HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 13, 1989CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUNN^RY OF COUNC I L ACT IONS DATE: February 13, 1989 PAGE: One AGENDA ITEM ~ I I/1 IV/E ~V/E/1 F/1/a F/1/b F/1/c F/1/d F/1/e F/1/f F/1/g G/1 SUBJECT BRIEFING: RASCAL THE DOLPHIN Marine Mammal Stranding REPORT: SOUTHEASTERN EXPRESSWAY Virginia Department of Transportation WILLIAM J./ANNA KIFF change in a nonconforming use at 220 Prin- cess Anne Road PUNGO BOROUGH Ordinance for discontinuance/ closure/abandonment of portion of Bushnell Drive at General Booth Boulevard in petition of KENNETH L. SEAY, SR. LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH ROWE PROPERTIES - Corporate Woods, L.P. COZ KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH: From 0-2 to I-1 at Corporate Woods Drive, 11,325.6 sq ft; AND, From R-5D to 0-2 on Bonney Road/ Grayson Road, 13,503.6 sq ft DIFFERENT STROKES CUP: commer- cial recreational facility other than of an outdoor nature (mini- iature golf & amusements) at Mall Drive, Suites 105/106 LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH MICHAEL WEISSMAN/MAX WEISSMAN/ HOWARD GOULD COZ from R-5D to 0-1 on Indian River Road/Church Street KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH THE SOUTHLAND CORPORATION CUP: gasoline sales at Independence Boulevard/Edwin Drive KEMPSVILLE BOROUGH Ordinance to ~4END CZO: 1. Article 1, Section 105 re nonconformity 2. Article 1, Section 107 re amendments 3. Article 2, Section 221(c)(e) (i) re procedural require- ments/general standards for conditional uses Resolution to apply to Virginia Resource Authority for Water/ Sewer Funding in amount of $17,300,000 to finance costs of ~water/sewer projects/authorize 'the City Manager to make appli- ]cation for this loan MOTION TO Approved/ Conditioned Deferred to 8/14/89 Approved Ap p rov ed Denied Denied Deferred until concerns of of City Coun- cil are ad- dressed & an nformal Briefing scheduled Adopted PASSED 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 9-2 11-0 11-0 AGENDA ITEM ~ G/2 G/3 G/4 HI1 I/1 t/2 I/3 I/4 I/5 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUMMARY OF COUNC I L ACT IONS DATE: February 13, 1989 PAGE: Two SUBJECT Resolution opposing the instal- lation and/or operation of pri- vate sewage treatment facilities 'that discharge wastewater into city waterways Resolution to request Virginia General Assembly continue the Norfolk-Virginia Beach Express- way Commission/not adopt S JR No. 131 :Resolution in support of House Resolution No. 404 establishing a Joint Subcommittee to study the Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel/ Interstate 64/U.S. Route 17, South of Hampton Roads Ordinance granting a Franchise to Virginia Beach Lifesaving Service, Inc. for three (3) years to conduct beach equipment rental operations, where author- ized, along certain portions of the public beach adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean commonly referred to as Fort Story/Resort Area (from 40th Street to Rudee In- let), Croatan/Camp Pendleton, conditioned on compliance by the Grantee with all of the terms and conditions of the Francise Agreement Ordinance to AMEND Seciton 21- 338 of the Code pertaining to chemical test to determine al- coholic/drug content of blood Request to advertise for Feb- ruary 27, 1989: Ordinance to AMEND Section 36-172 of the Code ~ertaining to the maximum rate of fare for taxicabs :Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $2,680 Grant from Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles to the Public Works Department to be used for training in traf- fic signals/coordinated systems Ordinance to ACCEPT/APPROPRIATE $15,000 Grant from the Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles to the Police Department for addi- tional enforcement of driving under the influence violations Ordinance to APPROPRIATE $63,500 to provide a refundable Grant to Shakespeare By-The-Sea Festival Foundation for debts incurred during 1988 performance season MOTION TO Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted Authorized Adopted SECOND READING Adopted SECOND READING Adopted SECOND READING PASSED 10-1 6-4 11-0 8-2 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-0 B A U M Y N *Ba ko Abstained *Fentress abstaine< E R P N A P Io IR IE ~0 IK /R /c IR I E /R Ir IF IR 1Y 1.~ /Y /Y /Y /r AGENDA ITEM ~ I/6 I/6/a I/6/b I/6/c I/7 I/8 K/1 ADD ON L/1 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH S~Y OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: February 13, 1989 PAGE: Three SUBJECT LOW BIDS: Service Electric Corporation of Virginia $56,000.03 for Computer Communications Cable on Indian River Road/Kempsville Road/ Diamond Springs Road/Newtown Road (CIP 2-988) Asphalt Roads & Materials Company, Inc. $367,034.50 for 1988-89 Bituminous Concrete Schedule for Completed Utility Projects - Contract III Utility Builders, Inc. $457,898.04 for Linkhorn Point/ Dwyer Road Sewer/Water Improve- ments (Phase I) (CIP's 5-029, 6-943/5-028/6-982) Tax refunds - $2,758.03 License refunds - $3,148.94 APPOINTMENTS: ARTS & HUMANITIES Susan F. Sadler COMMUNITY SERVICES BOARD Robert F. Hagans PERSONNEL BOARD Michael C. Savvides Willie Basnight Robert T. Hagerman THE PLANNING COUNCIL W. D. SESSOMS, JR. V RGINIA BEACH COMMUNITY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORA- T ON SMOKING ORDINANCE to ADD a new !chapter to the City Code (Chapter 28.5) Public Hearing re Light Rail Trans it Interim Flnanclal Statements through December 31, 1988 MOTION TO Ap p rov ed Approved Ap p roy ed Ap p rove d Ap p rov ed Appointed Unexpired thru 6/30/89 Appointed Unexpired thru 12/31/90 Appointed Reappointed Each 3 Year Terms 3/1/89 - 2/28/92 Appointed 1 Year Term 4/1/89 - 3/31/90 Appointed Unexpired thru 12/31/92 Public Hearing scheduled for 2:00 PM 3/6/89 Scheduled for 2/28/89 ~ 7:00 PM ~ Princess !Anne High School Giles G. Dodd Assistant City Manager for Admin istratlon PASSED 11-0 I1-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 11-0 10-0 11-0 *Sessoms Abstained Y BY Y Y Y Y Y Y CONSENSUS CONSENSUS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH SUI~ARY OF COUNCI L ACTIONS DATE: February 13, 1989 PAGE: Four AGENDA ITEM ~ L/2/a ADD ON ADD ON ADD ON M SUBJECT REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION: Application of GRAYSON WHITE- HURST, JR./SCOt-[ DEVELOPMENT COMPANY for COZ (Approved March 12, 1984, #21544) at First Colonial Road/Mill Dam Road LYNNHAVEN BOROUGH Resolution requesting Virginia Beach be ADDED to Senate Bill 809 re LOCAL OPTION GAS TAX not to exceed 5 cents Request of Council Lady McClanan to expedite application of Ferrell Parkway Associates for a CUP for a Community Center from March Planning Commission to City Council 3/27/89 ~ 6:00 PM Widening of Dam Neck Road - Citizens concerned re lack of drainage and taking of property ADJOURh~4ENT: 6:16 PM CITY COUNCIL SESSIONS RESCHEDULED FEBRUARY 20, 1989 CANCELLED "PRESIDENTS' DAY" MARCH 13, 1989 CANCELLED NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES WASHINGTON MARCH 20, 1989 2:00 PM COt~BINED STAFF & PLANNING AGENDA All other Sessions will be in accordance with the City Code MOTION TO Authorized for 2/7/89 @ 6:00 PM Adopted Authorized ex- ped ition City Manager to respond to citizen con- cerns/rev i ew CIP ranking to consider the advance of project of 51% i ne i gh borhood )articipation [RHS PASSED 9-2 11-0 7-2 *Henley Abstained