HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 20, 1989CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUNNIARY OF COUNC I L ACT IONS DATE: March 20, 1989 PAGE: One AGENDA ITEM ~ I SUBJECT 1 CITY MANAGER'S BRIEFING: I I/~ I/2 II/111 I V/F I V/F/1 F/2/a F/2/b F/2/c F/2/d F/2/e F/2/f F/2/g DEVELOPMENT FEE SCHEDULE RURAL LAND USE (Omitted from Agenda) PUBLIC HEARING: Maximum $735,000 Water/Sewer Bonds RECONSIDERATION: MARY JOSEPHINE ILILLEY CUP: (approved 10/14/85) Ion Oceana Boulevard/Credle Road ILYNNHAVEN BOROUGH CRYSTAL POINT ASSOCIATES, INC. COZ from PD-H2 to P-1 at North- hampton Boulevard/Shell Road, Crystal Point BAYSIDE BOROUGH ICHRISTIAN BROADCASTING NETWORK ICOZ (KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH): From 0-2 to H-1 (3.56 acres); AND, From B-2 to H-1 Indian River Road/Centerville Turnpike (Relocated), 15,750 sq. ft. RANDY BREGMAN CUP: single- family dwelling in AG-1 on Weybridge Drive/London Bridge Road (PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH) DAVID L./NANCY C. DOLAN CUP: single-family dwelling in AG-1 on Blackwater Road/West Gibbs Road BLACKWATER BOROUGH RICHARD L. PHIPPS/Sanders Development Company CUP: auto repair (JIFFY LUBE) on Dam Neck Road/General Booth Boulevard PRINCESS ANNE BOROUGH PHILIP A. ROWLAND CUP: auto repair to include body shop on Southern Boulevard/Sykes Avenue L','; ...... ~¢EN BOROUGH ~C & P TELEPHONE CO (LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH): Variance to Section 4.4(b) of Subdivision Ordinance that all lots created meet re- quirements of the CZO at Cape Henry Drive/North Great Neck Road; AND, RECONSIDERATION of Conditions on 10/10/88, approved closure of portion of Holly Avenue (now Cape Henry Drive), in petition of C & P TELEPHONE CO. MOTION TO Approved applicant's (Erosion Control) re- quest to lower surface water five feet Approved Approved lApproved/ cond it ioned Approved Al lowed Withd rawa I Approved/ 'conditioned Approved/ Conditioned [PASSED 11-0 10-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-0 I Hill I lEI I I Iol IE S C E IN C H C R P T H E L N A P L IA IE IB IL IN 10 I0 IK /R [U IS [E [E IA IS IR IE IR Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y *Sessoms abstaine. Y Y 1Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Balko abstained Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~¥ OF COUNC ! L ACT IONS AGENDA ITEM # F/2/h Fl2/i F/2/j F/2/k F/2/I G/2 G/3 G/3/a G/3/b DATE: March 20, 1089 PAGE: Two SUBJECT PIPER APARTMENT ASSOC. L.P.: Conditional Zoning from A-12 to A-18 on Virginia Beach Toll Road/North Birdneck Road/Oceana Gardens (LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH) LINKHORN BAY DEVELOPMENT CORP: Conditional Zoning from A-12 to A-18 on Virginia Beach Toll Road/Freemac Drive LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH !BAJA CORPORATION, COZ from R-5D 'to B-2 on Virginia Beach Boule- vard/Oceana Boulevard LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH; AND, EARL SCHEIB REALTY CORP CUP: auto body/paint on Virginia Beach Boulevard/Oceana Boule- vard/Oceana Boulevard LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH Ordinance to AMEND Section 211 of CZO re: temporary signs Ordinance to AMEND Sect ion 111 CZO re definition of the term "sign" Resolution to authorize and implement one-way street system of Arctic Avenue northbound/ Baltic Avenue southbound from 16th Street to 32nd Street at estimated cost of $96,200 Resolution resolving that the City Council supports/endorses amendments to the Southeastern Virginia 2000 Highway Study Resolution referring to the Plann ing Commi ss ion amendments to the City Code: AMEND Sections 1403(c) & 1603 of CZO re: permits for wetlands/ coastal primary sand dunes AMEND Section 3.2 A.2 of Site Plan Ordinance re: procedure for Site Development Plan Approva I MOTION TO Approved/ Conditioned Approved/ Conditioned tReferred back to Planning Commission to lallow appli- cant to change application to "Conditional Zoning"/appli- cant to pay all advertis- ing costs lReferred to Planning Com- mission with Chamber of Commerce proposal re: "Balloons" Adopted Ord inance/re- f erred Chamber of Commerce I proposa I re corporate f lags to PI ann ing Commission Deferred Indefinitely Adopted Adopted/re- quest Planning Commission be sensitive to single-family 'residence fees ~PASSED 1-0 6-5 1 1-0 10-0 10-0 11-0 10-0 1 1-0 Y Y A A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUI~ARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 20, 1989 PAGE: Th ree AGENDA ITEM ~/ G/3/c G/3/d G/3/e G/3/f G/3/g G/3/h G/3/i G/3/j G/3/k ADD ON ADD ON H/1 H/2 ADD ON I/1 I/2 SUBJECT AMEND Sections 8.1/8/3 re: plat fees/subdivision variance fees AMEND Sections 106(c)/107(g)/ 221(b) re: appeals/variances/ amendments/procedural require- ments/general standards for con- ditional uses Ordinance authori zi ng/d irect ing Public Works/Public Utilities to increase fees for certain in- spections AMEND Section 3-24 re: fees for permits for signs/other adver- tising devices AMEND Section 33-113 re: appli- cation processing fee for en- c roachments AMEND Section 21-205 re: special permits for oversize/ overweight vehicles generally AMEND Sect ion 8-32/8-33/8-34 re: permit fees for plumbing/mech- an ica I/gas/electrica I permits AMEND Section 8-31 re: building permits/bui Iding permit fees AMEND Section 33-71/33-72 re: perm it/inspection/guarantee fees Resolution requesting the Planning Co~mission recommend an appropriate change to the CZO re: regulations of residential development in the rural area of the City Resolution requesting the Governor declare a DISASTER area for the Sandbridge area of Vi[ginia Beach due to the recent storms effecting that area of the City AMEND the Code by ADDING Section 35-40 re: real estate taxes gen- erally Ordinance to appropriate $735,000 to Old Dam Neck Road/ Upton Estates Sewers to al- leviate a health problem (Omitted from Agenda) Ordinance authorizing maximum 'of $735,000 Water/Sewer Bonds Ordinance to AMEND the Code by ADDING a new Section 25-39.1 re: cutting, et cetera of trees/ shrubs/other vegetation upon City property Ordinance to AMEND Section 36-57 of the Code re: parking or stop- ping of charter buses MOT I ON TO Adopted/ Planning Commission to recommend within maximum of 30 days Adopted !Adopted Approved F I RST READ I NG Adopted Adopted Ado pted 'PASSED 1 1-0 11-0 11-0 1 1-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUltrY OF COUNC I L ACT IONS AGENDA ITEM # I/3 I/4 I/5 I/6 I/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 J ADD ON K/1 K/2 DATE: March 20, 1989 PAGE: Four SUBJECT Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $84,000 for improvements to the Fire Training Center/to increase rev- ~enue from the Commonwealth Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $82,767 in State funding for Virginia Beach Community Diversion Proj- ect Ordinance to TRANSFER $60,000 to Tidewater Community College, access improvements for expan- sion of design services Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into portion of City property known as 110' wide man-made canal in Lagemar (2472 Entrada Drive) to M.C. LIEBOLD/ MARTHA L I EBOLD B I NGO/RAFFLE PERM ITS: Council of United Filipino Organization - Bingo/Raffle Saint Matthews Home - Raffle Virginia Beach City Union of the Kings Daughters - Raffle Virginia Beach Skating Club- Bingo Tax refund - $842.64 Special tax refund - $250.31 License refund - $2,645.17 Residential Development in AG-l/ AG-2 rural areas of City CANCEL or RESCHEDULE CITY COUNCIL SESSION: Monday, October 9, 1989 (YOM KIPPUR) INTERIM F INANC IAL STATEMENTS July 1, 1988, through January 31, 1989 MOT I ON TO Ad opted SECOND READ I NG Ap p rov ed F I RST READ I NG Adopted Ad o p t ed Approved Ap p roy ed Ap p rov ed Ap p rov ed Discussion of 4/27/87 letter re "Growth" Cancelled/to be rescheduled 3/27/89 PASSED 1 1-0 11-0 1 1-0 11-0 1 1-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 B A L K 0 Y L ADJOURNMENT: 5:05 PM RHS CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS RESCHEDULED F~ 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET SCHEDULE MARCH 30, 1989 12: NOON CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION TO CITY COUNCIL (SPECIAL SESSION) APRIL 10, 1989 I0:30 AM - 12: NOON CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP - SCHOOL BUDGET (With School Board/Administration) APRIL 17, 1989 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP - CITY BUDGET APRIL 18, 1989 7:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING - CITY/SCHOOL BUDGET Princess Anne High School APRIL 24, 1989 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP FY 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET APRIL 25, 1989 7:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING FY 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET (Pavilion - Meeting Rooms) MAY I, 1989 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM RECONC I L I AT I ON WORKSHOP FY 1989-1990 OPERATING BUDGET MAY 8, 1989 2:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING AND FIRST READING APPROPR I AT ION ORD I NANCE (Formal City Council Session) MAY 15, 1989 2:00 PM SECOND READING AND ADOPTION BY CITY COUNCIL (Formal City Council Session) (All other Sessions will be in accordance with the City Code)