HomeMy WebLinkAboutMARCH 21, 1983SUMJ IARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CI1, OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: March 21, 1983 AGENDA ITEM NO. INFORMAL I.D. 1.- I:D:.E,. ADD: ON I. D ..E ;.2. SUBJECT Mayor Happy Birthday: 3/20 ¢ouncilma~ Heischober, 3/25 Councilm~ R. Jones Discussion of Council policy re "Consent" of planning items-- Beginning 3/28/83, those items recommended for approval by both Planning Dept./Planning Commission will be listed as Consent on the printed Council agenda, subject to rearrangement by Council--those items recommended for approval upon which no one appears at City. Council on the date advertised will be Deferred for the ap- plicant's appearance to agree to conditions Council Drainage in rural areas/Farmers meeting 3/21/83 with Director of Public Works City Clerk needs Council's as- sistance to select art student foz recognition in posters submitted to recognize Municipal Clerks Week 5/83 Drainage at North End: Councilmaz Jennings offered 3rd option: "to pump water directly north on Atlantic Avenue and work with military to put outfall on seldom used beach at Fort Story"--City Manager to study Letter from residents on South Blvd./Palace Green--City Manager has met with Windsor Woods residents and will respond to Council at a later date FY ' 83-' 84 Operating Budget Schedule of Workshops and Public Hearings: Submit to Council- 3/2.8/83; Workshops - 4/4, 4/6; Public Notice of Hearings - 4/13; Workshops- 4/18, 4/20; Public Hearing - 7 p.m. , 4/27 at Pavilion; First Reading- 5/9; Second Reading - Noon, 5/12 Marine Science Museum report re need to consider possible transfex of funds in CIP to meet construc- tion schedule before July 1984/ Opening Spring 1985--Discussion-- City Manager to prepare aupro- priate Resolution Consent Agenda: Discussion of $1,000 limit on Raffles/Indus- trial Revenue Bonds to be removed from Consent MOTION TO/BY VOTE RECORD It-~ I~.-~, iu-[ I,.-d t~l~g4 ml~l~lZlZ SUMMARY OF COU"l...L ACTIONS C. . I OF YIRGINIA BEACH DATE : March 21, 1983 VOTE RECORD s 'Luz . cc Z W 8 G N J C I.- cd s s Y= w a.— W d CC (.) CU W 1.4 Vf v S Q Z N W W = W V; J Z :UJ W U J Ct AGENDA • ¢ u. w ¢ � wwwooI- LI LU ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY c c CO s s NC o FORMAL Proclamation: Virginia Beach II.D. Agriculture Week 3/20-26/83 _1DD ON • II.D. Franchise - Lifeguard Service & ADD ON Beach Equipment Rental (a) vote each Area separately Approved 8-2 Y N N Y Y Y Y * Y Y Y (b) award Area One franchise to Ocean Rescue Service, Inc. Approved 9-1 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y * Y N Y (c) Award Area Two franchise to • Va. Beach Patrol, Inc. AND adopt Resolution read by Mayor applicable to those awards Approved 8-2 Y Y Y N N Y Y * Y Y Y II.E.1. Resolutions approving Industrial Revenue Bond issuance to: . (a) Schell Family Partnership Facility ($600,000)• Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYNYY (b) Donald B./Nellie M. Norris ($304,000) Approved 10-1 . YYYYYYYYNYY (c) La Quinta Motor Inns, Inc. ($4.5-Million)' Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYNYY (d) Beverly Ent. ($8-Million) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYYNYY (e) Birdneck Office Concominium . Association ($3-Million) Approved 10- YYY YYYYYNYY (f) Bayville Farms Association ($200,300) Approved 10- YYYYYYYYNYY (g) Ludwig Sternlicht ($800,000) Approved 10- Y YYYYYYYNYY (h) Bay Properties ($50,000) Approved 10- YYYYYYYYNYY (i) Air Rail Properties ($50,000) Approved 10- Y YYYYYYYNYY (j) B'& W ($1-Million) Approved 10-[ YYY YYYYYNYY (k) Shore Drive Assoc. ($990,000) Approved 10-1 Y YYYYYYY N Y (1) Robert W. Waddell ($2-Million) Approved 10-1 YYYYYYYYNYY II.E.2. Code amendment Section 11-1, 11-2i Approved 10-1 YYYVVYYYNYY 11-9 re Farmer's Market II.E.3. Code amendments: Section 35-6(A) Approved 10-• Y Y Y 11 Y YYY Y Y re penalty and interest when personal property taxes not paid ' on time AND Section 35-37 re Approved 10-• Y Y Y Y ' YYY Y Y penalty and interest when instal- . lments not paid on time II.E.4. Code amendment Section 6-116(a) Approved 10-e YYYYYYYYYAY (3) re surfing generally II.E.5. Ordinance to appropriate $331,100 Approved on 10 • YYYYYYYYYAY for police/fire vehicles/reduce First Reading FY 83-84 Budget by $461,112 II.E.6. Ordinance authorizing designated Approved 10 0 YYYYYYYYYAY City-owned property for landing aircraft II.E.7. Bingo/Raffle permits: Approved 10 0 YYYYYYYYYAY Kempsville Meadows Elementary PTA (Raffle) Sleepy Hollow Hunt Club (Raffle) Green Run Homes Assoc. (Bingo). Va. Beach Stars Softball (Raffle) Va. Beach Arts Center (Raffle) Norfolk FOP Lodge (Bingo/Raffle) II.F.1. Street closure: Portion of Deferred indefin- 10-0 Y A Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y.Y Lynn Shore Drive - Kempsville itely due to _ (corrected from Bayside)Borough absence of Petition of Thomas & Irma Harty/ petitioners • • Thomas & Rita Vojtek II.F.2. Subdivision variance: Lillian B. Approved 9-u YAYYYAYYYYY Johnson (Kempsville Borough) = SUMMARY OF COON ACTIONS C OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : March 21; 1983 VOTE RECORD o m Ly,I . . LarL in J Z a f- 22 >-Z • «�Z 0 Lc) < CC U in in 2 < Z V) W LaiX L I VI JZ W LaJ U J CC AGENDA ¢ W W Q CC W L=.I La) CD CD C.) CG ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY CL CDm c.) 2 2 " "2 Y II.F.3. Change of zoning - B-2 to I-1 Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYAYYY Allen J. Gettel/Parliament Build- ing/Roger W. Gray (Kempsville Borough) II.F.4. Change of zoning - R-5 to 0-1 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Mrs. G. J. Gulbranson/Mrs. Nancy Vest (Kempsville Borough) II.F.5. Change of zoning - R-5 to A-1 Approved 8-3 YYYNYYYNYYN Dimensions, Inc. (Kempsville Borough) LI.F.6. Change of zoning - R-8 to R-9 Denied 10-0 YYYYYYAYYYY ERA Arnhold and Company, Inc. (Kempsville Borough) . LI.F.7. Modify Timberlake Land Use Plan-- Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY Dominion Building Corporation : (Kempsville Borough) ti.G.1-3. Reschedule Appointments II.H.1. Central Library site: Motion to Motion defeated 2-0 NNNNYNNNYNN stop all site preparation at Thalia/appoint Committee (Blue Chip) to review further CI.I. Mayor introduced Chuck Giametta, .-:)D ON who replaces Danny Barkin at The • Beacon II.J.1. Recess to Executive Session Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYYYYY 4:50 p.m. * Councilman Kitchin abstained ' . : Council adjourned 6:30 p.m. RHS •