HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 2, 1982 V . SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 2, 1982 VOTE RECORD cc w ti C m v) Z cc LULU 0 et ti I- a' S 2 Y Z Cl, V)e- Z 0 W t� C� W rr N W W f W V; =JZ ;.: LU _J0 CC AGENDA 0 w w1-. zzZzt— c.,vw Q LU LU QQ.' LU W W OO -. L)PL :TEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY n- c co mtc-3 xs i N t-URMAL MAYOR: IuI. Welcomed Mrs. McClanan on return from vacation in England. Expressed gratitude to Council Members who assisted in various functions in July. Established Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee to study Roads/Parks//appointed. Councilman Robert Jones, Chairman Advised of Councilman Heischober' s recommendation that Informal Ses- sions be held in Council Chambers Advised, in accordance with State Code, Mayor will declare a "Pub- lic Hearing" for all Planning items in Formal Sessions. Appointed Donna Ponti to vacancy on Mayor' s Clean Community Committee Advised of SEVAMP' s Annual Update/ Public Hearing August 12th. Councilwoman Oberndorf will attenc/ report. Resolution on Formal Agenda re: Local Meals/Lodging Tax-- Va. Bch, Council will attend Public Hearing 8/11/82 in Richmond. Citizens request referred to proper administrative resolve or Channel Lock to Council (Robert Knight--non-conforming use in Burton Station area) - Cancelled regular Council meeting September 20, 1982, to allow Council to attend. VML Annual Meeting in Virginia Beach. Widening of Kempsville Road-- Councilman McCoy will attend 1 hearing 9/29/82. ID2. Council : 1 Vice Mayor Henley advised Council I of the "polished" copy of the ' Task Force' s Report re False Cape ' ' 1 Park land swap/Secretary Deiner' s offer to meet Va. Bch. City Council • i i on-site. Council will be availaHle August 20th @ 9:30 a.m. Councilman McCoy presented the Mayor with a check in full refund of the $250 Registration fee to the U.S. Conference of Mayors he could not attend May 22-26, 1982. 1 ; _. SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 2, 1982 VOTE RECORD W 4 O G CO N J C Z CC Q W O I-. Ct 5 3 it NN2QYZ N W LN 2ELAJNJ2E LLtLLIV -IC CC AGENDA N 4- O W 'M E E C�U w LtJ W Q � W W LiJ 0 0 U C� CC ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTrON TO/BY a c m _ "3 z o ID2. Council (cont'd) : Councilman McCoy related the request of Poseidia to meet in Executive Session with City Council . The City Atty. will meet with Poseidia representatives and report to Council . Councilwoman McClanan called at- tention to the request of Mrs. Nancy Warren re "bed/breakfast" hunt club renovation of historic shrine//requested Planning• D part ment develop a "conditional use" in the Agricultural District-- This was referred to the City Mgr. Councilman Baum asked for less paperwork. Councilwoman Oberndorf referenced the letter from Mr. Roebuck (Arts & Humanities Commission) re $7,003 City' s share in Metropolitan Arts Conference (MAC). This was referred to the City Manager. Councilman Jones reported on his trip with City.Atty. to the VML Legislative Committee/referenced the CITE, new federalism and workshop to be held August 6th JLARC. Council Members will attend. Councilman Kitchin expressed concern for additional positions in City Atty' s office resulting from Judicial requests while at same time City pays $30 per case to Public Defender Councilman Kitchin advised of study by VPI Extension for agricultural problems. Councilman Kitchin expressed concern of letter from Innkeepers re Police in Virginia Beach Bor. Councilman Jennings expressed con - cern for City' s 1983. Legislative Package and asked for early and thorough review. IE. City Manager: 1. JLARC Hearing - "back-up material provided. 2. Cox Cable TV recommendation .August 9, 1982. 3. Public Hearing today: Resort Satellite Communication request to expand franchise. • 4. Allocation of State Highway Construction Funds: City Mgr/ Staff reviewing/will report on Public Meeting (JLARC) in Norfolk August 6th. 1 II •• y'i SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 2, 1982 VOTE RECORD =r 1 x W L . cm O co N J g Z Ci^ 1 O I-. C' x = >.Z 0 «CZ - Z C W < Cr L) U W1-+ NN2QYZ Cl, W W XW t/9JZ W WL) JOC `; AGENDA N xW ►-- ZZZZI— c, w Q W W QCL' WWWOO►-iUC.) CG A / ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY a c Co i m c�,x = en i Y >_E O j IIE. PUBLIC HEARING: Resort Satellite Approved 11-0 YYYYYYY YYYY 4 f Communication, Inc: Council `1 acknowledged need to expand Franc ise j and approved expansion in Virginia Beach Borough, including 19th Street to the Pavilion. IIF1. Resolution in Recognition: Rob Adopted i1-0 YYYYYYY YYY Sessoms (Baseball ) IIF2a. Resolution: Statement of Council 'Adopted 1-0 YYYYYYYY YYY Policy re formal seating. IIF2b. Resolution: HJR 54 re Local Adopted 1-0 YYYYYYYY Y Y Taxation of Meals and Lodging { IIF2c. Resolution: Lease Agreement for Adopted 11-0 Y YYYY Y Y YYY Y the Va. Bch. Branch Office of VEC / Appropriate $8250 for office spa«e and utilities. IIG1. State/Local Hospitalization Cont. : Approved 11-0 Y YYYY Y Y YYY Y, VB General Hospital , Bayside Hose . , Louise Obici Mem. Hosp. , Walter Reed Memorial Hosp. , VB Public Health Dept. , All Clinic and Emergency Room Rates, King's Daughters Hosp. , DePaul Hosp. , Lake Taylor Hospital , Norfolk Community Hosp. , Ports. General Hosp. , Riverside Hosp. , Univ. of Vh. , Medical College of Va. , and Chesapeake General Hospital IIG2. Tax Refunds: $15,647.84 Approved 11-0 YYYYYYY YYYY i IIG3. Raffle Permits: Approved 11-0 Y Y` Y Y Y Y. YYYY Y VB Sheriff' s Association Catholic Daughers of the Americas: Virginia Beach Stars (Softball ) Virginia Recreation & Park Society IIG4. Low Bid: $875,000, Warbler Const. Approved 11-0 YYYYYYYY YYY { Newlight Street/Drainage Improve. ments CDA Project IIG5. Low Bid: $253,897.31, A & @ Cont. Approved 11-0 Y YYY Y Y YYYY Y Kempsville Road Main, Phase II IIG6. Ordinance to amend an Ordinance Adopted 11.-0 Y YYYY Y Y YYY Y (Paragraph f) granting permission to Ocean Owner' s Council to operate/ maintain bridge across Atlantic Avenue at 40th Street IIG7. Ordinance Appointing Viewers : Adopted 11-0 Y YYY Y Y YYYY Y Petition of Lands End Assoc. closure of 30' crossing . from Indian Ave. to Hudgins Bros. Inc, property. IIG8. Ordinance Appointing Viewers: Adopted 11-0 Y Y' Y Y Y Y Y YYY Y American Realty Trust--Closure of 15' of Laskin Road IIG9. Ordinance deleting requirement Adopted 11-0 YTYYY Y YYYY Y for conditional use permit to Beechlawn Church. S • SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY OF VIRGINIA BEACH DATE : August 2, 1982 VOTE RECORD LY W Li_ 0 I— LY S S Y Z - -1 = Ca I W Q d' U U LaJ V/ H 2 Q>- Z I N LLI Lt1 Z Li! Col —IZ W LU V —IO CCAGENDA N LL. 0 W Z Z Z Z I— U U L,.I LLJ 1 Q LY.W W W O Or 3-4 U CO,c0 ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO/BY 0- 0 Ln () 2 2 'D �r'0c �,�,01 IIH1. CUP: 20-slip Marina -- G H F Denied 10-1 Y Y YYYYNYYYY Properties, Inc. , (.Lynnhaven Bor. ) II-Ila. Ordinance to transfer $42,242 for Adopted 8-3 Y Y NYYYYNNYY additional positions etc. in City Atty' s Office II-Ilb. Ordinance to transfer $25,000 - Adopted 10-1 Y YYYYYYYNYY Dept. of Public Utilities re Kemps- ville/County Utility Systems II-Ilc. Ordinance: Appropriate $30,000 Approved 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYY Y to Ches. Bch. Volunteer Rescue & 1st Reading Fire Dept. for ambulance/$30,000 to Ocean Park Volunteer Rescue Squad for ambul ./crash-rescue truck. II-I2a. Code Amendment Sec. 4-87/88/89 re Adopted 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYY Y bingo games/raffles II-I2b. Code Amendment Sec. 8-31/32 re Adopted 10-1 Y YYYYYYYNYY permit fees/Sec. 8-186 re elec- tricians certificates II-I3a. Ordinance: Recreation Reservatidn Adopted 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYYY from Structures of Va. Inc/Resolution establishing Great Neck Mead. Park II-I3b. Ordinance: Temporary encroachment Adopted 11-0 Y f YYYYYYYYY !R/W Weller Blvd. to Kemps. Lake No. 1 II-I3c. Ordinance: Temporary encroachmert Adopted 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYY Y R/W to Caspian Ave. to Gary M. Price et al II-I3d. Ordinance: Expand Franchise to Adopted 10-0 Y Y Y * Y .Y YYYY Y Va. Bch. Fishing Pier Inc. for 5 years AS AMENDED. IIJ2. Citizens Committee re Legi:slativ€ Appointed: 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYY Y Actions Robert G. Jones, Chairman IIJ3. Committee to Study Bid Proposals- Appointed: 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYY Y. Rose Hall Nancy A. Creech Reba S. McClanan IIL1. Cancelled Council Meeting September Approved 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYY Y 20, 1982: VML Annual Meeting in Virginia Beach IIM1. Recess to Exec. Session for Approved 11-0 Y Y YYYYYYYY Y Evaluation of Council Appointees ; City Mgr. , City Atty. , City Clerk, City Assessor, High Constable Council adjourned .@ 7:40 p.m. *Vice Mayor Henley abstained. RHS