HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 14, 1970 I,' OF PONC)- CITY COT-TNCTL O-W TiiF CITY Cr VIRGDTIA B@-M, @INIA Sep , 14, 1970 The rec lar @tincr of the C@il of the C' .fu ity of Virginia Beach, Vircrinia was held in the Council Chairbers in the @-inistration Building, in the Porough of Princess Anne, on "ionday, Sep 14, 1970, at 2:00 p.m. The 2-nvocation iras given by Reverend Fletcher C. Hutcheson, Bayside Presbyterian Church, Virginia F'@ch. Councilmen present: Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcrm,7ell, Jr., F. Peid @in, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holl@, D. liurray t@ialbon, j. clrtis Payne, Dc)nald H. @es, Farl,4. Tebault, Floyd E. @,.Iaterfield, Jr., and Frank A. Dusch. ITEM #2579 Tiie incumbent Mayor, Frank A. Dusch, read the following statement: AS YOU GENTLE@LE@N ARE A@IARE, SO@IE @IONTIIS AGO I STATED THAT I PROBABLY @-IOULD NOT RUN FOR RE-ELECTION TO CITY COUNCIL. MANY OF @IY FRIENDS AND IIY FELLO@4 CITIZENS PEI@SUADED @IE TO SEEK RE-ELECTION AIID TIIE PEOPLE HONORED ME BY RE-ELECTING @1E. I IIAVE SERVED AS A COUNCIL',Il@,N FOR 18 YEARS, AS @IAYOR FOR 16 YEARS AND THE ONLY PERSON TO SERVE AS @IAYOK OF THE COi%BINED CITY. YOU GEiqTLEI-IEN OF THE COUNCIL HAVE HONORED @IE BY CHOOSING ME AS MAYOR AND i\!AtiY OF YOU HAVE ASKED ME TO CONTliNlUE TO SERVE. HO@@EVER, I BELIEVE THAT AFTER 16 YEARS I SHOULD BE RELIEVED OF SO@IE OF MY RESPONSIBILITLES AND THAT SO@IECNE ELSE SHOULD BE SELECTED TO SEIIVE AS MYOR. IN ASKING THAT THIS BE DONE I AM NOT T.@YING TO SHIRK ANTY OF MY DUTIES OR RESPONSIBILITIES. I AM DEVOTED TO THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, TO IT'S PEOPLE, AND IT'S CONTINUED PROGRESS. I STAND READY TO WORK WITH YOU GENTLE-@IIEN FOR THOSE THINGS T"@'T W^VULD ,IAKE IT A BETTER CITY. IN REACHING THIS DECISION I WOULD LIKE TO EXP.USS TO THOSE @lAiNTY COUNCILiFzN TILKT I HAVE SERVED WITH MY DEEP APPRECIATION OF I-PE RESPECT AND KIND CONSIDERATION I HAVE AL;4AYS RECEIVED FROM THEM. I HAVE AL@'AYS TRIED TO PR'-SID7- AT CCUNCIL @IEETItN--S I@IPARTIALLY BUT INIITII A D@-TE'i,fT-@'ATION THAT EACH i,,:E@IBER OF THE CITY COUNCIL AND '-V7-RY CITIZE@T I,.-CULD HAVE A@IPLE TIil'- TO EXPPESS T HIS O" H'@-,"@ VIr-,,'S TO T.,Il@' COUt-,-OIIL. I WISII FOR EACH AND ZVEP@Y CITIZV-N CO,@,TTINUED P"IOGRESS AND HAPPINESS. ITE14 #2580 In accordance with Section 2-3 of the Code of the City of Virc,,inia 13each, @ir. John Fentress, Clerk of the Circuit Court, stated that n tions for,@!ayor %,70uld be in order. on motion by comcihian Foll@, seconded by Council= Ferrell, the name of Council- Donald @odes was placed in n '@tion for the pc)sition of Yayor. After asking if there were any more n tions for llayc)r, none being rmde, Mr. Fentress stated that the nminations were closed. By recorded vote as folla,,,s: Ayes: Counci@ Robert 11. Callis, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Foll@, D. -@ray llalbon, Donald @l. Rhodes, -@l !4. @ault, Floyd E. @,laterfield, Jr., and Fr@@ A. Duscii. i\Tays: None Abstain: Counci@ Robert B. Cr@,7ell, Jr., F. Reid Fxv2@.n, WO J. Curti,9 PaYne- city council elected ihnan Donald ii. Phodes, @iayor of the City of Virginia Beach. ITE14 #2581 Mr. Fentress stated that n tions for Vice @layor would be in order. on n-otion by CoLinciLTan iqaterfield, seco@ed by CouncilTnan Callis, the @ of Council- mn Farl M. Tebault ivas placed in ncmination for the position of ViceN!ayor. on mtion by Councilman Ilalbon, seconded by Councibnan Pavne, the nane of Councilrran Robert B. Crcmaell, Jr. was placed in nckunation for the @sition of Vice ilayor. on mtion by CouncihTan F=ell, secon,3ed by Councilman Rhodes, @ by unanimus vote, tions for Vice tlayor were closed. By recorded vote as follcF,,,s: @se in favor of Ca=iLpan Tebault voting aye: CounciLmen Pobert H. Callis, Jr., George R. F=ell, Clarence A. Holland, Donald H. Rhodes, Earl 11. Tebault, Floyd Waterfield, and Fr@, A. Dusch. @e in favor of Councilman Crcrr,7ell voting aye: Cc)unci@ F. Reid @in, D. "!=ay 14albon, Rcbert B. Crcrowell, Jr., and J. Curtis Payne. City Council el-ected Counci@ Earl M. Tthault Vice r4ayor of the City of Virginia Beach. ITETA #2582 .Mr. John V. Fentress, Clerl, of Circuit Court, administered the oath of office to CounciLTan Donald H. P@es as ilayor of the City of Vircrinia Beach, and Counciliran Earl 11. @ault as Vice @layor of the City of Virginia @ch. ITEA @2583 On mo-Lion by CourciL,,an Ferrell, secondec', by CouicihTen Duscli, and bv recorded vote as follcy,,7s: Ayes: Cc)unci@ Rob-crt H. Callis, Jr., Pob-@ B. Crc)m@7ell, Jr., Fr@ A. Dusd'l, Gc-orge R. Fe=ell, Clar@e A. Folland, D. tl=aly I!aLbon, J. C'uxtis Payne, Vice 'Iayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd F.. I'laterfield, Jr., and @,layor ronalld ii. Phcd-es. Nays: Oc)uncilman F.. P@id @in Abstain: Cc)Lmcilynan J. Curtis Payne abstained in voting for High Oons@ble I.?,alpli R. McChesney. City Council adopted the folluzing resolution r@-ooointing the follck@7ing city officials: The City Attorney, @ir. Dale B@on @e FLigh Constable, !!r. Ralph R. 10@esney n-ie City Manager, '@r. -@er Scott The City Clerk@rdinator of Urloa-,i Affaixs, @Ix. Pichard J. liebbon The Real Fstate Assessor, l@ir. Clyde N. Merritt R E S 0 L U T I 0 N V@S, the bel@,7 listed officers are the direct appointm-ent of the Council of the City of Virginia @ch: city Attorney, Dale Bimson, High Constable, R. R. PIcChesney, the City @@ger, Poger @tt, City Clerk, R. J. T@@bon @ Real Estate Assessor, Clyde @,lerritt; and WHE=, it is the desire of the Council to reaffirm these a in ts. _@ tncn NCkl, 'n==,OPE, BE IT PFSOLX7M BY TI-IF, CMI.CIL OF TTIE CITY OF VI@INTA BFACH, VIRGD,IA: @at the persons now holding these offices are here7@y rea_@inted to these positions ard are to report directly to and be responsible to the City Council. @2- On motion by CounciLmari Callis, seco@ed by comci@ Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follas: Ayes: C6uncilmen Pobert H. Calli s, Jr., -lbbert B. Crm-7ell, Jr., Fr@, A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, G--orge R. Ferrell, Clareice A. Folland, D. ll=ay P.-@n, J. Curtis Payn--, Vicel,layor Earl tl. Tt-hault, Flold E. 1,7aterfield, Jr., and Ilayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: hbile City C@cil deferred a Resolution establishing a Citizens Advisory Comittee and referred it to the City Attorney for further study. IT.91 @:2585 On mtion by Counciliran Ferrell, seconded by Councilroan Crc-m.,7e-ll, and by unanimous vote, City Council aLDproved the 1,4inutes of the RegLilar l@leetip-g of August 31, 1970, and the reading of said Minutes dis,@ed @,7ith, inasrmcli as each Counci@ had a copy of said LIinutes before hiri. IT ETI 02586 On mtion b@, CouncilRan Dusr-li, seconded by Counci@ Ferrell, and by unanimus vote,, City Council aporoved the @@utes of the S.@ial ileeting of Se-pt 8, 1970, and the reading of said ninutes dis@@ with, ch as eadi Cc)uncihnan had a copy of said I)Linutes before him. ITEIL f 2587 on rnotion by Councibnan Cronwell, seconded by Coanci@ @ault, and by recorded vote as follcr@: Ayes: Councilmen @-ert H. Callis, Jr., RDbert B. Crcnvell, Jr., Frank A. Duscli, F. Reid @in, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. @4urray llalbon, J. CLirtis Payne, Vice 14ayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. T,,Taterfield, Jr., and Mayor Donald H. Rhodes. Nays: None City Council approved the following items on second reading: 1. Appropriation of $1,0-18 to the General Services budget, Code 16010-208, in order to reiltburse VEPCO for i,70r], done in a@rdance v7ith a resolution adopted by the City Cc)uncil on February 24, 1969, conc=incr the reestablish- @t of underground cable service at the City Fall Ccv.,mlex. 2. Approval of transfer of $10,767 frcm Reserve for Contingencies to the General Services budget 16010 as follows: 16101-190 Custodial Services $3,720.00 208* Electric Current 325.00 221*- Water Service 60.00 221A* Sa,,er Service 12.00 218 Rental 5,180.00 271* Repairs 1,220.00 304* Cleaning N4aterial and Supplies 250.00 *Estirpated @-iese funds are necessary for the o@ation of office space rented for the use of the 7teasurer's Office in the Baysicle @ Kem,,Dsville areas. 3. Appropriation of $104,403 for the construction of the Bayside Health Building. (@e subject furds will be recovered frcm the State over a period of years through no@ rental.) 4. Appropriation of $30,000.00 to purchase frcm the estate of the late Frank Tarrall a parcel of pro @ ty 130' x 150' at the southeastern corner of 19th and Prtic Avenue near to @.e Civic Center pro,@ty and the second T)recinct property that is nu@7 cF,,;ned by the City. 5. Pppropriation for construction bids a,,7arded to R & G Construction C@@,, for Fa-ir 'IlezecFt@ Gravi-t System, - $162,370.10 ard PrctLc Avenue il@ Pe-ilace-. @t - $15,145.00. C,a= stated t,@at he ha@ receiveo- a letter 1.1r. Charles ington, Director of CitY Pl '@g, frcm, 1,@. Elm oranc,,e of t:ict jbll road ,,ut@rity asklng for an @-dit@_C_nal delay in issuLTig a use @t for the follcfjir-g a,@olicatio-Ti tint-,Ll a-ter S(--ptem.@ 15, as he has not heard Yrom his consultant at ti-iis tiT..,-e. ,Idr. owen B. Picl-,ett, i,,ttorney, appear@, on b--half of t-lie applicant askl-ng for deferral until the next 1-@-@lar Council '-ieetincr on Septeirber 28, 1970. On i-,otion by Councilran Cr@,,ell, seconded by Counci@ TLalbc)n, and by unanimus vote, City CoLuicil deferred the follo-,7incr a,-,plication for a use permit. unlil Septc-vber 28, 1970. A@@lication of Robo l@lash Co. by O@.:en B. Picl,,ett, Attorney, for a Use Permit to operate a gasoline supply station and car i,,,,Isfl locited on the To-rt-lea@st corncr of Boyd Road atid Rosemont Road, frontii)g 159.2c., feet on tile East side of Rosemoilt Road (as @@.,id@iied by the Virginia Depar'L,liient of Iligh@-iays), 86.35 feet on the Soutli sicle of tlie @lorfolk and So@@tiierti Raili,oad, a distance of 131.92 feet alotig tlie Eastern prop@.rty line, runniiig a distance of 83.12 feet on the North side of Boyd Road. (Princess Pnne Plaza Area). LY@l@1,9AVEII BOROUGILI. The Planning Co,.,.,,.iission voted to r-sciiid th@ foi@r,@r motion of June 9, 1c"70 to defer this application for a period of nincty davs. The Com,'lission then recoinmencied approval of this application provided inforoiation can be obtained from the Toll Road Autliority relative to tlie Poseriont Road proposc.@d off-ranip from, tlie Virginia Beacii-@lorfolk Express,.,iay prior tO the COLincil '@'.,eeting. The Planning CoiiiTission reco-oiended that no action be taven on tliis Use Permit should it be deteriiined by the Virginia Departnient of Iiigh@,iays tliat this property will be required for th-, off-rainp at Ros-.niont Road. I-@ @L2589 Mr. PatridK L. S@ing a partr,-er in the firm of Talbot & Associates, ap@ed on @lf of the a,,oplicant. 1,Lr. @, Kyrus, one of tl-ie owners of ilast Farm Realty, appearc-d before Council and stated that if tl-iree (3) acres were not ohtainable from the neighboring lot that they w-ould include three aoditional acres in the site plan for a sc@ool site. On mtion by Council@ rrvin, secorded by Coi-incilrran Ferrell, and by unanimus vote, City Council approved the follc%,7ir-g a@lication for a chancre of 7,oninq subject to a dedication of right of waly 45 feet frcni the center line of @Iolland Poad (30-foot dedication), subject to the acquisition of an additional @ee (3) acres for a school site if it camot be obtained frcm tl-ie adjacent pro@ The application is o%.7ners. further subject to City water ar-d se@,7er. Application of Mast Farm Pealty for a chanc of zon-inq froni @%esilcnco Suburban District 4 (R-S 4) to General-c-@.,.,,r,67r-c-ia@-.Df@trict 3 (C-G 3), Lir,iited Co.,,@mercial District 3 (C-L 3) and '!ultir)lt, Farily Residence Dis- trict (R-fl) on certain proper-L-Y locatc-d on tlie Sout,@ side of Holland Road beginning at a point 2900 feet iore or less liest of ,@osemoni.- Road, running a distance of 4730 fe--,-L more or less along the Eastern proper-Ly line, running a distaiice of 1 930 feet more or less alo.'lg tlie Soutliern property line (@@orfolk and Soutii@@rn railway Co. i@,iiit of 'vlay @bandoned), running a distance of 3"63 feet more or less along the '!est-r',l .nrop2rty line, runnina a distance of 17@@7 feet along the tiortliern property line. Plats %..iith rore detailed inforration are available in tlip- Office of the Departmen" of City Planning. KEI!PSVILLE BOROUG@L. The Planning Conimission reconniends approval of this application subject to a dedication of riglit of way 45 feet from the center line of Holland Road (30-foot dedication). ITEI,l '@2590 Mr. Joe Brazn, Jr., Director of Thalia Civic Leacrue and Chairipan of the Zoning . ttee appeareo. in opposition to the foll@7ing application and presented a petition. on mtion by Counci@n Ferrell, seconded by ComciLman Holland, and by unanimus vote, City Council denied the folla@,@:Lng a-2plication for a c-hancre of zo-@c -,,a fas it . s felt that the pro@sed activitv i,,oald disrupt the stahle natuie of t@e single fwuly neigl,borhood. s U @@i Dis@Irict 4 (,-',-S L i '@ed C b:1 -fct 3 C-L 3) cer"ain loca@ed r)r, t"i, !!,st sidz of Lyn!i S@@,or.Ds Driv@, benin,,Iini Y I 1,@ 1.@ at a poi@i-L F,2@' ror,l or less ;@ort@t of Virfii;i4ci Beac@ii B@-ilevard, run- nina a distance o@ fe,,@t alon,@ "@st sid@ of Lynn @;lores rriv@, t'L!.'i- niiig a dis"ance of f--et alo-.-;ri t@ic Soit'@crii pro;),rty lin,2, ru,'Ini,,,g a distance of 80 fe-,t along t@)c I,,fes@l-ern property lin,,2, rt@,i@ning a dis"@,!ice of @22 fcet aloiig t!ie lici,V;r-,rn proo,@rty line. (Lynn Shorcs Pr,-,a). KF'irS- VILL.E Tlie Pla;lniiig CO.-i-,iission rLcoiir.(@nds denial of tliis application as it vias felt th,-t tlie proposed activity ;iould disi,@l,,t tile stible nature of t@ic@ singlc family neighborliood. ITal @,2591 Dr. john c. Bens@ver kopeared on behalf of his c,,;n application. iAx. j. Alvin Folland, @iaderia Road, Bayside Borough, zlppeared on b--half of the follck@ ing application. @Irs. Patsy Drake, President of First Cc)lonial C-ivic League, appeared in oDposition to the follc%qing application. Lt. Cc)l. @slie H. ITalstead, Agent for Dr. @nsenhaver, alo@ed on behalf of the .folla,@g application. On motion by Councilman @in, seconded by Councilinan PlalbOn, @ bY unanimus vote, City Council defe-rred the follc),,.;iTig a,,:)plicition for a use pa-ntdt for thirty (30) days. A,pr)licTition of Dr. Joiin C. B2nscnliiver for @i Use -Po-r.-ii-t. to cot,@,truct an ini@i,,il tios,,)it,il and ken@iel on cc,,rtain ,,ro:,,,2rty tli:-, @@ortii si@,! of First ro 0 , 1 1 1 1 iiia r,oad LLginnitil at a @oint 3!@,) ff-'Ct or E,.i,lt of -,r-.at .7oal, rL;ntiirl(,i a distitico@ of lrj@ f@@+1 ilonr,, tli@- !ioi-t@i sit!, of Fii@st, ColoriFil -oad, ru!iiiiii,,, a dis- tancQ of 412 f,2Lt ,lo!ici t!)e t)ro;)2i,'Ly lin-@, runnino a dist@nc.:! of 194 f@,,@t al on,- L .1 , t'),2 @loi,fl,@ern r)i,or)c@rty lir,,-2, r,uiinir.(i a distaiic-2 of 41 f-2et alonq ti@2 prc,,),,2r"y lin@. Siici lot is d,3sianI'Led as Lo'Ll 3, Plat of !'cc!,, t'anor Ar@a). LY@l;llli@VE'll Tlie Planning Co,,,Tiission a,)proval of t!lis aoolicatio!i suljjcct to a ne@,i site plan @eina approved 5y tlie @lan!iing @cpartrier,,t t)rior +lo timc @l Builcliiig Peri@iit is issued. Tie E@,@@,)tion for val covcrcll tl)e sti,)Ula@@ion t@iat tlie building be soui)dl)roofl,d and I'llat o@it!,i(!,a rutis bc, pro@iiL)i'l-t)d. Ar)prov-21 is ftirth@r subj,-ct to a dedica"ion oi@ of ;;Oy fec-L fro-i +lh,,-@ c n- ii L-- r 1 i r, -@ of First Coloiiial ,',,oad (15-fcot O,,dicatioti) and sl,,jject to City a,.id sc-il;cr. ITEM #2592 Mr. Oweri Pickett, Attorney, a ed on behalf of the applicant. Mr. Joe Basgier appeared on behalf of the foll@g acplicaltion- on mtion by ilman Dusch, seconded by Councilman m@n, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Cc)unci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., Pobert B. Crcrm,7ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. @lurray lia@n, J. Curtis Payne, Vice illayor Farl M. Tthault, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: Nlone Abstain: ilayor Donald H. @es (abstained because one of the partners in the la@,' firm of whic-li he is a@er is representing the applicant) City Council deferred the foll@,7incT anidlication for a c-@cre of zonincr and a use @t f,or thirty (30) days. foi- t',, rotd and 0,1 c.-,rtiii !)r-n.-@rty located ai tli@, '!@,st@,r,l extr-.2!1@lt,/ c@-- of Cv-a@2,@, al,l o; Sout',n t',,-@ EE,,s'--,rn @Ly c,,f EEs-@ L a S14d pro,.@@rt,i is as Lo@'s I , 3, 4, aii(I E,, Plz,,+, of Cor!lic'@ 37. PI ats @j I t'll .@r,- Dr,t, avail i@)l- iii t@@- Off-icc of tii2 ol@ Cit,@ Pl--ri@ling. L @, e @,i e@ -2 o ", r,,-, @i L Y'!1E @ 1 1 -, 0 Tiie Plaziiiri(i Colj,,ii'ssi'on t,@ig i-,rovi,,.C)d t!1,71t t!lc proiler@is relativl to Cil,lv a@ici set.,,,-r caii t!ic @lity Pepar@".1@:@iit atid t@iat t!iL of i ty Services, D-lyisio,,i of I)eal Es'@,@t@,, r(-,lall-lvc -Lo t,@o access road e@@,e sa@lisl@i(?d. IM, I i@2593 Mr. Thcmas E. Hurley k@,@ed on belialf of his cwn application. On rnotion by Councihnan Ervj-n, secondecl by Councilman @4albon, and by unanimous vote, City Cotuicil approv@ the follc,.-,,ing appl-ication for a change of zoning subject to City irater and s@,7er. Application of T;io!ias E. !Iurley for a c@icinci,? of zoiii!ir! froi Pe SLiburban bis"rict 4 -S 4) to on certaiii propei-ty located o@.i tlie side o .f Bob Lan,2 and the Sotitl) side of Ego Drive, runnina a distaiice of :-)52 f@ot along tfie 1,@lest side of Do!) Lane, rli!ining a dist@ce of 24@) feet alon(i tlie Soutil sido. of Ego Drive, rurining a distance of 283 fect along @Llie tast side of Lavergne Lane, run- ning a distatice of 243 feet iloiil the Sou'@liern Inroper-Ly linl,. Said lots are desionated as Lots 15, 16, l@, 25, 24, 22, 2@,, 19, CIC,, 97 ancl 9@ Plat of le!est Oceana Garde-is. (1,1@-st Oceana Cardens-Oceani Villane Area). Tti(, Planning Co@riission recoril,2,ids arprovil of t'.'Iis application SLI@jcCt to City viater and sc,,Ier. ITEII 12594 Mr. R. Stanley H@g@, secreta-ry of Gabor, Inc. and one of its cwners, appeared o@l behalf of the follo%,7ing application. On motion by CoLLncilynan Fzvin, seconded by Cbunci@ Callis, wO, by unanimus vote, City Council kDproved the follaTing application for a use permit subject to a dedica- tion of ricrht-of-v7ay 45 feet frorn the center line of the existing 60-foot right-of- way along the 460-foot mre or less frontage of Bird. 1%7eck- @cq- (15-foot dedication) and a ro dedication of 200 feet vjith an additional 100 feet to L-e reserved for the proposed Rudee Inlet C@l that is needed to meet the City's overall plan. Application of Gabor, Inc. for a Use Per,,iit to extend a ceiiet,,ry on certain T6 i-i @i 9 c 1', Road, beqiniiing at a propcrty located on tlie t@iest side 6f irdn c point 380 feet South of Beautiful Strect runninq a distahce of 1133 f-.et aloiig tiie Eastern propirty line of vihicli 460 fect is the l@l,,st sid@-, of South Birdneck Road, running a distance of 2049 feet more or 1-.ss along the P@orth- ern property lin-., running a distance of 136i feet more or less alonq tlie Western property line, running a distance of 2234 fect more or less along the Southern property line. (Seatack Area). LYIl@@HrIVE,@ BOP.OIJGII. The Planning Coniission reco,-i-,iends der)ial of this application as the prooosed use was not considered to be tile best use of this property. '2595 @ir. Ilillian H. Cc)lo-na, Jr., Atto-ey, ap@,r@ on behalf of the ,pplicant. On r,)o',ion by Counc Ervin, seconcled by CounciLman l,'albo.,i, ar-d by unani--ous vote, City Council approvc-d the follcF.,7iig applicition )-or a use pe,,.,@t subject to Citn, ,v7ate-r a@ se@,,,er. Appl i cati o,,i of Vebo Corr)c)rat,l on T/A 'r!ap,)y !!oir by l@!i 1 1 i am Col Olia, Jr. , Attoi-iic,y, for a Use P(;,rriit @,)r liv,@ entL,.rtainm@,,it on cc?rtai@i property located--CtFi side of Pott,@rs Road, begir.?iing at a poitit 232 feet I!cs-u of Fii@st Colo:iial Road, rlin,,iing a di,,tpnce of 210 fee@L, aloi@g tlie t@orl-li sid- of Potters Poad, rur;ning a dista@@ic(, of 192 fect alonci t!ie V!estern proporty line, runiiing a distance of 210 fe-It alotio, the '.Iorti-ieri property line, ruiiiiinq @i distance of 29-Li fect along thc Eastcril prop@2rL@-y line. (Ilest OceanLi Garderis ki,ea). LY'@@';IAVE'l The Plan-.iinq Co:.,@.iis-@ion recortiends a,,)proval of tliis ar)plicatio@i su'jject to CI@L-Y @iater and sck,,,er. l@ f2596 Carlton Ililler, one of the amers of Cardinal Sign corpc)ration, app(,,ared on behalf of tl-ie follaTing application. on mtioii by CounciLTan Frvin, seconded by Counci@ Payne, and by unanimous vote, City Coundil deferred the following arplication for a use @it for ninety (90) day@ until the ccnpletion of @ie study be-Lng @@le by the Pl@j-ncT @-@tm-nt. Abplication of Cardinal Sign Cor,-oration f@)- a Use. Peri-,)it to coiistruc,@@ a -fo@ifE- on tiie Sout@i side 50-foot by 12-foot signboard og certain prop,@rtv d- of D@-an Drive 1161 feet East of Deaii Lano. (Lynnhaven Park ArLa). LYl@'l- HAVE@4 BOROUG!I. T@ie Planning Copi,.iission rcco@,,,.i@,tids approval of this application for a billboard. lq-Ul 12597 Mr. Thcms C. Broyles, Attorney, a,_D,@ed on @@f of @-e apT)licant. on mtion by Couricilman Frvin, secon(led by Councilyran @%lbon, and by unanimus vote, City Council kt)proved the following application for a use perfnit, subject to City water and sevier and site plan rovi@7 by the Planning e tment prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. A,,)plication of Llskin Village Associa"es by Tliomas C. Broyles, Attorney, for a Use Per@,,iit to co,.istruct 214 to,,,in@,oLisc-s on c-,r*@aill pro,,)erty locat,,d on tile of tlie Virginia Beac@,.-?@orfolk Express@,!av beoinninn at a point 1775 feet r,.iore or less Ifest of First Colo,)ial runnini a distance of 1240 feet aloiia the Soutl-iern nrooerty linc- of %,.,hicii 1,1)15 feet is tile North side of ihe Virginia '@le'ach'-.Ilorfolk Exl)ress-,@.,ay, Y:unninr a distance of 610 frell along t@,e ':,?-_stern propcrty line,'rlirininq a dis- tatice of 10-)0 feet M!Ore or Icss alond the @!ortl@trn nro,)Orty line and running a distance of 175 feet r@iore or less along tl,,e @castern pro@,2rtv line. (Pro'oosed Phase II, Laskin Village). (Laskin Villaqc Area). LY;?,'@IIIAVE,@l PI,@ROUGli. Tlie Planning Cor-,.iiission recor7iieiids aD,.)roval of tliis andlication su@ject to City water atid se@,;Cr and site plan revievi by tlie Plannina Department prior to the issuance of a Building Poriiit. I@i #2598 on mtion hy Councilman MaLlbon, secoraed by Cc)unci@ @in, and by unanimus vote, City Council deferred the foll-cw@-g application for a use pe=,@t for ninety (90) days until the c@tletion of the stlidy bei-ncr r,.a@,e by the Planning r-a@@-nt. Application of G. Dewey Sim@ons for a !,Is@ Ppri,.iit to cors'ruct a l@-foot by 25-foot @innboard on certain proporfi -1 c@@ei- on the East side of North Great '@ock Road beainning at a point 5@-5-1 fect rore or less @lortli of First Colonial Road. (Great "anor Area). LY'!@ @li@VE;l B07'0,!JCP,. The Pl@,nn-ing Co@nission denial of this aoplication as it iias felt that this r,reat Irea @.,,zis pri,-arily r@sidential in c@taracter. 4'.'2599 ia_@-s Pickrell, Attorn@@,, a ed on !De-@if of the applicant. ran s On mc)tion by Co@-icih Payr_e, s@@Ed L-y counc,,iLTan 'o7aterfield, ar)d b@, unan@Ou vote, city council a,-proved the applicatioti for a of zon-i-rg, s@:)j--Ct to a dedication of riqht o@- @,ay 45 fee-, frct,,i the center line of t'ae @:Lt-a@l 30-foot right of vay alo.,ig th@ 409 fe,,-t-more or less froitage of Holland P,,Oacl (30-fOOt dedication) , mA aL dedication of right of @ray 45 feet frcm th-- center lire c)f ti-e initial 30-foot riglit of @-jal, on the 622 fe;ot more or less fron@ge on Scutl, T@ynn-haven Roa-,l (30-foot (3cdication). ApDroval is Rxtb-(-,r subject to City water and s-@ar. Applic,ition of T@ie Soit[)l@iticl Tr@LiSt t,,, Jam.,@s @,l. Pictrell, for a LI@a!Lq(l @ zoning fi@oi@i Distt,ict 4 (fl-S 4) to Lill@i'Led Coriiiercial Distri@,--@. -(C-L 2) on certain proi@,,,i,tv located on t@i(-' I!ortl, sid,@ of Flollar,,d Road booinniiig at a pc)int @,00 f,,C-I, liest of Sout!i Ly;@ti@iaven roa-(I, runnitig a dis'@ance of fc,,et along tli(, Sot,'@li(,rn proj@orty li;i@l of @@ihicil 409 fect is the tior'Lh sic,'c of flollai,,d @),oEd, ru,,iniiig a distancc of 81.', fc,,,t alo,,ig tfi(, ilester,-i prot)@rt,, line, ru@inin@ a dist,,iice of 623 f@.c,,t along -L@ic Ilortlierti property line, running a distance of 1033 feet rore or less along tfic Eastorn propcrty 0-F @,,,hich C,22 fcet is t;i(', ll,,@st sile of Soutli Lynn- havc,n Po@,d. (!IaplLto,,i P.'Zli@@IESS '@'l@IE B@@IOLICll. TI)c,. Plantiing Co@@,,@issio,-i recom@.ic--,nds deiiial ol@ tliis apr)licition as tliis use -ic r,'u pro, viotild duplicate zorling oy-, adjl c )erty ar,@d k-,,oLild fL.,rt@i(,r teiid to O,,@feit tlie purp,)se of Plarin-2-d Uriit loc;itr@d directly acrol@s th(-, rofd. ITET,l -@'2600 @ir. Thcmas Broyles, Attorney, appeared on bel,-ialf of the applicant. On mtion by Councilman Payn--, sec@@. by Counci@ @,laterfield, aml by una.'I@s vote, City Coun(--il @ip,,3roved t-l-ie folIC)k,7ing application for a cl,@m@e of zonincr, subject to a central so,.7eracre system and City v7ater, @l subject to @e stipulition that tie-in to the Harmt;.,i @ads Sar-itation System v7ould take place @-0aiately,if @ N,7hen this facility is @e available. App@oval is further subject to a r3@ication of right of i,7ay 30 feet f= t-he center line of Sa-@ridge Poaci (15-foot dE)dication) a.,id a dedicat-ion of ric,,ht of v7ay 55 feet frcn. t-he center lire of the initial 30-foot right of way along the 600 feet irore or less frontage on @ proposed Courthouse- Sarjclbridge I'@. (40-foot dedication). Application of Bruce GallLlp for a c!i:inne of zoning from Aqricultural District (A-R) to G,2net@al 2) and Li!@l'it-d Cwi- mercial District 2 (C-L 2) on certain proper'GY located on t!ie South sidt! of Sandbridge Road begiiining at a Poiit 4900 fe,@ll niore or less 'vl,,st of Sandpiper Road. Parcel I to be C-L 2: Beginning at a point 4900 feet more or less !lest f@6n-dp-i-p-@--r-Roa-d,-running a dista,-,c-- of 190n fc@'t r,,ore or less alon(i the ilorthern prol)erty line of %@ihich 1490 f-let F.Iore or less is til,@ South side of Sandbridge Doad, running a distance of 740 fect alona the-@lastern property line, runnina a distance of 1,520 feel, along t@ie Sou@,h@@rn property line. Said parcel is triangular in shape. Parcel 2 to be C-G 2: Beginninal at a point 5235 feet rlore or less !lest o Sandpiper Roacl, rt,,nnina a distance o.' 410 fe,@t alo,ig tlie Sou@@h side of Sandbridge Doad, runniyig a distance of 150 fee'u along t!,,e l-'estet-n property line, runiiina a distance of 300 fect along t@ie Sou'@hern Droperty line and running a distance of 200 feet along tlie Eastern property line. (Sand,@ridnle Area). PRI@ICESS Ali'liE BOODU-U!I. The Planning Co..w,,iission recom..ends adproval of t@iis applica'Lion subject toa central se@,t@racie systei,.i and City ,,ater. Approval is furtli,@r su.@ject to a dedication of right of v.,ay 30 fect fro.-.1 tli- center lino- of Sand'L)ridge @@oad (15-foot dedicatio.9) and a dedication of right of Vlay :-)5 fcet fron, thp ce-iiter line of the initial 30-foot ric,,'It of way along -L!,.e 60) feet riore or less frontage on the proposed Couri@iousc-Sandbridge Poad (40-foot dcdi- catio,.i). ITF-M '2601 @:r. icim j. I'arley aop(--areCt on Ldialf of his cr,,,,n a-@lication. On r,,.otion by CounciL.,@,i @ch, by Coancil@,i acEm.@ell, and by tu-iani-,rous vo-@e, Ci@, Council approved the folla,@ing a.2plicati,-)n for a 'l-9p- Clf ZO@nill", , SLII)jer-L to City -,7a@, and se@,,er. Applicatiaii of Joli@l J. Earley for a ch@ne-,@ of fronj One Fa@lly Residence District (P,-I) to T@,io Fi,ii,r]i-"- -@i -cf-n--- 9 i @ c@'2 -,'Yr@ri ct (P-.-) oi) certain property lo-.ated on tfie Soutil sidc of 13t!i S@lreet !)cgin,,Iing at a point 125 feet l@lest of ieditci@t,anean Avenue rLInning a distance of 50 feet ilong tll,@ Soutfi sid@, of litli Strcet, rljntiiilg a distl@icc,, of 140 fect along ti@ Eist@,rn [)ro@,-,orty line, rli@iiiing a discanc,, of 50 feet aloiig tlie Soutitern proplrty liti,,, ard rLIllniiig a distiice of 140 fcct along t@ie !,,Icst(,rn property linl. Said lots are kro,,!n @is Lots 41 and 42, Block 107, Plat of Laieivood. VIPr@l@IIA B@-,IICH BO"OUGII. Tho Planning Co-i.-,iission rccon@i-7,@-nd@ apl)rovil of tliis requ,@t slib.ioct to City water and sc@,,@/C!r. ITF-1.1 f@2602 MX. J. L. Lyle app-cared on be,ialf of the @Dplicant. on rrk)tion by Counr-i@ Dusdi, second@ by Councihnan 14a@n, and by unanimous vote, City Council a.@roved the folloging applicalion f-or a Application of Pontiac Arris Ar)art@.l@,nts, I@ic. for, a Usc,- Permit to coti- - @@ struct a 55 unit mote.1 o;i cev,tain pi-operty lociteci 6n til SoLt corner of Sixth Strect and Atlantic Avenue runniiiq a distance of 145 fect along tfie 1,@lest side of Pitlan-Lic Avenue, runnina a distance of 150 feet along tf,,e Sout[i sid-2 of Sixth Streot, running a dis@aiice of 145 feet along tl,e Ilo-st(,rn pro,,)ei-ty lin-@, rtliinilici a dist,-.iiil-e of IFO feet along tl)C SOLItiicrn proporty linc. The Planning Coii,-aission recor!,j;lends approval of tliis applicatioil. @2603 14r. Fdo7in Kellam appeared o-Ti behalf of the applicants. on motion by Councilran CrcnT,.;ell, sec@ed by CotLricil-man Holland, and by un@ous vote, City Council denied @-e folla,7ing ay-)plication for a change of zonitiq as the proposed use would not ap,,oear to be in the best interest f this s@le fLTnilY neigl@r@. Application of George J. and B. Kellcy for a chanq,? of zoii'LO from Residence Subtirban District 4 (,@-S 4) -Lo LilliteTC-onTier-c-lil ',-@istrict 3 (C-L 3) on certain property located at tile !,Iort@,%i2st corl-.er of Araqona Boulevard and Broad Street running a distaiice of 115 fect along t!,,o "ort@l side of Broad Street, running a distance of 100 fee@@ alonq t@.e 'Inst sid-- of Aragona Boulev6rd, running a dis-Latice of 115 fcct alcng the !iortl,,f,-rn property line, running a dista@ice of 100 fect along the liestern pronerty line. Said lot is dosignated as Lot G, Block 1:'), Pla'@ of '@ragona Village, Section 1. (Aragona Village Area). ST,.YSID-- BONOUGII. T@.e Plar,@,iin@, Co..mission recor,@.@nds denial of t@iis ar)plica-@ion as ttil nro- posed use ',,ould not app,,ar to be in the fiest interi@st of tiiis sir,,jle fafiilv neig"iborliood. ITU,4 cts12604 Mr. s Broyles, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant. on rnotion by Counci@ Hol-l@, seconded by Counci@ Crm,7ell, and by un@@ous vote, City Cc)uncil ap,,Droved the foll(x,7ing application for a use pertcdt, @ject to city water @ s@,er and a dedication of right ofv7ay 40-f t from the cent@ line of the initial 30-foot ric.Tht of @,;ay along the 653-foot frontage of T-\7L-@ Road (25-fcot dedication). ts c a@ld 6 _,cs ui -i c r'L crty loca@@,i c,.,i t@f? S,),,ith s,@.d, 0 f 0 a a c c:! i @@ t,,) '-;l e pro 'Dr '@ Y I i r @,2 o -F t 11- i c F a s E I c @ - r.v S c!" c) o I , V'Llyl,-l i '1,7 a dis- taiicc of 713 fe@-t ti!@, *@i'r)rt@.-eri r,-f,o,)2rty liiie, rr@, inn oti tl,,o. So@itli side of a clis'-'@,rice of l@@91 fe@t ror@ or less alo,-ig -@!ie EFs@L.(,rl @,r,-r),2r@@Y lin,, of 737 fee@ alo@ig tile pron@rty linc, rLIn!i-,*,iri a dist,@,,ce of P@2-) f@@ot alori@, I,,Iestay,n prop@rty litie. (3c"tic!'F. Sc ool "Irea). L 6,@YSIDE LOnJIJC,'Il. The Plonning Co,,iissioll reco;-,@cnds a,,,)roval c)f ti-,is @ipplication subicci, 'Lo' City @@at(,,r at'd sc,,i,3r ,,,id a d,-dic@itioii of ricill@, of v!ay 40-fect fro-,i tiie cerit,.r lin@@ of tlie initi,,,,l 3")-fc),it ri@ili@ ot@ ,!,,@y alo@@ the @5@-foot front@,@cic Of flo,-@d (25-foo-L de ici-'Lioii). IT.u4 4,r'2605 Mr. Carrington, Di-rector of City Pi-ing, stat@ @t he had received a letter from tl'le aPPlicant, l@. ilarvin C. Overcash, r@-, estin,7 @.7ithd-rawal of Lots 14, 27, 28, 29, ar)d 30, Bl@ 36, Plat of @clid.Place. I,lr. Bertels ap@ed on bdialf of t-he at)plicant confirmina. the r@, est for withd-ra,,,ral of said Lots i-n the @ve mentioned letter. On mtion by CounciLTP-n ilolland, seconded by Councilman Crcff-.7ell, and by unanimus vote, City.Council aporoved the follo-v@ing application for a cliange of zo-ning and a @t for ts 1, 2, 23, 24, and 13, Blocl@ 36, Plat of @clid Place, sub- use pe= _,ect to U water and se,,@er; and ar,,provecl th@ @,Titl-iclra7,val of Lots 14, 27, 28, 29, and 30, Blcd-, 36, Plat of Euclicl Place,frcn t.,,ie application. Application of i'larvin C. Ovcrcasl), Estite ot@ q. E. To,,,insencl, foy, a cli:in" of 2oni fi,on Limit(-,cl Co,,i@g.,icrcial Dis-,rict 3 (C-L 3) to C,,icral 3 (C-G 3) and a Use Perriit for aut@.,otive re,!)air (tran, - niission repair) on cer-Gai-ii locetc,.d o,-i ti-ic Sou@ulleast coriier of Virginia Beach Boulevard and Lavendcr Lane. Cliannle of zoiiiiig to iiiclude said propc-rty fi,onting 50 feet alono.th@ Sou-L)i side of Vii,ginil Bcac!l Boulevard, ruriiiing a distance of 250 feet alo@ig tll@ Cast side of Lavcnd,@r Lane, for@r,,@rly Coliti,.ctictit Avenue, and rucinirig a distance of '-?00 fe-,t alo.,iq tlie tiortli side of Po"or@iac Street, runninfi a distance of 250 feet along th,, Eastern propcrty line. Said lots include Lots 1, 2, 23, 24, 13, 14, 27, 28, 20, and 30, Bloc@ 31), Plat of Euclid Place. Llse Perilit is to ilicl LICIO Lots 1, 2, 23, 24 a,,id 13, Clock 36, frontini 50 fect alonri tl,,e Sout',) side of Virginia BE!acti Boulevard ,,id 75 fect along tl)e. "or'@h side of Potc,,Iac Street. (Euclid Area). B.,@YSIDE BOROUG!I. The Pl,,nning Coimission r@-co-,;@iends approval of -@he cliana- of zoniiig and lise Permit for a por-Lion of this ai)plication to i!lcllldc Lots 1, 2, @@3, 2a and 13, Block 30-, Plat of Euclid Place. T,,ic riotiori for approval i,,,as ski-@ject to City .@iater and s--@@,,er. Tlie c,'Iang@. of zoiing reqti,,@st on tlie re@,,aini-ig property to include Lots 14, 27, 21@l, 29 aiid 30, Block 3C, Plat oi@ Euclid Place vias denied as tlicre @.,as no use propo,@ed for these lots at tNiS tirr-. TE,-'#2606 on wti-on by C@c@@ Payne, seconded by Counci@ Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Ccuncilmen P@-rt H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcnvell, Jr., FraLd, A. r)usch, F. Peid Frvin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. lblland, D. m-=ay It-@n, J. Curtis PaYne, Vicei,Sayor Earl M. Tebault, Floyd E. Waterfielcl, Jr., and- Mayor DOnald H. RhOdes. Nays: Nlone City Council ik@roved the .1ollowing on second reading: Crdinan@- authorize the a@ition of right-of-way for Route 0633, Landtc,;m Road. To U @y ROA-15 TLI !o, y 'y y OF ,@'ICHT OF 11,OLJill,, B-@' IT O@-,D@ i@ BY 'OU'-@IL O@' T@il-' CITY 0,F V4r,@in2a has o-,_- 1--hc- -Uit:y a ti S -,Il- 1) 0 P. n t il 17 t 0 -n, t c,'c L il 0- i)@ll t',Ic v,@',@i-C)n t'Lle p c- -ti coa,-D-ft, Liii@ -,,i- o i@ t[12 cj-f--y B'@' IT ,,Y 'I'll" COU,,'f-'IL O@ Til@@' ','ITY Cjl@@ c'D y e t:,, C) 0 C! 0 7 C@ c@ 't)Y 0 11 _-@ C L-Li- ri -L: c) n Li C', L-1 t 0 Z: i 0 n 1 J. - 3 'C- e t Ll n c! C),@l et: ser-1, co 'o o@ V@@ iii @-ee siiiT)lc, of C) @'7@-, Y @S Stio@,.@n on t@fic Plat o- P-,-,C)oc-:]:Ly, ci-Ly of Vir@ip-i'@- Be"Icil @@rolii aiie Let,L-,'-e P@l.-son, Jc)(- @-nC' llie7ns @lichefe' B. c@. L] o L, v y 0 C. ate: 8/3/ C i t y o V i @7 n 2 @i @ @n , V i n i o ii i ri ',i E, y AI:@-o--@rev's a ii n h e -L-, ii n @D c- s 0 i c hc,--e@oy to o,-, CkLise -Lo n o h a t y o f V r n i a B c h @ o r e c s o n 1 e o f o o e,@- o -@,: D si 17i E@ h,7 v n 4 y L @@7 is llale')y 'L() to P--:; S ['i L cov@?-@- L'o cost D:- r-, -LiL)n 71 ile t t:c) e-,,is,,. r@tic' --cp o@@ V-h,@ cl,@'ce c)- its th7s @hL 1 1 ri o c c r ;,i C) i 1-1 @,O,op't:,- by C)[. the @.@ty ol-- @iiip@ on August ".1@-les,-@Y, applicant, @@ed in favor of closi-,,cr a pc)rtLo--i o-f P-@Sus i@ail -i-n Cnesopeian colony. on rrotioi-i by Cc)uncihap T-lusch, s@,n(a@ by CUancil7,an @n-,l by unani,@s vote, City Council, in accordance @qit-li the recoio,,,czLlations of the vie,,,ers, a,@,,@roved t-l@0- follcr..,,L,,g Ordinance closing, vacating, @- disoc)-,itiTiuing a portion of P,.@sL's @. ail lc-ato-I in Lynnhaven Boroucrh, Plat entitleci. "C@,--sc)peian CDlo.'Iy". 0-@l riotion inade by -_ courici-]-P-an Fra-@@ A. Du,,scli secoiideci by T@ Lr and by u anilious vote, tie folloi7iii., Orciiiiance was aclopted: Ai@ CLOSII@G, VACXEI',@G Aqi) 1)ISCO,,ITI,@Ul@4G OF A PO@'@flO@4 OF ',PAStiS TI@AIL I,OCVEL'D li@ 1,YT@4@,AVEi BOP,OUGII, VII@GIZilA BYACii, VII@Gli,'IA, O.i PLAT L',JTITLI'D COLQ-,'Y, SL,CTIO"@ Tii@, STti@"ET D@-j)ICATIO,@, PPfi@CESS COUi@'fY, VIRGI.'41A" -------------- 1-1@iEl@,AS, proper notice that F. ',,7AYiNE ',!cLESI@Y, JR. would make application to the City Council of the City of Vir,.,-iiiia Beach on July 27, 1970, to have the iiereiiaafter dcscribc!d street closcd, vacatud and clisco-@itinued as a p@blic street of the City of Virgiiiia !3e@ich, %iLs duly I)OsLcd at the Courtliouse of the Circilit Court of tlie City of Vir,.,inia licacii, Virgir,-ia an Jul.y 9, 1970 ai,d at tivo public places in tlie City of Virginia Beach, Virginb; alid WilEl@AS, said applicati.on was riade to the Couiicil and ptirsuant to the statutes in such cases r@iad,-, aiid provided t@,c Council on July 27 ' 1970, WLlicil was niore tiiaii ten days after said posting of said notice, appointed Ciiztrles Kiley, Worth Petty and !)avid lior@,iari as vi-c-.wers to view said street sou-,lit to be closed, vacated aiid discontinacd ar@d to report in i7ritin;., i@hetlier in their opii,.ion any and if aliy, what incoiveiiience would result froiu disco-,itinuin,., the same, and said vie@qers liave r.,,ade said report to the Council by their letter prior to Septe7,.Der 14, 1970; and the land proprietors affected thereby, alon,. said street proposed to be closed, vacated and disconti-@iued havinS bce-@i duly notified; and tr@iEP,E1,S, tlie City Pl@inning Conicil-ssion has reco,,,,aiieiideci that all of said strcet -oe closed, vacatcd and cliscontinuee,; and vFiE AS, it is the jud.,i@-,ent of tlie Council that said street should be closed, vacated and discor)tiiiucd as recoiiiriended by the City Plannii,@-I Co@.iiiiission; no@7 therefore BE Ii OI@AI@TED by the Council of the City of Vir.-inia Beach: Section 1: - Th-,t a portion of Apasus Tra-@Ll located in l,ynn',Iaveii BOrOuSh, City of Virginia Beach, Vir.@iriia as hereinafter Ciescribed, is hcreby closed, vacated and discontinued as a pu-L)lic street i,,i the City of Vir,iiiia Beach, Vir,inia, said street iiot bein,.r ne.edc-,Ct for public use and tr-,vol: All tliat portioii of that certain Strect l,octtc--d in Lynnhaven Borou@h, City of Virginia Boach, Virgillin, describeci by refereiace to that certain plat eiititled COLO-IY, Sc-.ction Three, Street I)edicati.on, Princess Anne Cotinty, Vir-iniEt", dated Septeiiiber 1955, and iiiidc by Frank D. Tarrall, Jr. & Associates, Surveyors and Eii@,incers, which plat is duly of record in the Clerlc's Office of tlie Circuit Court of tlic City of Vir,.-iiia Beacti, Vir-.inia, ill llap Book 39, at Pa-.e 49, as that portion of Apasus Trail extendi.n, frcm the norther,, Side of Vir@.,inia j3each Loulevard (i,te. 58) a distance ol- 150 fc--e't iri a northerly direction. Section 2: - Tiiat tliis ordinance shall be in effect froni and after thirty days fror@i tiie date of its adopticn. Adopted by the City Couiicil of Virginia Beach on Septei,,.'Der 14, 1970. Cn rotion @iv COuncil.,@ T@,ult, secc)-@@, by Co@,ici@ F=ell, arO by L,@ni,70us -'@e, Cit@,, Council a,@rovecl the follcr,@:Lrig ak@Dlications for tax refunf,,s in th-- of @170.95. TO: @ir. Cit," Dite SePt. 9, 1-970 jECT: Application for .-L ax Refunds: d foilL@@i,-'ng -,ppiicatio,is for ,fun Laie-- totaf:rng 17 0. 95 z V. A. EtheridEe. Treasurer ty ,?.ines ,Ernes 2134 2/ 84 1/2' & 2/ ai.nes .Ernest 19()9' RE 2131 2/ 84 1/2 &2/2 aines ,Ernset 1969 R .w- 2133 2/ 36. 90 1.84 38. 74 1/2 62/2 aines, Ernest 1969, '@E 2132 295 2 /3 /7 0 36. 90 1.84 38. 74 1/2 &2 /21 lyvester,'Victlrl970 RE l@,6464 2 /70 15.99 15.99 e aPPI!cqti6tr@ fc,r rftind-of tax@, @ippr(,ved. Above t6l@il C, (@ity Att(@rne,, ITRI f2609 On rnotion by Councihnan Ferrell, seco@ed by Counci@Ti CrcnT,,Tell, by recorr-led vote as follows: Ayes: Counci@ Robert H. Callis, Jr., P@t B. Crorm,,ell, Jr., Prank A. Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, D. lia=ay @4a@n, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Ilayor Earl @l. Tthault, Floyd E. Vlaterfield, Jr., @ Mayor Dc)nald H. P@es. Nays: None Abstain: Councihnan Clarence A. Holland (abstained because he has fiot officially resigned frcm thf-- Board of Trustees of the Tidewater ity Cblleae) City Council approved an appr@;)riatioi in the @unt of $5,000.00 to be transferred frcm the R--serve for Contingencies, as the City's share for tlie operation of the Tidewater Ccmunity College @d for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1971. ITEII f,2610 on @on by Councilmn PaLyne, seconded by Councihnan Crcnvell, @ by reco-rded vote as follaqs: Ayes:- Councilmen Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcm,7ell, Jr., FrarLk A. Duscli, F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holland, D. i,@ay r@n, J. Curtis Payne, Vice l,,ayor Earl M. Tebault, and Floyd E. @Taterfield, Jr. Nays: None Z,bstain: @layor Donald H. Rhodes City Council ;k@roved a transfer in th-e a,-nunt of $1,200.00 frcrn Reserve for Contingencies to the Juv@-ile and Dcme-stic R--lations Probatio-,i budget for travel to pick up run @,Tay juveniles. I=l t@261" t:,' ty un tha th ,.,r. P@er Scott, City @@ac:er, inf(D,-T,@, - e c4- co cil t in accor@az,.ce wit, e City @,)-e l-,is officc- has beel r-otifi@- bv -E,e @ail@.j@vs -@s C@anv tliat @-e State Corporation C@.ission -.@s approved a rate i-ncre-ase for bus tra-ns,-ortation-,7ithin the City of Vi-rgini,,, B--acli. I=- @l IA@2612 On motion by Counci@n Fe=ell, second@ by Coup-cilmn Dusc-h, and by recor(q-ed vote, as follcws: Ayes: CounciL7p-n Rebert il-. Callis, Jr., Robert B. CrcnT,,,7ell, Jr., Fr@, A. Dusch, F. Reid @in, C-eorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. Holla-nd, D. @'-urray I,'aLbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Yiayor E:arl M. @ault, Fl@vd E. liaterfield, Jr.,@. i-layor Donald Fl. Pd-odes. Nays: Ilone City Council approval an a@p,,oropriation to the Virginia @ch ity @@ental ITeal.th and @',eiital Rp-tarclation Services Board in the @t of $44,476, and increased estimat@, revenue frcm tl-ie Ccmuon,..7p-alth by $22,238. The rcmaining $22,238 will ccme frcm the Gel-ieral surplus. ITE,ll f;2613 On motion by Camcil-man Dusch, seconded by Counci@ Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follo,7s: Ayes: Councihnen Robert ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B. Crcm,,7ell, Jr., Frank A. @sch, F. Peid Frvir, C,,eorge R. Ferrell, Clarence A. llollal,-d, D. 1.@ray ilalbon, J. Curtis Payne, Vice llayor Farl M. @ult, Floyd E. TA'aterfield, Jr., and Playor Dor)ald H. Rhcde-s. I\Iays: I\Ione City Council.43Dprcved an appropriation of @4,662 as the City's share of th(-- Child Welfare S-,udy co@ucted by the Ti(-Iev7ater Ilealth-T@Telfare-Recreatio@Planni-ng co@nc-i-1, contingent uDon the other @tici@ting cities @ aaencies @-ing tjleir mlatching appropriations. ITEM #2614 al G. S. Patrick, representinc,, the Virgi-nia Beach BeaLutification c@ssion, th-e Virginia Beach Garden Clubs, the Virginia Beac-H Jaycees, and the Council of Civic Org-izations, alopeared before Council conceming Crie City's billboard pc)licy. @. Gven Wood, a m of the Council of Civic Organizations and a mem'Der of the Plann-ing a-@ Zoni-ng 'ttee of the Council of civic orgar-izations, ap,@ed before Council exoressing @er @oinion thalt the City Council- should consider the interest of the businessme-n, ard tlie traveling @lic in any decisioi @de regarding limitation of the construction of billboards on our highv7ays, as such billboards provide a saLLrce Of information to the trav@ling public and a source of business to the loca-1 entrepreneurs. ITTM t,2615 On mtion by Councilffian @lbon, secor0ed by OC)unci@ Holland, @ by unan@us te, City @ncil rearoointed counciltan George R. Ferrell, and Vice Mayor Farl Pi. Teb-lt tO serve on the "P,4aster ttee" for school affairs, and @ir. Scott, Ci-ty l@ger, stated tliat !,!r. Tinnes would be designated to represent him on C-le @,ttee. ITETI i,2616 Item 8(The te= o@' @,lr. Cla:@rre BryaTit and Sergeant Charles @is, on the City's Personnel Board, have expired. @@Ic-,v a..@in@- ts shoujd be nade to this @d for two ye- .) aro item 9 (@jr. C-@rge Parker has resianed frcm tlie Virginia @c-.Ia Industrial Devel@@t 7,uthority, and an aL@intm.--nt should be @-de to fill his un@, ired terni (to 6-30-72) .) on the City ? Tzmg-r I s AgexO-a were def erred up-til a later date. 1 al 2 6 1 7 0111 motion by Co@@-i-1r,,@n Fexrell, seco-n(2ed b@, council@ad- @in, an-d by una.,ii-.@s vote, City Counc@il auti-iorized -E,-ie T-)epartr.,ent of Public Utilities to construct a @,7ater line aloig B--llarTy 'lianor Drive. 1.@l 42618 On mtion by Counci -@ F=ell, seconded by CouncilTmn Holland, @ by recorded vote as follu.,7s: Ayes: Cc)uncih= Pobert P. Callis, Jr., Robert D. CrcnT@7ell, Jr., Frank A. Dusch, F. Reid. @,in, Ceorge R. Forrell, Clarence A.. lioll.@,J-, D. P.@ray P,@@n, J. Curtis Payn,@, vice iiayo.- Farl P.I. @ult, Floyd E. V,7aterfield, jr., a-nd I-ayor Donald IT. @odes. Nays: 1%7one City Council @oproved a Soil and Drainage Study to be ma(3-e alona, laski-n -,bad by He-rb -rt and Associates, Limited.,not to exceed @5,000. Ti-iis appropriation will be transferrea from @neral i,@-Unappior)riat-@. Surplils. I=@ f2619 On motion by C@cibmn Paync, seconded by Cou i-icilman -@ault, and by unanimus vote,, City Council adopted the follo,,7ing %,7aLter resolution recuest-ing the City of Norfolk to mke a connect3-on and to furn3-sh viater thrc)ugh a pro@ed water systea, l@ted at Barberton Poad, L@@-tven Boroi-igh. A RF-SOI@UI'ION REQUI-STING TIIE (;ITY OF NORFOLK To Make A Connection An(i To Furnish W-,iter TliroLt,.h A Proposed )A@at(,.r Systein, I@ocated At Barberton Road In Tli(,, City Of Virgiiiia Beacli, Furthcr Describcd Below: WHEREAS, it is proposeci by tl)e City of Virginia Bc,,ach, Vir-,inia, at the request of the L & 0 Construction Compaiiy, to c,-xtend proposed water rnains in accordaiice with thc existing contract bet een the City of Virginia Beach and the City of Norfolk, at Barberton Road, in th(? streets as listed below: NAMF- OF STREI,-T SIZE OF PIPE LINEAR FF-ET NO OF HYDRAN'IS 24th Strec@t 8" 370' - - - - - Easernent between 24th 61, 295' - - - - - & ?5th Streets 25th Street 61, 38Z' I All as described and shown on aplan entitled SITF- PI,-AN OF BARBER TON APARTMENTS, Virginia Beach, Vir@.inia, as prepared by Talbot and Associates, 1\70@V, TIIEPF-FORE, Bl,- l@@F R-F-SOI,VED, f@liat the City of 1Norfolk be and it hereby is reqiostecl to rr)ake a coiiiicction of the propose(i \@,a',-Or m,-inf,, with the pl,eseiit rnaiiis of said City at tlie saicl cicsi,,iiatic,ii, ancl upon completion of thc stipply @,ater to coi-isii-iic,,i-s ref,,idiiig tlicrcoi-t, installatio,i of i,he pi-opo,,;ecl i-naii-is, to it I)ein, e)<pressly @tnclerstood an(3 a i-eccl tl-iat tl)e supplyill@ of said wat@er by the City of Norfoll@ sliall be ul)on an(I sul@ject to the, followin, t-rrn-; and conclitions: 1. That the saici watcr rnains sliall be iiistalled iii accorclance with the specifications of the said City of Norfoll@ an(I to tlie sai@isfactio)l of the Director of F)ublic Works of said City, at no cost lo the City of Norfoll@. 2. That the -,vater so stipIDliecl tl)roiigh sai(I Tnains to coiisiii-ners shall be at the saine rate iio\\,, or li(!reaft(,r, cliar,e(l I)y tlie City of Norfolk to consuiners beyoncl tlie lirnits of said City sii-nilii-ly situ@ILC(I. 3. That all oi-cli-na7aces of i@he City of Norfolk aiad a)l rules ancl regulations of the Division of Water Stil@ply of sai(i Gi.ty, now oi- hereaftcr a(lopi:eti and ptit i.nto effect, relating to the furnisliii-,g of water sliall apply to tlie suppl@,ing of water throligli tlie se,ici proposecl miin,. 4. That the sa.id Gi@y of Norfolk sliall be uitdei, no obli,,atioi-i to furnish more water than its (listril)Lition systeni as 3iow lai(l, -,vith the prc,,ssure carried, will del.iver into sai(I mains, ancl if tlie saicl supplyiii, of Nv-,iter shall iiot bc in accordaiice witli the slanclarcl service, the said City of Norfoll,, slial.1 not be licld re,.;ponsible in any way. 5. That in supplyiii, water to co)isuiners al,oii,,, the stid pi-oposed mains, the City of Norfolk will sul)ply the sanic oiily frorn iiis sui@pILIS sLipply, and that iii no event shall there be any obli,,Ition on tlie part of saicl City to supply water to any consuniers alon, the proposed rnains at any time whei), in tlie jiicl,,,cnlciit of tlie Goiincil of tlie said City of Norfolk, the said City shall not liave stifficiel)t supply for u@e witliin its corr)orate limits, or whenever the stipplyiiig of saicl -,vater shall ii)terfere -,@,ith the discharge of the duty of said City to supply water to its own iiihabitants. 6. That from and after the iiistallation of tlie -,@,ater mai.ns and hydrants they shall beconic the property of the City of Virgiiiia Beach. The City of Virginia Bc!ach shall grai-it to tilic City of Norfolk the right to use such mains an(I hydrants for the supply of water, and further grants to the City of Norfolk reacly and reasonable access to tliem. 7. That for any fire hyclrant installed at the request of tlie City of Virginia Beach, a rental payment of One ITuiidrel Dollars ($100. 00) a year for each hydrant sliall b(,, paid to the City of Norfolk. ADO)FED BY TIIF, COUNCIL of the City of Vii-ginia Beach, Virginia this day of I 9@6 APPROVED: A T'@l f2620 by record@ vote On mo;-ion by CconciL@ Pal.-e, by F=ell, ar.@,l as f ollcr.-is: 2 %-y e,- :Counc@,en Rcbert H. Callis, Jr., Pd---rt B. Cr@. 7ell, Jr., FraLnl,, A. @cn, F. Reid awin, C--org- P,. Ferrell, CIETence A. T-). @@,urray l@albon, J. C.Lirtis Payrie, Vice l@layor Earl 1,1. @ault, Flo@d E. @-@ate-rfield, Jr., an,-l D.I@@7or Dc>.nald H. PIicdes. Nays: I\Ione City Council elected to have closcd @,-etings on Sep -r 28, 1970, and October 5, 1970, to disctiss pcrsomel and legal inattcrs, as @tt,@ by ITIie Code of Virginia. ITFM f,2621 CouncihTan F. Reid @in rec@zed @ir. Jad, i gs, a m@er of the Virginia Bead,l Surfing P-,ssociation, for his out-c;tanding service in the success of tlie @st Co-ast Surfi-ng CienTionsh-ip held in Virginia Bcach. ITFid f,2622 On mtion by Counci-@ Dusch, s-ecor0ed by Counci@ Hollanc3, the meeting aldjourned. City Clexk Donald Fl. Rhodes, Dlayor Cit vi-rgi'-nla Se,,D r 14, 1970