HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 7, 1972HINUTES OF THE I[O~(~AtLE C. 1~ COUNCIL
August: 7, 1972
The regular meeting of the C~ty Council of the City of Virginia
Virginia was held in the Council Chambers in the Administration
Building, in the Borough of Princess Anne, on Monday, August 7, 19
at 10:00 a.m.
The invocation was given by the Reverend Carl Hartin, Bayside Cbt_i:.- .: ?.n
Church., Virginia Beach, Virginia.
Councilmen Present: John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charle~'
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Halbon, J. Curtis Payne~
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
ITEM # 4883
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, :~.~.
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert It. Callis, Jr.., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrel], Charle.:
W. Gardner, Clarence A. }tolland, D. Murray Ma]bon, J. Curtis Payne...
blayor Donald }t. Rt~odes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the Hinutes of the Regular ~uet~ng of July
and the reading of said Minutes dispensed with inasmuch as each
Councilman had a copy of the subject ~,lJnutes her:ore him.
ITEM t! 4884
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes recognized the class of Mrs. ]Beth Taylor,
tJigh School goverm:~ent sum_met session.
ITEIq #4885
,'*',"-*~'~cr, el t0'.>4..7 ,:,,: * ·
coat, ....= .5 aCreS
The Piannin9 Cof:'~nlssion rccn~end:; a:';>roval of this request subject to the
l. To build '. t->-.~'~ . si'b~ design and architectural
accur,~',¢] to tb:~ ...... ir:dB2fv ,
[.o).,t~:j~ agh~c s~"Le and engineer-
J dC ~or~ ·
2 To improve (~ra.v:;en ~,:o~¢~ as , :~, sole entrance from the property line
to Shore Drive to a 3f.;W'oot
3. To [:~-~intain 25e-.font ,.:.,m,' 'l,.V). -'Tr"~'..,.,. setbacts for al! buildings from
the p~o~Je~ ty" ...... '" west a','~d .....~ si'~,' re~p:?ctively
4, To r?;:intain a 75--FO:,t bt!FTew" e.n the sc)u'th ~:,,,:~ ,.~-",.)..:.~ si'ac in which no
, pL:,.h:>, irt a I
,..,.~ ~ ..... "~'~ .... .'r'"~.,' ~ ¢" S ~,,,,;, ..... t-~ tho
.......... ,+,,~,~ ~,.,~r~',¢ .~',~ O;~'~,=:~n4' '~ ~j"~'> regldewts of
Mr. Do:q,~]aF.. TalboL - Talbot and Wermcr:; Associates
Mr. George Kett]e -- George Kett]e JHcorporated
Mr. Robert Wilson .- President of Baylake Pines Civic League
Mr. Robert Vau1.~hn - President of YMCA
Hr. Wi]liam ](Jmes
Api)earing in opposition to t.]te application'
Mr. James Ruminski -- President Council of Civic Organizations
Mrs. Cccily biacdonald
Mr. Sam Ilouston, Jr.
After careful consideration, City Council took no action on the motion
made by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Cromwell to approve
the application as recommended by the Planning Commission; subject to
the dedication and rededication of Grayson Road as the sole entrance
to Shore Drive, with a 50 foot dedication; and further subject to the
cost of turning lanes included 'with the Planning Commission recommendation
also the density of development be limited to 320 units.
ITEM #4885 a
Councilman Gardner and Vice Hayor Ervin made a motion to add an
amendment to the main motion to authorize the connection of Jefferson
Boulevard and Indian Hill Road w2th the proper streets in the new
On motion by Councilman Gardner, seconded by Vice Mayor Ervin, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, Charles
W. Gardner, and J. Curtis Payne.
Nays: Councilmen Robert H. Ca. llis, Jr., Robert B. C:romwell, Jr.,
George R. Ferrell., C~arence A. Holland, D. Murray Ma].bon, }4ayor Donald
H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Water[Tic]d:
Absent: None
The amendment, which would authorize the connecting of Jefferson
Boulevard and Indian Hi1.1 Road. with the proper streets in the new
dew~lopmen~, was defeated.
ITEM #4885 b
On motion by CounCilman Payn~, seconded by Councilman Callis, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert tl. Cal]is, Jr., George R. Ferrell, Clarence
A. ltolland, D. Murray bla]bon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes,
and Floyd t!. Waterfie,]d, Jr.
Nays' Councilmen John A. Bat,n, Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, and Char]es W. (.;a~'dner.
Ab s e n t ' N o n e
Counc:il approved the mot:i_on to permit -the, density of' the subd'ivision
to 550 un.:it.~;.
On mot2on by Counc:ilman Cromwell, seconde, d by Councilman Holland, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert 1I. Ca].lis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Re:id Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. ttoll aFld , D. l~lurray ~lalbon, J Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald II. Rhodes, an.d Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
After considerable discussion with the new owners of the property,
CJty Council approw;d an amendment which would provide for a 30 foot
easement as a public right of way across that portion of the property
which .fronts on Chesapeake Bay, 30 foot easement from the low water
#4885 d
Councilman Baum made a subst2tute motion to permit a deferral of 30 days
for the purpose 'of studying the. application. An objection to the
substitute motion was voiced by the owners and the YMCA as construction
time would be lost and result in financial loss to the YMCA and the
owners of the property through unnecessary construction time.
On motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Vice Mayor Ervin, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen. John A. Baum, Robert 1-I. Callis, Jr., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, Charlcs W. Gardner, and J. Curtis Payne.
Nays: Counc2lmen Robert B. Cromwell, Jr., George R. Ferrel], Clarence A.
tIolland, D. Murray Malbon, Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, .Ir.
Absent: None
City Council defeated the above motion ~or a 30 day deferral.
ITEM #4885 e
The original motion as a~,tended was presented by Councilman Holland for
acti on.
On motion by Councilman Itolland, seconded by Councilman Cromwell, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Robert II. Call:is, .Jr., Robert B. Cromwell, ,Jr.,
George R. Ferre]], Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. biurray
Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald II. Rhodes, and Floyd E.
Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: Councilman John A. Baum and V:ice Mayor F. Reid Ervin.
Absent: None
C:ity Council approved the ~}riginal motion as a'~mended :in the following
.Form: ']'he Planning Commfiss:ion 'recomme~ds approva.] of this request
subject 1:o ttnc following cond:~t:io?~s ti:at, we~:e voluntari.ly agreed to
by the dctrc]o]:~er aa; a rc'.-~t~J. 1 of' v;tr~{~us m.c:e'l:ii~g:; w'ith the residents
21. To build according to thc l~re'lir~i~:lry site design and
la. Limiting tt,,e deve]oi~li~e~,tt to 550 unit densJty.
· :-, ~; Road as t. he sole entrance
2 To inlprovc. ~lnd ded:icate g]~,y~ on
from the property to Shore l)rive with a 50 foot Width.
3. To maintain 250 foot and 150 foot setbacks for all. buildings
from the property lines on the west and south side respectively.
4. To maintain a 75 foot buffer on the south and west side in
which no physical improvements will be made with the exception of
fencing and pedestrian paths.
5. Dedicate a perpetual S foot access easement to the residents
o'f Baylake Pines from the end of Sandy Bay ])rive to Chesapeake Bay.
5a. To dedicate a 30 foot easement as a public right of way across
that portion of the property which fronts Chesapeake Bay, 30 feet from
the low water mark.
6. To submit all. plans to the Planning Department according to
Planned Unit Development administrative controls.
In addition, the Planning Commission recommends that this request be
approved subject to necessary breakaway gates to be situated at locations
to be determined by City Departments. I£' Sandy Bay Drive is to be used,
it is recommended for a breakaway gate only, rather than a thru street·
City water an.d sewer is required by the l. Ieatth I)epartment. The motion
for approval[ further suggests participation in school site acquisition.
Engineering DJ. vision states that a ]eft turn lane for east bound
traffic on Shore Drive shall be x-equired a.t the intersection of West
Grayson Road. In view of the high densi, ty of dwellers and the extreme
concentration of ingress-egress ~nduced by this deve]opment, the proposed
intersection of Shore Drive and West Grayson Road shall require an
electronic signaling device for safe traffic control. The installation
of a traffic control signal and cost of turning lane is therefore
established as a requi, rement of the developer. The Soil Conservation
Off_ice states that every effort sh.a]l be made to protect natural
land features and prose'rye existing stabi]ized dunes..
1 (~t~ c ~';u ~t
o~' 247.40
The Planning Cc;~.~ission l'(',co;".~'~nds a~troval o'f this chanoe of zoning request
- ..... ,'l, .,- ........ . standard
sub.loci to City ,~'+~'~ a~,::~ s:t,~:x:~r ~,,,~ ,l~-,',.ri )~v the ~.::~lth ,t~,, ~,,::nt and
by the Engi
Mr. Marc Jacobson, Attorney, appearing on beh. alf of the applicants.
On mot.ion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Holland, and
by recorded v. ote as follows'
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bourn, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferre]l, Charles
W. Gardner, C]_arence A. Holland, D. Murray ~.lalbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Counci]. approved the above application of Larry W. Berman, Alfred
M. Schulwolf and Arnold ti, Iteffman for a Ct~ange of Zening from Residence
Suburban District 3 (R-S 3) to Gcne~'al Com~e~'cisl District 3 (C-G 3) on
certain property beginning at. a point 201.48 feet b'est of South Witchduck
Road and on South side of Greenwich Road, running a distance of 67 feet.
along the Northern property line, ru]~ning a d~stance of 247.40 feet
along the Eastern property line, running a distance of 5S feet along
the Southern property line and running a distance of 221.16 feet along
the Western property line. Said parcel contains 0.3 acres, Kempsville
Heights Area, Kempsville Borou~h~ Approval is subject to City water
and sewer as required by the I[ealth Department; standard site plan
requirements' to inc:]ude pavement widening, concrete curb and gutter
and storm drainage as requ_ired by the Engineering DJvision; and further
subject to screening and fencing between the property to be developed
commercial and adjacent residential properties.
1 'i1.:,!,I ~4887
Application of t!~e City of Virginia F,,::~:.ch. L'.a!:,artt:~nt of P.~d~c Uti litle::~, for
Bout~.:vard Said parcel is 'tz~ ,ecu hy isq feet.
..... t..~u¢ .... l~oolco S~o,'c Area).
te plan
approval, knqi;~eering. . Div[s'ien. r,,,-,...,,.'~r~::~ that acc,":::sibiiity, i:o the site be pro-
Mr. James Darden appeared on behalf of the applicant.
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman bialbon, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert tt. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray b~slbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield~ Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the above application of the City of Virginia
Beach - Department of Public Utilities for a Use Permit to erect an
elevated water tank on certain, property locat~J 1075 feet West of
Chesopian Drive and 680 feet North of Virginia Beach Boulevard. Proposed
Woolco Store area, Lynnhaven Borough. Approval is subject to site plan
approval and Engineering Division requires that accessibility to the site
be provided, i.e., ingress-egress easement or right of way.
ITEM # 4888
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman Halbon, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Call. is, ,Jr., Rebert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. IIolland, D. Hurray MalbOn, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Al)sent' None
City Council approved on second reading an appropriation in the amount
of $1.2,000 for engineering services in connection with the Cape Story
By The Sea drainage
ITF, M t~4889
· l,ieutenant Commander Larry E. Walter appeared be:fore Cotmcil request'ing
they 2bol:ish pl~:tns [or a connecting ro~d between Co]l. ege t:)~:rk and t, evel
(;teen. Cit:y Coulee:il di-rect:ed the l~irector oF (]onnnunity Services,
road, with thc under:stranding Xhat :in the [lltt]rO SUC]I a connection may
ltorse R;~cing fac. ill t:]es ;:i~,;.~ ,llC.~tl. ~;?. - ,, "
of Economic Development o'r s()n~e other:' mr~re su;ital)le City ])epart]ite'nt~ or
~n ~ctivi. ty withcin the Cily to do a survey o[ avuJ].ab]c or suitable
sites for racJ. ng wit]tin tile City. Cit'y' Counci] requested an advisory
referendum in tl~e November election, and dirz...tcd the City ~ttorney,
blr. J. Dale Bimson, to report in two weeks wi tlt what is involved in
going with the advisory referendum.
ITEM #4o91
Mr. A. games DeBellis - Director - Economic Development
Mr. Richard Cockrell - Director VPI Extension Services
Doctor Brittingham Director - Virginia Truck and Ornamental Station
The Honorable Glenn B. McClanan appeared before Counc:il ~egarding th~
Virginia Truck and Ornamental Research Station. Mr. McClanan suggested
to Council that they direct the Department of Economic Development
to study the feasibility of acquiring the site. Hr. DeBellis stated-that
his Department and the Industrial Development Authority will endorse
anything that can be done for the acquismtion of the property. City
Council unanimously decided to have the City Attorney and the Department
of Economic Deve_l_opm. ent study the feasibility of ~cquiring the site,
and report back to Council th.e first meeting in October.
ITEM #4892
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Councilman ttolland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Halbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald II. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council unanimously approved Phase III, Oceana West Industrial
Park and granted permission to the V_irginia Beach Industrial Development
Authority to sign agreements in its behalf for property; subject, to
the approval of the City Attorney. In addition-,:the City Council approved
a loan commitment by the City for, the sum of $812,000 to the Virginia
Beach Industrial Authority, of which $250,000 must be met by the end
of the calender year 1972 and $562,000 by January 1, 1974, the loan
is to be made from excess capital funds. The loan carries an interest
rate similar to current market interest rates on City Bonds, plus
]/2 of 1 percent.
]'FEH ft 4893
City Council upheld the zoning moratorium by taking no action on
the request of Mr. ]israel Steingold to file his application with
the Planning I)epartme,nt for a llighrise dwelling :for the Elderl'y.
On motion by Councilnian Crom'~velTL, seconded by Counc:ilman Malbon, and
by recorded vote as fullows'
Aves: Councilmen ,Iobn A. B;itim, 'Robert fl. Callis, Jr. , Robert
Cromwell, ,Jr., Vice Mayor F. l~eid. Ervin; (;eor.qe R. Fe.rret]~ Cl',a'rles
(;;trdi~er, Cl:~reuce A. l o].]and, I). ~Iur-ray 1, I:,1t>o~, J. Curti..:: P;~vne,
M:tyo r ])()I1;it d }] . ]~hoclo:.; , :tirol Fi. oyd E. ~Vaterf t c l d ~ ,'Ir.
Nay:z '
I TE~,~ #4~95
Councilman George R. Ferrell indicated t]~at the residents of Kempsville
Gardens signed sewer contracts instead of water contracts. C_~ty Council
authorized t]~e citizens of Kempsville Gardens to execute the correct
contracts for City sewer and authorized the City Public Utilities
Department to accept the subject contracts for construction purposes.
ITEM # 4896
City Council deferred for two weeks the appointment to the Southeastern
Virginia Planning District Commission, and also the appointment to the
Indus trial Development Authority.
ITRH #4897
On motion by Councilman Itolland, seconded by Councilman Gardner, and by
recorded vote as follmvs:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr.., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. FeFrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J.lCurtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved the report of the Nine tlember Study Conn[ission
entitled Potable Water Supply Feasibility Study for the Southeastern
Regional Planning District Cor~nission.
ITEH # 4898
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconde~d by Councilman Holland, and
by recorded vote as follow'.4:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Ca].lis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwel. 1, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferretl, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. ttol:land, D. Murray Halbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald. II. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved an appropriation in the amount of $1,750 from
Reserve for Contigencies to the Tidewater Virginia Development Council
for payment of dues covering the period Jul), 1, 1972 through
December 31, 1972.
ITEM # 4899
The recommendation of Vice Hayor F. Reid Ervin requesting the~appointn]ent
of a two man water committee was deferred unt:il the next regular meeting.
~"ecorded vote as :follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Bar,m, Robert Il. Callis, Jr., ]',.chert 13.
Cromwell, .lt., Vice Hayor F. Reid Ervin, George 1¢. Ferre]l, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Ho].l.a~d, D. Ht,,rray Halbon, J.. Curtis Psyche,
Mayor Donald ti. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfie].d, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council unani~nously approved the following Resolution of Commendation
presented to Hr. Kenneth C. Knapp'
IT I-L&S COlIE to the attention of the City Council of Virginia
Beach th~'ouc3h the p~ess and the repoz-t of the City Police Depart-
merit, that on F~'iday, July 21, 1972, Kenneth C.' tCnapp, age
fifteen, perfoz'med an outsl:andin.q heroic deed which would test
the courage of any mare, by pz'evenLin9 three people, ages 4, 8,
and 29, from d~-ownin9 in the waters of Back Bay at the Trojan &
Pocohontas Headquarters Game Reset'ye.
NOW, there:fore, in recognition of this valiant deed, the
City Council. of the City of Viz'.ginia Beach, does herein publicly
commend KENNETH C. FaNAPP, for this heroic act and does di_rect
the City Clezk to spread this conmnendation upon the permanent
records of the City Counci.1. as part' o:f the minutes of today's
meeting ~
GIVEN under my hand and seal t. his 7th day of Aucsust, 1972.
Iff. [~hodes, Mayor
On motion by Vice r, layor EryC'n, seconded by CoUncilman C, ardner, and by
recorded vote as follows: '
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., V~ce ~.~ayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferre]], Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. 31urray Halbon, J. Curtis Payne,
r4ayor Donald I~. Rhodes, and Floyd E. WaLerfie]d, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent · None
City Council approved on second reading the following Ordinance to
authorize tAe issuance of Four Million Dollars Water and Sewer Bonds:
1. It is hereby determined to be necessary and expedient
for the City of Virginia Beach. to improve and extend its water
transmission and distribution system and sewer collection system
to provide for the orderly growth and development of the City, to
refund $2,000,000 Water and Sewer Bond~., Series of 1967, due
November 1, 1972, and to borrow money :for such purposes and issue
general obligation bonds therefor.
2. Pur.~;uant to the authority of the. Charter of the 'City
of Virginia Beach (Ch. 147, Act~ of Assembly of 1962, as amended)
and the Public Finance Act, as amended, there are hereby authorized
to be issued Four Million Do.].lars ($4 ~ 000 , 000) Water and Sewer Bonds
of the City of Virginia Beach to provide funds for iraproving and
extending its water transmission and dist.ribution system and sewer
collection system, including acquisition of rights of way, and to
~ - 'o Series of 1967, due Novembe'r
refined $2,000,000 Water and Sewer
3. Tine bonds shall bear such date or dates, mature at
such time or timos~ 'not exceeding fo:~-i;y years from th. elf dat:~s,
4. The bonds shall be general obligations of the City
of Virginia Beach for tbe payment of principal of and interest on ·
which its full faith and credit shall be irrevocably pledged.
On motio~-~ by CouncSlman Pay'ne~ seco~dc3- ~y CovncSlman Holland, and by
recorded vote as .follows:
Ayes: Councilmen .John
Cromwell, .Jr., Vice t4ayor F Reid ErvSu Ge *~,-~ R };eyre]l, charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. ltolland, D. Iqurray ~Sa]10on, J. Curtis Payne,
~.layor Donald It. lChodos, and Floyd E. Waterfie].d, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council approved on second readSng the following Ordinance to
author.ize the mssuance of Three }4illion Dollars Public Improvement Bonds:
' ','tZ NG
1. It is hereby determined to be necessary and expedient
for the City of Virginia Beach to construct and improve various
public facilities and improvements, a].l of. which will promote the
development and public welfare of the City~ and to borrow money
for such purposes and issue the City's general obligation bonds
2. Pursuant to the authority of the Charter of the City
of Virginia Beach (Ch. 147, Acts of Assembly of ].9o2, as amended)~
and the Public Finance Act, as amended, there are hereby au. thorized
to be issued Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000) Public Improvement
Bonds of the City of ~{-ginia Beach to provide funds, together with
f~ ..... tbat may ~ '
other -r,~cls be avai]al>].e fo'r the fol]owin~ pur~os~es:
Planning, construction., site ~improve'~
ments and equippi~g of .0~unicipal
buildings, includ~[ng public safety
building, courts building~ central
garage, we].ding and body ~"-hop, fire
stations, animal control building
and storage building
Complete reclamation of landfill for
recreation purposes and cons'truction
of improvements thereon
Bulkheading south of existing board-
walk along oceanfront
Comprehensive mapping program,
including aerial photography,
engineering and drawing work
Itnprove and extend streets and
$ '!877,000
2 ~
Any amounts not needed fo'J: any of such purposes may be used for
any other of such purposes. ·
3. The bonds sha].], bear such date or dates, mature at
such time or times not exceeding foo:ty years from their dates,
bear {nterest at such rate or rates not exceeding the maximum rate
permitted by la~-~ at the time the bonds are sold, be in such
denomination and form, be executed in such manner and be sold at
such time or times and in such manner as the Co~n.~c:[1 shall here-
after provide by appropriate resolution or resolutions.
4. The bonds shall be general obligations of the City of
Virginia Beach for the payme~t of principal of and interest on
which its full faith and credit shall be irrevocably pledged.
On mo't-[(m by CoL~nci],Lan ~ardner. , .,~-econded by Councilr. mn Ferrell, and by
recor~led vote a:-~ follows:
Ayes: Councilmen Joh. n A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, ,Ir., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid ErvJn, George R. Ferrel], Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. llol]and, D. Hurray klalbon, J Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald tt. Rhodes, and Floyd E. WaterfJeld, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Councii approved the following Resolution relative to the City's
Beach Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection Project:
R E S O L U T I O N I\ -' o~
WIIEREAS, Congress in its deliberations on the Omnibus Rivers
and Harbors Bill of .].972 will consider the authorization of the
City of Virginia Beach~s Erosion Control and Hurricane Protection
Project; and
I,~EREAS, the above mentioned authorization provides for no
appropriation of funds to carry out the project until fiscal
year 1974; and
l~.EREAS, previous attempts by the City to control, beach erosion
'~ ' and
have proved unsuccess,u],
i.,EiEi~EAS, the City of Virginia :3each is threatened annually by
hurricane and. weather conditions ' ' '
Wn:LCa seriously erode beach
protection and threaten damage to life and property.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT REoOLVmD by the Gouncil of the City of
Virginia 'aeach, Virginia:
That the Council requests the United States Congress to
authorize the City's "4eaci~ Erosion Control and }turricane Protection
Project and appropriate the necessary funds for pre-construction
and planning as part of any supplemente~ app.~cpriation' "-~ to the
Corps of Engineers fiscal year ].9.73 'oudoet~, or at: the earliest
possible date, ,
lie IT FURTIiER ~.ESOL'VED thor the City C].erk is directed to
forward a copy of this ~:e~oi. uti.on to each member of t~he Congreg~;ion~.].
On motion by Vice Mayor Ervin, seconded by Counci].n'mn Gardner, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert II. Callis, .Jr., Robert B.
Cromwcll, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
lq. Gardner, Clarence A. Itolland, D. Murray Halbon, .J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent-: None
City Council approved the following Resolution appointing a special
committee to be known as the "Stceri. ng Committee for Beach Erosion
and Rudee Inlet":
R E S 0 L U T I O N
WttEREAS, the Virginia Beach City Council at]pointed, . a special
committee to be known as the "Steering Committee for ~Beach Erosion and
Rudee Inlet";
OF VIRGINIA BEACH, that the committee shall' serve for one (1) year from
the date of appointment unless the term is extended by vote of Council,
and the subject committee shall consist of nine members as follows:
Three (3) members of City. Council,' one of whom
shall serve as chairman of the committee.
A member of the administrative staff appointed
by the City Manager.
President of the Imxkeepers Association.
The Director of the Department of Community Services.
A local citizen qualified by experience as; an expert
in dredging.
The following members subject to the approval of the
respective organizations'
One (1) member appointed by the District Engineer,
Army Corps of Engineers', from his staff.
One (1) member appointed by the Erosion Commission
from among :its membership.
The co~nmittee shall have the following powers and duties:
Recei've and cO.~lsi, der all recommendations and.
sugge~;t~ions; relating 't.o Rudee Inl. et and 'beach
' 0
'i'-easo~:~l~le ev:~luati, on a~.d st~dy of such recommenda-.
tion~ and su~lgei;t5 ohs, the coi.,nnil:toe ~tay, at its
di:icret;ion, ,~ass ti~em qn to Council for~ appropri, ate
a c t 5 o n.
Prepare both long and short recommendations
for accomplishing the following:
~aintaini~g a ~avibable ~hannel in I~udee
Inlet in a manner that is economically
feasible. Such recommendations shall
include suggested alterations to the existing
jetty construction as well as alternate inlet
design concepts.
2. Providing the most practical and effective
methods to control, shoreline erosion and
suggesting continuing programs which will
incorporate these methods.
(c) Review the role of the Erosion Commission and provide
City Council with a reconunendation as ~o whether
that role should be supported in its p~esent form
or ultimately assumed by the City.
(d) The committee shall have the power to appoint
subcommittees to assist them in their work.
(e) The committee shall submit quarterly progress repo~'~:
to Council and shall present its final recommendat~c)~-~:,
within one (1) year.
City Council deferred for two weeks appointing a special committee
the "Steering Co~m~i. ttee for Beach Erosion and Rudee Inlet".
Hrs. Joseph Clark appeared before Council requesting a Leash Ordinance.
City Council deferred this Ilt~]tter until the last regular mee*ting in
Augus t.
ITEbl #4906
Mr. John Potter appeared before Counci] regarding his Erosion Control
device. City Council informed Mr. Potter that the device was being
studied by .the Department of Community Services, Eng:ineering Division,
and requested he have his attorney meet with the City Attorney.
ITEM #4907
On motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert t-I. CalIis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
~ayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. kraterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council. approved a contract to re~.~ise the 1970 water agreement
between the City of Virginia. Beach and the U. S. Navy (Dam Neck).
This modification was primarily for the adjustment of fees to cover
the Navy's 600 unit housing project at Dam Neck and will result in a
payment of $63,336 to the city.
ITEM ~.908
Based on the City's application, the DJ-vision of Justice and Crime
Prevention has approved an LEAA Grant for $418 to enable an Assistant.
Commonwealth's Attorney to attend a short course for Prosecuting
Attorneys at Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago. The
City's participation is represented by an inkind contribution of $200.
On motion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by C~uncilman Gardner,. and
by recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert tt. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervi~, George R. FerreIl~ Cb. aries
W. Gardner, Clarence A. tlol~and> D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Naterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
In order to pay for the expenses of 'this employee, City Councii
appropriated $418 for travel 'in the of Eice of the Commonwealth's
At/:orney with an offsetting adjustment to estimated revenues for tile
Li:,AA Grant Funds.
On motion by Councilman Baum, seconded by Councilman Waterfield, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert }t. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, ,_Ir., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, I). Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Watcrfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
Ci'ty Council approved the request of Mr. Cecil P. Land, Superintendent
of the Refuse Collection Bureau, for a transfer of $13,000 from the
Code 10312-631-2 to Code 10312-831 to cover the purchase of three
refuse collection vehicles.
ITEM # 4910
On motion by Councilman Holland, seconded by Councilman Baum, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert H. Callis, ,Ir., Vice Mayor
F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles W. Gardner, Clarence A.
Holland, D. Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne, Mayor Donald Il. Rhodes, and
Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Abstain: Councilman Robert B. Cromwell, Jr.
Absent: None
City Council authorized the City Manager to execute an agreement
voiding a previous sewer agreement, between Mr. C].yde Collier and the
City of Virginia Beach. This action was taken to expedite the
Chesapeake Beach sewer installation.
ITEM #4911
On motion by Councilman Cromwell, seconded by Cohncilman Malbon, and by
recorded as follows:
Ayes: Counci'lmen John A. Baum, Robert Ii. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarence A. Holland, 1). Murray Malbon, J. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and. Floyd E. WaterfJ. eld, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council authorized the City Manager to execute a standard water
agreement between the City of Virginia Beach and Green Run Planned
Unit Development.
ITEH ~! 491_2
On nmt.ion by Councilman Ferrell, seconded by Councilman Halbo-n, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, P, obcrt il. (;r~ ] 15 s, Jr. , !{obert B.
{ ' - . 1',' ' ' '," . el.t_, C]tar'le~
Cronm'e] 1 , .Ir. Vice ba,).'o~' }: ;.(:~d l':rv]n, (;~.c~.... 1L lZer~" "
Mayor ])onald I1. lthodcs, ;~nd F]eyd Ii. Wa?criTic]d, Jr. '
Na)'::,: Nouc
,~ bSO:rtt: N.)~tc
City Council attthor_i, zed the Ci. ty Man'ager to exec:ute standard water and
sewer agreements between the City of Virginia Beach and Ge'rtland, Inc.
for Indian Lakes.
1TEM #491.3
On motion by Councilman Payne, seconded by Councilman Holland, and by
recorded vote as follows:
Ayes: Councilmen John A. Baum, Robert ti. Callis, Jr., Robert B.
Cromwell, Jr., Vice Mayor F. Reid Ervin, George R. Ferrell, Charles
W. Gardner, Clarenc:e A. ttolland, D. Murray bialbon, 3. Curtis Payne,
Mayor Donald H. Rhodes, and Floyd E. Waterfield, Jr.
Nays: None
Absent: None
City Council noted its intention to hold a. closed meeting on Monday,
August 14, 1972, for the purpose of discussing 2terns permitted for
di. scussion under the Freedom o.~ Information Act of the Commonwealth
of Virginia.
ITEH #4914
On motion by Councilman Ferrel], seconded by Councilman Gardner, the
meeting was adjourned.
Richa rd J . ~'DbOil ,---~][;~; Clerk
City of Virginia Beach
August 7, 1972
Donald ti. Id}odes, biayor