HomeMy WebLinkAboutOCTOBER 12, 1970 ,S OF THE@ MN70P@ C= COLINCIL OF = C= OF @mm BEACH, @mm October 12, 1970 The regular @ting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virgim*a was held in the Council ch s in the stration Building, in the Borough of Princess Anne, on @nday, October 12, 1970, at 2:00 p.m. ne in@tion was given by Reverend John S. Lvies, First Presbyterian Church, Virginia Beach, and a @t of silent @itationvras obs@ed for the family of Assistant Fire Chief Garland At,,ater, who died Saturday from a hear-t attack as the result of his duties. @yor Phodes recognizc-,d s@-,ents frcm the Gove@,nt Class of Kell@im High School. Counci@ present: Pdzert H. Callis, Jr., Pcbert B. Crom-7ell, Jr., @@ A. Dus&-, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Cla'rence A. liolland, D. P-@ray M@n, J. s Payne, Vice 14ayor Earl @l. @ult, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and tlayor Donald H. Rhodes. ITEM 42645 @yor Phodes read the foll@ resolution wh-ich was t,)resentec3 to Joseph J. Beecher by Patro@ G. T. Miite: The re.-ule.@ o@- the -,oL-,nci-l- ol- the- City of Vii:@,i-rliF Beach wes h@ld in t.,i-- O@oL-,noil C'ai-7,'L)ers o@- the Bui!6in@ of the -,iLy o@- Vii---inic T,,eEC'Ll on ,IcncEy, Octo'e-- 1070, 1 0 at 2:00 P.@4. On motion 'L)@i @l@. Waterfield anc' s--conded, by @Ir. Holland I the @-ollo@qin,@ --eso@.u@ion i@7is u,-.ani@,ously r% E S 0 L U T I 0 N l,i'H,'-EAS, on SL,.nc'ey, Septe:nl,)C-l 2-11, 1970, P@@trol,-,i,-,n G. T. was on @-,uty and beceqe involv@2d in en alce@cet-.c)n ;.i',Iile en ar3'est; anci Josep'a J. Beec'iier, 4@ound P2Lrola@n l@ihite ;-n neeci 01-: ass@@stnnce an@-, c@,11eci fo2: s@i-e assi-st@nc-- @E)y me@.ns oL- th-- police r,iclio ane ---em@nine4:L C)n the sceiie un-lil o-@he- police o-.-@-icers rrr@@ved; c, nei Joseph J. 3ee,.,her, his pcrsor,.el to help @'..iis P-n(i 'Dy his pai:ticipp-tion re,@i(ie:,ed invE,@t-,,'Dle aie -La l@7 en-ro---ce,-.@ienL i-n t',ii-s C----,Y. INOW3 BE IT P.:]---OLV7D BY Til@, COU'.JCIL OF TH--7 CITY OF VI-@GINIA BE@l,-@H. VI--'GINIA: That the o@- -,tie Ci-Lv oE- B@,?ch te'@@es pler--sLl,,-e in its o::Eise an@ to JDse:,--a J. Beec':,-ea: o, s si st-' -n c2 to I-rT, e S se @L L-o c ir, is @irect:E@ co scre@,! a s @e ti 2646 mayor Phodes Procl@ the -,@k of. 14-20, 1970, as ttdted ties Fund We--k. P R 0 C L A t4 A T I 0 l WHEREAS, United Coinmunities Fund, Cliesapeake, Norfolk and Virginia Beach vtill conduct appeals for necessary funds beginning October 14, 1970; and WHEREAS, Citizens of the City of Virginia Beach benefit from the 53 voluntary agencies serving our Ilealth, vielfare, rehabilitation and yotitli cti-,ir@ictel- - building needs to tl)e extent of more than seven IlLindred and five -t,@iousand in direct services and goods; atid WHEREAS, There is a strong tradition among our citizens for synipathetic understanding and neigiiborliness, based upon active voluntary participation and response to the needs of others. NOW, THEREFORE, I, Donald Ii. Rhodes, Ilayor of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, do hereby proclaim the tieek of October 14 20, 1970 as: UNITED COt,@lUt4ITIES FU@ID IIEEK honoring the United Conimunities Fund Campaign serving the City. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I hereunto set my hand this 28th day of September, 1970. MAYOP, Donald H. Rhodes rm.l 4cts2G47 On -tion by Councilrnan Ferrell, seconoed by council= malbon, and by unanimus te, CitY Council approved the ilinutes of the PegulcLr lieeting of Sept 28, 1970, and the reading of said ilinute-s dispensed with, inasmuch as each CouncilTnan had a COPY of salid Minutes before him. @%l '2648 on mtion by Cc)uncih= Payne, seconded by Comci@ @7aterfield, and by recordec, -te as folla,7s: Ayes: counci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., B. Crcnvell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. kt=ray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Ilayor Earl M. Tthaul-t, Flcy@ E. Waterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: Nbne City Council approved on second reading budget adjusttents for salary ch-g- @g instituted on Octcber 1, 1970, in the amunt of $416,139.00 as follows: Transfers frcm Reserve for Contingencies in the following f s to the respective salary accounts: General Fund $378,238 lK7ater & @er Fund 15,000 Virginia B-cacli SFecial Pevenue 5,400 Total @@fers $398,638 Appropriations frcm the surpluses of the follow@ funds to the respective salary accounts. Print Shop I'lorking Capital $ 474 City Garage Working Capital Fund 6,263 Data Processing Working Capital 3,461 Virginia Beach Special Revenue Fund 6,356 Iaw Library Fund 84 Total Appropriations 17,-501 ITIM #2649 Mr. William Colona ikidpeared on behalf of Vebo Corporation asking for an t to ItEm #2595 by the addition of the words "When available" to a rmtion previously passed on Sept 14, 1970, and presented to Council a letter frcrn YT. A. W. Petty, Utilities Engineer, Public Utilities Division of the city of virginia Beach, stating that City water and sewer, as a practical rmtter is not available. Mr. @lack Owens frcm the Virginia Beach Health Department indicated that the percolation of the soil at the subject site is unsatisfactory, but that the @ers had @roved the disposal system by the addition of disposal lines. lAx. Owens questioned whether the service lines would properly serve idditional usage if the dance hall pennit were granted. On motion by Counci@ Ervin, seconded by CounciLTan Malbon, and by,unanimus vote, City Oc)uncil granted the use @t subject to City water and sewer when available and further subject to a s@,Ter lift station and force being added,,ihen the exist- ing septic tank beccmes inoperative. ITE!4 #2650 Rev-end H Pastor of St. mark's 2-\IIE alurch in Virginia Beach, appeared before Council asking for their endors -@t of a series of "prayer breakfasts" to establish further the lines of c cation between citizens frcm various econcmic levels. On mtion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilmn Dusch, and by us vote, CitY Council endorsed the series of prayer breakfasts" introduced bv Reverend Yz. Throk ap@ecl on behalf of his app-,lcation asking for a deferral. Mr. F&@d Cayton on behalf of the Virginia Beach Innkeepers Association, appeared in opposition to tlie follcwing application. Mr. Earl W@ouse on behalf of his client 1-irs. Winston, appeared in opposition to the foll@ application. Mrs. I-ois Winstc)n appeared in opposition to the follcwing application. On mtion by CouncilTnan Ferrell, seconded by Counci@ Callis, and by recorded vote as foll@: Ayes: Counci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., t B. Cr @ll, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Ym=ay @lbon, J. Curtis PaLyne, Vice Mayor Farl M. @alult, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Abstain: @layor Donald H. Phode-9 City Council denied the follo%,@ing aLDplication for a use penut as it would create a disturbance to the s=ounding residents. Application of ',lark 2300, Inc. by O@,ten, Guy, Rhodes and Betz, Attorneys, for a Use Pennit for dancing @@iith live entertainment on certain proper'LY located on the 1,2@, side of Atlantic Avenue, beginning at a point 60 feet North of 23rd S'Llreet, running a distance of 60 feet along the West side of Atlantic Avenue, running a distance of 100 feet along the Sout@iern prop--rty line, running a distance of 60 feet along the l@lestern property line and running-a distance of 100 feet aloiig the @iorthern property line. VIRGIrlIA BEACH BOROUGH. The Planning Commission recorriiiiends denial of this application as it V,,ould create a disturbance to the surrounding residen-Ls. ITE,l #26.52 Dr. John C. Bensenhaver appeared on behalf of his @ application. Mrs. Patsy Drake, President of First ColoniaLl Civic League, appeared in opposition to the folla@g application. @s. Amie Barriard, adjoining property amer to the subject location, appeared in opposition to the folla,7ing application. Mr. Les Halstead appeared in favor of the folla,,7ing application. on mtion by Counci@ Callis, seconded by Councilrmn Crcnv7ell, and by recorded vote as folla,7s: Ayes: COunci@ PCbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcnwell, jr., Frank A. Dusr-h, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Yk=ay @Ialbon, J. Curtis 13ayne, Vice zlayor Earl M. @ault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and P4ayor Dc)nald H. Phodes. Nays: @uncilman F. Reid Ervin City Council ap,@roved the folla,7ing application for a use perndt subject to a new site plan being approved by the Planning @ t prior to the t@ a Building P@t is issued. The mtion for approval covered the stipulation that the building be sound- Proofed and that outside rw@ be prohibited. Approval is further subject to a dedication .of rioht of way 45 feet from the center line of First Colonial Poad (15-foot dedication) and subject to Cityv7,ater and s-@,7er. Applicatioti of Dr. John C. B--nsenliaver for a Use Pemit to construct an anir,-.,al hospital and kennel on certain property locat d@o the 'Iorth side 0,.4 First Colonial Road beginning at a Doint 300 feet more or less East of Great @,IF.'cl, Road, running a distance of 104 fe et along the North side of First Colonial Road, running a dis- tance of 412 feet along the Eastern proper'y line, running a distance of 104 feet along the rlortheril property line, running a dis'uance of 412 feet alon the ',,Ies@"-rn prop--rty line. Said lot is designated as Lot "', Plat of Allburg-r. @Great Neck Manor Area). LY@@@IHAVE.'i BOROUI.H. The Planning Con,,,iission reco7,-@@.ends approval of this application subjec' '@o a nevi site plan b-.ing approved by the Planning Depar'G.,7en" prior to tile tirl-@ a Building Per,-iit is issued. The r.,.o'uion for approval covered tr-te stipula@lion that '@he buildin@ be soundprool@m-d and tiiat ou@@side runs be pro,iibi'Led. AC)r-roval is further subj-*ec-@ @@o a d-@@-ica-lion of of ,.iav 4@, feet @ro-, tile cen@Ler lin@ ilul @2653 @ir. Cwen Pick ett appeared on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Fd,,iard Cayton a on behallf of the Virginia Beach I-m*eepers Association, in favor of the foll@g application. Mr. Wallace Smith ap@ed on behalf of the Shadcwlawn Civic @gue, in favor of the following application. on motion by Councilman Y@lbon, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Cc)unci@ H. Callis, Jr., Rcbert B. Crcm,7ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice 14ayor Earl M. Tthault, and Floyd E. iqaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Abstain: llayor Donald H. Rhodes. .City Coun--il approved the follcy,,,ing aoplication for a cbange of zon'@ and a use @t subject to resolv@ with the City HeaLlth Depart,,imt probl@ relative to City water and sewer and that any alternative plans be refe=ed back to Council. Approval is further subject to the requirenients stipulated by the Depar@t of ty Services, Division of Real Estate, relative to the access road, being satisfied. Application of Rudee Inlet Yacht Basin, Inc. by O,,,.,en, Guy, Rhodes and Betz, Attorneys, for a chanqe of zoninq from R.-sidence Duplex District 2 (R-D 2) to General Co,,iiiercial Distri t@3-TC--G -37-a6d- a Use Peniit to construct a 361-slip marina viith related recreational and comlerci@ a@c l@ti--s including fuel supply on certain property located at the @.!esterii extremity of Lake Rud--, inorth of O-,-ils, Cree'( and East of South Birdneck Road and at tlie Eastern extremity of East Gregory's Lane. Said property is kno,,-in as Lots 1, 3, 4, and 5, Plat sho,,-,,ing Subdivision of Cornick Estate, Map Book 8, Page 37. Plats with more detailed in forriation are available in th,-3 Office of th-, D-@partRien@@ of City Planning. (Lake Rudee Area). LY[lt!HAVE@l BOROUGQ. The Planning Cormission re^@o.7@,2nds approval of this application provided that the problems relative to City water and se@,:er can be resolved viith the City Heal'Lh Department and that the requirem--nts stipulated by the Department of CoTnunity Services, Division of R-.al Esta'@e, relative to the access road are satisfied. ITE14 #2654 Mr. W. Sheph-d Drewry, Jr., Atto-ey, appeared on behalf of the applicants asking for a sixty (60) day deferral. Mr. Smith, representing the civic league in the area, appeared before Council stati-ng that a sixty day deferral would be satisfactory to the civic league. On mtion by Councilman Callis, seconded by Counci@ Malbon, and by unanimus vote, City Council deferred the follcF..7ing application for a change of zcri-ing for sixty (60) days. Application of Harold Ja-2s and Stanley Ho,'iard by ',-I. Shepherd Dr,2,.,iry, Jr. @n Family Residence @Distric'L (P-1) Attorney, for a cl,.;inr,,e of zoiiiiq fron o c to @@lultiple ("-3) on certain property b-.Oin!ling at a point 75 fee@ @,,'cst of llcditerraneai Avenu--, runiiing a distanco of 179 feet alo,-ig the @;ortli side of 11-linsto:i Salcri AvenLic, ru@inifig a distalice of 250 fect along the prol-,-rty line, running a distancc-l of 337 fect along the Soutli si@e of Terrac@.s Av,-,nue, and running a distanc-. oil 900 fe@-t along ti,,e Eastern property line. (Shado@,ila',In Hei@@ts Area). 1,110CIi"IIA BOROU'UH. The Planning Cor.,iission reco-ends approval of tliis reqyest subject to City water and sevier as requested by the @!ealth Departi@.ent. Mr. Grover C. Wri@-it, Attorney, a ed on behalf of the applicant. On rnotion by Ca=i@ Dusch, secorided by CounciLTen @ult, and by recorded vote as follcws: Ayes: Counci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcm,7ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, CleLrence A. Holland, D. M=ray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Ea-rl M. Tthault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @yor Donald H. Phodes- Nays: None CLty Council approved the follaiing application for a change of zoning, subject to City water and sewer as requested by the Health Departnent. Application of J. T. Crosswhite by Grover C. Wriglit, Attorn@y, for a channe of zoning from One Family Residence District (R-1) to llotel-!Iotel Dis r@icl,- a Use Permit t6 construc-6 1,1, efficiency motel unil@'s on certain property fron--LinTT9--f-'c@.t on tilc@ East sid@ of Ar,.tic Aveniie beqillning at a poitit C,3 fo@2t S,')I!l@l,, of a dista,.ic@ of 119 f@c,' alo@ii t@c t@ortiierr. a ol- r,@ fe@",. pro,,)crty line bouiidarl,.@ of Laie t!olly) at,,cl ruiiiiiiiq a distaiic,-, of 1c,@@ feet along tlie Soutlier,-i pro')erty linl. BEACII BOPOt)Gtl. The Platining Co-nission rcco,@,ends a@proval of tliis application subject to City %-iater and se@,icr as requested bv tlie llealtli Departm,-nt. ITETA #2656 Mx. B. M. Stanton ap@ed m behalf of his cwn application. On mtion by Councihnan Dusch.- seconded by Councihian Callis, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Courci@ H. Callis, Jr., Rcber-t B. Cr@7ell, Jr., Fr@c A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence.A. Holland, D. Murray lialbon, J. 0-irtis Payne, Vice Myor Earl M. Tebault, Flcyd E. Waterfield, Jr., @ 14ayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None City Council approved the following application for a use permit,subject to the coriditions contained in a letter presented by the applicant and rm,@e a part of the files which stated that this parking lot is to be for the tenants of the Mayfla@,er Apar@ts and not be operated as a cial pa-rking lot. Applicatio.n of B. 1.1. Stantol for a ',[se Permit to operate a par%in@ lot in conjtinction with tlie I-layflo,,ior Apa -cortain propcrty lbcated on the Nor'Llheast corner of Pacific Av--nu@- and 3ith Str,,--t runninq a dis@kan-,e of 100 feet alona tiie I'lorth side of 3'01,h S"rect, running ; distance of li@ fLe@ along tlie C-ast side of Pacific Avenue, running a distanco- of 100 fect alcng the Nortliern property line, and running a distanc,,- of IAO feet arloin tlic Eastern proporty linp-. Said prooerty is designa"ed as Lots 4 and 5, Block 83, Subdivision of Sear)ines. Vi@Gl:,Il@ BEP.CH The Planning CoT-,iissioi recoF.,iends a,,,)roval of 'this anolication su-!)jcct tO the conditions conl,ain--d in a le@tp ed by the a7),,)Jicant ali r.,adf-, a -r nrcsent part of the filcs i,/!iich si--at@,d tiia@u tilis ?),ir"inq lot is to for ttie @.enan"s ,7-Qrci of It'lie i'ayflo,..,,.-,r Apart.-.,en'Ls a-d not t@ on,,i-ated as a cor.. ,l ,)ar!,,inri lot. I,lUA lt'2657 Mr. Philip a ed on behalf of the applicant. on mtion by courci@ Dusch, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and b:? recorded vote as folla-7s: Ayes: Counci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Rcbert B. Crmwell, Jr., FrarLk A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. M,=ay !,',albon, J. @s Payne, vice tlayor Earl @,l. @ault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. and Mayor I)onald H. Rhodes. Nays: Co=cilman F. Reid Ervin City Council a-,2proveO, tie follcFTing a-@lication for a chancre of zonincr and a use r--r- @,t, sabjec-@ to a dedic-aticn of 451 frcii the center I n of @1-111, P@d (30-foct @cro-,,al is f=--@er si,-bject to revi_c,,; o@' @-it-- )la-,i r_eaication) , citv @,Tat,--r ar@ sa, Attorn-.Ys. for a clia7@-- of 7onini froi T,,,,@l Fa-41y 1 @, -- Fi- @3 (R-S 3) to G-2neral Business @@istrict and Resd nce Subur@n Dis-t (B-2) and General Com,,rcial I-listrict 3 (C-G 3) and a Use Per-lit to cons@lruct a gasoline supply station on certain pi@operty located F@n t@e "--st side of '!olly Road beginning a+. a point 735 feet more or less South of Laskin Road. Parcel 1: Change of zonino to include c@-rtal@i prop,2rty b,@iniing at a noint @5 Feei-more or lcss Soutii of Lask@in Road and runninq a distance of l@@ feet along the 14est side of Holly Poad, running a distance of 234 fcot along the Southern property line, running a distance of 315 f--ct along t!i@ LJ.'-)stf'-rn prop- erty line and ruiiiiing a distance of 319 feet alo,-ig t@ip- *@ortfiern proportv line. Parcel 2: Use permit for gasoline supply station tO inClLide c--rtain property e@fn-ni@ at a point 830 fect Sout)i of Las@in 'load, runii-,iq a distatice of 151 fect aloig tiie llost side of liolly Poad, run;iing a distance of 137 fee-L. along tlie Soutlicrn propcrty line, running a distance of 150 fe2t along tlie Western prop-@rty line, and running a distance ol' 1-)2 fc,,t along tlie Northern proper-,y line. VIRGIIIIA BE,@C!i A7'iD LY@iiill,"@VI-@l T!ie Plin,,iin-, of t!)is th, use I,,,)t !!se Plaii liiili 01@ 10 tO .",- Li;iil-ls act'o. ITEM #2658 Mr. Mo=is Fine ap@ed on behalf of the applicant. On rrk)tion by Councihmn t,@n, seconded by Counci@ Callis, and by recorded vote as follcws: Ayes: Counci@ t H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcm,7ell, Jr., Fr@ A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell@ ClaLrence A. Holland, D. t..@ray lialbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and @4ayor Donald El. Phodes. Nays: Nbne City @cil approved the following a,,Dplication for a use pe=*t and a c@.ce o..@ zoning, subject to City water and seqer as requested by the Healtil- Deoartirent. Application of Bay Cam-iinQ, Inc. for a-cl-,ann@ of zoninc,, fro!,l ",-,sid.-nce Su,@- urban Distric@, 4 (R-S 4) to Liiited Cor 2rcial -District 3 (C-L 3) and a Us@ Permit to operat@ a camping relat@-d storag@ area on certain Pro.per@ly loca@@l,d n ttie East side of Ciiestnut S-Lreet beqinnino a" a poin-6 103 feet @outli o" Bonney Road. Parcel 1: Use Perlit only on certain prODerty located on tll-. East sid,2 of h@sfFuf Strcet b-ainning at a point @e@t Souilh of iponn@z?,.' !'load, ru.'Iii.10 a distan-,e of 2'00 feet aloiig ti,e fiort@,ern proper'L.Y liie, running a distatice of 150 feel, along the Eastern property line of ,itlicli 59 fc-e-L is t@,-- !est side of Butternut Lane, runniiig a distance of 9130 fee-k. along the Sout:')Crll property line, running a distance of 150 f-.ct along tlie East side of Chostiiut Stre@t. Said proporty is irregular in sliape and inclucles Lots 4, 5, L", 7, 8,'9, 20 and 21, Block A, Plat of Rose@"oit Corporation, JacKsonc.ale. Iiiap l.oo',,, Page 51. Parcel 2: Ciiange of zoning to C-L 3 and a tlsc Per@,,iit on c@.r-Lain property Y6cat---,d on the Eist sida of Chost9LIt Strect b,,ginning at a ')oint 833 f,,e@, South of Bonney Doad, runiiing a dis-Lance of 2.@O feet along l@lor@lliern property line, running a distance of 11-10 fert alo,ig tl),C East-2r'.l pro.,),-rty line of %ihic!) 100 fc-ot is tl,.e ',lest sidc of Bu-uternu'L Lanc, riiii@,inci a dis- tance of 2,@ fect along the Sou@,@ict,n property linc of @.iilic;l 11,') felt is the 'Ior-h side of the Virginia Foach-'Iorfol@ Ex@ress@.jay (..Ioute 4@), rut,.,'Iing a distance of 125 feet along the EaSt SidO O" CkC-ItnLI-L Strect. Said property is irregular in s!iir)e and includ,,s Lo@@s 12, 13, 11, 29, 30, 31 and 32 ano. a portion of Lots lr and 1E, Bloc'N- C, Plat of @'losc,,iorit Corporation, Jacl,,soti- dale. LYti.'@t!A%fE:'i TfiF-@ Plan,,iing CoT-.,rission at)proval of t@iis a,)plicatiog sti@je-t 'o Citv t,,atl-r and se,,-,,cr as rcn@,-st@d ljy ti@o I I-@4 "2659 Mr. Tcri Broyles, AttorneY, appeared bp-@f Of the aPP"-t' on mtion by Counci @ Ervin, seco@ed by Councilma-ri n, @ by recorded vc)te as follows: Ayes: Counci@ Robert H. Callis, jr., t B. Crcnv7ell, Jr., Fra@, A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. Y.,=ay 14albon, J. Curtis PaYne, Vice @Layor Earl M. @,ault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and ilayor Donald H. rhodes- Nays: None city council approved the follcwing application for a use @t, subject to City water and sewer as requested by the llealth De . t d a ded3-cation of right of way 25 feet frcm the center line of monroe Avenue (5-foot dedical*ion) as requested by the office of Real Fstate, De@tTf-,nt of Camunity services. Approval is further subject to a revised site plan acceptable to the Planning Director. r A.,,)I)lication of Virii,@i;i 'If.,,,in . !,y A@iori,,@y, for a nt tl, C,r ty 'li@s 0. f si e 01' ,'Ollr located on '!,e ri o,-. at a poir,. 0 or less t@ortli of Virniilia Dcach coulevard, ru@ining a distaice of 901 fcet along the East side of !'oiroe AvenLIC runniin a distaiic-3 of 242 fr@ot aloi'@q the tiorthern proplrty liiie, runiling a distaiice of 273 fcct alonq tlie Eastern propertv line, runninq a dista.'Ice of 243.50 fect along tlie Sou@Ul,err, property line. LYi'@itiAVEII Bo',OIIGli. The Planninq Co,-nission recor@-@ionds approval of this application subject to City viatlr and se@,or as requested by the @lealth Do,gart!'.2nt and a dedication of riglit of ,,iay 25 f('.ct frol'l tlie c@nter line of !Ionroe Avenue (5-foot dedi- cation) as requested by @@lie Office of Peal !-state, Dcnart@.n'@ of Co--niinit@! Services. @noroval i,@as furt!,er sti,,icct to a revised site plan accnntal)lc to tlie Pla-nina Dir@ctor. ITIM #2660 Mr. Tim Barra..7, City Planning Der-artTent Staff, a ed before council to @er questions. Mr. DicClanan a@ed before Council in ooposition tc) the follaTing application. Mr. Herbert Smith of the @toric Pev4-@@7 BOard ail@ed before CoLincil with the -cnmnd tion t the d work w 4 a tha Boar ith the PlanrinQ @ssion in setting up criter@a for transitional areas in the Historic and Cultural Ccnservat-ion Di, ic On -ti- by Counci@ Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Cr@,lell, and by unanimus -te, City Council referred the follcwing application to establish a Historic and @ltural Conservation District to the Planning C@ssion for a period of sixty (60) days for their reccmwndations. Application of the City of Virginia Beach, Derartf-,ent of Planiinr,,, to establisii an Ilistoric a,,id Cul@ural Coils(-,rvati'on 7)istrict to tlie existing General Co.@@erci@ll District 3 (C-G 3), Liriit@l Co-,-.ercial Dis'6rict (C-L 3), Limited Co@@,.ercial r)istrict 2 (C-L 2), Desidence Suburban Dis- trict 3 (R-S 3) and Pesidcnce SLII)urL-,an District 4 (,'-S 4) on cort@-in piop- erty located ;'Iorth and SOLith of Princess i@nie Doad, bound,@d on tl,,e "12st by the Eas@@ern Branc!i of the r@liza@@eth River, extending @100 feet rore or less "lorth of Princ@Iss Ann@- Road to the ,,Ieslk. side of ilitchOuc'@, Road arld Bonney Road-, bcginning at a point 200 feel@ @lest of KemDsville Road oti tiie Sout@i sl;cl,. of Princess P.,nne Doad to a dopth of 9-r-.O'f@-et Piore or less extending to the Eastern L)ranch of tYL Elizal)ctll !)iver. Plats l@li@fl r.,orE' Off4C detail,d infoi,r,-,;ition are availa@le in tlie @ e of tlie D@@)ar-Lr.--nt of City Plan.,iirig. (Krr@psvill-- Corner Area). YF-"PSVILLL@ The Pla;ini!i,l Cor-iission roco,-@il@s an@roval of tl,,is sunglc,r.ent to tllf--, existiiiri as nresen,Lrd bv '@!)e r)@.,par'@.licnt of 1=1 f2661 Y-. John a,@ed on f of the a2plicants. On imtion by Ccyunci@ Ferrell, secorided by Councilnen Malbon, and by recorded vote as follcyas: AY- : COuncilmen @rt H. Callis, Jr., Rc)@ B. Crcn7ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid @in, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. HollaLnd, D. I-lurrcLy 14albon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice 14ayor Earl M. Tthault, FlcYd E. Vlaterfield, Jr., and llayor Donald H. Phodes. Nays: None City Council approved the folla,,7ing application for a chana ni ub ec ,e of @o ng, s j t to CitY ulater and sa,7er as requested by the Health I)ep t and a dedication of right of 1,7aY 25 feet from the center line of Overland Road (10-foot dedication) as requestc--i by the office of the p@ F.--tnte Division, Depart=.t of ity -larvices. of Nstric' 3 (@?-S to Liiiii 3) o.,l c-,r,tain pro,,):@t,ty: 1"ca@i-@d ',[ t! o o 'IL, corr@er o@, Prin-,,-,ss ilnn(, Road Pnci Ov@rla,ld P@oaci, i,ti@ dista@ic,2 of 220 fcet ricr@- or l@@s along t;ic, a 0 2ss 7@ortii sid,@ o@ Drinc(@ss @kni!@ ioid, runnin,7, a distanc(, of 4rj2 f -t riore or 1 .along t@ie East si,.,2 of Road, i@u!i@iing a disilaiic-a of 21-0-.55 fcet along tile @lort@iern'Pro,)@rtv linc, rlinnitiq a distance of 411.50 fer@t alo,,ig t@,a Eastern prop- erty line. Corr,.Lr-Area). KE',,IDSVILLc@ The Plaiiiiing Co,.-,-issioti a,,),)roval of th S l@)@ 0 water and se@i(,,r as r@,r4u@sted by t! i-, a)r)liCatiO.11 L'j Ct tO ity ic !!e;iltli Pe@)art- .@nt atid a dcclicatioii of rio!lt of .ial foet fro,! @6@.,2 cc@ntr@r line of Ov-@rland @oad (1'!-foot O,'2@Jicalio.'I) as r@q,-,Lsted f)y tlie @ffice of t!)c 1.@al Esll,,te @)ivisioi, S@rvices. ITE74 #2662 Rever@ G z appeared on behalf of his @ application. mr. walter Alford, on behalf of the residents of @. sville colonv, appeared before oDuncil stating that they are not opposed to the church but request that the use permit be subject to the three conditions stated in the Planning ssion's re ations. oc)unci@ Ferrell niade a mtion -Lhat the reccmp@ations of the Planning Gcm-aissicli be accepted. Uhere being no second, the mtion was lost. on @tion by Councilrran Callis, seconded by Cc)uncilnan @laterfield, ard by recorded vote as foll@,s: Ayes: Counci@ Robert H; Callis, Jr., Robert B. Cro.,avell, Jr., Fr@ A. Dusr-", F. Reid Ervin, Clarence A. Holland, D. @lurray tlalbon, J. Curtis Payne, F]-ayd E. @laterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Phodes. Nays: Comci@ Ge orge R. Ferrell and Vice Dlayor Farl 1,1. Tebault. City Council moved to strike out frcm the reccrneridations Tnade by the Plarming C-, @ssion certain conditions as set forth in the Plannincr, @ssion's r dations and n@red 1, 2, and 3 regarding the use of tl,-e chur@ facility. on mtion by Councihnan Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Holla-nd and by recorded vote as follo%,,s- Ayes: CoLLncilmn Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcm,7ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, Ceorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Folland, D. Murray Ma@n, J. Curtis Pa@'ne, Floyd E. INTaterfield, Jr. , and @layor Donald H. Rhcdc-s Nays: Vice ilayor Earl M. @l-eult. City Council ar)idroved the follcA,7ing applir-ation for a use T)ermit, subje--t to City or L)rive to water and sewer and the ded-',cation of a 50-foot right of way frcnl .1-a,,i @sville Road for tra@4fic ci-culation. a,,id !'ilburne Drive, ,@7,Dsvill, Poad an'! @,L.,dy,,rd Lan,@, a distance of 520 fcet alo,,, tie East si,-I,2 of @-@7,,lsvill,2 Poad, rui,.ii!io@ a distance of 3.00 fect alonri '-L'ie ',Iorl@h side of "il@,iriie Driv,, runninq a distance of 500 fect al",j t!,,e si@2 of @Lidyard Lano, rlinnino a dis- tance of 510 feet alonc,, t!ie ,)ro,n-Irty lini. (@e7,psville Cololy Area). K@LI:PSVILLE B@RO!Jr@'. The Planning Co!7iission recor,,.iends approval of tliis ai)plication su'@ject to City iater and se,,@tor as reot:2ste,l @y '11--@ Healtli r)epartrt,.It and a dedication of a 50-foot riqyit of %..af frori @linor @rive to KL,.nipsville P,,Oad for tral-fic circula,'ion ,is requ,2@@,@ d the Ci-,V lnni,,i@er. The rotion for approval ,,ias subject to tfie follo,-iinq conlillions: t,o joint use of cl)urch facilities iiill bc n-,riiittad to providc present or ftil-tirl services beinq rond@red as a re- haf)ili-uatio,,i ceii'uer or Proclaitii, incliidi nn an inforr,.ati(,,n center 'i@-,ich is n(,-., !io@i-l@,;,d at Proclai7 2. C!i@irr'i ;,@c" associatf-,r! or I y Procl ain or re'ici! i I i tat i oii c@..it@rs 3. tio miss bissiri(i of ncrso.,is tO CtILil,cti facilities @ror. th- presciit or fu-@ure )t-oclaim or reha!)ilitation c,,@nt@rs or iliy other sa--@llite faciliti,s to tliis pirticillar loccitio!,. (not to irciii chlircli servicc@s). ITIN 92663 Mr. Patrick L. Standing, a partner in the firm of Talbot & Associates, appeared on behalf of the at)plicants, and presented a letter frc)m Talbot and Associates stating they would c@ly generally with the recluests of the resider-ts of Avalon F-ills ard Hcmstead subdivisions, @ddch letter is on file :Ln the City Clark's offi-ce. Mr. YcClanan appeared on behalf of the Avalon Hills Civic I-eaLgu--. Mr. a,7en Pickett, Attorney, a ed on behalf of the applicants. Mr. Arthur Riddell appeared on behalf of the HcrrLestead Civic Leacrue. Mr. Douglas T@t of Talbot & Pssociates, appeared on behalf of the applicants. @. O'Cormell aDpeared before Council asking that tl,-e 6 1/2 acres adjacent to t-Tie Strickl@ Fa= subdivision, presently zoned R-D 1, be rezoned to R-S 4 ar-d. inclu,-i,@ in the following application. Mr. @in G. Canterbury appeared before Council asking for the 6 1/2 acres aftjicent to Strickland F@ subdivision to be rezoned P@S 4. On mtion by Councihfan Ferrell, seconded by Councibpzn Cr@, ell, and by recorded vote as follcws: Ayes: Counci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcm,7ell, Jr., Frank A. Duscil, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Perrell, Clarence A. Hollar-d, D. Murray '@bon, J. Curtis Pa@,ne, Vice llayor @l M. Tthault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and Playor Dc)nald H. Rhc>des. Ilays: Nol-ie City Council approved the foll@ing api:)licati-On for a drianc,,e of zonina's@ect to City water and se,,;er; a dedication of right of cts7ay 55 feet frcm the center lihe ol@ Indian River Rc)ad (30-foot dedicat-ion); a defl-ica@,on o-- ri@ht of way 30 feet from- the center line of Providence @,d (15--foot dedication) a deaication of a 50-foot drainag-- easa-,ent on the Fast side of propo@ sd@-ivision; approval is furt-@er @ject to the restrictions c -@able to tlaose of tl@- H@.@-,@al. and Tvalon Hills subdivision; the aDpoi-nt-m--nt by Ta@- t & Assc)ciates of aLn @rchitectural @-,'ttc-e upm v7hich a (or rs) of the subject ci-vic leaaues sb-all serje @-or t'iE-, purpose of revi@,7;-rg and @ipDroving hcms prcpo,@ to be bLu@lc9 in tlie Strid-la,,d FanTLs Area; assurance from @e applica-,it that deed restrictions @-ji-11 be recorclc-d with the plat o@' Stricklard Fa= @ that suitable deed restrict-4@onsei-11 co@rated in recor(a@, de@is to i-nsure c @,7ith zonira @.- bu4l-di-r-a .mnts; fi-irther t-@e Pl,-@j-rg Dir--ctor is h-2rein a7a@,oriz-@ to @-'@e t@e actions to chanc,,e, on @al-@ of the Cit@, of ',7iraiiLia t-he exisl-ina zo-l',n@ on a parcol ol- la--,-l ar)nro--4--atel@, 6 1/2 acres L=r-- or ]-ess a'-917-,cer-it to the Stri,@la@,,! Fa=,-s ScLcrLvisi-on to corfor,-, to the of area; Z, an t@e Piciii@ir@ D-',r,2c-c"r i-s h,@for,@ r-,@LF-t ce)--tFt-l- slxee+@ C,- t-@e 1---C)- to E@@ c@ frc)-i -i4 t@ Co7 @,--,rci al District 3 (C-L on r'ain pro7cr@,/ lo-a@", (,-S 4) Li.@ . i @ , @-I on tll-- rl-ainiig por-kion of un,-4Lvelo--ad lard lo-ated tl-.@@ Sul-@,ivisions I of lionestead and Avalon Hills, si'luated b@-I.-.teen Provideiice Road and Injian River Poad. Parcel I @lo be R-S 4: Beginning at a point 210 fect more or less t'Lst of ,)Id @,i--stead Lane, 'r-un-n-ing a dis-tance of 37@aO f,@ek- rore or less aloig th,@ Eas-Lern property line, running a dis-Lance of 192-D fect mor- or less along t'ile Soul,-!@"err, property lin(-, of .Ii!iicii 1025 feet is frontip.,i on the @lortli sidl' of Indi,,n River P,oad, running a distance of 2C'15 fe,2t mcre or 1-.ss alona t@ie !,'P-s@tern r)ro,,)rrty linc, running a distailce of 1,1@5 feet aloiig the 'Iort!)ern pro,,Irty line of %i@licfl 200 feet is the South sidc, of Providence Road. Parcel 2 to be C-L 3: On ccrtain property localed on t,,ie Ilortli sid,@ of Indiail River Road across @roT,, the Centerville Turn,,li"'e. Said narc@-I becilrillin(I-o',l t!i-c, East side of (rnterville Tur,-iliii@e Ex-L.(-,rid(,d a.@-id rlirrina a distance of L')SO f@let along ti,.i- ;Iortl-, side of l@ndian Piver Poad, rlinning a dist,,nc@- ol@ 50@ feat alo,-,,n tlie Easterii nroperty rkin@iiiir 1 A di@,tanc@ of C)30 llol-.Ll tt,(-' @,@orti-,,c.,rn Cr 1.il et'v@@ 1 1 PI @!i L;l r-,@i I @-; are of @,i @@Y P-1 il g ("o.- s L Avalon [lills @rea). Ti,e Plannino Co,-nissioii reco7no-@ds aT3T)roval of this ap,@lication sut)ject to City water and se%!er as r,@-ou@est!,d I)y t!)o !!caltli z-,c,@)artrlQiit and , dedicatioii ol@ ric,,Il@- of 1/21av -57i fect frori tiie ccnter line of Illesiin Piver (r, -foot dedication) and a- do(,Iication of riii'iit oF ,qay 39 flot fro!-l the c@?ntor lin-- of Provid2lice Road (15-foot dedication ) as reqtiestcd by t;io Office of Real Estate, DopartT'@,it of Cori-.iunity Servic,2s. In addition, a 50-foot drainarc easercnt f-.r drainage otirpos-s on tl)e Fast side of the propospd sui' .division is to be dedica-Led as requ,2s(-ed t',Y, !--he r)i@fice of t@,,r! City 1--nc,,iri,2er. The rotioii for a,)!)roval @t@is further sL@bjLct L-o +Ili@-, r,s"ric@@i-,Is ane, !,.ol,,s to t@.ose of ilo@'iestead. IMI @12664 Mr. W. E. @lood a ed on behalf of the a,7ner and applicant. On rmtion by Councihpan Ferrell, seconded by counciinan Dusch, and by recorded vote as follais: AYes: Counci@n Rober-t H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crc-n-well, Jr., Frank A. Duscla, F. Peid Ervin, George R. Perrell, ClaLrence A. Holland, D. tlurray Malbon, J. -s Payne, Vi- t!aYOr Farl M. @ault, Floyd E. 1,7aterfield, Jr., and Ilayor Donald H. Phodes. Nays: I\Ibne City Cc)uncil approved the following application for a chwre of zcning,si)bject to city -ter and sewer as requested by the Health @,@tmnt and a dedication of right of way 25 feet frcm the center line of Rouse Drive (10-foot declication) as requested by the office of Real Estate, D--p t of *ty Services. Ap,.-)licatio.-i of and '@.'ood, ITic. for @t cl,,Iq ('@c! of zonin,l fro7, t@@-side.,IcL, Duplex District 2 (R-D 19) to Gcti2ral Indtisl- i@l -Di@ti-ic-t 3@-(@l-I ,) 0.,1 prol)erty locat--d adjoc.,2nt to t@.,. Ilot,tli sid2 of thc,. ktirginia Expresmiay ai,d ru,,iriing a distarice of 330 fo-,t along t!ie SOLitil Si',!-- Of '@aC Street (tiorl@hern proporty lina), ru,,lqitin a distaice of 291 fect alonq tlie Vlf,st sid-- of @'@ac S@Irce@, (C-ast,3rn )ro')Crty lin@), running a distance of 2-,9 fef-,t along t,,ie 'f@or-Lli sid@. of Pous@ '),t,ive, ruiniqci a distance of 321 fet along t@,e i'l@Istern '.)rO!)erty li.9'? of ,,i,@icil 13- fe3t is thc @@ort!l sidt, of t@ic Virginia Ceacli-r,'orfol!, Exi)r,-z-,,,,,ay. vr..t:PSVII-LE Th-. Planninq Co.@,-@,issior, r@co-l@l-i2n,is approval of 'L@ils a,).,)licaciion sL,,'-,jcct to City ,iater a;l@! sc@'..-;2r as I)Y tile- @loalt!i ani @ d,,,!-*c@,-Io!l o- ri,, Ll- of fe.,t c2n@er Iii)e of @ou-@,2 -.@rive (10-foot cauio.,i) as rcoLl@'St@d of i@., -al of Servic,s. ITE24 f2665 Mr. idm @ous a@,@ed Qri @lf of the aTDz,>licant. On motion by council,,ian Payne, seconded by Counc@ @Taterfield, and by re-rded -te as follows: Ayes: Councilmn Pobert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crawell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. flolland, D. Murray @@albon, j. Curtis Payne, Vice Yjayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. ;@aterfield, Jr., and ?4avor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None City Council approved the follc,,,7ing kz)plication for a chanqe of zoning, subject to City water and sewer as requested by t,'ae Ilealth De,@ t and a dedication of right of v7ay 45 feet frorn the center line of liolland Road (30-foot dedication) as recrucsted by the Office of R--al Estate, Depart@-nt of C Services. c,.'Iin!, of ef i c!,]-ic to 3 (C-I,. 3) C,,i-t-.,in erty loc;ated on t@i,2 ;,) O?,d a-u l Fjoitit fect I'llore or less Eas't-l of Po,,d, ruiinilig a dis@,ar@ce of IE,,O fect alotig t@l@e East side of ;,Ias@lin7.toti t@,veiiue, rl!niiirlg a distancc,. of 255 fopt alonq tiie tiortliern property Ii,-lo, rliniing a distaiice of 23'-' feet along tii,, Eastern prop- erty line, runiiina a distance of 2z@)5 feet alona tlie @lor-,@i side of liolltiiri Poad. Said property is (Icsignitcd as Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and ',,l), Block 8, Plat of Pecan Gardens. (Pecan Gardens Area). PI)I@',CESS Alli@IE The Planning Co@,.rqission r,2co,@-Iiends a'n.,,)roval of tliis application subit@ct to City t@iater and sci@,,,,r as r@uested ',)y tiie Ilealt@i -,cr)artf-i,@!it and a dcJication of riciht of viay @S fcot fr@,i t,@c c@!iter lin- of @!o@land Roa@ (3'@-foot d-@ei- cation) as reqliested by t;ie Offic,, ol@ ;.(,..al Estat2, of Co,,7,itini@LV SL,rvic2s. ITE-11 #2666 Mr. John Vogel appeared on behalf of his cr,7n application. On motion by Councilman Payne, seccnded by Councilman Dusch, by recorded vote as follcF,,7s: Ayes: Cc)unci@ Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. CrCET.,7ell, Jr., vrank A. Dusch, F. P,eid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. M-urray !@lbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice !4ayor EaLrl M. @ault, Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr., and MaLyor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None City Cc)uncil approved the follck7i-ng application for aL use permit, subject to a dedi- cation of right of way 45 feet frcm the center line o ndon Bridge Road (30-foot dedication) as recluested by ttip- Office of Real Estate, @ar@,it of ty Services and further subject to the limitation of sixty (60) units. Ap:..)Iication of Joiin C. a6d @'ir,, t@l. Voqel for a t'se Plr,,lit to ol@@ratt@ a (for boar-diiig dogs) on ccr'@ciiii pro,-,,rlly loca+-,., oji t@ie @'!ort!i sid,,2 of Lo@ijoil Bridg(-, Poad b@.giiiiiing at a poin@l-, 3@.@O fect ror,@ or less 11,25t of OC2@,na Coul.-- vard, rLnrin, a dist@,i,,c., of fc,2t alon@ ti@-- oro,@er-@Y lit,,c, a distance of 606 fc,2t aloig tli@- t@ort@,-,rn Dro-pcy-@,Y rti!lning a distance of 64b feet along tlil- c.astcrn Dro.@)-2r'@Y lii-2, rL!i-.niiig a distanc-. of 3" fect alo,ig tlie Sout@crr, r)i,or)@r-Ly line of fe2t is th2 '@ort@i sido of 1.0!1- don Brido- @@oad. (,-Y-incess Annc@ HLnt CILI@ i@,r@a). r@ll@CESS A@@@!E The Plannino Co@,,.iission reco.--iopcls i@iroval of tliis a,')plicatir sj')j ct to n a d,dication ol- rirl)t of ;,@oy P5 fro!,i @L!- c@,titer li?,@ of Lo,,ilo!l @ridr,,., Ro.ad d,2clica,ioTl) e's n.pfice. of n@@ll -"s-Uat-@, rclit Co-,--i@i!iltv S@@rvic,,-