HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 31, 1994 MINUTES "WORLD'S LARGEST RESORT CITY" CITY COUNCIL AGENDA SPECIAL SESSION MARCH 31, 1994 1. FORMAL SESSION - Council Chamber - 12:00 NOON A. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf B. ELECTRONIC ROLL CALL OF CITY COUNCIL ii. READING OF MAYOR'S CALL TO SPECIAL SESSION ill. 1994-1995 FISCAL YEAR OPERATING BUDGET James K. Spore, City Managet iv. ADJOURNMENT M I N U T E S VIRGINIA BEACH CITY COL)NCIL Virginia Beac,), Virginia March 31 1994 Mayor Meyera E. Oberndorf called to order the PRE@5ENTATION of the 1994-1995 FISCAL YEAR OPER,4TINGBUDGETandCAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROG MlothcVIRGINL4BEACHCITY COUNCIL in the Council Cliami),!r, Cit,v IIall Buildiitg, (@ii lu,-s(la.N , Varc h @31, 1994, at 12. 00 NOOV@ Council Members Presetit: Johri A. Bautn, l,iii R,ood 0. Braiicli, III, iatn(@,s R Br(izier, fr., l@obert @V. Clyburti, Robert K. I)eati, Louiv I?. J@@ites, Iaul I. l,allicigll(,, Alla),or Meyera Oberii,lorf, Nancy K I'arA(,t (iii,l Vic,, tfay(,r IVilliatti 1). Sessotns, Jr Couticil Members Abs(,Iit: Johii I). Moss Item II-A. ITEM 37861 The Mayor read the CALL TO SPECIAL SESSION: "IIONOI?ABLE OF, CIIY CO[IN( IL@ Iii accordaiice with the City Charter, Section 3.06, the City Code, Sectioii 2-21, and by the authority vested in nie as Mayor of the City, I hereby call a SPECIAL FORAL4L SESSION of the P7RGINIA BEACH (-ITY COUNCIL iii the C,'ouncil (-'hatnber, ('ity Ilall Buildirig, ,ii lhurstlay, 12:00 VOON, War(h 31, 1994, f(,r the following purl@(,,@- (a) Presentatio)i of t/je 1994-1995 FISC,4L YEAR OPEPATING BUDGE7* aiil CAPITAL IMPROTIEME,VT PROGRAM. sIMe.v@(-ra /,,. Oberti(lorl mav(,, March 31, 1994 Cit@- MEYERA E. OBERNDORF MAYOR MUNICIPAL CENI EH IIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA 23456-900@ (80@) 4?7 4581 .14(irch 29, 1994 IIONORABLE MFMBERS OI,'c7l ('OUN(-'II, In accordance with the City Charter, Section 3.06, the C'ity (,,)de, ,;ectiori 2-21, and by the authority vested in me as Mayor of the City, I hereby call a SPECIAL FORMAL SESSION of the VIRGINL4 BEACII CITY COUNCIL in the Cou,,cil ('Itattlbcr, (,ity liall Buildilig, (,ti 17fursday, 12:00 N()ON, March 31, 1994, f(,r the following purpose: (a) 1resentatioti of the 1994-1995 FISCAL YFIR OPE TIN(; BUDGET nd CAPITAL IMPROJIEMENT PROGRAM Si,icer,'4t, M,,v(,ru I . M,ii,,,r MrOlbh rlrginia Be e@(ive&Noti(c Councilman John A. Baum /C, Councilman Linwood 0. Branch Councilman James W. Brazier, Jr. Councilman Robert W. Clyburti Councilman Robert K Dean Councilman Louis R Jones Councilman Paul J. Lanteigne Councilinan John D. Mosv Councilwoman Nancy K Ilarker rice Mayor William D. Sesyoms - @5 Fy 1994-1995 OPE TING BUI)GET 12.-OO,VOON E. ITEAI # 37862 De7l, B Dre Af ,,d IlIdget, (,,t f 'O' 'oe ,4 , - , f .4.' pl@ y 994195, h f"r fli e, fl,@1/2 I "til Afallage,., rl",O ededR @l g S B d el d '4e Ye", e t 'he (-'ity,,, 0 4 h per.,,.g RESOuRCE FY I994195 '-@ @ @I@ TIIE CLOA Continued Productil,ity I, Econo,71 y 'PrOl't'lizeitt, iftiprop',ng Et-ono,,y ,,d Lo@er stildellt (;,O- S4ate Repen,, BR4CC; @ke (;aAtoll RE,S'OUR Fy 1994195 CE ALLOCATION THE FRAAIEWORA: PL@,IN SlralghtfOrward Council priritlcs A4@tlEXCeedc,d GOUIS aild Ex,pectatiot,.@: OCtOber FOrecast February i,eittr Balance The Future FY 1994195 OPERATING BUD(;E7' l@@Y 0,3194 ],'Y 941t)5 % Schools $350,1)01,515 $372,72-@.4@'I 5.02 City 300,,,-23,681 310,187,228 3,15 Utilities 69,,391,455 70,81-3,510 2,05 TOIAL iL6 Highlights Include: Rcductiori itt perso)ial prol)ct,ty tax rate )j 10 ceitt.1/2 (,S-i @@O I,) $,?. 70). 28 additiotial Poli4, ,Ifict,rs for (otnmuiiii@ r(,dufi(,it ,f 10 I,TE overall Modest, fair pay, a@i)U-Ytlltc)lts fol- City aii,l (Io,,l (,f fuiids equal to 3% of payroll.) @t-hool B(,ard would listril)ut(, tiieii fuiids as th(!y deem appropriate. , geticral ilicrease (2(7() ,ii Itily I atid Uj) I(, 2 5% merit for eligible ,tnl)loyt,es o)i their aiiiiiv,crvar@ (I(il(, $340.8-MILLION ft)r sch,,ol operating j@ri,/. Itici,,as,, )f $1 7.-3 - MILLION over 1993194. lutids fully all pi o,@runi,@ (iii,i p(,sitio)i.@ I)oes [lot fully futid pay I aiYe r(,quest. Realignments to ittil)r(,ve eff(,(,Iivciicss More retiewal a@ii] - 4 FY 1994-1995 CAPITAL iMpRovEMp,@N7, PROGRAM 12:35 P.M. ITEM # 378(,3 NEW 6-YEAR,4PPROPRL4TION @4UTIIORITY 1"Y 93, FY 94195 - 9, General Improvemc Schools 157.662 S152.86M All Other* 182.84A 159.46M 719tal Getieral Improvements '312 32M Utilities 102.46M 110@27M GRAND TOTAL $436,95 &22.59M *Roadways, Coastal, Buildiiigs R,-cr(,atio@i aiiii '](,uri,@iti I),,,@,lopmelit @I'l,e (@al)ital Budgel ]'Y 93194 FY 94,,95 $1 1 O.,V5M $97.92M Highlights Include: Withiii debt maiia (,ttieitt I)olicie,1/2. More reliaiice oit VI)OI iii i-oa(IKay pi,o@i-@itti. (it fu,i(],y all()cal(,Ci t() Southeasterri @I)r,,.vsway, LUST (Ieakijjg Uitelergrourid @forage fuliciilig litcr(-USC. More charter bolids f()r Vil,,;@if t() reduct ('01' i.1/2,u,-. 30th Street project. Per policy, 93194 (,itdiii,@ balaitcc iiiclud(,,I. Schools: Increased futidiiig, ailv,ati(-ed vchool (oit @trut ii(,Il BRACC school rel)la(-(,nierit fuiided ADA fuiided oi,et 4 ) eai-@1/2 New schools are i ight@vizei, Fuiidirig for 230 aellitioils available )i(,@ I@ortables esseiiii,iliv cliriiiiiated Adds 18,000 studeiii capacitv vv 7,500 proje(le(i studeiii gr()wth Perprevious C.1,11@@, July- 1995, iticrease )j 5.2, (,i,(s rt,,Iuired t() i,a- for new schools, school.1/2 aitd AI)@l. March 31, 1994 - 5 - 1994-1995 OPE)?A TIN(; BUDGET AND CAPIT,IL 1,VPROVEMENT PROG ITEM # 37s64 SCHEDULE TO REVIEW PROPOSED FY 1994-1995 OPERA 77NG BUDGETICIP I rormal Sess,,,,, Cf)uncil Chamb, council Chamber Cill io,oo,ilii Couticil Chamb,,r 5@ 00 ll,w oo 1,Af ("ity Coulicil ( (la I l,orma lfnne esday I wo ncil C, No(,ii - 2,01@ 1,tf 2. Oc) I'Al - 4 oo I,,, 00 l"i 00 /',i l'uesday l,,i4 MaY- Obe-dorf rclf(,reticed h(,i Butk,t Rt"'iew Pro('esv utid the Mayor and City Council Ground Rules, Reaffirm the grouii(i rules fr(,tn our goal -s(@iiiiig ,@()rA.1/2hol,, Direct your itidiv,iclu(il questioii5- r(,quiriig a writit'll revl,olls e to I/ic City Manager wh(, ",ill b(, vure iliat th,' J411 "(,uii,il tle respofise. Iii flial h,,@ t,i,er@@ Coutic,i v,, bc ,il a, i,,fortnation 1 h tli,, 1/2,itne al,tjilabl, ul),),, I,,Iiiclt to bus(, Bc, serisitive to iiii,it@@ Ill,j /,e tol)it a,' Use flie telephoile, )r I'@l f(@r quevii(@11,1/2 to or collf'rmifig aii uiidt,t,t(iii,litig. If - itidividual qucyti(Il i5' goilig to require cxf,,,Iyi,,,, Staff time to research and respoli(i (tn(@re ihall 8 hours ()f w(,rk), there tice(ly it) be at least 3 other C'Ouilii M(,Illbers who have a io ilie reacurch carried out. 7hi,@ iA t,, ai,oi(i ille @ytaff d(@ill,@ u @r,'elt it-al @ w()rk oti narrow issues, witici@ i(, i,,)t ha,,, k,,ide iiiter,,.st o, fhus, (i@@ia iii,@ other resp(@iise@ March 31, 1994 - 6 - 1994-1995 OPERATING BUDGET ANI) CAPITIL I,41PROIIFMENT PROGRAM ITEM # 37864 7he CitY Staff is recotn),neiidiiig the Scho()l Operaiii,g B,,,4qel alid (,'al)ilal I),nproveme,t 1r(@qram be discussed on 4pril 12, 1994. 7his will give the @chool Board ail(] Admiiiytratiott the opportuiiity i(i fully review the documents. Vice Mayor Sessoms requesied the difference finan(-irig th,@ Varitie @cietice Muyeum with 13ond., Cr.. COPS in savings and intert'st coyl. Vice Mayor SeyAom.1/2 requested tl7,@ (,@ity Manager i;it,esfigaf(, establishing a pilot program ft,r poli(-e cars beirig t,4k,@ii h(,Ill,,. Councilman Deaii read iiito (Ii, i (,, or(i letter of I(,hli 1). Afo.1/2.@ "I)ear lionoral)le Alayor a)ld Metnb,,rs of ('if@ (-,,)Ullcil. I regret I c aiinot share the tjooii hour h,ilh -@lou to(lay- tvhile today's presentation, iii the City Mailager.v wordv is largf-4 ceremoiiia4 it iv the public@firsilo(,katthe(,@ityManager'@vre(,o,7itneii,latioiis. @ilic,,IlleCity Manager has liricfed us iiidividually iii iliere @ir,! a f(,,w cotnmerits I @;(,ulti IiA,(, t(, niak(-. F,irst, I al)pteciale my fcll(@w (,(,uii(il Wetribers vul)p(,rlillg my request to tlic Operatiiig Bud,@,,t iiid ('@jl)it(ii Itnf,roveltie@it Program (C@I'.) iiilo a siiigle d(,,civioii-itiakifig pr(,cess. I tha)ik the (,'ity Manager a)i@i )iis staff fi)r makiiig thiY 1,laj(,, in,,Ihol il7,pi-cts,v(,metit a reality. 7he b(,ii(,fits arc ijunterous, /lot to itictitioll fre,- w,,(,keii(iv aiid ilie lack of publi(- h,,at i,igs aird workvhol)s lliis 1, ,@econd, I al)l)ret iatt.' the City Maiiag(-r 1),,trig reyl)oiisive to Councilmaii D(-uti',Y, (,@oun(ilwomaii aii(i /7iy request (@arlier this yearfor pcrsolial prol)erty tax rtlief. @ffit,r u r(,(orti @(,t (@ ii(,Ii, laxcv aiid fees imposed lasi y(,cir, m(,re reinaiiis i(, bt, iii provi(iiii t,iv telicf. The Manager's I"(Iltlfttllltlli(jtioii maA(,, f@,i j teirl ft)i Ill (,f u,% to itnprove ul)(,ii Ihird, I sul)l,,)rf fli(- ('ily Maiiaget's ;',ightsize" new sclzool cotistiu(tio)i. Ih@e chaiigt,s (],) ii(,t sactifi-ce the (ju(ility of instructioti but doe,% pr()vitle ille opj)f)rtuiiit@ t(, ad(liesa )Ihel- presviilg school capital ii(-eds previ()usly uiifun(le,i. I al)preci(it,, tht- City Manager@ resp(,@i(litig to (,ur maiiy 0,1 [lie ii,,ed ft,r a new VOTECII (citt(,r ii, th(- iiortherii part ,)f th,, @ ii P'ourth, ilie @2--.Villioit iiow r(,fl(@ct@,dft)i, (idi@iiit(- (ic(lui@siti(,Il f()r tll(, ,5outheasterii 11(-,,(Icdl(,r IvA(, publi( safety prioriti(@,. 1/1,, , oll,@liuclioll ()f th@' Bootl7 rirc I'@ifth, tl7e t,stiti,al,,d @6-Alillioli eii(iiii,@juiid I)alaii(e Ylloul,l b,- uvcd to reduce isyuaii,,, of dcbt, atid thus furtlit@t elue atiy future tax iticrease associated with scliool cotistru(ti(,ii- lfy',@rowitig the budget I)y less than the growth iri rcveitue over several bu(ig,,tv K,c (aii clitniiiale the needfor the curr(,iii ,stittiated future tax @fit ri,(ise /(,l 1/2(llools (,(Illllot accotnplish a @,)ai liot s,,/. Ihaiik you, A4i ft,r r(,(idiiig nt1/2 i,il,, th(, r(,, (,r(/. ulid thank y(,u, Alaflii?i for th(@ pi,it@il@ .,I.Iolltl 1). )i March 31, 1904 - 7 - 1994-1995 OPEP-4 TING BUDGET ANI) CAPI7:4L IMPROI,'FMENT PROGRAM ITEM # 37864 Ihe City Manager distributcl a 1rol)osed Review I'rogi art, (,)r th,, C'itj (,@ouiic il WORK-@H()Il of April 5, 1994. Groupitig I Eeonottiic I)evelopmelit Deparim(@nt Coriveritiort and Visitor Developttie)it I)tpartineiit Museums Del)artment (includilig Arfv @ liunlatiities) L@'cononiit,'Y'ourism Developmeitt @e(tio@, (,f ih(, (-'II' Groupiiig @@ ]Ieulth I)cl)ai-ittielit Meiital IlealihIMI?I,@A Depart,7ieiii Social Serviccs Dcj)artment (iii(ludiitg Child @ervice Cenicr aiid (-'ommuiiify,';crvices,l(-t, iii(lud(,s (onitneiit ()Ti related ( ll'l)rojectv) coi(; Tinie Perittitti?zg Lil)raric.v I)ark@s aii,i Re,,re,iii,)il (iliclu(iiii,@ I?(,creuti()Il 7he City Manager expresved al)l)reciatioii to Mr. Blo(-k aiid his staff ft)r their unselfish and dedicated efforts, which involved niatty R,e(,kerids of work. 7h,, Vuiiagt,r alvo apf)r,,ciated the efforts of th,@ Department Directors aiid th,,it 1),,I)arittienful Budg(,t ';I(iff. Ae City Manager@ staff divirit,ute(i the (](@culneiiis. Resource Illocatioil Plail Fi.vcal Yeti, 1994 - 1995 Volui?ie I E,VECIITIT,,E SUMMARI@ Volunte H - FY 1994-95 OPFRATIN6 BUDGEI' Volu,7te Ill - FY 1994-95 / FY 1999 - 2000 CAPITAL IMPROT"EMENT PROGRIII Ihe City Manager advised a BU'DGET BOTLINE ha.v I)e(,ii ,,stabli.@hed utiliziiig the Beach Litie Number and punching iti Code 699. Qu(,.1/21io)i,1/2 regai-(Iing th,, Ilu(ig,,t (ii e recorcied aii(I the individual will be contacted personally with a r,,Il . AIutcrial-v re tit(, But@@(,t aot@i (,71' ure beiiig diytributed to all of the Civic and Busitiess ()rgaiiizatio)i,@ IA-ati,,, l,i@1/21) aii(i (ol)ies of the Budget and ('II' will be distributed to all publi, March 31, 1994 Ltem Iv ADJOURNMENT ITEM 37865 May- Oberndorf DECLAREli th, M,'cliti,@ .41)JOI-!RNED (it /:10 II.M. Be,rly 0. FIook,,, cmc Chief Deputy City ('Ierk - --------------------- City Clerk vt,,vcru 01)(,rfidorf @tfav(,l CitY of rzrginia Beach Virginia March 31, 1094