HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 6, 1989CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNC I L ACT IONS DATE: March 6, 1989 PAGE: On e AGENDA ITEM ~ I I/A lib I/C I ID II/111 IV/E/ I V/E/2 IV/E/3 Fl1 F/l/a F/1/b F/2 F/3 F/4 SUBJECT BRIEFINGS: REGIONAL JAIL/TRANSPORTATION PLAN LEGISLATIVE UPDATE ONE-WAY OF BALTIC/ARCTIC AVENUES RESORT AREA PARKING PROGRAM Ordinance to AMEND Article 1, Section 111, of the CZO re defi- nition of the term "sign" Resolution referring to the Planning Commission an Ordinance to amend Section 211 of the CZO re temporary signs Resolution certifying the City will provide TTDC one-half matching funds required for State aid for public transporta- tion capital funds in the pre- liminary engineering for the LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT service/ should the City cancel its participation, TTDC will be re- imbursed one-half of the total cost expended by TTDC Ordinances to AMEND the Code: Section 21-393 re meter zones Section 21-398 re hours during which division is applicable Ordinance to AMEND the Guide- lines for not-for-profit agen- cies receiving grant funds from the City/ESTABLISH a COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION INCENTIVE GRANT ALLOCATION REVIEW COMMISSION for allocation of funds to such agencies Ordinance authorizing an agree- ment with VHDA for the reserva- tion of $1,620,000 for mortgage Ifinancing re Urban Preservation/ Ilnfi II Commitments IOrdinance authorizing an agree- Iment with Kemp River Corner Associates for Temporary Vacation of a five-foot No Ingress/Egress Agreement MOTION TO DEFERRED TO 3/20/89 DEFERRED TO 3/20/89 DENIED ADOPTED ADOPTED AS AMENDED ~DEFERRED INDEFINITELY ADOPTED ADOPTED PASSED 11-0 11-0 6-5 11-0 11-0 10-0 9-0 11-0 *McClanan/Oberndorf abstained Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUNNARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS AGENDA ITEM ~ F/5 F/5/a F/5/b F/5/c F/5/d F/5/e F/5/f F/5/g F/5/h F/6 F/7 F/8 F/9 F/lO F/11 F/11/a F/11/b DATE: March 6, 1989 PAGE: Two SUBJECT Ordinance to authorize acquisi- tion of property in fee simple/ temporary/permanent easements, by agreement or condemnation, for condemnation, for rights-of- way: Alanton 51% Type CIP 5-025 Burton Station CIP 6-922 & CIP 5-962 Great Neck Point CIP 6-942 & CIP 5-022 Landstown Suction CIP 5-713 Larkspur 51% Type CIP 6-945 Lynnwood/Michaelwood CIP 6-948 & CIP 5-048 Lynnhaven Pump Station Modifi- cations CIP 5-835 River Road CIP 6-980 & CIP 5-030 Ordinance to authorize acquisi- sition of property in fee sim- pie/temporary/permanent ease- ments, by agreement or condemna- tion for r-o-w for Princess Anne Road/Seaboard Road Intersection Improvements Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $84,000 for improvements to the Fire Training Center/to increase revenue from the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Fire Prog rams Ordinance to TRANSFER $95,300 from Reserve to the Tax Exemp- tion Program for the Elderly/ Handicapped Ordinance to TRANSFER $83,900 to facilitate the acquisition of additional beach cleaning equip- ment Ordinance to TRANSFER $49,994 to the General Registrar for the June 13, 1989, Republican Party Primary ENCROACHMENTS: Portion of City property known ~as Waters of Lake Holly to George E./Irene P. Whitley to construct/maintain a bulkhead Portion of r-o-w of Shore Drive to The Land i ngs Homeowners As- sociation to construct/maintain an identification sign MOTION TO ADOPTED ADOPTED APPROVED FIRST READING ADOPTED ADOPTED ADOPTED APPROVED APPROVED B A B PASSED 0 11-0 Y 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 1-0 F E N T R CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: March 6, 1989 PAGE: Th ree AGENDA ITEM ~ F/12 F/12/a F/12/b F/13 G ADD ON H/I SUB J ECT LOW BIDS: ( 1 ) PRECON CONSTRUCTION CO. $627,630.03 for Lynnhaven Acres Sewer/Water Distribution Facili- ties - Contract I (CIP 6-930) (2) SHORELINE CONTRACTORS, INC. $101,700.00 for Lynnhaven Acres Sewer Pump Station - Contract II (CIP 5-040) A & W CONTRACTORS, INC. $411,036.50 Bells Road/Credle Road Water/Sewer (CIPs 5-027, 5-977, 6-979) RAFFLE/BINGO PERMITS: Booster Club of Virginia Beach Junior High School - Raffle Great Neck Little League - Raffle Green Run Bank Parents Assoc. - Raffle Plaza Little League- B ingo/Raff l e Plaza Little League Ladies Auxiliary - Raffle Princess Anne High School PTA - Raffle Princess Anne Woman's Club - Raffle liminary Report: Water Supply (Recommendations of the Staff) ADJOURNMENT: 4:55 PM CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS RESCHEDULED MARCH 13, 1989 - CANCELLED NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES WASHINGTON MARCH 20, 1989 - 2:00 PM COMBINED STAFF & PLANNING AGENDA FY 1989-1990 OPERATING SCHEDULE MARCH 30, 1989 - 12 NOON CITY MANAGER'S PRESENTATION TO CITY COUNCIL (SPECIAL SESSION) MOT ION TO APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED APPROVED RHS PASSED 11-0 11-0 1-0 11-0 *Mayor Oberndorf disc osed Mere bers h i p