HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 25, 1971
January 25, 1971
The regular meting of the Comcil of the City of Vircinia Beach, Virgi-niat7as
held in the Ccim-ic-@l Cn@rs in -E-ie iEtraLicn ]3u-,'-lding, in tl,.e Borough of
Princess Anne, on Monday, iaiuary 25, 1973-, at 10:00 a.m.
The invocatio-,i @,as giveii by @verend For(,st W,@lls, Pi-rst LTnited Church of Christ,
Virginia EL-ach.
Comci@i present: Rol)ert H. Callis, Jr., Ib,@-rt B. Crom,7ell, Jr., Fra,@, A. Dusdi,
F. Pc-id Ervin, Goorgc@ r,. Perrell, Claren@- A. ilolic,.n,], J. @s Pa@,ne, V-ice Ma%lor
@l M. Tebault, Floyd E. llaterfield, Jr., and Y@ivor T)o,,ia@.d H. Phc>dc-,s.
C'oun--ilmm abseit: D. @ray @@bc,.I.
ITF-M 02877
On noti-on by Cc)unci@ F@n, seconded b@,7 Counci.Iman- Plal@-n, a-nd by recorclcd vote
as fol.1c,,@s:
Ayes: CouncihTen Fbb--rt ii. Callis, Jr., Pot-)ert B. Jr., Pr@ A. Du,,;c@,
F. P--i-d Ervin, George R. rerrell, ClFirence A. Tiollancl, J. CLirtis Payne, V-ce @-i@or
Farl 14. @bault, Floyd E. WaterfielC,, Jr., aic', @alor @nald H. P@'-,xies.
Nays: Ibne
Absent: Couiicilrran D. @-@ray l@bon.
City Council approved on second rea0@i-ng the f-ollo,,7ing Resoli-ition reuarcling certain
c!-ianges in the CharL-er of the Ci-'@y of Virginia @-ach provi-ding for the c--IecLio.,i a-nd
te@, of Counci-@-,n.
The regular meeting Of tlle CDuncil oL@ tite Ci-ty of Vir,@Lrii@
B,-acli, Viraini;,, was hold in the CoLliicil chri@!!.)cr,,3 ()f tlle
tr,q.ti-on Buil-din, of the City o" Virgirii@i Bc.@(.,Il C)II Jonu,@ry 11, 1971,
,at 2:00 P.M.
On motion by M@-. Tyv3n and secon0ed by @jr, . Tal,@n
the following resolution was unl-nimously adol),:e,,,.
R E S 0 L, U T I 0 N
WHEF,Et@S, the Ci-iprter 0-@ tlie City of Vi.rloinia Beach provides
for the el-ection and ternis of counc-'Ll@-,ien; and
VIHEPF,AS, plirsu,@nt to/24.1-90 of the Code of Virgini@,, as
amended, tlie lew now requires t1/2ot aiiy electi.on ol- mayor or coun('.il
shall take place on the lirst Tuesdny iri May, and tlic pcrsons so
elected shpll take office on tlie first dly of July follo@@zj-n, ELlch
I C I C i
T'l),,t Sec-Lic)n 3.02:1 o, t'Lle chertcr c)@- tlie CiLy c),- Vir@.ini-.-
B--.ich, Virgini2, be etiendeei by tlie General z@,,se.-,oly of Vir-inia as
f 01 1 o@,7s:
by deletin., the word lisecono" in the thi.rteenth line
and substitutin- the i,7ord "first."
by deletin.- the word "i-inc" in thr-, thirteeiith 1-ine ancl
substiting the. worci "Moy."
by deleting the worrj "ALIgust" in the fOLrteentl,, linc 'Irld
substituti-n,l the word IIJL-Ine.11
by del.etin@, tlie "Septei@l'k)erll in the sixteenth line- and
substitutirig the, word "J-uly.ll
2. Ttiat @, pul)].ic hearin,. on the proposed Charter @@rriencliient
shall be held. in the Council Chal-qber of tlic-@ Cit7 of Virginia Beach,
Virginin, at on
L& t@
purSLI,Int to Section 15.1-912 of tlie Code of Virginia (3-950), as
amended. The Clerk shall cause notice of SL@(!h public he@Ting to
be given in the manner required by said Section 15.1-912.
On mtion by Comcil= Dusch, seconded by @uncil@i liolland, and by recorded vote
as follo@,7s:
Ayes: adunci@ lbber-t H- Call-is, Jr. , lbbert B. @mlell, Jr. , Fr@ A. @ch,
P. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, ClaLrence A. Flolland, J. Curtis Payne, Vice mayor
EaLrl M. Tebault, Floyd F,. @laterfield, Jr., and @iayor I)onald H. Phodcs.
@ays: None
Absent: Cbunci@ D. Murray @bon.
City Council corrc,-cted the minut-es of De r 14, 1970 by the insertion of a
repla@t page to correct an e-=r which developeci in printing Item f-2786 and
Item 4,12787 portiois of w,'Iich @,7ere @xed (the PIaster copy is correct) and eLDproved
the Minutes of the Pegular @@eting of January 11, 1971 and the reading of s@Ld
Mi-nutes dispensed with, inasmuch as each (-'ounciln@ had a copy of said @flinu@s
before him.
ITE24 92879
on -ti- by Cotmci@ Cro@ell, seco.-ided by Vice Mayor TebaLLlt, and by recorded
vote as follcws:
Ayes: CoLmci@ Robert Fl. Callis, Jr. , Robert B. C-rorrf,-@ell, Jr. , Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor
Earl M. @bault, Floyd E. V.Iaterfield, Jr., and Mayor Ebnald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
@ent: Counci@ D. Murr@y Malbon.
CitY Couicil aoproved on second re@g a one t@ cash donatioi in the amdunt of
$15,000 to assist in the co-,istruction of a Tittle I-Pheater buil@g.
IM' A2880
Pi(2@@e'@t, Attorney, aLr-@-ared I--fO---E, Citv CbtLTicil re.aarc5j-ng clarifi-ca@ic,i
of certain it @ in the mtio-n w.@ch \,,as a,3,Drov2d by City Cburcil on Octo@-,r 12
1970, relative the -
to intr, @-litectural cc)n I tt fo -o L- -2S
L_nt of an trO con@ eC r
pro,nosed to @ construc-,ed on the proper@ of stricklard Fa=,,s.
Mr. Charles D. Hadley, Jr. aD,@ared on }Y-,T,-alf C)f Honystead Civic Le-agu-- expressing
the oppositio,@ of the civic leacues tO any cha-,ige in the hasic require=ts, but
did i-ndicate their willingness to @rk with the az)plicant, Strickland P@L .
After cc).nsideration of the aPiDeal made by Mr. O,,.Ien Pickett, Attorney, on behalf of
the application of Strick-land Farms for a chaige in the @rding of the Council
Minutes of October 12, 1970 regarding the a@in@- t of an architectural control
cc)mdttee, City Cc)uncil sug@.Tel--te,,l that the conoernecl parties cc),ifer and later rc,,turn
to Council a mtio-n v@iiich they feel @@,ill b-- just and fair to aLI1 parties concerned,
at which tim council will reconsider making a change in the original mtion.
Mr. Hadley reappeared bcfor-c- Council @-ressi-ng the appreciation of the representa-
tives from Avalon flills a-lad lo@@ad for t-he efforts of City cc)uncil to ac@-de to
their viishes.
ITEM f2881
Mr. C-rington, Dire@r of City Plarm-ing, stated that he had received a l,tter
signed bY Yx- azen B. Pickett -d Mr. G. J. Gulbranson indicating that thcy have
ag-ed to LDarticipate with the Virgi-nia Beach School Board in the fc,@a fo,-,
school site acquisition.
Mr. Owen Pickett, Attorney, a,,opeared on behalf of the applicant.
MT. Herber-t aDp--ared on behalf of the area civic leagues in opposition to the
follc)@ling az,)Plication.
Mr. Eugene R. sli, representing the Council of Civic Orgaiizatioi-is, ameared
before Comcil expressing their concern for the C-:Lty's overa=,7d-ed school sys @.t
and presentod a reco@dation containing six i to be nsidered by e t
co th ci /
Comcil i.n approvi-ng applications for apar@nt and ta,,,nhouse cc)nstrliction arld Di-ller
PrOPO@ changes. A cc)py of the re dation is on file in the Office of the City
@yor Rhodes e@ressed appreciation on behalf of the City Council for tTe interest
of the Council of Civic Organizations and r@-sted their assistance in @ing a
study regarding certain facts and figures which would be of help to the City Cauicil
in dete@ng future course of action.
cn notion by counci@ Ferrell, seconded hy @unci@ Dusch, and by recorded vote
as follov7s:
Ayes: CbL-ci@ lbbert 11. Ca-Ilis, Jr., lb@ B. cromvell, Jr. , F-rank A. Dusc-h
F. Peid Ervin, CeOrcre R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @byr
Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. V7aterfield, Jr., and Yayor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Cc)uncilTnan D. Murray Y@n.
City Council deferred the following application of G. J. Gulbranson for a chanqe
of zoning and a use perndt for a period of sixty (60) days to afford the
Council-and the chool Board an oocortunity to met in m effort to resolve the
school situ@cion.
J. Culbi-&@t!S
L a
Dis'ric' ([,-S 3)
tO t'@Lilti,@,le Fa@iiily Dis'@i,ic'L (P,-!i) @nd apel,-
.@lil to cc)nstruc-u a
PU;.@Ding S@L,@tion atid i use Po@', - --- , -- " 11-
to coqstru,.t 272 a) E,' l' I I 'L Lin 4 tS on cer'@
I Laiii
locat@--d oil tile ,,Ort!i s-fd-,2 @'ile '-!-s' s*e2 of !,C)oes,
t i - L I Loc",
School, running a dista@)ce f 848 fco-L alo;ic,, the @loi,@L-h sic!(- of Providenc2 PoarJ, rlin-
al 01 g t 1,
ing a distance of 1150 feet I @,lest side oI, I,.rooc!sto- Ele@,i,-n@arv School , ruii-
ning a distance of 558 feet along tlie propcr'G-y line, ind rui)n@inri a distaiic,2
of 1115 fec@t alo@ig t;ie !,!es'Loi,i) proper@@Y se@,l@,Se statioii to be located
30 felt Nortli of Providence Road alo.,ig tfie 1,12st,-,i,n bou@id,,ry line o@ lloods'oc@ Ele-,,icn-
tary School. (I,!ooJstock @llen-.entary Scliool Area). KEI@IPSVILLE BOPC6GH.
The Planning Co,,,,ii'ssi'oil recoii,@.@@nds appi,oval of tllis ap,,jlica@io.'l ..iith a niodifica-
tion to reduce th@ overall do,,isity i,eques-@ fro,-,i 272 to 224 apartr..,L@,,n'L. units. The
niotion t-ias furti)er SLl5jCC-L to Cit'y @-ia'ue), atid se@,,,Or as requ,,:,;ted by the 11,2altli
Depar@Lir,ent atid the e@(-'dic,@tion of a .15' drainage easer,,.2nt on tlie t@lest and @lor-th
property lines and on ti@e East propei-ty liiie a var,ial)'Ie dt'ain@ig,, eiseri-2nt
not to exce@.d 30 feet in i,lidth after additional inforpiatilli lias bccn furiiisliecl
tlie Engiiie-Iring Divisioii.
ITF@l f@12882
Mr. Jams Pickrell, At-Lorney, alopear@l on behalf of th(@ apr)licant.
Z,lr. Grover ITriqht, Attoriacy, represeiti-iig som lando,,,aicrs adjacent to the subject
property, amoared in op,,)ositioii to tlie proposal of the ap@)licait to dis,@se of
sludge from th-e existing ChesoL@al,e P]-,int by transpori-ing it to the subject ar(,-a
to be placed on open ground to (31-y. He also r@@u@-sted a ircre detail-ecl @i-te plan
to see ho@-i this actio-Ti @@i-ild affect the stu--roaidi.ng a-7-ea.
Fx. Chaplin appeared i.n @,)position to the follovij-ng a@t)licatic)n.
tirs. Ireiie Pesinger frc)@n the Lake Shores C-ivic Lea@ie al@ared before Council @-@d
presented petitions indicating that tlie resid ts of I Shores op
en -@@e posed the
app-roval of the follov7jng applicatioii to loc!ate a sl-,qeracre treatrmt plarit at Dam
Reck until a satisfactory r-r-ans of treating the c)aor i.,,hi@ @ates from the
Chesa,@-ake Plant at Little Crock is c)onsimi-atecl.
Yx. T. E. Bea-I anoea-recl @-fore City Cc)uncil and roade certain sucligestions regarding
the trca@nt of sewage.
Yjr- Charles Burlage atDpeared in favor of the following application.
Yx. FraA @liller, @ecutiv-- Dircctor of the H@ton lbads District Sanitation
(b@ssion, appcared on behalf of thp- a.?,olicant.
Fxs. A. C. Mays appeared in opposition to the following application as a result of
the odor @ating from the Little Cree@@ Plant and requosted that CbtLacil clo --,om-
thing about the existing cc)nditi.oii.
Yx- lbger Soott, City @ag--r, rr-a,3e an -D@ni.stritive reco@ciatio,-i that t@e foll(x7-
ing Te@rding he incorporat-cd into th-- itotion if Council decides to aidorove the reluest@,d
use pe@t:
1. Inoorporation into the design and operation of the subject
plant, sta-,id-@ds ancl policies -v7hich are @valent to those
set out in the following reference:
"Federal Guidelines - Design, Operation and
Maintenan@- of 'Alaste V7ater Ttea@-it Facilities,"
published by the Federal Water Quality Aclninistr@
tion in Septe-@'Der, 1970, all sect-i-ons, and mst
s@ifically Section B on page 20 entitled 'Dis-
char@- to Shellfish, Potable, or Recreational
whid-i are intended to provide a high cleqre-- of secon@-lary
trea@-nt without ocean dm-piiig of sewerage sludge;
2. AnDro,,ral @,, c,-i-ty o- p i E,-ria @, !,,, @-11
Services o@, @e fol'@a,.,ing @--@ore of a btli i Ci-@
a. site pl@n gov=ing t:,ie finaj- iise o@- the
treai-=-iit plant site;
b. final co-,istruc--Lion plans; and
c. final outfall locatiois
3. A_piDroval by city @p -nts of PlannincT and Commity
Serv.ices of site plan crovc--rning i-ise of the trea@t
ple,nt site during the in-@eriri period bet,7cen a,')Proval
of @ i-is-- iD--i-TLit and comTcn@,-nt of constru@@on of
the si:Ll@j-c',- trL@at-@lit p-l-EL-it.
Cc)uncil= P@iyi-ie P)ade a mtion to @,o-r-ovo the foll-o@,7j-r@g aaplica@,lon as reccLrcif@e@-
by the Planni-ng Oc)@ission witli th(, @Lpulation tlat the siltbject pro,@r@ will rot
be used in the interin @riod for tr-,ansiDoT--Led sliidcje.
There being no second, the mtion was loet.
Mr. Sam Hc)ustoi, Sr., Cha-i@i of the Pl@aming, Develo@t and Zoning Ccmllittec- of
the Council of Ci-vic Organizatiois, appeaj--ed bef-ore Ci@ Council in suocorL- c)f the
administrative reco@ndat-ions @de by @ir. Scc)tt's Office.
oDuncilmn Payiie rmde a mti.on to d,,-fer the following anplicatioq for thirty (30)
days. The r,-otio-n was secoiided hy Councilni-mi 'Alatcrfielcl. CoLincilTim Payne thcn
withdro,7 @.s mtio,-i and Counci@n l@laterfield withdrei,7 his secc)nd.
On wtion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Cc)uncilii@ 1,7aterfield, aiid by record@,d
vote as follo@.7s:
Ayes: Cc)iinci@ lbbert H. Callis, Jr., @bert P,. Cron7ell, Jr., FrarL- A. Dusdi,
F. Pcid Ervin, Gcorge R. Fe=ll, C]-arence A. Holland, J. Cur-tis Payne, Vi@ M@,or
Earl M. Thbault, Floyd E. Viaterfield, Jr., and @yor Donalel 11. Phodcs-
Nays: @ne
Abs--nt: Councibnan D. Murray @ialbon.
City Council deferred t:l-ie foll@7ing applicatio-i of Haqoton lbads Sanitation Di,,;!-rict
for a use permi.t for a period of two (2) i,7ee!,s, during Vnich tim the aoDlicant will
get together with the adjacent property o@@mers recrarding disposal of slu,3o@ ar@d in
addition present a preli@-Tninary site plan sho-,7iiig the exact berm area alnd prcpE',re a
ci-oss-.s-c@li-on of the berm.
Applicatioii of lll.'flpton Poads Sanitation District by Ecl@,iin Attoriicy,
for a Use Per[iiit to construct a se@.ierage treatiiietit plaiit on cei,tain py,oper'UY
T- @ cet r,.iore or 1 ess Eas@- of Oceina Boul evard, rliniii iig a di stincc,
locate 69-,i L
of 3500 feet more oi, less along tlie SOLItil Side of Old Daifl t,,Ieck 'load, rlin-
ning a distance of 2600 feet riore or less along tiie Easteril property line
(l,lestei@n propcrt3, line of U.S. Governpi@nt, Dapi ruiining a distance of
2850 feet more oi, Ic,.ss along tlie Sou'u-herii pi,op@.r'Ly line and running a dis-
tance of 900 feet niore or less along thc t@ies'Llerii pi,operty lip.-,. (Da,,n t,!cc@
Naval Base Area). PRI[,ICESS A@l',IE BOROUG@l.
The Planning Cog@.,nission recoim.,geiicls apl)roval of this application su@)je-ct to
a de(lication of righ-L of @,iay 45 feet fror!i the cen'Ler line of Old Da,.i @!eck
Road (30 ft. dedication).
I'I'F@ I2 8 8 3
On mtio-,i by counciinian rusah, se,-,onded @y Coziaci@- . re-rrell, and hy recorded vote
as follo@,7s:
Ayes: Counci@ Pohert H. Callis, Jr., -Prarik- A. Dusch, F. @id Ervj-n, GeorcTe R.
Perrell, Clarence A. Holland, J. Curtis Payr--, Vice Playor larl M. Tebault, Fioyd
E. Waterfield, Jr., and @layor ronald E. Phc)dcs.
Nays: lqone
Abse,it: Counci@,n lb@--rt B. Crora,,oll, Jr. and D. M-=ray M-albon.
City Council approved on first the follo-,dng orclinaiic,,e to adr-nd anO rcorda-in
the lbster ?,oning Plan of Princ@ess Aniie (bunly concerning aopeals.
AN O'@')Il@-Al\'CE 'fo A@4W@41) Al\ll) @IEO'@i).kIN THE FIR.ST
PAr,ACI@,Al3H 0,@' SECTIk')@i c,', -Mi TI'J.'LED "BC)APD OF
Any person aggrieved or affected by any action or decision
of the Building Tnspector raay appeal as a matter of right to the
Board of Zoning Appeals as provided in Chapter 11, Article 81
Sections 15.1-494 through 15.1-497, Code of Virginia, (1950 as
amended). Every appeal or application for appeal as herel-n pro@.
vided. shall be acc!onipained by payment of twenty-five dollars
($25.00), to be paid to the City Treasurer whi-ch shall be applied
to the cost of advertising and expenses incidental to reviewing,
publishing and reporting the facts. The Board of Zoning Appeals
may in appropriate cases and subject to appropriate cond.itions
and safeguards vary applications of the terins of this Ordinance
with its general purpose and interest and in accordance with
general rules herei-n contained.
Ad.opted by the douncil of the Ci-ty of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
on the day of 1970.
I@p--l #2884
on mtion by Vice llayol- Tebault, seconded by Cc)Luici@,i @s@,,, and by recorded vote
as follaws:
Ayes: Council= I,-rank A. Dusd-i, F. P,2id Ervin, Georcje R. Ferrell, Clare-,ice A.
Holland, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. l@7ate-rfield, Jr.,
and M-ayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absp-nt: Cc)unciL@- lb,-@rt- ii. Callis, Jr., lb-bert B. Cro,,,@7oll, Jr., and D. Murray
City CoiLicil a,@,)rovcrl the fo-I.Iorv7in@T Or(linancc, to a@-nd So-.ction 2-1 of thE,, Ci-Ly Cc)de
relatin-j 1--o th@ oL-servanc,@ of c--Y@in holi-(3als.
i@N O,',',-T)II'@@'@',@,C : TC) S@@@'CT". 2-1,
coi)jl o-l@ O@, VIRGil@UA BEACII;
!'L'LATI@,li TO T'it: 0I)SEfl,,VATIOIl OF
The foll-owin@ days are hereby desi@iiito.0, qs "l-ic)!-ie.-ays" End
shall- be so observed in the City:
(i) First day of Jnnuary (Ne@17 Ye,,,rs D,.Iy)
(b) The third Mondpy in FebrLiiry (c@corgc llash-@n-ton Dly)
(c) Tlae @ione@ay following Eqster Sunday l@iondly)
(d) The last Monday in @l,?y Dz,,y)
(e) Tlie fourth day of ilily (Independence Day)
(f) TI-te first Dionday in September (Lnbor Dry)
(g) The fourth Yionday in Octol,)er (Veterans Day)
(h) Thanks-iving Day
(i) Froin 12:00 noot) on tlie twenty-fourtli clay of December
(Christmas Eve)
(j) The ti,7c-n-Ly-fifth day of December (Christiil-'s D@ly)
Whenever any of such days, except Christriins Eve, shall fall
on a Sundny, the Mond@iy next follo@,7in@ sucli cloy slial,l be i @ic)l.iday.
I,ffienever any of such days, except ChriStTll,?s Ev,@ sllq..ll f2ll
on a Saturday, the Friclay next preceding sucl-i dr-3, stioll be a
Any day so @ippoin'L-eet by the mgyor of ti-ie City shell be i holie,-@y.
Tfiis Ordinance shall be effective frotn tlie d,--le of its adopl-
AdOPted by the Counci.1 of the City oi- Vir@inia Bencil Vi-rLyi.ni_.q
on thc @th_ cley of 1971.
IT@ELNI @2885
Mx. Bruce Challen, representing C -in th Acredale Civic Leaciu-
,cod ivic leagm , d e
apPeared bofore Council r@esting that the follo,,7ing Ordinancc be defe-z-red becau,-c
Of pending court cases aDd tha need for mre stringent reqtlir@,its tc) be inoorporat-cd
into the proposed ordinance.
Itr- @rge Tinnes a@Dp--ared before Cbuncil to m@,er any qnstions Council niigIlL have
regaLrding tlio proposcd ordininc,-.
on mtioii by Cbulicilman rer-rell, seconc3cd by Couiicil.Tnan Dusc,,h, and by recorded vote
as follo7,,,s:
Ayes: Cbuncilman PDL--rt II. C@lis, Jr. , Pr@, A. Dusdci, P. Pp-id Ervin, G-co.@ R.
Perrell, Clareice A. Ilollind, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Y@yor @.1 M. Tebault, Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr., and @@ayor @nald ii. Phodes.
Nays: I\bne
Absent: Counci@,n Po-bert B. Crom,7ell, Jr. an(3 D. tiurray Malbon.
City (buncil kt),Droved on first reading tl-le foll.o%.7-ing Ordinance to @d and r(,ordain
Cha,z)ter 31 relating to soil excavation ELnd remva.1 as @(:I-C,,.
A-N TO A'@4i)
TION ANi) PE,@io-VAT,,
Section 31-1. Excavati-on perr@lit - Required.
It shall- be unlawful- for any person to exclv-@te or remove any@
topsoil., stibsoil, san,@, clay, gravel or any coinbi-natic)n of thcse
fron any area within the city witliolit first obtal.ninc, an excavation
periait to do so fi-oP@ tl)e coiincil of the cj--Iy. This c@tapt(,.r shall
not apply to any excavation necess@irily incident to other work for
whicl-t a perinit is required and @,?here the J.Ctails o@- proposed. excavl-
tion are an essential pqrt o@L the appli.cation for stich permit.
Section 31-.2. Sam(, Applicati.on.
Applicati_or@,, rOr a peri-@it to @oay be subii@tted for aiiy
zOililic., Ciistrict ii-i @.,h@lcll C!XC@Lv,,Itions are perinittcd. Tii-- api)lic,,tio),)
fee shall be fifty dollars for aiiy etcav,@,ti(:)i)s tliat in,olve the sell-
ing c)f ti-ic materi@il to be- i:ei;,()v(,
Applicatiori loi, e,-,.Ca%IaL.1.01,1 perT,',!-ts sh 11 bc filec", witli tlie city
pla7iniri- cor,
@lission oi fornis @,21)roved by the city p'L;iiiniii3 coir,.cftiss-*@on
aiid @,,Iiall- i.iicl-ude ti-1, and attachecicnts:
1- 1-
(A) 1. Tti@ tincl of tlic@ o,,@ner of the property aff-ctod.
2. The naF,,,cs a)-,d 0 -
o:F a)-l- prc,,perty
on property for %,7'licli excavtti.on i-s sc)uc,[It.
3. If appli(@,@t)t or c)@,7,ier is a corpc)ritioil, the iiar.,ios atid
a,ldresses o'L its corpo)--,,It:o olrficers and re,@,istered agerit.
(B) An aerial plioto,,,i-@aph of the area to I)e exc,,).vated v7itli tlie
I)c)undaries of slich Irea cloarly (iolinc,,itecj.
(C) Identificati-on plat, prepared by @,.li erigi-ii(-2c): or ]-and
surve3@or, cortifier3 I)y the dra@qii to a scale of not ).ess
tliaii oiie incli equzil-s tx@7o hurldr(2cl foot, su'@iftil.ti-ee iri five ccpie,,.
T@iis pl,,it sliall slio@-7:
(1) The o-F '@he are.-,a to l@e C'xcavatc-,d h-,y c()ur.9,@@
anci distances;
(2) The current field toDography inca.uding the location of
all water courses;
(3) The 7,,eans of vehi-cular access to the proi0osed excavation;
(4) A cross secti-on of any banks or walls to be established
through the process of excavating;
(5) TTie nuti@Lc@r o:F cubic yards to he e,,Icivatecl;
(6) TI-ic ai-eaf@ pi--ooosed for the stora,ge of overhurden a,nd
other spoj--I. during t-ne process of excavating,
(7) The prol-)c)sed date on wliicii cxcavati.ng will commence, the
proposed date on which the excavation will be cow,,oleted and the pro-
posed date tlaat all required restoi-,@tion nic,,asurc-,s are to be coiiipleted;
(8) The location of al-1 Tiaul roads I-eadincj to pullic street--
and highways withiii the area; and
(9) A stateiiient listj-ng the public streets and higl-iways to
be used as baul routes.
(10) The location of all test wells and de,)th of borings:
wliere required, shall he wit-.hin the setback requirefents of this
chapter and location of test wells adjacent to residenti,al- areas
sliall be suhject to aporoval of the Departniont of Comdnunity Services.
(D) Api)licants for an excavation permit ffitist h-)ve proof of coiii-
pliance with the requirements of Section 45.1-180 through 45.1-197,
Code of Virginia, as araended, through the Chief, Division of Mines,
Corr,;nonwealth of Virgini.a.
I (E) Restoration plans as required by Section 31-8 sliall accom-
pany the ap-plication.
The city planning corr&riEsion shall considcr the location of the
proposed excavation and the 'olans accoicl@anying the apii)lication. The
city planning cormission shall ITake its recoiyira--nda,tion to the city
council for approvalz&isapproval. or aiTLen@ient of the appli.cati.on.
recc)@-,,i.endation not @-e r.,E'Oe iii-,til t@rie Directc,r of colyt-
1,@unj-:-y Services has ---li-idied a,n,-' ayiy recoiilriten@ictions hc, irav
have concerning drainacje and Ijighw,@ys in the gcneral area of the
Section 31-3. Saic@e - Filing surety bond prior to issualice.
After the aliproval of th, city cc)uncil of an application for
ai-@y E@xcavation for any puroosc-- other LI@zi- a farni pond, thc owner of
record shall cause to be filed with the Dooartment of ComnLuni.ty
Servi-ces a surety bond. The conaiti.ons of such hoiid sliall be for
the faithful- perfori,@tai)cc, c)f tlie requi-reinents of this chaldter, in thc
ar,iourit of not less thin fi.ve hundred ollars per acre or part tliere-
of for each acre to he excavated. Sucl-I bond shal.1 be filed prior tc)
the j-ssuance of an excavation perinit wi.th the Dcpartff@etat of Coamiunity
Services. Such surety sliall, he a dul-Y licei-i-ed L'ondi.ng corrpany auth-
orized to do business in the coraffoni,7eal-th. Upon suhrrissic)n ai)d accei-)-
tance of the bond, the Director of CoElociunity Services shall notify the
city engineer in writing to issue the excavation pera@it and cause
sLirveillance of tilie work as it is pcrforired. Such bond sliall not he
released until all provisions of tliis ordinance arc) corELplip@d witti.
Section 31--4. Sajce - Issuance; lnspecti-on of excavati.on by Do-partrrteiit
of Coff@munity Services.
After ai)proval of the city council of all al)plication for an excava-
tion perini.t and posting of the bond as required in section 31-3, the
Departrrient of Coffanunity Services shall- issue aii excavation permit. The
Departa@ent of Co@iunity Services shall- periodically inspect the ex-
cavation sites to insure tliat this ordinance and oth(,r provisions as
required by the city council are being complied with.
Section 31-5. Same - l,apse; transfer.
(A) In the event that tlie permit is not exercised by theepplicant
within six months from the da.te of its approval by the council, such
per.,ni.t shall. be de--,,red to have ]-apsed and he null and void.
(B) i@o e@:cavotion tc)
,Inot:her pe@--soii @-71-thout @,pprov@,,.l by Llic. city -,ucl-i epprovel to
be granted in the so@iie gs fc)r 02:-L--in8l appl-@E-CoLions.
(C) Ttie excavation per,-tii-t Ps issuect by the Depertiuent of Col@@-nunity
Se,-vices slil-1.1- expire fi\)c-, yc.1-rs d@@te c)j- isslizince. Provieinc, tlie
aPpl-ic.-nV lias not exec,--clc('t the qlianti-ties o-E Iiis o-j igina,). p,-,riyiit, tlie
eppl-icai@t ni-ny re-,qpply L:o tli-- )Jcportrn(-,nt of Cc)i@,iiLinity Services for
extensioti of tinic by provic'tin, the
(1) Cross soctiollf, SL-it)ii-,ittec7i by Pii enl,inecr oi- Inne, st-irveyoi:,
certified by the Sll')@"iti-I ei,@IOU[IL of excavation froi-,i borrc)@,@ pit.
(2) Vc@rific@ition by tti(-, Cc)ii))rii-ssic)ner ol- Fevei-iuc@ that tfic2 owner
of the property h,-,s plid fc@(-'-s for prcviotil,!-y (-',ZC@lvpteet.
Section 31-6. Regist).-,@tion of existiti,,, excl-lvptic)n.
@li.tliii-i sixty cliys of ttic, enictii,(',nt o:r- thi.s thC Diqncr of
recorO@ of any e,,cavation in the city fro,-,i Njliich TriLcriil- is I)eing sol-d
as I)orro@q inatc@riil shall. clusc, to I)c f!-l-eeL x,7ith tlie Di)-ector of Covi@,@llil,ini@ty
Services tl-i(, fol).C)win,@ inforniqtion.
(A) Identi@-icatioii pll-t, prop,,ired by nn enpiiieer c(@rtifiec'i by tlie
COT,Unoll-,70altll, dra@7n to scal-e of not I-cs,.3 tliai-i otic, i.ncli equols tN@7o IlLin-
di-ed feet, SLibiiiittr-,d in five cop.Les, to the Deporti-,iont of COIIIT'ILlility
(B) The nu,,iil)er of acres that linve been excav@-ted @nd the nui-nber
to b(, excavated.
(C) The nuinber Of CLibic y@ircls reiTi@3iriin', to be. eycr@,vp@tec'@.
(D) Date of inception of operation.
(E) Ordinnnce or authoi.@ity Linder @,7hich the excivltion is b--in@.
(P) Nnnie o@@ owner o-L
(C) Naifie of operntor of e>-Icnv,@ti.on.
(H) TopDgrephic section of existi.ng pit.
(1) Failure to corti,@)IY 1.7i.tl-i tfie reqliircrnetits of this section sllqll
oPc!r,ite to cencel @iiy previolisly grciitecl exc,-.vition pcriait.
S c c t 7
The or o@-@ elcil c@:ci,,7Et'l.ion ii-, City plv
tl'('@ city a Ec@c, or c-Li,@)ic yird fc)a- each
cubic y,,ird of rc-,@,4iove,'t @Tid so).@l duriiiu th@ pro-_eCJ43),,
peria(i al-Ler the date of adop,-*Ioii of tliis ordiii-iicc,. A copy of all
exi-SLing C()Iltr@icts s!iE,,Il, b.- fjl-c,(!, tl,.(, 1),Ircct:or of Fii-laTice x,7ithi-n
tIli-j.-',-y diys aftcr ttic, da'(-e o:F t@ii-s Orcliiiiricc-,,. A- th(@ comDlr-@-
tion of eacli a(jcii)L.Ion oi- 1-i
tl,e c@v,,ri(,r of sucl-i sliall. tc) 1)(@ filed @.7itli t'@-le I)ircctor
of Coi@i:,ii@inity tlic, nulfil.)C'V of cubic yards
of material reriov,,d f3-oiii tlie crea e>-Icavatiol'i durin, tlie pre-
ceding. six montli iii or,,.',cr th(-, ir)propriate tax iiiay I)e asccsseel
I)y the Coin.-nissionclr ol t:@ie Pc@vc@itie. Cross sectioi-i,,; shall be roquired
to bc, suL)r,,iitted aniiu--lJ,v, prepare.,l I)y a enginco-r or land
stirvc)yor, ti;iloss @,7aived, by Departrtic-,ric of CoTiii@lu@iity SC,-rvices.
Section 31-@). Generil 1)1-@tii for resto,'@,atioii of ci@cLvated
It is the iiitent of tlij-s ordi.iii):ic(,, to i plan for ti,,c resto-
ratioii of excavlted @ireas. The provisi-o)-is of thi-s ordirj,,,ice, a)-o iLi-
tendod to reco,nize the cliffcrei-tc-e bct@,7eeii bor2.-o@%, pit type exctvati-on
and rural farfti poncis iili@re tlil, purpose of tl-ie excavatioil is to irtiprove
drainagc,, or prov5-c].e @,,aterin, fici-lities for livost:ock. The pl,@n for
restoratioii of the excavated areq shql.]- be submitted in t@iree parts:
A general plaii as an overlay for the aerial photo@reph, a restoration
contour plat and a description of restoratioli riiethods and riaterials
propc)sed for the renc@ial of topsoil and replantin@. Spr-,cifi-c 3-estora--
tion requiremeiats are listed in sectioii 31..10.
Sect!-on 31-9. Operatin@ and develop,-@ent reciiiire@.:,ic,-nts.
1. Setback for firin ponds qri(I clrainile poncls. 'fhe ecl,,e of
any excavati*-on for farm porid or drai-liage purposes shall be loc@tted
at least t@7e-lty-five feet: fro.Tn anv e,@terior property liiic, @ind -t leest
oiie hiindred feet from all ex-i-sting o)-- pro,,)osed pu',)I-ic streot@. Inc] Iiigli-
2. Setbacks for borro%q pits and olher excavations. The edge
of aii excavation foi-- borrc)w pit @iiid ott-tor purposes, except tliose
in 1, OE t-iii-s bc@ lc)c:,@ted at lea[,t
one hiindreca feet fi,orIL all CXtOriOr PrOp,@'rt-y -1-ines. Tha setback arca
shall not be u.-,ed for any pur_p,)se cluring t@he pc-,,ric)d of excavation,
inQludj-ng ovcrhurdc!n aiid storacje, excepl- access road--. Exterior
limits of all wc)ry, sliill 1--c@, with iron iiiarkc-,rs no less than
five feet abc)ve su-T,:Face, ol- e,@Ll--Ii.
3. Access ro@Os. AccEss-road,; to any oxc@avat-i-on where haliling
is being con-n'tic-Ic he, ic,,,i.nLained in a clust-free ir@anner. All
accc,ss roads sl-ial-I he coiiF;'@!rLicted so Es to intc,,rscct as nearly as
possjblc it right F@nglc-@.@3 with p@iblj(7-, Ftrcc)t.,@ and lijcjtlways and no access
road sliall i,ntcrs(,-c,t any ptibl.ic road at iny anglc-, of less than sixty
4. Opcriting lintii:s. Opc,,rating linlirs of excavziting shall be
res'@-i-@@ct@2d to I-,eti@c!e-n 7:0() A.@l. ancl 7:00 P.M. Nc) Stinday operations
sha@l l-,e pc,,rfiiitted.
5. Constr@iction ol@ bui.ldings. A.I..l huj--Idj,i)gs used for the
proclucti,on and prc)ce,@sing of excavatcd rrlateriil s-hal-1 be constructed
and maintai.ned as rcqti-ire,(3 by tl@c Buil.ding Cc)de of tlie city.
6. Roadsicle land5,c,apc-,. Existing t@reos and ground cover al-ong
public street frontage shall Ie preservc,-d -,ind rTi,-iintainod; and suppler@ented
during't'he period c)f excavatiion if deerned necessary by tlie- plannincj
coTfirc@ission. 'Phe type, design and spacing of suk@plerrentary planting
shall be approved Ly the departiient ol- farrcl and honie dewc)nstration.
Secti.on :31--10. Pestoration rc@cluireff@ents.
(A) General pl,-in foi- restorziti on. A gc-,neral land use plan for the
parcel of property wherein t-he excavation will he conducted shall he
prepared. This plan shal.1 he in the forrc, of an overlay for the aerial
photogra_ph as required in paragraph (B) of sectill" 31-2. It shall sl-,ow
the areas to he left in an i.nundatcd state, the proposed P-9ttcrn of
].and use around in@iiiclated areas and all- ireas wherc supplerrentary plant-
ing.is to be carri-eci out. Thi.s provision shall no@l- apply to farm
poiads in rural areas.
'k]3) Restoratic)i-i coialour plat. A restoration contour PlEt shall be
prepared on the sarcie base as the identification'plat required in para-
grapi-i (C) of secticn 31-2. It shal.1 show the proposed topography of
the parcel of land that will- )7e excavated for a distance of at ]-east
two hundred feet froir, tll@ odge o@ all oxcavated areas or to all e ternal
property lines that Eircl, witlijii two huildre,,d feet f such arca. Sucli
contour plat shall have a contour interval of two @@eet or less.
(C) Descri.ption of restoration rflethods for re-newal of topsoil- and
replanting. A description of thc, rpethc)ds (and fcaterials proposed for
restoration of all arcas that are not inundated shall he sl-ibrllitted.
It shall speci.fy the amount and type of planting, the dcptal to ITIlicla
topsoi-1 is to he sproad and the ainount c)f fertilizer to be ELpplied.
(D) Miniii@uin sloi)e of hanks. Al-1 slopes around the cdgc,, of the
excavatc,d areas shall be ].eft wi.th a slope no greater than threc feet
horizontal to one foot vertical exce t that the Dirctor of Coirirunity
,p E
Services n,ay al-itilorj,ze a slope Of one foot horizontal to one foot
vc-"-@ical froii, a depth of fourteen fect belcw tle elevation of t-he de-
si(jned water surface ol- borrow pits that will he exca.vated to a depth
greater than twenty feet.
(E) Leveling of bottorti arc@a. The Lotto,, of all excavated area
shall he left in a level state regardless of v7hether inund,.ted or not.
(P) Topsoi.1 restoration and planting. All areas not inundated
shall he covered with at lea.st four inclies of topsoil which shall he
seeded with at least fifteen pouiids of a fescue type seed per acre.
Such planting shall be dressed with at least four hundred pourids of
8-8-8 fertilizer and two tons of linle per acre.
(c3) Da-mage to puhl-ic street due to hauling. The applicant shall
suh'Tiit as a part o@- his a r m 0 S C, b
.P.Plication a statE-,fi,eit of the eth d t e
used to maintain or repair any pull-lic Street or highway to he used for
hauling purooses. The DepErtn,ent of Corranunity Servi.ces shall determine
the acceotahility of the nethods proposed by the api-)Iicant and if deeined
Sliall rcc:olr-end tl,e o' a @ond to insure against road
cic@;i,age d,-e t@ the h-:1@iling,
(H) FE@ncing recfuireineiats. Where dect-,,ed necessary by the Director
of Coruiiuiiity Service , '@',ie applicant or op--rator shall he required to
erect a chain link anclior typo fc-,nce around the pc,,riiiieter of the area
to be excavated or bei.ng c@xcavated. Such fence shall be erected to
a height of six feet and sliall coictl)letely encircle such excavation.
All gates an@i otlic)r cntrances sh all- he kept locl@,ed at all times
not in use.
(1) No idit sliall )-e inuiida.ted or ayjar)dc)ned unless the owner has
reqttested a final in,@_L-)ection froni tlie I)cparti@,ent of CoRuTiunity Services
and I)as s@ihrriitted a final ",is built" plat drawn by a cc-,rtified en-
gineer and receivcd a final re]-ease in writilig fron, the Director of
Col,@[@ul@ity Services at wl)icli time the surely shall- be rel.eased.
Section 31-11. Penalty for violatioli of ordinance.
Any porsoii violating any -jrovisions of this ordinance or who fails
or reflises to obtain the pcrriiit reclui.red herein shall, Le guilty of
a mir@dE--iiicpnor and upon conviction tlioreof shall be fined not les, tha,n
fifty doll-ars no niore than five hundred dollars for each separate
offen,-Ie, and each sticceeding day in wiaicil a violation occurs or con-
tinues shal-I he deejcc,,d a sepf-rate offense under this ordinallce.
Tliis Ordinance shall be i.n full force. and effect- upon the date
of adoption.
Adopted by the Council of the City of virginia Beach on the
day of 1971.
hy rcmr0ed v@)'@c
as foliais:
Aye@-: Cc)iLncilmli IbID,-rt F,. C@,l lis, 7r. , A. @isch, F. @,id i-,r vin, P..
Ferrell, Claren@- A. Hc)lland., J. @.tis Paync, %lice l@yor Earl Ii. '-.'ebault, Floyd
E. i@7aterfield, 7r. , ana l@yor Ibnald H. @-odes.
Nays: I\Tone
Abs_-nt: Oc)uncilm-n Pobe-rt B. Croa,,7ell, Jr. and D. Y-=ay Mal@i-i.
City Cbuncil appro%,cd th-- foll(y,.,irg Rosolution rclating to Article X, SecLion 6 (b)
of the ne@,7 Constitution of @7i3-@illia c)oncenii-nci tion from local real pr-o:,@xtv
for t&L%ation of @rsons over 65 @,cc@rs of a(,JC an rcla-Lic)-,i to th&.ir incoriy-,.
ifieoti))-, oi@ LL-i@- o- tll(, City (,)-L 'iir-ilAia
Bea.(,.h, @@@as iii til-,, o.@, @,cliliinis.-
tr,-@tiorl C)f ti-ic@ city OF Virg@ll,i-lizi bc,@Lqc,,Il C)rl
On I)y 11,@. Tcbaul-t aticl sc-,cc)ncled I)y @ch
the. follc),,,71-n,. @,7tis uniniii@()112ly
R E S 0 1, U T I 0 1\1
l@IIIE'REAS, o'l @loverril.)er 3, 1970, tlie Citi7,eiis of ttic-@
Coir,mon@@7c-@altli c).J- app)-oved, a ncN@@ CC)ilstituti-oyt; aid
l@RiEP..E@,S, unjer trti-clE@ -, Sect@-c)n 6 (b) of thc@ n(',@17
ConE,,titutic)ri tlie Gei-ic@ral Asse@-nRy iii@iy by gcnc-,ral- law auti-iol.@)*,/,e
locali-tic@s to provic',c, for tlic@ excmDtioi-i fror@i local
property taxation ttios-- persons over 65 yo.,-,rs cif aEe x@711o
are doei),ied by th-- Cc3-ic,)-@ll- As[,,etr,'oly Lo be bcariiig an
extraordinary tl@. bur(.Iei-i on rcal c,,state iii rc,]-ati-on to
their income ancl net @7C)rtli; and
VIIEP,EAS, it is ttic, opinion of Council the.L sucl-i an
exeniption is an equitable reliec- for tliose who are least
able to bear this tax@.tion.
That, the membcrs of the Cenc@ral Assc,.r@ibl.y frorr, tl,I*IS
area be urged to @qo3.-k foi- such leti,,ilatio.'l as iiiay be@
necess@iry to accoml)li.sh this desi.gn ptirpose of the Constitution.
BE IT FURTIIER RESOLVE@), that the city Clerk be cli..rected
to send copi.cs of tt,is resolution to tlie nieriibers of tlie
General. Asse@-,ili)ly representing this City.
Cn Coin i scc-n@@-d hy Fo2J.a'ld, E,,n,-l by recorO,2r2
vo'@-c, as fol@Lu,,@s:
AYes': Coulici3-r@-,cn lb@rt H. Callis, Jr. , Fra@ A. Dusch, F. @id Y@vin, -@rcr@- R.
Ferrell, Cl.are-ice A. IlollErad, J. CLir@'s Payic', Vicl@ 1,1-Iyor Earl M. Tebault, Flo@,d
E. 1,7aterfield, Jr., aid @'@aor D3na](3. H. Mi@es.
I\Iays.- None
Absent: Coiinci@i lb@rt B. Cmim7ell, Jr-. aid D. l@,U=ay Malbon.
CitY Council a@)proved the Ordina@--@- a,,-@-inf-ing Vic,,vers relative to closi-Tag
Douglas St-reet in Baysido 13o2:o@.4-,h.
VIIIERE-@S, EiTiilio Oli-,,ieri, Ariiion Olivicri, Prederick Napolitaiio,
Ilor.ice A. Cistoln, Micl)ae.]@ A. Cistola h,-ive give-n due ,n(] proper nolice in
accorclance %.7!th tlif, statutes for such cases macle ind provicled that tlley ,Iould
on this, day apply to the Council of thc! City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for
th(,. apl)ciiato)cnt of Viei.?ers to view tlie Lel.ow clescribc,.cl property and report in
writin@ to tlie Council lqhethc,.r, in the opijiion of said Viewers, any, and if
ariy, what, incoiiveiiieiiee ivould result froni tlie discontinuing of the said streel
and have filed such ipplicitioii iiith tlic,. saici CoLiilcil.
NOW, TIILItErOltr,, BE 1T ORDAINTD, by tlic Council of the City of
Virginia Beacli, Virgiiiia, that C. C. C@.rinctoi, W. W. FleArLing, Jr.
a lid G. L. Hanbury, II be and they hereby are appointed to
view tlie below described property and report in ,7riting to the Council on o2:
before its regularly scheduled meeting on February 22, 1971, whether in thci-r
opinion, any, and if any, what, inconvenience would result from the discon-
tinuing, closing and vacating of a certain proposed street situated in Bayside
Borou.-h, in the City of Virginia Beacli, Virginia, being clcscribed as follows,
That portion of Douglas Street as sho@vn on plat of Sunny
Brook, recordecl in the Clerk's Office of th(, Circuit
CourL of tiie City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in @Tap
Bool< 5 at page 201, extendin, from tlie westerly Iiiie
of Sixth SLrec,.t, on the west, to a point in an easterly
direction, throu@h its intersections %,7ith Sixth, Seventh,
and Eighth Streets, x@?hich last named point is 200 feet
east of the c,.,,tst:erly Iiiie of Eighth Strcet.
And each of thc.@ said Viewers shall be paid tlie sum of $10.00 each
for slich sorvices whicil total sun shall be paid by the applicants hercin.
on rrltion 17,y Coinci IT',I@,n Dl@, E,-C-@nc3ed }D,7 Cc>,an i-bTzi Ei%,i 11, a.,id I--,y re@,r(7ea
Ayes: Counci@-n @s@rt Fl. Ca-llis, Jr. , Frank A. Dusd-i, P. Peid Ervin, Georg-- R.
Perrc,ll, Clarenc-- A. Ilolland, J. Curtis Paari@, V-ice I-layor Earl @'. Tobault, Floyd
E. I,,Iaterfield, Jr. , and l@,ay--r Doi-iald H. Pd-iodes.
Nays: I\Ione
Absent: Counci@n R-)@-rt D. Jr. and D. I.,@ay @@boii.
City Council (f@eferred for t@,,o (2) the V-i.c,@iers P--po-r
.ts re]-ative to cloing a
porLi.c)n ol@ E Street in tlie V.4r@-nia B--acli Poroi-ic,,Ii.
ITi7,,%@ 42889
On mtio@.,i by Counci@in Perrell, secc)nci@,d by Counciln@-1 IYaterfiel-d, and by recorei,,@d
vote as fol-lo%,.,s:
Ayes: Council-rcen Ibl@--rt H. Callis, Jr. , Franl@ A. Duscl-i, F. Peid @in, Gcorg(-' R.
Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, J. CL@is Payne, Vice 1,@yor Earl M. Tebault, F'l@vd
E. Waterfield, Jr., aid Y-ayor F)Dial-d H.
l@ays: No.,ie
Absent: Counci@-n PDhor-t B. Crom.,jell, Jr an(3 D. YRirray Yalhoa.
At thP- r@est of the City Mai-iager in orcler to put the City's oollcc'c-ion of tax(@s
f-or public service r-orporations on a mre businesslil@e hasis, City Council approved
the following mtion:
'Ihe Peal Estate and Persond Propert-y taxes assessed against
tlie public service corporations in L@e City of virc_rinia Beach
for the taxable year 1971, and each year thereafl--er, shall b-C
payable s@annud-ly. The first pa@ment will be duc on or
before June 10th of each year, and the secoiid pa@@it will be
due on or before Eec,-@@r 5th of eacli year.
@e tax will be calculated on the prior year's assessmnt and
will ho assessed accordin(ily. Any adjus@-it in the total tax
for thc taxable year i,,ill be rmdp- in the second half, ba,@ed on
the assessnent made by the Scate (brporation COT,@ssion.
ITO,l f2890
Mr. V. A. Ftheridge, City @easurer, app--ared b--fore counr-,il smporting the foll(7@7i-ng
notion sugc,,estcd b@, the City Ma-nager.
On mtion by Cbuncilriian Holland, seconded by Counci@ Payne, and by recorded vote
as foll-ows:
Ayes: Oc)uncilm-n Pc)bert H. Callis, Jr., Fr-ank A. DLLsch, F. R--id Ervin, c-eorg-- R.
Ferrell, Clarence A. Flollancl, J. @'s Payne, Vice Mayor @l M. @ault, F'loyd
E. Waterfield, Jr., and Y@vor Donald H. Phocles.
NaLys: None
Absent: Counci-lnen ibbert B. crc)rff,,,ell, Jr. and D. lt=ay l@bon.
At the r@st of the City lianacrer in order to i-ncreas-- the Cit,,,'s revenues in thi-.@3
fiscal year, and to reduce deli@encies i.n the collec@ion of Perso-,ial Property t,@es
in succeeding fis@ year--, ci@, Council app-roved tl-io f-ollo@.7ing Trr)tio@n:
All Personal Pro,@rty taxes levied in the City of Virginia Beac-Ti
for the taxeble year 1971, and ear-h year thereafter, e-xce.,)tirg
thos-- asscssod agaip-st t]@e public service c)orc)orations, v7ill be
due oli or b--i-70re-, Ju,@e 10th of each year.
On m-Lion by CoiLici-L,:,a!-i h-,, %@ic-
as follo@,,-s:
Ayes: Coil@ici@n Po-@-r'c. Ii. Callis, Jr. , 3--'r@ A. -.@, ch, P. Poi-d Frvin, Georc,,e R.
FE,rrell, Clarc--,ice A. Holland, J. Curt-is Pavne, @7i@, iayor Earl M. '.@-atilt, Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr., anl TLyor @.,i-@d 11. P,@es.
Nays: k7oi-ie
Absent: Cbunci@ rbb--rt B. Croi7ffjell, Jr. ei-id D. Yurray
City Col-incil, in concurro-nco ,@ith the State Cb:-,@-isat--ion Board, approved an aclditional.
position of jailor, at an rate of $5,375 effectivo January 1, 1971, and
al3pr@ariated $1,792 as th@, C-it@,'s of tlic--, su.)ject aiinual- rate.
I'PF@.1 #2892
on mtic)n by Col-u-icilimii 'cts7a'@-Crfield, secon@,ed by C)iinciiii-van @-ch, and by reco-rcl,@d
vote as foll-u@7s:
Ayes: (buncil@n Po@-rt H. Callis, Jr., Fra@ A. Duqdi, F. R---id rxvin, C-@rgc-- R.
Ferrell, Clarcnce A. FIallind, J. Curtis Piyne, Vice llayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd
E. TA7aterfield, Jr., a-nd llayor Donal.d H. Idi,)des.
Nays: I\bn--
Pbsent: Cbunci@n Po-bo-rt B. Croyff,@7ell, Jr. and D. Itiarray @bon.
City Oc)up-ci-1 a,-provod a total exre-nditure of $15,327 for the exx)ansi-oii of the Police
Depar-Lw,nt traiiii-ng area of @,7hich amunt $8,931 i@,3 a fc-deral gr@,it and $2,923 -is a
cash conLri-t)@o.,i c)f the City. IV-ie re-Train,,Ier of the (:Y,-',y's sharo will @ an "in kind"
contribu'L:io,.i by (a-:Lty penionncl and
IT-@l f,2893
on mtion by Cc)uncilman Dusch, seconded by Cbuncil@-i lorrell, ar,3 by recorded vote
as follo"7s :
Ayes: Oc)unci@- Pobert H. Ca3-lis, Jr., Prank A. Dusd-i, F. @id @in, -@rge P.
Fbrrell, Clarence A. Ilolland, J. Curtis Piyne, Vi.@- @yor Earl M. @ault, Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr., and @layor Dc)nald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counciljft--n ibbe-rt B. Croiavell, Jr. and D. @@ray @Ialbon.
In t-he 1970-71 budget City oc)mcil aloproved an acIcLitional position for Fire Lis,)ector,
effective January 1, 1971, and also approved a r@est for an adclitioial autombile,
whicla du@ tc) a clerical error @.7as c)ndtted frc),n tlie ad-mted 1970-71 budc,,et. Therefore,
City Coi-incil apDropriated $2,800 for the pur-chas(-, of this auto@,,)ile.
ITEM f2894
On mtion by Cc)uncibiun Ervin, seconded by Cc)uncilmn Payn@, and by reco-rcled vc)te
as follo%,7s:
Ayes: Cbunci@- PObert H. Callis, Jr., Fr@@ A. Dusch, F. Peid Ervin, C-eorge R.
F'errell, Clarence A. Ilolland, J. Curtis Payn--, Vioe @yor Earl M. Tthault, Floyd
E. V7aterfield, Jr., and @yor Donald H. Rhc)des.
Nays: @7oie
Absent: Cc)unci@-,a lb@-rt B. CronT,,,ell, Jr. and D. Yi=ay MaLlbon.
City Cc)uncil ack-@wledcred the Tidewater Pegional ilealth PlarLqing Council as the
designated agency for area @,7ide Health Planning to inclu(3e the CoiLnties of I\cco.@ck,
Northa-,mto,-i, southai-,nton, l,@arsemid a-,id Isle of I,,7i@t a-,id the @@ciDali@-Les of
Cnc--sa-,e@-,e, Frp-,illi.n, rKDrfolk, Po-rt-=@. uth, Si-iffoll., aid VirgLTiia Beac@h, and th-rcby
ik@, rove(a an a7,2ropri-@-Lon in t--he a-.@o,,Lnt of $19,127.00 for the fis@,l year 197.1-72
vThiC@i ro@res--@-its th-:2 City ol- Virginia @Eic7-i idro ra--a sha-e of cost and it be-i-,@g
21.83% o@ -E-@ to@l- F-@,,Lnt of I-o--a-l r,@,Tn*rc-cl to si-,-o@rt sa-id Oc)i-mcil fc)r th-@
afor@.n-ition,@d @,ricei..
on i-o'-- Co,,Lici- L,7 E'c-7feli, -@y End h),y
Aye,-.: Cou-ncilm@'i lb,-,:3rt F". ca-lli-s Jr. A. c! E-@,i,l, C@:Tge R.
a ayl'l@, ViC t, Flyd
Fc,ri@-11, Cla-,eiace A. Holl,@i,3, J. irtis P e or F@l M. T c
E. IlEitc@rfield, Jr. , and l@yor Doilald H. P,@es.
Nays: None
Pbsent: Counci@n lb@rt B. Croi,,-,,.,ell, Jr. and D. 14L=ay ilalbon.
cit-y Council appro,@ the follo,.-7ing P--solution extending @ wishes an-d Codsp--ad-
for @i succ-cssful trip to Cai@t. Al@,i B. Sh@@ard., Jr. ai-ic3. the -@' @rs of tl@e Arollo
14 cro@,7.
The re@ular c)f tllc.@ of tti(- City of Virgini..q
Bc,,,Icl), x..@a,@; li(21cl ill til(@ of the Acliiiiiii-s-
tr,it.ion l')tiildi.iiE, of thc@. City c)i-i 25, 1971-.
On inocion by Mr. and scconled by 14r. Dusch
tlie follo,,.,Iillg was uii,@-,.ni.Tnoti-Ily @,clopto.-d:
R E S 0 L U l' I 0 N
WtIrRI:AS, the development of ocrodynnniics having reached a
@,,hi.ch nc)@,, I)orriit tlic@ Uii-!.L(@d StaLes of Ar.-,eri-ca tc)
P,.cii ut,)ori the moon, it is fittiii- aiid proper tllat recogni.ti.on,
good wisties and Godspeed be extei.-idccl to l@,lvy Captai-n Alin B.
Shep,,ard, Jr. , lilission COT!M,'IIC,'Cr, ,in(I to his follow crowil.0n,
Stuart A. Roosa @ind Ed-,ar D. on their strato-trip.
Blqst-off timc@ N@7ill be Siind@ty lfteri-ioon, January 31, for a nine
day voyo.L@e to the moon, in the stratoship Apol.l..o 14; and
WHEREAS, Navy Captain Al.,gn B. Shepard, Jr., was, at the
time o4@- the first successful fligtit into space, a resident of
the City of Vi.rginia Beach; and
l@IIIEREAS, in honor of Capt@lill Shcl)ard's great acconiplishment
of bein@- the first Awerican to go into outer space, the ci-tizens
of the City of Virginia Beach nained t',Ie "Dor@io-" tlle'@\lan B. ShOY)ard
Civic Center."
That it viishes to express i.ts cleop gi.-atittide for thc,, I)ravery
shown by tliesc rien and to cxtcnd good wishes and Godspeed for a
successful. trin to Cai)'@-ain Shepard and Iiis cre@,7 in t@le Apol-lo 14.
BE IT FUPTIIER RESOLVED, th@,t -i copy of this Reso).utioii be
sprec,d upoti thc-- mintite boo!, of t:he City and a copy be forw@irde.@i
to each of the abov2 nained persons.
on mtion by Councih@@n I'@ollancl, seco-iqp-cl by Counci-lipan @-ch, a,,id by recor(accl vot--e,
as f-olla,,,s:
Ayes: Cc)uncil= l@L--rL ii. Callis, Jr. , Fran?, A. Dusc',-i, F. R--id Ervin, @rge R.
Perrell, Claren@ A. Holl,@-id, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @i-ayor @l M. @beult, Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr., alid 1-ioyor Dz)nald H. @cs.
Nays: T\'b@ie
A.bsent: Coj-ncilien PJ.-@-rt P. Cro7TNell, Jr. anl D. @@,ly
C3ty Counc-i-l- elec',-e,,3 to cl-o--c@ m.,@,.@.ings c)n 1, 1971 and T@ohrua-nl 6,
1971, to d-iscLiss and 1(-'Uai Y,.i-itters, as pL@3-@tted by the Cod@, of Viru,:h-iia.
ITU24 f2897
On mt3on by Oc)uiicilman Fcrrell, s--co,,ir3ed by Co@1--i@:xn Dusch, tl -ie @eling ad,@ourned.
lot, L
Picha-rd J. @17ebbc)n Dc)nal-d 11. Ynodes, Yayor
r-ity of %7irginia P--ach,
January 25, 1971