HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOVEMBER 9, 1970
CF @MM B@, @nM
9, 1970
Ttie regular @ting of the Council of the City of Virginia @ch, Virginia was
held in the Oouncil s in the stration Buildirig, in the Borough of
Princess Arme, on @bnday, Nov 9, 1970, at 2:00 p.m.
'Ihe invocation was given by Reverend Kenneth R. Carbaugh, Our Saviour's Lutheran
Church, Virginia Beach.
i@ present: H. callis, jr., Robert B. 1, jr., Frank A. Dusch,
F. Reid Ervin,-George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holl@, D. M=ay n, J. Curtis
Payne, Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
Councilm--n absent: Vice Mayor Farl M. Tthault
1= #2707
Mayor Phodes introduced his secretary, Mrs. Janet Griffith to the Council and the
ITEM #2708
Cn imtion by Counci@ Fer-rell, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crarwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F.
Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Yurray Yalbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. @ult
City Council approved the Mi-nutes of the Regular Mee@ of October 26, 1970, and
the reading of said minutes dispensed with, ch as each councihw- had a copy
of said minutes before him.
ITEM #2709
On motion by Councilman Dusch, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by rer-orded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Councihien Rober-t H. Callis, Jr., Rcbert B. Crcrwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusc-h, F.
Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Y=ay n, J. Curtis Payne,
Flcyd E. @terfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tthault
City Council approved the foll@ on second r g: Appropria@on of $4,079 for
the purchase of vehi-cles approved in the 1970-71 budget. $3,620 will be transferred
frcm Reserve for Contingencies, and the r@ @t of @459 in the T/,7ater & Sewer Fund
will be appropriated frcrn surplus.
On Mt3-on by Ca= Erv2.n, seconded by Counc Payne, and by recc)rded vote
as follcw-;:
Ayes: Comci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., B. ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F.
Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell,- Clarence A. Holland, D. M=ay ri, J. @s Payne,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @yor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice @r Earl M. Tebault
CLty OC)uncil approved the following on second reading: Authorization for the City
Manager, Mr. Roc-rer Scott, to enter into agr@ts for the purchase of pr6perty
@ed bY the Norfolk-Southern RailWay at @sville, and appropriation of
$50,000 for this purchase.
ITIEM #2711
Mr. Ieon Hodges presented a report of the City Audit for the fiscal y@ 1969-70
and c ed the Finance Department; the Assistant to thp- City @lanager-Finance,
Yx. Giles G. Dc)dd; and the other CILT departnents for their courteous and willing
ITEM #2712
Mr. Charles Carrington, Plaming Director, stated that he had a letter frm the
School Board by Mr. Warren Littleton requesting two (2) week deferral giving time
for the School Board to workout arrang@ts with the developer relative to a
school site.
On m@ion by Counci@ Payne, seconded by Councilion Ervin, and by relorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: i@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. CraTwell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F.
Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Tlolland, D. @turray Ma@n, J. Curtis Payne,
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @r Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Vioe Mayor Earl M. @ault
City Council deferred the foll@g application for a use permit for two (2) weeks.
Application of J.D.C. and C. K. Rockef-Iller for a Use rPte2i@iri-@ili'L to consty-u,lt 20@,
townliouses and 96 apartnients, total,iiig 300 units on certain prop--r,-Ly beginning
at a point 150 feet riiore or less @lest of Club House Road and 10a feet nore
or less South of Lakecrest Road, running a distance of 1150 feet moi,e or less
along the 4ortherti propet,ty lin-, running a distance of 1258 feet more or less
along the Easterii property line I running a distance of 125 feet more or less
along the Soutliern property lin@ and running a distance of 1015 1'eet niore or
less along the I'lestern property iine, of which 695 fee' niore or less is the
North side of Fern Ridge Road Extended. (Kings AriTis Apartments Area). PRI@!-
The Planning Commission recorur,--nds approval of this request subject to City
water and se@-,,er as reques'@ed by the Health Department.
ITEM #2713
Mr. Edwin Kellam a ed on behalf of the applicants.
yx. P.1 ii's l@=, 'president of Lakevif-v Park C:Lvic I,-ague, appeared in opposition
to the following application and presented a petition of the residents of Lakeview
Mr. G. @usmm representa-ng the Enviro@t conservation organization by
Students of old n UriiversitY, aPPeared in opposition to the follcwing applica-
Mr. Jchnson of the Take Shores Civic League, appeared in opposition to the following
application and presented a petition of the residents of Lake Shores.
Mr. Grady Felton, a resident of Iakeview Park and adjoining property cwn-, aPPeared
in opposition to the following application.
Mr. Charles L. Kaufman appeared on behalf of his cwn application.
Yx. Charles Carr@n, Director of City Plaming, stated that he had received a
letter fran the City of Norfolk by Mr. Allen BaTnforth, a copy of which has been
received by each CouncilTon.
on mtion by Councih-nan Holland, seconded by Councilman @in, and by r@rded vote
as follows:
Ayes:. Councilmn Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. 7ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F.
Peid @in, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray malbon, J. Curtis PaYne,
@ Floyd E. Waterfield, Tr.
Nays: Mayor Dc)nald H. @es
Absent: Vioe Mayor Earl M. Tebault
City Council denied the follcwing application for a.change of zoning as it is not
tible with the surrounding area.
Application of '-I. Bagley @fal@er and Charles L. Kaufman for a chanrto of
zoninq from Pural Residence District I (R-,@ 1) to @lultiple Fa!7-ii- y@,-e@id@nce
Uist-rict (R-I'l) on certain property located on the Soutli side of Shell Road
beginning at a point 675 feet more or less l@lest of !Iaharis Road, running a
distance of 973 f-et rlore or less alonci th- @!ortliern prot)erty line of 1/2@illicli
787 feet more or less is the South side of Siiell Road an@ 106 feet -more or
less is the South side of 'rlortliarqpton Boulevard, running to a dcp-lh of I?@il
feet more or less and a width of 1300 feet more or less, bounded by the Shor@-s
of Lake Smith. Said property is s@io,,,in on the Surv2v of Property of @@l. Bac!ley
Walker and Janet Tucker '@Ialker, containin-9 9.221 acres, and Survey of ProlDerty
of Charles L. Kaufman, contaitiing 7.240 acres, prenared by Frank D. TarraTI and
Associates. (La'rl-evie%@i Park Area). BAYSIDE BOOOUGH.
The Planning r.o,-,,7,ission recoinmends approval of this a,oplication subject to City
water and seiier and a dedication of righ'L of .tay 30 feet fro,,i th@, center line
of Shell Poad (15-foot de-dication).
1=4 #2714
Yx. @les Carrington, Dire@r of City Planning, read the following portion of a
letter f@crn the Division of Real Estate, De t of ty Services by Mr.
Walter Alford: "Due to the questionable status of Nbore's Pond Road, we recruest that
our dedication recuest be ed to read la 15-foot dedication on rbore's Pond Road
if public and no dedication r@ed if determined to be private'. We would allso
iike to acknowledge our concurrence in reducing the dedication on Baker Rc)ad frcm
30 feet to 15 feet in accordance with the @7ircjinia Wesleyan Study."
M,r. Joseph lawler, Attorney, ki)peared on behalf of the applicant.
Yx. t F. Boyd, Attorney for Virginia Wesleyan Cc)llege, appeared in opposition
to the foll@g application.
Mr. Henry Shriver of HollwO and Shriver Architects, appeared on behalf of Virginia
Wesleyan College.
Dr. 14ansfield, Head of Academic Affairs at Virginia Wesleyan Cbllege, appeared in
opposition to the foll@cr application.
Mr. Mack Rawls representing @ison Forest, Anthoney H@ Civic Ieagues, appeared in
opposition to the folla,,7ing apolication.
Reverend Pinder appeared in favc)r of the follcxTing application.
On mtion by Counc 1, seconded by Councihm Ervin, and by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Comcihien Rc)bert B. Crcuvell, Jr. and F. Reid Frvin.
Nays: Cbunci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, Clarence
A. Holland, D. M=ay Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @r
Donald H. Rhodes.
Abstain: vice mayor Earl m. Tebault.
Motion to deny the follcwj-ng application for a change of zoning @,7as lost.
On mtion by Comcilrran CaLllis, seconded by Counci@ Holland, and by reoorded vote
as foll@ :
Ayes: Councilmen Rc)bert H. Callis, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray @lbon, J. Curtis Payne, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor
Dc)nald H. Phodes.
Nays: Cbunci@ Robert B. Crcm,7ell, Jr. and F. Reid Ervin.
Abstain: Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault.
City Oc)uncil approved the folla@iing application for a chanqe of zo@g subject to
the mcdifications and rec ations of the Planning De.@trent S ff which include
the following:
1. Approval of tl,-e chalnge of zoning to Multiple Family Residence District
(R-M) for townhouse develo.@t south of Wesleyan Drive Extended.
2. Retention of tree line buffer on the east side of Baker Road. In relation
to this rec ation, it is proposed that a 15-foot dedicati-m be re-
quired frcm W. W. Reasor with the remining land necessary for the Baker
Road iniprov@ts being acquired frcm the west side of Baker Road.
3. Maintenance of a 50-foot building setback frcrn both the Baker Road and
Wesleyan Drive rights of way.
4. Denial o@- the r@est for general cial zonijig on +-iie soutlieast
o@ a gasoline
corner of Baker Foad and Wesleyan Drive. qhe develo @t @
s@ly station al@ this location wc)uld detract frcm the envixo@t the
cc)l,lege has attatted to pre-serve and @7ould provide a service that is
.mre than adequately provided for within a 5@ute driving @. (Parcel
5. uhe applicant has r@ested that northeast corner of Baker Road and
Wesleyan Drive be withdrawn. (Parcel D).
Approval is further subject to City water and sewer and a dedication of right of way
25 feet frcm the center line of Ycore's Pond Road (15-foot dedication) alnd no dedica-
tion required if determined to be private, and a dedication of right of way 40 feet
frcm the center line of the proposed Five Forks Road (40-foot dedication). Ali t
is to be in accordance with plans and plats of record in the De t of ty
Ap,,)Iic-ation of E.V. Williaris Co. and As-@eciates for a clianq5l of zoninri frori Pesid@ance
Stiburban District 3 (R-S 3) to '@.,ulti,r-)lc Fev.,iily and C,.Ori,@ral
Co,-n-rcial Disti,ict I (r-G 1) on cpi@tain Drop,-.rty located on th-, East side of Baker
Road ;'Iortli and SoLitli ol@ t'oore's P@,id Poid.
P,irc@l A t6 F !,.Iilv Dlstrict (,@-!!):.9@,ginninq at a point 0,,1 til,,
a of i@j,,ini n,,i l dist nl@
4@@, f t li of
Soutlierii a o@,
aii,J ruti)iing a di"t'Inl-,2 0,@ 2'@',@ feet along t@i@. ili'orti,,.,rn ',)V,operty line.
Parc@l B to I,)e Iultit)l@ Fa,7il,,,, District (P,-!!). PeCiii-,ing at a poiit on thc!
r-uiini,-ig a disl.a,,iC!-, of 71@@
ati '@oore s anci
feet alorig th,., @-ast sid,2 of Ba@,or Poad, rLI @l 11 ina a distainc,2 ol@ lp,32 fe@2t alonl t!ie
@,fort.h sicl,2 of '@loor,'s Pond, Loe(J a,)d ru@inii)ri a distance ol@ 1494 fe,-,t along tlie Eastet,n
propcrty line a@iJ runnin, a distance of 453 fect along the @iort',ic!rn pro,)C@rty liii@-.
Parc;.,l C to bn ren-2ral C@.r.,.@rcial @istric-u I (C-C, 1): Bcaiiininn at a poirit o.,i t:l@-
@ -- -@d
East side of Ro- Po!id Road., rL!Pnir,,i a distanc@ of
2u@ feet alona f,-'le East sido of Baker Poad, runninri a disl-aiic,@ of 200 fc,.(@t alo@il
tlie @lor'@li,'2rn pro,),2r-@,, lin-, runniig a dis'aiice of 2n,) fek@t alorig th,@ pro,');@rt,,
line and run,,iing a dista..ice of 210 f@-et along tii@ Sout:-.i,--rn prcper-,y lirie.
Parcel D to @,e @pneral Cc!7,r@rcial I)istrict 1 (C-@ 1): @cliniiig at a poin'. o,'l t'!--
r@f --s-i -cle -6f c, r il,6id l@( r@ld 2o@,l, runnitig a disto..nco o"
140 feet along the I-ast sid,@? of Bal,,er 'Zoad, ru,,ininn a disla,.Icc oi' fn@t aloiii t'iz@
Nortliern properl,y linc-,, runiing a dis'l-,in@ of 21", foet alon7, t@ie Easter,,i proocrty
line and runninn a distance of 310 f,,.3t alc).-lq t',, Sou@@l@rl,. -t)rO@-.)Crtf lir.,.
Lake Estatcs-Lti% !sol For,25'@-Virginia Collr@ge @u@xYSI-t@7"
The Planning Corirqission recornenda approval of tliis application su@j,,ct to
the modificia'uions and reco7,1.mendations of tlie Planninq Departtient Staff
which inclLidL, tli-2 follo,.Iing:
1. Approval of the change of zoning to 'lultiple Far,,lily Residence
District (R-'I) for tovinliotise developrlent south of 1,@esleyan Drive Extendcd.
2. Retention of 'Lree line buffer on tlie east side of Paker @oad. In
relation to this r,-cor,,rionda'@ion, it is r)ro,,)oscd t@at a 1:-)-foot dedication
be required fro-fl VI. @l. Peasor .,iith tli,2 remaiiing land necessary for tl)e Ba@,or
Road improve.-.lents being acquired froi tl,,e vilst side of Baker r)oad.
3. Ilaintenance of a 50-foot buildinci set@ac", from bo'@@) ilhe Baker Road
and llesleyan Drive riqhts of v4ay.
4. Deni6l of the reqtiest for general co.@-ercial zonino on tlie southeast
corner of Baker Road and I!--sleyan Drive. T!is develo,,)nicnt o@ a casoline sunply
station at tl,is location viould detract fro,,i the environrent the college has
attemp'ed to pres,lrve and @L,,ould Provid@ a scrvice tllat-is mre tlian adequately
provided for -viithin a 5-.,iinu@@e drivinq time. (Parcel C).
S. The applicant h,,s requ-asted t!iat nort!icast cor,-il@r of Baker Ooad and
Vlesleyan Drive bc ,,iithdra,,m. (Parccl ')).
A pproval is furt!icr sL,.bj2ct to rity @,tat@.r and se@,ier and a dedicatiori of right
of vtay 25 fccl, fro!i tri@ center lir,.e of @loor@'s Pond 7oad (15-foot dedica+.ion)
and a dedication of O.-
/,n @tro-.i tle ceiter li.,ie of tho T)ro.,@sed
Five For'l,s 7,oad (40-foo'@ is to !,a in accorFa-icc, I!ith
!)l ans a@@,l r@cor,-.1 o' c@s.
lIr. Shepard L-y zgpeared on behal-f of the applicant.
Yxs. TTi-lliam R. Scott, adjacent p a,@, appeared in op_oosition to the follow-
ing app-li-ti-.
Basil F. Gray-, adjacent pxo,@ @, appeared in opposition to the folla,7ing
Yx. Kyle who resides at 5529 Princess Anne Road, ap@ed in opposition to
the foll-@g application.
Yz-. Basil F. Gray, Jr., appeared in opposition to the fol-l@g ar-plication.
Yx. Stuart un one of the builders of Carolanne Hcmes, Inc., a ed on behalf
of the applicant.
Cn mtion by Cbunci@ Fer-rell, secondea by Coun Dusch, @ by recorded vote
as fol-lows:
Ay-- (bunci@ Robert H. Jr., Frank A. DLisch, George R. Perrell, Clarence
A. Holland, D. Murray @Ialbon, V-tce Ilayc)r Earl M. @ault, Floyd E. 1,7aterfield, Jr.,
and I'layor Donald H. P,@es.
Nays: Cc)unci@- Robcrt B. Cr@,,ell, Jr., F. Reid Ervin, and J. Curtis Payne.
CLty Council approved the fo]-lowing appl ication for a use t, subiect to the
P g si-on's r tion for a mod-i-ficati-on to 11? use units in
keeping w-ith the Kenpsville Future TAr-9 Use Plan. Approval is further subject to
City water @ s@7er and a rev@,-,7 of ee sit-- plan by the Plan=,g De t prior
to the application for a buil-ding pe=-it.
AT)plication of Carola,,ine Hoi@ts, Inc. for a Us@ PL@rrlit to coistrtlct 2,-,0 ar)artirr-,,it uni@s
on cortain pro,@er'LY locatcd o.'l t!)e 6f Princess An-,Ie Poa@ and Hill
Princ.,- @oad, rul-@ii@io a dis-@@,nce of O"10 fe@t alo-@,l tloa ii'Or@lh -@ida of Prircess Ann(-, Road,
runninr, a dista--e of I,):-)l -Fe,-2t alolo t'!i@. '..',-st si,-',- oF Princ,- "oad, and tii-2 Soutil
sile of C:allan@, Fox fzoad, rtj,'Ir,'Inl a @listance of 1-,,5 f,-ei- alo-.9 t';I,' '.Ies'Lz?rn pro@@,r*y
line. Said pro.o@r-,y is Q2si,,,a'-ed as -r-,rcc-I @, Lots 11 22, 3loc!,, C, Plat oi@
Carclaii,L, Farr.'s, Scc-irn 1. (@larolann2 Prea).
The Plani,@irci a T-.nclificatio@i of is a@,,)Iir-a@-ioi to a,,).r)rov-
112 u,.iits in Fuldr(!
,4as fur@-@l,-,r su@"inct '@o 'i-ly ,id S2,!-2r a r.,v,@! of t!i,2 .1;i@IL Dlar, -,y
rrior -o +T),- fDr a '@uildino, .er-i@
Rita l@amm a. ed -in cppositi-on to the follmring appi i cation.
()n -ti- by Councihmn Payne, se@ed by Coun Dusch and by zecorded vote a,-,
Ayes: (b-ci@ Robert H. Cams, Jr., B. Crmwel-1, Jr., A. Dusch, F.
Geo@- R. Ferreii, Clarence A. Hc)lland, D. I y @@n, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice 1,@yor Earl M. @ault, Floyd E. llaterfield, Jr., and @@r Donald H. @es.
@ys: Ibne
City Cc)unci-I app-ved the follc,.ring a'DPlication for a use @t subject to city
water @ sL-@ aLs requested by the 1-1@th t.
ApplicatiOn Of tile City of Vir7,inia for a Llse I)en7!it to cogstl,uct
mu @)al of]-iccs on t)ro,)-,r,L.v loca'Led sid@ of Inc,'?,,)en-
dence Boulevard, b,,ginning at@a DOint 1-)00 feet !or@L!i of I!orth
Road, running a dis"'ance of 400 f,@et along lu@ie East side or
Boulc,vard, ruiiiin- Ind,7,endence
,i a dis@L.@,lc- c, '17, fcL- ;Ilolr! t;
I i, Sout'iern nronerty
line, run!iing a dis'L@,aTic@, c,,,, 40-0 fc-ot alo-il t@,o Easrrn nroncr@Ly j-n- and
runninq a distance o, m25 feot aloni t@ )c -ro,,)ert,, S;id
r)roL,.--,rt'l is a @s I ard 0 proT)Lr@@y formerlv lludoi,-ss DrL)@o2r@
T,he Planli-g rec:o-7,clds a,7)roval of !-,is ar,31i i su-.j t
tO City iia+--r a,,d SE@! ec
ITEM #2717
Mrs. Loretta B. 'olillison ap@ed on behalf of her cmm application.
On m@on by Counci@ 1, secc)nded by Coun Dusch, and by reoc)rded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Rober-t H. Callis, Jr., Rcbert B. Crccuell, Jr., Frank A. DLisc-Ti, F.
P,eid @in, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. M=ay l@n, J. Curtis Payn--,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tthault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Dc)nald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
City Council approved the folla,7ing application for a use permitf subject to City
water ar)d cc)nnection to City sewer when it be@s av l@le.
Application of Lore"ta B. '@lillison and Carol @nn Pope for a lisp Permit to
operate a nursery scliool and kindpr(iarten on cc.,r"ain propcrtT!-o@a -@d on
tile South,.,ic,.st corper of Shcll Road and L9radford Road, runni@nn a dista@Ice of
190 fcet rlore or le-@s along ttit,- SOLItIl side of Shcll Road, running a distance
of 115 feet tior(, or 1(,ss alonq th(,. !,,'est side of Bradford Poad, running a'
dista,)ce of 178,17 f(,C'.t (ilong the Southcrn pror,,rty lin('., and running a
di5tanc@ c)f fcet tl)e Inro@@r'(-.y Said prODqrty is
i,nol.in a@, I-ol-. I @ar!,
Tli,, Planninq Ce.-Tqission r@,cb,@-,@@,!Qneis ap,,)roval of tliis applicl@lion subi,.ct @o
City ;,iater and sevier as requested by the Ilealtli Departmt,.nt.
r= #2718
Mr.- C=les Carringtc)n, Director of City pi stated that he had received a
letter asking for withdrELwal.
On niotion by Councilman Holland, seconded by CounciLnan Crcm7ell, and by recorded
vote as follows:
Ayes: Oounci@ Robert H. CaLllis, Jr., Robert B. Crcm,,ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F.
Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. liolland, D. Yiurray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. @ault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mzyor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
City (buncil approved withdrao7al of the folla,7ing application for a chanqe of z ni@nq.
Application of ve@.loc!ic Cori)ciration foi, a chance of zoninn from Lir.iit,,d
Co,morcial District 3 (C-L 3) to 'Iuitinle @-sic-l-n@cp r)istrict anda
Use Permit to constt,Lct 20 aoartiretit tj,.,iits oi certain pror)@rty locatel ol
tN@ iTf-6-Ffi@ side of Virainia Boacli Boulevard 1)@-qinring at a .point 700 fect
more or less ';lest of @litcl)(luck P.,Oad.
Parcel 1-: Use Pomit to construct 20 apar'Lment' uni@@s: On certain prop,@rty
o@af@d-ori the liort@i side of Virqinia Reach BoL@lcvard blginning at a point
70D feet r.Qore or less Ilest of IIiichducl,, Road, and runninq a distance of 101
feF@t alo,-,g thc@ llorth side of Virginia Beach L,oul@,vard, rtinning a distancp of
51? fect alo-ig t!ic ';!estern propertv line, runninq a distancl, of 105.09 fe(,.+
alo?ig tlie @lort',I@-rn property line a-nd runnirig a distance of 5r,4.9 feet along
the Eastern property line.
Parcel 2: Change of zo!iing frol Lip@lited Cot@@-,iercial District 3 (C-L 3) to
1) idence @@istrict B-Iqiniiinq at a Loint 791 fee@@
'ful f, liT Family Pes
West of @!itcliduc@ Road and fronting 101 fe('-t alo.-Ig the !Ior@uh side of Ilirqinia
Beacli Bo(ilcvard, running adist'ance of @5 fcet r,,,ore or less aloig the '@est-
ern prop.@r'LY lina, runnina a distance of lln f@2t niore or Ic-S, alorq tk@
@4ortliern prol,criY line and runnina a distan,le oil @r, fect -ore or le,;s alon,@
the East@rn proper'@Y line. (Chinesc Corner Area). B,IIYS!NE BNPOUGH.
The Planning Co-,.i-.iissl'on recor@,@nls derlal of this anplication as co-i-,crcial
activity is more suita@)le to the future developrir.,n'L. of Virginia Bcach
I=, #2719
Mr. Jerry Y@ appeared on behalf of the aPPli-t-
On rrk)tion by Counci@,i iiolland, seoonded by Counci@ @crmv--lll and by recorded
vote as folla,17S:
11, jr., A. F.
Ayes: @unci@ t H. Callis, Jr., Rc)bert B. Crcm,7e Frank Dusch
peid Ervin, C-eorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holl@, D. Yjurray 14albon, J. Curtis PaYne,
Vice Mayor Earl m. @ult, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and 14ayor Dc)-ld H. Rhodes.
Nays: @ne
City (buncil approved the foll-ing a.@lication for a uE;e t.
Application of t@Irs. tiary l,',errier for a U@IC? Perrlit to cnerate anirsery (cliild
care) on certain property located on tlie-Sbld-ftT-side of Olive Grove Circle
beginning at a point 450 feet East of Olive Grove Laiie, running a distance
of 55 feet along the Soutli side of Olive Grove Circle, rlinninq a distance
of 107 fect along tlie Ilorthern prop,,rty lin,,, running a distance of 24 font
along tlie Eastcrn property liric, runniiig a distance of 144 fee- along tlie
Southern property linc, running a dis-uanc@- of 010 feet alonq thcl lol,.s'Lprn prop-
t,.rty lin(,. Said pror;--rtv is as Lot 25, 9, Pzrt 1, Plat
of f,.ragotia Villag I @l.
Tlic Platining C6-@nission rLcor:ir,,,et,,ds approval of tiiis application.
IT.Em #2720
Mr. Wh:Ltt Sess@, Jr., appeared on behalf of h:Ls ewn appl:Lcat:Lon.
on motion by Counci@ DLisch, seoonded by Counci@ Callis, @ by recorded vote
as follows:
Ayes: Counci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. Crcmell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F.
Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holl@, D. M=ay n, J. @s Payne,
Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. 1,Taterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
City Council approved the follav7ing apz,)lication for a use permit, subject to City
water and sewer as recluested by the Health Depar@t.
Applicatio,n of ',I!iitt Sessoris, Jr. for a Use Perilit to construc+, folir additional
apartpient units, t%.io prescntly existin,, f-6t-ali- n@six a,),irl@ricnll unil-'s on c,2r-
tain property located on t!ie Sou+heast cornpr of 34th Silrect and Arctic AVOTIUC,
running a distance of 50 fcet alonri t!io Souti) side of 34th Street, run@,lin(i a
distance of 140 fect alonc! Eastern t)roz)ertv linc-,, rLInninq a distance of
50 feet alotig ttic So@i-@liern pronerty lin e an(] runnint@ a distance of 14',) for@,"
along ttie East side of Arctic Avenue. VI"GINIA B7@A,Cll
Th,, Planning Cor,,eiission reconl,,,Ieiids approval of tliis a,,),,)lication subject to
City viater and as requostcd t)y t@i,2 !Icall@h nepart..ment.
ITTM #2721
Mrs. Lillian Lauren appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On n-otion by Councilrnan Dusch, seoc)nded by CouncihTtan Callis, and by recorded vote
as follcws:
Ayes: @mcilmen t H. Callis, Jr., Frank A. Wsch, F. Reid Frvin, George R.
Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Y=ay @lbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice M@or Earl
M. @ault, Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Councilmn - t B. cror7.,ell, Jr.
City Co@Ticil approved the folicqirg a lication for a use permit, subjec-I to City
water and sa,7er as requested by the Health Depar@-nt.
effici,@lc:y uii'l@s C,) cer-1,@in pron,-r'u,,, lo-,,- cc,,r@i-r cf
Avnq,@-e and 3@t@i Strc.@l, ru,,ini!,@ci a dista,ice of 121') t!@e -Last ,f
.@rctic Avenue, ru-niri,, a dislci,,-,ce of 3@4 alo.,i,,i t'@2 Sou-@@,@r, ro@er@y lin2,
running a distance of 114@O fc-et alon@ the Eas"@-rn oro,),2rty line al-!d ru7ining a
distance of 384 fect alorg t@ie @@or"@.,,rn ,)ro-,.rty lir,,@ of ,-ihich 3') f@-c-t is @he
South side of 3,,)-@ii Street. Said pro@-,rl,y is
The Planning Co,@ission reco@@ @ends a,),)rovil of this ar)plication su-bie-t to City
t,iater and se@,,,er as requ@ost(-'d I)y the ilcal-@@i ',--oartr,.ent.
=4 #2722
H@s ap@ed on f of the applicant.
on motion by @unci@ Dusch, seconded by Counci@ Callis, and by recorded vote
as foll@
Ayes: CcyLmci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Rp-id Ervin, George R.
Ferrell., Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor FaT@
M. @ul-t, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Coilnci-@an @l:)CTt B. Cr-c-,N7ell, Jr.
city Council apprc)ved the foll@%ing at)plication for a use @@t, subject to City
water and s@ver as requested by the Health Depar@t.
Applicati6n of Fountaiii%ead ol@ Virqinia P@eacii for a ljse. Plr,-,..i- to cons@t'uC@L a
10,')-unit motcl on certain Droperty'loca-ed on the Sou@t-c-a-st-c-L il c
orner of
Avenue atid Seventli Street, running a dis-Lla!ice of 305 fee@@ alonq the East side
o@ Atlantic Avenue, runnina a dis-Lance of 150 feet alo,'Ig tlie South side of
Sevtnti) Strect, runiiing a distance of 305 feet along the Eastern prop-rty line,
running a distance of 150 fect along the Nort@iern property lin@ of Sixth Strect.
Said parcel is designatcd as Lots 1 throug@i 6, Plocv, 2, Plat of Ocea,-i Lo,
Investment Colpany. VI@IGI,'IIA BE@@Irl
The Planning Co,@.ission r--co!7,,@.2nds a,,)llroval of tliis aoolicatiol slibiect to
City tiater and as requested by t!-,-altll Depar@,.-.ient.
ttc. Ck,7en Pickett, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicants.
On motion by Counci@ Dusch, seconded by Comcih= Callis, and by recorded vote
as follcws:
Ayes: Counci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, P. Reid Ervin, George R.
Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland , D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice mayor Earl
M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes.
Nays: None
Absent: Counci@ ibbert B. Crmwell, Jr.
City Council approved the foll@,7incj application for a chancte subject to
City water and sewer as reqliested by the Health De.@tTp-nt.
Application of l@,ii,r,,n A. t@lild and Juliet 'i. !Iild by 0,11,.n B. Picil@-tt, Attorr.?y,
for a cliatiqc of zoning fror@l !lo'cel-!Iotol r)is'l-rict to '@),etlil Bus-itl,,@ss
Distri@, pror,,@rty locat@d oTi tht-, liortli,l.llest cor.'Ier of 31-,tli
Street ancl i@tlantic Avenue, running a (]is-Lance of 50 f---It alonri tlip @@ort!i side
of 35tfi Street, running a distance of 70 fe@'U- alnnr,, @t".ne !lost sicle of @tl,)ntic
Av--.-iuc, rlliiniig a distinc-@ of 50 fcnt alo.,ig tlic 'lortl)ei,n )i@o,')erty line and
runnitig a distance of 711) feet along tfio proportv linc. RE-@RH
The Platining Comissio!i recor,,,n@,-.ids aooroval of this request subject to City
%,tater aid sc,.t,,er as reqij,:!sl-ed by tlie ii'ealth