HomeMy WebLinkAboutDECEMBER 14, 1970
14, 19710
'Ihe regular @ting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia was
held in the Council Chambers in the stration Building, in the Borough of
Princess Anne, on Nbnday, 14, 1970, at 2:00 p.m.
The-invocation was given by end B. @,71and, St. Aidan's Episoopal
Church, Virginia @ch.
Cbunci@ present: H. Callis, Jr., B. 11, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, C-eorge R. Ferrell, D. Dt=ray @@n, Vice @tayor Earl M. Tthault, Floyd
E. Waterfield, Jr., and @r Donald R. Rhodes.
Councihr,en absent: Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
@- #2774
On motion by @cihiian Dusch, seconded by Counciln-an laalbon, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert R. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cramell, Jr., Frank. A. Dusch,
F. neid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. T.A=ay Malbon, @7ice P4ayor Earl !4. Tthault,
Floyd E. Ilaterfield, Jr., and @@r @nald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: CouncihTen Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City @cil approved the -@utes of the @a-r Ifeeting of Nov 23, 1970, anc3.
the reading of said m@-utes dis,@ed with, inammch as each Councilman had a ccpy
of said twmtes before him.
ITEII #2775
Mayor Rhodes presented the follr@ Resolution to Robert @inan and F Pankowski.
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of vir 3,-n3,.a
Beach ' Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers of the Adminis-
tration Building of tlie City of Virginia Beach on @-@@r IA
1970, at 2:or) @.Tn.
On motion by Mr. and seconded by Mr.@,@i-n
the following resolution was unanimously adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, on October 14, 1970, John N. Nichols of Cedar Rapids,
Iowa, was swimming in the surf at Virginia Beach when he became un-
able to overcome a strong outgoing tide carrying him from shore;
WHEREAS; the wife of Jolin N. Nichols upon becomina aware of her
husband's,dangerous plight sought assistance and aid for her husband;
WHEREAS, Robert Newman and Edward Pankowski, without hesitation
and without regard to their own personal safety, responded to the
plea for aid, and swam a distance of 300-400 yards, towing an air
mattxess, to the aid and'rescue of John N. Nichols; and
WHEREAS, the said Robert Newman and Edward Pankowski, their
own lives in jeopardy, remained with John N. Nichols, until safely
aboard the Virginia Beach Fire Department rescue craft, a period of
forty-five minutes.
That the Council of the City of Virginia Beach takes pleasure
in extending its praise and sincere appreciation to Robert Newman
and Edward Pankowski for their unquestioned bravery, heroic actions
and willingness to risk their lives in the rescue of a fellow man.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is directed to spread
a copy of this resolution on the minutes of this days meeting.
im #2776
On -tion by Counci@ Ferrell, seconded by Counci@ Callis, and by recorded vote
as foll@7s:
Ayes: @uncihm Pobert H. CAlliS, Jr., P B. 1, Jr., Fr-ank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Fxvin, Georqe P. Ferrell, D. m,=ay malbon, Vi-ce mayor Farl ti. TL-bault,
Flcyd E. @Taterfield, jr., and M_ayor Donald H. Rhc)des.
Nays: @ne
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved on second reading an approt,)riation in the amount of cts554.00
for publication of a let pre by e g Fo s , t ent
pam- h pared th @ cu r@ tee itled
tY Pesources for Drug Abuse and Related Problems".
On rnotion -Comci@ Dusdi, seconded by Counci@ Waterfield, wO by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., B. CraWell, jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Ibid , George R. Perrell, D. Ma=ay MzU=, @7ice @yor Earl M. Tthault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and P@r ronald R. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Comci@ Clarence A.'Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
CLty CcFLmcil appr(yved on second reading an increased fee for the processing of
purchase perrrlits for firearnis and wea@ns frcrn $1.00 to 93.00. This new fee is
in line with what other cities are charging in the area we brings it into line
with the fee charged for concealed weapons perniits which require a able
amount of work.
on rnotion by CouncihTian Malbon, seconded by Councilmn DLisdi, and by reoorded vote
as follcws:
Ayes: Counci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cr@ir, Jr., Frank A. Eusdi,
F. Reid Ervin, ceorge R. F=ell, D. nirray Malbon, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault,
Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. @es.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. ITolland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved on second reading an appropriation in the @t of $16,000
fc,r the purchase of 2.667 acres of ].and located in the P@ Gardens area for
recreation and park purposes. ($G,000 - per acre)
=1 f-2779
On motion by CouncilTnan Malbon, seoonded by Cbuncilmn Ervin, and by recorded vote
as follcws:
Ayes: CcYL=i@ Pobert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. CraTwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, C-eorge R. Ferrell, D. 7turray Malbon, Vice @layor Earl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and M-ayor Donald H. @es.
Nays: None
Absent: Oc)Lmci@ Clarence A. Holland @ J. Curtis Payne.
City @cil def=ed the foll@g apT)Iication for a use,T>ennit until the ccm-
pletion and adoption of the @rehensive Sign Control d@ce.
Application.of G. De@ey Simmons for a Use Permit to construct a 12-foot
by 25-foot signboard on certain prop-.rty located on the East side of
North Great Neck Road beginning at a point 522 feet more or less North
of First Colonial Road. (Great Nec", tianor Area). LY@l[,IHAVE@@l BOROUGH.
The Planning Coni..qission recommends dcnial of tliis application as it vias
felt that this Great tleck Area vias pririiarily resideiitial in character.
On rnotion by Col.=i@ Mlbon, secorided by Cm=i@ Ervin, and bv recorded vote
as foll@:
Ayes: Cm=i@ H. Callis, Jr., B. 11, Jr., Frank A. Dusdi,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. M=ay @@n, 'l--Lce %yor Earl M. T-ebault,
Floyd E. T,-7aterfield, Jr., and Mayor Doriald H. @es.
Nays: None
Absent: CaLmcibyen @ence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City 1 deferred the foll@ a@lication for a iise t until the
pletim and adoption of the Cmp ive Sign Control ce.
Application of Cardinal Sigh Corporation for a Use Permit to construct a
50-foot by 12-foot signboard on ce@tain propert@lo ated on the South side
of Dean Drive 1161 feet East of Dean Lane. (Lynnhaven Park Area). LYNN-
The Planning Commission recommends approval of this application
yx. @herd Dr@, jr., Atto-ey, a ed - behalf of the applicants,
on motion by Q=ci@ Callis, seoonded by counciinw M@n, and by r-rded
vote as follaqs:
Ayes: Counci@ t H. Callis, 7r., Robert B. 11, Jr., Frank A. DLmch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. F=ell, D. Murray Ila@n, Vice @4ayor Farl M. Tthault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @layor Donald H. -Phodes.
Nays: Nme
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council appr-cved the foll@ apolication for a chancre of zoning, subject to
City water and sewer as requested by the @th Departw-nt-
Applicati66 of HaIrold Jam--s and Stanley Howard by W. Shepherd Drewry, Jr.,
Attorney, for a @n e of zoning from One Family Residence District (R-1)
to Multiple Family Residence District (R-3) on certain property beginning
at a point 75 feet tl@-st of Mediterranean Avenue, running a distance of 179
fee-t. along tlie t:or'h side of t-linston Salo.,,i Averue, running a distance of
250 feet along the 1,@les'@er,,i propcrty line, running a distance of 337 feet
alohg the Sou-uii side of Terraces Avenue, and running a distance of 200 feet
along the Eastern property line. (Shadowlawn Heigh-Ls Area). VIRGINIA BEACFI
The Planning Commission recommends approval of this reques@ subject to City
water and sewer as requested by the Health Department.
ITEM #2782
on -tion by Councihw Perrell, seconded by counci@ Dusch, ard by recor(q-ed vote
as follows:
Ayes: Co-ci@ Pcbert Fl. Callis, Jr-, PObert B. Crcnwell, Jr., Frk A. Dch,
F. Reid Frvin, Ceorge R. Ferrell, D. "=ay MaLbon, @7ice p4ayor Farl 11. Tehault,
Flc)yd E. TIaterfield, Jr., and 1,4ayor I)onald H. Phodes.
t7ays; None
Absent:, C@ci@ Clarence A. liolland and J. Curtis payne.
CitY CO-cil aPPr(yved tl,.e follo@,7ing aLLplication for a chancle of zordm, subject
tO CitY water and sewer as r-ested by the @ith Lepartnmt,
Application of the City of Virginia Beach for a chanqe of zoninq
from Residence DuDlex District I (@,-D 1) to ResiTenc-e STbur a@n 6is-
trict 4 (R-S 4) o'n certain property located on the Northi4est corner
of Indian River Road and Centerville TurnDike Extended, running a
distance of 175 feet along the tlorth side of Indian River Road, run-
ning a distance of 550 feet along the @4est SSide of Centerville Turn-
p4A Extended, runnina a distance of 550 fent along the Northern pro-
perty line and running a distance of 670 feet more or less alona the
Western property line. (Avalon Hills Area). KEIIPSVILLE BOR-OUGH.
The Planning Commission ;ecommends api)roval of this aDDlication subject
to City, water and sewer as requested by the flealth Department.
= #2783
Mr. I%Tathaniel J. O:)hen, Attorney, appe@ on behalf of the applicants.
Mr. Pobert L. P-ay, representing Talwood Civic Leag-ue, appeared in opposition to
the foll@ application.
fAr. Bruce W. Challen, appeared on behalf of the Acredale Civic Lea@, in
opposition to the follcwinc
.f application.
Mrs. Jdin Green, adjacent property @er, a@ed in op,,Posit:Lon to the foll@
on mtion by @cilman Ferrell, se=O@ b,7 Counci@ Crcrm7ell, and by recorded
vote as foll@7s:
Ayes: Oc)unci@ R. Callis, Jr., Pabert B. 1, Jr., Fmdl, A. Dusclh,
P. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. ltwray n, Vioe @yor Earl @',. @ault,
Floyd P. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Dc)nald H. @es.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmen Clarence A. Holland and J. s Payne.
City Council denied the following arolicat-ion for a chance of zonincr ard a use
permit as extension of @,ercial activity iito the Resiclential zo-- 9 is r@-
mature as City @,7ater and se,.,er are unavailable. gbe .@sville Land ITse Plan
re cial-office use in 1975-85 phase when City water and s@
would be provided.
Application of Roy Lee '!cdaniel and Mable Inez tic-r)aniel for a chanqe of
zoninq from Residence Suburban District 4.(,R-S 4) to General Commcrcial
Tfs-fr-fct I (C-G 1) and a.'Jse.Pernit for E-Z Haul Rental and Service on
certain property beninnin@@t a-point GOO feet more or less Sout!i of
Indian River Road, running a distan6e of 200 feet alonq tlie East side of
Kcmpsville Road, runnina a distance of 577.67 feet along tile Nlorthern
property line, running a distance of 16P.32 feet alona tilc Eastern 'Dro-
perty line and runnino a distance of 501.94 feet alonq the Soutliern pro-
perty line. (Bonney's Corner Area). KE@,,PSVILLE BOROIJGH.
The Planning Co,,@."ission recommends denial of this application as extension
of Commercial activity into tt,,e Pesidential zoninri is r)rpmature as Cit'/
watL,r and secter are unavaila@le. T!ie Yepi,,)svillo- Land !'so Plan rc!corr@iLnds
Commercial-Office use in 1975-85 phase vihen City @@iater and slwer -foul(] be
ITEM #2784
Mr. C=ringtc)n, Dir@r of city Pl@nq, stated that he has a letter on file
fzxn the applicant, United Trailer Sales, -Tnc., r@sting witbdrawal.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Vice Myor TL-bault, and by reoc)rded
vote as follows:
,Ayes: @ciln-en Robert H. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. 11, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Peid @n, @rge R. Ferrell, D. @ay Mlbon, Vice m
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Dc)nald H. Rhc)des. ayor Earl M. Tthauit,
Nays:, None
AbS-t: Cbuncilmen Clarence A. Holland and J. cur-tis payne.
City Cc)uncil appraved withdr@ Of the foll@g application of United Trailer
Sales, Inc., for a change of zonirp.
Application of United Trailer Sales. Inc. by Jay M. Ball for a channe of
zoninq from Limited Cornercial District I (C-L 1) to General InTus-fr-iaT-
Dis-t@ict 3 (tl-l 3) on certain proderty bcqinninq at a point 120 feet East
of South Military Hiqhway and 668 feet North of Providence Road, runninq
a distance of 130.85 fect alonq tlie Ilorthern proor-,rty line, runninq a
distance of 258 feet more or less alono the Eastern pronerty line, run-
ning a distance of 126 feet more or less alonn the Southern property line,
running a distanc-. of 9-45 feet more or less along the Western property
The Planning Denartment recommends denial of this application as the
property would allo%@i no room for expansion and poor access @@iould create
a traffic problem.
rml #2785
on motion by Councilmn Ferrell, seconded by Cc)uncilnian @Aalbon, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. crcrm7ell, Jr., -Prank A. Duscl,,-,
George R. Perrell, D. m=ay D4a@n, @7ice -Mayor Earl PI. Tthault, Flcyd E. @llaterfield,
Jr., and Ilayor Donald H. Rliocles.
Nays: Cc)uncilimn F. Reid Frvin.
Absent: Oc)unci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. @s Payne.
City Comcil approved the following aoplication for a use @t, subject to City
water and sewer as requested @v the Healtli @ t. koproval is further subject
to a site plan review by the Planning Departnient prior to the application for a
building @t.
Application of Thalia Garden Associates to amend thL' ekisting Use Permit
from 550 rental units to 591 rental units consisting of 556 apartments and
34 townhouses (-40 additional units), of w[iicli 266 units currently being
developed on certain property located on tlie South side of Bonney 'oad and
the East and West side of Bogqs Avenue, runninq a distance of 900 feet more
or less al'onq the Northern prooerty line of whicli 720 foet more or less is
the Soutli side of Bonney Road, runnin(i a distance of 1510 fpet more or less
along tlie Eastern pronerty line, runnino a distance of 1?40 feet more or
less along the Soutiic.,rn Property line (rlorthcrn property line of Virqinia
Beach-Norfolk Express@iay), and runninq a distance of 1910 feet more or less
alon the Vlestk,.rn propcrty line. (Tlialia Garden and To,,qnhouse Apartnionts
The Planninn Department recornends approval of thi,; apolication subject to
City water and se.,@ier as required [)y tlic,. lfealt!l Per)artr,,ent.
Yx. Page Herbext appeared on behalf of the Woodstock Civic @cjue in @sition
to the foll@g application.
M.r. San Houstbn, Sr., Ch of the Plannincj, Devel6pmnt and ?-oning Ccnrdttee
of the Oouncil of Civic organizations, a. ed in opposition to the fol@Ting
Cn mtion by (bmcibm Ferrell, seconded by Councilnen DAalbm, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Cc)unci@ Pobert H. Callis, Jr., B. 11, Jr., Frar*- A. Dusch,
F. Ibid Frvin, C-eorge R. Ferrell, D. M=ay @lbon, Vice Mayor Earl M. -@ult,
Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald IT.. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. I-.Tolland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Comcil deferred the follcwing a li ion for a e of zo d a use
p_D ca@ chancr ning an
@t for six weeks (January 25, 1971Y in order that the apt_)licant can @t wi@
the School Board regarding the riew school site formula.
Applicaiion of G. J. Gulbranson by Owen B. Pickett, Attorney, for a channe of zoninq
from Residence Suburban District 3 (R-S 3) and Limited Commercial Di@f@f T-(@t:-21
to flultiple Famil'y Residence District (R-11) and a Use Pomit to construct a'se,4agp
pumping station and a Use P(ln'lit to construct 272 Yp-ar@m,-@units on c(-,rtain r)roperti
located on the ilorth s d@ @f F@vidence Road and t@le @!est side of Woodstock Eicr@r-ntary
School, running a distance of 848 fp-ei along the North side of Providence Road, run-
ing a distance of IIJO feet alon(i the ',,lest side of Woodstock Elemntar'v School, run-
ning a distance of 558 feet along the Northern property line, and runnina a distance
of 1115 feet alona the !4estern pro,"rty line:'sewaqe i)u@-nping station to be located
30 feet @lorth of Provid(,nce Road iiong thi @iestern boundary line of lloodstock Elerv-n-
tary School. (Woodstoci, Elementary School Area). KEI@,PSVILLE BO-ROUGII.
The Planning Con,.iission recorn-ends approval of this a,,),-)lication viitfi a ,r,.odifica-
tion to redLICe the overall density reouest fro.-i'@7? to ?'14 a,,)art..ment units. -she
niotion @das furtfior stibject ,-o City t.,,ater aid sei-@or as requestod by the If('-altll
Depart@,lont and tlie d,,dication of a 15' drain@i@,e easement on tlio ',!c,,st and @lort@i
property lines and ori tfip. East pron,2rty linc a variabl,@ -@lidt@ drainaio easr,,ment
no- to exceed 30 fef.,t in ;,,idt@h after additional infor,,@.ation has '@)ecii firnis,@,cd
tf@e Engineering Divisio-i.
ITIFM #2787
On mtion by cc)uncib= Perrell, seadnded by Cbunci@ Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows;
Ayes. Cbunci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. 11, Jr., Frank- A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, C@rge R. Ferrell, D. Murray M@bon, Vice Mayor Earl M. TL-bault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @r Dc)nald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Cbunci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis P@e.
City Council approved the foll@g application for a use pemdt with an nt
to provide for other municipal facilities as r@ed e City.
Application of the City of Virqinia Beach, Police Division, for a tjse Po-rmit
to expanci existino nolice traininq facilities on certain 'nrod@rty I-dEaf6@-
2400 fect more or It,-ss '@lest of Seahoard Road at the '@@lestern torniinus of
Leroy Drive runninq a distance of 393" fect more or less alonri tli@ Soutfiern
property line, ruhninq a distance of ;3@5 feet more or less alofi<l tlie
Western propert,y lin@, runnin,.i a dis',ance of 2r,50 fect more or less alona
tlie @@lort@iern pror)c.,rty line and runninq a distance of 1111) f(-,(,-t more or less
alonq t@ie East@rn property line. Said pronerty beinq irreoular in stiane.
(tlunicipal Garane and Sanitation Departmcnt Area). PRINCESS
The Plannina Commission recorrends ar)nroval of this apnlication @,lith an
amendinent to allo%v otlier municiple fi'cilities as reqtiired by th(-, City.
T-.utm #2788
Mr. @ington, Director of City Planninq, stated that he has a letter requesting
a thirty (30) day deferral from the applicant, @ton Thads Sanitation Distric+-.
Mr. Pickrell, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant requesting a deferral.
YIX. t appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Mr. Swn Houston appeared before Cmmcil! requ-ting that Hmpton Thads Sanitation
District imet with the cduncil of Civic Organizations.
on rrk)tion by Council= Ervin, seoonded by Vioe Myor Tebault, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: ComcihTen Robert H. Callis, Jr., lbbert B. Crcnwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. Murray Ma@n, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., @ Mayor Donald Ir. s.
Nays: None
Absent: councihten Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Cbuncil deferred the following application for a use @t for forty-five
(45) days to allow the applicant to @t with City Com other interested
Application of liampton Roads Sanitation District by Ed,4in Kellam, Attornev,
for a Use Permit to construct a seweraqe treatment olant on certain propertv
locateT@q3o feet more or less East of Oceana Roulevard, runnino a distancr
of 3500 feet mare or less along the South side of Old Dam Neck Road, run-
ning a distance of 2600 feet more or less along tl,@e Eastern oronertv line
(We@tern property line of U.S. Government, Dam tieck),.running a distance of
2850 feet more or less alonq the Southern nronerty line and runnina a dis-
tance of 900 feet more or less along the lelestern Droperty line. (Dam Neck
Naval Base Area). PRINCESS All'@IE BOROUGH.
The Planning Comission recommends approval of this aDDlication subiect to
a dedication of riqfit of viay 45 feet from the center line of Old Dam Neck
Road (30 ft. dedication).
T=l #2789
@Ir. Patrick L. Standi-nq
,, partner in the firm of T@t & Associates, a ed
on behalf of the applicant and read letters from Vice ALtn. Tbvmsend and Capt-
Ford @ca@ the Navy's need for trailer parks and other hc)using near Oceana.
Yx. Frank Abel appeared in odposition to the following application.
Mr. Wallace @th, Attorney, appeared on behalf of Oolonial Realty (brporation
asking for a deferral of the foll@g application in order that his clients
my have an opportunity to meet iath the applicants.
Mx. Douglas Talbot, partner in the film of T@t & Pssociates, apreared on behalf
of the applicant.
on mtion by oDuncilTnan Frvin, seconded by Councihman -@ch, and by recorded vote
as folla@:
Ayes: Counci@ Pobert H. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. 11, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, @rcje P,. Ferrell, @7ice Dlayor Earl D@. TL-bault, Floyd E. TTaterfield,
Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Abstain: CouncihTen D. Plurray Malbon.
Absent: C)ouncihTen Claren@ A. Folland J. @s Payne.
City @Lmcil approved the folla,7inq eLpr)licaLtion for a chancte of zonincr and a use
Po-rmit, subject to Central water and scwer ma a dedica@Lon of 45 feet frcm t e@
cente.r line of liar-per's Poad (20-foot dedication). -The mtion for approval@,ms
further subject to a suitabl-e arranq@t with the S@l --@arO. n,@otiatina a
school site and subject to desiqn crite-ria for mobile TDarl,:s as re Ed by the
Planning @-partmnt prior to the aDplication for a bui 10ing pennit.
Application of E. L. Creecti, Ill, for a channe of zoninq from AcTricultural
District (A-R) and Limitcd Com.,mercihl Di trict @(-t--L:-?.T to rentral Tn-
dustrial District 3 (@1-1 3) and a Use Permit to construct a 275-tinit
trailer park on cbrtain pronerty b@i-n@i- c@at a noint lrMO feet more or
less West of Oceana Boulevard on the South side of Harpers Road.
Par@ 1: Chanae of zoninq from A-R and C-L 2 to ii-I 3: Beeinninq at a
oint 1000 -f@f7mo r s s ii
p F6- 6@e e-st of Oceana Boulevard and runninq a dis-
tance of 20PO feet more or less alonq the @'orthern pro,)erty line of iihich
290 feet is the South side of [4arpers Poad, runninq a distance of 3390
feet more or less alonq tiie 1.4estern Propertv line, runnina a dis'ance of
4@30 feet more or less alono the Souihern Pronerty line a'nd runninn a dis-
tance of -9975 feet more or less alonq the Eastern property line. Said
proDerty contains 124.48 acres more or less.
Parcel 2: Use Permit to construct a 275-unit trailer park: Seqinning at
a point 10OT-fe7e.-f m@r or less ',,lest of Oceana Boulevard and runninq a dis-
tance of 1480 feet more or less alono the @'lorthern nror)erty line of @ihich
290 feet more or less is the South side of Harpers @oad, running a distance
of 1900 feet more or less along tlit- @iestern Dro,,)erty line, runiinli a dis-
tance of 1735 feet more or less alonq th('. Sout@,.ern pro,.)erty line and run-
ning a distancr, of 132-0 ftet more or less along the Eastern propor',y line.
Said property contains 44.77 acres rore or less. (nceana Naval Housinq
The Planning DepartmLnt reconv,,iends ar)nroval of this application subject to
Central v!ater and sevier and a dedication of 45 feet from the center line
of flart)er's Road (20 ft. dedication). Tlie motion for ar)nroval ..tas subject
to a suitable arranqlment with the School Board nenotiatinq a school site
prior to the Council ,iecting. An'oroval tias further subject to desion criteria
for mobile parks as recommended bv the Planning Departpl..nt orior to ihe
application for a building nemit.
ITEM #2790
W. Bob Lawson, Executive Manager of Bush Developmnt C,orpc)ration, @Ppeared on
behalf of tlie applicant and presented a letter fran Vice Aclm. @send, USN,
regarding the Navy's need for additional housj'-ng.
Mr. Frank Abel appeared before Council indicatincr he is not opposed to the con-
struction of housing to assis- the Navy, but he is concerned about the use of
federal mneys under FHA 236 and the extension to lines for the Hanpton Roads
District Sanitation C@ssion throucrh Oceana Blvd.
Mr. Wallace @ty, Attorney, appeared on behalf of Colonial Pealty C-orporation
asking for a sixty (60) day deferral so his clients my met with the ap-plicants
to clarify certain questions.
On motion by Councilnm Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Rc)bert H. Callis, Jr., Ro-@rt B. -'11, -fr. , Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, (,eorcje R. Perrell, @7ice @lavor Farl M. @ult, Floyd E. Waterfield,
Jr., and tiayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councihm D. Yurray Ma@n.
Absent: Counci@n Clarence A. Holland ancl J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved the followincj application for a chancre of zoninq and a use
r@nut, subject to Central water and sewer and subjec to a dedicatio@ of 45'-
frcm the center line of Harper's Road (20-foot cledication). '-Phe mtion was
further subject to a suitable arranqement with the School- Board recrardinq a school
Application of Bush Development Corn. for a chanco of -zoninn from @qri-
cultural District (A-R) to flultidle Family P s@idc.,@c@D s@tric-t (P-ii) and
a Use Permit to construct 305 townhouses and 323 apartments, totalina 71@
unTt-s, n@certain property located on the South side of qar!)ers Road,
beginning at a point 1650 feet I,!est of Oceana Boulevard, runninq a dis-
tance of 2295 feet alonq the East@rn orooerty line, runninn a distance of
1300 ?eet more or less alonn tlie @,out@i,,rn nropert.v line, r-unninq a dista-i@,
of 1350 feet more or less alonq '@he @lestern pror)prt'v line and runninq a
distance of 1,100 feet alonq the @lorthern nroperty line of which 600 feot
is tlie South side of Harpers Road. (Oceana tlaval Housinq Area). PPIl"CE@'
The Planninq De,Dartment recomriends aporoval of this request sub,iect to
Central viater and sewer and subject to a dedication of 45' from the
-center line of 9arper's Poad (9-0 foot dedication). The motion vias furthpr
subject to a suitable arranqement with the School Board regarding a school.
site prior to the City Council meeting.
ITEM #2791
Mr. Owm B. Pickett, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicants.
Mr. WarreTi Littleton asked, that the applicants be requested to participate in
the new @ool site fo@a.
On motion by Counci@ Callis, secorded by Cbunci@ DLisch, and by recorded 17@',4--
as follcws:
Ayes: COmci@ Robert R. callis, Jr., Robert B. Crmvell, Jr., Frank A. -TUs@.
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. M=ay @lbon, Vice f4ayor Earl M. Tthaull-I
Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and r-layor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: @ci@ Clarence A. -T-TollaTid and J. Curtis Payne.
City @cil approved the follmincr application for a use @t., subject to
vater and s@ as required by the Realth Dep t.
Application of Charles S. Caruana and Olqa Caruana @v Ovien B. Pickt,.tt, Itt@,,-
ney, for a Use Permit to construct 11 apartment units on certain pronertv
cated on th@,'4oFfhvi-est corner of Baltic Avenue and ?4th S'reet, runninq o,
tance of 100 feet alonq the West side of Baltic Avenue, runnino a distanc@,
125 fect along the Northern property line, running a distance of 1r)o fp@t
long t@ie Western property line and runninq a distance of 125 feet alonq
North side of 24th Street. VIRGIIIIA BEACH POloun".
The Planning Department'recopl.,lends at)nroval of this application subject t@
City water and se%,ier as required by the Health Department.
ITEI-I #2792
Mr. Na@el J. Cohen, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant,
On rrk)tion by Counci@ Crcnuell, seconded by Counci@ Callis, and by recoro-@
vote as follows:
Ayes: OC)uncilmn Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. @ll, Jr., Fr@ A.
F. Reid F+/-vin, George R. Ferrell, D. ll=ray t4albon, @Tice @layor r-@l !4. @auj@-,
Floyd E. Ilaterfield, Jr., and @layor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Cbuncilmen Clarence A. Tlolland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Cc)uncil approved the foll-c%,7in. plic
q ap. ation for a use perniit, @ject to
water and s@ as r@irecl by tho Health T)opar@t.
Application of Ebbie Enterprises, Inc. @y Thonas C. Broyles, Attorney, for
a Use Permit to construct a 110-unit motel on certain Droperty located on
thi-EaFt- l@de of Atlantic Avenue between Third Street and Fourth Strp-ct,
running a distance of 300 feet alona the East side of Atlantic Avenue,
running a distance of 150 feet along the South side of Fourth Street, run-
ning a"distance of 300 feet alonq the Eastern nroderty line and runnihn a
distance of 150 feet along the 'lorth side of Tliird Street. VIRGI@IIA BE,@CH
The Planning Department recommends apnroval of this aonlication subiect
to City water and seiier as required by the liealth I)enartrient. The
Planning Corm-ission recor-.ended the developer give considcration to ex-
tend the bulkliead in order to tie into the City bulkhead line.
ITE14 #2793
Mr. 7ares M. Pickrell, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the appjicant.
Clarification bv @@. Dale ]3imson, Citv Attc)rney, stated that the frontage of 104
feet on 21st street should r@ the same as was requested in the oriqinal application.
On Tmtion by Councihnan Dusch, seconded by Councilman Malbon, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: CouncihTen Robert H. (,'allis, Jr., Rc)ber-t B. Crcnwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, Ceorqe P. Fe=ell, D. ?t=ay M-albon, 7ice @4ayor F,,arl M.. Tebault,
Flcyd E. Waterfield, Tr., and P4ayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: councihnen clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Oouncil approved the follcwing application for a use penTLit, subject to City
water and sewer as required by the Health Departnent.
Application of Humble Oil and Refining Comnany bv lames M. Pic@rell, Attor-
ney, for a Use Permit to construct a qasollne sunnly station on certain
property lo@afoiftf-fhe Southeast corner of Parks Avenue and the Virainia
Beach-Norfolk Exoressiqay Pxit (21st Strcet), runninn a distance of 164 feet
along the South side of the Virqinia Beach-,@lorfolk Exoress@iay Exit (21st
Street), running a distance of 174.72 feet alonq the Eastern pronerty line,
running a distance of 208.97 feet along tlie Southern nroperty line and rtin-
ning a distance of 253.04 feet along the Western property line. VI.Rrl"T,@
Thc, Planning Departirent recom" ends apdroval of this anolication subject to
City .,iater and sevior as required by the Healtli Denartment. Ttip motion for
approval @,ias to amend the frontaae on 21st Street to IA4 feet rath('r than
104 feet to include State prooeriy. Ttie latter action tqas subject to
clarification by the City Attorney.
ITFV. f2794
Yxs. Eleanore Z. Ilills @- ared on behalf of her own application.
CnTrotion by Counci@ Callis, seconded by Counci@ Dusch, and by recorded -te
.as follows:
Ayes: Councilman Robert H. Callis, J'r., Thbert B. 11, Jr., Frank A. @ch,
F. Reid @n, @rge R. Fe-ell, D. M-=aLy Pialbon, Vice tiayor Earl M. @ault,
Floyd E. 1,7aterfield, Jr., and Mayor DC)nald ii. RhOdes.
NaLys: None
Absent: @cilmen Clarence A. Holl@- and J. Curtis Pa@,ne.
City Council aporoved the following application for achancre of zoning, subi-t tO
C2.ty water and sewer.
Application of El(.,anorp. Z. t@.fills for a chanqe of zoninn from flultiplo Family
Residence District (R-1) to 'c!o+el-Hotel-@l t@ri@t T,@Hron certain pronertv
located on the South side of 16th Street beninnino at a point 1-DO feet East
of Arctic Avenue, runninq a distance of 100 fppt alona the South side of 16th
Street, runninq a distance of 14r) feet alono the East-rn Dronerty line, run-
ning a distance of 100 feet alonq the Southern property l@ne, a,,Id runninq a
distance 6f 140 feet alonq the 14estern property line. VIRGINIA BEACII BOP,-
The Planning Department recorn,@nds denial of this apr)lication as the re-
quested use would be in conflict with the Beach Borough Land Usp Plan
which recommends multiple-family use.
Mr. Stanley A. Phillips, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On -ti- bY @c Dusch, seconded bY Counci@ l@n, and by recorded vote
as follows:
AYes: @cihten Pobert R. CalliS, Jr., PDbert B. 11, Jr., Frank A. DuSch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Perrell, D. M=ay @@n, Vice mayor Farl m. Tebault,
FlOYd E- Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor I)Onald H.
Nays: None
Abs-t; COmc@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis payne.
City CO-cil aPPr@ the foll@cj aPPlication for a use @t, subject to site
pl- reviek by the 1?1-@ T)ep t pr2.or to the ca@on for a buildin(j
Application of Viking t' 'otel Apartments, Inc. by Stanley A. Phillips, Attorney,
for a Use Permit to construct 30 units to tlie Vikina Motel on certain pro-
perty To-ca@@on the South side of 23th Street becinnina at a point 100 feet
West of Atlantic Avenue, runnina a distance of 94 feet a-lonq the South side
of 28th Street, running a distance of 140 feet alona the Western property
line, running a distance of 94 feet alona tlie
Southern pronerty line and
running a distance of 140 feet alonq the-Eastern property line. VIRGI@IIA
The Planning Department recommends approval of this application.
=@4 02796
On -ti- bY COuncilmm 1,7aterfield, se-n(led by Vi- @r Tthault, and by recc)rded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmn t H. Callis, Jr., lbbert B. Crcmwell, Jr., F. Re-id @in,
George R. Ferrell, D. 1-@rray @4@n, Vice @yor rari M. Tebault, Floyd E. TTaterfield,
Jr., @ @layor Donald H. @es.
Nays: None
Abs-t: Cbuncihren Frank A. Dusch, Clarence A. Holland, and j. Curtis Payne.
.C'ty (b-c" denied the foll@ aPPlication for a use @t as the requested
uld be objectionable to surrounding pro@ @ers.
l (, M a
Anplication of Ianot 11. ilihitchurst for a I's(,. Pr it for don kennel on cer-
tain property locatnd on the East side of@P--r-iiFcp@-Pnno. P@oad beqinnino at a
point 3700 feet iiore or less @@ort!i of @@ortli Stokic r',oad, runninq a distance of
1F)O f(,(,.t alona tf)(, East side of Princ@s@ !@ntle Poad, runninq a distanc@ of
151.84 fort aloni the @lorthern nro,,)P-rt,/ lint,, runnino a distanco. of 17@.7r,
feet alona the Eastern property line, and runninq a distancc of 150 fee't alon(i*
tlie Sout@ierri prop(,rty line. Pli;@r,(,) BnpouGii.
Th(, Planninl Commission recommends denial of ttils anolication as t!ic requested
use would b(, oi)jectionabIL, to siirrou!idinn r)ropertv o,.-iii@rs.
Mr. PatriCk L. Standing, partner in the finn of Talbot & Associates, ar)peared
on behalfof the applicants.
Mr. A. T. Fisher representin_q Broad Bay Oolony, Broad Bay Point, Bay Island
Civic Leagues and teniporarily Great Neck I%mr Civic @ague, a.@ared in opposition
to the following application and presented a signed petition.
Mr. Tcrn McQuerrey a.@ared on behalf of Forrest @ Civic Teacrue in opposition
to the foll@ application and presented a signed petition.
Mr. A. C. Woodruff appeared on behalf of Great Neck Point Civic T@ague in
opposition to the following application.
On motion by Counci@ Ervin, seconded by Oounci@ l@n, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: ODuncilmn lbbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. 1, Tr., Frank A. Dusch,
P. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. @t=ay P:4@n, Vice flayor Farl M.. -@ault,
Flcyd E. Waterfield, jr., and @r Donald H. @-es.
Nays: None
Absent: (bmcihnen Clarenae A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council denied the foll@g application for a change of zonincj @as it is not
t,ible with the surmunding residential area.
Application of W T. 01 d, Jr. and Marqaret Old Parra for a changt-- of zoning
from Rural Residence Di.strict 1 (R-@Z 1) aiid Residence Suburf)-an Dis@rict I
(R-S 1) to Planned Unit Development (PUD) on certain property located on
the East side of tlorth Great @lec@ Road becinning at a point 1200 feet more
or less South of Shore Drive, running a distance of 2675 feet more or less
along the East side of North Great -.'Ieck Road, running a dis,-ance of 2530
feet @nore or less alonq the Northern 'Droperty line (Frank W. Cox fligh Scilool)
running a distance of 1500 feet more or less along the Eastern property line
(Western Shore of Broad Bay) and running a distance of 3700 feet more or less
along the Southern property line. Plats,,,qith more detailed information are
available in the Office of the Departiiient of City Planning. (John B. Dey
Elementary School-Frank I-!. Cox Hiah School. Area). LY@'i@l@IAVEN BOROUGII.
The Planninq Comriission recorrllnds approval of this application subject to
City t@iatlr and setier as required by the Ilealth and a dedication
of right of viay 55' froi,i the cc!nter lino. of @'iorth C!reat '!eck @oad (4r) ft
dedication) as required by the Depart,@,ient of Comi.-,unity Services.
r.M #2798
Mr. Wayne McLesky appeared on behalf of tjle applicant.
On motion bv Councilmn ilalbon, seconded by Vice @layorTthault, and by recorded
vote as follms:
Ayes: Councihmn Tbbert H. Callis, 7r., Robert B. 11, 7r. , Frank A. DLis,-li,
F. Reirl Ervin, C@ e . . e
rg R Perr 11, D. .v.=ay Plalbon, @7ice Mayor Farl PI. @ult,
F].oyd E. Igaterfield, Jr. , and llayor T-)onald IT-. Rbodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Cbuncilmn Clarence A. Holland and J. @s Payne.
City Cbuncil @rovei the following application for a use perndt., subject to City
water and sewer as requested by the Health Depar@t.
Application of Lynnhav(.,n Buildinq SUDD111 Cornoration for a ';se P@r-@*
construct 76 apartment units on cortain nronertv beninning Yf-a
feet more or less South of tlolfsnare Poad, runninq a distance of l'-. r,@t
alonq the West side of Renency Drive, runninq a distance of 890 fr?,..-
the Southern property line, runnina a distance of 1100 feet alona t@.,
property line and runnino a distance of B37 feet alonq the @lorthern
perty line. (Regency Apartments Area). LYtl!lliAVE,'l BOROUGH.
The Planning Departmt,.nt reco.@nds anoroval of this annlication st;@-@ t',)
City water and sewer as requested by the Health Department.
rM #2799
Mr..Alton Butler appeared ori behalf of his @ application.
On motion bY (buncilrnan Malbon, seconded by cc>unci@ Dusch, and by vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilrren H. Callis, Jr., Fbbert B. 11, jr., @a-,,,- rusch,
F. Reid -, ' , George R. Ferrell, D. Murray ! n, N7ice Mayo;: Earl 1,7.
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmn Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council app ttie followincr aloplication for a chancre of zoTi-:Lnc, use
pmdt, subject to City i,7ater and sewer aLs recruested by'@e eale. @3 @@,t a-nd
d@edi@tion of 451 fmm the center line of Birdneck Pcad (15-foot (i -1
required by the Dep t of ty Services. qbe aT)Plicant agr@-I -- --@@ict
the develo,@t to one-bedmm units as shmm on the site plan. The @or
approval is further subject to a site Plan review by the Planning
to the application for a building pe .t.
Application of Alton M. Butler and Robert ri. !,loore for a chanae o f
from Limited-Comercial District 3 (C-L 3) to @lultinle Fa, il@,o-l if,
District (R-@,'I) and a Use Permit to construct 36 apartment units o!i i7,@
property located on ti@,ast side of Birdn-ck Road, becinnino at 'i
33.15 feet South of Chinquapin Lane, runninn a distance o@ 131.7 f,
the East side of Birdneck Road, runnina a distance of 374.6 feet
Northern property line, running a distance of 129.',17 feet alonl r-i
property line and runnifiq a distance of 268.3 feet alonq the Sbu-!@,@,-, 'n-
perty line. (Birdneck Village Apartments Area). LYN@IIIAVE@L
The Planning Department recorriends ariproval of this application t)
City water and sewer as requc!sted I)v ti,(., ilealt!l D(-,nartment and a i- @-i C)n
of 45' from the center line of Birdneck Road (15 foot dedication)
quired by the Depart,.ment of ro@@.,vunity Services. The aonlicant aqr-@
restrict the development to one-bedroom units as sho,,,in on the sitn
The motion for approval ijas furtlier su5ject to a site L)lan revic@,
Planning Department orior to the adplication for a buildina permil-.
ITEM #2800
On rmtion by Cbunci@ Frvin, seconded by @ci@ MaLbon, and bv recor,@ vote
as foll@
Ayes: oc)mci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., lbbert B. @L 7e-ll., Jr., Pr,,r@- l@,sc-h,
P. Reid Erv3'-n, George R. Ferrell, D. Tlk=av Plalbon, @7ice @'@r Earl-
Floyd E. @terfield, Jr., @ l,ayor Donald R. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counciluen Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved the following application for a 1-ise @xmit,
City water and sewer as reauested by the ITealth repartn-ent.
Application of Sarah Sadler School of Dance for a Use Permit to onerate a
dancing scliool on certain property located on tlie a@st si@e of Birdneck
Road and tiorth of Old Virginia Beach R6ad, beqinning at a point 216 feet
North of Old Virginia Beach Road and 195 feet more or less East of Birdneck
Road. (Woodland Area). LYriNHAVE,'I,BOROUGH.
The Planning Department recommends approval of this applicatloh subject to
City water and sewer as requested by the Health Department.
ITEM #2801
Mr. Grover %Yight, Attorney, appeared or@ bebalf of the aoplicants.
Mr. H. L. RoffTnan, president of First Colonial Civic Leacjue, appeared. in opposition
to the following application.
Vx. Ebrest Sullivan avpeared on behalf of Allenton Civic League in opoosition to the
following application.
Mr. 14cGruder a ed on behalf of North Allenton Civic @e in @sition to the
following application.
Mr. Grayson M. Wbitehurst, Sr., ed on behalf of bis own application.
Comcilman Ervi-n @e a Tnotion to deny the follwing application. @e being
no second, the rmtion was lost.
On mtion by Oc)unci@ l@n, seconded by Cbuncilnian Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmn Pober-t IT. Callis, Jr., Tbbert B. Crcnwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid @n, Georqe R. Ferrell, D. M=ay Malbon, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., @ Mayor Dc)nald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Abs-t; Cc)unci@ Clarence A. FDlland and-J. Curtis Payne,
City CoLmcil deferred the following aPDlication for a change of zoning axid a use
permit for sixty (60) days.
Application of Grayson tl. Whitehurst, Jr. and @iansards Apartm(.-nts by John
E. Sirine and Associates for a chanqe of zonino from Residence Suburban
District I (P,-S 1) and Pesidenc,@Li-h6rE-iTn--Ts@tFict ') (P-S "') to '4ultinle-
Family Residence District (R-!l) and a tlse Perr-iit to construct 424 apart-
ment units on certain property beninni o@a-f-@-D-Ol'nt 1679 feet more or less
North of 14ill-0-1,4isD Drive and 325 fect East of First Colonial Road, run-
ning a distance of 1221.52 feet along the iff,,stern pronerty linp-, runninq
a distance of 1248.32 feet alonq the @@orthern property line and rlinninq
a distance of 899 feet along tfic Eastern nrop--rty line and running a dis-
tance of 1166.01 feet alonq tfie Soutfiern Droperty line. (General Ylospital
of Virginia Beach Area). LY@,@@IIIAVE@'I BOROUGH.
The Plannina DeDartment reconnends anproval of this application subject
to City -iater and sciier as requested @y the fl@altli Dc!partm,@nt and a
dedication of right of ,iay for tlie r)roposed lnlvnnvic,.@i @oad as anproved
and adol)ted in the rrL'.at llcck Study along thc Southern prodcrt,t line (?5
foot dedication). The ilotion t-ias furtli(,.r subject to an agret,.,ri'ent wit!i
tlie School Board.
rM4 #2802
7-s E. @ey @ared on behau of his own appli@ti@.
On rnoticn by Counci@ 11, secc,,dd by Cbunci@ @, and by recx:)rded
-te as folim7s:
Ayes:@uncilTr,en RObert H. @lis, Jr., Ibb--rt B. ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F- @id Exvin, George R. Ferrell, D. M-=ay ma@,,, Vice ,4ayor Earl M. @ault,
Flcyd E. Ilaterfield, Jr., and b@r Donald H. @es.
Nays: None
Abs-t: CO-cil-n Clarenoe A. Holland and J. @s Payne.
C'ty @cil -ferred the foll@g a,@lication for a chancle 0-f zoning back to the
Planning ccrrmission.
Application of James E. Lindsey for a chanqe of zonino from Residence Subur-
ban District 3 (R-S 3) to General Co erclat is r ct - (C-G 2) on certain
property located on the North side of Newtotin Road beqinning at a noint
1425 feet more or less East of Goodman Road, runnina a distance of 175 feet
along the Southern property line of which 70 feet is the North side of
Newtown Road, runninq a distance of 614.28 feet alonci t!ie '@lestern pronerty
line, runninq a distance of 234.2@ feet alona the riorthern t)ronerty l'ine
and running a distance of 465.3 feet alona t!ie Eastern ProDerty line. Said
property is irregular in shape. (Bettie F. Williams Elementary School Area).
The Planning Departrnent recorl-,Mcnds denial of this annlication as the
activity would constitute snot 7oninq in a nredominaiely residential
area. It t@ias furthcr Pointed Out @)Y the @ommission tliat the requested
use for a ftiel oil distribution center t.?o'u'ld crt,.ate a notential hazard
in relation to tlie near@@y Bettie F. Willia@ms Elementary School.
14r. Herbert yr@ a@ared - behalf of the ap
Ellis P@uni, riresident of @,eview Park Civic ieague, a@ed before
@@t for the
the afety of the ir
s chi c;- en
Mrs, Felton, Jr. a@ared before Cllncil to clarify a question propc)sed by
MaYor Rhodes.
On mtion by counci@ e 1, @nded by
vote as follows; ODurici@ r@n, and by recorded
Ayes. ci Robert IT @ilis, Jr., lbbert B. Crcnwell, Jr., Frank A. ruscb-,
F. Peid Ervin, G-rge R. Perrell, D. P@ay P@n, vice llayor Farl m. 7tbault,
FlOYd E. TIaterfield, Jr., and 14ayor r)onald H. Phodes.
Nays: I\bne
AbSent: COunci@ Cl@ence A. Hlland and J. s payne.
City Council deferred the following applicatiln for a change of zoning and a use
Permit fOr a Period of two (2) w@.
ITEM #2804
Mrs ed before (buncil askinq that the foll@g applica@, on be
de:ferred so that she ray investigate tba pos@ilit3.es of havin(j @toric sit@ in
i,lle restored.
Mrs. ticcianan appeared in ommit.3-on to the follow3.ng application.
Yx. Carrington stated that the aty =dd witbdraw the foll application if the
O:yLmcil so desired.
On rmtion by Counci@ Ferrell, seco@ed by Counci lis,
Cal and by reoorded vote
as follows:
Ayes'. Cbunci@ Rober-t H. @llis, Jr., George R. Ferrell, and Floyd F,. Waterfield,
Jr. '
Nays: ODunci@ Robert 13. Crmwell, Jr., Frank A. DLisch, F. Peid @n, D. M=ay
ma]-bon, Vice Mayor Farl M. -@ault, and Mayor Donald I-T. @es.
AbSent: COmci@ Clarenoe A. Holl@ @ J. s PaLvne.
Motion to deny the following application was lost.
On mtion by Cbuncilimn 11, seconded by Cbuncilrmn and by reoorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: ComciLTmn Fbbert B. 7ell, Jr.,, Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid @n, D. @,A=ay
n, Vice Mavor Farl M. @ult, Floyd E. !,Taterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H.
Nays: @ci@ lbbert H. Callis, Jr. arO- George R. Ferrell.
Absent: (bunciltwn Clarence A. ITolland and J. Curtis Payne.
City @cil approved the witb-drawal of the following application to establish a
.Historic @ Cultural (bnservation District in @sville.
ApDlication of the City of Virainia Beach, Denartment of Planhing, to establish an
Historic and Cultural Conservation District (11-C) sunnlement to the existinq General
Commercial District 3 (C-G 3), Limited Commercial District 3 (C-L 3), Limite-d Com-
mercial District 2 (C-L 2), Residence Subur@an District 3 (i@-S 3), ald Pesidence
Suburban District 4 (R-S 4) on certain nroverty located flortli and South of Princess
Anne Road, bounded on the Vlest and runnina a distance of 1101.) feet mor- or less aloriq
the Eastern Branch of the Elizabeth River, runninn a distance of 1901) feet more or
less along the Northern nronerty line, runninq a distance of 1350 f(,.@t more or less
along the Eastern property line of inhich 1100 feet more or less is tlip. 'llpst side of
Bonney Road, runnitiq a distance of 12r,O fect more or less alono the Soutliern ' nronerty
line which begins @@00 feet more or less @-lest of Kempsville Road extendinct in a I,!esterly
direction to the Eastern Brancii of t@ip- Elizalleth River. ThL, folloi-yina nror)erty and
immediate grounds ire- i.ncluded iri t!ic H-C District: 1. "'aron !iu,,it flouse-; 2. Plcasant
fiall; 3. Courthouse and Jail; 4. Saltbox. ThL, surroundinq prone-rti(,s are included
in an Historic Transitional Zone as provided for in Section 680.2.2 of the Ordinance
establisliinq thp. Historic an(' Cultural Consorvation Dispricts. Plats t@iith morr,, de-
tailed infomation arc availa,@le in the Iffice of the Department of City Pla,@ininq.
(Kempsville Corner Area). KE!.IPSVILLE BO.POUCII.
The Planninq Commission recommends denial of this anplication as various institu-
tions have bean offered the on'oortunity to restore t@icst, Iiistoric strtictur(-s.
The tremendous financial burden irivolved lias made this tin(fertakinrl T)rohibitive.
T.TFM @42805
A Resolution relative- to a L'se Pendt exten(lecl to TexaLco, Inc. was deferred for
two weekq.
17W @2806
a@ -ti- by b-ci@ Dusdi, secorided by Cbncilmn @in, and by reoor(q
s folic)ws:
Ayes: COunci@ Pa@ H. Callis, Jr., p@,t B. @cmwell, Jr., Frank z,.
F. P-id F-i., @rg- P. Perr,-ll., 11. @@y Ma@n, @7ice Playor Farl Pi. @,aiii-t- ,
Floyd E. Waterfield, @7r., and f"'Yor Dnld H. P-@es.
Abs-t: Cbunci Clarence ITO I an is p
1- arO l @T. @ ayre
City Council aclodted the fo-ilx.,inc, Pesolution.relative to clos Circuit
Clerk's Of-fice -- s inq
holilq-- Pursuant to '3ection 2.1-21, C@e of 17irginia.
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers of the Adminis-
tration Buildina of the City of Virginia Beach on December 14, 1970,
at 2:00 P. M.
motion by Mr. and seconded by
@ Cb_
the following resolution was unanimously adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, pursuant t.0 Section 17-41, Code of Virginia, an
order was entered on December 4, 1970, by the Circuit Court, City
of Virginia Beach, authorizing the Clerk of the Circ,it Court to
close the Clerk's Office on any or all days made legal holidays
under the provisions Of Section 2.1-21, Code of Virginia, pro-
vided that the Council of the City pf 'Virginia Beach approve such
action by resolution as required in Section 17-41 of the said code.
That the Council of the City of Virginia Beach hereby approv
@he action of Circuit Court of the aforesaid City, which on the
fourth day of December of 1970 entered an order, pursuant to Sectic,-,
17-41, Code of Virginia, authorizin.a the Clerk of the Circuit Court,
CitY Of Virginia Beach, to close the Clerk's off3'.'ce on an or all
made legal holidays under the Provisions of Section 2.1-21 of the C@-I
of Virginia.
-ITEM #2807
Cn motion by Counci@ Cr@ll, seconded by Counci@ M and bv recorde,3
v6te as foll@
Ayes: counci@ H. Callis, 7r., Robert B. ell, Jr., Frank A. Duscb,
P. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. @tl=ay Malbon, Vice 14ayor Earl @l. TL-bault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Doriald H. Rhodes.
Nays: Ncne
Absent: CounciLTen Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
city @cil approved the foll@ applications for tax refunds in the -unt
of $2,010.74.
F@@@l: tir- V. A. Etlieriere, Trc!z!sulcr
J--CT. A@p,@icatioli for T:," Refuiids:
f VI l@@! "cr -Cfj,-d --f iir,7 201-0.74
certified for paynient, as set furl*ci below:
A. Etheridc!e. Trc!n-@urcr
Tax - Type L'-:ttc
@.Ticket -ation
Name Year of Ta-.- Paid Base
Number No. ally
q,@lard F. Lai,7s 1970 Decal 18878 3/30/70. 10.00
Lau,@lilin, The-) 1969 PP 4P-1430 2983 10/29/69 9.60 9.60
britt3n, 1.7ils,)l
Truemiller 1969 RE 49@- 6/10/69
1/2 & 2/2 356 12/4/69 61.50 61.SO
Credi.t CI)rl
i !d ll,)rtServ. 1969 Ri@@ 52129 375 12/20/68 5(,.33 2.pl 59.11,
I-:tton, Wi-is')l
ruemil.1-a' 1967 -RE @91,
]./2 & 2/'e 35@ 1-1/3/69 39.60 1..018 4.161 45.74
britton, lli-Iso
Triic,,m-.*Ll.l,i 19 6 IIE l@30
1/2 & 2/2 3 5 5 10/5/70 @,Z,. 50 .40 1. r@5. -17 I_
James T. 10,70 R- 3 3 r, l@ F, q/1-9/70 7 2 . 3 5 3 2 o,
S@11,IUCI Ic"70 l@'I@ /,,,l -) o 6 211,, 5/20/,-,0 23.140 23.40
1- 803 338 6/C,/70 9.84 9. qi+
rose Ilattic 970
Coy, Rutli 19701 RE 314410, 334 6/F;,/70 6.15 0.1-5
ice, Angel.a 19-110 RE 5509 337 6/'C/70 9.f,4
viiie, David 1969 R7@ 2,@119 3 @) 0 6/10/69'
1/2 & 2/ 12/5/69 1941@. 61;i 1 91,@4.
vi-ne, David 19701 R' 1 28 r)r)3 1/2 i 361 6/5/70 472.32! I tt72.32
eice, Ilarrv 19-iOi RE 1 38703 417 6/1-0/7b 7 . 79 7.-/0
I9-1-0 R 1-1 --- -12.30
eane, 1.1. P. 1,0,936 140 6/9/76 12.30
re Oil Co. 1970 RE 390,01 389 6/10/70 196.801 1 1 1.96.FIO
iTrIm 02808
On Trotion by Oc)uncilman CraTwell, seconded bY COunci Ferrell, and bv recc)rded
vote as foll6ws:
Ayes: Comci@ t H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. @cniell, Jr., Fr@, A. DLisch,
F. Reid Ervin, Georqe R. FLrrell, D. ay @4al@n, Vice Playor Earl M. -@-1t,
Floyd E. Viaterfield, Jr., and t4ayor Fbnald H. Rhc(9es.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. -Tioll@ and J. @s Payne.
City Council appr(yved the follc7Aing @-inaLnce appoi.nti-ng \7i@7ers (W. W. Fl@-,
Jr., C. C.-Carrin@n, and G. L. I-lanbury, II) rcl-ative to closinct a po@- Of
E Stre,,-t in @7irqinia Reach T3orougl-i.
WHEREAS, Barberton, Incorporated has given due and proper notice,
in accordance with the statutes for such cases made and provided, that it
would on this day apply to the Council of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, for the appointment of viewers to view the below describ@d
property and report in writing to the Council whether, in the opinion of
said viewers, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result from the
discontinuing of the said portion of E Street, and has filed such applica-
tion with the said Council;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, that W. W. Fleming, Jr., C. C. Carrington
and G. L.Hanbury, 11
be, and they hereby are, appointed to view the below described property
and report in writing to the Council on or before January 11 19 71,
whether in their opinion, any, and if any, what inconvenience would result
from the discontinuing, closing and vacation of a portion of E Street
situated in the Borough of,Virginia Beach, in the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, being des.cribed as follows, to-wit:
BEGINNING at a point on the southwestern corner of Barberton
Avenue and E Street; thence in a westerly direction along
the southern side of E Street a distance of 475 feet to a
point; thence in a northerly direction and parallel with the
western line of Barberton Avenue 50 feet to a point; thence
in an easterly direction and along the northern side of E
Street 475 Feet to a point on the eastern side of Barberton
Avenue; thence in a southerly direction along the eastern side
of Barberton Avenue extend.ed 50 feet to the point of beginhing.
And each of the said viewers shall be paid the sum of $
each for such services, which total sum shall be paid by the applicants
herein on or before 19-; and it is further
ORDAINED that this application be, and the same hereby is,
referred to the Planning Commission for the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
for a report and recommendation to the Council, such report to be made on
or before 19
r" f28O9
On mtion by oomcilmm DLisch, seoondecl hi Ccmci@ Ervin, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes. Counci@ Rob(,rt H. Callis, Jr., @bert B. ell, Jr., @ank A. ru@,
F. Reid Fxvin, George R. Perrell, D. P-@-ay @lbon, @rice mayor Farl @l. @ault,
Floyd E. V7aterfield, Jr., and @@ayor Donald 11. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. ITolland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council aporaved the follcwincr Ordinance closim, vacatinq are di-scontinuing
portions of certd.n streets loca@,. in I'cm. sville, Tynnhave-n an(, Princess 7\nne
Borouglif,, \Tircjinia Beacb, Vi-rginia, sham on "I'ap of East-jlorfoLk, Princess 7\=.e
On motio@ made by Dusch seconded
by Mr. Ervin and by unanimous vote, the following
Ordinance was-adopted:
WhEREAS, proper notice that FERE-BEE'S, INC. would make applir-ation to
the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach on November 9, 1970, to have the
hereinafter described streets closed, vacated and discontinued as pu@lic streets
of the City of Virginia Beach, was duly posted at the Courthouse of the Circuit
Court of the City of Virginia Beacii, Virginia on October 19, 1970 and at'two
public places in the City of Virginia Beacil, Virginia; and
WHEREAS, said application was niade to the Council and pursuant to
tlie statutes in such cases made and provided the Council on Noveniber 9, 1970,
which was more t-iian ten days after said posting of said notice, appointed
as viewers to view said streets souglit to,be closed, vacated and discontinued and
to report in writing whether in their opinion any and if any, what inconvenience
would result from discontinuiiig the same, and said viewers have made said report
to tlie Council by their letter prior to Dece@er 14, 1970; and
WiiEi@,'AS, the land proprietors affected thereby along said streets
proposed to be closed, vacated and discontinued having been duly notified; and
WiiERLAS, the City Planning Copuuission has recommended that all of said
streets be closed, vacated and discontinued; and
WHEI@-AS, it is the judgment of tlie Council that said streets sliould
be closed, vacated alid discontinued as recon)mended by the City Plannin,., Goiimission;
now tiierefore
BL IT ORDAli@D by tlie Council of the City of Virfinia Beacti:
Sec@ion 1: portions of c'ertain streets located in Kempsville,
Lymiliaven and Priiicess Anne I;oroughs, Virginia !3each, Virginia, as hereinafter
described, are hereby closed, vacated and discontinued as public streets in the
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, said streets not,being needed for public use
and trav-1,
All those portions of tliose certain streets located in Kempsville,
Lynnhaven and Princess @ne i3oroughs, City of Virginia Beach, described by
reference to that certain plat entitled "@lap of East-i4orfolk, Princess Anne
Co., Virginia", dated Nove6Der, 1906, and made by E. C. Foreman, C.E., which plat
is duly of record in the Clerk's office of the Circuit Court of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, in @lap Book 4, at Page 191, as that portion of 22nd Street extending
from a point designated as an extension of the Western property line of Lot 13,
in i3lock 70, to the West side of Avenue C; that portion of 21st Street extending
from a point designated as an extension of the Western property line of Lot 37,
in Block 70 to the West side of Avenue C; and that portion of Avenue C extending
from the South side of 22nd Street to the North side of 21st Street.
Section 2: - That this ordinance sliall be in effect from and after
thirty dayp from the date of its adoption.
Adopted by the City Council of Virginia Beach on December 14, 1970.
I= #2810
A Resolut-ion relative to the achievements of the @@s Ntolunf-eer Fire an(I
PescLie Scruad, Incorporated; f-he Plaza Volun@ Fire and Rescue @cl.,
Inoo@rated; the KenlD-@ille Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad, Tnoorpora@;
and the Virginia Bea@ Pescue @d, Incorporated; was deferred for tvn
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virgini6, was held in the Council Chambers of the Adminis-
tration Building of the City of Virginia Beach, on Monday, December
14P 1970, at 2:00 P. M.
On motion by Mr. rvsch and seconded by Mr.Prvin
the following resolution was unanimously adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, the City of Virginia Beach enjoys the benefits of
the services performed by the Virginia Beach Rescue Squad Incor-
porated, Creeds Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad.Incorporated, Plaza
Volunteer Fire and Rescue Squad Incorporated, Kempsville Volunteer
Fire and Rescue Squad, Incorporat6d, which are composed entirely
of volunteers; and
WHEREAS.'at the annual convention of the Virginia Association
of Rescue Squads, held in Virginia Beach, Virginia, in September of
1970, the above mentioned Rescue Squads competed in the events, and
demonstrated their outstanding proficiency and ability by winning
seven awards in the competition; and
WHEREAS, the citizens of Virginia Beach are justifiably proud
That the Council of the City of Virginia Beach extends its
hearty congra@ulations to the entire membership of each of the squads,
all of whom contributed to this stgnal achievement for their outstand-
ing performance.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Cle'rk is directed to spread the
text of this resolution on the minutes of this meeting.
ITFM #2811
On lwtion by Councilnm M@n, secondecl by Councilman Dusch, and by recorded vote
as follws:
Ayes: @ci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. el.1, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
P. Reid Ervin, Georcre R. Ferrell, D. P-@ay PSa@n, Vice P4@r Earl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. 1,7aterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. P,@.es.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved. a mutual fire fighting assistance agreemnt between the
City of Virginia Beach and tlie Naval 7=hibious @e, little Cree-k.
T[IIS AGiZE@11,4E'eri, ,in(le anrl entc-re(i Into t%i-s 20th d,y f November
1970 ly anj ],,etween tiie City o.@ reacb., @IT-@,@nia and-tl-ii;-C@-,i.-i kling
OfficeT, @.@aval ATipliibious ',,lase, Little Cr"-'@, Vir@.iniR.
n n liiit) ient nnJ por.,onnel
.itl-@REAS, eacli of tlie parties @teroto iral tai- 5 O,,r
for the stippression cf f,-res itr, O-,1/2n jiirls,licticn an-,' areas, anti
V4iEPF.AS, the iarties licreto Ousirr to ai1rticrt t@ fire, rrotectj@on
fivailalile in tit,,ir various i,.ttrictr,, -.i5,nncies and rmnici-
palities in the event of larl,,e firer or conflal,rttlon,.;, aii@'
Viifl'RFiAS, the lands or d,.str4C@t3 or 11-
@ ,t, I)artio@ icr(,to -,ire P-ejtccnt or
contifnanus so tll@it mutllal as!;i@t@lico in t fire er.,er@eiicy i-q deered fcasible,
it Is trit, lolicy of tli(-- !,Iavy Deartrcnt and o@ thc runicipal-
lties or otl)or districts an,, of tlieir govorning t,.o@lies to conclude such
agTee,ients w!iercvcr practictblc, arc'.
lgiER@, it i-i r@ilitually deeriod soutd, le@irable, practic!lble and
beneficial for tlie -ii,-irties to tl)is afrceinent to rcr.,Ier assistance to one
another in accordance ivit'i ti,ese tor@-,S;
1. $4benever it is Jecm(-d advislible b,@ tlio se,)Ior offi.cer of a '"Ire
dcp,,irtmcnt ' to a )arty tk) ,i@,rociieiit, or by tllc senior c,,---ficer
of any s@icli fire clc,,)artiiciit actiially -,it iny fire, to re@,ucst flre
fighting assistance uiidcr tlie tcr.-,,-; of t'@is a,@recncnt, lit', ts aiithorized to
do so, gild tho senior o@@lcf,,r op.. dtitv of t!ic fi.re dc@Artnic-nt receivinr, t"
raquest stiall fort!iiiitli takc, t',ic; follc,,ijn- action:
a. Imnediatoly i.f al)paratii% an(I personnel can I)c spared
in reST)Onso to tlic cill.
1). @lint .1,@l I)or.,oiinel Tni(Ilit r,05,t (.,ffectlvcly be
c rie exact rJssion to I-e assigneki iTi occordance with tlie Jetalled
plans ard rrace@iiircs of C,',,)C'rttion in accorklancc with this agr6ement by
the technical heacis of t".!c lire (lepart,.@-nts involvcl.
d. Forthv.,itts disp,,itch :-,-ach irparatis and personnel as, in the
jud_"ent of ttze scnlor of@@i,-er receivin;,, the call, @'ioiild le seiit, witli
emplote,instructi(in fi.,; to tlie r,;-ssion, in accoreance witti tho tqr,,s of
tliis agreeinent. Provi,led, lio,.qevt@r, that Wllf)vl ,t c.-ll for assistance is re-
ceived by a @@,ivy fire le,)artieiit, it :;@:@.all I'@ referrci at once to the
Comnandinp, Officer of tho Activit'Y concernc,], or hi.1 4%ily aiit'iorizee, Dut-..r
Officer, @@eirore any cqiiiprent or persorrel is dispatche(l.
2. 7lie reiitierin@I of ,.;,%Istance uitior tlie tcms of this agreement shall
not be man(latory, litit thc p-arty rcceivilir tile -(@,q,. t I
1. c@s or assistance should
immediately infor,.a tiie rerilcstin)7, --,Crvicp I f , @@or nT)y re ason, assistance
cannot be rendered.
3. a. i7acli party to ti)is a$?,reement v7alves all claims against the other
party or pa-rties @@or coripensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or
death occurring in consequences o@ t',,,e pcrfor.-,aice o.@ t!iis agreements.
b. All services perfo@..icd uiic,er t,.i, a,,reer,,.@nt sliall be rendered
without rei..m!@urseTent of citlier party or piirties.
4. The technical hoad of t!ie fire derartment of tlie -re,7,uesting service
sliall RSSUMQ @@ull C'@;arte of the operations, biit if he specifically requests
a senior officer of v fire department assistance to assijme com-
mand, he stiall not, 'Ly reli.iiqu-'@s'ii.n7 corim,,ind, @e relieved of ,Iis responsibil-
ity for tlie olcration. Providod, ti@at tho apparattis, nersoi)nel ard equip-
ment of t@le a,,,ency retiderinq ttssistance s@@illl be tinder tlie inT,'.Cdiite super-
vision of and stipil I)c tl,,e iriile,liate ros-r-onsi!)ility of tlit,- senior o@ipicer of
the fire (lep,,trtnent renderinf assistalicc
S. 'nie cl@tief firc officers "d personrel of ttio fire departments of
bot)i partles to t@,is agreetiont are inv4ted and encoilra5-@ld, on a reciprocal
basis, to freqiiently visit eacb (,'ther's )ctiviti(.s for guided fatnillarization
tours consi!.:tert iviti@, local security requirc,,I@nts ai,,d, as feasible, to
jointly con(luct prc-fire plaiin-'@n,,T insr@ct,@c,@ns and drills.
6. Tlie tec!inical h@-ds of tlie firo tle,)artments of the rarties to this
agreer,iciit ,ire aullhcr,,,ed inl (lirected to re(,t and drp-ft any detaile,,i plans
and ,)rocedures of o,,)Cratioli necessary to ef@@ectively irplernent titis agree-
nent. Sucli rliiiis anci procetitirtr, cf o,,)eiations shall becomo effective tmo-,i
-ratiflcation by the .;iiiiatory rarti".
7. This agrocpient sliall teco@me offecti.ve 12pon tl,e date hereof and sball
reir,ain in fiill @ rce aiid cf'Cct t ntitiial agreenent of tlie
,O un i , cancelled b
partie!-, hereto or @-,y tTi.tttii notico by one I,),irty to th(,' otlier party, piving
ton (10) day.-i iiotice of f-ai(i cincellation.
IN l"IT14T:SS tlie p.-irti.es lcrett, l@, "o exec@ited tliis apreement at
City of V@ri,,J.nia @i'e'ac@), Vir,,@i@,ia, on tlie e@y and ye.,ir firg) @l-)ove u-ritten.
City @@i,,aper
Virgi'r,la Icacii, Virf,,inia
f,iltle @reek, @@irfolk, Virginia
On rnotion by Counci@ Crarwell, seconded by Cbuncilmn Malbon, and b.Y recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. 11, Jr., Frarik A. rusch,
F. Reid Ervin, Georqe R. Ferrell, D. Murray Mzlbon, Vice Mayor Farl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved the followinct Resolution for the City of Virginia Beach to
join Virginia's urban 12, and appropriated @2,300 as 7/12 of the City's annual
pro rata share.
it appears in the best interest of tbe City of Virginia Beach to
join with certain political subdivisions beirig classified as nietropolitian or urban
areas within the Cmmnwealth of Virginia for the se of pramoting the interest
of the subject political @visions in the General Ass@ly of Virginia.
NOW, THEREFOPE, by approval of this resolution the City Council of the
City of Virginia Beach has indicated its desixe to participate in the t kncwn
.,---as-,Yirginia's Urban 12.
ITEM #2813
Cn mtion by Vice Mayor Tthault, seccnded by Councilman Crcrm7ell, and by recorded
vote as foll@is:
AYes: @unci@ H. callis, 7r., Po-bert 13. CrcmTell, Jr., Frank A. -@ch,
P. Reid Ervin, George R. Perrell, D. @,b=ay DiaL@n, Vice !Iayor @l M. Tebault,
Floyd E. @7aterfield, Jr., and !,!ayor Donald H. Ph@.es.
Nays: Nbne
Absent: Cmmci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. @s Payne.
City Council auproved the foll(x@, salary changes in the Office of the n-
wealth's Attorney, Mr. Andre Evans, in conc=ence with the ation Bo@
1. Increase in the annual rate of Mrs. Diane Joyce
Shafer frcm $4,300 to $4,515, effective Nov 1,
2. Re@loyffent of Mrs. Mildred IT-. Bor(3.ner at an annual
rate of $4,750, effective T)ecember 1, 1970, to renlace
Mrs. Richardson, ivho will resiqn effective No 30,
@ #2814
On -tion by Counci@ Dusch, seconded by Counci@ 11, and by record@
vote as follows:
AYes; COuncilmn Pober-t H. C,allis, Jr., Ro@ B. rxomell, Jr., Fr@ A. Dusch,
F. Reid Fxvin, reorge R. F@errell, D. P4=av @Ialbon, Vice Mayor Earl M.. @ault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Plavor Donaad H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: CDmcilmn (',larence A. ITolland arxi J. CUrtis PaVne.
City Cbuncil approved a certificate of @lic convenience an(I necessity for ?'r.
Walt(lx E. Pavev and @Ir. Tohn M. Bracrq to o@rate a new taxicab- ccnpanv u,ithin
the City of N7irqinia Beach, initially of four (4) taxicabs.
ITEM #2815
On -tion by Counci@ Fe=ell, s-nded by Counci@ 1, and by reoorded
vote as follows: 4
AYeS: Cb-ci@ H. Callis, Jr., Pobert 11, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid , George R. Ferrell, D. @ay Malbon, lice Mayor Farl M. @ault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., @ MaYor Donald H. @es.
Nays: None
Absent: (bunci@ Clarenoe A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City'Cbuncil ariproved the fo;lowing -solution requesting the ('ity of Norfolk to
niake a- tion and to furnish water tllrough a proposed water system, ic)cated
at @icho Road, Baysicle ]3orougli.
x4AIM -1 CC)jL@l@'CTI'Oiq ATQD TO FURNISli @',rl@,TER TF-ROLTG@'i A
IN T.@-iil C--"TY OF VI,-GINIA BEAr-,,Ii, vUar-l@-R V@7SCRIBED
BELO'Xf -.
@-REL'S, It is propc)sed by the city of V4.rginia Beach, Virginia, at
the request@ of Te Co@ ration of Vi ' '
to extend E propoeod -..@atax Piain in accortance ,Yith the existing coittract
between the City c'.@ Ilirginia Beach and the Ci-ty of klor:Eolk, in
,@ide Borouqh
in the sti,eets Iiited as follov7s:
Name of Size of Lineal No. of
Jericho Road 81, 715 1
all as described and shown ort plan entitled -Plan and Profile
ire H r t@
a@o Site
as pro@@.,rc@, i@'Z,@.-3h and Basgier, Consult-'Ing Engineers Stirveyors,
-dated-Novem@er 10, 1970
NOW, THEREFORII, BE IT RESCILVED, "hat the City of Norfolk )e and it
hereoy'is, requestt.-d to make a connection of the proposed water n@ains
with the present i@,,ins of said City at the said designation, and upon
completion of th-- installation of the proposed inains, -o siipply water
to consumers residing thereon, it being expressly understood and agreed
that the supplyinq of said i@iater by the City of Norfolk shall be upon
and sui)ject to@ the following terms and conditions:
1. Th@.it the 3aid i@ater mains shall De installed in accordance with
the specifications of the said City of Worfolk and to the satisfaction
of the Direc-lor of Pulilic Works of said City, at no cost to the City of
2. That the iiater so supplied through said mains to consumers shall
be at the sarie ralle now,. or bereafter, charged oy the City of Norfoilt to
consumers beyond t@ie lixnits of said City similaxly situated.
3. That all (-)rdinv.,Ices of the @-ity of Norfolk and all rules and
regu'lationsi of the Division of Plater Suppl.y of sai.d Cty, now or here-
after adopted and out into effect, relating to --b-e fu
rnishing of water
shall appin to the suppl.ying of ,rater through t@e said proposed mains.
4. That the @,aid City of Zaorfolk shall be under no obligation to
furnish more @iatex than its distribution system as now laid, with the
pressure cazr-@ed, Yill 4e!iver into said mairis, and if the sa4d supplying
of water sl@all not be in accordance with the standard service, the said
City of Nor-l-@ollc sh,@)II not be held responsible in any .iqay.
5. Ttiat in s,-@pplyiiig water to consumers alonq the said proposed
mains, the @-'j.ty of 17orfol.k will supply the sa- e only from its surplus
supply, and thal. ;i no evetit shall theze be any obliga-lion on the part of
;aid City to suppl,; water to any consun,..ers along t,he proposed wains at
iny time ,wl,,en, in :he judge,-lent of the Council o@- the said -4-ty of -\Iorfolk,
the said City shal 'I..not have suffic4-ent supply for use with4n its corporate
limits, or i,,benever the supplyii@g of said wi@ter shall interfere with the
discharge o.' tlie diity of- said Cit@i to supply water to its ovrn inhabitants.
6. Th@2t fro-,n and zi-Iter the instailation o:@ the w@iter mains and
hydxants they sliai.; zeccyt,,a the pronerty of tlie '-"ity (')f Virginia L3each,
The Citv of Be@ch sliall grant to the City of 4ozfolk the right
to use sucli !nains @nd hi, -cizarits fo:c supply oE water, and furth--r grants
to tlie City of i@t-ady )r,.d reasonab),,-- accr-.@." to tbem.
7. That for )ny fire taydrant installed at the reauest of the City of
Virginia Bc-acl-k, a -enta-i- of T.1ui)dred Doll,:irs ,'$100,00) a year
for @ach bci! paid to the --ity of -tqorfoll@.
ADOPTFD B@- ,7c of tlie City of virgi.ni@a tllis
day of 19
AT'fFS'I'E -
of thc
IM f29l6
On mtion--by CouncihTian Ferrell, seconded by @ci@ Cr 1, We I)Y recor@--@
vote as follows:
Ayes: Ccxmcihten Robert F. Callis, Jr., Ro@ P. 11, Jr., Frank A. T)i@c",
F. @d Ervin, Georc[e R. Fe-rrell, D. Pt=ay Mz@n, @7ice Mayor Farl M. Tebault,
Fl Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Dc)nald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Cbuncil= Clarence A. Holland and iCurtis PayTie.
City Council apprcyved the following resolution requesting the City of Norfoll, to
make a connection and to furnishKater gh a proposed water system, loca,,--@", @t
Birch@ Professional Building, Lyrmbaven Borough,
WIMRB,T)S, It is Proposed by the City of Vir@inia )3eac-1h, vircini
the request of Dudlev, Morrisette, Cederquist and Associates
to extend @,, propo,--,-d ,@.,ater riain in acco@--daiic@i ilj-t--h the ex-isting c or@ t
bet,v,Feen tl,.@, --ity c;c Virginia B,@ach ay.,d the City of Norfolk, ill -Birchwood
Professional Building, virginia Beach Boulevard, Lynnhaven oroug]L,---
in ows,
iqa7ae of Size of Lineal No,,
eet H (i
10' Easement 6" 470 1
all as described and sho%,,n on plai, enti'uled Birchwood Professional
Building - Site Development Plan
as preparc!C b- l@,ar@ih a,@id Basgier, Consulting Lnciiieers SLirveyors,
dated Auqust 17, 1970
NOW, THEREFORP-,, BE IT RESC#LVED, that the City of tiorfolk De and it
here.jy'is, requested to make a connection of the proposed water mains
with the present mains of said City at the said designation, and upon
completion of th@ ins"allation of the proposed mains, to supplv water
to consumers residi.ng thereon, it being expressly understood and agreed
that the supp@ying of sai-d water by tlie @-ity of Norfolk shall be upon
and subject to the following ternis and conditio:isg
1. That the 3aid water mains shall oc installed in accordance with
the specifications of the said City of tiorfolk and to the satisfaction
of the Director of Public Works of said Citv, a'- no cost to the City of
2. That the ivater so supplied through said mains to consumers shall
be at the sanie rate no,,)r, or hereafter, charged by the City of Norfolk to
consuiners beyond the lir,,iits of said City sLnilazly situated.
3. That all ordina@,.ces of the City of Norfolk and all rules and
regu'@ations of the Division of Water Supply of said City, now or here-
after adopted and Dut into effect, relating to the fur-nishing of water
shall apply to tbe supplyi.ng of dater tliro-,igh ti'le said proposed mains.
4. That the aaid City of Norfolk sl,lall be under no obligation to
furnish more -@,ater than its distribution system as now laid, with the
pressure carried, @vill deliver into said mai-ns, and if the said supplying
of water shall r@ot be in accordance with the st@indard service, the said
City of Norlolk not be held responsible i@-i any way.
5. That in s!ipplying water to @-oiisumers al,ong the said proposed
mains, the City of Norfolk will supply the sarlie only fro-in its surplus
supply, and that 4ii no event shall there be any obligation on tlie pa,-t of
3aid City to i.;ater to any conzu-mers alona the propoged irains at
@ny time tvl-.en, !.ii --he jmegeia@n-I of the Coun-il .)f the said rity of '%oriolk,
the said City slia"i-not have suffici.ent supply for use witliin its corpora-e
liniits, or the supplyirig o@- said %,rdter shal@'@ interfere with the
discharge of the d,ity o@- said Ci.ty to supply @vai--er '@o its ovin inhabitants.
6. That fro--,n and aZtez the j-ns-@allati(:on o.1- the @rater wains and
hydrants they sliai.i becciTi3 thz prop--rty of '@lie -,ity o-@' Virginia ae,,ch.
The City ol-7 Virginia Be@ch shall grant to the City o' \-'orfalk the right
to use such nains and hyc..,Zaiit-- @@ox supply of water, and further grants
to the City of Xor:,--olk ready and reasonablo acc@@ss to them.
7, That ft:),- @@iiy fire hydrant insteilled at the re-quest of the City of
Virginia Beacli, a. -@ental payTe-,it o- C,,io .1-Ii.,ndrc@d Dollars @$100,00) a year
for each hydraiit siiall be pai.r) to tlie City of I.,Iorfolk,
AD',)PTED BY T' kTC of the city of YVg.,ni.a B,-,ach, Virginia this
day of i 9. I)cf
Clerk 0 1 t, ,Atici@ I
On mtion by CouncihTan Ferrell, seconded by Councihnan 11, and by reoorded
V,Dte as follcws:
Ayes: Councihnen Robert H. Callis, Jr., B. @@ll, Jr., Frank A. r)usch,
F. Reid Ervin, Georqe R. Ferrell, D. Murray @ialbon, @7ice @lavor Farl M. --Tault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and 14ayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmn Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved the following resolution re,7uestinq the City of %rfolk to
make a connection and to furnish water through a proposed water system, located at
the Mini @Iall on South Lynnhaven Road in the City of Virginia Beach.
and to furnish water through a proposed water svstem, located at
@he Mini Mall on South Lynnhaven Road in the City of Virginia
Beach, further described below:
Whereas, it is proposed bv the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, at the request of tlie Belo Corporation, to
extend proposed water mains in accordance with the
existing contract between the City of Virginia Beach.
and the City of Norfolk, in the Mini Mall, with pipe
sizes and lengths as follows:
432 Linear Feet of 611
340 Linear Feet of 4"
1 Fire Hydrant
All as described and shown on plans entitled "Water
Plan for Mini Mall - Parcel B, Princess Anne Plaza,
Section 21, as prepared by Talbot and Associates,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Norfolk be and it
hereby is requested to 'make a connection of the proposed water niains with the
present mains of said City at the said designation; ai-id upon completion of the
installat4A of the proposed mains, to supply water to consurners residing thereon,
it being @xpressly understood and agreed that the supplying of said water by the
City of Norfolk shall be upon and subject to the following teri-ns and conditions:
1. That the said water n-lains shall be installed in accordance with the
specifications of the said City o@ Norfolk and to the satisfaction of the Director of
Public Works of said City, at no cost to the City of Norfolk.
2. That the water so supplied through said mains to consurners shall be at
the same rate now, or liereafter, charged by the City of Norfolk to consumers beyozl,l
the limits of said City sirnilarly situated.
3. That all ordinances of the City of Norfolk and all rules and regulations of
the Division of Water Supply of said City, now or horeafter adopted and put into effect,
relating to the furnishing of water shall apply to the supplying of water through the
said proposed mains.
4. That the said City of Norfolk sliall be under no obligation to furnish more
water than its distribution systern as now laid, with the pressure carried, will deli%,U@-
into said mains, and if the said supplyin., of water shall not be iii accordailce uith the
standard service, the said City of Norfolk shall not be held responsible in any way.
5. That in supplying water to consumers aloiig the said proposed mains, the
City of Norfolk will supply the sarne only froni its surplus supply, and that in no ever-@
ghall there be any obligation on the part of said Ci.ty to supply water to aiiy consun@e -@.
along the proposed mains at any time when, in the juclgenient of the Council of the ga@L@@
City of Norfolk, the said City shall not have siifficient stipply for use within its corp(,@
limits, or whenever the supplying of said N@ater shall.interfere @vith the discharge of
the duty of said City to supply water to its own inhabitants.
6. That from and after the installation of the water mains and hydrants they
shall become the property of the Citv of Virginia Beach. Thc City of Virginia B,,acil@
shall grant to the City of Norfolk tlie right to use SLIch mains and hydrants for the
of water, and further grants to the City of Norfolk ready and reasonable access to
7. That for any fire hydrart installed at the request of the City of Virginia B,@@
a rental payment of One Hundrod Dollars ($1 00. 00) a year for cacli liydrant s' all be, r -
to the City of Norfolk.
ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL of the City of Vir,,inia Beach, Virginia this
day of ig 'Id
On rrk)tion by Counc r@n, seconded by Cbunci@ ,TaLterfield, and by recc,,@
vote as follows:'
Ayes: Counci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jt.,,Pobert B. Crom@l, Jr., Frank A.
F. RP-id George R. Ferrell, D. Murray @Ia@n, @7ice Mayor Farl M. @-4u-!-@
Flcyd E. Igaterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald R. @es.
Nays: None
Absent: CCYLmci@ Clarence A. itolland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council granted a Tnovincr permit to Yir. William Wilson to move a one-stor-,
fram residence, 20' x 481, @rcm First Ooloni-al Foad and TTew York Avenue,
Borough, to Old V@inia Beadi Boulevard and P@lty Tane, Tot 26, 'Oceana CarC..
Lymhaven Borough. Estimated value after move and renovations, $8,500.
On iwtion by (buncilmn Ferrell, seconded by Counci@ Pl@n, and by recorrl-,'
vote as follows:
Ayes- Counci@ Rabert H. callis, Jr., Pobert B. ell, Jr., F-'ranl-, A.
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. 1.1-urray Malbon, Vice t4ayor Earl ti. @aul-.
Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor -Tbnald H. Phodes.
Nays: lbrie
Absent: Com(-ilmn Clarence A. F.Tolland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Camcil r2eferred for @ weeks the reouest of @Ir. Forrest T,,T. Coile, Jr.
to move a one-story fr@ resider-oe, 241 x 281 from T\IC,,,7pOrt I'@ tO T,,Test Ta- 4
Road, property of Olivia J. lbilson, Princess Anne BoroiLigh. Fstimated value
after and renovatio@ , $6,700.
ITEM- #2820
On motion by oc)uncilman Ervin, secc>nded by Counci@ Ilalbon, and by re-core@
vote as follws:
Ayes: (buncilm-n Pobert H. cail,'-s, Jr., Pobert B. CraTwell, Jr., Frank A.
F. Reid Ervin, Ceorgp- R. Ferrell, D. 1-@av.M.@n, N7i@ Mayor Earl M. Tthaul@-I
Floyd E. Vlaterfield, Jr., and Playor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: (bunci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council reaupointed. @ir. John Pa.7ler, StructLiral Fngineer, to the -@iilli - --
Board of Adjustiients are- @ls for a term of one Cll year, @iring Dec@-@-,-- -31-,
ITEM #2821
On rwtion by Oc)unciLTian Malbon, seconded by Vice @layor Tthault, and by recc)r@@
vote ag follows-,
Ayes: CounciL@n t IT. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crowell, Jr., Frank A.
F. Reid Fxvin, George R. Fe=ell, D. @lurrav Pla@n, Vice Mayor Earl M. Ttia)il@@,.
Floyd E. Waterf ield, Jr., and l@r Dc>nal@ H. PWes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City (-bmcil reappointed mr. Roy Cxeef, @Ir. T)Orice Cregory, Mr. ITarrv I,. Par',
Dlr. Carl L. Cl@istian, Jr., and 7-tr. M. J. (:k,,ens to the Board of Pl@inc,, @,@ , -c-
for terms of two (2) years, extdiring Dec@-r 31, 1972 (Mr. Percy Caton-.('it-,
inspector, service (lilrincr cmploymnt)
rM! #2822
On -tion by @ci@ Waterfield, secorided by @cl@ DuSch, and by reoorded
vote as fqll(xqs:
AYeS: @Ci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr-, RObert 13. 11, Jr,, Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid , C-eorge R. Ferrell, D. 1.@ay MaLbon, @7ioe '@r Earl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. Dlaterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. @es.
Nays: None
Absent: @cihten Clarence A. Holl.@ and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council reappointed Mrs. Lee Ke@, Dr. Poy A. @, and Mx. iatres 7dtchin
to the School Board for te= of three (33 years, expiring 31, 1973, and
aPPC)inted Mr. Leland M. Hood (to replace John Sal=ns) to the Sd=l Board for a
tem of three (3) years, expiring 31, 1973.
Cn -tic)n by Cbuncibm M@n, seconcled by (buncihm Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci@n Pobert H. rallis, Jr., lbbert B. @cm7ell, Jr., -.Prank- A. Dwch,
F. Reid Ervin, Georcje R. Ferrell, D. M=av P@- n, @7ice MzLyor Earl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., wA @r Dc)nald H. Phcdes.
Nays: Ncne
Absent: cdmci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Cc)uncil ik,@inted @. F. Peid Fxvin (to replace G. Dewev Sinmns) tc) the
Ti-deT,7ater Stadium Authority for a term of @ (2) years, expiring December 31, 1972.
On motion by CbunciliTan Waterfield, seconcled by Comci@ Dusch, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Robert H..Callis, Jr,, lbbert B. @atwell, Jr., Prank A. Dusch,
F. Reid , George R. Ferrell, D. @-@ay @3-bon, Vice ijayor @l M. @.bault,
Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald R. P-Tiodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ Clarence A, HollwO and J. Curtis Payne.
City Cc)uncil rekt)pointed Mrs. Iouise Allen, Mr. Jmes K. Kontopanos, Mrs. R. B.
@es, Mr. C. W, CashTnan, Jr., Mr. R. 0. Freeman, !4r. Charles H. Curl, and Mr.
@@on Bright to the Welfare Advisory Board for terms of one (1) year, @ixing
De 31, 1971.
r= #2825
On -tion by @ci@ Callis, secc)nded by Vice.@r Tthault, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: CouncUmn Fbbert M. Callis, Jr., Ro@t B. Cr@ll, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Fxvin, George R. Ferrell, D. P,@ay @4@on, Vice Playor Earl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. T,7aterfield, jr., @ @layc)r Donald Ii. Pnodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Cbuncilmn Clarence A. IT-011@- and J. Curtis Payne.
City Comcil reaLDpointed t@s. @ T-Tair@n and M-r- (-'ilbert Smith tc) the Vircrinia
Beach ity @lental FTealth and Plental Retardation '3ervices Board for terms of
three (3) years, expirincr T-)e 31, 1973.
ITE7,4@ f2826
On rnotion by @cibm Fxvin, seconded by @ci@ Dusch, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: OorLmci@ Pobert IT. Callis, Jr., B. 1, Jr., -@ank A. Dusch,
F Reid Ervin, C-eorge R. Ferrell, D. @@k=ay,Malbon, Vice -Mayor @l M. TL-bault,
Fi@d E. Wtrfi@ld, Jr., and Mayor Donald R. Phodes.
N6ys: Norle
Absent: Counci@:Clarence A. Fblland and J. Curtis Payne.
City,Qpuncil reappointed Mr. E. W. Tinmns, @.4r. E. E. Brickell, Dr. Pobert TTaddell,
and @. K. A. -Relancria to the @7irginia Beach Highway Safety ssion for terms
of three (33 years, expiring Dec 31, 1973, and appointed @ir. Floyd Waterfield
(to replace Lawrence @shall) to the Virginia Beach Highway Safety ssion
le person r a Cbuncilmn.
ITIEM #2827
On niotion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilrran Malbon, and by recorded
vote as follcws:
Ayes: Cbuncilren Robert H. (,'allis, Jr., PObert B. Cr@ll, Jt., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin, Georcre R. Ferrell, D. Murray tla@n, \Tice Mayor Farl M. Tebault,
Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and P4ayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Cbunci@ Clarence A. F-olland and J. Curtis Payne.
City Council appc)inted @ir. Bnice P@hl, to the @ttee for the National Council
on Crim and Delinquency for a term of tbree (3) years, expiring De 31, 1973.
rml #2828
On motion by Counci@ Ferrell, seconded by (buncihtian Waterfield.-, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes; Cc)unci@ Pobert R. Call.is, jr., lbbert B. Crcmwell, Jr,, FranY ;. Dusch,
F. @d @in, GeOrge P,. Ferrell, D.,@ay n, Vice @layor F@l M-, @ault,
Floyd E. lqaterfield, Jr., and Miayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: (bunci@ ClarenoLl A. Hollancl. and J. CLirtis Payne.
CitY (buncil elected to have closed @tincrs on December 21, 1970 and 28,
1970, to discuss personnel and lecjal @tters, as permit@ by the (-bde of @7irginia.
On mtion by ODuncibmn Callis, seconclecl by Vice @layor Ttbault, and by reCC)rded
vote as follows:
Ayes: @unci@- ibbert IT. callis, jr., Tbbert B. @,7ell, Jr., Frank A. T)usch,
F. Reid avin, @rge P,. rerrell, D. M,=aY Pl@n, Vice @layor Farl M. -Te-bault,
Floyd E. 'V7aterfield, Jr., ard @iavor rorald H. Rhcd-.es.
Nays: None
Absent: Cc)unci@ Clarence A. Holland and J. curtis P@e.
City Cbuncil recessed until Dec@r 21, 1970 at 9:00 a.m.
At 9:00 a.m., De 21, 1970, City Council reassembled for the recessed ueetinc,
of @-c@r 14, 1970. I.Phe roll call of the C.Ouncil indic t f
a ed the . oll@7_incr s
CO-cilmen r)resent: Pobert H. Cal-'Lis, :rr., Po@. B. 11, Tr., Fra& A. Dusch,
F. Rei.d Fxvin, ('@rqe R. Fcrrell, Clarence A. Follan(g, D. plurray pia@n, @7ice Mavor
r!.arl M. Tobault, Pi.@vd E. TTaterfield, 'Jr., and mayor ronal,9 FT. Rwes.
(buncilman absent: J. Curtis P
rr-Fm @2830
Cn rr()tion by Counci@ 11, seconded by @ci@ Perrell, and by recorded
vote as follm$:
Ayes: Counci@ Po@ H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. C'rcmwell, jr., Frank @. Dusch,
F. @id Ervin, George R. Perrell, C'.larence A. Holland, D. M=ay t@n, @7ice
Mayor Earl M. TebauJ-t, Floyd F,. Waterfield, Jr., and Playor Donald if. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: councilnian J. Curtis payrie.
City ANcil authorized the city T4anaaer, Plr. @er qcc)tt, to enter into a contract
on behalf of the Citv with Ha@, @,@les, T@ & @rcren0off to mke a sturn to
dete@e wbat portion of Norfolk's water systen should be conveyed to an authorit-vl
if an when it is created and w-liat the T)resent day value of that t*r-tion of the
systEm would be, and at the -saw tme @ determine wlat refuge dlslmsal facilities
in 17irqinia Beach should be convwed tc) the authority and th(-- valu'e of those
facilities. City (buncil th-erefore appropriated t-he mount of @R,550 as the
fee schedule charcred Ly the above firm. C-ity Council also approved the employrrent
of the law firm H@ton, Tlilli@ , Gay, P@i to ar th eqal -,
-1 & Gibson prep e e 1 T)a@
necessary to establish the authc)rity or authorities anrl to @e their reocnuendation
on whether there should be one or two authorities.
On motion by Cc)unci@ crm7ell, seconded by C,ounci@ Holland, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Rc)bert B. 11, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Raid E-rvin, Ceorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. n=ay n, @7ice
Myor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. 1,7aterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. @odes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ J. 's Payne.
City Council approved the follwinq Ordinance authorizinq an encroa t on public
Property for the purpose of cc)nstructing decorative entrance colums as recruested by
the @eview Shores Su@liv)-sion.
That pursuant to the authority contained in Section 15.1-
377, Code of Vir@'inial qs amended, Lakeview,'Boz@ Civic Leag-ue
is authorized to maintain an encroachment at the Northwest
corner of Cullen Road and Independence Boulevard, Bayside
Borough, consistinp, of two bricic pillars, two feet square,
bein@ approximately 15 feet apart, settinp, approximately 20
feet from the curb line of Independence Boulevard. The en-
croachment auttiorized is for purposes of displaying an en-
tranceway to Lakeview .Subdivision.
Adopted by the Council of the City of Virpinia Beach.on
the 21st day of December, 1970.
ITFM 42832
On rrotion by @ci@ T-7aterfield, seconded by @ci@ @ch,
vote as follows-.
Ayes: CO-ci@ PObert H. Callis, Jr., Pober-t B. 11, Jr., Fra-,'- @,-,ch,
F. @id Fxvin,, George R. Perrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murr@v Ma@,n, @vc
Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor I)onal-d H. Rhodes.
Nays: No@e
Absent: Councilman@i. Curtis Payne.
City Council approved the submission of an arplir-ation for federal fiLr(4--- ',o @.e
federal gov@-nt by the Kermsville Iblunteer Fire -@@t. Tle @-.nunt
of the application is -@33,000', of wtich 50% i@uld be f@eral fun@ T-ciii-d
be P@ided by the Kawsville Volunteer Fire Departrrent to purchase t@@,) -,al-@inces
ITEM 02833
Yx. Frank @easy introduced to Cbuncil six of an expected twenty stuOen@-,,, --cn
foreign countries, wbo are attending universities throucrhout the @teC
These students are spendincr the Christ7nas holidays in Virginia Beach. P-hodes
presented each visitor orith a city pin or tie tack.
ITEM #2834
City Council discassed at len@ the accluisition by the rwealth o@ ----inia
of certain lands south of Sandbridge for the purpose of establishing a Dark.
On motion by Counci@ Ferrell, seconded by Vice Mayor Tebault, and b%, --oorOed
vote as follows:
Ayes: Cc)unci@ ibbert H. Callis, Jr., RObert B. 11, Jr., Fran'@. @sch,
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. @IL=ay M-a@-, Tayor
Earl M. TL-bault,@ Floyd E. TTaterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. @es.
Nays: None
Absent: Cbuncilnian J. Curtis Payne.
City Council ammved e following resolution r-pauesting the City of to
wake a connecti-on to and furnish water through a ,)roposed water sys at
James@ at Mdtehurst g Poad,Kempsvil-le- Borough.
Form No. P.U.-36-2a
Whitc,hiix,pt [,andi IN TIIE CITY OT
WIIERP-AS, it is proposed by the City of Virginia Beach, Vir@ia,
the request of Jamestowne COME)anv , to extend a propo@,@f- .,,I@r
main in accordance.with the existing con'@ract between the City of
Beach and the City of Norfolk, in Jamestowne at Whitehurst LandinR
P-oad in the streets listed a. foll.,,.-
Name of
Size of Linear of
Colony Drive 81' 720
Colony Drive 61, 630
Jamestowne Drive 8" 340
New Providence Road 8" 670
New Providen ce Road 61, 61@O
all aa described and shown on T)lan e-ntitled. Jamestowne at Whitehurst Landing
goad, Section 1, Sewer and Wat@r Plan as Fe. Q
@ d by
Baldwin and Gregg Engineers, Norrolk, r inia
Form'No. P.U- 36-2b
NOW, THEPEFORE, BE IT RESOLVFD, thTt the City of Norfolk be and it
hereby is, requestcd to make a corinection of the proposed water mains
with the present mains of said City at the said designation, and upon
completion of the installation of the proposed mains, to supply water to
@consumers residing thereon, it being expressly understood and agreed
that the supplying of said water by the City of Norfolk shal.1 be upon and
subject to the following terms and conditions;
1. That the said water mains shall be installed in accordance with
the @cifications of the said.City of Norfolk and to the satisfaction
of the@Director of Public Works of said City, at no cost to the City of
2. That the water so supplied through said mains to consumers sh@
be at the same rate now, or hereafter, charged by the City of Norfolk to
consumers beyond the limits of said City sijnilarly situated.
3. That all ordinances of the City of Norfolk and all rules and
regulations of the Division of Water Supply of said City, now or hereafter
adopted and put into effect, relating to the furni:@;hing of water shall
apply to the supplying of water through the said proposed mains.
4. That the said City of Norfolk shall be under no obligation to
furnish more water than its distribution system as now laid, with the
pressure carricd, will deliver into said mdins, and if the said supplying
of water shall ndt be in accordance with the st,@dard service, the said
City of Norfolk shal-1 not be held responsible in KU way.
5. That in supplying water to consuners along the said proposed mains,
the City of Norfolk wi-11 supply the same only from its surplus supply, and
that in no event shall there be any obligation on the part of said City to
supply water to any consumers along the proposed mains at any time when,
in the judgement of the Council of the said City of Norfolk, the said City
shall not have sufficient supply fgr use within its cornorate limits, or
whenever the supplying of said water sha-11 interfere wiih the discharge
of the duty of said City to supply water to its own inhabitants.
6. That from and after the installation of the water mains and
hydrants they shall become the property of the City of Vir@ia ]3each.
The City of Virginia Reach shall grant to the City of Norfolk the right
to use such mains and hydrints for the supply of water, and further grants
to the City of Norfolk ready and reasonable access to them.
7. That for any fire hydrant installed Pt the request of the City of
Virginia Beach, a rental payment of One liundrbd Dollars ($100.00) a year
for each hydrant shall be paid to the City of Norfolk.
ADOPTED BY QQUNCIL of the City ginia Beach, Virginia this
Till '-Iy@ day of
r]nrIC of tEe-@cil
On rotion by Counci ,ell, secoryleo by Councilren T-To.11:@, and by r@ro@
vote as follows:
Ayes: (ounci@n PO@-rt F. @ilis, Tr- , T'O@. - P,. 7e-3 i., Jr., -ran7,, A. @c-h,
r. Reitl @in, (-eorge P. PerrEll ('Iarence P. lioll-@, T). 7@@y Ila.@n, N7ice "P-tvor
Farl ri. Tebault, Ployd. P. T,7aterfiel(l, Tr., ancl, ilayor T)onalrl @T. rh@.es.
T,Tays: I\bne
Absent- (-bunciltnan T. @,is T)ayne.
City (bunr-il. defe=@ the fol.lcjwincr a@lication of @brthmmton Associates, for a
chancre of zoning an(9. a use t)ermit, until January 1,1, ]C,71.
Application of TiorthamDton Associates by John E. Sirine and Associates for
a clianqe of zoninq frot,.l Residence Duplex District 2 (R-0 2) with a Ilotel,
T u@ri-@a-6-cf ff t@aurant (T-?.) Sunple,@.nt to !Iultiple Family Pesidence r)istrict
(R-,'.i) with a '@',otel, Tourist and Restaurant (T-2) Sunplement and a !Jse- Permil.,
to construct 56 apartm!ent'units on certain property located on the tTo th side
6f Shell Road across from Maharis Poad belinnina at a Point 3?4.76 feet East
of the Intersection of Northampton Boulevard an@ Shell'Road, runninq a dis-
tance of 430.99 feet alonp the tiorth side of Shell @.oad, running a distance
of 253.98 feet aloncl the 'vlestern nronerty line, running a distance of 429.90
feet along the,."orthern property line and runninq a distance of 411.53 feet
along the Eas-tqrn nroperty line. (Lakeview Park Area). BAYSIDE BnRo!jGtf.
The Planning Denartment recornends anoroval of this application subject to
a dedication of right of iiay 30 feet @rom tlie center line of Shell @oad
(15 foot dedication) as reqtjested by the Department of Colmunity Services.
Ttie application was anproved provided the @lotel, Tourist and Pestaurant
(T-2) Supplen@.ent on the requested change of zoning be deleted.
ITEM #2837
On rrotion by Oouncib= Dusch, seconded by Vice Mavor Tebault, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Pobert R. Callis, O+/-., lbbert B. 11, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid , Georce R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Fblland, D. Murray Ma@n, Vice Mayor
Earl M. Tebault, Fi@ E. WaterfieJ-d, Jr., and Mayor @nald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ J. Curtis Payne.
City Council cancelled the Regular Council @ting of Dec 28, 1970. The next
Regular Council Nbeting will be January 11, 1971.
ITEM #2838
On -tion bY CO-cilmm Callis, seoonded by Cbuncilman Ferrell, Arthur H, 7urg@en,
Herm- R. Bo-ey, and Charles W. Beard were n@ated for rea)Ppointnent to the
)?l@g ssion and R. L. Riggs was ncminated for a@@ @t to the Plaming
On mtion by Oouncilman Holland, se-nded. by Counci@ 11, 7cmms C. Donnelly
and POber-t Watlington -e ted for appc)intmnt tc) the plaming ssion.
On mtion by Cbunci@ malbon, seconded by Councilman @in, B. W. Wroton was
ncminated for reappointmnt tO the Planning ssion.
.co-cilman Fxvi-n placed in ncniination the nam of Henry W. Clark to be appointed to
the Planning @ssion; th-e being no seoond the mtion was lost.
On -tion by Cb-ci@ 14@n, seconded by @cilmn Ervin, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmn Tbber-t B. 11, Jr., P. Reid Ervin, D. M=ay M.@n, and
MaYor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: Councibnen lbbert H. Callis, jr., Frank A. Dusch, ('@rge R. Ferrell, Clarence
A. Holland, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, and Floyd F. lqaterfield, Jr.
Absent: Counci@ J. Curtis Payne.
City Council denied the appointn-ents or i-e-apT)ointrents of Arthur H. JurcTensen,
flerMn R. Bonney, R. L. Riggs, Charles l@7. T'(- @rd, James C. Donnelly, lbbert
On -tion bY COLmci@ Callis, seconded by Counci@ Ferrell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: 00-ci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., lbbert B. 11, Jr., Frank A. Dusch,
George R. -Ferrell, Clarence A. flolland, D. D@ay Ma2bon, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Dc)nald H. Phodes.
Nays: (bunci@ F. Reid Ervin.
Absen@ Comcilnian J. Curtis Payne.
City Cc)uncil reappointed Arthur H. Jurciensen, H@ R. Bonney, and C=les W.
Beard to the Planning ssion for term of four (4) years, @irinq 311
1974, and appointed R. L. @ggs, J@ C. Donnelly, and @bert Watlin@n tc) the
PlaftAng ssion for of four (41 years, expiring De 31, 1974.
On mtion by @cihnan 1, seconded by Councilman n, and by recorded
vote as follows:
AYes: Counci@ lbbert B. 11, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, D. M=ay @@n, and
MaYor Dc)nald H. Phodes.
Nays: ODuncihTen ibbert H. callis, Frank A. Dusch, Georcje R. Ferrell, Clarence
A. Holland, Vice mayor Earl M. @ult, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Abpent; Comcib= J. Payne.
CitY (b-Cil denied the reappoin@t of B. W. Wroton to the Planning @ssion.
rTim #2839
On niotton by Vice Mayor Tebault, seoonded by cc)uncih= 1, and by reoorded
vote as follows;
Ves: @@@ Fobert R. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. Crcnwell, Jr., Frank 7" Dusch,
P. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. M..=ay @@n, Vice Mayor
Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilnian J. Curtis Payne.
City Cbmcil elected to have closed @tings on January 4, 1971 and January 11,
1971, to discuss personnel and legal mtters, as permitted by the Oode of Virginia.
On wtion by @unci@ Ervin, seconded by @ci@ Ferrell, the meting adjourned.
TEchard J. city c er L)onald H. Phodes, @r
City of virginia Beach,
Decenber 14, 1970-@lar Meeting
De 21, 1970-@cessed Meeting