HomeMy WebLinkAboutFEBRUARY 8, 1982 SUMMARY OF COUNCIL ACTIONS CITY Oi- VIRGINIA BEACH DATE February 8, 1982 VOTE RECORD w w A o A z 4 o z x w 44 ZHcCnaao ,. oxa AGENDA Cr) w w p � H2aE+, � � C.) w rC ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION' TO /BY a o o x w x x x a z z x o m BRIEFING I. I. Virginia Dept. of Highways/ Transportation slide Pre- • sentation: Fuel consumption dropped: 1978-79 - 3. 1-Billion gallons 1980-81 - 2.6-Billion gallons 1984-85 Virginia not able to match federal aid will ' result in decreased road construction/2800 State employees dropped from Dept. due to cuts + other ' Savings = $35-Million INFORMAL II.D. City Manager read his state- ment re his resignation II.D. 1. Mayor: VBEA cancelled plans to make presentation to City Council today Lakeside Construction Co. application will be heard today Recess this Formal Session to 10 a.m. Wednesday 2/10/ 82 re Bond negotiation II.D.2. Council: Dr. Buchanan to introduce Employee of the Year at Rotary 2/18/82 / Mayor to speak Dr. Holland asked for clarification re Ordinance of 2/1/82 re fences/walls . being constructed on lot lines II.D.3. Street closure policy: Next time City Council hears application for a street closure, terms will include 120 day time limit on conditions/if not met in 120 days, property to revert to City FORMAL III.E.1. Recognition of. Gregory G. Humphries, 1981 Policeman of the Year III.F.la. Resolution of Appreciation: Adopted and presented 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Frederick V. Wood, Board of Zoning Appeals III,F.lb. Resolution of Appreciation: Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Harold James, Board of Plumbing Appeals III.F.2a. Resolution of Support: Adopted 10-0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ;Y Y A Dredging of Lynnhaven River SUMMARY OF COUh ull. ACTIONS CITY Or VIRGINIA BEACH DATE: February 8, 1982 VOTE RECORD . x m a aWa z z c� W fs] 0 0 Z 40 z w � x z � w � xN � � z A �n w w ZHcnaaU oxa z AGENDA _ m w w a > HzH000w 4 ITEM NO. SUBJECT MOTION TO /BY. a 0 A PI w x x M 0 o cEn III.G.1. Tax refunds: $146.55 Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA III.G.2. Ordinance to appropriate Adopted 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA $4,455 for the Clean Com- munity System Program III.H. la. Conditional use permit/ Denied 6-4 NYNYNYYYNYA Landfill, Lakeside Con- struction Corporation. (Kempsville Borough) III.H.2a. Change of zoning R-9 - A-1 Withdrawn 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Christopher Development Company (Bayside Borough) III.H.2b. Resolution terminating buf- Denied 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA fer zone requirement III.H.2c. Change of zoning R-7'- A-2 Denied 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Frederick/Janis Davidson & Carol/James Baraff (Virginia Beach Borough) III.H.2d. Change of zoning R-8 - 0-1 Denied 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Lee M. Hill (Kempsville Borough) III.H.2e. Change of zoning R-8 - B-2 Denied 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA Dixon and Van Inc. III.H.2f. Change of zoning R-8 - A-1 Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA (1)3.44-acre parcel; (2) - 3.7-acre parcel; (3) 5.73- , acre parcel; (4)4.21-acre parcel, Kempsville Lake No. 1 (Kempsville Borough) III.H.2g. Change of zoning R-6 - R-8 Denied 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA J. Walton/Anne Grandy . (Bayside Borough) III.H.2h. Conditional use permit/ Approved 9-0 Y Y Y Y Y * Y Y Y Y A Expansion of new/used auto sales, Everett Jordan Motor Co. (Virginia Beach Borough) III.H.2i. Subdivision variance, Approved 9-1 YYYYYYNYYYA Leonard L. Hodges (Kempsville Borough) * III.I. la. Code amendment Chp. 4, Art. Adopted 8-1 Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y * Y A IV re bingo ''games/raffles ADD Sec. 4-91 III.I.2a. Closure of 24' r/w, Deferred indefinitely 10-0 XYYYYYYYYYYA Richard H. Kline III.K. 1 Real Estate Tax for the elderly: Presentation by Mrs. W. E. Hudgins III.L.1. Recess into Executive Ses- Approved 10-0 YYYYYYYYYYA sion: Personnel Matter III.L.2. Council reconvened to Formal Approved 6-4 NYNYNNYYYYA Session/ and relieved City , Manager of duties effec- tive Wednesday 2/10/82 with fringe benefits thru June 30, 1982 ADJOURNED 5:55 p.m. * Mr. Kitchin abstained Ruth Hodges Smith, CMC City Clerk ** Dr. Buchanan abstained ' 1