HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 11, 1971 M OF 'ITE 14OMPABLE CITY Col@TI\ICTL OF THE CIW O? @7jlr-1l'IA BEACH, @INTA January 11, 1971 The regular rtieetinci of @e Comcil of the City of Vixgiiiia BeacTi, Vircrinia iva., held in the (buncil- Cl,,-@rs in the A&ainistration Btiilding, in the Borougl-i of Princess Anne, on N-'<)nclay, Janu@ 11, 1971, at 2:00 p.ni. The invocation k@7as giv-oi-i by Reverend @nald @ly, TL@acle Y2ethodist Church, Vi@ia Beadi, Cc)unci@ present: Ro@--rt 11. Callis, Jr., Robert B. CrcnTNell, Jr., Ftank A. Duscli, P. Reid @in, Clarence A. Hollm@, D. @@array lial@n, J. Curtis Payne, Vice @layor Farl M. Tebault, Floyd- E. Vlaterfield, Jr., and Mayor Doiialcl H. Rhodes. Oc)unci@ absent: George R. Ferrell. ITF14 #2841 on mtion by C-bunci@ Dusch, seconded by Councilmari callis, and by reco-rded vote as folla,7s: Ayes: Cc)unci@ @bert H. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. Crcw,7ell, Jr., Frank- A. rusch, F. Peid Frvin, Clarence A. Holland, D. t@k=ay lialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Yayor Earl M. @ault, Floyd. E. Tlaterfiel(3., Jr. , @incl. Mayor Donald ii. Phodes. l,lays - None Absent: CoLLnci.1m. an Ceorge R. Ferrell-. City Coun--il @,Droved tlie Minutes of th(,- RegulaLr Yeetiiicr of Dec@r 14, 1970 and the R--cessed @-@ting of Dec 21, 1970, ancl the- reading of sa-id minutes dispenscd ,v7ith, ina@@cli as each C)ouncilman had a cop.1 of said Minutes before him. #2842 On imtion by Councilrwn Waterfield, secorided by Councihnan Tiolland, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: CounciJ= lbbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Clarence A. Holland, D. Ilurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice M-ayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and 14ayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None Absent: ODunci@ Ceorge R. Fer-rell. City @cil aoproved on second readip-g an appropriation of $2,300 as 7/12 of the CLty's annual pro rata share as a of Virginia's Urban 12. ITEZ,l @2843 On wtion by Cc)unciL.,-an DusCi, seco@ed by COLLnci@,an P@@@n, and- by reoc)-,O-ed vote as foll@qs; Ayes: Cc)unci@ Po,@t H. @-llis, Jr., Pobert B. Crcm,,ell, Jr., Fr@@ A. Du@, F. Peid Ervin, Clarence P.. I.Toll@, D. lk=ay MZL@TI, J. Curtis Payne, Vice 14ayor Farl M. @ult, FlcyO E. llaterf@eld, Tr., and M@yor Donald H. Phodes. Nays: No--ie Absent: Council=-n @rge R. Perrell. City COuncil approved on second reading the folla,7j-ng salmy @c,,es in the off,ce of the commn@.7ealth's Attorney, 14r. Mdre Evans, in concurrence vzith the @ii-,ation Board: 1. increase in the annual rate of 14r--. Diane Joyce Shafer frm $4,300 to $4,51S, effe@ve Nov@r 1, 1970. 2. @emlo@-nt of Tics. @lildred TT. Bordner at an amual rate of $4,75b, effective Dec 1, 1970, to replace -Mrs. Richardson, who will resign effective Nov@@ 30, 1970. ITIN f2844 On mtion by Vice @layor Tebault, secorided by Councilman Duscli, and by recorde,3- vote as follows: Ayes: (bunci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Ro@t B. Crcrm,,ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Clarence A. Ilolland, D. @ray Malbon, J. @@ is Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tbbault, Floyd E. T%Taterfield, Jr., and 14ayor Donald U. Pbodes. Nays: None Absent: Counci@ C-eorge R. Ferrell. City (buncil approved on second readl-ng an approoriation of $8,550 as the mx fee schedule charged by the fim of Fic,.,7ard, Needies, T@ & @ex0off to make a study tO dete@e v@lat portion of Norfolk's water system should be conveyed to an authority, if @ v7hen it is crealted and v.,hat the present day val.ue of that por- tion of the system,,,ould be, @ at the same time to de e @t refuge disposal facilities in Virginia Beach shcyuld be conveyed to the authority and the value of those facilities. t:,,,-s T)r --,o. e C-it@V COIInrl_,'l t@at the@, epdorc-c the uqe O@- C@, PO-ridleto-,l or a po-@ion t:@,areof for an a-reli -,c-nlice ce-Titer. On mtion ly @iJi, secoii(3--d by CoL'nci@ Pa-ync,,, ar,-d, by recorcled vote as follorqs: AYes- OC)uncilT-@ Fb@ H. Callis, Jr., Rob-t B. Crcm@,'ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, P. Reid Ervin, Cla-rence A. Holl@d, D. M=ay Y@n, J. a@s Payne, vice isayor Earl M. @ault, Floyd F@'. @@atar @--ield, Jr., and T@yor T-)C)nald H. Modes. Nays: None Absent: Counci@ George R. Ferrell. City (b-cil a:)proved the follcl,,Ting @-colution endc)r-,ing the use of @ Pendleton - a portion tlicreof fc)-r the establish@t of an area youth service center as definel in the report of e -par , , t c)f TTe] ar t,h Do tp el-, _f e and Institiutions entitled "Ll;er-vices in the Seventies to @7ircji-nia'F, D--lirK.Iue-nt C'-lilCIrE,,n a-ricl. Tneir R E S 0 L U T I 0 N- VU it is nec--ded, suitable, and desirable tha:F @ Pendieton a certain area therein be used for the purpose of alleviating drug problum incidential to youtla. NO[IT =R=-RE, B+/--, TT RESOT-@'M THAT TTIE, OC)UNCIL OF THE CITY OF @-TNIA BliJC7-1: Endorses the use of Pendleton or a portion thereof for th-e establislimnt of an Area Youth 9ervi(:)e Center as clefined in the Dep nt of @lfare and In@tutions' "Plan for tl)e Seventies" and adapted to include Services and facilities for the youthful drug abuse-r, as reoourse in ccmbating drug al)use. 0,1 mtion by Coanc-L-L l,'a.@n, a--O hy a:@0- as fcllc,,7s: Ayes: CC)unci-17en Ro-@rt ix. Caiiis, Jr., Ro-@rt B. CrcrT@ell, Jr., @ank A. r, Pc@, F. Pei-d Ervin, Clarenc-- A. Holl@3@- , D. @,@ey Y-alL-O-n, J. @tis Payne, Vice i avor @-1 1,1. Te-I)ault, Floyd E. 1,Tat@-jeld, @fr., an,.i @4ayor @nald, ii. Rhodes. Nays: None Abse,iit: ODmcihnan George R. Ferrell. City Council aut-l-iorizE--,d. tb-e Ci@ Clerk, @Ir. PicTiard 1,@bbc)n, to file under the dat(-- of January 11, 1971, a corrected coLDy of the Ordinance closing and -,,acating a por- tion of Oriole Drive., re -o s]-y por e, on I e@- r 9, 1970. =ect p vi u I ov @ov The co ed Ordinance- is as foll,@,,s: CITY Ol,- VIRGINLA BEACII TO (OliDINTANCE OF VACATION PAUL NA'. ACKISS, @ZEL M. ACKISS, LUCY L. IIANCOCK, aiid FRANKLIN WILI-(3 HANCOCK, 111, ROBERT D. IIANCOCK and G. TINGLEY MOORE, EXECUTORS 01@' THE ESTATE OF FRANKLIN WILLS liANCOCK, JR., DECEASED, and FRANKLIN WILIS HANCOCK, 111, GRAI-IAM T. MOORE, T. S. ROYSTER, JR. and PAUL W. ACKISS, TRUSTEES. AN ORDINANCE VACATING AND DISCON- TINUING A PORI'ION OF ORIOLE DRIVE IN LYNNFTAVEN BOROUGH, IN THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, proper notice of the inteiided application of the appli- cants, Paul W. Ackiss, Hazel M. Ackiss, Lucy L. Hancock, and Franklin Wills Ilancock, III, Robert D. liancock and G. Tingley Moore, Executors of the Estate of Franklin Wills Hancock, Jr., deceased, and Franklin Wills Hancock, 111, Graham T. Moore, T. S. Royster, Jr. and Paul W. Ackiss, Trustees, to be presented to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 31st day of August, 1970, and for the vacation of the herein- after described public street in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was, I on the 14th day of August, 1970, duly posted at the Court House of the Circuit Court of ti.ie City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and at two other public places in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in conformity with the manner prescribed by Code of Virginia, SS15.1-364, for the institution of proceedings for the vacation of a public street; and WHEEtEAS, said application was made to the City Council of the CitY Of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 31st day of August, 1970, and in ATON & WRIGHT I I..N@,@ @' IAI conformity witli the maiiner prescribed by Code of Virginia, SS15.1-364, for the concilict of such proceedings, the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, on the 31st day of August, 1970, which was more ifi@in tcn days aftcr posting notice of the intended application as aforesaid, apl)oiiited W. W. Flemiiig, C. C. Carrington, and D. B. Norniaii, as viewers to view sitch sti-cet and report in writing whether iii their opiiiion, any aiad if any, what, inconvellience would result from discontitiuing the s,@me, and saicl viewers have made such report to the City Council of the City of Virg@a Bc,,ach, Virgiria; and WJIEREAS, from such report aiid other evidence, and after no@ice to the land proprietors affected thereby, along tile street proposed to be vacated, it is the judgiiient of the City Council of the City of Virginia Beacli, Virginia, tliat these proccedings have been instituted, coiiducted and con- cluded in the rnanner prescribed by Code of Virginia, SS15.].-364, and tilat the said street sliould be vacated and discontinued; NOW, THEREY,'ORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Virginl;a Beach, Virgiriia; 1. That the following described street, in the Lynnhaven Borough, in the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, be, and the same hereby is, vacated and discontinued: ALL that certain portion of a street known as Oriole Drive, in Lynnhaven Borough, in the City of Virginia Beacti, Virginia, shown as "Portioti of Oriole Drive to be Vacated 0. 145 Acre" on that certain plat attached hereto entitled "Plat Showing Closure and Relocation of a Portion of Oriole Drive, Lynnhaven Borough-Virginia Beach, Virginia, Scale: 1" . 301 July 1970, rnade by Marsh and Basgier, Consul.ting Engineers-Surveyors, 101 North Plaza Trail, Virginia Beach, Virginia, 2. Tliis ordinanc@ shall be in effect from -@ind after tliirty (30) days from tli(,' date of its adoptioii. 3. A certified copy of this orditiance of vacatioil, together witli the plat attachc@d lic,,r(,,to, shall be recorded as deeds are recorcied, and indelxed in tlie iiaine of the City of Virgiiiia Beach, Virginia, as grantor, in tlie Clei-kls Office of tlie Circuit Court of ',he City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at the exl)ei-ise of tlie applicants, Paul W. Ackiss, flazel M. Ackiss, lticy L. Ilaiicock, and Franklin Wills flancock, 111, Robert D. Hancocl@ and G. Tingley Moore, lkecutors of the Estate of Fraiiklin Wills Hancock, Jr. , deceased, and Franklin Wills Har3cock, III, Graham T. Moore, T. S. Royster, Jr. and Paul W. Ackiss, Trustees. Certified to be a true and exact copy of an ordinance, togetlier with the plat annexed thereto, adopted by the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, at its regular meeting held on the 9th day of November, 1970. TESTE: R. J./WEDBON, CITY CLERK By City Cyyrk VIRGINIA: IN THE CLERK'S OFFICli' OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACII, VIRGINIA, ON THE DAY OF 197 at M. TESTE: JOHN V. FENTRESS, CLERK By D. C. =' 42847 I,!r. H@rl@ Kra-m,2r, @-irtn-er in North--;Dto_li Associal@es, @ar-c-d on @@lf of the follo@,,ir,g a@plication. M-r. H. G. Feltoi, Jr. app--ared on behal@ of Par],. C-@vic leac,,ue rc,t i,i op,@sition to the follu,@)ing a,@?]-icatio-,i, but reques@irg aclcliti-onal rec-c,.a'iic area b,- set aside for t@e chilci-ren in thE, ipar@-nt @,T31ex. On motion by Co,,inci-@,n Crcr7.,ell, seconf,,ed by Cc)unci@ Holland, ancl by recorded vote as follc,;@: Ayes: Counci@ Ro7@-rt 11. C@llis, Jr., Ro.@ B. CY-cn,,7cll, Tr., Frank, A. Dusch, P. Reid @in, Clarence. A. ITollai@, D. @'.k=-,ay I'la@n, J. CLirtis Payn--, Vice @layor- Earl M. Tebault, Floyd F@.. l-,Ia-terfield, Jr., anl @layor Dc)iiald H. @.odes. Nays: I\Tone Absent: Councj-lroan George R. Perrell. City CC)LLnc-i-l @pprovcc9 tlie folla,7.i-ng a,@li -cation for a chancre of zoni-nq and a uge permit, subject to a dc-. -i@-ii-ion c)f ric,,ht of v7ay 30 feet Fro-m the @te2:1 line @ he@ll iba,3 (15-fc)ot deoicati-on) as r@, csted by the Departm--nt of ity re-y-viccF,. Ti-ie application @,Tas aporovcd provided the 14otel, lfburist and PL,,staur@it (9-2) Supple,ncnt on thc r@ested ch,@ge of zoninq be delet--d. Apprc)val is further subjecl to Ci-ty @,7ater aiid sa,7cr. Application of tlort@iampton Associates by John E. Sirine and Associates for a cliange of z@oninrfroni Residence Duplex District 2 (R-D 2) with a i"lotel, Tou7Fis-t7aFld 't @ ant (T-2) Supplenent to flultiple Faniily Residence District (R-fl) viith aMotel, Tourist and Restaurant (f-2) Supplericnt and a Us-e Permit to construct 56 apartnient units on certain property located on the ri'6ryh-@ide of Shell Road across from Mafiaris Rold b@ginning at a point 324.76 fect East of the intersection of '4orthaiijpton Boulevard and Shell Road, running a dis- tance of 430.29 fect along the tlorth side of Shell Road, rlinning a distance of 253.98 fe-.t along tlie t-lestern property line, running a distance of 425.90 feet along the '@orthern property line and running a distance of 411.58 fect along tfie Eastern property line. (Lakevie,,-/ Park Area). BAYSIDE BOI,'-)UGII. The Planning Dcpartmcnt recop,,,@iends approval of this application subject to a dedication of right of viay 30 feet from tfie center line of Shell Road (15 foot dedication) as request@d by the Departfient of Co.9inunity Services. The application i-ias approved provided the !,Iotel, Tourist and Restaurant (T-2) Supplement on the requested cliange of zotiing be deleted. Mzyor @odes T.)resmtEd ttie foll@nct @sol.ution to representatives of 7irginia P-eacT,. Pp-scue @, ad Tnco@ratecl, @e -@ -klol-upteer Fire @ PEscue @ad Incc)rporat@, P]-a7-a, Volunteer Fire and Pescue @ad Incorporated anrl T<ejmsvi.Ile 17olunteer Fire anl Rescue @d Incorporated. The regul-ar mectinc, ol- the Council of the City of Virginia Beacl-i, Vj-rE,@@rii-a, xq@,s field in tlie Couilcil Ch,-,iiibers of th-C Adrrlinis tration Buildin,, o" tlie Ci-ty of Virgirlia Be,2ch, Oil 'Aoriday, Jaiiuary 11, 1971, at 2:00 P. m. Oii mot:ioii by @ir. 1,7at,(@rfie-Icl and secoiidecl by l@jr. @isc@ the folloN.7in.a resolution @.,,as uiianimoLisI.y adopte,,. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N VnIP,REAS, tlie City of. Virgii:iia BP-,tcti enjoys tlie benelits of the services perfor,-ned. by the Virgillia Beach Resc,,ie Squad Incor- porated, Creeds Voltinteer l@'ire anO,. R(-,sciie Sqtic,,l Incorporatecl, Plaza Vol.unteer Fire and R,@scue Squad Incorporated., Kempsville Vo3-uiil:eer Fire and. Resciie Squad, Incorporated, wliicli are composed entirely of vol.uiiteers; an(l. 1,THI@"REAS, at the annual- convcntiori of the Virginia Association of Rescue Scitiads, held in Virgini.a Beach, Virginj-a, in Sc,.ptember of 1-970, tlie al)ove mention(:2d Rescue Squaes con.@pc@ted in the events, and demonstrated their outstandin@, proficiency @ind ability by winnilig ten awards in the coinpetition; and WHEREAS, the citizens of Virginia Beacli are justifiably proud of the achiever@ients as set forth herein. NOlq, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TliE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA: That the Council of the City of Virginia Beach extends its hearty congratulations to the entire meribership of each of the squads,' all of whom contributed to this signal. achievement for their outstand- ing pc-rt-orniance. BE ITFURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is directed to spread the text of this resolution on the minutes of this meeting. l@284c' T'Ir - @aLt-id@ L. Stanrl-@,g, Pax@-e-r Ln t@e f i3-iTi o & A,,soc-@ates, 7-p,-@arer-I on @alf of @ On Tnotion I)y Cc)ixicibPan T.:albon, seconded by Cbun,.@i-l@ @in, L-,nd recorded vote as follo@,.,.s: Pyes: Cc)uncilmen @-rt H. Callis, Jr., P,.Ol@rt Y3. Jr., Frank A. Du@, F. Reid D--vin, Claron@ A. FollaTid, D. I,'Li=ay P.'all)on, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Playor F.arl M. @ault, Fl@yd P.. I-LTaterfibld, Jr., and '@ayor Dc)nald R. Phodc-,s. Nays: @ne Abscnt: Councilm-)n Gcor@,e R. Fe-rrell. Cl.ty Coi--tncil approved th(-, follc,,,7-i-ng @m, li -cation for a us-- pei@-t, sul)joct to City ,A,at(-,r ancl sc,@@-r as r@es',@ -by tl)e He-altjl Ap,l)liciition of tl. for a Use. P@.rililt to construct 9G apav,trl,2nt u;iits on ccr@ain I)rop,,2rt,, on tfi(-, -Eil- Biy;dnock Pold bcginning at a point 251 fe,,t t@oi@tii of Old Virgiiiia B('E',ch ru@iniiig a dista!ice of 434 fect along the East side of Lii-dnecl@ [@o,@,d, rLiniii-@C a dif;taiice of 429 feet aloiig tlie Northern p.-oper'L.Y linr@, I'Liniing a distal1cf, ol' 428 feet rore or less along the Easterii pi@operty line and. ruiining i distiiico of 457 feot aloiig tlie Soutlicrn pl,o- perty liric,. (t,oc,,dland Ai,ei). LY'IclrlAVEti '@Ol'OUC-@H. Tlie Plan@,liiig Cor@-.-iission approval of tiiis api)lication subject to City and. sci,ier as rr-,quostc.,l by t@,L, IT04 f285O t@Ir. Fanney elppeared on beb-alf of tlie folla%,incr ani?lica@-on. on mtion by Counci@ @in, seco.,ided by CouncilTnan PIalhon, and by recorded vote as follc,.,7s: Ayes: Cc)unci@n IZobert ii. Callis, Tr., Pobert B. Crorm,,ell, Jr., -rrank A. @@cl-i, P. Reid Ervin, Clarence A. Folland, D. M=ay MalL-on, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Y!,ayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. TTaterfielcl, Jr., and 14ayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nlays: I\bne Absent: CoiLrici@ George- R. Ferrell. City Council approved the folla,7ing application for a dianqe of zoninq and a use pe@t, subject to Norfolk sewer tie-in an,3 the cc)ns ction of a i@f stati n@ Application of Shipvieii Point, Itic. for a chati(i@ of Z_ i@nq from Residence Duplex District 2 (R-D 2) with a Ilotel and l'oul'ist (1-1) Sipl)lenent to Reside-,ice Duplex District 2 (R-D 2) with a flotcl and Tourist and Pestattrant (T-2) Supplcrient and a Use Permit to construct 16 additional r,, 'otel units, including 13 efficiency units an@ @pe@fhouses, on certain property located on the '@ortlieast corner of Page Avenue and Jade Street, running a distance of 329 feet along the Plorth side of Page Avenu,@, running a distance of 533 feet along the East side of Jade Street, running a distance of 443 fect along tiie South side of Chesapeake Bay, runnin a distance of 595 feet alotig the Eastern property line. (Lynnhaven Shores Area@. LYNNHAVEPI BOROUGI-1. The Plannlng Corinission rc!cornends @tpproval of this application. TLr. Calvin @ain, Al@tOrPeY, ap-@-ared o--@ @ialf of t@e anplicant. On mtion by Co@rci@,i seconO-@- by Co,@--ci@-i-n !',alton, a@d by rec,,rc7@l vote as follo,,.7s: I,.yes-. Counci-@n P&-)ert H. C,@lli -S, Jr., Pob--rt B. C=,T,.,,ell, Jr., Tranlc A. T)u.,@di, F. Rel-d J-@in, Clarenc-c A. D. Plu=ay t@,,al@n, J. Curtis P.Lvne, Vice 11.@,or Ear- 1 Ii. Tebault, Floyd E. 1,7aterf @-eld, Jr., zlnd @!a.,_7or Ibnald 11. Phodes. Nays: I\bie 7xbsent: Councilm@,n Cec)rcic, R. Fe-r-rell. to City Cc)uncil approve,,l th-c@ follc,.?-'-r,.,u aE),Olicat-Loia f-or a c7@,iar-qe o- F zordn(.T, sif.,jeci: a @fi-cation in the zo-nitig to C@-i-ieri-1 Ccm@ciza@istri.ct 3 (C-G 3). Al)r)lice.-t@ioii oi@ Lessie by P,. P-icl,(,,tt, Attoyii@,y, for a of zc.lni?@iq fr,oni P@@.sidcnc(@ I)isti,ict I (t@-D 1) to G-iir--t-al Illd',Istriil 0.1 cci,'&,in prc,,,i@rty lo,ated oi tlie So,,itli sid,! of thc,. t@orfolk Pnd Sciutliel,ii Railtiay Co. Rigiit of I!,iy b(,giiining at a poiiit 13,,30 feet riore or less !-,est of Sout!l Lynniiaven Road, rtiiiiiinq a dis:t,,,.ice of G91 fe(,t aloiin th., Easterti property litic of which 190 fect irore o.- Icss is t@ie I,.Icst sid,,, of V-irginia Pven,,!O, running a dis- taiice of 215 fect aloilg the Soith sid-, oi' tlie Ilorfoll, atid Southorn Rail,,@,,ay Co. Riglit of l@lay, ru,.-iriing a distance of 5,@)2 fcot r.@ore or less alo;iq tl)e licstc,.rn pro- erty Iiiie aiid I'Lll'rii,99 a distit,ce of 3CS feet along tlil' Sout@crii property Iiiia. @Doyleto,,,in Area). LYI@tlll!kVE'i DD,,),OUG@l. The Plaiining Co,-,jMssion ieco-,@n2rds al)pi-oval ol- tliis ap,')Iication subject to a modification in tl-ie zoiiii-.,g r(,qucst to Gc!neral Coririercial Dis-'I,*c'@ 3 (C-G 3). " ' L' Th,, a,,)pl'iu@nt is in agro-li-,,,nt l,"ith this chang., ill tl,.e zoning request. I'M4 f2852 14r. Robert @,7ell a@arc-d on behalf of the applicant. On motion by Cc)unci@ Frvin, secondod by Councilman Plalbon, ana by recortled vote as follows: Ayes: Cbunci@- @ert ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. CraTiw,-JI, Jr., Frank. A. DL2sch, F. Peid Frvin, Cl@ence A. I-Tolland, D. It-urray @Ialbon, J. @-s Payne, Vice ilayor @l M. -@ault, Flo,,,d E. Ilaterfield, Jr., @md l@layor @nald Fl. @odes. Nays: None Absent: CC)uncilman George R. Fe=ell. City Cbuncil a,,ooraVed the follo,,,ii-n@ aoplicatiori for a 't, Application of the Chesapea@,e and Potomac T('ICT)hone Company of Virginia for a Use Permit to construct a teleplione building for a dial center on certain property 'F@c,,I-6-d o-n th-, South-.,iost corner of Sliorchaven Drive and North Great Neck Road, run.,iing a distance of 339 feet along the West side of North Great N--ck Road, run- ning a distance of 611 feet along tiie South side of @iorehaven Road, running a distance of 448 feet along the Qestern property line, and running a distance of 681 feet along the Southern property line. (@,lelfair Acres Area). LY.Nti@IAVE,@l BOROUGH. The Plan,,iing Cornissio,-i recom@,iends approval of this application. I'@p @-, @28-53 on @-,ial- of 'i@,,aco, Inc. an@l the apDlicarit, COI-L-icil,@@LT1 DL)sdi, secoi@ed by Co@ci@in r@-)On, anrl by r-ocoroc I vot,, as foJ-lc,.,,-s: Ayes, CbLLici@-n H. @llis, Jr., Fr,,,nk A. Du-qc-Ti, Clar-eno-- A. D. P@ray @la-@n, J. CL@-s Pam-@, V-ico @@vor Fiarl !!. -T&-ault, F]-o,,,d P@@. @,Taterfielel, Jr., and 1.@a7yor -@naj-d ii. PI-i@,es. Nays: Coiinci@ F. Rei(3. @in. Abst@)--Ln: CoiLrici@ Tbly-,rt B. 7r-. (declii-icxl to vote @-cause of ILis personal frien6ship C-eorcia @- T,'ar.@,m (7arrett and tl-te fa(-,t that he represcnt@' thcm several yea-rs agc) @q:,icn tt-iey pu-cchas@ tlie slibject pro,,-rty) Absent: Councilwi @orae R. rerrell. City Oc)iincil a'-O,)roved th.C fOll-U,7incj Eippl-ication for a cha-nc,,e of zoninq an(i a upe , 't, subject to Ci.ty water and se,,@,r as request@ @ - . Fa,@ltf-i-@partmc-nt an,-l @d@li@tiori of ri(j-bt of w,)-y 45 fc--t frcn t@e center line of B-i-r(q-n,-r-T, Po,@@ (15--fcnt dedication) ind a d-,@.ication of r.@f.rl'nt of @,7ay 25 fe(-,t frcm tlie centcx line of 24-,h Street (10--foc)t clodicati-on -,-; r -@--stoci by t-J-ie @.IDEirbip-nt of Servi-c@-s) Apnlicc,t-ion 0-1@ A. Eind l' D. fc)i, a chatic',@-- of zoiiit)q frot.1 [Zcsi(leiice Stiburbati District 3 (f)--S 3) to Cciil,ll (C-c, 3) an(j a Use Permit to consti,uct a Supply Station on cei,tzin pv,ol)er',y loczit,-@d oti thTt7o,-,,-W,:T@t col,iler of Birdncct,, Ro@id aricl 24tli S'Lreet, runniiig a distince of IC)4 feet along thc East sidc, of Birdticcl, Ro,,d, rt)tinirig i distiiic(@ oi' 269 fect al@ig 14ortliet'n prop@,rcy line, runiiin(i a dis'@,incc, of 89 f(,.et alo@ig the Ezistern propei,ty line and i,unninq a distatice of 19" fect alo;ig t@ie florth sid(, of 24tli Street. I cli (Birdiiect@ Village Ar,@a). LYtl',Ili,@V@, BO@OUClf. The Planning Coii-aissloii recom;-.nds c@,,)provil of tliis iopliczttloii subject to City viater and sevior as requested by the rf,@alth D2,-)artm,rit and @,,(I@dication of rin!)'L- of i,lpay 45 fect fro@) tli@, cetitei, linc of [3irCii@c@ T' 'opd (15-foot dcdic,@tion) an(i a dedicatioi,. of riglit of @@!iy 2@) fect tli, c2i@'t,r line of 24-Lh Sti'l-C)t (10-fc)c,u. dedicatioii as reqLleSted by t@)c@ of Co@,,,,,,un-ity Serviccs. @l fc2854 M.r. Gerald Vaughan appeared on behalf of his cxm applica@ion. on mtio-n by Oc)uncilmm I n, second@ by (bunciLTan P7aterfield, @ by recorded vote as follovis: Ayes: Counci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., lbbe-rt B. CrcmTell, Jr., FranK- A. Wsch, F. Reid @n, Clarence A. Holland, D. @-@ay @@@n, J. Curtis Payne, Vice 14ayor Farl 11. @-,ault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., anO. Mayor Ibna-ld H. -@odes. iiays: None Absent: Counci@ Gcorge R. Fe-rrell. Ci-t,v Oc)uncil approved the folla,7ing apnlication for a use @-rmit ', subject to City water arA sc!wer as requcsted by tlie Fealth Dcp,,rbmnt.---- Applica-Lio,i of Jerald R. Vauglian and G@orge F. Davis for a Use Permit for a teenaql dance hall i-iltli live entev,tainr,@,,,,it on certaih property located- in@t-e Lonclon Bridge Business Corrplex located 31,70 feet more or less @lest of Great t4eck Road and 390 fect more or less Norti) of Virgiiiia Beach Boulevard. (London Bridge Business Con.Dlox Area). LYNtl@IAVEj'4 BO,@OUGti. Tlie Planiiing Comnission recom,,mends approval of this application subject to City water and se%q(,r as requested by the Health Departiicnt. l,ir. @l,'illien H. Per@' he'll@@- c@@ h-LF U,,:12 @iDplicat:lon. On mtion bv Cbunc@@an @in, se-@@i@od by Cc,:uic@l = t@albo-,i,' Illc) by rccc)rded vole as fo3-lovs. AYes: Coup-cilir-2n lbbert 11. Callis, Jr., Ib@-I@ T,'. ctont@lell, Jr., T.'rani-, A. F. Reid Ewj-n, Clarc)-nce A. Holla-p-cl, D. I,-11 11, J. t-is Payne, %7ice Ilayor L-, rarl M. @- aLLilt, Floyd E. Jr., arO i@ayc)r Tziiald H. Pliodes. Nays: Nonc Absent: Cbunci@ Gec)roE, R. Ferrell. City COuncil ),@L)roved the follo@,,@ a-pplication for a use p--xmit, s@Lbje-ct to City @ter and se-v,,er as reouestecl I)y t-h-c liealth DeparUi,-rit l@ leii avail@)le ancl a dedicat-lon of right of i-7ay 25 feet frcm the cent(-,.r li-TI-0 o:F- @-i@ (1.0-foot d@ication) as r,-@ested by tlie F@,,,Dc@ent of Ck@@,l@ orv@ cc,,3 iLy S Applic@,ttion of 11. Pc@rr:,/ foi, a U-,c, Perpiit for a clil,,rch on certaiii propei,ty beginning at a point 825 fect rrore oi, o')@ Virc-ii,lia Bl,,ac!i Boulevard, running a distancc-@ of 150 fret aloiig t!i(, East sid@, of Rudd@.r Roa,l, runiiing a d-is- ta@ice of 132 feet iloilg tlie t@,lortliern propert3i lin,@, ru,,itiing a distance of 150 fo@t along tlie Eastern pi,operty line and ruii-,iiiig a dist@iiicc of 132 fc.'L't ilong t@le Sotitlicv,n property linc. Said lots arc slio,.,in @is Lots 13, 14 and 15, revised Plat of t4ortfi Town. (Oceana Gar-d-,@ns Arca). The Planiiing Cor,,@,lission r'eco,@@,,@tids api)roval of tliis application SLI!)jC'Ct tO City water atid sciier @is reqLICStCd t)y t;l,@ licilth Derl,,,rti@ic-,nt FIT] a dedication of rig@i@ of iiiy 25 fcct froi, tlie ceiitei, line of 'Zudder !load dedication) as re- qlisted by tlie DLriarti,.,-@nt of Scrviccs. ITF24. @2856 Fa@ G, itarris ap ,pearE,d on behalf of his c,,vn kjpliration, On mttqn by cc)imc@@ payne, seconded by Cc)unci-b@m @llis, and by recorded vote as follows; Ayes: Cbuncilmn lbbert H- Callis, Jr., RObert B. Crowell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, P. Rcid @in, Clarence A. Holland, D. Mur-ray Ilalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Playor F-arl M. @ault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @@yor Dc)na-ld R. Ph@es. Nays: T\bne A,bs(Int: Cbunci@ George R. Ferrell. City Council kl)proved the following applicat-ion for a use, @tt for 24 units, subject to a curh-cut on 37th Street by the aoplicant u,--n e@detmlition of residence presently on the pro,@-rty. Application of Edwin G. Harris for a [!s(-, Pc,.rr,,.it to construct 24 Piotp-1 effi- cienCy LiqitS on cp-rtain propcrty locaf@d -@ll Nortlicast corner of 37'@@) Street and Pacific Aveiiue, running a distanc@ of 140 feet alona the East side of Pacific Avenu@, runninq a distancc of 198 fect alollq tlie liorth si(f(, of 37tli Street, running a dista@-ice of 140 fc,ct alonn, the Eastorn pro.mer@Ly line and runninq a distance of 103 fect alo.,Iq the @@lort,@ern proi)ert,@,, VIRGI'IIA BEACII The Planning Comission rL)con-,iends approval of this application iiith a reduction In density from tiie requested 24 to 20 units. -7 2 r'@ @ @ ,@ @ @l, 7 17r. tl. T),-,n ci @.alf Of IZ-s cl.,,-:@l @pl-@cation. On i.,mtion b@, Cc)@-ciL@ Disch, I @l, Couiici-Iran Callis, aiic', by rF-,oorc7e@i vot-c as follcF,,s- Ayes: CbunciLcn lb@-t 14. Callis, Jr., R,,D-@-rL B. Jr., Fr@ A. Du,,3cl'!, F. @-id F-@in, Cla--eice A. ETolla-nd, D. l,al-L-on, J. CLirt-is Paane, Vic-0 !Iayc)r Earl 11. Tebault, Flc)ycl E. @,7aterfi-elcl-, Jr., @ T,!,,yor Dc)na-ld. H. PW-es. Nays: None Absent: Oo@ncihLan C-eorge R. Fe-rrell. City Cbuncil aprjrovcxl tbe fc)ll(,ving for a -Lt- ApplicEktio,l or@ f@,. Din Dzilis fc,,I- a Ils@ tt) o@)erv@te a pcr;,,icig lo'@ on cr@rt@,,ill pro- -Fo-F 6ir -3- L por@ty on t", col, 2nd Stt,eo'L and Picific Av a distance o 159 fc,,t alo t!iL sid., of Pl,lcific AvLP.Le, rlinninq a dist@,iice of 264 feet aloi-,g tiio sid@, of 32ii(i Strcet, rti@,-inirg a distarice oT- l@)9 fe(,'t along t@,c F)ro,,j-,,.rty lirio zind ru-@inin( a dist@@ri,-,c of 26,,, fee-L, alo,@ th@ tloi,tliet,l pro- porty li@ie. VIFIGI@ll,@ BEP.C!L The Pliriiii@ig Co;@i@-iiss@ion ap,').-ov,@l of tiiis application. TMI f2858 tir. Patrick L. Standin,7, par@x in the fi-m, of Tal@t & Associates, appeared on behalf of tl,.e apolicant. on mtion by Counc,,iini,@ Payre, socc)nclc(-l by (bu-nci-@Ti Ilolland, and by recor(9ed vote as foll@is: Ayes: Cbunci@-n Po-@rt FT - Callis, Jr., Poyert B. Cxc)nT@@,,--Il, 7r. , Frank A. Dusch, P. Peid -@in, Cl,arence A. Tiolla-nd, D. M@lirrzky M@@n, J. @-tis Payne, Vice I!'ayor Farl M. @bati-It, Floyd E. TpTaterfield, Jr., and flayor I)Onald 11. @odes. Nays: I\bne Absent: Cc)uncilman C-eorge R. Ferrell. City aduncil approv@ the folla-7ing application for a t. Applicatioti of LevLl Greon Coi,poration for a Use Perr,,iit to coiistrtict sL,@,,Iage a puio.ping statioii o@ii certain prorerty loc tr@,d o,.i@the sid,- of Level Grcen Bottle- vard (prol)osed) beginning at a point 325 @iee-@ Sou'Lh of tli@ Virginia Electric and Power Co. Right of Way. Said property being 50 feet by 50 feet in size. (Level Green Area). KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH. The Planning Co:,-n.[-,sion r,,com.-icn,lls approval of this application. ITEM l,2859 VX- Ted Fer(juson @opear@l on behal-f of the applicant. yx, Sam Hougton a b-o-fore council requesting @liance to the Council I?olicy that not:Lce be posted on premises uno-er application for rezonin@ or use pe-i-t. on rrk)tion by Counci@ CrcnT@ell, seconde5. by Councilman Holland, @ by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Cc)uncilmen Pobert H. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. Crcm,7e]-l, Jr., FrarLk A. Dusdi, F. Reid Fxvin, Clarence A. Folland, D. @@@ay 7,@@n, J. Curtis Payne, lice I'layor Earl M. @ault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., WO llayor Dc)nald H. Phodes. Nays: @ne Absent: Oc)uncil= Ceorge R. Ferrell. City Council app-rov--d th-e fol.la,7ing applicatioi for a use @t, subject to City ,,,,ater ard sevcr as requested by the Health De, t.- fo- a I,o c@ orl ess st C,i a dist,,!ic;.,, G@ s@,d,2 of Ptovic'--@.)cl a of 2,"n f2@)- a clis-L@rice. of 2,','C) fc-et alo@z@q the f @"O 5,21- @l, c 0 20' fe,-'t alo;lg -L.;ic E@istei,@l prol)erty liiio,. 1-hL, Pla@inji)ci Co,,issioi a@p@)rov,l of t;@-is f266O Cc)unc-ilm-n aonT,,7ell siiggested t-i-iat clue to tile of laci@-of-.notioe C=Iaints that pcrhaps the i St C47F-,Ct '- _() _iVe MeenS of givj-ng rotice 1,70uld ]-,e to advertise all use permit and cliang-- of a@plicati-o-ns in thc mst i-7-ide-ly rel@d p@lica'H-on, the -acti -@-.acon. Irr-erefore, M@r. Crca7,,e tL -rn 11 requcstc--l t--he Ci v Atto tir. O',,inj-c,-@ f e At ther - ey, rcm il-I Lo,,ey C@eneral as to Vne the Beaco-,i is a valid car -rier for pd:)Iicatior),s of ti-iis n@,it-uy--e. l@l 1,@2861 @Ir. IIErL---t I<r,,Trer, presicle-nt of I -, F -,, fLis own eLiDl:)licatic).n. -a@e @,ard I\brth, Inc. , appe,@@ on @- ia-If of On rtr@ti-on by Councilman flolland, secon(3ed by Cotinc@an @on7ell, and by reco-r(3ed vote as follo@,?s: Ayes: Cc),Luicilmn Pol@-rt ii. Callis, Jr., @bert B. Crcm,7ell, Jr., @a-nl-@ A. DuFcht C]-arence A. ITolla-nd, D. 1,@ur-riy Ma-11@n, J. C=tis Payn--, Vice @layor rarl M. Tebault, Floyd E. V7aterfield, Jr., and P4ayor Donald 11. @-odes. Nays. CbLuici@ F. Pr--id P@in. Absent: Counci@-in George JZ. Fer-rell. City (buncil apnrov--d the following applicalion f-or a ii@ @t. Applicatioii of 14. Goor,ge Scii,,;oitzer for a U@-o P@@ ''riit to cozllstiL!C@ a gasoline s@ipt)ly sta-iori on certain property located on tlie f7orci:@ast co,,n@r of Sliore Drive a.,)d C,reen@-ioll R@.,d, run,,iing a distince of 192 fcet alotig the I!osterji 'nrop'Irty line of w@iich 170 fe2t is the East side of Greptiviell Road, runiiirig a etist,@!ice of 199 f(-et alotig th@@ tiortlir--rn pi,opcr-ty line, runnitig a distince of 16r) fect alor@g the Eastern property litic and running a distan,e of 147 feet along tli;-, rlortil side 6f Silore Drive. (Bayville Park Area). BpkYSIDE 80,'@OUG!i. The Plannitig CoiT,,7.iission reco-Ti-?nds a!)pi,oval of this application subject to City wall-er and sevi,.r as requested by tli(., fieall@h P,(,parti@.,nt. @.1 f@2862 klr- Calvin Spain, Attorney, a, ed on 1--dialf of the applicant. On motion by Cbun@l @ Payne, seconded by Oc)unci@ DLisch, @ by recorded vote as follais: Ayes: Cbuncilmn Pobe-rt H. Callis, Jr., Rc).@t B. Crcm,,ell, Tr., FrarL'< A. DLisch, Clarence A. Folland, D. P,=.ay Ma@n, J. -@is Payne, Vice mayor Earl @l. Tthault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and I/layor ronald H. Phc)des. I\Iays: Cour-cilman P. Peid F-,vin. Absent: (bunci@ (7eorge R. Ferrell. City Cc)un@l appr6ved the foll(7ving @nplication for aL use @it. Appliciticti of Lakc Ed@-;ard florth, Inc., for a [Ise Per,,.flt to construct a gasolirle supply s-Lat-'iori on c,r-tain pro,,ert%, locat,.,d on V,7o cortiei, of BF,@cr Poa,,' and flaty@hire Lan,- (pronos@d) ru.-Ining a distance of 175 foet aloig t.@e East side of Baker Road, running a distance of 200 fe2t alopq t@ir-, Sout@l sieil, of @!a@-.ipshire Latio (proposed), runni,-In a distance of 175 fe-t alon'@ t@,2 Easter,n property line and runninn a distance o-i 200 .@c-,@, alo!i.@ t",it, prop,lrt-y lin,2. (La'@e Edi!ard ,,rea). SAYSIDR The Planninq Y'OCO-7,2nds c@ t!-@is F. of his a,,,n o,, Mtio-I b@, Cbi,.iici -lid hy recor6ed vol@e 7@ves: col-Inci lr--ri Fb@@r-@ H. @ilis, Jr. , PDI--ert B. Cr 7e-Li, -jr. , - J--. P--id C_Lare,-nc,- A. Ilolle@, CTM F3-a-iY@ A. Duscl@, ., D. 1"aJIDOn, J. CL@s P,@yne, %7ice ilaycr gt@lu-it, lj'loyd F,. 1,7aterfield, Jr., an(3. llayor @nald FT. Ph@- es. Nays: @r-e NOsent: Council-Tpal rTrel I City Cbuncil ti, T aP n for a use PC-,'-r.,L,,-t, Subj(-,CL to cita, -t,2r -@s r c ]-*Part,@el)L alrcl C.@ty s-c,@ler v7ll@n avai-l@l !e (aF, . est (@ b@, ti@e Flc,-altl-l r- cart. - .i OsUca by the Iloalth D,-I@ _t) Api-ilic,iti(,'!i c)l F. 1",IYII@, Y, Ji'. foi, a U@c,. Pc,.r!ii J. to co, ru 01 kwcj-c-@- r)st corncr of Si,ore [)ri v,-, @ c d oil 'Ll SLi')Ply S@@!LiCil Or, lc)c:- I an@ East Gi,aysoti Di,iv,, I'L!,'inii-ig i distan,,-c of 211 f(@et @lo!la t'fl2 Sou-Lli side of Sliore Drive, rli,inillg a distance oi@ 200 fec.@t tl-i@, tl,,,st sie,@ 'of Eist Gravso,-i ruii- iiing a di@taiice o 15f)* fec,.t alc.,@,.g th.(' SC)Lltl)Cl'il pi,ol)ci,ty lin,@, an(i runtiiiig a (listatice of 305 fec-L alolig 'Cli, l,'2@i@Lci,n 1),,,op@,,,-ty liric. (Occan Par'@, Arra). PAYSIDC' The Platining Coi,,;ili'ssion approval of tliis applicatioll su,')jc-ct to City water and se1/2,ier as requested by tlie licitlt@i Departr@i2ilt. IT744 fi2864 Carrin@ton rea,,l a lettex f-rcm Yr. @Nm n. picl@ett r@, esti-i-ig tlaat the application o@ Davis Coyner Propei-Li.es Co. @- either referred bad-, t-o the Planning @@,sion or w@th@E(N,,Yl as the appli@Tit pl,)ns to acclu@e an acidit@ona-1 parcel of pro,@rty to bine v7ith the prmerty sut-ii@ittcd in the fol-l.c,,-7ing ap@oli-cat..'Lon, v@nich would I)avo a material el-fect on planiing for the entire a-rea and afford the City of \7j,rginia @,adi an c)pport.='ty to provido residents in t-he area ivitti recreat-ioiiil a-nd acl(-Ii-bo-nal public facilities. -Mr. Calv-in qpain, Attorney, ao,@,-ared on behalf of the al)plicant r@iesting a -,,,ith- dra@,,al. I,lr. Barb--r appear@ on balialf of Fair ileaclO'As Estates-Boulev,-xd l@@or Civic leagu(?- in opoosition to the -o f- l]-a,7-inq a@ . _lication. @Ir.. Sam Fouston, Sr., knixared on behalf of tl,,e Cbuncil of Civic Orqanizations, Plarming, Develo,@-,nt, @ Z<)ning ttp-e, reauest-i-ng that the foilowing aoplicat-ion be refexred back to t-he Planninq @ssion. On mtion by Cc)unci@an Crcm,7ell-, seconl--J. by Cbunci-@ I-Tolland, and by recorded vote as fc)lla,7,-,: AYes: Councilmn Pobert H. Callis, Jr., -Thbert B. Cr@@-11, Jr., Fr@@ A. Dusch, P. Reid @in, Clarence A. Holland, D. P...@ay Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice llayor Earl P4- @ault, Floyd F,. 1,7aterfield, Jr. , and @layor T.)onald H. I'diodes. Nays : Ibn,,- Absent: Cbunci@ C@rge R. Ferrell. City Council approved v7ithdra@,7al of the folla,7ing application of Davi.s cbrner Pro@rties Co. for a @ea .F @22 and a Lis @-mit. Ap,,)Iicatioll of Davis Corner Prol,-@r-Lies Co., by Cr..,,@n B. Pic@c,'@t, Atto-cnoy, for a ch,,,-ricie oF zonino.froll] Rcsidence Stiburban Distt'ict 4 (FI-S 4) to tiultiple Fa@iily P@@@si- and a Use Pol,.,mit to construct 160 apar-Lri,2nt units on certain property located on t@l@ Sou-fll-si-cfe-of Virgirja PCach Boulevard beginning at a point 925 feet riore or less East of Fair t!Lado,,,is Road, running a distance of 392 fe@,t aloyi,@ tlie l,,orth@rn prop,,,,i,ty lino of ICO feet is tfl@' SOL!tll SI(,IO of Virginia Boach Boul-vard, rui)!iin'7 a. c,istance of 2277 fe.,t aloi- tlio Eastern prori,rty line, runni rLiil!'Illg , dist@ii 6@ (f.istanc2 of 25@i' fc-t along t@ o propc-rty Iiiie Z',,-)d ice of 1 2 fect along th@- '!2stcri-) pro,,,2i-@.y lirt?. lo--a'@(-,d at the Eastril extr-nilty of Ela.-.1 @venu2, Col!Ss n,venL@o and L.;irry (Fair !Ianor Areas). On inot-ion by Cbi.,,nciliTi--in se-@,@iclecl by camcilman b@, recorLqc-Kl vote as fol."t@@-: Ayes: CoiLnci-ImTi Thbart IT. Calli-s, Jr., -Pr@., A.. F. P,--.id @in, Clare-li@- A. !Tollai,irl, D. I!allon, J. CLi7,t-is Paync, N@-Lce @.layc)r- Parl @l. @bD-ult, Flqyd.E. @xaterfielcl, Jr., anO l@@avo_r @n,).Id ii. P,icyler,. 1,Tays -. T\bne A-bsent: Councilr)@n lb-.@rt B. Ci-crrv,,ell, C-eor@,,-- R. Fer-cell. City (buncil @l:gro-\7cd t-bc@ foll.o,,,,,!-ng PLs,,)ItitioTi relat3-@,e to thp- 1971 (q-,,ieral A-qsol@)ly cc)nsidE!r.i-iiu, @-xtai-n of tlic 12" org,@ni-z&lt5,on. of tlic, of tlic C,'@'Lt@y of Virplillil 1,7as lii:,Id i-n Co@iricil C'il,?i of thc .Iiclniinis- tration B@iildiii@, c):F the City of -iii lzr I 71 at 2:00 P.M. Beicli ori 3, L , y I , 9 On MoLion I)y @ij:. TTatc,-r:Fiel(9. a nci seconded bv Mr. 7,al@n the follo@qin- resolutic)- 'as un'lllii@iously a(iopted. R E S 0 11 U T I 0 N 1,111EP,I:AS@ the City of Virginia Beecli is actively participatin, -1 s a ia c @ir) or,,,)iiizatioti ttiat represents the --rr,ber ol- tli "Ui:b@)n 12") metropolitan ui,-bnn areas of tlic, COFu@,lc)ll@,7ealth or- Virginia; and I-Ail-,'I,EAS, the "Urban 12" has cicc-,p concerii for tlie i-ii-ioncial plights of the ui.-bin ireas and urges thc, General Isse-,nbiy to con- sider thesc- prol)leriis du3--ing tlie 1971 G--ner@ll. Assemt)ly. NOW, THL'I),EFO,@F,, BE IT RESOLVED BY Ti@ COUNCII, OF TIIE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH: That the General Asse,-nbly i-s hercby requested to givc consi.d- eration to moving forward tlie effective date of the Coiiuiion@7ealtii of Virginia take-over of the locality sliare o@- cate-orical aid grants in local welfare pro-,ranis from its present JonLiary 1, 1972) date to July 1, 1971. That the General Assembly is hereby requested to give consid- eration to the provision that emergency authorization be given fox .9n additiDnOl onc-cent local option sales tax. That the General AsseD-I)ly is also requestecl to give consider- Oti-on to the distribution of an extra montli's sales tax rnoney to the locilities by speedin- up salcs ta;@ distribution and ttiat the Co,-iinioiii,7c,alth of Vir-@inia distribu-uc-, 1,T',C profits in quarterly ii-i- st@illments rathe2: tlian on an P-nnuil basis. t,ND, BE IT FUI)ITHFP, I)ESOLVED, th@it the City Matiaccr is directed to trans@mit a CODY C)f tii-,s resc)lutic)n to encli me-,iiber of the Gene2:e@l -ity of VirFiiii@9 -Y t-@h2 Cn by Cc),x,@c4-@l,@p i", -e e,, r aiO- V r@,c, -L - fol1c)-.,.,s: , ,yo Ayc2: co.@,lci.Ij _rl C,al Frinl@ A. Dusdi, P. p@,@id Cl D@once !',O 2@ t HOlle-r@, D. 1,--ra-Y 7. CLI-ct@,,s P T@7a@c--r-ic,ld, Jr., ar" a r2, Vice '@@a@'Or F-! Pi. F:Lcycl 1 3 l,a@r Dc).,-i@ild ii. Kqon@- J\IEL@7.9: iz 0 AT)@'ent: Cbu-n--i@I po@.,t B. I C- R. r 1. city (b',-cil ap @-(3i)) 'TICO Ejc.,odidiii, .T S,2cti(-)ns 16-13 d 1 -14 ],,el, t ve@ an 6 a i- to of ta l@F3 of tl@krL-Y (30) da7ys. l@,! J,@2867 on MoLiOll h@, CoLlrc'jjTl@"" l@oll-Icil -90concl--d LY Counci-bmn JD@, re@@ded vote as Ayes' Cotu-icil-m-2n Fc,)D,-rt ii. @]lis, 7.r., P3-@- A. IXiscJl, P. @d @-Ln, Clarence- A. Folla-,id, D. Pkirral7 !@IaU)on, J. @-rtiz,' PELYn(2, ll'aLVor Farl M. Tf@ault, Floyd E. T%Taterf i-elcl, Jr., anci t@),Iyoc Donalcl. H, @@C)dos. 1\7ays: @lone Absent: Cc)u,-icili@-n rbbcrt B. Jr. and Ceorge R. j.,,errel.l.. City Council ap,@rovcd the -follo@,7ing ap@plications fo-r 1 i Ul aT, Z,,t f $124.82. tax rcflu ds n - e D o- Dale- iir,.,ison CILLY Attc,r-ney 1)(@c. 23, 1970' R@l: ?@t. Cl. lipplicalioll for 1',ix Reju@lds: t@nc for ctn,.,n 12 c ti@leci for P,,Yi:lent, zs L rL se fo 'El A. Etheridce. Trc,,,irr V Name J-)SC'. 1 2. 00 0 cr@,set-.I:, Lan 95. O/-, 95.0@, C nDDliCatiAnn fo Or, -ti-Qii by Co@inci@ IT011and, gecon,,5c,.d by Counc'@@n @lis, -d by reco@,ed vote as Ayes: (b-cilmr, P;o@rt H. Callis, Jr., Pr@,. A Du-sch, F- Pf,id @in, Clare-,ice A. Floll I, D. llur v an, a- n-i!bOI, J. @--tis Palne, Vi-ce 7@yor P-' m. @a-uit, Floycl E. P7aLt-er -tld H. @es. fie@ld, jr. -d 1,@yor rZn, Nays: No,,ie A,')-nt. Ccj-nc-i @.2,1 P@,,@rt D. Tr. @-I c@@e R. F@rall. rola-ti@7@ to :-,g a of p S,-@r,2t ria vo-@e as E, ca@ S, A. @-sd@, n, Clircp-c,-- A. l-,'@i!Lx)n, i. CLIRL@-I vi@ce @T@-or E@-ri 1"'. T&-,au-l,t, ijoycl E. T@ate-Ilield, Jr., z-@ld p@.yor H. 1)@es AT)scnt: cb, cilr, n ro,@ 'Ll e t B. Cr6,@@oll, Jr. end George R. Fcr-rell. City Cbi)ncil a_noro@,e(I tl-ic foll@,,ing Resoliition relati-ve to il-i(, nee(3 of th-- City for greater fi-naTic.,iz)l sLi2@rt J--rcti tl-i@ Stitc@ F@d. for .mre cq-uit le divisi,on of certain State gcn,@xal-@ @vi@@n -U(lc,, C',ity. Tlic, rCELI.10,2: the CDL]L-Icil of the City of Vi-r,,Illj' Be,@ct .i, ViyginiO, @-7,)s 1)(',I(i in tli(-' Ci)@in ii. Clil[mbcrs oi- tlic A,(3-rytinis- trat.i.on o@ tic City o-L Virgini- Beach DFI JO@nLiOry 11, 19-l'i> at 2:oo P.14. On iaotion by ijr. and seconcled I)y Yr. T)u@c-'!, the fol.lol.@in- r,D- sc)ILI't-"*-on Nq,9@ unani-@noL]sjy O-.dol)tecl. R E S 0 L U T I 0 N A RESOI,TJTION rc-,questing ellictR,ellt- of cc@rtain geiler.,l legislption at the 1971 Special- Session of the Generol Assembly c)f Virgi.ni,@; 9nd urgirig the assistaiice of the City's rc@preseiitotives iri the Ceneral Assenibly in support thereof. IMI-PEAS, the n(@ed of the City for -re,-ter -quppoa:t froni tlie State and for RIC)RC eqL!j-t@blc@ clivisi-on of cert@lin Stite rr-@VeFILIOS x.,Iiich are cn,-rq-Lecl i,7ithin thc City has beco-,ne pressiiigly acute; and WHEREAS, need elso exists for cl@irifi.c-,i'L-ion and @inieiicime,t f certain general statutes relatirig to local assessment of ta>:able properties so that, v7ithout increase of tax rate, cert@iin t@ix revetiues m.iy be iiiade avgila'Dle ct tiie times ncecied by the City enrj so tl-i@t uniforinity it) tl@e niatter of taxotic)n be acfiieved; and IqHF-REAS, tlie Council, sittirig as a coiiuuittee in conferen--e with the City's represeritatives to tlie Getioral Assembly, has decided upon certain lefislation which it desires be enacted by thL, Cencral A-sserribly of Vir@inia at its 1971 Special Session. THEREFORE, BL" IT 11,ESOI,VED by ttie Council of tlie City of Virginia Beach that said City's representatives in the General lssembl.y of Virginia bel and are liereby urgecl to sponsor god slipport in the 1971 Special Session.o@@ saie@ General Asscmbly general legislation which would do or provieie for the 1-oll.ov7in-: (a) Reco@ni.zin, that the many services of the courts of cities aiid tol-7ns el-id of loca.1 pc)lice and o'llielc mlinicip@l offic(@rs cnd ein- ployees are zcqL-,ireO. atid e@-npl-oyed in t'ne c;iforcem@-,,it ancl prosecution of of@fenses under th- St,,ite irl citi.c,-s @,ncl to.-@,7rls: Amen(i Co@ic, cif so as to provic--,,e th,.it of- the @@ITIOL7n-- c)j @'@l fit)(Is p@i.cl i.tit.-o th,@ MUniCipli- CC)LI-Cts O@@ , c!-ty o@-- tc)@?ti @,iie, to t-he cle@:k of thc@ circuit, co-1--por,@'tic)l-l Or 11LIStl*llc-@j (:OLII:t O:L@ SUCII for viol,itioli C)f tlic-@ o.L- tll(,- bc- pp,:Ld i-n'co or. retLii-,iioc'i tc) th(, oi sucli city 01: tol,7n. tl-@,?t I)r-scnt p@,()Vioi(-'S fc)l-@ P,,l@yr@t--nts to ].OCalitiCS Of Stit-c-' at the retc,, c).L@ @,;10,000 pc@r io.1.1-e for St,)Le prir,iary @n6 secon,-@@iry locilitic-s @ne, @'t ttic@ rnto of $1,1-00 1),@3: iiii]-e for cert,91-t@ otl-lc-,r qL',Ili-lyiril- @trects in such lc)c,,]-itic@S2 p@?Ylllcnts P3@-@e fc))- mninteiiitice @,Llcl of @;ucli strc,c,ts iiici hi@l-i@,@iys btit clo not rc@@Icct tlie CO-t Of tr@q:[--fj,c! reLIT,@tion ancl poli-cin@ of 1. Amenci SS 33.1-1!1, Cocle of Vir,"]*nil-, so as to pi:c)\,iete for paynient of tlic! suii of $15,000 p(@,,,- nile, eiinu@lly, for qll St,7,t(-- pri-i@iz,,ry .111d S(-'CDII@t@nry 3:o,@d syste@TIS in cities illci to@711s@ end 2. Aniet)cl E, 33.1-432 Codo of Vir,,iiiia) so as to provicle for payiu--iit of tlie sL]-,n Of $1,500 pOr Mil(', anDLIal@ly, fOr all othei: quali"yin- streets, not pnrt o@' the St,-te way SysLet!i, Ic)cetecl in c.*Lties atid toi,,ns. (c) t@menet SS 53-133.1 and 53-133.2, Cocle of Vir@illi@,) so as to increase to fifty percent tl-ie limi.t ol- St,)te r(.@iiabLirsc-iiictit of loc.,liti-es of the cost to locnlities Df coiistruction or enlarf,,etlient of joi-Is. (d) Tliat i revie-v7 of Llic forr@ilile or formi,ilne est,@,f)l@isl-iecl fc)r the Oist)-i]3ution of Stete funds to localities fc)r ti-lo oper,@tion of the@Ir scli--)ol- sys@,C-@ll-s bc@ micle, to the e,,.tent that tlie allocetions iii,@de localit@.es reflect e lar@_er share ol@ the c,@pense of tlie operatioli of pub-Ii.c schools 7n(-! thqt the discri'-b,@ition more rdeqLln-Lely be respc)nsive to the requi-re;-iieriLs end standol-(IS @,7'Liich tlie St@ite iitipo@es Lipon lo c,@iii Lj@c@ C, coec 0.@ tc) loc,,.,l be SC) tO discretioli to loca]-itics iii,,tt 3-- o N@7hic@li. - l - --e L o 1. e, estol t@liL!ll- bc, p,,@ @@e, Ilici i,ii thc@, of pro-, v@(I:i.i,, fc)r pi@ni -11, 0 fOj' nc't)-p@yffic@riL of lool-I taxes. (f) Coc',c,, of re- :FO3--er)cc to lc)c,, 'I tey, o, tt c O,' public service corpo-,@,@,-. tiol-is, I)e s 1,103 C@ Curl:(-nL e@'iteri@ fo2: C) to p C)f loc.") asso@qsillc)llt I'c,L"-C)s in t@x:ing di-stricts Incl to rc)quj-:ce equz@liz,@ti-on of Ll ,)Lic)n o@- t:i-ie reol- @lle. pers()I-I,?l p)'Dperty of sucli corl)c))-,@tions witli tlie LiD.),It:!.C)il c)]: rcni- ;,,n,! p--rsoll@il. prop--rty Of @ill otlie): fia:r)iF; incl corpc)i-pti-ons. (g) Th@t, ttic@ 4,,,3--eiLe2: (,t-ivirori@ii iitil- I)roble-@,is beiii- in nc) i,7ise t@ic), sol.e respot-is@i-bility o3- inc')i\7i(71LIl loc,@l.iti(,s nc)r N-7ithin tlic,. cbili-ty of in(]iVidL!nl locn]-ities to correcl or abate, tl-ie Stete iiicqlcci clirect-,IY evailabl,e to tlie city ancl OLlier loc,@lit@i.CS fLI11CS @-7j-tll x@Iiich to con- struct and prc)vi(ic,- )cleclLi@.te ficilities for @,7eter an(7, Z',.ir P011LItic)n coritr01 (h) That provisions be mnde for raore tiriely reit-ll)urseiqc@nt or payinent by the Stnte to IOCalitieS Of fLindS due such localities as the State's porti.on of oper,@Liot-icl expenses of general governiiient or of furids held or received by tlie State on account of such localities. BE IT FIJPTHIll' I'l,"SOLVLT), thlt thc, City Clerl@ do fortli@,7itli transmit to tlie Ci-ty's represen-uatives to the Getier,21. Assenably of VirE,,inia, 'ittestec3. copies Df thi.s resc)]-ution; gncl, further, ttiat tlie City's officials be and are hereby authorized and clirectecl to confer with and offer assistance to all sucli local representatives in the prep- aration of appropri.ate le@,islation to acco!uplish eacli of the fore- goin@'. (COT,J,Nc-EL"P@T'i CTn-,7,,E7,L P,,@.TP@TrD TO CO@ICII, G7A@,MF@S) I I i P@@ t H. C, li,, Jr., lb@--t B. @ r jr. , C', F. P_-i c 1, .-d A. !Tol,l cl ar j. F:. 1-7at@rfi-ell-l, Jr., lo.,,7or Nays: 1,To.@-@ 7\bscL@t: Courcih,,an G--Oj--go R. Ferrell. C,ity Counci-I @@Dprovocl c),a first rea0ing t-b-e foll(Y,,,@ircj Pesol.utioli a-ncl provi(3ed for a M)JIC TT@@,_I-3_ng tC) h@l!-l oi-i 25, 1971, at 10:00 l," TliL@ rc,@Lil@y Lli,@ CC)Llrl,,7L]- Of-- ti),(' City C)f.- l@Oi 1-1, t'@)c@ Cl@Ll@@ICI-I Ct@i:s c)- th(, Be@ic Ii, V-.,'L-r iii ili,@s ]lo. ti:ation BL]il(i@t), 01@ tlic@ C@LLY o@L C)II J@gf-lu"i-Y 11, 19-/1, ,nt 2:00 P.M. On mc)t-!-oii b.,),, @Ir. @viii @inrl secc)riclcd by I'al@n t]-le follovi;lrig re@,OlLlf--iO',l l,,3S LI171-IllililDLsly cido,,ited . R E S 0 1", -U T 1- 0 - N 1,@HL,'.P,E/,.@l, -LI@e Ch,,irLer of tlie City of Vilrl@ll-ni,) Be,-,cli provi(les for tlie election @,ii(I te3--ms of @ii-icl Sectioii VTHEPEAS, p@irsLi,@iit to/24.1.-90 c).L@ tl-L-- Code of Vir@,iniq) as ,imer)(.1c, t'ric, 3@,w roqliires th,@t @,,iiy elCC!ti0t) Of 1',IayOr Or CDUI-ICil -d) slie-1.1 til@c! I)la,--e oil th.,2 f!-rst,TLiesclty iii 1.1,4y, @itie@ tlie Pel7sc)[-IS SO elected sh,-,II take officc on tlie fi-rst of Jul)' sucli election. NO@,l TIIEI'EFO'I')-,,, BE IT PESOLVF@@D BY THE COU@,ICIL OF TI-IE CITY OP' VII@GINIA BEACII: 1. That Section 3.02:1 of tlie CI)c--,rter of tlie City of Virginia Be,ich, Virgiiiia, bc@ aniended by the General Assenibly of Virgini-a as follows: by deletin, tlie worr] "secc)n(I" in the thirtecoth line 12 anci substil-utin- tt-tc, i-7orcl "first." by deleting tlie word "i-ir)c@" in the thirteenth linc., ind substitin.@ tile wojcd ltm, Y. ii by thc, i-7ord iii the. fourtEei-)tli line @nci substittitit)g clic i,@or' "Jun(-, by doletinp, tlie w,)-,--l "Sept--eiiiber" in the sixteentli li-ne @incl subs-uitut:i@iE, thc v7ore, "JL-Ily. 11 2. That a public hearin', on the proposed Ch,)rter amenc'liiient shall be held in the Council Chainber of th(2 cit7 of Virrinin Beach, Virgiiii@l, at 0 11 pursuent to Section 15.1-912 oL@ the Co(3e of- Virgini.p, (J-950), 2s @,,,nenC-,ed. The Cler"@ sh@@ll c,-use tioti,ce of sucli public iie@rin@ to be giveri ir) tiie requi-rec3. by s@,@-d Sec-lion 15.1-912. On @,Lnci I @an F-.@-i-n, L'@, vicc-, cr '2obaa-. t,, a--ie re-cc)rcied vote @,s PC,'-,Crt IT,. Jr. , Po!De-rt B. Cr@,,e-ll, F. l@,in, Ci,@@eicc' 71, D, I,,Ia-.L@n, J. CL@-1-s Vice l,,ayor F.@l @7i. gtbault, Floycl E. 1,@accr,@.ielC, Jr., @i,3 @@a-yor Dciia,.lc3. @l. P@-es. @7ays: T\loie A!Dsc,,tit; Cc)tincilman C-.eo,,ge P,. Pery-@ell. Cit:l, Counctl aUthClri2ai ti-in C-ity Ptto3--ne@,, l,'a7. Dale B@xoso@-i, to I:Tcoare a resolutj2-c,,l to go to t-ll(' mau@- rs ol- -Lhc, Z,,,3s se--kj.ng, thei-r assistance in pa-,,,inj and e2-ia'oling lecji-@IE,,tioii in iccor(7@EUI@ Witl@ t.1-ic cl,a-iiges by the vote-r@ cn Novol-o-@- 23, 11,70 to tj,,e- co-@-,c@@ tuli()n of vircTi-T),*-a, parti @ -11, 'L n i 'i clll-a-r A - Li-c. e 10, c, ,i -r i-jould allc,.,,7 -Ui@ City of X7ixcl@nia ol E', lo--,al, c),,Dtic).l @-Si-s to give a tax breE)',@. to senic)r citizens o@,or sbt-,,7-five (65) year.- o:c ic@F(@. 15'r,"t j,2872 Mr. Jin, @qli-@h beforo CbtLlicil rcfluestii-ig a one @- CaFji (fonation of $15,000 to assist in tlie constructioii of a Tittle buj.lcij-ng,. Cn rrotioii by (b@iciL-a,7Ln @cnT,?el".L, seco,,ici@ by Vice- @ly@r @, gult, aiid ],,y recor(,I.Od vote as follo@@2s: Ixyes: ODuncil@-n Rol-@.rt Ii. Callis, Jr., Ibl@rt B. Croii,,,7e!l, Jr., I,'raq@ A. DLI@, F. Poi@. @-vin, Clarence A. Folland, D. 1,@-ray J. (,Vr'cis Vice P!ayor Earl 11. Tebault, Flo@,d F,. 1,7a@,rfiel-d, Jr., an,-l @layor J)or)ald- JT. Rh@c-.s. I\Tays: I\Ione, Abserit: CbuncilTran G--orcre R. F@ell. City (bi-incil (Tran-,cd a oie -Cl@ cash donit-ic),-i in the a@unt ol- $15,000 tr) ac3sist in @e const-ruction of a Iittle @-@ater builcl-'@ng. ITET,l JIL2873 on -t'c)n '.'y O:)uncilmn @ch, secordcd by Vice Mayor @@ault, anl by reco-rded votp- as folluis: AYes: Cbuncilm@n Pob,-Xt H. Callis, Jr., Fbbert B. CrcE7Aell, Jr., Frank A. iliscl@i, F. Reid Ervin, Clarence A. Ilolland, D. ,@ra7y Ma3@n, J. Curtis Payne, Vic-- rlayor Earl @l. @ault, Flold E. T@7aterfield, Jr - , and t4ayor ronald 11. Phocies. Nays: I\bne Absent: Counci@ Gcorge R. Ic,--rrell. CitY Cow-icil authoriz@. tl'e City M@acjer, Y@,r. lbger Scott, to enter into a contract with 7,u@tic Voting Machine Divis-ion of A@7@',l Cbrooration (ja-nestcwn, @T. Y.) for the Ptirchase of ten a!-Iditio-nal- auto-matic VoLing machines. F'Lincis will be placec-I in the 1971-72 budg(,t. cn I)y C@,Lncj,L-iF-n @ili,, scc,@-iri@CA k,,,, V@, L as Aycs: Co@icib-len PO,@rt @l. Callis, fr., )3. A. F-)Use-1, P. @id -@vin, ClarL-,i'ic-,7! 7@. D. il@albcn, J. P@,,n@, Vi@-) IIEIYor F,a-rl 11. i.@ault, Flo!,O.. I,,. Jr., @- 1,@ Lbna2C, l@, T,)b-CY,)P-S. Nays - @pe P,bsent: Cc),mo-i-17,an C---or@- R. Ferrell. City Coiucil. grantc--,! Lc,)--mi-ssi-oi-i to Cie-P@or as & llcatli, Inc. to irove a fra, residence 281 x 38' fr@--ii. AvenLie, %@irgi-nia Boacla Borol)qh, to 709 25th Strcct, Virqirda P,-@a@- Bo)-ouc7li. (estip,.at-ed v@lluc aftc@c zlncl r(,-novat-i.ons, $12,500) ITF@,l 't"2875 mtion b@, oDunci-Im,-,n @ecc)n@lcd by Cc)unciljpan Cmm,7ell, and by recorded vote as follo,,%,s: 71@yes: C)oi-incilrk@n @@@:t H. @ll.is, Jr., @L-ert B. CrciTwell, Tr.. , Frani: @ Dusc'-,i, P. Reia Ervin, Cl@ence A. ITo.1-laTid, D. M@urray @@all@n, J. O-Lrtis Y.)ayn-0, Vice @',ayor F,arl M. Tebault, Floyd E. @1,7aterfield, Tr. , @, Ilayor Donal(i H. Rhod--S. Nays: I\Tone All,sent: oc)imici@-in Geo)--ge R. Ferrell. City (buncil electcyl to have closed @-otinas on Ja3,.uary 18, 1-971 an(-l Janu,-" 25, 1971, to discuss per,,onnel anr3. i.ea n or @ai -Att S, as per,@'tte(i by tlie Code of ,M,! 02876 On mtio@-i by ODuncilrilan Payne, secon(-I@ by Colincil@an Dusch, Uie @-etii-ig adjo,,a-n@. Donald H, -M,,iyor City of N7irginia Beacli, V-irginia Januaxy 11, 1971