HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 22, 1969
December 22, 1969
The reguzar meeting of the Counciz of the City of virg@ni'a Beach, Virginia, was
held in the CounciZ C7zamber,-@, in the Administration )IluiZding,l in the Borough of
Princess Anne, on lionday, I)ecerrbc?r 22, 1969, at 10:00 o'czook, a.m.
Councilmen present: P-ayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice Mayor Robert B. @romweIZ, Tr.
George R. FerreZZ, D. i'.!urray tla7bon, Lm)ien@ E. 1@@arshazZ, John T,'. ?,@c(,'ombs,
J. Curtis Payne, G. De@oey Si @,,ons, Jr., Earl kf. TebauZt, and Yen7zeth 1,7. Tv'hitehurs-.
CounciZman absent: AZbert L. Bonney, Sr.
The invocation was given by Reverend FZetcher C. 7.7utcheson of Bayside Presbyteriar,
On rtioti@7 by 14'r. iiccombs, seconded by @@ir. 1@,orshaZI, and by rec,,orded vote as fozzows:
Aye,@: ilayor @'y@ank A. Dzisch, Vice ?4ayoy, Pobey,t B. Cro?-,jp7.7,, Jr., George P. Per@reZz,
D. Ilurray 14aZ!)on, LToi,ence E. P@,larshaZZ-, Johr., W. !,'cCombs, 7. (,'urtZs Payne,
G. De@@ey Si,@, ons, Tr., Earl 1,1. TebauZt, ard Fenneth N. [,Ihitehurst.
Absent: AZbert L. Bo ey, Sr.
Cit,v CounciZ approved the 1@linutes of the rqeeting of Dece,,T!ber 8, 1969, and the
reading of said Alinz,.tes dispensed with, inas@7?u,-@h as each coi,.neiZma)@ had a C.@py
o.f said 1,1-@,nutes befoz@e hi7n.
On mot,"on by Mr. Ila2'3@,a7,Z, seconded by M2'. !,!aZbon, and @,y Pp,(,'or@,ed vote as foZZo,@s:
Ayes: 1@ayor Frank, !,. Z@L6,,2h, Vi.@e !@ayor Robe2@t B. Jr., goorqe P. Pey,rell,
D. I,,Iurray I,,'cZboy7, La@@ren,-e E. @ol-n W. T. Curtis Payne,
G. T)ewey Si=,ons, Jr., i,'crz 1,1. Y'ebauZt, aiid Fenneth PI.
Absent: Albe2't L. 13on ey, Sr.
City Coztnc-;,Z approved the foZZo )ing on socon(,l 2,eading:
Apl)ropriation of @1500.00 f,-om the 7-or (7ortl.ngen(,'ies to t7he
Tlirain,7.@z 717(,-,r,@7l@ig T)istri(@t !,-12,1, @@or aof th,, arec,,),,,de water
ro@ource,.,3 (@ L@ @
@,h(@, ab@e fiitli
'i 0)7 rio'io? b:j 1.@r. ,,,crc,@@ded I)y @@,lr. bl@ reec,)'idcd vott@
e,,3: 'r
1-@, jo7,
1 7 r
@i e,i U r,-, I
'fhe regular meeting of the Counci.1 of the City of Vii:ginia
Beach, Virginia, was held i.n the Council Chqmbers of the Adminis-
tration Building of the Ci -ty Tf Virginia Beach on Monday,
December 22, 1969, at 10:00 0 clock a.m.
On motion by 'vir. [,Ihitehurst and seconded by Mr. '4arp Z
ha Z
the following resolution was ndopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, in thc opinion of the Council of t 11 e City of Virginia
Beach the public convenience would be served by he sale 6t retail
of alcoholic beverages to 1:00 A.M., durin.@ the whole year; and
WHEREAS, the hours between which such sales may be made are
established by the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board and
can be altered or amended thereby.
1. -Ihat, the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control Board is
hereby respectfully requested to ainena the time for the sale at
retail of alcoliolic beverages in the City of Vir.@inia Beach from
12:00 llidnia.ht to 1:00 A.M., during the NJtlole year.
2. That, the City Clerk be hereby authorized and directed
to send a c&rtified copy of the resolution to the Virginia Alcoholic
Beverage Control Board.
091 On motio7i by klr. Pery@eZZ, seconded by.,!r. marshaZZ, and by recorded vote as foZZo&)s:
Ayes: Mayor Fy,a7ik A. Dup,37i, Yice !@azlor ilobert B. CyorrweZZ, ,r., George P. FerreZZ,
D. @lurray P4aZbo?2, La7,)re@7ce ),-. ii!arshaZZ, John f.. @IcCombs, ". Curtis Pa ne,
G. I)ewey gimnons, 7r., E,21@@ @l. TebauZt, and Kenneth N. Whiteh?@rst.
Absent: AZI,,eyt L. Bor.rc,,y, Sr.
Citiy Coli?2cil clr,,o2,ooed th,, folZo?,)ina 0),,,d,77,,anr-e to (zme d Cgiar)ter 13, Ci@'y Ccc,@e, a@,d
to prr,,.,3c,,ribe clp,( t,"on d(z??d vot-@@@,g pZace,,, wit@hi@ the.
c .'Y0
1. That, Section i3-1 through Section 13-55, Virginia Beach
City Code, are hereby repealed.
2. There are hereby estoblished in the City of Virginia Beach
thirty-four (34) Election Districts and their respective Voting
Places, as set forth below:
BOROUGH: yfl@ril@c
I Virginia Beach-A 40th S reet and Pacific
2 Virginia Beach-B Virginia Beach Junior
High School
3. Virginia Beach-C Cooke Elementary School
-iaven 4 Linkhorn Linkhorn Elementary School
5 Seat6ck Seatack Volunteer Fire
6 Oceana Oceana Volunteer Fire
7 Little Neck Kings Grant Elementary
8 London Brid@e London Bridge Volunteer
Fire Department
9 Trantwood Trantwood Elemetitary
10 Great Neck John B. Dey EleTlientery
ni-l-l@Cil 11 Cape Henry Rese.,irch and Enlightenmen"
12 Plazi Lynnl,),Ivc@n loi@,iontary
13 ITii)(Isc)r lqoods Witicisor Woods l,"I.emctitgry
Bayside 15 Aragona-A Old Donation Elementary
16 Aregotia-B Aragona Eleribntery School
17 Chesepeale Beach Chesepeake Beach Volunteei
Fire Department
18 Thorou,.hgood Thorou.@hgood Elementary
19 Shelton Park Shelton Park Elementary
20 Bayside Boyside Elementary School
21 Davis Corner Davis Corner Volunteer
Fire Department
Ke@sville 22 Kempsville Point of View Elementary
23 Arrowhead Arrowhead Elementary
24 Larkspur Kempsville Meadows
Elementary School
25 Woodstock-A Woodstock Elementary
26 Woodstoqk-B Kempsvi.Ile Junior High
27 Woodstock-C Kempsville Hi,h School
28 Thalie, Thalia Elementary Scliool
Princess Anne 29 Courthouse Courtliouse Voluriteer
Fire Department
30 Brocts Bridge Barne's store
31 Sigma Sigma s"ore
TL,n@o 32 Creecis Creeds Volunteer Fi-re
33 Capps Sliop PI-e@s,)i-it ),Irber
P) 3 @'i c 1,1-7 "i tr 3z, Blockv7cter Firc@ St,3',-,:-on
3. The geographical bOLIndaries 0.@ the thi.rty-four Electioti
Districts hereby established are delineated on a certairt map prepirec!,
by the Planning Staf@@ of the City of Virginia Beach and captioned
"Election Districts", which iiiap is hereby approved.
4. Tlie Clerk of the Council shell endorse on the aforessicl map
the date of Council approval thereof and file the original map with
the minutes of thi.s day's mceting and shall cause exact copies thereof
to be filed with the General Registrar of the City of Virginia Beach,
the Clerk of the Circuit CoL3rt, and the Planning Department.
92 On motion by tlr. CiorweZZ, seconded blu t-ir. 1,@farshall, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: ?,!ayor l'-Gnk A. Dusci,, vice .@'ayor Pobert B. CromweZZ, Jr., George R. FerreZz,
D. Ilurray Alalbcn, LaLren(?.e !@arsiza7-Z, 'Ohn P/. 1@cCo@)s, J. Curtis Payne,
G. Dewey SiTrtro)is, Jr., EarZ Teba?iZt, and Kenneth N. ilhitehurst.
Absent: Al-ber" L. Bo?2ney, Sr.
City CounciZ arproved -,he c@osing of a portion of a street indicated on the map
of Chesapeake Park as Lauderclaze Aven?@-e, @rm(,rZ7,, known as la c jivenue, in @he
Chesapeake Becol area, prcz)id,,d a 50-fo t pubzie s'reet is Zeft in the ht of
way ac, s.hown @z th,, pzat submitted wil;7 the appZ-I*cat@on for czosure.
Oil r,-,Oticn by Si??in2onq, ceconded Ly @Ir. t@,,zrshcZ7-, and by riccrded vote as fazZob,'S:
Ayes: 14@or t,'rark A. I)usc.'rl, V@ce I.!a,,,,or Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., Georoe R. Ferre.Z@,
D. ;Iurrfzy ilaZLon, -lawrenec@ E. 1,@arshaZ-',, John @,'. I!cCombs, J. Cur-,is Pa-yne,
G. L@)CWPLI Simmons. Tr., FarZ I,,'. TebauZt, 2yzd Kenneth N. t.
Absent: izbert L. Bon@ze@,, Sr.
City Coun,-,iZ approv@.d the foZZowi@zg 'esoZutio@@ rezative to cl2,,e4@ng in Che.sapeake
Bay, Lynnhave@z Bay and Lc),,ia Creek.
Tlie regular ml@etiri@ of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beacii, Virc1/2inia, Nias he.(d i.n the Council CI)ambers of t:he Ad-a,.inis-
tration Buil(li@ig, of the City of Virginia Beach on Monday,
December 22, 1969, at 10:00 a.m.
On motion by r. ,s 4 Z
M ind secoiided by Mr. I,,,r,h, Z
the following resolution was unaniiuously adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N ( k,@l,)
WHERFAS, the Unitect States Army Corps of E@ngineers has proposed
inaintenance dredging in Chesapeal@e Bal, Lynnhcv--Il Bay and Lon,-. Creelz,
!-n the City of V-*@r@,irk2@a clild
lql]ERE,@s, "he United Statcs Arr,,@y Col-ps or- Eilgii-icers, beforc
proceedin,, with the afor@-@s@iicl pro@e-t, his x:E.,quired
CorporaLioii of Vi,-@ il Bol,,cli to furn@sh tliat
certain i.tenis of will 1)@-. (,,ii,@cd o@@@
pro t@ct.. b T
That the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
pursuant to authority contained in Chapter 71, Title 62, Code of
Virginia, 1950 as amended, does hereby assure the U. S. Corps of
Engineers that the following items of local cooperation will be
carried out with reference to the above mentioned Harbor and Channel
dredging project:
1 - Provide without cost to the United States all right of ways, upon
the request of Chief of Engineers, including suitable areas determined
by the Chief of Engineers to be required in the general public interest
for disposal of spoil; and
2 - Hold and save the United States free from damages that may result
from maintenance of the project, including all claims for damage to
shellfisli beds due to dredging for maintenance of the channel.
'E!4 On mation by Mr. Simmons, seconded by Alr. MarshaZZ, and by recorded vote as foZZows:
Ayes: 14avor Frank A. Dusch, Vice I-loyor -Robert B. Cro@eZ7, Jr., Georae R. Fer2@eZ-,,
D. 142@rray AlaZbon, Lcza)re??ce P,'. I.!arshaZz, Tohn T@l. @!OCOMbe, J. Curtis Pa@rie,
G. Dewey SirTnons, 'r., il,arz A!. 5.lebauZt, and Kenneth P,,. l@@@itehurst.
Absent: AZbert L. Bonney, Sr.
C'ity Cou@zciZ approved tho foZZowing appzications for tax refund@s;, a total of
el I / @, 3
13 7 2 6
L 3 i
4 4 7 q
Above applications for refund of
taxes approved:
Above tax abatemente totaziy-l@g
were approv,?d by C,',ty CounciZ on 0
DecemT)@ 2@', 1069.
Date I/
On motion by ft!r. @,!a),,BhaZZ, seconded by I!r- llazboyz, and by rec.-or,!('-d vot,- as fozzows:
Ayes: I!ayor @'r I< A. Dusc@71, Vi,,?e .fa,,o2, Rob rt B. Geo@qe -R. @'er2,ell,
D- @awrerce il. 70hn @7. C@rtis Payne,
G. I),?Ocy sim orr,, 'r. , @,ar@ T,,bc(uZ I,, ard Ke7,in(,til
I.,bsent: Alb(,rt ],. L@onney, Sr.
Cil'Y Cou ciz (ZZ@V,)?,oved t,ie fIZ,,Wing !,,,ePolution reZati@,e to Chartei@ change- regardi@7a
Of b@ith t;le am.C,7?d),ne@l-t--a-s -py@o--o,-cd ci@@,y lt@o
rrey a8 f(-)z7,o@7s
(-Zt t7@,,- Zo,, of
I@i 7j
The.regular meetinr of the Council of the Citv of Vir inia
Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chimbers bf the A@ininistra-
tion Building, of the City of Vi.-ginia Beach on Monday, Deceniber 22,
1969, at 10:00 a.m.
On motion by Mr. Marshall and seconded by Mr. 14albon, the
following resolution was unanimously adopted:
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Virginia Beach provides for
the election and terms of councilmen and for their compensation for
service as such; and
WIIEREAS, in the opinion of the Council, the orderly conduct of
the affairs of the City requires that the terms of the council members
not expire at the same time; and
WHEREAS, in the opinion of the Council, the compensation presently
authorized is not adequate to cover the out of pocket expenses incident
to the performance of duty as members of Council.
1. That, Section 3.02 of the Charter of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, be amended by the General Assembly of Virginia to
read as follows:
itsection 3.02
On the second Tuesday in June in 1970, there shall be
a general election at which the qualified voters of the
city shall elect four councilmen running from the boroughs
of their residence and two councilmen running at large for
terms of four years, and three councilmen rtinning from the
boroughs of their residence and two running at large for
terms of two years. Thereafter, all councilmen shall be
elected for ternis of foijr years. The term of office for each
coLiricil@iiin @liall com-merice ori tli.(, first day of Septotober next
following the datc of clection aiid sl)-@ll- continue until his
successor liaz, beei-i ditl,y el-ectc,,d and qi-ial,@i.fied. of the
cotincilnioii rutining at lar@! -1
,e in Jurie of 1970, tl c t o recei.N7in@,,
the largest number of votes shall serve for a term of four
years, and of the councilmen running from the borough of their
residence the four receiving the largest number of votes shall
be elected for a term of four years. The five councilmen
elected by a lesser number of votes shall be elected for terms
of two years. Thereafter, there shall be a general election
on the second Tuesday in June for the Selection of councilmen
to replace those whose terms expire at the end of August of
that year. The term of office for each councilman shall com-
mence on the first day of Sept@er next following the date of
election and shall continue until his successor has been duly
elected and qualified. Each candidate Shall state, at the time
of filing, whether he is running at large or from the borough
of his residence. on and after July 1, 1970, candidates for
Council under the provisions of this Charter shall be nominated
only by petition in the manner prescribed by general law. Prior
to July 1, 1970, candidates sha'Ll be nominated under general
law. it
2. That, Section 3.04 of the Charter of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, be amended by the General Assembly of Virginia to
read as follows:
"Section 3.04
Councilmen shall -ceive as conpensation for thei r
services such amounts as the Council may determine, not to
exceed four hundred dollars per month for councilmen and
five hundred dollars per month for the mayor. No member of
the Council shall be appointed to any office of profit under
the City government duririg tlie tei-m for iqhich elected and for
one year thereafter."
3. That, Section 3.07 of the Cliarter of tlie City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, be araeiided by tlic@ c.,enL,,ral Assembly of Virgi-nia
to read as follous:
itsection 3.07
At the first regular meeting of the Council in September
following a general election of councilmen, the Council shall
choose by majority vote of all the members thereof one of
its members to be mayor and one to be vice-mayor. The mayor
shall preside over the meetings oy- the Council, shall act as
head of the City government for ceren,,onial purposes and shall
have such other rights and duties as the Council may prescribe,
in addition to all the rights and privileges of councilmen of
the City. The vice-mayor shall perform the duties of mayor
in the absence or disability of the mayor."
4. That, a public hearing on the proposed Charter amendments
shall be held in the Council Chaaber of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, at 10:00 a.m., on December 15, 1969, pursuant to Section
15.1-912 of the Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended. The Clerk
shall cause notice of such public hearing to be given in the manner
required by said Section
On motion by Ilr- Marilhall, -,econdod by @4r. CromweZZ, an(? by recorded vote as fol@ows:
Ch om e P. FerretZ,
96 Ayes: @layor Frank A. D2@s , vie,?, !,!ayor Robert B. Cr Jr., Georg
D. 14urray !Ialbo@i, Taz,)re@ice E. ?4arshaLZ, John W. @IcCombs, J. Curtis Payne,
G. Dewey Simmons, Jr., Farl @l. 1'ebauZt, and Ken@?eth N. rqiitehurst.
Absent: Albert L. Bo?-,ney, Sr.
uncil authoriped the expendit@@re of $lP7,000 for certain improvements in the
City co
Airport industriaz Park or whi,-h @,50,,Ooo wiZZ Z)e experded J-rom Authority funds
and $?7,000 @7itZ be loa@lle'd to the Authority subject to repay@,zent to the City of
virginia Beach as the land in the Airport 1-ndustriaZ Park is sozd.
dn President of Innkeepers Assoc@la-ion, appeared before City
Charl 6 I 1.
097 C""cit 'n@ C,ta t@y,,;ha@ @t was felt that the ilroposed Orqani,,,ation Ptan for the
City was of great vazue to the City of Virg@nia Beach. i
On motion by li',r. Cro eIZ, seconded by lkfr. Vnitehurst, and by@recorded vote as foZZows:
Ayes: 1@ayor Frank A. @l)z@sch, Vier-, Ifayor Robert B. CronveZ7,, Jr., Ceorge R. FerreZZ,
D. 1/urray 14aZbon, L.,Yorcnee E. I.!arshall, Jo7i@z W. I,!cCombe, J. Curtis Payne,
G. Dewey Sinimons, Jr., Eart Pf. @-ebauLt, and Ke?2neth iv. itehurst.
Absent: Albert L. Boniiey, Sr.
City Councit approved tlze -,,d Zan for tlie City of Virginia Beach
with the exceotion of tl@ reconvne@2 ation ooncern'LK, i,,i,7h ConstabZe (Page 12) and
with the dezetion of the reco7mendation that tli(,@ Lltbray Board be dis@@oZz)ed (Page 48)
as shown on the proposed reorganl,2ation pzan.
Air. -iiarri4 Jr. a,,:,Peared before City CounciZ on behalf of the foz'owing
y@eque.@'t. )yi D? Si7m?ons, s@-onded by 1@!r. lJaTb@i, and by r@,or('Ied vote
fu Zows:
Ayes: t4ayor f@'Y,ank A. Dusc-h, Vice ].V,(Zyor Robert P. CromweZZ, dr., Gporge R. Ferrezz,
T,'. @,lurray Lawyc?z(,e E. llar,,3hatZ, 7olin W. .'!OC mbo, J. (,-urtis Poy@ie,
G. I)ewey Sirvions, Jr., EarZ 'I. Tebaz,,Zt, and Kenneth l@T. @,q7itc77urst.
Absent: AZbort L. Bonney, Sr.
City CounciZ approved tlie foZZowi?zg:
Ilarry Pincu,,3, Jr. pe2,@7?is,-ion to riove a tioc storzf fir@cime residc@nce, 3P' x 5pl,
from 38th Street anc7 Ati.@7,?itic '-ve., Ilirgiria P(,ac.,h Borouqli, lo Lot 17, i3Zook 5,
See@ion, Cape fienry, southeast corner oF @Pn(,' Street and,4tlantic Ave., Lynnhaven
Borough. Esti?nated vazue after move and reilovations, 30,000.
'.tto ey
,, appear(3d before CitY Cou,,zo@Z in regard to the
r(,@z@g"t be.,@ore Cou??ciZ r@Zatiz)e to t72e 17irginia Z3ea(?h Erosion
I!r. !?oaer C,-,ty !Ic@?aCor, rc@ csted ttiat @!r. Bryc@qe,,, G@rdnez,, and others
Z,)@io b@ished to @@)rak on the nia@,tr@,r Ze I)rrscnt at the meeting of Coun@,i@ ci
Dc@,ce@n,')er 29, I'l,'C b@a,, d(!,[. orr,d ntiz th@,t tirie.
7 O@z ll?Otio@l bl@ seconc7(,d b@, @4r. Teb(7ztlt, crd by r-oo2?drd vole (zs ow
c r,
ission ha@- req,,o,@t@,,d the
Ep Beach ay Safe' ('Omn
AIVD, fill EAS,, 7,lze Virg nd(iiio@is
concurrence of ttie Virginia Beac77 CitY CO'trciL in surport of t7ie recotme
hereon contain(-,d, -,ded @,y , .@@ars7@ZZ, an(i
IVOW@ THEREFOF?L@, vpon -tlon by @!r. @'O r,,zL, seco? r
unanimou--ZY approved, city Colln,iZ does dir,?ct tlie City Clerk to notify the ,7,,nat@@
and DeZegates of this OitY to the GeneraZ AseemblY of it@- suppor-I of this effort to
improve higl-ay gafety,
-rTE14 My, I'd,-n "'o appeared before city CounciZ on behazf of !,Ir- Lacy L. Redd
2003 r, a@ -tll,-ion of a use pe
On niotion by Alr. I,!arshaZz, seconded b@ !,!r. Cro,7weZZ, and by recorded vote as fOZ7cb)B:
@ayor Robert 13. Cro-eZZ, Tr., George R. Ferrezz,
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, vice @
D. Piurray Matbon, L@rence E. I,!ars aZ7,, joh?@ Ti. @,!cC,mbs, J. C2,,rtis Pa ne,
G. Dew,,y Simmons, Jr., EarL !4. Tebaubt, and Kerinetli N. [,@liteh7tret.
Absen4;: Albert L. Bonney,
City Cou7ZCil g2'C7.@'ted an extension of a ?@se Z)erm@t for recreai;ic?IaZ use a@, tra,@Zer-
supportiH -g cort@ercial act@,vitj fcr 6
caropel, paik, marina and accessory
y i- located at LittZe Creek.
The propert
on m,?tion by Pr. FerreZZ, seconded by 1r. MarshaZZ, and by r,,,-,orded vote as folzows:
11004 orge Fe2,re',Z,
Ayes: ijayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice !,@ayor Robert B. Cro,,MeZZ, Tr- Ce
D. iiz,-r2,,ay !@!al@,On, ]@cwrence E. !IarshaZZl io'nn @,'. 1,1@Comb,3, ". Czrtis Pavne,,
G. r)eziej Sirmn,.Ps, fy,., 7orZ @!. TebauZt, a d l,c,,,tneth 71.
Abseiit: AZbort L. Bonney, Er-
City Coi@nciZ a@pP(@ved ,ite app6,int@nent oi- l.'rs- Frank H. Llu,-,ns to the Tlirginia Beach
Libray,y Board 'ret@Zac-ing P,!rs.. GeraZd Domtl,-,S. Her torm wizil end Apy@iZ "2, 19@l.
-TTh,'I.! On rnotion by I,!r- !,,arshaZ7,, seeonded b@, @,r. ,',aZbor-, and by reoor rd vote a,9 fo',ZOWB:
,9005 Ayes: Ilayor Frank A. Dz4oc,7, Vice '@la or Pobert 13. C 'Geori R Fe2,re7,Z,
,ro_(,17,, e
D. 14?trray P@Iallbo,,, ,@z?@rence Z@'. I!arshaZI, "o@i?,@ 1-1. ml)'@', (-lt2ti@'
G. I)ewc,,y Sirrtn,,or,,s, @Tr., Earl 1@. Z'eLa L@l, K(@@not7i l@T. /Fqiil;ehurst.
A-tb(,rt T-. Sr.
City a"IE)2"O?),-d a@, a
/1, On inc,ti yi d I?,@ 2'@?Cf@'P(7,@d 7) to @,zr3 "(1@ 7,@, i),:
y @'r. FerreZI, a@Ild by reco2,@@rc7 vote OT'Ow,:
on moti,, by llr- nded b - eorge TleoreZZ,
i,@ayor Frank A. Du.,.3c;z, l@ice i,!ayor R(@bert B. C-@@in,)ezZ, Jr., G
Ayes: I
D. 14urray P@albon, @,)rerce P.. @!ay@haZZ, )011.71 [,/. T. Curtis Payne,
G. Dewey SimonL,, Tr., FarZ 1,1. T6@bauZt, a@zd Kennetli z@. @lhitehurot.
Absent: Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City CounciZ appro?)cd the apt)popriatio@z o,.@ 1,981 to @,ccount 170 for the PoZice
Departme?zt personnez and @6l,2 to Account @,01 for Advertising.
TI On motion by lfr. FerreZZ, serond,2d by !4r. I'arshazz, o-n6@ by recorded vote as foZZows:
Ayes: &Iayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice ?4a.74or Fobert B. Croproell, Jr., George R. FerreZZ,
D. @,lurray @faZbon, Lawrence l@. ?,Iarsh@Z, Jolin W. McCombs, T. Curtis Payne,
G. Dewey Simmon2, Jr., EarZ 11. g.'ebauZt, and Kenneth IJ. f,,qlitehurst.
Absent: Atbert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council adopted the fozzc ing ResoZ24tion relative to recorrmenc7,ations by the
Virginia Beach ilighway Saf,,,ty Cc@mnission.
R P,' S 0 L @ T L 0 L/
WHEREAS, The Virginia Beach F-ighway Safety Connission has submitted the foltowing
items for presentation to and adoption by the 17irginia Goneraz Asse7rbzy as a means of
improved highway safety:
1. Reduce the present .15 poi,cent of bzood azcoliot by b@eight @o .10
p6rcent as the presv-mptiVC3 ZeveZ for d,-,iving wnize uiider the
infzue,noe oi@ azcohoz and do cvay with tl@,2 offense of driving
while impaired.
2. Permit u.@e of the breath teqt, in addition to the b7,ood test, in
.rs arresteg and, chc,),geq ?,)ith operat@,ra under the
cases of d@*@ve
Phe PoZice should imm,,diatoZy be notif,@(,,d by drivers o- ?)ehicleo
invoZved in craches In which the-e is prc)perty damace to an
apparent extent of @100 or more. (,,f the driver is @nca.z)aoitated,
this shaLZ be the responsibizity of non iiicapacitated passengers.)
4. The Ilighway Department- sliouzd be given@tl7e aut@oyity to supervioe
the placenion@ of egress and access to i7idztstriaZ a7qd sAbdivision
5. llotorcycle operato@@o and passe ger@@ shovld be required bg Zcno to
wear hezmets of appr@)ed typcs.
6. PeriTiit the use of (?7ecty@ic @,p(',ed 7?ieas7@ring dev,'ces i7i adc7ition to
Co7@nsel Cit,@ Cou@icil @y t@Izat til,@ r(.,co sidr t'le
Reverend a@,@@
wct tai<(@i i,,-7,ativ,-) to prop-,Y'@@j i77 the (,2're", lirie a?,,d Litt7e ileck
Road area.
c@,t7l couizoit accedt@, with regi,et, the resignation of 1@r. Patrick "tanding, PZanning
D,@rce@OP, @larch 1, 11170.
oy@ ed by "r.
o r c@,