HomeMy WebLinkAboutAPRIL 11, 1983SUMMARY OF COUNC,L ACTIONS DATE: April ii, 1983 AGENDA ITEM NO. INFORMAL I.D. 1. I.D.2. I.E. 1. I.E.2.' FORMAL II.F. 1. II.F.2. II.F. 3. II.G.I. II.G.2. II. G. ADD ON II.G. 3. II.G.4. II.G.5. SUBJECT Mayor Thanked Council members who assiste and attended functions on behalf of City during month of March Vice Mayor thanked Council members who came early to receive instruc- tions re Special Council Meeting April 24 and asked those who did no attend to contact her Drainage Policy re Southern portiol of City: Discussion/Briefing by Planning Director/Public Works Director advised re maintenance of agricultural drainage/City Manager to bring status reports to Council Atlantic Avenue Beautification: Public Works Director advised Council re Public Hearings etc./ City Manager to compile funding alternatives/strategy/staging of project with amounts of time for each stage of project/report to Council Resolution authorizing contract fo] an independent audit of the City Resolution discontinuing High Constable's office 6/30/83 and 7/1/83 City anticipates General Assembly will provide services now being provided the judicial system and the public by the High Constable's office. City Manager directed to furnish City Council listing of City funds provided to the Constitutional Officers of the City Resolution strongly urging U.S. Nay NOT to establish LCAC base in Va. Beach and to conduct training at military installations outside Va. Beach Resolution in Recognition of Cleta ]Liverman - Resolution of ~opreciation to Lettie Dozier Resolution in Recognition of Scott Sterling Resolution authorizing enlargement of nonconforming use at 18th Street and Mediterranean Ave., request of Ronald S. Bray, on behalf of Kolbe Company Ordinance to amend Code Section 28-i 4(a) re sewer system impact fees, AND Section 37-8(a) re water systen impact fees Ordinance to accept grants of $34,854 from Va. Dept. of Trans- portation Safety and to appropri- ate these funds MOTION TO/BY ,' OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD II ~ ,~ 1'"'11 I~,.~l"-~lL~l~-"~l~,,~l~"~l'r"l""~l:::~ IJ.,I "~" IJ.J (./'~, ,,,.,,.,J '~' ~.1 Ia.J ~.-~ ,.,,~ Defer at least one week Approved Deferred for further %dopted Adopted Adopted Adopted/Amend condi- tion #2 to "not les~ than 12 parking spaces" Adopted ADproved (.first reading) SUMMARY OF COUP L. ACTIONS C OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : April 11, 1983 VOTE RECORD co W La. G G Co N J oC Z cc Lai C I— CC xS} Z A «,Z., Z Q LAJ Q cd U V LU a-i V) U) Z t/) W LU UJL/) JZ ;aJ W UJ C: AGENDA • V) Lt. La. LU 1-+ ZZZZF— C.) w et LU LU QC: LU W uJOO►-+ C.) coITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY n- CI CMm C..) x = x O I.G.6. Ordinance to transfer Capital Proj Adopted 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY ect of $103,105 to eliminate the deficit and provide for additional computer software in Capital Proj- ect 2-412 Va. Beach Blvd. , Phase I :I.G.7a. Ordinance to authorize temporary Adopted 10-0 YYYYAYYYYYY encroachment r/w of 15' alley adja cent to properties referred to as 800 through 816 Surfside Avenue - (Lots 8,9,10, Block 13, Croatan • Beach), S & S Enterprises :I.G.7b. Ordinance to authorize temporary Adopted 10-C YYYYAYYYYYY encroachment r/w of 15' alley adja cent properties referred to as 812 through 816 Surfside Avenue (Lots • 6,7, Block 13, Croatan Beach) , S & S Enterprises :I.G.B. Ordinance appointing Viewers, Adopted 10-0 Si Y Y Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y_ petition of Bruce B.- Mills, closure of portion of Dutch Street (Kempsville Borough) :I.G.9. Low bid Southern National Leasing Approved 10-0 YYYYAYYYYYY Corp. , electronic voting equipment . $158,180 • :I.G.10, Bingo permit: Plaza Dance, Figure Denied 10-0 YYYYYYAYYYY and Speed Roller Skating Club :I.H.l.a. Shore Drive Associates, CUP/Mini- Approved/Amend con- 11-0 Si Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y warehouses, Shore Drive/Diamond dition #2, "subject Springs Road (Bayside Borough.1 to neighborhood • compatability" :I.H.l.b. Thrift Car Care, Inc. , CUP/Auto- Approved it-C Y Y Y Y Y Y•Y Y Y Y Y mobile & small engine repairs, Haygood Road/Aragona Blvd. • (Bayside Borough) :I.H.2.a. 'atrick L. Standing, CUP/3 duplexes Approved 7-4 YYYNYYYNNYN ' akewood Circle/Mediterranean Ave. (Virginia Beach Borough) :I.H.2.b.Street Closure: Portion Old Va. Approved L0-0 Si Y y y Y Y y Y y A y :each Blvd. , petition of Jack and FINAL APPROVAL Dorcas Helfant (Lynnhaven Borough). :I.H.2.c.Newsome Farm Assoc. ,Subdivision i'enied 9-2 YYYYYYYYNNY variance, Connie Lane/Lawrence Dr. (Bayside Borough). - :I.H.2.d.Dr. Robert W. Waddell, Trustee for Tproved/Modify to 11-0 Si Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Va. Beach Orthopedic Associates A-2 Employee Profit Sharing Plan, COZ B-2 to A-3, Witchduck Road/Ferry Plantation Road (Bayside Borough) :I.H.2.e Margaret R. Mills, Garphine E. Approved 6-5 Si N Y N Y Y Y N N Y N Smith, COZ R-6 to A-1, Lawrence Dr /Daniel Smith Road (Bayside Boroug ) :I.I.l.a Ordinance to amend Code Section 6-3 Deny 10-1 Si Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y re playing ball, using frisbee, etc. on beach :I.I.l.b Ordinance to amend Code Section 6-6 Instruct City Atty. ' -d YYYYYYYYYYY re taking food or drink on beach or to draft new Ordi- adjacent streets nance reflecting, Council's intent as to area :I.I.l.c Ordinance to amend Code Section Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY 12-5 re fires on Beaches • SUMMARY OF COON.. ACTIONS C OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : April 11, 1983 VOTE RECORD G G CO VI -I C Z CC 4.1 o = == >- � o W Q UU W ---- y V) 2Q V) W W X W v AGENDA • N LL Li � W - zzzzI- U a a o m�== � 00 e CO ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY LI.I. l.d. Encroachment agreement - Princess Approved 30-0 YAYYYYYYYYY. Anne Inn •LI.J. Council comments re Budget/Arts & Humanities funding/EVMA/etc. II.K. Unfinished Business - None II.L. Recess to Executive Session/after Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYYN Y! adjourn (7:00 p.m.) Adjourned at 7:30 p.m. • I RHS