HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 25, 1983SUMIVlARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: April 25, 1983 AGEN DA ITEM NO. INFORMAL I.D. 1. I.D.2. I.E. 1. I.E.2. I.E. 3,4, 5 I.E. 6. I.E.7. SUB JECT Mayor Thanked Vice-Mayor Henley, PIO Of- ficer Pam Lingle, Economic Devel- opment Virginia Venable--and every- one--who participated in the Specil Meeting 4/24/83 at the Pavilion commemorating the City's 20th An- niversary Vice-Mayor Henley reminded Council of CITY HALL DAY Sat. April 30th/ advised re parking pass and area/ asked at least one Council member to be in the Mayor's office to greet citizens after the parade and until 4:00 p.m. Councilwoman McClanan advised she was asking the City Atty. to DRAFT two Resolutions: (1)Support Va.'s Atty. General in the "getting involved" in off-shore drilling close to Va. Beach shores (2)Recog nize Bayville Manor House re at- tached preservation easements// Drainage in lower City to protect watersheds--City Mgr. to make recommendation to Council next week (15/2/83) before matter goes to Planning Commission Councilwoman Creech advised of meeting with Congressman Whitehurs in Washington last week/asked City Mgr. & staff to discuss Senate Bil 38 next week (5/2/83) Councilman Jennings referenced COZ on Lindsley Drive when condition included cul de sac/City water & sewer on Lindsley Drive/City Mgr. to research and report concerning City water & sewer/work with Couna~ man Jennings to resolve problem Code Amendment, Sec. 38-6: Permits for purchase of certain weapons-- Chief Wall explained intent to liberalize existing law--not create new law/Discussion/Council asked C: Mgr. to bring this matter back to the agenda soon Drainage (Pizza Hut at Princess Am Road near Parliament Drive): City Mgr. to report re Gretna Drive Drainage (Va. Beach Resort & Confe: ence HOtel): Don Trueblood, City Engineer, explained "no relationsh: to new proposal Deferred to 5/2/83 CUP need not be expedited for June Council--to be heard in May--- regularly scheduled for June Counc Discussion of Industrial Revenue B on Consent Agenda .1 ty Le p" L1 rods CI'I { OF VIRGINIA BEACH MOTION TO/BY VOTE RECORD Dl"'l'-~lZ ~z zl~lu~ ~1~1~1~ o1~1o~ ~l~l=l= ~ ~ ~1~1~ SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS . CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : April 25, 1983, VOTE RECORD cc W lt. C C m N J 0: Z CCI C F- SSyZ •• w�Z+ Z CI' N W W EW � JZ iA WUJCC AGENDA 1/7 W U. WP .ZZZ=I- c-7UWI ITEM'NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c cm = z �`�' o, II.D. 1. Minutes of April 18, 1983 Approved as correcte.11-C Y YYYYYYYYY Y Items #19779, • 19781, 1979,1 II.E. 1. ADD ON: Tidewater Community College Student Government presented Pro- clamation for 20th Anniversary II.E.la. City Hall Day, April 30, 1983 II.E. lb. Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention . Week, 4/24-30/83 II.E. 1c. Drug Abuse Prevention Month, 5/83 II.E.2. ADD ON: Resolution in Recognition: Roland E. Dorer, Creator - Mount Trashmore • II.E.3. Resolution authorizing City Mgr. Approved 11-0 Y YYYYYYYYY Y to execute agreement re U.S. Navy Parachute Team, The Chutting Stars II.F. 1. ADD ON: Resolution - Roland E. Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N Dorer II.F.2. ,Resolutions approving Industrial Development Revenue Bonds; (a)Herbert E. & Marion A. Wittersheim ($300,000.) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N (b)Jack Rabbit Self-Storage/Shore Drive ($2,250,000) Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYYYN (c)Jack Rabbit Self-Storage/Rose- mont Road ($2,420,000) Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYYYN (d)Fairfield Office Building Assoc ($750,000) Approved 0-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N (e)Satellite Systems Corporation ($550,000) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N (f)W and Z ($175,000) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N (g)A. 'Kemp 'Rowe (Rowe Corporate, Center V Facility) ($5,000,000) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N (h)A. Kemp Rowe (Rowe Corporate Center IV Facility) ($5,000,000) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N (i)A. Kemp Rowe (Rowe Corporate Center III Facility)($5,000,000) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N (j)Rose Hall Assoc. ($400,000) Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYYYN (k)Ramon W. Breeden, Jr. and B. .Bruce Taylor ($300,000) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N II.F.3. Code Amendment Sec. 21-75 re local Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY N vehicle license taxes II.F.4.. Ordinance to increase estimate Approved . 10-1 Y YYYYYYYYY 'N revenues and transfer Capital (second reading) Project funds for street improve- ments to the 100 block of 68th St. II.F.5. Ordinance to transfer $289,200 Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYYYN within the Dept. of Social Services for the State and Local Hospitals- . zation Program II.F.6. Ordinance authorizing City Mgr. to Approved 10-1 v YYYYYYYYY N execute a Deed of Dedication and Vacation between Va. Beach Resort Conference Hotel and the City II.F. 7. Low bid, Williams Corporation of Approved 10-1 Y YYY Y .Y YYYY N Va. , $162,528.32, Cedar Hill Canal - Phase II Project II.G. 1. Street closure: Petition of Barry Approved 30 day 11-0 Y YYYYYYYYY Y Thomas Watts/Kathy Diane Watts, extension for appli- portion of Alabama Ave. (formerly cant to comply with 29th St. )(Princess Anne Borough) conditions • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : April 25, 1983 VOTE RECORD • W u. G 'G CC N J CC Z CC O 1- CC = = >- I-I Z G W a CC = 4YZ V7 W W W V7 J Z LU W U -J O CC AGENDA v) = W W ITEM' NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY ¢ W W CC CC W W W O O.-. U COC_ G G mU22 "D 'D '714 =i O II.G.2. Subdivision variance: Petition of Deferred: Not to 11-C X YYYYYYYYYYY� Della Lee Barton, "flag lots" exceed 3 weeks (Lynnhaven Borough) II.G.3. Subdivision variance: Petition of Denied 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY Roy G. Farless and Richard W. Setzer, "flag lot" (Lynnhaven Borough) II.G.4. Subdivision variance: Petition of Deferred to 5/16/83 11-0 X YYYYYYYYYYY Mrs. J. James Davis (Va. Beach Borough) II.G.5. CUP/Renovation and expansion of Approved 7-4 YYYNYYYNNYN • existing recreational facilities, Va. Beach Racquet Club North Assoc (Lynnhaven Borough) II.G.6. COZ, R-8 to A-1, Peterson Assoc. , Substitute motion to Inc. deny 5-6 NNYYNNNYYNY • AND COZ, B-2 to A-1, Peterson Assoc. , Main motion to Inc. (Kempsville Borough) approve 6-5 YYNNYYYNNYN II.G.7. COZ, R-5 to 0-1, Robert W. Waddell Approved 8-3 YYYNYYYYNYN M.D. , Trustee of Va. Beach Ortho- pedic Associates, Inc. (Lynnhaven Borough) II.G.8. COZ, .R-5 to R-8, BOSDIM & Assoc. Denied 11-C YYYYYYYYYYY (Lynnhaven Borough) II.H. 1. Ordinance authorizing the City Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Mgr. to vacate a 10' drainage easement to Amterra Partners Net Lease Fund I (Pizza Hut of America, Inc.) II.I. 1. Beach Equipment Rental and Life- ocean Rescue, Inc. 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y * Y Y Y • guard Services Franchise: Agree- .pprove agreement as ments for Area No. 1 signed Agreements for Area No. 2 Va. Beach. Patrol, Inc 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y * Y Y Y Approved as modified by R.J. Nutter II.I.2. Code Amendment Sec. 6-8, 6-9, 6-11 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY 6-16, 6-17 & 6-120 AND repeal Article IV Division 2, Sections 6-81 - 6-94 re beaches, boats and waterways 11.1. 3. Ordinance to exempt the Community No action required Development Program from indirect costs as determined by the Cost Allocation Plan for Program Years 3 - 7--Does not require a second reading I1.I.4. Action of 4/18/83 to RECONSIDER Dismissed 6-5 YYYNYYNNNYN COZ, R-6 to A-1/application of Mill/Smith, on 5/2/83 II.J. None II.K. Adjourned at 12:08 a.m. , 4/26/83 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY * Councilman Kitchin abstained RHS 1