HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 4, 1970
IFIPIUTES C:@, T,@E @?@Oll.,@BLE CT"y CI)Lli.,CIL
AUGT[ST 4, 1970
A reconvened meeting of the Cc)unciZ of the City o@- ilirainia Beach, Virginia iias
CO n C bey,2 iy? tbL, Ad@,@niltrat@or
he@d 2iZ ka7 @ - -. " i,? t@, 7?,, ,,h of
Princess Anne, on Tuesc7ay, A@gust 4, at 12:00 noon a,@te2, recesa oj' ',he rea?).Zar
meeting of J?@Zy 27, 1970.
CounciZt@en present: Alayor Frank A. Duach, AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. FerreZz,
D. l@urrgy @,aZbon, Lawr,,nee F. YcrshaZZ, J. Curtis Payne, G. De,@y Si=ons, Jr., FarZ
H. Tebau7lt, and @enneth P!. fi@.ite@z,-rst.
CounciZmen cl)eent: Vice l@fayor Pobert B. CromweZz, Jr. and Tohn W. Piccombs
.TTEI@ #2475
Capt. Piilliam Schroder, Oceana, on behazf of his command and representing Cart. W.
H. Hardcas',Ze, LittZe Creek; CoZ. DarieZ K. Byyre, Fort Story: cznd Capt. Alz@,7@,
Dcvn Pleck, made the fo@Zowing p2,esentation.
The follo%ving letter frora the comTIanding officers of
Virgini-a Beach 's four mi litary bases was presc-!nted tc)day
(Augusl.- 4" @- I-layor Frank Dusch, City Council and c'.ti;,,ei-is il
"On the occasion of the public announce-ment that the City
of Virginia Beacli has been nominated as an All-Apierican Citv,
the undersigned military com,,,nanders felt it both fitting and
proper to offer joint congratulations and best wishes for
further achievement,as a winner in the finalist competition.
"We consider this expressic)n to be fitting because t'he
military, soldiers and sailors alike, have long enjoyed the
dynamic spirit, rapport and cooperati-on of all the citizens
of Virginia Beach. Evidence of this spirit and cooDeration
is most manifest in activities such as the Armed Forces
Hospitality House, the Seatack improvement e"fort, the Armed
Forces Day parade, selection of the military com,,nanders to
the Executive Board of the Chamber of Commerce and many other
activities in churches, schools and civic events which high-
light the full spectrum of interest and dedication of all
Virginia Beach citivens.
"Wf- CC7'ider this congratulatory note to be proper
because the young sailor and young soldier ordered to duty
in the City of Virginia Beach en@loys everv dav an enii--ronment
that is dedicated to his grovrth as a resr)onsible citizen.
The Armed Forces Hosz)italitv House, sponsored by dedica-led
citizens, is a r)rime examdle of the imoact generated to build
both cc)nfidence and comlunity sidirit a-,aong young men serving
their countrv. T@qis home-away-from-ho,-.1e, in addition to
the overall citizens ef@4ort to enri-ch the knowledge and ex-
perience of service life, is certainly anpreciated by the
parents, relatives and friends of our young servicenen. it
is also proper that we express atdpreciation 4-n their behalf.
"The entire military'conimunity sll,,,res the excitement
and pride %,,,e knc)w all citizens of V@-rgini.a Beacli iiiust nc)w
as movc tcg-ctl,--- cc,.21-otit@01-1 4n t-he
All-America Citics contest; but, @,iin or lose, vie kno-,q it to
be tlie Ci-1-y thal cares.
"Again it is our hope that tlie City of Virgiiiia Beach
is fully recognized in ftiture competition for its true
All-American attitucle tc)ward eacli ci.tizeri."
Isl Capt. 1,7illiam Sclir@le3-
/s/ Capt. W. H. Hardcastle
Little Creek
Is C61. Daniel K. Byri-ic
Fort Story
/s Capt. Al@7n Smith
Dam Neck
On motion by Mr. FerreZZ, seconded by M-r. A!arshaZZ, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., George P. FerrezZ, D. Alurray
MaZbon, Lawrence E. @.farshaZZ, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Simons, Jr., Earl H. TebauZt,
and Kenneth N. Whitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr. and John W. AfcCombs
City CounciZ requested the City CZerk to inczua@e the presentation made by Capt.
Schroder in the Minutes.
ITEiv #2476
On motion by Mr. Simmons, seconded by ?@,r. iv-azbon, and by recorded vote as foZZows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., Georce F. FerreZZ, D. rray
MaZbon, Lawrence E. @,far--ha7l, T P@ne, G. Dewey Sinmons, Jr., EarZ H. -ebauzt,
and PZ. P/riitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vi@e Payor Fobert B. CromweZZ, Jr. and John T-,'. liccombs
City Council a,@opted the j@oZZowina resozution &,hich qtazifies the City of Tlirginia
Beach for federa@, assistance in '7ood insurance and de@,97,,a"es the'Coordiyzator o,P
Urban A@fairs, j. @l-,@bon, as the City's reDrese72tative ,@n deazing witb
the federaz gove-,rment in this matter.
The recc@sseci @meeti ti@ of- the Coun,-,il oc@ the City o@@ Virl@inia
@17,@s he3-d iri the CoLincil Ciirriibers of thc
B-,] t@c y o f r i-, c L I u
I @ - u@- &L 4, L@/0.
On notion by Vir. SiL,@,uons @,nd seconded b-,i ililbon, the
fol,lo%qin, resol-uti.on was unanimously odopte@l.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 l@
WH@,'P,EI\S. the City of Virg-,inip, T,')eacl,l, Vir,inin., IlQin-@ compi-ised
of 255 squore ailes in area of wlaich 57 sqLl,)-re iiii]-es ire weter @ree
with an evere@e elevation of approximetely seven (7) @-eet above
mean hih water level wiiicl@l is slibjr-@ct to periddic flooding under
certain tidal, @7ind @nd storm conditions wlii-ch obtgin in the
Atlaiitic Oceen, Cliesepeike Bey, Bec", Bly Z)nd conti.FUous tributaries
x-7hich c,3use slrious to resiclotilli@-,Il @nd business properties
v7ithi.n the boundrries of the City; and
WH-@lt,El@S, relie--c is evoilr'ole in the @@or,-fi of flc)oci insLirencL,
as authorized by the Notion@,l Flood Act of 1968 @s
emended; nnd
!W'IIEREAS$ it is the in-lent of the City Council of the "ity of
Virginia Beech, Vir@inia, to co-,iply with larid use nnd inina,,enent
criteria regul@.-Lions as required in saict Ict, as de.,nonstrated by
City Council adoption oi@ certain land use plans and subdivisibn
re-ul@,tions; and
VIHEREAS, it is also the intent of the City Council to reco2nize
and duly evpluate flood hazards in all official ections rel8tin@
to lend use in the flood plain areas havin@ special flood hazards,
anc' to enact by Dece-,aoer 31, 1971, adequ8te land use and control
measures, consistent with the criteria es set t,;rt@. .-ri
t@,qe Flood Control Act; and
WH-@REAS, the City Council o.@ the City o@@ Virainia Beach h2s
aut,iority in accordance with 15.1-427, Code of Virginia, as amended,
to adopt land use @nd con-@rol -iepsures.
Th,il- tie Ci-i-N, C 14
assures the Feder@il I-Lisiir,,incc A,,@-iin-i@str@itor Lliot il@- has)
1. Ad.ol)tc-d anl eriforcc,@ laid ilse re,iil.,itlions tllrougli the
@iftster Zoiiiii,@ Pl-,@,.n an(i qtil)divisiori ordi-nanccs of tlie C!-ty
of each, I-,,7',iich -@re --nd
to sat--Ls.-cy
2. Aaoi-cd certi.-'Lii buil-din- r,,qu.irc.,-,neiits is set -fort'(, -'-rl clie
City oF Vir@i.ni-a ','Ie,,.ch Bui-I.iin,, Code, as ameiided.
3. That it is by State Ll@,i to enact lancl tise. an.,]
control inc,.o,.stires.
4. Authority uiii@,r General- Law to provide the nocesfary infor-
mati-on to the Insurance Adriinistrator as required, re@ardin@,
te,chnical !-nl@ormat4-on concernin- buildi-n@s i-n the floorl
plai-.n area.-
5. l-,videnced a willingness tc) coopera-@e @@iith Federal, S-late ari
local a.@@-ncies riakiii,. stu,@'i-es or- -flood ola2Lii are,@,s as
evideiiced. bN7 thc@ rece@it 1-73.o,)@. olaiii study co,-I@pletc@d of the
P.rea by the U. S. Ariiiy CorT)s cl@ Ell-,i.nce--s.
,3E IT FU,-,,Tqv-R PESOI,VET), that the Couricil of the Citlv of
Vir,.iri@@a Beach, hereby appoints Richard J. I'lebbon, Cooro'i'lator o@@
Urban Affairs, the responsibil-itv, alitliority and means to
implo,-nent tlie coFn.@iti-Lient made hereiri.
IT,@'@' #2477
On motion bZ/ I!r. seco@.ed @u I!@. and @,y recorc7cd vote a,@ .-I-oZlozl,s.-
AUes: l@ayor Frank A. Dusch, AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., Georce !?. PerreZZ, D. I,'Z'Pray
@IaZbon, lm)reripe E. J. Curt,7s G. I)e e@o Si,@ons, Tr., Farz 11, Te@,OUzt,
and ilenneth N. Viitehurst.
,4a; None
Absent: Vice Ilayor Fob,?rt B. Cro eZZ, Jr. and John P,7. @IeCom@I)s
City CounciZ cppointed 1@Ir. Tim Barriff to the V??ited Drug Abuse Commission as a
repzacement for Rev. Jordan.
ITEI,l #2478
On motion by I,,Ir. PerreZZ, seconded by 1@Ir. Ilars aZZ, and by recorded vote as fozzo?,,S:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., Ceorge R. FerreZz, D. P@urray
MaZbon, Lawrence E. A!arshaZZ, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Simons, Jr., Farz 17. 7ebauzt,
and Kenneth N. P/hiteliiwst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Robert B. CromweIZ, Jr. and John W. McCombs
City CounciZ ap@)roved the City's inte2,vention in the rate case of Fe@svilZe utilities
and County Utilities.
ITFI-I #24@9
Mr. Poger Scott, City Alana-er, cnnc)unced th(zt I!r. Ennis Johnson had been C',ppointed
acting City 17iahway Fngineer in the place of 14r. Art Cbristian.
ITEA@ #2480
On motion by Mr. MarshaZZ, seconded by I!r. Payne, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., George Z?. FerreZZ, D. M-urray
MaZbon, Lawrence E. MarshaZZ, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sinynons, Jr., Farz H. Tebault,
and Kenneth N. Whitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Yayor Robert B. CromweZz, Jr. and John W. lvccombs
City CounciZ adopted the foZZowing ResoZution for @4,750,000 Schooz Bonds, Series of
1968 B, of the City of Virginia Beach to be sozd to the Virginia PubZic Schooz AuthO2@it@
bearing an interest rate of 5 314% per annum.
At a meeting of the City Council of the Citv
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, held on the l@th day of August, 1970,
PRESENT: Ilayor Frank A. Dusch Lawrence E. Parsl@aZZ
AZbert L. Bonney, Sr- J. Curtis Payne
George R. FerreZz G. Dewey Si@.,Tons, Jr.
D. Murray l@a.Zbon EarZ H. TebauZt
ABSP,i,4-,:7 Kenneth 1,7. [,,7h,@telzurst
Vice ?,.Iayor Robert B. Cro@eZZ, Tr.
John PI. I,!ccomb,,3
It was reported to the meeting that the best bid received
by the Virginia Public School Authority for the purchase of
@25,000,000 of its borlds was for a net interest cost of 5.6716% and
that the Virginia Public School Authority has offered to purchase
at a price of par and accrued interest $4,750,000 School Bonds,
Series of 1968 B, of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, bearing
interest at the rate of 5 3/4% per year. Representatives of Wheat
& CO., Inc., financial advisor to the City, advised the Council
that this was a satisfactory offer and recommended its acceptance.
Thereupon the following resolution was adopted by the
following vote:
AYES: Unanimous
NAYS: None
VIRGINIA, that the $4,750,000 School Bonds, Ser;-q OF 1968 B, of
the City of Virginia Beach, dated June 1, 1970, the form and
details of which have heretofore been prescribed by resolution
adopted July 27, 1970, be and the same are hereby sold to the
Virginia Public School Authority and shall bear interest at the
rate of 5'3/4% per year.
The undersigiied Clerk of the City of Virqinin Beaci@,
Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoiii,-, constitutes a true
and correct extract from the minutes of a meeting
of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach held on August 4,
1970, and oE lie whole thereof so f@r --s applicable to the mactjrs
referred to in such extract.
WITNESS niy hand and the seal of the City of Virginia Beach,
this 4t-lj'day of 1970.
(SEAL) Clerk Cit f Virginia Beach
@2 motion l@z@ l@r. @)y Fer@ZZ, t@.e m e@ling adjc)z,-@,,ed.
R ci-@,, C7 Frenk Dusch, @'a,,or
Cit,i or Bea@h,
August 4, 1970