HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 27, 1970
TuZy 27, 19@O
The regular meeting of the CounciZ of the City of Virginia Beach Virginia was hezd
in the CozinciZ Ch=.bers in the Administrat@on Buizding, in the Borough of Princess
Anne, on Monday, JuZy 27, 1970, at 10:00 a,m.
The invocation was given by Air. Richard J. Webbcn, City CZerk.
Councilmen present: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice @@ayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbert
L. Bon@iey, @l-. @, L,. @rray MaZbon, Lawrence E. JarshaZZ, Tohn W. I-'cCombs, J. Curtis
Payne, G. Dewey Si"nons, Jr., Earl H. TebauZt, and Kenneth N. Whitehurst.
CounciZmen absent: George R. FerrezZ
On motion by @-Ir. 14drshaZZ, seconded by I,,r. Bonney, and by recorded vote as foZZows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice !.Iayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonney, Sr.,
D. @ray Ma7-bon, Lazorence E. IvarshaZZ, John W. McCombs, T. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Sinnons, Jr., EarZ H. TebauZt. and Kenneth N. Whitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. Ferrezz
City CounciZ apr)roved the Minutes of the meeting of Tuly 13, 1970, as =ended, and
the reading of said Minutes dispensed with, inasmuch as each councizman 1/2ad a copy
of said Minutes before him.
ITEM #2437
On motion by Mr. 14drshaZZ, seconded by P-r. Bonney, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: M-ayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice vayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonney, Sr.,
D. @ray MaZbon, Lawrence E. A.arshaZZ, John W. @IcCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Simons, Jr., EarZ H. TebauZt, and Kenneth N. P/hitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. Ferretl
City CounciZ approved the foZZowing on second reading: Appropriation of $10,002-00
to be transferred from Reserve for Contin,7encies in the 1970-71 budget to cover the
City's share of the costs in its support of the area wide TOPICS progrcm designed to
reduce traffic congestion and promote safety within the cities of NorfoZk, Portsmouth,
SuffoZk and the urbanized portions of @sapeake and Virginia Beach.
ITEM #2438
on motion by Mr. MarshaZZ, seconded by Mr. Ho-ey, and by recorded vote as fOZZows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice Mayor-Robert B. cro@ezz, Jr., Atbert L. Bonney, Er.,
D. Murray MaZbon, Lawrence E. marshaZZ, John W. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Sirmbns, Jr., EarZ H. TebauZt, and Kenneth N. Plhitehurst.,
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerreZZ
City CounciL approved the @zZow,,ng;on second readino: Apprcpriat@on of $100-00 as
the City's portion of the cost of the travez e=enses of A-Ir. F. R. CockreZZ to a
nationaZ meeting of Extension Sgrvi,4e agents.
ITEI,' #2439
On Mation by z42,. ;@a,-.?haZZ, -econded by Mr. Bon?i3,y, and by recorc,7ed vote a.?-@,)ZZows:
Ayes: IJayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice @layor Robert B. Cro7wetZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonney, Sr.,
D. Murray P@aZbon, Lawrence E. MarshaZZ, John [,7. )-vcCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Si?rmons, Jr., EarZ H. Tebault, a@ Kenneth N. *.itehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerrezZ
City CounciZ approved the foZZowing on second reading Appropriation of $33,461,28
from the GeneraZ Fund to the Civic Center Fund Account to bazance it6 year of operati6n.
On motion by iK.r. AIcCombs, seconded by t-ir. @'-bauZt, and by recorded vote as jozzows.-
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Du@ch, Vice Ilayor Robert S. CromweZZ, Jr., Albert L. Bonney, Sr.,
D. M4rray A,'aZbon, Laz,,rence E. @!arshaZZ, Tohn F. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Sinrnons, 7r., Earl H. TebauZt, and K@netTi N, Flhitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. Ferrezz
City CounciZ approved an appropriat@on of @1,250 as the Cityl.7 share of the funds
being suppzied by the FederaZ Government for the Sumer Youth Transportation Project.
The $1,250 plus the additionaz appropriation of $834 approved by CounciZ makes a totaz
expenditure of $2@084 for the Surmer Youth Transportation Project.
Mr. Aaron Parsons, repreuenting the Seatack civic Lea-aue, presented a pzaque to the
city emptoyees for outstandina services rendered in the czean-up project in the
Seatack area. @,layor Dusch accepted the pzaque on behazf of the city empzoyees.
Mr. Parsons azso presented a pzaaue to A!r. Tcgnes P/iZson of the City PZanning Department
s an@ ' 0
in recognition o the out t ing services he performed in the promoti n of the Seatack
ITEM #2441
On motion by Mr. AlarshaZZ, seconded by P-r. Tebault, and by recorded vote as fozzcws:
Ayes: A@layor Frank A. @,sch, Vice irayc)r Robert B. Cro7m,7eZt, Jr., AZbert L. Bonney, Sr.,
D. Hurray MaZbon, Lawrence E. kfarshaZZ, John W. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Sirmons, Jr., EarZ H. TebauZt, and Ke-nneth N. P/hitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerretZ
City CounciZ =ended the motion in the case of the property of ElZa L. Webb (Item
2117, CounciZ Minutes of 1.1)70) -Prom a 30-foot Zand dedication to a 20-foot
dedica":,n, as tne var&ous cogn@zant agenciee nave indicated that their requirements
have been met.
Mr. John B. Jmes, Attorne'.@,, appeared on behaz.' of the @vpzicants requesting 72
apartment un@ts instead of the @O units reques'e@d in the original avpZicatio7@. and t@,e
reduction to 45 units recomended by the PZanning Comission inview'of the cost that
wilz be incurred by providing off-site sewage facizities.
On motion by Yr. CromweZZ, seconded by Mr. AfaZbon, and by recorded vote as foZZows:
Ayes: Vice ?jayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., D. @rray l@azbon, John W. ?4'cComb.3, and
Kenneth N. Whitehurst.
Nays: Mayor Frank A. Dz,,sch, Albert L. Bonney, Sr., J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Simons,
Jr., and FarZ H. TebauZt.
Abstain: Lawrence E. MarshaZZ
Absent: George R. FerrezZ
City CounciZ denied the motion to uphold the Planning Comission's recommendation of
45 dpartment units.
After reconsideration of the preceding motion and inview of the existing zoning of
the area, on motion by ?,,r. Simmons, seconded by Mr. Bonney, and by recorded vote as
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Du sch, AZbert L, Bonney, Sr., Lawrence E. A-larshaZz, J. Curtis
Payne, G. Dewey Sirmons,,,Tr., and EarZ F. Tebault.
Nays: Vice Mayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., D. Murray VaZbon, John W. lvccombs, and
Kenneth N. P./hitehurst.
Absent: George R. Ferrell
City CounciZ approved the foZZowing qppzication for a use permit to construct 72
apartment units to inczude the PZanning Cormission's recomendction regardina an
approved drainage and roadway imorovement pzan to be reviewed and approved by the
Department of PubZic Work&. A new site pzan is to be submitted to the PZanning
Department for review and approvaz prior to the time a BuiZding Permit appzication
is accepted. it is further reco"nended as many trees as possibze be retained.
ApprovaZ is subject to site pzan restrictions, and further @ject to City water
and sewer being made avaiZabZe to the site.
Application of Georce C. L. Jensen, B. 11. Ray.'lond, Dorys R. Duncan, Joan D.
Gifford by John E. Sirin-. and Associates for a Use Perr@iit to constrLICt 80 apart-
ment units oti certain property located o,n the Nortli an-d South side of Berrie Road,
running a distante of 487 feet along the '@-lestern property line, running a distance
of 655 fect along the Soutliern proparty line, running a distance of 323 feet along
the Eastern property line and running a distance of 450 feet more or less along
the Northern property line. (Berrie Gardens Area). BAYSIDE BOROUGH.
The Planning Conimission reconimands approval of 45 apartment units @'lith additional
recreational area to be provid--d. '@n approved drainage and road,,,,ay improvement
plan is to be revie1/2-ted and approved by the Deparl@ri,,ent of Public '@llorks. A ne,,.i
site plan is to be submitted'@o the Planning Departm@nt for revie,.i ard aoproval
prior to the time a Building Perniit application is acce'Dted. It is furt@er
reconlinended as nian trees as possible be ret@i--d. Approv.1 is suDjoc,t.. @.u i'e
plan restrictions.
ITEM #2443
Mr. Owen Pickett appeared on behazf of the appzicant.
On motion by M-r. MarshaZZ, seconded by Mr. Whitehurst, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice Mayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonney, 1.7r.,
D. A&rray MaZbon, Lawrence E. P4drshaZZ, John W. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Sirmons, Jr., EarZ H. TebauZt, and kenneth N. Whitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerreZZ
City Counc-l@Z approved the PoZZowing appzication for a use vermit subject to Citu
water and sewer being made avaiZabZe to the site. AporovaZ @'s d@ther szi@ject t-o
a ded@-catior, ,-or the wid--?,i7,-g o.F -Pr-@ncess Arne -P@a-@.
Applica-Lic)n of HudsOn Oil Corioany for a Us- Pcr, it to construct a gasoline
SUPPLY Static),) on certain property located o-ii thL, sou@fl Sicl@ of Priiicess krine
Road beginning at a point 200 feet riore or Icss East of PoztLI, run-
ning a distaiice 6f 460 feet r,,ore or less along the South side of Prii,cess Anne
.Road, running adistan-,e of 498 feet R!Ore or less along tfie Southcrll'prop,-rty
line and running a distance of 218 feet ,or- or less along tlie I;Ies'erri Droperty
lirie. Said parcel being triangular it) shap@. -n@tich Area). Bupysib,,
The Planning Coniinission recoR,,;flen(Is deiiial of this requcst as there are sufficien- L
gasoline SLIPPLY statiotis in @lfic surt,ounding area to serve t@le needs of thc
ITFM #24444
Carrington stated that he had a letter from the FederaZ F-ousing Administrat,&*on,
regarding the folzowing appzication.
Mr. Warren Ott appeared on behazf of h*" own appZ&@cation.
Mr. Fa@ appear@d to answer any questions respecting interpretation of Section 231 of
the FederaZ Housing Act.
@s. Jean PooZ appeared on behazf of the Dimnond Springs Civic League. She indicated
that they had no op osition to a bona fide housing for the eZderZy and she onzy sought
assurance that if the appzication by A!r. Ott was approved that the use of such a
facility wouzd be Zimited to the purpose designated.
On motion by M-r. CromweZZ, seconded by Mr. AlarshaZZ, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: Mavor Frank A. DLtsch, Vice Mayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonney, Sr.,
D. @ay lvazbon, Lawrence E. MarshaZZ, John W. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey
Si"wns, Jr., EarZ H. TebauZt, and Kenneth A,. Whitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerretZ
City CounciZ approved the PoZZowing appzication for a use nermit to construct 140
apartment units, subjec-I to City woter and sewer, &creen,;,ng and bufferina azong
Dionc,nd Springs Road and a 50-foot setback be maintained from the road. It is
recopmended that as many trees as vossible be retained and that a Zeft turn @e be
provided if recuired by the Bureau of Safety. A new site pzan in accordance with
the site pzan restrictions is to be submitted and approved by the Planning Department
prior to the time the buizding permit appzication is accepted.
Application of Ott Investnient Corporation for a Use Permit to construct 176
apartment units on certaiii property located on ti@e ETst-sf-d-, of Diamond Springs
Road b-Iginning at a point 175 feet t@orth of Daysid-- Road, running a distance of
737 feet along the East side of Di@imond Springs Doad, running a distarc-- of 481
feet along the Northern [,ropc,,"@y rur,@irg a distatice of 787 feet along
the Eastern r)roperty line and running a distance of 483 fe2t alona the South-rn
proper',y line. (Gardcnwood Park-Diagiond Springs Ho,,fl-.s Area). B/Ay'SID@@ BOPOUC!i.
The Planning Commission r-.con@j,--nds approval of 140 apar@ ment units subject to
City water and se,.ier, screening and buffering along Diamond Springs Road and
a 50-foot se-Lback be riaintained frori the road. It is recom,@ended tfiat as many
trees as possible be ret-ained and that a left tlirn lane b-, provided if required
by the BLireau of Safe-LY. A nevi site p-tan in accordanc-- with th- site Dlan
restrictions is to be submitted and approved by thc Planning Departm-@ni prior
to the tinie tfie building peritiit application is accepted.
On motion by !!crshaZZ, @ec,,n,,4ed ly !,r. Sir@ons" anc,7 by recorc7ed vote as ,'.OZZo7,@s
Ayes: ?@or Frank A. Dv@sc7,@, V@,ce A!m.,,or pol, 2,t B'Crom3eZZ, 7r., AZbert L. Bonney, Sr.,
D. A@rray @!aZbon, L rence F. l-arshaZZ, Toh@2 W. 1-10-combs, J. @tis Payne, C. Dez,,ey
Simmons, Jr., FarZ H. TebauZt, and Kenneth N. r@'hitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. Fe2@relz
City CounciZ corrected an administration er2,or in tle property c7escriotion of the
appZication of W. T. Purns Zocated on the '7outh side of Shoy,e Drive, Fast o.- Dicnond
Springs Road (CounciZ I!inutes ol- IlovetnZ)er 10, 19@69), by @en(.,7ing the property fac@ng
Shore Drive to CL-3 and the 48 units o7-,, tbe back to remain zoned muZti,z)Ze fcanizy as
indicated on the PZat of the subject property.
ITE.Al ?2446
On motion hy P-r. McCombs, seconded by I!r. IVarshaZZ, and by recorded vote as follows.-
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice Mayor Robert B. Crorm)eZZ, Jr., Albert L. Bonney,
Sr., D. @rray 14aZbon, Lm)rence E. P-arshaZZ, JoTzn W. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G.
Dewey Sironons, Jr., EarZ H. TebauZt, and Yenneth N. Aitehlirst.
Nays: None
Ab@ent: George R. FerrelZ
City Counc7l@ revoked the foZZowing resolution adopted on ApriZ 13, 1970, authorizing
the saze of $4,750,000 schooz bonds.
WHEREAS, on April 13, 1970, the Council of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, adopted a resolution entitled "Resolution
Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $4,750,000 School Bonds,
Series of 1968 B, of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, Here-
tofore Authorized, and Providing for the Form, Details and Payment
Thereof," and
WHEREAS, it was contemplated that such bonds would be
sold to the Virginia Public School Authority but such Authority
has been unable to buy the bonds and the Council desires to make
other plans for the sale of such bonds;
BEACH., VIRGINIA, that the resolution described above is hereby
revoked and shall have no further force and effect.
ITEM #2447
On motion by Alr. Bonne4l, seconded by vr. MarshaZz, and by recorded vote ae foZZows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice Mayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonney,
Sr., D. @rray I!aZbon, Lawrence E. @,!arshaZZ, John W. @@!cCombs, J. @rtis Payne, G.
Dewey Sir=ons, Jr., EarZ F. TebauZtIand Kenneth N. Whitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerrezZ
City CounciZ adooted the foZZowing esoZutio?,. authorizing the saze of @4,760,000
schooZ bonds to take nzace on the 4h c@ AucAst, saze to be throuah the State So@oz
At a regular meeting of the Council of the Cit of Virgi nia
Beach, Virginia, held on th6 27th day of ily, 1970)
PRESENT: Olayor Frank A, D,,.sch
J. Curtis Payne
Vice I!ayor 7?cbert U. crotwezzl 'Tr, Earl R. TebauZt
Albert 7,. Bonney, ,7r. Kenneth Pi. Whitehurst
D. !,,Iurray IvaZbon
Lawrence E. @'arsh,,ZZ
John W. ?,fcC6mbs
ABSENT: George R..Forrozz
the following resolution was adopted by the follcywing vote:
AYES: Unanimous
NAYS: None
@4,750,000 SCHOOL BONDS., SERIES OF 1968 Bs OF
WHEREAS, the issuance of school bonds of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, in the rnaximum amounts of $5,000,000 and $14,500,000
were approved at elections held in the City on March 16, 1965 and
January 20, 1968, respectively, and there have been issued
$4,750,000 and $10,000,000 bonds of such authorized amounts; and
WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Virginia Beach adopted
resolutions on August 11, 1969, and April 13, 1970, authorizing the
issuance and sale of the remaining $4,750,000 bonds, but such sales
were called off becatise of economic conditions and the aforesaid
resolutions have been rescinded;
1. There are hereby authorized to be issued and sold the
remaining $4,750,000 school bonds of the amountsapproved at elections
held on March 16, 1965 and January 20, 1968.
2. The bonds shall be coupon bonds without privilege of
.registration, shall be designated "School Bonds@ Series of 1968 B"i
shall be dated June 1, 1970, shall be of the dbnomination of $5,000
each, shall be numbered from I to 950, inclusive, and shall mature
in numerical order in iristallments of $325,000 on December 1 in each
of the years 1971 to 1980 . i.nclusive, and $300,000 on December 1 in
each of the years 1981 to 1985, inclusive, without option of prior
redemption. The bonds shall bear iterest at such rate or rates
as determined at the time of sale, payable semiannually on June 1
and December 1. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the
principal office of First & Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Vir-
ginia, or Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, at the option
of the holder.
3. The bonds shall be sig ned by the facsimile signature of
the Mayor of the City of Virginia Beacli, shall be countersigned by
its Clerk and a facsimile of its seal shall be printed on the bonds.
The coupons attached to the bonds shall be authenticated by the
facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk.
4. The bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the following
No. $5 000
School Bond, Scrip@ r,-@ 1-968 B
The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for value received
hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to bearer
upon presentation and surrender hereof the sum of
on December 1, 19_, and to pay interest thereon from the date
hereof to maturity at the rate of
per cent %) per year, payable semiannually on June I a-nd
December I upon presentation and surrender of the attaclied coupons
as they become due. Both principal of and interest on this bond are
payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the prin-
cipal office of First & Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Virginia,
or Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, at the option of the
This bond is one of an issue of $4,750,000 School Bonds,
Series of 1968 B. being the thir@ and final installment of $5,000,000
bonds authorized at an election duly called and held on March 16,
1965, and the second a-nd final installment of $14,500,000 bonds
authorized at an election duly called and held on January 20, 1968,
and is issued pursuant to the Constitution and statutes of the
Commonwealth of Virginia, including the Charter of the City of
Virginia Beach (Chapter 147, Acts of Assembly of 1962, as amended)
and the Public Finance Act of 1958, as, amended, to provide funds
for public schools.
The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia Beach
are hereby irrevocably pledged for the paymen,t of principal of and
interest on this bond.
All acts, conditions an,-' things required by thc Constitution
and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia to happen, exist or
be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have
happened, exist and have been performed, and the issue of bonds
of which this bond is one, together with all other indebtedness
of the City of Virginia Beach, is within every debt and other limit
prescribed by the Constitution and statutes of the Commonwealth of
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
has caused this bond to be signed by the facsimile signature of
its Mayor, to be countersigned by its Clerk, a facsimile of its
seal to be printed hereon, the attached interest coupons to be
authenticated by the facsimile signatures of its Mayor and Clerki
and this bond to be dated as of June 1, 1970.
Clerk, Cit@ (SEAL) Mayor, Citv of Virginia Beach,
.K Virginia Beach,
Virgibia Virginia
On December 1, 19-, tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virgiiiia,
will pay to bep-er Do2,lars
($ in lawful money of the United States of America
at the Principal office of First & Merchants National Ba,k, Richmond,
Virginia, or Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, at the option
of the holder, being the semiannual interest then due on its School
Bond, Series of 1968 B. dated June 1, 1970, and numbered _.
Clerk, City of Virginia Beach, Mayor, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia Virginia
5. Upon consideration of current conditions of the municipal
bOnd market and upon consultation with the City's financial adviser@
it is hereby determined to be in the best interests of the City of
Virginia Beach to accept the offer of the Virginia Public School
Authority to purchase the bonds at a yield basis not to exceed .10%
greater than the Authorit@ m,ist pay on the bonds which it will sell
to provide the necessary funds to purchase the City's bonds; provided,
however, that the offer of the Authority shall not be accepted and
the bonds shall not be awarded until the City Council shall have
approved the rate of interest, as finally determined, which the
bonds are to bear.
6. At tlie request of the Virginia Public School Authority
the bonds shall be issued initially as fully registered bonds without
coupons, bonds numbered R-1 to R-10, inclusive, of the denomination
of $325,000 each and bonds numbered R-11 to R-15, inclusive, of the
denomination of $300,000 each. The principal of and interest on
such fully registered bonds shall be payable at the principal office
of First & Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Virginia.
7. The fully registered bonds to be issued initially hereunder
shall be in substantially the following form:
No. R--
School Bond Series -f 1968 B
The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for value received
hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to pay to
uPOfi Presentation and surrender hereof the sum of
on December 1, 19-, and to pay to the Virginia Public School
Authority interest from the date hereof to maturity at the rate of
per cent ( @1) per year,
payable semiannually on June I and December 1. Both principal of and
interest on this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States
of America at the principal office of First & Merchants National Bank,
Richmond, Virginia.
This bond is one of an issue of $4,750,000 School Bonds, Series
of 1968 B. being the third and final installment of $5,000,000 bonds
authorized at an. election duly called atid held or- @'arcl. 1-6. 1.965-
and the second and final installment of $14,500,000 bonds authorized
at an election duly called and held on January 20, 1968, and is issued
pursuant to the Constitution and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia,
including the Charter of the City of Virginia Beach (Chapter 147,
Acts of Assembly of 1962, as amended) and the Public Finance Act of
1958, as amended, to provide funds for public schools.
This bond may be exchanged without cost at the principal office
@a--ona' oiid, V@rg*iiia, @-or aii equa'
4 @@ i- @ ill IM i- i- L
aggregate principal amount of coupon bonds without privilege of
registration, of the denomi.nation of $5,000 each, of the same series
and maturity, bearing interest at the same rate and having attached
thereto coupo@,s representing all unpaid intere.st due or to become
due thereon.
The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia Beach are
hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and interest
on this bond.
All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution
and statutes of the Commonxqealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be
performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have happened,
exist and have been performed, and the issue of bonds of which this
bond is one, together with all other indebtedness of the City of
Virginia Beach, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by
the Constitution and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
has caused this bond to be signed by the facsim4@le signature of its
Mayor, to be countersigned by its Clerk, a facsimile of its seal to
be printed hereon, and this bond to be dated as of June 1, 1970.
Clerk, City of Virgl*ni@.a Mayor, City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia Beach, Virginia
8. Such fully registered bonds may be exchanged without
cost for coupon bonds in the manner set forth in the fully registered
L,onds. The co,-,pon b--nd@- '@-c hel-@' at -,he O-LI-ice O.L-
First & Merchants National Bank, Richmond, Virginia, pending any
such exchange. If any fully registered bonds are presented for
exchange, the City of Virginia Beach shall execute and deliver coupon
bonds theref@- @ii accordance with this resolut.ion as soon as prac-
ticable. Before the delivery of any such coupon bonds any matured
coupons thereon, except coupons which represent unpaid interest,
shall be detached and cancelled. All fully registered bonds surrendered
in any such exchange shall be cancelled.
9. The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia Beach
are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of and
interest on the bonds. There shall be levied and collected annually
on all locally taxable property iii the City an ad valorem tax over
and above all other taxes authorized or limited by law sufficient to
pay sucti principal and interest as the same respectively become due
and payable.
10. After the bids have been received and the bonds awarded,
the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to take all
proper steps to have the bonds prepared and executed in accordance
with their terms and to deliver the bonds to the Treasurer of Virginia
on behalf of the Virginia Public School Authority upon payment
11. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to see to the
immediate filing of a certified copy of this resolution with the
Circuit Court of the City of Virgillia Beach.
12. This resolution shall take effect inmediately.
The undersigned Clerk of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true and correct
extract from the minutes of a regular meeting of the Council of the
City of Virginia Beacti held July 27, 1970, and of the whole thereof
so far as applicable to the matters referred to in such extract.
WITNESS my hand and the see'. -r the City of Virginia Bearh.
Virginia, this @7g@ay of July, 1970.
Clerk, Cit f Virginia Beach,
(SEAL) lvvirginia
On motion l@y A!r. ZIonreb@, secc".ded '5',' Mp. !!@7rsT-7,Z, cnd Ly recordc@d votc a@ ^@ZZo@s:
I i
Ayes: @.ayor Frark A. @.acb,, Vic,3 !@-ayoi, Poberl- B. Cro,,.m@eZ?,, Jr., AZ ert L. Pon,?ey,
S2@., D. l@rray !@aZi@,or,, LaL7rence E. Pars@t?12ZZ, Joh?? W. @','cCo7l,@Ds, J. C?Irtis Pcyne, G.
Dewey Si"pons, Tr., FarZ IY. 7eba74Zt, and @-enneth Ii.
A7ays: None
Absent;: Geo@qe R. l,'erre@Z
City Co?4nciZ adopted the foZZo7,)ing '?esolztfon rozative to a deed of @;3ement for
a sewer Zinc for Princess Anne UtiZities Corocy,ation.
WI-IEREAS, Priiicess Aniie Utilities Corporation desires to
obtaiii an casement of right of way to lay, construct, o@erate and mail)tain
ail tinclergroiind sewer Iiiie over, upon aiid across one certain caseiiieiit
dedicated to tlie City of Virgiiiia Beacli, aticl described as follows:
All that certain piece or parcel of lan(i lying and
beiiig situate in Kenipsville aiid Lynnllaven Borouglis
of tlic City of Virgiiiia Beach, Virgiiii@t, described as
"101 utility and drainage caseinent to be dedicated by
deecl to tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virginia", liti@itcd
to that portioii of the e-,tsemeiit shown along the eastern
physical bouyidary liiie of Parcel 3, tllat is, between
Pump Station Site oii tlie nortlieasterii coriier of Parcel
3 and tlie southeastern corner of Parcel 3, as shown oil
that certain plat 6ntitled "Survey of Property for tlie
School Board of the City of Virginia Beach, Virgiiiia,
Kempsville and Lynnhaven Borouglis, Virginia Beacli,
Virgiiiia, dated Febriiary, 1968, and made by Frank D.
Tarrall, Jr. & Associates, Surveyors &- Engineers,
Virginia Beacli, Virgiiiia", which said plat is recorded
in tlie Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City of
Virginia Beacli, Virgiiiia, in Map Book 74 at Pagc 54,
And, a further temporary construction easeinent within the
boundaries of Parcel 3, now owiled by the School Board of the City of
Virginia Beach, being in width the total of 25 feet, and having a duration
of tnvelve moilths from the date of a deed of easement, and
Whereas, in consideration for the easement desired by
Princess Anne Utilities Corporation, an agreernent has been rnade between
said Princess Anne Utilities Corporation and tlie School Board of the City
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, concerning future tap fees that would other-
wise be paid by the School Board within the service areas of Princess AniaE
Utilities Corporation and certain other utility cornpanies, and
Whereas, the desires of Princess Anne Utilities Corporation
for the said easement arle proper aiid withiii the purposes for which the
easernent was originally dedicated to the City of Vir,@inia Bcacli, Virginia,
NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED by the Counci) of the
City of Virginia Beacli that tle City Maiiagcr is hereby autilorized to
dedicate a deed of eascin(-,nt and the City Clerk is aiithorized to attest to
the signatiire of the City Manager, and furtlier tliat a copy of this resolution
ryiay be recoru'ed by Llie applicai-@', vv"'l.h the (leed of casement,
TTFII #,9,6149
The appzication from Standard Transmission Corp. for confirmation of permit to
utilize the pubzic thoroughfares for oiZ pipe lines was deferred untiz such tiine
as the res@rictions aj@fecting the permit are described and approved by the cognipant
city agencies.
ITF@4 #2450
On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by llr. llarshaZZ, and by recorded vote ao foZZo@7s:
Ayes., Mayor Frank A. @sch, Vice Vayor Robert B. CromweZZ, Jr., Azbert L. Bonney,
Sr., D. AIurray @4aZbon, Lowrence E. llarshaZZ, John P/. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, G.
Dewey Sirrmons, Jr., Earl H. Tebault, and Kenneth N. @ltehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerreZZ
City CounciZ approved the foZZowing ordinance appointing 14r. Norman, )Vr- F,-iZey, and
14r- Petty as viewera rezative to ozo@ing a portion of Apasus TraiZ in cbesoneia72
WISREAS, F. WA)LNE l@cLY.SbTY, JR., has given due and proper notice, in
accordance with the Statutes for such cases riade and provided, that he would
on this day apply to the Couticil of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for
the appointi,@-t of view--rs to vieiy the bol,,@7-@escribed property aild repot,; in
writing to the Council whetlier, in the opiiiion of said viewers, any, and if
any, what inconvenience would result from tlie discontinuing of the said street,
and has filed such application %fith the said Council: now, therefore,
BE IT ORDAIIQED by the Council of the City of virginia Beach, Virginia,
that Alr. David B. Norman, Mr. charzes S. KiZey, and P@r. A. Plorth Petty
be, and they hereby are, appointed to view the below-described property and
report in writing to tlie Council on or before September 14th , 1970, whether,
in their opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from the
discontinuing, closing and vacating of a certain proposed street situated in
Lynnhaven Borough, in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, being described
as follows, to-wit:
All that portion of that certain street located in Lynnhaven Borough,
City of Virginia Beacli, Virginia, described by reference to that cer-
tain plat entitled "CHESOPEIAN COLONY, Section Three, Street Dedica-
tion, Princess Anne Co,-,.nty, Vir-.inia", dated September 1955, --nd mad--
by Frank D. Tarrall, Jr. & Associates, Surveyors and Engineers, which
plat is duly of record in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of
the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 39, at Page 49, as
that portion of Apasus Trail extending from the northern side of
Virginia Beach Boulevard (Rte. 58) a distance of 150 feet in a north-
erly direction.
And each of the said viewers shall b6 paid the sum of TEN DOLLARS ($10.00)
each for such services, which total sum shall be paid by the applicant herein
on or bpfor@ '@-ptember 14,h , L9/0, al.- "t- -' @ further
ORDAINED that this application be, and the same hereby is, referred to
the Planning Ccmmission for the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for a report
and recommendation to the Council, such report to be mad,e on or before
September 14th , 1970.
On motion b@ 1.1r. .'@ars@,gZZ, s@?orcled 'Dy Cro@7 eZZ, and @,u recorcle@ vo'le ae fo@@o 0:
Ayes: Ifaz,,o2- Frank A. Dusci@,, Vie,- Z@fayor PoZ)ert P.. CromeZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonrei,,
Sr., D. 1@u2,ray A!aZ7-,on, L@))'ence E. @larshazz, @Tohn W. 7.@ccon@s, J. Cz,.rt@,, Pay@?e,
Dewey Siumons, Jr., FarZ H. Tebzz,.Zt, and l@enn,@th P7. T,,@,itehu-rst.
IVay a None
City Council appi,oved an ap.@roppiation o.- @1,224.04 for invoices foy, i)rofessiono.Z
services in co@?nection with t e matter of Virgini,'7, Bec-(.-,',z Steez @ishing Pier vs. C-@@',Y.,
On motion hy @4r. Tebaz,,Zt, seco7zded by lr. P-allion, and by reccrd@d vote as fozzozos:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice !@layor ,,obert B. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbert L..Ponney,
Sr., D. t@urroy llazbon, La7@)2,enoe E. MarsbaZZ, John @V. t@ecombo, j. Curtis Payne, G.
Dewey Sinnon,,3, Jr., FarZ ii. Tebault, and Kenneth N. P@itchurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerreZZ
Cit,v Council approved th& foZZowing appzicationo for tax refunc?,@ in the amount of
,lr. Harry T. Marshall, City Attorn@ey
Date 1 15 1970
FROM: @Ir. V. A. Etlierid@.e, Treas-urer
SUBJECT: Appiication for Tax Refunds:
TI followin@ appiications for refund of t 22. 39
al certified for payment, as set forth be
-@V. A. Etheridge, Treasurer
-Tax Exoner- Pen- Inter-
Tax Type .,Ticket at ion Dat
Name Year of Ta@ Number No. Pai alty est Total
att,On, John M. 1970 RE 5338 176 6-4 14.60
rtgage Investinent 1969 RE S70-69-1 7-2-70 155.72 7.79 7.79
rporation Supplemen
Al;ove appIVat n- or refund.of ta-,cesa Above@ abatemc-.nts t6tqlingp@.,31/
I f pproved. T
ITFli #2453
In thc? matter o" the Lake Georle Coyp. recarding certain street cZosu2,es l@r. La@ton
appeared on behazf o@ the o,,,,7,@oining ppope2,ty otlners stating that his czi nt,9 had not
received not ce of ttie appointrient od- viezoere,.
@ir. A. J. Coj-)-man, Couneell :C)@@ statec? that A@-. Ta,,,ton 's eZi,,nt,'3 were
had cie@,@ve-eq a o-@y Sz@n,,Iaz,) of ttie pzat cK" 7,, @ad sent copies of the notice to them
certified mai7,, return receirt requ@ted, @)7zich he understood they had received on
Attor7iey J. BalZ appeared representing @,!r. J. t,arr,, abutting Zand olmer to street
which is pronosed for czosing.
On motion by Mr. Whitehurst, seconded by t@r. I'arshaZZ, and by recorded vote as fozzow@:
Ayes: Afayor FranP A. Dusch, Vice 1,@'cyor Robert B. CronweIZ, Tr., Albert L. Bonne@),
Sr., D. llurray l@azbon, Lca@rence E. A-larshaZZ, John F,'. lIcComl)s, J. Curtis Pa ne, G.
Dewey Simmons, Jr., EarZ H. TebauZt, and. Kenneth N. Whitehurst.
A7ays: None
Absent: George R. FerreZZ
City Council approved the fozzowing ordinance appointing viewers rezati??e to czosing
Lynnhaven and I]oZZy Avenues in rynnhaven Boroug7i.
0 R D I - iN A -r4 C -P, A -P- P- 0-1 Y@ T I -N G V I E I I E R - S
VIliEPX,,AS, LAKT., -GEORGE C017@Cl@-tTi O-.@\' hzs givc,-n (Itie and proper iiotice, in
accordance witli the -;tqtutes for stich cnE;e,; riide aiid providccl, that it i,@ould oil
this day apply to the Cott@Icil Of tle City of Vir@.inia Bc,.ach, Virgi.ni@l, for tlio
appoiiituiciat of vie,,7ers to vie;q the belo;q dcscril)cd property and report in
i-yriting cc, th-s Council whether, iii th@ of said vicwers, any and if aiiy,
what inconvenience would result from tlie discontinuing of said street or portior@
thereof, and has filed i.ts application with tlie said Council-.
are hereby appointed to vie@@7 tl,e belo@.7 described property and report in
writin@. to the Couilcil on or before Au-.ust 10, 1970 whether, in their opinion,
any, ar,.d if any, %qhat inconveilience would resiilt froiii tlie discontinuin@., closin,.,
and vacatin@ t'@)at portio-,i o@' certain streets lo--ated in the BoroL,@,h of l,ynnliaven
Cl.ty of Vi.r@inia Bce-cli, Vir,inia, bein@ clescribed as follows, t --@it:
o 7
ALT, @'IL@T cert,!ir, port2-,ol of AVOIILla IS '1107@r,,
oii tliat cort@ain plat eiitit-lecl "Pl2t of LyiiTihaven Sliore-q
Lynn*.iavc,n BoroLi,li of %lirgill,a 'licli, Vir@inia, recorcl,,cl
iii the Cler@--'s 0,@fi&@ of the Ci.rciiit Court of the Citv
of Vir@.i.iiia Becicli, Vir@i@ni@i, i.n @l,.ip Bcol@ 7, P@irt II, at
pagc,. 67, s@iici porlioi, of Lyiii)liavE-,ii Aicntic, bei-it@. lqarl,,Od
in rcd on the @ittacii('d copy of tlie aforcii-ntioiied plit,
aiid ric)rc, pirt!cLilorly desc37i@bed ,,s @c)llo@@s, to-@ctsjt:
,t a poiiit iii tlie No,tliern botindgry Iiiie of
Lot 3 in TJ,oc", 9 of tlie af6rcsaid plat; said poiiit of
bc-giiiiiii-@g bein@ 91.54 fect west of tlie diviclilig I.ine
separ,iting LOL 2 from l,ot 3 iii Bloc'( 9 as sho@,,ti on the
aforesaid plat; thence ill 2a casterly directj.oii alon@
a curve to tli,-, ri@.ht haviil,. a radilis of Ii/[O fc,.et an arc
dist,,nce of 360,48 feet to a @c,int; the,.icc aloll- another
curve to tlie rig',it haviiig a of 25 fect an arc
uistance L)@' 1'.-@9 f@.t tc, :, pninv; tlic@nce SoLitli 5 cle@rec,.s
48' East 63.5 feet to @ point; tlieiicc,. alon, a ctirve to the
riglit liavin,; a rac!ilis of 481.37 fe,-t an arc d-'Istance of
132.56 feet to a poiiit; tlicnce So@ith 67 de@rees 03' East
93-90 fect to a poiill; trieiicc, North 5 degrec,,s -,81 t@7est
198.42 fcet to a poinl; tlieiice alon- a curvc,- to the riglit
having a rad!Lis of 600 feet an irc di.stance of 294.29 fect
to a point; theicc, ilong aiiotber clirve to tlic,, right liavin@ a
radius of 25 feel an arc Q'ist,,,ncL of 1.7./7 feet to a poiiit;
tlieiicc-@ Ncr'lli 5 dc,@E;rees 48' ;.'est 50 fe.@-t to a po@.nt in tlie
Soutlierii lirc of tlic@ 01(i @lorl@olk @,,nd Soutlie-rn
tllclico aloii,, said SoLit'Ic,.rii linc@ Solitli
79 de@.i:cc@ 14' @@c@st IYO.13 fc,.ct to a poiit in sziicl Soutneria
riglit-of-N.-,ciy Iiiic,; tlici@ce- alcia@ a cL,)-%,o to tlie ripl,,t h,,viii@
a ridikis Of .19@15.08 f('eL aii iic di'st-,iicc@ of 223.14 fect to a
po.Lll( ; tlic-,i)ce tti3,nin,, @iiicl rujiliili,, @iloi, a clirve to tlie. le"t
havin@. a r@ieij.iis c,@@ 475 feet iii @irc- clist@iiiec of 10l.li4 fcot
to a poilit; tlieiicc, ttii7nin,, E,@iicl rL,Ilnin,. a clirvc,. to t'I]C@
riglit hcivi@i@. i r-ldilis of 440 feel an arc distance of 77.51
feet to tlie poilit of bcE;iiiii@i),,
Alid at i point in the Soutlicrii ri@ht-of--,vly of tlie ol.d
@'o-fol", @171(l Scutlierii Railroi(i
-,,ht-of-@,,,ty at a pc)!.iit ,L@d
ri@lit-of-,,qay is iiitersectod by tlie Easterii I)ouiiclary lil@c- of tile
propc,rty iio@7 or fc)rii@orly belon,.,iiig to Jiijic-,s ll,,irrj-s; thc,-nce- ruli-
ning in an Easterly direction aloi@. tlie aforesaid riglit-of-1,Ioy
1.92.018 fcc,,t to a point in s-,j.d rivht-of-wa,, tho-nce tlirnii)g ilicl
runiiing iii q SoLitl)erly clirectioii @il.on- a curve to tlie. ]-eft, tlie
radius of vilticli is 1000 feet, iii arc distance of 185.07 fect to
a poiiit in t@le Nortli@-istern bouiidary linc of Block 22 as sho,@ll
on tlie a@loi.-c,,-iientionod plit; tilience turiiii)g and rtiiinin.- in a
Nortl)@!esterly direction aloi)@ tlie NorLhc,.istei:ii boundary line of
Block 22 tii arc distance of 294.52 fect to a point in tlie Eastern
line of the proderty now or forr,,erly of Jai@es Farris; thence
turiiin@. a;i(I tuniiiiig in a Northerly direction alol., the Eastern
1-ine of H,,rris 25 feet to the poi-lit of be@.innin@
Also, all tliit portion of Hol.ly Avenue as sho@@,,n on tlie aforesaid
plat, 1-ying t@lest of tlie Sotitliprly c!xten@;ioli of Llie boundary line
,@2@,iratliiF lots J-0 froil IoL 11 ii@ Blocl@ 5 (iihic'h jinl
establislic,,s the T,@,Testern bouiidclry line of thc, property of Sainuel
Sandl.er atid flarry Saticller) and east of tlie soutlierly extension
of the western bounda-y linc, of lots 12 and 13, in Block 5, tTliicti
line,, as extended soutlierly runiiin, a course S. 5 degrees 48' East,
also, estiblislies th@- c@asterii bolitidiry lirie of the property of Fala
CorporaLion. Said portion of tiolly Aventie beiii, boundeci on tlie
East aiid l@lest as lie-reinibove set fortli, on the North by a portioii
of Block 5 on tlie aforesaicl plit, and on the South by tlie proi)erty
no@q or foruierly constitutin@. the ri@.ht-of-,,,,ay of tlie Norfolk
and Soutliern Railivay.
and @,Zf recoy,cfed vcz';e as fc,, 'bo;,;S:
Ay-,s: Dz@so!@, iic,,, B. Cro@.,,ezz, ir L. Honr,@@,
'7r., D. Lal.,,re)2ce F. I!crohcizz., Tol-,@7 f,/. 'J. Curtis Payno,,
Dewey .5ip,7r ),@s, Jr., Ear7, P. Te7@az(Zt, cnd ienizeth @l, [,7hite urst.
Na@,s: None
Absont: R. Fo@ro@ll
City CounciZ adonted the folZo&@inC recozution req?jesting the Cove)'?zor of Virginia
to cause a stzir-7y of Cam@ Pe7idZeton reevcZuat-@ng its n6cessity for training of the
Guard, to determine opt@*M.4r, azt2 iatiz)C@ l@ce.
T j'l ee@ulp--c C)f 'cli@ CC)tlllcil- c):C- LI-ic@ Citr of Vir,inia
Beac,li w:?s Ii--1(1 in the t,'ie
4 @-
L:il@ (I.-L-Y Oi- Vi.r'-inia be@'C" C)O Mon(,,,@y, JLIJ-Y 27, 197'0@
nt )@0:00 O'CIC)"I@
On ric)tl-oli 'Dy Pa,,?/ne @-n6 secoi-2ciecl L)y 14-C. tfarshaZ7,
the tin,-ni.-,iously adop,--ed:
E S 0 L [J T I 0 N
th(3 p)--CSqLj-.Le of 3:c,.,,o-,@t-ol-i-ente(3 (2,cvclop.,,icnt in the
City ol@ Vir,L,in"@a Bo-ec@i 1-iis .1 lqrce propc)rtio@i of- evail-
,,,ble o--ean-fron-L property; Pn(i
tile ,nci Lhe FcC@eral l,ovc-rnmetit cor)trol
a nil-jor T)02--t:@C)li c)-E thE, re,,] estpte suit,-ble for resort Eevej,op;-flent;
sucli control severely liriits the fu-@ure ro@,,tli oi:
tliis valua'ole resort industry; anc,t
the protection ol- a vi@ble econoinic bese fo- tilis
City is oi- the utinos-L iriportence to t,'Ie entire City en(2 i-Ls Ci-Lizens.
Ti-i,it thc, Gove@tio-r of Vir.@ini-e is respectfully reqllestee tc)
cause a study to be cone,@ucteC, with respect to the present an,@ 17utL@:ce
nee(] 1-or the coi-itinlicd use o@- Cam,D Penc!leton, ancl, if found to be
not essenti@.1 to the inaintenance of trainin@, of the Guerd, to do-
t6raii-nc@ opti,-,ium alternative use.
BE IT RESOLVED, tliat this Courcil pleci.@es its whole-
hearted cooperation in the conduc-@ of SLIch study, and plbd@es,
further, to mel,,e Pvailable such resources or- -Lhe City as may essist
BE IT FUPT-i!EP. RESOLVED, thet the City Mana@.er is di.rected to
tr@.ns,ilit a certi@@-iecl copy of'this resol,,ition to the Governor o@--
Vi2:@ini,3, to the Hori,)-@cble E6ward T. Caton, the Honare'Dle B. '.,Z.
On mOtiOn bY 1@!r. :@'ay,@bazZ, @eco?-,ded by T,,on 2u, an,-' Z)v 2,ecorc@'ed vot(, a.?
Aye-s: Alayor Yrcnk A. D-uFC,-7i, Vic,-
,o@)_,2't , . C 0, T- 4 @)ey,t
R 2' r-_7e@Z, ,., I
Sr., D. l@iirray i@!aZ o?@, E. Jokn P!, -@-'OCombs, J. Curtis Paync-,, G,
Dewey Simmons, Jr., FarZ ii. -Te@,O.,uztl and J.',.,n,,th F,. Tq2ite7zz,,r,,3t.
Nays: Plone
Absent: George R. Fer2?eZZ
CitY Co@nciL approved the folzoz,)ing ordinance to =end Sections 17-4, Virginia Beac7l,
Cit:y Code, to provid,, penazties for the delos,@t of refuse on streets, rights-or-z,)ay,
and p2@ivate property.
1 7 - z e n 1 7 - 5, VI
OF I'EFU.S"' O,,i
BT,; IT 07',Dl,@INED BY TilE COI)YC'-rf, OF Tii@-' CITY OF VII@CIF,@IA BElio-ii
1. Sections 17-4 and 17-5 @re lie@-cby reponled.
2. The Peich C!Lty COCE is hc@3-0-.by @',Uended 'C)y tlic,
Pcldition of a nOV7 Sec-Li.on 17-1,, to re,@(1
17-4 t-c@sti, oii
wl-@y priv@te p@,,.Op--3-ty.
clu"IT) c)],
1- , f7 c C)
tr,-@sh, othe.@c unsi,hlly oil
oi@ c)n pr-'@v,@Le prol-)er-v
DLit thc, @ri-tten consc,.nt oj: t'li(-, o@,7n,@r L-'Iei-(,of Or 1-iis @,7cnt.
(b) '..-,lien eny p@,rson is Crr(?Stccl, z violEt:io,,, C)@- t' is
sectioli) in@, tle melte.- alle@ee ,-o have 'Deen C.L-,@iiiDr2c or eis-
posod o@ on the hi-h@k7,@y, Priv@.to I p-@-.C)p@@rty
has 'ocen c,'Iect,,?e@ MDtO@@: Ve',-Iiclc., -he of F; ccr
M,'Y co:,,il)].y @@7i..th r)rovi-si',)n O-- 'Cec-@ioll 2)-23 of- t,'Iis CC),',@
in suci-I 1-@-I:cst.
(c) @ll-tcri @- viol@-tic)r) 0-1@ t'ie P, ovisions of tliis sec-Lion
h,2s been o',)scrved- 'Dy any person, t'fle motter e@u-,npe(7, or
efis-,?c)sr-,d of c)-,i 'Lhc, ri-ilt-o-L@-W.-Y or pri-vate )--O-
per'cy @i@s been ejected @-ro-Ln @ inot:or vehicl-e, t@i-- o@,711cr or
gperator o--- such @,io'L-or vehicl-e sli,@l"l 'De to be the
person cic@c-@i-n,,, SL!ch trash, @er'De,@e, re4-use or ot'iier un-
si,@@ntly provi@,ed,
Sll.,ll !DC @Dy c-.,,.,-,LenL evi-eence.
t@'@opteeL by the Council Df ttle City o:F Virg-inia Beach, vi-rEinia,
on the.27th day of July, 1970.
A se2@v"@ces oa,,,7 ia@ c,7eferye@ te
con'@i?iuec? at a Zatey@ date.
@),or@ t,'@e At7,cntic @le;,,,tc,
c,@ked to comc 7,ack to tbe o@. 4, 1970 fri@,
ITT!@-I @1245Z
lJr. George T'in@ies appeared bef'ore CoitneiZ r (,y gina the incident,'3 of 1, rg@ar aza2,@73
7,)ith,/,n the Cit@ of Virginia Beach sta@ing that o@@ tl@ 1,285 burgzar aZcr,-,@o tztr,,z6,d. i@,.
betveen Auau@t 1, 1969 and JuZy 24, 19@0, 11 were bona fide.
on r(2otion by !@Ir. Paine, secon(7ed Ty Pir. @larshaZZ, and Zy recorded vote as foZIob)s:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. @@cc@h, vice P. Tr., AZbert L. Bonney,,
Sr., @Tm,@rence F. P,,7,rshaZZ, Jo@rLn l,', VcCorpbF, T Cvrtis Payne, (,, Dewey Sin,.mons, Jr.,
Fc,rZ 11. Teba@@-t-,, and ienneth N. P,h@ltehurst.
Nays: D. Pui@rcy -@la7,bon
Absent: George R. FerreZZ
City CounciZ adoptec,7 tlie foZlo7,@ing resoZ-at,7on rezative to fazee a@lari7i burgzar aZ rms.
Tlie re@,@ilar i-,icetjll,-T o-F Goi-i@icil o@ the G@i-ty o-F
h,@@le, i-@i tll(2 Cliaml)crs of th(-, A@-@.qi.nj'-s-
tratio@i Bii]-IJ.in@ o@@ ttic, City cf ille.@ich oi
on motion by @Ir. Pcyre and secorded by Mr.l.arsha7Z
tli(, fol-lo@,iiig rc@soliitioii @@ias uriinimotisly aciopte,@.
P, E S 0 L 11 T I 0 N
Wilf-?'?,',-,AS, a of business establ-ishr@ients have connected
automati6 burglar alarin syster@-ks to City of Virginia Beacli al.aril
syster,is; qnd
WHEREAS, upon the receipt of an alarri tl-ie Police I)epartm@Lnt
immedi.ately dispatches, on an urgent basis, available police
forces; and
WIIEREAS, the response to alarm invol.ves a direct cost to
the City; and
WHEREAS, the frequency of false alarins caused. by carelessness
on 4-h(- )a-rt of the busin(,ss establisliments has reached seri.ous
proportions costiiig the City unnecessary and large expeiiditures.
That there is hereby established a service charge of fivc-
d.ol.lars ($5.00) to be paid by e@,cli businr--ss establishrl,,--nt for
each negligcnt false alarni to @,7hich the police of the City of
Virginia Beach are required t@o respond.
t to ar) t@e Zoa
the 7iLotts 7ire cnl Fon?,,-cy to ki,,
On motior b?@ 1@. BonrcL@, seco@?(.,,ec7 b, @Ir. a,,d, h@j i,ecfo2,ded vot,, as fc)Z
Ayes: l,ayor Frark A. @@s i, Vibe !@,ayor Ilobe2,t B. Cro@@,e,7,Z, Tr., AZbert T,. B,)nnez,@,
117r., D. A@?),r2,(zy Joltn @,. 14cCombs, @T. @tio FarZ P. TebauZt, c"@d Ke,-anr-,tb.
Na7is: None
Absent: Ceorge R. FerreZZ, La,,,,)rence F. 1@arskazz, and G. De ey @inimons, Tr-
@,ty Cou@i,?iZ doj@e2;ped ioi-- "hirt@ (30) da,7@8 a(,@t@-o?i on the reque,,t rnade by tT,,e Knc)tts
IsZand VoZunteer Fire Denc-p@,Ment for a Zoa?z from the City in the. amo?@,nt of @14,000
@uj, De
for the purettase of a ne@ f re r.
I'I'FPI @!2459
On motion by I,!r. CroproeZZ, Ee,?@nded by @!r. Boniiey, (7,nd b reoorded vote as folZowe:
Ayes: llauo2, Fra?z7, 1. Dusch, Vic,? Ia.,@,lor Pobert B. Cro",,)eZl,, 7r., A7.bert L. Ponrey,
Sr., D. 1@r2,ay I,,,'aZbon, John Pi. llecoriibs, 7. Curtis Payne, T,arZ F. TeTau t, an@, Kennet7,,
N. @itehu@t.
Nays: Plone
Absent: George R. FerreZZ, Lawrence E. 11(irs7iaZZ, ang G. Dezoey Siru7,.ons, @Tr.
City CounciZ approz)o@, a Zo,7n in the a-mount of @15,500 recuest(?d by Ilre. Iloster -T.
GiZbert for assistance to the Atzantic @fe taz 17eazth CC7?ter in the pay7?,,e@7t of the
finaZ construction bilzs. Anticipated repayment to the City in T,ovember, 1070.
ITFI,! PP460
Action on the request from the Vipginia Reach Com.,Tur@ity 1@lentaZ IleaZth and ,entaZ
I?etardation Servicec Roard tkat the CitzI CounciZ az) rove an apDZication for State
p I
funds to estabzish a ZoeaL -I!ent;aZ fle.,7,Ztb. and @len@.aZ ,?etay,dot@Icn Progr@, unc7er
Chapte2@ 10, TitZe 3@.1, Code of Yi2,ginia, b,,as dererred UntiZ @-ugu@'3t 4,
On motion by Mr. Bonney, seconded by Ar. Plb-itehurst, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Tlice P@ayor Robert E. CromweZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Fonney,
Sr., D. Murray I,!aZbon, John W. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, EcrZ H. Tebault, and Kenneth
N. Whitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerreZZ, Lmorerce E. A-farshaZZ, anc,7 G. Dewey Sir=ons, Jr.
City 'Pe@-)Ved a contract with thu ar,P, tectural firm of P/a@Zer and S,zdZer
for the prep,7ration of pzans for improvement of the third fzoor of the Administration
Building into offices. This contract faZIs under ttze standard architecturaz pa.Ument
plan agopted by the City Cou-nciZ.
TTF" '1246,@
On motion by 'Ir. seco@,,@'ed Ly C2?orr,@-,ZZ, a@2d b7,) rooorded vote a@ -@ZZOWS:
A,,)es: A"Cillop Frayzk A. Dvsc',', Tice !@'x@or -T?obert p,. cro7?T,,eZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonr-e2,,
Sr., D. 1.12irray I!aZbo?@, Jolzn .1@cCorb@, T. Cvrtis P@,)ne, EarZ F. glebaz,.Zt, and Yen@zetT,
ii. @riite7@urot.
Na,,s: PJo n e,
Abs@it: George R. FerretZ, E. 1@ehaZZ, and G. Dewey Simmons, Jr.
City Co24no@Z approved a Zoa@-, oj- 615(,',000.00 to the @cho,)Z Bocrd for tle
designated purposes:
1. To continue o@-, t',-e Green
Pup EZer7e)itary Sc'looZ, car2'Y,
pZans thropgh the z@ior@,in drc,@,,ings 41,000
P. To carry to the work@,nc dr6roings
the p7anni@zg on the I!orth 11-@poinia
73each Elem6,,ntary @chooz 65,000
3. To purchase an ezementary schooz
site in CoZZege Pcrk 50,000
ITEli @12463
On motion by A,r. M-aZbon, seconded by Pr. Whitehv-rst, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: @!ayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice lfmjor Pobert B, Ci@oppoeZZ, Jr., AZbert L. Bonney,
Sr., D. -@ray I,'aZbon, John @'. McCombs, J. Curtis Payne, EarZ H. TebauZt, and Kenneth
N. P/hitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George R. FerroZZ, Lawrence E. liarshaZZ, and G. Dewey Sirmons, Jr.
City CounciZ approved an appi,op2,iation of @347,900.52 from surpzus funds for outstand-
ing purchase orders at June 30, 1970 as fozzows:
GeneraZ Fund @284,098
Civic Center Fund 758
Water & Sea7er Fund 56,904
Data Processing Working
CapitaZ Fund 2,521
Print Shop Working
CapitaZ Fund 712
Virginia Beach 5peciaZ
Revenue F,,@ 2,907
TotaZ @347p9oo
ITEM #2464
On motion by Mr. CromweZZ, seconded by Alr. A'aZbon, and by recorded vote as fozzows:
Ayes: Alajor Frank A. Dusch, Vice !jayor Fobert B. CromweZZ, Jr., Azbert L. Bonney,
Sr., D. @-lurray l@albon, Tohn W. @'cCombs, J. Curtis Payne, Earl H. TebauZt, and Y-enneth
N. Whitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: George P. @erreZZ, Lawrence E. ParshaZZ, and G. Dewey Si"no?is, Jr.
Due to the appo-,n@,.ent oj' a new Ci@cuit Court Judoe since the 1970-71 bu67get was
adopted, City CounciZ aporoved an appropriation of @24,895 as foZZows:
Compensation of Judge (Pro 7 ta @.c--e-Sta-le SaZary) @14,000
Comoensation o,@ judge (Ci-,y Dgzemer@") 10,395
1 -
TraveZing @enses 500
TO@ e
@aL Ar@rocr@-all-lon @,e
citz,, Cou@ic,,'Z Oj' @;o 1,7@at on t72c@ 21'(,,d
cov.1@so ir, '1,7ze ol- teoc, o@id greeI T,-iczzl @2C!e. 7@,o b2?d,7ct
i-ndi,cated I)y l,r. !,'a-,oZd is O,,@, fo7,?,C)Z@:
P,2, 185
Y(, ta, c@,,z@ired
ITP:.l l@IP46C
(?n ir,()tion b@, M2,. 9'ebo,?@lt, "30C.O@,,clc@c? Z)@, 1@'. 2?,,d b2,, rec,,c,),,ded vote cs
Ayes: 4. @F;(?Il, Vio,- I.'Wlop I?oZ,,crt B. Crot@p@)eZl, Tr., 4.tbozt I,. T)o@?ncv,
Sr., D. !@,azb-on, 7ohn rZ, 7. Cu2,tis Patn(?, F,'Crz 11. 2'ebg@@7,t@ a@2@@ yenpel",
Nays: lio@ze
Abse,nt: George 11. PerreZZ, Z-, and G. Ll(:,,o y si7rn?on@, Jr.
An apzrop2,io."ion of @P5,000 wos ??@,-do by city to i?'02'00,Oe thO aP.OPYZt Of the
worpi7ig adz)a@,@re(7, i@ the Ci@, Garacie.
On motio)2 b@, Borr.,@y, secon@,,ed b,,@ ?i,. Cro@,-JeZZ, c,,zd b,,@ 2,ecorded vote aq fozzo,,,'E,:
Aye,q: Paior F2,cnk A. @sch, Vice !.Iayor Fobert B. Cron,,,)eZZ, Jr., Azbe,-t r,. Ponne7l,
Sr., 1). l@irray l-'atbon, Jo7in @l. M@o-Coir@,s, J. Nrtis Pa,,@,e., FarZ l,. Teba.2,,Zt, a@,d
Nays: None
Absent: George P. Ferr,?Zl, Lcm7re?zoe E. and G. Dew y Siny,?ons, Jr.
City Coz,.nc,-,*Z @Dproved t@e e,,-Denditz@re ol- funcls @r, ttie amou@z-, of @18,314.00 ror t@.e
purchase of tijenty-three rcdios a c-cc@s,@o2,ies f'oy, tlze Ilirginia Feac@
Potice Deva7,',7??e@it. T@e City L)izz Ie reir,bvrs,-d for tbis expendit?),re by the fed,-roZ
govey,,inent z,.nder tTe gra-,zt arproved by the liatioyiaz H,-ghtjay Safety Ezrea7@ on july 19,
1970. for the above 7re7ztione@ equioment.
On motion by lir. le@.itehurot, seconded by l@. Tebault, and by reco.,,ged vote as foZ@@,,s:
Ayes: @@ayor F2,ank A. Dvsch, 'lice Fobe-,t B. Cron.,7,@eZZ, Jr., Albert r,. Ponnez,,
Sr., D. A-'vr2@ay I,!aZ'Don, Jobn W. J. @@rtis Pc.,Ire, ForZ H. Teba7@,Zt, ard Ye?znet7@
N. @itehvrot.
No,ys: @7one
Absent: George R. @'erreZZ, Lawren--e E. @,,.IaroTaZZ, and G. Deweu 6i@@,ons, J2,.
City counciz wizz recess ito reguzor rree@ling on JuZy 27 untiz 12:00 @!oon on A@igi@E4. -4
for ttie pi),r@ose o- corside?,ira on Fv--07ic Se@oL Au-'@orit,,t Bo?zds t@-at -!-,'ZZ re
u.-ec?. to p,,@ro.@a,,t3e th,- @4,750,000.00 so@ooz bo?,.@s @r t@e Cit,? o@ 7irlainia Beac!i.
on riotion b@l, P,@nnl-v, P,,condeo@ aizd Z)y recorced, vo,@e a,@ foZZ,')W,',-
Ayes., T,ronk A. 17,,ce :,?o@crt B. Cro@-,@eZZ, Jr., AZI-,e-,-@ L. Bonn@,
Sr., T@). !!urr @!aTbon, JoT,n 'el. J. Cztr-ti,@ FC2,,ie, Far7, E. T,,,7)az,.?t, ay7d
?I. itehz@rst.
Nays: P.one
Absent: George R. FerreZZ, L@lrence F,. 1.1crehaZZ, ard G. 7)cL)ey Sirm?onsl Jr.
citz.] CounciZ acqopted the @ollowina re-@ozution requesting the City of A70rfozk to rfiake
a connectio@z and to fz,2@ni@7i t,)at2r I t @oug77 a proposcd z,@ater system Zocated at 1,7o2th
Landing Road, Prince,,,,@ Anne 73o2,,,)uck.
3 Tk
k7, C."
P, I rj b" ti
c-,h Vi.-@o, t
o- Beach..Interstate Asso
t o e..,., t r@ i;; i. d COItY.2c,,
__N@th- Lapot@g.-@q@@,,--13rince's,s._Anne,Borou@,,
in t-i),e ts :L -,c L@! ZA o -t 0-jys
of e a f L e F,,o. of
d t
North Landing Road 16" 6,625 6
8.1 54 -
all ti ..Plan-And. Profile,-,Water
ch Interst t As sociate
Line On North Landing Road Fc)r Bea a e. .......
'V 'IY
pro-,Dz?.3:,@d b@i i@ k7 g Vi 12
z,.nC, it
ir!,- to
bc@ @it
o TIL),
to t
id C; @j c- Lp n,,
4.. T-@'i:-)t t I
nz a c,
rot. b@,
C.i-lv o@c not
5 in
@,izi ii t,@-o
ind nc@
0 Cf
-Lo -)r)-,!
.id C'@,,@y t th,-@
any ti@,in@ ih@E-,, i-Y, '-Il@l o-' t- id ty of
@i- t-i.-<i i.t23 c(-,.-
@2; , C)I-
w-i-tli @@c
dirc','Iarg-- c.:E t',I- tn
6. th,,-a cc tkl,--
l'-ycl 2: a n 11- sthf-,y t' P-P @3- gi a C-IC I
@'. 0- tY Of Iii
Th,- City oi-- vi., clip,,@ti C)f,-
t to c i y
to 'LIL-E s ,i 0 and g.-@an-s
to th-- City of ror--,oli-@ 2:o@Cy @ird acc -?@S t,)
7. 'fh,3t foz: any a- ti,e of the City of
Virgilli,l P,)Y@nciit o:,@ C',-!e ",l
a year
:fo;: C-Eicil h@,d@ay@t b- to i-ho C-'
t ,i@,
of t
A'- @@i F TE -
IT 4 7 0
rr.,r)tion b@ Bonre,,,, -,)o te @67Zol@s:
A. Di@@,77z, I?obe@2@t B. Tr., -n e,,) ,
T,'a i, Z 71
n r Paiine, T,?,@,az47,t, a@,,r.7
D. ilvrra?@ I,'aZi)on, To@' ?!CC J Cu t
N. Whitel@,,,trst.
Nays: iione
Absent: George R. FerreZZ, T
,,a,@)rcnce E. @/a2,r,'IaZZ, an,@ G. Dez@)ey si,@,2ons, Jr.
city Councit c,(3opted tTz,, @oZZo7,)irzg resoz tio 2,c e,3t.@,.rzo tbe cit?,) of T7or o k
u n f Z to make
a @on?ic@ction and to fvrnish zlai,,@r t,irovg7z a proposed ?,'@ter sy,@to@ ir@ 7@ree,
in ThaZia Gar(leiis, 1enmovizze BorOugh-
C @o,
U,@.@ A
PENS ' ......
IL at
th@ Bernard iaffe
b,a t-ii C', 4 y
-L - @,, -@ @@ i.,l B @, t@"Ic.? cil-'-,,:, C).@-
Thalia Gardens, Section Three, K@@p_sville Borouqh
------------ -
Li7ie,@ Fo,, o-,
1, @-, c t
t s
Cornwallis Drive 6" 547
North Smythe Court 4" 150
Second Street I
al@l zi,3 d@cc@@-i@bed a-,,id o,-i Site Development Plan
Thalia Gardens Section 3 & Parcel ADartments
a s Dr 0 a b h F- i i 6 1,@7, s o c, I t ng i-'i'l 0 z s 0 v, r v y o s
dated June 17, 1970.
ci@ @-c
Ly b
i it 4 d
o'@@ ti c] z, E@ c e
st@@pi.y, @irif@ 0 11 C', cii p:-i--t C)"
r,,, 1
C, !:tcll
1:@@a v its
0. 0 o 6 e @,ii til
d i
6 n, c@ t a!id
a r:@ '., i Lihc c, @, iti -9 c 04 V4.,7,@l
'@hc,, Citv C) 1- V.@ -z V, f@ tc, C-.t@- o th2
to thc,, Cit@l;l of tc) t'@-,
7. TI-A.-it fc@r th- @'i@ City of
Vi,-- ini@i zi pz -ii'- o@- 00. 00) a Y-2!,Ir
fc,@ eziei 'iyd--eari-@ p@@.id -lo Cj--Iy
o' oL thi,--
1) C) D
vote as .@@o
On b? d L-,@
oy, e Po
)or t B. c@, AZ7@ rt ) nn
Az@)es 3, Pc,,,ne,, '-PebO.UZt, an@
Absent: Geor@qe I,,. l@,erre@Z, 1,7ar,@-7@aZZ, a,@
city Coz),nci@ ait@,horip@,d the C'it@ ?!r. I?o er S,?Ott, to ?, -rn@)r llozt,:)n
to roqztest per@nissiom to use, tlie be(,Ych at C@.,@, Pe?@,dleton for the -ast CoaFt S?Irfil g
Cha?npionsTlip on the ockend of August 28 cnd P,9, lq@0.
-TTE,',! #2472
Mr. 1?ooer Scott, City !,Ianage2,, cnnoitnced the appoint@?,.ent of P@r. _A. James DeBeZZi,- (Zo
Directo2, of t7ze Departmc,,nt of T,@(,onopiic I)eveZop?nent.
Mr, Scott alco cn@zo7@nced the promotion o,r 1@r. Sam Scott froni the Director of tlie Civ,,'.c
Center tothe head of the Tour-,st Division in the 7)eportment of Fconomic DeveLopment.
lq'F@l li'2474
On motion by l-r. PfcCo@@iba, seconded b?.i !@r. P,7hitehvrst, cnd by rocoyded vote cs fo@Zo@@),3.
Aye@@: 14alior Fran@, A. Dusc7@, 17ice l@az,,or PoZ)ert B. Cro@m,@eZZ, 7i,., AZbert T,. Bonney,
Sr., D. Ilar),cyy A-'aZbon, Jol@n PI. !,Iccom@)@,, J. Curtis Payne, G. D,,,wey Sip"on,@, @Tr., EarZ
11. TebauLt, 0- Kenizeth Pi, T@/hitehurst.
Nay@: A7one
Aboent: George R. PerreZZ and Tmor,@7i(,e E. Ifarshazz
City CounciZ ezected to have closed meeting@ on Avgust 4, 1970 anq August 10, 19?0
to discuss peraonnez and ZegaZ matters, as permitted by The Code of Virginia.
A.'ayor then recessed the Co?tyz(,,,'l uyztiz g@tesday, Az@gust 4, 1970, at 12:00 ,oon.
Frank A. @sc@, Ya or@
City of Virginia Beach,
.TuZy 27, 1970