HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 10, 1970
Atigi@,st 10@ 19?Oi
The regular meeting of the Council Of the City of Yir@nia Beach, Virginia was held
in the-.Council lers in the Administration Building, in the Borough of Princess
Anne, on tilonday, August 10, 19?0, at 2:00 P.M.
The invocation was given by qev. David Wright, Asbury Methodist Church, Virginia Beach.
Councilmen prese,..;: Mayor Frank A. i;us@@,, I,.Iayor Robert B. Cromwell, -ii- , Albert
L. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. I,.$uryay llatbon, Lawrence E.- MarshaZZ, John I.I.
AfcCombe, c7. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Simmons, Jr., Earl H. TebauZt, and Kenneth 17.
On motion by I!r. I.!ar@ll, seconded by Mr. Bonney, and by un ani?nous vote, Citv Council
approved the A!inittes of the meeting of Tuty 27, 1970, and the reading of said ?!inzites
dispensed @ith, inasmuch as each Councitn@an had a copy of said Ilinutes before him.
TTEM #2481
On motion by Mr. Bonney, seconded by Pr. I.!cCombe, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Payor Frank A. Dusch, Vice ilayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Albert L. Bonney,
Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. @ray I.!atbon, Lawrence E. I..arsitaIZ, John W. @fcCoirtba,
J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Simmons, Jr., Earl 11. 2'ebault, and Kenneth II. Aite;zurst.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following on second reading: Appropriation of '?I,2,'DO as
the City's share of the funds being stippt,,ed.by the Federal Governrent for the
Swmner Youth Transpo?,tation Project. The $1,250 plus the additional avvrour-,atior.
of $834 approved by Council makes a total expenditure of $2,084 for the Summer Youth
Transportation Project.
ITEN #2482
On motion by l@r. Bonney, seconded by 2wr.-McCombs, and by recorded vote as follows:
.Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice '4ayor Rober t B. Cromwell, Jr., Albert L. Bonney
Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. Purray t@Zbon, r@irence E. ivarshalz, John W. McCombsi
,I. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Simmons, Tr., Earl H. TebauZt, and Kenneth Pi. Writelzurst.
Nays: None
City Council av roved the following on second reading: Appropriation of $1,224.04
for invoices for professional services in connection with the matters of Virginia
Beach Steel Fishing Pier vs. City.
ITE!,,! @'2@83
On motion by 1.@Ir. Bonney, seconded by a-I,,:! by recorded vote as folios
Ayes: 1,@la.@ior Frank A. Dasel-,, Vice l@ayor Robei@t B. Cror-)ell, Jr., Albert L. Bonney,
Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. Ij'urra,4 t.,'albon, La!orerc.? E. t,-'a2,sh-aZZ, John W. !.!Ocor,-@s,
Curtis Payne, G. Dewey SirzTons, Jr., Earl B. Tebaiilt, and Yeniieth II. ;rnite,.@st.
Nays., ?lone $
Absent: ]Vone
city council approved the following on second reading: Appropriation of $347,900.52
surplus funds for outstanding purchase orders at izne 30, 1970 as follows:
General-Fund $284,098
Civic Center Fund ?58
;later & Sewer Fund 56,904 -
Data Processing ',,Ibrking
Capital burd 21521
Print Shop Plor;,
Capital Fund 712
Virginia Beach qpecial
Revenue Fund 2,907
ITEI-I §2484
On motion by 1.1r. Bonney, seconded by 1.1r. ?,.,cCombs, and by recorded vote as fottotis:
Ayes: leayor Frank A. Dusch, Vice t.ayor Robert B. Crop@,jeZZ, .7r., I.Ibert L. Bon@iey,
Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. I,.'Rrray '@,zlbon, @irence E. John W. Mccor,.@s,
.7. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sirmo@is, Jr., Earl H. TebauZt, and Kenneth @l. P.)hitehurst
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the following on scco?:,,l readira. Avprovriation to the Circuit
Court Judges for budgetary purposes in the amount c.($24. 8;?5.
TTEZ-1 #2485
On motion by or. Bonney, seconded by ?t@. McCombs, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Playor Frank A. Dusoh, Vice @',!ayor Robert B. Crorwei'l, Tr., Albert L. Ronne,,/,
Sr., George P. Ferrell, D. @-ray !.!--Zbon, L-c@ence E. Jo@k W. McCombs,
47. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sip7nons, Jr., Earl R. Tebault, and Kenneth II. White @st.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council au roved the following on second readina: AP ropriation of $67,661 w
.P - P
commence work on the Red W-,ng Golr Course in the preparation of jairu7ays, tees, and
TTEI-f #2486
On motion by I!r. Bonney, seconded by ?.!r. t!ccorr'os, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Ilayor Frank A. Dusc,'!, Vice ,'..Ia:jor Robert S. Cro,@ell, Jr., Albert L. L?onnelv,
Sr., George P. FerreZZ, D. @'aZ-@on, 7@2rence E. John W.
-T. Curtis Pcrjre, G. Dewey Sita-o,--s, -Tr., Fart H. Tebaul-@, and Kenneth N. Wri@@e@.urs@'.
fte: tiore
Absent: 17,-re
Cit? Cciin---l", or. si7-D@ r-i2-):,.7: An-@r@nra@@r o@ J":)
ITE-L! x2-eB7
I.!cr rrbs, and by re--or,-,ed vote as follows:
On motion by I..'r. ronney@ seconded bzlj 10
-7r.i Albert L. BO?'ne-Yi
Ayes: Dusch, Vice I-la?jor P@obert B. C2
I.!,,zyor 1rank A. lea-,.@IzaZt, John W. k'CCO?r-@,
sr., George R. FerreZZ3 D. I.!'@ay @Ialbon, Lawrence E. h 11. PIitcliu2'st.
J.' Curtis Payne, C. Dewey Sirwons, Jr., Ecal I,$. glebault, and Kcn;it
Nays. None %
Absent: None
priation of $18,324-00
on second reading: Apprp.
table radios and accessories for the Virginia
e reimbursed for this expenditure by the Federal
roved by the natio7zat Higt',.way Safety Bureau on July 19,
ITEld #2488
Mr. Vwnas C.-Broyles, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Dr. Stuart Ashman, who will be the I-ledioat Director of the hospital, appeared on
'behazf of the following application.
Mr. Robert Fleming, who Will be the Hospital Administrator, appeared on behalf of
the following application.
L. Hoffinan, president of the First Colonial Civic League and owner of the third
house from the site of the proposed hospital, appeared in opposition to the fozlow-"rg
Mr. Lee Ansell, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the civic league in that area, in
sition to the following application, and prese titions.
.0ppo nted signed pe
Cdr. Anzbrosc Tenefrancia, property owner in this area, appeared on opposition to the
following application.
On motion by ifr. t,.arshall, seconded by ?-fr. Bonney, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: @yor Frank A. Dusch,- Vice 1,@layor Robert B. Cromwell, 7r., Albert L. Barney,
Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. l@array I,!albon, Lawrence E. Parshall, Jo@.n W. YcCorr@,
J. Curtis Payne, and EarZ E. Tebault.
Nays: Kerneth N. Wnitehursi
Abstain: G. Dewey Sin7nons, personal interest in the property
Absent: None
City Council approved the following application for a s t)eYI'7"@ predicated upon the
service entrance of the hospital being on WiZZ-O-Wisp Drive and su5ject to C;",y water
@ sewer.
A;Yplication of Psychiatric Tr
.ISIJ@ te of ,%,rica by Tt@.ias C. 3
6 Lu
for a Ul-lo. POM.-it to construct a isvchiatric l,o3pital at a point IOVI
feet lrjr:e 6F'L.@s East of First Colonial P,@aL, on certain DroD@rt:, created on
@i'est side of Li-ir'sley @irive, l'or.-.eriy Tr@efrci Poad, bet,..!,22n
and @iild,.tood Drive, running a distanc* of '@141.25 feet along @li;2 South Sid., of lill-
O-"is,-) Drive, runni.-i(i a distance of 54r) feet along tl)e "lost side of LinlslD,/ @.riv@,
@-erl-,, Treefrol load, rurniim a dis@@,,-ice of feet along the @,ort!i sid..? of
d-eicod Drive, running a distance of 5--11.71 fc.,2t along ttic 'lesterr. property line.
(C-eneral Hos-)ital of Viriinia P>each. @,r,@a). LY@';:@@!AVr':i
The Planning Coi-lission 'recp@!Trpn,-As a,)proval of t.@is request subjec@. to t!ie anoli-
cant meeting t@,@ Civic LLF,.Su@ to attest to resolve s'o7ie of t!;,i difficulties
brought up at @he Pla,-.-ing Co-,-;iission @!ntinn. Approval is further Su ec@ +o
City .iater and so-,',or.
his c:,n appzi ation aki@ig for a
7. r&u=rd @g2-y@@s a c
as his attorney, Alan eo, res,s had to be out of town due to w; illness ir. his fcu-.,iZy.
My,. Borney stated that since the application had previously been deferred for thirty
(30) dayc and due to the fact tMt it had been advertised and people were present to
offer opposition, he.would prefer to hear the application today.
Air. Bob Lar2-jnore, first vice president of Ye...@vilLe t@'a)io2, Civic Leagve@ appeared in
,opposition to the change of zoning requested in the fot .lowing application.
bn motion by I,!r. Bonney, seconded by P.@r. Fcrrell, and by unanimous vote, city Cotincli
denied the follo;,@i;ig for a change zoning and a use perr,;it-in keeping with post
established policies YIeZati e@o rcial @t i of the development along..
Priticpsa Anne Road.
Application of J. Ed-.@tai-(l Byrnes for a ing from Residence Subtii,bin
0 zonll
fct7@('C-L 3) and 'a Use Per i@t
District 3 (R-S 3) to Liinited Co;.-ii@ilcia@]IF@istrl
to construct a nursing ho,,,,@, on certain property located at the SouL@iern-@Atrer..iity
of Forrest Street beoinning at a point 225 feet South of Princess Anne Road, run-
ning a distance of 9@@8 feet along the Eastern property line, running a distance
.of 482 feet along the Southern property line, running a distance of 487 feet along
the Western property line and running a distance of 472 feet along the Nlort!ic!rn
property liiie. (Kc,-,ipsvillc :.Ianor Area). KE@-LISVILLE DO,@OUGQ
The Planning Co,.@ission recorj-,;ends denial of this request in keeping v)ith past
established policies relative to strip cor,-!-,l-.rcialization of the develo,,)rtien@L
along Princess Anne Road.
,TTE,'d IF'2490
Afr. Tom Shubert, land representative for the Sun Oil Conipanbi, appeared on behalf of
the applicant.
On motion by A.r. Crorwelt, seconded by I..arshatl, and by unanimous vote, City Counc@,'@
approved the following application for a and a subject to
City water and sewer.
Application of Jackson Strickland and ililda Gray Strickland for a chance of zonina
from Residence Suburban District 4 (R-S 4) to General Corriierc'ial @sf@c,-3
and a Use Permit to construct a gasoline supply station on certain property located
on th@6UTiFs-id-2 of Shore Drive beginning a point 1030 feet n,ore or less East
of Gi-cen,..Iell Road, running a distance of 464 feet along the South side of 5@iore
Drive, running a distance or 167 -feet along the @!es@@ern property line, running a
distance of 416 feet along the Southern property line and running a distance of
192 feet along the Eastern property line (I.,Iestern Shore of Lake Joyce). (Bayville
The Planning Co,.-,,,iission reco-7inends denial of this request as this is in violation
of the Say Front Land Use Plan and would constitute spot zoning in a residential
ITEIL #249i
Mr. Ted Dietrick, with Texaco Inc., appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Mr. RLZ,.rz; bi.,npson =veared on behalf of the property owners and residents of the
.Lake Smith and Lake @.ores area in opposition to the following application, and
presented signed petitions.
Mr. James Carney, president of Lake Shores Civic League, appeared in opposition to the
following application.
Dr. William A. George, who. resides at 5@21 Lake Vnores I?oad, appear;d in opposition to
the following application.
Mrs. Ad=a a resident of the.area appeared in opposition to the following application.
Mrs. Jean Pool appeared in or os,'tion to the following application.
@p -
On motion by by a?,.d by urar.@@.ous vote, r,@@j cou,:f
denied the o,-- and a use ve2,mit as
is ?'.Ot
Application of @'.rs. Oussell D. Jones for a channe of zoning from Limited Commercial
District 3 (C-L 3) to General Commercial DistriEt !-(t'--G@3 and a Use Pennit to
construct a gasoline supply station on certain property located on tTe-§-o t@. side
of Shore Drive beginning at a point 199@ feet more or I(Iss Fast of )iarr-onr.1 S4rin,@
ivr,, running
Road, running a distance of 180 feet along the South side of Shore '@r
a distance of 220 feet along the Eastern property line, runnin(,l a distance of l@',)
feet along the Southern property line and running a distance of 223 feet along the
@,lestern property line. Said parcel is designated as a nortion of Sites B and C,
Plat of !Iortt-, La@ft-f-,. (Lake Smith Area). SAYSIDE BOROUGH
The Planning Cornission recommends denial of this request as this is not compatible
with the surrounding area.
ITFJD #2492
Mr. Patrick L. standing appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by Mr. Bormey, and bu unanimous vote, City Council
@roved the foll@ng application for a change of aoning and a use permit provided
We applicant dedicates an acre of Z@ f urposes n ieu of the
reservation requirements in the Subdivision Ordinance anc @ject to City water and
Application of Connor and Foy Construction for a @a@C of zoninn from Residence
Suburban District 4 (,R-S 4) to ;Iultiole Family Residence DiTtr-iEf (R-M) and a Use
Permit to construct 133 to-;?nhouses bqninning at a point 350 feet East of Ro4-enont
@ad--o-n certain property located bet,..$2en Bancroft Road, formerly Twenty-Eiqhth Street,
and Alabama Pnad, for-,ierly Twenty-!,'inth Street, beginning on the East side of Lincoln
Avenue including a nd 53 and all of Blocks 17 and 18,
portion of Blocks 15, IC,, 42 a
Plat of PEcan Gardens. Plats i.,tiih mre-ditalled information are available in the
Office of the Denart:ricnt of City Planning. (Pecan Gardens Area). PRI'4CESS @cli@E
The Planninq Commission recommends approval of this application as submitted subject
to the restrictions of the Subdivision Regulations and further subject to Citv water
and sewer.
ITEM #2493
Mr. Calvin Spain, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by 14r. Marshall, and by unanimous vote, City Council
approved the following application for a use permit subject to the requirements of the
Planned Unit Development (PUD) Ordinance and )urther subject to City water @ sewer.
Application of Cardova Enterprises, Inc. by ti. Calvin Spain, Attorney, for a Use
Permit to construct 218 to@-mhouses for sale and a sanitary nu.,npina station on----
@ififii pronnyty located on the South side of South Lynnfiaven !load beginning at
a point 21)) feet iTioy4! or loss East of Yings Anis Drive, runninn a distance of 1428
feet more or less alone t',ic Northern Property line of iqiiicii 77@ feet is the South
side of South Lynniiaven Road, running a distance of 4r)g feet more or less along the
Eastern property line and runninn a distance of 2405 feet along the Southern prop-
erty line and running a distance of 1642 feet alonn the Western property line.
(Princess Anne Plaza Area). PRI!,C'tSS A'iNc- qOPGUCil.
The Planninn Commission rcco.%T,-nds approval of this application Subject to the
requirements of tlic@ Pltnned Litilt Development (PUD) Ordinance and further subject
to City water and sewer.
ITEM #2494
Mr. Patrick Standing appeared on behalf of the applicant asking for a withdrawal.
Mr Alfred Wood, a re,3ident'of the Linkhorn Park Area, appeared in opposition to the
foizowing app Zicaticn and presented petitions.
Mrs. Weary, a resident of the area, appeared in opposition to the following application.
On motion by Mr. McCombs, seconded by Mr. Marshall, and by unanimous vote, City Council
approved withdrawal of the foZZowing application for a cliczn,,7c of zoning and a use Permit
A@plication of @l. J. Standing for a chanqi of zoning from One-Fanily Residence
Suburban District (R-S 2) to District (R-3) and a Use
Permit to construct 22 apartment units on certain Property located on the W,-i-t 'sid,-
6-('-,'Tony Road beginning at a Point Pll feet more or less South of West Hollv Road
across from 3-ith Street, running a distance of 412 feet alonn the West side of
Holly Road, running a distance of 215 feet along the Southern property line, run-
ning a distance of 405 feet along the I.-lestLarn property line, running a distance
of 218 feet along the @lortlitrn Property line. Zoning is to include Lots 80 and
81, Plat of Linkhorn Park.; Use Permit to include Lot 80 only. (Linkhorn Park Ay--&).
The Planning Commission recommends denial of this application as the Commission
feels that this would adversely effect the chat-actor of the fine single family
ITEM #2495
Mr. Carrington @ted that he had received a verb aZ request from Sen. Edward caton, III.
Attorney for the opposition, that the following application be deferred for a period of
sixty (60) days.
Mr. Austin E. Owen, Attorney for the applicant, stated that he too requests a deferral
for @ty (60) days.
on motion by Mr. McCombs, seconded by Mr. Matbon, and by unanimous vote, City Council
defer-red the following application for a ormit for sixty (60) days.
Application of !lark 231,10, Inc. by 'Iqen, C-.uy, Rhodes and Betz. Attorneys, for a Use
Pemi.t for dancinq with live entertainment on certain property located on the West
Atlantic Avenue, beginning at a noint 60 feet florth of 23rd 'street, running
a distance of 50 feet along the West side of Atlantic Avenue. runnina a distance
of 100 feet along thL, Soutl term Property line, running a distance of 00 feet alono,
the Western !)rop,,r@y lin(, and running a distance of 100 feet along the northern
property line. VIrZGlellil BEP.Cli BOROUC,@l.
The Planning Co-rission reco:l@ntnds denial of this application as it would create
a disturbance to the surrounding residents.
ITEM #2496
A(r. Grover C. Wright, Tr., Attorney, appeared on behalf-of the applicant.
Mr. Walter Smith, on behalf of the shadowzawn Heights Civic League, appeared in
opposition to the following application.
On motion by Mr. McCombs, seconded by Mr. Tebault, and by unanimous vote, City Council
approved the following application for a use permit subject to City water and sewer
provided the requirements effecting mari a development as established by the State of
Virginia are met by the applicant and that a new site plan showing the required parkina
be presented to the Planning Department for its review and approval prior to the build-
ing permit application being accepted. Approval is further subject to the recormenda-
tion of the Planning Caumisaion that two parking spaces per slip be required.
Application of Charles 0. Peel by Grover C. Wrinht, Jr. Attorney, for a Use Permit
for a public narina vtith related facilities, including office, fuel dock,-!;uTk,-h@d,
piling and walkway for boat stips, on certain property located on the Soutli,,iCst
corner of 'ilinston Salem Avenue and Mediterranean Avenue, running a distance of 135
feet along thp South side of @linston Salem @venua. running a distance of lo.,o feet
along the I-lest side of Mediterranean Avenue. Said lots are designated as Lots 9
and 10, Block 30, '!aP of Sliado@41a,,.@i Heights. (Sliado@ila,.vn Heights Area). viRGitil
The Planning Commission previously recommended approval of this request subject
to City,.@tater and sct?cr provided the requirements effecting marina develop.,nt@nt,
as established by tNe State of Virninla (,iro. Fiat t)y the anplicant and that t!,.e
site plan be presented to the I'lanninq D@nartrrnt for its revicti a-,i(i approval
prior to the t)uil(iiiiq 1)@@rriit D,,)r)lication b(,in(7 accepted. On -IL!ne 3, 1971) t@iis.
application was referred 'lack to tl,.e Plinii-iiiq Coi@-:tis@',.on relativo to P-,rkin-!
require,iciits. Upoii r(,,vi,@@i oF trip 11,)!)Iicotion at t;tr! JLIIV ln7i Plii,,,iirn
i@cL@ting, it further rnc(rr@,@7,ici-2d that nar@,iril I-)Ic@s p:,r site)
be required.
if of the api?lio2nt-
c6 on b c;-.,Iz
GVvor C. Wright, Attorney, aPP99-'
seconded b@i I..'r. Tebaltli-,, and by
on motion by l,'r. ire,,iteliurst, 'in subject to C.2ntra
Council approved the followi?ig application for a c,-o,,,e a so,-
wtor and sewer-
f zo:iirri
inii 130acil @,viatiD-k Sales, Ltd, for a C113a 0
Application (if Vil' ct' ,,-P) to General Irdist"i'a Li 7:li t d
Agricultural f)istri
Coc.,@ rcial t)irtrict 3 @C.-L 1) oil Certain pi-c-)?r6y i(icit;2d on t!i-- l-'Pst side Of
..e i -,,+ I P,@n. f--t !north of Vili@an P,,)ad, r@inni:in
Princess Anne Ocad blgit@nitin it a Po , Z. 1. I
a distance of 541 feet aloiiq '6!i-. Easil-c-rii pronei-ty line of VI!-,icli 19z,) feet is the
rest side of Princess /lnne lo-(J, rui,.iiitivi a dis',-anc- of 2198 feet (tloi,.g tl)e :!orti-@rti
propert,, line, ruiiniii- a distance of 7k')O feet along the 't-lestei,ii pro,)arty line, i-u:i-
ning a dista;ice of IS,47 feet along tire So,.(tl@@-@rn prof)crty line. Siid pro,,)ortv is
part of the Pro-,Ic)svd Atlantic Pltts %,title ii:ot-. detailed iiiloi@.-latior, ar-2
.n t!,- Office 0, tire
ava -ible t@. o-F rity Planning.
The Planning Coi-@nission approycil of this application-.
ITEt4 t2498
'Mr. Ashton H. Putty, 7r. appeared before Coii;icil on behalf of his own application to
answer any queotions they might have.
On Motion by 1.@Ir. Whitehurst, seconded bii t@'r. Afarshall, and by u?zaiii?@ious vote, cit,
Council approved the following av licatton for a subject to a
dedication of 45 feet from the center line of San t dedication)
and that the site plan be submitted to the Plani2i r to the building
permit being issued.
Application of Itstitoi 11. Pully, Jr. for a f Rrina fro-,i
i-oo@rty located
trict (It-rt) to Li-.iitm-d Co@c-.i-cial ')isti-ict 3 (C-L@ p .
-.Jim at a [@oint 125 fee of "ilitc! Can
on the side oil Sandi)ipei- Ro,:id team Sout!i
Lane, running a distance of 4.@ alolq t@le '.-'Ps, s i e,-- of Stndr)ip-nr fo---@l,
a distance of 15-) feet alago tl,.- Sotithern iro@@%rtv r@i;initig a distance o'
feet along the !!estei,ii pi,on,--rtv liT,,c, runnitiq a d)stince c' I:-)O feet -110:19 t.'L
ern pro;)-.i-ty li!ie. (Sand@,ridc.2 Arfia). PU'.@@o
,The Planninq Cc-.rission reco ends anproval of this a-,)?Jicat@ion subjnct to a d-di-
cation of 4'D feet fear, t@ic ceif-,2r lin-- oil @oad (15-loo@, dadic--'icn)
and that the site plan be to tt,.e Plaiinine, @c.-part@r.-c-tit orior to t,c @uild-
ing perntit being issued.
ITET.! 92499
Mr. Owen Pickett, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicants.
Mr. RaZph @rence, representing the land owners in the area, appeared in opposition ilo
the following application and presented petitions.
On motion by @. Bonney, seconded by i..,r. Sinrons, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Dusch, Albert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. tlurray
C. Dewey Si.@,ons, 7r., Earl H. TebauZt, and Zenneth tl. @.itehurst.
Abstain: Ladrence E. @!arshaZZ (he stated that he has a persorat interest in @he
application), vice A@ayor Robert B. Cro@eZZ, Jr., John W. lfcCor,-,bs, and J. Curtis Pa@@.O-.
City Council approved the foll@lira a-Dvlication for a chance of zonirc and a use ver7--l
subject to the recommendation of tric @7-anning Ccr-.iissi@t or a redu@t;@on in
of units to sixteen apartmen@@ units, City water and sewer and 15@. azien svoce. Appi@i?,,--
is further subject to a dedication of 45 feet from the center line of Road
(30-foot dedication). Subject also to a new site pzar. being submitted and anorovea
the Planning De:)art7,--@iit r)r--or to the sv-;,ni@utat of the plate for the purpose @f obtr--'--'
a building pemit.
;;I s
c c,;
Uli @.s C,'; C@
t 04F less 2,@@4
a,- n3
ce C,,r 11@- ti, f C. -z! tE,.l cnri
rLz:,inin.,i Of
stance of
a di cd t or.. ira
uEzisteri) prc?-i,'Y lille.
270.23 feet 'he LL
a r llur:licr of units '60 sixte2n
The Platininri CO:;,@iission rtco, cdtic@,-,tioii in th@
apartr.3iit units, City later and and 15!, oron space. @pproval is
ion of 45 feet fi,O@l center lin,2 of solid
Subject to a c!cdica I site nl,@,n I.; -Li-@Rlittid an([ ai)PI'Ovr-d LY tile Plan-
dedication)-. su5JC@ct also to B tal oi, @.lic plans for the purpose Of obtaining
Dei)ar@ eiit prior to the sub@@ilit
nitirt t-,-r,
a building permit.
Mr. Utinnah appeared on behalf of the applicant.
city Council
seconded by air. crorrL,,eZI and by u)lanimous vote,
On motion by ?,,'r. Afars7tatl, water and sower ar@d
approved the following application for a "6e I-rlrli4 2't'd
e eastern propc
ion of a triangular parcel, of land ?i,3asurL Springs Road)
a dedioat CTtl pr,)Pcrt
line and tapering to a point at the boost
@!art, for a Use Iler"@it- for raising Cl'
Apr)licatio;) of Po-a'v' . ..- cor@i-2r of
sales and s@,rvic@- oil
ot@d, rti;lqiil" a alo:il tile tic" 'I sid@ of @t
Road aiii -3aYsid@@ t' , -1 . cc o' 135 '-- i @ Di i!.,.ond
s-anr. of 175 f.2.@t alo;,,c@ t!,.@- East s OT
Road, a di , - -0 line,, ot
ninn distz-.iice o@ iNys
ubject to City
'nie ssion rt-,co@.,i,@nJs a@,I)roj,@l cloth is aDPlicatiOll el
Plail,iing Co!@ri T,I
water and se-@tL@i- and a dedication of a triaii-Itil-r pit@cll of land rit-!,isurinc ." feet
on the pi-c@,..@rty lin-2 et),J tan@l,iril to a Poin4- 2L' t!i@ .4@st,:rn nro;)@rty l'on-2
('Diamond S;)ririCs @o?.d), in,-l t site nl-dil p-arlinc,., @is-,)lay are'a and
scre.,eninci ni-ioi, to z;,)proval L@y City Council.
ppeared on behalf of the applicant.
Yr. 7oseph Draano a
On motion by Alr. Parshall, seconded by, '!r. Cror,,L?elZ, and by unanimous vote, City Cou-rc@
ved the following application for a use r)er@nit.
Application of Donnelly rlu@door @Lfv2rtisi!in Corn. for a PcnTiit to construct a
re on c-irt-,Aii prcn@.rty located c si,'-- co' "'ir-
25-foot by I"-foot sicntoa .1 '@i
ginia Beacii :'ot;lovard @'S feet Eas* of @vis Str"t. (Dayi 5 C -n-ar-,'@oulevard !!aror
The Plaiinirg Co.-.,nissioi rLco-.@--,irls approval of this a@,plicatio.-I as rec.u@-steuA.
TTE14 #2502
Mr. Owen Pickett appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by '.!arshatt, seconded by @!r. Crorrgielt, and by unani@-!@ Ity COU*!C
roved the following use vernal to fill an existing barrow pit subject to the avoro,@
of the city Health De e Water Control Board and the ?Iorfotk ellater Depa.-t7,-.@
Approval is further s e itqe of solid fill only.
Al)-plic2ition of John G. 'claxly, Jr. T/A Lan6..tal@,, 'realt.y Corporation, for a us:! P-@r.-it
to fill an existi!,q borrc,,, -,)it ci c-rtair. rrop-2rt@( located on tile East
Road b-zginninn at a point 933 fep-'6 @,re or less North of 'lortli,,,,,nt,)n r@;Ti-
ninn, a dist@,ice of 514 f,et t.n- Sout.)r-,rn ,)ro,-:(,rty line, running a distanc- of
aler running a distance of 4/-O f@et
13D4 feet 81onr ..- --ast side o-; i)
,llortlier.i property (-53 feet of tl,-,- @;orfol'(. and SoLitli-rn Co. Fiat,.*
of '-Jay), a of f,@-2t zilc,-lq t'i3 Eastern pro,-)ert@y line. (@!i
Ex,,)ari.-.-ntal St A r.,a).
The Planiinn Cc-l-,issioi has ?.rnro,,,al of t is a,
h )olicatior,
a,,) ... ... .--r Control nd t'l.2 ':or@ol@
'C@o-'ZT--Zr, ief t t-ec Counc,@@ @.@ers.
tTP,,tf @2.r,,03
Mr. iwnes Pickroll appeared on behalf O' tre applicant.
On motion bu 'I,-'r. !.!arsball, seco)ieed by t@r. Crorr,,)ell, and by unanimous vote, Citi;
approved the following application for a . c, Y?@t. subject to City water and seized.
Application of Oil P-il P%afinirig Co. foi, a Lisc, Per,.,it to ccistrLiCt a c-.,-@soli:'.2
stii)ply station on certain pi,o,.)-@r'Ly located on corner of
Do-,ilev arl, rijr,.tiiiip, @, dist-,i;-.Ice of @71 feet alonn t"n- @i o t, t 1,@ c ri
pro,-jet-tv line, ru,-initic,. a distance of 173 fc-3t the ',-.lest sidl- of
DOL11('VarJ, a distciic- of 15-@ f,2@t ,along the pi-ot).Z?r@y li,-ic, ru,-.Tlin(l
a distance of 202 f-,K@t aloi,o t[ic ,)i,or)c!i,ty lin-2. Area).
DAYSIL@OE 80,nO'Q'C!!.
The Planning @-ri.-...iission recc:,cir!cn@ls api)irjv-.,'. C,: this application.
ITEM #2504
Mr. Patriiik Standing appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Zn raotion by 1.1p. Sinnons, seconded by 1-ir. @!arshall, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Mayor Frank A. Du&ch, Albert I,. Bonrey, Sr., George R. ForreZZ, D. Ifurrati l.'alb--,
Lawrence E. AlarshaZZ, 7o;,.n W. t@cCo?t:bs, J. Curtis Pay)ze, G. Dewey S@nvons, 7r., Earl E.
TebauZt, and Kenneth tl. F/hitehurst.
Na.us: alone
Absent: Vice I.!ayO2, Robert B. Cro7r;well, Jr.
City Council approved the following application for a change of zonina subject to
City water and sewer
Application of r-uro.,)@an Heiltil Spa for a of Zonis from Residence
'located on the 3) on
District 3 (P-S '3) --o Li, i+,J Cor..-@rcial Ui 3 if- certain r)rop@rt,t
Sou,-;@i sie
f? of Las!,in -load qi.-Iili:ig ,t a 5@ fn,2-
First Colo-iial Pcad, runniin a dis@A .:est of
L-nce f 10-0 feet alone' t!'.c SOut!) si@:! of Las!<in
Road, running a distance of 1'03 f@nt alo:i.-i t!,, ,
@:cstcrn prorel,, lin-2, turning a
distance Of 99 feet along tl-.,2 Sorl'@!i.2rn prcD:2i,ty lin,@, ru;iq'l'nq a eistanco of 11,7
feet along the Eastern Property line. illto,-) Area).
-[he Planning COn-,ission r@oc@.iz?nds at)prova7 of this application SL('@jOCt to City
vaster and se-,,-,@r.
ITEP #2@05
Mr. Tom BroyZes appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Mr. Sipmon@, seconded by 14r. Carbon, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Ilayor Frank A. Dusch, Albert L. Bonney, Sr., Go-oroe R. Ferrell, D. k@rrav
Lawrence E. @.arshaZZ ' John '@. @.'cCotribs, J. Curtis Pay@!e, @. Dewey Si=ons, Jr., Ea-Z
Tebault, ---? v-:.; ,th Pi. ;v7zizenLwst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Robert B. CrorrweZZ, Jr.
City Council approved the Following application for a use vermit sub..7ect to City water
::,.z ci: s-;
I-qcd 't-i on.t".-e 7@@@t -,i ,'C oi@ rr.@E@. :.2c@ Si,-L-- c.@
Vi r-,-" rii t :t -)r-fo rui,-,i ;-,@i -,i c'i of f@@@t
si -@4@ of a c@
er' y 'i ic-2
ru!-t:i,.. :1 a clis@a- %Icn-, .2 -i-o,,rtv I i re
ni nq a of f-.@@-t t@,! i!,a.
Are a) "4
Tiie Co;.nission rccc,;l,-,@nls approval of tl)is application stib.4ect to
@City viater and server.
.TTE?,! 026C6
Mr. Robert H. DePoi@d, Jr. appeared in behalf of his own application.
On motion by @. Sinrrons, seconded by I.-@r. I.,'aZbon, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes:. Ilayor Frank A. Dzisch, Albert L. Bonney, Sp., Go@qe R. FarreZZ, D. 1-@itray I!at-@?-,
@ec-te.-c E. llarsh-11, 7ohn P. I%'oCon)bs, Pay@e, G. Deioey Simwii.-, c@- Farz H.
lwbault, and Yenneth N. kll,.itehzrst.
Nays: Pone
Absent: Vice @.ayor Robert B. Cropi-jell, Jr.
City Council approved the following application for a change of zonin nd a use pei,r7-t
subject to City Liater and sewer.
Anplication of Robert .11. @-Ford., .)r. foi, a of zotiiii(i fi,o!i Li.-lit,2d Cr,@-nrcit-il
D@strict I (C-L 1) to femoral Cxi-@-i-ciz:l zntl a Usf- Beirut to
Operate and ti@@ed c@i- sales iiid service ^.,,i c,-i-'@ai:i 11 -)C
SoLil@l-,i-:,st coi-it@r of Vit,@inia reach, Ovoulcvard ai,d @Irive, r,.iiiiinj a distance
of 1.19 feet '110:1,j tile Sout;i sid2 of Viroi:iia !'o,,(Ir:vard, rutiiiin,i a dis@6arice ol
31.10 fact t,*r,% or less aloir: side of Y,.)rll-tg.:;i Lriv@@, rtiniii!ig a or
100 feet alone *V.'ic Sot;th,2rn -ro,),2rty lir@e, ruii-,iinn a dista@ice o-I 3@@tr) feet F@-jjr.@ or
'6'2s@ i'@i pi,op-,,rty i:ie. (Lyriil)av,-n-Pat-.,. Ai-,,a). LY'!Ii'(!,(E'l
less aloig 'Lli@ e
7lic Plai;iing Ccj,-%!iission apnrcval ol@ this re,-,ucst subjel@t to City
and se-.ter.
ITEM #25C?
Mr. Tom BroyZes appeared on behalf of the applicant.
on motion by I,!r. Sinrons, seconded by I,,fr. I!aZbon, and by recorded vote as foZZows.-
Ayes: I,,Iayor Frank A. Dusch, Albert L. Bonr.,ey, Sr., Ceorae R. Ferrell, D. A.'urray @!a r;r
Lawrence E. @!arshall, John W. kfccorrbs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Si@..ons, Jr., Fort F.
Tebault, and Fenneth ti. Plhitehurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice 14ayor Robert B.,Cro@ell, Jr.
City Council approved the following application for a use ver"it subject to City water
and sewer.
)f "ado Develo,)r.,,,,nt Coroora",ion fair a li'ss Per-,lit to construc@ 125
holism and 6.1 9.r,@,n apar's@nts. to@alinn I'@") jiits on r-ain located on
O.e Sout.-i side of Las,@iii Road. F-est @vid "c-,t of Taxer Drive, rutininn. a dist@rc:., o,7
946 f.@et alon-
I t!ie 'ioi,'@,-rn oron-@rty Irish of 7i feet is si,'@ of
Laskin runni-)o a distance of ?@07 f,@-2t @ioi-e or 1,2ss aloii@, '@ll@ c@as@@ar-I
line, ruti:iiig a 'Uistzk-cE! of f---It )r-@ or less alo.,iq t;@,2
runniir, a dis'La?,,cp- of 3?7 f@,@t al,-.@i-, 4@'ie @'cst2-n pro-ei@ty lin;2, Cast Of Fou n
tain Di -ivi. Said oron.,r',y is !'anor Area).
The Planning Co7vission reco.-I-.icnis approval of t!iis a,)plica'tioi subject to City
Via4@er and snl,,i-ar.-
of t@.e
Mr. Wittim, H. irfile avvea-"C@ to answer any questions that ti@e Council riay
@ing the following
on twtion by Si?.-.-nons, seconded by lfr. I-;'Otbo)l, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ccorge R. Ferrell, D, leurrcy
Ayes: I.,Iayor Frank A. Dusch, Albert L. Bonney, @r.,
Laorence E. )Warshall, Jc)l:n I?. @,'CCor-,bo, -7. Curtit, Payne, 6. Dewey Sirtmion@o, Jr., Earl F.
!Febault, and Kennetlz ii. Aite7,urr@t.
)Va,ys: None
Absent: Vice I,!ayor Robert B. Cron.,,oell, Jr.
City Council approved t -he following application for a use permit subject to the
applicant in additional acr@g6 to -@:@..ce thi-en %,ty to 12 units p -P acre
as @ion in the Defeat ],lock Future Land Use Plan, a complete new site plan being oub-
ndtted@ 15% open space for recreation and ir;prove:nent of road access on Reagan Ave;zi@e
and further subject to City water and se!,)er.
Ap,rilicatioii of II. little @,lociat,-s for B.S. Ilills fol- a Use to co.,i-
strttct 132 garden and 121 2--),) u@i@,s
erty lbca.i.-Od at tie of Pc,:i- a a Doi ;I
feet of 01,J Cir---,at ii@c'- i,tinni!iq. a' of 102L Elo-ig t@!.,
pro-)crty rLj;iiii7).-i a distttticp t pi-oi-,c!rty line, ?.-,id
o' liti9 feet ilc!il trip
running a C!isttiica of lj.',13 z.-,,t aloiir4 trip ;'csterii pi-oror@y Iii@le. Pla@Ls -@t-c
iiii'ct-.-.,atio!i arc ill them la i@ic@, oll tie?. oil City
(Lyn,.i'iav@n ljlc,.i,,,Iits 4kr@,t). LYi!:!I ILI 1-3 0 7('% @, lo' i@ 1 .
7',ic Planning, Co7,y-.iissioli L,I,t)i-oval of @iiis lp,,)licatio:i sLi"-Jc-ct to Ci@L,,
;later and s-i,;i@i-, a in ',D l' ti.li@5 Li-?i- acre is si@o,..;ii in t@ii
Groat ;'O!.bct, L@-iid '@'se Plan, site pict!)
o,,j-2n s:)zce for i,ect@@,ition ltid CT' rcd acco-'s on
ITE14 02569
Mr. Carrington stated that he had a letter requesting withdrcr@az on file.
On motion by ?!r. PcCorLbs, seconded by 1-i'r. A,'albon, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: A.ayor Frank A. Dusch, Albert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. Murray A.'al@cr.
@ence E. lidrshaZZ, John W. I!oConzbs, .7. Curtis Payne, Earl H. Tebatilt, and Kennetr@ 'I.
Rays: None
Abstain: Mr. G. Dewey Siimons, Jr., personal interest in the property.
Absent: Vice Mayor Robert B. Cronjell,-Jr.
City Council approved the withdrawal of the folzowing application for a han@e o or@,@
and a erril-@.
o, Realty, Inc. for a if zonino from Limited Co@-.ertial
.District 2 (C-L 2i and :-'ultiple Fa-.iily'-.@a-@i-d-cn-c-e-(Ti-s-t-rict (R-,i) to General Inrlus-
trial District (4'1-1 2) aid a Use Per.-ilt to oncra'@n- an automobile salvaq,, yard
oil certai,.i pro@rty located on 7,@-i 5FCh---sid,- of Virginia Beach Pioul,-vard be-i[i-
ning at a poifit 1674 fn@'t East of East Lane, at the :Iort!@-..,,cst corner of
L -et-t;/.Iiiie of villich
Lane, runrvtitg a distance of 279 feet aloig @!i2 Sout@.crii pro@
@-@-ac!i looul@vard, run.,iin(, a dista,lc:e of
149 feet is tiie 'torth side of Virginia I 1
755 feet along t@';-_ '.11--@4LLrn proocrty line, run@-ii.-.a a distance o@ 219 feet 31cna
-rn rror),3rty li c oi 410 feet alonn the r-ast@l,,i
the @lort@.. n a'dis@Latic,-
I -
pro@c-rt,f line. Said lot is designated as a portion of Let 35, Plat of t)ccl,na
Gar@,ens', excluding Sites A, 8, C, D, and E. (Oc23T-,a Cardons Area),
The Planning Co-:-iission r-2co,-..,eiids denial of ti-lis an-olica,Lio,) as t@e Cc-rlissi'oll
fe2ls '@.@t t'!-- inQ'-,istrial LIS@ .:ould 'le to '@!i@ surroii!i@,J'i!lq
a letter
E. B. O!Ilznge, and t e
Lcn:zrt?-.ant o'
Virginia Beach .1
of new Ilciver., Conn. to riake a o4@Va@j o@ p2lo, osd it.-:-nr@vcy,-,en4@s along tl-3
Beach Express,-say and a time for these i?.-provL-.,.-,snt,-. ircl.,t,2ed in this
the on and off ramp to the beach from Posc:!:c@; it Road. A report will be
the traffic en.@irear'ro later tlion Septc!Nber 1, 1970. Tf possible., we @uld life -to
see action on this adz>lication oos4@i@iod until this report is
Mr. 01.)an B. Pickett, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant asking for 42
(30) day deferral.
On )notion by 1-1r, I/aZbc>?z, seconded by I.,,.r. vcCombs, and by recorded vote as follou7,s:
Ayes: @jayor Frank A. Dusch, Albert h. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. 1-furral., l.'albo-e
Lawrence E. I.,IarshaZI, John F!. I.-,'cCoi,-bs, J. Ctiriis Pay)ie,, G. Dewey Siir2rons, 7.r., Far'. R.
Tobault, and ith ?I. PInitellurst.
Balls: None
Absent: Vice @.layor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council deferred the following application for a e2@@nt for thirty (30) days.
,Npplica'6ion of Robo !.!as!i co. @.y c-,.,ell D. Pic!@,ett, Attorney, for a Use Pe-@,@it
to o@nat,ate a gasoline sl','F)PlY statio!'l Z;tid car ..:asli located on the @:0 -I ti(,ast
COI,ilcl' Of ro"cl PO@.@l and 'Os r!,- -'Ont @,'OEid, froi@@ing 15@?.2@? fee.,,- on the East side
of "orlriont t,oad (as by til,@ Vir-Iiiii-- 'L,l@-,,,art@i,nt of
feet on th?, Soutil SiCI2 of @iorfoll, e.,i(! Soii4,-llor;i Railroad, a dist,-,Ic,- of
1.31.92 feet alo!'g tied lastei,ii pra,-.2t-+y line, runtiinrj a distance, ol@ @03.12 fe--t
on the :forth side! of 'Doyd 'oed. (I-t'incess [)Iaza Arczt). Ly:l@!IIAVEti
The Pla;)ning Cor7iisrio.@l v ot,--,d to rescind til@ for,,i,-,r trOtiOll Of JLIII,2 197'@l
to defer t!iis apz)lic-iLio;l for a @,@l-lol
of ni:,,ety da,,S. Th@ Co!@,i@iisiot
recor,ri2nded cipr)i,oval of this application nrovidcd i-ifcriatio.) can ),e o@)taii,.id
frcfi t@,.e Toll Blood ikutliority to c 'Os-" rit Ford pro@3@-d off-rari:)
fron the Virgi,-iia ll'x,,)r2ss-.ia@/ prior to ti!@. Coti-ncil "Citing..
Plan,ling COT;::Ilssion reconvened test ilo acti,),i be t,',:cn o!i t;iis "Is@- Per"il
sliould it be !)y "he Vit--inia of I;ig:l..Iaj,s t,'Iat this
property will be required for the off-ramp at nos2,.,ont tell.
ITE14 #2511
Mr. Calvin Spain appeared on behalf of the applicants
Mr. Sam Houston, Sr., C4airtran of the P@ning, Devetov?rlent, and Zonirig Com. it@,ee
-the Council of Civic Organizations, on behalf of the CCO, appeared with ?,@s. Art@..,
Gallagher, President of the Council of Garden Clubs oil 7/irginia Beach, and Aemrat
S. Patrick, President of the Virginia Beach Bccutification Cor7rission to preser.L; a
propose resolution regarding the placing of advertisina signboards on streets
the corporate limits. I'he subject resolution indicat@ agreement by the Virginia
Department oil Fig;,.ways of statutes on outdoor advertising signs as set forth -.n Title
33, Chapter 7, in @,)s of T/irg@nia RaZa@@ing to outdoor Advertis-@'na. A cody of the
resolution submitted and oil th; subject state @s is on title in ihe office of the f.i@
Clerk. After discussion, the City pulled the matter under adv!ser!7 ,-;.
Mrs. Charlotte Tilbrook a rrier-wer of the Council of Garden Clubs of Virginia Beach ard
a member of the Virginia Beach Peautil'%'cation Commission, appeared in opposition to
the following application.
On motion by Yr. t!arsliaZZ, seconded by Bonney, and by recorded vote as follows.,
4urroy Ila7
Ayes: feayor Frank A. Dvs6h, Albert r,. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. A. 1. _:-
Lawrence E. I-larorall, John '@. I.!cCor,.bs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Silrrons, Jr -a
Tebault, @ Yenneth tV. Prnitehurst.
ftys: None
Absent: Vice I,!ayor Robert B. CrorwetZ, Jr.
City council anpro7)ed tele following aontica--@'On for a use re-@.-"t.
r...... .
L i
114 feet East of Nista Circle.. (L,.,! avn-rt ln'-L j@,t@ LY;i Llv. UI.
Th@ Plan iiig Co@nissio-.) denial of @Iiis reOLIC"' LS it is r@ 0 '@ ill ieepitig
with the Bay Fi-o:i'L,. Fu'Llure La.-,d Use' Plan for Shore Drive to be a scenic h i
TTE7,,' #2512
ot iwtion bt, I.-Ir. Bonney, seconded by I,!r. and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Mayor Frant, A. @scti, Albert L. B@nned, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. 1--lurrazi I,.'olbc@@
@r4?)ioe E. I.!arshaZZ, John @-7. I..'cCci,Z)s, J.' Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sirrnons, Jr., Fart H.
2,ebault. and Kenneth 11. Plhitjhurs@.
ftys: 1.7one
Absent: Vice I-,'ayor Pobert B. Cronwell, Jr.
City council auproved the following application for a-charce of zoning subject to
City water and sewer.
A-.)plicatio@) -ol '.Iiiidsor iloll@.!il for x f-rc)@. !Multiple! Fz-,riily Resi-
(@-:1) to Li,,i'l-ed C(,7L-o'l,cial (C-1, 3) an,,!
3 (C-.G 3) on certain pror@rl.,y located ol-i tl,,@ '!or-tli side of ilollcilid @Noi-,d I.Neginiiiig at
a point 3235 foot r@or.@ or less '-lost of P@o,lei,,Ont i),okd.
Parcel I to bn C-G3: On certain T,)ro-.,)c!rty located oil tl)@ !!ortli.-@ast corner of lioll@nc!
Ifi-@;o-s-id-Po3d tli. Su@ -
o-@ Oa!-,s 'rest t,Lziiiiiri(,, i dis-
ta,@ice ol feet more or less iloi)g tl..o sic!i of !!ollzz:id a u@is-
tance of 21.0 ror-- or less alc,@ic, tl,,2 Eagll- sici@ of Pi,o,)Dsed @,o@-td tli,2
Su5division oil '.Jiri-4@or "est, running
-1 a c!isti-.ic,.a of 17@ 1 At or less aloii
the 'lor'uil-w,ti line, a ol' l@,,O feet riore or less along
Eastern property line.
Parcel 2 to Le C-r,3: (,n certain nroper@@y located on t'i-@ c,)rn@r of
V6'i4' ad iircuC..7i ti,.ii SLit)ditisio,-i o@ '.'in6sor Oz'Ks ',lest, ru-:iin@ a dii-
tanc,, of 1(1"a feet or Ir-qs alo,,i(i t@@ i:o?"L.@ of llollz,,i-J ru-i-,ii@i@i dis-
tanc,2 of 21,3 r:;ora or less alo-iq th@ ":est sic!2 of @lro-)o.;@@d ',Ir)ad !;C
Su5divisioi of '.!ir.,.Isor Da,@s lost, a dist5!i@ ot 221) feet !,iori, or I,:,@s llo:il
I I I or less alone, ..-
the @lortliet,ii proo@i-@y lir.2, running a distance or 230 feet ti"
V,Iest^-rn py-t)?erti line.
Parcel 3 to ;,c C-LI@: 3c-innino at a noint feet rorc- or less t-;fst of t)i@- Pro-osed
F6@d-t@L )L-@Tdivisio,-i of 0-a@'s '.@-st , rurininq a dis@@-.nce of 370 feet
-1.1 f@t
,mra or 1 ss along @6un I;ort;i side of Holland -P -id, runiiifiq a eis@?@nc-2 o@
r.ore or less alon- @6!ie "lestei@ii r)ro-)-2rty line, rutiiii, a distance of 14'-)C '---t r--orl? or
less along the ilor@@!i-2ril pi,o.,),)rtv line and run-iii(i a distance of 2@) feet rore or
less along tl,,c Eastern property line.
Parcel 4 to bn C-L3: 3elinriinq at a noint 2-@O feet r)or,, or less East of tiie Pro-3os2i
f.- OT@ @.-lin@iscr C;a',s '.lost and 3'15 feet r.@re or less .;est
lulid IT70U
of Poser-.ont '..load, run-iinj a dista-ic,- of ',-.3 feet r,-.or-1, or less along tli2 !or'@ii sid,2
of -,olla-id runiii,.i3 a.dis'L-:t-c@ of 1?0 feet 7,ore or less alon(-T '.!estLrn
er@6y run!iing a dis@inc,2 of 17') feet rore of l@,ss along t@,.3 :Iort;il-rn
line and ruii-iin,7 a distance of 135 fee' rore or less along *U!ii2 c@asteri pro,)-arty lin2.
(';Iindsor Oz:'%-s !:'L',st '@l:!PSVILLE
Tiie Planninc, Co;,.,Ii-ssioii ra-lo-7.-.ands a,)nroval of this request su,)ject to City ,iater
and senior.
ITRIV #2513
On motion by @.fr. Bonney, seconded by Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: P!ayor Fr<rnk A. Duseb, Albert T,. Bonney, Sr., George'R. Ferrell, D. ".,Urray early
Lawrer.ce E. .70'r.71 W. @!cCorcs, .T. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sir=.Ons, Tr., FarL F
TebauZt, and Yenreth II. @.itehu"st.
N4s: None
Absent: Vice Payor Robert B. C@@-lell, Jr.
Citv Courcit @-@vE2 -"@.e :c7 )or a .c-3 4,
Dt, T ('-7
@;i rL!r@@lilln a C, i E .;I C
olc fc-ol- cr l@s ?cat!, a
tanca of 21@) t',-.[!t ti'o.-Ig tl@ pro,@-.I,ty line, a ll:r)
fcc,@@ @7oor- or trip aiid a Lli$l@-ance 01@
225 feet aloiig '6;,ic pi,op3rty
Parcnl 2: Ctianrz of '.Ioiiiii@ 'Fre)!-l C-^u 3 to at ti riltit 2"--i fc..-t
r:o-rtli of Irollv,!t,l rL!n:ii,.-,l i,, distance of 75 fcz!@6 t',Ia
East side of Pv,o,-os,@d Soll@l-;'i Ple.,Ia Trail a dis'a;lcL, of 2qo fcot
alo:i@, the @)roLl:,r'G-y line., a distance of 75 feet aloiirj ttie
St rii pi, lire and a of aloiif t'ie SoLtl--ri
Ea L@ 0 I
proij,-,rty li o. (I.Iinlsoi@ Oal,
Tt,,(, I'latining Cor@.,nis,ioii rocc ParcLl I to )is
Lit-iit,--d Co:,-4nercial i)istrict 3 3) Pai,cel 2 to be approv,.2d s re),L!Cf
ITE14 #2514
'Mr. Lee Yelberg, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Mr. Owon Pickett appeared on behalf of Sir Gdla,'zad Corp. in opposition to the folzowi?l@
On motion by Air. Bonney, seconded by ?,Jr. Ferrell and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: I.!ayor Frank A. Dusch, Albert L. Bo nrey, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. Mrray I!albc.@
Lcwre)ice E. 1-i'arsholl, John r./. P!Ccoinhs, J. Curtis Payne, 0. Det,)ey Siyr,7,,on.-, 7r., Earl F.
'i ?@. P/hitehurst.
.Tobault, and Yen@iett
Nays: Plone
Absent: Vice I.!ayo r Pobert B. Cro7.-,LjeZl, Jr.
City Council approved the following avvtication for a chance of zoning subject to Ci4
wter and sewer and a dedication of rig;2t of way 45 f@ ter Zi?:e of Fo zILT
I?oad (30-foot dedication).
@1)@lic',itioll of Si"!i J. lln-rs!ibcr.-3@r by L,).a Atlorrrey for a c'@an@n o@
zo:iinri fro-I C,
P-ci DLI')l@'X rc
3) on c.:!rttiiii orc.-)arty loc:itr@d o!i or 4olla.-i@l
ning at a poin@, 1"'O f@'et '!Cst O' rtj,.liin-.i a dis@Laic2 of
alonri the sie2 of @lolltqd @oad. dis-aiice of 275 fi@,'6 alc;,,q
1.4estern Dr@---2r-'y lin2, a distanc- of @-:I:2 f-2et alone t!12 @)rc,)-ir@,/
line, runninn a disL-.aic,2 of 3-lnv f,-at alori.,, @u@j2 r-n-stcr.,i :)ro7)@@r.-y line. ri is or
Oaks '.test tAr@a). KE"r@'SVILLE
The Planiiiiia Cortlission rc-,cc-..@-nd adprov--l of this suL@j-2ct to City
water a;id s;-,..:@-r and a dedic,,@6ioi of ric!'i'L- Of ',4P@y .feet fro@.i t!"@-
of Polland !'load (3,0-foot dedication).
W..Lee Kelberg, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by ter. Bonney, seconded by j@,4r. Ferrell, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Layer Frank A. DuBc;i, A Ibcrt L. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. tairray
,.faz,shall. John W. i@'cCombs, J. Curtis Pczyne, G. Dewey Si@ons, Jr., Earl P.
Lawrence E. ' I-'aZ-o;
2'ebal,lt, and Yenneth II. Vnite@,zt-"st.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice l,ayor Pobe),t B. croru-ell, Jr.
City Council apnroved the fot'c.o.,-iro az)Dticat-;on for a change of zoning to C-,-,
later and se'@'er a
or. of oir Wu-.y 45 fect jlr@.,.i the center
NOZZa?,d 7oad (30-fool d@
c: 11% Si
F, i of
of 2" t@i-
The Planning Con@;.iiFSic)ii of ti-,is Su@j,-.-ct to City
wate and se,.!,,,r aiid a declicati-l@:i of of .:@,y 45 fL-It fro-,i tlic! C-litor Iii-i--
of t!ollarid Road (3D-foo@
ITEAL 02516
Mr. V. E. hood appeared o)i behalf of.the applicant.
On wtt'On by 1-fr. Bonney, reco)zded by t@r. Ferrell, and by recorded vote as folzows:
Ayes. Mayor Frank A. D,4sch, Albert T. Bonrey, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. @rmy teatbor
Lawrence l.. I,!ar--haZt ', Tohn TI. I.!cCot;ibs, J. Curtis Payize, G. Dewey Sin.-nons J2..; yezi.I I,,.
robault, and l.enneth @l. I-,q7ito-hurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice I.!a!ior Rol)e@t B.'.Croi;,-,oet 1, 7r.
-City Council approved thc'following application for a qliane?e o@ nino subject to City
water and setler and a dedication of right of way 55 feet fyoin the center line of
Kr)y)licati(I'l of I!orible an@ Inc. for t cti@xica of zoninn froii R@sidence
Sill.) o
tir'.)@-n District 4 (R-S 'i) to Li--itpcl Cc,, rcial i, I CF6
pi-o-,)@rty loc-,i4,.-cl on tti- Sou'Lli sidi of Polland avoid, e,@L. apoinl- Sr)@ fl-2@L
East.of '@Oacl zi di,@ta.:,,cr-, of 151) fc--t z,.loli@l t@-,@ SO'IL,tl sic'i@ of
Road, runiiivig a dist,,:icc, of 2,@-@@ t!,@, Eastc-r?i !.)i-or),2rty lii,.c, a
dist(-inc-3 of 151,) fect along ttie Sou@l-,@-rii pi,cpei,ti, lin2, a distance ol 204
f4,e,, alonc,. tl;z! liestli,ii pre-,)@r@@y li-io. Terr,-ick- Ar2a). Kt7.';IIISVILI.i.
The PlaiininS. Co@,,.-riissloii r.--co-,@@,.--2nds ap,,)royal oil t!@iis an-,,Iication to 'City
water a.-id s-2;:cr and a dedication of rival of ,iay 55 feet frori t!,-, center lit,.L
of I!oll@.;id Road.
ITEI-F #2517
Mr. Calvin Spain appeared on behalf of the applicant.
Adm. G. S. Patrick, President of 2'he Virginia Eeach Beautification Cormiissior, a7,vea-"e
asking for a 660-foot set-back from the boarder line of the higwa,].
Mr. AZford Flood appeared in opposition to the following application.
On iwtion by @fr. Bonney, seconded by A.r. @.@s@att, and by recorded vote as follows.
Ayes: ?Iayor Frank A. Dvsch, Albert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. Ferrell, D. I,,Iurray %aZb@
Lawrence E. ?.!arshall, John W. ?.-'cConLbs, J. Curtis Pavre.. C- nm-,e,- q,'@orq, Jr., Ea-"Z H.
@Tebault, and ;eenneth N. Whitehurst.
.Ndys: None
Absent: Vice Mayor Robert B. CronweZZ, Jr.
City Council approved the following application for a chance of zoning and a use :)er,-.@
subject to City water and sewer.
Application of Alvord @r(ccttion for 'i of 'zones, frci-i,
I r-@ic
t s L, r c-n
P,riv:!, or 1-@ss Si-"2 cif
ni-in a dis'ance of 1, r, @-@t t-..- a dist-n. a
of 611 feet cilcric Ets,@ern :)ro!),-rL
'The Plaj-iriing Co;!,,-,iissic)n reco;.@.-I-s@ at,)i)rovcl c-F this a@?plicatic-ii.
12'E?.f #2518
On rwtion by 1-fr. Bonney, seconded by I.!r. I.-'arshall, and by recorded vote as follows;
Ayes: Payor Frank A. Dusch, Albert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. Per),cZt@ D. I..@4riay I-aZbo):,
Lawrence E. Parchall, John rl. t-!cCo??ibs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Siir@lions, Jr., Earl H.
TahauZt, and Kenneth ?.I. PrniteTiurst.
Nays: None
Absent:. Vice.!..fayor Robert B. CromicIZ, Jr.
-y Council approved the following application for a )-,an q- of zo@n and a use ner;.-iit
subject to a dedication of right of way 25 feet fioin the center tine of ]4o2,ris Avenue
and further subject to City water and sewer.
icatic-.i of Alvord Corporatio,,i for ei c'i.?iire of zoiiinn, fi,o-i Elt!rjl.@x
District 2 ( P-0 2) to Limitd t!s.@ P@,i-it to
cb,isti,t:ct t,;.-o 48-foot by lnu-,'-co+ c-i c,@r'@ai.-i rl-OnLi-t,,,
to the I!cst sie,@l ol @l),. Vii,cinip. E,@,-)r:!ssl-oy 4ti) at the
Eastern exti-.!.iit-.Y of ',Iorris A@i-r,.vz! at a nili@L G-@@ f-@f!t East of -it-,@Y-10.1
P,oad, rtiriiiing a d-ista-@)C,2 of 159 f@L@ or l@ns alor,,f: ti,li @.@rtli siec of @@ori,is
Avent!@--, i-Liiiiiiiq a dist,-;,Ic,- of Ic@)i alciig tl,.@ Iiii2, rL-tini!-.cl
fact 110-ig the :Ior'@l-i.-@r:l Iii@:2, run;,. i!,I,2 a of IS7)
feet eloig tlic! tl:ast@r-,i pro!)ar-L,,,
The PI,2-ining Co-.;Iiss,"c-i it,-),)rovcil of @Ll,is licatiol) sut).iC-Ct to a
delic:tl-i,@:i of ri,,@.)t of 2s 1,,c!t fro-i t@@L, center life! o-i ;',orris Aven-j-@
XPEI,,' #2@S19
On motion by Afr. @nney, seconded by I
,fr. A!arshall, and by recorded vote as folzous:
Ayes: @layor Franl, A. Ducch, AZbert L. Bonney, Sr., George R. FerreZZ, D. &rrau
Lcoorence E. Yar@.alt, John Pi. @,cCom-I)s, T. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sirwons, Jr., EarZ P.
Tebault, and Kenneth ?I. Whitehurst.
Pays: None
Absent: Vice A,ayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
City Council approved the following application for a change of zoning and a use per
subject to a dedication of 25 feet j@ron the center line of Pouse Drive Clo-foot
dedication), and further subject to Ci@lj water and sewer.
A:3plication of A',vord Cornora+.ioti for a c;ililr.-@2 of zoning, fror. n si@nc3 nLlnlcX
District 2 (0-D 2) to Liriit,?d 3) and a Uso Per@"t to
construct a 40@-foo4@, by 18-foot sign'oard on certain proo-2rt,-@ locit@f'aif.34'ac-a-n-
to t!,.e I!,,?st side of t)ie Virninia 2-.,aac@-!Iorl'ol'-, -r.x@r-Iss-.i'av (R-.ute 44) at the L.
Eastern extre,,iity oil rolls2 @)riv@, at a "Oi!lt 19' feet Eist of Littl,2
Driv@, rl,.ininri a distance of @o f@et a I o,,,@l.its 'lorth sid.2iof Driv-2, ru@-
ning a dista,.icL- 0-i@ 133 f@c@6 aloi,,i the! pror)2r@@Y
1. @ line, a dista!,.c@
)roperty lin,2. Said parc@l is trin ul r in shop-.
of l'ol fi-2t aloti,.) t'i-2 Easteri a
The Plannir.9 Con-,,iissioli re-lo:@r@@nds ;!r),@)i,oial of t!iis aoolicatio!l s@l@4nct to a
irc-@t fro.@ t'!:e .en@ler liic- of :)rive (1',)-foo, d-3dica*lioi).
dedication of 25
c4it ztr.@,.Y,
Bon@icy left the CO!lr'c" Cr c'-;b-q
ITUI #2521
On motion by l@ r. Alarsi@ll, seconded bzj I..@r. I.!cConbs, and by recorded vote as folloz---
Ayes: favor Frank A. nisch, George R. Ferrell, P. I..I@rrat, I,!albon, Lau'rerce E.
Joh-n Fl. J. nirtis Pai,,)?e, G. Dewey Siir;-,wns, Jr., EarZ B. Tebaitlt, and
N. Ilhitchttrst.
Nays: Krone
Absent: Vice Mayor Pobert B. Crorrliell, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Cozoicit directed the Citt, Clei,k to correct the. 1-fin:4tco of April 12, 16e5 in the
mttei, of. the' @t plic,,zl ion of Carola)-.?,.o- lior.-es, Inc. for certain zoning c,iangt?s by I:ke.
inclus-ion of pwo 2 bcgirni@.g with'it,-ii? IC'' through item 5 which apparently L?as
cia4tted by clei,icaz -)r from the @or c'pa),ification t,
I eri,, -Lt .e
Clorl, is outtio2,ize-d to iiiscrt the co.-@,p@ete @,,otion as originally stated.
Council ttiri4 1965
On v!Otiopt bit P2,. lilodges, , seco)-c@led by l.r. and bij majority. vote, the
fc!Zlowing.zoni)ig ordinance L,.a-,; adopted as by the Planriitg Co@t.@iiiss-@'on:
Aplilic'.'Ltioii of Ctro],Liizic' lloz)l.es Inc. by I<.ttifiiizi), OlicTiclorfcr, SI),tiiiiiaLii:
and liall, Aitoriicys, for the foll6w!iia chances of zoiiiiia. in the stibdi%-isclli of
Ci-rc,liiiiiie Farm: Cli@.i@ge.of Y-oiiiii
.0 frc)ii) Pcsiclciicc Stil,3tirbtji District 3
(R-S 3), l@esiclc!iici, Subit!-b.-.?i District 4 (P@-S 4) -.i)(I limited Coziirncl;cial
District I (C- L 3) to Lixiiitcd Coniiiici-ri,-.1 District I (C-L 1), l,i,-nitecl Corn-
rncrci;tl District 2 (C-L 2), L,iiiiitccl Coiniiicrcitl District 3 (C-1, 3), Ciei-,cral
Goiniiierci;,.] District 2 (C-C, 2), and \Ittltiple-Faiiiily P@csiclelice District
(it - M),
1. To be C-L 1: Property frc)iitiiio 790 feet incline or less on tl)c South side
of Princess Anne Road, 660 feet more or less on the Fast side of South
Ilarliamcjit Drive, botin-led or. the East and South by Kci-rps l,a.,idina Crec@-.
2. To be C-1, 2: Certain property fronting 174. 5i feet on the West side of
South l@arlia-i-ic-nt Drive, bcaiiii-,ina at aL point 720 Icct n-Lore or less \ortli of
Princess Anne Ro@-C-1. Haviiia a depth of 125 fee t more or less alono the 'L\ortlicrii
and Sot-,tliern property lines and a .viclth of 165. 2-,t feet alotia the Eastern property
3. To be C-L 3: Property located at tilc 'i\lortl-.cast intersection of Ronec,.u
-Court and Princess Anne Road. Frciiititi-. 75 feet on Princess Anne Road, having
a depth of 180 feet more or less on Rondc-@u Court, a depth of 60 feet more or
less aloja the Northern property line Iand a width of 200 feet rno-e or less alonv.
the Eastern property line.
4. To be C-G 2:
a. Prot)crty locat@.d tht ii-tcrsection of Princess Arre Road
and Sokitti Parlianient Drive, fronting 220 feet rno-e or'less on South Parliament
-I)rive, having a depth of 195 feet more or less on Princess Anne Road, a '.V;dth
of 200 feet alone the Western property line and a depth of 150 feet more or less
alona the 'L\lo-tticrn property line.
b. Property located z--" the Southv@cs-, intersection of Princess Anne Road
I Ion. @-et on Soutii t3art -IV
and South Parli,,,-ncnf Drive, frontin-
haviii- @ depth of 162.13 f@@ct on Princess Anne Road, a depth of 163. 77 feet
the Sovthcrn property line (Sir Bartc)n Drive), and a @vidth of 220 feet alo-.iu the
Western property line.
ZOO fczt Oil So@it'll l@i,.rl;ztziicnt
Drive "I.,! fz
i cic,)@, (,; Pri,.cc ti-
-@,s A7ir
ne e_i@d t (,t 200 feet tile
Soutlieri-i Ili-opt?rtY li
5. T-o bc R-I\-': Ilarc@l A an@ Lots PI(ick C., Scctit)') 1, Cl-@)7c)llj-,;Ic
Fari-n. Said I)TOPexty IC)Cttef] at the N iiitcr@cctioll of )')rincess A),.n6
Road i)id Flill Prince Road iiid -(!xtclidijiu along the S(ixitli side of Gallaii'6 Fo--i
Rpaci. Frontiji,, 800. 76 fcct on Priiir-cs@. Anne Roz-.e;, hi%,iil(, a depth of @795. 78
feet (.,II Iiill Pi-ilice l@op,(I, ;i %%-icitli of 258. 54 feet oil G;illiiit F@ cix furi)i)lc.
acjicl rti;ijiin- bc-t%,;cci) Lots 10'@iii-2 11 t cliqut;lcc bf 100 feet, ttiriiilig ;tied r ... II)ill@
alo3ig the rcar of Lots 6-10 a distance of 30j. 51. feet; haviii" a depth of 546. 60
icet aloiim the IVestcrii propci-ty linc!. -,tyc zivailztl)lc in the office of tile
Planllil)g Comil-lis!@iC)ll.
'Planllillg C03TIlniSSion recoiiiiiieiids approval of the proposed requests sxibjcct
to off st3.-cet l@arkii)-. rcclxtirenients aiid other site pla)i requirements.
Voting aye: Brown, Catopz, Darden, Hodges, Kitoliin, I!arshall, 14cCombs, Tebat4lt,
Whitehurst and ikisch.
Not voting: 'POIZOCI-,
ITET-I ii'25?12
On motion by tlr. Parshall, seconded by /@. Pi@iitehurst, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: 14ayor Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, D. l@rray A!albon, Latirencc F. tfars,'Ia@l,
John ;/. A!oConibs, J. Curtis Pcty@ie, G. D--w@@y Sir:wns, Jr., Farl H. TabauZt, and Yonneth
N. hliitalzurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice 1-faijor Robe2,t-R. Crormaell, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Er.
city Council adopted the following P-,s otutio?i authorizing the sale of $2,000,000
Public T?ziprovet.-,ent Bonds.
At a regular meeting of the Council. of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, held on the 10th day of August, 1970,
PRESENT: AIayor F)-a)zk@ A, Ditscli,
Geo)-,&@e R. Fe)-i-ell
D. Mii@-)-ay Alalbc)ii
Laivi-e)tce E. @fa)-sliall
Joini ;V. IvIcCoiizbs
J. Cii),Iis Pa)-)?e
G. Deivey Si?;;));o@is, Jr.
Earl II. Tebciitil
Keniietli Al. ii7zitchiti-st
ABSENT: Vice Alayor Pobe)-t B. C)-oit,,tt-ell, Ji-.
Albe)-t L. Bo)ziiey, S)-.
the following resolution was adopted by the following vote:
AYES: th2a)li?liolts
NAYS: None
public improvement bonds of the
1. The issuance of
City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in the amount of $2,000,000
having been authorized by an ordinance adopted by the Council
of the City of Virginia Beach on May 25, 1970, for the following
Improve and extend streets
and highways $1,500,000
Complete a public golf course
now under construction
Complete third floor of adniin-
istration building at
Municipal Center 130@000
Additional cost of constructing
a public health center at
Bayb@ide 45,000
Acquire equipment for heating
plant at Municipal Center 15,000
Acquire land for recreational
purposes 40,000
there are hereby authorized to be sold $2,000,000 public improve-
ment bonds of the City of Virginia Beach.
2. The bonds shall be coupon bonds without privilege
0-f registration, shall be designated "Public Improvement Bonds,
Series of 1970," shall be dated September 1, 1970, shall be- of the
denomination of $5,000 each shall be numbered from 1. to 400,
inclusive, and shall mature in numerical order in installments
of $100,000 on September I in each of the years 1971 to 1980,
inclusive, and of $200,000 on September I in each of the years
1981 to 1985, inclusive, without option of prior redemption. The
bonds shall bear interest at such rate or rates not to exceed 6%
per year as determined at the time of sale, payable semiannually
on March 1 and September 1. Bothprincipal and interest shall be
payable at the principal office of Virginia National Bank,
Norfolk, Virginia, or Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York,
at the option of the holder.
3. The bonds shall be signed by the facsimile signature
of the Mayor of the City of Virginia Beach, shall be countersigned
by the Clerk of the City and a facsimile of its seal shall be printed
on the bonds. The coupons attached to the bonds-shall be authenti-
cated by the facsimile signatures of the Mayor and Clerk.
4. The bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the
following form:
No. $5,000
Public Improvement Bond cries of 1970
The City of Virginia Beach, Virginia, for value received
hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to piy to bearer
upon presentation and surrender hereof the sum of
on September 1, 19_, and to pay interest thereon from the date
hereof to maturity at the rate of
per cent %) per year, payable semiannually on March 1 and
September 1 upon presentation and surrender of the attached coupons
as they become due. Both principal of and interest on this bond
are payable in lawful money of the United States of Anierica at
..the principal office of Virginia National Bank, Norfolk, Virginia,
or Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, at the option of
the holder.
This bond is one of A- lzbue if $2,000,000 Public
Improvement Bonds, Series of 1970, of like date and tenor, except
as to number, rate of interest and maturity, authorized by an
ordinance duly adopted by the Council of the City.of Virginia
Beach on May 25, 1970, and is issued pursuant to the Constitution
and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virginia, including the
Charter of the City of Virginia Beach (Chapter 147, Acts of
Assembly of 1962, as amended) and the Public Finance Act of 1958
(chapter 5, Title 15.1, Code of Virgiiiii of 1.950, as amended), to
provide funds for various public facilities qnd improvements.
The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia Beach
are hereby irrevocably pledged for the payment of principal of
and interest on this bond.
.All acts, conditions and things required by the Consti-
tution and statutes of the Commoni-2ealth of Virginia to happen,
exist or-be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this
bond have happened, exist and have been performed, and the issue
of bonds of i-)hich this bond is one, together with all other
indebtedness of the City of Virg:inia Beach, is -,.iithin every debt
and other limit prescribed by the Constitution and Statutes of the
Comnoni.iealth of Virginia.
IN WITNESS I-,TFREOF, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
has caused this bond to 'be signed by the facsimile signature of
its Mayor, to be countersigned by its Clerk, a facsimile of its
seal to be printed hereon, the attached interest coupons to be
authenticated by the facsimile signature of its Mayor and Clerk,
and this bond to-be dated as of the first day of September, 1970.
Clerk, city c ach, Mayor, C ty c
Virginia Virginia
(FORM OF CoupoLq)
On September 1:@ ig___, the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, will pay to bearer the amount shown hereon 'in lawful"
the principal office
money of the United States of America at
irginin National Bank, Norfolk, Virginia, or Bankers Trust
of V
Company, New York, New York, at the option of the holder,
being the semiannual interest then due on its Public Improve-
Ment Bond, Series of 1970, dated September 1, 1970, and
y of Virginia Beach,
Clerk, Ci Mayor, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia Virginia
5. The full faith and credit of the City of Virginia
ledged for the payment of principal
Beach are hereby irrevocably P
Th re shall be levied and Collected
.of and interest on the bonds. e
the city an ad
annually on all locally taxable property in
valorem tax over and above all other taxes authorized or
to pay such princiT),91 and interesu as the SOTPP
by law suf;'@.--,ent
respectively become due and payable.
6. After the bids have been received and the bonds
awarded@ the linyor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed
to tal-e all proper steps to have the bonds prepared and executed
i.n accor dance with their terms and to deliver the bonds to.the
purchaser thereof upon payment therefor.
7. The- Clerk is hereby lLlthorized and directed to see
to the immediate filii)@ of a certi fied copy of this resolution
with the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, qnd within
ten days thereafter to cause to be published once in a newspaper
having general circulation in the City of Virginia Beach, a
notice setting forth (1) in brief and eencral terms the purpose
for which the bonds are to be issued and (2) the,amount of such
B. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The undersigned Clerk of the City of Vi.rRinia Beach,
Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true
tract from the minutes of a regular meetina of the
and correct ex
Council of the Ci-ty of Virginia Beach held August 10, 1970, and
of the whole thereof'so far as applicable to the'matters referred
to in such extract.
I-IlTi%'ESS,iliy hand and the seal of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, this /Of-.),"day of August, 1970.
Cleri-, City o Virginia Beacti@
on motion by I.-@r. ecc!or2id bi@ Tc'pa-ult, ard by 2,i7co2'dinl vot s - OZZ---'
Ayes: lea,.ior Fro-.t-, A. Dusc,', 000@ae R. ForroZZ, D. I..,urr.2:1 r@rence E. 1
John W. It-@or;bs, ?. Curtis Pay;,c, G. De.)e.Zl Sir.,nors, Jr., Earl ii. 2,eZ;a.,i4t, and l,e r. r. e
P. Flhitehurat.
Nays: none
Absent: Vice l,ayor Robcz,t B. Civriwell, Jr. AZbei,t L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council adopted the following Resolution authorizing the. sale of $1,250,000
Sever Ilonds.
At a regular meeting of the Council of the City of
Virginia Beach, Virginia, held on the ldth day of August, 1970,
iVI(i),o)- Fi-a;tk A. Ditscli, E-ai-I 11. 7ebattit
Cco7-,-e R. Fer-)-ell ]Ce)ii2elli N. lllliiietzi(i-st
D. Alti;-@ay Afcilboiz
Loioi,e;tce 1-@. ATa;-sliall
Joltit it@ AIcCo)iibs
J. C?(I'Iis P(l)@ile
G.- Deive3i Sii;tj)7oiis, J)-.
Vice Ala3@o)- I'Lobe)-i B, C)-oi)iitpcll, Ji-.
Albei-I L. ]3o@i)zey,, S)-.
the following resolution was adopted by the following vote:
OF $1,250,000 SEIIER BONDS, SERIES OF 1968, OF
1'. The issuance of sewer bonds of the City of Virginia
Beacho Virginia, in an aggregate principal amount of $1,250,000 to
provide finds to improve and extra !.- sewer system, havl-.6 1--.-?n
approved at an election held in the City on January 20, 1968, there
are hereby authorized to be issued and sold $1,250,000,Sewer Bonds
of the City of Virginia Beach.
2. The bonds shall be coupon bonds without privilege
of registration, shall be designated "Sewer Bonds, Series of 1968,"
shall be dated September 1, 1970@ shall be of the denomination of
$5,000 eath, shall @e numbered fro-i I to 250, inclusive, and shall
mature in numerical order in installments of $125,000 on
September1 .in etch of the years 1971 t 1980, inclusive,
.without option of prior redemption. The bonds shall bear
interest at such rate or rates not to exceed 6% per year as
determined at the time of sale, payable semiannually on March I
and September I. Both principal ar,,: 'L@iterest shall be payable
at the principal office of Virginia'National.Banlc, Norfolk,
Virginia, or Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, at
the option of the holder.
3. The bonds shall be signed by the facsimile signa-
ture of the Mayor of tlic.City of Vir-inia Beach, shall be counter-
signed by the Clerk of the City and a facsimile of its seal
shall be printed on the bonds. The coupons attached to the bonds
shall be authenticated by the f!CSiTnile signatures of the Mayor
and Clerk.
4. The bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the
following form-
No. $5,000
ei,,er Bond Series of 1968
The City of Virginia Beach, Virgin-.La, for value
receivecl-hereby acknowledges itself indebted and promises to
pa@ to bearer upon presentation and surrender hereof the sum of
on September 1, 19-, and to pay interest thereon from the date
hereof to maturity at.the rate of
per cent %) per year, payable semiannually on March I and
September 1 upon presentation and surrender of the attached
coupons as they become due. Both principal of and interest on
this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of
America at the principal office of Virginia Nationil Bank, Norfolk,
Virginia, or Bankers Trust Company, New York, New York, at the
option of the holder.
This bond is one of an issue of $1,250,000 Sewer Bonds,
Series of 1968, of like date and tenor, except as to number, rate
of interest and maturity, havina, been authorized at an election
duly called and held on January 20, 1968, in accordance with
Section 127(b) of the Constitution of Virginia and is issued
pursuant to the Constitution and statutes of the Commonwealth of
Virginia, including the Charter of the City of Virginia Beach
(Chapter 147, Acts of Assembly of 1962 as amended) qnd the
Public Finance Act.of 1958 (Chapter 5. Title 15.1, Code of
Virginia of 1950, as amended), to provide funds to improve and
ext end its sewer system.
The bonds and the interest thereon are payable from the
rates or fpes to be charged users,of the seivcr systzm. which ra 't'es
or fees are required to be maintained at a level that will produce
sufficient revenue to pay all costs of operation of such system
knd the principal of and interest on the bonds, as the same become
-due, and.from ad valorem taxes which are required to be levied on
all taxable property in the City for such purpose without limitation
as. to rate or amount if-. the not revenue from the seN.7er system is
insufficient therefor.
All acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution
and statutes of the Common;.:ealth of Virginia to happen, exist or be
performed precedent to and in the issuance of this -bond have happened,
exist and have been performed, and the issue of bonds of which this
bond is one, toaether with all other indebtedness of the City of
Virginia Beach, is within every debt and other limit prescribed by
the Constitution and statutes of the Commonwealth of Virainia.
IN WTTNESS @7H.MEOF, the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia,
has caused this bond to be signed by the facsimile signature of its
Mayor, to be countersigned by its Clerk, a facsimile of its seal
to be printed hereon, the attached interest coupons to be authenti-
cated by the facsimile signatures of its Ilayor and Clerk, and this
bond to be dated as of the first day of September, 1.970.
Clerk, City of Virginia Beach, il7ayor, City of Virginia Beac'n,
Virginia Virainiq
(F@i,14 OF COI)PON)
on September li 19-, the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, will pay to bearer the amount shown hereon in lawful
money of the Ui-lited Stites of America at the principal office
a -ial Bank or Bankers Trust
of Virgini Natioi Norfolk, Virginia,
Company, New York, New York, at the option of the holder, being
the semiannual interest then due on its Sewer Bond, Series of
1968, dated September 1, 1970, and numbered
Clerk, City of Virginia Beach, Mayor, City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia Virginia
5.' It is hereby covena.nted and agreed with the
holders of the bonds that so long as any of the bonds are out-
standing and unpaid the City of Virginia Beich %,7ill:
(a) charge rates or fees to sewer users and fix
and maiiita4-n such rates or fees at such level as Hill produce
sufficient revenue to pay the cost of operation and administration,
-loss by injury to persons or
the cost of insurance against
property.and the princip@-I of and interest on the bonds as the
same become due;
(b) apply the revenue derived from the operation of
such system in each fiscal year first to the payment of such
cost of operation and administration during such year, then to
the payment of principal and interest on the bonds issued for such
(c) levy and collect annually an ad valorem tax on all
the taxable property in the City, without limitation as to rate
or amount, if the net revenue of such system available to pay
the principal of and interest on the bonds is insufficient therefor;
(d) segregate and keep segregated from all other City
funds all reventi-e derived from the operation of such system and
keep proper records and accounts therefor, separate and apart
'from all other municipal records and accounts.
After the bids have been received and the bonds
awarded, the Mayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed
to take all proper st@ps to have.the bonds prepared and executed
in accordance with their terms and to deliver the bonds to the
purchaser thereof upon payment therefor.
7. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to see
to the immediate filing of a certified copy of this resolution %.;ith
the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach.
8. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The undersigned Clerk of the City of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, hereby certifies that the foregoing constitutes a true
and correct extract from the minutes of a regular meeting of the
Council of the City of Virginia Beach held August 10, 1970, and
of'the whole thereof so far as applicable to the.matters referred
to in such extract.
WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Virginia
day of Auaust, 1970.
Beach, Virginia, this LO-11
'Or' ir:o@'ora In "r. r,7
Ay !UP t,o
.as: Frar@ A. @"Dch, Geoi,f-ip P.
7. C@)4r@.is Payr.@i, C. De-.ley Tr. , FarZ 11. TebauZ and
M. F)hitahw,st.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice @layor Robert D. C'rorrjell, Tr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council approved the foZZowing ordina;toc; authorizing the Director of Planning
to review nar.,ice of proposed new streets in the City.
AN OnDINAqk-111-1 '20 tSSIG.q TO TIlTr ])IP rC:T@, OF PI,AN'NI,@'p.
TKIE liu'J.'-.!O" ' Tll@ OF
,.ITY PES)?Ol@'Sli'@lil@LTY FC:, N.6@iIll%r.
ST'LIE',-@TZ-> T.!"'@ CITY Or- VIRGlk4l"l
That the VirL-iiiia Beach City Code is hereby c.-,iended by the
Perdition of a ne-,., Section as followers:
"coection 2-1-32. Street 1\7,@-Lies"
"It is the responsibility of the Di2:ectoi: of Plrnn@n-. to re-
viei,y the ne-iiies of proposed nei7 streets to ensure that no conflict
exist %.Yith c-istin- or previously -pprov-ed street namcs. In
tion, ul)on determination that con'@Lsi.i,,p exists Os to
present street n,-in--s, it sli,-.1i. b@ tire duty of the Direct:oi: of
Pl.qnnincz to effect such chon-es in street n.;:-.es as will eliminate
possible confusion."
trooped by the Council of the City of Vir,uini-a Beich,, Vi,.,@inia,
on the 1 ol,,z dpy of Ait@attst 1970.
ITEII #2525
On motion by Yr. I!cCombs, sec'@ed by life. t@rshaZZ, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes., Mayor Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, D. @.lurray t@'aZ'Don, Lawrence E. klars;:aZ!
*7ohn P. t@,cCorbs, .7. Curtis Payne, G. DeL)ey Sirz-ons, Jr., @@arL H. TebauLt, and Kenne-@h
N. Whitehu-rst.
'Absent: Vice A!ayor Robert B. Cromwell, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council adopted the following Resolution to establish a'commnity mentat heazt@
and Mental retardation se--vice board to be ;,rose as I'he Copmnity I..entaZ HeaZth and
Mental Retardation Service Board of Virginia Beach, to be composed of seven (7)
The regular meeting of the Council of the City of Virginia
Beach, Virginia, was held in the Council Chambers of the Adminis-
tration Building of the COLY of Virginia Beach an Monday, August 10,
1970, at 10:00 A,M,
On notion by Mr. McCombs, and seconded by Mr. Marshall, the
following Resolution was unanimously adopted.
R E S 0 L U T I 0 N
WHEREAS, Chapter 10 (Comtaunity Mental Health-and Mental Retardation
o!rvices) of Title 37.1 (Institutions for the Mentally III; Mental Health
Generally) of the 1950 Code of Virginia, as amended, provides for the
establishment of a community mental health and mental retardation services
program; and.
WHEREAS, Section 37.1-195 of said Code requires the establishment
of a Community Mental Health and Mental Retardation services Board, when
* community mental health and mental retardation program is established;
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City Council of Virginia Beach,
Virginia, to establish such a program and Board, with the intent of
implementing the provisions of the aforesaid Chapter 10 of Title 37.1
of the Code of Virginia, as amended.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that ther a be established by the
City Council of Virginia Beach, Virginia, a Community Mental Health and
Mental Retardation Services Bozird to be known as the Community Mental
Health and Mental Retardation Services Board of Virginia Beach, to be
composed of seven (7) members, who shall be appointed by the Council in
the following manner:
Three (3) members for a period of three (3) years from
January 1, 1970
Two (2) members for a period of two (2) years from January 1,
Two (2) members for a period of one (1) year from January 1,
The terms of each member of the Board after the initial appoint-
ment shall be for three (3) years from January I of the year appointed,
'ept that vacancies shall be filled for the balance of an unexpired
Th@ "Comiuiity llc.,-I-@h -.nd i.,,,ntril @etird@@.ioii Services
is rppoi-n-@ed pursuant to Section '37.1-195, Co4c of Virginia,
and s]iell hove such powers and duties ore thereby authorized.
ARecolutio-n relative to pollution of the F7i;,abeth and I,,unnhaven Pivers (Oyste2, Beds).
was deferred. A copy is on file in the City CZerk's office.
.TPE?,f #2527
on mt-io.n by Mr. @j'cCoytLbs, seconded by bfr. Carbon, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Afayo r Frank A. Dusch, Geo2,ge R. Ferrell, D. Alurray I.!aZbon, Imirence E. I!araliall,
.7ohn W. J. airtis Pay?ie, G. Dewey Sit?"ons, Jr., Earl ,/. Tebault, and Kenneth
S. Whitchurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice lfayor Robert B. Cronwell, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council approved the following Ordinanoc.to wnend Section 26-13 and Section 16-14
.of the Virginia Reach City Code relative to underground tanks for storage of @r,-,7able
A,.q OF.,)Il,!AvCE Tr) A:-iEi,.'D S7CEICii )6-13 AI@TD
B@Ar,ii CI],y C:O,),,
That the Viro.inia Deach City Code is amenjed as follows:
1. In the second para-,raph of Section 16-13, in the first
and second lines thereof, delete the words "city en-.ineer" a-.-id
substitute therefor ".fire inspector"
2. in the second paragraph of Section 16-14, delete the ,qores
city engineer" front lines one and -three and substitute therefor
the words "fire inspector".
Adopted by the Council of the City of Vir.-inia Beach, Viroinia,
on the -loili day of A.?g::si I 0 70
@.'rriotion bi @21. oec;i z.-d
Ayi2s: t,'@,,or Fran", A. Ceo2..Ql N. r-e2-2'all, D. i'..'rZbon,
.Tol.n F. J. Pa!tnr,@, 0. D@,),?.@ Sit.,:tore, Tr. Ea2,1 II. 2ebn@tZt, and
)lays., None
Absent: Yice Afailor I?obert B. Croiriell, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City council approved the following Oid,@'nance to authorize acquisition for rig;!t of
of Roqe?nont Road.
OF FOT:@ "OUT'I:', (,!,5
2012 C-501$ TO Pi-l ACQUII-t-'D Iki
FEr lill- O'@
O.;' ll'-c--'riT-OF-@.IAY
EITII,':" 13Y 'L@'f O'@@ 3jY CO@'DL'@'tiL:'.'-.ATIOii
POink SAID tO@QUISIT!Oi'@' OF I,Zp,,,-iD CP@ l@)TI;@"'F.ST
IN Sl,,I)) L@'11\13) FO';@ Ol,' IOUTI'
645 (@'OSILIO',@T 1',OAI)).
1-7HEPEtl@, the Viyc,!.ni.,i Depcirt@.i-ni. of Ill.-I-i-v;,.qys has ati-Lhori"d
Plout(j 645 ns P)--oicct 4000-131@-..102, P-,,-101@ P,/I@l 201,C-501, and ti'lit
sL,i(I Gove-rn!,-,,-iit@l l@@enc;ies hzve ap:)roveC@ the project for rilalit-of-
way acquisition; Once'
IIHE'RFtSs in the opinion of the Council of the City of Vir,@ini-,-.
Bepch, .1 Public nece.----ity exists fc)i.- the construction of this
important hizhi-yey to pro%,ie..e transportation -.ne. for other public
purposes for the p):eservLi-Lio-,i of the sej'ccy, he,-.].t'll, peace, @-00e.
orr-ler, co-..210-,Ct, convenience, coor@@ls qn' 'a-z the %.,elforc,. of the
L L Ct
people in the City of Virainia Beach:
VI@%Gl@1111 BEAP@ii, VI-IGINIA:
Section 1. That the City tttorney EnrJ/o,.c Assistpnt City Attorney
is hereby authorized end directed to ecql@ire, by purch,@se or conde@iino-
tion, pursuant to Section 15.1-236 et seg. and Section 33-59 et seq.,
Code Of Of I-)5v, as P-.iend @l, :',-I that certain real @ror--rty,
in fee simple, inclu(:@ina ten-@)oriry ,nd perrii8nent casements of richts-
of-;Yay, es sho,..7n on the Plan en@ Profile of Proposed State Hi-,hiiiy,
City DL' VirSinin Beech From Intersection of Roll-and Poed To: inter-
section Vi-rginl.c- Be@ic'll Blvd.,(,'ose@-."()nt Poni), on 'file in the City
Attorney's Office ane. in the City En-inecr's Office.
Section 2. The City Z'itto--ney and/or @ssistr,,-it City lttorney is
hereby authorized' to or cause to be in beh@.11 of the
Cl'tv Virc.--Lnii Dc@c,-L, 6-'@ci, to c-4nc!rs or persons
;!.n invest in
and/or tssist.-nt City Attorney is herql>y iL@.thorized to institute
proceedings to spi(I property-
Sectioi) 3. There is hereby oppxopxicted SL)r-fiCiCnt 'unds to
cover the City's onc@-hLln-,,red (100%) Percent slip-re of the ri
.@.ht of
way *requisition and fifteen (15%) percent sti@qre of construction
and other expenses.
Adopteei by the Council of the City of Virginiq Beic'il, Vir@ini-C,
on the I 01,@ e@,-,y of Aztgiisl
ITMF P2529
Mr. Jmnes Roebtick, resident of L:tnnhaven I)21et Area Civic Lc>aqzie, appeared in oppositi
to the closing ol portions of lynnlt"e@t @ I!oZZy Avenues in Lynnhaven Borough.
Attorney J. Ball appeared on behalf of I,.r. I-.@arx, one of the land owners affected ku
the proposed street closing, in opposition to closing portions of Lvn?zhavcn cod flolly
Mr. Willis Se-well appeared in opposition to closing portions of Lynnhaven and I!ozzb,
Mr. Coffiran appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Mr. Si@,ons, seconded by I-h,. r@itehurst, and by recorded vote as folzo!js:
Ayes; Ajayor Frank A. Dzlsch,- George R. Ferrell, D. P-'urzay t..falbon, lawrenc-e E. Ilars;!a@Z
ttohn fl. 1,@-Combc, J. Curtis Payyie, C. Dewey Sinn@ns, Jr., EarZ R. Tebault, and Yeny:c-,"!
N. whitehurst.
Nays: none
Absent: Vice @iauor Robert B. C-ro@elL, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City CqunciZ approved the following Ordinance.Closina, Vacating and Discontinuina a
Portion of Lynnhaven Avenue, Tynn;,aven Borough, City'of Virginia Reach, Vi2-ginta'.
A N 0 R D I N A N'c F
WHEREAS, proper notice that LAKE GEORGE CORPORATION would'make
application to the City Council of the City of Virginia Beach on July 27,
1970) to have the hereinafter described street closed, vacated and discon-
tiiiued as a public street of the City of Virginia Beach, was duly posted at
the Courthouse of the Circuit Court of the City of Virginia Beach, Virginia ,
on the 17tli day of July, 1970, and at two public places in the City of
Virginia Beach; and
1411EREAS, said application was made to the Council and pursuant to
the Statutes in'sucli cases made and provided the Council, on July 27, 1970$
which was more than ten days after said posting of said notice, appointed
A.W. PFTU'Y, D.L. CASSIT)A and C.S. KILEY, as viewers to report in writing
whether, in their opinion, any, and I f any, uliat inconvenience would result
from discontinuing the same, and said vici.,ers have made said report to the
Council; and
WHEREAS, the land proprietors affected thereby, alone said street
proposed to be closed, vacated and discontinued have been duly notified; and
WHEREAS, it is the judgment of the Council that said street should
be closed, vacated and discontinued.
ALL that certain portion of Lynnhaven Avenue as shown
on that certain plat entitled "Plat of Lynnhaven Shores"
Lynnbaveti Borough of Virginia Beach, Virginia, recorded
In the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the City
of Virginia Beach, Virginia, in '-lap Book 7, Part II, at
a .-ad
page 167, said portion of Lynnhaven Avenue beino mar'
in red on the attached copy of the aforementioned plat,
and more particularly described as follows, to-wit:
BEGINNING at a point in the Northern boundary lin@ of
Lot 3 in Block 9 of the aforesaid plat; said point of
beginning being 91.54 fact west of the dividin- line
separating Lot 2 fro,-.i Lot 3 in Block 9 as shown on the
aforesaid plat; thence in an easterly direction alon*
a curve to the right having a radius of 440 feet an arc
distance of 360.46 feet to a point; thence along another
curve to the right havin- a radius of 25 feet an arc
distance of 19.99 feet to a point; thence South 5'48' East
63.5 fact to a point; thence along a curve to the right
having a radius of 481.37 feet an arc distance of 132.56
feet to a point; thence South 67'03' East 93.90 feet to a
point; thence North 50 48' West 198.42 feet to a point;
thence along a curve to the right having a riditts'of 600
feet an arc distance of 294.29 feet to a point; thence
along an6ther curve to the right bavin-. a radius of 25 feet
COFFMAN A COFFMAN an arc dist.ance of 17.77 feet to a point; -thence North
5'48' liest 50 feet to a point in the Southern right-of-way
line of the Old Norfolk and Southern Railroad; thence
alo@@-said Southern riglit-of-vya'yline South 790141 West
170.13 feet to a point in said Southern right-of-way line;
thence along a curve to the right having a radius of 1935.08
feet an arc distance of 223.14 feet to a point;,tboncc turn-
Ing and runnino along a curve to the left having a radius
of 475 feet an arc distance of 101.44 feet to a point; thence
turning and running along a curve to the right having a radius
of 440 feet an arc distance of 77.51 feet to the point of begin-
And beginning at a point in the Southern riglit-of-iyay of tri@
Old Norfolk and Southern Railroad riglit-of-way at a point
where said riE:Iit-of-,.iay is intersected by the Eastern boundary
line of the property now or formerly belonging to James Harris;
thence running in an Easterly direction along the aforesaid right--
of-,,.,ay 192.98 feet to a point in said i@ight-of-way; thence
turning @nd running in a Southerly direction along a curve to
the left., the radius of which is 1000 feet, an arc distance
of 185.07 feet to a point In the Northeastern boundary line
of Block 22 as shown on the aforementioned plat; thence turn-
in& and ruiiniiio in a Northwesterly direction along the North-
eastern boundary line of Block 22 an arc distance of 294.52 feet
to a point in the Eastern line of the property now or formerly
of James Farris; thence turning and running in a Northerly
direction along the Eastern line of Harris 25 feet to the
point of beginning.
Also, all that portion of Holly Avenue as shown on the afore-
said plat lying West of the Southerly extension of the boundary
line SCparatin- Lots 10 from Lot 11 in Bloc"- 5 (which extended
line establishes the I%Testern boundary line of the property
of Samuel Sandler and Harry Saiidler) and cast of the Southerly
extension of the western boundary line of Lots 12 and 13 in
Block 5 which line, as extended Southerly runnin-..a course S.
5'48' East, 'also establishes the eastern boundary line of the
property of F,@LA Corporation. Said portion of Holly Avenue
beino bounded on the east and west as hereinabove set forth
on the north by a portion of Block 5 on the aforesaid plat,
and on the South by the property not,, or formerly constituting
the right-of-way of the Norfolk and Southern Railway.
Nonetheless,.subject to the preservation of a storni drainage
easement as shown on a certain plat recorded in Map Book 70
Page 39, in the Clerk's Office of the Circuit Court of the
City of Virginia Beach, which easement is not nullified or
voided by this Ordinance, and the dedication for "street purposes"
Of a triangular area located outside a 201 radius as shown on
sai-d plat, located in the Northeast corner of the parcel shown
on said plat.
And further exemptin- from this ORDINAiqCE an EXTF,-NSION IN A North
Northeasterly direction of Lynnhaven Lane, as recorded in ',,lap Boo'-
7, Page 197, in the Clerk's Office aforesaid, said extension of
Lynnhaven Lane being in width 15 feet and extending from the
Northern Boundary line of Lots 1 and 2 of Block 22, as shown on
the plat r'ecorded in \Ia@ Book 7, Page 197, to the Southern Bound-
"'MAN t% COFFMAN ary line of a parcel of land belon@inv to the Commonwealth of Vir-
ginia, Department of Highways, and no@i being used as a public Street.
..... ....... .....
2. That this Ordinance shill be in effect from and after
thirty (30) days from the date of its adovtion.
I.TEPI #2530
on motion by I!r. 14cConbs, seconded by @. A.arshall, and by recorded vote as follotss:
Ayes:. Ilayo2, @'rank A. Dusch, George R. Forr,-IZ, D. Mrrail t.'al-bo)i, Lwtreyice E.
John ;/. I,,'oCoiiibs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Siirpvns, Jr., FarZ 11. Tebault, and Xenncth
N. Flhitehur@-t.
Nays: none
Absent: Vice I.,'oyor Robert B. Croupjett, Jr. and Atbert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Counc-"l approved the foltoE,)i;ig Ordiiiwce to Establish Conpe)isation for the I..'azfOr
and Members of the Cou)ic@.'l of the Cit-ii of Virgi@iia Beach.
I,.N TO ESTi,!','UTSII CCIf@E@!.c:l-.TION- FO-c@
BE IT Oil@T)Alii',,"D BY 'IIIF CC)U:@,'U'IL OF CITY OF VI"C.Ilqf.A BF,'@,Cil,
Th,nt effective on 1, 1970, the co.-.ipensetion of
he Mnyor sh,,ll be@, Five Ilundre6 Dol.lors ($500.00) per month,
and the co.-.lpc!nsetion of aech Li--.-aber of the Co@incil
'111 be FoLir ilundrer3 Dollers ($I..Oo.00) p@r rionth.
Adoptc(:t by the Council of the City o@ Vi-rr--inir Beoch, Virgi nip,
on (:he iotill dr@y of Atig-est
ITE.',l A,6n57l
d by recorde3 vote as
on r;oloion bd I.-'r. PiKine, Eecon2ed by a@i
14ayor Fratl', A. Dvsc'i, Goorje P. Terrell, D. l@'urray ,"eztbori, Lawrene-le E.
Ayes: A tis.Payne, G. I)ewey Sir,7no?zs, Jr., Farl 11. 2ebault, a,:d Kei,reth
.7ohit Fl. lecCor-.bs, eT. Cvr
N. WhitehiLrst.
Mays: none
Abeent: Vice Mayor )?obert B. Cronwell, Jr. and Albert b. Bonnet,, Sr.
City Council adopted the following ResoZution relative to the City agreeing to pay
15 Percent of the coats of surveys, pla;is and right of way for Indian Rivep Road Pro-
The re,@ular iicetin@ u:E the-CoLiii^lil. of the City of Vi@-g-,ini-i
Beach, Virpinit, N7rs til-@d in the Council Che-,nbexs of the Adiiiiiiis-
trp.tion Buileitig of the City of Vi.rgini-z, Beach on Au!ziis-@ 102 1970,
et 2:00 P. @l.
On motion by @ir. lnd' seconoed by 1-ir Alai-shall
-the followin- resolution in$ unanimously adopted.
P, E S 0 L U T I 0 N
I-TH ERr-@t@s@ the State Hio,hx.,,Dy Co-,Lriiission is rox.., in position to
procceet i,,itli icsip-l-ovc,-acn-@ o'@ Indian 1,iver @o,-(-l into the City oi.
Virgiiii@ Beach fro-.@l the corporate Chesz,,p--,!'N-c to Inter-
state Route 64; and
%@iHFI,EAS, the volu,.ie of traffic clezrly indicates such im-
n order.
prove7tiont is i
VIP,Gl'-TIA B:JiCli:
That the City Manager request the Viruinia Depertrient of
Hicril@.7eys to initiate such acti-on to improve Indian -:liver Road in
the City of Vir-inin. Bepch fro,-,i the corporate li-,nits of Cheszpecke
to Interst,-te 'ou-Le 64.
AND IT IS EU-@)TiIEP Rt,'SOLVED, that the City is requ--s:--c:e.
to inform said Hi-h@-78.y Depprtnent that tne City !zrees to pay fifteen
percent (15%) of the cost of survey and plans, ri-ht-oL'-wiy and
for the @uz@. 302,v-@e
expressed his sl;pport fc2l Dale Binaon as Ci-'@-@i @'ttO2-,.c:f.
ITEi-;' f,2533
On motion by-Mr. hlhitehz42,st, seconded by Ar. Teboult, and by recorded vote as folzozls:
Ayes: lilavor Frank A. Miscli, Geo2,go R. Ferrell, D. 1.@r2-ay 1-falbon, Law)le),i E. Afarol7all,
John V. t4cCoinbs, J. Curtis Pay?,.o, G. Debcy Siymi?2s, Tr., FarZ H. Tobault, and Ye?ineth
M. Vhitehuret.
Nays: Ilone
Absent: Vice 1-idyor Robert B. Croti,,.oeit, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council approved a loan in the wroi4nt of $12,000 to the Knotts Island Volunteer
Fire Department for the purchase of a new fire pwnper. The City will be repaid at
a rate of $100.00 per nionth.
Y@E14 k'2534
.On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by Alr. I.,IarshaZZ, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: 1-fayor Frank A. Dusch, Ceorge R. Ferrell, P. @furray klatbon, Lawrence E. P-larchatz,
John W. kla@@o7nbs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sin,7nons, Jr., Earl I]. TebauZt, and Kennet)6
N. Phitchurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice I,,ayor Robert B. @,irjeZZ, Jr. and Albert L. Ro?zrey, Sr.
City Council appointed I..r. Date Ri@@ison City Attorney in ?.!r. Earry A!arshall's place.
ITE,T-I k'2535
On motion by Afr. Ferrell, seconded by 1.1r. I.!drshatZ, and by recorded vote as foZZow$.,
Ayes: I-layor Frank A. Duqch, Geo2,ge R. Ferrell, D. Alurray I!albon, Lawrence E. k@'arsliall,
,Yohn W. I,!ccorrbs, .7. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey S@.ons, tr., Farl H. Tebault, and Yerr,.eth
S. klzitehurst.
Nays., None
Absent: Vice &mayor Robert B. CronweZZ, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council a,) roved an application drom the Virginia Reach Cormnit,4 tlental PeaLth
A!ental Retardation Services Board for State funds to establish a local @!Ontaz Heali
and ?.fent<zZ Retardation Progra?n under Chapter 10, TitZe 3?.l, Code of 'Virginia. ,lo
aooropriction is necessary at this time; however, the City Council is, in effect, co-n-
;wtting itself to an appropriation of t22,238.00 in 1970-71, end $26,604.00 in 19?1-72,
if this application is approved and funded by the State.
.TTE14' 9 2 5 7 6
.On motion by Alr. Marshall, seconded by 14r. IfcCotitb.9, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: tlazjor Frank A. Dusch, Ceorge P. Ferrell, D. Alurray Carbon, Lawrence E. 14ar.3;lazz
.7ohn W. ifccomlis, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sinyaons, Jr., Earl H. TebauZt, and Yenr@th
N. Fjhitehurst.
Nays. None
Absent: Vice leayor Robert B. Cromiell, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council appz-. ved an appropriation of $71, 733. 00 for the necessary tran3j'er o.'
in the 19?0-71 budact for @@@,e of the reorganization plan as 'OZIO-'3:
CITY D@- Vllte!NIA EI:Al@-H, Vl"dl%%IIA
Budget ',djtisti.-ents
August 10, 1970
Apptogrietion Adiustnients
Code Increase Decrease Net Ciiaiige
Number Account + + or -
10010 Director of@o!.-ot!nit'v Services: (Forricrlv Pkil)lic I-.Iorks) -7-
105 Compeiisatio 'n of Director 490 $ - 490+
106 Compctns,4ti-on of Sanitation Engineer 15,570 - 15,570+
170 Compensation of Office Assistants 2,7li4 - 2,744±
Total $18,804 $ - $18,804+
10011 rureau of Civil LiiEi!l@!@in
128 Compensation of Civil Engineers $ $11,280 $11,280-
10212 Bureau of !'raffi n iiiecring:
105 Compensation of 'traffic Engineer
$ 3,120 $ 3,120-
106 Couipensatioii of Administrative Ai.do 8,088 -
I . 8,088
170 Compensation of Office Assistants 236 - 236-@
601 Repl:accnient of Office Furniture
Equiptiie-,it 80-
801 Office Furniture ,@ EqLtip.-aeiiL 663 663-
-Total $ 236 $11,951 $11,715-
10412 Consumer Protection ';tiyeaii: (Fornierlv
Weig':its @ Pleasures
105 Compensation of Acting Inspection Services
Engineer 6-. Coiisti-,ier Ilrotectioii Officer $14.,Iloo - $14,400+
170 Compensation of Office AssisLIllts 4,228 - 4,228+
601 Replacement of Office f.'clitipiieiit 80 - 80+
801 Office Ftirni.Ltire 6: Eqtiipiiient 663 - 663+
Total $19,371 $ - $19,371.1-
15010 Director of Economic DevelonmonL:
105 ConipensAtioii of Director $ 1,200 $ - $ 1,200+
106 Compensation of TotirisL Developrient
Coordinator 15,840. - 15,8q'O+
170 Compensation of Office Assistants 7,929 - 7,929+
801 Office Equiprionr 265 - 265-@
Total S25,234 $ - $25,234+
15111 Rudee Inlet:
170 Compensation of Office Assistants $ - $ 1,116 S 1,116-
16010 General Services:
125 Compensation of Assistant to the Director $ 8@088 $ - $ 8,088+
Appropriation Adiustmeiits
Code Tncrease Decrease Net Change
Number Account + or -
1521o Civic Center:
.105 Compensation of @lanaging Director $ $15,840 $15,840-
170 Compensation'of Office Assistants 5,133 5,133-
601 Replacement of Office Equipment 265 265-
Total $ $21,238 S21,238-
Reserve for Contingencies
Grand Total 8
/yes: I.!cregr Frank A. P.4sc;-,, Ci--YVa F.-YroZI, D.
,Tolin r@. J. Cvr4@--ls Pa@ir,-2, G. De-..-ey S-@'K-@ons, 72@., Earl Tebazttt, and
Nay&: None
Absent: Vice I.!ayor Robert B. Cropwell, c7r. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council approved the Departrran@@ of Social @rvices State-LocaZ HospitaZization
contracts. Specific hospitals and coats covered by these contracts are as foZZo..@,9:
nf r e Per !;-Cm Kate
11)7t'-71 1.969-70
f t a 1 Sri. r2 sn. I) I
)r V;:. tifti,cli. 51.1,3 4(i.89
3't. 2 n 'A6.53
I!C%sn4 t.1 1 5f). 0 3
50. 3. 3 i,
31 34. 1 Ft
SO.P,2 50.oi
U.'ivCr@;.tv clf 5q.pl 50.ni
ITE14 f'25@"S
On motion by I.!r. A!arsl:aZZ, seconded by tfr. Whitelzurst, and by recorded vote as follows:
" iz,
Ayes: 1.1,2yor Frank A. Dusch, George R. Ferrell, D. ?-.,@@rray I!atbon, Lawrence E.
John W. AIcConibs, J. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sirm7io7is, Jr., Earl 71. 7eboult, and Ke@ineth
N. k'hiteliurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice I..!ayor Robert B. Cro?7weZZ, 7r. and Albert r,. Bonney, Sr.
City Council approved an appropriation of $28,500.00 fro.,n Reserve for Coniirzgenc@,es
for the City of Virginia Beach to enter into a contract with Space Utilization
Associates, a Division of DiZZinghT@t Corporat-:on, to determine the future building
requirements of the City of Virginia Beach.
lTE14 #25,@9
On iwtion by Afr. Patshall, seconded by I.!r. McCorabs, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: vayor Frank A. Dusch., George R. Ferrell, D. latrra!.l I!albon, @rence E. ?@larshaZZ,
,Tohn W. I.,'cCortibe, ti. Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Simwns, Jr., Earl H. 1ebault, and Xerne@-@,
N. Whitchurst.
Nays: None
Absent: Vice A!ayor Robert B. CrotwetZ, 7r. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council 4", proved -a transfer of $7, 000. 00 fron the Reserve for Contingencies to t@.e
dredge opcrati?,,g budget to.purc@ase @ steel work barges. These barces will be use--'
initially for the installation of the bulkhead along the canal in the'Princees Arr.-@
Plaza area.
A. P. D.
T. otr4@iq G.
II. white @at.
17ays: ?lore
Absent: Vice I..ayor Robert B. TIT. a)?d AZbe5,t L. Bo?i?ie:/,
City Cowicit adopted a.recozution req.,tecting t;,,e Cit,,, of l.orfozk to make a connection
and to furnish water tf'12,ovgh a proposed water system located at ?..'ustayzg Trail,
Form No. P.U.-36-2a
MIL-TZASO it is proposed L-,r the City Of Virginia P-ach, Virginia, at
the roqti-st @f Virginia Bec:cii Enterp@ise5, Inc. , to o).-tend a propooed water
mabi ill accordance with the o@ctin co,,itrlct b@t@iscii the City of Vireinia
B"cli and the City of ITorfoll-,, in . @,iC@ilill@Iriolli@Ven norou@
p in the stro(@'@-o listed as followr.:
N@o of Size of Liti3ar No. of
,Mustang Trai I 1350
ix3-l am described rrd atioirn on plan enti tlc!d. Proposed Wciter )\,'Join for
--Vtroin'ib Beacli enterprises, Inc. a prepared by
B @(Ig@d mrn En-in--3rs, Virgiiiia ?Zcich, Vi7ginio
z;'ac C. 1.0 o-' water riai-r-s
with the ---aid City r-'@ t--@ i---4d dcsi[-,r.Lticn@ ard u-c,,i
e@.plo'uion c@' the installation of the prc-ioEc.-I to -@,-nply to
th.)reo-,it it b@L-iv exi)rc-!;rly v,-@,der.,;tocd =d arreed
that the rulTlyLnE of said by Cit..,r of I;o;-fo)J: @l,al-I be Upon and
bubjoet to the folleain&, tsr.-is and conditions
is That 't$ia i3aiti'water r.@iin* shall be inst--Ilod in accordance with
the specifications o@ the said City of l,orfoll, and to the satisfaction
of the Director-of hiblic li'orl:s of said Citys at no cost to the City of-
.2. That the water so supplied through said iminzi to cons@,,orn shall
be at; the saro rate nc,14; or bereator, chorer--d Try the City of Norfolk to
condlinars @-yorid the liriits of said City similarly situated.
3. That an ordinances of the City of Norfolk and all rules raid
ro,@a'Vions of the DJ.%,ision of V.Iater Supply of said City, now or hor",fter
adopted and put into effect, rclntirig to the ftwni:@liliig of water shall
apply to the supplying of i!a'@-cr throuah the said proposed npins.
4. That t)ie said City of Ilorfo3J@ shall W- under no obligation to
furnish norc- than its di@--tril-'Lltion -;yste.-.1 as now laid, with the
pressure ca7-i-J,cd, will clcl-ivor into -said t,-,iins, and if the said supplying
og rotor i3l,.LM not be in 6ccordanco with the stiiiclard E;ervice, the said
Cit-y of Norfolk s);Pl). not be held responsible in any wV.
5, That in supplying water to consumers along the said proposed marine,
the City of will supply the only fi-cl itr surplus -upply, and
that in no cvei)t shall there I>a tuiy obIJ.ra'uiori on the part of siid City to
supply water to any cons@rc-rs alon" tlic-. pi-o..)o.-@ed Traitis at any time
.in the judgement of the Council of the said City of liorfoll,, the raid City
shall not I-.avu sufficient supply far use within its corporate liilits, or
whenever the supplying of said watc!i- shall wi@h the discharge
of the duty of said City to supply water to, its own inhabitants.
6. That from and after the installation of the water mains and
hydrants they shall b@co,-..a the prorarty of the City of Virainia Beach.
The City of Vii,Cinia rencli shall grant to the City of Norfolk the right
to use such n!tins and hydrv.,-its for the supply of water, and further gi-ants
to the City of liorfolk ready and ree-sonrablo access to them.
7. That for any fire hydrant installed Pt the request of the City of
Virginia Boach, a rental payment of @ne Fundi-ed Dollars (@100.00) ct year
for each hydrant shall be paid to the City of Ilor@'olk..
ADOPTED BY TIIE,6CZI,','PIL of the City Vire@a this
day of 19
Cn r.Ot-'O)l @ll
Ayes: A. George',!'. Fe2,PIZI, P. E.
Te,@,azilt, and i@r'!
I. Curtis Pcrdne, G. F.
N. Wftitp-,'iii-rat.
Nwjp: Alone
Absent: Vice AIayor Po'be.rt B. Cro?rJcltl, Tr. and lbei,t L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council approved an appropriation of $30,000-00 to purchase from Frank 2ari,aLl
a parcel of property 130' ,c 1501 at the southeastern comc2, of 19th and Artie Avenue
and the second precinct property t' t is now owned
near to the Civic Center property !la
by the City.
.12'Elf -zu2542
on motion by ?.fr. Ij'archall, seconded bu A.r. I.!albbn, and by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Payor Frank A. Dusc,@, George P.- For2,ett, P. 1-h@ry-ay Palbon, Latirence E: ?.!arsh-all,
41ohn V. I?cCombs, 7. Curtis Payne, G._Dewey Siprwns, Jr., Earl H. Tebatilt, and Xenneth
N. Whitehurst.
Nays: Alone
Absent: Vice Yayor Robert B@ Cromwell, 7r. and Albert I,. Bonney, Sr.
City Council, due to the All-Anierica Cities coi7,,,)ctition being held on August 24th,
delayed the' regular Council Ifeeting until I,!onda,,j, Ai4gust 3'1, 1970, at 10. 00 a. M.
ITFIL 5 4 3
On motion by ?.!r. Marshall seconded by I.,r. I..cCombs, and by reco2,dcd vote as follows:
Ayes., I.,Iayor Frank A. Dzisch, George R. Farr@ll., D. Is@.ri,ati !.Iall,,on, Lm)rence F. I.!arshall,
John F!. I.,IcCombe, J, Curtis Payne, G. Dewey Sir7no?zs, Jr., Earl H. Tebault, and Yenno-t;i
N.- Phitehvrot.
fte: None
Absent: Vice 1-fabior Robert B. Crorr@,eZt, Jr. and Albert L. Bonney, Sr.
City Council elected to have closed meetings on August 17, 2970 and August 31, 1970
to discuss personnel and legal matters, as permitted by The code of Virginia,
On motion by Mr. ,,Marshall, seconded by '@'r. @.'aZbon, the meeting adjourned.
City C er
City of Virginia Bea6h,
August 10, 1970
sell Jones fr4r ti
Pi),,)lica+@ion of "rs. @us
District 'I (C-L 3) to -@eri-zral Cvl.--.ercial "u I @,f and @t lisc, to
orty 'k',C'd 0:1
construct a rasolill.@ Su )Iy station on c-ar'@iLiti. :)rc!@,
of S!iore 'u@rive bertinnin@ at a @oiilt 17.@ll fc,,it i-.OrL or Ic-ss r@asi-. of
Road, ru-:iin a distance of flat Plo,,in t!-.e S@.litl,l si(i,@ of Sl,.or. i-ivc,
a distance 01' 22) feat alo?io t!ic 7-as4-c@rn pro;,,!r'y line, run,-iiiig a d sti,,icc! 1,30
foot alo;ig the Soutli,,:!i-n rro-,)c,.rty -.i,:d rtiini;in a distance of ?2'11 the.
V.'-estei,n pro- @esif!nat2d hs a portion of Sites B and C,
i)crty lin2. Said parcel is
Plat of !Iortli L.%ke. (L.-i'%,e
The Planning Co;@ilission recommends denial of this request as tllis is not cv@patible
with the surrounding are,%.
IT@f #2492
Mr. Pbtrick :qtanding appeared on behaz' rf @%e applicant.
On motion by Mr. Payne, seconded by I,!r. Bonney, and by unanimous vote, City 'Cbuncit
approved the following application for a @n c of z@orning and a use permit provided
the applicant dedicates an acre of land for recreat@o a@p@oses -tn lieu of th
reservation rcquireirc);t:s in the Subdivision Ordinance and subject to City k)atereand
Anpl i ctti-on of Connor and F6,/ Co!istr,,)ctio,,i for a c!),tiicjc of zoiiiio frorii R-sidencr.,
Sul)urbati District 4 (0-S ti) to ;!tiltiple Fe.-.lily a-d a Us-c
ict beginning at a @-oi.-it 3JO feet East of "Ose!.,il;)t
Per..-,it to co@istrl
Road on certain lroD-2rty located Bancroft Poad, fow-m,-,t-ly T-,-ienty-.Ei@,litli Stt,-@-i',
and Poad, formerly TN!@ntv-!@int!i Strcet, b@@,iniiing on the East side of Li:)Col!
Avenue i-icltidi,-in a Portion of roloc'@,,s 15, ic@ 42 and 53 and all of Blocks 17 and 1.@),
Plat of Pecan Gard@;is. Plats nore d2t;il-Ld information arr, available in t!i@
Office of time of City Pla,.Ini.tig. (Peca:) C-ard,2ns Area). PRI:iCc-7SS
ission reco inends anproval Of this aPPliCatiOn as SLIbMit@CCI SU,
The Planning Cor,-r. v )Jcct
to the restrictions Of tire' SLibdivisiol 'Zcgulatio;is slid further subject to City
and sov:er,
JTE14 fl2493
Mr. Calvin Spain, Attorney, appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by ?,.Ir. Payne, seconded by @!r. A!ars@4tt, and by unanimous vo te, City Council
approved the following application for a use verinit subject to the recuire7rents of the
Planned Unit Development (,PUDI ordinance @4@uFr7e-2, subject to City ?.later and se,-,er.
Ap lication of Cardova Enternrires, Inc. ljy H. Calvin S-)ain. Attorn-a,,, for a I)sp
Periit to construct 21B to-.IriihousL,,@ for saln a-id a sanitary ou-.ioin-3 station ci
@@afn pro-Der6y located o-,i t@e South side of So-.jth L,,nri@i-av,,n P%oaa-bccinninn at
a point 200 f^-it wore or less East of Yinrs acres Drive, running a distance of 1423
feet tiore or less alone the @lor@L!inrn Drop@-rty line of ..?tiic;i 77@ feet is the So-i@@.11
side of Souti Lynnhaven ?oad, running a distance of ".!)9 feet r.-orF., or less along the
Eastern oropetty line aid runninn a distance of 2'405 feet alo..-Ia t!ie Sout@ir!r.'l pro,)-
erty line and running a distanct of 16,,2 feet aloi,., t!ie I.I@Isterri Droper'L@,, line.
(Princess Anne Plaza I%r--a). PRI:ICC'SS A%i!E
The Planning Co,.@ission r2cor.!!ai-Is agDrov,71 @' this ap,,)l.cation sti',)jc.-@ 'L, '.,I c
requirements of the Planned ',Iiiit @@v,!lop;-.i.,--nt (P",[)) ordinance and fur'6cer subject
to City -;later and s,--..,er.
.TT@, R2494
Mr. Patrick Standing appeared on behalf of the applicant asking for -a withdrawal.
Mr. Alfred Woo
d, a resident-of the Linkbo.-n Park Area, appeared in opposition to the
following application and presented petitions.
]&a. bleary, a resident of the area, appeared in opposition to the following appZicat,'@
On motion by .1@. ,,!cCo.Tbs, seconded by '@'r. klarshaLl, and by unanimous )ote, Citli Covnc@
approved withdrawal of the following a- Lication for a carce o zon@ra and a use r@,r.