HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEPTEMBER 27, 1982 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : September 27, 1982 VOTE RECORD c 1,31131 w G ea N J d' Z C I— Q' _ _ �Z ^ .F-1Z C3 w ¢ CC c.) L.) w1-, Vnv7 = ¢›- z V w LU = w V7 JZ Lil wU J0 cc AGENDA i u- w = w ►-4zzzzI— c�c) w nc c o m d x.x1" r, D•Y =',Z.o "TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY INFORMAL Mayor: • ID1. Mayor thanked all who assisted in hosting VML 9/19-21/82 and read letter of commendation from Henrico County official re Milt Woodhouse assisting him with auto difficulty) Mayor recognized City Employees Kathleen Hassen/David Grochmal/ Milt Woodhouse ID2. Council: Vice Mayor made available VML Policy Statements/Amendments/commented on VML Workshops Vice Mayor made available Environmental Impact Statement/advised of Public Hearing 10/5' Councilman McCoy commented re National League of Cities Conference 11/27- 12/1 in Los Angeles - Discussion - Councilman Jennings distributed to Council packet re Kings Point Ditcn Councilman Jones reminded Council ' of Public Hearing 9/28 in Richmond 1 re Va. Bch. General Hospital addi- tional maternity care facilities Councilman Jones reported re JLARC/ • highway allocation of funds to City vs other areas in state and the need to revise the allocation formula. Councilman Jones reported on Public Hearing of State Water Study Commission here 9/23 requested the City's legal advisor, Attorney Ryan be scheduled for a Council briefing i the near future. • I Councilman Jennings asked if the local Legislators have been scheduled for a briefing with Council on the City's Legislative Package. The City Mgr. advised on or about October 15th. Councilwoman Creech advised the ! Neptune Festival is in full swing , 9/29 thru 10/3. ID2a. Councilwoman Creech presented for consideration the proposed change ! in day for regular Council Meetings from Mondays to possibly Tuesday or any day more convenient to allow f more "study time" for Council Members. Discussion. The Mayor will poll 1 Council Members/advise. I ' I 1 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS - CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH • DATE : September 27, 1982 VOTE RECORD a W LL. o C m N J • Z is W Q UC.) L.1. 4 C/1SQ� fI7 W W :E W V; J Z Lu W U J o CC AGENDA H L. oW ��zuzzzI- c.)c- W C C 0 mJI=�C7oo L CJ m TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY �� ID2b. Mr. Witacki, being iZZ in the hoe pital, the Slide presentation was cancelled. IE1. SPSA/City's contribution of $94,600 • (based upon.per capita) to fund Engineering/Environmental study of Assamoosick Water Supply Project/ Discussion/City Mgr. to review,/ . recommend/schedule meeting with ZegaZ counsellor. IE2. Water Oaks Project: Dir. of Planning presented history/City-Atty.' to study ZegaZ aspects of conditions/ advise Council. 1E3. Major R/W Improvement Policy: Dire of Planning reported/recommended • changes IE4. Miller Oil CUP application request 1 • for expediting • 1 1 • 1E5. .CIP: City Mgr. presented schedule 1 for Revenue Sharing/Bond Appropriation Ordinances I IE6. Councilman Jennings requested that Item 2 be pulled for separate vote 0 1 from the Consent Agenda • IE7. Tidewater Community College Ground Breaking Ceremony: 11/15/82 @ 11 a.m. IE8. Councilman requested. the City Mgr. advise as to the working hours 1 of the Virginia Beach Maritime Museum. ; 1 1 • • JRMAL ID1. Correction to Minutes Item Nos. - 18669/18712/18716 i • mi/F1. Resolution of Appreciation: R. R. Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYY McChesney, Wetlands Board 19.77-82. 1 IF2. Resolution: Increase rates for Adopted 9-1 YYY Y N Y YY YI Y . basic service/installation charges Cox Cable Va. Beach 1 1 i IF3. Resolution: City's responsibility_ Adopted 10-0 Y Y YI Y Y Y Y Y Y y re relocation/adjustment of 1 11 utilities affected by P.A. Road Phase II . IF4. Resolution requesting legislative Adopted 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y;Y Y1Y.- assistance to exempt municipal I corporations from Federal AntitruSt 1 Laws _IF5. Resolution authorizing contract Adopted 10-0 Y Y YIY Y Y Yl7 . Y Y , re Public Utilities CIP 1 r . SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : September 27, 1982 VOTE RECORD W LL C cl m v. Jcc Z cc al I-- cc SYYZ - -1--- Z C7 UJ Q d' C.7UW ►rNCnSQ}. Z N UJ UJ VEUJNJZ UiUJUJO CC AGENDA Ln L.- LL- =DW � zzzzI-- c�c-3w Q UJ LIJ • : w w W 0 0 1--1 Ur-) CC ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY c- 1 cmcmanc�I= x ac f= O rIF6. Ordinance: Amend Code Chapt 27, Adopted as 10-0 YYYYYYY YY Y. A Art. II re Unclaimed property in Corrected . custody of Police Department rIF7. Ordinance: Amend Code Sec. 38-3 rE Adopted as 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA discharge of firearms--City Atty. 4o Amended study -- rIFB. Ordinance to transfer $43,000 re Adopted. 10-C YYYYYYYYYYA. City Garage TIF9. Ordinance to appropriate $1 36, 330 Approved - 10-C YYYYYYYYYYA re alcohol detoxification project 1st Reading EIF10. Ordinance to appropriate $2,908,25? Approved 10-C YYYYYYYYY Y A re Purchase Orders Forwarded 1982 to'83 1st Reading TIF11. Ordinance to appropriate $77,615 tp Approved 10-C YYYYYYYYYYA Comm. of Revenue/$5,700 to Treasurer 1st Reading to implement Proration of Taxation of Motor Vehicles rIF12. . Ordinance to appropriate $75,000 Adopted 10-0 Y Y Y iY Y YYYYYA for Va. Museum of Marine Science 2nd Reading UIF13. Ordinance to appropriate $2,867,859 Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYY YYYA Spec. Categorical Grants - School 2nd Reading Year 1982-83 rIF14. Ordinance to Increase Estimated Approved 10-0 YYYYYYY YYYA Revenue/Transfer Funds re Street 1st Reading. 1 Improvements at 100 - 80th Street TIF15. Ordinance Authorizing lease re Adopted 10-0 YYYYYY YYYYA Recreation area at Kingston Elem. School rIF16. Ordinance Declaring EXCESS certain Adopted 10-0 YYYYYY ' YYYYA portion of Old Holland Road/authorizing City Mgr. to dispose of same rIF17.. Ordinance re R/W to construct/maintain Adopted 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y I .Y Y I Y Y A water/sewer lines/streets in Queer City rIF18. Low Bid: $14,645. 48 Industrial Approved 10-0 YYYYYY Y Y Y Y IA Power & Maintenance Corp re Laskin Road Bridge Project I TIF19. Low Bid: $85,096. 42 Southern Approved 10-0 YYYY Y Y' Y Y I. 1 YA National Leasing Corp. (@ 11.75%) Equipment: $24,116. 42 - telephone I , 1 system at MH/MR -- $60,980 - electric voting equipment 1 I TIF20. Raffle Permits: Approved 10-I IYYYY Y Y Y IYIY A Children's Hospital of Kings Daug1 . Brookwood P.T.A. Virginia Beach Arts Center I I Ladies' Auxiliary Fleet Res. Assoc. TIF21. State/Local Hospitalization Cont: App ved 10-� YYYYY YYYYYA Community Mental Health Center Leigh Memorial Hospital I I Norfolk General Hospital Maryview Hospital SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : September 27, 1982 VOTE RECORD c W u. CZ )- CC 22 >-Z ,. wI Z W d d' U U W I-+ N Cl) = Q►- Z V) W ' W f W v) J = w W U J � cC AGENDA ¢ IL. W Q Lai 0-4 x W W W 0 0 r~-+ c U m :TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a 0 0. m () = 21, � .7 Y f E 0 IF22. Tax Refunds: $1652. 52 Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA IF23. License Refunds: $231. 46 Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA IG1. COZ: PDA-H2 Overlay Hunt Cont. Co. Approved 9-1 YYYYYYYYNYA KempsviZZe Borough IG2. COZ: R-7 to B-4 John T. Mamoudis Deferred to 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Virginia Beach Borough 10/11/82 IG3. COZ: B-1 to B-2 Roland W. Storbeck Deferred to 10-0. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A Princess Anne Borough 10/11/82 TG4. COZ: A-1 to 0-1 Cranston Lane Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Associates - Lynnhaven Borough I TG6. CUP: Residential Kennel Neil C. Approved - 2 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A McCloud, Pungo Borough yrs. Max 10 dogs IG7. CUP: Retail Sales Ronald T. Brock Approved 10-0 Y 1 YYYYYYY A (Subsidiary use to plant nursery) Pungo Borough IG5. CUP: Auto Service Sta. Rosso & Approved 10- Y YYYYYYYI A Mastracco (Lynnhaven Borough), TGB. Subdivision Variance Home Buyers Approved 10-7 YYYYYYYY A Properties (Lynnhaven Borough) TG9. Amend Subdivision Ordinance Sec. Adopted 10-0 YYYIYYYYA 7. 3/7. 5/7. 6 • MO. CZO Amendment Art. 9, Sec. 902(c) Adopted 10-0 - 1y Y YI Y Y.Y Y Y Y A 912 (c), 932(c) re Min. Yard Require- ments in B-1/B-2/B-4 when they I adjoin Agricultural Districts i IG11. CZO Amendment: Art. 1, Sec. 111: Adopted 10-0 Y;Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y I A Definition of Auto Service Sta. j IG12. Street Closure: 50' unimproved Deferred to 10-0 Y!Y Y Y X I Y Y i A r/w on "B" Street - J. Parks 10/25/82 Atkinson (Lynnhaven Borough) i IG13. Amend Master Street & Highway Plan Adopted 10-C Yr Y Y IY d' Y Y Y Y Y Al (Pembroke Area)/clarify Counci Z's action (Item #18723 9/13/82) I I7-11. C. L. Fisher COZ R-7 to A-1 (9/13/ Approved .10-C Yj Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1 Y A 82) additional condition re i i "Interior lot lines." I-I1. Miller Oil Company request to Approved for 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y A EXPEDITE CUP 11/22/82 j I--I2. Va. Bch. Maritime Museum request City Mgr. will schedule I I for funding assistance. on future agenda =IJ1. Recess to Informal/Execute Session/ Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYY YA Adjourn (9:30 PM) Council adjourned: 11:55 p.m. Councilwoman Oberndorf absent to celebrate Yom Kippur RHS