HomeMy WebLinkAboutJULY 19, 1976 MINUTES OF THE HONORABLE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH, VIRGINIA July 19, 1976 The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers, in the Administration Building, in the Borough of Princess Anne, on Monday, July 19, 1976, at 2:00 p.m. The invocation was given by Mr. Richard J. Webbon, City Clerk. Council Members present: John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Viayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., @leyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, R. L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Council Members absent: None ITEM #9878 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Vice Mayor Standing, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Council Members John A. Baum, Robert B. Croinwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Nlav,,)r Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Meyera E. Oberndori, J. Curtis Payne, R. L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floycl E. Ilaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of July 12, 1976, and dispensed with tlie readiii- of said minutes inasmuch as eac, Nlemt)er had a copy of the su'L) ect minutes. ITEM #9819 On motion by Couiicilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman McCoy, and by recorded vote as @lollows: Ayes: Council Membet,s John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. (@,riffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henrv @@,[cCoy, Jr., Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payiie, R. L. Riggs, Vice Mavor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. @Vatcrfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to approve on second reading the low bid of Crowder Contracting Company, Incorporated, in the amount of $734,000 for the Wickes and Kempsville Road water tanks; and further authorized the City Manager to itegotiate for the purchase or condemnation of the property. Petition of Bayshore Develonei@t Corpo@ tio!i for a Ch,-in(7e of ZoninQ District Classific,ition from AG-1 A,,rictiltlir;il 1) to R bistrict on certain property located on tlie l@ast si(c of (,c(,ana FOtllcvard belglilning at a point 1,670 feet more or lcss ,\'orth of I,,)ndc)n fir,'C,,e Road, rwuiing a distance of 468 feet more or less along the East side of Oc'eana Boulevard, running a distance of 203.60 feet along the Nortlicrn property line, running a distance of 541 feet along the Eastern property liic ind running a distance of 220 feet more or less along the Souther-n propert,, line. Said parcel contains 2.4S acres n@ore or less. Pi"%I,@,CESS VNT-, 1-@-@OUGH. Plarming Commission Recorrnend@Ltion: A motion was passed unanimcusly by the Planning Cormission by a recorded vote of 12 to apptove tliis request. For the info@,mation of tlie ap,,)Iicant, prior to the issuance of a building per- mit, the following will be required by the administrative staff: 1. Standare. im,,)roveinents as required by the Subdivision Regulations. 2. Any futlire subdivision ol.@ Red i\lill Farm must inclilde these lots in the total open sdace acreage. .3. C,, ry Wq rt? dv!) sc wf,?, Further, this ordinance sluill be effective upon satisfactory compliance to the conditions imposed in tliis Tr,,Dtion, and it is Lmderstood and agreed to by the applicant that the offil-ial chan@,e on the zoning maps will not be made until the following conditioii@ Zil-C satisfied: A dedication of right-of-way 30 feet from the centerline of the existing 50 foot right-of-i,:a@, iil@Dng the 468 foot frontage on Oceana Boulevard (a 5 foot dedication). Mr. Thomas C. Broyles, Attorney, represented the p'etitioner. On motion by Councilman l@ayne, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Council Nlembers john A. Baum, Robert B. Cormwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Johii R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Heni-y McCoy, jr., Nleyera E. Oberridorf, J. Curtis Payne, R. L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patr@ck L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the following ordinance upon petition of Bayshore Development Corporation for a Zonl n Dlstrlct n from AG-1 Agricul ura han e of g s Classificatio t I Dist ict to R-3 Re 1 ential District: ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF BAYSHORE Z0776183 DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR A CHANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FROM AG-1 Agricultural District TO R-3 Residential District Be it ordained by the (,ouncil of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that: Petition of Bayshore Development Corporation for a Change of ZoninQ District Classification from AG-1 Agricultural District to R-3 Resi ential District ori certain property located on the East side of Oceana Boulevard beginning at a point 1,670 feet more or less North of London Bridge Road, i,unning a distance of 468 feet more or less along the East side of Oceana Boulevard, running a distance of 203.60 feet along the Northern property line, running a distance of S41 feet along the Eastern property line and running a distance of 220 feet more or less along the Southern property lille. Said parcel contains 2.45 acres more or less. Princess Anne Borough. For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following will be required by the administrative staff: 1. Standard improveiiients as required by the Subdivision Regulations. 2. Any future subdivision of ReLl Mill Farm must inclu FurL!ier, this ordinance shall be effective uP(,,n SaLl!,Ldl-LUIY to the conditions imposed in this itiotion, and it is understood and agreed to bv the applicant that the official change on the zoning maps will not be'made until the following coriditions are satisfied: 1. A dedication of right-of-way 30 feet from the centerline of the existing 50 foot right-of-way along the 468 foot frontage on Oceana Boulevard (a five-foot dedication). ITEM #9881 Petition of The Lakes, InC., for a Change of Zoninc,. District Classification la from A-1 Apartment District to R_ 6 Resi ent r Distric-t 0 ertain property located at the SOuthi@est intersection of Stoneshore Road and Riverbend Road running a distance of 447 feet niore or less along tlie t@est side of Riverbend Road, running a distance of 312 feet more or less along tlle Southern property line, nmning in a North@,Testerly direction a distancc of 49S.90 feet, running in a Northerly direction a distance of 89.44 feet and rurlning a distance of 599.48 feet more or less alona the South side of Stoneshore Poad. Said par- cel S.4 ac---s =-e c,- PRINPIFSS A-@l- BOROLTGII,. Planning Coirnission Recommendation: A motion was passed unanimously bv the Planning Commission by a recorded vote of 12 to approve this request. For tlie information of the applicant. prior to the issuance of a building per- mit, the followiiig wi.11 be required by thE ,idministrative staff: 1. Standard improvements as required by the Subdivision Regulations. 2. City water and sewer. Mr. Walter Monahart represented the petitioner. On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Council Members John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr,, Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, R. L. Riggs, Vice May()r Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. @vaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the following ordinance upon petition ol@ The Lakes, Incorporated, for a Change of Zonin@ District Clas!;ification from A-1 Apartment District to R-6 Re-,;i er ORDINANCE UPON PETITION OF THE LAKES, ZO'776184 INCORPOPATED, FOR A CIIANGE OF ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION FRO@,T A-1 Apartment District TO R 6 Residential District Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that: Petition of The Lakes, Incorporated, for a Change of Zoning District Classification from A-1 Apartment District to R-6 Residential District on certain property located at the Southwest intersection of Stoneshore Road and Riverbend Road running ;t distance of 447 feet more or less along the West side of Riverbend Road, running a distance of 312 feet more or less along the Southern property line, running in a Northwesterly'directi of 49S.90 feet, running in a Northerly direction a distance of 89.44 feet and running a distance of 599.48 feet more or less along the South side 0 Stoneshore Road. Said parcel contains S.4 acres more or less. Princess Anne Borough. For the information of the applicant, prior to the issuance of a building permit, the following will be require(I by the admi.nistrative staff: 1. Standard improvements as required by the Subdivision Regulations. 2. City water and sewer. ITEM #9882 Application of Dn,"l, E. B:)nnev for a Conditional [Jse Pemit for an automobile service station on certain prop@rty loc Princess Anne Road and @\fill Landing Roaci, running a distance of 171.4 feet alon@ th t@e at t 0 30LItFels-t intersection of e South side Of @fill Landin, istance of 178.71 feet alonl the Eastern propertv 1. Ro@@, rWIning a d' erty line a@d r' e 1 5.7 feet along the SoutherIl prop- 1/2ne, -nriing a (ilstanc of 6 Pr urming a distance of 200 feet along the East side of incess Anne Road. Said parcel contains 31,915 square feet mare or less. PLJNIGO BOROLJG.II. Planning Commission Recommendation: A motion ivas ])assed Lmanimously by the Planning Cornission by a recorded vote of 12 to appr@ve this request.' Mr. Cecil Simpson represented the petitioner On motion by Councilman Waterfield, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Council Members Jobn A. Baum-, George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin J. Henry McCoy, Jr. J. Curtis Payne, R. L. Riggs, Vice Ma),or P;trick L. Standing, a@d Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: Council Members Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Mayor Clarence A. Holland, and Meyera E. Oberndorf. Absent: None City Council adopted the following Resolution upon application of Donavon E. Bonney for a Conditional Use Pe for an automobile "@l u@ @ermit er of dedications): service station. (This Is u et to te RESOLUTION UPON APPLICAI'ION OF DONAVON R0776070 E. BONNEY FOR A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR AN AUTOMOBILE SERVI@-,E STATION Be i, resolved by the Council of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, that: Application of Donavon E. Bonney for a Conditional Use rmit for an automobile service station on c 'r zain proper Sotith- east intersection of Princess Anne Road and Mill Landing Road, rtinning a distance of 171.4 feet along the South side of @-fill Landing Ro-id, running a distance 0f178.71 feet along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 165.7 feet along the Southern property line and running a distance of 200 feet along the East side of Princess Anne Road. Said parcel contains 31,915 squai-e feet more or less. Pungo Borough. (Subject to the waiver of dediczitions). r t i n i ITEM #9883 Application of IVilliim Ii. and Rachel S. Pallette, 111, for a Conditional Use Pennit for ti@o dul)lexcs on ctrtain prop,,,r-@ locat(@d ,t the Nort ca-,t c@in 0 ypress Avenue aiid Lake Diivc@, runnil@,@ a distince of 110 feet aloniz the East side of Cypress A@,enLIO, rtLrin4.no a distaiice of 100 fe-t along the,North- ern property line, rurmin@, a distance of 110 feet along the Eastern property line and running a distance of 100 feet alon t No t, @q lie r @ side of Lake-Drive. Said parcel contains 11 000 square feet. VIRC,!NN BF@CII BOROLJGH. Planning Commission Recommenddtion: A wtion was passed unanimously 'Dy the PlaTuiing CoTmtission by a recorded Vote of 12 to approve this request. For the informaticn of tlie applicant, )rior 1,@ the iSSLiance of a buildin,ly per- mit, the folloiring x,:ill @(@ requi.red by tfic ;,dministritive staff: 1. Standard site @provemcnts @is required l@@, @y!e Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City i,,ater ind se,,er. 3. Provision of arl. Zi@@(@tiatelv sized drain,,,qe easl-mcnt and stortn drain. 4. A minimlzn liarkiii,@ re(iuirement of 1 1;12 f@irkin@ spaces per Lmit. The site plan is to be revise@ and the soutilern I@),ice on Lot A is tc@ be eliminated or cF..,,Iol'a'le(i to the ea,@l' of 11,@@ s-,i',,icture. Mr. Shelby R. Palle,t( representc@,,-, t,@e :I)I)Iicant. On motion by Councii.,nan Rii,gs, seconded by \'ice @layor Standinu and by recorded vot(, as follows@ Ayes: Council AIemi)t@r,, lohii A. 13ail@, Ro@, ort B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, )Il@@l R. Grifl-il,, klav@,-.i A. liolland. J. Heney McCoy, Jr., J, Curtis Payne, R. L. Riggs, Vice Mayor I,. Stari,',i@,,,, i@i@ Ilov(l E. W@iterfielc@, Jr, Nays: None Absent: None City Council adopted the followir@g Lir)oji application of Williani H. and Rache': Pa.Ile-@te, 111, a Conciitional Ljse Permit for two duplexes: RESOL[illON TJPO'I' AjPl,l(@A"toN OF iVILLIA@l 14. RO,71,601, AND RACFIEI, S. PALI,!-:T@t@l-, l@', F()R A CON DJqTONAI, USI-', IIERl@li I:(,,p 'Fl@O ljtjflf@,FXES Be it resolved bv tht? C()@incil of ti@i,, (if @'ii@@Iiiiia Beacli, V@rginia, that: Application oL- Willi@iiri ii, and Rachel S. I TTI, for a C,)ndilional Use Permit for two dtiplexes on certain ptoporty loc.@ite@i at the N'ortheast corner of Cypress Avc,g,jc ap,@'t ',ake r@ui)iiiii@, a distance of' 110 @@eet along the East side (,,- C,,,Pr(,ss Aven@ie, rLi.,iniig @i L!istaiice of 100 f(,et along the Nortliern pi,operty line, riiiiniii,@ll a o4- l'O fef,t along the Eastern propert@@ liiie @ind ruini.,@, @i J@@t inc@-, )i 10t) feet a-lorig the North side of Lake Dri,.r(-, Said p@ii-, 11,000 square leet. Virginia Beach Boro,(i@)h. For the informatioii )C !te applicai@@, pi-@c,,r to the iSSLiance of a building permit, the followiiig w'@ll be requi-,-('d 1,@., a,imiiiisti@ative staff: 1. Standard site improvements as @-c,(Iuire(i b%, the Site Pliti Ordinance, 2. City watel.- ,i,id sewer. 3. Provision of in -ide,.-ILiatel), s@,-ed cirainage easement and storm draiii. 4. A minimuni parking reqtjirc@itent- (,f 1:,. i-,arking spaces pei@ unit. The s ite p] aii i s t(,@ t)e ret i ,ecl and the ';OLlthei@Ti parking space on I-ot A is , o 1 i ip,; ri@i to@l or i-e locatet to the east o!- ',)c @;triActur,, ITEM #9884 t e dgP for a Conditional Use Per- Application of V. Alf@d and Maribelle M. E h r. mit to cperate a te-@r.@ par@g jot on 2erta- pmperty located on Me of Atlantic Avenu(-- beginnijig at a poi-nt ' h@e @st i5O feet South of 24th St-met, running a distance of 100 feet along the Eaft side of Atlantic Avenue, run,@ a distance of 150 feet alc)ng thE'. Southern property line, running a distarice of 100 feet along the Eastern property line and r,Tming a distance of 150 feet along the Northern pro_@r--y line. Said @el corltai-ns 15,000 squaie feet. Plats with mre detai-led information al,,e avai-Lable in the Depa t of Pl- .9. VIRGINIA BEACH BOROUQI@ Planning Comissicn Rec-omendatiDn: A wtion was passed @imusly by the Planpj..rg Commission be a recorded vcte of 11 to appmve thic r@tiest fcr a pericxl cf @,O days subject to the follo,,iing: 1. The site plan sha-11. be revised to confor.,n to -he 3 foot front yard set- back as mquired i-n -@ection 712 (c) of 'he CZO. Par@ is prohibited in the setbar-k ared. 2. The oderation of ,,P@d-ing mchines at tILis @3ite sha-1.1 be prohibited. Mr. V. Alfred Ethe,idge, jr., Attoryie,y rc,presented the applicarts. On motion by Coujici@maii Riggs, second@,, by Councilman Cromweil, and by recorded VOTC, a,; FG]IOWS: Ayes: Council Meml,ers John A. BaaTp,, R,-,bert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, foliri R. (,riffii, Ma@'or @lare,,)co A. liolland, 1. '@uitis Ilayr,,e, R. L. J. Henry McCoy, Ji-. , 7@levera E. Oberjlt',@)i f ,7 Riggs, Vice Mayor '@:,tr',k Stan,:!,D@, i@rid Fl l@. @Vaterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: Norie City Council adopteli tht@ foliowin@@ Resoltition tipon applicati,on of V. Alfred and @laribel'(, @,'. Ltf)eri(Ige l(@i 1 Conclitional @lse to operate a tempoi,.@r@ I,,aiking lot, RFSOL.@l!'flON LJPON ()I- ,AI,FRED R0776072 ANi) @.,@RIBFI,I,E M. E'FIIERII)(@ll F('R A CONDI'FIONA" IJSF PER@IJ- 7'0 OP['R@" F @ 7' FIIJI( i@AR' ['ARKING Be it resolved b), t i, (--@in,@i I of tli@, (@i @)f@ kir,,,inia Bea,--h, 'Jirgini'l, that: Application of V. Aifred and Maribe'l(, i@'her;cl,,Ie for -1 '--On(litional Use Permit to operal,- temporai@y lot an prop(@rtv lo- cated on the East s.,Ic ()f \tlantic 'at a poirit 150 feet South of 24th ,,'treet, riinnin@., @i ,f l(@"I I-oet alorig the East side of Atlanti- running i cl' 150 feet along the Southern property r@iiining a ]isi,@iicc if 11)(1 feet alon.@ '-lie f@astern property line aiid @i clistaii-.(@ oi@ 1,@) fc@ct alon@, tlie Nol,tiierri pro- perty line. Said P!ii@,--cl :(.,ntairil_; !-C,(?t. Plats with inore detailed informati,-)i, -i@a-@labl(, "i) of lllanning. Virginia Beach Bor,)t@@,@i Approval is subject lo ?@he followi@ig 1. The site plaii shall he re-,,ised to :ont-orm to the five foot front yard setback a,@ r(?qtiir-ed in Secticn -/12(c) @@ (,n,, 7 is of the Comi,@l,l _ _, V , I @ 0 TI, I! g q r, Ti, 1) a i k i n g prohibited ,-, 'Yic, @otba(-k are.-,. 2. The operati,-,-,l of vending @@l thi@ site shall be proh@t@il--,@, Application of @hirpF,-@, Oil (-Orl)Orltion f@-)r a ljse Permit for a self-@vervice auto,,n hj'le S,- -I)cFt- 0 . 'Vice tati y Yoca-ted at the Northc-ast interscccioii of (' 5- ')n on kc@.,td anci Road, r=in a distance of '@00 feet more or Ifss along th(' I,,,Ist side of Diamond Sprinqs Road, running a distaiice of 123 feet alon,@ the Northern property line, @- ning a distance of 240 feet more or Ics,, ilorig tlie Eastern @roperty line and running a distance of 13S feet more or less lilon@ tlie North-side of Bayside Road. Said parcel cc@ritains .68 acre f,,orc or iess, (Gardenivood Park Area). RAYSIDE BOROUCif. Planning Cormission Rc:comnendation: A rmtion was passed by thc Plarining Commiss@on by a i,ecorded vote of 11 for the motion and I abstention to approve tfiis request. For the information o'7,tllo ipt)lic@in', i)rior t-) t@C iSSLI@ince of a building per- mit, tlie folloivino i@-1, reitili-el Iv t; 1), ,c staff: 1. Standard site improveTnent@; as requ.Tcd b@ the Site Plan Ordinance. 2. City ivater and sci,@,rl 3. Conformnce i.Titi@ :ill reciuirei,,ients cf Sect,,,,n 224 pertaining to Automobile Service Stations. -nie lite plan st@.ill @,c revisc,d to refl(,Ct curb cuts with a maximum wi-dth f eet and a S foot el-,ce along the nort,-iern prop- erty line. Addit:@itz7,,]N,, t@,e S;.g,'l '-;!!all c, a minimun dist@ince of 7 feet from tlie II ir,(,. .11 4. A dedication o@ T@ i@@liz - )f -1-@@iy 30 feet f,,-o;T,, i@he cenT-eri.ine, of the existinr V,7riable right-of-t,,-,@ 'ilonq the 135 4 f6ot dedicatic)ii). o(,t f@,@)nt@ige ori BIyside Road (a IS- S. A dedication of 2.:' tc,,-t t@it@ @@CO, foot frontage on Diamond Springs Road (a ,, s @, :;,)t 6. Deletion of tlic f,] t@ 7Li-- Mr. Donald H. Rhodes, '@T,,or@iey, re@lre-senT@,(! the ,ipplicant. On motion by Councilpii@ @vi roniwel I , @ecoit.@, (:@,)uric@ iman Gri ff and by recorded vct(-@ Ayes: Co,-,ncil @lembei A. BaLIrr,@, Cro,-nwell , ir. George R. Ferrell, If")@1.11 l@. (;riffin, M@lynr .;ireii@(? A. ffolland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr. f:. f)bert,,@Ot-@ C.'(j r t i @ Payne , R. Riggs , Vice Mayor P@4 t,. St an(-' i g c @Va 1. e r f i eld, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted tc, def(@r until Akigiist 1976 the at)Ove application of Murphy Oil --orporation @or @i Con,'!'t@c,n@il iii(, @'(21qlit for a self service automobile service statioii on cert al n j@t'oi)ej--,,,v located at the Nortl)east intersection of Diamo.,il SI)rings Rc)ac,' ,itid Road, running a distance of 200 feet more or l@.,;s alorig the lisi@ @@-d',@ @)f I)iamond Spriiigs Izo@id, running a distance of 125 feet aloii@@ @@-tthet,ii @ropc,,rty line, running a distance of 240 feet-it,,orc (-)i, less it@c pi,opertv line and running a distance c)f 135 fo,Dt nlore 01' @ortli sid@@ of Bays.ide Road. Said p,ircel t), le;s. (@Ga@-ewood Pai,k Area). Bayside li)r@ilg,, ITEM On motion by Councilman i-,.rrell, ecorldec,, @',V COLincitinan Griffin, and by recorded vote a@ Folt,)ws: AyeSS: Council Member@@ i". Baufli, Rol,c,,it Cromwell, Jr. George R. Ferrell, Johr) T,' . (@riffin, @l,, J, fienry. McCoy, Jr. , \Ic yc 7,,, 01) 'I Y(', I I I and ernciorf, @irtis !)ayiie, Riggs, ViLce Mayor ;@,. L iidiii@ll T7, [Vatc@rfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None CitY Council voted to Iofer for two we,,@,f, riie following @)rdinanct@ vacating an unimprovej 0 i-oot street on 1)1;.it entitied "llroi)erty of Kennetli Cruiser loc-@te,@ it, O(eatia ['i-incess kniie Cour@ Vii,ginia:ll ty, AN ORDINANCE VACATINC@ AN UNrmPRO VED 30 FOOT STI'EET ON PLAT ENTITLED, "PROPERTY OF KFNNET!I CRUTSER LOCATED IN OCEANA (;ARDENS - PRINCESS ANNE COUNTY, VIRGINIA WHEREAS, Timot@Ly H. Langston, Margaret D. Langston, Oceana Church of Christ, and Julius Perl and Pavel Perl have petitioned for the vacation Of an unimproved 30 foot street; and WHEREAS, pursuant to proper n,-)tice duly given by the petitioners, this Council has heretofore appointed vie-ers pursuant to Section 15.1-364 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, and WHEREAS, said viewers have rep,)rted that rio iiiconvenience will result to any persons or to the public by reason of the said vacation; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission tias recommended that this petition be granted. I-IIEREFOPE, BE IT C)RDAIT\TED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF NOW, VIRGINIA BEACI-@, V.TRC.@,l@ITA: By Authority granted by Sectiori 11.1-364 of the Code of Virginia, as amended, that th,-it certairi street 3ituated in the Lynnhaven Borough, City Of Virginia Beach, Virginia, and described as fc.)Ilows be, and the same hereby is discontinued, at)andoned and vacated: All that certain portion of In unimproved, unnamed 30 foot street as shown on the pldt entitlc@d, "Property of Kenneth Cruiser, 'kocated in Oceani-i Gardens--Princess i@nne County, IFirginia ", dated, April 8, 1947, 3nd made by W. B. Gallup, County Surveyor, duly recorded in the Clorl,-'s Office of the Circuit Court o' the City oi Virgiiiia Beach, Virginia, in Map Book 27, -3t page 73, more particularly bolnded and described with reference to sa4d plat as follows: Beginning at the point in a southwest cc)rner of Lc)t 12 th(,,nce along the western lines of Lots I'@l, 7, 36 35,34, -,,3 and 455.7', thence westerly a distance c@f 'O' thence sou@licrly 425. 7' to the soul'heast corner of Lot E ,nd Virgiiiia Be@ich Boulev(irl and thenc(-' 30' easteriv to the poirt )f beginning. It is the irtent of the City )f Virginia Beach to retain any and all publi- interest in the 30' Str@t known as Garcia Dri,,,,e, as shown on that certain plat known as "Resub,!iV45ion of Lots 7 fc) l@), 3ri(i i,ots 28 to 43, CRUISER TRACT, located in Oceana Gardens-Princess Ann(, Co. , Va. " datert March 25, 1952, andi made by W.B. G&iliup, County Surveyor, (july recc)rded in the Clerk'v, Office of the Circuit Court of Vlrg@nia Beach, Virg4@n'a , in NIap Book 29, at page 64. This ordinance ;h@311 be effective 3,-,, days aftp-r its adoption. Ll U0 7 7-r i I LIl H j 0 t, I On motion by Councilman McCoy, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Council Members John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Jolin R. Griffin, Nlayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, R. L. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick I,. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council approved the following tax refunds in the amount of $1,972.88: The following applications for refund of t8xes totaling $ 1,972.88 and certified for payment, as set forth below: -V. A. Etheridge Treasurer IType Ta@ '@xoner Name Tax of Ticket tion Date Pen- Inter Total Year Tax Number 0. Paid Base alty est B Gilbert 1976 CD 22137 1-6-76 7. 51 i3t. Gregory the 1976 cT) @i 58092 1-27-769 7.5 7reat Church R@ies Saunders 1976 CT) # 127695 1-2-/-76 1.5 --i by Blankenshi) 76 CD # 486'15 1-10@-76 7.5 Henning 1976 CD i'@ 6725 6-30-76 15.0 lieritage Plantati)n 76 CT) # 90555 1-6-76 17.5 )rewry Beasley 1976 Cl) @k 34421 1-29-76 7.5 ohn Safarin@i 11976 (,D ik 53204 1-21-76 7.5 qnal,d J & Jean 1976 CT) 335 1-28-76 7.50 15.0 h,)mlinson 1976 CD @k 336 1-28-76 7.50 berwood J,)hn Vi 1976 IIE y@ 054731 5-21-76 1,7. 2 & Patricia J illiams Jolin 1975 RE 3@ 06'ilPO 5p 1) 14 6-3-75 irs,,Inia inv 19 7 5 R 60244 1)505 (,-10-7) 1poo.o ttn: Ri.chard Dav s 1st half n y Alvin 1, 1976 l@F" 0457')5 6 - 7 - 7 6 2-,.( Above ;Applications @@or refund o-@ t:axes @ipproved. Date @@Ly %Ltoril,2 Above abatemeiits totaling AI)i)rove(3 c4L 7 C'ty Cl.crl< ITEM #9888 appeared in oppositill t0 this ordinance Mr. Winston Snyder, Attorney, osition to this ordinance. mr. michael Flynn appeared in OPP Councilman McCOY made a motion, seconded by Councilman Riggs, tO to amend Cha ter 6 of the Code of the CitY Of defer the ordinance @ng thereto a Section 6-s.1, relating Virginia Beach, Virginia, by addi The to !;Olicitation or sale on the boardwalk and adjacent area. recorded vote is as follows: McCoy, jr., Meyera E. Oberndorf, Aye-5: Council Members @i. Henry and R. L. Riggs. Council Members @John A. Baum, R,bert B. cromwell, Jr., Nays: R. Ferrell, John P. Griffin, mayor Clarence A. Holiand, George L Standing, and Fioyd E. J. Curtis Payne, vice Mayor Patrick - Waterfield, Jr- Absent: None Th.e above motion to def T the ordinance to amend Chapter 6 of the e by adding thereto a Virginia Beach, virginial Code of the CitY Of . n or sale on the boardwalk Section 6-5.1, relating to solicitatlo and adjacent atea was lost. ITEM #9888(a) After considerable discussion Counci.iman Payne made a motion, Seconded d ap;rove the following ordinance to aM Tid by Vice Nlayor Stan ing to vitginia ' adding the City of virginia Beacli, hby Chapter 6 of the Co(le boardwalk thereto a Sectioii 6-@.1, relating to solicitation or sale on - e and adjaceiit area. 'I'he recorded vote is @'s follows: Ayes: Council @lembers John A. Baum, Rohert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Nlayor Clarence A. @loiland, J. Curtis Payne, Vice Mayor Patrick I,. Standing, ayid Flovd E. waterfield, Jr. Nays: Council Members John R. Gi,iffili, J. fieiiry McCoy, Jr., Meyera E. Obeyndorf, and P, I,. Rig@.S. Absent: None City Council voted to approve the following ordinance to ameiid Chapter 6 of the c c ity of Virginia Beach, Virginia, by adding thereto zi Section 6-S.1, relating to solicitation @)r sale on the boardi,;@'ilk and adjacent are@i@ @o 'k, On motion by Councilman Forrc,l, scconded by CoL:ncilwo1nap. Oberndorf, and by recorded vote as follot@vs : Ayes: COun(:i I ', Jo @,n A. Biuin, !z()"Ici-t R. (.'rr)mweII, Jr. George R. Fci, re II, Jo!in R. Grif f in I 'l@i @ or Cla reT,,ct@ A. l loII an,l, J. Hen-ry kiccov, Jr., %leyer,,i E. Obei-n@lo',-f, ). Curtis Payne, P,. L. Riggs, vice Ni'ayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to authorize the Cit-)7 Attorney to Irile as a "Protestor" in thc, reciuest of Vir,,inia Electr;(:, aTId Power Company for a rate increase. lq'EM #9891 In lhc matter of tlie i-e,@or@lati,-)!i ol- ,i i-esii'odi%,jsjon plat C',f prope-ty@ located tVc,.;t of b-,'tfi @tt-cc,,t, of I'lock 14, @-nd @Vest of 68@li Street, as shown on the SLI'I)Clivi@,;Iozi Of C,@I)c @ectic),' l-, iii @,lap E,,)ok 1, page 8B. Mr. -@eor-le I,. lianbur,,, Ci.ty ilanacer, .@l-ated that -at the reqL4E,,st of Council, th,-- staff did a study c,,F! til(-. closure of liolly Aventle (67tli anci 68t@,- @(.) cle,'riiii" L tviiat ttie would be, not orily fol@ t@"le @losul,c, ,)f ,)"th rd (33th SI-eet b S. it @1)" inters--c.tioits ai.onp, the pol@penc@@l(iula7 -Itroet-,; tl-.,tt -oi.n l'olly Aveiii,,e. .1 I The City @ianager s'litf,cl tl)at tlie stiie@y hi!7, completed, and l-, would not be a ptit@lic :111corvejl@lef@ce -,(@ clc)se 67th aiid 68tli Sti@eets. The Cit)@ @landger f@,i-@h--r stated because c)@ recent @-,eneral PSserabl@y action, Ci"y COLII'@-i' 1),IS thy-c,,c strec-t-@: 1. Appoiit-(Tlc,!I-l c@f viet,,,Crs 11 rev@.1-w I,,y Couiicil by the City 2. By vic@,ti.ori c,,c a pl@t iti iTe i.f area 1,Lis ,iever 1)@@ri @oljl@l )@it 'co -ecc,t@l a iiew plat @,s loii-,, !s tn,@f,t: ,,,f ic lic) ot).jec,,-iofls from piop@@i't,@ o,,Vj-,crs, i@il@rou,,Ii @lic same as @ltei,@ !t@ 3. th(@ C,,aii b), recorclati@,r@-, )f Li a sty,-,et if -*It is -lot l@@c! -ener@il 1-@l)lic-, aiii overall I.aN,(,.tit of tlie ItT)@l, Tli,- applicar@t, irt cizifc!, "iis i-equ,,--!,-,ed tl,e @lo appr,)vo suc.-Ii a street closure Ilio,,7 tIJ(@ c@f thi.s p'2t, to the CoLincil. A presciitation .,as ,,i@.en by @Ir. Gr,(',vel' jl,., Attorp,-,y, i@tio indicated that closi-it,c or r(,ccrdz,,ilol, 't)X t)l,-it i@ai 1)rc,.,iously @)cen approved by City CnLiiicil in s.@mil;tl Therefore, Cotinc;.Iii@,ir, Fei-rell j@iadc,, i n()tioii, @;ocoiided by C,)ur,,--i-lm,,in McCov, tliat the Admij@is-rat;ve st,,tl@f ap.,-)rove this i)lat (Rcstibdi,,,isioii Plall of Property locatc(i ivcst of @)'Itll We@t @f Bloc:k l@i, an,! West of 68th Sti@ect, SLII) 'i i V i. C) 11f S(@ctioii E, as ShO-@vT@ in Map Book 1, fla@e 8B.. File recoi@(Iect vocc@ i-s as fol@,o@qs: Ayes: CouDcil Mem@,et,--, Jolin A. Baun,., Po@)@rl, B. Ci,oinkroll, ir. , Geor@,e R. Ferrell, John @l,. Ci-ifl@iri, NlayoT Clai@-tict, A. li,)Il,and, J. lienry McCoy, Jr., Nleyera Ober, i. @idorc, Cul i f@ !)avne , rZ. L. Rig@,s, Vicc Mayor Patrick I,. St@iiiding, qnd F'Ioycl E. @@a,,ter@icid, Jr. Nays: No@,ie Absent: Noiie City Council voted to permit the AdTitinistrative staff to approve tlle recordation of the Subdivision Plat of Propcrty located west of 6'tli Street, West of Block 14, and ',Vest ol@7 6 ITENI #9891@ Councilman Cromwell requested the City Nlanager to contact tlie otlici- Tidewater cities to see liow tliev handle tlie Freodom of lnformation Act. The City Manager informed Council tliat lie sent letters to the other cities, but, as of to(lay, has not heard from all of them. ITEM #9893 On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman @IcCoy, and by recorded vote as follows: Ayes: Council Members John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Nlayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCoy, Jr., ileyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, R. I,. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to adjourn into Exectitive Session for the purpose of discussing the disposition of public property; acquisition of pro- perty; legal matters, and appointments. ITEM #9894 City Council reconvened into Regular Session with the following Council @lembers present: John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., -George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry @IcCoy, Jr., Meyera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, R. L. Ri.@gs, Vice @layor Patrick L. Standing and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Absent: None Councilman Riggs made a motion, seconded by Councilman Ferrell, to nominate Mr. Harold Crawford to the Planning Commission to fill the unexpired term of Councilman R. L. Riggs. Councilman Payne moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Mayor Holland, and by unanimous vote was carried. The recorded vote on the nomination of Nlr. Harold Crawford is as follows: Ayes: Council Members John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry NIcCoy, Jr., Nlevera E. Oberndorf, J. Curtis Payne, R. I,. Riggs, Vice Mayor Patrick L. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to appoint Mr. Harold Crawford to the Virginia Beach Planning Commis@ion to fill the unexpired term of Councilman R. L. Riggs, term ends December 31, 1978. ITEM #989S Councilwoman Oberndorf made a motion, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, to appoint t@Irs. Sandy Sawyer and ?4rs. Bea Lovitt to the Arts and Humanities Commission. Councilman Payne moved that the nominations be closed, seconded by Councilman NIcCoy, ind by unanimous vote was carried. The recorded vote on the noniinations of Mrs. Sandy Sawyer and Mrs. Bea Lovitt is as follows: Ayes: Coulicil Niembers John A. Baum, l@obert l@. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, iotiii R. Griffin, @llyor 'Iarence A. liolland, J. flenry MCC:oy, jr., @icycra E. Obc@rndorf, J. Curtis Plyne, R. Riggs, Vice Nlayor Patrick I.. Standing, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council voted to appoint the following to the Virginia Beach Arts aiid Humanities Commission: Mrs. Sandy Saw,"er term for one (1) year, beginning July 1, 1976 and terminating June 30, 1 9 7 7 . Mrs. Bea Lovitt term for two (2) years, beginning July 1, 1976 and terminating June 30, 1 9 7 8 ITF,M On motion by Councilman Payne, secoii(led by Councilman McCov, and by recorded vote ,is follows: Ayes: Council \4embers John A. Baum, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrell, John R. Griffin, Mayor Clarence A. Holland, J. Henry McCov, jr., Nleyera E. Obern(lni,f, J. CLirtis Payne, R, I,. Riggs, Vice 1',iti'ick I,. StaTi(lint,, @trici Fic,@,d E. Ilaterficid, Jr. Nays: None Absent: None City Council vot@d to reappoint @ts,. 'I(.,Iiiia Dun,,,ee to the Virginia Areawide @\lodel Prograll) fc)r i teriii of two years, begint)ing July 1, 1976, and tc,,i-minatin,., tinc -@fl, 1978. T'rENI ',)89- On motion I)y Couiiciliiiin CromweL-i , -,,(,conded I)%, Cotincilman PiggF , ',ITid by unaniwous votc the itlectilig @ii boi) (7, tv a r-e n c A . I o @a d@, 71, i-@@ City of Virginia Beach, Virginia July 19, 1976