HomeMy WebLinkAboutJANUARY 24, 1983SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: January 24, 1983 AGENDA ITEM NO. INFORMAL I.D. 1 SUBOECT MAYOR Mayor Announced February 21st is a National/C~ty HOliday and business of City Council would be rescheduled. Mayor appointed "Search Committee for City Real Estate Assessor" to replace ret%ring Clyde Merritt: Vice Mayor Henley, Ch~m. Councilman Baum Councilman Heischo6er Councilman Jennings I.D.2. COUNCIL I.E.1. I.E.2. I.E. 3. I.E.4. I.E.5. FORMAL II.E. 1. Cablecasting of Council Meetings still pending public response. City Seal - Requests for Use of Only two approvals of record/ Seal not copyrighted at Merger. Nonconforming use of Patio restaurants pending staff report/Council Members invited to tour oceanfront. Old Incinerator Site Devel. Committee "hard at work"/ William A. Crosby elected Chairman. 7/1-12/31/82 Interim Financial Report by Finance Director Dodd. Hollies Subdivision Request for Expediting (see Formal) Franchise Lifeguard Service/ Beach Equipment Rental (See Formal Session) Review of Consent Agenda. Review of Planning Items Clean Community Commi~ttee Chairman Robert Goodman presented Council plaque/sign depicting the Governor's "Award of Excellence -t982". MOTION TO/BY CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD ==l-r'l>'lZl "l "'l~,-q~"/ ~ I~ I~ I~ t~*'~1~ I=:1< 1>' t-~J I(,~, I,.,.J IZ I .~ I L~ IC..~ I..J lC::) ,,, I~-.. IZ I~' lZ IZ ti-- I~_~ F._~ SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS DATE: January 24, 1983 CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH VOTE RECORD AGENDA ITEM NO. II.E.2. II.E.3 II.F. 1. II.F.2. II.F.3. II.F.4. II.F.5. II.F.6. II.F.7. II.F.8. 'SUBbECT Mayor recognized Scouts/ Scout officials in presenting Proclamation proclaiming Feb. 6-12, 1983 as "Scouting Anniversary Week" Mayor presented Council's Resolutions to Homer W. C-mmingham/Reva Kelberg, retiring Members of the School Board. Resolution of Appreciation: Homer~ W. Cunningham Resolution of Appreciation: Reva Kelberg Ordinance to Transfer $11,000 to replace water pump at 58th Street. Ordinance to accept/ appropriate $2000 for Clean Community System Program Ordinance to decrease appropriation by $87,499/ accept grant of $11,560- Pendleton Child Service Center. Ordinance to authorize temporary encroachment into R/W of High Point Avenue - Thomas B. Cosgrove, Jr. Ordinance Appointing Viewers - Closure of portion of Lauderdale Avenue.(Lake Ayenue) - Thomas C./Jane K. Shubert. Ordinance authorizing certain events on City Property to be exempt from prohibition from working or transacting business on Sunday: 1/30-Pavilion-New Automobile Show 6/5-Pavilion-Southeastern.Gun & Knife Show. 7/3-Dome-Antique Flea Market 7/17-Pavilion-Tidewater Coin and Gun Show. 8/7-Pavilion-Antique Flea Market 8/14-Pavilion-Virginia Summer Leisure Expo. 10/9-Pavilion-Virginia Amateur Radio Trade Show. lO/16-Pavilion-Virginia Beach Jr. Women's Club Homecrafts Show. ll/6-Pavilion-Quilters Guild Show. ll/27-Pavilion-Countryside Christmas Fair. MOTION TO/BY Adopted Adopted Adopted Adopted 2nd Reading. Adopted 2nd Reading. Adopted Adopted Adopted SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : January 24, 1983 VOTE RECORD 4? ce • W It W W 03 O GN = et C C F— 42 = 2.}2 w w►-42 C W W ZWN .-.1z W WUJ OC AGENDA Cl)¢ w ¢ � wwwooI- �clu. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY -; ITEM NO. a c o mcCSS '707YffC T , ' : II.F.9. Tax Refunds: $1,611.20 Approved 10-0 YAYYYYYYYY Y ro: 4 II.G.1. Ordinance Closing portion Deferred 10-0 YAYYYYYYYY Y x of unimproved Alleybetween to i: p Virginia Beach Boulevard/ Feb.7,1983 ' 18th Street - . Peter J/Joseph J. Gualeni ut.;. :o .II.G.2.. COZ: AG-2 to B-2 Approved 10-C YAYYYYYYYY Y l Charles N./Sue Flippin 7"' Blackwater Borough - II.G.3 : . COZ: A-1 to A-3 Approved 10-C YAYYYYYYYY Y Arthur/Shirley/Levin/ t•° Ruth Kreger Virginia Beach Borough . II.G.4. COZ: R-8 to B-4 Allow 10-0 YAYYYYYYYYY B-2 to B-4 Withdrawal 5 Marguerite Ftaasnott/ ' Jacobus Booden Bayside Borough r< II.G.5. CUP: Child Care Approved: 9-1 YAYYYYYYNYY.:. Wallace M/Bettie W. Vaughan 2 Years '" Bayside Borough. Max:10 childrea #s ADD ON' - NON EXCLUSIVE Franchise, Right City Manager 10-0 YAYYYYYYYY Y and Privilege to portion of authorized to ,` public beach adjacent to execute Atlantic Ocean for purpose of documents and k -- Beach Equipment Rental and advertise for " : ' Lifeguard Service. bids. ``* II.H:.1. Request for use of City Seal- City Clerk 4, -------- --- - - --�-�- , • Democratic Campaign Planning directed aCommittee of Virginia Beach. to respond. y • 'I'.=II.I.1. Dispense with Regular Council Approved 10-0 YAYYYYYYYY Y ';;. Meeting February 21st: " National/City Holiday. a II.I.2: EXPEDITE Hollies Subdivision Approved 10-0 YAYYYYYYYY Y `' Lots 76/77: Claude P. Brownley fry; at Planning Commission 2/8/83 ! ' at City Council 2/14/83 rr , II.J. 1. Recess to Executive Approved 10-0 YAYYYYYYYY Y t 1` Session (8:25pm) --- Councilwoman Creech attended Informal/Executive/Absent for Formal fu; Council adjourned: 10.:30 PM 4a_• . RHS . tom'}• .: