HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 9, 1982 /. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 9, 1982 VOTE RECORD • W U- 0 G CO N _7 GC Z CC CI 1- CC 2s �Z w �►--iZ W Q CC C., LU ,-i n N 2 Q>- Z AGENDA N W W C.JJOCC ¢ IS.1 U. ¢ CCwww00P-1�' m ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY n- O c m s r -> PE o INFORMAL MAYOR I/D.1. Reminder of Public Hearing re taxa= tion on meals/lodging: Richmond, August 11, 1982--Councilwoman Obern- • dorf will represent Council. Lost pair of lady's sunglasses in Clerk's Office. Informal Sessions to be held in either Conference Room or Council Chambers at Mayor's discretion Appointed Dr. McCoy/James N. Fletcher to Ad Hoc Comm. for Roads, Traffic, and Parking Appointed Council Members Nancy Creech/Reba McClanan to replace Drs. Holland/Buchanan as Council's representatives on membership of V.B. Marine Science Museum CommittBe Announced Norfolk's Tricentennial on August 15, 1982. V.B. will send letter of congratulations and flowers to City of Norfolk. Presented Council a definition of FOI Act re social events I.D.2. Council Count lman Jennings restated his desire to have Staff assemble Legislative Package for early (Sept./Oct.) review by Council- and then meet•with Legislators prior to Dec. 1982. Councilman R. Jones reported on JLARC hearing and listed those who attended from Council, Staff, and Legislature--"1/2 people from V.B." Mayor thanked Council for their "solid representation". I.E. City Manager I.E.1. Back Bay Study Committee: Jack Whitney (staff) reported Committee's concerns, proposal and design to develop program and policies. I.E.2. 79th Street Outfall: Oral Lambert, Dir. of Pub. Works, reported on • improvements and proposed remedies. I.E.3. Leash Law: David Grochmal (Asst. to City Mgr..) reported re committee's concerns, proposals and purpose fbr ordinance. Council agreed to re- schedule this item for September 13th to allow public concerns to be properly heard. ADDED I 2 I.E..4. Vehicular Purchase: City policy review SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 9, 1982 VOTE RECORD cc - L., cc Li.cm C ' cc C,, J Z C I-- O' 2SYZ " ^�-+ Z CI WI et UV Wr-+ NN2QYZ (N W W = WV) -.A2aJWUJOCC AGENDA et W W Q W W W O O+--� U UICflo ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a CZ CI m c� = z � '� Y �� I.E.S. Expedite COZ Application of Crans- ton Lane Assoc. @ Planning Comm. Sept. 14 and to Council Sept. 27th. I.E.6. CATV Franchise: City Mgr. 's' recom- mendation to Council this week F Council's consideration 8/16/82 FORMAL II. . • Resolution in Recognition of Char- Adopted 11-C Y Y Y Y Y Y YY Y Y Y lie B. Bly: 40-yr. Employee on July 19th. II.E.2a Resolution authorizing City Mgr. Adopted 11-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y • Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N YY Y Y V Y N to execute Agreement for reimburse- ment of costs/change order No. 1 for construction of Boardwalk. II.E. 2b. Resolution authorizing TENPIN Con- Adopted 11-0 tract with City of Norfolk II.E.2c Resolution authorizing agreement Adopted 8-3 that HRSDC operate 2 treatment plants: County/Kempsville Utili- ties, recently purchased by City II.E2d Resolution to endorse scope of Adopted 0--C YYYYYYYYYYY study of Back Bay Study Comm./auth- orize City Mgr. to solicit proposals and pursue funding sources II.F.1. Bingo/Raffle Permits: Approved 11-d YYYYYYYYYYY Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y �' Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Plaza Jr. H.S. Marching Trojanettes Parent's Association - pingo/Raffle St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Churc`i Bingo/Raffle II.F.2. Tax Refunds - $901.62 Approved 11-0 II.F.3. Low Bid: $372,238. 70, REA Constrac-• Approved 10-1 tion Co. - 82-83 Bituminous Con- crete Schedule for Completed Utility . Projects. II.F.4. Ordinance: Acquisition of property Adopted 11-C YYYYYIYYYYYY r/w/easements r/w for Mill Dam Sewer/Water/Street improvements II.F.5. Ordinance: Transfer $11,570 as Adopted 11-C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y City's share WHRO-TV Capital improvements II.F.6. Ordinance-Appropriate $30,000 Adopted 11-C Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Ches. Bch. Volunteer Rescue/Fire Second Reading Dept. $30,000 Ocean Park.Volunteer Rescue Squad II.G.1. COZ B-2 to A-2, Friends School Approved 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYYY Lynnhaven Borough II.G.2. COZ A-2 to A-4 modified to A-3 Approved 9-2 Y Y Y !V Y YY YYY N Templeton Assoc. (Lynn. Boroug3.) I j SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 9, 1982 VOTE RECORD • w w •O G tC t/) JCC Z C CD I CII-- tY S 2 >-Z ^ ^6Z4 Z Cal w Q CL UC.7wrrcntn = d► Z� Cr) w w fwtl; JZ L1WIC-) CCAGENDA CA w 'w Q CwwwOC) 1 CO-4 C_ - ITEM NO._ - SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY is o 1c,+m c) z S "�',Y =► II.G.3. COZ B-2 to A-1 Paul L. Strassberg Approved 11- i y Y- y y y y y y y Lynnhaven Borough • II.G.4. COZ R-6 to 0-1 Maureen Abraham Approved 11-1 Y YYY Y. Y Y Y Y Lynnhaven Borough II.G.5. CUP Auto Repair Est. , Ben Frank's Approved 11-i Y YYYYYY Y Y Inc. , Lynnhaven Borough II.G.6. CUP- Education/Church facilities Approved it-, Y YYYYYY Y Y First Assembly of God (Lynn. Bor. II.G.7. Subdivision Variance, John Payne . Approved 11-b Y YYYYYY Y 1 Y Lynnhaven Borough II.G.8. CUP Church, New Oak Grove Bapt. « . Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYY Y Blackwater Borough II.G.9. Ordinance removing certain restri' - Adopted as 11-0 Y YYYYYY Y Y tions on 2 zoning applications fo Amended John Ray Potter 2/12/79 II.H.la Ordinance to accept $2,363,000 Approved 10-0 A YYYYYY Y 1 Y from HUD/appropriate funds for 1st Reading 8th Program Year .II.H.2a Ordinance authorizing events con- Adopted 9-1 A YYYYYY Y N ducted on City property to be exe it from prohibition from working or transacting business on Sunday II.H.2b Ordinance - Code Amendment: Sec. Adopted '11-0 YYYYYYYY 1 35-136/139/140/146 of Article VI re .tax on purchase of food at restaurants II.H.2c Ordinances - Code Amendments: Adopted 11-0 Y YYYYYY V Y Sec. 37-12 re water line fee exe •t. Sec. 28-8 re sewer line fee exe • . Community Development Target Are.. II.H.2d Ordinance to enact Code Sec. 5-7 ' Deferred to 11-0 YYYYYYY YYY pertaining to keeping dogs under ' Sept. 13,. 1982 restraint - LEASH LAW . II-I1-5 Appointments Rescheduled for ' August 16, 1982. • II.K.1. Expedite COZ application for Approved 11-d YYYYYYY YYY Cranston Lane Associates at Planning Commission 9/14/82 @ City Council 9/27/82 II.L.1. Recess to Exec. Session for Approved 11-C YYYYYY Y Y Y )( Personnel/Legal Matters Council adjourned 5:20 p.m. rhs i ! • • / i