it: G. Deivey Sit)iiiioiz.,,, J)-.
%-,iii, CO?t)zcil (IPPVOI@ed tlit, J-ollolt,i;i,, ai@l@zic(7t,@o)l 1-0) (i
--Y@lil fo;- llt'O (2) hoi-@C?-@,
AT),?Iication of Janier, for a T' it to conrtruct a horse stilale
on ce rtain nroperty loc a tea on tl,e @ s t E, L,i,-, of i-i l@@ild, be innin t
a T3oint 3271 fec,,t No@-tli of ::It@ov, izoz,d. a.9 Lot 3A,
@,U')(I iV i 5 iOrA of Parc,,l A; P. L. I errell 'r r n i.
oni 1-1
The ],Itniiiii- C
(ippc,a)-etl b,,Jb)-c Coitil(.il fo], llit' (11)1)li('Ctill /lit, i-olloit)i)l'@,
01)1)lictllioll -
? 0)1 I)IOtioii b), AT)-. AICCO))Il),',, s@'CO)z(lccl b), Ili'- (i)i(i b@, )'ccoi'tlctl 1:ole as folloit@s:
Aye: AI(i),oi, A. Dits(,Ii, Vi('C AI(II'O)- 1,101)(')-i 7;,.,Alb(,;,i L. Bo)i)z(,,y
@@y. , Geo)-,,,c, R. Fcj@;@eZZ, D. ill(ilb(i)z, iolz)i IV. jlkcoi@ibs,
J. Cit;-Iis Pciyiie, Eai,l Al. 7(,bctitll, a)z(l
Abse)zl: G. Deivcy Sim?no;z,@, Ji-.
City Coli),Cil opl);,ouecl ilie folloici)z- (II)Plicali(,,;l /6)' (i a;l(l Cl 11,
I -
iibject to City ivaley a)id @t!l c)-, llit, (-izls oj- tlic '-ite l@la)i O)-di)za;lce (i;zd 100
Pei-ce)it off-sl;,cel aii @ite pa)-ki)ll,.
Ap@lication of Florida G-neral l@ealty Co. , Inc. cf Virginit )',each for
a clitn@c of 2-,oniii@ fro i iiotel I-lotel D 0 N p
I n t luiti le Faniily
Resi ence i-s-Fil-ct ('@@-3) ztnd @i Use PorTnit to con,,,tr,ct 11 at)artrnent
uni,ls, t re@.1 est,-te officc and pr@o &-s-@,6-nal-office on certain property
located on the Eoutlie@,st cariier of 36t[l !.)trect and Pacific Avenue, running
a dif,,tance of 58 feet alozi@ tlie Soutil ,ide of @@6th Strect, runnin@ a di-ti,,nce
of 140 fect alon, the Etst sije of Pacific Avonue, running i (ii.@t--,nce of 58
fect tlon@ thc C
,cut'ici-n pi-c@,erty lin,--, rtiniiiii, a (listlnce of 140 fel@t al()n,
the Easterii pro@,)ei,ty lin--. VIRGI,\IIA Lo--@OUGii
Thc Plannir).@ Comrnis.@ion recommends approval of tliis request subject
to City water and scvic3-, the requiren-)cnt.,i of tlie Site Plai) Ordi@nce and
100 percent off-Ptreet o@l site parkiiii,,.
If DQt Tllon7q-,, rep;-e@eizli;z, Pizillips Pet;@olcit@)i CO)IIP(tn@,, appea ed befoye Cotaicil
regaydiizg tizefollozui)zg al)plic(zlioiL.
I utz MOIIO)Z oy Mr. Payize, secondcd b@l Mi@. Alalbo)i, (zizd by ;-cco)-cled vote as follolus
Aye: Mayoi, Frank A. Ditscii, Vice Mayo;, Robc;-t B. C)-o@iizvell, Jr. Albert L. Bw2izey,
Sr. , Geoyge R. Feryell, D. Mtt;-;,ay illalbo;i,, Lazc@-e)ice E. Af(l;@shall, Joizii @i . McCoi@ibs,
J. Czirtis Papie, Earl M. Tebaitl!, a)zd l@eiiiielli N @i7zitelzit;-st.
Absciit: G. Deivey Si@@iiiioizs, J;,.
City Coiozcil approved tile folloit,i)lg applicali(fii fo;- a YiTiii siebject to City ivalcy
mid sezue;-, tlie reqzti)-el)leiii, of tlie Site Pla;l O;A(li;Z(Zil cc a;id a b;-ick st;-Itcllel-e of
coloizial o), )-a)zch desig?z. App;-ot,al i,,; fiti-Ilici- @itbjc,cl lo a dc(licatioi of 45feelf)-onz
tlic iiiilial cc-;iic;' li;ze oj- [Ioll(7)zd Road.
,Ai)plication of Plilli, 5 1etrolctrn Coria@a-,iy for a Ure to OPE@r-Ite a
gasolir,e EIipply cn certain pro-,)ci-ly fronlin,, Z@@) i--et c)n the @est
side of lic)llancl Road, b-,-.;iniiin- it - poi;at 320-@') f;-,ct ipoi-c or l@,,s Sou"ll
of lio@@eriioii, rc)ad, a e@is,'@nce C,' 2,)(3 fe(,t aicn,. tl,,c i%c)rt'iern aiicl Soutlierii
property line, a dirtalicc of 200 fect aloii- the @@Vc-stern prodcrty lire.
(I'@olland l@oad-Roseinor., Road .,rca).
The Plitinin- Coniiiii-,rio!i rcccrnrncnds ipnroval of this request subject
to city kv--tcr z,.r,,d tllc C)f tile @'it@ Plan Or@iii@ncc and
a bric'C structui,o of coiok:@.1 or rin,:Ii Cf,3iLn. %I)prc)vzil iE3 fur"her subjcct
-Iiic o (i
to a cIcCiicalli,)n of f@ ;t frorn tli@ I c, i,t,:@ lir@c of lioll, a
-AIL t,(l 1)( fo) Co,!)I('il
Aye: AI(i),oi- Fj-(t)ik A. Dits(,h, Vi(-e AI(i@,o;. itol),.).l B. Ci-oiiilu@'ll, J)'. , Alb@@,)-l L.
S;,. , Gco)-,)e ]i. D. Allo-)-ay AI(ilboii,
J. Citi-lis P(t@-)ie, Ect;-l Al. 7't,bctltll, aii(i l@t-)iiit,lh N. @t,iiilc
Ab,@citt: G. Deivey
City Coit;icil app),Otl,ed I/it, folloit)iit,,) (ipl)lic(itio)z -fo;- a it,@) @ltl)jecl to Cii@, IU(I/@
aitd llic of //ic Sile PI(ill O;.(Iiii(t)ic(l, cl@,,,Iicatioil of 25ft,(,,l
f)-ot;l tlie i)zili(ll li)le of P;-o@pc;-ity PLO(ill.
Applic,itio.-. of C@t@3 @Te@-ii-y R@cquet Cluli for a lise Pcrt-@iit for privatc
recreatioti focilitics on ccrtain property loci",@on ,,, Est @,idc C)f
Prosperity Ro,-d, ri-,,iiiirig a clistince of 330 feet aloi),, th@ E-@ist side of
Prospority R,,)ad, ruia,@ii,-i- a dist,"ice of 800 fect aloti, tlie Northern pro-
perty linc, running a distiiicc of 330 fect iloii@ tlic! Eastern property line,
runnin.@ a dist,-iice of 800 fect al@n@ the Sotitliern Drc)pcrty litie. Plats and
more (letailed inforiiiation are tvztilable ii) tlic- O@@@'ice of tlie City Planniiig
Con,irnissioti. (New Vir.-iiiit Beach i%,.uniciptl Golf Co,irse Area).
The Plinnin@ Comn@iE,,sion recommends approval of tliis request subject
to City wz,.ter ind sewer, the rcquire-mc.,nts of tl)C Sito Plan Ordinance
and a declic-,tion of 25 fcot frc)i-n the initi@-il ce@ilei- line of Prosperity
@LgLa.@Val.@r appecij-(,d before Coitiicil Ye,,,a;-(Iing tlie foZIozoilz,- applicalioll.
Oii i?iotiaii by Mr. Marsli(ill, seco;zded by M;,. C;,o);?zvell, aizd by ;-cco;-cled vote as
4ye: Mayoi- Frct;2k A. Diescli, Vice Miyoi- Robe I B. C;,oi)iluell, Jr. , Albe),t L. Boi,i
S)-. , George R. Fe;,rell, D. illit;-;,ay Alalbaii, LaiL,)-c)icc E. Mai-stiall, Jolz,,i W. Alc(@@,
J Ctt;,Iis Pa@7i2e, Eaj@l ill. 7'cbal@ll, GII(I l@Cill elli I'V.
Abse)?t: G. Detvey Si@niioli@, Jl-.
City Coinicil dcfei,i-ed lize fo7loici)zl- appliccitio; for @30 day,-.
Apolication of L. Dc,@iilas V-alOorf for a Use Peri-iit to construct a sign-
board 15 fect by l@, fect on clrtiiii propcrty loczlte", on the -@outheast
corner of Si LI@-I Strce" and Vir,iiiit Feicl,, !3oulc,,ard. -caid lot i.3 Lot 1,
Block ".5, Plat of (@urn,,,I)roc)'@ - F( -ilbrol@e Area).
BAYI-ID@' 1'10,10UGII.
The Planniri@. Conir,@i3sion recor,-in-icncls -,)provtl of this reqt,--st.
Af;-. Rilc,v Siiii))ioizs a)z(l Jo@-((@ C;-(I@;i(,;, ctppc,a;,c,(l b(,fo;-c Coit)zcil ;,c,ga;-(i , I efol!)
71 i
@iiotio)t by Mr. Ma;,sli(ill, 1/2ecoizde(I by AT)-. clo))Ill@CII, a)i(I b@, ),cco)-cled i,ole as
A @,e: A. D-is(@li, ill(i@,or ['Iol)t,;-l B. Ci-oi;lltlcll, I;-. , A Ibc,)-i L.
S;-. , Gc,o;@-c R. D. 11(tll)o)i, E. AI(t). 711, JOII)L 11".
J. Cif)-li.@ P(i iizc, Ea;-l ill. (I)I(l l@t
Ab.@t@iit: G. Siiili@io)l.,, 7;-.
CitA, Co@t)l(:il liol to
Silt' PI(I)I (Iil(l(t (14 eli(.(Ilio)l o.t@,"'O-I(,( I f)'o)ll /!I@, ii1ili(il li)l(' o-/@
Sll(,Il ],,o(t(l.
Api)lic,itioii of Ul,ity of i,orfolk for .1 t@'C-2@e 1'ei-li@it to coiiftruc-t a cl,ui-cl, oi,
Ce.t.-iiii property locitcd c)n tlie Norlli%@,C',t cc,"lic:r of Sliell Iload ai,.,l I)II11-
call Lanc, rliiiiiiii,, a (lit;t@iice of 570 fcot aloii@- tiic @out@ic@rn propertl Iiiic
,t4 i, @ I
of ,,.,12icli 3,@Z fect i'@ tl,(,, l'o@'tlicrn property (Df Ilotcl, ru,,IlliT)@,, a
distancc of 833 fcct aloiil- tlic V.'csteril J)ro,)crty Iiiic aiad ruiinin, a di@tancc
of 64,1 fec-t alo,ig tlie r'ortliern propc@rty liric o,' ,;hicli 3.18 f(',ct io t'tic @c)utlicrn
propei-ty liiie of Nortliirni)toii 13oulevlrd an,] i'Liiiniri-- a dirtiiice of 1043 foct
-tlong the l@-,- I -
sterii proper'y line. (@ztjo Farni Are@t). DAYSID--@ 130POUGI-T.
Thc Planning Comniissioii rccornnicndb appro%,zil of this requost subject to
Sitc Plan iind a cledication of 30 fect frorn tlie initial cen,cr
line of Shall Road.
I oit ' (ts
Aye: I,ic illtly,())-
Gc,o)-.-e R. D. Joiz;l
J. Cit)-Iis, Ilci),)ie, I'ebalill, aiid
Absc?zt: G. Deivey Siijililojzs, i)-.
Cily Coitjzcil adopled tlic f-- lo (,ii, O,,,i,-I-llce 2-12, Mlizi@)III@)i
Hotisi)i,,, Code, to p),ovide i;zci,e(zsed i)ze);ibei-sliij) foi, llic Boa)-d of Iloitsiiig-.
No. 242, FDUSI@';G CODE,
That ordinance No. 242, minimum Housing Code, is hereby reordained
and amended, as follows:
(a) In Section 8.1, on line 2 there6f, change the word "five"
to read "six"t and in line 6 thereof, change the word "four" to read
"f ive".
(b) In Section 8.2) on the second line thefeof, change the word
"two" to read "three".
(c) In Section 8.3, on line 3 thereof, after the word "vote"
insert the folloi,7ing: "except that the Building official shall be
entitled to vote only in the event of a tie vote among the other
02, moliol-I by lvlr. Tebaillt, seconded by My. McCo@Tibs, a;zd by recorded vote as fozlozvs:
Aye: ivloyor F@-aizk A. Vice @llayo;, Robert B. Ci-o);iivell, Jr. , Albert L. Bo;iizev,
Sr., Geo)-ge R. Ferrell, D. Ilit@-)-ay iVIalbaii, Lazc;-e2lce E. ,Ila)-sliall, Jollil @V. IICCO))?,bsl
J. Cti@-tis Pay;ze, Earl 11. Tebai@lt, aiid N.
Abseizt: G. Dett@ey Siiiiii2o)zs, Jr.
Co@,-til-il appyot@ed tlic D pai-ii)iciii of 2Va@@v fo;' of a I/-,
aci,e of tai2d at Oceaiia.
O;, @izolia;z b@, M),. Pa@,)zc@ @ccoiz(l,,,d b@, M;-. illa@-sli(iii, (t;i(i b@ )-cco;@d('a votc, as @follOzt'@,:
i ye: Alayor F@-a@zk, A. Blise@'l, T@ice Ilayo;, Robert B. C)-olilicc1l, Jr. I 41be)-t L. Bo)z)icy,
,5r., George R. Fcr;-clll D. @llalbjiz, Lait,)-Cllcc E. Ilarsi!all, JOII?Z l@'. ilicco),@?bS,
J. Cit)-tis PCI)',IC, Earl .11. 2'ebal@lt, a;zd l@e)z@icti2 iV,.
Abseizt: G. Dczc-ey Si))i@;;ol,zs, J@.
Citil colt)lcil app;.Ot,t,(t !ing of
floo)- 0.1- Ill( 01(1 col(;-Ilioiist,
6@ll 0)1 1),cts)Iio,l !)I, Al)
A,),e: ltl(,Yoj' I. Dusc;,, I'@ice Ill(lyo@- l'ob(,@-I 1,@. All)(@)-i L.
It'. Fe)-),cil, D. 11;o-;-t(y
J. Cit)-tis Ect;-l 11. 2'cbcitit, (1)1(!
Absc)zt: G. Deioey Sii)i))iojzs, j@..
City Coloicil app)-oveci aii )-i, @l ),ea--,iii, r7z O;,-.i,@i,,I;ice to
FOR TIIE Ti,,@,%T,'IENT O'@-
That the Virginia Beach City Code iis hereby amended by the
addition of the following sections:
Sec. 37-1. Uniform -rites for se%,er line maintenance.
pursuant to the authority contained in Section 15.1-320 (7)
the following line maintenance rotes are hereby-established and
conf@-@,ned, with respect to all parcels of real estate from which
sewage is dischar@ed into lines operated and niaintained by the City
of Virginia Beach:
1. Residential uses.
a. Single family residence, $6.00 per quarter per
b. multifa,-nily residences$ $6.00 per quarter for the
first apartment or trailer, plus an edditional $1.00 per quarter
for each additional apartment or treiler.
c. Hotels and motels, $6.00 per quarter for the first
ro6m provided for occupancy, plus an adeitional 75 cents per
quarter for each ad('Iitional room so provided.
2. (a) For all non-resi0ent-*al uses, the line maintenance
shall be determiried by the size of the water tap throu2h
which water is provided to the real est,@te, as follo@,,s:
la ize Amount per quarter
3/4 inch $ 6.00
1inch 7.50
1-1/2 inch 15.00
2inch 22.50
3inch 45.00
4ii)cli 75.00
6incli 150.00
.(b) I,C)I- LISC'!, in strLicL@ires not
scrve@l by
$12.00 I)c@r qulrt(,.r.
(2) For strUCtLires lilvitig over four con"liodest
$12.00 per quarter plus @,2.00 pL@r qllarter for each
additionil conuilocic.
Sec. 37-2. Unifoj@m rates for sei,iage ti:eatmcnt.
In addition to the charges iriposed by the foregoing section,
there are hereby imposed uniform charge8 for sewage treatment as
a. Where treatment of sewage is performed by Hampton Roads
Sanitation District, the charges shall be paid to the District in
conformity with the rates established by the District.
b. Where treatm--nt of sewage is performed by the City of
Virginie Beach, the charges shall be:
For each sin@le family resicleiice,
including trailers and mobilc@
homes. $4.50 per quarter
.For all other structures the
charge shall be equal to those
imposed by Hamptoll Ro.@ds Senitotion District
for like structures.
Sec. 37-3. Requisite of service contract.
. Sewage service will be provided to parcels of real estate
or Structures by the City of Virginia Beach only on execution o.@ a
contract for service in which the o@,ner of record joins.
Sec. 37-4. Delinquent charges.
Delinquent charges shall be recovered as prescribed by
Section 15.1-321, Code of Virginia, as amended, and shall constitute
a lien against tlie served real estate as therein provided. Any charges
not fully paid within 30 days from the end of the period to which they
apply shall be considered co be delinquent.
Oil i@iotioiz by Mr. AIcCoii?bs, seco)zded by M;'. IVIiitelzu),st, ajid by reco;-(,',d z;otc as -folloi@s,
Aye: MayorF;-a,,IkA. @asctz, Vice@WayorRobc)'tB. C)-Ollzzt,ell, J@-., Albei-tL. Bc,;ziicy,
Sr. , George R.. Ferrell, D. @ller;,ay @Vlalboiz, L(7it@i- )ice E. @,11(7i,sfl(711 /z
ClirlisPaylie, Ea)@IM. Teb(itilt, aizdKc2zizetil@%,. li'ilitil,lrst. Jo' ii ;7. '11cco@iibs
-)Sent: G. Delt-cySi@izt)io@zs, Jr.
Cit-x, Col(jlcil app)-oz,c,d (iii 0) 5-1, to cla;-ify t@-[)(,s Qf a;li)ll(tls.
SECTION 5-1, VIPCll','-.@ CTI'Y
and r@,ordaiticd as follows:
No person shall l@eep tiorses, cows, golls, @lieep swine or
other livestock or otlier @inimals wi-Lliiii tlic,. city except in @ireas
designated for agricultural purposes or parcels specifically
designated by the couiicil for the keeping of such aniidals. This
section shall. not be construed to apply to @inimal.s kept as h(Juse-
hold pets in the resic'@ence of the ownet, to the operation of
kennels uhen authorized by appropriate provisions of the City
Code, nor to the keepinq of household pets for resale at retail
where such keeping is authorized ptirsuant to law."
L53O)i @iiolio;z bv M;,. Fe7,)-ell, seconded by Mi-. Boiz)ze@,, aiid by )-eco;-cled vote as folloics:
Aye: Afoyo)- F),a,,zk A. Disc7i, l@ice illayo)- Robcrt B. ci-otiliccil, J;,. , Albc),l L. Boll)ZCY,
Sr. , Geor,,,c R. Fc),),Cll, D. illit)-)-ay illcilb,?;z, Lat(,@-ciice F. Ala@-Sliall, Joll)l 11'. AICCOI)7bS,
J. Cit)-tis ll(ly;lc, Ea)-l @ll. 7'ebattlt, a;zd K@)ztzct,'i N.
Abse;zt: G. Dezt,ey J)'.
City Coitizcil adopted a Resolittioiz to adjitst o;, relocate certaiii ittility facilities on a
po?,tioii of Roitte 60.
The regular mectin@ of the Coui)cil of the Cl@-ty ,,f Vir@ini@l Beqch,
Virginia, was helc, in the Cotincil- ol@- the City of Virginia Beach
on Monday, May 12, 1969, at 2:00 o'clock P.M.
On motion by @Ir. Ferrell, aiid seconded by @Ir. Borney,
the follo@7ing resolution V78s adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
@-IIIEREAS, the ll,*..@h@,ey Depirtm@-nt proposp-s to construct or other-
v7ise improve a section of loute 60, Shore Drive, desi.qnated es
Project 0060-131-,-101, C-501; and
@iHEP@@S, the City Council is responsible for mal@-,ing arranger@ients
for t'lle aejustmc@.n-@ and/or relocation ol- certain utilit4@es and for the
installation ol Pny nL'@@7 utility fecilities.
NIrl;@". THEi-T-,'FO-,',.':, BH IT F,7c.7CLV-@D i-,Y COUI,'C-Tl. O" i-FE CITY OF -
That the City-Council of Vir-iiiia Beecli, hereby certi@@ies that
all arran@ements hive been or @,7ill be made for the relocntion
and/or adjustmenl of said utility facilities, and for the inst-illption
of any new facilities; as shown on the finil construction plans. In
tho evcnt of @iry jListi.,@iible cllim@ froll the rold contractor for
delays or iiiterference COLISOCI by s@,ici c%-ceptin.- thoFC ownecl
by tlie Unito(i Stitt@7, t!i(, City of Vir@inil ilencti 1103--(,by
tc) b(, for provi(leci tl),, Ci-t:v i,@ '(!Vj@"(1
Said Util.iLies are i(lonli,fieci a@@ follc%..,s:
Uti- j@y@7@r T Y-P@O f -L" -i 1- i@
City of l@latel:
The Chc-cqpcil@c qiid Potoiiic Tel(-I)horie
Coiupnriy of Virini-a Telephonc,
Virginia Electric aiid Po,@@er CoiiipLiny Powc@r
U. S. Govori-iiiient: Water & S,anitery Seiqer Lines
Tf @i
-6 O)i t)zotio;z by AI)'. Ma)-sliall, seco,,2ded by A4;,. Bo@liley, ai2d by reco;-clcd z,,olt, as folloit@s:
ye: Alayo)- A. @.tscti, Ilice Ilayo)- Robert B. Cy-o@)zit@cll, Jr. , Albe)-t L. Bo).,izey,
Geo)-ac I?. Fcr)-ell, D. illalbo;z, Lai(@-e@ice E. @lla)-sliall, Joli@z l@'. AICCOlilbs,
C117-tis Ea)-l ,II. Tebaitlt, c,;zd l@c)zilcili @V.
Abseizt: G. Deivey Sii)zi?zo,-,Is, J@-.
CitY CO'nicit aPP;,oved ce;-Iaiii applicatioil- fo;- )'L?Cl mid Persoital pi-operty tax
refioids, a total of $114. 43.
1967 1968 Amount
1. Arthur R. Follel-, e-L ux.
Lake Smith Terrace
Sec. 2, Lot 26, B]-k. F $83.16 $83.16
2. Miry Burk
Bayside - 2.5 ncres $ 9.67 $ 9.67
3. James G. Snider
- bO-@o not @,qned on
January 1, 1968 $21.60 $21.60
(Re: APPlic ation "'I above. ',,lake chec"- payable to ,Iqrc Jacobson,
Attorney for @@2r. Arthu-- J. Faller.)-
0)1 t@iotioit by M;,. scco)z(lc(l by Ali-. C;-oiiito(@ll, ctiid by )-cco)@@lt,(l i,oic as follolt),,;:
Aye: Mayor Fi,ajzk A. Dvscli, Vice Nlayo;, F,obe),t B. C;-o@)llt,ell, Jr. , Albe)-t L. BO)ZIlcy,
S)..,, Geo)-.-e R. D. illalbo),, Latc-;@e;ice E. ,Ilai-sliall, Jo,'Iiz T@'. ilfcCo@;7bs,
J. Cit),Iis P(iyiie, Ea)-l @l. Tebaitlt, ai,,d
Abseizt: G. Deivey
-i.y Coinicil approvetl tlie folloit@i)z., Resolitlicii.
R F S 0 3, U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, by deed dated June 9, 1967 and duly recorded in the
Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of t
he City of Vir@inia Beach, Virginia
in Deed Bool,- 1014 at page 14, Interstzite Properties, Inc., a Virginia
corporation, purchased a portion of Lot I on the plat entitled "Property
of B. D. White and G. B. Bryant", recorded in said Clerk's Office in Map
Book 6 at page 71, and caused a new plat of said portion to be recorded in
said Clerk's Office in Map Bool,- 72 at page 37; and
WHEREAS, by deed dated Au@ust 1, 1967 and duly recorded in said
Clerk's Office in Deed Book 1017 at pa.@e 599 the said Interstate Properties,
Inc. , purchased another portion of said Lot I in=ediately adjacent on the
South to the portion first acquired as aforesaid; and
WHEREAS, the plat of the first portion recorded in Map Book 72
at page 37 dedicated to the City of Vir,inia Beach a 5-foot easement alon-
the Southern line of said property, wliich results in an easernent throu@.h
the middle of the owners parcel of land; ard
WHERFAS, it now appears that any construction on said property
would be situated as astride said cascinf@iit; and
WHEREAS, the overall develoonient of the property eliminates tlie
need for such easenient.
That, tlie Council of thc City of 'Virginia Beach hereby relc-@Lses
to Interstate Prol)erties Inc. , the caseiiiciit dedicated to the City alon., the
Southern lino, of the parcel sct fortli on the plat recorcled in Map Book 72
iat page 37 as aforesaid, the said caserneiit bei)ig 200 feet in length and ex-
tending along a course S. 59* 13' 41" E.
Tho of
Of the Ci@ty O,-r Vi-@@inic 3each
Vi-l@inin, ias in t',--' ol, the
@-s--ntion Builr.7in@
OL@ t@i@, City of @ia 12 1 9 6,,)
y , at 2:00 P.".
O-,i riiotion by s--c,)iiCod bv @'r. Bonncy, cn(!. -by reco-fC'l@e@',
vote i-@ follc)@,7s, t'-!-, U,-ICn' @@@)L'@lly E.C@opted:
Aye: @-i@vo-j: F@,scl,
c -,Iyc)r Po@-rt C I
C, . & Jr.,
CcorZe a. Ferrell,
E. J. CL-,rti.s ?;,YnL2, T2r),,Ll-t rnci
,.bsent: C.
City Council -,pp-o%7ed t; e 2-C'sol-u'@ion:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
- - -- - - - - - - -
WHEREAS, recent awards on lands within the proposed Municipal
Center have been established in excess of the aniount which the City
of Virginia Beach is willing and able to pay.
That the petition to disniss t@e ... demnation proceeding
involving Lot 31, Courthouse Acres, filed by the counsel of record,
is hereby affirmed and ratified.
Mr. Doiti7ld CI(i;-k al)l)('(l i-ctl b('fo),c, Coit)zcil i-eii)i@ llle follolvi)l,,) 1)lalle i-.
O)i niotio@i by Mi@. Ferrell, s(l@c-o;i(lcd by Al;-. Boiiizey, aiid by Yc.,coy(led L,ole (is folloics:
City Coic;lcil a(loptc(l Ilic folloit,i)i,,, 0--clin,'I@ice.
WHEREAS, John Ara@.ona Enterprises, Inc. is the owner of that certain
lot and parcel of land desi@.nated as Farcel C, on the plat entitled "Plat
Showin-. Proposed Easement Location for John Aragona Enterprises, Inc.", Lynn-
haven Borou@.h - Vir,.@inia Beach, Virginia, dated January, T969, made by Frank
D. Tarrall, Jr. and Associates, Sur-veyors and En@.incers, Virginia Beach,
Virginia, a copy of which is attachc@d hereto; ind
1,THEREAS, said plat sho-,.,s an existing 30' drainage easement running
throu@.h said Parcel C, which drainage easeinent was dedicated to the County
of Princess Anne (no,,4 the City of Virginia Beacti) by recordation of the plat
entitled "Subdivision of Princess Anne Plaza, Section Eight and Bow Creek Golf
Course", Lynnhaven l,ag. Dist. - Seaboard @lag. Dist., Princess Anne County, Va.,
dated July 1, 1961, made by Frank D. Tarrall, Jr., and Associates, Sur-veyors
and En-.ineers, Princess Anne County, Va., and recorded in the Clelk 's Office
of the Circuit Court of the City of Vir@.inia Beach, Va., in @lap Book 52 at
Page 43-B; and
WBEREAS, the said Jc)hn Ara@.ona Enterprises, Inc., desires to relocate
the existing draina@e easement as shown on the plat entitled "Plat Showirig
Proposed Easement Location for John Ara,.ona Enterprises, Inc." so as to pre-
clude interference with the inteiided use of che land; and
WITREAS, the City Engineer for the City of Virginia Beach, Vir@.inia,
in a letter date(i l,larch 20, 1969 and si@.ned by Winston It. Holloman, interposed
no objection to the aforesaid relocation of che draina@.e easement; and
WIU,'RE,16, in the opinion of the Couiicil of the City of Virginia Beach,
it is in the public interest and will benefit tlie public welfare if the exist-
in@. draina@.e casemcnt o@,c-r tlie abovc,,ric@nt-l@onod propcrty be released and be
convoyed to tlie saici ioliii AraFona EntrT)risc-@;, Inc., sir@iultaiic@ous wit'll the
record,,itioii of the afores@iid plit decli(:;it@ii,l tli(, iic-w driina-.t,, casetiient to tlic
T 1.@
City of Vir,.inia Bc@tcli, Vir,,-,inia.
(1) That the City of Virginia Beach does hereby release and v@i@
that portion of the existing thirty-foot cascment as sholtn on the propc!rl
designated as Farcel C (and more particularly described as "existing 30-f
casemcnt to be vacated") on the aforesaid plat entitled "Plat Showing Prc,,
Easement Location for John Ara@.ona Enterprises, Inc.", Lynnhaven Borou-.,ii
Virginia Beach, Virginia, dated January, 1969, made by Frank D. Tarrall,.-
and Associates, Surveyors and Engineei-s, Virginia Beach, Virginia, a cop,,
which is appended to this ordinance, said existin, caserient having pre,.-ic,
been dedicated to the County of Princess Annc- (now the City of Virginia 1.
by the recordation o@@ tliit ccrtain plat entitled "Subdivisioii of PrincesF,
Plaz-,i, Section Ei@.ht and Bow Creel@ Golf Coursc", Lynnhaven @lag. Dist. - S
board Itag. Dist., Princess Anne County, Va., dated July 1, 1961, made by
Frank D. Tarrall, Jr. and Associates, Surveyors and En@.ineers, Princess
County, Va., and recorded in tlie Clerk's Office of the Circuit CoLirt of t.
City of Virginia Beach, Va., in 1,ap Bool@- 52 at Page 43-B; and
(2) That the City @lanager of the City of Virginia Beach, Vir---;@.
be and he hereby is authorized, directed and eripowered on behalf of thcc'-
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, to execute and eeliver a quit-claim deed Lo
Aragona Enterprises, Inc. conveying and releasin,. all the City's right, t
and interest in anJ to said existing easement as set forth above.
Adopted by the Council of the Ci,ty of Virginia Beach, Virgini,.,
the @@day of @IIZ 1969.
CL "44Z4
JOTIN AIIAGONA ETTT r,, P, Pris,@, S, IAirc.
Scole: /"z 100' )Onu(3ry 1969
FF?4NK 0 T4Rf?4LL,Jr o,d 4SSOC14TES
v B. 559
The regular meetin, of the Council of the City of Virp,,ini.,q Beach,
Vir,inia, was held in tti,,2 Council C:ll,@Tiiber of the City of Virginia Bee@-h
c)n Monday, May 12, 1969, ,t 2:00 o'cloc:l@ P.M.
On motion by Mr. tll)ert Bonncy and seconded by 1.4r. Curtis Payne
and by recorded vote as follows 3 the followin@ resolution was bdopted:
Aye: Mayor Frank A. T)usch, Vice @layor Pobert B. Cromwell, Jr.,
Albert L. Bonney, Sr., Geor-e R. Fer@ell, D. @Iurray -,,Ialbon, Lairrence E.
Marshall, John W. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, Earl M. Tebault, and
Kenneth N. I,,Thitehurst. Absent: C. Dewey Sinnons, Jr.
R E S 0 L U T I O.N
That the annexed ordinance, entitled "An Ordinance to grant to
its successors and assigns, the
right for the term and upon the conditions herein stated, to use the
streets, alleys, and public places of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, and to acquire, erect, ,-naintain and use, and if now con-
structed to maintain and use, poles, towers, w@res and facilities over
and along, and to acquire, conStrLlCt, maintain and use, and if now
constructed to maintain and use, conduits, pipes, mains and other
facilities, including necessary manholes, and to run cables and wires
in, under and alon@, the streets, alleys anci public places of said
City and to use the property of other persons, corporations and
oraanizations and permit such other person.,@, corpo rations and orqcni-
zations to use its property upon such arrangements as shall be agreed
upon subject to the conditions herein set forth, for the purpose of
providing all types of telephone, telel-,rapli end othez electronic
service at any point i@iithin the corporite limits of said City, as
the same now exist or may hereafter be extended or altered," be
advertised once a week for four s@iccessive o,,eeks in the Virginia Beach
Sun, a newspaper published in the City of Vi3-Fini@, Bel@ Vir@inia, qne@.
having a genernl circulation in tlie City of Virginii Beach; end thit
said advertisci netit sh.@ll invite I)icis for tlic fr@inchise propoE,-Cd to
be granted in said ordiiiince, which bids Ire to be in writing and
delivered to the presiding officer of the City in open session, to
be held in the Counc@Ll Chamber, on the 23rd day of June, 1969, at
10:00 o'clock A.M., the right being reserved to reject any and all
bid@; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the invitation for bids to be
published with said ordinance shall be as follows:
The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, hereby invites bids for
the franchise proposed to be granted in the following ordinance, duly
passed by the Council and approved by the Mayor on the 12th day of
May, 1969, v7hich bids are to be in writing and delivered to the
presiding officer of the Council of said City in open session, to be
held in the Council Chamber in said City on the 23rd day of June,
1969, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. the ri@ht being reserved to reject any and
all bids; and
BE IT FURTIlEr, RESOLVED, that the successful bidder shall pay
th& cost of advertising the franchise.
ADOPTED May 12, 1969
APPROVF-D 12 1969
,rno City of V-lr-inii L@oc"i, V,-@,inin, 1,0@.,eby invites bi(:,s for
the frnnc'@iise t@o b-3 i.-I til@ c;-@tlin--]-ce, e.Lly
J4 poosed by t',2 !,.,7 t@l@ l@,.@yc@ Cl'l t,,-, 12-@i-i dny of
H-iy, 1969, Iiicis rrc t;o bz.- iii ,id eai.Lv@.-ca, to tlie
prc-@siclln" off!.C,2-f c,"@ fni.d City in c-l@@n s,@-,sio;i, to bc3
h,,aid in t@ic Coui@:'.t c,,i@Ll City ci t'f,@c 2-)::i e@,ay o@L ikine,
1969, at 10:00 o'clccl- A.II., tlia b@,in,- rL,--ervod to rej,@ct iny
nll bids; lrd
Br@ su--(-,Cssful s'iinll P--Y
To provide for the grant by the City of virginia
Beach, Virginia, to a person or persons, or to
a corporation, its successors and assigns, here-
after to be ascertained in the wode Drescribed
by la@4, of the right for the tertn an@ upon the
conditions herein stated, to use the streets, alleys
and public places of said City, and to acquire,
erect, maintain and use, and if now constructed
to maintain and use, poles, toivers, wires and facili-
ties over and along, and to acquire, construct,
maintain and use, and if noi,7 constructed to main-
tain and use conduits, pipes, mains and other facili-
ties, including nec-ssarv manholes, and to run
cables and wires in, under and along the streets,
alleys and public places of said City, and to use
the property of other persons, cordorations and
organizations and perTiLit such other persons, corpora-
tions and orgaiiizations to use its prolderty upon
such arrangements as shall be agreed upon subject
to the conditions herein set forth, for the pur-
pose of providing all types of telephone, tele-
graph and other electronic service at any point
within the cordorate limits of said City, as the
sarae now e@:ist or mav hereafter be extended or
I. That there shall be granted in the mode prescribed
z)y law for franchise grants and upon the conditions hereinafter
3pecified, the rights and privileges on, over and under the streets,
alleys and public places of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia
ar,ibodied in the follo@,iing draft of an ordinance entitled:
To provide for the grant by the City of Virginia
B*ach, Virginia, to a person or pl-rsons, or to
a corporation, its succescors and assigns, here-
after to be ascertained in ttic mode prescribed
by law, of the right for the torm. and upon the
conditions herein stated, to use the streets, alleys
and public places of said City, and to acquire,
erect, maintain and use, and if now constructed
to maintain and use, poles, towers, wires and faci3.i-
ties over and along, and to acquire, construct,
maintain and use, alnd if now constructed to main-
tain and use conduits, pipes, mains and other facili-
ties, including necessary manholes, and to run
cables and wires in, under and alonq the streets,
alleys and public olaces of said City, and to use
the property of ot@er persons, corporations and
organizations and permit such other persons, corpora-
tions and organizations to use its property upon
such arrangemnts as aliall bo agreed unon subject
to the conditions herein net forth, fo r the pur-
pose of providing all types of telepl-ione, tele-
graph and other electraiiic service at any point
within the corporate limits of said City, as the
save now exist or may hereafter be extended or
1. That there shall be granted in the mode prescribed
by law for franchise grants and upon the conditions hereinafter
specified, the rights and privileges on, over and under the street3,
alleys and public places of the City of virginia Beach, Virginia
@odied in the following draftof an ordinance entitledt
To grant to its
successors and assiqns, the right for the term
and upon the conditions herein stated, to use the
streets, alleys, and public olaces of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, an@ to acquire, erect,
maintain and use, and if now constructed to main-
tain and use, poles, towers, wires and facilities
over and along, and to acquire, construct, main-
tain and use, and if now constructed to maintain
and use, conduits, pipes, mains and other facili-
tios, including necessary manholes, and to run
cables and wires in, under and along the streets,
allays and public places of said City and to use
the pr@rty of other persons, corporations and
organizations and peradt such other persons, corr)ora-
tions and organizations to use its property upon
such arrangements as shall be agreed upon subject
to the conditions herein set forth, for the pur-
pose of providing all types of telephone, tele-
graph and other electronic service at any point
within the corporato liults of said City, as the
same now exist or may hereafter be oxtendod or
Section 14a)-. The right is hereby granted unto
hereinafter referred to
as the "Grantee*, its successors and ansiqns, for the term and
subject to the conditions and linitations hereinafter stated,
to use the streets, allays and public y)laces of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, hereinafter referred to as the "City",
and to acquire, erect, maintain and use, and if now constructed
to maintain and use, poles, towers, wires and facilities over
and along, and to acquiro, construct, naintain and use, and
if now constructed to maintain and use, conduits, pipes, mains
and other facilities, including necess@ manholes, and to run
cables and wires in, undar and along tlie streets, alleys and
public places of the City, and to use the property of other
persons, corporations and organizations and permit such other
persons, corpprations and organization!3 to use its property
upon such arrangeti@-nts as shall I)e agreed upon subject to
the conditions herein set forth, for the purpose of providing
all types of telephone, telegrapli and other electronic service
at any point within the corporate limits of the City, as the
same now exist or may hereafter be extended or altered and in
accordance witli authority granted by the State Corporation
Commission of virginia.
(b) The City may require that any lines, cables,
conduits, or similar facilities of the Grantee which are to be
constructed on City property after tlie effective date of this
ordinance be installed beneath the surface of the land and in
accordance witli sound construction practices relating to such
(c) Prior to doing any work, other than minor
repair or construction which will not interfere with use of
the City's property, pursuant to the terms of this ordinance
on property owned by the City, tho Grantee shall apply to the
City Department of Public Worka for authority to perforn, such
work, stating the nature of the work and the location in which
it is to be performed. The City sliall promntly authorize such
work unless it clearly appears tliat the prodosed work will
unreasonably interfere with the health, safety, or welfare of
citizens of the City. In an energency, work may be perforr%acl
by Grantee without such a permit, sul)ject to the provisions of
sections 4 and 6 of this ordinance.
(d) Vlhen Grantee's facilities are located on
property owned bv the City and tlie City reasonably requires
that such facilities be relocate(l, Crantee will at its exrense
move such facilities to an alternate location reasonably quitable
to Grantee's purposes and provided by the City at the City's
expense. This provision shall not apply to rerqoval or relocation I
of facilities req,uired by any State or rederal agency, except
where the facilities to be relocated are located on public
property which lias @n dedicated or @uired for street or
road purposes, including uses incidental thereto.
Section 2. rron and after the date on which this ordi-
nance ohall becor3e effective, the poles and other facilities
in, under and along tlie streets, alleys and public places of
the City, autliorized by this ordinance to be located and con-
structed, shall be located at reasonably suitable and convenient
points. If and wlien requested by tlie Mayor or other proper
adininistrative officer of the City, thE@ Grantoo shall, from
tire to time, file with the City plans showing the location
of proposed additional poles or structures, and obtain a per-
mit therefor prior to their construction in, under and along
the streets, allays and pullic places of the City.
Section 3. In the location and erection of the poles,
conduits and other facilities and fixtures and in stringing
the wirce as herein authorized, the Grantee shall hat-0 the right,
after reasonable itotice to the City Departmnt of Public liork-9,
to trim, cut and )@oep clear of its wires and fixtures tlie trees
in and along the streets, allays and Public places of the City,
but shall not cut or otherwi5a injure said trees to any gr6ater
extent than is reasonably no@.,ssary in the construction, main-
tenance and operation of the aaid poles, wires, fixtures and
other structxires of tho Gran@o as harain authorized and pro-
Se@on 4. In the ovent the Grantee shall, in the con-
struction or repair of its works, injure any pavement, sidc--
walk, sevier, water or other pipe or works belonging to the
City, it shall, unon notice @liereof from the f,layor, pronptly
repair the same at its own cost and expense.
Section 5. The Grantee shall, whon so requested by
the Council of the City, perrLit its poles, towers and other
structures to be used witliout comnensation by the City for the
purpose of placing thereon any traffic lighting, fire or police
&lam, telegraph or telephone wires wliich may be necess@ for
the excliwive use of the police or fire departmnt of the City,
provided that such use by the City shall not interfere with
the proper use of said poles, facilities and fixtures by the
Grantee, and that the location and character of said wires and
fixtures of the said City shall be subject to the approval of
the Grantee herein, and providad further that the City shall,
and it hereby agrees to, in@rnify and save harnleas the Gran-
tee from any and all loss, damage, cost or ewxnse to, or which
may bo incurred by Grantee, or to whicli it may be subjected
by reason of or a.4 a result of tlie use of said poles and struc-
tures by the City as in this section provided.
Section 6. The Grantee acrees and binds itself, by
the acceptance of tliis ordinance, to indermify, keep and hold
the city free and harmless fron@ liability on account of injury
or damage to person or property growing out of the construc-
tion, improver.-ent, rwintenance, repair and operation of its
lines or worls, and in the event that suit shall he brought
against the City, either indenendently or jointly with Cran-
tee on nccount thereof, the Grmnten, upon notice to it by the
City, will defond tlie City in any such suit at the i:oat of Grart@
tee, and, in event of a final jud@nt being obtained against
the City, eitlior indopondently or jointly with Grantee, the
Grantee will pay sucli judgmnt, with all costs, and hold the
City harmless therefrom; but nothing herein contained 6liall
be construed to render Grantee liable for the negligenoo of
the City, its agents or employees or of any other person or
Section 7. The Grantea shall operate and maintain an
officient tolophone service system at reasonable rates for use
of inhabitants of the City during the term of this franchise.
Section S. All tlie rights and privileges hereby granted
to Grantee may be exercised by any successor or successors,
assignee or assignees of the Grantee, but the successor or succes+-
sora, assignee or assignees aliall be subject to all the pro-
visions, obligations and stipulations and penalties herein pre-
Section 9. Tlie rights and privileges hereby granted
shall continue for tlie period of thirty years from and after
the day on which tliis ordinance becomes effective an provided
in Section 10 below, unleas the same be sooner voluntarily surren
dared by the Gran@, with the consent of the Council of the
City, or unless the swre be sooner forfeited as provided by
Upon tho @iration of the term of this grant and upon
the terminatiort of the riglits hereby granted, by surrender,
forfeiture or otharwise, all of tlie poles, wires, conduits,
lines and other property of the Grantee in the streets, alleyn
or public placoo of the City riay bo removed from the streets,
alloys and public places of the City at the expense of the Gran-
tee within a reasonable tinie after tlie expiration or termlnation
of such rights and privileges, sucli time to be prescribed by
the Council of the City.
Section 10. Tliis ordinance and the rights and privi-
logen hereby granted and cortforred shall bocome effective when
tho Grantee lias filod with the 14ayor of the City its written
acceptance tliereof, cuid lias entered into a bond in the sum of
One ilundred Dollars ($100), with surety satisfactory to the
@layor, conditioned to tlie offect that the Grantee will construct
and maintain, or if constructed, will maintain, the poles, wires,
conduits, linos and other facilities providod for herein and
reasonably necessary for the exercii3e of the rights and privi-
loges granted in and by tliis ordinanct-, in good order through-
out the te= of @.is grant, and will con-ply with the terms,
provisions and conditions of tliis ordinance in all respects.
Section 11. Thia ordinan@- shall be in force from its
II. That upon the approval of this ordinance by the
Mayor of the City it shall bo the@"duty of ttio City Clerk to
cause to be advertised on@- a week for four successive weeks,
in soma nowspaper of general circulation in the City, the draft
of ordinance contained in the foregol.ng sections, and in addi-
tion he shall, by such advertisement, invitc.- bids for the privi-
leges and rights proposed to be granted by such ordinance, which
bide shall be in writing and shall be delivered to the presiding
officer of the Council of Vie City in open session at the day
and hour of the next regular meeting of the said body to be
held next after such advartise@-nt is completed; and the bids
shall then be presentod to t.')e Coxmicil by the presiding officer
to be dealt with und a@ed upon in the nanner proscribed b@
law for franchise grants. The advertiserent shall ex-Dressly
reserve the right to reject aiiy and all bids, and the success-
ful bidder shall be requi@d to pay all costs of advertising
the franchise in addition to the sum bid by it.
III. This ordinaiice shall be in force from its pass-
Passed by the City Council of the City of virginia
Beach, Virginia,,on the -day of
O;i )Iiolio;t b), Al),. AI(t)-stiall, by Ali'- L'0)1)1('@,, a)iel b), )'t"('O)'tted i,ol(., (is
ye: Alayo)- l,'),(?)ik A. Di!sc;i, @'ice 1"obe)-l 13. C)-o)?zlt@ell, J),. , A II)c)-i L. ]3o)@)lcy,
S)@. ,Geoi@-c R. D. Ilti)-i-czy Loic-@-c-jzcl, E. Joli)i 11'. @lIcCo@@lb@,
J. Cle@-lis 11(iy;ie, Eci)-l ill. I'cbcziill, (7)zd l@C)iilL,til @V.
Absei?t: C. Deivey Si@)i))Io)ls, Jr.
Cily Coit7icil aitilio;-izcd tlic City to luiliz tlie City of ATo),folk,
to Proi,,i(le ie;zdcr cei-l(ti)z te),I)ls (ijid co;zclilioils )-O;. //i(,' (lisposal of ),cfztst@ zvilliiiz
corpo),(tlt, li),;iits of til(' CII)7 of Vi),gi)zia Bcacli, Vi)-@i;zi(i of Y(?fi(se collectcd by
facilitics o@ tlie City of (i;zd by oille;-s fo)- (liSI)OSCI,
Oil -iiotio,lz.by Al).. Cro));zvcll, secoizcled by Ali-. All(i@-sliall, a;zi by ;,@coi,ded vote as folloz s:
Aye: Aloyo)- A. T@-scil, Vice illayor Robeyt P,. C).O@;illelz, Jr. , Albert L. Bcizizey,
Sr., Geo)-ge R. Fer)-ell, D. Il@t)-;-ay IIalbj;z, E. Joli;l IV. McCoiizbs,
J. Czertis Ila5,-jze, Farl @ll. I'ebazelt, a;zd
Abse2zt: G. Deicey Siiii@)zoizs, Jr.
City Coltizclt opproved tlz@, il-!-, --ity i- zi:illz zay),C,s
Depa)-t@)it,,iii Sto;-e aiz a 65-cl-.'.-@c, tl,'itclidltck
Road. 7'ize esti;;iated cost of I,'Iis P7-ojcci is @60, 000, it@Iiicit it)oield iiieaiz (17i
esti iated expc),zditit;-efo;- tlz(, Cily of Vi),glilia B,act@, ()f @o@9, 000.
tbl, Oii k@iotio@i by A17-. Ma),slzall, seco;z(led by Mr. Crol7lit@ell, a,lid by i@ecoi-(Ietl vote as follo,lus:
;ye: AIa@,o)- F;-a.@ik A. D:jsc@'l, Vice ,Ilayo;- Rob-i-I B. C;-oi;ilt@ell, Jr. , Albe@-t L. Bo;z),ey,
Sr., Geo)--e R. Fe@-rell, D. Ilti@-)-ay Ilalboiz, E. ,Ila)-slzall, Toii;l @V. IYICCO@;zbs,
J. Czti-tis Pa@@;ze, Ea),l Tebai@ll, aiid Ec@:izeit'l IV. ;f7ilitelli@)@st.
Abse2it: G. Deivey Si?iz@)zo;ZS, Jr.
City Coiazcil app),Oted tize appoii2t;)ze t of Col. A ieb;,ey [Ioli)zcs as rep;-ese;ztatiLle f)@oni
Virgiiiia Beacit to sei@vc o;z tlie Jaiiies Rive), Basi;z Aciviso;-y Conz;)zittee.
O)i iiiotio;z by r. Ma sliall, secoizclecl by Cro@)llt ell, and by )-ecorded vote as folloil;s:
Aye: illayo@- F)-O.-zk A. @,@Ctl, ViCe 1117)-o;- Robe@-I B. C)-o@;zzccll, Jl,-. , Albert L. Ec,;ziie ,
Sr.,. Geo)-ae Pi. Fe)-,)-ell, D. Lait:)-i2iicc E. @lla@'sizall, Joli;z TV. @IICCO@izbs,
J. Czt)-tis Pay;ze, E(zrl 11. Tebazilt, aizd Eci,,izet,2 N.
Abscizt.- G. Deitley Si@iz@;2o@is, Tr.
Cily Coinicit app;,oz,e(I tlic appoi)zt)ilcllt of 2vl;-s. Ric;ia;-d B;-ody to fill tile laze,'Cpi),e I 1- i,?@,
@f iwrs. D. j. l@'itki@is oiz ti2c Libi-ai,y lioa;-d.
C)II rizoliail by Ali@. Illiiitelzzt;-st, sc,ca)zded by Tc,b(tiilll a)zd by reco)-cled vote as follozt-s:
Aye: illo),or F;-ci,,,,@' @l. @scil, Vice @lla@,o;, I,'obc@-I P. C)'Olll@@CIZ, J@-. , Ilbey-t L.
s),. , Goo),,,c R. D. y l,alt @'L'@ZCC@ F'. @11(7)'Sl'all, Joiz;z ;@'. @lfcco)@l/)s,
J. Cit@-lis Ea@-I @ll. 7,zd Ke;ii,ct;i @V.
Abse@,t: G. D,,,:t!ey
I)lo'lil-i(,(Ilio)l of ott), Ill(, vi).@Iiiii(i o
]"o) i; Co)i,;( I (II(Oil, (III(I I),'l
lii@l( Cli@-ol
Al),. ilIccolilb,@, I)Y 11).. till(I b)@ (is
Aye AT(iyo), Fi,o,,zk A. L)-,escli, 1"ic(-, illayol, I,'obe@-I I?. C),Ol;llt,L,ll, J)-. I Albe)-i L ' Boiii, c: V,
S@-. , Geo;-.-'e R.. Fc7-)-cll, D. ill(@,lboiz, I-. J012)1 11'. illccol;2@@.)sl
J. C!t)-lis E(7?-l 11. Teb(i!tlt, aiitl l@iz)ictli I%'. l@@ilitcllil@-st.
Abseiit: G. Deivey Si@iii)io)zs, Ji-.
Ci@y Coitjtcil app,;-ovect lize J)i@-ecto;- of Pz(blic Ito)-ks i-eqztcsl of a;l al)l)rop)-ialio@l of
$1, 012 fo;, tlic i-el)l(lcelllc,)Il oj- ct,;-Iaill 'II)-. SI(I)I(Ilt'Y Olit,ci-, as
by iVl;-. IV. Ritssell [Ialclicti (it Iii , ti?iz(? of acqitisilio@i of )-i,,Izt of ivayfo)- RoltIL- 22,5,
bzclcpc-iideiice Bolileva@-cl.
O;z inotio.,z by Mr. Cl-oiiiivell, secoiz(lcd b@, Al;,. Tcb(ii(It, by ),,,,coi,clcd z,,ole as follozts:
Aye: Mayo)- F)-a.@ik A. D7iscti, Vice Mayor Robe)-t B. C@-oi)zzucll, Jr. , Albe)@t L. Baiz)zey,
Sr., George R. Fe@-@-cll, D. @ll@ti-),(7y L(zzt,i-c@7icc E. Tolz)z IV. @vIcCoi;zhs,
J. Cit)-tis I'd),;ie, Eayl .1,1. 2@ebazilt, aizd Keiz;zetli N. i@7litelizirst.
Abse)zt: G. Deivey Si@iziizoizs, Jr.
Cit@, Coit;zcil clefcr?@ed tlie folloit?iii., lioitse nioviilg pe'l-112 it fo?- livo iveeks,
Josepli lias n,.-cle al3i)],ic:z:tiori to nic)ve a
nj, 30'Y.5@-' fropi 51-)2@-
tO La:i@, Lot 6, B@y--i(:,c Borc),.icjh. r-StiT,,it-ed value after
renc>vz!tions, $20,000.
t@ll a? i;,olion by ATr. Boiiney, secoizcled by Mr. Fe)-@-ell, aizd by Yeeo)-dcd I!ote as follc@,)
-t L. B@, ;iey,
A,ye: Alayor Frci@ik A. Atsclz, Vice Ilayor Robe@-I B. Ci-ol)lzc,ell, Jr. , Alb("
Georae R. Fei-)-ell, D. Ilzt;-)-ay Laii, @,clice E. Joluz ;V. IIcCo@)zbs,
cil)-tis Pay@ie, Et7,rl 11. Tebai@lt, a)zd Keiz@ietz -,V. ;@@llitelilc,rst.
Abse@it: G. Deivey Si@,,inzo@zs, J)-.
--;i@ Cott)lcil app),ove(i tlie City's i;zstalli,,,,- zt!atc)- dist)-ibittio;, Iiiies i;i Kenipsi"ille
Gild Tvestviezu Viltale, floivett St)-ect, b(ised oi2 7',15@, of tlie property ott7icr,l
si,-,2!iig co)itracts.
Oii niotioz by Mr. Pa@7ze, secoizdcd by Alr. Ba)z)ze@,, a;z(l by reco rd3d vote as follo,,,,s:
Aye: ATayo)- F),a,;zk A. Vice .11(zyor Robc)'t B. Crollizuell, Jr. , Albei@t L. EO)z;zey,
Sr. , Geo;,ae R. Fe,)-),ell, D. @llz(r;-ay Ilal,5a7z, Loit,@-eiice E. Ilal-sliall, Jo,'in ;t-. I-ICCOI;7bsl
J. C-1@)-tis Pay@ie, Earl @l. 1'eba@ilt, aizd Eeiitz,2t,i @@. l@*izite,'Izlrst.
Abse)zt: G. Dezt:ey J),.
City Cozoicit. t;ie follolf'iii, resolitticii )-t@qttcsiiii- tlie City of IVO)fozlll, @'9
(71z(f t(,feti7zisli itatc;- a p)-ot)o.@ccl svstci)l, locatccl at Gr-
Rir;z Pla;i;,c,(l L--jzit Dc@t-elop)iit izt, P,',,ast, I, Sectio;zs L-2 c;zcl L-3.
A RFSOI,U'1'10@,' R@@QUI,-STI,%TC-, T I I l-, C T'I'y OJ- NORFC)I,I< TO
@A A C 0,N @T -1 Ifo@l
-@1,D 'I'O
,-l'' Tflf,,OUCI-l A
S-P-, D- @-I SYS -1 A@l' C',I'FF@N PUN
lll,@ CITY C)i@ %-If@C',INIA
Wlll;@R F,-,AS, it i,@ it f Vi rt i nil i",@,ICh, Vi t-giii ia
at tl)(' r(.(I,te.,t ()f tli,@
tll(- C:ify of
it\ )f