HomeMy WebLinkAboutJUNE 6, 1983SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: June 6, 1983 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD AGEN DA ITEM NO. 6/6/83 INFORMAL. I.D. 1. I.D.2. I.E. 1. I.E. ADD ON I.E. ADD ON I.E.2. FORMAL II.E. 1. II.F.1. MAYOR Thanked Council members who assisted/attended various function; in May 1983. COUNCIL Vice Mayor Henley referenced a ltr from VML re VML's Environmental Quality Policy Committee's concern re Uranium mining/milling//reques- ted Council "echo" the Governor's position and concern for adverse effects upon ground and surface water. Ordinance re A-1 Zoning to Plan- ning Commission 7/12/83 should'be expedited for 8/1/83 Council meeting. LCAC Vehicles Status Report// LACV-30 Vehicles: "Notice of Finding No Significant Impact of the Environment: in Va. Pilot Legal Notice 6/3/83. Councilman Robert Jones appointed to VML Legislative Committee/aske~ Council for list of concerns-- possibly by Resolution before June 30--in addition to (1) Dis-. tribution of ABC profits (2) Con- traband Forfeiture Act (3) Pro- curement for professional service~ (4) Clarifying language re: "Inte~ basin Transfer of Water" J. B. Seafood Restaurant: City Manager responded/will give Council copy of letter. CUP:Shirley J. Smith--Expedite Planning Commission 7/12 / City Council 8/1 Councilman Baum's request for briefing on or before 6/20 re "Development at North End" -- scheduled for 11:00 a.m. 6/20/83. Renovation of Virginia Beach Dome City Manager estimated work. completed and reopen by 9/1/83. Consent Agenda: Pull for Dis- cussion - Items 1,2,4,9 Public Hearing--(HUD]---Jobs Bill Funds: $740,000 Resolution designating "Kempsville Corne rs" MOTION TO/BY No Action. City Manager to make recommendation prior to July 1, 1983. Approved • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : June 6, 1983 VOTE RECORD c W LL G G m V) J CC Z Cr 0 !- CC = SYZ , Z G W Q CC U (-) LJJ -- u, y = . Z V) W •W ZW V -J WC-) CC AGENDA V) = ZZZZI--cJ L,., W W cC W W W O C 0-46-) CO TEM'NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BYO. 0 000 _ _ II.G. 1. Ordinance: Code Amendment - Sec. Deferred 9-0 A Y Y Y A Y YYYY Y 35-50: Roll-back tax when use (First reading) changes to nonqualifying use. II.G.2. Ordinance: Code Amendment - Sec. Denied 5-3 AAYNAYNNYYY 21-72 and 21-370: local vehicle license. II.G. 3. Ordinance: Code Amendment - Sec. Approved 8-0 AYYYAYAYYYY 5-31 -- bird sanctuaries: Wolfsnare area (Lynnhaven Borough) II.G.4. Ordinance to transfer $259,200 Approved 9-0 AYYYAYYYYYY renovation of Va. Beach Dome II.G.5. Ordinance to transfer $101,216 to Approved 8-0 AYYYAYAYYYY provide for well structures and landscaping-emergency production wells II.G.6. Ordinance to increase appropria- Approved 8-0 _ AYYYAYAYYYY tions (DUI) by $50,203 (Second reading) II.G. 7. Ordinance to accept grant-$33,500 Approved 8-0 AYYYAYAYYYY from Dept. of Transportation (First reading) Safety and transfer FY 83 appro- priations: purchase of two motor- cycles. II.G. 8. Ordinance to increase appropria- Approved 8-0 AYYYAYAYYYY tions-Dept. of Parks and Recrea- (First reading) , tion and increase estimated revenues FY 83/84 .$3,000 & $22,500 II.G.9. Ordinance to authorize Finance Approved as revised 9-0 A Y Y Y A Y YYYY Y Director to issue petty cash fund (First reading) balances to City depts.&agencies II.G. 10. Ordinance requiring examination of Approved 8-0 AYYYAYAYYYY criminal records of applicants foi employment with City II.G.11. Ordinance: execute a utility ser- Approved 8-0 AYYYAYAYYYY vice agreement City of Chesapeake and Woods Corners Associates for provisions of water and sewer to Charlestowne Lakes South II.G. 12. Bingo/Raffle Permits: Approved 8-0. AYYYAYAYYYY Civitan Club of Va. Beach-Bingo • Marching Cavaliers' Parent Assoc.-Raffle Sandbridge Fire Brigade., Inc. Bingo II.G. 13 Tax refunds-$951. 72 Approved 8-0 A Y ,Y Y A Y A Y Y Y Y .I.G.14. License refunds - $2,854.18 Approved 8-0 AYYYAYAYYYY I.H.1. Subdivision variance-Stuard Held: Defer one week to 9-0 AYYYAYYYYYY Atlantic Ave. and 18th Street 6/13/83 (Virginia Beach Borough) I.H.2. CUP:Harbour Enterprises, Inc./ . Approved 9-0 AYYYAYYYYYY temporary parking lot, Atlantic Ave. north of 20th Street (Virginia Beach Borough) .I.H. 3. CUP: Blajac Associates, Inc. , T/A Approved 9-0.- AYYYAYYYYYY Aquarius Motel Apartments, east ' side of Atlantic Ave. , south of 20th Street(Va. Beach Borough) SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : June 6, 1983 VOTE RECORD W LL Q G m NJC Z D: C I-- S= YZ -ZrZ C W Q C UUW ►-+ NC ) SQ Z N U4 U J W N; J Z 11 W U J C AGENDA a W QCWWWOO � U m TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY n- c c m c.) x = 7 -0 I.H.4. CUP: Daniel C. Lake/duplex-loth Denied 7-3 AYNYNYYYYNY Street/Cypress Ave. (Va. Beach Bor). I.H.5. Subdivision Variance: Della Lee Approved 10-C AYYYYYYYYYY Barton--Old Va. Beach Blvd./ Realty Ave. (Lynnhaven Borough.) I.H.6. COZ: Mary I. Ramus, B-2 to B-4,and Refer back to Plan- g_0 A Y Y Y A Y Y 'Y Y Y Y• CUP: Home for Adults/Bayside Road ning Commission 7/12 Ellis Avenue(Bayside Borough) and expedite at City Council 8/11/83 ;.City Council recently adopted a policy not to consider planning items in target areas until a report hag been received from • the Task Force study- ing these areas. ) • I.H. 7. COZ: William R. Collier/Danny L. Denied 10-C AYYYYYYYYYY Collier: B-1 to A-1/Hermitage Rd./ Pleasure House Road'(Bayside Bor. ) I.H.8. COZ: C. Gordon Oliver: R-6 to A-2, Denied 10-C AYYYYYYYYYY COZ: C. Gordon Oliver: B-2 to A-2 Denied 10-C AYYYYYYYYYY COZ: C. Gordon Oliver: R-6 to B-2/ Approved 6-4 AYYNYYNNYYN Haygood Road/Aragona Boulevard (Bayside Borough.) I.I.1. Ordinance to add Sec. 2-231 to Approved 8-0 AYYYYYAAYYY Code; operation of satellite offices by City Treasurer. I.J.1. Reconsideration conditions Denied Waiver 8-0 AYYYYYAAYYY attached to rezoning on Great Neck Road of The Breeden Company, Inc./ • request fence requirement be waived I.K. New Business I.K. 1. Expedite Ordinance A-1 Zoning: Approved 8-0. AYYYYYAAYYY Planning Commission 7/12/83 City Council 8/1/83 I.K.2. Expedite COZ Water Oaks: Planning Apprpved 8-0 AYYYYYAAYYY Commission 7/12 - City Council 8/L I.K. 3. Expedite CUP Shirley J. Smith: Approved 8-0 AYYYYYAAYYY Planning Commission 7/12/83, City Council 8/1/83 • I.K.4. Defer COZ Nimmo Corner Corp: Approved 6-2 AYYNYYAAYYN City Council from 6/27 to 7/5/83 I.L. Council adjourned at 6:07 p.m. RHS.