DATE : Septembet 13, 1982 VOTE RECORD
w w
G C m N
o LU z = >-Lu z - • n
LU Q a' wo--iN v
w w f W VI JZ ui4UJ CC
AGENDA N w --. zzzzI- c� w
w w wwwoo � c� m
TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a a ,om casts "3 "3 '3 Y o,
Z.V. 1 Mayon .thanked CouncLC Membenh who
aha.L6ted him in attending civic
6unation6, etc.
I.D.2. V.i.ce Mayon ah centa.Lned .Lntene6.t o b
Council Membexo xe tours oi Seahhoxe .
State Park .
Repoxt o tc on-hi to visit si_t to £n6 peat ++
LCAC (Ait cuah.Loned Landing c.xait)
with USN--pohh.Lb.ey in anea by 1989
JLARC Study/aLLocation highway
6und.Lng--heating 9/17/82
I. E. 1. Ptopohed new voting machi.ne6 box
tea6e-putchaae (Foxmat Agenda 9/27/82)
I.E.2. Cox Cable TV Reque&t iot baa.ic xa e/
.Lnh tcJ10 Lon .incteah e: (zee Fotmat
Agenda 9/27/82)
T. E. 3. Maxine Science Muheum: $75,000
xeceLved a6 lht yeah a tocatLon
1nom Genexai A6a embly
I.E. 4. Deed Booth in C.ih.cuit Count CLenhh
o 6 b.Lce to be te,2o ca.ed .in Lobby o
City Hate du ing renovation of
• C.Cenh'a oS�Lce
T.E.5. Leash Law di6 cuhh ed (zee Item 11J2).
I.E.6. CLty Gigs/City Policy dec2ahed not
necezz aty a6 CLty Chap tet/S-tate Code
degne hare.
T.E. 7. GHRO: City wife not xenew membexh hi p
at tth.ih time
I.E. 8. Reh.ttci,ctLve Cavenan.te on Rezoning
Petitions: Interim Policy to be
pte4en.ted .in OtdLnance ionm 9/27/e2
1 Mayon xecogn.Lzed/pxesented Little
Mi64 VLAginLa Beach: Chloe Al exangica
Steinberg, 9 yeah old daughter of
Mt. and Mnh. David Steinberg
11.E. 2. Mayox teeoan.ized and presented
Fnancez Ettod, D.ucectox/Watter '
Cxed•Ce, A64t. &k. /Ne.tt Ma2bon,
Adm. Mgr. of Social Sexv.Lcea xe
awaxd6 as "0uthtandLng Sexv.Lce" I i
and noted Va. Bch. .ins .the only
mun.Lcipa city to receive mote than
one award.
I T F 1a. Reso.cution o6 Appxec aLLon: R.Lehatd Adopted 11-0 YVVYYYYVY V V
H. Kei..ne, xe.tiAing members a6
Deve opment AuthoAity
IIF1b. ReholwtLon of AppteciatLon: George Adopted 11-0 YVVYVVVVV V V !
A. (Doody, Jt. , to t'i,Lng member o S
Development Awtho ty
DATE : September 13, 19.82 VOTE RECORD
alGO v, _I tZZ d"
C 1-- d' = 2 _Z • .- Z
LU et CC V C7 LU 1-4 CI" V1S < Z
AGENDA N LL. U- = W14 = = ZZ1- c- W
. ¢ W W dd' W WWOO � U CO
:TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a o c m CJ x x-'0 ',I4 o
IIFIc. RezoLutJi.on o6 Appreciation: Nancy Adopted 11-0 . VYYVVVYYYYYV
A. Creech,who Aes.igned hen memben-
4 hip on the Reaming Commi ss.ion
IIF2a. Resolution recognizing 110th Ann.- Adopted 11-0 YVYVYYYVVYY
veAzany a5 Shrine/60th Ann.iversany
ob Cn,i.pp&ed Ch_ednen Hosp.itcJ /39tn
AnnLveAz any o f Mid Atlantic Shh i ne M o o c.
IIF2b. RezoLution supponti.ng additionae Adopted 9_-0 * * V V V Y V Y V V Y
mateAn ty cane bac t itie s at Va.
Bch. Genenc2 Haspitat
IIF2c. Re6aution setting South Paeicy ne Removed 6Aom
City Gists Agenda
TIG1. ResoLutLon appointing D,viceatar6 Son Adopted' 7-3 VYYNVAYVNVN
County/Kemp'vitte UtLeitie6
IIG2.. Resolution authoniz.ing amendment Adopted 11-0 YYVVYVVYVYY
to NewV.gh,t Street Improvements I
IIG3. Resolution designating Voting/AL- Adopted 8-2 VVYNVYYYNY * .
teirnate Delegates to NatLonaL Leag.ce
• oS C.itie4 11/27-12/1/82 and ateow,in.g
a6 many Members o6 Councie to attend
who choose to do 40
IIG4. Resotutlon authotiz.ing City Mgn.. to Adopted 11-C YVVYYVVVYY V
execute Lomas g NettLetan Agreement
ne nehabit tabor and "Last re.ont"
housing Loan program6
ITG5. Resolution autholu:z.Lng Contrast Adopted 110 YYYYVYYVYY V
w/Community Services Board to put-
chase nez identia2 6acit t y on I
mental-4 d us abLed adue is '
IIG6. ReA o.uti.on authotLz.ing acqu,i z.Ltion Adopted 11-0 YVV I YVVYVYYY
o S R/W Got Newtown Road Pha.e II
TIG7. Tax Re6unds: $1,510.64 Appnoved 11-0 VfV Y! V V V V V V V V
• IIG8. RaSSLe PeAmits: Approved 11-0 1 V V V j V V V V V V .V V
Messiah. Lutheran Church
j j
T.Ldewaten CAume Mimic
Va.Bch. Legae Seccetani.es Assoc.
IIG9. CeAtigcate os Public Canven.ience Veni,ed 11-0 V V Y! Y Y V V V V;V V
8 Necessity: Ateantic VeLeow Cab
IIG10. 0nd.inance to appnopniate $75,000: Appnoved 11-s VIVIY V YIYIY Y Y'Y V
Ving.iru.a Museum o.s Man.ine Science 1st Reading 1 i
IIG11. 0nd.inance to appnopniate $2, 867, 850 -Appnoved 11-0 1 V VI VI.V V V V V V `V V
Got City Schaal pnogMms 6unded by 1st Reading I
82-83 Catego'z Lcat Grants .
IIG12. Code Amendment Sec. 23-47 (a) ne Adopted 11-0 ! V I VI V! V V VI V V MY V
Loud/dLstunb.ing/unneces4aAy no-use j I I 1
IIG13. Code Amendment to enact' Sec. 21-7 Adopted 11-0 1 ,VVIVIV V Y Y VV Y
Ae Lnterserence with po•Uce dogs 1 1 '
1 j
I IG 14.. Code Amendment to ADD Sec. 2-2 30 Adopted 11 0 I V I V; V I Y Y V� V Y V I V V
ne pena,Pty changes San bad chechz
DATE : September 13, 1982 VOTE RECORD
W . . LL
0 0 00 v7 - CC Z CC
0 J-- . ce S = Y Z " .' Z
W Q CC CJ C.) W i-i V) V) = Q' Z
V) W Li f W V) J Z W W U J - CC
AGENDA N I- = W ►-yzzzZI-- � W
et W W Q CC W W W O O ►-+ U Co
:TEM NO. ' - SUBJECT • MOTION TO/BY • a I o PLm c�= z '-D "D �1c,Z- O
11G15. Code Amendment to ADD Sec. 35-11 xe Adopted 11-C V V V V V V V V V V V
c�redi.t o jS tax payments by Trews wceh
TIG16. Code Amendment Sec. 38-6 ice pre Adopted 11-0 V V V V V V V V V V V
xega sL a to pwccha4 e centai.n weapon4
11G17. Code Amendment: Sec. 8-119, 120, Adopted 11-0 V V V V V V V V V V V
156, 157, 196, 197. 2 ice .teJrm of
cextLS.Lc.a on 8 toss oi ce•�.ti Lca kon. •
0 6 mechan.icae woxfzeAus/p.eumberb/e.2ecthician6 •
11G18. Con 6.i hmatLon o f A64.t. City A,ttoxneu Appxoved 11.-1 YVYYYYYYYYY
. Kevin Co4gxave
IIG19. Code Amendment Sec. 21-378(.d) /(e) Adopted 11- VYYYYYYVYVV
xe xemova2/4toxage/4a2e of unattended
veh.Lc2e4 - -gene/a.Z2y 0
TTG20. REMOVED £xom Agenda Jnde1Lnite.2y
IIG21. Tempoxahy enctoachmenLt: R/W Grant Adopted 11-0 V V V V V VVVV V
Ave. to Mx6. Eve D. M chaet4 et a�2/ i
Mx. Robert Vo4e, et a2 i •
T TG2 2. Appt. o 6 V,Lewen4: Petition o 6 J. Adopted 11-0 VVVV / YYYYYY
Patch4 Atkinson - ceos wce a S pox ,Lon
o b "8" S.t'tee t (Lynnhaven Baxough)
11G23. Appt. o 6 Viewelc6: Petition o6 Adopted 11- YVVVIY YVVVY
David/Tina ELU6 - 30' R/W near
f ttexa4/CJ tabor. DW.Lve (Kemp6. Bo )_ 1
I IG2 4. Appt. a 5 V.Leuwen4: Pe ,i tion 06 Adopted 11- V V V V V V V 'Y V V
Mextin/Rita Sta zet - CL04wte aL ) ( I I
pardon o 6 Poinciana Drive '(.Lynn B•x. )
.4 I I
IIG25. Low Bid: .Mapco Inc. $72, 389.40: Approved 11- • V V V V V V+V JV V - Y
Pxopo4ed RepaiAs to Guatdko.2 Sy4-
tem6, Gxa up I I i.
I �
IIG26. Low Bid: Rea Const. Co. $125, 772. 74 Appxoved 11- V V V V V'V VjV V ,V
P/ Lnce44 Anne Pahlz - Packing tot .idd. 1
I TH 1. Cox Cabte TV: City Mgx. di'cected Appxoved 10.- V V V V U V! VVVV V
to pxepaxe box 9/27/82 Councie 1
Agenda appxopnLate document6 in 1 ii 1
compliance with his xecommendat.Lo
I I. 11 COZ R-7 to A-1 C. L. F' hex ,V8 B x A x6-5i.us ( ) ppaved VVVNV, VINNNV 'N ;
li �
11. 12 COZ PD-H2 Ovex.Q.ay Hunt Con.t�cac t. 'a. De6etviced to 11-0 11 V V. V1 V Y I V V V V V 'V
(Kemp4. Borough) 9/27/82 I . 'tJ I
11. 13 COZ R-6 to 8-1 Ho.Q�ngcri�st/Banebaat Appxaved a.6 '
(Kemp4vi Boxough). mocLL1 ied (0-1) 9-2I V'Y V N V;
te. V V V V V N
11. 14 COZ A- 1 to A-2 8 B-2 .to A-2 Oxgax. Appxaved both 8-31 IT V 1 V N V V i V N V 'V N I
Devet. Corp. (Kern .n4 Boxaugh) I
11. 15. COZ R-8 to 0-1 John A. Vaughn, Jx Appxaved 8- • YYY NYYYYNYN
(Kemp4 vitte Boxough)
11.16 CUP Chwtch - Coton.Lat Baptist Ch ch Appxoved 11 0 V. Y ✓ YYVVYYYY
(Kempovitte Banough)
11. 17 CUP add. to existing church Levet Appxoved 11-0 V. V 'V V V V V V V V 'V
Green Bapt. Church (Kemp4. Bar. ) I
DATE : Sepiemben 13, 1982 VOTE RECORD
W W . . • 1s.
0 0 CC V) J C Z CY'
I.-. C S= ›-Z w I-4 2
L+-J d C VUW — V) V) SQ� Z
V) W W EW V —JZ 'd WUJ Cr
AGENDA a -� w ¢ CCWwWoo � � m
:TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c ,0 m u z S "D," F'D h41=X o ,
11. 18 CUP Se 6 Se'v. Station and Can Wash Appnoved 10-G V V V V V V V V V A V •
C. Goxdon Otive.ir. (Bayeide Boxough)
11. 19. CUP "Baby . tting" Anita Po.eon_. (Bay, Box) Appnoved . 10-0 YVYYYVAVYYY
11. 110 Subdivision Amend. Sec. 4.4(b)/(1) Appnoved 10-0 AVYYYYYYYYY
Ae nancon6axrrung togs ANa CZO Amend. -
Ant. 1, Sec. 105 xe noncan6oAming uses
11. 111. Amendment to Maslen Sttee./Hwy Pta t Adopted e object to t 1-0 YVYYYYYYYYY
(Pembxohe Anea) c2ani.i ica tLon w/
City Mgn!4 .eetten
11. 112. COZ R-5 to• R-8 and R-5 to R-6 Appxoved 7-4 • V V V 11 V V V,N &. V N
R. G. Mooxe (Kempe v Jte Boxough)
11.J1. Code Amendment Sec. 35-64(a) (4) Adopted 11-0 V V V y Y V V V V V V
Ae genenat pxehequi4 te4 to giant
' exemptions iox e�edeAty/di�sab.eed
peptone bAom xeae estate tax
11J2. Code Enactment 06 Sec. 5-73 ice Adopted 10- 1 YVYVYVVYWYY
"Lea.6h Law" - keeping doge uncle/E. x?Atxaint •
I I.J3 Ond.Lnanee to appxopni,ate $15,0 00 tb Adopted • 11-0 V Y V V V V V V V .V V
• hoot 1982 VML .Conven4,Lon 9/19-21/82 2nd Reading i
I1K1. C.c tLzene Advusony Committee Appointed: 11-0 V V .V V V V V V V VI
John Pe,vcy
IIK2. Mosquito Contxo2 Cammiseian No appt. at th,14 ti.ma
1IK3. Txans poAta Lon Sale y Comm.i�seion Appo-en ted: 11-0 i V V V V V'V V V V V V
3 yeaA teAm 11/1482-10/31/85 Westey E. BanbouA
Haney M. Canteh, JA.
Aanan Pans ores
I1K4. Weteand6 Board Appointed: 11-0 V V V V V V V V V / V •
5 yeah texm 9/18/82-9/17/87 Edwatd. A. Banco I -
IIL/M State Water Study Commission
Hea ing @ City Counei a Chamber 9123/82
TTVC Hearing 9/23/82
I . i.
Expedite CZO Amendment's: Ant. 1, Apptoved 11-0 V V V V VIV V V V ✓ V'j.
Sec. 111, Ant. 4, Sec. 401 (c) 1
lie de6.b'i Lion/use xeguiatLone oli
towaAt .home in AG-1
CouncJ adjouhned: 7:33 p.m.
* Councie Membelus abstaining i
No meeting Septembe, 20, 1982
i I
• H
Aka i
i +
' i