HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 28, 1969
Alili'llt s of llit'
of lit,'
Cii@! of
O[ Z/1@ ('OZO@Cil 0 Ili, of
i)z the
Co,,ricil C12a;;ibc,;@-@, ii, z,,z@ 1-@ til 1,
@'ll o@'
Aiii2e, oiz @lp;-ii 2,5, l@) 9, (7/ 10 C),Cl@) i" --l
A lb@,;-i L. B6;1;1 V, S@-. GL o;-,,, I-L;2 -(-C,
Jol,,@,, 11'. @11cco);Ibs, J. cl(;@'i Pl,'i@,;!, G. D@
ColoiciZiiiciz absc,;zt:
Y@ize i)ll,ocalioil it@as git-cil b-v P,'Zillip Pi;iL.@l@,
@z @;zotio;z by iW;-. @1(7;-s;lczll, scc,u;i(le(i bv .11;-. a;!(l b@@, itil(lilil)lolls tote,
City Coit;,,,-il api);-ol-C@l ti2(' Of I;z@ .1@TL a I'll
1, 19,39, t7;zd tiie k-c
of said clispc;zs,'Ci 't iZ,2 Z;-'(ZSlil@Icli Cl@ (I iici(I a copy Ql- @(lid
bL,,@o;-e Iii@iz.
l Pitblic a,,z P;-oposed of co);Z@;i, )-Cl;al )-c"I@-' c,;, el,,ct;-icity SL,).@,iC2
to ilic)-C(Zsc, fro@i,, 9 @ to 12@ Of Clia)--@, c, @,,,)hl li!(It Po;-Iio,,l of a ),;ZO;Ztlll Ch,
I - c,;ge
that exce2ds foitr hiazdycd clollc,;-.@ ut7 iiel(l, )CC@,L@17 - I
jo,,- ci,'st li2c, ni(7tt
Aly. Ha)-i- illa;-slia7l, Cit@@ @A ito;-)2cv, Spok'C ;'('@'(7 -(I;)!'
c I
y til ii C S
thct the Pi@blic bei),,3 tlzis ;)Io;-;2il", all t,',,c legal
for pitblic lii'i,; lo bL:
A,lr. St(zizdi)z,- p@ese;zted a Icitc;- to tile Cozr,,(-.il '-?50 b,,-!
rediiced to 200 apa;-tilicizts ii., tl2(, -fozlo,,Ci;l@,
Mi-. Sta)zd,;;z, P;-esc2zte(l a Z@,ttL,@- 10 tlic COI!,@@C;7 Ii B@)(z,-c! t,'Ic
folzolL,ilzg ai)plicati(YIZ.
A letter.f;,or,2 IIIC applic(7;,,t z@'('S ;-cceiz@cd
I - Lil2col@z
.XI;,. JOSCPIZ Ilc;-@cZ, S. L.
EI,7!e@-pYiS(-'S, Il'c. , askedfo;- thc, t5o day d@fc;-I;, izl.
lill,c to ,Zaz,c, tlie scl2ool bo(7;-r,' (is to if o@- )101 '/l v pl,i)z to P'tt a @cliool i@l
Liza t a)-ca. @-I t 171 c P)@cs @@)i c, (r, c,-c;-o@f C,' sc,ilool@.
Ill),. ti?@t asllcd to i@ t
0)2 nzotiaii b v bv CZ1, (I;I,l b@v t,ole, cil)'
,11;-. Sco tl iq t-) o@!t if (7 i@,:Il b(- b,@ilt
)-i 7-'
0)1 ))If)lioll 1) 1 ol(
Colill(@il (1ppi,ovi-,(/ lilt, 0)1 t, (1, li) 1
FISC,'.L Y--", JL'L@Y 11 IC, 1)
J,!-;' 3'), 1)7,
C'@tv -i i-,-) r s
t to tlie
C i
r"12 fiscal Y(2,2@-
Juiv 1, 19@g, en6 en@in- JLI-@
-j .,2pde@ bv
e-e it -Fui@s t@D
col;cr s@"(f
B--, IT T
i@ C 0; 7 f@ Ct,' Tiz@" CITY 07
Sectioa 1. That t@e a@0':nLs herein nE7,ed 22@re@a-@@InL,
($59,Olz,,273.00), o.- so 7@.uch as --.ay be necesserv as set
fort',l 4-n tlie Pn-,iLel Bu@@@t ol -, :ze fisc@l ye-,- I-;,'@9-70, sub,-.-I@.tted
by tne Ci,--Y Q,,' tile date o@- 2z 1 1969, as bv
the City Coun--il, ,.re herebv subject to t'ie
he-@ee-fter set forth in th4s 0-fdinance, froq). tbe rev--nue oF tlie ri.tv,
as he--eina@-@ter s@-I fort'n. for the yenr 19601-70, for t,ie use of t',Ie
-qeveral 2nd SPCCi2lly deS4-@n2l---,-4 @@un@S OF t'.'I@ City
Go,,,ern-@ent, 2.111--* for tlie as sct
in said Ann,-,al Bue@-e--, as for the -@iscal yem-r be@innin-
1 9 -7
July 1, 19@10, 2,i@ J,,:n2 303 2s follo-.,-S:
@z rioticiz b-v iVr;-. Pa@,iie, cco;z(led bv 11;,. aizd by it@iailiiiioii@ i-otc, City Co@(ilcil
app;-o I L'(l t,'Ic folloici@)i O;-(ii;1(77zcc o;l @ CCU)ICI (Z(il;z
-1:] T@'
/)3 AN C)' T'
ERI-Y POI- Tki@ 1969
Section 1. V'OU' 0 @' L C':; @@-'Al, ES'L""r,7.
There ,;h-ill bc coll(,--tccl for l@69 t@i:<
vear oii al.1 re:il est.-il.e, -io'@ oil cicli Oi-,e,
B I r $1 . 90 $ . I 0 - $
e $1 . 90 $ .1 0 - $ 05 $2. 0
$1 . 90 $ .10 $ - $ .05 $ 2 0
Pi:j.ncess A@inc @1.90 $ . 10 $ - $ - $ 2. 00
Princess Anti--
,Ilosquito $1.90 $ .10 $ - $ .05 $2.05
Puiigo $1.90 $ io $ - $ - $2.00
PL,rl@o @'oS@Uito $1.90 $ .10
Vir6@jnia each $ - $ .05 $2.05
$1.90 @ - $ .50 @ .05 $2.45
Section 2. T OF l@ GT
,L ",'y ON TA',- SC,: P R C) 1, F@'i y .
There shal.1 be levie,@j anA. coi@lecte-,l for the 1069 Lax
year on t2n@ible i)erso:,,al PrOT)ert-.,, r,.cL c:@e7 -)t f-o,@ taxation, six
dollars ($6.c)o) r (@100.00) of asscssed
valuation thereo-r, for z--neral puipc,,-@e3.
Section 3. A','C) T OT@' A
l@T B'-@I'S Or', @,'A-f--'-CFAF'T UN:)7@
FIVF. '1'0',S @2S-@D FC)R PTZSI-
There shall be 10vie@l aii,-l colle-@ed for t@e 1969 ta-,K
year on all bo--2ts or ,;aLercraf-I up,@er @;ve top. used for busi-
ness or pleasure, si-< do-lars ($6.00) 0,11 eacil 0zle
I @le d dollars
($100.00) of assessed v-,lu-@,@ion fc)r pirposes.
Section 4. @-@rC)@L'I-T OF LEITY O'i CE VE!iiCLES AS "OBIT@E
. HO,.,-:,'S O,-@ 01-Fic@.,-@
There shall be levie-l' a,-Lc: coilecled for the lc6Q tax
vear O,-,-all vehicles wit-ou- r-
-otive uso@- or desigriated to be
used as a-,obile ho7i@s c)r oi-7---ic!es or f'or ot,-@er 72@@-is of b.@i@itation by
any person, six dol.1-Ers (56.00) cn o--ie h,@tidred dollars ($100.00)
of assesse@, vali-,2-Lic.' t,
.@reo@ ior pur-,)cses.
Section 5. Col-S@,!,i,ui@,c,;
.1 - - -@T 1 7-,_.
That if anv part or parls, section c)r sectic,
cla,ise or phr2se of t'@is -ord-@r,@7-ce is a"Y reaso,-i declared to be
unconstituti-c,ial or sucb deci-s@-oii sha 1 p@ot a"7c-t the valid-
ity of the po-@iors or
Section 6. ---FF-CTIVE 1,AT-.
That tliis ordi-naice sl,-@ll be iri effect @rom Pnd after
t'ne date of i-Is adoDti-o,,.
O',z niotioiz by -Nla;-slicill, seco),,,Ic,,,l b-v a;zd b@! I-,Otc!, City
Coir,icil a'p;,ot- d thc follo@@,i;z, O;-
i) (iZ@Ic";@'C(-' O;z L(O;?(l
Tize L@tifiti, Ta.v to b effecliz c Tll;,,c 1, 1969, l,'!(' ciga;-C,ttL- ta@v to bL' @tfcclii,c,
ORDINA@,'CP @NO. 257
S;@TIC'-S 33-12,
33-21 A'@D 33-2z. c,-
C I T-): C C'-
BE 1T COT';rIT. O@@ Cjl,,- 01- VIRGI!;IA BEACH,
That Scctio:i 33-12, oE the C,tv CO (-,e
tc) t',12t
be -?07. OF tl,, ch@@t-,e ir, lie@t of 15
sll,231 be 12"' iri liet, of 9@;,, z:l@S is CLIRI t I y p r'O 1; L? 12 11 Ll I 1,1 f Ll I L
that the tax i,@@posecl by tllis pi-ovisicil S@ILIIJ noL I,e (:)rl Irl@@
-1 t C) cl
porLion of a ilioiitlily t"' e'@Ce@ d- f @ir IILITI(Irl
BE IT thal S@cti,oTi 33-21@, of thc! Vir6i.iii,,l
Beach Ci.ty code, is @ereby a:,,,cnOed to provtdo tliat t@ie tax frc,@,.,i ttic@
sale of cigarettes shill be t;,7c) and ce@lls EC)r e,-cli te-,i
cigarettes, or fractional ol@ te--i ci,@a--e-LLes.
BE IT FUFT@"@'@, tha-- t@l-- C',aanle iri rate tax for
utilities provided here4n, s@all ta*,-e ef@ect JL-,ne 1, 196c", and that
the increased taxes 0-,1 c*@,2rettes s@@@-11 to those sold at re-
tail on a,,@ a-Fter juiv 1, 1960.
ai niotigii b@, FL@;-;-cll, secuizclcd b@, c)-o@)Zlt '11, aild by le;z(7izi@iioiis i,ole City
Coicic.@7 ap,@;-o@,ed IIIL' follo@@ ';ig C),@-tiz@;'O;zcc o,,z @CcG;z(t
)S O@
Til@- CT@"@ C)-' Vl-,r@l VT "T
BE IT O' D;,Il'--:) Bv@ T@l@ CO-L3;,'CIL O@@ a@'@ CIT'F O-, VI
is to b-, access@-ry O:icl e@:P,2diert to
im.?rove e.:Le,-,(! t@e w2--er 2-@ sysLe-.,i
a nd s co 11 ec t i-ci s -,,s o@@- 4, t c @- @,iir n i- a c@-i to p-f Dvi d e
for the or@eriv 27ro,@,z:'i ai@ @o 'oor,:o,,,7 money
I - - y
for s,-,cn :)urDD@-e 07,cl iss-@e 2@-n2--al t
2. PL-,rsuent to t--- @ut@D::;-ty :)f -L@le C"I,--tc--- o@@ tL-Le city of
V'@r@inip -@,2ac'n (@-h. l@7 2 p c t s 0 s s y O.-
- @-I as a r@d
t@e Pu'@-lic FiDa"Ce -'ct 01.7 195-Q, arc- herebv aut@orized to be
T-,;:) -i -- 'D s @oo,OC-) 71 an@ r s C:erie,-
E Po ic:
of 0 t',I? CitV 0- n;a 3cnc, , 'c prz)v--
-Fun@s -For i7,,.-)r ov n -
a,i@ e-@tc-, !4 - trp i:).,)
SYS'E. ,n Se 7.@
collectio-,i syste-.i, @-'Jll c-@ rz@*rts o-@ w2y.
3. The bor,--Is s'@@ll @epr sucn @znte --r c!@t--sl ,.t SL:c@,i ti-.-,
or tiL-,,es, nc)t t-pir ep.-@s, bc,, inte-es-@
--y y@-11-S
at such rate or ra-.es, io@ e ce--dic,., s;-,< p@r cen-lu-.i (6-,') per annu--i
be in sl!ch 87:@ be suc'.i @,i@ be
sol@. 2t such t-@@-z or ti@--,s i,-i suc',i as th,-
P-o-,,i@e b%, :)r
4,. Th,2 !)o@L-1, 'n@ t"i, -li@y o@@ vir@,lq,n
p,tv-:@,2@-it pri@-icir, 'I on @.@l i,cli ir,@ [til I
cr,.,@lit s'lill bc
la I'@iciii i@@l C
Cl.ty of
P P S T cro@
2. A-i t',,-, TF3FLI--Ci--
of @22 C,,
V" -,-j-@-'
t@as q2-
0 r IL'L rec 17
MI-nutc3 o-@ si-,c',,l
AY 1-@: cr
c-DY 0-5 @U-2'- or-14ii,,.nc@
2 !T@l-'Lcs c@ C'T)Prcv,,d
by th-@
0 t c ci,--, tt'i@
29-lh --4-2v C-f A,,D@-il JC'9.
neacn, @v
s "@T
O,,i niotio)z by 11;-. Bo)?;zey, secui2dc,d b-@, Ila)'sliall, a)zd by uote, City
'--Olt;2cil app;-oz, d tlie follol i;2,,, !iii( @ t,,z a(lopziail of the s@ , 000, 000.
-E:Ilt,(Zli2 O;-(Ihzc,;Ice t,, C,
;tl, @izc Cit,,@ cle)@l,, to bo;-@-oit@ Si, 000, 00(
cz;,d (7;itic,;p6ztc! thC iSSZt(7ilCC (7;1(! SAIL' Of t,2(2 S2, 0 Ci, o b(,)iz l@ (z-@ app@,ol (,(I,
rp ?.t
tt a o- t @e CfD o t: C t
c', Lic
r", 17
2y, r. G,
t@I2 C-' fil
l@ C.
c-, u 1
to t'@,e C,@ty @nl to
-lo -,i-12 zs ::,y b@, t' Ci y
t*-, C 1 C, p i c., C:l s u -,*L-1 c@
a n L a t' r @ o L Z,.,3u 2 z @l %L 2 -.,l
t-@:3 Y--Lre, t'i--
cf t--.e Ci-Ly 01@ vir i-:ils
E28--@, c--e ol-* p r @h c i,-) .2
C), rncl
t'-.2 L,--
cnd ccrr@--t ex-,--act t@2 o-- r-@-ular 22e-L@r., Of t'..-I:?
Of t'L-e Ci
,y 0- o:, c!@@y of
O-r .@-@r a-- r-D)-?iCLI'312 to thl'
t'@@, cl-,y ol@
Oii iiioli(,i;i by ill;@. (I)I(t b@, li@l(t)li@)IoIt
Coltil('il(1pi);.ot, (,(l Ill t' J"o110it i,'
Tti(? '7c@Lll-,ir c)E tli,, C-o"ILI,@ i. ()f Ltie Ci-Cy of Vir@@l iii @i
Bc@icii, Vir tic cl i 11 t
c C c,,
@l 1 C)f tlie Ci@ty of
Virgini-a Beacti oti Y, ADri.] 2,c) 9 C, 9 lo: 0 O,c )ck A.
On riiotioii by arici by )ir.
the followizig rc.,cllitic)n ;,,,as O@clopLed:
R E S 0 1, U 1, I C) N
WHEREAS, tile City c)f Virgini@ Bc@c'-i cnd it@@ preclecessor po]it-
ical subdivisioiis have: @terc,.@@c)fore is@Ll--,l certain b(D-,icls witn coLp,)ns
attached; and
WHEREAS, it is anticipfted ti-,.,t tEle City of Virginia Be,2ch
will, froi-@i tinc, to Li,2, issiie bonds and coupons: and
WHEREAS, Sectiot 15.1- . C' 11 cal
1 18Z-1 P-Ovi-,@'s l-,at fis agents of
anv city of the Cc,@,-,I- -
of Virginii r,a7, by a.,re-en-,ent with
its governin@ body, destroy the bon@s iiicl bond CoLipons Of the
city after Payme-,it by them and certi.fy t-he facts cf slicli Dayn--nt
and destruction to the treasur,r o.- d ircc tor of finance, as the
CaSe niay be; ard
16'IIEREAS, the City of Virginia Be@-c'fl, Vir,.,inia, desires that
all fiscal a8ents des-'roy bon@ls in,,i boncl coupons after payr,-.ent
thereof and certify such facts to t@tE, tr@,,sLirer Or director of
finance, as the case riay be, on such foi-iiis as iray be approved by
the auditor of Dublic accounts.
That the treasi-,rer of the City of Vir@inia Beach, Vir@inia,
is hereby au-@horized to e::ecute, on bp,@;alf of the city, agreements
with the several f4scal P-.e-,lts now,/or to be desi,nate@, to prOV4de
for.the destrucli.or, o@' bo,-i"'s and bot,d coupons for w,,iich chey serve
as such fiscal a-.e-its, to cer@7--P'cetior-.s oi-r pa,,7@'.ent and
destruction on suzli f@-,--s as 7-ay be a@-ro,.,ed bv t,ie au@-litor of
public accoulnts, ati(i to ch,,irge sic'n fc-os for the service of
d--struct;-on and certi@@icn-rion,- as n@-v be ar,,-eed up,)@i: arid
BE IT FUPT@IER that t@,e tr,2iisLircr be credit
in his accounts for --'l such bonds Ln@] coL,p@)n, @o certified as
havinF, been paid aiid (lestroved all@' t'@,2t oilo cc)py of tlie certifi-
cate 1)@ rc@t@iir)ccl 'l iii @i,@'s offi(,e.
O)iii, o Ii 1))1 1) illi-. ( il 1) l' @ll) . @ !/, (t)z@l b I 01,
is tite C, L I
of FAIR rz)o:,, 3' , at
Ccurt ol tr,, C@tY OF V@ r.-, a I - o @i Oii p t i t I e
T-ic, F,.IR TO
F:: TO T@ r,-! c i r, @,2
pla@ Lc- 1,
1102, at la c 351. C, err@ro,@isly d,2-
as Lot 2.
@,@fER::A@-, or,- b@,t@l o@ rb.@ al,ov-- pl--@,, a @-,C)L
alor,@ the @7ort:h 14-,- o- -@@ot 1, @7 -a3 Lc)L 2 or,, -IEt i,-i L)CC@
?,ook 11-02, at Pa-@e 35'). ?-ir. @@i-c@iclson 21@,o a,-- pircel @'OZLII
o' LoL I as slo,@-n or! t@,@@ z:!, V-- E-IQLS o:-, @;@@ic't @i@, @s Dre-,,Prin, to erect a buildiT)@.
@ I I
W14 7- Ep@- , s a i d f i ve @@o c) @ e as @-ii L c r -- e r , wi t@,. t'lie c re c t i oi o
said buildiri., aiid '."iereas by record2lio:i I--.t in need -.o'@ 1102, at Pa,@@e 351,
1-ir. t-@icholsoi has de@licate!d @t. ea-se-,nt t,e Eat lire@ of Lots I and 2 as
sho%,-i on the alove pl,@-.i w@i,@*cl,, @.-ould o'ovi@te ti@-- co@- an easefient alo[-,,. the
North 1,-*re of '-ot 1.
NV,', be ill RESO@-V--D b,,, o-- t'le City of Vir.-irda @.eaci-,,
That the Co,@rici-I of the Ci-y a.@ ';i-@,@@nia re-,C'P. rele,@3es to T. 11.
Nicholson 'Lhe f4-v2 foo-, eaic@o-iL c:edi@ace@ to tl:e Cil@@ of Vir-.@i-,i4a Vir-,in'a
aloT,,-. t'le No--tq line of Lot I as oq tc,,c pla-@ oi Fa@r, "eado,,s recordec! @-n @Tap
Booll- 3'@, at Pa@.e 5, Clc!r,-:'s Office, C@@@cu@t: Co,rL of ti@e -ity of Vir,.,inia ?2a--h,
Vir-ini@, aL-.-2 sho,,-- A"JLIL t@.12 '---ne D@ -,-c,L 2 -'.s acually Lot 1
on tne -@.ar of Fa4r a6 @lat e-
'j, i 1,2 y E
I T O:;- T _i T C, 7 --D F-'- TC) T,) CITY
@-T @T-' 7 J,) I l@-, at: @,a@c
07i @)ioti(@;z b@, 11;-. Nla;,sllall, sc(,O;lll@c(i 1) Tc,li)(iit7l, c,;z(l b-i, itil(@,)il;iilolt, l'ot Cit@'
Of $8 '@'. 8
lS63 TOT 7'.T
Earl ii. Coffi Jr.
& k
.Iario--i I. $83.9Z-* $33 . Bl@
Coffi@-,n E,;-@;1'-e
Lot 43
p@vil)l@) -@o Tu@@iill Iilci A. TuL'illl.
I,,)il 10 o.1 1"Olt@i(l@
A:i C)l@"i
7 ':3
to thc@
C C t' to
t City P.L
10 41 th:?@- ro 'o cr 10
prival@,- r
iF the th@ s-il
S-@ree@, sh,-)uld close@, v--.cal.-,,-' a,7," -,Dw,
BE I-@ -DY C
cu- C,- "i C-,
Sc@t;-n-i ah--t t'-c b s
.1 - @--
ti-,e Ly:,.r.:-aven of the Ci-ty Vi-gi--ii-a -.eac@-, Virginia, is
as , t)--bl;c slr--@-t of
t*-,-- C-*.@-,,
Vi -C7 r,_'
"i 7,
L 2:
Oii i)iolio)t by Al;-. C)-O))Ilt'C'll, s ,C,O;it7e4l by Al)-. a)@(I b@, Z)ot(',
Colt)l Ill(' folloit,iii.@,, 0; (li)l (til (.c, lo tilt, o-/
ct,;.I(Iiii it, ci)-(,I(,, (is @llozt,;l )il I)I@ll O)*
slio)-c's. 7,il(- it)ill 10 Co@1)"L.il fi@,
7,@ ORDI N@',@!CE APVOitll I t!3 vi I @@ CO";:ECI I O@l Villf] T@IE APPLICATIO,'L FOR I FIE
WHEPEPS, GeDr@c C. L. J-Itlseri, Eorr,,@r-d H. 7"ayf,-,ond, a.,Id Duncan & Giffor(
a partnership, have gi,ien due and proper nc,tice, in @Iccordance %,iith t@le Statute
for such cases n:icl,@ anci provided, t[lat it ,@ould on this day apply to the
CoLincil of the City of Virginia Se,3c@i, Vir@inia, fo, the appOintr@i--nt of
viewcrs to vie,.q t@)-- belo%,i-described pro,,--rty and report in writing tc) the
-i--rs, any and if any, ,,-hat incon@@@,-
Council whether, in the opinion of said viE,,
ience would re5ult frc,.i the discontintiir,q Ll@ th,-- said streets and avenlies and
has filed such application with
the said Cc,uncil; no',t therefore,
IT ORDAINED by the COLincil of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,@
,that A. @.'ortci Petty
C@iarles S. Kile,7
David B. Norr,,an
be, and they hereby are, appointed to vie@i the belo,,q described property and
report in writing to the Council on or befcre tlay 12, 1969, whether in their
opinion, any if any, what inconv--nience Yould result fio,-n the di5continuing,
closing and vacating of certain propos--d streets
and avenues situated in Pine
Shores, in the City of Virginia Beach, Vircinia, being described as follows,
That certain portion of the streets and avenues as sho'4n on
the Piat of "Pine Shores",,,@hich said plat is duly recorded
in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Ccurt of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, in @@ap Book 48, at page 8, being
more particulbrly described a5 folicis:
TRAT st,-eet k.@c,,in as Berrie Court aiso kno,.qn as HarSen Ci rcle
beginning a" its in"ersection with Berrie Road also known as
Dunford Circl-- a,@d extendiny back for its full le,16th into
Pine Shor--s; it being the intention hcreby to close and
vacate all of Scrrie Co,;rt also knc@-in as Pargen Circle as
cc@@so, VO& shcwn and d-scribed on said pla".
IA, And each of said vieviers shall be paid the suri of each for
such serv lees, %,i,@ich total sum shall be paid by the applicant hereill @@. Vf
before May 12, 15@03; and it is furthcr ordained that this application be, and
the same hereby is, referred to the Plannirig Co@yiission for the City of VirginiL,
Beach, Vi ryinia , for a report zind re,:r@,7@,.@nd3tiori to tlie Counci I ; sai d report to
be rpzide on or bcfor,@ M,iy 2r1/2 19-,9.
Oil itizel b.@
Ol'tliil(lilt,c, fo; 1 (ilio)l o.1- (i Poi-li@')l O)* lll@' I)Ifll
"SLIPDIVII;I()@@' 01' Al'@@,@i @lt,\,'A, SECilO@,! 21"
Wlff:IJ@'AS, Delta B@,ildiii@ C(,ti,,, a Virginia c,)ri)orlltioti, hzis petiti,@I)eLl
tor tlie vacatin, of a porlion Of a CorL,Iiti pl@it of -,ul)divisioil; ari@l
'.IIERFAS, nolice DE the p@il@lic heirin,@ on slgid pcLition w@qs properly
NOW, -BE IT DRi,)@A T:,@, ), ',.)v @ lie Cou ii c il of the Ci ty of
Virginia Beach, @iir 4iiia, by a@itilor i L "r@i i@ -d 'Dv SE'ctiz)n 15.1-@-82 (b)
of the 1950 Code oE Vir.@inia, as -lia@ tlie follo@iin., pc)rtion of a
plat of subdivisior, be, and @he s@,Fi, Ilc@ebi is, v2cqLed:
That porlion of the-, plat of "Sut)@livision o@ Priricess Anne
Plaza, SecLi,)n 21", pa e bv H@iss@,I.l & Folkes, Surveyors
and En,,'neers, d-@Led Jure 1, 1965, and recorded in %[@qp
Book 66, at pa-e 28, tLiLqt is "@nL, @l, niT@.'@ercd, and designated
as Lots 61, 62, 63, 6+, 65, ;)7, '08, 69 and 70, and
Dempsev CoLirL.
niotioil b@, ill . Ala@-sll(lll, SCCO)Ided by Vicco@)lbs and by iniaiii@?ioits 1,,ote City
Cozazcil Z,)ill hold a PitbZic O;l Ill-(7y 2r), 19 ) it,,itll YL'spCcl 10 Ilz@, grci)zlill@ of a
fra)zcizise to Fi;,st Coloily I'czeplio)zc C02;ipa;z),.
@l @lotia;z by illr. Pa@'ize, sc'co;zfl@'41 by C;, a;2d by 1,-,2(7iiipizoits t,,otc@, City
-Oztl?cil aPP)-Oz:cd tl2c follo@t@iiz,ll R,,sollilio,,,I:
The regular aeel@iri@ of tle C-u-,icil of the City of Vir@inia
Be.,.ch, Virginia, was 'neld in the Courici' Ch@-,-,,'Der of the City of
Virginia Beac,,i cn Apri-I 2E, -,-S69, at 10:00 o'clock ;k.M.
On n,.otion by -,,
-,r. Pai,;Ie, and se--onded by ,Ir.
the @@ollowin@ res C, lution was a,_Icnted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, there is an ur@ent need for t'lle develop[.-,ent of a
comprehensive law en'@!orcE7.ent plan on a reg,'@onal basis to con@pl,eni@ent
the State and Federal co@prehensive law en@@orceE@ent plans in
atte,-,.pting to reduce spiralin.a crin,e ralles; and
TATEREAS , the Feee-al Gover@ii-.ent has , u-,ide-- the em,,iibts Cr;-r,@c-
Control and Safe Streel@s Act-ol@ 19r@)8 cle-erz,@,ned to aid Stites,
speci@@l regi.ons and locali-ties in so'Lvitig li;,7 eriforce,-@ent proble:,-s
and has provider] that cE.-tOin funcli be set for this p@ll-pose@
WHF.,@T,7AS, the VI--L;inia I.n,; in
riienl.in@- Ti.tle I of t @IE, 0111,
'libus Cr@'i ., Cc)ii'@r,)l aii Safe S@lrects @ct
ol@ tlie
Col-iii@lisr,i,i@) t() t!ii, (lc,vf@l"I'lli-tit C)f ill C,)r,
Cl.']'V ol.'
f 1 1 A
T!lat cj@t Of Vi I-Jl Iii @l y
Vi rcts@ in i l LeE,, @otl "i s i ol! i L 11 L to clc.,v I C) p El
COT@,pl-e@ietis i@V2 1"C@ E rifor c,@l@,,ii I'l Z,11 aII CI Z@SSLlr(2S tfIO, CO-Iiiiii,'@s i C)o
th@i t it S CiLl IY Lpi n ,cl re @)resc ri v, s to L @c@ I Ad vi sor y
COi,.init te, e a ri,] l'ol Coi@:f@iitLce OTI I ti @, or (]E-,I. will cno pe -a Le il
CV.2'@-y @,7,,Y to d@VE@ -,p c SC, c ']'l c L io pi ti s r(,,,@loll.
B@ IT FU--"i'ili t"
Planniri, t oti belialf of
t',Iis political s@l-@,ivision fo- th'! o-F t'ne pla:i from arl.y
State or solirce available. Tn@s political subdivision,
however, shall i.,.icur no o'c)lil,@tioti to tne ii-,I@)leriientatioil of
saici pl@,n t@,, pl@,ii '@cis becn full'i cle@,,2]op--d, properlv submi.tled
to thi-s j,lrisdict7oii f,)r its @,,Id fiiially adopted.
o ilIcCo@;zb,, sc(,o;(7-,(
@;7oli ;z b@, 11; 2 c I bk@ 11;-. a;,,(l by t,ole, Cit@,
(:O@t)zcil t;c6i lliefoll z(,ii,l
The i-egular of tlie Ci.tv of Virgiiiia Bepch,
Virgiriii, was held i,-i t'n@- Cojicil c)f tne City of Virginia
Beach o-Li il.o-iday, Api-il 28, 1969, @,t IO:OC)
On r,@otio-,l by L;'.r..II(Co;;@-;)S, aricl, by @,r. ill(7;@ iz(?Il,
the followin.@ resoluLic),-) ,,:as ado-D@,el@:
R E S 0 1, U T I 0
TATHEREAS, the City of Vir-ini-a P-2a--h des4res to cooperate with
the @linisterial Associo-lion of Vir@inia Peach to provide facilities
for L,-em.oers of t'@2 forces as tl,.@ Fiospitality House.
NO-1@, TH7-R7-FODv-, 57- IT v"SOLV'r_'D -DY CCIUI;I'IL OF Till-- CITY OF
VIRGI:@T_I, -nEA-Ii,
Th,,,@ the Ci-@v is hereb-; F,-it'llori,7ed to exi,@cite a lease
of prnporty kno,.:n as t'f,.e for,.,.,2r Public @"crks Buildin@, in the Boroi-igl,.
o@@ Vir,@inia Beac.,I, tl,,e nE--@ of a,-id in behlif of t:ie C4@ty of
(11) ol
T@ic re.,ular C c)f tlie Cit,; of Vir@ iii
Virj7,iTI"'Ll, w,@,,s helc-' .ri C@t,:,:!il oF L-p Citv of Virpini,@-I
B,2acti OLI LO:C,') o'cl(),@l,
Oii i-OLi,)ii bv ('O)@,F,: 711)(:,(@@ll-l"'I 1"@,
1, f" 0 1, Li 'I' I
WIIL@I'LAS, tlic, cl.cy govcrlllltc@[IL bc:c-ri citle6cic)lle(.1 WiLli
tc) tlic,, POSSil)ilitiy LliaL SLI'ticttireE, L),,2 c@-cctc,(! by ttic@ city Ilorl,,
tILe boircl%vtlk ill Ltic Bc-)rOLI',,,Il of Vil,-J@lilia Bcach; ztiid
WIIEREAS, thc@ creclicri of Ii-ly SLi'ucLtirc, aloill, Lh-- boird@@7Llk ',701-IICI
be detriniental to thc@ I)ost@ interesl c,f Lhc, iiote:l iiicliistry oii the ,.,cst
side therc-@of; aiid
@'HEREAS, aiiy clicroicli[-ient al@on., t@ic, 'Do@rO@;.,z,lk wol-ild bc colitral-y
to tlie i.ntercsts of tlic, citizens eii -lid b
_io-,, s, oard@.7alk; aricl
WHEREAS, asstira,-i--Ps -of the city w,@@Lh respect to this board,,7alk
have been reql-,csted.
That it is tlie firIT! ilitentiori of t'[,,is Council to exert every
effort to maintain t'ne boardwalk arie@ thE: @.r@-ssy strip to the west
thereof as en opei prc)iiien@,de av@,ileble for all citizens to enjoy; arid
BE IT FURTHE7, RESOLVED, that tliis Counl-il is uilalterably opposc-,d
to any structure on this ri@,ht of @-lay.
On niotio;z by Wr. Bo @@zey, secojided by AT)-. Fe; ;, IZ, ai2(l b it;z(t;li)i2olts t@ole, Cily
Cozoicilapp;-oced tlie reqii(,st oj- Vi;,- iii ioel (,Zi-ic ci@id Poi cc;- Co,@,ip,-t)lvfc);- a as
ease)izeizt aloizg CityP;-op@)ily o@z E@,i;zpszillc, P@')C (7,S SIIOI't)lz oil VEPCO Pl,'It PI/ @V
L@IZ AGRFENIE@T, -@lade da,v of 19
bv and a
.f Cit-t O' 3eac@ parzy of the fi,-@ p-l,t, czill,-d "O,,-tr'* (t@,e %ord
(C-,,, @, Ci:,)
"Owner" used h@,@ein to irclu,,Ie tht f ht pa-t o@ie or ri@c@t)
ar.d Ele -;c ani Fo,,1/2e.- a corp@ ra @ ic .7 (,@7 % '@377a7 j@ 'OUi: Und@@ @'-e !a@,,s
of the -@a@t of
@k- I T T T H
That in of D.-,'!ar is
ard for ot@@ 1/2a!-
O,%7,tr C];..,::a@,,, @-,s a-.a z,-
tli- p,;,il@-e an,@' eae,.@eiE 0; Te.-i
tO Id@. COr.@:.L@t,
op,-a-@ a P;pt !:r@-
in a,,,4
c @4 a
ori pla@ rtia 273,1'1 a7,! a pi.--
It -,:i
an@ o; t
to I:,,: C,c
na, ia, I t,j
Of 11
l,ri, i7
Ll r e
I,j c L T, 1 to
-iri,l iic t'D c iri'o Lf@i K,2,1
by t
t'. fi @ L:L w rt
an its CI-n d iy of
I 9
C-, IT
O)i @@lotio;,, Ill-. Bo)z@2L, @.ot(@, Cill@@
COIC)ICil Pl@,,)Iic Ul@lil@i 10
p@'OCCC(l it@itli plails fo;- @l 1, (@l,lii ljizls 1(.(71, ;-.
O?z niolio;i by 11;-. bl@, 11),. (711(l 1)@, itil(t;li@izoiis t@OIC), Cil@,
Co,tiici7 o,@,P;-o@,ed t,'z@, lollo@t:z),,; 2l,citc,;-
c 6 z cl
Poo'- -14-de Road 84-)
P@ol -,,'de Place 1 3
La-e 6 f
Lu-xfoxd Circle 4- 254
terry Pla--Itati-ol C4-@cle 6- 68
4. 2E;6
flaygood Ci-rcle 4- 166
C; Ard
A. C-41-f -ord
Ell 93
n 61, 70-0
L I niv 3!I h
Village Drive 1350
Vi-llage Rczid 1625
English couxt 7@10
Dutc'a Court Yiort,i 6" 462
Dutch Court South
4 7 4-
W'llianisburg Cour-I sou@" as
4- 400
French Courl, Sou-I@i 4- 474.
3, il-'@9
C ol@1); si,))l
l@o) l(ilio;l Slit(IY Iloli(' @)liil,
6,D 2 1 @'i, t3
Lyiizt'- - I-.. -:, -- @ , , 1- @-, @, @,- , 1 @@i, @ z, @- t @. - -, @, v,:
O;z @l; 7, o)i@l b@,
Co@e;ic@il ('(l tlic, j@ll
5 -1 3 2 C,
A@ICCO))@bs, s,coi.,@lc(,Jbll @l).. (iii@l by taiaiii))zoits @@ole, Cil
COI!)Icil a,,)P;,Ol,ed t,'zcfollozL,@ll" @o Ci c' ))Zot P r iiit sitbjc,ct o brick
Vi r a, c h 2 1 ,
B 1 -,K P P T, c , r,--,n a,
@.-n:)ve anci
O)i bv iWy. AIcCoiiib.,, scco,;zd@,tl bv Al@-. Tcbcii(It, aiid by t,ote, Cit@,
Cozt;,,cil G,'i@)-ot!ed tlie foZlozf,iiz,,, 'IO@(@ C ,iil)j cl to b;-i,l@k
d . E@er@, -@olis-2 -L@,@,,,ers t@ 7-,D,;E2 a o:ie s@,C)rv
resic2ence 71-3 22n@ S--re-I
lo@s 22,2--,2@,
r,iove P-n,l
072 b-v Alr. Croi@litell, SL,rGil(lccl,b a7zd by inza,,zir,7oits ote, City
Cotiizcil d@,fer;,ed tlicfolloit:iiz,, ctplic(ill@6';l fo@- a loil@e tico iueeks:
'lic(211iii- 30' x 54' f;-o@@z 5621
Josepli ill. Nla),izix, 111, to ;7zot c a @le s lo; v f;
Sliell Road, Ba@,@i(Ic to Doit,;is L(7@,@,, of L(71,?c szibdii:isiaiz, Bavsi@tc,
@z niotio;z bv Nl;-. seccil(lcd b@v II)-. 11(,Co@?ib@, (iii bv t,ote,
t- ol -
Cit@@. Coil@icil ic, Ei( it Hzt;zel)-C,(l @L,@
Dolla;-s ($181-0) as tlic Cit\- of Vi).@i)zia B(,a(,Il,,, of ti@, co t o-f tlic So@ttilcastc;71
Co@@2@),i@sio)l st t(l%,.
Af@-. Scoll tll(71 Cit@. t(-) 17C( l,'Zt' G@t(l;-(l o;, t"L,
(J@ickl,lo,iz p @-op Lot 191, Colt@-I flo,,@- c, A ,(l (tozt,)t by tlic, oil
Al))-il 22 b@- i)iOL'iii.,, to li,:@, .@itil Co," 2.-,- Ill;. @' I S@(7),,;C,Cti()il B. fl@'
al@o ),L 11@(it I)it o-f 1', (11 1" lo (7tic 1 iiii, c by
@, ) ')) @ll.;,,,.!! I I ') @ i),
II('-Ioti(7tio;z (it (71,
a,,i,, tl@(11 1:1@, cil cr)@til(.il (i 1,@z i)) i lo (.1 "@z, C@l,,- ),,t lo
all (I 1,1(1;i @o I;,I( il@ 1, el if lii,@ 1))-o@1), ) I'@,
S Ill Iszi,,Oit 1(1 t Oi) l@ I),)))i ii , (I;/ el lo (@(11 ()I)i
fi-o iiio!tIO/ Cil@, 1)('ol)l,'. ii! Ill l@it lit)
c oj@ Oil(' o) llic, cil ill i)i (iII ii (,,)i (, (t,,( o)' c I)I/)IO
i;l ill- (I)IY i ( //i, (,,;Zv ol I I@' (it-h i@, si(i.,i,(!
Vi)-giiii(i B(@@acli 1(1)1(1 OIU)lt Z!) ii i '5 -4,1) i 1, (I b ft i)l (i I
Bc,(I(,h (.01o I I)Cfo),(-, a I i jti(l,,(, I)( lo) -
l'ii(, Cit)! , hoiil(l (ilso it,@ t, of 10(@(i lii(il (I;.(, /,,iioltii 10 1-@ oy
tlii, COI)ii),,l,,,Sl.(,,j i .
,rc 1: 0)1 tiiolio;i bv M),. C)-Onil(I'll, M".. .11(iil)c)ji, Iji(i b@, l'Olt', cil
Coitjzcil ),iiaki)i,, (i io;t o;l Ill'-! Jti,, )@2 '))@o )(,;.Iv fo;- lit;o
17 1
sitpc,rt@i--o;- ot- thc D,,I'@'IOP))2L';il of tool@ pa;-Iic@s oitt Illi,,;
a;z(l ;,epo;,14,,,l ili(it ii i.@ (lbol(i II' i;z 1)(' @.0jie@' tlic, j( ltic,s aizd lo'
0)2 niolio;2 bi, AT)-. Ala),Slz(lll, b 11;-. .1,1 (?it(i by itiz(iiii zoit,,, i-ol(,,,
Cily Coiiizcil (i@lpoiiztcd .11;,. C@,(,il L(i;i(I to /:,l(z( c of l ;-. R. E. Do;,c,r O)'i tlie
R(,gia)zal Solid 4iaste. Slit(ill Co);,,i)zillt,c, of SVI'@IIC.
Oii iotio;i bv Mr. Bo;ziicv, by ill;-. Ilalboiz, ci;i(i by itiiaiiii@ioits vott,, City
Coinicil a,,)I)oi;,Ied tlic iizt,ii2bc;,s to I,'I(, Aliiiiiiiit);i Hoitsiiz,,, Boo),d ()f AJ)peals:
Do,,zald C. R(,i(I t(, - -2 -vecl,-s
LloydA. Miti-(Ie@i ter@)i - -2 v@,(i;-s
St-,ia)-t Biixb ii)7,i It, r@)i - - 2 @@e(irs
G(, cild 0. Vcy(loit to, ril2 - -I ve(,;-
Donci,aZ - - I Y(,@(I;,
iolziz Gibbs Bitil(lii2,1-@
(Xi niotig,; by My. MarSlz(lll, -@eco;z(ILd by Nl;-. F('I' @'ll, tlzl, nieeiiizg ivas adjoiti c(/.
Riclia;,d J., Webbo)z @ra ik @z
City Czerk Aloyo;-
City of Virgiiiia Beacli,
Vi rgi i !,,7
Ap @il 28, 1969